Author Topic: Happy One Year, here's a second chance || Alexandra and Raven BFTP  (Read 1658 times)

Offline Alexandra Calaway

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Broken Pieces
Rage Room
New York City, New York

The neon sign above the entrance flickered with the words "Rage Room." Alexandra glanced up at it, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She hadn't expected her friend Miles Kasey to suggest such a place, but after everything she'd been through lately, maybe smashing a few things would be therapeutic.

"Are you sure about this, Miles?" Alexandra asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as they approached the entrance.

Miles grinned, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Trust me, Lex. Sometimes, breaking stuff is the best way to let out all that pent-up frustration."

With a nod, Alexandra followed Miles into the rage room facility. The interior was dimly lit, with sturdy walls lined with various objects waiting to meet their destructive fate. The air hummed with anticipation, and Alexandra could feel her heart rate picking up.

"Pick your weapon," Miles said, gesturing toward a rack filled with bats, crowbars, and sledgehammers.

Alexandra scanned the options before settling on a sturdy bat. She tightened her grip, feeling a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Let it all out, Lex," Miles encouraged, stepping back to give her space.

Taking a deep breath, Alexandra stepped up to a table piled high with glassware, old electronics, and ceramic plates. Without hesitation, she swung the bat, shattering the objects into a cacophony of destruction. The sound echoed in the room, mingling with her grunts of exertion.

With each swing, Alexandra felt a weight lifting off her shoulders. The frustrations of her failed relationships, the disappointments, and the heartache all fueled her swings. She imagined John's face on the objects she smashed, then Justin's, and she let out a primal scream as she swung harder.

Miles watched with a mix of awe and amusement, occasionally cheering her on or offering words of encouragement. He knew that Alexandra needed this release, a way to purge herself of all the emotions swirling inside her.

After several minutes of relentless smashing, Alexandra paused, sweat glistening on her forehead. She looked around at the carnage she'd created, a mix of satisfaction and exhaustion washing over her. She found herself breathing heavily, she dropped the bat to the ground and turned to look at her friend, someone who understood it.

"Feel better?" Miles asked, a playful grin on his face.

Alexandra chuckled, her breaths coming in heavy. "Yeah, I think I do."

As they exited the rage room, Alexandra felt a sense of catharsis she hadn't experienced in a long time. The weight on her shoulders had lightened, and she knew that, at least for now, she had let go of some of the pain and anger that had been holding her back.

"Thanks, Miles," she said, offering him a grateful smile.

Miles clapped her on the back. "Anytime, Lex. We all need a little destruction therapy now and then."

Together, they walked out into the evening air, the echoes of shattered objects fading behind them. Alexandra felt a newfound sense of clarity and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed strength.

“You would think our job would give us enough of a release.  But honestly, lately it's been bothering me more than anything else.”

Alexandra felt the cool evening breeze against her skin as they walked away from the rage room. Despite the physical exhaustion from the intense session, she also felt mentally refreshed, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She glanced at Miles, grateful for his friendship and the unexpected therapy session.

As they strolled down the sidewalk, the city lights casting a warm glow around them, Miles turned to Alexandra with a thoughtful expression. "You know, Lex, sometimes the best way to move forward is to let go of the past."

Alexandra nodded, her mind still processing the whirlwind of emotions she had just unleashed. "Yeah, I think you're right. It's time to stop dwelling on what could have been and focus on what's ahead."

Miles smiled, his eyes reflecting genuine camaraderie. "Exactly. And speaking of what's ahead, I have a feeling that things are about to turn around for you. You've been through a lot, but you're stronger than you realize."

His words resonated with Alexandra, reminding her of the resilience she had always carried within her. She straightened her posture, a newfound determination shining in her eyes. "You're right, Miles. I'm not going to let past heartaches hold me back anymore. I have goals to achieve, and nothing's going to stop me. I need to look past what’s happened and focus on the Blast From the Past."

Miles chuckled, giving her a playful nudge. "That's the spirit, Lex! Now, let's grab a bite to eat and celebrate the start of a new chapter."

