Author Topic: Time for a change?  (Read 560 times)

Offline Evie Baang

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    • Evie Baang
Time for a change?
« on: October 16, 2020, 11:25:25 PM »
Evie wasn’t like most girls, in fact when it came to her emotions and her inner feelings she was able to keep a lid on them, remove all the air and suffocate them to a point of no return. It was hard to get her to shake, it was hard to get under her skin and it was even harder to get her to explode but once her fuse was lit, there was no turning back and there was no blowing out the flame. It was only a matter of time where the fire would eat down the cord that trailed towards the explosive and the outcome after the bang was always catastrophic. It wasn’t her fault, while growing up Evie didn’t have the luxury like most other girls she didn’t get to experience love, she didn’t get to experience the lustful, easy breezy teenage years, she was breed to fight, born to kill and taught to disregard all feelings other than focus… and right now since losing the World Bombshell Championship, there was nothing to focus on… there was nothing to keep her mind from ticking over keeping her on a path.
Right now, she was lost in the forest and yet, no one really seemed to care.
Although Evie cared, and she cared enough to watch everyone’s reactions around her lately like a hawk and she was keeping score and now she knew exactly where she stood. It wasn’t at the top, it wasn’t in the middle, hell it wasn’t even at the bottom… She was the afterthought of the Bombshell division and history was once again repeating itself. Another title reign had come and gone and another chance at an instant rematch had dwindled into nothing. Evie shouldn’t of had to ask, she shouldn’t even had to beg and yet the more she thought about it the more the facts came to life… she would never be seen as equal in the wrestling world. Evie would never be seen as the queen of the mountain, she wasn’t the wolf she once portrayed herself as… she was the little lamb and since losing to Alicia Lukas at Violent Conduct, she would have to take her place back into the fold with the rest of the herd. 
If there was a colour you didn’t want Evie to see, that would be red and since this morning’s “conversation” with her husband Ben she couldn’t help but see anything but. Evie had the words the right words for that conversation and they were sitting right at the tip of her tongue, but she knew at times like this her venom would cause more damage and do more harm than good, so taking the high road for the moment she just gritted her teeth told Ben she needed to think. She was wild, never in a million years did she think Ben of all people would think that it would be okay to call her out on her “retirement plan”. In fact Evie was furious that he had just focused on that word instead of asking her what on earth was going on or in fact, see how she was feeling.
Evie knew she was hard to live with, she knew she was hard to get along with at times but she didn’t expect Ben of all people to call her out for not talking to him about things. However, see the thing with Saint Ben is, he’s always in the right while Evie, always danced over the fine line of irrational and wrong and whelp, today was no different it seemed. He made her feel like a child, being scorned at for taking the last Tim Tam without asking and the last thing Evie wanted to feel, was that her emotions or her thoughts weren’t worth the bother and Ben’s straight up no bullshit attitude had Evie wanting the paint the Main Street of Bar Harbour red, with strangers blood and that urge hadn’t crossed Evie’s emotional radar for a long, long, loooong time.
Hours had passed before Evie could even muster up the courage to go home, she wanted nothing more than to but the lid back on her problems and smoother it out but she was tired of biting her tongue and truth be told if the Jordan’s were going to stay married she was going to have to address this issue face on. There was no more time to beat around the bush, so despite her rage home is where she needed to be right now to clear the air.

When Evie got home, she couldn’t find Ben anywhere and the only tell tale sign that he was outdoors was the fact their dog Bear could be heard barking towards the lake. Evie made her way to the back foot, sliding it open before she walked along the deck, that’s when her eyes came across a sleeping Ben Jordan who was guts up in a… sandpit? Making her way across the grasses yard, there was pace behind her strides partly because she thought Ben was passed out but the closer she got to him the more noise his small snores came to life in her ears. As soon as Evie was within arms reach, she woke him. I’m sure you watched Ben’s promotional video by now, if not pop off and catch up or otherwise this next line isn’t going to make much sense.
“Thank you.” She said quietly. “Now let’s talk about that retirement thing, shall we?”

Evie was still in shock over Ben’s handy work of creating a beach side oasis for her to decorate, to make her feel at ease. Talk about whiplash this morning, one minute she was getting moaned at, then groaned at and now she was sitting beside her husband in the middle of a sandpit, created to purely calm her nerves and keep her inner gypsy satisfied.

“And what did you decide?” Ben said optimistly.

Truth be told he wanted her to knock it on the head, but ultimately that decision that was out of his hands. He knew his talk from earlier this morning had put her in a tailspin, he could smell the aftermath on her in the form of cigarettes and whiskey. Evie looked down at the sand, scooping up a handful she let the grains pass through her fingertips. The beach always brought her back home, every time she touched the sand she felt like she was back in Victor Harbour. It was a long time ago, another lifetime and even though she hadn’t thought of Australia as her home anymore, she couldn’t shake the memories that came flooding back, purely brought on by sand and crashing waves.

“It’s not that simple.” Evie exhaled, seemingly exhausted.

Ben crossed his legs in front of him, his blue eyes not leaving Evie’s for a single second as he tried to process what was going through her mind. Evie let the sand go, before she dusted her hands off she needed to focus and repay the favour of airing out her two cents. Right now was the time to be missing Victor Harbour, right now it was the right time to discuss their future. Her eyes flashed up from the sand and back into his and with a simple painful sounding sigh, Evie began to speak.

“You don’t understand what it's like to be left out, you don’t understand what it’s like to be in the shadows in this line of work. You, you’re the star power, you’re the draw in this family and it’s always been that way.” Evie kicked off.

Ben didn’t really know where this was going but he could tell from the look on Evie’s face that it wasn’t his time to speak.

“Take your loss to Griffin for example, Mark, Christian, Brooke they all reached out to you… they all called you, they offered you a rematch, they offered to sit with you and line up your next few months of matches, they begged you to stay around, not that you needed any arm twisting. The only reason why you haven’t received your rematch, is because you declined it.” She sighed. “You were and as you should be proud of your last reign, you took the bull by the horns and you showed the world what I have been telling you for years, you’re the main man… you’re the main event and you really don’t give yourself enough credit and with the chapter closed for now you’re happy to just plot along for a while before you have something new to focus on in Sin City Wrestling… I on the other hand?” Her voice croaked.

It was as if the air didn’t want to go past her throat as Evie choked. She quickly cleared her throat and continued, she didn’t have time to drag this out.

“This is what happened to me.” Evie said softly.

Evie removed her phone from her pocket, she unlocked it and went straight into her pictures. Once she found the screen shots she was happy with, she  turned it towards Ben.

“This was my calendar before Violent Conduct leading all the way up to the end of the year and this is it now.” Her voice was shaky.

The calendar before her loss was jammed packed with events, press, potential feuds, it was overflowing and the new calendar was empty, not a single event not a single potential future match, nothing just a clean slate.

“Take notice of the times.” Evie hissed. “Within five minutes after my loss to Alicia I went from top of the mountain to being less than Bea who spends most her fucking time in catering. That’s how easy it was for them, to wipe their hands of me, and start focusing on what was not so new and fucking shiny.” Evie growled.

She moved from her photos to her recently called list to scroll through the names since Violent Conduct.

“See anything different to yours? Not once has Mark, Christian or Brooke called me… not fucking once. Begs me to ask the question, why? Why fucking bother?” Evie sighed, she was hurt.

Ben went to speak but he was cut off by Evie’s harsh thick accent.

“Not once after any of my title losses have I been awarded a one on one rematch, I’ve just been thrown to the back of the line… thrown back into the heap. Yet, others in this company are rewarded constantly with being in the title picture and for what, because they put in the work? Like I haven't been? Like I didn't return and put the bombshell roster on notice? Like my return to the Blast from the Past didn’t have a certain handful of women shaking in their boots, like it didn’t align up new and wonderful dream matches for Sin City Wrestling… Hell even Stevie could see that Evie versus Maki or Amber would equal money. Yet, crickets.” Evie paused.

Evie handed her phone to Ben, so he could fact check her if he really wanted to read into what she was saying.

“That’s not overly fair Evie, you left SCW twice after your title reigns” Ben said directly.

Evie was a little taken back by Ben’s defence over SCW and that he hadn’t opened his eyes to see things from her side of the battle.

“Excuse me.” She said almost breathlessly. “One of those times I left so I could search the world high and fucking low so we could try and fix me, so we could try and find some glimmer of hope of starting a family.”

Evie was still in pain over that empty void and Ben knew that as soon as he opened his mouth about it, he shouldn’t have. He watched her blink rapidly, trying to hold back a stray tear that was pooling at the bottom of her left eye. Ben reached across to squash it as it rolled down Evie’s check but she moved away from him at this point of time she didn’t really know which side he was on.

“Eves.” Ben started to speak.

Yet, Evie didn’t let him continue she had a lot on her mind and right now she was just about to say fuck it to her career once more.

“I’ve always worked better when I’ve had something to focus on, I’ve always worked better when I had something to believe in and right now, that’s vacant.” Evie paused. “Now just weeks out from the biggest show of the year, a show I could of been main eventing I’ll be pushed to the lower card, thrown into a match that no one will give two shits about so people can milk themselves over the Alicia title reign, the only reign that matters in the Bombshell division… Do you know how many women have walked through the SCW doors since it opened? And yet, do you know who we are all compared with? Mikah, Alicia and Misty… no wonder we don’t get a chance to grow, this mythical shadow stunts the growth and then to be told it’s because they put in the time and the work, like we just turn up to braid hair and do our nails? Yeah, nah… that doesn’t sit well.” Evie sighed.

Evie ran her fingers through the sand, she was trying desperately to centre herself because the lord only knew every fibre in her body was screaming at her.

“Then to have my own husband compare me to Griffin, to cast me in the same light as Crystal or Kate…” Evie cringed. “Like did you even hear my words last week on Climax Control? Or did you only focus on the one word and just roll your eyes about it… because I don’t have the same get back on the horse and try again attitude that comes so naturally to you?” Evie spoke softly.

She looked up at him, her eyes telling him a thousand stories but the one that was the most evident was she felt pain and not pathetic physical pain… emotional pain. Like she was tearing herself apart on the inside and couldn’t stop the aftermath.

“I rarely fucking fail Ben, I haven’t been allowed to grow up with that luxury. It’s been win, succeed or die. I was taught to not lose focus until the job was done and a trail was left behind… right now? There’s nothing to focus on, and why should there be? The calendar and the silence speak volumes. So, you want me to knock it on the head, well I can’t not right now as my mind isn’t made up on where I stand in Sin City Wrestling… the only thing I know is that they have thrown us into this tag match this week to try and pacify me. It’s their go to, when I get too vocal they throw me into a tag match with you, so it will throw me off the scent… I’m not a fucking moron. They want me to remain peaceful… to fall into line.” Evie growled.

Evie couldn’t look at Ben right now, but she was still looking in his direction.

“This is a teaser to try and get us interested in the mixed tag team belts… so we can both be taken away from the World Bombshell and Heavyweight Championships because their future only lies in the hand of a member of a Wolflair member, because you can’t tell me that Austin hasn’t popped his head out of the shadows for no reason? People want to talk about hot potatoing championships, maybe they should look at the way the Lair hand around their spots like a two bit clapped out hooker, working a Sunday afternoon special.” Evie cringed.

Evie turned her attention back to Ben, she could tell he didn’t like what she was saying but he stayed tight lipped for now.

“So, unless things change for me… I honestly can’t give you any solid reasons as to why I should stay. I shouldn’t have to prove my worth, my history should speak for itself, and yet… it’s mute” Evie sighed.

She didn’t have anything less to give, she had told Ben how she was feeling and now it was up to him to either love it or leave it. Ben didn’t say a word, he just reached towards Evie and placed his open palms on her shoulders and gave them a squeeze.

“Whatever you decide, I’ll stand by but please… lets just see our Sunday night.” Ben responded with a smile.

Evie just looked at him, her eyes meeting his and with a single sigh she expressed her annoyance.

“I would never leave you high and dry in a tag match, so regardless of my decision… it won’t come into play until after we beat the living hell out of the Barnharts.” Evie rolled her eyes.

Ben just took Evie in his arms, pulling her into his chest to hold her. He didn't have the words to say right now to make up her mind but he wanted to show her he was going to be there no matter what. Honestly he hadn’t seen this from her side and since Evie had opened up to him he was able to see where she was coming from.


Bea… Bea… Bea… who did you piss off to be put in this predicament? A pissed off Evie is coming right for you on Sunday night and there is nothing you can do about it, not even Bill can save you. You see it doesn’t matter that this is a mixed tag team match up, what matters is that Evie is coming off a back of a loss and that’s when she is at her most dangerous. She had to prove to the world that she is worthy of her position in Sin City Wrestling and how she is going to kick start that off is by using you as the example.

You see it doesn’t matter how many tag team matches you have won with your husband, it doesn’t matter that you’re an official tag team… What matters is Evie’s image and after losing the World Bombshell Championship at Violent Conduct, nothing or no one is going to stand in Evie’s way to start rebuilding her career.


Even if she is flirting with the idea of retirement do you really think the hot headed Australian is going to let you, YOU of all people get the last laugh at her expense? If you think that for a single second, you’re fucked… in fact regardless of what you think, come Climax Control you will be made an example of you will be the canvas that Evie will paint on to send a message loud and clear to the higher ups that she deserves better.


Evie deserves better than you, a hundred plus days as the World Bombshell Champion and you’re the one they select to stand across the ring from the violent Aussie? A two time blast from the past winner and you’re the one they think is a suitable rebound from her recent loss?



You're probably too blind to see it but you’re a message waiting to be sent. You’re the lamb preparing to be slaughtered and regardless of all your success, if you can call a few wins in mixed tag team matches, a success in this world… you’ll be made an example of. You’re the one the higher ups have sent to pacify Evie… and yet, I think you’ll find out on Sunday night Bea that Evie is going to go out loudly, she isn’t going to sit down and let them walk over her… forget about her… overlook her without making them regret their blinded decision.

You see a Queen without a crown, who should still rule is powerful.

 Where you Bea, are just a wife of an incompetent fool pretending to know how to wrestle… you hold no threat, you present no challenge… Do you really think you’ll be able to hold your own against someone like Evie? Do you really think your little ridiculous tag team stands a chance? You’re both about to step foot in the ring with two former world champions and you’re both about to realise that the next educated step for you both is to give up, give in and get the fuck out of the way.

Your dreams of climbing towards the Mixed Tag Team Championship are about to be ripped to pieces by the REAL power couple of Sin City Wrestling. Your bogus claims of being the next big thing is tag team wrestling, will fall flat and present nothing more than the horrid number you leave on the scales. That’s the only worth you hold, that’s the only scale you shift… because when it comes to making waves in the mixed tag team division, you both need to get the fuck out of the kiddie pool and realise you’re swimming in the fucking ocean.

Bea, you and Bill are out of your depth and Ben and Evie will have no issues with holding your hands under… and way too your attempts of greatness fail. Normally I would say it’s not personal, it’s just business but you can fuck right off with that.

Right now Evie feels like the joke of Sin City Wrestling but she can promise you and the rest of the Bombshells after Sunday night you won’t be laughing, you’ll be left speechless gasping for air as once again she’ll put the division on fucking notice but dragging your carcass across the canvas.

So enjoy your delusions of success Bea, because in your dreams is the only place they’ll ever be a reality.

So the Jordan’s will see the Barnharts on Sunday night and in the battle of the wedded tag teams, I can promise you there will be one clear winner…