Author Topic: An Early Arrival  (Read 1790 times)

Offline O Malley

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    • O'Malley
An Early Arrival
« on: July 08, 2015, 08:08:38 PM »
 Wednesday July 8th
Misty’s Home- Las Vegas
The Painful Truth

All is quiet on the home front these days for SCW’s Original Bombshell, Misty.  Aside from being twenty-five weeks pregnant with her second child-a son-the iconic Bombshell has been doing her best to enjoy her retirement and looking forward to the birth of her little boy.  It hasn’t been easy, though, as just a week after finding out she was pregnant and informing the baby’s father, O’Malley, he was involved in awful accident in his homeland of Ireland.  Needless to say, the last Misty knew, he was due to be removed from life support, but she couldn’t stick around to see it happen.

Ever since then, she has had to deal with experiencing this pregnancy alone.  Sure, she had her family and friends, but she had hoped O’Malley could be around to experience this with her and then to raise their son together.  Sadly, life had other plans.  And so did this pregnancy, as the stress of everything around her had begun to take its toll and she had been experiencing problems early on.  And due to the scares she had already had, the pregnancy was deemed high-risk and she was forced to be even more cautious and take it easy.  For anyone who knows Misty, they also know that that is easier said than done.

The past few weeks, however, she’s done very well at keeping as relaxed as possible.  Her youngest sister, Dixie, has even moved back to Las Vegas with her new boyfriend, as the two found their own apartment not far from Misty’s new condo so Dixie could check in on her sister from time to time.  

Today, though, Misty seems to be doing just fine by herself.  As the days and weeks tick by, drawing her due date closer, Misty has decided that now is as good a time as any to start prepping the baby’s nursery.  The room is mostly empty at the moment as she stands in the center of the room, staring at a few color samples she painted on to the wall.  Her arms are folded across her chest and she’s staring, completely baffled and shaking her head.

Misty: This would be a hell of a lot easier if your father was around, little man.  You know that?  I remember bickering with Spike while I was trying to set up Eden’s nursery.

She lets out a slight laugh and runs her hand over her growing baby bump as she continues to decide between the three colors.

Misty: Though I’m sure if O’Malley were here he’d let me do whatever.

As she let’s O’Malley’s name slip out of her mouth, she frowns and is overcome by sadness.  She takes in another deep breath and fights back tears and just as she is going to take a break and walk out of the room, her cell phone rings.  She takes the few steps towards the chair it is placed and looks at the screen.  Her eyes light up as she sees who is calling her and she quickly answers the phone, putting it on speaker.

Misty: Mrs. O’Reilly!  It’s so great to hear from you!

Mrs. O’Reilly: Likewise, dearie.  I’ve been thinkin’ about ye for several weeks now.  How’re ye feelin’ dear?

Misty shrugs as she gets back to staring at the paint samples on the wall.

Misty: Aside from this little boy kicking my bladder several times a day, I’m actually feeling pretty good.  I just started working on the nursery today.  How are things with you?

Mrs. O’Reilly goes silent for a few moments as if she is contemplating something.  Misty raises an eyebrow and just as she is about to speak up again, Mrs. O’Reilly breaks her silence.

Mrs. O’Reilly: Oh, I’m doin’ just fine, dearie.  Missin’ yer beautiful face around these parts, but I know ye can’t be travelin’ in yer condition.  

Misty: Don’t worry about that, Mrs. O’Reilly.  As soon as I can after little man is born, I plan to bring him there so you all can meet him.  He’ll know his Irish heritage, I promise.

Mrs. O’Reilly goes silent again and this time, Misty doesn’t let it slide.  She turns away from the wall and the color samples for a moment, giving Mrs. O’Reilly her full attention now.

Misty: Alright, Mrs. O’Reilly, what’s going on?  The last couple of times I’ve spoken to you, you’ve seemed a bit…odd.  I know something is up, so please just tell me what it is.

Mrs. O’Reilly: Everything is fine, dearie.  Don’t ye be letting yerself get worried.  The stress isn’t good for ye right now.

Misty: Yes, I know that, but you’re keeping something from me.  That doesn’t help me worry any less.  

Mrs. O’Reilly: Misty, dear, ye need to focus on ye and that baby.  Everything is fine here.  I’m dealing with it, and ye’ll know soon enough.

Misty cocks her head to the side, now unable to keep herself from worrying.

Misty: Mrs. O’Reilly…Please…

Mrs. O’Reilly draws in a deep breath and Misty prepares herself for the worst.  She clutches her cell phone in her hand, and slowly rubs her belly, trying to keep herself calm.

Mrs. O’Reilly: Ye’ll get all the answers ye need if ye call Tommy’s Pub.  I’m sure he’d love to hear from ye, dearie.

Misty: Tommy?  What does Tommy have to do with any of this?

Misty can hear a few people walk into the background, obviously patrons of Mrs. O’Reilly’s Inn.

Mrs. O’Reilly: I’d love to chat longer with ye dearie, but I have to go now.  Ye need to call Tommy’s Pub, okay?  I’ll talk to ye soon, dearie!

Misty: Mrs. O’Reilly!  Wait!  Don’t—

But it’s too late.  Mrs. O’Reilly hangs up on the other end, leaving Misty more confused then ever.  She wastes no time in going through her contacts, pulling up the number to Tommy’s Pub.  International charges be damned, she was going to get to the bottom of what was going on.  The phone rings a few times before Tommy’s familiar voice picks up on the other end.

Tommy: Oi!  Tommy speaking!

Tommy has to speak a bit loudly as the local regulars are having a good time downing several pints.

Misty: Tommy?  Hey, it’s Misty!  What is going on there?

Tommy: Who’d ye say this is?  Oi!  O’Malley I think ye’ve had enough, mate!

Misty’s face suddenly sinks as she hears Tommy say O’Malley’s name.

Misty: W-who were you just talking to, Tommy?  Who were you just yelling at?!

Tommy: I asked ye who ye were, love..

Misty: It’s Misty you idiot!  Now who the fuck were you just yelling at?!

Tommy: Misty?  Misty?!  Oooh….shite….

Everything in the background suddenly goes quiet and Misty knows…she knows just who Tommy was yelling at.

Misty: Put him on the phone, Tommy.  You put O’Malley on the phone!

Tommy: Ye…Ye’ve got the wrong O’Malley, love.  This is Ireland ye know!

Misty: Bullshit!  Everything got quiet when you said my name and I know that bastard is there!  

Tommy: I…I don’t know what to tell ye, love.

Misty: Fine.  You tell that bastard that I’m getting on the next flight there!  I want to look that piece of shit in his eyes.

Misty doesn’t give Tommy a chance to respond as she ends the call and bolts out of the nursery and down the hall to her room.  She grabs a suitcase from out of her closet and rushes through her clothes, tossing them into the opened suitcase now on her bed.  She’s not thinking clearly or rationally and as she rushes around the room, she stops suddenly, grabbing her belly and her face contorting in pain.  She reaches for her dresser just a few feet away, leaning against it and screaming out in pain.  

Just as this happens, the door to her condo opens and Dixie walks inside with her boyfriend.  He’s holding a few bags of groceries and when Dixie hears Misty’s pained cries, she runs down the hall and to Misty’s room.

Dixie: Misty?  Misty!  What’s wrong?!

Dixie bursts through Misty’s bedroom door to find Misty crouched on the floor against her dresser clutching her stomach.  She’s breathing heavily and tears are flowing down her face.

Misty: He’s…he’s…alive.  Dixie…he’s…alive.

Dixie: What?  Who’s alive?  Dean!  Get in here!

Misty looks into her sister’s eyes and not only is the physical pain evident, but the mental anguish is as well.

Misty: O’Malley…He’s…AHHH!

Misty lurches forward as the pain shoots through her abdomen.

Misty: Something…something’s wrong, Dixie.  Oh God…

Dixie: Shhh…calm down, Misty.  Everything is going to be okay.

Dixie’s boyfriend, Dean, comes rushing into the room, staring down at Dixie and Misty.  Dixie takes one look at him and he can see the concern in her eyes.

Dixie: Call an ambulance…Now!

Dean just nods once and quickly pulls his cell phone from out of his pocket, calling 9-1-1.  Dixie turns back to her sister, doing the best she can to keep her calm.

Dixie: Deep breaths, Misty.  Everything is going to be fine, do you hear me?  You and that baby are going to be just fine.  

Misty cries out in pain again and deep down, Dixie knows that her words might not be true.  She knows that something is very wrong and the longer they wait for an ambulance, the more likely that Misty’s baby…just might not survive.


Two hours later…

Several members of Misty’s family have gathered in the waiting area of the labor and delivery floor of the hospital.  As soon as they got to the hospital, Dixie called everyone she could to let them know what was going on.  Their sister Desiree was there along with Misty and Desiree’s mother, Colleen.  Dixie had called Spike and Vixen to let them know but they had decided to hold off on telling Eden the news until they got word of Misty’s condition.  Dixie’s boyfriend, Dean, is doing his best to console his girlfriend as they all wait patiently to hear from Misty’s doctor.

Dean: Don’t worry babe.  I’m sure everything is going to be okay.  

Dixie: You don’t know that, Dean.  My nephew could be…

Dixie can’t even speak the words and she chokes back tears.  Dean wraps his arm around her, embracing her as comforting as he can.

Desiree: How long are they going to make us wait?  One of us should have been allowed back there with her for crying out loud.  She was freaked out enough.

Colleen: Desiree, now is not the time.  In emergency situations like this, it’s understandable that we can’t be back there.

Dixie: Why haven’t we heard anything yet?  We should have heard something by now!

