Author Topic: Charity Doesn't Always Begin At Home  (Read 404 times)

Offline Ben Jordan

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Charity Doesn't Always Begin At Home
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:37:27 AM »
 What a weird week if your name is Ben Jordan. First, the guy you've been training spits on you... literary. Then you go from not being in the Blast From The Past Tournament, to being in the Blast From The Past Tournament, to getting involved in a tag team title debate, to watching your girlfriend and tag team partner crash of out of the aforementioned tournament. You think all that stuff was bad, he's gotta be in the same ring as Jamie Dean next week. You might need a long vacation after this one Ben. Talk about your weeks from hell. Anyway, seems to be looking better, right Ben?

The inside of a limousine is seen, long seats fill either side, but only two people fill those seats, one on either side. On the right side of the screen, Ben Jordan is sitting, dressed in a black suit, a white shirt, and a thin cut black tie. On his feet, expensive looking shiny shoes. Opposite him, sits Emma Rose. The New Zealand born redhead, has her hair tied up on top of her head, as well as a long designer red dress, and red shoes to match, looking every bit a lady of elegance. She looks at Ben, her eyes narrowed, and a very unimpressed look on her face.

Emma: Why won't you tell me where we're going?

Ben leans forward in his seat, leaning over enough to put his hand on Emma's hand.

Ben: I did tell you sweetheart, we're going to a charity event.

Emma rolls her eyes at Ben, pulling her hand away.

Emma: I know, but what charity event?

Ben: A new charity, I don't even know it's name, but we got invited and we're free, you look fantastic, I look like a penguin, it's gonna be a giggle.

Emma: Are you hiding something from me Ben?

Ben puts his head back, straightening his neck as he looks at Emma.

Ben: Why would I do that?

Emma: Because you hid the fact that you was entering the Blast From The Past II tournament.

Ben: I didn't. I just didn't know until Sunday. People drop out, it's not like I hid it from you. It's been a week from hell with that scumbag Andrew Garcia gobbing in my face, I just wanted to forget wrestling for a while. It was a wanky night, so I just never mentioned it.

Emma: So you hid it?

Ben looks away from Emma for a few seconds before looking back.

Ben: No, just never mentioned it. Here's what happened....

Climax Control - Last Sunday.

Ben sits on a sofa, backstage in a room. A large television is on the wall, showing the action live from the arena. Various other stars sit around, looking at the show as it unfolds live. Ben watches the screen, but Christian Underwood sits down behind him. Ben turns his attention to Christian.

Christian: Hey Ben.

Ben: What's up Christian?

Christian: Can I talk to you for a minute?

Ben: Sure, what's on your mind?

Christian: This tournament. Kain's gone and we've decided to take another name out of it, because of lack of activity, so we have a couple of spots open. Would you be interested in one?

Ben: Not really.

Ben's instant answer surprises Christian, the look on his face showing shock with wide eyes.

Christian: Just like that?

Ben: Just like that.

Christian scratches his head, not expecting the response he just received.

Christian: May I ask why?

Ben: I'm not a tournament guy, never been a fan of them.

Christian: You won the Super J Cup tournament last year.

Ben: I only entered it to represent ACW. J.J came to me, asked me to do it, he knew I could win it and really raise the profile for the company. Me winning it here wouldn't have the same effect on SCW. Besides, Emma's involved, Jordan's involved, I wanna sit and watch them do their thing, rather then get involved myself.

Christian: You don't want to wrestle?

Ben: I want to wrestle mate, that's why I'm here, but take a look at last year. A well known couple almost fell out because of this tournament, being on separate teams. I ain't putting myself at risk for that. Emz is a competitive bird. You know, she's gone off to get ready for this one and I've been banned from bugging her, just so she can focus? Having me in it, will throw her off her game, and I don't wanna do that. I want Emz or Jordan to win this thing. Jordan deserves to defend his championship, and Emz deserves this to kick her in to the main event in the women's division, for some freshness. Those winning will be better than me.

Christian: Freshness?

Ben: Yeah, Gothika's had the belt for how long? And if you go back and give a shot to someone else who's done it before, and they win, it's gonna be dull. Emz winning this tournament, you can't stop her from moving up to the top title and she is good enough to win it.

Christian: Interesting, you see yourself as a threat to her.

Ben: In the mind, yeah. I'm not a selfish bloke, I want what's good for her, have done for years.

Christian: She's a nice lady, I think she wants what's best for you too Ben, and I think she'd love to see you win. At least think about it.

Ben: I'll think about it.

Fade back in to the limo. Emma looks at Ben, a stern look on her face.

Emma: That explains nothing.

Ben: It explains I wasn't interested, and then I started thinking about wanting to make you proud of me. I'm always gonna be proud of you, but want you to feel proud of me, so I thought I would try and make you proud. Done bugger all here to be proud of. I came in with people expecting something from me and I've been a dud, so I thought I'd try and make you proud. That partly why I jumped at the chance to get involved in that tag title thing.

Back to Climax Control... a little later then before.

Ben stands behind the curtain, when Jordan Williams approaches him.

Jordan: What's up Bro?

Ben turns around to see Jordan.

Ben: Not much, you ready for your match?

Jordan: Yeah, I'm ready, defending the title.

Ben: I got faith in ya mate.

Ben and Jordan turn their heads as Guns For Hire walks past them, Landon Axel and Ethan Brody looking at Ben and Jordan. The two get to the curtain as The End starts playing.

Ben: If looks could kill, eh?

Jordan nods in agreement. Ben and Jordan listen in silence to the exchange between Guns For Hire and champions, Jon Dough and Lucian Frost.

Ben: I like the champs. Good people.

Jordan: Yeah bro, good guys.

Erik Staggs charges over to Ben and Jordan, panting for breath.

Erik: You... two... get out there.

Erik forces a microphone in to Ben's chest and points to the curtain.

Jordan: Why?

Erik: Because I got a message from the higher ups to get you out there and get involved.

Ben: Are you pulling my plonker here?

Erik looks confused at Ben and turns to Jordan.

Erik: What did he say?

Jordan: He said are you yanking his chain?

Erik: No, just go.

Erik turns to the production manager, standing next to the curtain.

Erik: Hit one of their music, I don't care which one!

"I Know It Hurts" plays in the distance.

Ben: I smell a rat here.

Jordan shrugs his shoulders.

Ben: Why would Erik Staggs, the notorious bastard just throw us in to get involved with the champs?

Jordan: Damned if I know.

Ben: So what do we do?

Jordan points at the curtain.

Back in the limo, Ben moves across to Emma, sitting next to her.

Ben: And you watched the rest. I was like a deer in the headlights, I didn't know what to say. I had Jordan whispering stuff in me lug hole and I was giving it me Cockney spin. I had no clue, Jordan had no clue we was gonna be out there. I was waiting out there to see if you was gonna come wandering past.

Emma turns her head away from Ben, but Ben puts his arms around her, kissing her neck. Emma tries to stop a smile from crossing her face.

Ben: Gotta make ya proud one way or the other.

Before Emma can respond, the car stops. Ben looks out of the window.

Ben: We're here sweetheart.

Ben moves his arms away from her and Emma spins her body. She lifts her hands up, straightening Ben's tie and jacket.

Emma: I'm proud of you without the need to over work yourself.

Ben leans in to kiss Emma, but the limo door opens. Ben points to the door and Emma nods. Ben steps out first, holding his hand back and taking Emma's hand, helping her out of the car. A flash of cameras instantly light up the dimly lit sky. Emma looks at Ben.

Emma: This doesn't look like any normal charity event.

Ben winks at Emma as the two get to the door and step inside.

Ben: Who said anything about normal?

As soon as the two walk in, Ben instantly moves towards a set up stage area. Emma grips Ben's hand tightly and keeps pace with him.

Ben: Oh look darling, a stage and microphone. I'll be back.

Ben lifts Emma's hand, quickly kissing it before releasing it and walking to the stage. As he climbs up the steps, a hush of anticipation covers the room. Emma looks up at Ben from near the front of the stage, unsure what to make from Ben's eagerness to get on the stage.

Ben: I don't need to go through the "hi, most of you know me" part, because well, I was the fella that sent out all the invitations to have you lovely people here.

Ben smiles and clears his throat.

Ben: Well, you all know that you're here for the unveiling of a new charity, one that is gonna make a difference to people all over the world.

Emma looks up at Ben on the stage, a look on confusion on her face. Ben takes the microphone from the podium.

Ben: Never did like to stand at those things.

Ben casually walks up and down the stage.

Ben: Every day of my life, I come across a lot of people, a lot of people with one thing in common, money. More money then they can spend in one lifetime. From television people, to large business owners, people willing to put ten grand in my pocket, just to sign my name on a few pictures of yours truly. In this room right now, there is a combined wealth of more than most countries would see in a hundred years. Now that us a lot of money. It gets me thinking, gets the wheels turning in me head about something and you can ask yourself the same thing here, but where would we be without the chances we got?

