Author Topic: SCU presents... Underground Ep. 120 (RESULTS)  (Read 6860 times)

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SCU presents... Underground Ep. 120 (RESULTS)
« on: February 09, 2022, 08:58:47 PM »
SCU Underground Ep. 120

T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, NV

Sin City Underground Ep 120 comes to you taped in front of a sold out crowd at the T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas, NV. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network at 2:55pm PST on February 5th, 2022.

The crowd cheers as we go backstage to the GM office.  The door opens up to see Marissa Henry standing by with SCU Spokeswoman, Donna Beauchamp.  She is seated at her desk, looking right at the camera as Marissa brings the microphone to her mouth.

Marissa:  Hello everybody and thanks for joining us.  I’m here with Spokeswoman Donna Beauchamp as she’s got something she would like to share with us regarding Night of Champions.  Donna, thanks for your time.

Donna takes a deep breath, and it is clear that she does not look happy.  She picks up a pen and begins signing forms, while not taking her eyes off of the camera.

Donna:  It is a pleasure, Marissa, as always.  Now, as you know, we have gotten some of the highest ratings ever for Night of Champions.  A Pay-Per-View in it’s own right.  We had so many great matches, and I want to thank every star who went out there and gave it their all for us to have such a historic moment.

Marissa:  They did go above and beyond with the show.  I noticed a lot of extra catering.  Is that just a coincidence?

Donna shakes her head.

Donna:  It is not.  We wanted to reward the competitors, and we invite them all to go to Rory’s Tavern for free drinks after the show.  We are grateful to all of you.  However, one thing stuck out to me above all else, and not in such a good way.

Marissa:  Does this involve losing a General Manager?

Donna:  I expected that long ago, and I actually was surprised he lasted as long as he did.  No, I’m speaking of a certain title that changed hands under nefarious circumstances.

Marissa purses her lips and looks downward.

Marissa:  I’m assuming you aren’t talking about a Warrior’s Brawl gone wrong, huh?

Donna:  I’m speaking of Helluva Bottom Carter, dressing up as Mz Holly Wood and competing in a match for the Underground Championship under false pretenses.

Marissa nods.  She can’t help but get a smile from the juicy details she’s about to get though.

Donna:  Erik and myself have had some very interesting conversations about what to do about that over the last couple of weeks.  He says we should give the title to Mz Holly Wood, since that’s the name of the competitor whose hand was raised after the match.  I say that Hitamashii was swindled out of his championship, whether you like him or not.  However, one thing was very clear by omission.  Carter does not belong as the champion.  He did not earn the title.  He simply dressed up as another competitor who was injured and unable to compete.  He wasn’t booked in that match, and hasn’t been booked for three months.  In no way was he deserving to be in that match, plain and simple.

Marissa:  But, don’t you think he earned the title by defeating the champion while dressed in drag on a moment’s notice?  It’s no different than Javier Gonzalez winning the Combat Championship while wearing a mask…

Donna shakes her head and holds up a finger to stop Marissa from going any further.

Donna:  There are major differences.  Javier competed as himself, and a masked lucha.  He had two separate contracts to fight under both aliases.  And his Ahuevo persona was booked for that match against Eric Weaver.  Upon unmasking, he gave up the anonymity of Ahuevo and was given the choice of who to compete as going forward, also having to choose which belt he would keep.  Carter does not have that luxury, as Carter himself has no title to revert to.

Marissa:  Well, where does that leave Carter?

Donna motions for someone to enter the room. We see Mz Holly Wood walk into the office with the SCU Underground Championship in her hands. She hands it over to Donna with her lips pursed. Donna takes it and Holly glares at her before slowly backing away.

Donna:  Carter will obviously be stripped of the title.  SCU does not reward cheap tactics, and I have to put my foot down here.


Donna:  I know it isn’t a popular decision amongst the fans, but I’m afraid that I will have to do right by my code of ethics.  I will be giving the title back to Hitamashii tonight if and only if he can defeat Mz Hollywood as tonight their match will now be for the vacant Underground Championship… As for H.B. Carter, I’ll be speaking to him in private about that.

Camera’s go backstage as Kandy Kaine and Jerry Cann. They are seen ready to give an interview with Marissa Henry. Before Marissa begins A commotion is heard down the hallway. Marissa walks over to see what the fuss is about. We see the returning Apathy and Matt Spears getting attacked by Skag, GRIME CHamp[ion Angel of Filth, along with the Combat and Pride tag team champions The Jeckels. Helena and Filth beat down Apathy as Jack Jeckel, Jake Jackel, and Skag triple team on Matt Spears.

Marissa: Hey, stop!

Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine run over to help Matt and Apathy. Jerry attacks Jake with a punch to the back. Jack and Skag grab Jerry and throw him to the wall. Kandy tries to grab Helena but Jack and Jake grab Kandy and throw her at Marissa causing the two to collide and hit the floor. The Jeckels and Skag go back to triple teaming on Matt Spears.

Javier: Yo vatos, what’s good.

Javi yells as he and Omasa appear on screen.

Skag: Why do you want some more of Filth and I?

Javier: Bring it homes!

Skag Charges at Javi only to get nailed in the side of the head by Omasa. The hit to the temple drops Skag to the floor.

Javier: You got the knocked the fuck out!

The Jeckels and Filth stop and focus on NFG.

Jake and Jake step up but Helena gets her hand up to stop them.

Filth: Look, you Omasa screwed me over, you screwed Skag, the Jeckels, Amy, you screwed over GRIME. But at least you have the guts to be up front and admit you go by your own set of rules. You proved it and I can respect that. But Apathy, she left us high and dry with no word no nothing. She was nowhere to be seen when we needed her. I have no respect for that. Matt Spears happened to be her husband so by default… Fuck him too.

Javier: Hey Omasa, she does have a point.

Omasa shrugs and walks away as does Javi. Filth and Helena go back to doubling teaming Apathy as Jake and Jack double team Matt Spears.

The Sin City Tron lights up as we see the SCU logo along with the words “2021 YEAR END AWARDS” underneath. It then fades into the next categories.

Match of the year 38 episodes


*Last Man Standing Match - Title vs Title Match Part Two
Eyesnsane vs Father Gerald Shepherd (Inception IV)

*No Holds Barred Pink Slip Grudge Match
Stacy Ruin Vs Melissa Ruin (Supernova 4)

Gimmick Match of the Year 38 episodes


*Hardcore Tag Team Championship Rooftop Battle Royal Invitational (Ep. 85)

*GRIME Tag Team Championships - Roppongi Street Fight
2 Broke Chicks Vs Kawaii Dragons (Ep. 113: High Stakes XI)

Marissa: I’m here with Team Canada members Dahlia Rotten and Stewart Mason, first Stewart let me start with you, tonight you have the opportunity to once again obtain a future title shot in tonight's Broken glass Battle royal.

Stewart: You know I love to compete, and battle royals are one of the most unpredictable matches there is, and if you’ve ever walked on broken glass you know the damage it can do. Tonight six of us will vie in another brutal battle a guaranteed title match of our choosing the prize, anyone can win, and well anyone can easily lose, tonight I intend to win, because that what everyone expects to do, win, I’m a decorated veteran here in SCU, I know all the trick of the trade, but so do my opponents, this match it will be a great one for everyone in attendance, and hopefully I be the one walking out with the title briefcase.

Marissa: Now Dahlia tonight just like Stewart you're in a  briefcase match, an ultimate x match your thoughts.

Dahlia: Ultimate X present a unique challenge for me being the biggest woman in the match, but I never let that be a hindrance to anything I do, it will be a challenge for sure, but and my fellow competitors are hungry for this opportunity, but are they hungrier than me, that’s the question that will be answered tonight, and maybe tonight I walk out with the briefcase.

Marissa: Well, good luck to both of you.

Dahlia: Thanks.

The camera finds the Jeckels somewhere in the T-Mobile center.

Briefcase Match - Ultimate X Match
Omasa Tazu Vs Esther Azarov Vs Dahlia Rotten Vs Chelsea LeClair vs Kelli Torres vs Jane Harper

Upon the bell ringing, Jane and Esther tie up and struggle against one another.  Omasa and Kelli come toe to toe, throwing jabs and kicks in a Combat Division exhibition.  Chelsea dodges crushing blows from Dahlia, using a defensive strategy.  Finally, Esther digs a knee into Jane’s stomach and whips her into the ropes.  As she comes back, Esther leans down for a Back Body Drop, but Jane punt kicks her in the chin.  She then throws street style punches at Esther, backing her into a corner.  She kicks at Esther’s midsection as Omasa and Kelli fight closer to them.  Kelli ducks a Roundhouse Kick from Omasa that plows right through Jane.  Esther dives from the corner and to the apron to play possum as Kelli and Omasa continue their battle.  Esther climbs up the pole to the ropes as she shimmies toward the briefcase.  However, Chelsea and Dahlia call a momentary truce as Dahlia gives Chelsea a boost.  She grabs onto Esther and tries pulling her down.  Esther shouts as Chelsea hangs from her.  Dahlia jumps up and grabs onto Chelsea’s feet, and her weight instantly pulls Chelsea and Esther down, crumbling to the mat.  However, waiting for the right opportunity, Jane has shimmied up the pole and is working the ropes.  Omasa and Kelli see this, and Kelli breaks away.  Kelli goes toward the corner, and Omasa goes to grab onto Jane’s legs.  Jane swings her legs back and sends a foot to Omasa’s face.  Omasa goes down, but Kelli comes from behind with a spear, taking Jane down from the ropes.  Chelsea and Dahlia are back at it, but Chelsea is using the exhaustion settling in on Dahlia to nail a few good hits.  She tries for a Scoop Slam, but Dahlia grounds her weight and bashes Chelsea across the back.  She clubs her down to the ground and then looks around, seeing the distraction.  She climbs to the X’d ropes and tries to move across.  However, Esther sees this and jumps up to grab Dahlia’s legs.  She climbs up Dahlia and swings her knees into Dahlia’s gut.  She tries to reach for the briefcase, but she’s just too far away.  Dahlia nails a headbutt to Esther’s face.  Chelsea begins walking the X’d ropes like a tightrope, balancing herself as she works her way toward the two.  She then begins stomping on Dahlia’s hands as Esther fires back with a Headbutt.  Jane jumps up and grabs one leg as Kelli grabs the other.  Dahlia falls down hard on top of Kelli and Jane while Chelsea tries to go for Esther next.  However, Omasa jumps and quickly climbs up Esther, snatching the briefcase during the distraction! Omasa Tazu wins by capturing the briefcase!  Chelsea lowers herself down as Esther screams in her face.  Chelsea shouts back, but Esther drops down, shaking her head as she leaves the ring.  Kelli and Jane crawl out from underneath Dahlia, and everyone seems to be disappointed except for Omasa, who tucks the briefcase under her arm and exits the ring with no celebration, only a confidence in her step.

Raisa: Greetings, we know why you have seeked us out, you wish for comments about tonight's encounter, one that will not go so well for the Jeckels’ opponents.

Jake: Tonight three enter the arena to face the three of us, and you will have to play by our rules.

Jack: We however do not believe in rules, and tonight Ms. Annis and the Lacroix sisters must learn the hard way what happens when you play by the Jeckel’s rules.

Helena: They are unprepared for what is coming, they are unprepared for the wrath, carnage, and destruction that is coming, tonight, they will be destroyed

The Sin City Tron lights up as we see the SCU logo along with the words “2021 YEAR END AWARDS” underneath. It then fades into the next categories.

Tag Team of the Year
The Three Way

Stable of the year (3 or more)
Team Canada

Manager/Coach/Gym of the year
Sarah Lane (The Three Way/Team Canada)

The now-former Underground Champion, Helluva Bottom Carter, is standing backstage - shielding himself away from most who attempt to approach him. He is not like his usual self; he is not fun loving, joking or flirty. He is not even acting angry at the world around him as he had done in recent weeks. Rather, he seems almost utterly and entirely - defeated.

He stands against the wall, arms folded over his slim upper torso, but his head is downcast. So lost is he to his thoughts and what had just been done, he does not even hear the approach of those closest to him; the young women who are not just his closest friends, but his pseudo family. Sisters.

Ariana: Carter?

Of course, his Ari would be the first to approach. Krystal would have as well, but despite the bridge between Carter and herself having gone through a few troubled times, she knew this was  a task best left done for an expert. Namely Carter's "bestie." Carter does not even have to react as Ari slips into his arms and wraps her arms around his neck for one of their patented bestie embraces. Carter reacts accordingly, wrapping his arms back around her, and that is when Krystal knows it is all right to approach closer.

Krystal: Are you okay?

Slowly, he and Ari separate and Ariana takes a step back and Carter looks up, and a defeated sigh escapes his lips. He slowly shakes his head.

HBCarter: I'm really not.

Ariana: It's not fair, what they did.

He shrugs his shoulders.

HBCarter: No, but since when has anything ever been fair where I'm concerned and SCU as a whole? I'm starting to wonder why I even bother. It's obvious they have something against me, or don't even want me as a part of SCU.

Krystal frowns.

Krystal: What do you mean? They signed you fast enough.

Carter chuckles.

HBCarter: Maybe they assumed I was soft because of the way I look and act and I'd be a good JTTS for their macho muscle heads.

Ari looks to Krystal with a curious expression.

Ariana: JTTS?

Krystal: Jobber To The Stars.

HBCarter: Maybe they assumed I;d lie down just for the thrill of having one of those oily muscle heads on top of me. But then I start winning -- we, start winning, and they realized I wasn't what they thought I was. I was trained by the best. Tougher than I look. (I'd have to be!) And I speak up when I think I've been wronged.

Krystal: That's putting things mildly.

She says with a small trace of amusement, one which is shared by Ari and yes, Carter himself. He looks at Krystal with a subdued smile.

HBCarter: But they've made it perfectly clear where I stand with them, where they let everything under the sun happen to me to keep me away from getting what I wanted. They stood back and let Hitamashii rob me not once, but twice! First the TV title, then the Underground! How many times did they stand in the back and watch GRIME gang up on me over and over to cheat me and they did. Nothing!? Then that bastard Hitamashii doesn't even score a win in the big title match and they STILL hand him the championship! Holly and I pin each other and HE'S given the title!!!

Krystal: Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out the logic behind that decision.

Ariana: A lot of people are.

HBCarter: Then when I have enough and speak up for how unfair they're being, they try to silence me and stop booking me! Holly sacrificed so much to give me that spot - and they screw me over AGAIN! Hitamashii has cheated to win titles and keep them HOW MANY times!? And they just shrug and wave away any complaints or concerns! Look at what he did to Holly in the first place and all they were going to do was CANCEL the match! He didn't even get a slap on the wrist for injuring her to avoid a title match! But he finally gets a taste of his own medicine and it's suddenly 'oh we can't have that, now can we!?' And they take away something I accomplished after waiting for SO LONG!

Carter looks heavenward and holds up his hands.

HBCarter: I'm just …

Marissa: Carter?

Marissa Henry, backstage reporter and one of Carter's very favorite SCU personalities, approaches with microphone in hand. He turns to see her, although he recognizes her by voice alone, but he holds up a hand and shakes his head.

HBCarter: Leave me alone.

And he starts to walk away.

Marissa: But Carter…

HBCarter: I said - LEAVE ME ALONE! …

He draws in a deep breath and already feels badly for having raised his voice to her.

HBCarter: Please.

And he walks off, wanting nothing more than to be left alone. Marissa, Ariana and Krystal watching after him with no small trace of concern on their respective faces.

GRIME Rules Match
The Jeckels vs Halo Annis, Linnea Lacroix, and Jenifer Lacroix

As soon as the bell rings, Tornado Tag style goes into effect.  Linnea goes after Jack, while Jenifer focuses on Jake.  Jenifer blocks every attempt at striking, nailing a headbutt and a couple strikes of her own to best the Combat Champion.  Linnea and Jack go back and forth until Jack ties up with Linnea and overpowers her quickly, taking her down to the mat.  But, she kicks out immediately and rolls over onto his back with a Camel Clutch.  Helena is too slick for Halo as she ducks a Clothesline and nails a Spinning Back Kick to Halo’s cheek, sending her to the mat.  Helena steps over Halo’s chest arrogantly before picking her back up and sending her toward the ropes, at the same time that Jenifer sends Jake across the ring, and the two collide and go down.  Jenifer grabs hold of Jake’s leg and twists into a Figure Four while Helena gets Halo into a Boston Crab.  The two are nearly face to face as they dare the other to let go first.  Linnea still has her arms wrapped around Jack’s throat as he tries to swing her off of him.  He goes back toward one of the corners, but Linnea drops and lets him fall back before running up and hitting several strikes.  She then falls backward with a Monkey Flip.  Halo tries to drag herself to the ropes, but Helena holds on tightly, pulling back further.  Jenifer finds herself dragged toward the ropes, and Jake uses them to break out of the hold.  However, Jenifer jumps on his back and brings him back down in a Body Scissors hold.  Helena shouts out angrily as she throws Halo’s legs down to the mat.  She rushes up behind Jenifer and stomps right on her face to break the hold.  She yanks Jenifer up by the hair and whips her right into the corner.  She rushes and hits a Body Avalanche on Jenifer.  Halo crawls outside of the ring as Jake goes to the opposite side and slides out.  Linnea goes for a Hurricanrana on Jack, but he drops her with a powerbomb, and the resulting pin is broken up by Halo, pulling Linnea out of harm's way.  Helena continues to stomp away at Jenifer while Jake hands her the infamous mallet.  She winds it up, going for Jenifer, but Jenifer rolls out of the way.  Jenifer gets to her feet.  Jack turns around to help Helena by Jake’s orders.  He holds Jenifer as Helena sizes Jenifer up.  The crowd boos as she teases Jenifer, laughing in her face.  She goes to swing, but Jenifer ducks out of Jack’s grip, pulling him forward a bit so that Helena cracks his skull.  Jenifer then tackles Helena to the ground as they roll around fighting.  Linnea jumps on top of Jack as Jake tries to get in to break up the hold, but is too late. Linnea Lacroix, Jenifer Lacroix, and Halo Annis win via pinfall.  Halo and the Lacroix cousins meet up on the outside to celebrate their victory over the enraged Jeckels.

We go to the set of “What’re You Gagnon” to see host Liam Gagnon sitting in his seat, no guest present.  He is all smiles as he looks directly into the camera with a cup of tea in his hands.

Liam:  Welcome one and all to what was supposed to be “What’re You Gagnon?” It turns out my secretary is a little… okay, a lot… useless, and forgot to set up the interview with Cordelia Clark, as Morgan Clark declined my invitation.  Aww, too bad, so sad…

Liam cranks his hand next to his right eye and pouts his lips out.  He turns, and the camera view shifts as he faces straight ahead.

Liam:  So, next week, I would like to formally invite Cordelia to my sea where the tea is always piping hot.  Same time, same place.

Liam smiles and winks with a *BING!* sound effect matching up.

Liam:  Speaking of next week, we will be seeing our annual Cupid’s Lethal Lottery show, where teams will be put together at random to compete for… the hell of it, because why not?  We could see a wide variety of matchups that might only be a dream if not for this event.  Hell, maybe if we’re lucky, we could see Cordelia and Morgan teamed together.  Now that would be fireworks, baby.  Anyway, since no one tunes in just to see me, tune in next week for the Lethal Lottery and “What’re You Gagnon?” Peace!

We find our way to the corridor outside of the locker rooms to see Skag in a pair of PVC shorts, dragging a cart by chains that are attached to his nipples.  On the cart is a broken down throne of black velvet, with Angel of Filth sitting upon it sideways with the SCU Underground Championship on her lap, on display.  There are two masked GRIME members throwing black rose pedals as they move along.  Skag comes up to Dev, who is standing clear in his path.

Skag:  Mach weiter, bauer.  My nipples simply cannot take the stop and start, ja.

Dev stares at Skag as if he was a pig flying in his direction.  He then shakes it off and looks up at Filth.  He struggles to find the words to say.

Skag:  Schnell!  SCHNELL!

Dev:  Er, what…ssss going on here?

Filth kicks Skag between the shoulderblades to convey some sort of message.

Skag:  You are not meant to talk to the horse.  You are meant to speak to the queen.

Dev:  My apologies, Skag.  Angel of Filth, pleasure to see you.

Filth:  Why are you not on your hands and knees groveling, peasant?  I am now a two time Underground Champion, and it is a moment to be celebrated.  And since a purge in my honor is not *air quotes* allowed… adoration and completely undeserved attention will do.

Dev bows down to Filth, and then looks to see that this isn’t sufficient enough.  Instead, he gets on his hands and knees to bow down to Filth, who now seems appeased.

Filth:  It’s been a while since there has been a worthy champion.  A champion who is not afraid to get her hands dirty.  A champion who is willing to sink to any and all depths to turn away challengers, and not bitch and moan about how worthless their opposition is.  A champion who doesn’t keep her nose in the air at all times.  Me.  And all it took was to watch her head get so big that she can’t even keep it afloat any longer.  Sabotaging her only real alliance in this company, or any for that matter.  The damage that pride does to some is just tragic.

Dev:  I’m assuming that you are referring to Cordelia Clark.

Skag:  Nein, she is talking about Stewart Mason.  Who else would she speak of, dummkopf?

Filth:  Now, now.  I did leave it vague, and that’s my fault.  Yes, I’m referring to Ms. Ivy League herself.  The one who took Angel Kash down a notch.  I respected that.  But then, it was just “I want better opponents, blah blah blah.  Nobody is worth my time, big words, big words, big words.  Screw you, Morgan, nyah, nyah, nyah.”  If Skag wanted to challenge me for my title right now, I would take it to him.  If Kandy Kaine wanted a title match, I’d beat that happy little bitch five ways from Sunday.  If Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda wanted a two on one match in rubber suits, let’s fucking get it.  I wouldn’t bitch.  I wouldn’t moan.  I wouldn’t cry injustice.  No, I’d do my fucking job and beat whatever bitch or bitches that they throw at me.  Simple as that.  If Princess and the Pea has anything to say about it, I’m not fucking hard to find.

Dev:  Madame Filth, who do you want to fight first for the title?

Filth shakes her head.

Filth:  The name doesn’t matter.  I’ll fight anyone and everyone.  But, I’m sure Ms. Clark will want her opportunity first, and I honestly don’t mind.  Let her.  I’ll defeat her all the same.  Now, if you will excuse me, I’ve still got plenty of the backstage area to visit and stare upon my underlings.  Ciao for now, Dev.

Filth spits out a mist of black as she pretends to blow a kiss to him.  Skag grunts as he starts moving along.

The Sin City Tron lights up as we see the SCU logo along with the words “2021 YEAR END AWARDS” underneath. It then fades into the next categories.

Story of the Year
Masked member Rainbow/minority GRIME owner unmasks to reveal herself as multi-time champion and SCW Hall of Famer Amy Santino

Holy Shit Moment of the Year
GRIME owner Erik Staggs is revealed as the owner of SCU this whole time (Omasa winning the Mayhem Survival forced the owner of SCU to show himself, and for this reason, it deserves an honorable mention)

Wanker Moment of the Year
Jamie Staggs wins the Underground Championship, only to lose it moments later back to former champion Stewart Mason

Feud of the Year
Eyesnsane and Father Gerald collide for the Combat and Underground Championship (Neither were able to take the other down, leading to a Champion Vs Champion match where a winner was still unable to be determined THREE times)

Joshua is seen in the back.

Joshua: A blindfold match?  Really how does that play out here?  I want to see the pain I give my challenger.  I think I will still have an advantage in this match.  Doesn’ttake much to distract a referee and also on top of that one good hit can win the match.  So I am going to go out there and win this match and then go advance in the Blast From the Past.  Go put your money on that bet.

Joshua walks off as “Judas” begins playing over the speakers.  As he goes through the curtains, we see another figure approaching; Father Gerald Shepherd, along with Andrew Borg.  Andrew is ready for a fight, but Gerald shakes his head.

Gerald:  Just watch my back against intruders.  That seems to still be the game around here, and I want to fight Joshua fair and square.

Andrew:  Don’t worry.  I will always have your back.  And do you know why?

Gerald smirks and pats Andrew on the shoulder as he laughs a bit.  They shout out together.


Gerald:  I’m gonna go out there and put my faith in God, and may he speak through our most glorious fans.  Amen!

And with that, “Spirit In the Sky” plays over the speakers and Gerald jogs in place, getting ready for his moment.

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Re: SCU presents... Underground Ep. 120 (RESULTS)
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2022, 08:59:49 PM »

GRIME Championship Match - Blindfold Match
Joshua Acquin vs Father Gerald

As the bell rings and both blindfolds are secured, Both men feel their way around the ring.  After a moment, Gerald picks up The Good Book and raises it into the air.  The crowd gives him a bit of a cheer.  He holds it out in the direction he hopes for Joshua to be, and the crowd shouts “Nooooo!”  Gerald nods and moves it around until they shout “Yes!”  He begins moving in that direction, and Joshua moves a little.  The crowd continues to guide him.  He finally makes it near Joshua, and he swings The Good Book at him, but Joshua ducks and hits a punch right to Gerald’s crotch.  The crowd boos as Joshua begins nailing precise body and head shots to Gerald.  He feels around for the ropes and then he drags Gerald to the corner.  He bounces his head off of the turnbuckle.  He goes to do it again, but Gerald elbows him in the head.  He then bounces Joshua’s head off of the turnbuckle three times for good measure to get a pop from the crowd.  He then nails a Snapmare, going for a Rear Headlock to keep his opponent close.  Joshua kicks around, struggling against the hold.  He finally grabs hold of the ropes and rolls over the bottom one.  He grabs Gerald’s head and hits a Guillotine Neckbreaker over the bottom rope.  He feels his way around and finds the apron.  He grabs onto a steel chair and goes to put it inside.  However, Gerald has risen, and he’s picked out a command from the crowd, nailing a Baseball Slide right into the chair, sending it into Joshua’s face.  Joshua shouts out in pain and frustration.  He shouts out “Fuck this!” and he pulls his blindfold off, immediately calling for the bell. Father Gerald Shepherd wins via Disqualification, and Joshua retains his belt.  He grabs the chair before the announcement is made, and he begins to assault Gerald with it.  The four referees are quick to take the chair away while waiting for security to subdue Joshua.  Joshua fights back until he is given his title belt, and he gladly leaves the ring.  However, Gerald makes his way toward Joshua, sneaking up behind him, and he clocks him over the head with The Good Book (apparently a loaded version).  He picks Joshua up from the ramp and hits the Ray of Light (Diamond Cutter) on him.  Security approaches and subdues Gerald, holding him back as he tries to continue his “Holy” attack.  They escort him to the back, through the curtains, after several tries.  The camera follows to the back as Gerald grumbles down the hallway.  However, Joshua comes rushing by, grabbing a tray of cookies from the catering table and he smacks Gerald across the back of the head with it.  Security tries to swarm him next, leading to Donna approaching the scene, only to restart the match under Falls Count Anywhere rules.  Security is ordered to leave the scene, and Referee Jade Pham takes over.

GRIME Championship Match - Falls Count Anywhere Match
Joshua Acquin vs Father Gerald

The animosity is still very fresh as both men dive at each other, tying up.  However, they both punch, knee, choke, scratch, and smack each other.  Gerald gains some distance and he grabs a lighting pole, trying to smack Joshua with it.  He misses several attempts as Joshua grabs one of his own.  They have a sort of “sword fight” with the poles until they both connect bulb to bulb, and sparks fly everywhere as the bulbs shatter.  Joshua rams the pole right into Gerald’s stomach as Gerald rams his into Joshua’s shoulder.  Both men shake as they fall to the ground.  The crowd is on fire for this display.  After a moment, both men roll over onto their stomachs, staring at each other with contempt.  They crawl toward one another, throwing weak punches as they recover.  They slowly make their way to their feet, continuing to brawl.  Joshua sends Gerald toward a bay door, but Gerald skids to a stop.  As Joshua follows after, Gerald turns around and hits a Big Boot.  Joshua tries to get up, and Gerald hits a Bicycle Kick.  He gets a near three, but Joshua kicks out at the last minute.  Gerald lifts up the bay door and drags Joshua to his feet to throw him out into the industrial sized dumpster.  However, Joshua drops to his knees and trips Gerald up.  He throws the bay door down on Gerald’s chest.  He drops down angrily, shouting at Gerald as he holds the bay door against Gerald’s chest. Joshua Acquin retains via pinfall.  He raises the door and smashes Gerald’s chest a few times before finally taking his belt and storming off.  Medical checks on Gerald as we go elsewhere.

The scene opens up with Hitamashii backstage talking with his friends in Dying Breed Andrew Garcia and Ivan Darrell. They are talking about Hitamashii’s upcoming match against Mz Holly Wood.

Andrew-I know how frustrated you are to have lost the SCU Underground Championship to Helluva Bottom Carter at Inception, when you were supposed to face Mz Holly Wood.  I know you are going to do whatever it takes to get the title back.

Hitamashii-You are damn right I am frustrated.  Mz Holly Wood won’t know what hit her.  I will do whatever it takes to get what is rightfully mine back.  Nothing will stop me.

The trio drink from their water bottles before talking about how the Blast From The Past tournament will deter the focus from regaining the Underground title.

Ivan-Aren’t you worried about the Blast From the Past tournament taking away focus from your goals here in SCU?

Hitamashii-Not at all, because I can still discuss my fuel and fire and everything I need to there and bide my time until I get what is rightfully mine back.  I am like a shark who smells blood.

Andrew-HBC should be the one who is worried, not you Hitamashii, because he is the one who robbed you of the title.  I have faith in you to destroy him like you did in the Warrior’s Brawl.

The scene ends with them talking about other non wrestling things while Hitamashii gets ready for his match.

The Sin City Tron lights up as we see the SCU logo along with the words “2021 YEAR END AWARDS” underneath. It then fades into the next categories.

Breakout Star
Andrey Azarov

Omasa Tazu

Future Star of the Year  Morgan Clark

Devil's Advocate (Tweener of the Year) Omasa Tazu

We find our way into the ever so familiar Rory’s Tavern where we see Rory Rockefeller sitting behind the bar, tidying up a little as he waits for his next drink order.  We see various people crowding into the hot spot, but we also notice that all of the men in the briefcase match are around.  Stewart is speaking with Earl, Sarah, Gail, and Dahlia, helping to assure Dahlia that she did well in her briefcase match.  Then, we see Andrey and Esther making out at a table off to the side.  Alex Rush and the Kawaii Dragons are toasting to the briefcase.  Omasa Tazu and Javi are celebrating Omasa’s winning of the briefcase.  Jamie is walking around, talking to people.

Javier:  AYAYAYAYAYAYAYEEEEE!  Look here vatos, No Fucks Given already owns one half of these briefcases, you know what I’m sayeeen?  It’s like an omen or some shit, daggie.

Andrey:  Would you shut up, please?  Your voice gives headaches to all.

Esther:  Yeah, not to mention she only won because I was right there for her to literally climb over my back.  It’s not like she kicked my ass or anything.

Omasa looks over at Esther with no emotion on her face.  She lifts a speaking device to her lips and begins speaking.

Omasa:  Lucky you.  Omasa kicks every ass in front of her.  Yours. Amy’s. Mercedes’s. Celeste’s. Much bigger names than you.

Esther sticks her tongue out at Omasa before she goes back to kissing on Andrey.  Jamie walks up to Omasa and looks at her briefcase with a magnifying glass.  He looks on in shock and awe.

Jamie:  That’s a fancy briefcase you have there Omamama Tatsu.  Smells like real leather, the clasps look to be one hundred percent shiny.  I hope I can win one just like it later tonight.

The entire bar erupts into laughter, all aimed at Jamie.  He doesn’t quite catch on.  As a matter of fact, he actually begins laughing along with them.

Jamie:  Oh, I get it.  Did somebody fart?  I always laugh at farts.  Especially the ones that go…

Jamie begins making funny fart noises, getting the crowd to laugh at him.  However, Andrey helps Esther off of his lap.  She tries to grab onto him as he walks toward Jamie.

Esther:  Babe… don’t…

Andrey leans on Jamie’s shoulder, looking up slightly into the tall doofus’s face.

Andrey:  Is wonderful to reach for stars.  Having big dreams is… admirable.  But failing at dreams is hard.  I hope you will lose this match gracefully for better luck next time.

Jamie:  Oh, I’m not gonna lose this match.  I’m gonna win that briefcase because I wanna walk around looking smart.

Andrey:  This.  This makes sad for me.  You will not win, because I am in match, and I will snap you like twig if you try to get involved.  Even Alex can snap you in half.

Alex:  Oi, I resemble that remark.

Jamie looks down at the ground, almost seeming defeated.  He then looks up at Andrey, looking sad yet determined.

Jamie:  I know a lotta people don’t think I’m a very good fighter.  I’m not stupid.  But, since we’re whipping out weiners and comparing them, I do have one thing you and Alex don’t have.  No offense, Alex.

Alex:  None taken, bruv. Tell it how it is, mate.

Andrey looks amused, a wide smile on his face.

Andrey:  Oh?  What would this be?

Jamie:  First, I speak a lot better than you both.  Especially you, bully.  You sound like my German family with a fat scrote in their mouth.

Andrey’s face turns red.  Esther laughs and points at her husband, nodding along.

Esther:  Yaaaaasssssss bro!  You right, you right!

Jamie:  And secondly, I been an Underground Champion.  I pinned Stewart over there to do it.  Have you ever pinned Stewart?

Javier:  Yoooooo-hahaha!  Jaime is savage, homez!  He told you that you’s a bitch, Andrey, and you ain’t shit, dag!

Andrey turns and points at Javi, his face getting redder and redder by the moment.

Andrey:  Nobody asked for your opinion, Javier!  This was conversation between me and village idiot!

Rory:  Brother, I think we all just saw that the village idiot is you.  You got one upped by Jamie, bro.  Just accept it and move on.

Andrey:  Nyet! I will not!

Jamie:  It’s okay, scro.  I still like you.  If I win the briefcase, and walk around looking like a businessman on my way to important businessman meetings, I’ll let you hold it for a while before I go on to my meeting.  There’s no meeting, but I want people to think that there is.  Maybe I’ll ask Despy if I can have a meeting with Angel, all official and stuff.  But, I’m not gonna be mean to any of you, win or lose.  One day, I’ll save up for a briefcase of my own.

Andrey:  Do you not realize there’s contract for title shot inside of briefcase, just like Stewart had when he took Underground Championship from you last year?!?

Jamie’s eyes widen and he turns to look right into the camera as if it were somehow planned.

Jamie:  There’s a f*beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* dang title contract in that briefcase?!?  f*beep* all of you, I got a match to get ready for!

Jamie rushes out of the tavern area as everyone looks at him, shocked.  Then, they turn their attention to Andrey, making him look like a real asshole.  Even his wife gives him the cold shoulder as she preens her nails, looking only at them.

SCU Underground Championship Match
Hitamashii vs Mz Holly Wood

Before the bell can ring, “I Know What Boys Like” begins playing over the speakers, and Helluva Bottom Carter comes out from behind the curtains.  He walks down to settle into Holly’s corner, digging under the ring to find a baseball bat.  He leans on the apron as Hitamashii protests.  Carter points the bat at Hitamashii, telling him to play a fair game and he won’t need to worry.  The referee warns Carter not to get involved before calling for the bell.  Holly and Hitamashii circle around the ring, focused one hundred percent on each other.  As they close the circle, Holly lunges for Hitamashii, but Hitamashii ducks back and then tries to catch Holly, but Holly spins out of it.  They continue to circle, getting the crowd riled up.  Finally, both of them lock on, and Holly shoves Hitamashii’s face into her breasts for a Breast Smother.  She shoves Hitamashii back, and then smacks him on the ass for good measure.  Carter cheers Holly on.  They go back to circling each other, and Holly gets the advantage in the tie up.  She struggles a bit, and Hitamashii goes behind her.  She grinds her hips to make him uncomfortable.  She then gets behind him and bends him over, making him her bitch.  She then hits a back rake that gets the crowd cheering.  The referee warns Holly, and she nods, going for a Bulldog.  Once it lands, she holds on, maneuvering to hit a Falling Neckbreaker.  Carter taps the bat on the ring steps to get a chant going for Holly.  She doesn’t let up as she lifts Hitamashii up.  He goes for a Low Blow, but Mz Holly is tucked to perfection, with a cup, and he only hurts his forearm in the process.  Holly hits rapid, repeating, switching knees to Hitamashii’s face, and then comes off the ropes, looking for a Hip Attack, but Hitamashii grabs on and brings her back with a High Angle Suplex.  Hitamashii then begins stomping away at Holly.  He lifts her up and goes to send her into the corner, but she reverses it and nails a Clothesline, sending Hitamashii down into the corner.  She then charges with a Ridin’ Yo Face (Bronco Buster), really getting into it as she moans loudly.  She turns around for a Stink Face, but Hitamashii slides out of the ring.  He lands right in front of Carter and challenges him to touch him in any way possible.  While Carter is very tempted, he resists as Holly vaults outside with a Suicide Dive.  Both competitors are out, and Carter assists Holly back to her feet.  He helps her inside, but at the count of seven, Hitamashii is back inside too.  Holly chases him around the ring, but Hitamashii runs backwards, goading Holly in the process.  He trips himself up and Holly grabs onto his arm and does a Tightrope Walk across the top ropes, and then leaps down, clubbing his shoulder.  Hitamashii rolls outside once more.  The referee watches closely as Carter stalks Hitamashii with the bat.  As Holly is about to dive out of the ring again, but Ivan Darrell leaps onto the apron and grabs her by the wig.  As it comes off and she turns around, Ivan punches her in the face with brass knuckles.  Hitamashii rushes back inside once Ivan ducks beside the ring.  He goes for the cover on Holly. Hitamashii wins via pinfall to become SCU Underground Champion.  Carter slides inside of the ring and bashes Hitamashii once with the bat.  However, Andrew Garcia is there to pull Hitamashii out of the ring before Carter can do any more damage.  Carter slides outside and chases Dying Breed up the rampway, leaving Holly to stare at the ceiling lights.

The scene opens up backstage. The hallways seem to be relatively empty. Even the usual hustle and bustle has died down. A moment passes before the camera cuts to a large production crate. And on top of that carte sits Merlot Ayano. Although she is simply looking at the wall, her eyes appear as if she’s staring at something far off in the distance.

Merlot: How doing?

Her tone is a bit deeper this evening. An indication that she’s taking things even more seriously than usual.

Merlot: There has been a lot of things on Merlot’s mind. And plan on addressing those things. Just want to make sure do it in proper manner.

She nods her head.

Merlot: At one point in time, the name Ayano was super huge in wrestling. Cousin Miko was leading charge. Merlot was succeeding. Other family members were doing well. We were all building a dynasty. But now? Merlot the only one actively in ring. All other have retired and moved into other ventures. Is much pressure on Merlot’s shoulder each time step into ring. But is okay. Merlot strong. Merlot is built to endure the burden. Have endured it for many moons already.

She pauses for a moment.

Merlot: Merlot has often been propelled forward due to pride. Pride in family. Pride in legacy. Pride in skills and work. Is the true reason why Merlot has been successful in Sin City Underground. Every time Merlot step into that ring, am doing so with great purpose. Is something I don’t think many around here understand.

There’s another pause.

Merlot: Merlot’s time as Combat Championship had a purpose too. A mighty purpose.

She nods.

Merlot: Everyone wants to hold SCU Underground Championship. And have good reason to. If do, are said to be face of company. However, most difficult championship to hold is Combat Championship. Why? Because while others are wrestling standard matches, Combat Champion is routinely put into bouts that could end career. But can no complain; can no hide in fear. Must stand tall and fight.

Merlot lets out a small sigh.

Merlot: There are people in SCU who respect Merlot. There are others who do not. However, is one thing no one can deny. Each and every time Merlot defended Combat Championship, put career on the line. Each and every time Merlot defended Combat Championship, put life on the line. Why? Because wanted to see division prosper. Because was strong enough to endure pain. If can’t appreciate that? Then need to look inside and see why.

She pauses for a second.

Merlot: But is new Combat Champion. One that can make title even greater heights.

Merlot offers a smile.

Merlot: Jenifer? Want you to know that Merlot very proud of you. Have always enjoyed our matches. Have always enjoyed fighting someone who has as much honor as Merlot does. If had to lose, am glad it was to you.

She nods.

Merlot: Merlot and Jenifer have interesting relationship. You are person that Merlot considers to a be a true friend. Someone Merlot can count on. Someone Merlot can call. That means a lot to Merlot―

Merlot: And that’s why it hurt a lot when you assumed Merlot was being disrespectful towards you. Maybe is because English is not our first languages. Can lead to miscommunications. But it shouldn’t have got there in first. Merlot and Jenifer are closer than that. Have gone through too much together. But, you say has been handled, so will believe.

She nods once again.

Merlot: Merlot want Jenifer to fight as hard as can. Merlot want Jenifer to succeed and soar to great heights. And when stage is set? We will fight again. Can count on it.

Merlot clasps her hands together.

Merlot: Lastly, guess biggest question is what next for Merlot?

Another pause.

Merlot: Well, we will see. First? Will rebuild. Hai.

The Sin City Tron lights up as we see the SCU logo along with the words “2021 YEAR END AWARDS” underneath. It then fades into the next categories.

Most Loved (Face Of The Year)
Alex Rush 

Jenifer Lacroix

Most Hated (Heel of the Year)

Cordelia Clark

Wrestler of the year
Stewart Mason

Merlot Ayano
(**Omasa Tazu loses by less than 1% of votes)

In the VIP area, we hear the sounds of champagne bottles popping and glasses clinking.  There are rounds of laughter and a massive, muscular bodyguard in the form of Kader Hasheem.  He is standing in front of red velvet ropes.  Gemma Frost approaches the ropes, and Kader crosses his arms over his chest.

Kader:  Do you have an appointment?

Gemma:  I’m a backstage interviewer, trying to get an interview.

Kader slowly shakes his head from side to side.

Kader:  You cannot pass.  Make an appointment, or get out of here.

Just then, Aiden Kash comes from behind Kader and looks at Gemma with disgust.

Aiden:  Angelica?  I wasn’t aware that prostitution was so rampant here in Las Vegas.

Angel:  It is legal here.  Why do you ask?

Aiden:  There is a prostitute trying to get into the VIP lounge.  It’s dreadful.  Kader, why haven’t you turned her away yet.

Angel:  It’s probably just a member of the roster.  It’s an easy mistake to make.

Aiden:  But this one has a microphone.

Kader begins to lead Gemma away when Angel rushes up toward the ropes with a smile on her face, showing off her wedding ring for the camera.

Angel:  Marissa, I was wondering when you…

She looks at Gemma with disgust.  She rolls her eyes and folds her arms in front of her.

Angel:  Oh, they couldn’t even send the halfway decent one.  Do you see how they treat me around here?  They fired me.  Me!  And then they practically beg me to come back to save their show.  And look, the ratings prove that I’m the star of this show.

Aiden:  You don’t even need to say it.  That’s all on you, sister.  And it doesn’t hurt that I made my on screen debut that night either.  That’s the reason we are on this side of the ropes, and they are on that side.

Angel hugs her brother and nods while staring at Gemma.

Gemma:  If you don’t want the interview, that’s fine.  But don’t act like you are above talking to me if you want the attention.

Aiden:  I do not like that tone of voice, young lady.  We are Kash’s.  We demand a certain level of respect based on namesake alone.  You can’t talk to me like that, let alone my star of a sister.

Gemma:  Okay, later.

Aiden:  Are you really going to walk away from the Kash’s?  No, you’re not.  Kader, let her in.

Kader opens the ropes and Gemma reluctantly enters.  Aiden and Angel walk over to the couch, having a seat, but leaving no room for Gemma.

Angel:  So, as I said… Erik Staggs reached out to me to extend an invite, and I made sure that he met a few demands, one of which was a good contract for my brother.  Soon enough, I’ll find my way to the title that I deserve.  I’m going to have it disinfected, but I’ll have it soon enough.

Aiden:  And I’m going to work my way to the top and get the Underground Championship as well.  After I deal with my… current problem, of course.

Gemma:  You mean Gianni Di Luca?

Aiden:  Uh, obviously.  Thank you Captain Obvious, yes, Gianni Di Luca.  Don’t act surprised.  He threw his weight around and made plenty of enemies, but I’m going to be the one to put his head on my mantle.

Gianni:  I’m right here if you wanna get it.

Aiden and Angel look out from behind Kader and he waves at them.

Gianni:  So ya wanna hide behind screens, ropes, and bodyguards now?  I gotchu.  But if ya gonna talk smack about me, at least do it within earshot.

Aiden chuckles from the couch, taking a sip of champagne.

Aiden:  You can hear, I assume? Good.  You’re a smelly ape, and I’m showing your soon to be ex-wife the time of her life with such little effort.

Gianni:  Oh, I’m sorry for that, bro.  Better you than me.  I hope the both uh ya’s have a beautiful life together.  But, you tried to punk me, and I ain’t having it.  From neither of ya’s.

Gianni looks over to Angel, and then slowly points at her.  Kader gets between him, and he and Gianni eye each other up and down.  Gianni then pats Kader on the shoulder and looks past him at the Kash’s.

Gianni:  Ya gonna get some come up for that, kid.  Believe that.  I ain’t even gonna say another word.  You want it with me, you can come find me when ya feel bold enough to step from behind the muscle here.

Aiden:  You want to make threats to me?  You want to act like a tough guy?  What if I’m behind these ropes because I’m afraid of the pain I will inflict on you?  What if Kader is for your protection, not mine?

Gianni just laughs and shakes his head, stepping backward slowly as if taunting Aiden.

Aiden:  Don’t you DARE try to get the better of me!

Gianni continues laughing as he turns around and walks away.  Aiden begins stomping up and down as Angel comes up to try to comfort him while glaring in Gianni’s direction.

Briefcase Match - Broken Glass Battle Royal
Javier Gonzalez vs Jamie Staggs vs Alex Rush vs Andrey Azarov vs Stewart Mason vs  Rory Rockefeller

As soon as the bell rings, Rory rushes over to Alex and he clubs him across the back.  He whips him into the ropes, looking for a rebound.  However, Alex dives into a somersault and sticks the landing in style.  Javi rushes over and Clotheslines Alex from behind.  He tries to whip Alex into the corner, but Alex  catches the brunt of it with his butt, ripping at his tights to reveal a thick padding of sorts.  Meanwhile, Jamie stomps his feet and lets out a primal scream as he charges at Alex, giving him the full warning to move out of the way, and Jamie dives right onto the glass, holding onto his stomach and chest as he turns around to show his pained face.  Andrey and Stewart are trading proper strikes, giving us a preview of a must see Combat Division match.  Boxing and MMA are highlighted heavily with the strikes and kicks.   They impress the fans as we move focus back to Alex, who is in the process of being eliminated by Javi.  Alex holds onto the ropes, shaking his head back and forth.  Rory picks Jamie up for a Scoop Slam.  Javi bucks into Alex’s side as we see Winter and Tatsu rush down to ringside.  They carefully step over the glass as Javi hits one good slam that sends Alex flying.  Winter and Tatsu catch him carefully, nearly falling over.  However, they carry him around and roll him back inside.  He rushes up behind Javi and boinks him over the head with his fist.  Javi turns around and floors Alex with a hard right hook.  Rory rushes over, telling Javi that he’s got this.  He kicks Alex in the gut and lifts him up for a Powerbomb before depositing him over the ropes.  Alex holds onto his back as he shouts out in pain.  Winter shouts to him as she throws down her GRIME Championship.  Alex rolls back and stands on it.  Winter and Tatsu walk him over to the ropes.  As Rory tries to hit a high knee to Alex, he dives through the middle ropes and jumps on Rory’s back, locking on the Choke On This Wad.  He brushes his beard against Rory’s nearly bald head and flicks at his nose.  Javi begins throwing punches while Rory rushes backward, ramming Alex into the glass-filled turnbuckles!  He breaks the hold.  He and Javi look at one another and pick Alex up.  They raise him up above their heads as the Kawaii Dragons get into position.  Rory and Javi throw Alex right at them, and they tumble over. Alex Rush is eliminated at 5:52.  Jamie sees this and jumps up and down in celebration.  Stewart has Andrey in the corner, bashing his face into the top turnbuckle as Jamie rushes over and pulls the two apart.  He slaps some sense into them, telling them that it hurts.  He bashes his head into the corner, pointing to his busted open head.  He then sees the blood on his finger and gets dizzy.  Andrey and Stewart catch him… and dump him over the top ropes and to the outside! Jamie Staggs is eliminated at 6:37.  Stewart sneaks up behind Andrey and immediately dumps him over the ropes. Andrey Azarov is eliminated at 6:40.  Rory and Javi turn around and look at Stewart, and they start toward him.  He readies himself for a real fight.  However, as the two near him, Javi attacks Rory from behind and he shouts at Stewart to help him.  Stewart is reluctant, but eventually he helps lift Rory up and over to the outside! Rory Rockefeller is eliminated at 7:01.  Javi looks over to Stewart, and the crowd cheers for this epic matchup once more.  They breathe heavily as they stare each other down.  They finally tie up and struggle for the advantage.  The crowd continues to cheer them on. They trade the strength advantage until Javi buries a knee into Stewart’s gut.  He sends Stewart toward the corner, but Stewart does a Baseball Slide to stop himself.  He jumps up and trips Javi into the corner.  He rips the skin on his chin.  He begins bleeding profusely.  Stewart kicks him in the side of the head a few times.  He lifts Javi up and dumps Javi over, but Javi holds onto Stewart. Both men hang onto the ropes with all their might.  Javi pulls a piece of glass out of his chin and begins stabbing at Stewart with it.  Stewart punches back at him, but the cutting is too much.  Javi nails one right to Stewart’s hand and he immediately drops down, both feet on the glass! Stewart Mason is eliminated at 10:16. Javier Gonzalez wins the briefcase as the last man standing!  Javier takes the briefcase and holds it up high in the air as he steps back inside of the ring.  He shouts out “Come see me!” as the show goes off the air.

Tune in for all of the hot action you’re used to from Sin City Underground!