Dixie only begins to worry more but her questions are about to be answered as Misty’s doctor suddenly appears in the waiting room.  Everyone stands up and approaches him, all eagerly waiting for word on Misty’s and the baby’s conditions.

Dixie: Dr. Lord, how is she?  How is the baby?

Dr. Lord holds up his hands, silencing them before he is overwhelmed with questions.

Dr. Lord: I wish I had better news for you all…

Dixie: Oh…Oh no…

Dr. Lord: Before you assume the worst, please don’t.  Misty is in stable condition and she is in recovery right now.

Misty’s mother takes a step forward.

Colleen: Recovery?  Wait…that means…

Dr. Lord nods his head.

Dr. Lord: Unfortunately we had to do an emergency C-Section.  This wasn’t just a matter of stopping contractions like the last time.  She suffered a placental abruption and we had to deliver the baby.

Desiree: What…what does that mean for the baby?  She wasn’t due for another three months!

Dr. Lord: He was very premature, yes, but there is hope.  He’s critical, but he’s in the NICU as we speak.  But I won’t lie to you.  It will be touch and go for a while.

Colleen: When can we see Misty?  

Dr. Lord: In about an hour.  There were more complications after the delivery which is what took us a bit longer than expected, but I’ll allow you back there one at a time in about an hour.  

Dixie breaks down in tears and sobs into Dean’s arms as Desiree and Colleen return to their seats.  Dean rubs Dixie’s back and as Dr. Lord disappears through the double doors, they’re all left waiting again.  

Waiting and praying for Misty’s premature little boy to survive.


An hour later…

Once Misty is out of recovery and into a room, Dr. Lord gives the okay for Misty’s family to see her.  Dixie demands to be the first back, and neither her sister nor her stepmother argue with her.  Dixie is led back to Misty’s room and before she steps inside, she takes in a deep breath and composes herself because she knows she will need to be strong for her sister and her newborn nephew.  She taps on the door lightly before walking inside.

Dixie: Misty?  It’s me…It’s Dixie.

Not a word from Misty as Dixie slowly makes her way into the room.  She closes the door behind her and walks to the foot of Misty’s bed.  Misty is awake and she looks like a trainwreck.

Misty: I…I couldn’t even see him, Dixie.  He didn’t cry.  Didn’t make a sound before they were rushing him off to the NICU.  What have I done?

Dixie: This isn’t your fault, Misty.  These things…they happen.  But your baby boy is alive.  He’s a fighter just like his mommy.

Misty: He’s not even two pounds, Dixie.  I didn’t see him, but they told me.  How could I let this happen?  

Misty looks away as she begins to cry again, but Dixie quickly rushes over to her side to comfort her.

Dixie: Listen to me.  This is not your fault, you hear me?

Misty: No?  I knew I had to keep myself from getting so stressed, yet I didn’t do enough to stop it.  I was too angry and hurt and worried about rushing off to Ireland—

Dixie: Tell me what happened.  You said O’Malley is alive, but I couldn’t ask you about it further.

Misty shakes her head.  She grabs a tissue from the table directly next to her and wipes her eyes.

Misty: It doesn’t matter.  That bastard is alive in Ireland and now my son is fighting for his life.  

Dixie: He’s going to pull through this, Misty.  He’s your son.  He’s a fighter.

Misty: He’s in that damn incubator because of me, Dixie!  My son could die because I didn’t fight for him like I should have!

Dixie: Misty, please just calm down—

Misty turns her head quickly and glares at her sister.

Misty: That little boy is my last shot, Dixie!  He’s my last hope of having a son!

Dixie: What?  What are you talking about?

Misty: There were complications, Dixie.  They couldn’t stop the fucking bleeding so they had to do a hysterectomy.  So that means no more kids for me.

Dixie’s jaw drops at hearing this latest bad news and as she reaches for Misty’s hand, Misty pulls it away.

Misty: Just leave me alone, Dixie.  And tell whoever else might be here that I don’t want any visitors right now.

Dixie: Misty, you need—

Misty: Don’t tell me what I fucking need, Dixie.  What I need is to be left alone so I can rest.  Having you people cry and tell me how sorry you are or try to reassure me…that’s not going to help me.

Dixie goes silent for a moment, but she doesn’t move.  Misty glares at her and points to the door.

Misty: Go, Dixie!  Just leave me alone!

Before Dixie has a chance to say or do anything, a nurse rushes into the room.

Nurse: What is going on in here?  

Misty: Nothing.  My sister was just leaving.

Dixie: I’m…I’m so sorry, Misty.

Dixie then turns and walks away, crying as she walks out of the room.  Misty closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath as the nurse walks over to check on her IV bags and pain medication, but the only thing on Misty’s mind is her son.  Her premature born little boy that she hasn’t even laid eyes on yet is fighting for his life on another part of the floor and all she wants to do is tell him Mommy is sorry…and Mommy loves him.