They continued their walk, the city bustling around them. Alexandra felt a sense of optimism growing within her, fueled by the support of her friend and the cathartic release she had just experienced. The night held promise, and she was ready to embrace whatever challenges and adventures awaited her.

Making the Call
New York City, New York

The scene opens with Alexandra Calaway sitting in her hotel room, a determined expression on her face as she dials Alexander Raven's number. After a few rings, the call goes to voicemail. She clears her throat and begins to speak. This was risky, but she had to take the chance.

“Hey, Alexander. It's Alexandra Calaway. I know, I’m the last person you want to hear from, but..”

She took a deep breath. “Look, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I wanted to talk to you about the Blast from the Past Tournament. This could be our chance to break out of the rut we've been in, to show everyone what we're truly capable of if we team together one more time. I know we can do this. Do you really want your legacy to have that red stain of our loss?”

She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing.

“You and I both know that we're forces to be reckoned with in that ring. Together, we can create something incredible, something that'll shake up the entire wrestling world. But we can't do that if we're stuck in our own heads, doubting ourselves. I’ve moved on from all that bullshit, have you?”

Her tone becomes more urgent, a hint of frustration seeping in.

“So, I'm asking you to get off your ass, Alexander. Stop dwelling on the past and start focusing on the future. We have a chance to make history, and I refuse to let that opportunity slip through our fingers because of pride or ego. Be it yours or mine.”

She takes a deep breath, her voice softening.

“Think about it, okay? Give me a call back when you get this. Let's do this, Raven. Let's show them all that last year was a fluke. That we are the best.”

With that, Alexandra ends the call, her determination unwavering as she sets her sights on the upcoming challenge. But the voicemail wasn't enough for Alexandra. As she hit the end call button, she realized she needed to do more. She couldn't leave it all to chance, not when so much was riding on this partnership.

Determined to make her point clear, Alexandra picked up her pen and a notepad. She started jotting down ideas, plans, strategies. She wanted Raven to know that she was serious about this, that she believed in their potential as a team. After what seemed like hours of brainstorming, Alexandra finally had a solid plan. She grabbed her phone again, this time typing out a text message to Raven. She kept it short and to the point, just like her voicemail.

"Raven, I left you a voicemail. Listen to it. Let's meet up and discuss our strategy for the Blast from the Past Tournament. This is our chance to shine. - Alexandra"

She hit send and waited, the anticipation building with each passing second. She knew that if Raven could see things from her perspective, if he could grasp the magnitude of this opportunity, they could turn things around. The weight of uncertainty settled heavily on Alexandra's shoulders as she sat in her hotel room, staring at her phone after leaving a voicemail for Alexander Raven. She couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Raven might have already given up before even considering her proposal. The thought gnawed at her, fueled by past encounters where their disagreements had led to dead ends.

"He's probably sitting there, listening to my message, and thinking it's just another one of my crazy ideas," Alexandra muttered to herself, frustration lacing her voice. She had poured her heart into that voicemail, urging Raven to see the potential they had as a team, but there was a lingering doubt that it might fall on deaf ears. “God damn it Raven.”

As minutes ticked by, turning into hours, Alexandra's anxiety grew. She knew Raven's tendency to retreat into his own thoughts, to dwell on past failures rather than embracing new opportunities. It was a pattern she had observed, one that made her question if this attempt to reignite their partnership was futile.

"I can't do this alone, at least not according to the rules. My partner has to be in it too." Alexandra muttered, her fingers tapping restlessly on the table. The Blast from the Past Tournament was fast approaching, and she needed Raven's volatile violence in the ring. But more than that, she needed his belief, his commitment to making this work.

With a sigh, Alexandra decided to distract herself, scrolling through old matches and memories of their past encounters. It was a bittersweet trip down memory lane, reminding her of the chemistry they had in the ring when they were in sync, when they trusted each other's instincts.

"I hope he remembers those moments," Alexandra murmured, a faint glimmer of hope mingling with her concerns. She knew that beneath Raven's stoic exterior, there was a wrestler hungry for success, for recognition. But whether he was willing to set aside differences and take a leap of faith remained to be seen. “Because, I know, we can do this, if he would just focus and keep his mind in the game.”

The silence of the room echoed her thoughts, the unanswered voicemail hanging in the air like an unresolved chord. Alexandra couldn't help but wonder if this was the end of the road for their Blast From the Past partnership or if Raven would surprise her with a change of heart. Only time would tell, and Alexandra braced herself for whatever outcome awaited them in the days to come.

Queens Blog: Reflections from Normandy: A Journey of Redemption and Resilience
Hotel Room
Normandy, France

Greetings, Sin City Wrestling fans and fellow warriors of the squared circle. As I sit here amidst the serene landscapes of Normandy, France, with the echoes of history reverberating through the air, I find myself reflecting on the path that has led me to this momentous occasion—the Blast from the Past Tournament.

This tournament holds a special place in my heart, not just because it showcases the legends of our sport but because it represents a chance at redemption. Last year, I teamed up with Alexander Raven in this very tournament, and while our partnership was formidable, it didn't yield the results we had hoped for. But as the saying goes, failure is not the end; it is the beginning of something greater.

This year, fate has brought Alexander and me back together as partners once again. The universe works in mysterious ways, and perhaps this reunion is an opportunity for us to rewrite our story, to turn the tide in our favor, and to show the world the resilience and determination that define us both.

Reflecting on the past year in Sin City Wrestling, I am reminded of the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned. It has been a journey unlike any other, filled with moments of glory and moments of adversity. From epic battles in the ring to personal struggles outside of it, each experience has shaped me into the competitor and the person I am today.

One of the defining moments of this past year was my rivalry with Julianna DiMaria for the SCW Bombshell Championship. Our feud was intense, fueled by passion, ambition, and a thirst for greatness. While the outcome may not have been what I desired, the journey itself was a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the bonds forged in the heat of competition.

As I prepare for the Blast from the Past Tournament, I carry with me the lessons learned from every victory and every defeat. I carry the determination to rise above adversity, the resilience to bounce back from setbacks, and the unwavering belief in my abilities and those of my partner, Alexander Raven.

To my fellow competitors in the tournament, I extend my respect and admiration. We are all here because we share a love for this sport, a passion for competition, and a drive to leave our mark on history. May our battles be fierce, our performances be legendary, and may the spirit of competition unite us in camaraderie and sportsmanship.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the ancient cliffs of Normandy, I am filled with a sense of anticipation and excitement for the challenges that lie ahead. The Blast from the Past Tournament awaits, and I am ready to seize the opportunity, rewrite my story, and etch my name in the annals of wrestling history once more.

To all the fans who have supported me on this journey, I say thank you. Your unwavering loyalty and passion fuel my drive to succeed, and I promise to give my all in every match, every promo, and every moment in the spotlight.

Here's to the Blast from the Past Tournament, to redemption, resilience, and the unbreakable spirit of Sin City Wrestling.

Yours in strength and determination,
Alexandra Calaway xoxo

Articles of Rivalry, Loss and Volatile natures
Online Websites
Normandy, France

The history between Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven is a turbulent tale that spans several encounters and moments of conflict within the wrestling world.

First Encounter: Alexandra and Alexander first crossed paths during a multi-competitor match in a major wrestling event. Both competitors showcased their skills and tenacity, leading to a memorable showdown that ended in a draw.

Tag Team Alliance: Despite their initial meeting, circumstances forced Alexandra and Alexander to form a reluctant tag team for a high-stakes tag team tournament match. Their partnership was marred by disagreements and clashes in strategy, leading to a loss in the Blast from the Past match.

Rivalry Intensifies: Following their failed tag team venture, tensions between Alexandra and Alexander escalated. They engaged in a fiery back and forth for weeks, each determined to prove their superiority over the other. These matches often ended in controversial finishes, fueling their animosity further. This ended in a match against Alexander Raven’s lady, Luna. That found Alexandra losing to the woman and going down a different path, to win the Bombshell Roulette Championship from Jessie Salco, while Alexander Raven went down a path of a losing streak.

Respect Earned: Over time, through their intense battles and occasional collaborations, Alexandra and Alexander gained a grudging respect for each other's skills and determination. While their rivalry persisted, it was tempered by a newfound acknowledgment of each other's capabilities.However, Raven began to blame Alexandra for his downfall, for where he now stands in his career.

Future Encounters: As their paths continue to intertwine in the wrestling circuit, the dynamic between Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven remains unpredictable. Their history of conflict and somewhat skewed respect adds layers of complexity to any future encounters, promising intense and compelling showdowns for fans and critics alike.

In the world of professional wrestling, few alliances are as volatile and unpredictable as that of Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven. As they gear up to enter the highly anticipated Blast from the Past Tournament, the wrestling community is abuzz with anticipation and speculation about this formidable duo.

Clash of Titans: Both Alexandra and Alexander Raven are renowned for their individual prowess in the ring. Alexandra, with her dark and intense persona, brings a relentless aggression to every match. On the other hand, Alexander Raven is a cunning strategist with a knack for exploiting his opponents' weaknesses. Together, their contrasting styles create a synergy that makes them a force to be reckoned with.

History of Rivalry: What makes their alliance so intriguing is their storied history of rivalry. The ring has witnessed numerous battles between these two competitors, each vying for supremacy. Their clashes have been brutal, intense, and often ended in controversial finishes, leaving fans on the edge of their seats.

Unpredictable Chemistry: While their past encounters have been marked by animosity, there's no denying the chemistry between Alexandra and Alexander Raven. Their volatile relationship adds an element of unpredictability to their teamwork. They can seamlessly transition from allies to adversaries and back again, keeping their opponents guessing at every turn.

Strategic Advantage: One of the key strengths of this partnership is their ability to strategize. Alexandra's ferocity combined with Alexander Raven's calculated approach creates a deadly combination in the ring. They are adept at exploiting their opponents' weaknesses and capitalizing on opportunities, making them a formidable threat.

Mind Games: Both Alexandra and Alexander Raven are masters of mind games. They know how to get into their opponents' heads, creating doubt and hesitation. This psychological warfare often gives them the upper hand, allowing them to control the pace and direction of the match.

Respect Amidst Rivalry: Despite their intense rivalry, there's a begrudging respect between Alexandra and Alexander Raven. They understand each other's strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else, which enables them to work together effectively when necessary.

Blast from the Past: As they step into the Blast from the Past Tournament, all eyes are on Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven. Their volatile history, combined with their undeniable talent and strategic prowess, makes them a team that no one can afford to underestimate. Whether they emerge victorious or succumb to their tumultuous dynamic remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – their journey through the tournament will be nothing short of explosive.

Skewed Respect and The Challenge Ahead
Normandy Beach
Normandy, France

On the haunting shores of Normandy, where the echoes of past battles still linger in the air, Alexandra Calaway stands amidst the solemn reminders of history. The sands beneath her feet whisper tales of resilience and triumph, stories that resonate with her own journey in the world of professional wrestling.

As she gazes out at the vast expanse of the beach, her thoughts drift to the upcoming Blast from the Past Tournament. A tournament that holds a special significance this year, as fate has paired her once again with Alexander Raven, her former partner, turned rival turned partner again. The news of their pairing came as a surprise, but Alexandra is no stranger to unexpected alliances and the challenges they bring.

The waves crash against the shoreline of Normandy, a symphony of relentless power echoing the intensity that Alexandra Calaway brings to the ring. Standing amidst the historic sands, her gaze is focused, her mind sharp as she envisions the battle ahead.

"Alexander Raven," Alexandra begins, her voice carrying a blend of respect and anticipation. "We've danced this dance before, haven't we? The clash of our forces, the clash of our wills—it's a story etched in the annals of Sin City Wrestling. However, we didn’t work as a team last time and for that, you blamed me. But I won’t let your venom destroy us. This time, we will make it to the end."

She turns to face the camera, the winds tousling her hair as if mirroring the tumultuous journey she's been on. "The Blast from the Past Tournament is upon us, and fate has once again intertwined our paths. But this time, it's different. This time, we can stand united, ready to rewrite history. To change our past, perhaps, even get you out of that slump you are in. You blame me for your downfall, perhaps, you’ll see that it wasn’t my fault after all."

The past between Alexander and Alexandra flashed through her mind. Quick snapshots of how the last Blast from the Past tournament went for them. Alexandra’s focus had been off. But she had gone on to do great things in Sin City Wrestling, after the failure that was her first few months there. Now a year into the company and she’s been so much more than she was.

"We've been on this battlefield before," Alexandra's voice carries a determined edge, her eyes reflecting the fire of determination. "But this time, things are different. This time, we won't falter. We won't be out in the first round, watching others claim victory while we lick our wounds. Not if I have anything to do with it."

The memories of their previous encounter on the battlefield of competition resurface, a bitter reminder of what could have been. But Alexandra refuses to dwell on past losses. Instead, she channels that energy into a renewed sense of purpose, a fierce determination to emerge victorious this time around.

"This fight, this tournament, it's more than just a chance at glory," Alexandra's words are tinged with passion. "It's a testament to our growth, to our resilience. We've both faced our share of battles, both in and out of the ring. But it's those battles that have forged us into the warriors we are today."

With the beach serving as her battleground, Alexandra draws parallels between the historic battles fought on these shores and the upcoming tournament. "Just as soldiers faced adversity on these sands, we two will face formidable foes in Jamie Dean and Shay Owens. But mark my words, our resolve is unyielding."

The memories of past encounters with Raven flash through her mind, a montage of rivalry and mutual skewed respect. "We've proven ourselves individually," she declares, her eyes blazing with determination. "Now, it's time to prove our strength as a team, to show the world what happens when two forces unite for a common goal."

As she speaks, the camera captures the determination etched on her face, the fire in her eyes reflecting the passion burning within. "Jamie, Shay, you may be skilled, but you've never faced the chaos that Alexandra Calaway and Alexander Raven bring. Prepare yourselves for a battle unlike any other. I’ve teamed with him and I’m aware of what my teammate is capable of doing. I also know that over my past year here in Sin City Wrestling, I’ve fought and beaten the best of the best."

The winds seem to whisper encouragement, carrying the echoes of cheers from unseen supporters. Alexandra's voice rises, carrying the weight of her conviction. "This isn't just about winning a tournament. It's about seizing our destiny, about showing everyone that we are forces to be reckoned with."

With a final, resolute gaze at the horizon, Alexandra concludes, "The battlefield awaits, and we will emerge victorious. Together, we will rewrite history, leaving our mark as legends of Sin City Wrestling."

As the scene fades, the waves continue their relentless rhythm, a harbinger of the chaos and triumph yet to come in the Blast from the Past Tournament. As the winds of change sweep across the beach, carrying with them the echoes of battles yet to come, Alexandra stands tall, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The Blast from the Past Tournament may be the stage, but the battlefield of Normandy serves as a reminder—a reminder that victory is earned through determination, resilience, and the unwavering will to succeed. She watched as the sun fell beyond the horizon and the day had ended, just as Jamie and Shay’s dreams of the win being theirs in this year's Blast from the Past Tournament would end.

Instagram Live
Normandy, France

Alexandra Calaway, clad in her signature black leather jacket and with her hair cascading down in dark waves, sat comfortably in front of her phone, ready to connect with her fans on Instagram Live. The familiar red 'Live' icon glowed in the corner as viewers started to pour in, sending heart emojis and excited greetings.

"Hey, everyone!" Alexandra greeted, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "It's been a while since I've done one of these, but I wanted to catch up with all of you."

The comments section exploded with questions and greetings, and Alexandra chuckled as she tried to keep up with the rapid-fire messages. One question stood out among the rest.

"Alex, it's been a year since you joined Sin City Wrestling. How has the journey been for you?" a fan asked.

Alexandra's eyes lit up, a nostalgic smile gracing her lips. "Ah, yes, it's been an incredible journey," she began, reflecting on the past year. "From the highs of winning championships to the challenges in the ring, it's been a rollercoaster ride, but one I wouldn't trade for anything."

The Instagram Live session was in full swing, with Alexandra Calaway engaging in lively conversations with her fans. Questions flew in from all directions, covering a wide range of topics from wrestling to personal interests.

"Hey, Alex, what's been your favorite match in Sin City Wrestling so far?" one fan inquired.

Alexandra grinned, recalling the intense battles she had faced in the ring. "That's a tough one, but I'd have to say my match against Jessie Salco stands out. We brought out the best in each other, and the energy in that match was electric."

Another fan chimed in, "What's your strategy going into the Blast From the Past Tournament?"

Alexandra leaned in, her expression turning serious yet determined. "My strategy is simple—bring my A-game and leave it all in the ring. The competition will be fierce, but I'm always ready for whatever comes my way. I never back down, even when I have to bleed to prove it. Everytime I get knocked down, I get right back up. Because that’s all I know."

Alexandra took the time to read some of the questions that were coming in. Wanting to give her fans the time they deserved to ask whatever they wanted to know.

"Alex, what's your favorite part about being a wrestler in Sin City Wrestling?"

She took the time to think of her words carefully. Knowing that there’s so many things she loved about being a wrestler in Sin City.

"One of the best parts is the sense of family and camaraderie among the wrestlers. We push each other to be better every day, and the support from the fans is incredible. You are building lasting friendships in this industry. People who will be there for you in the worst times."

She read a few more questions, thinking about them with each one she saw. The fans loved them all so much and she knew without them, there would be no her.

"Are there any dream matches you're hoping to have in the future?"

Now that was a question she already knew the answer to.

"Absolutely! I'd love to get another shot at the Bombshell’s World Championship. I know I blew it last time, but there’s always the chance of another shot after the Blast From The Past Tournament is over."

She laughed softly, knowing to never say never in this industry.  Did she want another shot at it, of course. Would she get it, absolutely.

"How do you stay motivated and focused during tough times or setbacks?"

She took a few moments to think on that one, knowing that she would be honest.

"It's all about perspective and resilience. Setbacks are part of the journey, and I use them as fuel to push harder. Surrounding myself with a supportive family, friends and fans also keeps me motivated."

She smiled and answered another question.

"Any advice for aspiring wrestlers looking to break into the industry?"

She gave another few moments to pause, thinking it through. But in the end, honesty was always the best policy to this question.

"Stay dedicated, work hard, and never stop learning. Building relationships, both inside and outside the ring, is crucial. And always remember to have fun and stay true to yourself. And for god’s sake, keep the drama in the ring. Nothing screws your chances like unnecessary drama."

The interaction with her fans continued to be lively and engaging, showcasing Alexandra's connection with her supporters and her passion for wrestling. As the questions continued to pour in, Alexandra's phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Miles, her friend and tag team partner, asking to meet up. Curiosity piqued, Alexandra decided to take her fans along for the ride.

"Alright, folks, looks like we're going on a mini adventure, my buddy Miles wants to meet up." Alexandra announced with a playful grin. "Let's see what Miles has in store for us today.”

The viewers erupted in excitement, eagerly anticipating the surprise meeting with Miles. Alexandra quickly wrapped up the Instagram Live session, promising to update everyone on the developments.

“I won't be going live while I have this little meet up with Miles, but I will let you all know how it goes later."

Moments later, Alexandra arrived at the bustling cafe where she was supposed to meet Miles. However, as she approached their usual table, her eyes widened in surprise. Sitting across from Miles was another familiar face—a fellow wrestler from Sin City Wrestling.

Alexandra's heart skipped a beat as she took in the unexpected sight. She bit her lip, a mix of curiosity and intrigue swirling in her mind. What was this all about? What surprises awaited her in this impromptu gathering?

The scene fades out on Alexandra's uncertain expression, leaving her extremely intrigued and eager to discover the unfolding events.