The crowd begin to mumble amongst themselves. Ben waits for a few seconds.

Ben: If the money wasn't sitting there, if we never had silver spoons or the education, where would we be now?

The crowd mumble once more, but Ben continues.

Ben: We wouldn't be in this room right now. A lot of people will never be in a room like this in their life times, because they'll never have the chances like we did, but we can change that.

Ben walks along the stage a little more.

Ben: A few weeks ago, a work colleague went on television, with hundreds of thousands watching world wide, to tell them the story of his sick nephew, and I felt for him. People like us, we can afford the best, but I'm not a doctor, I'm not a scientist, I can't cure disease with my own two hands, but I can make a difference to children's lives all over the world, and give them a chance to become doctors, and scientists, and give them a shot of curing diseases. I can give them a chance to have better education and better lives and so can you.

Ben looks seriously at the people in attendance, who look back at him.

Ben: This is why I am bringing you this.

Ben points up at a screen behind him, which lights up with the words "The Emma Rose Children's Foundation". Ben looks at Emma, who's mouth is wide open in surprise. Ben smiles and turns back to the crowd.

Ben: So why The Emma Rose Children's Foundation? You're probably aware who Emma Rose is, but I see a lot more than you do about her. I get to look in her eyes and see her full of life, I see her with a lust and a passion for life and this is what people should have the chance at getting. They deserve the chance to have a love for living and putting themselves in a position to make a change and live with a smile and not worry where they're gonna be in ten years time. Every child deserves to have that passion, and we have a chance to give them the very best opportunities.

The crowd start to applaud.

Ben: Poor education, poor living conditions, not having what we had is the reason people grow up to hate life. This is why so many young people turn to drugs, and crime. What's the point of putting them in prison, when we can stop this at grass roots level? We can give people the will to live, and stop fighting to survive.

The crowd continue to clap. Ben smiles, hiding the surprise on his face.

Ben: We can put money towards schools that need it, we can put money in the hands of orphanages, to give everyone the same chance as so many here got. We make money in interest without even having to get out of bed, it's time to put it to good use, it's time to give more children a better fighting chance. We can make the world a better place by sharing the wealth and I will be putting my money where my mouth is.

Ben reaches in to the inside of his pocket, pulling out a cheque.

Ben: Two hundred thousand dollars, two hundred grand. Every last penny will be going to help the children that need it, the schools, the orphanages, the children's wards on hospitals, the government branches that keep kids safe. That is where every penny will be going to, that is what will make the world a much better place.

Ben pauses as more claps and cheers are heard. He looks down at a surprised Emma.

Ben: Ten grand to some people is peanuts, sport stars earn that every time they sneeze. Do they help others? Not many do, they wanna go and buy big houses with gold toilets. They got the chances to have the urge to sit their arses on those gold thrones, it's time to give others the same change. Some of you lot lose more playing cards at the weekend, then most people earn in a year.

The crowd laugh, some of the men getting stern looks from the women.

Ben: So here's what I'm gonna ask you all to do. Have a weekend off from playing cards, watch a movie or two with the missus, take that money you would have lost, and donate it to The Emma Rose Children's Foundation and give someone else a chance to be winning in life.

Another round of applause is heard, as Ben moves back to the podium, placing the microphone back.

Ben: So come on, start digging down the back of your sofa's for look hundred dollar bills, get over there to all the donation boxes being brought out now, empty your pockets and go change someone's life.

Ben winks.

Ben: I've been Ben Jordan, enjoy your night.

Ben bows his head as the crowd clap and music starts to play in the background. He walks to the edge of the stage and towards Emma.

Ben: So what do you think?

Emma stops to think about her answer, before licking her glossed lips.

Emma: I can’t believe you did this?

Ben: Is that a I’m mad at you ‘I can’t believe you did this?’ or is that a happy one?

Emma wraps her arms around her boyfriend giving him a tight squeeze.

Emma: It’s a happy one.

Ben: But?

Emma: Are you sure, what if I let you down? I’m speechless but am I the right image for a children’s charity… I mean, I am famous for some pretty outrageous photo-shoots more so for my wrestling and…

Ben: Not about how money is made darling, it's about how the money is spent.

Emma: You’re going to help me do this right?

Ben: Of course, together we can’t fail.

Looking up at him lovingly Emma smiles before planting a soft kiss on his lips.

Emma: I love you, you know that right?

Ben: I do. I love you too. You know why I picked that name?

Emma: Why?

Ben: Most beautiful name I can think of.

Emma leans in to kiss Ben, but Ben puts a finger on her nose.

Ben: Hold on gorgeous. Lemme cut a promo thing now.

Emma moves her head back.

Emma: Right now?

Ben: Yep, because I don't wanna be disturbed later.

Ben winks at Emma and then clicks his fingers and the scene freeze. He looks at Emma, kissing her on the nose and looks back at the camera.

Ben: Right SCW fans, time to have a chin wag with you guys. First off, you can donate too to this charity, really is a pukka one, and will help a lot of kids who need it. Spare a dollar, spare two, all goes to helping, alright?

Ben jets a thumb up.

Ben: So you see earlier how I ended in the ol' mix tag tournament. Being mixed tag, puts me in a bit of a mixed mood, ya know? Only bird I want at the end of me hand is me missus, but I ain't gonna complain about who I'm teamed with. I mean this tournament breeds mistrust, last year showed that with a few teams but I think I'm bang on lucky with my partner. I get to team with an honorable lady, can not knock that for a second. Song, it's my bang up pleasure to have you on me team girl.

Ben turns his head.

Ben: Noticed a few names getting banded around for teams, with a lot of name shortening. Guess that would make us Team Bong....

Ben smiles.

Ben: Stoners are gonna love us.... annnnnnnyway.

Ben straightens up his tie.

Ben: Kinda in a little bit of an awkward position here with one of my opponents, and hope not to be put in one by the other opponent.

Ben puts his hand on his head.

Ben: Knew I'd bloody get him first.

He looks up at the camera.

Ben: I'm in an awkward position because of Vixen really. I know I haven't got to be in the ring with her and all that, but former stable mates and all, met while knocking around some place not worth remembering. I gave up a title shot if you have a good memory against Vixen and gave it to me mate Jonesy who went and won it from her. If anything, this could be her only chance to beat me in the ring. It's awkward going against Spike's bird here, but sorry Vix darling, wanna win this one as much as you do and I plan on being the one walking out with the win.

Ben points the left side of his lower lip down.

Ben: Anyway, lets talk about the elephant in the room. The faves are out of this thing.

Ben looks at Emma, still frozen in place, and runs his thumb down her cheek. He looks at her sympathetically.

Ben: Sorry sweetheart.

He turns back to the camera.

Ben: Everyone put Emma and Giani down to win this thing, everyone. Half the teams in this thing was happy to avoid them because they knew the end result. But the shock of the year happened and now this thing is wide open. It's anyone's game, Vegas bookies don't know what to do anymore because now it's open. Now I'd admit, I didn't wanna be in this thing, no point lying about it, learned from a young age that lying could cause ya pants to unexplainably set on fire, but now, it's game on, it's all open. Now part of me does wanna go on and win this thing, part of me wants to get out there and show people that I got the quality. I'll be the first to admit, since I got here, not lived up to expectations. A lot was riding on me when I got here and I haven't lived up to it yet, but that changes now, and it starts with...

Ben sighs

Ben: Jamie Dean.

Ben slowly shakes his head.

Ben: All the bloody people in SCW, at a 7 to 1 shot, I get Jamie Dean. You know Jamie, you've caused a bit of a stir here and you haven't even been in a match yet. Got them all whipped up and waiting for ya mate, but put it this way Jamie, you're not getting out of the starting blocks here. Everyone is waiting to see what you got, but can ya perform under pressure?

Ben smiles.

Ben: Yeah, I know what I did there, it was intentional. I get your game Jamie, I see what you're all about, little bit of ring psychology going on there, get in peoples heads before you get in the ring. I get it, but you're not getting in mine, you're not worrying me. You're a gimmick, a bloke designed to toy with people, throw them off, try to force them in to mistakes, but gimmicks can not replace reality geezer, gimmicks can not replace the realism of someone. Feet on the ground here mate, heads not up in the clouds. People saw you, they saw the videos, it made their skin crawl, won't lie, did the same to me, but since I found out I was facing you, been all business in my dome mate.

Ben points to his head.

Ben: All business like and focused Jamie. I'm really for your cheap mind games, ready for the unsettling tricks, I might have a few of my own up my sleeve. Jamie, this is gonna be a really unhappy debut for you son, really unhappy. Now I've got a night to get back to son.

Ben points behind him with his thumb.

Ben: I'll see you Sunday. You lot can enjoy my new entrance video after this promo. Laters people.

Ben clicks his fingers and the scene starts to move again before fading out and the entrance video to start.

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Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen