Author Topic: RODRIGO AFONSO v HELLUVA BOTTOM CARTER  (Read 3382 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: February 05, 2024, 09:27:56 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline HBCarter

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« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2024, 07:00:11 PM »
Henderson, Nevada - Sunset Station Hotel & Casino
January 26

When Carter McKinney had envisioned what the perfect way would be to celebrate the one-year anniversary to Miles Kasey, he had meticulously planned what he had thought would be a day that would forever ingrain itself into the mind of Miles. However Miles himself had obviously been doing some planning of his own, and his one, loving act had thoroughly overtaken the evening in the most wondrous of ways and spelled out for the both of them a whole, entirely new future. Together.

It was now late into the evening and the door to their hotel suite opened and Miles held the door open wide with his right arm so that his now fiance’ could set foot inside first. Miles then followed him in and closed the door behind him, smiling as he noted that Carter had not taken his eyes off of the ring on his left hand since Miles had first placed it there. The fact alone soothed Miles in both heart and soul as he had been privately fearful in how Carter would react to his proposal, and whether or not he would actually accept given his past torments.

“Moonstone.” Carter whispered, finally tearing his eyes away from the bejeweled ring and looking up to Miles as he approached his side. “I still can’t believe you proposed with moonstone.”

“Nothing but.” Miles answered back with a smile, snuggling up to him from behind, both wrapping his arms around his waist and nuzzling his chin into that crevice between Carter’s neck and shoulder. “I know you’re built a bit backwards.” Miles teased in a joking manner. “You like orchids and not roses. Silver over gold and …” He lifted his chin and jetted it slightly toward Carter’s hand and observed, “And you prefer moonstone over diamonds because it’s your birthstone.”

Indeed, every point Miles stressed over the fact was made evident as while the moonstone was the jewel embedded in the band of the ring, the band itself was a specialized black silver that Miles had the jeweler custom made, unbeknownst to Carter. It fit the translucent blue of the moonstone perfectly. Say what you might, but Miles Kasey had great taste in jewelry and knew by instinct what would capture Carter’s heart and attention the most.

Miles turned his head gently so that his lips were closest to his fiance’s ears and he whispered, “Shall we go to bed?” And he felt that familiar shudder course its way through Carter’s lithe body, a familiar reaction that forever did Miles’s own ego a world of good. A year passed and he still had the same effect as when they first grew to know one another.

“Not yet.” Carter surprisingly answered over his shoulder with a twinkle in his eye. “I have to make a call first.”

Carter found a way to pry himself from out of Miles’s arms and he crossed the hotel room to the small desk in the far corner of the suite where his personal laptop was left lying. Miles slowly followed, his head tilted to the side in wonder as he asked, “A call? At this hour?”

“I have to tell Mom. And Grams.” Carter answered simply, pulling out the desk’s chair to make himself comfortable. Miles had a seat on the corner of the bed and his brow knitted into a concerned frown as he said, “Babe, it’s after midnight. Do you really want to wake them up?”

Carter looked back to Miles with a smile of his own, one he felt he would be wearing for a very long time, as he responded, “For this? I think they’ll understand.” His fingers started to rapidly click on the keyboard, bringing the personal computer to life. “Besides, Grams sometimes has trouble sleeping and leaves her messenger on, just in case.”

Carter had the app opened and sent off the video call request before Miles had the chance to point out to Carter that his Grams might mistake a late call for bad news. The excitement of the evening simply had been overwhelming and Carter had not taken the fact into account. The call request was going through and the ‘ringing’ of the messenger request went on, and just when it looked like Carter would give up for the night - the call was answered from Seattle and the face of his beloved grandmother filled the screen.

“Carter?” Joan “Grams” McKinney spoke up, her eyes tired from the aforementioned bouts of insomnia she suffered from. “Why are you calling so late? Is everything okay?”

“Yes, everything is fine, Grams.” Carter spoke up to assuage her initial fears. “And I’m sorry for calling this late but I have to talk to you and Mom. Can you get her?”

“Dear, she’s asleep.” Grams responded. “She works in the…”

“It’s important, Grams.” Carter stressed. “You’ll have to trust me. I wouldn’t be calling you if it wasn’t.”

Something in the matriarch’s face and eyes spoke of worry despite his assurances, but she gave him a nod and stood up, saying, “Give me a few moments to get her up.” Before she walked off camera.

Carter watched the screen bravely before he turned in a slight apprehensive expression of worry crossed his youthful face and he took a deep breath, saying, “Maybe you were right…”

Miles cocked his head to the side and shook it slightly with the fairest traces of a smile, responding with, “Too late now, babe. But I'll make sure to have that printed on a t-shirt to remind you next time.”

Carter smiled nervously as he and Miles both waited for Joan to return along with her daughter. A handful of nerve-wracking moments passed until finally the screen popped back to life, Joanna, who had obviously been awoken from a sound slumber, taking a seat at the table while Grams leaned into the frame.

Joanna wiped at her eyes with her fingers in an attempt to drive the sleep away as she asked, “Are you okay, dear? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, Mom.” Carter answered. “But I have something important to tell the both of you and it couldn’t wait.”

“Well dear, much as I love hearing from you, it had better be important.” Joanna said as she finally appeared to be more alert. “I have to be up in five hours for work and…”

“Miles proposed!”

Joanna had been running a hand down her cheek, her fingertips gliding over her eyes when she froze at the words her son had just uttered. She and Grams both stared hard at the camera from their end of the call and Joanna finally broke the silence, her hand now covering her lips. “Say again?” She all but whispered.

“Miles proposed.” Carter repeated himself, this time bringing his left hand into the camera to show the black silver and moonstone ring that had been placed on his finger less than an hour ago. Both women stared at the ring as if attempting to process the overwhelming information all at once.

“When?” Was all that his Mom could bring herself to ask at the time, to which Carter answered, “About an hour ago. We were at dinner to celebrate our anniversary and he… he popped the question!”

Grams leaned in and asked, “And…?”

“And…” Carter felt himself smiling like he had never smiled before, as he answered, “I said yes.”

“Y-you’re getting…” By now Joanna had tears welling in her eyes at the news of her only son getting married to such a wonderful man as Miles, who had captured the hearts of the two most important women in Carter’s life. Carter could only nod in the affirmative when Joanna all but cried, “And you’re just NOW telling us!?”

Carter could not help but laugh, “Mom! He just proposed an hour ago!”

“Is he there?” Grams asked as she looked about the room from where she could see on the camera. She said aloud, “Miles Kasey! I heard you choke back that laugh!”

And in a fraction of a moment, Miles was now standing behind Carter, his arms outstretched to either side of his fiance and hands gripping the edge of the desk. If the idea of proposing and risking a denial had Miles feeling the proverbial butterflies, that sensation was compounded as he was now looking into the eyes of two women who he had come to adore as his own family, and in a matter of time, they soon would be.

Miles and Carter could see the tears in both women’s eyes as Grams had a tissue and dabbed at her eyes but the smile in her eyes was bright enough to light up the dimly lit room from their end of the call.

Grams then offered her daughter a tissue as she said, “Congratulations dear.” She shook her head. “And it’s about time.”

Miles broke into a toothy grin as Carter ducked his head low for a brief moment, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. He looked up and his Mom’s eyes were on him alone, but the smile on her face was the smile of a proud mother whose happiness was in the fact her only son had discovered his own.

“I am so, so happy for you both!” Joanna removed her glasses and wiped at her own eyes before saying, “My boy is getting married!”

Joanna leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, the tears from the joyous news streaming down her cheeks as her own Mom rubbed her shoulders with her hands. Grams looked down at her daughter from over her shoulder and leaned in and whispered something to her, to which Joanna shook her head. Grams then looked back into the camera and said, “I don’t think your Mom is going to be in much condition to go into work now. She’ll never get to sleep!” She then waved a finger back and forth between Carter and Miles. “And you boys had better be in Washington soon so we can celebrate in person!”

“Yes ma’am.” Miles said with the utmost politeness and respect, as Carter said, “Love you both!”

“We love you too dear.” Grams said as Joanna was still trying in vain to compose herself. “That goes for you both! We’ll be seeing you boys soon!”

The goodnights were said and soon, the call was ended. Carter held his eyes closed as he breathed in deeply, drinking in the scent of Miles’s cologne but more so, that this night had really happened, and he had just shared the news with his Mom and Grams that he was getting married. That was when he felt Miles’s arms snake around him again from where he stood behind him and he heard the words whispered in his ear, “Not to cheapen the mood but… where is that Twister game of yours?”

Olympia, Washington -

The weather in Olympia, Washington had been cold and wet, not altogether that unusual of an occurrence for this time of the year. The winter cold front that had moved in had caused more than just what many locals had expected to be freezing rain and sleet and had turned into a light snowfall that had blanketed the state capital and the large waterfront caused the temperatures to dip far below normal, currently just over forty degrees. And while locals were used to such weather changes in their home state, visitors not so much. One such as the man behind the wheel of the cobalt blue Chevrolet Equinox as it coursed down the road, alongside waterfront properties that had become a calling card to this capital city. Weaving amidst traffic, Miles Kasey was taking great care as he followed the directions of the GPS. Miles, being from London, had no qualms or issues at driving in wet weather, be it rain or snow as he had dealt with both back home in England during his years there.

“You know, I could have driven.” Carter broke the silence between them as Miles was focused on driving as carefully as he was able while the usual lunatics drove around him; men and women who seemed more likely to have received their drivers licenses from the bottom of a box of cereal rather than a DMV.

“Yes, well…” Miles cracked a smile as his eyes remained on the road ahead, his eyes flickering only briefly to the illuminated screen of the GPS on the dash to ensure he was going in the right direction. “I didn’t want to say anything at first but your Mom made me promise I’d be the one doing the driving.”

Carter turned his head and was about to question this random fact when Miles held up a hand, “Don’t pout. Your Mum said she rode with you enough to know what you’re like behind the wheel. And Mum knows best!” Carter all but rolled his eyes at the “audacity” of his Mom thinking he was anything but the perfect driver. But he was quick to forgive. He and Miles fulfilled the promise they gave to visit Seattle at the earliest possible convenience, and of course by then Carter was receiving numerous texts and messages of congratulations from family members from across the states. His Mom and Grams both obviously had been unable to contain the news for very long. And from the moment they arrived at the McKinney household, both Carter’s Mom and Grams had been all over Miles, welcoming him into the family.

“Thank you for coming with me, Miles.” Carter said from the passenger seat, having torn his attention away from the beauty of the light snowfall around the surrounding scenery and waterfronts. Miles made a face and said, “Like there was any reason I wouldn’t! Face facts babe, you’re stuck with me!”

Carter laughed, but he said, “No, I mean… I’m just glad we took the time to come to Seattle so Mom and Grams could get it out of their system. If we hadn’t, you never would have heard the end of it.”

“You mean ‘we’ never would have heard the end of it.” Miles corrected him, but Carter laughed and shook his head. He said back, “No, I mean ‘you’. You’re the one marrying into the family so ‘you’ never would have heard the end of it!”

From the driver’s side, and from out of the corner of Carter’s eye, he saw Miles smile. Not one of his toothy, pearly white smiles, but a softened smile that Carter had come to understand about him that it came from deep within. Carter had never suspected Miles would have been as nervous as he was when he proposed over two weeks ago, or that the source of those nerves was the fear that Carter might somehow turn him down. But now it just felt like Miles was radiating from the inside. Miles stole a glance at the GPS and said, “We should be getting there soon.”

Carter turned to the window and watched as the interstate had turned into more of a neighborhood rich in the lush life that his home state of Washington was known for. Carter had never been to Olympia before but visiting his family gave him the excuse he needed to finally do what he had been putting off for months; visiting the house that his dad had left him in his will. The sudden and overwhelming pain of his dad’s death, especially after they had reconnected, hit him so hard he had been avoiding doing this very task ever since the reading of the will. Now.. he had no further excuses.

The waterfront continued around them but the homes grew further apart, and each one had a rich lifestyle to its own. Some seemed Victorian in architecture, others more modern. Some houses were small and others more grand, but there was something classy… posh … no, luxurious about each one they passed. It had Carter wondering if they were in the right part of the city when the car turned into what was a private drive and they passed several towering trees on both sides until the SUV slowed to first a crawl and then to a full on stop. Carter turned to Miles who stared straight ahead but said not a word. Carter turned to look and did a double take at what laid before them….



Even though the holidays had long since passed, there was still something magical about this time of the year in the state of Seattle. The weather, while unpredictable by nature (pun intended) could range anywhere from bright, blue skies but with snowfall to gray and overcast with a freezing cold rain falling from the heavens. But it was on one such cold morning, on the front of the quiet and tranquil Lake Saint Clair, where we found Carter McKinney standing on the edge of the lake, dressed in his favorite feathered jacket, his hands tucked in the pockets while his eyes, hidden behind a pair of violet shades, roamed across the surface of the lake while snow gently fell to the surface.

“The past several weeks have just been one chaotic turn after another. For every step forward I managed to take inside of the ring, it seems something happened that set me several steps back. I know that sounds cliche and like some bad eighties pop rock hit, but I’ve never really been one to mince words when it comes to my own career just for the sole purpose to try and puff myself up and make things appear to be going better than it has. I’ve received a number of chances at championships which trust me - I am and was infinitely grateful for. I just haven’t had the same luck in taking advantage of those chances as I have been in getting them in the first place. And do you know where my eyes were truly opened?”

“It was when I got pitched out of the first round of the World Heavyweight tournament by Finn Whelan, who is now in the finals. It was the catalyst that opened my eyes and made me realize a few things about myself. Maybe I peaked too early in my career in SCU. Maybe the talent comparisons between SCW and SCU are really just that vast that I can’t seem to replicate the same level of success in SCW that I enjoyed down in SCU. And maybe, just maybe, I am right now where I am meant to be in the grand scheme of things. When you find yourself at peace with these realizations and what comes of them, then overall … you’re fine.”

Carter shrugged.

“Championships are not the ‘be all, end all’ in this sport. Those are the words I’ve heard from a certain ‘White Wolf’ who had his own dominant run a few years ago. He told me that championships come and go. It’s the quality of your competitive spirit and your competition – now that is infinite. That’s why I’m here, and that’s why I’m up[ against the high and mighty ‘Mr. Golden Briefcase’ Rodrigo Afonso. Well that and I was told he was after new names to face inside of the ring, rather than the same old ones, time after time.”

Carter turned toward the camera and gave it a friendly wave, smiling almost comically. He frowned and then pointed toward the camera.

“You are here, right Rodrigo? I mean, after some of the complaining that I’ve heard about you wanting to face fresh faced talent in the ring… Well, it would have made both of us look pretty ridiculous if you didn’t show up. And not that I blame you for wanting to face new challenges rather than a dozen matches against Bill Barnhart or Matty Mallow or… whoever. Facing the same people so many times won’t accomplish anything but to cause what skills you already have to pretty much atrophy. The only way to sharpen things and evolve would be to face new people, challenges you haven’t yet faced before so…”

Carter tilted his head back and spread his arms wide.

“Here I am!”

Carter then turned aside and he started to walk along the banks of Lake St. Clair, all the while continuing on with his thought process.

“Here’s something you might not be aware of Rodrigo – as much as you’re looking forward to facing someone new … so am I. See, we – you and I? We’ve never faced one another before so this will be just as much a change of pace for me as it will be for you. The only difference being which of us is going to be able to take advantage of the situation to our own benefit. That … is where I come in. Now I know that you’ve been strutting around backstage, carrying that Golden Briefcase of yours and teasing and taunting the champions that you could cash in at any given moment but really… not to sound too catty but winning that briefcase wasn’t exactly the pinnacle of your career. I’ve never been fond of ladder matches because to me, climbing a ladder doesn’t determine who the better wrestler is. Just who is the fastest or the luckiest. It’s the same reason I’ve never been high on hardcore matches because how the hell does hitting someone with a chair or garbage can prove that you’re the better athlete? I mean I’ve been in them when warranted but it’s just not my bag. The only way that you’re going to prove who is the better wrestler is by actually wrestling. And yes, you have done spectacular for yourself in that regard. You’ve pulled off some pretty impressive wins for yourself and that just makes me all the more excited to be able to be inside of the ring with you.”

“You see, it’s not that often that I get to be in the ring with someone my size, or even a bit smaller by comparison. While I have a couple inches on you (pun not intended), you have a few pounds on me. Not enough of a gap to really play any factor so what about our training? While I don’t know who was responsible for who brought you into the sport, I was trained by Gabriel and Odette Stevens at the GO Gym so if you’ll excuse my frankness - advantage … Carter.”

“Our ring styles aren’t even altogether that different from what I’ve seen and trust me when I tell you. I’ve seen plenty. We’re both high flyers. And when we’re not risking our necks up in the air, neither one of us are incapable of putting on a more ground based attack. I don’t know about you, but when I first entered this sport, I was convinced taking to the air was made for me and it was the only way to go.”

Carter shook his head.

“I had Gabriel beat that right out of my head on day one. He opened my eyes and made me see that being one dimensional inside of the ring was a one-way ticket to going literally nowhere in this sport. If all I did was take to the air, the risk of injuries went from here…”

He held a hand down to waist level.

“To here.”

He held his hand high over his head.

“Not to mention that no matter how fast you are, no matter how many risks you’re willing to take, there is always going to be someone faster than you and more death defying. So where does that leave you when you find yourself up against someone just like you inside of the ring?”

Carter tilted his head back and lifted his shades just enough so that his eyes could focus on the camera, unhidden. He smiled his pearly whites.

“I guess we’ll be seeing soon enough, won’t we?”

Carter then continued along his way.

“When I was going back and re watching some of your matches, I couldn’t help but notice that you had Bill Barnhart’s number. You’ve beaten men like Matty Mallow and shown what you’re capable of against greats like Peter Vaughn and Goth. I’m not ashamed to admit I tried once or twice to strip that Roulette title from around Vaughn’s waist and he handed me the same losses that he handed you. And Goth … well… That man is a legend in this business and he was inducted into the Hall of Fame for a reason. And there is a reason why he is in the finals of the World Heavyweight tournament. But unlike you, when I went up against him. I won.”

Carter held up two fingers and mouthed ‘twice’.

“And I felt damn lucky to walk away with the wins against that man, make no mistake. I’m not one to gloat and lie and say I had his number because the fact was, I didn’t. He beat me senseless and I felt sore for days but I. Still. Won. And the more I think about where you and I stand, the more I am anticipating this match because it just might be the shot in the arm that I need. So if you'll pardon my saying that in all honestly -- you are just that damn impressive Rodrigo, and when the time is right and if you cash in that briefcase smartly, you’re going to be a champion. I mean, we can all see it from the outside looking in.”

Carter then paused mid-step and frowned.

“Funny thing about that is I’ve had one or two people say the same about yours truly. Most recently, I had Ben Jordan call me a future champion and predict that I’d be a World Heavyweight Champion one day.”

Carter looked down and smiled, albeit somewhat subdued.

“I thought he was just bullshitting me or paying me lip service - and you’d understand if you’d been inside of my own head the past few weeks. Or if you were more familiar with the past I’ve shared with Mister Jordan. Let’s just say that I was a right prick and be done with it, m’kay? Right! Anyway, I’ve gotten off track here. My point is, having a man like the “Cockney King” put such faith in my future in this sport really got me here…”

He tapped his fingertips sharply over his heart.

“When a man like Ben Jordan, who many of us look to as a locker room leader, says something like that? It makes you sit up and listen. It makes you open your eyes and see what lies ahead. And right now, you’re what’s ahead of me, Rodrigo. How about you and I steal this show?”

Carter saluted at the camera and continued walking along the lake as the scene faded out.

"The bravest thing you can be is yourself."

Offline Rodrigo Afonso

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 07:20:00 PM »
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Friday 2nd February. (Off-Camera)

Rodrigo and Ella had only recently flown back to the United States from Switzerland after moving more of Ella's stuff to Rodrigo's new home. Both Ella's and Rodrigo's parents have seen Rodrigo's new America home because they invited their families to come over and brought Rodrigo's and Ella's stuff over. It had been a busy household lately with their parents coming back and forth ever since they discovered they were going to be grandparents to Rodrigo's and Ella's baby.

However while it was all going well and good for them, Rodrigo did need to talk to the one guy who had been guiding Rodrigo's wrestling career, a guy who he hadn't spoken to in a few months now because of him being focused about the baby, Lee Baker. He hadn't told him about the Golden Briefcase he won.

As Ella was sleeping because she was five months pregnant at this point and had been feeling sick a lot. Been a struggle for her during the pregnancy and Rodrigo had been doing all the work in the home, as much as he could to make things comfortable for Ella. He picks the home phone up, remembering to dial the international code for UK. He waits for the call to be picked up and it does.

Man on phone: “Hello?”

Rodrigo Afonso: “Hello Lee, it's me, Rodrigo Afonso.”

Lee Baker: “Rodrigo, I'm so glad to hear from you. Been a long time we last spoke, although understandable with your girlfriend being five months pregnant, I think.”

Rodrigo Afonso: “Yes, you're correct.”

Although it was at this point they'd know the gender, but they want it to be a surprise so of course, Rodrigo, nor Ella know the gender of their baby, not even their parents know of it either. Although Lee goes straight into the discussion of wrestling.

Lee Baker: “So, you're Golden Briefcase guy now, huh?”

Rodrigo Afonso: “I was going to talk about that funny enough to you. I guess you've been watching the Sin City Wrestling shows.”

Lee Baker: “Damn right, I am. We're so very proud of you in Bulldog Wrestling Academy. I think we got the boys and girls to watch the match in front of a TV screen via internet connection that night to see if you'll clinch the briefcase. That's got to be the proudest moment ever. I've poured tears because I was so happy for you.”

Rodrigo Afonso: “I think it's crazy to go from a massive losing streak to be the Golden Briefcase guy at nineteen funny enough too.”

Rodrigo still was in shock to be in that wrestling match, let alone winning the briefcase. Although he hadn't really bragged about it because his focus was on Ella and the baby more than the briefcase. Well, he knows he has to go to middle east at some point the end of this month for last set of Olympic qualifiers.

Lee Baker: “Indeed. So you're happy as gold right now, right?”

Rodrigo Afonso: “Um no, not entirely. While it's great I've been winning matches, but there's one problem. I don't know how to tell SCW bosses I'm getting tired of facing the same people I fought at Supershow. It seems match after match, I'm facing Justin, Matty and Bill. I'm getting a little frustrated to say the last.”

Lee Baker: “I'm sure SCW bosses realise this. I do understand that facing the same people is boring, but you have to understand, there's not many male wrestlers on the roster at the moment and some of them were in the tournament. That's something to keep in mind.”

Rodrigo Afonso: “I know, but being I'm the Golden Briefcase holder, I don't feel I'm being tested enough. I respect Justin, Bill and Matty, but I want different competition, wrestlers that are above me so I can improve and become a better wrestler.”

That was a thing that was frustrating Rodrigo and he didn't want to come across as a complainer to Sin City Wrestling staff after the hard work they've done to put Rodrigo in matches and for him to win the briefcase. That was always Rodrigo's worry since he remembered how he reacted to losing a skateboarding competition in two thousand and twenty one.

Lee Baker: “It's best to do it backstage without it being on the show obviously like having a private meeting with the bosses to ask to face top competition of wrestlers. There's nothing wrong with having demands like that. The only time it would be a problem is if it's a title shot you want.”

Rodrigo Afonso: “Oh god no, I don't need to demand a title shot, do I?”

Lee Baker: “Oh no, of course not. But it's something you don't ask the staff about ever. But things like wanting to face different competition, that's not an issue. If you ask, you could be facing someone you never wrestled before.”

Rodrigo Afonso: “Sorry, it's just I keep remembering about that skateboarding thing you know.”

Rodrigo went to get himself some orange juice at this point as he had to be healthy, but at the same time, finding something fruity and surgery too to keep his energy up since he was only nineteen after all. He came back and waited for Lee's response to drink some orange juice.

Lee Baker: “Dude, you don't need to worry about that mistake you made. It's not complaining as such if you ask to face someone different. I guarantee you, you'd gain a lot more respect if you kept it behind closed doors than out live on the shows like some people do. Anyway, I got to go, got some issues to tackle at the school. I chat more to you soon and congrats on the briefcase.”

The phone suddenly went dead as sometimes, there was issues at the wrestling school with wrestlers having tassels with each other than the building and money issues. It was good timing as Rodrigo saw Ella was up and came downstairs with Rodrigo assisting her and spending time with her through the entire day, wondering if what Lee said would benefit his career. He'll see if it pans out for him on Sunday.


Love facing new opponents that will up my game to be a better wrestler part one shoot.

“I got to say, I've never been a big fan of doing two videos for a match because I'm more of one promo and done kind of dude. Also not a fan of talking as I've mentioned, but yeah it's true. I have been demanding privately to the Sin City Wrestling staff, despite how sceptical I am on doing things like that because I don't want to come across as a whiner or complainer. But it's one of those things I had to request on wanting to face opponents I've never fought before and wanting to improve my wrestling skills. I asked on Climax Control in private and it seems to pan out. Facing against a guy who has been heavily trashed for far too long in his career which I don't agree with, Helluva Bottom Carter.

The guy has been impressive from the get go from what I've researched about him and seems such a credible wrestler. The fact he and Miles, my dream opponent I want to face someday since the wrestling school talk all about Miles are together is commendable. I don't think I'd have the guts to date female wrestlers in honestly because of the gossip talk you get and can destroy wrestling careers. I don't agree the names people call you and Miles for the relationship. I consider I respect you both being together.

But I'm not doing a video all about that since I know about your wrestling skills and you have been incredibly unlucky to not get yourself title wins yet, but you have beaten big names like Goth, something I haven't been able to do and share the same loss with me on Peter Vaughn. I understand the fact you don't want to face Miles because of the relationship pressure. I can't imagine how difficult that must be. In part, you're happy for Miles, but at the same time, you want to capture title of your own as well.

Such a shame you both can't team together for tag titles as it's mixed. Still it must be hard out there to not be able to be a champion because you are a championship calibre wrestler. I know you'll point out I've lost to Goth and you beat him. I accept that, but take this into an account. I'm still vertically a rookie to the wrestling business. I never wrestled anywhere, but Sin City Wrestling.

I might look strange with the face paint, but it's to cover up the burn I had when I was eight years old because my face got burned in the fire and I almost died in the fire due to choking in the flames, but fireman got me out just in time. So if there's one thing I fear in life and would never do wrestling wise, is fire type matches. Just simply because I most likely wouldn't survive to be honest of having another set of burns to me.

I know I've done more hardcore matches than anything else, but to be honest, it's not like I demanded to be in them. I just get told to do those matches and I do it without complaining because that never gets me anywhere. I know you might feel I've complained to get the match with you, but I just want to test my skills out on a winning streak I'm on. I want to get better and that's partly why I've not cashed in the briefcase yet.

I've only been in SCW for seven months and I've captured the briefcase as a rookie, that's more than what most rookies have done in their careers. Facing you is more than an honour. I'm looking forward to facing a fresh face and prove my worth to put all of my skills to the test to facing an amazing wrestler who has the same skills set as I do, but the difference is I have submissions attached to me as well.

Simply because I came from a wrestling school in England and over there, they are all about technical wrestling and so, if there's an opponent bigger than me, which in most cases they are, I use submissions to beat them as Bill has experienced twice with me and I continue to with any opponent who are much bigger than me. I could, at times, use it to wrestlers the same height and weight as me or close to it, but I chose not to.

But no matter what happens, Carter, I respect you, and we'll totally tear the house down. It's refreshing that I have new material to talk about opponents for a change, and I'm happy not to trash you because there's nothing bad I can say about you. We'll talk more next week.”

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« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2024, 02:21:57 PM »
“Miles…” Carter almost stammered from where he sat in the passenger seat as the both of them stared ahead at the house ahead of them. “... This can’t be it. It just can’t.”

Miles had a hard time believing it himself but he shared a look with Carter, and then checked with the GPS on the dash of their rental and he shook his head, answering, “5416 Peninsula Drive. That’s the address, right?”

Carter knew that was it. The address had been integrated in his mind ever since they set about on this little journey but he opened the manilla folder on his lap, just to be extra certain. It contained the documents for the house, plus a copy of his late father’s will, all provided to him by his mother the night before. He looked at the address and nodded. Miles, watching for an answer, then looked back at the house and said, “Then this is it.”

The house was simply breathtaking, as was the surrounding 1.17 acres that it resided upon. Two stories with a combination of Victorian and Colonial architecture with attached three car garage, the house practically called out to both young men, but it was as if Carter remained frozen where he sat. As if he was afraid to either confirm this was it or fearful over confronting this last piece of his father’s life.

“I suppose there is one way to confirm whether or not this is it.” Miles finally offered, breaking the tense silence.

“What’s that?” Carter asked, to which Miles just offered a boyish grin and answered, “Try the keys.”

That being said, Miles was the first to unfasten his seatbelt and open the car door. Having little other alternative, Carter followers suit. He set the documents back on the car seat and they shut the car door behind them and proceeded to walk to the covered porch and the ever-looming front door. It seemed almost fitting, given the somber mood and circumstances when the first pelt of rain began to fall from the overcast, graying clouds from overhead. The sound of the rain falling into the house’s surrounding trees and shrubbery seemed to somehow bring a sense of calm to otherwise tense nerves. Sensing his fiance’s nerves wavering, Miles had the good sense and heart to snake his arm into Carter’s own, offering some small sense of comfort and lending him (hopefully) a bit of his own inner strength.

The two men arrived at the front door where an evergreen wreath had been hung invitingly. The arched glass over the door and the frames on either side gave something of a glimpse inside, but only a tease or a taste. Carter then took that last step forward and inserted the key into the lock and – it worked. A soft click and the door swung open and invitingly.

Carter gave an incredulous look to Miles and whispered, “I’ll be damned.” Before he set foot inside, Miles followed soon after. And from the moment the two crossed the threshold of the foyer, their eyes just roamed - everywhere. The stairs to the second floor of the house were right there the moment that they stepped inside, noting the shiny, hardwood floors and soft green color of the walls around them. Moving further in, the house seemed to open itself up to them with a warm invitation. The living room was by far the largest open space with a fireplace and vaulted ceilings that allowed a glimpse of the upstairs. And while the house around them was decorated tastefully and with style, it was also done so sparingly, prompting Miles to make the casual observation,

“Your dad was a bit of a minimalist, wasn’t he?” Commenting on the smaller than average amount of decor and furniture in the home.

To which Carter shrugged his shoulders as he peaked through an open doorway and remarked, “Not as far as I know. Mom did all the interior decorating as far as I remember when I was a kid but as far as this…?” He just shook his head helplessly, without an answer before his eyes fell on the ceiling length windows and what laid beyond.

“Holy…” Carter muttered before he walked over toward the glass to gaze out at the land behind the house, but more prominently, Lake St. Clair itself. Miles joined him and gazed out at the sparkling waters and the private dock and almost choked on his amazement.

“I feel like I’m engaged to an heir.” Miles said jokingly, prompting Carter to give him a funny look but the pair walked out onto the back deck, despite the falling rain, for a better view of the lakefront. The two men just stood there in admiration, taking it all in when Carter’s voice broke the silence where the only sound was the freezing cold rain pelting the trees and the water.

“Why would he have a house like this all to himself?” Carter looked to Miles and shook his head, not understanding anything about this. “As far as I know, Mom said Dad never remarried and never really dated. He never got over Mom enough to move on. So why…?”

Miles could only shake his head and offer, “I don’t know, babe. Overcompensation for what he lost?”

Nothing more was said as they stepped back inside, sliding the patio door closed behind them. They moved back across the living room/dining room when something caught Miles’s eye and he jostled Carter’s arm, “Babe?”

Carter looked to Miles who pointed a finger at the fireplace where on the mantle was a single, framed photograph. It was a picture that Carter was all-too familiar with as he had the very same one in the album Grams had gifted him with at the behest of his Dad. It was that garden setting where Carter, as a small boy, sat on the lap of his Mom while his Dad stood behind them. Back when they were happy. Back when they were a family.

Carter walked across the floor to gaze up at the framed photo with misty eyes. He picked the picture up in his hands, and that was when a small folded sheet of paper fell out from behind the picture and drifted to the floor at his feet. Carter picked it up and had a look at what was written on it, and despite Miles’s own curiosity, he gave his man this moment to himself. If he wanted to share, then he would. Carter’s eyes grew wet with whatever it was that he was reading until he lowered the paper and sniffed, fighting back the tears.

“Babe?” Miles spoke up. “Everything alright?”

“It was for us.” Carter smiled, despite himself as he handed the handwritten note over to Miles to read for himself. Carter wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand and said, “He bought this place after the divorce … for us. He was hoping…” But Carter felt at a loss for words, but from what Miles read in the letter, it was obvious. Deep down, Cillian - Carter’s father - had privately hoped for a reconciliation one day with his family. But when the man saw the life provided to his only son by his now ex-wife and Carter’s grandmother, he simply never took that first step. Having believed firmly Carter was better off without him.

Miles glanced up as Carter whispered, “He spent all these years in this big house …. Alone.” To which all Miles could do was draw Carter in with an arm and hold him…

Carter and Miles spent the remainder of the morning exploring the house and taking “stock” of every little secret that it held when the afternoon moved in and it was decided that it was time to head back to Seattle before ultimately moving on to Las Vegas. The Chevrolet Equinox was currently driving down the interstate en route to Seattle and inside it, both Miles and Carter sat in relative silence, only speaking in casual bits while the SUV’s stereo played in the background between them while they simply enjoyed each other’s company.

That was when the phone in Carter’s jacket pocket thrummed to life with its vibration, strange as Carter had it set to ring tone, not vibrate. But when he fished the phone from his pocket, he saw that he was not receiving a call but an alert. Carter clicked on the app he had installed at his dad’s attorney’s behest, and what he saw brought a frown to his face as his skin paled. He reached over with his left arm and gripped Miles’s arm.

“Miles, turn around!”

“What?” Miles did a quick double take between Carter and the road ahead. “What is it? What’s wrong??”

“Turn around!” Carter demanded. “Someone’s breaking into Dad’s house!”

Alarmed immediately at hearing this, Miles aimed for the first off-ramp that he could use to turn around as Carter dialed on his phone…

“9-1-1. What is your emergency?”

“I need the police at 5416 Peninsula Drive, Olympia, Washington! Someone is breaking into my house!”

Footsteps were heard on the tile floor of the gymnasium as Carter McKinney walked into the forefront of the camera, dressed in not his wrestling gear but instead, a tasteful cream colored dress jacket over a violet, button up shirt with matching slacks and lightly tanned shoes. Hands clasped behind his back, Carter looks around himself and then at the camera.

“Two days, Rodrigo. That’s all we have left until we have the chance to meet each other for the first time. I am going to assume that you’re watching me right now as I’m talking because, let’s face it, it feels like you’re the sort who is just sitting there, waiting for me to say something, anything. You maybe have your phone out to record me so you can play it back and pick apart what I’m saying so you have more to talk about, or maybe you’re old school and you’d rather use a pencil and a little notebook to better keep track of what I’m talking about.”

Carter nodded.

“Fair game, I guess, but it doesn’t speak very highly of me now does it if all you have to focus on is solely about what I’ve said rather than anything that I might have accomplished in the past that might make this an important match for you. Truth be told, more important for you than it would be for me and before you say anything to either try and contradict me or accuse me of having my head in the clouds, let me explain;”

“You see, you are still relatively new here in SCW. So far, your top accomplishment is that Golden briefcase that you get to carry around for an entire year before you ultimately decide to cash it in on whatever champion you think you have the best shot at dethroning. While I, on the other hand, won every championship made available to me while I was in Sin City Underground and when SCU closed its doors, well I am proud to say that Mark Ward and Christian Underwood were fast enough to make me a generous offer and bring me on board. And yes… I will be the first to admit that I haven’t enjoyed the same success in SCW that I have in SCU … yet.”

He raised a finger for emphasis.

“But you know what they say about patience and all good things coming to those who wait. In the meantime, I wouldn’t say that I haven’t done too shabby. I’ve managed to accomplish a few good things during my stay here, in both the singles and the tag team ranks with my girl, Ariana. I won’t go over that list again because let’s face it, after a while it sounds more like a broken record and lord knows how hard I try to stay humble.”

He placed a hand over his heart and smiled.

“My point is, that this match in the long run has to mean more to you than it does to me. Not that I’m not really looking forward to getting to face someone like you in the ring. I mean, I wasn’t lying when I said how much I respected you and your style last time around. Ninety percent of the time, the men I face in the ring are twice my size so getting to face someone the same size as me and pretty much the same ring style is going to be a treat! But … what I am saying isn’t ego or blowing smoke up your ass. You have a lot more to prove in this match than I do. Losing to you…?”

He looked thoughtful.

“While it wouldn’t be shameful to lose to Mister Golden Briefcase, it would still hurt me a lot more than losing would hurt you. So when you do lose, try not to take it too hard. It is just business Rodrigo, with nothing personal between us. Which is really a nice change of pace because you are out there trying to accomplish the exact same things that I am; to win and move up the ladder. No feuds, no animosity. And I don’t know if you’d agree with me but that does kind of make it hard to talk, just between us, y’know? Because normally if we’re in the ring with someone that we hate or even just dislike, it’s easy to talk some trash and throw out a few insults. But when it’s between two guys who have no grudge at all and only respect? It kind of leaves you wondering what it is that you should be saying that could further hype the attention toward us.”

“So rest easy. This isn’t going to be about how funny you think you might look in that face paint - and trust me, I’ve seen funnier makeup routines in some of the drag shows in Las Vegas. So chin up! And this isn’t about some outlandish match style like fire to contend with those burns you brought up, because just between us? I have no use for garbage wrestling. Just like I said last time around I had no use for ladder matches. Because it’s not wrestling.

He motioned between himself and the camera.

“What you and I are going to do? That is going to be wrestling. And when it comes to you and I shining and stealing the show? Well, not to toot my own horn but…”

Carter reached down off-screen and picked up a trumpet. He held it up and blew into it, resulting in a comedic, ear splitting and off-key noise. He lowered it from his lips and smiled.

“Toot toot!”

The Chevrolet Equinox swerved into the drive of the house and drove quickly up to the front of the house where a U-Haul van had been parked, along with a burgundy colored Honda Civic.

“What the bloody hell…?” Miles said aloud as they pulled up and noted the front door was now wide open, both men knowing full well it had been closed and locked when they had left just over thirty minutes ago. That was when they saw three figures emerge from the house, two men and a woman. The two men carrying furniture between them and the woman directing traffic, holding a box containing stacks of papers in her own arms. Carter’s uncles - his Dad’s brothers and his ‘other grandma’!

“Oh you have GOT to be fucking kidding me!” Carter roared as he did not even wait for the car to come to a complete stop before throwing off his seat belt and jumping out of the car. “CARTER!” Miles brought the car to a complete stop and jumped out after him, as Carter power walked right up to the house, catching his grandma Fiona and uncles Conor and Liam by complete surprise!

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” Carter bellowed, almost causing his uncles to drop the chairs that they were carrying in their hands. Fiona was not so lucky as she was startled enough to drop the box to her feet on the porch, where Carter saw the lock of the door laying flat on the porch with a drill precariously beside it.

“Carter!” Fiona gaped like a fish out of water. “What are you doing here!?”

“Excuse me!?” Carter exclaimed. “What am I doing here!? This is MY house now, remember!? What the FUCK are you doing breaking into MY house!?”

“Watch your language with your elder young man!” Fiona started to say but Carter walked right up the steps of the house to confront them, Miles quickly followed suit as he could tell this was going to end badly.

“No!” Carter declared hotly, raising a finger toward the old woman’s face. “You do NOT get to lecture or reprimand me about respect when you just broke into my house and are stealing my Dad’s property!”

“You didn’t leave us much choice, you little punk!” His uncle Liam declared just as hotly with an air of self righteous indifference. “These are my brother’s things and we have a right to have something to remember him by!”

“Like hell you do!” Carter shouted over him. “In case you forgot, Dad didn’t leave any of you three anything!”

“And that is exactly why your family left us to take such measures!” Fiona stated as if it made all the sense in the world. But when you are this entitled and believe the world itself revolves around your own wants and desires, one tends to believe your own self-deluded statements. “You can not keep us away from my son’s property!”

“In case you forgot, it’s the estate’s property now and no one else’s!” Carter pointed out. “Not your property, not mine! The estate’s! To be doled out when and where the executor of the will decides is best!”

“Who just so conveniently happens to be your mother.” His uncle Conor sneered, turning Carter’s attention to him.

“Yes.” Carter nodded. “So talk to her! If she agrees you deserve any of Dad’s belongings, then you can have them! Until then, you are going to take whatever the hell you’ve stolen and put it right back where you found it!”

His uncle Conor all but dropped the chair he had in his hands to the porch and took a step forward, threateningly questioning, “Or else what?”

“Take one more step toward him and they’ll never find what’s left of you.” Miles said simply from where he was standing, his protective nature taking over when it appeared his fiance might be under threat. Conor looked past Carter and toward Miles, seemingly assessing his chances against the threat and whom it came from before he fumed, taking a step back.

Carter looked from Miles, giving him the slightest smile of appreciation despite the grave circumstances. He then turned to his “family” and he would use the term loosely when something on top of the box Fiona had dropped caught his eye.

“Oh HELL no!” Carter stepped forward and before Fiona could react, he snatched that framed family photograph from atop the pile of papers, the one of he and his parents that had been above the fireplace. “I don’t believe you! Of all things for you to try and steal! What value could this have to you!?”

“It is a photo of my son!” Fiona stated hotly, holding her hand out as if she expected Carter would just willingly hand it over to her as asked/demanded. “And I will have that back now, thank you very much!”

“I don’t believe any of you!” Carter yelled. “Can you not get it through your heads that none of this belongs to you!? You have NO legal rights to any of it! Did Dad’s lawyer not already make that clear!?”

“Of course that charlatan would say that.” Conor rolled his eyes. “He was on your father’s payroll, after all.”

“That’s right!” Carter stated. “He was! Which means he was being paid to do what was in dad’s best interests and not yours! And if this BITCH…” He pointed a finger right in Fiona’s face! “... Didn’t have both sets of your balls in her hand, then maybe you’d understand!”

“Hey!” His uncle Liam threw the chair down and he shoved Carter as hard as he was able for speaking that way to his mother! Carter would have fallen were it not for Miles’s reflexes, catching him in his arms. Miles would have answered the physicality in kind himself but carter had already beaten him to it; standing upright and Carter swung an uppercut right into his uncle Liam’s chin, sending him flying spectacularly to his back!

“Oh! My baby!” Fiona rushed to her son’s side, as Conor rushed to help him to his feet. Fiona pointed at Carter, declaring, “That is assault! I’ll see you arrested!” While carter clutched his hand and almost fell into Miles, seething, “I think that fucker’s face broke my finger!”

And it was just then that a total of three police cars swarmed up the drive and pulled to a stop, right in front of the house! The doors swung open and six police officers emerged in total and seeing this, Fiona stood up and waved her arms, comically resembling one of those inflatable characters outside of businesses.

“Help!” Fiona called to the police. “Help! My son was just attacked!”

“That isn’t true!” Miles called out as the cops separated between the two parties. “He was defending himself!”

“That’s a vicious lie!” Conor stood upright and pointed at Carter as the three officers converged on their side, one of them lowering herself to her bended knee to check on Liam who was now sitting up, still dazed but more embarrassed at having been knocked silly by not just a man half his age, but a gay as well! Conor continued, “That freak just attacked my brother!”

Carter, still clenching his fist in pain, stated to the officers approaching him and Miles, “That man there shoved me so yes, I hit him!” Carter then nodded toward the house as one of the cops took him by the wrist to examine his hand in case an ambulance needed to be alerted. Carter went on, “They broke into my house and were stealing my dad’s belongings!”

“That is not true!” Fiona declared.

“Isn’t it?” Miles asked in more of a statement than a question. He turned to the nearest officer. “If that were true, then why did they have to use a drill to take the lock to the front door off? A drill - and lock - that is lying right there on the porch!”

All six officers turned their heads as one to look toward the porch and where Fiona and her sons had inadvertently left all the evidence needed right there at their feet.

“Officer, I can settle this very easily if you’ll come with me.” Miles stated to the one nearest him. With a nod to his comrades on the force, he turned and followed Miles to the rented SUV of his and Carter’s and opened the driver’s side door. He took something in hand from the dash, picking up the folder of Carter’s while he had the opportunity to do so, and shut the door, handing something over to the officer.

“Hey!” Conor called out to all present. “Are you actually trying to pay off this cop!?”

“Not at all.” Miles said calmly from where he stood beside the SUV as the officer went to his assigned vehicle. “I was just handing the good officer the memory card from our dash cam. I never turned it off.”

At the looks on the collective faces of Fiona and her sons, as Miles calmly approached and handed Carter the folder, who offered it over to the female police officer who had examined his hand.

“What is this?” The officer asked, to which Carter answered, “All the legal documents from my father’s will, including the deed to this house which you’ll see has MY name on it! And a copy of his will which names everything inside as property of the estate. Including everything they’ve already taken out and loaded into that truck!”

Hearing this, two of the officers broke away from the confrontation to examine what was inside the back of the U-Haul. Carter himself then spoke up, “And if that’s not enough officers, there are security cameras installed on the estate. That’s how we got alerted there was a break in.”

By now, the officer checking the dash cam was returning, as were the two cops who were inspecting the contents of the U-Haul.

The latter stated, “There’s some furniture in the back of the truck, along with some paintings and a television.” Carter and Miles turned to glare at Cillian’s family with hateful disdain while they tried to avoid looking at the officers, while the former stepped up onto the porch, and he said, “I checked the footage and this one…” He nodded toward Liam, “Did instigate the altercation.”

“No!” Liam started to protest, but the officer stated, “Quiet. You put your hands on that young man first, he was well within his rights to defend himself.”

“Oh that is what we get for putting our trust in these pigs…” Fiona muttered in annoyance, to which the cops closest to her turned and the female officer said with a hint of warning in her voice, “I am going to assume that you are overwhelmed with the happenings of today and that is why you're not thinking clearly. Hence, we are going to ignore that insult.”

“However, in the meantime…” Another officer spoke up, “We are going to have to insist you remove all of the property from that truck and put it back where you found it….”

Fiona declared hotly, “We most certainly will NOT!”

“And…” The cop said as if she hadn’t spoken, which only served to infuriate the narcissistic woman even more so, “You are going to have to come down to the station with us.”

“For what!?” Liam shouted, and he was answered, “For breaking and entering? Attempted robbery? And, in your case, assault.”

“This is not right!” Fiona cried as the female officer stepped up and placed a hand on her arm to steer her off of the porch, “You take your hands off of me at once!”

And before she realized what she was doing, the older woman slapped the female cop right in the face! Everything screeched to an immediate halt the moment Fiona’s hand met the officer’s face! Even her own sons stared in disbelief at what their mother had just done! The female officer just turned around and in one fluid move, removed the handcuffs from her belt and stated, “And now you are being arrested for assaulting a police officer!”

“My mother is over seventy years old!” Conor protested, but the female officer who was placing a now weeping Fiona’s hands behind her back, “The law does not recognize age. You can come to the station for your mother just as soon as you move everything back into the house AND replace that lock on the door!”

That said, Conor and Liam gaped as their mother was led off of the porch in a hysterical state, while Carter and Miles watched with much satisfaction, fighting to smother the smiles on their faces. At the officers' insistence, Liam and Conor got to work as instructed, while the female officer who had looked at Carter’s hand turned to him.

“I don’t think anything is broken.” She smiled. “Just try not to make a habit of that, alright?”

Carter smiled in return and he and Miles watched as the officer joined the others to watch over Liam and Conor as they unloaded the truck and moved everything back inside of the house. Carter sighed and rested his head back against Miles’s chest.

“Are you sure you want to marry into this family?” Carter asked.

“Are you kidding?” Miles answered. “This is better than an episode of Coronation Street!” Causing Carter to close his eyes and snort back a laugh.

"The bravest thing you can be is yourself."

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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 09:41:56 PM »
No beef talk shoot (On-Camera)

"I'm not a big fan of doing response promos so I won't respond as much. If only we get in the ring and wrestle to show, not tell respect. Sadly I say this.

I hear you talk about hardcore wrestling isn't your thing. Fair enough, but it isn't wrestling? I want to ask you this, if you won't do hardcore wrestling, how are you going to evolve as a wrestler.

I understand your opinions, but understand I did ladders and weapon matches because I was thrown into them. But being in hardcore matches made me a better wrestler too. I learned a lot from Peter from doing them.

I do admire as you say many times about your SCU accomplishments and it's cool you've captured all the titles here. Granted, I'm the last person to talk about losses and hard ones you've had.

Have you thought of entering in the Blast For The Past Tournament? I suggest you could since you can go to win the entire tournament and win the whole thing. Anyway, good luck and may the top wrestler win as I don't believe in the terms best.