Author Topic: All-Star Roxi Issue #50: The Rejects (Part 1)  (Read 581 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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All-Star Roxi Issue #50: The Rejects (Part 1)
« on: August 06, 2021, 11:54:46 PM »
{The scene opens inside of Guild HQ. After returning from the cruise for SCW, Roxi was back at work, and clad in full costume made her way through the guild base, heading for the holding cells, and checking herself in with the guard watching.}


Roxi – I need to speak with inmate 04475-046.


Guard – Reason?


Roxi – I need information.


Guard – Very well, as if policy I must remind you for your safety and for the inmate’s safety an armed guard will be present at all times and this visit must be in a guarded environment.


Roxi – I understand.


{The guard radios for two sets of guards to escort Roxi down the block to the holding cells, and finally come upon the large metal door with the inmate number written on the it. There are ports at eye level, hand level and foot level. The eye port is opened and Roxi peers in and sitting, straight-jacketed, and practically immobile, is Cypher.}


Roxi – Open it, please.


{The Guard gives the signal the door is opened as Roxi enters and sit down on the bench, with Cypher is basically unable to move. He stares at her with a bit of curiosity as the door closes and all 3 ports are opened so the guards can see and hear everything.}


Cypher – How do I help you, Roxi?


Roxi – We need to talk about the events of a couple of months ago. You’re lucky they didn’t let me get to you sooner.


Cypher – I find this threat empty, coming from you. You have never shown the will to carry out these threats.


Roxi – Perhaps you’re right, but at the end of the day, I’m not in control here, and so I didn’t make the decision to have you chained up so that you essentially can’t move unless people want you to. So, while I may not be able to carry out the threats, others here, do not share my compassion.


Cypher – I do not believe they would terminate me, either.


Roxi – Unless it’s necessary. Now, we can do it that way and have this entire conversation at gun point, or we can do it this way, and I can at the very least give those in charge the idea that you are not a big of threat as they believe. Because I am positive these guards are quite bored that you are behaving and would love to have a shot at you.


Cypher – This sounds like a bluff.


Roxi – If you want call my bluff, do it. 


{Cypher thinks, seemingly computing this in his head.}


Cypher – There are guards who would, perhaps be willing to serve out a punishment for executing me.


Roxi – Exactly, so, again, this can go one of two ways. Your choice.


Cypher – Very well. What do you require information on?


Roxi – Where is Amelia?


Cypher – I do not know.


Roxi – You mean to tell me that you worked for her and she never told you anything?


Cypher – She did not divulge anything on her whereabouts. We communicated only face to face, at the mental facility she was incarcerated. 


Roxi – And you visited her?


Cypher – Correct. 


Roxi – How did she find you?


Cypher – After our previous encounter, I was sentenced to be imprisoned at a normal, non-super human prison. When I was there, there were some men there who were in the employ of Ms. Lambert who heard about my skills and abilities. I would assume that information was passed on after my subsequent escape.


Roxi – Where were you imprisoned? And what did she want from you?


Cypher – The prison was Zephyrhills Correctional Institution. She simply requested information from various criminal databases and the Shady Acres mental facility. Once I acquired the information, she instructed me on how to use it.


Roxi – And you are just as responsible for those people dying as she is.


Cypher – Perhaps I am. But these people were not on your side, Roxi. There were all criminals, criminally insane and a great threat to the peace you propose to protect. Is it not for the greater good? You no longer have to deal with the criminal activity of the Mr. Distinguished fellow, nor the sniper.


Roxi – They didn’t need to die.


Cypher – This is where we differ, the main reason for our strife.


Roxi – You don’t get the play god and determine who lives and who dies.


Cypher – I was not attempting to. The chain of deaths would have led to a massive decrease in criminal activity and it would have been the criminals themselves who took each other out, thereby allowing you the freedom you desire from this line of work. This was an acceptable solution and would cause minimal loss of life and zero civilian casualties. For all heroic standards, the threshold would been met.


Roxi – Don’t try and tell me that what was done, was done for me. Because it wasn’t. And need I remind you that Lei shot you that night. You would have been killed, because your part of the story was done.


Cypher – I did... I did not take that into account. I suppose I should have suspected something.


Roxi – No, you were manipulated for that very reason. Because Amelia got your information and she knew about your warped sense of justice. 


Cypher – My vision is not warped, it is sound.


Roxi – It makes you an authoritarian.


Cypher – We have the power to rule this planet 10 times over, and yet your kind continue to try and co-exist with people and persons who do not appreciate your contributions. And you defend them. They kill themselves over and over and do not give it any second thought. And yet, if and when you do the same, they revile you. I feel it is your vision that is warped.


Roxi – The human race isn’t perfect. I never said it was, but there are good people who do good things. And those things don’t result in people dying needlessly. You were lied to and manipulated by Amelia, so yes, I can understand your point of view, I simply won’t agree with it.


Cypher – Then you are doomed to the vicious cycle that Amelia spoke of.


Roxi – What cycle?


Cypher – After meeting with Amelia at the mental facility, I also checked her personal information and found her to be certifiable homicidal maniac.


Roxi – And you worked for her.


Cypher – Because, after meeting with her, she did not appear to come off as such. She appeared to share my vision, and she sympathized with my plight. She was able to change her personality at will, so much so I even questioned if it was the same person. But when she spoke of you, this is where I calculate her true personality emerged.


Roxi – She obsessed with me. It’s not natural.


Cypher – Quite correct. But she had justified in her own mind that you would never terminate her and so she could quote “Push your buttons” and every single time get a rise out of you, until the last time you met face to face.


Roxi – Because I was trying to forget her. She was in the mental institution where she belongs. And you helped her escape, and you got people killed.


Cypher – I did, but again, our viewpoints on the matter differ. Her viewpoint agreed with mine, so a partnership appeared to be most beneficial. But more to the point, she was upset that you would choose to abandon her. I suppose she saw your interactions as something of a game.


Roxi – She did. 


Cypher – And since it appeared to her that your quote “quitting” the game, she would need to take drastic measures to ensure it continued.


Roxi – Wait...


Cypher – Yes?


Roxi – That’s why she did it? 


Cypher – Presumably, yes.


{Roxi stands up, pacing back and forth, angered and annoyed.}


Roxi – She was trying to have every single one of the people I have battled killed so she would be the only one left. 


Cypher – This was also an acceptable outcome, yes. She believes that if she cannot have your full attention, no one should. 


Roxi – And that’s just lovely. If you know where she is, you had better tell me.


Cypher – I do not. Again, I only met her face to face at the mental facility. So, I do not have any further current information based on my incarceration here.


Roxi – No, but you filled in some gaps. I appreciate that. Now... who did you talk to inside that non-super human prison?


Cypher – I do not know the individuals name on record. He only referred to himself as “Slim” I believe the nickname is ironic in nature as he appeared obese.


Roxi – That’s good enough for now. But I need anything else, I’ll be back.


Cypher – I trust that you will. Will you also hold up your arrangement before this interrogation? Perhaps a small amount of freedom.


Roxi – I’ll do what I can, but I make no promises.


Cypher – I calculate this to be true.


Roxi – I know it is.


{With that, Roxi stood up, the doors to the cell slowly opening, the guards having their guns trained on Cypher dispite his inability to me. Roxi exits and the doors swiftly close behind her. She walks away as the scene fades.}



{The new scene is Roxi arriving at Amy Jo Smyth’s house once again. Roxi again knocks one the door and there is a small rumble that shakes the ground coming from inside the house. Roxi knocks louder on the door, finally looking at her keys and finds the spare one AJ gave to her. She opens the door and rushes downstairs to the basement, where AJ stands, laughing hysterically. She turns and waves to Roxi.}


Amy Jo Smyth – Oh hey, Red! 


Roxi – What is going on here?


Amy Jo Smyth – Hydrogen explosions.


Roxi – Why are you doing hydrogen explosions?!


Amy Jo Smyth – Because they are fun. I had some leftover hydrogen gas from a different experiment so I figured, why not get rid of what I have left in the most awesome way possible!


Roxi – You’re going to blow yourself up doing that!


Amy Jo Smyth – Oh don’t be a negative fucking Nancy, Roxi. This is a lab envoirnment, it’s safe.


Roxi – This is your basement.


Amy Jo Smyth – It’s both. Don’t bring me down, okay. I’m too old to be listening to you lecture me.


Roxi – You’re literally blowing things up in your house.


Amy Jo Smyth – IT. IS. FINE. Look, I fill this balloon with hydrogen and then you just expose it to some heat from a lighter and boom! 


Roxi – Can we not do that right now? 


Amy Jo Smyth – Wait... how did you even get in here?


Roxi – You gave me a key.


Amy Jo Smyth – I did?


Roxi – Yes.


Amy Jo Smyth – Huh. Alright, then. But now that you’re here, you’re totally blowing up this balloon.


Roxi – Seriously?


Amy Jo Smyth – You obviously came here for something, and I never ask you for anything. Now, just blow up a balloon with some hydrogen with me.


Roxi – … Sigh. Fine.


Amy Jo Smyth – Great. Oh... oh, eye protection! Safety first!


Roxi – Sometimes I really wonder about you.


{Roxi puts on the eye protection and AJ fills a balloon from her hydrogen tank and ties it to a chair in the middle of the room. She then hands Roxi a meter stick, and taped to the end of the stick is a candle.}


Amy Jo Smyth – Ready? Careful now. 


{AJ lights the candle.}


Roxi – Now what?


Amy Jo Smyth – Touch the balloon with the candle.


Roxi – ….


Amy Jo Smyth – Don’t pussy out, do it.


{Roxi slowly, carefully touches the candle flame to the balloon and the reaction causes an explosion.}


Roxi – What is wrong with you?


Amy Jo Smyth – What? That was awesome! Now, what do you need?


Roxi – I need you to run a name for me in the national criminal database.


Amy Jo Smyth – Okay, no big deal, what’s the name?


Roxi – That’s kind of my problem. I only have a nickname. “Slim”


{AJ just starts laughing sarcastically}


Amy Jo Smyth – Yeah, I’ll get right on that.


Roxi – I’m serious.


Amy Jo Smyth – Roxi, do you know how many people use the name “Slim”? There’s probably half a million people using the name “Slim”


Roxi – He’s apparently not actually slim?


Amy Jo Smyth – 150,000.


Roxi – He was at the Zephyrhills correctional facility.


{AJ looks annoyed.}


Amy Jo Smyth – Why didn’t we just start with that?


Roxi – Because we had to blow up a balloon first.


Amy Jo Smyth – Funny. Alright, I’ll see if anything matches. 


Roxi – Thank you.


Amy Jo Smyth – What’s this for anyway?


Roxi – I need to find Amelia.


Amy Jo Smyth – Oh. She’s loose?


Roxi – Yes. So... I dunno, watch your back here.


Amy Jo Smyth – Nobody’s coming to look for me, Roxi. I’m off the grid. You’re lucky I tweet every now and again.


Roxi – I know.


{AJ goes to her laptop on her cluttered desk and brings up her criminal database and searches by Alias.}


Amy Jo Smyth – Alright, it’ll take a minute or two, you’re not giving me much to go on. 


Roxi – I’m aware, but it’s all I have. 


Amy Jo Smyth – You need better interrogation tactics. I’d of got his whole life story.


Roxi – Maybe you would have.


{After a few seconds, there’s a compiled list.}


Amy Jo Smyth – Well, let’s see... some of these people are dead, in fact, most of them. There’s only about 4 names that could even be considered.


Roxi – Let’s see if we can narrow it down further.


{AJ and Roxi click through the names remaining and there’s one man who looks obese in his picture.}


Amy Jo Smyth – That must be your guy. Escaped too. 


Roxi – Alan Robbins. 


Amy Jo Smyth – Last known address is there.


{Roxi puts the address in her phone and saves it.}


Roxi – Thanks, AJ.


Amy Jo Smyth – Don’t mention it. Come back soon when you’re not solving crimes sometime.


Roxi – I promise.


Amy Jo Smyth – Can I get back to blowing this up now?


Roxi – Yes.


Amy Jo Smyth – Good.


{Roxi smiles and hugs AJ before she departs, heading to the last known address of Alan Robbins.}



{Roxi instantly heads to the address in the new scene. It’s a run-down apartment complex and still listed on the mailboxes is “A. Robbins” under apartment 302. Roxi rushes up the two flights of stairs and to the room. She goes to knock but even the slighest touch reveals the door is broken and it falls off the hinges. Roxi enters, looking around for the escaped prisoner, but finds no sign of him, but a rather large “R” scratched into the wall. She looks at it, unfamiliar with it’s significance. She decides to call Vision.}


Vision – Lady Bedlam?


Roxi – Vision, I think I’ve run across something that could be bad.


Vision – Wouldn’t be the first time.


Roxi – I’m serious. This... is weird.


Vision – Again, not the first time.


Roxi – Look, I’m entered the apartment of an escaped convict and the door was broken, and there are clear signs of a struggle, but nothing is here. Not even a change of clothes, you’d think that a prisoner would want to change out of the jumpsuit.


Vision – Okay? Name?


Roxi – Alan Robbins.


Vision – Okay, Escaped a month or so ago. I doubt he would be there after all this time.


Roxi – Right, but no one is here. The door is broken and clearly someone WAS here.


Vision – How do you know?


Roxi – Check out this logo.


{Roxi scans the carving in the way and it shows up to Vision.}


Vision – Oh no...


Roxi – What?


Vision – It’s the Rejects logo.


{The name draws a blank for Roxi.}


Roxi – Who are the Rejects?


Vision – Over the years, as the guild has existed, there have obviously been some heroes that were... removed for one reason or another, age, ability, or other issues. They went on to form their own group. They called themselves the rejects because they believed we rejected them. 


Roxi – So... we’re dealing with other heroes? Why would they kidnap or at least abduct this guy?


Vision – He has information. Remember, they are trained crime fighters, so they know how to get information. It’s just that these heroes do not have the same ethics or moral code that the Guild does. So... if they have him, it may be a matter of time before they just get rid of him.


Roxi – We have to do something.


Vision – I'll see what I can do about a location, but as it stands, we have no communication with them. They operate in secret. 


Roxi – Great.


Vision – We need to report this, maybe the higher ups can figure something out.


Roxi – What if... what if they want the same thing we want?


Vision – What?


Roxi – Amelia.


Vision – If they find her, they’ll kill her.


Roxi – Of course there’s a moral dilemma now.


Vision – Again I’ll see what I can do, but you better see if there’s anything else you can use there.


Roxi – Alright.


Vision – And be careful.


Roxi – I will.


{Roxi ends the communication and begins searching Alan’s apartment for any clues to his whereabouts as the scene finally fades.}



“A man comes at me with his fists, I'll meet him with fists. But if he pulls a gun-- or threatens people I'm protectin'-- then I got no sympathy for him. He made his choice. He'll have to live-- or die-- with it. I never used my claws on someone who hadn't tried to kill me first. I call that self-defense.”

- Wolverine (X-Men Vol 1 140)

Hello SCW.


I come to you after a victory at Summer XXXtreme which was... underwhelming at best, if I’m being honest. I always enjoy a victory and wins are what get you places in wrestling, but that one just felt like I was going through the motions and it wasn’t something that really got me going, it didn’t make me feel like I accomplished anything, despite Char Kwan being an accomplished wrestler. I just felt rather, empty after that match, but none the less I enjoyed the cruise. It was nice to get away from it all for a little while, and make the sometimes-monotonous grind that wrestling can become into something worth seeing. And add to the fact with this pandemic it was a lot harder because the crowds just aren’t there like they would normally be. Now don’t get me wrong, I loved being out there, even if it was in front of a handful of people, but nothing beats when you guys are there.


And as luck would have it, we are returning to the road after all that time! I have to say that I am super excited for that and I cannot wait to get back in front of large crowd and do what I do best. I have always enjoyed your cheers, and for that brief period, which I am regretful about, the boos for those who manipulated me and made me feel like you didn’t care. The point is, you are important, and it will be so good to get back out there, in a new place, in front of the fans again. I have been waiting to hear you cheer and boo for a long time. It’s only been a small sustained roar these past few weeks, which was a nice change from the more or less silence that was happening before. You guys have no idea how good that’s going to make me feel. 


Now, as I have stated, I am on a bit of a mission now. I have a goal to get back to championship contention and to win every time I go out there. And, while I know that’s not going to be easy, I never asked for it to be. I have gone on letting people jump ahead of me and not actually putting my foot on the ground in my spot in line. And that’s over now. Now, I’m going to let everybody know that at this point, I’m not stopping until I get what I want, and I get where I’m supposed to be. I am normally not about this, but people continue to take my kindness for weakness and continue to step on me to get what they want. People want to hold my name and a win over me like it’s an automatic ticket to anything. People will still talk about beating me years after it happened. It’s nuts. So now, we’re going to go ahead and just make sure that all of those people are removed from my path, once they are sitting in front of it. I’m going to defeat every single person who steps in front of me until I earn the opportunity to become the SCW Bombshell’s champion for a fourth time.


I have already made it clear that I am not interested in any other championship at this time. And so, while it is appreciated to be considered for the vacant Internet championship, it is not what I am after. I am only after one thing at this point. And so, my path is clear. I beat Seleana, I beat Char Kwan, and now I move on, to facing Jessie Salco this week, back in front of the fans.


So, Jessie Salco.


I am well aware of our history, and well aware of your accomplishments. I am aware that we are currently on friendly terms, Team Hero and Metal & Punk are two of the best Bombshell’s tag teams to ever exist. We have been through wars on the same side, and on opposite sides, we have liked and disliked each other. I know all that about Jessie, and she knows all that about me. I could sit here and tell you that Team Hero proved each and every time that we are the better team, but this match isn’t about that. It’s a simple case of Jessie and I, having to do battle one more time. And for the most part, I am excited to get back in front of fans and wrestle someone I have such a history with. It takes a lot off my mind to know this is more about the friendly rivalry for her. I am all for that. I have no issues with that happening, but Jessie is as guilty as a lot of people are of really going out of their way to try and jump the line.


And you know, Jessie is one of the very few people remaining here in SCW that has been here longer than I have. She’s one of the only people that can say she is one of the last originals. And that’s awesome. And maybe, I should be a little envious of Jessie, because she has spearheaded trying to test herself against each and every bombshell that has come into the company. She has been standing there waiting ready to face them down each and every time. And that, it admirable. 


But what I don’t understand, and quite frankly, I can’t really get behind is the fact the Jessie continues to believe that based on this behavior and not the actual result, that she is just able to ask for and demand championship matches. Especially because her win-loss record is less than stellar. Yes, Jessie has won championships, I’m not going to sit here and say they are meaningless, they are great accomplishments and she should be proud of them. But again, Jessie was here before I was, almost a whole year before I was. 


And yet, there is so little to show for this large amount of time. 


I’m not going to sit here and just say that compared to me, Jessie has done very little. Heck, her own partner in Metal & Punk, Amy Marshall accomplished so much and she was one of the originals. It just boggles my mind that Jessie could have been here for so long and have a handful of championships and really... wins under her belt and have any temerity to ask or demand championship matches. Maybe it’s just because I’ve never been one to demand anything when it comes to championship matches, I allow my track record and my ability to do my talking. But obviously in the past few months, I don’t have the track record to really demand anything. I have not been good enough by my own standard to simply rely on my past to suffice for substance. I have done a lot, but this is about the entire thing of “what have you done for me lately” and lately, no, I do not deserve, and I have not earned a championship match. 


Maybe it’s just me that’s stopping me, but goodness that has never stopped Jessie. 


Now, I get it. After saying these things, it’s quite possible that Jessie and I? Our relationship, perhaps friendship, may be a little strained after Sunday. I realize that I am almost picking low hanging fruit by even talking about her win-loss record. I never want to be thought of as cheap or a bully. I’m simply pointing this out to illustrate a point about Jessie’s bravado. While it is an admirable quality to have, as this point, Jessie is out here writing checks she cannot cash, and has never been able to cash. So much that when she has opened her mouth and been called out for it, she has... done nothing about it. And I guess it just bugs me more than it should. Which is part of the reason, that I am opening my mouth about this kind of thing when normally I would not. Because there are just way too many people just going around asking for things to be handed to them, or making borderline absurd challenges and quite frankly it’s just making me look around and wonder why I haven’t opened my mouth sooner about this. 


I mean, mainly because I’m not someone who tries to go around and kick people when they’re down or take the easy road from this type of stuff. I don’t want to be that person. But I feel like, at this point, I need to say these things because maybe, coming from me, they mean something. Maybe people who respected me for my wrestling, will also respect the honesty. Because I try to be an honest person and sometimes that hurts people’s feelings. I’m just kind of done at this point dancing around things anymore. I have to be honest with myself, and be honest with my opponent. I’m not looking to bring people down. Quite the opposite, in fact.


I want these words I’m saying to sear themselves in Jessie’s brain and understand where I’m coming from. It’s not meant to hurt, it’s meant to inform, it’s meant to light the fire in Jessie Salco and make her better. Maybe, after this is recorded and finished, Jessie will be upset and she will come at me, trying to prove me wrong, and that’s what I want. Because it’s not me she will be proving wrong, it’s everyone who picked that low hanging fruit time and time again. It’s for her to wake up and become better.


But while I am looking forward to this match, and while I am trying to help Jessie, the mission comes first. And that means I can’t slack off because I’m trying to help somebody. Not in the slightest. I am making this as difficult for myself as possible, because I NEED to do this. I HAVE to beat every bombshell that is placed in front of me, and eliminate them from contention to the Bombshell’s championship. Some people call it an obsession, or a complusion. I call it, DETERMINATION. I don’t need or want to have any excuses for a loss. I don’t plan on losing. I plan on showing every bombshell in this company whether they like me, or hate me, or somewhere in between, that I have this division my house, and you will respect the rules of my house, and when you try and jump in front of the line and just asking for championship opportunities, that’s a violation of the rules. So, you don’t get rewarded for breaking the rules, you get punished for it. 


And so that falls on Jessie’s head right now. When you have no business trying to hop the line, you don’t get to hop the line. When you act like a hypocrite over and over and yet call others hypocrites, that’s just silly. When you walk around like you’ve accomplished something simply by being around? No. Around this division, we pull our weight. That’s the rule, and if you’re not doing those things, you shouldn’t get anything for it. I’ve sat around too long letting house guests violate the rules, so now, we have to do things like this.


Jessie may in fact thank me later, or she may hate my guts the rest of her career, I don’t know, but I’m coming to San Francisco to win. I’m coming to San Francisco to set a tone. I am NOT about to outworked by Jessie Salco. I am going to beat her, and then if we need to fight it out some more, we will, if we can move past this and still be friendly, that’s fine too. I apologize ahead of time now, because I’m going to add another scratch in that “L” column for Jessie Salco, and she will be in my rear-view mirror and I earn that Bombshell’s championship match. 


Trust me when I say, it may not be Sunday, maybe not even this month. But soon, there will be nobody who can deny me the chance to fight for the Bombshell’s championship. Because I know I am good enough to win it again. I have been holding myself back for way too long. 


So, if you ever needed an example of how much I want this, tune in Sunday, and watch me work, and watch me beat Jessie Salco.


Friend, or foe, when the bell rings on Sunday, it won’t matter. Friend or foe? Let’s just go.


And for the first time in a long time, I can say this, because I know it’s true:


I’ll see all of you, in San Francisco.
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