Author Topic: World Cup Fever  (Read 343 times)

Offline Ben Jordan

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World Cup Fever
« on: June 12, 2014, 08:22:42 AM »
 The sound of a hammer hitting a wall is heard as we fade in to the home of Ben Jordan and Emma Rose - The Las Vegas home - Talk about bad timing on booking with the World Cup coming up, so yeah, Vegas, not London.

The scene starts in the kitchen. Emma Rose sits at a large wooden table. Her fingers wrapped loosely around a cup as she stares in to the liquid inside. The hammering continues from a room coming off the kitchen, but Emma's eyes drift around the kitchen, her mind clearly in thought and blocking out all the sounds from the outside world. A huge thump from the other room snaps Emma out of her trance and the redheaded Kiwi sits up straight in her chair as the hammering from the other room continues to thump through the house.

Emma: What is going on in there?

Emma removes her fingers from the cup, pushing back the chair with her legs as she stands up straight. She turns around, moving the chair back in place as she moves past it and through the door behind her. She looks around the room as workers move around the living room, carrying tools towards their destination. She looks up to see Ben, notepad and pencil in hand, standing in the middle of this scene of chaos. Ben sketches something on the notepad as Emma approaches him from behind. She taps him on the shoulder.

Ben: Yeah, with ya in just a sec geezer, just writing a plan here for when the other stuff gets here.

Emma clears her throat, looking towards Ben.

Emma: What other stuff Benny Bear?

Ben looks up, a smile on his face.

Ben: Cor, that's the sexiest workman's voice I've ever heard. If the missus wasn't in the house, we could have fun.

Ben turns around, a cheeky smile on his face.

Ben: Hello baby, didn't see you there.

Emma grabs Ben's arm, twisting it with a pinch and looking at him.

Emma: Ben, what the hell is going on in here?

Emma puts her hands on her hips, looking at Ben with a stern look on her face.

Emma: Why is there two guys over there standing up ladders?

Ben turns his head around, looking at the two men Emma is referring to and looks back at Emma.

Ben: Well darling, they're up those ladders right? To make sure the sheet for the big projector is straight, cause that's where they're about to hang it up. It's gotta be straight or it will look like the pitch it wonky and we can't have a wonky pitch during the World Cup darling.

Emma: What projector Ben?

Ben: The one that's gonna go up there.

Ben points above his head.

Ben: Then it's gonna point at the screen and give us every World Cup game on a bigger, more focused picture. It's gonna look so good, you're gonna see the sweat fall off of Rooney's big Shrek like mush.

Emma: Ben! This is our living room!

Ben puts his hand on Emma's shoulder.

Ben: And it still will be, between games.

Emma pushes Ben's hand away from her shoulder as a knock on the door is heard. Ben calls out towards the door.

Ben: Come on in, it's open.

Three women walk in the room, carrying things under their arms, looking like cardboard cut outs, flags and banners.

Ben: Ah, blinding, you must be my decorating crew. You ladies just crack on and hang those flags and banners everywhere. Did you get the cut out?

One of the women hands Ben a cardboard cut out of someone. Ben admires it up and down.

Ben: Just what we need.

Emma: What the...

Ben: Sorry baby, lemme introduce you to someone. Emz this is David, David, this is the missus, Emma.

Ben turns the cut out around to show it as former England captain, and now general celebrity, David Beckham. Emma rolls her eyes at Ben.

Emma: How old are you again?

Ben: Old enough to know that this man is a legend of English football, it's only fitting that he be here during the World Cup.

Emma: You didn't wanna invite the real one?

Ben scratches the side of his head.

Ben: It's the World Cup baby, the real one is pretty busy at this time of the year, too busy to come and hang out with me and they boys to watch England play.

Emma: The boys?

Another knock on the door distracts Ben.

Ben: Just a second baby.

Ben leans down and kisses an unimpressed Emma on the top of the head.

Ben: Come on in.

A man walks through the door, wheeling in a huge fridge, standing at least six foot tall - the fridge, not the man.

Man: Where do you want this?

Ben looks down at the paper in his hand before looking back at the man. He points to a wall on the side of the room.

Ben: Just over there geez.

Man: Thanks. I will get the other one when I'm done with this one.

Ben: Cheers pal.

Emma's eyes widen and she puts her hands on the side of Ben's face, pulling his face to face hers. She looks deep in to his eyes.

Emma: Other one?

Emma squashes Ben's face. Ben speaks through his squashed lips.

Ben: Baby, fish lips is not a good look for me.

Emma moves her hands away from Ben's face, placing her hands firmly on her hips, looking up at Ben very sternly.

Ben: As I said, I got the boys coming over, we needed fridges in the living room to handle the amount of beer that will be drunk that day. You see, us English as you know, we love a bit of football, we love a bit of beer with the football, we love to sit and drink beer, while watching the football and calling the referee a wanker. We don't like missing football to get beer, so I got a couple of fridges here, near the projector, so that we can get up and get beer without missing the game.

A sarcastic tone fills Emma's voice as she looks away from Ben.

Emma: I'm surprised you didn't just hire butlers.

Ben curls the left side of his lip down, a curious look crosses his face.

Ben: Why didn't I think of that?

Emma turns her head back to Ben.

Emma: Because you decided to ruin our living room instead with projectors and big screens.

Ben slowly nods his head, but quickly shakes it, not exactly hearing Emma's words.

Ben: Nah, that's not what men do with football, we go and get the beer ourselves, don't have anyone bringing it to us unless we're in the pub and people have to bring it to you because those are the rules of the pub.

Emma: Ben, are you even listening to me?

Ben: Of course. Look, this will all get sorted soon.

Another knock on the door pulls Ben's attentions away from Emma.

Ben: Come in!

Two men walk in, carrying a sofa between them. Ben quickly looks down at the paper in his hand and points to another part of the room.

Ben: Just leave it over there gents.

The man at the back nods and Ben turns his attention back to Emma.

Emma: Don't tell me, two new sofas?

Ben: Erm, yeah, two new sofas after that one.

Emma: Three new sofas?!?!?! Benjamin, I do not swear very often, but you're getting me close.

A cheeky smile crosses Ben's face.

Ben: Getting you close, eh? Where have I heard that before?

Emma pushes Ben in the chest.

Emma: This is not a time for jokes Ben. Our living room looks like a bomb has gone off in it. You've done all this without even mentioning it to me. You keep saying the boys are coming round, but who are the boys?

Ben rubs his chin, looking down at Emma. He moves his hand to her shoulder and tilts his head, as if he's thinking.

Ben: Well there's Hot Stuff, Gabriel, I got a text from Jason Adams this morning, he'll be here if he can find the place. Jonesy is gonna try put in an appearance, Giani and some of his crew will be here, Spike is coming and seeing if NXT fancy it. Plus Mickey might put in an appearance, depending on how our alcohol fueled peace talks go. Anyone else who's up for it, can come here too.

Emma's eyes widen as she slowly shakes her head, this angry side rarely seen from SCW's Bombshell Roulette champion.

Emma: Are you out of your mind Ben? What if Steve Ramone turns up? Him and Gabriel are likely to wreck the house! You've invited people in to our home, who I don't like and don't trust! You're allowing people in to the place we call ours, for a stupid game, when they can destroy everything!

Emma turns her back on Ben, but Ben drops the paper and pen to the floor. He reaches behind Emma and puts his hands on her shoulders, moving his body close behind her and whispering in her ear.

Ben: Do you really think I would do this, if I didn't think it was safe? Everyone knows that this is about the football, not wrestling, this is about the beautiful game, and relaxing. Most of us have to work the day after anyway, so it will be football, a few beers, people will go home because we all have Climax Control on Sunday.

Emma sighs deeply

Emma: And what do you plan on doing about that on the wall?

The camera turns around to see a painting on the wall of Ben and Emma. Ben stands slightly to the side of Emma in the painting, both naked, but Ben's leg in front of Emma's front and arm around her upper body, covering Emma's modesty. Ben scratches his head, looking at the painting.

Ben: Probably get the piss ripped out of me forever.

Emma spins around, looking at Ben.

Emma: Wait, did you say Saturday?

Another distracting knock causes Ben to turn his attention towards the door way.

Ben: It's open.

Two men with trolleys stacked up with cases of beer walk in to the view of the camera.

Delivery guy: Other cases, liquor, wine and the two kegs are on the truck.

Ben: Nice one geez, if you just leave them in the corner right there, I'll sort them out later.

The men turn the trolleys towards where Ben nodded his head.

Emma: Ben...

Ben: It's only three cases of Fosters, two Carlsbergs, three Buds, two Guinness, a case of John Smith's bitter, a case of Magners cider, few bottles of red and white wine in case birds turn up, and a few top shelve things. Plus some soft drinks for anyone who don't get the old football and booze thing.

Emma: Not that, but that's a lot there. No ice though.

Ben: Shit, knew I'd forget something but don't worry, will fix that.

Emma: Ben, did you say this thing is on Saturday?

Ben: Yes baby.

Emma takes a step back, looking at Ben.

Ben: What?

Emma: You've arranged all this for Saturday?

Ben: Right.

Emma: You've forgotten, haven't you?

Ben looks blank, but Emma huffs.

Emma: Forget it Ben! Oh wait, you have already.

Emma storms out of the room, leaving Ben confused.

Ben: It's not her birthday.... not my birthday... it's not....

Ben's face drops.

Ben: Ah shit!

Ben moves in the same direction that Emma went as the scene fades out.

What did Ben forget? What has turned Emma from a ray of sunshine to what we've just seen? You know what I'm gonna say, right? You gotta wait and see when Emma's promo hits the air!

A little later, Ben sits down on the new sofa, people still rushing around him as they get things in to place. Ben sighs deeply as he looks slowly around the room.

Ben: Can't think with all this noise going on around me.

Ben clicks his fingers and the scene freezes, everyone stays perfectly still.

Ben: Been a while since I've done that, eh?

Ben leans back on the sofa, looking in to the camera.

Ben: I suppose we better get to talking about a certain little SCW match I have coming up and forget the footy for a while, right?

Ben nods his head firmly.

Ben: I've been in a few teams in my life, especially since my feet hit the ground in SCW. I've teamed with Mickey Carroll, Jordan Williams and even the champ himself, Simon Jones on a couple of occasions and on Sunday, back in the tag team division, teaming with Thomas Knight.

He swings around, putting his feet up on the sofa.

Ben: I'm a team player, I don't mind doing the tag team thing. Tag teams are under rated as it goes. I mean there's been some cracking teams in the past, cracking teams in SCW's history, Sinful Obsession and Blood Omen just to name a couple. Those two teams had amazing amounts of credibility and I'm looking for the same in a way. Since I got here with a big reputation, it's no secret that thing ain't exactly taken off in the way I wanted them to, and this tag thing is the match to my petrol and it's time to light things up and kick start this SCW career.

Ben flicks his hair back from his forehead.

Ben: And this is the way to do it. Tommy and I are taking on another lethal lottery team in the form of Jeremiah Hardin and Eric Steel.... Steel without an E on the end.... that's for the guy who writes the preview. This is a little challenge because these two fella's haven't been seen a lot of late, so it's like stepping in to the unknown.

Ben: I know Hardin has been on the roster a bit, but seemed a bit quiet, and Eric is just returning, so it's unknown there. I wasn't in SCW when Eric was around, but the geezer seems alright. It's a big night for Eric, he comes back to SCW after months out and he wants to make a huge impact on things, he wants to come on out there and show that he can do this, that he still has something there to make the people sit up and listen, to make them pay to see you, but that's exactly what I wanna do. I wanna physically drag tag team wrestling in to the new ages and to do that, I have to get past you in a little bit of style and I think I got that in me. This match is all about proving something. Me and Tommy boy have gotta prove we deserve to be in that ring, Hardin needs to prove why he has a roster spot when he has done nothing but quiet, but Mr Steel has more to prove than most. He has to prove why he was brought back. Sorry Eric mate, I don't think that's gonna happen.

Ben spins his feet back around, planting them on the floor.

Ben: Then the quiet one, Jeremiah Hardin. Gotta level with ya geezer, not sure why you're actually still about when there's so many people dying for an SCW contract and you sit there all quiet. You do have a hell of a lot to prove here in this match but the thing is Jerry, it's not gonna happen in this match, because it's time for me to get me foot on the ladder again and start to climb. It's my time to jump on up and go do something worth while. I gotta level with ya Jerry, you seem like a bit of a bottle job. It wasn't too long ago, you was given a heavyweight title match and no one heard a word from ya. Come on, who gets a title shot at the biggest title in our business and bottles it? Come on Jerry, I thought you was better than that.

Ben shakes his head.

Ben: This is redemption for you two, but this is my chance, this is Tommo's chance to step on up, and I dunno about him, but I ain't letting you people down. I am coming to win, and I will do just that. This is a chance for us to be noticed. We're gonna take it.

Ben stands up.

Ben: Anyway, It's time to let you crack on with what you're doing people and I gotta go and make some stuff up to Emz, so you lot have a good 'un, and I will see you all in that ring on Sunday.

Ben winks at the camera.

Ben: Laters people!

Ben clicks his fingers and the scene unfreezes and the people working on the living room, start to move, getting back to work.

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen