Author Topic: Griffin Hawkins (c) V Travis Levitt  (Read 1738 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
Griffin Hawkins (c) V Travis Levitt
« on: February 02, 2020, 05:04:47 AM »
 All roleplays for this match go in this thread.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week, per character. 10,000 word limit.

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

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No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Griffin Hawkins

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    • Griffin Hawkins
Griffin Hawkins (c) V Travis Levitt
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2020, 10:47:34 PM »
  This was a match I took seriously. I was going up against a man who I beat to start my reign in the first place. I spent most of the afternoon at home, watching my previous matches with him in the living room. Soon I heard the footsteps of my brother come into the room. I don't even look at him as I am watching my previous matches with Travis Levitt.

Charles Hawkins: Hey bro, hows it hanging?

Griffin Hawkins: Eh, I'm good.

I don't even pay any attention to him. I just continue watching our Into The Void match, making sure I see his every move.

Charles Hawkins: Nice weather we're having lately...

Griffin Hawkins: Yeah, cool.

Charles Hawkins: ...Motley Crue is considering asking you to perform with them this summer..

I immediately turned to him.

Griffin Hawkins: Huh? Wha?

Charles Hawkins: Not really, just thought I'd get your attention.

Griffin Hawkins: Not cool man...seriously.

Charles Hawkins: What are you doing watching a rerun?

Griffin Hawkins: I'm facing Travis once again...dude's coming for my title.

Charles Hawkins: What's to study? You've already beaten got this in the bag.

Griffin Hawkins: Dude that way of thinking is gonna get me beat..he may be more ready this time.

He sits down next to me, watching the fight. He sees him land a kick right at my head.

Charles Hawkins: Oh man! He really knocked you for a loop there.

Griffin Hawkins: I could eat solid foods for days after that...dude kicks like a mule, that's what I gotta watch out for.

Charles Hawkins: Well truthfully that's not what makes him dangerous...see, he has been gone for such a long time..he's had time to think on his defeat, on losing the everything around him crumbled. He holds you responsible and that's gonna make him more desperate than ever.

Griffin Hawkins: I realize that...I'm facing a whole different animal this time around. I have to up my game.

We continue watching until I gain the victory, making him tap out.

Charles Hawkins: See right there? That's the type of intensity you need to win this. You need to end Travis' comeback before it begins..

Griffin Hawkins: Would it be something if it landed on Submission Match again?...

Charles Hawkins: Hey, anything can happen. Just don't get cocky.

We continue to watch both matches back to back, studying everything..where I excelled, where I made mistakes and everything in between. Travis was here to make a comeback..I had to end it.


Days later, I was called in to rehearse with my band at the empty arena. We were set to tour with The Gemstones, so we had to make sure we were ready. After a while, we decided to take a little break. Instead of talking with the others, I decided to do a little search on the album I bought months ago from the dark band...The Dark Cauldron. Something about the band and my dreams seemed connected. I was looking the band over on my laptop, googling it. My guitarist saw what I was doing and came over.

Chip Zanuff: Hey Griff, what's going on?

Griffin Hawkins: Oh nothing...just browsing the net as usual...

Chip Zanuff: Anything interesting?

Griffin Hawkins: Not yet...

He looks over the google search.

Chip Zanuff: Ah...The Black Cauldron...haven't heard that name in years..

Griffin Hawkins: You know who these guys are?..

Chip Zanuff: Dude..they were one of the most known satanic bands in the late 70s and early 80s! Their theatrics laid the groundwork for other bands like Gwar.

Griffin Hawkins: Well, I did pick up one of their albums..they sound pretty grim...

Chip Zanuff: That seemed to be their only album...

Griffin Hawkins: Lemme guess, one of those one hit wonder bands like Right Said Fred..Hootie and The Blowfish and Vanilla Ice?

Chip Zanuff: Not really, they're dead...

I felt my heart drop to the floor.

Griffin Hawkins: .....shut up.

Chip Zanuff: It's true it.

I typed it in on google and an article came up from 1982.

Griffin Hawkins: Heavy Metal Band dies at the hands of the lead singer?....

Chip Zanuff: It's true man, it was all over the news. Apparently the frontman was into some sick shit..

I begin reading it.

Griffin Hawkins: He killed his entire band...

Chip Zanuff: Word is, all that satanic stuff wasn't just to sell records, he really believed in that..more than his band mates. One night, dude just...lost his mind and killed everyone..claiming the voices in his head was commanding him to slaughter his band mates.

Griffin Hawkins: Is he still alive?

Chip Zanuff: Yeah..but in a mental asylum, somehow that crazy fucker is still alive...why all the interest in this band?

I didn't want to tell him I was having vivid dreams about the past..

Griffin Hawkins: No reason, I was just curious. Let's get back to rehearsing.

I go back and join the others

Griffin Hawkins: Okay guys, let's do this.

We go back to our usual rehearsal. At least I had some info on this band...and I know for sure I have to find the lead singer if I want answers behind everything that's going on...I did not want for history to repeat itself.


Cameras open in what looks to be a gallery filled with sports stars from the past..Basketball Players, Baseball Players, Hockey Players and other athletes. I step from behind the pictures, dressed in a long white button down shirt and leather pants. The Roulette Title resting proudly around my shoulders. I begin speaking as I look to the camera.

"Comebacks...they all happen in this sport. It doesn't matter if you play Football, Hockey, Basketball or any other sport you desire. When you've been gone for so get the itch to return and make a comeback. When I came here months ago...I wanted to know for sure if I still got what it takes to be the star I was in SCW before it closed up shop..and judging by the last few months, I've shown that I still got it...and it was at the expense of none other than my opponent at My Bloody Valentine 3...Travis Levitt. How ironic is it that he is looking to make a comeback this time around? After his loss to me, he went into obscurity...and now he returns looking to take back what he believes was stolen from him...but will this comeback be successful?.."

I go over to the first one.

"Michael Vick...years ago he made his comeback, but that was preceded by his time in prison. His legacy will forever be tarnished by his involvement in Dog Fighting. Before his stay in the Big House..or as I call, Club Fed..he was an average passer...but made for it by running the football like a back. By the time he came back in 2013, he was a shadow of his former self. Is that where you are leading to Travis? Because I look at you..and I don't the same fire in your eyes when you were here months ago. I'm not looking at the great Phoenix that scorched up everyone in the ring. All I see before me as a man who blames everyone and everything...mainly me for his downfall. I gave you the chance to fight me like a man, but you chose to hide backstage like a coward.."

I shake my head.

"You know what that tells me Travis? That tells me you're afraid. You don't think that you can beat me...I see doubt in your eyes. The Travis Levitt that I know wouldn't jump me from behind with the lights out..or refuse to fight when he gets called out. It seems as if you're second guessing you don't think you can beat me. Yeah, you mentioned before that I beat you for the title..but you never mentioned that I beat you twice. You remember don't you? It was a ladder match on Climax Control..and going into that match, I was intent on proving that my victory over you was no fluke at all..and after that, you disappeared. And now you come back trying to regain what you once were by jumping on me's game three and I am 2 and 0 against you. If you lose to me for the third time...where do you go from here?"

I then go over to a picture of a familiar looking boxer.

"Sugar Ray Leonard....some would call him the king of comebacks. Dude retired and unretired so many times we've lost track. It was one faithful night where he unretired in 1997 against Hector Macho Camacho..tearing him to shreds in the 5th round...Sugar Ray's career ended on a bad note. Is this what you worry about Travis? Do you fear that your comeback to SCW will be your last? Because this is the chance for you to right all the wrongs made at Into The Void when I made you tap out."

I knew somehow Travis was looking to avenge his loss..something that would drive him to do the unthinkable.

"Let me see if I got this blame me for everything. You blame me for the wrestling company you worked for, you blame me for your injury..and more importantly you blame me for your relapse into drugs. Its matter what happens in life it's always everyone's fault but yours. First off, injuries happen, it comes with the territory. Secondly, it's not my doing that some second rate company goes belly up because it can't compete with organizations like Sin City Wrestling..and last of all, me being the reason you relapsed? That one is serious. Because years ago, I had a serious drug addiction..and in rehab they taught us to take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions...something you apparently forgot because it seems you'd rather point the finger of blame at everyone...but yourself. But know this...when I beat you, you'll have no one to blame for it...but yourself."

I go over to what looks to be a baseball player.

"You all remember Bo Jackson right? back in the day, dude was a HUGE star..not just in baseball, but basketball too. If given the chance he probably could've been great in Hockey as well. He was a multi sport athlete who was riding high until a degenerative hip disorder forced his retirement from the NFL and the MLB. When he returned from hip surgery...he was never the same...and eventually he retired from all sports. So just how good is your shoulder Travis? Is it still working? Because the feeling I'm getting is that you're slowing're not the athlete that I found the last time you were here. You allowed yourself to get careless when you let of all people, Teddy Steele beat you. Last year you would've kicked his head right off his shoulders, but you didn't. could blame me for being there..."

I take off my silver aviators.

"But the last time I watched your match and I was on commentary..and you won despite me being there. That alone tells me you're not the same guy from before. To be quite've already been just don't know it yet. Because I have you beat mentally before the match even begins. Just me sitting out there enjoying the show, sipping champagne and smoking a cigar was enough to get you angry and distracted..and I didn't even need to come down to ringside! I've beaten you mentally...and now I am gonna beat you physically at My Bloody Valentine 3"

I walk in front of all the pictures of the sports athletes.

"You have something in common with all these athletes Travis. Is it greatness? It's the fact that each and every one of them made a comeback just like you are....and failed. Now you're trying to make one by coming to get me and my Roulette Title. Well I got news for you man, your comeback is gonna be the shortest one in SCW history. Because I am looking to prove once again that my victories over you was no fluke. If you think you hate me'll have a REAL reason to when I send you back to whatever sick decrepit place that you call home..a beaten and broken man. At the Supercard...I will leave you lying as I walk to the back with the Roulette Title. And when I do...the age of the Phoenix won't just be'll be like it never even existed."

I then reveal a picture frame of Travis..standing right in the center among all the athletes who made failed comebacks in sports history. I leave as the camera crew packs everything up.
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Offline Griffin Hawkins

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    • Griffin Hawkins
Griffin Hawkins (c) V Travis Levitt
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2020, 11:10:58 PM »
 In my SCW career...I have fought many tough opponents...Alex Jones, Austin James Mercer, Mark Cross and many others. Now...I face the biggest challenge of all....

...getting my wife the perfect Valentine's Day gift.

She told me that I didn't need to get her anything, that's the oldest trick in the book...she's expecting me to get an extravagant gift. I had to get her something match can wait. As I walked around the mall, I looked for any kind of gift Taylor would want. I then heard a voice call me from a distance.

"Hey Griff!"

I look and see its none other than Kate Steele who rushes up to me.

Griffin Hawkins: Kate, hey! Good to see you!

Kate Steele: Thanks! I kinda get the feeling why you're here...last minute Valentine's Day gifts for Taylor?

Griffin Hawkins: What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic...

Kate Steele: Nothing says romance like shopping like mad for the perfect gift..I hope you got the money for it..

Griffin Hawkins: Got that covered, but what are you doing here?

Kate Steele: Oh just mall shopping, looking for something awesome to wear on our tour.

I had a feeling it wasn't for Valentine's day...things between her and Teddy weren't exactly good right now.

Griffin Hawkins: Listen..I'm hoping I'm not coming between you and Teddy with all that's gone on. I mean no matter what happens between me and him he is still your husband.

She puts her hand on my shoulder.

Kate Steele:'s okay. You're not coming between anybody. Teddy can blame you all he wants, but he brought this on himself. I finally get what you've been trying to tell me all those months ago...I've been so busy trying to pad his ego, I forgot who I was. And besides, what example would I be setting for my little girl if I just stood idly by as Teddy was making sexist comments? If anything you woke me up and I decided to do what I should've done a long time thank you.

Griffin Hawkins:'re welcome.

We begin walking.

Kate Steele: ready for your big match with Travis?

Griffin Hawkins: Oh yeah, looking to beat his ass once again.

Kate Steele: It's kinda funny when you think about it..

Griffin Hawkins: What?...

Kate Steele: This year instead of Valentine's Day two are gonna be bashing each other over the heads with that title..

Griffin Hawkins: I'll make sure this is a Valentine's Day he'll never forget...but I wanna do something special...

Kate Steele: Tell me you're not gonna show up with flowers and candy at his hotel room...

Griffin Hawkins: Are you kidding? He's not even my type! But I wanna do something special for him for this...festive day...

Kate Steele: Hmm...well you could get him Valentines..

Griffin Hawkins: ....are you serious?

Kate Steele: Griff come on...this is the type of holiday where you tell someone how you REALLY your own way...

I was starting to get what she was saying, and it sounded genius.

Griffin Hawkins: You know...I think I am gonna get some Valentines Day cards..a whole lot of them.

Kate Steele: I'll help you out with them!

And so we go off and get ourselves some cards...this was gonna be interesting....


Cameras come to what looks to be...a fireplace. A living room setting this time. I sit in the chair in black jeans and a red sweater. The Roulette Title rests on the table beside me as I have what looks to be folded envelopes by my chair.

"You know what's a good Holiday?...Valentine's Day. A time of love, a time of appreciation, a time to show your girlfriend, your wife, or the object of your desire exactly how you feel. And how fitting it is that SCW celebrates this special time of year by breaking hearts...someone's gonna be the new Internet Champion, we're gonna see a heart get broken as only one man will leave with the SCW World Heavyweight Title...and we'll also see the return of Travis Levitt to the Roulette Division as he challenges me for the gold. Personally..I thought I was rid of him, but like a psychotic ex girlfriend, he just keeps coming back. And now, I have to deal with him. But it doesn't hurt to soften the blow with a little Valentines before this match begins.."

I open the first Valentine addressed to him.

"Roses are Red..Violets are blue...who's walking out with the Roulette Title? Definitely not you."

I slyly smile as I sit back.

"You look at me as some kind of evil bastard Travis..and why? Just because I took your title? Just because you got injured in the process? Just because you had to sit and watch me defend the title that you used to hold? I only did what I did because that is what we do for a living.
For the last 15 years I've been all over the world winning gold, selling out arenas. Someone like you has been around long enough to know that this is a sport where we fight for a living and injuries happen. I'm not blame for your are. Yet you choose to put on this poor me act, blaming everyone for what's gone wrong in your life. That is why you're where you're at now..that is why your career has stalled. Because you can't accept responsibility for yourself and would rather deflect everything wrong in life on other people...once this title match happens, there will be no more excuses. Because once again I will prove to you and the world that I am the rightful champion."

I then pull out what looks to be another Valentine. I open it and read it.

"You were bitter...angry and selfish from the start...on Valentine's day...I will rip out your heart."

Sounded gory..but I liked it.

"I can see why you hate me Travis. Because in the last eight months I've been doing what you couldn't do. I put the Roulette Title on the map by defending it against anyone and everyone who stepped up for a challenge. It didn't matter who it was against, I fought them and won. No matter what match the wheel stopped on..I won the match...the bar was raised, I went above it, it was raised again..I went above it. All the while you were sitting at home bitterly watching it happen, realizing that that could have been you. So you decided to come back and try and regain the gold you lost. But the same thing is gonna continue to happen, I'll go out there and against all odds...leave with the Roulette Title raised high in the air."

I kick my feet on the table.

"After you lost the Roulette Title to me, you claim you hit rock bottom with xWo and PCWA closing. Trust me haven't hit rock bottom yet. At My Bloody Valentine 3 is where you'll REALLY hit rock bottom, because after you lose to me once're not gonna know what to do with yourself. All the months of training, all the preparation, all the studying of our all gonna go down the drain. When I locked the Lucky 13 on did not take you long to tap out...and with the many submissions I have at my disposal, who's to say that I won't do it again? I mean lately...I have been tapping people out in that ring, and it would be poetic justice if you did so again."

I pull what looks to be another envelope out, opening it and revealing another Valentine's day card.

"The Roulette Title is the best..the owner has proven it...someone like you would only ruin it.."

I make a "oh snap" face as I toss it aside.

"Let's say you lose this match Travis...where do you go from here? Right now I am 2 and 0 against you in Roulette Title....what's gonna happen when I beat you for the third time in a row? What happens to you? Do you decide to pack your bags and hightail it off to whatever sick decrepit place that you call home? Or do you continue to come at me, knowing The Jukebox Hero is gonna kick your ass every night of the week? Either way, I don't care. Some would say I got nothing left to prove to you Travis...but I see it differently. Because I've been at the top of the Roulette Division, and me beating the man who once ran the yard once again...would put a huge feather in my cap..

But then there was another possibility.

"But let's say you DO indeed win Travis? I mean anything can happen in a sport like this. If by some miracle of do win, you're the Roulette Champion. But how long do you hold onto it? I mean we got a number one contender's match with three hungry superstars wanting to get a shot at this very gold...more importantly, who's to say you'd survive a rematch with me? Teddy Warren Steele beat me for this title..and no matter how much he avoided me, he STILL had to put the title on the line. And what ended up happening? All it took was one try for me to get the gold back. So who's to say your reign will last long IF you win the title?"

I grab the title, slowly rising up out of my chair.

"But let's not worry about that Travis. Because the time for what ifs is over. For the last month you've been running around telling anyone who'd listen that i'm at fault for your downfall..and now this is your chance to make it all right by beating me for the same belt that I took off you. There are so many matches we could have...a Cage Match, a submission personally I am hoping for a Street Fight so we can fight all over the streets of Tampa Florida. This match is gonna be one hell of a battle...but only one of us can leave as in closing I say...Happy Valentine's day."

I leave with the title as the camera crew pack everything up.
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Griffin Hawkins (c) V Travis Levitt
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2020, 11:51:52 PM »
Chance At The Gold

SCW My Bloody Valentine III
Griffin Hawkins © versus Travis Levitt

The scene opens up on a simple shot of Travis Levitt seated cross legged in the middle of a room. All around him are some candles, and The Phoenix seems to just be taking deep breaths, clearly getting himself into a mood before opening his eyes slowly.

"The time is now. No more attacks. No more messages. Just two men entering the ring and going toe-to-toe. I've waited for this moment for so long. Have hyped myself up for so long. And now, here is my chance and yet....."

Levitt pauses, head tilted slightly as he looks down for a few seconds and then slowly raises his head again.

"I feel ready. I feel trained. But there are still clouds. Still doubts in my mind. Not over what you did, Hawkins. You tried to end my career. Whatever I do to you, you have it coming. No, my doubts are upon myself. The allure of the gold is strong. Am I destined to catch it again, only to let it lead me down temptation? Or am I destined to finally raise the gold, and raise the division once more. It is a murky path I set myself upon, and yet, right now, it is bright. Brightened by a simple bold fact."

Levitt sneers and stares into the lens, clenching his teeth as he lets out a primal growl.

"I hate you, Griff. I. HATE. YOU. Everything you did to me, and yet here you stand and claim innocence. Proclaim my words as false, and my actions as selfish. When have you last looked at yourself in a mirror? When was the last time you actually truly looked at your reflection? When you allowed yourself to actually see the truth and not just the bullshit you spit because it makes you feel better about yourself."

Levitt raises an arm and rolls his shoulder, before shaking his head slowly.

"You did this, Hawkins. You injured me. Not gently or innocently either. You tore my shoulder in two, and you didn't even have the pair big enough to own your mistake. Just kept yelling and screaming about how innocent you are. But I know the truth, Griff. I know what you did. And I'm going to expose you at My Bloody Valentines. And when I do I'll expose your fraudulent ass to the entire SCW world, and I'll get to take your title at the same time."

"I've spent so much time lately thinking of this. Of how it will feel to be inside that ring with you again. And I am looking forward to this chance to put you in your place. It doesn't matter what that wheel spins on Sunday, because all that matters to me is hurting you. Beating you. Bloodying you."

"You made a mistake when we last fought, Griffin. You left me breathing. And now that I'm back....I get to return the favour to you. So I'll see you on Sunday, Hawkins. I'll be the one thats burning down your entire career around your ankles."

"This is MY chance, MY shot, and I will not.......I will NOT let you take this away from me."

Levitt pauses now, taking in a deep breath and then extending his hands both ways to hover them palm down over some candle wicks, the fire slowly heating up his hands but he keeps them steady as he stares the camera down.

"Pain is temporary. Revenge is forever. And the moment that bell rings, Hawkins....thats when my time for revenge is here. And I am going to savour every last moment as I beat you down. I'll see you soon."

And with that, Travis brings his hands in rapidly, clapping loudly and every last flame goes out at once and the scene cuts to black.