Author Topic: All Seven Sins Wrapped In One Person  (Read 1037 times)

Offline Jordan Williams

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    • Jordan "PS"Williams
All Seven Sins Wrapped In One Person
« on: April 26, 2012, 02:59:12 PM »

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The camera opens up to a shot of Jordan Williams sitting in an office with the sports columnist from the London Times. Jordan is there to conduct an interview for a feature about him for the paper that will run the same day as Sin City Wrestling’s huge event, London Brawling.

Columnist: “Let’s start at the beginning. Where were you born, where did you grow up, etcetera.”

Jordan: “Well, I was born on an Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas.”

Columnist: “What was it like growing up as a military child?”

Jordan: “Honestly, since I was born at the tail end of my Dad’s career, we only moved once, we moved to Warner‘s Robin, Georgia. My sister experienced all the moving. All I know, is that I had a different group of friends every few months because they‘d all move away.”

Columnist: “What got you into wrestling?”

Jordan: “My sister was into it. My Dad use to take her up to the local shows that had Tully Blanchard and Gino Hernandez. Since my Dad is originally from Dallas, when we would visit family, he would take her to see the Von Erich’s. So, me being the little brother, I wanted to tag along and when I was old enough, he would take us to Dallas every month and watch the Von Erich’s vs. the Freebirds.”

Columnist: “Who were your main influences into wanting to become a pro wrestler?”

Jordan: “Hey, I lifted “Purely Sexy” off of Michael Hayes. I always loved his showmanship, his charisma on the microphone. And Kerry Von Erich was my hero. I remember meeting him one day and I got his autograph. That was a big thrill. But I loved how Kerry was mobbed by the females in the crowd, but the males appreciated him for kicking ass too. So, those were my major influences. Then as I got older and saw more wrestling, Barry Windham, Ric Flair, Ricky Steamboat became my influences.”

Columnist: “Who trained you to be a wrestler?”

Jordan: “Some guy I don’t think anyone ever heard of! But, I don’t ever think one guy trained me. I started with that guy in a crappy warehouse with no AC or heating. Rats everywhere, a piece of shit ring. But like I said, no one guy trained me, I just kept learning from every match. I attended camps and seminars. Eventually I knew a guy-who knew a guy and got me an invite from the Japanese Dojo. So I went there for a while and that’s where I really started to learn.”

Columnist: “What was it like being in Japan back then?”

Jordan: “It was brutal. Here I was fresh out of college. I didn’t speak a lick of Japanese. I never been out of the United States. I only knew Texas and Georgia. It was a huge culture shock. Thank god a guy by the name of Omar King was at the Dojo as well. Us being the only black dudes there was the start of the bonding experience. But we were two different people. He was so serious. But he was from Long Island, so he wasn’t afraid to say what was on his mind. I loved to party, he was a home body. He hardly ever went out. But what brought us together was our passion for wrestling. Our wrestling heroes were the same growing up. If I didn’t have him there, that experience would have broke me. I wasn’t mentally tough then. He talked me out of quitting once. Had I quit, I wouldn’t be here today, that’s for sure.”

Columnist: “When you came to the states, you wrestled under a couple of gimmicks. Tank and then Marauder. What was the thinking behind that?”

Jordan: “Just trying to find my niche, my groove. I went by Tank, because when I came back to the town I lived in, everyone said I was built like a tank. So I figured, hey, why not go by Tank? My repertoire was more power based back then. Then I morphed that into Marauder during a storyline in states, but Marauder was a masked gimmick I started in Mexico actually, and then I brought it to the states. I was more a brawler like Bruiser Brody/Stan Hansen under that gimmick. But eventually in Mexico I lost a Mask vs. Hair match, so when I lost the mask there, I lost it here as well.”

Columnist: “How far were you from meeting TSSA at that point?”

Jordan: “A good year from meeting them.”

Columnist: “So how did you end up in TSSA?”

Jordan: “We were in the same federation in IWA and after a few months of just hanging out behind the scenes, Angel offered to be my manager and join the group and I said sure!”

Columnist: “What was it like in the group?”

Jordan: “It was great. I’ve said this before, being with TSSA changed the trajectory of my career. I learned how work hard on a day in-day out basis. I learned how to be a professional. Their reputation proceeds them. If you were in TSSA, you lived by a different standard. They made you-up your game a few levels because you don’t want to be that weak link of the group. These guys trained hard and it showed in the ring because they were successful. I wanted to be successful and with all that hard work, I finally started to taste success…great success.”

Columnist: “When you joined, you completely changed your gimmick as well.”

Jordan: “Yes, I went from a brawler to trying to perfect ALL aspects of being a wrestler. Training with Austin and later Ben as well, they taught me how to be a technician. Chippendale showed me how to work the crowd and be a showman; so I became a ladies man-working that angle. Ms. Angel saw a lot of potential in me…potential I didn’t even see in myself and she knew with just being around the guys and the environment, that I’d be a better wrestler for it. She was right. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, I’ll forever be in debt to her. She’ll always have a special place in my heart. She will probably kill me for saying this because we‘re only a couple years apart, but she was like a mother to me, you know? She made sure I was on time and on point. I needed her tough love, and I needed someone to believe in me, because I was frustrated with the business at that point. She pointed me in the right direction and the rest was history.”

Columnist: “Why did you end up leaving TSSA?”

Jordan: “It was time to move on. After a while, Angel and I had a conversation and she said that I had what it took to go to that next level by myself. Also, my ego was getting huge and it was going to affect the team and she knew it, so it was best that we split. To this day, it’s the only regret of mine. Yeah, I grew into a different wrestler and person after I left the group and it made me who I am today, but a part of me wonders what would have happened had I stayed all the way to the end with them.”

Columnist: “When you left IWA, you went back to Japan and then Europe, what was it like at that point in your career?”

Jordan: “When the federation we were in folded we jumped to a different one and I just wasn’t feeling it anymore. I always wanted to tour Japan as a singles wrestler, because when I was there initially I worked only as a tag team with Omar, so to wrestle in Japan against some of the greats, it was a dream come true. Then during that time period, I got to work that Catch as Can style of wrestling in Germany. Worked the British style as well. It was like touring the old territories back in the day. I was working different styles to become a better wrestler. It was a tremendous time for me as far as perfecting my craft.”

Columnist: “What were some of your memories from that time period?”

Jordan: “A ton of memories. Headlining the Tokyo Dome for the first time was a dream come true. Wrestling in Kouraken Hall. Just having great matches against some of the best ever, was truly a blessing.”

Columnist: “Eventually you found your way to the WWA, which turned into the GPW which would then rename itself into GCW. What were your impressions when you first got there?”

Jordan: “It was just a different spot for me to work at. I didn’t think it would morph into what it became-which was a true force in wrestling. Yeah, I remember there just being total chaos at times with management until Mike stepped in. Mike then brought in Mark Senior and they cleaned the place up and turned into a well oiled machine that became GCW.”

Columnist: “What were some of differences between the management and with Mike and Mark?”

Jordan: “Mike and Mark were just total pros-eventually Craig and Casey would come in and fortify things. Even though neither of them had ran a federation before, you couldn’t tell. I’m sure in a private moment they were stressing, but from a wrestler’s perspective, it was smooth sailing. They turned a place that was going to close into a juggernaut.”

Columnist: “What are some of your memories during your time in GCW?”

Jordan: “Great stuff. My best run ever. Great feuds, great angles. That place was truly on fire back then. I would put that run up against some of the best WWF, WCW, NWA, ECW, World Class, Mid South/UWF runs. Phenomenal stuff.”

Columnist: “What were some of your favorite feuds?”

Jordan: “Man I had a ton of them. My favorite was against Kurt Angle. Close second was against Triple H. We had some freakin’ wars man. Vincent Young was another one.”

Columnist: “Favorite match?”

Jordan: “Probably winning the World Title in GPW. Wrestling Reggie for the Intercontinental Title. There was a War Games match that was incredible. Vincent and I had a First Blood match that was fantastic. Of course, Kurt and I had a Three Stages of Hell match. I had so many, its hard to choose from.”

Columnist: “During this time period, you opened your school and trained some guys who went on to become very successful. Your best trainee, some would say is Hot Stuff Mark Ward. Talk about that.”

Jordan: “Well the school was a great idea that came from Reggie Walker aka Hugh Jazz. We trained some great guys like Jason Fields aka Nosferatu. ‘Irresistible’ Paul Breland, Guy Grant, The Life of the Party and yes of course, Mark Ward. Then some guys no one has heard of, but they created their path around the world like ‘Buzzsaw’ Quincy Moss, ‘the Ebony Vampire’ Duke, those were just some of the guys I trained during that time period, but had success elsewhere. So varying degrees of success.”

Columnist: “Let’s talk about Mark because not only did you train him, but you guys had great success as partners as well in the infamous team Hot ‘n’ Sexy.”

Jordan: “Yeah, I knew he was going to be great. He was a natural talent. He had this swagger and attitude that says, hey man, I’m the best and can’t no one stop me. I’ll be damned if he didn’t do that. But yeah, since I trained him, us working together as a team was so natural. I mean we held multiple titles-in multiple feds at the same time. I remember us bringing a wheel barrow because we had so many titles at once. It was awesome.”

Columnist: “You mentioned you worked in different federations. One of the prominent ones was ASFW. Talk about your time there.”

Jordan: “Really underrated federation, GPW ended up merging with ASFW to become GCW, but on it’s own, it was nice. It was where Mark and I first teamed up. Where we won our first titles. Then, it was the birthplace of the Perfection Connection. I had some great matches there. I had one of my favorite feuds ever with Logan Kaine. It was just a brutal, violent feud. I had to go back to my days as Marauder to keep up with him. My first match teaming with my wife Vanessa against Damien and Amber Diamond. Some more classic stuff.”

Columnist: “You mentioned the Perfection Connection, perhaps, one of the most successful stables ever. Looking back now, how do you view your time in that group?”

Jordan: “Fun, fun, fun! Did I mention I had fun!? But no, it was a great, great stable. No one remembers, but the original PC was with Mark, myself and Shawn Stasiak…maybe he’s the reason no on remembers it! But then when we had the group in GCW, it was Mark, me, Billy James, Edge, Adam Rich. Just a great group of people. We later added Paul Breland. It was great. We held so many titles. We dominated GCW. We were like a fraternity. Every road trip was a party. Strip clubs and bars every night.” he says with a laugh.

Columnist: “As you mentioned one of the guys in the group was ‘Beautiful’ Billy James. What were your thoughts about him?”

Jordan laughs and says: “Billy was my boy. Loved Billy. He wasn’t afraid to say he was the best. In the Horsemen, Ric Flair was the alpha dog. In the Freebirds, Michael Hayes was the alpha dog, Shawn Michaels in DX. But our group had THREE alpha dogs. Mark, Billy and myself. I can’t believe we didn’t implode completely because all three of us wanted to be World Champion. But in a weird way it worked out. It was a competition between the three of us and drove us to be better than each other. Billy was a phenomenal talent. Shit, I think he won the GCW Title the most times if I’m not mistaken. By the way, him and Mark had some of the best matches I ever seen for the World Title.”

Columnist: “You and Billy teamed up to form the Perfect Dynasty. You guys were the longest reigning World Tag Team Champions in GCW history. Besides being in the same stable, where did the idea of you guys teaming up come from?”

Jordan: “It wasn’t nothing creative or anything. We were sitting in the dressing room one day, neither of us had anything going for us individually at the time, we just said what the hell let’s team up and from there on we dominated the tag team scene unlike anything ever seen. We were never beaten.” he says with a huge grin.

Columnist: “Have you kept in contact with Billy James?”

Jordan: “I haven’t talked to him in a long time. I’d love for him to come here, but I don’t know if he ever will.”

Columnist: “You lost a retirement match and with the exception of two matches, you stayed retired. In wrestling, no one stays retired. So here you are in Sin City Wrestling. What do you hope to accomplish here?”

Jordan: “Just one more run at the top. I want to know do I still have it. Do I have what it takes to compete with best at my age. One on one. This tag team with Casey Williams is just me easing my way back, once its over, I’m going to see if I can hang with these young guys. Sorta like Terry Funk in ECW. I just want one more shot at the top.”

Columnist: “What are your impressions of SCW thus far?”

Jordan: “Tons of young guys trying to make it. Some guys are still trying to find their identities and then we have some veterans that are just getting better. Like Spike, back in GCW, he was on the opening match countless times and then eventually, he and his partner was challenging me and Billy for the World Tag Team Titles. Now look at him, challenging for the NWA World Heavyweight Title.”

Columnist: “What are your thoughts on Mark Ward and Christian Underwood being the owners of SCW?”

Jordan: “It was a little weird hearing that at first because I didn’t think they would ever do anything like this. That being said, they’re doing everyone a service by having this federation going. It doesn’t matter how big it is, they put together some quality pieces going forward to make this a success. I’ve known Mark a long time and while me and Christian aren’t the best of friends, I’ve known him for a long time as well. Going back to the IWA days when he was the Pink Flamingo, so that’s another reason why I came here, I knew them, I know the vision they’re trying to achieve and I’m doing my best to help them along.”

Columnist: “What exactly are you helping them with?”

Jordan: “A few things. Just some recognition. Putting this place on the map. And having a presence in the locker room. After Taker and Stone Cold retired from GCW, it was up to guys like me, Billy, Angle, Mark to be locker room leaders. I was more vocal then, now I lead by example. Kinda like a Godfather.” he says with a laugh.

Columnist: “You’ve had a long and storied career. As you look back on things, what stands out the most to you?”

Jordan takes a moment to think about the question then says: “The comradely I’ve had with so many guys. I never had brothers and there are a couple of friends I’ve made that I consider brothers.”

Columnist: “Alright, well, I want to thank you for your time today Jordan. This was a very insightful interview.”

Jordan: “Thank you, it was a pleasure.”

The camera fades out as Jordan and the columnist shake hands.

The camera fades in to a shot later that night in a bar in downtown London. The camera cuts to Jordan sitting at a bar stool. Jordan is wearing a business casual outfit. A hot looking bartender with brunette hair, who is wearing a black halter top and blue jeans, walks up to Jordan.

Bartender with a sensual look on her face and thick English accent: “What can I get you handsome?”

Jordan smirks and says: “I’ll take a bourbon please.”

Bartender says with a smile: “Sure thing.”

Jordan pulls out a cigar and lighter from his shirt pocket. Jordan lights up the cigar and takes a puff off it. The bartender gives Jordan his drink.

Bartender: “You’re not from around here are you?”

Jordan: “Nah…I’m from the States.”

Bartender bends over the bar, showing her cleavage and says: “What are you doing here all alone?”

Jordan thinks for a quick second and says with a smile: “Why are you flirting with me?”

The bartender smiles and then Jordan a wink. Throughout the night, the bartender and Jordan carry on a conversation with one another. During the conversation Jordan agrees to take the woman home, who’s name is Shannon. An hour passes and the bar closes.

The camera cuts to a shot of Jordan and Shannon arriving at Shannon’s apartment complex. Shannon has nestled under Jordan’s arm with a brisk wind blows. They walk up a flight of steps as Shannon rustles in her purse for her keys. She pulls out her big set of keys and Jordan has a look of astonishment on his face.

Jordan: “Damn, you got more keys than a guard at a prison!”

Shannon laughs and says: “I know! I don’t even know where half of them came from!”

Jordan: “So how does that work? You just go around picking up keys to add to your collection?”

Shannon playfully elbows Jordan and says: “No! That’s not what I meant…”

Jordan: “Yeah, no. I know…you’re just a weirdo who has a ton of keys.” he says with a laugh.

Shannon: “I’m not a weirdo!”

Jordan shrugs his shoulders and says: “Well, hey…”

Shannon cuts him off and says: “So do you wanna come in?”

Shannon locates her key and unlocks the door.

Jordan: “Naw…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Shannon: “Why not? We can keep talking!”

Jordan smirks and searches for words but Shannon grabs Jordan by the hand and pulls him into her apartment. Jordan reluctantly walks in.

Shannon: “Have a seat.” as she turns on the lights.

Jordan: “Do I have a choice?” he says sarcastically.

Shannon: “No!”

Jordan smiles and rolls his eyes as Shannon heads to the bathroom. Jordan sits down on her couch. Jordan grabs a pillow and puts it under his left arm. Shannon emerges from the bathroom wearing just a t shirt and underwear.

Shannon: “I know I’ve asked you this all night, but do you want a drink?”

Jordan: “No thanks, I’m straight.”

Shannon sits down next to Jordan and snuggles into him.

Jordan: “I think I should be going.” he says uncomfortably.

Shannon: “No, please don’t go. We can watch a movie or something.”

Jordan: “It’s getting late and I have stuff to do in a few hours.”

Shannon: “Don’t be silly. You can sleep here. There’s weird people out around this time anyway.”

Jordan: “I appreciate the talk and the hospitality, but I think I need to go.”

Shannon looks at Jordan with a sad face and says: “Please don’t go, I’ll be lonely!”

Jordan just smirks and says: “Alright I’ll stay for a little bit. There’s something about you, but I can’t put my finger on it. I really enjoy your company.”

Shannon: “Aww…thanks. I love your company. You’re witty, carrying, charming and smooth.”

Jordan smiles and says: “Well…thank you!”

Shannon smiles as she snuggles even more into Jordan. Jordan puts his arm around her and leans his head back on the couch. Shannon rises up and then straddles Jordan. Shannon puts her hands on Jordan’s cheek and kisses him.

Jordan: “Shannon, I can’t do this…I’m mar…”

Before he can finish, Shannon starts kissing Jordan again. Jordan puts his hands on her hips and then lays her on the couch. The camera fades as things start to get intense.

The camera fades into a shot a few hours later as Jordan is just waking up in Shannon’s bed. The sheet and comforter are all messed up. Jordan looks over to see Shannon gone. Jordan sits up in the bed and looks around for his clothes. Suddenly Shannon walks into the room with a plate of food.

Shannon: “Wakey-wakey-eggs and bakey!”

Jordan smirks and says: “You didn’t have to do that.”

Shannon: “No worries mate! After last night, you deserve it.”

Shannon hands Jordan his plate of food which consist of scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. Jordan grabs the fork on the plate and starts eating.

Jordan: “Got any coffee?”

Shannon: “Sure do!”

Shannon walks out the room as Jordan takes another bite of eggs.

Jordan to himself: “This woman….mmm!”

Shannon returns seconds later with coffee and says: “It’s black, I hope…”

Jordan cuts her off and says: “That’s perfect! I don’t normally drink out of other people’s cup, but I’ll make an exception today.”

Shannon: “You have your own special cup, huh? So do I…it’s like the coffee will taste different if I don’t drink it from my own cup.”

Jordan looks at her with amazement and says: “Holy shit, I’m the same way. Girl…me and you are like…”

Shannon finishes the sentence for Jordan with: “Soul mates!”

Jordan nods his head in agreement as he takes a sip of coffee and then a bite of toast.

Jordan: “Damn girl, you can hook up some eggs. Just enough salt…not too much. Bacon is just perfect. The toast has just enough dark to it…its like you were sent from heaven for me!”

Shannon smiles, looks Jordan in the eyes and says: “Maybe I was. I don’t do this for anyone…but you’re different…I don’t know why.”

Jordan once again nods in agreement then says: “Yeah, you’re right.”

The camera fades out as Jordan continues to eat and he and Shannon continue their conversation.

The camera fades in to a shot two hours later to Jordan leaving Shannon’s apartment. Jordan with a smile on his face, walks to his car as he looks back up at Shannon who is looking over the balcony drinking a cup of coffee. Shannon blows a kiss at Jordan and Jordan returns with a wave. Jordan climbs into his car and pulls out his cell phone. Jordan dials Rob Anderson. After a few seconds, Rob picks up the phone.

Rob: “What’s up buddy?”

Jordan: “Rob, I did it again, man.”

Rob: “You in jail? I’ll have my attorney get you out in the next hour. I don’t pay that bastard $5,000 an hour for nothing…”

Jordan: “No! I met this chick at a bar last night and we went back to her place and…”

Rob cuts Jordan off and asks: “You had sex with her?”

Jordan: “Yeah and you know what the funny thing is?”

Rob: “Oh boy, this is not you. You enjoyed it.”

Jordan: “Yep.” he starts his car up and backs out of the parking lot as he says that.

Rob: “Damn man…what happened to what you were saying last week?”

Jordan: “I don’t know man. This one was different…she wasn‘t like any other ones I usually turn down though.”

Rob: “Look man, I can find you a good doctor to talk about this.”

Jordan: “I’m straight man. But here is the fucked up thing, I didn’t have any rubbers.”

Rob without missing a beat says: “God damn…even I’m not that stupid.

Jordan: “Yeah, it didn’t cross my mind. It’s not like I had any in my pocket anyways.”

Rob: “Look, I’m not judging. But, you better hope your wife doesn’t find out.”

Jordan: “You got that right. Well, I’ma get going, I have to head to the gym before the show.”

Rob: “Okay brother, take care man and I hope you didn’t get her pregnant. Cause I know you went deep.”

Jordan: “If only you knew.”

Rob: “I can fly there and meet her and find out.”

Jordan laughs and says: “It wouldn’t be the first time you went in after me.”

Rob: “Hey! I was drunk and so was she! The way you make it sound, this slut mi…”

Jordan cuts Rob off and says: “Hey man, have a little respect!” he says in a defensive tone…“I kinda like this one.”

Rob: “NO!” he says with an shocked tone.

Jordan realizes what he said and says: “Umm…forget what I just said man. I’ll talk to you later.”

Rob: “I WANT DETAILS!!!” he screams before Jordan hangs up.

Jordan smirks as the camera fades out.

The camera fades into a shot outside the legendary Royal Albert Hall. The camera cuts to inside where we see the crew setting up the ring. The camera then cuts to Jordan sitting in one of chairs in which the fans will be seated in later in the evening. Jordan has the SCW Tag Team belt on his shoulder as the camera comes in for a close up of his face that shows off the various scars on his forehead from all the years of brutal-bloody wars.

Jordan seriously says: “In a few hours this legendary building will be filled with ravenous fans. History has been made on SCW’s first European tour. By all accounts, it’s been a successful tour. This group will keep getting bigger and bigger….History will be made tonight. Will we have a new Bombshell’s Champion? Will Bo Dreamwolf retain his title? Will Spike grab the brass ring and win the World Title. Or will Nick Jones finally get beat for the SCW Heavyweight Title. Will the unlikely team of Jordan “PS” Williams and Casey Williams…no relation; walk away with the Tag Team Championships? We face the Aristocrats and Sinful Obsession. Sinful Obsession is the best tag team in SCW’s history. How can they lose this match? Some of you know, I’m a degenerate gambler so I seen the odds of Casey and I retaining these belts are low. Even people who believe in me…who know how good I am, are betting against me and Casey. Why? Because of Sinful Obsession. You know, if on paper-things played out the way people think, what would be the point of watching a sporting event? Sports are LITTERED with stories of the underdogs overcoming odds. On the other hand, we’re the champs. We should be favored in the match. We have the championship advantage. I’m a realist, I know what our team is capable of. Trust me, I know we can pull this off and retain these belts.”

Jordan pauses for a moment as he drapes the belt over his lap.

Jordan: “I’m not going to waste much time on the Aristocrats. All I’m going to say is, when the time comes when I’m in there with either of you, I’m going to straight beat the hell outta ya. You’re going to get your receipt for attacking me a few weeks back. Fuck that, you won’t just get the receipt, you’ll get the ink, the paper and register. I’m going to put you in your place. I’m going to show you why you shouldn’t fuck with me. You guys ain’t even on my level, but I’ll make it a point to make sure you find out why you’re outta my league. Now, you guys can go back to playing with your monopoly money and stay outta grown folks business.”

Jordan rubs his chin as he smirks.

Jordan: “OOOOOOOOHHHHHH mind fucker! We meet again! I gotta admit, I like your style man. I like the whole mind games thing. It’s nice. It really is. But, try that on a person with a G.E.D. You see, your mind games don’t work on me. I’ve been around a long time, so I know how the game is played. There isn’t a trick I don’t know in this business. But, I won’t confirm or deny anything you were saying. Maybe you’re right…maybe you’re not. One thing we both know is once the bell rings, those mind games go right out the window. So, Despayre, can you handle the pressure of winning a match you should? How about you Mind Fucker? I’m not worried about Casey, the big man will be ready to dish out holy hell against you. I’ve been in plenty of high pressured matches. This doesn’t phase me one bit. Casey will follow my lead. This is no doubt his biggest match, but I can see it in his eyes. He’s ready for this moment. That doesn’t bode well for you, Sinful Obsession. Casey has been training his ass off and he’s in the zone. That’s good for us…bad for you. I know you’re sidetracked with those boys from the other fed, but don’t forget what’s in front of you. Don’t be making plans with our belts. So while everyone thinks you guys are going to win…how’s that saying go? To be the man…WHOOOOO…you gotta beat the man!!! Not tonight boys, diamonds are forever and so is Jordan “PS” Williams…why? Because I’m too good for ya!”

The camera fades out as Jordan gets out of his seat and walks off camera.

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