Author Topic: Never Celebrate Too Early...  (Read 5802 times)

Offline Peter Vaughn

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Never Celebrate Too Early...
« on: April 26, 2024, 09:59:37 PM »
~As the picture comes up, we hear the sound of sizzling, as we slowly are able to see a brown mass, bubbling up grease as it heats up. The camera slowly zooms backwards, to show us several hamburger patties, cooking away on a BBQ grill. Next to them are a group of hot dogs for those who always want a 'choice', although let's face it, grilled hot dogs never compete with grilled burgers. The camera goes back further, as a ranch hand steps in to start flipping the patties, making sure they get nice char lines on them without getting too blackened.~

Ranch Hand: Who still needs a burger? We're about ready here!

~An extremely interested teenager hurries over, probably a family member. He's not going to miss out on more free food. As the teenager is served, the camera pans around, focusing on the celebration that seems to be going on. We see a large banner proclaiming "The PMV Ranch - Now & Forever!" There are some folks dancing off to the side, enjoying the music coming through the outdoor speakers. The camera moves around to the other side, where we see Sadie Anderson looking around with an ecstatic expression. She turns, holding the hand of the man next to her, giving it a squeeze. Peter Vaughn looks at her, sighs, then nods, before getting up, carrying a beer in his other hand. He raises it and gets everyone's attention.

Peter Vaughn: Hello, everyone. Are you guys having a great time?

~There's a general cheer from the group. It tends to be an unwritten rule that ranchers work hard and party harder. Vaughn's a slight exception to that rule, but he's still doing his best to stay in the spirit of the event. He glances back at Sadie, who gives a knowing nod, before he continues.~

Peter Vaughn: I just want to thank you all again for all your hard work over the last few months. I know things looked a little bleak with the lawsuit hovering over us, trying to steal away the PMV Ranch after all of our hard work. I'm glad to say that everything has been officially cleared. We don't have to worry about Judd Harrison trying to make a play for our land anytime soon. From what I hear, he's facing some pretty serious charges regarding judge tampering...

~There are several laughs in the audience. It was through the efforts of several people that the documents were found linking Judd Harrison to Judge Trebur. The implications were obvious to the judge once he saw the paperwork, as he quickly and quietly dismissed the lawsuit that was trying to reclaim the land for its previous owners, the Raymeth family. Suffice to say, it was a very decisive victory for Peter Vaughn and his ranch.~

Peter Vaughn: I know many of you went above and beyond for this ranch. Cliff, you put yourself in harm's way, going undercover at Harrison's ranch...

Cliff Sterling: And I'll be damn happy never to see any of those goons again anytime soon!

Peter Vaughn: Sadie, you got us the connection through the Raymeth son-in-law, Anthony...

Sadie Anderson: Have you gotten him released from jail, yet? I talked to him yesterday, he wasn't sounding too good...

Peter Vaughn: Yeah, ummm, I'm still working on that...

~Vaughn coughs for a moment, feeling the gaze from Sadie turn a little icier, before turning away to face everyone else.~

Peter Vaughn: And I know many of you contributed wherever you could. Like you, Mitch. I heard you took it upon yourself to go through the large garbage truck that had been to Harrison's ranch.

~A dusty-looking cowboy nods as the people around him seem to take a subconscious step away from him.~

Peter Vaughn: Sure, you didn't find anything to help us, but I applaud the initiative! That's what I want to see from everyone here at the PMV Ranch! Believe me, actions like that will be rewarded. In fact, this is the perfect time to announce what I've been planning: everyone on the PMV Ranch payroll is going to receive an extra $1,000 bonus on your next paystub!

~This gets a loud eruption of cheers from all of the ranch hands. Only Sadie looks unsettled, mouthing "Bonus??" at Vaughn, but he doesn't see (or pretends not to see) her reaction. He can afford it, after all.~

Peter Vaughn: Anyhow, you guys didn't come to hear me talk. You came to celebrate, and that's just what we're going to do all night!

~This brings on another roaring cheer.~

Peter Vaughn: ... But we'll be working again starting early tomorrow morning, so don't party TOO hard!

~The cheers turn to good-natured boos, as Vaughn smirks at them. He raises his beer.~

Peter Vaughn: To the PMV Ranch, Now & Forever!

~The toast works, with everyone raising their glasses and getting back to a good party atmosphere. Vaughn nods and turns away, walking straight over towards where the camera has been recording.~

Peter Vaughn: Enjoying yourself, friend?

~The camera moves up and down in a nod, as we hear the voice of Vaughn's intrepid cameraman, who's been with him since he came to Sin City Wrestling.~

Cameraman: I'm having a great time, actually. You know that woman over there gave me her number?

~Vaughn glances over where the cameraman indicated.~

Peter Vaughn: You mean Trish? Careful with that one, boyo. She's the one who's been breaking in the horses lately.

~Trish seems to recognize she's being talked about, as she glances over and gives the cameraman a wink. The cameraman seems to shudder for a moment before turning back to Vaughn.~

Cameraman: So how are you feeling, Mr. Vaughn? It must be good to have all your ranch legal issues in the rearview mirror, and on top of that, you won the SCW Internet Championship!

Peter Vaughn: I certainly did. Milo gave me a hell of a fight, and I'll admit, at times I wasn't sure I was going to actually pull it off. But I found a way, like I usually do. It is nice to be holding Sin City gold again.

Cameraman: Are you planning to set another record for holding an SCW championship?

Peter Vaughn: Whoa, my man, chill out. Let me get a defense or two in before we start considering something that grand. Obviously, the talent level is higher in the Internet Division compared to the Roulette. But I have no doubts that I'm going to acquit myself well as the champion over the next few months, continuing my battle upwards towards the top of the rankings.

Cameraman: And you're also starting the Blast From The Past Tournament, aren't you?

~Vaughn's smile fades slightly, as he thinks about the tournament. He slowly nods his head.~

Peter Vaughn: That's correct. Last year, this tournament was the most disappointing moment of my SCW career so far. I drafted a partner that didn't seem to care about the competition, and she was quickly pinned despite my best efforts. This year, though, at least I've got a championship-caliber partner, one who was also successful at Blaze of Glory. I'm certainly in better position than I was this time last year.

~The cameraman's been following Vaughn for almost a year and a half now, and you can't help but pick up on some cues during that time. He recognizes that Vaughn doesn't sound as enthusiastic as he should.~

Cameraman: If I can ask, Mr. Vaughn... I really thought after your speech at the PPV, you'd be coming into this with a little more enthusiasm.

Peter Vaughn: You know me too well, dude. Maybe it's time I get a new camera guy.

~The camera freezes for a moment, before Vaughn smirks over at him.~

Peter Vaughn: Nah, then I'd have to break them in again, wouldn't I? But you're right. I wanted to be extremely excited going into the first round of the tournament with Bobbie as my partner. But then we randomly got selected to face the one guy I wasn't interested in seeing in this tournament: Matthew Knox. You know, I just got through winning a war over him in TPW? He's been added to my List of the Vanquished enough lately. Honestly, he was the one guy I didn't want to see come our way, and yet he found a way to make it happen.

Cameraman: So you think Mr. Knox, what, paid off someone to get this match?

Peter Vaughn: Hell, I don't know. It's a pretty big coincidence, that's all I'll say. But even if it was just bad luck, it's not going to change the result. I'm paired with one of the best female wrestlers in SCW, and between us, Knox is going to once again feel the taste of defeat come his way. He and Kasey Vex may have had some success outside of Sin City, but they don't have it running through their veins like Bobbie and I do now. I have shed blood, sweat, & tears for the last year & a half here in SCW, and that's definitely going to give me the upper hand on ol' Knoxie.

~There's a short yell of Vaughn's name, causing him to turn. Sadie is waving him over, wanting him to talk to the two older gentlemen she's talking with. They're probably prospective clients who were invited to the party. Vaughn sighs, then looks at at the cameraman with a smile.~

Peter Vaughn: Well, I've got to get back to making small talk. Not my favorite activity, but it comes with the job description. But you go and have a good time, alright?

Cameraman: Are you, uh, sure I should stick around?

~The camera glances over at Trish, who seems to be dancing with another cowboy at the moment. Vaughn laughs.~

Peter Vaughn: C'mon, man. It's a party. What could possibly go wrong?

~Anyone who's been in this sort of situation knows that you never say something like that, but Vaughn couldn't help himself. Sure enough, a man comes running around the corner, shouting wildly.~

Billy Weaver: Help!! HELP!!

Peter Vaughn: What's going on, Billy? You left the cattle gate open again?

~Vaughn says this in jest, but sobers up quickly when he sees the expression on Billy's face.~

Billy Weaver: There's fire, boss!! Two of them!! Both of the barns are up ablaze!!!

~There are gasps from some in the group, as Vaughn's eyes widen. He runs around the corner of the building, looking off to the west... where we can see black smoke rising up into the sky.~

Peter Vaughn: Everyone get moving! Now!!

~Vaughn signals, and the ranch hands all drop their plates and beers and begin running towards the burning buildings. Vaughn looks back at Sadie, who looks concerned.~

Sadie Anderson: You don't think...

~Vaughn shakes his head, furious.~

Peter Vaughn: Judd... DAMN him!!

~Vaughn then takes off, racing away, as Sadie goes to make a call to the nearby Dallas emergency line. It's unlikely they'll be able to send help in time, but the way wildfires have burned in Texas lately, the earlier notification, the better...~

Sometimes you just can't relax without something else happening.

I mean, look at the current situation in Sin City. I win myself another championship. I'm riding high with the Bombshell Roulette Champion, Bobbie Dahl, getting named as my partner in the tournament. And who steps out of the shadows to try to ruin things once again? The Rickety Raven Matthew Knox. Y'know, Knoxie, something tells me you joined up with this tournament just for the chance to get another shot at me. I really can't understand why.

Some people just like the aggravation, I suppose.

I mean, I've had some persistent enemies wanting to fight me. I've fought Chris Page multiple times. Milo and I keep going at it here in Sin City. But you're the only one who won't let things go, Knucklex. Let's go over some of our recent history, shall we? You attacked me in Thunder Pro Wrestling, wanting to destroy me in 2022. I beat you. Then you returned in 2023, again wanting to take me down from the top spot. I turned El Diablo Blanco against you. We crushed you in a six-man match. My team then annihilated yours at War Games. And sure, you did manage one pin on me through wild circumstances, but I got that victory back at the Denzel Porter Invitational, regaining my International Title.

By my math, that puts me around 5-1 over you in recent years. Course, I know you, Knoxie. You like to claim that "none of those wins counts" and only claim that one win you got as the legitimate one. Personally, I think it's a little cowardly of you not to accept those results, but that's just me. But let's go back to the most important point, which happened at Sin City's Inception VI.

Do you remember that one, Matt? It was at the beginning of 2023, if that helps.

That was the match where you were taking on Mac Bane, Ken Davison, and Jack Washington for the SCW Heavyweight Title. That night, Matt? That was the only time I've come hunting for YOU. You see, Mac and his manager at the time, Chris Page, wanted me there, and I decided that you had been saying so much trash about my title reigns that I would show up and make you pay. I clocked you with that chair, and got to watch as Mac pinned you to win the championship. I fully expected you to go on the warpath like you always do, blaming me for everything.

How could I ever expect you to just... leave?

Sure, we would fight elsewhere. But I never forgot the fact that you decided it wasn't worth it in Sin City with me here. Maybe that's the reason I've stayed here since then. I mean, you're the reason I've been here, Knoxie. I would have never joined Sin City if you hadn't been a part of it. In a way, I guess I owe you for that, as since then, I've broken the record for holding the SCW Roulette Title for the longest time at 288 days, and I've won the SCW Internet Championship as well.

That's two title reigns I wouldn't have had without you.

So... thanks?

But that's not going to change my actions in this tournament, Knux. Because I know what you're up to. You know what my Achilles' heel is: the tag-team division. I have won World Titles all across this planet, but I've never been able to claim a tag-team championship anywhere, no matter who I partner up with. I figure that's the TRUE reason you signed up for this, because you know it increases your odds against me... apparently substantially.

I can't explain it, really. I compete hard in tag-team competition, bringing everything I've got to the table. But my teammates... for some reason, many of them just haven't shown up. And I know what you're going to say: the law of averages says if it keeps happening, it's something on my side, and I can't entirely disagree. But only to an extent, because I'm still one of the greatest wrestlers competing in the world today. I wouldn't have all of these championships if I wasn't.

But tag-teams haven't been in my skill-set... until now.

I've made 2024 the year that I finally make waves in the partners division. I've been competing in more tag-team contests than ever before, honing my craft. And this year, unlike 2023, I have a partner who lives up to my talents. Bobbie Dahl has held the Bombshell Roulette Title since December, and she shows no signs of giving it up anytime soon. She's proven herself to be one of the upcoming stars, and I have no doubt that she'll use this success to propel herself up the Bombshell ladder all the way to the very top.

Hell, I'll probably help her if needed, now that she's my ally.

I've seen Bobbie in action. I've competed on shows with her, getting to see her in action up close and personal. I feel like our Sin City roots are going to give us an extreme edge in the competition. But you, Matthew? What do you know about Kasey Vex? Have you guys ever been in the same federation together? It doesn't seem likely, but then again, you do tend to show up everywhere, so it's possible. You guys just don't have the same connection as Bobbie and I do.

Not that it matters to me on that front. I really don't see much need for me to tag out once I'm in there.

As I've already stated, I know you, Knoxie. I know what makes you tick. I know what gets under your skin. And I'm going to do everything I can to throw off your game and get the pin on you, because nothing will rub salt into the wound more than me pinning you once again. And I'm sure you'll claim I cheated once more, and hey, anything's possible.

I've proven I can do anything to win in the past. I'll keep proving it in the future.

Because winning is what matters, Knoxie.

Winning is what matters.

~We go back to the ranch, where chaos reigns. We see one of the large barns used to store supplies up in flames, flickering high into the night. The ranchers have gotten together, forming a bucket brigade from where the water pumps are, quickly transferring bucket after bucket down the line towards the fire. The water is having an effect... just not enough of one. Sadie comes running up, looking things over and instantly realizing they're in trouble.~

Sadie Anderson: The fire department in Dallas said they're sending units, but it'll be at least 30-40 minutes. Wait... where's Peter?

Cliff Sterling: You got me! He ordered us to line up and start trying to put the fire out, but then he ran off!

~There are some grumbles from the ranch hands, as they keep working, trying to make a dent in the inferno. Another group is working on the other barn, but it's slow going there as well.~

Sadie Anderson: It's not like Peter to run away. He must have something else in...

~Suddenly, there's the sound of approaching hooves. Sadie turns, seeing Vaughn riding up on a carriage led by two horses. Surprised, she steps out of the way, as Vaughn pulls up.~

Sadie Anderson: What on Earth?

Peter Vaughn: No time, Sadie. Cliff, Trent, get over here and put these on!

~Vaughn jumps to the back of the small carriage, where several backpacks can be seen, laying there. Cliff and Trent hurry over, following orders, and grab at the strange packs. They look them over, confused, realizing how heavy they are. Vaughn quickly flips a switch on each of them.~

Peter Vaughn: There you go, boys. Packs of my own design. They'll help you put out the fire.

~Both Cliff and Trent look nervous, as some of Vaughn's "inventions" haven't worked out as expected. But Cliff trusts him, so he moves first, heading towards the fire and pressing the button, aiming the gun that way. He expects a jet of water, but instead feels a bit of suction as the pack goes off. He moves closer to the fire, realizing that it's taking out the oxygen around the flames, helping to reduce it. Trent, seeing this, joins in, and the two work on battling the flames. Meanwhile, Vaughn takes the other packs over to the second barn, donning one himself to work on it.~

Peter Vaughn: Press the blue button to cut out suction and fire off the fluoroprotein. Use it sparingly, though, each pack only has a small amount!

~Vaughn steps up, spraying the foamy substance forward on a particularly aggressive burning spot. It goes out almost instantly. The crew works hard, using everything available to them, and soon it appears they've been successful. The flames are down to smoking cinders at this point. Vaughn hands over his pack to another ranch hand and walks over to Sadie.~

Sadie Anderson: The fire department will be here soon, not that they're needed. You really should patent those devices, they really work!

~Vaughn shrugs off the praise, still steaming.~

Peter Vaughn: This was all the work of Judd Harrison.

Sadie Anderson: We don't know that for sure...

Peter Vaughn: He was furious when we countered his schemes. His legal way of taking my ranch from me didn't work, so he's trying to burn it down around me! I'll show him. I'll dynamite his entire...

Sadie Anderson: You will do NO SUCH THING, Peter Vaughn!!

~Vaughn stops, surprised at the strictness in his fiancé's tone. He turns back, his eyes narrowed as Sadie steps up to him, showing no fear of his temper.~

Sadie Anderson: If we can find proof that it was Judd, we'll make him pay. I swear it. But for right now, we need to make sure everything's under control here. And you're the man in charge. So don't be running off half-cocked. Be the leader these guys need!

Peter Vaughn: Sadie... I...

~Vaughn steps towards Sadie, trying to think things through. She stares back at him, resilient as ever. The two lean towards each other. That's when the gunshot rings out.~

Let's talk about reliability in stressful situations.

I know that I can trust Bobbie Dahl, knowing her the way I do. Maybe we've never wrestled in the squared circle together, but I've talked with her before, and I have a good read on her personality in the ring. I feel like when the going gets tough, Bobbie is going to tear through it like nobody's business. She'll also have The Mechanic backing her up the entire way.

Sure, I'm not exactly known for my trustworthiness, but I have a lot riding on this tournament. That makes me ultra-focused on making sure that Bobbie is successful on her side of things. I don't want to have to try and win the whole match myself, and having a partner who can stand strong in a championship-caliber contest will definitely help greatly with that. Bobbie is a top find, and I'm feeling extremely fortunate to have her on my side.

Do you feel the same, Kasey? What about you, Knoxie?

If I were Kasey, I wouldn't be feeling that secure right now. Can she really trust Knox to back her up? Yes, Knox has been willing to support some people, like Amber, but he's also been a rough partner for other wrestlers, if he doesn't think they're performing well enough. Doesn't he seem like the sort that would wave his hands in the air and walk off away from the ring, leaving Kasey all on her own?

I mean, that wouldn't change much in this contest, since it's not like I can tag in to face her. But it still doesn't make for a good partner.

Maybe I'm wrong about Knoxie. Maybe he won't walk off in the middle of the contest, or even afterwards. But when you're in a match for only one reason, the rest of the motivation is lost to you. Do you really think, Kasey, that if you guys make it past Bobbie & I, Knox will still be invested? You might have an anchor around your waist the rest of the tournament.

Of course, I'm planning for you guys to sink in the first round, right to the bottom. So that shouldn't matter either way.

Either Bobbie is going to bomb Kasey, eliminating her from the contest, or I'm going to once again take Mattie for the Plunge. There are no other outcomes I'm going to allow. I will do anything and everything I can to make sure my team comes out victorious, teaming with Bobbie as if we are future tag-team champions... which we can be.

While Matt and Kasey will just be... strangers without a connection, falling freely out of the first round.

Back to the singles ranks you two go. See you elsewhere, Mattie.

~A couple more gunshots ring out, as Vaughn tackles Sadie to the ground. The two roll to cover, with Vaughn getting himself upright. He looks out in the distance, as other ranch hands run for cover. The flash of light tells him exactly where the shots are coming from. He looks back the other direction, and a wave of shock crosses his face.~

Sadie Anderson: Ugh...

Peter Vaughn: Sadie... are you alright?

~Vaughn turns and kneels over Sadie, who is working to get up. She's holding her side.~

Sadie Anderson: I'm fine, although I know how Dak Prescott feels when he gets sacked. You really nailed me. But... thanks.

~Vaughn looks her over one more time, then turns, glaring out past the ruins of the barn.~

Peter Vaughn: That does it. Judd's gone too far.

Sadie Anderson: We don't know that, Peter. Police are coming with the fire department. They should be here any minute. Let's just stay down and...

Peter Vaughn: Not a chance. He's got to pay for injuring those I love...

Sadie Anderson: Peter...

~Sadie reaches out a hand to her fiancé, touching him on the arm. Vaughn, meanwhile, is looking back the other direction... where we can see that Vaughn's truck, Gabriella, is sitting. She has two gunshot holes in her windows. Vaughn, seeing red, suddenly breaks away from Sadie and runs for the carriage, jumping on board and spurring the horses forward.~

Sadie Anderson: Peter, wait!!!

~The horses obediently charge forward, well-trained. They don't seem bothered with gunfire, which is a benefit for ranchers. The shooting momentarily stops, as the shooter is probably incredulous that Vaughn is charging them with a horse & carriage. Another shot finally goes off, but it's wide, as Vaughn gets close enough to leap off the carriage and fly into them. There's a brief fight in the distance, as Sadie begins to head that way. Cliff runs up, tossing her a shotgun.~

[font color=orange]Cliff Sterling: Glad the boss finally gave me the safe combination. Let's get over there![/color]

~They both run over, armed, to find Vaughn... on top of the squirming man, holding him down with a crossface submission.~

Man: Ow!! OWWW!!! Let go of me!!!

Peter Vaughn: You shot her... I should break your arm...

Man: Aggghhhh!!!!

Sadie Anderson: Peter, it's okay!! I'm fine! Just let him up!!

~Vaughn reluctantly releases the hold, getting up and dragging the man with him, so that Sadie and Cliff can get a good look at him.~

Cliff Sterling: Oh, damn...

Sadie Anderson: Augustus Raymeth??

~Augustus suddenly tries to jump at Vaughn, who easily subdues him again.~

Augustus Raymeth: You did this!! You!!

Peter Vaughn: You've really flipped your lid, haven't you, Augustus? Did Judd put you up to this? Is he the reason you're attacking us??

~Vaughn grabs the back of Augustus' neck, but he struggles against the hold.~

Augustus Raymeth: I don't give a damn about Judd!! I want... ow! I want my family's land back! You stole it!! YOU STOLE IT!!!

Peter Vaughn: Are we still on about that?

~Vaughn shakes his head, even as we hear sirens approaching. They all look off towards the flashing lights coming up the road.~

Sadie Anderson: Better late than never?

Peter Vaughn: I suppose... c'mon, crazy, let's go meet the police...

Augustus Raymeth: Thief... you're a THIEF!!

~Vaughn drags him towards the police cars that are pulling up, as we cut away.~

It all comes down to this, Knoxie: can we trust our tag-team partners?

I feel good about mine. How about you?

Are you starting to feel some nerves there, Knext, or are you immune from those nowadays? Do you even care enough to get nervous?

Because I'm feeling it. It's getting me energized, ready for war with you once again.

Let the Blast From The Past Tournament begin.

Once Bobbie and I wipe The KnoxVex conglomerate from the brackets, we'll move on to the next team. And the next one. And we won't stop until we've got those championship shots in our grasp.

And I'll relish the thought of Knox thinking to himself, "I could have stopped him. Once again, I could have stopped the path of destruction.

And I failed."

See you in the ring, boyo. Good luck. You'll both need it.

~The final firetruck drives away, its lights off. Vaughn and Sadie watch them go, before looking back at the two damaged barns sitting nearby.~

Peter Vaughn: Those aren't going to be cheap to rebuild.

Sadie Anderson: Maybe we can get the Raymeth Estate to pay for it.

~Vaughn doesn't seem optimistic, knowing how long battles can take in the courts. They'll need those barns much sooner than that. They walk off to look over more of the damage, as Sadie glances at a bullet hole in the wall.~

Sadie Anderson: Amazing that Augustus really went off the deep end there. I knew he wanted this land back, but I thought it was just a scheme with Judd Harrison. He really took it personally. I wonder why he believes so strongly that you stole this land from his father?

~Vaughn can only shrug his shoulders, looking off in the distance with a small smile.~

Peter Vaughn: Who knows?

~Vaughn keeps staring, as if remembering something that happened here long ago. Sadie doesn't notice, continuing to go over the damage as the camera slowly zooms out, leaving the PMV Ranch, formerly the Raymeth Ranch, behind.~