Author Topic: SCU Presents... Underground Ep 132: Into the Void XI Pre Show  (Read 6890 times)

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Underground Ep. 132

Sin City Underground Ep 132 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 60% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Ano Liosia Olympic Sports Hall in Athens, Greece. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network on Saturday, May 15th, 2022.

Previously recorded.

The screen slowly fades into Earl, Sarah, and Dahlia.

Sarah: Hello, by now I don’t have to introduce myself, you know who I am, and you know Earl and Dahlia, and through their years in professional wrestling they have set the standard for tag team wrestling, at Into The Void, they face a formidable challenge in the Jeckels, title verses for both the Pride and Grime tag team titles.

Earl: Together my wife and I had battled the best of the best when it come to tag team wrestling, and we’ve been to war a few times with our opponents at Into The Void the Jeckels, two teams one of which has to scale a ladder and retrieve both tag team titles to become the one true tag team champions.

Dahlia: Exactly, now I know people are wondering how I could possibly scale my big bum up a ladder, well you would be surprised about that.

Dahlia smiles.

Dahlia: Tag team supremacy is on the line and the match will be brutal and the one question we have been asking ourselves is, how will anyone follow what we are going to do at Into The Void, it going to be a brutal war between the two top teams in Sin City Wrestling, and when it's said and done one team will survive and prove beyond the shadow of a doubt they are the top team in Sin City Wrestling.

Earl: So Jeckels, saddle up for the fight of your lives.

Sarah: See you at Into The Void.

Previously Recorded: Jeckel Castle, Romania

Helena: Greetings, we are always happy to see visitors at the castle.

Jack: For it gives us time to speak to our foes at Into the Void, Earl and Dahlia.

Helena: there is no doubt how great you are, but Into The Void you step into our element, we can do unimaginable things to people with ladders, and we will do those things to you, we know you can fight but you are not as vicious and sadistic as we are and you will not overcome us at Into The Void.

Jack: It is Written So It Will Be Done.

Jake: And Jerry your future will be written in your blood at Into the void, it doesn’t matter the rules of our lei tai match, the outcome is already written, and it's  your defeat.

Pride Tag Team Championships/GRIME Tag Team Championships - Ladder Match
The Jeckels (Jack & Helena Jeckel) Vs The Three Way (Earl Lockyer & Dahlia Rotten)

As soon as the bell rings, Dahlia and Earl roll to the outside of the ring. They each scoop up a ladder and wait on the outside. Jack and Helena refuse to take the bait. They challenge the Pride Champions to get back inside of the ring, but they shake their heads, demanding the challengers come outside. Jack looks over to Helena, and the two share a look. Jack kneels down, and Helena climbs up his back and onto his shoulders. Jack slowly stands up, trying to keep steady with Helena, who slowly plants her feet on his shoulders. Helena stands up fully as she reaches up for the belts. Earl and Dahlia laugh as they are still about a foot or two away from the belts. However, Helena prepares herself to leap up for them. Dahlia is the first to roll inside of the ring, with Earl following behind. Dahlia kneels down and Earl charges and leaps onto Dahlia’s back, taking Helena down in mid air with a Spear! It would appear that this maneuver has hurt both competitors just as bad as they roll around on the ground. Meanwhile, Dahlia goes to swing the ladder at Jack, but Jack evades it. He grabs onto the ladder and jerks it back, causing Dahlia to hit her own head on it with force. Jack wastes no time in setting the ladder up. He centers it to the best of his ability. He steps up onto the first rung, and uses it to quickly sprint up the next few. However, Earl begins shaking it. Dahlia gets up to her feet and hits a dropkick to the ladder, causing it to topple over. Jack tucks and rolls, rebounding with a clothesline to Dahlia, as Helena scoops Earl up for a German Suplex onto the ladder. She rolls back around and hits another German Suplex on Earl, this time on top of Dahlia. She releases Earl as her and Jack begin to set up the ladder once more. They work together to try to center it once again. Helena takes the opportunity to start climbing the ladder now. As she gets half way up, Dahlia stumbles back to her feet. She begins climbing the ladder while Jack begins tugging on her foot. She kicks at him, catching him in the nose as he holds onto it, blood gushing now. Dahlia just might have broken his nose with that kick! She and Helena continue to climb, Dahlia making it up a bit quicker. Helena goes to swing for a hard hook, but Dahlia ducks under it and catches her with a stiff kick to the head. She goes for another hook, but Dahlia gets out of the way and hits three hard kicks to Helena’s face, causing her to nearly fall off of the ladder! Jack begins to climb up the ladder now, but Earl jumps on his back and begins clubbing wildly. Dahlia kicks at him as she steps up toward the top. All four competitors are now on the ladder. Ladders are not meant to hold that much weight! Jack climbs up toward the top slowly as the ladder begins to creak loudly. The fans are on the edge of their seats right now as Jack creeps up closer and closer to Dahlia. He is carrying the weight of Earl on his back, but it seems so effortless as he grabs onto Dahlia’s foot. Dahlia begins hammering away at Helena wildly, trying to shake her, and it works. She hits an elbow to Jack’s face, but it doesn’t deter him as he wraps his arms around her waist. Dahlia shakes her head as she continues to swing back elbow after elbow, and Earl tries choking him, screaming at him. Jake Jeckel rolls inside of the ring and clobbers Earl across the back. He signals to Jack, and Jack drops backward, landing right on top of Dahlia.  Jake rushes up the ladder and quickly unlatches the first of four straps.  Helena makes it up in time to help unlatch two of them and Jake gets the fourth one! Helena grabs them all and falls down off the ladder! The Jeckels win the Pride and GRIME Tag Team Championships! The Jeckels are able to collect all four belts and they roll outside, joined by Raisa as all four members raise a belt up in the air to many boos from the audience.

The preshow cuts to Morganna who is not in the best mood at the moment. There’s some frustration boiling within her at this point as she begins to wonder about what’s to come for her. She’s definitely not in the mood to pull any punches as she begins to express her thoughts.

Morganna: I feel like I should be a tag team champion right now but instead, I’m NOT. It’s funny. You put SO much faith and trust in someone especially after the whole Cordelia thing and then they let you down. It’s not even just that, but holy crap, he even had the nerve to praise our opponents, praise Helena Jeckel. He wasn’t a team player. He didn’t want to win those titles at all and that’s a damn shame really. I’ve had it with dead weight. I guess if that face of a tag title match proves anything is that I should only trust one person and one person alone and that’s ME! I’ve had to sit back and be in the shadows while lesser wrestlers than me get the title shots. I mean, look around. Half of you in this fucking locker room have mailed it in by now. Half of you heard the big news and just decided that you didn’t even want to bother anymore. It’s fucking pathetic and ridiculous! Yet, here I am still doing the best that I can, to the best of my ability because I STILL give a shit and because I am NOT going to end my run here in Sin City Underground being in the shadow of my fucking sister! This is the year that I’m supposed to break out and show that I’m supposed to be something on my own, damn it!

Hell, because of everything that’s happened to me, I am almost positive that I am not on Sin City Wrestling’s radar when it’s all said and done. It’s like some of the crap that has happened to me has basically sabotaged my chances of moving forward with them. I bust my ass more than most of you these days and I’m going to show that. I DESERVE to be facing better than YOU, Esther, because YOU are the epitome of the ‘don’t give a shit anymore’ attitude that has been sweeping this locker room for the last while. Hey, you know that Blast from the Past spot that you had earlier this year? Yeah, do you realize how many people would’ve killed for that spot? I would’ve fucking killed for it, that’s for sure. I mean holy crap, what a damn waste! How could you sit there and take that spot and then do JACK SHIT with it? It’s not just the fact that you were a first round elimination, it’s the fact that you were basically the most passionless, heartless person in the whole tournament who didn’t even bother hyping up her tournament match to begin with.


Morganna takes a pause as she lets some anger seethe through her. There’s no doubt in her mind that she’s feeling exactly what she is worth and where she deserves to be and this only drives her frustration at this point.

Morganna: I’m not saying I would’ve won the whole thing, Esther, but if it was ME in your spot, you bet your ass that I would’ve done something with that and that I would’ve been able to advance to the next round of the tournament at MINIMUM! Hell, even if we didn’t, I STILL would’ve performed SO much better than you did. You are THE example of what pisses me off in this company with people that get handed spots and do NOTHING with them. You’re no better than a cheap, plastic, dime a dozen bitch like Veronica Taylor who bitches out and would rather get fired then face the consequences she long deserved. You’re no better than that piece of shit Angel of Filth who… in all honesty, I basically GAVE that bitch the Underground Championship at the expense of my sister and did NOTHING with it. I’m almost out of time dealing with someone like you, Esther. And the fact of the matter is? Tonight? I’m making an example out of you and I’m making it very clear that I’m not going to be stuck in the shadows anymore. Whatever time I’ve got left here, I’m going to make the biggest impact possible. It’s not about titles for me at this point with SCU… it’s about making my stock as high as possible for somewhere else to notice me. At least I’m fucking honest about that and at least I still give a shit while the ride’s still going.


You sure as hell don’t!

Morganna angrily brushes by the camera, even shoving it on her way out. Following this, the scene immediately cuts out.

The scene opens backstage in the Ano Liosia Olympic Sports Hall, where we see Amy preparing for her match against Chelsea LeClair.  Stretching and then adjusting her ring attire, she stops as soon as she spots the camera and grabs the GRIME Championship and places it on her shoulder.

Amy: Fatal Four Way
SCU Rules
Ultimate X
Pumpkin Juice Match
Standard GRIME rules.
Electrical Steel Cage Match
Battle Royal
Snow Globe
Falls Count Anywhere
Concession Stand Brawl
Inferno Tables Match.

All the matches I have faced in my time as GRIME champion, but the thing is the GRIME championship is very similar to the Bombshell Roulette championship on the main show.  And I can reel off what matches in encountered there:

Kennel from Hell
2 out of 3 falls table match
Powerpuff match
Strap Match.

Do you notice the trend? All very different matches and different stipulations. Each and every single one was different, new and about 97% of these I won and I those I didn’t win.. I thoroughly enjoyed partaking in those matches.

So Chelsea what is it too be?

You have so many choices and options to think about. I know that you keeping your cards close to your chest, which I totally respect as you want the element of surprise. But if you involve Winter and her sick little fetish of not wanting me to hold the GRIME championship, then all my respect for you is out of the window.  You are probably wanting a stipulation that would suit you and give the element of surprise etc… something I can’t prepare for.

But I will say one thing to you Chelsea…


I have said this many times and I still stand by this… I thrive on the unknown.  I don’t know why… maybe it’s nervous excitement maybe fear or the fight or flight response. Who knows but I thrive from it and I can’t wait to get inside the ring and come face to face with whatever you throw at me. Tonight Chelsea, this will be your opportunity make a big name for yourself and stop my second longest winning streak as GRIME champion.  You and Rory may have got lucky in the tag team match a few weeks back, but you will have no luck tonight.

Whatever the stipulation, I will be ready and if by some miracle that you actually beat me, then congratulations but this time round I will be invoking my rematch clause and not waiting around like last time and losing out.

Good Luck Chelsea…

See you out there.

Amy shifts the GRIME Championship and gives it a lick before walking away to continue her prep.  The scene fades out on the main Into The Void poster with the words…

GRIME Rules! STILL Champion!

Grudge Match - GRIME Rules
Esther Azarov Vs Morganna

Esther darts across the ring and begins throwing punches at Morganna, but Morganna throws her down to the mat with one shove.  She mounts and begins throwing punches. Morganna then rips Esther up from the mat and throws her into the corner.  She rushes at her and pummels her.  However, after a few, Esther ducks under and kicks Morganna. Morganna turns around, only for Esther to begin throwing punches of her own.  She pummels Morganna until Morganna dumps her over the top ropes! Esther lands on her feet, stumbling a little, but he sticks the landing.  She grabs onto Morganna and spins her around.  She lands an Arm Drag on Morganna to the outside. Morganna slides out toward the crowd.  She gets back to her feet and charges at Esther, but Esther jumps off the ring steps with a Leapfrog.  As Morganna turns around and Esther goes for a Dropkick. Morganna slaps Esther’s feet away.  She grabs Esther up and into a Half Nelson hold.  She whips Esther around, trying to get her to give up. Esther is able to use the ring apron to push back against Morganna to break up the hold.  She uses her foot to pull out a steel chair, holding it against Morganna’s throat. She pushes down, but after a while, Morganna is able to kick out from under it, powering Esther off of her.  They get to their feet and Esther swings the chair. Morganna ducks under, and hits a Superman Punch to the chair against the side of Esther’s head.  She then picks her up and rolls her inside.  She goes for the cover, getting a two count. Esther got her shoulder up at the last minute!  Morganna almost seems stunned.  She’s not moving.  She finally goes to pull Esther up to her feet, but Esther kicks her in the stomach. As Morganna gets up, Esther climbs onto the apron, allowing Morganna to hit the Heartbreaker (Leaping Busaiku knee from the top rope right into the heart/chest area) against the chair, and rolls Esther over onto her back! Morganna wins via pinfall.

The show cuts to Chelsea LeClair who is standing in the hallway. She finds herself confident, despite the fact that she knows that she may have a hell of an uphill battle ahead. Even in spite of that, she’s still in the brightest spirits that she can be as she begins to express her thoughts.

Chelsea: How quickly things turn, right? A few weeks ago, I was feeling frustrated in Sin City Underground and feeling like I hadn’t accomplished anything especially when you consider the Veronica Taylor saga and the way that ended. I had my first crack at the GRIME Championship a few weeks ago and when Amy Santino retained, I honestly felt like shit. This is to take nothing away from Amy, but I saw that match as a missed opportunity. I wasn’t even thinking about getting another chance. I was just wondering what the hell I was going to do to turn things around and all before things with Sin City Underground ultimately reaches its Supernova if you know what I mean. Well, I suddenly found myself in contention for the GRIME World Championship again in a contendership match that I won and now, I’ve got a second crack against Amy…

This time Amy? It’s going to be one on one.

Look, there may be differences in opinions between us and everything with certain things and that’s fine and all. You don’t want me to disappoint you the way Kelli Torres did in your view and well… as far as tonight is concerned, I am going to say ‘be careful what you wish for’ on that because I’m NOT going to disappoint you. Hell, I’ll even going so far as to say that I AM going to beat you and I AM going to make my mark in Sin City Underground at last. I AM going to become a THREE TIME world champion! I know I can do this. I don’t want to hear the talk about how this is an uphill battle for me. With all due respect to your career and what you’ve done in SCU and in Sin City Wrestling itself, I do not want to hear about your Hall of Fame credentials and the fact that you’ve done it all because I know that people that do will use that as an example as to why I have no business beating you.

I don’t want to hear about being the underdog. I’m done being the Cinderella story. I’ve got some damn good credentials of my own. I’m a two time world champion in my own right. I learned from one of the best in Sin City Wrestling today in Myra Rivers when I first started out and that’s a badge of honor that unlike my former tag team partner in Andrea Hernandez, I wear proudly. This isn’t to say that a victory over you is going to be automatic, Amy. I respect what you’ve done. You’ve won that GRIME Championship that you’ve held so dear multiple times for a reason. BUT, I am not going to be like Kelli. I am NOT going to be intimidated by your mystique and aura. After holding a win over you a couple of weeks ago, I know I can beat you, I know that I WILL beat you and by the way, before I forget? I think I won a special something from winning our match?

A stipulation?

Well here it is, Amy.

We’re doing this in a steel cage match.

Odd choice… a choice that may SEEM to favor you, but as far as the potential outcome of this match goes? I don’t want any fucking excuses from either of us. I know I won’t make any if I don’t win tonight, but I don’t want this match to come with asterisks. I want this match to be excuse free. I want to eliminate any and all risk from any bullshit interference happening from someone knowing there are people like Mercedes Vargas that hold a grudge against you or that there’s the smallest chance, but still a chance, that someone like Veronica Taylor can jump me and fuck me over. I want to REALLY prove that I deserve to be considered one of the best here and yeah, there’s no better way to do that right now than beating a game Amy Santino at her best in this type of match. So, I hope you’re ready. Don’t let my pretty face cause you to overlook me in that cage, Amy.

Because when it’s all said and done, my arm will be raised along with the cage as I become a THREE TIME World Champion! Good luck to you…

Chelsea delivers a confident wink as she exits the scene. Some cheers are heard for her as the scene fades out.

We go to the back to see the Jeckels celebrating their victory inside Rory’s Tavern.  However, that celebration is cut short as GM Lexa Pellegrini enters the bar.  She takes a seat next to Jake Jeckel and holds her hand out.

Lexa:  Holding two titles is fun, but we all know that it is short lived. Hand them over.

Reluctantly, Raisa hands over the Pride Tag Team Championship belts.  The Jeckels go back to drinking, but Lexa doesn’t budge. Raisa stares at her, questioningly for a second.

Raisa:  Excuse me, but can we help you?

Lexa:  I don’t mean to sound like a bitch, but I also don’t like repeating myself.  Hand them over.

Helena:  We won the GRIME Tag Team Championships fair and square. We’re not handing them over.

Jack:  It was meant for us to defend these belts, the first belts we won since joining the company.  You cannot take them away from us.

Jake:  We were meant to defend these belts as a family.

Lexa:  I’m glad to hear you say that. GRIME, bringing families together.  Just look at the Di Luca’s… or don’t. But my point remains.  You can’t hold two titles at once, and if you’re going to do the freebird rule with the GRIME Tag Team Championships, you can’t hold the Combat Championship.  So, I repeat, hand it over.

After a long stare down, Jake begrudgingly puts it on top of the Pride titles.  Lexa winks and steps away from the bar.  Not so coincidentally, Marissa Henry is standing by with a microphone at the ready.

Marissa:  Lexa… this leaves so many questions about the SCU Combat Championship match later tonight.  Jerry Cann won the contendership to the title, but now we have no champion.  What is your plan?

Lexa smirks.

Lexa:  Well, last week, we saw, Andrey Azarov seemed to have a lot of interest in the match, for seemingly no reason.  How about we give him a reason, and let him take on Jerry for the Combat Championship?

Before giving way to more questions, Lexa leaves with all of the belts in her hands.

We see SCW Hall of Famer Mercedes Vargas walking along with SCU Combat Champion Winter Elemental. Mercedes is seen wearing an all-black variation of her wrestling gear, complete with her trademark long sleeve fingerless gloves. Winter is seen dressed as Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat as her match attire while wearing her Combat title around her waist and her Sub-Zero face covering in her left hand. The two walk down the hallway, chatting with each other.

Winter: You know fighting Tatsu is whatever. I mean, everyone at some point wanted to see it. But your buddy Delia Darling is trying to stir up the pot for reasons. She needs to mind her own business eh.
Winter expresses to her mama as it's clear Winter doesn’t look too pleased with Darling trying to get the Kawaii Dragons to fight.

Mercedes: Maybe so, but I wouldn’t worry too much about that. Delia and I have a friendly little wager going for this match. Tatsu is tough, don’t get me wrong, but there’s a reason why you’re a singles champion in SCU and she’s not. It’s not about to start tonight.

Winter: You damn right it’s not. I mean I love Tatsu and know she’s great in the ring but she’s no Winter. However, your buddy needs a man or a pet cat or something. She tried that same shit with Le Coven and it got Darling nowhere. If Darling keeps sticking her nose in my business, she’s gonna get herself hurt and I don’t mean in the ring. She needs to piss off already. 

Winter says as she seems more focus on Darling then Tatsu.

Mercedes: You leave Delia to me, mamita. Just focus on Tatsu.

Delia walks around the corner in a Reptile inspired dress, with an identical mask to the one in the game. But the showstopper is Tatsu, stepping from behind Darling, dressed in an authentic Scorpion outfit. Delia gives Winter an appreciative nod for the outfit before preparing to speak up. But instead, Tatsu holds a hand up, which stops her dead in her tracks.

Tatsu: Enough doubting. Enough posturing. Tonight is Tatsu’s night, and Winter head games won't work on me. I know them too well. And much like Bi Han and Hanzo Hasashi, we will go to war like the battle of clans. The title will be secondary, but Winter-san will lose everything with arrogance. I will win everything with confidence… bitchesssss…

Dahlia: Funny. Mercedes has been called confident, and I have been called arrogant…

Winter: A bitch, no good, and by the looks of you, a snake.

Winter says cutting Darling off.

Dahlia:  AND….

Darling says loudly to speak over Winter and continue on.

Dahlia: If you weren't so fucking insufferable, I could have taught you plenty, Winter. But, alas…

Tatsu: Yeah! Alas! Now, GET OVER HERE!!!

Mercedes: FIGHT!

Tatsu throws a chain with a spike at the end toward Winter, but the aim is off as it knocks over a lighting pole instead.

Mercedes: WHOOPSIE!

Tatsu puts her hand over her mouth in an exaggerated "oops" manner. Darling removes the face mask and does a green mist into the air before replacing the mask. Winter spins around with a fire extinguisher and sprays Tatsu and Delia.

Mercedes: FINISH THEM!!!

Once the fog clears out a bit, we can see Winter throwing ice cubes at Tatsu and Delia, pelting them with precision. This causes Tatsu and Delia to retreat.


GRIME Championship -Steel Cage Match
Amy Santino Vs Chelsea LeClair

Amy hands off that Honor title..she gives it a kiss before she lets it go. She looks focused and she has wanted to get her hands on Amy for weeks. And Amy has been playing games with Chelsea on social mediaI’m not sure that was wise. Amy has tried to be the queen of mind games but Chelsea LeClair is literally a caged animal right now… and Amy is locked in there with her…. They lock up and Chelsea shows her strength by throwing Amy back across the ring. Amy rolls over her shoulder to her feet with a small laugh, she’s trying to play with the challenger! They go to lock up again but Amy ducks behind Chelsea, using her experience as an advantage. Amy spins and hits a spinning slap to Chelsea’s face as she turns around. Amy is smiling! Chelsea’s face turns and she wipes the blood away from her lip. Amy better run! I think she just realized what she did. Amy is backing off as Chelsea steps towards her. Chelsea swings and Amy ducks under again and this time Chelsea goes for a reverse elbow, Amy again ducks and hits the ropes right into a Spinebuster from Chelsea! Chelsea goes for our first pin of the match. Amy kicks out!. Chelsea pulls Amy up to her feet and sends her into the corner with the Reverse slingshot corner splash. Amy slides out of the corner, just behind her and hooks her head. She drops down into an Inverted Backbreaker!. Chelsea is in tremendous pain after that and Amy stays on the attack stomping Chelsea down. She rolls Chelsea onto her stomach and drops a knee into the small of Chelsea’s back. Chelsea’s body just folded nearly in half. Amy grabs Chelsea’s chin and rams her knee in Chelsea’s lower back, bending Chelsea back! Chelsea is able to roll and throw Amy off fast. Both women get to their feet and Chelsea Snapmares Amy down and then hits a brutal kick to Amy's back. You could hear the impact on that. Chelsea stalks Amy and then kicks her in the chest, she grabs Amy's wrist and buries more kicks in over and over. Good lord you can see the impact of the kicks rattling from the front of Amy's body through her back! Chelsea rushes at Amy, but Amy goes for a Back Body Drop.  Chelsea uses it to spring onto the cage wall where she starts to make the first climbing attempt of the match.  Amy catches her breath for a second before turning around to see Chelsea climbing.  She rushes up, trying to grab at her leg. Chelsea kicks at Amy as she continues to pull herself up.  Amy begins climbing as well, catching up to Chelsea near the top.  The two begin battling it out with punch after punch.  Amy starts to gain an advantage, and then Chelsea nails a headbutt between the eyes.  Both ladies make it to the top and begin duking it out, standing on the top of the cage wall!  Amy appears to be getting ready for the Bad Girl, but Chelsea grabs onto Amy’s top and lifts her into a Powerbomb off the top of the cage!!!  Chelsea begins climbing to the outside, and halfway down, she drops, running to the timekeepers table to get the GRIME Championship! Chelsea LeClair wins the GRIME Championship by escape!  She celebrates as the crowd goes wild.

The preshow cuts to Cordelia Clark in the locker room. She’s wearing a determined expression on her face knowing exactly what this match means to her. Angel of Filth has been quite the thorn in her side for a while now and at this point, she’s looking to finally put this whole thing behind her. Cordelia takes a moment to gather herself before she expresses her thoughts.

Cordelia: It all comes down to this, huh? Angel of Filth. I’ve lost track of how long you’ve been a pain in my side now, but tonight, that’s where it all ends. You want to hang onto the fact that I am who I used to be, but the fact of the matter is, I am nothing close to that person anymore. I was raised a certain way and brought up upon certain views and everything and I’ve learned that much of those views were wrong. I’m not an ‘evil’ person. You want ‘evil’? Find my sister! After all, you and I both know that she’s the only reason why you were ever the Underground Champion at my expense to begin with. You’re also never going to admit the fact that my sister was the only reason why you ever beat me in that title rematch at all. Well, she’s out of the picture now. I defeated her and I got to move on and now I get to defeat YOU! I get to exorcise a demon that should’ve never existed to begin with because the fact of the matter is, Angel of Filth, on any given night I AM better than you. You taking that title from me stung, but there’s been a question that’s been floating in my mind for a while.

What was it that stung the most?

Was it the fact that you of all people ended my reign in the first place?

I mean… it would make sense if that was the case considering I had successfully defended that title against better wrestlers than you.

But no, I don’t think that’s it.

Is it because of HOW you won the title in the first place? That would be an easy and obvious ‘yes’... or at least it would’ve been prior to Blaze of Glory anyway. But see, the thing is, I beat Morganna and I put her behind me as far as SCU is concerned. I’m past that at this point. Losing the title to someone else stings, no question about that. But perhaps the salt in the wound would’ve been easier to deal with if you actually went and DID ANYTHING with that title.

I saved that title from the likes of Angel Kash and I was something different from the same old, same old that was around in this company that was constantly winning the top titles before I got here. And you? You took that championship and you didn’t do a damn thing with it. You couldn’t even defend that title against ME fair and square. You’ve never been able to beat me without my sister’s help and as far as I’m concerned, it makes me sick to my stomach that I haven’t been able to beat you up to this point because I KNOW I am better than you. I was a champion that made that SCU Underground Championship better. YOU on the other hand, were the wrestler that was defined by that title. I mean, you lost it HOW fast? It’s one thing to lose the title, it’s another thing to lose the title to a bridge champion that barely did a damn thing with it!

Cordelia takes a pause, appearing to be quite pissed off at this point.

Cordelia: THAT is the wrong that I have to correct tonight! THAT is what I need to overcome! Because from day one that I’ve been in Sin City Underground, I HAVE been one of the best. Other promotions are noticing. I’m on the shortlist of a few! I doubt you’re on anyone’s radar Angel, and if you are somehow, then by the time I am done with you, you probably won’t be on ANYONE’S radar at all!  This is my statement match to show that I’m STILL one of the best in this company and that when it’s all said and done, THAT is how I’ll be remembered. I still want that title back. I still have other demons that I’ve never overcome before like Merlot, like Omasa, just to name a few things I want to check off my list but being the SCU Underground Champion again IS the last thing on the list. Tonight? I take care of the second thing on my list, which is YOU.

Tonight? The ‘angel’ loses her wings and officially crashes back down to earth.

Cordelia leaves the scene at this point, fully determined to take care of business tonight.

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Re: SCU Presents... Underground Ep 132: Into the Void XI Pre Show
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2022, 06:00:30 PM »

Combat Championship Match - Kawaii Stick Match
Winter Elemental Vs Tatsu Ikeda

Tatsu and Winter immediately meet up in the center of the ring, swinging their Kawaii Sticks at one another wildly. Winter tries for an upward swing, but Tatsu swings and sweeps Winter off her feet.  She swings downward at Winter's head in what surely would knock her out!  But Winter rolls out of the way and cracks the stick over Tatsu’s back.  Tatsu arches her back and stumbles forward, but Winter wraps the stick around Tatsu’s throat. Winter picks Tatsu up this way and swings her around like a ragdoll.  Tatsu kicks her feet, trying to get out of the hold.  She chokes out a yell. Tatsu is able to get in a position to swing the Kawaii Stick back to crash over Winter's head.  She’s got the advantage in this match and she knows it. Tatsu fires rapid shots with the stick, connecting with each and every one as Winter hollers out from the pain. Tatsu yells out in a warrior’s tone. Winter gets to the ropes and pulls herself up by them.  All while Tatsu is still landing body shots. Winter comes at Tatsu, grabbing onto her stick before she is flung up and over to her back. Tatsu holds her down by the throat with the stick and she kneels into a pin. Winter gets the shoulder up as she grabs her stick and swings it up into Tatsu’s jaw.  As Tatsu stumbles back to her ass, Winter throws her stick at Tatsu and then tackles her! The two have thrown their sticks to the side as they duke it out.  No catfighting here.  Just pure competitiveness. Tatsu winds up on top and she begins throwing rapid punches right to Winter's face, wherever she can land them. Winter tries to block them, but not much luck.  She nails a few punches of her own, but nothing compared to Tatsu… Until she nails a Headbutt right between Tatsu’s eyes.  She is able to roll Tatsu over and she begins throwing her own rapid punches, despite Tatsu trying to throw a few herself. Winter and Tatsu are fighting like straight up dudes right now.  There is no hair pulling.  No scratching or slapping.  They are really going for it. Winter hits another Headbutt to Tatsu’s forehead and she sends her flat on the mat.  Winter picks up her Kawaii Stick and begins rapidly throwing hits. Tatsu is on the ground for a nine count before Winter leans down and hooks the legs. Winter Elemental retains the Combat Championship via pinfall.

Grudge Match - GRIME Rules
Cordelia Clark Vs Angel of Filth

Filth grabs Cordelia by the back of the head and throws her outside. She follows and grabs a tray of popcorn from a vendor in the front row. She cracks Cordelia with that server’s tray upside the head! Cordelia is in serious trouble right out of the gate. And another one for good measure! Cordelia is stunned by two shots to the head from her challenger Filth. Cordelia fires back! She seems to have shaken the cobwebs off. She doubles over Filth with a hard boot to the midsection. She knocks the wind out of her. She’s got herself a handful of hair, and drags Cordelia backstage. Cordelia sends Filth flying across the gear cases into the wall. Cordelia found some plunder backstage! She’s got a tray of chips! Not anymore! Filth gets a faceful of a tray of nacho chips, and she’s down! Cordelia is going for the first cover of the match, earning a two count. Filth claws her eyes, which alters the momentum of this match in an instant. It’s a bitch to fight blind. Filth is back to her feet, and is choking Cordelia with one of the production cables. The blood is rushing to the surface of Cordelia’s face, and if she doesn’t get out of this predicament soon she’s going to be out cold. Cordelia just slams the back of her head into the bridge of the nose of Filth. Filth’s gushing blood! Filth is smiling at the sight of her own blood. Filth finds a pile of towels nearby. She turns her back on Cordelia to press a couple towels to her nose. Cordelia grabs Filth’s face and begins driving Filth’s head repeatedly into the catering table! Cordelia has Filth by the hair now, and the cameras keep following them. She doesn’t get far this time. Filth is fighting through the blood, sweat and tears... literally! They continue beating the ever living shit out of each other! Filth just tosses Cordelia into the SCW roulette table, knocking it to the floor. Cordelia begins firing back! Huge knees to the midsection of Filth. Cordelia nails a DDT onto the fallen roulette table. She slowly gets up, stumbling around as she waits for Filth to slowly get back up.  Seemingly out of nowhere, Cordelia nails the Heartbreaker (Leaping Busaiku knee from the top rope right into the heart/chest area) before covering Filth for the win! Cordelia wins via pinfall.

Combat Championship Match - Lei Tei
Andrey Azarov Vs Jerry Cann

Andrey and Jerry circle each other with their fists up, ready to strike.  Andrey goes first, but Jerry blocks and goes for a kick that sends Andrey near the edge.  Jerry charges him, but Andrey ducks out of the way. Jerry catches himself and ducks back toward the center. Andrey takes advantage of the distraction and nails a few hard jabs, followed by a right hook before Jerry rebounds and nails an uppercut to gain some distance. They circle again for a moment before going in and throwing wild punches.  Jerry backs Andrey against the edge, getting a few good punches in before Andrey ducks out. Andrey nails a few effective jabs to the kidney before Jerry turns around with a haymaker.  He hits a series of quick jabs to the body to back Andrey into the opposite ropes. He moves forward with several kicks at Andrey before throwing a knee to the stomach of Andrey. Jerry then hits a DDT to Andrey.  He drags him a few paces. Andrey rushes Jerry before he nails a barrage of quick punches of his own.  He nails a perfect Uppercut that nearly puts Jerry at the edge. He stumbles backward, but is able to stay up.  As Andrey tries coming at him again, he ducks and punches the back of Andrey’s head. He punches Andrey several times in the back of the head and neck, and Andrey falls down.  He scrambles back to his feet. He blocks a couple kicks, along with a few punches. He counters with a hard shove to get some distance. Andrey turns around to kick Jerry, but Jerry grabs his leg. Andrey turns and catches a Southpaw style left cross that sends his mouthpiece flying from his mouth and onto the mat.  He slowly turns his head back to look right at Jerry.  As a bit of blood trickles from his mouth, he roars as he begins throwing wild, aggressive punches, jabs, hooks, and crosses to back Jerry to the edge.  He ducks under a Clothesline attempt from Jerry, and then throws him from the platform! Andrey Azarov wins the SCU Combat Championship via elimination!  Andrey climbs down and accepts his newly regained Combat belt and he raises it up in the air.  He turns toward Jerry menacingly.  He stalks him as he gets to his knees.  Andrey then sticks a hand out to Jerry, who reluctantly accepts it.  He helps Jerry back to his feet, but not before giving his hand a firm shake, getting a cheer from the audience.

Joshua: A bar room brawl for my GRIME Champion?  You know what the more I think about it the more I like it.

Joshua adjusts his championship on his shoulder.

Joshua: This can go many ways.  I take you and slide you down the bar hitting glasses and bottles getting cut up in doing so.  Hell we could have a couple drinks during the match.  Maybe even go shot for shot.  But you know something I have to hand it to Rory he gave me a taste of my own medicine where I was avoiding getting tagged in and I let him eat the pin.  He in turn did the same thing to me and then we had a tag match with the challengers versus the GRIME champions and we unfortunately lost so they got to decide the stipulation for the matches.  Now I know mine and as I stated before it can go many ways and I look forward to the match and defending my championship that I have been doing day in and day out.  I am a record breaking champion with days and number of successful defenses that I have enjoyed.  Just remember at the end of the day your name will be added to the list number fifteen and taking me on my way over double of the previous defense record holder.

The camera pans out and you see Joshua is at a bar and sitting on the bar is a drink.  He finishes the drink and places the championship on the bar.

Joshua: It's time to get this match under way.

Underground Championship - Scaffold Match
Helluva Bottom Carter Vs Mz Holly Wood

Carter grabs onto Holly right away and flings her into the nearby chains.  Holly ducks a Clothesline, but on the rebound, she catches a hard elbow to the face and goes down.  Carter picks Holly up and hits a Sitout Jawbreaker before picking her up and landing a Snap Suplex.  He holds on and lifts Holly into another Snap Suplex.  He goes for a third, but Holly knees her in the gut and then clubs her back.  She flings Carter into the support chains and follows up with a Clothesline.  She throws various punches, kicks, knees, and clubs as she tries to get back in the game.  She goes for a Running Bulldog, but Carter flings her forward.  She rushes behind Holly and hits a Punt Kick to her spine.  She locks on a Standing Rear Choke.  Holly refuses to give in, and Carter begins hammering away at her head, punch after punch.  Holly claws at Carter’s eyes.  She uses the distraction to get up and she begins delivering a series of kicks, grounding Carter with a Spin Kick. Holly picks Carter up and drops her with aHurricanrana to the edge of the scaffolding.  Carter holds on for dear life as Holly attempts to kick him off.  She is nearly successful, but Carter is back up.  Holly tries for a Shining Wizard, but Carter moves out of the way and grabs onto Holly’s ankle.  She does an Ankle Lock, and Holly tries to get to the chains for leverage.  Carter isn’t having it as he drops back into an STF hold.  Holly refuses to give up, but she’s on the verge of tapping.  However, she is able to barely get to the chains to lift out of it.  Carter lifts Holly up and puts nails a Crescent Kick.  As Holly tries to get back up, Carter runs at her with a Hip Attack, putting her back down.  As Holly tries to get up again, another Hip Attack.  After a few seconds down on the scaffolding, She tries to get up again, this time to a Rear View attack. Holly looks to be out as she is out on the unforgiving steel.  Carter begins trying to roll Holly to the edge of the scaffold, but it is a slow process. Carter mentions that this bitch needs to lay off the cheesecake. Once she’s to the edge, Carter moves and begins kicking her. Holly grips onto the steel as she feels herself starting to roll off.  Holly swings up with her legs to hold on and she shimmies away from Carter.  She starts to get up, but Carter begins clubbing her.  Holly moves around, and gets back upright.  She sees Carter charging, and she jumps up, wrapping her legs around Carter’s head.  She brings him face first into her backside, repeatedly as she also holds onto the support chains. The crowd cheers loudly for this display until Carter ducks out of Holly’s legs and delivers a knee to the midsection of the falling Holly.  Holly falls off of the scaffolding and to the landing pad below! Helluva Bottom Carter retains the Underground Championship via elimination!

Inside of Rory’s Tavern, we see none other than Rory Rockefeller, challenger to the GRIME Championship shortly.  He is polishing a few glasses as he looks over to see Andrey Azarov nursing a beer after his victory against Jerry Cann.  And oddly enough, Jerry Cann is nursing one right next to him.  Neither man says a word, as the lumps on their faces say enough.

Rory:  Alright, guys.  I’m going to have to clear the area out to get ready for my Bar Room Brawl coming up shortly.

Andrey:  Eck!  Does a Bar Room Brawl not usually have people inside?

Rory:  Yeah, but it usually has a bartender to keep watch over the top shelf liquor.

Jerry:  You only have to worry about Joshua, because we beat the hell out of each other earlier, and we just don’t have the energy to go after the good stuff anyway.

Rory shrugs his shoulders.

Rory:  No offense, but if others come in and see the bar unattended, they might get ideas, and I pay for this stuff out of my own pocket.  I’m not going to let anyone distract me from winning the GRIME Championship finally.

The three look at one another, knowing that, at one point, it was the top prize for all three men, and none of them ever captured it.  They share a sigh as Jerry slides a few bills onto the bar.  Andrey reaches into his pocket, but realizes he’s still in his fighting gear and sighs.  Jerry rolls his eyes and slips a few more bills on the table.

Jerry:  You kick my ass and then rob me? Not cool.

Andrey:  You gave it pretty good fight too, Jerry.  I have welts on face to prove it, no?

Rory looks over to see someone else walking into the bar, not taking the time to actually see who it is.

Rory:  We’re closed. I’ve got one helluva fight ahead of me, and…

Liam:  That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.  See, you’ve been looked at as a joke ever since you signed up with GRIME, and… honestly since your brief stint in Honor Wrestling.

Rory rolls his eyes.

Rory:  Did you seriously come here to distract me and insult me? I don’t have time for that.

Liam:  No, no, no. I came here to say that you deserve a real shot at this.  And, with so many people already having gotten their asses kicked, or celebrating victories tonight, this could be the perfect opportunity for you to make some serious bank.

Rory:  If I have it my way, I’ll put that punk down in under five minutes so I can get back to bartending.

Liam:  Or, you let me bartend.  I’ll settle for tips earned during your match.  Consider it a favor for busting your balls extra hard over the last year.

Rory thinks it over, seeing a crowd of people forming at the door with the “closed” sign facing outward.  He then looks to Jerry and Andrey, who are clearly not ready to leave yet.  He sighs and then nods his head.

Rory:  Guess I better get ready for this match then, huh?

He practically rips his shirt off, showing his rippling muscles as the ladies in attendance howl and make catcalls.  He tosses the shredded shirt against the far end of the bar and jumps over the bar to get in the center.  Liam flips the sign open, and people begin coming in, ready to enjoy the drinks. Joshua comes in last, and meets Rory at the middle where the referee calls for the bell.

GRIME Championship - Bar Room Brawl
Joshua Acquin Vs Rory Rockefeller

As the bell rings, both men begin hammering away at each other.  The crowd in the bar steps back with their drinks ready.  Rory flings Joshua into the jukebox, making it skip tracks.  Rory puts a quarter into the box to make it play “Turn Down For What”.  He then hits a Snapmare on Joshua and wrenches his neck with a Rear Chinlock.  Joshua reaches for a nearby pool stick and cracks Rory over the head with it.  He then begins swinging away with the pool stick.  Rory tries to block it, but he’s unsuccessful.  When he goes down, Joshua grabs a beer from Liam and guzzles it down before smacking it across Rory’s head.  He goes for the cover, getting a two.  Rory kicks out.  Joshua picks up the pool stick again, but Rory grabs it out of his hand and snaps it in half.  He then begins swinging the pool stick at Joshua, backing him up against the pool table.  He uses both parts to choke Joshua against the table.  He then lets up on the choking and hits a Scoop Slam onto the table.  He takes the cue ball and uses the cue end of the stick to ram it into Joshua’s groin.  He goes for the cover on top of the pool table, but only gets a two.  Joshua kicks out and rolls Rory off of the table.  He drops an elbow off of the pool table.  He walks over to the dart board and grabs a few from it.  He throws them at Rory, sticking them into his back!  Joshua kicks at them, ripping into Rory’s back.  He flips Rory over and goes for a cover, only getting a one.  Joshua lifts Rory up, and the two begin throwing closed fist punches at one another, backing up to the bar.  Rory grabs the shirt he shed before the match.  He wraps it around Joshua’s neck and begins choking him out.  He whips Joshua around by the neck until Joshua goes limp.  Rory lifts him up onto the bar and lifts him up for the On the Rocks (An Atomic Drop followed by a Double Undertook Piledriver)!  As he’s about to go for the cover, several GRIME masked members rush inside of the bar. One holds a speaker that gives the Purge speech.  Each mask lights up in different colors as they begin flinging chains and locks at Rory, knocking him down to the bar quickly.  The crowd cheers loudly as the SCU stars quickly jump in, causing a true bar room brawl.  Joshua crawls on top of Rory, just barely. Joshua Acquin retains the GRIME Championship via pinfall.

Underground Championship Match - Hell In A Cell Match
Omasa Tazu Vs Merlot Ayano

Darlyn: It is now time for tonight’s pre-show main event!!! This match is a Hell in the Cell for the Underground Championship!!!!

The fans sit and wait as the lights in the arena phase out. Everyone sits in silence until the chaotic rifts of symphonic sounds of exist†trace’s “Futatsu no Roe” begins to pump throughout air. A couple of lights at the base of the entrance ramp flicker on.

Darlyn:  On her way to the ring, from Osaka, Japan, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 133lb, she is… Merlot Ayyyyyyyyyanooooooooooo!!!

Merlot Ayano stands with her back turned as the beams illuminate her. She quickly raises her right fist in the air before using both of her hands to blow kisses into the air. She then spins around and lets out great shout just as the song begins to ramp up. She scans the cheering crowd and stretches out her right arm as she makes her way down to the ring. Merlot heads directly towards the steps upon reaching the end of the entrance ramp. She wipes her boots on the apron before stepping through the ropes. Merlot strolls around the ring as the lights return before heading to one of the corners. She uses the ropes to get loose and stretch out her legs as she waits for Omasa to come down the ring.

Darlyn: And her opponent!

韻踏合組合 - "一網打尽 (REMIX) feat. NORIKIYO,SHINGO★西成, 漢" starts to play while a video on the SCU screen pops on showing a round table with 12 men and one female. Omasa and among the men we see Javi. Everyone dressed in all black with black sunglasses on. The group is scene having a meeting with Javi and Omasa nodding. The video then cuts to the two in a car as we see Omasa in the passenger seat and Javi driving. The two are seen fleeing from the Tokyo police.

Javi drifts the car to do a 180 to face the police. Omasa sticks her body out the window as she is seen holding a RPG. Javi drives forward towards the police which has them now driving in reverse. Omasa pulls the trigger as we see the rocket leave the launcher. As it looks to blow up the police car the screen turns black with the names Javi and Omasa name appearing in dripping blood.

Darlyn: On the way to the ring, she is the last woman Samurai of Japan… Underground Champion…. Omasa Tazu!!!!!

Omasa starts making her way to the ring. She keeps a straight face the whole time as she is all business. Once at ringside she jumps up landing on the apron then jumps again to jump over the ropes and lands in the ring.

Omasa and Merlot walk to the center of the ring. The two bow then tie-up. Omasa shoves Merlot back, dropping her on her back, letting Merlot know who the strongest of the two is. Merlot gets to her feet and brushes it off. The two tie up again; Merlot, this time, shoves Omasa away, dropping Omasa on her back. Omasa does a kip-up to get back to her feet. Merlot goes for a superkick, but Omasa grabs Merlot's foot and goes for a heel lock. Omasa can't lock in the hold as Merlot jumps off her other leg and nails Omasa in the back of the head Enziguri kick.

Omasa lets go of Merlot's foot as she drops to the mat. Merlot runs to the ropes and bounces off. Merlot drops and nails Omasa's left shoulder with a baseball slide. Merlot gets to her feet, she helps Omasa to her feet, then ties up. Merlot, Irish, whips Omasa to the corner. Omasa hits the turnbuckle chest first, then turns her back to the turnbuckles. Merlot charges at Omasa; Omasa gets her foot up to stop Merlot in her tracks as Omasa's leg connects with Merlot's face.

Merlot stumbles back a bit. Omasa runs at Merlot; Merlot catches Omasa and quickly tosses Omasa over her head for a belly-to-belly suplex. Merlot puts her foot on Omasa's face; Merlot raises her foot and drops her foot, but Omasa rolls to the side, so Merlot ends up stomping the mat instead.

Omasa does a kip-up to get to her feet. Merlot runs at Omasa to grab her from behind. Omasa jumps up for a Pele Kick. Merlot ducks the kick while still running and grabbing Omasa, then drops Omasa as she counters with a running power slam.

Merlot gets to her feet as the crowd takes a second to applaud that countermove from Merlot. Merlot drops down with an elbow drop as she goes for the cover.


Omasa gets her shoulder up at one. Merlot gets to her feet; Omasa swings her legs to sweep Merlot off hers. Merlot trips up and falls to the mat as Omasa gets to her feet. Merlot does a kip-up as well to get to her feet. Merlot goes to tie up, but Omasa grabs Merlot's arm and flips her with an arm drag. Merlot quickly gets back to her feet and goes to grab Omasa, but Omasa again grabs Merlot's arm and flips her over again with another arm drag.

Merlot gets back to her feet only to drop to her back on her own to avoid a dropkick from Omasa. Both women get back to their feet. Merlot goes for a jumping roundhouse kick as Omasa drops down for a leg sweep. They get back to their feet; Merlot goes for a punch, and Omasa blocks it as she goes for a punch herself that Merlot blocks. Omasa nails Merlot on the side of the knee with a stiff kick. Merlot lets Omasa know how that feels with a stiff kick of her own. The two start trading stiff kicks as the crowd chants for Merlot. The kicks keep coming as they see whose knee will give in first.

A minute of nonstop kicks has Omasa's knee finally buckled. Omasa, not wanting to be outdone, goes for a stiff kick to the knee but then raises her leg to nail Merlot on her side, then her gut, followed by two to the chest. Finally, the fast rapid karate kicks send Merlot to the mat. 

Omasa gets a mixed reaction from the crowd, but the boos are louder than the cheers. Merlot sits up, Omasa goes for a kick to the side of Merlot's head, but Merlot gets her hand up to block the blow. Omasa grabs Merlot's arm and pulls her up to her feet. Merlot goes to punch Omasa, but Omasa backs away from the strike.

Merlot charges in with open hand strikes that get blocked by Omasa. Omasa throws an open hand punch; Merlot grabs Omasa's arm and drags Omasa around until she lands on the mat. Merlot then tries to lock in her Vanguard Killer (Lebell Lock), but Omasa quickly gets on her knees and uses her free arm to free her other arm from Merlot's grip. Omasa cannot free herself but can get to her feet, but Merlot, also on her feet, has Omasa's wrist in a wrist lock. Omasa, with her free hand, goes for her illegal Omasa punch. (Closed fist to the throat) but stops just an inch away as Omasa thinks twice. Omasa instead opened her fist to flick Merlot in the neck with her fingertips.

Merlot turns Omasa's wrist a bit, but that only angers Omasa. Omasa turns her free arm to grab Merlot's jaw. she squeezes down underneath Merlot's mouth. Merlot lets go of Omasa's wrist as she then frees herself from Omasa's jaw hold. Merlot angrily pushes Omasa. Omasa gabs Merlot by the neck and lifts her about a foot off the mat. Before Omasa can drop Merlot down for the chokeslam, Merlot gets a knee up and nail Omasa hard in the jaw, which drops Omasa to her knees. Merlot lands on her feet and jumps up... Eternal Burning: High-Velocity!!! (Roundhouse kick)

Omasa drops backward onto her back as bleed gushes out her nose. Merlot drops down on Omasa and hooks the leg for the cover.


Omasa kicks out at two, to the shock of Merlot and the crowd. Merlot gets to her feet while also helping Omasa to her feet. Merlot sends Omasa to the ropes. Omasa bounces off and heads back to Merlot. Merlot goes to grab Omasa, but Omasa gets her hand out and nails Merlot with a running Omasa punch! (Illegal punch to the throat) Merlot goes down on all fours.) Omasa jumps and lands a double stomp on Merlot's back that drops her down to the mat. Omasa rolls Merlot over and hooks the leg for the cover. 


Merlot kicks out, Omasa gets to her feet and removes her half mask. She uses her face to wipe off some blood flowing from her nose. She throws it at Merlot and then kicks her in the gut. This gets the crowd to boo Omasa and chants Merlot's name for a comeback.

Omasa walks over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. Once on the top turnbuckle, the crowd begins to chant Omasa sucks which gets her to turn to the crowd. Omasa points at them, letting them know this move is for them. Merlot, meanwhile, gets to her feet. Merlot sees Omasa looking at the crowd. Merlot runs to the ropes and jumps on the top rope, which causes Omasa to lose balance. Omasa turns around to see Merlot jump off the top rope. Merlot gets her legs between Omasa's head and throws Omasa off the top rope, flying across the ring and landing on the other side. Merlot runs over and covers Omasa, but the ref doesn't count as Omasa'a arm is under the ropes. Merlot pulls Omasa to the middle of the ring and goes for the cover.


Omasa kicks out at two. Merlot elbows Omasa and then hooks the leg for the cover. Still, before the ref can drop for the count, Omasa rolls over, placing herself on top of Merlot for the cover, but then Merlot rolls them over again, so she's now covering Omasa. Omasa kicks out of the pinfall. Both ladies get to their feet, Merlot goes to tie up, but Omasa grabs her and flips her over her head with a judo toss. Omasa gets Merlot to her feet. Omasa winds up for her Omasa punch, but Merlot jumps up and nails her Eternal Burning: High-Velocity!!! (Roundhouse kick). Omasa goes down, Merlot drops down and hooks the leg.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn: Your winner and new SCU Underground Champion... Merlot Ayanooooooo!!!!!!

The crowd erupts with excitement as Merlot theme music blasts through the arena. Merlot leans on Omasa's down body catching her breath as this match is finally over. Merlot takes a moment, looking up at the lights, and hearing the music play. The thousands live chanting her name after Javi caused Merlot to lose the title before being able to hold it the first time. Two non-titles matches with Omasa that were hard-fought. To this hell in the cell match. Merlot takes it all in; she sits up and leans off of Omasa as the ref hands her the Underground Championship. Merlot holds on to the title.

Dr. Green slides in the ring to help with Omasa's busted nose. Merlot gets to her feet and walks away, giving Dr. Green room. Merlot gets to the corner to stand on the second rope. Merlot raises her new Underground title in the air as the crowd chants Merlot's name.

Merlot celebrates as her theme music starts replaying a second time. She comes off the turnbuckle to exit the ring. She places the title over her right shoulder. She high fans the crowd while making her way up the rampway. A countdown appears on their screen for those watching on the SCW Network, counting down a ten-minute mark to when SCW's Into The Void will begin.

Sin City Underground presents… The Northern Lights Tour

No Nights Off… The Go-Home Tour hits several spots made famous by many of the stars in Sin City Underground. Join in on the celebration of 3 and a half years of sin, where we will see the 6th Mayhem Survival with special guest spots, and guest appearances from stars from Honor Wrestling, Northern Lights Wrestling, and Sin City Underground past. Help us make this send off tour one for the ages!

Underground 133 - 5/28 - Mary Brown’s Centre in St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

Underground 134 - 6/4 - BMO Centre in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Underground 135 - 6/11 - Colisee Pepsi in Quebec, Quebec, Canada

Underground 137 - 6/25 - BMO Field in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Underground 139 - 7/9 - Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Supernova 5 - 7/16 - BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada