Author Topic: BREAKING NEWS!- Joanne Canelli Resurfaces!  (Read 7175 times)

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BREAKING NEWS!- Joanne Canelli Resurfaces!
« on: April 26, 2014, 11:36:36 AM »
 Rumors have been spreading around, that the reason The Jersey Devil Joanne Canelli hasn't been seen around for the last month is that she has been on a leave of absence, but that is not true. Last month while in her home town, Joanne Canelli was arrested on the docks by the FBI in search of drugs that she had had shipped in from over seas. The FBI found nothing , but had been tipped off that 2000 pounds of uncut heroin but there was nothing in the crates but wine sent from her father's company overseas. The last month she has been on trial, and spending time in a local jail in Jersey as the FBI continued to try and find anything linking her to the drugs that were suppose to be in the crates. They had searched her home, other places that she owned but they still found nothing, and has been released from the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women in Clinton New Jersey. Miss Canelli had this to say upon her release...

Joanne: First off I want to say that I am disappointed in the US Government for tryin' to falsely accuse me of brinin' in drugs when I am not in that business. The search the FBI conducted invaded my privacy and my constitutional rights by doin' this search and accusin' me of such a thin'. I pay my taxes every year and do what is right, and this is how I am treated? I am lookin' for an apology from the head of the FBI but I know that it will not come. To my fans thank you for stickin' by me all this time, lettin' them know that I am important to you, and that I should never have been accused of such a thin'.