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Messages - Jake Sullivan

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« on: January 06, 2018, 07:57:09 PM »
 It’s been about five months since anyone in SCW has seen or heard anything from former World Heavyweight Champion, Jake Sullivan- formerly known as Rage. Following his victory over Calvin Harris, the man who would win the World Heavyweight Championship just a couple of months later, Jake, Kittie and his daughter Ember returned home to Las Vegas. And while Jake had fully intended to continue his wrestling career with SCW for as long as he could, life had other plans in the weeks following Summer XXXTreme V.

After returning home, Ember had her very first meltdown. It was to be expected, given the drastic changes to her life in such a short amount of time. She had lost her uncle, the man whom she thought was her biological father. And her mother, whom she thought was her aunt. And following all of that, her real biological father, Jake, had come to Michigan to take custody of her, taking her from the only home she’d ever known to go live in Las Vegas. To say the poor girl was a bit traumatized was perhaps an understatement.

It was that, along with what happened in the weeks that followed Summer XXXTreme V, that Jake ultimately made the decision to quietly disappear from SCW and try to lead as normal a life as possible with Kittie and Ember. What happened, you ask? Let’s rewind time a little bit, and you can find out for yourself.

August 2017
Las Vegas, Nevada

It’s the middle of the night in the Sullivan home, and everyone is fast asleep. At least they should be at this hour. Kittie is cuddled up in Jake’s arms and he snores away loudly as they sleep in their bed. And just down the hall, Ember is tucked into her bed. This has been the norm for the past few weeks, and Jake couldn’t be happier with life, for the first time in, well...ever.

As Jake continues to snore, sucking in a deep breath and letting out an even louder snore, Kittie rolls over and away from him, though she somehow remains fast asleep. A few moments later, their bedroom door slowly squeaks open and Ember shuffles her way into the room, heading over to Jake’s side of the bed. She doesn’t look very well as she puts her hand on her father’s chest and shakes him, trying to wake him up.

Ember: Daddy...Daddy…

She shakes him again, and while Jake would have sprung out of bed in the past, having been startled awake, his eyes slowly flutter open as he looks up at Ember.

Jake: Em, what’s wrong, kid?

Ember: Daddy...I don’t...feel so...good…

Kittie has woken up by this time, and she has turned on the light next to the bed. Jake springs up as he takes one look at his daughter and the expression on his face falls.

Kittie: What’s wrong??

Jake puts his hand on Ember’s forehead, and that’s when he realizes just how sick she may be.

Jake: Shit. She’s burning up, Kittie.

And before he knows it, Ember backs up just a little bit, and the poor girl gets sick all over the floor, just barely missing his bare feet.

Kittie: We have to get her to the hospital.

Jake: Alright. Let’s go. Kittie, grab one of my shirts out of the closet for me. Come on Ember, let’s go.

Jake scoops Ember up into his arms, and moments later the three of them are rushing out the door. Jake puts Ember into the backseat with Kittie and he hops behind the wheel and he speeds off away from the house and towards the hospital. Within minutes he was pulling up to the emergency room, taking Ember in his arms again. Kittie took the task of parking the car as Jake rushed Ember inside.

Thankfully, the emergency room wasn’t very busy tonight, which meant their wait time was much much shorter. Within just a short while, Ember had already been triaged and brought into an exam room. Her vitals had been checked and she was already being given fluids through an IV. But as he watched her laying on the gurney, in so much discomfort, an unfamiliar feeling hit Jake.

Worry. Concern. Downright terror that something serious was wrong with his daughter. And Kittie was doing everything she could to comfort him and reassure him that everything would be alright.

Kittie: She’s going to be fine, Jake. We got her here quickly.

Jake: Maybe we should have brought her in earlier? I mean, she was complaining her stomach was bothering her when she went to bed. What if--

Kittie: Relax, alright. Worrying like this isn’t going to help her, or you.

Jake takes in a deep breath as he looks back to Ember. A few moments later, the ER doctor walks into the room, heading right over to Ember’s bedside.

Doctor: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan. Ember. I’m Dr. Clayburn. I’m the doctor on staff tonight. Ember, I’d like to examine your belly a bit. Is that ok?

Jake looks at Kittie, confused. She shrugs her shoulders, but they look at Ember and Dr. Clayburn. Ember slowly nods her head.

Ember: It...hurts.

Dr. Clayburn: I know, sweetheart. You let me know right away if anything I do makes it hurt worse, okay?

Ember again nods, and Dr. Clayburn starts to examine Ember’s abdomen. At one point, he barely touches her belly and she lets out a winced pain, and that puts an end to his examination immediately.

Dr. Clayburn: Alright, Ember, I’m done for now. Give me just a second so I can talk to your parents.

Ember nods and she closes her eyes, trying to get some rest. Dr. Clayburn turns to Jake and Kittie, taking in a deep breath.

Jake: What is it? What’s wrong with my daughter?

Dr. Clayburn: It appears that Ember has appendicitis. Her appendix hasn’t burst yet, but if we don’t do surgery soon, it could and it could cause things to get much worse.

Jake: Surgery?! You can’t just give her some medicine or something?

Kittie: Babe, appendicitis doesn’t work like that.

Dr. Clayburn: Your wife is right. Especially in your daughter’s case. Her appendix is very inflamed, and that is what caused her to get sick earlier. She needs emergency surgery before things get worse for her. We see these all the time. Surgery can be a scary thing, but we have some of the finest surgeons in the country so trust me when I say that Ember will be taken well care of.

Jake looks back to Kittie, and the terror written all over his face is perhaps worse than it was before. The thought of his daughter on an operating table wasn’t something he thought he’d ever have to think about, but leave it to now to test his strength as a father.

Jake: what you have to do.

Dr. Clayburn: Alright. I’ll start getting things prepped and a surgical team will be here shortly. Everything will be fine.

Dr. Clayburn turns to Ember.

Dr. Clayburn: Don’t worry, Ember. We’re going to get you feeling better real soon.

A few moments later he walks out the door, and Jake and Kittie walk back up to Ember’s bedside. Ember opens her eyes and looks up sadly at her father, and Kittie.

Ember: I have to...have an operation?

Jake: Yeah. Yeah, you do, kiddo. But it’s going to make you feel better, so we have to let the doctors do their job.

Kittie: Don’t worry, Em. We’ll be right here the whole time, okay?

Ember closes her eyes and slowly nods her head as Jake just squeezes her hand lightly. A few minutes later, a few nurses appear in the room to transport her up to the surgical floor. Jake and Kittie follow behind the entire time, and even despite what the doctor said, Jake’s stomach is filled with pure dread.

Just a few months ago, he was adamant on not being a part of Ember’s life, thinking she was better off without him as a father. But now? Now she’s been brought into his life under horrible circumstances, but it’s proven to be one of the best things to have ever happened to him. And he couldn’t imagine anything worse happening to his little girl…



No, that is not someone calling someone else a ding dong. That, actually, is supposed to be the sound of the doorbell to Jake and Kittie’s home. Their surprise visitor waits outside for someone to open the door for them, and that person just happens to be now eleven year old Ember. She opens the door and looks outside, a big smile appearing on her face.

Ember: Uncle Gabriel!

Gabriel doesn’t even have to be invited in and Ember offers him a quick hug, which he accepts.

Ember: Where’s Aunt Odette and Lucas?

Gabriel: Good to see ya, Em. And they’re back at home. I need to talk to your dad real quick, but we’ll try and set something up soon so you can visit with Odette and Lucas.

Ember: Alright, cool!

Ember turns around a moment later, heading towards the stairs leading down to the basement.

Ember: Daddy! Uncle Gabriel is here to see you!

She shouts as loud as she can and Gabriel just chuckles.

Gabriel: A little louder next time…

Ember: I might have to if he has his earphones in.

Luckily for everyone in the house, she doesn’t need to. The sound of a door closing downstairs is heard before Jake bounds up the stairs a few moments later. And just as Ember starts running up the stairs to her room, Kittie starts walking down. Jake has a small towel wrapped around his neck, tell tale signs of his daily workout.

Jake: Hey Gabriel. What are you doing here?

Kittie: Hey Gabriel.

Gabriel: Peanut head. Kittie. Good to see the two of ya.

Jake rolls his eyes.

Jake: You just can’t call me by Jake, can you?

Gabriel shakes his head.

Gabriel: Nope. It just sounds...weird.

Jake shakes his head as he walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of water. He pulls a bottle of beer out, offering it to Gabriel.

Gabriel: No thanks. I’m gonna pass on that for right now.

Jake shrugs and returns the bottle of beer to the fridge. He twists the cap off of his water and takes a huge gulp before he turns to look at Gabriel, still curious.

Jake: So what’s up? You don’t always drop by for visits. Everything okay?

Gabriel nods.

Gabriel: Oh, everything’s good. No need to worry there. I just have a favor to ask of you.

Jake looks at Kittie curiously. She shrugs, just as lost as he is.

Jake: You? Asking me a favor? This ought to be good.

Gabriel: Oh I think it could be. Look, you know that SCW is closing up in a few weeks, right?

Jake nods.

Jake: Who doesn’t? But what does that have to do with anything?

Gabriel: Well, you see, Despy has been bugging me to team up with him one last time at Full Circle. He wants to have that one last match, but he doesn’t want it to be a singles match, so of course he’s begging me to come back for one last match.

Jake: Ok…

Gabriel grins and takes in a deep breath.

Gabriel: You know I don’t like turning him down on anything, but that last injury I had is still bugging me a bit so I don’t think I should risk getting in the ring again. So that is where you come in…

Jake nearly chokes on his water and he starts shaking his head.

Jake: You’re joking right?

Gabriel shakes his head.

Gabriel: ‘fraid not.

Kittie: You’re not honestly thinking of saying no, are you?

Jake sets his bottle of water down on the counter and looks back to Kittie, shaking his head.

Jake: No, I’m not. But come on. Despy wants to team with Gabriel. He’s not going to agree to teaming with me when he’d rather have his *air quotes* big brother teaming with him. He won’t do it.

Gabriel: Sure he will. You’ve teamed with him before. You two even won the tag team titles. He might not like it at first, but in the end, all he wants is one last tag team match in SCW so he’ll agree to it.

Jake: I don’t know. I was planning on being at the show and all, but I don’t really want to get into the ring again. I’ve got Ember to think about right now, and…

Gabriel laughs and shakes his head.

Gabriel: I get why you’re hesitant, peanut head. Trust me, I know how much being a father changes us. But this is just one match. You don’t need to worry about Ember. Once this match is over with, you’ll be back at home for good, because SCW won’t even be up and running for you to get that itch again.

Kittie: He’s right. Besides, you know that Ember felt guilty before when you told her you were done wrestling for good.

Jake: She had to have surgery, Kittie. She had nothing to feel guilty about, but like hell I was going to continue wrestling after that.

Gabriel: She’s a tough kid.

Jake laughs.

Jake: Yeah, no kidding. She was practically bouncing around again a couple of days after surgery. But, shit, that was terrifying.

Gabriel: I can’t even imagine watching Lucas go through something like that. But that was five months ago. She’s all healed up. And you have the chance to help SCW go out with a bang like it should. Ember can hang out with all of us backstage during your match and after the show, it’s living the carefree life, free of wrestling.

Gabriel and Kittie stare at Jake, waiting for him to answer. He finishes off his bottle of water and carefully thinks over in his mind what he wants to do. After a few moments, he takes in a deep breath and looks back to Gabriel.

Jake: Alright, fine. I’ll do it.

Gabriel: Great! Thanks, bud. Let’s go.

Jake raises an eyebrow and stares at Gabriel, confused.

Jake: Go? Go where? The show isn’t for a few weeks, Gabriel.

Gabriel: Oh I know that. But someone’s gotta tell Despy the good news, and I told him I was coming over today, so…

Jake starts shaking his head again.

Jake: Uh huh! No! You tell him, then! This was your idea, so you should tell him.

Kittie: Just do it, Jake. I don’t know what you’re so afraid of.

Jake: You’re joking, right?! This is Despy we’re talking about…

Gabriel: You don’t give the little guy enough credit. Just go upstairs, put on a clean shirt and meet me at Synn’s in a little bit.

Jake lowers his head and shakes it, knowing he can’t talk his way out of this.

Jake: Alright, fine. You head on over and I’ll be there in a little bit.

Gabriel: Alright, bud.

Gabriel then turns and leaves, as Jake starts grumbling under his breath and heads upstairs to get a clean shirt. Kittie just laughs as she disappears upstairs behind Jake.

A little while later, Jake finds himself sitting in the spacious front living room of Synn’s home. Gabriel and Synn are with him and their waiting for Despayre to come downstairs and join them.

Synn: Joshua!


Gabriel and Jake share a laugh and a few moments later, Despayre can be heard running out of his room and then downstairs, clutching Angel in his grasp, of course. He rushes over to the sofas, excited to see Gabriel, but when he sees, Jake, his excitement turns to confusion.

Despayre: What’s Uncle Rage doing here?

Jake: Despy, how many times do I have to tell you that I’m Jake now. Not Rage.

Despayre: I don’t know. How many?

Gabriel laughs and Jake just sighs and shakes his head.

Jake: Every time, apparently.

Despayre: Well, you still LOOK like Rage to me. You don’t look like someone else.

Synn: Alright. Let’s not get into this discussion again.

Gabriel: I know, Despy. It’s confusing and even a little weird to me, too.

Despayre: See! He gets it!

Jake grumbles again, just a hint of his former Rage-self shining through, but he shrugs it off and sits back on the sofa.

Synn: Joshua, Jake is here because he and Gabriel have something they want to tell you.

Despayre: Oh. Ok!

Gabriel turns and looks to Jake, expecting him to be the first to say something. Jake just laughs and shakes his head.

Jake: Uh huh. You tell him. It was your idea!

Gabriel: You’re such a wimp, ya know that?!

Despayre: Why are you guys acting so weird?

Jake: Well, because I don’t think you’re going to take be too excited about what Gabriel is about to tell you.

Gabriel rolls his eyes and turns to look back to Despayre.

Gabriel: Alright, Despy. Here’s the deal. I told Ra...Erm, Jake, that you wanted to wrestle one last tag team match at Full Circle to help send off SCW in a big way. Now, I know you were hoping to team with me.

Jake: But he won’t be able to do it, Despy. His injury is still nagging him a bit, so…

Despayre: What? No! I want to team with Gabriel!

Gabriel: I know you do, Despy. I wish I could do it, but Jake here agreed to take my place. He’s going to team with you at Full Circle.

Despayre’s jaw drops and he looks back and forth from Gabriel to Jake. He then turns and looks at Synn, who nods slowly. He walks up, standing in front of Jake, remaining eerily calm for a few seconds before he rears his foot back and swings it forward, kicking Jake in the shin! Any other time, Jake would have spring to his feet, howling in pain, but this time he cracks a smile and starts laughing, as Despayre stands there, confused.

Despayre: Huh?

Jake leans forward and pulls up his pant leg to reveal a shin guard protecting his leg. Gabriel and Synn are sharing a chuckle and as Jake tries to put his pant leg back down, Despayre takes him off guard by headbutting him instead! The move doesn’t even phase Despayre, but Jake is left seeing stars.

Despayre: I won’t do it!


Despayre then runs off, storming back upstairs as Jake leans back, holding his head. Gabriel doesn’t even bother holding back his laughter. Jake growls and elbows Gabriel in the arm as Gabriel continues laughing.

Jake: I told you he wasn’t going to like it.

Gabriel: Oh, I know. But I missed watching him get the better of ya, so I made ya do it anyway.

As Gabriel continues laughing, and Synn just shakes his head at the display, Theresa walks out of the kitchen with a bag of ice. She walks up to Jake, handing it to him, which only elicits more laughter from Gabriel, before she turns and heads back into the kitchen. Jake mumbles under his breath as he holds the bag of ice up to his head. Whether or not Despayre will agree to teaming with him...well, that remains to be seen…

This is it. It all comes down to this, doesn’t it? One night. One match. One last time. The end of Sin City Wrestling. The end...of an era.

I never thought I’d see the day, and if I’m honest, I never thought I’d even be a part of the final show for SCW at all. I thought Mark and Christian would keep this place going for years until I was at the point where my body wouldn’t even be able to handle going into one last match, but I guess things don’t always happen the way we think they will, do they?

My time in SCW was, to be honest, like a roller coaster ride. I had my highs, winning the World Heavyweight Championship a total of three times. I was a two-time tag team champion and a two-time Internet Champion. Some would say that those accomplishments speak for themselves, but I’m going to be honest with you people here. Even despite all of that...even though I was a multi-time champion, I never felt like I accomplished everything I ever really set out to be.

And now...I’ll never get that chance.

Don’t get me wrong, last summer I made the choice to give it all up. I chose to focus on my family...on my daughter who needed me more, instead of climbing the ladder again and going for one last run. One final GREAT run. It was a sacrifice that didn’t come easy, but I guess deep down a part of me thought that maybe I’d still have that chance to come back in a few years once Ember was older.

Again, I was wrong.

I don’t regret any of it and I never will. I’ll just regret it if I let SCW go out under circumstances less than it truly deserves.

This tag team match with Despayre might not be considered match of the night, but that doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is walking out to that six-sided ring one final time and putting on a great match. Not only for SCW and the fans, but for myself. And for Despayre.

Terry Coleman and Bradley King...better known as High Velocity. I gotta be honest here. I don’t know who either of these guys are, or how long they’ve been in SCW. But, to be even more honest, I don’t even care. I couldn’t care less if Despy and I were going out to face the Tag Team Champions. It doesn’t erase the fact that this match...this is it. This is the very last time that I will ever wrestling in the six-sided any ring, for that matter. And I’m going to give it my all no matter what.

And I expect the same from you two, Terry and Bradley. I know you’re wanting to go out there and go out with a win, but I hate to break it to ya, I can’t allow that to happen. And neither will Despayre. You see, between the two of us, we’ve done more for SCW than the two of you have, and a loss for the pair of us? Just ain’t happening.

I’m not the same guy I was a year ago, boys. I could sit here and try and sling out any insult at ya that I could think of, making shit up as I go along simply because that’s just what I did. But I won’t do that. I can’t do that. But I can’t talk highly of ya either, because I know nothing about you. It’s why I’m not going to sit here, wasting my breath or my time droning on and on, because I’m going to go back to my gym and start preparing for this match. I’m going to focus on doing what needs to be done to make sure that Despayre and I get one last win in SCW.

I know you boys won’t like it, but it’s just the way it is. Maybe if you two had gone up against The Surf Boys you would have lucked out and gotten a win, but it just didn’t work out that way.

Full Circle is just one week away. SCW’s time is coming to an end, and the Sins are going to make sure it goes out with a bang.

See you next week, boys!

Character Building Roleplays / The First Meltdown
« on: July 10, 2017, 10:31:10 PM »
 I’ve grown used to Kittie ignoring me from time to time. At least when I was still an asshole and she was pissed at me for one reason or another. I could probably deal with that if it was Kittie who was mad at me right now, but it’s not. Before my match last night I accidentally said something without thinking, and now Ember is not only hurt by what I said, but she’s pretty angry with me. I can’t say I blame her though, because thinking back to what I said, it didn’t come across the way I had intended it to.

Ember wanted to come out to ringside with me and Kittie. I get that she wanted to be there to support me and she wanted to have a good time, but having my ten year old daughter at ringside would not have only been stupid, but a major liability. I stupidly called her a distraction, but she took it in a way that I just didn’t mean. And I’ve been trying to get her to talk to me ever since.

But she’s better at the silent treatment than anyone I’ve ever met, Kittie included.

She hid backstage the rest of the show and she wouldn’t speak to me when we returned to our room to gather our stuff and leave, instead choosing to cling to Phil and Maddie as much as she could. And she made it clear that she was not happy about having to return home to Las Vegas, either. Simply put, she’s throwing a tantrum at the worst, and quietest, level and I have no clue how to handle it. But now that we’ve just gotten home, I have to try.

Jake: Alright, Em. Enough is enough. You can’t keep ignoring me like this.

I set out bags down on the floor as I step inside the house behind Kittie and Ember. Ember tries to head straight upstairs, making a beeline for her room but I try to stop her.

Kittie: Maybe you should give her some time, Jake. She’s--

Jake: I have given her time, Kittie. It’s been almost twenty-four hours and she hasn’t spoken a word to me. Em, don’t head upstairs just yet, alright?

She either acts like she doesn’t hear me, or she flat out ignores me because she grabs a hold of the bannister and tries to head upstairs, and I take a step forward.

Jake: Em, stop! I’m trying to talk to you here, kid.

She stops on the second stop and slowly turns around and glares at me with the meanest look I could imagine her ever giving me.

Ember: I DON’T want to talk to you! Ever again!

I find her words pretty funny for some reason, and I let out a laugh. She folds her arms angrily as she glares at me, waiting for me to give her permission to go upstairs.

Jake: Well, that’s gonna be kinda hard to do considering you’re living here now. Look, I get that you’re upset with me and I’m sorry what I said came out the way it did, but I didn’t--

Ember: I don’t care! Leave me alone!

Jake: I’m not leaving you alone, kid. Not until we talk about this.

She stomps down the two steps and towards me, letting her arms drop to her sides.

Ember: My name is EMBER! Quit calling me kid!

Kittie: Jake, just let her--

Jake: Kittie, please let me handle this.

I quickly glance to Kittie and hold my hand up. She rolls her eyes, but holds her hands up in defeat and walks into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa. I turn my full attention back to Ember, hoping I can get somewhere with her.

Jake: Ember, I’m sorry. Okay? This has been an adjustment for all of us, especially me, alright? I’m new to this whole dad thing, and I’m trying my best not to make any mistakes. I didn’t mean for what I said to sound the way it did, but I need you to understand something.

Ember: I told you I don’t care. You think I’m a distraction!

Jake: Not in a bad way, Ember. If you were out there--

Ember: I DON’T CARE! I don’t want to talk to you anymore! I don’t want to live here anymore! I want to go back to Michigan!

I take a step towards her, understanding how hard this is, but she takes a step back, growing more upset.

Jake: Em, I know--

Ember: No! You don’t! I want my mom! I want my dad! I want to go back home!!!

Jake: I’m right here. This is your home.

Ember: YOU’RE NOT MY DAD! You never were and you never wanted to be! And this isn’t my home! Danny was my dad! He raised me! I’m a Blaze! I’m not a Sullivan! I HATE IT HERE! I WANT TO GO BACK HOME!!!

I try to reach out to her, but she smacks my hand away. She’s apparently done fighting as she turns around and I watch her storm upstairs. The sound of her bedroom door slamming shut follows and I look to Kittie, who has been watching the entire time and I’m left speechless and completely...lost.

Kittie: I tried to tell you to give her some time.

Jake: I had to try and explain it to her, Kittie. I didn’t mean to come across as an insensitive asshole last night. I was just trying to keep her safe! You know that!

Kittie nods and stands up from the sofa. She walks around it and up to me as I walk over to the stairs and just sit down on the third step, burying my head in my hands.

Kittie: I know you were, but she’s been through alot this last month. You shouldn’t push her like that, because it will only make things worse.

I shake my head and let out a frustrated sigh.

Jake: I just...How could she say all of that to me, Kittie? Especially after everything I’ve done for her this last month. Especially after giving her the chance to say goodbye to Electra and Danny...

I lower my head again and to my surprise, and I think Kittie’s, tears start to fall down my cheek. She sits next to me and wraps her arms around me as I feel myself starting to fall apart for the first time in...well...ever.

Kittie: That funeral wasn’t just for Ember, Jake. I think we both know that.

I turn my head and look to her and close my eyes. She was right, as hard as it was to admit. And, again, for the first time ever, I’m actually crying on Kittie’s shoulder as my mind fades back to that the day we said goodbye to Electra and Danny.

>[OOC Note: Before anyone says anything, you’ll notice Jake is referred to as Rage in this scene. If you read my previous RPs, you’ll know that is because he doesn’t say he wants to be known as Jake until after he, Kittie and Ember get to Las Vegas, a few days after this scene takes place. Just clarifying that \'smile.gif\']

Friday June 2nd
Ann Arbor Michigan

I don’t know who, if anyone, is going to show up this afternoon. For Ember’s sake, I hope Danny and Electra were friendly with someone in the area so it makes it easier for her to deal with. It’s just fifteen minutes before the start of the visitation and the three of us are in the funeral chapel alone. Ember is sitting on a chair at the front of the chapel, her eyes glued to the Electra and Danny in their caskets. I tried to sit next to her, but she insisted on being alone for a little while so I’ve given her some space without leaving her completely alone.

Rage: This is weird, Kittie. It’s all so damn surreal. I don’t even know if anyone is going to show up and if they don’t, I don’t know how the hell I’m gonna be able to help her or make her feel better.

Kittie rubs my back and takes in a deep breath as we both watch Ember head up to the two caskets and kneeling in front of them.

Kittie: We’ll just have to figure it out if we have to, but don’t worry, alright? Either way this isn’t going to be easy for her to deal with.

I give Kittie a quick hug, at a loss for anything else to say. I watch Ember stay where she is, looking back and forth between Electra and Danny, when suddenly, I hear feet shuffling into the chapel. I turn towards the door to see a familiar face. A face I hadn’t seen in quite some time.

Rage: Roxanne? What the hell are you doing here?

I keep my voice down as I ask her through gritted teeth. Roxanne was not someone anyone was particularly fond of at any point in time. Her fiery red hair was pulled back and she was dressed very appropriately in a simple black dress. She frowns at me with my choice of words and she glances to Ember at the front of the funeral chapel before turning her attention back to me.

Roxanne: It’s nice to see you again, too, Rage...

Rage: How did you find out about this? No one has spoken to you in how long? At least a couple years?

She looks to Kittie and then back to me. I get the hint and I look down to Kittie, wide-eyed.

Rage: You called her?

Kittie: Yeah, I did. I’ll never understand why, but she was close to Electra, so I thought she should know. And I knew you were worried about no one showing up.

Roxanne turns her attention back to Ember. She’s returned to her seat away from the caskets and she has her head lowered.

Roxanne: Even from back here I see so much of Electra in her. I really can’t believe she’s gone.

Roxanne goes to walk up to the caskets to pay her respects, but I grab her by the arm and pull her back for a moment. A thought just hits me and I have to call her out on it.

Rage: Wait a second. I need to talk to you for minute, Roxanne.

Roxanne stares at me and pulls her arm away.

Roxanne: Oh, please, Rage. If you’re still bent out of shape about everything Electra put you through a couple of years ago...

Rage: That’s not what this is about. But I am curious about something. The two of you grew...close.

Roxanne chuckles and rolls her eyes at me.

Roxanne: I thought I made it clear there was nothing sexual, if that is what you are trying to get at.

Rage: Again, no.

Kittie: Rage...what are you doing? Now isn’t the time...

Rage: There’s a reason for this, Kittie. I’m not trying to start anything. And now is the time because I’m fairly sure that after Roxanne leaves, we won’t see her again so I have to know.

Roxanne lets out a sigh and shakes her head.

Roxanne: Know what, exactly?

I glance to Ember and then back to Roxanne.

Rage: Did you know about her? Did you know about Ember?

She stares blankly at me for a few moments, probably trying to figure out what to say. Her silence is answer enough, but I do my best to keep myself from getting angry. Which is unusual. I’m half expecting her to lie to me, but she had to have known. To my surprise, though, she tells me the truth.

Roxanne: Honestly? Yes, I knew. Not in the beginning but after some time I found out about her.

I furrow my eyes at her and feel my nostrils flare.

Rage: And you didn’t tell me? I guess that just proves how much of a bit--

She holds her hand up and I stop myself before I can finish saying what I really wanted to say. Though it’s fairly obvious what I was about to call her.

Roxanne: As if you would have believed me? Besides, it was not my business to tell you and she assured me she was going to tell you.

Rage: Only she didn’t. She went psycho and kidnapped Kittie in some twisted plan to win me back. Jesus Christ...

Kittie: Rage, come on...

She grabs a hold of my hand, squeezing it and trying to get me to calm down. I’m as calm as I’m going to be under the circumstances.

Roxanne: She wasn’t well, Rage. I understand that now. I tried to look out for her as best as I could, but--

Rage: But nothing! You knew she wasn’t right in the head yet you still used her in your twisted fetish world...

Roxanne: Look, I didn’t come here to bring up the past or open old wounds, Rage. I came here to pay my respects to my dear friend and to offer my condolences to her beautiful daughter. I’m terribly sorry about everything that happened in the past and that has happened since. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go pay my respects.

I turn away from her as she turns around and heads up to the front of the chapel. To my surprise, more people start filtering into the chapel now, but no one I recognize. I stand back for a few moments as I watch Roxanne introduce herself to Ember and the two talk for a few minutes. I try to avoid going up near the caskets, but Kittie nudges me and urges me to be near Ember to support her, and I realize she is right. I have to do what I have to...for her.


Back to the Present

Kittie: You never actually went up to the caskets that day.  Why?

I take in a few deep breaths as I pull away from Kittie running my hands over my head. I honestly wasn’t sure why, but I came up with the only explanation I could think of.

Jake: She kept my kid from me, Kittie. For ten years, she had more than enough opportunities to tell me she never actually had that miscarriage and that we had a kid, but she didn’t.

Kittie: Well...I kind of understand why. I mean, it doesn’t make it any less shitty, but...

Jake: How fucked up is it that despite everything that bitch put me through...put us through...I never actually wanted to see her dead. Last year I made it seem like I didn’t believe she had changed, but honestly? I knew she did. I saw that much, and I knew she finally wanted to be there for Ember. Maybe I would have eventually given in and tried to be a part of Ember’s life, but I didn’t want it happen this way, Kittie. Not this fucking way, because she’s upset and I don’t even know how the hell to make her feel better.

I start to lose it again, as the events of the last month finally start to take its toll on all of us. As Kittie tries to comfort me on the steps, I hear Ember’s followed by her walking out. I turn around to see her standing at the top of the stairs, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

Ember: I’m sorry, Daddy...

I manage to crack a smile as she walks down the steps and sits down next to me and hugs me. I wrap my other arm around her.

Jake: It’s okay, Em...We’ve both said things we didn’t mean.

Ember: I miss Mom and Uncle Danny...

She starts crying again, burying her head into my side and I run my hand along her back trying to comfort her. I can’t even find the words to say, and neither can Kittie, so we just let her cry it out, and hopefully my next couple of weeks off from SCW will do all of us some good.


Supercard Archives / Jake Sullivan Vs Calvin Harris
« on: July 07, 2017, 10:52:05 PM »
Sunday July 2nd
All Aboard!
Grand Princess Cruise Liner

It’s hard to believe that it’s already time for the Summer XXXTreme cruise and the weeklong adventure that comes with it. On the cruise last year I actually built up the nerve, if you want to call it that, to ask Kittie to marry me and she actually said yes. It wasn’t your typical proposal, either, but then again, nothing with Kittie and me is what you would call typical, is it? And here we are, a year later. Married. But last year’s cruise didn’t just mark mine and Kittie’s engagement.

It was also when Electra told me that she and I had a kid...a daughter whom she named Ember. Back then, I wasn’t ready to be a father, and I didn’t think I ever would be. But...things have drastically changed since then and now Ember is with Kittie and me on the cruise.

“Do we HAVE to check out our room first?! I want to go exploring and see the rest of the ship!” She asks as she follows reluctantly behind me and Kittie. Alright. I should have expected that. She’s eager to check out every inch of the ship, if that’s even possible for her in the span of a week. I laugh as I carry all of our bags as we walk along deck ten where our penthouse suite is located. I had to change our reservation at the last minute to a bigger suite to accommodate the three of us.

“Look, Em, I know you’re anxious to see everything on the ship.” I say as the three of us stop for a moment in the middle of the hall. Our suite is just a few rooms ahead of us, and I turn to look at Ember. “But we need to make sure we find out room first. As soon as we do, and as soon as the ship sets sail, we can go exploring.”

She rolls her eyes...actually ROLLS her eyes at me. The first time in the month that she’s been with us. “Uuugh. Well...we need to make it fast! This ship is huge and I want to see ALL of it this week!” She finally agrees. I can’t hold back a laugh as we continue walking down the hall and finally make it to our room.

“Penthouse suite C402.” I say, stopping in front of our door and looking to my girls. “Here we are.”

“Open the door! Open it!” Ember orders me excitedly.

I look to Kittie, as she has the key, and she puts the key in the lock and unlocks the door, pushing it open for us. Ember runs in first, and then I let Kittie go in after her, before I walk in last. Ember stands frozen in the middle of the room, looking around with her jaw dropped. “Woooowwww…”

“Damn. This room is even nicer than last year.” Kittie points out.

“Well, we weren’t on the same ship last year.” I remind her. She shoots me a look that says ‘Duh’ and I just laugh. “Besides, I had to upgrade us to give us a little bit more room. I’m just glad I was able to at such short notice.”

As Ember continues to look around, she gets a confused look on her face before she turns to face the two of us. “Why is there only one bed? Where am I gonna sleep?!”

I take in a deep breath, knowing exactly where she’s going to sleep, but I have to look further in the room to find it. “That should be it.” I say, pointing to the sofa.

Her jaw drops and she looks at me, almost angry. “There?! But...that’s the sofa!”

“Em, it pulls out into a bed.” Kittie chimes in.

Ember looks at the sofa for a second and then back to me, and she folds her arms. “Well that stinks! I hope it’s comfortable anyway!”

I laugh as I set all of our bags on the bed, at least for the moment. We all walk around the suite for a few more minutes, taking it all in before Ember heads towards the door. “Alright! We’ve found our room! Let’s go look around the rest of the ship!”

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, because I’d much rather relax in the room for a little while than deal with making my way through the crowds of people who are still boarding the ship. But Ember stands by the door with her arms folded and tapping her foot impatiently and I throw my arms in the air, defeated. “Alright, fine. We’ll do some exploring for a little bit, but--”

And out she goes! She swings the door open and makes her way back out into the hall, running to the right. “Em! Wait up, kid!” I shout as Kittie and I rush out to follow her.

“Uncle Phil! Aunt Maddie!”

Kittie and I stop in the doorway, glancing at each other confused for a moment as we hear Ember call out to my brother and his girlfriend. We step out of the room and, sure enough, they’re just down the hall, walking out of their own room.

“Phil? Maddie?” I say with surprise as Kittie and I walk up to them. “I didn’t think you guys were going to be on the cruise.”

Ember throws her arms around Phil and hugs him as he looks to me. “We thought we’d surprise you. DIdn’t realize our room was going to be just down the hall from yours.”

“Uncle Phil! We’re going exploring! You wanna come with?!” Ember asks him excitedly. For a kid who just a month ago lost her mother and the only father figure she ever had, she’s doing pretty well. Which makes things easier on all of us.

“Well sure, Em.” Phil replies, wrapping his arm around Maddie. “We were just going to take a look around ourselves.” He agrees and Ember jumps up and down excitedly. Kittie suddenly elbows me in the side and I almost blurt out my first swear word in the last month.

I glance down at Kittie, giving her a look that asks what that was all about, but I know what she’s thinking. I don’t even have to ask as the thought hits my head at the same time and I turn my attention back to Phil, Maddie and Ember. “Hey Phil...would you mind watching Ember for a bit? Since the two of you were going to take a look around, and Em is dying to do the same, it could give you guys a chance to spend some time together.”

Maddie seems more than happy as Phil thinks about it for a moment. “You guys don’t want to come with?” He asks.

I run my hand along the back of my head, trying to be discreet. “I wanted to take a little while to get settled into our room. Maybe relax...for a bit.”

Phil gets the hint. I know he does. He just nods slowly and grins. “Relax...sure. We can take Em for a little while. You sure you don’t want to come with?”

“No.” Both Kittie and I speak at the same time, because of course that’s not awkward at all. “I mean, I’m not really wanting to make my way through crowds of people right now anyway. You’ll be less noticeable than me, anyway. You okay with hanging out with Uncle Phil and Aunt Maddie for a while, Em?”

She nods quickly. “Of course I am! Besides, maybe we can find Despy and Angel, too!”

“Uhh...maybe a little later.” Phil says, clearly not wanting to be a part of any shenanigans just yet and Ember frowns, disappointed.

“Alright, Em. Let’s go see what we can find on this ship.” Maddie adds and Ember rushes off down the hall. Maddie follows quickly as Phil stays back for a second, looking right at me.

“We owe you, Phil.” I say, ready to lead Kittie back to our room.

He shakes his head with a laugh. “She’s my niece, Jake. I’m not gonna turn down spending time with her. Besides, you two clearly need some alone time so...have at it.” He laughs again and turns and tries to catch up with Maddie and Ember.

Kittie and I quickly head back to our room, as Kittie walks in before me. I close the door, locking it behind me and she rushes over to me. “Finally!” She says as she runs into my arms and I lift her up, bringing my mouth to hers in a passionate kiss. I carry her over to the bed to share our first ‘alone time’ together in over a month. And to say the both of us needed it would be an understatement...but who’s asking, right?


Later that night…

Luckily for me and Kittie, Phil and Maddie kept Ember occupied and away from the room for most of the afternoon after we boarded the ship. Not that I’m going to ask them very often, but having them around could prove to be pretty useful at times when Kittie and I need some alone time, but I’m not going to just shove my kid off on my brother and his girlfriend, regardless if they mind or not.

From what they told me, Ember was pretty excited to watch over the edge of the ship as it pulled away from the dock and set sail, and then just exploring a couple of the decks afterwards was enough to wear her down. Not long after getting some dinner for the night and finally settling into our room for the night, Ember passed out on one of the chairs. I just finished pulling out the sofa bed and tucking her in for the night when Kittie walks out of the bathroom having just taken a shower and getting ready to get some sleep.

“Shower is all yours.” She says and glances to Ember already asleep. “Damn. That didn’t take long, did it?”

“Nope.” I say, shaking my head as I walk up to her. “Why don’t you go ahead and go to bed. I’m gonna walk around the ship for a bit and try to clear my head.”

“Clear your head?” She asks, sounding concerned. “I thought for sure the couple of rounds we went earlier would have helped that.” She says with a wink.

I let out a laugh as I lean down and kiss her, trying not to get too into the kiss for the simple fact my ten year old daughter is sleeping just a few feet away. “Oh that helped. I’ve just gotta start thinking about this match against Calvin Harris next Sunday and if I keep watching Em sleep, that ain’t gonna happen.”

“You don’t need to worry about that tonight, Jake.” She says, and I raise an eyebrow. It was the first time I could recall her actually calling me by Jake since I told her that’s what I wanted to go by from now on. “Damn, that’s still weird as hell to say that.”

“I’m still trying to get used to it, too.” I reply.

“Just go take a shower and come to bed, alright? All promotional stuff for Summer XXXTreme starts tomorrow so just...relax for tonight.” How can I not actually listen to her for once? I think about it for a few seconds before I lean down and kiss her again.

“Alright fine.” I cave. “I’ll be out in a few.” I then turn around and head into the bathroom as Kittie heads over and slides into bed. I start the water in the shower, letting it run for a few minutes and steam up the bathroom more than it already was before I take off my clothes and step into the shower, standing under the shower head for several long moments.

I normally don’t take very long showers, but I’m just mentally worn down all of a sudden for some reason and I really need it. By the time I walk out of the bathroom, refreshed and in just my boxers, Kittie is already passed out in the bed. I look over to Ember, making sure she’s still asleep, and she is. As mentally drained as I am, physically I am not tired enough to even sleep yet, so I walk over to my bag and grab out a pair of clean pants and a t-shirt and slip them on. I know I told Kittie I’d come straight to bed, but I just feel like going for a quick walk around one of the upper decks and try and clear my head.

I sneak out of the room quietly and turn down the hall leading toward the elevator lifts. I decide to head up to the Sun Deck and head to the Sea Breeze Bar, not that I plan to get anything to drink, but maybe I will. Once I step out of the lift and head to the bar, I see there are quite a few people there for this time of night. More than I thought there would be, actually, and instead of walking over and grabbing a drink, I head over to the ledge and just look out at the ocean as we cruise along. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, and a few seconds later someone pats my back, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin, but I turn around to see Phil standing next to me.

“Jesus Christ, Phil.” I say taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves. “Don’t do that shit to me.”

He laughs and holds his hands up. “Sorry, bro. Didn’t think you were so jumpy.”

“It’s alright. I never used to be, but things have changed, ya know.” I turn and look back out into the ocean and the moonlight shining down on the water. I’m pretty sure I spot a whale come up to the surface, but I could just be imagining things.

“So...did that alone time with Kittie help the two of you?” He says and I can almost hear the amusement in his voice. He usually tries to avoid personal questions like that, but given the circumstances, he was being more nosey than usual.

I turn and look at him, noting the grin on his face and I nod, grinning back. “Yeah, it helped. Thanks for taking Ember, again. We haven’t exactly had much of a sex life the last month since she came to live with us.”

He laughs. “It’s okay, Jake. I get it.” He says. “Kids change things, I know. But you still seem kinda off right now. What’s going on?”

I shake my head and let out a long sigh. “I don’t know, Phil. I’m just worried I’m not gonna be able to keep focused on things in SCW now that we’ve got Em. I told her I wouldn’t quit, but how the hell am I gonna focus on my matches when she’s not with me? I mean, that’s not the case this week, because she’s on the cruise, but what about later on?”

“I get why you’re worried, bro, but it’s not like SCW travels very far away, right?” He says, trying to reassure me. “Don’t get me wrong, I know about the occasional tours to other places, and maybe out of the country, but for the most part it’s really not that far away. And there are plenty of people who can watch her while you’re gone.”

I lower my head. I understood what he was saying, but since actually taking on this whole being a father thing, the thought of all that just didn’t sit well with me. “I know, Phil. I get that, but honestly? I’d feel like a big shithead if I were to just leave her with someone else while we travel wherever we are needed. She needs me. Now more than ever since Electra and Danny died.”

“You’re the only one who can decide what to do, Jake.” He turns and gives me his full attention, as I continue to stare out to the ocean. “But I think if Em is telling you that she wants you to keep wrestling, you should at least give it a shot. For as long as you can, anyway. She seems to be pretty proud of that.”

I can’t help but smile at that thought, because I know it’s true. Even before she knew I was her father, she was a fan of SCW, and I’m sure Electra had something to do with that. “I know she is, but what if I disappoint her, Phil? For the first time in I don’t even know how long, I have a huge weakness and these guys are gonna figure it out.”

“Don’t let her be a weakness. Let her be a strength. Her and Kittie.” He replies and I finally turn my attention back to him. “You’re not the only guy in this business that has kids and you’re not going to be the last. You haven’t had time to fully adjust to all this, Jake. Hell you’re still trying to adjust to not being Rage anymore. You’ll figure everything out. I have faith.”

I pat him on the back, offering him a thankful smile. “Thanks, Phil. For everything.”

“Anytime.” He replies.

“So what are you doing up here without Maddie, anyway? Aren’t you two usually joined at the hip?” I ask, cracking a grin.

He laughs with a nod. “Usually. But, she fell asleep and I saw you sneaking out of your room, too so thought I’d come find you to chat. I wanted to fill you in on something anyway.”

“Oh? What’s going on, Phil?” I raise an eyebrow at him curiously, though I’m fairly sure I knew what he was about to say, and it was one of two things.

He smiles and then reaches into his pocket, pulling out a small ringbox and opening it up to show off a shiny engagement ring. “Think she’ll like it?”

I stare at the ring, pretty impressed with his choice. “That’s a pretty impressive ring, Phil. Finally decided it’s time to pop the question, huh?” I ask, nodding in approval.

He laughs and closes the box, returning it to his pocket. “I’ve been wanting to for a while, but I had to save up the cash to get the ring I wanted for her. Working all those double shifts made it a lot easier.”

I nod and pat him on the back. “Well congrats, bro. I think she’ll love that ring.”

“Thanks, but hold off on the congrats for now. I haven’t asked and she hasn’t said yes yet.” He says and we both share a laugh.

We both go quiet for what seems like minutes after that, but I’m sure we’re both thinking about the same thing. We’ve both been through hell and back in our lives, and Phil nearly took his own life just a few years ago because of it all. And now here we both were, just a couple of years later, both better off than we had ever been at any point in our lives. I had Kittie and now Ember, and he found Maddie and was all set to propose to her soon. Somewhere our sister and mother(if the evil witch was still alive anyway) were out there absolutely clueless to how much our lives had changed, but that was fine. We both wanted it that way.

“Thanks, Phil. For everything.” I break the silence between us a few moments later and we both turn and look at one another. “I know I was a shithead on more than one occasion, but I’m honestly glad to have you as a brother.”

He pats me on the back with a smile. “Likewise, bro. And the same goes to you. Pretty sure it’s safe to say that had you and Synn not come to Boston a few years ago, I probably wouldn’t be here. I owe you guys my life.”

“Ya know, I think that was when things started changing, Phil.” I reply.

“What do you mean?” He asks, arching his eyebrow.

“I mean, when I saw how vulnerable you were back then. When I saw how far it had gotten to lead you to trying attempting suicide? That was when I really started to change. And then it was just like a domino effect after that. It took a few years, but...ya know.” I say, looking out at the ocean one last time for the night.

“I know what ya mean, bro. We’re both a hell of a lot better off now than we were back then.” He says, and then out of nowhere he yawns. “Well, I guess that’s my cue to get back to my room and try and get some shut eye. You should do the same.”

I nod. “I will in a few. Thanks for the chat, Phil. And let me know when Maddie says yes.” I glance to him with a smile on my face.

He grins and pats me on the back again. “Well I plan to ask her on Friday night after dinner so hopefully you’ll find out not long after that. Anyway, goodnight, Jake. We’ll catch ya tomorrow sometime?”

“At some point I’m sure. Meet and greets start tomorrow.” He just nods in response before waving and heading off back to the elevator lifts to head back to his room.

I stand there for a few more minutes, closing my eyes and breathing in the sea air and trying to clear my head of all the doubt and uncertainty.  

Supercard Archives / Jake Sullivan Vs Calvin Harris
« on: July 01, 2017, 10:12:41 PM »
Evolution of Rage Part 5: I Am Jake

Monday June 5th
Las Vegas
Home Sweet...New Home

What a long week. Too long, actually, but we’re almost home. All three of us. Kittie, Ember and I. The original plan was to just go to Michigan, pick up Ember, pack some of her things and fly back to Las Vegas. Two days, tops. But because Electra and Danny had no other family that could be found, I took it upon myself to handle the funeral arrangements for the both of them. And I only did it for Ember.

It wasn’t easy. I can’t deny it. I never had the best relationship with Electra as it was, and I really didn’t know her brother very well, but I just couldn’t take Ember home to Las Vegas without taking care of this for her. And, as little time as I’ve known Ember and spent time with her, it wasn’t easy watching her have to deal with that either.

That was three days ago, and she’s ben quiet ever since. I don’t really know how to handle this, or to get her to talk, but I’m not going to pressure her right now. And neither is Kittie. I’m just pulling my car into the driveway, and I see Ember finally looking up and out the window at our house. Her eyes widen at how big it is. Her jaw drops open a bit and I can’t help but let a grin cross my face as I put the car in park, shut the engine off and turn around to look at her.

“Home sweet home.” I say, and Kittie turns around to look at her, too.

“This is where you live??” She asks, moving her eyes to look at me and Kittie.

Kittie and I nod. “Yep. For a few years now, but you live here now, too. You ready to head inside and check it out?”

She looks out the window again, in awe at how big the house really is. She leans back a few seconds later, takes in a deep breath and then slowly nods. Kittie and I both open our doors and get out of the car, as I push my seat forward to let Ember out of the backseat. She grabs her backpack from next to her and squeezes herself rom out of the backseat. I let her step ahead of me, taking her time, and worry about our luggage in the trunk later.

“Why’s it so...big?” She asks as we walk towards the house, and she turns around and looks at me. “Do more people live here, too?”

Kittie chuckles and shoot her a glare and she immediately goes quiet. “Nope. It’s just the three of us. Your Uncle Phil lived here for a bit, but he lives with his girlfriend now.”

“I have another uncle?” She asks excitedly as her eyes light up.

I nod, and I’m pretty sure I can feel myself smiling a bit. “Yep. You’ll meet him soon, too. Along with the rest of”

We finally walk up to the front door of the house and she stands back a little bit, still reluctant. I open the door and hold it open for her, wanting her to step inside first. She looks at Kittie, who nods to her with a reassuring smile and then she turns her attention to me. I smile back and nod my head towards the inside of the house. She takes in a deep breath and finally steps inside.

“Woooow…” She says slowly, in complete awe of the interior of the house. She looks around every inch of the kitchen and then our living room, left speechless.

“What do you think?” I ask her.

“It’s…” She can’t think of the right way to describe it as she continues looking around. Her eyes then fall on the patio door leading to the pool and patio area and her eyes go wide. “WE HAVE A POOL?!?!” She jumps and spins around, staring at me with her jaw dropped.

Kittie laughs. “Well, I think that sold her.” She says and I nod in agreement.

“We sure do, kid.” I reply and before I know it, she drops her backpack and bolts right towards the patio door. I can’t even call out to her as she unlocks the door and bolts out to the patio. “This is gonna be fun, isn’t it?” I ask Kittie.

“Fun is one way to put it.” Kittie replies with a laugh.

We quickly head over towards the patio door to meet back up with Ember. As we step out onto the patio, Ember is walking slowly around the pool, again marveling in the size and overall, just the entire property. She walks up to the edge of the pool, reaches down and puts her hand in the water and laughs as she quickly pulls it back out. “It’s cold!”

“It’ll warm up soon.” I say as Kittie and I approach her.

She stands up and frowns as she looks at the pool and then back up to me. “You don’t have any floaties! Or toys! How boring is that?!” She folds her arms, disappointed, and Kittie again laughs.

I look to the side at Kittie and frown at her. She shrugs her shoulder, indicating Ember has a point. “Well,” I say as I turn my attention back to Ember. “I’ve never really had a reason to have any of that stuff. But, I’ll make sure to go and get all of that tomorrow if it’s that big a deal.”

Kittie snorts. “And so it begins…” She says under her breath, thinking I can’t hear her. I turn my attention to her again and she just smirks before looking back to Ember.

“What do you say we head back inside the house and you can go check out your room?” I ask, trying to steal her attention away from the pool. I really have no idea how her room is set up, but the last time I spoke to Synn he assured me her room was finished and ready for her to move in. She still seems more interested in the pool as she slowly looks up at me.

“I guesssss….” She draws out the word, showing her disappointment and turns and heads back towards the door. As she walks back inside I grab a hold of Kittie’s arm and stop her for a moment.

“We’re gonna have a hard time keeping her out of the pool, aren’t we?” I ask.

She shrugs and runs her hand along my arm. “Maybe, but who cares? She needs something to keep her occupied and happy so if it’s a pool, then let her enjoy it.”

I nod and we both head back inside where Ember is waiting for us. She’s standing by the steps, wondering if she should go upstairs and downstairs first and I point upstairs. “Our rooms are upstairs, kid. We’ll show you the downstairs in a little while, but let’s go check out your room.”

“Okay!” She says, her tone switching at the drop of a dime. She grabs a hold of the bannister and quickly skips upstairs as we follow behind her. “Hey, how did you get my room ready if we were in Michigan?”

She gets to the top of the stairs before we do and she turns around to stare at us. “You can thank your aunts for that. They all pitched in and helped set it up and decorate it for you.”

She smiles brightly and jumps up and down excitedly as Kittie and I finally get to the top of the stairs. I look down the hall to our left, immediately seeing which room they chose to decorate as Ember’s as a large E is painted in pink on the outside of the door. I point towards it and she turns around, spotting it, even more excited than she was before. I don’t even have to tell her to check it out before she bursts inside her new room, and her jaw drops even more than it already was. When Kittie and I approach the door, even we’re left in awe of what we see inside the room.

“OH MY GOSH!” Ember says loudly as she looks around her brand new butterfly themed bedroom. “This is...MINE?!” She turns around, staring at me in utter disbelief.

“Well I’m not going to be sleeping in here. And neither is Kittie. must be yours.” I say back, trying to be funny. It works, though, as Ember giggles and turns around to take it all in.

Kittie stands in the doorway, nodding slowly in approval. I look around, taking in a deep breath as I stare at so much...girlie stuff. The walls have now been painted a faint shade of pink. A variety of sizes of butterfly wall sconces or whatever the hell they are called are scattered throughout the room in shades of blues and purples. She even marvels at her simple white twin size bed with pink butterfly sheets and a matching bedspread. And, they couldn’t forget the butterfly pillows. I won’t even get into the rest of the furniture this kid now has.

“With Melody pitching in I thought for sure we’d walk in to see unicorn vomit all over the place or something.” I whisper to Kittie as Ember slowly walks around the room, touching all of her new stuff. “I never could have gotten this done.”

“Neither could I.” Kittie says, turning to face me. “It’s all a little too girlie for my taste, but it’s Ember’s room anyway.”

“Do you...I mean, we...have any pets?!” Ember suddenly asks.

Our eyes go wide as we slowly turn to face Ember. “Uhhh...not anymore. We used to have a cat named Aggie, but Phil has her now.”

“Oh.” Ember frowns. “Why?!”

“Well, she got sick after Phil moved out. I tried to take care of her with my work schedule, but I couldn’t, so Phil took her to get her better.” This whole situation is new to me, but I feel everything coming so naturally to me. I have a feeling I know where that question is going to lead to, but at this point, I don’t even think I could say no to her if she asked.

“That’s too bad.” She says, frowning again. She runs her hand along her bed, walking slowly. “I love cats. And Daddy...I mean...Uncle Danny...He wouldn’t let me have one.”

Aaaand there it is. She asked without having to say it as a question, and somehow, just the tone was like a shot in the gut. Danny raised her, sure, but how could he say no to this kid? How could...Oh hell, it’s already starting! I turn my focus to Kittie with a panicked expression on my face and she just shakes her head. “Uh huh. I’m not gonna be the bad one here. It’s your decision.”

“I know that!” I bite back through gritted teeth. “But how can I say no when we’ll have more time on our hands now to make sure the cat is taken care of?!”

“What the hell does that mean?” She asks, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to attract attention from Ember. “We’ll still have to travel for--”

“Kittie, do you really think I’m going to continue wrestling now that I took custody of Ember? There’s no way I’m going to travel and leave her with a babysitter or something.” I reply. Before I know it, I hear Ember running up to me.

“You’re not going to quit are you?!” She asks, surprised. I knew she was a fan of SCW already, but I didn’t think she’d actually be okay with me travelling.

“Look, Ember…” I start, honestly lost for words. She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes, which I’m not used to being given at all, but I do my best to not let them affect me. “My main concern right now is making sure that you get adjusted and settled in here. I’m not gonna lie to you and say that I’m gonna be good at this whole being a Dad thing, but I gotta try. And right now, you’re my number one priority. I’m not the champion anymore. SCW doesn’t need--”

“YOU CAN’T QUIT!” She shouts at me, even going as far as to ball of her fist and punch me in the stomach. It’s harder than I expected to as I let out a slight ‘Oof’ before looking to Kittie, who is once again chuckling. “Tell him, Kittie! Tell him he can’t quit!” Kittie seems surprised that Ember is already asking for her help in this situation. I look to Kittie, who now has her attention focused on Ember.

“I wish I could help you, Em.” Kittie says to her, taking in a deep breath and glancing to me for a brief second. “But it’s really up to him. He has a valid reason for wanting to call it quits with SCW. I think it would be good--”

“No!” Ember shouts, interrupting her. “He can’t quit! You can’t quit, Daddy! Especially not because of ME!” Her eyes quickly start to fill with tears and she’s full blown crying a few seconds later. I look to Kittie in a panic, but she has no idea what to do either, so I guess it’s all up to me to figure this one out.

“Ember...Ember, calm down.” I say calmly to her, trying to get her to stop crying. But she won’t, and I finally have to kneel down to her eye level and put my hands on her shoulder. “Look, if it means that much to you, I won’t quit. I just want to make sure that you’re taken care of, and SCW could get in the way of that.”

She slowly starts to calm down, but she continues to sniffle as she wipes the tears away from her eyes and stares at me, still looking completely heartbroken. “You have to get the title back though! And I don’t want to be the reason that you don’t. I’m not a baby. I’ll be fine!”

I won’t lie. That actually made me smile, and I could tell Kittie was smiling behind me, too. “Look, we’ll figure everything out in a few days, okay? Right now, let’s just take the rest of the day to get you situated and just...relax. It’s been a long week for all of us.” I say to her, gently rubbing her shoulders. This dad stuff really isn’t that hard...yet.

She sniffles and nods, wiping away the last of the tears from her eyes. “Okay…”

“Okay. I’m going to go get the rest of the stuff out of the car and I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I stand up and she turns around, walking around her room once again. I stop next to Kittie and take in a deep breath. “Stay here and keep an eye on her while I go get our bags.”

Kittie nods. “Don’t forget...well, you know what.”

“I won’t. I probably should have brought them inside to begin with, anyway.” I then take in a deep breath as I head towards the stairs and then make my way downstairs.

It takes me a couple of trips to get everything out of the car and back inside, but once I’m finished I’m finally able to relax for the first time in over a week. Mine and Kittie’s lives have officially changed, and from here on out...I have no damn clue what to expect.

“Ember has been living with us for almost a month now, and things aren’t as crazy as I thought they would be. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go from it being just Kittie and I in the house to adding my ten year old daughter to the mix, but so far so good, I guess. I was hoping to have a conversation with Mark or Christian at some point after that and find a way out of my contract, but leave it to Ember to change my mind. Hell, I really wasn’t expecting that.

Who’d have thought that mine and Electra’s kid would actually beg me NOT to quit. Sure, travelling for SCW isn’t as often as if I were in a much larger promotion, but I still can’t expect to drag a ten year old to every show. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to deal with that, but I made a promise to Ember, and I’m not about to go back on that.

I think this is what I was afraid of from the beginning. This is why I was afraid to ever be a part of her life. It’s why I was reluctant to take custody of her after finding out about Electra and Dannying dying. I was afraid to get attached, because I knew...I knew that if I ever had kids, I couldn’t let them have the same rough upbringing I had. And, even know, I’m not one hundred percent sure how to prevent that.

But I think a good starting point is doing whatever I have to do to make her proud that I’m her father. I lost out on ten years of her life because Electra lied and said she had a miscarriage. And I very well could have lost out on the rest of her life because of my own stupidity. I’ve got a lot of making up to do, and I don’t care what it takes...I will do everything I can to get back to the top of SCW and get the World Heavyweight Championship back.

I never imagined this change happening as fast as it did. I didn’t see this almost immediate need to do everything and anything I can to make her happy and keep her safe, but it did. I saw how her world was turned upside down because Electra and Danny died so suddenly, and I just felt this need to take all of her pain away.

But...something else also happened. Something I knew even before then that was slowly happening within me. Even before then, I felt Rage fading away. He wasn’t even fighting to stay around or stay in control. But me? Jake? I was fighting to stay in control and take back the life I never even really had to begin with. For so long I was consumed by Rage...the identity, but also the emotion. I don’t even know how or why it really started.

But it all officially ended that day Kittie and I took Ember from child services. I didn’t tell Kittie that day. I didn’t even tell her the rest of the week, either. Too much was going on, and I couldn’t figure out how to talk to her about it.

So I waited until we were back home in Las Vegas to bring it up.

But how do you tell the woman who married you as one person, that you no longer want to be known as that person? It was a conversation I really had no clue how the hell to bring up…”

Later That Night…

To say that we’re all tired is an understatement. We’re all completely exhausted, especially after the last week that we’ve had, and Ember just couldn’t fight through the exhaustion anymore. She finally passed out about thirty minutes ago and I had to carry her from the living room to her room. I don’t think the poor kid was ready to try and fall asleep in a new room. Not that I blame her, but I could tell she was doing everything she could to stay awake.

After tucking her into bed, hopefully for the night, I headed out of Ember’s room, leaving it open a crack just in case. I walked just down the hall to mine and Kittie’s bedroom where Kittie has already gotten comfortable in bed, and looks like she’s already asleep. I quietly walk to our master bathroom to change out of my clothes, even though I’m tempted to just crash in bed with my damn clothes on. I’m that exhausted. I’m in the bathroom for only a couple of minutes as I take off my shirt and jeans, tossing them into the dirty laundry and then do my business before I head back into the bedroom and over to the bed.

I crawl into bed, only covering myself with the sheet and put my hands behind my head as I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes, but Kittie rolls over a few moments later, and shows that she’s still awake. “I’m still surprised she fell asleep when she did. I thought for sure she was going to stay up all night.” She scoots closer to me and puts her arm over my chest.

I take in a deep breath and then laugh as I open my eyes. “Wouldn’t have surprised me, but she had to crash sooner or later.” I reply back, wrapping my right arm around her. “And I thought you were already sleeping, too.”

“I thought I was going to pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow.” She runs her finger along my chest and we both just lay there, refusing to move otherwise. “But is it weird that I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get much sleep tonight?”

I shake my head. “Nah, because as tired as hell as I am, knowing that my kid is now sleeping just down the hall is a weird feeling.”

“Yeah tell me about it.” She says, finally putting the palm of her hand on my chest. “This whole last week has just been weird, hasn’t it?” My thoughts start to drift, and I’m not really paying attention to anything Kittie is saying. I’m thinking about the events over the last week. From finding out that Electra and Danny had been killed in a car accident, leaving Ember with no other family to live with. To flying to Michigan to save her from the foster system that would have surely screwed her up. “Rage? Rage are you even listening to me?”

Kittie props herself up on her elbows and looks at me. She doesn’t get my attention until she snaps her fingers right in front of my face and I turn to look at her. “Rage? You ok?”

Rage...that’s supposed to be me, isn’t it? I blink, shake my head and take in a deep breath. “I don’t know, Kittie…” I say and this causes her to sit straight up and look down at me.

“You don’t know? What’s going on?” She asks, concern written all over her face, and I shake my head again.

“I mean, I am okay, Kittie.” I reply, confusing her even more. But before she can question me on it, I sit up and turn to face her. “I just don’t think I’ve ever been...better? I don’t even know how to describe it, Kittie. As soon as Ember ran up to me back in Macintosh’s office in Michigan and wrapped her arms around me, it was like this crazy weight was lifted off my shoulders. It was like I was a whole different person…”

She raises an eyebrow and nods slowly, trying to understand where I’m going with this. “Oookay…”

I hold my hand up, stopping her before she can say anything else. Not that she was going to anyway. “Kittie, for so long...for as long as I can remember, I’ve only felt this deep seeded anger...this...rage. And not just outwardly by calling myself Rage, but just deep down, I was angry with everything.”

She laughs and nods. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t already know. But, even despite all that you had your good moments.”

I shake my head. “Hardly.” I say. “I was still a miserable bastard, and usually for no reason at all other than because I wanted to be seen that way. But..”

“But what?” She asks.

“I don’t remember a time where I ever actually tried to be” I finally say.

She scratches her head and tilts it, staring at me confused. “Just you?”

I nod and say very simply, “Jake.”

Her mouth opens just a little and she nods, very slowly, finally understanding what I was getting at. She takes in a deep breath and tries to process that, but before she can say anything, I continue talking. “I always thought that Rage was stronger and taken more seriously, but now? Looking back on everything a lot of people have said throughout the years, he wasn’t strong at all.”

“Sooo…” she says, trying to find the right words to say. “You’re saying…”

“I’m saying that I can’t be called Rage anymore. Because it’s not who I am anymore, and it’s not who Ember...or even you...need me to be. I know I made a promise to Ember earlier that I wasn’t gonna quit SCW, but I can’t be known as Rage there anymore, either.” This is a lot for Kittie to process. That much is very clearly by the look on her face and her occasional deep breaths, but I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by any of this.” She finally breaks her silence a few moments later, turning to look at me. “The past several weeks I could tell something was changing in you, especially when you were the one who suggested we get married back in New York.”

“I don’t regret us getting married, if that is what you’re trying to say…” I say quickly, trying to put her mind at ease.

She shakes her head and smiles. “Dude, relax. That’s not what I think. But it’s good to know anyway.” She replies, and it immediately puts both of us at ease. “I’m just saying, I’m not as surprised by this sudden change as you seem to think I was going to be. I mean, I was watching the two of you when she threw her arms around you. As terrified as you might have looked, you didn’t back away at all, either.”

“I wasn’t expecting that at all, Kittie. I really wasn’t.” I say very honestly as I take in another deep breath.

“I wasn’t either, but I’m glad it did. I think it finally put to rest any doubts you had about bringing her here to live with us.” She says, and I nod in agreement. “Anyway, if you want to just be known as Jake from now on, that’s your decision. I can’t say I’ll catch on right away, because it’ll be an adjustment…”

“It’s ok. If you call me Rage I just won’t answer.” I say and we both share a laugh.

“Oh so nothing will change as far as that goes, then.” She grins at me and I just roll my eyes. “But you know, I’m not the only one who will have a hard time in getting used to calling you Jake.”

I raise an eyebrow, confused. “Well it won’t be Phil, because he never called me Rage as it was.”

She shakes her head. “I wasn’t talking about Phil. I was talking about the Sins.”

I shake my head and before I can get a word out in response, we’re both quickly surprised by the sound of footsteps running down the hall and then Ember appears in our doorway, with a scared look in her eyes. “I...I had a nightmare. And it’s really dark in my room.”

I glance at Kittie and take in a deep breath. We both shrug our shoulders and Kittie scoots over, leaving enough space between the two of us. “Alright, kid.” I say, motioning her over to the bed. “Come here.”

She doesn’t even hesitate as she runs over and jumps onto the bed and makes herself comfortable between me and Kittie. This is a whole new experience for me, and for Kittie, but after everything Ember has been through, we’re going to let her adjust in her own way and on her own time. “When do I get to meet my aunt’s and uncles?” She asks, followed by a big yawn.

Kittie and I glance to one another and I just shake my head. “Soon, Ember.” I say as she snuggles in closer to me. “Things can be kind of hectic with everyone else, so I want you to get adjusted here first and then we’ll plan something for you to meet the whole family, ok?”

I get no response. “Ok, Ember?” I say again and Kittie just taps on my shoulder and points down to Ember. When I glance down, Ember is already fast asleep once again and I can’t help but crack a bit of a smile as I leave her there.

Kittie reaches over and turns off the the light on her nightstand, and a few moments she closes her eyes, trying to follow Ember and drifting off to sleep. It was a strange feeling...a new feeling...but as I looked at Ember sleeping, again, and I watched as Kittie drifted off to sleep, I knew in that moment that I had made the right decision.

And I wouldn’t change it for the world…

“No regrets. Not a single one. The rest of the week was spent relaxing and letting Ember settle into life in Las Vegas. She had her ups and downs. There were plenty of laughs, but there were also many tears as she was hit with the waves of grief over losing Danny and Electra. Kittie and I did our best to comfort her and be there for her, but I gotta admit, it wasn’t easy.

And it wasn’t easy asking Phil and Maddie to watch her for a day while Kittie and I headed to Fort Defiance in Arizona for Climax Control that weekend. I didn’t have a match, but I had an entirely different reason for wanting to go to the show. Ember wanted to go with, and looking back, I probably should have let her, but it gave her the chance to meet Phil and Maddie.

You see, if I was going to stick around in SCW and try and work my way back up to the top of the mountain, there was something I needed to do. And sooner rather than later. I had already taken care of the conversation with Kittie. I already told her that I wasn’t Rage anymore...that I couldn’t be called by that name if Rage was gone and never coming back.

But SCW had to be told. And not just Mark Ward and Christian Underwood. The entirety of SCW and it’s fans. I wasn’t sure how people would react, or what they would think, but in all honesty, I didn’t care. I was putting it all out in the open. I was ready to show everyone in SCW just how serious I was about this change. Some people would probably take me seriously, and I had a feeling a select few others wouldn’t.

But it had to be done. And there was nothing holding me back.

And, again, I had not a single regret. After all, I didn’t just do this for myself...I did this for Kittie and Ember, too. I did it for my girls...for my family.

Speaking of family, I knew Ember was anxious to meet the rest of the Sins. The people who, even though she hadn’t met them yet, were already her aunts and uncles. And as anxious as I was for her to meet them, too, I was also hesitant and taking my time.

Anyone who knows the Sins, even solely on camera, knows just how crazy things can get. As tight knit as we are...or were up until I made the mistake of siding with J2H back in October...there just is never a dull moment in this group of people that has been my family for the last ten years or so. But I’m not complaining. I really wouldn’t trade any of the chaos I was ever involved with in the Sins for a much for relaxed family setting because that is what makes us so unique. That’s what makes us so close knit.

But I wasn’t ready to just toss Ember to the wolves, so to speak. She wouldn’t let me take time off from SCW, so she already had to deal with me needing to be at the shows every week. So I couldn’t add one more stressful moment in her life so soon after her world was turned upside down.

Maybe it was a mistake, waiting so long to introduce her to the Sins. Who knows, maybe if she had met them sooner, it would have helped her adjust that much quicker, but if it hadn’t? If it had done the complete opposite and made it that much more difficult to deal with, I would have kicked myself in the ass more than I am now.

That’s all about to change, though. After Ember begged me to take her on the cruise with Kittie and me, I found out that not only would the three of us be there, but so would everyone else. Yep. I found out that Gabriel and Despy had been asked to host Summer XXXTreme, and naturally when they were there, so would Odette, Synn and the rest of the gang.

The Sins...back together in one place! And on a cruise ship, no less. Which meant that I had to introduce Ember before the cruise set sail…

Well...there never was anything better than a good old fashioned Sins party…

Wednesday June 28th
A Family Reunion of Sorts…

If you had asked me a few months ago if I’d be standing in my house, about to be surrounded by the rest of the Sins again, I probably would have laughed in your face. After I joined sides with J2H back in October, they all made it very clear what they thought of me, and not a single one of them wanted to talk to me. I had already accepted that fact when the situation with Ember fell onto my lap, and it actually changed everything.

But here I am now, heading towards the door following the first ringing of the doorbell. Ember is standing back, next to Kittie with Phil and Maddie next to them. I grab the doorknob, ready to open the door, but I look to my girls first. More specifically, I look to Ember. “You ready?”

She looks up at Kittie for a moment, and Kittie just nods to her and she takes in a deep breath before she looks back to me. “Ready! Open the door!”

I didn’t need to be told twice. I opened the door, allowing the first of the Sins to step inside. It’s Gabriel, Odette, Lucas and Melody. Gabriel is holding Lucas in his arms but he hands him off to Odette as the girls have their eyes on Ember after greeting me. With Ember distracted, Gabriel takes the moment to smack me hard upside the back of my head.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?!” I say through gritted teeth, trying not to be loud and grab any attention. Ember is smiling as Odette, and Melody greet her, along with Lucas who already seems smitten with Ember.

“You bloody well know what that’s for, peanut head!” He snarls back, pointing out the obvious. The two of us hadn’t been face to face since before the J2H crap.

“Alright, fine.” I say, rubbing the back of my head. “I probably deserved that.”

“Probably?!” He raises his hand again, acting as though he’s going to smack me again and this causes me to flinch.

“Alright, alright! I did deserve that!” I back away a couple of inches. “But you of all people can’t blame me for doing what I had to do to get close to J2H and the Heavyweight title. You are the Sin of Greed after all…”

He folds his arms and glares at me. “That might be true, but a heads up would have been nice. And there were other ways to get to the damn title, but you had to go the stupid route.”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” I say as we both turn our attention over towards the girls, and Lucas. “But today isn’t about me. You ready to meet my daughter?”

Gabriel laughs and pats me on the back. “Your daughter. Never thought I’d hear those words, but yeah, I’m ready.”

Gabriel and I then walk over towards them. Ember actually has Lucas in her arms, and she must have said or did something funny, as he’s just gotten done laughing. “Lucas seems to like you alot already.” Gabriel says as we walk up to them.

Ember looks up to Gabriel with a smile on her face. “He’s so adorable. I always wanted a little brother.”

Cue the awkward looks in mine and Kittie’s direction. Gabriel pats me on the back again and Kittie and I both go silent. But that doesn’t stop Melody from adding in her two cents. “You heard the girl, RageFace! You better get to work!”

The doorbell suddenly rings and I let out a sigh of a relief. “Saved by the doorbell. And Melody, about the RageFace thing. I told you guys to call me Jake, remember?”

“Well calling you JakeFace isn’t going to work, now is it?!” She relies back, making a very good point and eliciting a few laughs, including from me.
I then walk away as Gabriel introduces himself to Ember before she hands Lucas back to him. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly, and Ember is taking it all well, thankfully, as I head back over to the door, letting the next to inside.

“Shane...Fantasia. Good to see you two--”


Like Gabriel, Shane smacks me right upside the back of the head, maybe even a little harder.

“Seriously?!” I growl at him as I rub my head again, and offer Fantasia a quick hug.

“You deserved it and you know it.” He replies back with a smirk.

I let out a sigh and nod. “Yeah, yeah.” I say.

Both of them look over towards Ember and it’s Fantasia who makes the first comment. “She looks like Electra. She’s beautiful, Rage. Sorry...Jake.”

Shane, too, pats me on the back. “Well, at least she doesn’t look like baldy here. That would be bloody unfortunate.”

I shake my head and walk the two of them over towards the others, and steal Ember’s attention away. “Em, this is Shane and Fantasia.”

“Hi!” She shouts as she runs up to Fantasia first, offering her a hug and then she does the same to Shane, which I think catches him off guard. I’m about to openly wonder where Synn and Despayre are, but my answer comes a few moments later as Despayre announces his presence the only way Despayre knows how.

“Hey! Where are all of her gifts?!” All eyes turn towards the door where Despayre has just let himself in, and Synn and Theresa follow just behind him.

“And now the real fun begins.” I say outloud, drawing a few laughs.

I head over to Despayre, Synn and Theresa and as soon as I walk up to Despayre, he rears his foot back and swings it forward, kicking me right in the shin! I quickly hop on one leg, holding myself back from shouting out a few obscenities in front of everyone, including Ember. “Ow! Despy...what was that for?!”

“I just had the urge to do it.” He says very matter of factly and with a shrug. “Now...where are Emmy’s presents?!”

I rub my shin and trying to shake the feeling back into my leg. “Presents?” I ask. “What presents?!”

“You can’t have a party for her and not have presents!” Despayre states.

Ember then appears behind me. “I’m getting presents?! Where are they?!”

Synn and Theresa share a laugh as I close my eyes and take a couple of slow deep breaths. I open my eyes and immediately focus on Ember, trying to figure a way out of this mess that Despayre has now gotten me into. “Uh..Well you see, Em..”

“Pfffft...What an amateur!” Despayre says with a wave of his hand and everyone lets out a laugh. Despayre then turns his attention to Ember, as she smiles excitedly at finally getting to meet him. And not only meet him, but be a part of his extended family. “Hi! I’m Despayre! And this is Angel, but I’m sure you already knew that. Everyone knows who Angel is!”

Ember nods excitedly. “You guys were my favorite in SCW!”

“Where is your protector?” Despayre asks with a frown.

“Protector?” She asks and then looks up and points to me. “Oh! You mean my Daddy! He’s right here!”

Everyone shares a smile and I grin proudly, but Despayre shakes his head and laughs. “Nooo...I mean, your teddy bear protector! All kids are supposed to have one! But I’m sure Uncle Rage knew that and made sure to get you one, right?!”

“Despy, I’m not Rage anymore.” I point out.

He looks at me, confused. “I thought you looked a familiar kinda way! But...who are you?! I’m not supposed to talk to strangers!”

“Joshua.” Synn interjects and Despayre looks behind him to Synn. “Remember the talk we had last week? Rage is going by his birth name now. He’s Jake.”

Despayre stares at Synn for a moment, and then back to me, and then back to Synn, clearly confused. Quiet laughs go around the room before Despayre just shakes his head, not ready to wrap his head around this situation just yet.

“Whatever!” He says. “Hey Emmy, this is my Dad!” He turns around and points to Synn. Synn steps forward a little bit, looking directly at Ember. He didn’t intend to come across as intimidating, but as soon as Ember lifted her head to look up at him, her eyes went wide and she darted behind me nervously.

I let out a snort as I look to a confused Synn and then down to Ember. “It’s ok, kid. He has that effect on everyone.” I tell her and she peaks her head out from behind me.

“I’m sorry, Ember.” Synn says calmly. “I didn’t mean to frighten you, but I assure you I mean you no harm. I’m Synn, and this is Theresa.”

Theresa steps forward. “Hello, Ember. It’s so wonderful to finally meet you, hija.”

Ember finally steps out from behind me and offers the both of them a hug, catching Synn off guard more than anyone else. “Well...that’s everyone. The whole bunch. Are you guys ready to get this party started?”

Ember excitedly looks back to Despayre. “Race you to the pool?!”

And before anyone can even object or stop the either of them, they dart of and run towards the patio door. I shake my head and look back to Synn. “That...that scares me.”

“Did you really expect that they wouldn’t get along?” He says with a laugh.

“ have a point there. Thanks for everything, by the way.” I say, and not only to Synn, but to everyone else. I look around the room at the my entire family. “To all of you, actually. Odette, Melody, Fantasia and Maddie for decorating her room. Gabriel, Shane...for smacking me upside the head. And just to all of you for being here after putting up with my bullshit from the past several months.”

“Bloody hell. I need a beer.” Shane says. “I’m too sober for this emotional bollocks.”

I point to the fridge with a laugh. “It’s all stocked up. Help yourself.”

He and Gabriel don’t need to be told twice as they start to raid the fridge and we all head out to the patio to enjoy some pool time. I didn’t admit it at that moment, but I really missed all of this. Chaos or not, there was nothing better than being surrounded by all of these people, and adding Ember to the fold just made it that much sweeter. And in just a few days, we’d all be setting sail on the Summer XXXTreme cruise for a week of unpredictable laughs and fun.

