Author Topic: Bill Barnhart versus Stephen Callaway  (Read 464 times)

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    • Bill Barnhart
Bill Barnhart versus Stephen Callaway
« on: August 26, 2020, 11:32:44 AM »

Narrator:  I must say there have been some interesting things taking place in Sin City Wrestling recently. Seems like there are still a lot of people who feel if you don’t think like they do, talk like they do, walk like they do, and think like they do, they refuse to accept you, With that lead-in I will turn you over to Bill Barnhart who will give you all the information you need to know who to take stock in and who you need to toss aside into the trash dump.

Bill is in a broadcast studio in Sam’s Town sitting at a table waiting for his remote interview to start.

Bill:  Thanks for tuning in to listen to my presentation today. I’m doing a remote interview with Anthony Amey who is the Sports Anchor at WSB-TV Channel 2 in Atlanta. Anthony should be live broadcasting on the screen in a moment.


The techs in the broadcast studio have a split screen showing with Anthony Amey on one side of the screen and Bill on the other.

Bill:  Good to see you again Anthony! How’s the weather in Atlanta?

Anthony:  Hot and humid and lots of rain.

Bill:  I’m in Las Vegas so heat and humidity is common here. Anthony before we begin the remote interview can I ask you a question?

Anthony:  Sure!

Bill:  What do you call a roving cave man?

Anthony:  I don’t know.

Bill:  A meanderthal.

The two enjoy a hearty laugh over the joke and then they continue with their remote interview.

Anthony:  Bill there’s a huge stir over here concerning the choice of Iris to snub Uga the Bulldog, the mascot for the University of Georgia in Athens, and people want to know why Iris chose Pete the Cactus over Uga.

Bill:  To be honest Anthony I had no idea what was going on. But I kept digging and researching as I had to find the answer. It turns out the University of Georgia often changes out the dog that serves in the position of Uga the Bulldog. It could be due to death or injury of the previous Uga or they just wanted a different dog. Iris found out about this and she didn’t want to date an English Bulldog, about 30 miles from our home, only to have him transferred to another part of the country and she wouldn’t see him again. At least with Pete the Cactus there are no legal hurdles for Iris to see him as there was for her seeing Uga the Bulldog.

Anthony:  I understand you wanted to talk about stocks is that correct?

Bill:  Not just talk about stocks like you invest in with the stock market but the definitions of the word stock to see how they fit my match against Stephen Callaway at Climax Control 278,

Anthony:  Use all the air time you need Bill.

Bill pulls out a sheet of paper and starts reading from it.

Bill:  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word STOCK as follows. The equipment, materials, or supplies of an establishment. A device for publicly punishing offenders consisting of a wooden frame with holes in which the feet or feet and hands can be locked. The wooden part by which a shoulder arm is held during firing. A liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been simmered that is used as a basis for soup, gravy, or sauce. A dull, stupid, or lifeless person.

Anthony:  How do those definitions of the word stock fit with your match against Stephen Callaway?

Bill:  I have more stock when it comes to my abilities as a wrestler than Stephen Callaway has. Stephen should be placed in a stock to be punished for his arrogant attitude. After I’m done beating down Callaway he’ll wish he was smacked in the face with the stock of a rifle than to have been hit by me. As far as soup stock that’s about all Stephen will be worth doing with when I’m done with him. And, finally, stock as a dull, stupid, lifeless person? Ha ha ha! Look at Stephen Callaway and you can see how well that definition fits.

Anthony:  When we set up this remote interview you said you also wanted to talk about the meanings of BOOK VALUE and MARKET VALUE of stocks of companies. I also make the assumption once you do that you will again state how that relates to your match with Stephen Callaway.

Bill:  You’re right Anthony. BOOK VALUE means the value of a business according to their financial statements. Book value is calculated from the balance sheet, which indicates the difference between a company's total assets and total liabilities. If Company XYZ has total assets of $100 million and total liabilities of $80 million, the book value of the company is $20 million. This means if the company sold off its assets and paid down its liabilities the equity value, or net worth, of the business would be $20 million. As far as MARKET VALUE goes it is the value of a company according to the stock market. Market value is calculated by multiplying a company's shares by its current market price. If Company XYZ has 1 million shares and each share trades for $50, then the company's market value is $50 million. Market value is most often the number analysts, newspapers and investors refer to when they mention the value of the business.

Anthony:  Interesting.

Bill:  For Stephen Callaway it will be enlightening. Most of the wrestlers in Sin City Wrestling couldn’t figure out the answer to the question what does 2 plus 2 equal so I can’t expect them to understand Book Value and Market Value. However equating it to myself and the other wrestlers in the Federation my Book Value is 10 times higher than the Book Value of most of the other wrestlers and my Market Value is 100 times higher than most of the other wrestlers. What does that mean? Invest in Bill Barnhart and you’ll be rewarded with huge Dividend payments. Watch me at Climax Control 278 as I easily defeat Stephen Callaway.


Anthony:  Bill I’ve known you since you moved to the Atlanta Metro area in 2012. I admire your work in the sport of wrestling. We are so close as friends I would say we are like brothers. But, Bill, I have to play Devil’s Advocate here and mention that Stephen Callaway is very successful in the sport of wrestling and he has won a lot of matches and against some top names in the business. Don’t you think you might be over-stepping a bit claiming you will get a easy victory over Stephen Callaway?

Bill:  Okay, Anthony, let me ask you a question. Although Stephen Callaway has been very successful in Sin City Wrestling do you see his name listed as a Champion for any of the Championships in Sin City Wrestling?

Anthony:  Let me call up the Sin City Wrestling Championship history.

There is a short delay as Anthony Amey clicks on the Champions listing for Sin City Wrestling.

Anthony:  Well, Bill, I do not see Stephen Callaway’s name listed as a Champion in any Division. But to be fair about it your name isn’t listed either.

Bill:  You’re correct but that will change when I obtain a Championship while Stephen Callaway will be left scrounging around the city dump looking for something he can wear as a Championship Title Belt.


Bill:  Anthony I want Stephen Callaway to know he is at a disadvantage due to his wrestling style. Callaway relies on high flying maneuvers which carry a low success rate and a high failure rate. On the other hand I rely on technical wrestling and brawling with both carrying a high success rate and low failure rate. When Stephen does his high flying maneuvers I’ll swat him down like people do to a fly with a fly swatter. It will be a humiliating defeat for Callaway but I don’t care about his feelings. I ask everyone to watch my match and watch my predictions come true. Thanks for providing air time to hold this remote interview with me Anthony. When we return to Atlanta Metro me and Bea and Iris will drop by WSB-TV Channel 2 studios and we will take you out for lunch.

Anthony:  The pleasure is always mine Bill. Looking forward to your match.

With the remote interview over the techs in the studio cut the feeds and the screen goes black.