And then it would be time to focus on Calvin Harris, and the challenge that was ahead of me...Oh the adventure this will be!

“I know what most of you must be thinking. What has been the whole point of me sitting here, recounting to you all the emotions and events of the last month in this entire promo? What does any of it have to do with Summer XXXTreme and my upcoming match against Calvin Harris? Don’t lie, because I know a fair few of you are thinking just that. And I’ll be honest with you.

Directly, it has nothing to do with my match against Calvin Harris, but if you really listen...if you really pay attention, you’ll understand why I’ve done things the way that I did. You see, Calvin Harris and I faced off earlier this year. Well, sort of, anyway. He faced me as who I used to be...who I no longer am. And I’ll admit it now, he was a bigger challenge then than I was ready to admit at the time.

A lot was on the line in that match. For those of you that don’t remember, it was the King of The Hill ladder match at Inception where I walked away with the briefcase in my possession. I know Calvin wanted it. I know Calvin fully expected he was going to walk away the winner, and looking back, a part of me wishes that he had.

Don’t get me wrong, I ended up cashing in that briefcase and becoming the World Heavyweight Championship, but look at how much grief it caused me? Look at the circumstances surrounded how I cashed in that briefcase and what everyone thought of me, and probably still thinks of me to this day. No doubt Calvin will have a few choice words about that over these next couple of weeks.

It’s ok though. I’ll take every damn word that is said against me, not just by Calvin but by everyone else, because I know how shitty it looks, and I know how worse I look even now considering my World Heavyweight Championship was basically an embarrassment. Go ahead, Calvin. Say it all you want, because I know you’re just dying to say it, and say it a few times, I’m sure.

But I’m not the same person I was six months ago, Calvin. I’m not the guy that won the King Of the Hill briefcase. I’m not the guy who cashed in on Drake Green following his match against J2H at the following supercard. I’m not Rage anymore, so don’t you make the mistake of thinking that I am.

You’re the same arrogant S.O.B that you’ve always been though, aren’t you Calvin? I know they kept you in the title picture following that ladder match, all be it for the Internet Championship, but we all saw how that turned out, didn’t we? You couldn’t get the job done, and what happened? You disappeared from SCW for a couple of months. You remind a lot like a few guys who used to be in SCW, Calvin. Kevin Carter. Damian Kingston. Kain. Just to name a few...

Do you want to know why, Calvin? Why do you remind me of those three? Because you guys all share the same mentality that you’re better than everyone, and the second that you lose a title match, you piss off and spout of some crap about needed personal time, that no one believes. Don’t try and deny it, Calvin. I know guys like you, because they’re a dime a dozen.

I may have been an asshole up until recently, Calvin. I might have been this anger fueled jackass, but you want to know one thing I never did? Not once? I never cried off and quit like a little bitch just because I lost a title match, or I lost a title. I mean, I could have. I could have tucked my tail between my legs after losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Jeremiah Hardin, but what sort of message would that send? I didn’t want to be lumped in the same category of guys like you.

Guys like you say they’ve changed. You try and get so many people to believe that you’ve better yourself once you make your return, but you never do. Am I going to sit here and exude this confidence that I’m positive I’m going to beat you at Summer XXXTreme? Hell, no, because after watching you since you made your return, I know how determined you are, Calvin. I know you’re trying to get yourself back in the World Heavyweight title scene, and honestly, you may have already done just that.  

But I know exactly what is going to happen the second you fail. You don’t think you’re going to, but sooner or later, Calvin, that arrogance...that’s going to get the best of you, and you’re going to fail. And then you’re going to do what you always do...what the guys before you did...and you’re going to disappear again. For a few weeks maybe. For a few months, but if you want my opinion, I hope the next time you pull that crap, you stay gone because guys like you give guys like us a bad name.

We work our asses off just as hard as you Calvin, if not more. And to piss off the way you do when you lose, makes it look like we’re not worth it. That you’re better than any one of us. That you’re God’s gift to everything and anything.

But you’re not, Calvin. You’re no better than anyone else, no matter what you think, and come Summer XXXTreme, I’m going to prove it. Win or lose, Calvin. I know I’m up for a fight, but you’re up for a fight too, and you’re up against a side of me that you’re not even familiar with. You’re going into this with a disadvantage, Calvin, because like I said earlier...I’m not the same guy you faced back at Inception.

I’ve changed, and for the better. I’m thinking a lot clearer than I was back then, which says a lot considering I walked away the winner during our last encounter. If I beat you then, just imagine what I’m capable of now as I’m finally able to embrace who I am.

You want the World Heavyweight Championship pretty bad. I can tell that much, but guess what, Calvin? That’s not gonna happen as long as I have anything to say about it. I’m looking forward to the fight, though, because at least I know you’re not going to be an easy win like some have been in the past. Bring your absolute best, Calvin, because nothing will satisfy me more than knocking you down a few notches when you’re at your best.

You have eight days, Calvin. Eight days to get ready for this fight, because I’m not going to be like Jeremiah Hardin...or Joshua Acquin...or Dmitri. I’ve got a lot more to prove than Dmitri. And I’m a lot more motivated than Hardin and Acquin ever have been. You can count on that. The man...the knew as Rage is long gone, Calvin.

Come Summer XXXTreme V, for the very first time you’re gonna come face to face with Jake Sullivan. The man who, as long as I have anything to say about it, will serve you up with your very first loss since your “shocking” return several weeks ago.

Good luck, Calvin. May the best man win.

Character Building Roleplays / Evolution of Rage: Part 4
« on: June 20, 2017, 09:40:58 PM »
May 29th
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Department of Children and Family Services

My mind is racing in a million different directions as Kittie and I walk into the building. Department of Children and Family Services. Not exactly a place I’ve been a fan of at any point and time in my life. So often this system has failed kids and their families, and I was one of them. But we have to be here. I have to be here, because Ember needs me, and as terrifying a thought as being a father to her is, she has no one else and thanks to some help from Synn, Phil and Kittie, I finally realized I can’t allow her to become a part of this system.

I’m gripping Kittie’s hand in my own, something neither of us is really used to. We haven’t had what people would consider a typical relationship, but it didn’t matter because it worked for somehow. But I’m pretty sure we’re about to get hit with one big test. Early on into our marriage at that.

“Dude, ease up on my hand.” Kittie whispers to me, pointing out just how hard I’m squeezing her hand. I look down at our hands and immediately release hers.

“Shit. Sorry.” I reply. She shakes her hand, trying to get the blood flowing throughout her fingers again. “I forgot I was holding your hand for a second there.”

She shakes her head with a laugh as I open the front door for her. “It’s ok. I just didn’t want to go home with a broken hand and everyone get suspicious or something.”

I roll my eyes but let out a laugh as I follow her inside the building. Since it’s early on in the business day, the office isn’t overly busy. We walk up to the front desk and are immediately greeted by a twenty-something year old blonde woman. She greets us with a smile, looking way to happy to be working in a place like this, but hey, whatever floats your boat, lady.

“Hello there. How can I help you today?” She asks, again way too cheery considering. But I guess it’s still early, and she does have a large cup of coffee right in front of her.

“Yeah I’m here to meet with Diane Macintosh. She called me yesterday about my daughter...Ember.” I respond. The blonde starts going through a few papers on her desk before looking back up to me.

“What was your name?” She asks.

“Ra...Jake. Jake Sullivan. My daughter is Ember Blaze.” I damn near give her my ring name, which would have been pretty awkward, but she didn’t even notice me stumbling in my response. I’ve never liked giving anyone my birth name, but oddly enough it’s been growing on me lately.

“Ahh, yes.” She replies, finding what she was looking for. “If you can have a seat for a few moments while I go get Ms. Macintosh for you. And help yourself to some water or coffee as well.” She points towards a Kuerig set up on a table over by the chairs in the waiting area.

I nod and take in a deep breath as Kittie and I turn around, heading over to the chairs. Kittie heads over and grabs a bottle of water out of the mini-fridge and looks back at me as I take a seat. “You want some coffee or something?” She asks, but I just shake my head. The adrenaline is working enough for me and when Kittie takes a seat next to me, I’m fidgeting my left leg uncontrollably as she opens her bottle of water.

“I’m still expecting this to be some sort of fu...messed up nightmare, Kittie.” I say quietly. And it was the truth. Electra and I were far from on friendly terms the last few years, but I never really wanted her dead. Especially not after finding out about Ember.

“I know.” Kittie replies, running her hand over my shoulder trying to get me to relax. “Electra was one crazy bitch, which is why I never expected something to actually happen to her. Or her brother. Shit is definitely messed up. But everything will be--”

“Mr. Sullivan?” Kittie is cut off as a middle aged woman opens the door leading to the back office area, looking at the both of us.

Kittie and I stand up. “That’s me.” I say as we head over to her. “I changed my mind. About taking Ember.”

She nods once but doesn’t bother smiling back to me. “Please, follow me to my office so we can discuss a few things.”

“What is there to discuss?” I ask impatiently. “Can’t you just give me my daughter--” Kittie elbows me, sensing that I’m growing impatient.

“I just have to follow procedure, Mr. Sullivan.” She replies. “Delicate matters such aren’t resolved by just handing over the child.”

I let out a sigh and look to Kittie next to me. She nods and places her hand on my back. A few moments later we follow Ms. Macintosh down the hall where she leads us to her office. We step inside and Ms. Macintosh points to two chairs in front of her desk, and she closes the door behind us. “Please, have a seat.”

We were already in the process of taking a seat as Ms. Macintosh walks around the desk, taking a seat in her own chair. She has a file folder on her desk as she looks at the both of us, folding her hands on her desk in front of her. “You seemed pretty intent on not wanting to take custody of your daughter when we spoke on the phone yesterday, Mr. Sullivan. Tell me. What changed your mind?”

Seriously? Is this going to be an interrogation or something? I glance at Kittie, scowling and she nudges me again. I turn my attention back to Ms. Macintosh, trying to remain as patient as possible with her, as dificult as that may be. “I just had some time to think it over. I mean, I didn’t even know I had a daughter until last summer.”

She nods and leans back in her chair. “I see. And how was your relationship with Ember’s mother?”

My jaw drops and I stare at Ms. Macintosh for a few moments, dumbfounded. Kittie clears her throat, but remains quiet, letting me handle this. “It was complicated. More than complicated. Electra was a crazy bitch, and I’m pretty sure you know that. What does that have anything to do with me taking custody of Ember? Electra’s dead. And so is her brother.”

“I understand that, Mr. Sullivan. And I’m sorry. I just have to be certain, especially after our last conversation, that your home is the best fit for Ember. You understand, I’m sure?” She responds, crossing one leg over the other. I lean back in my own chair and fold my arms across my chest. I want nothing more than to tell this lady off, but that wouldn’t help the situation any. If anything, it would guarantee I couldn’t bring Ember home with us.

“Look, I won’t lie.” I start, placing my hands on my knees. “I never saw myself having kids or being a father at all. From what I understand, Electra’s brother Danny raised Ember as his own, and the few times I saw Ember I thought he did a damn good job. A better job than I thought I ever could do.”

“But?” She says before I can finish saying everything I needed to say.

“But things change.” I reply, looking towards Kittie. “I also never saw myself as getting married, but Kittie and I just got married last month. My family back home in Vegas also has a lot to do with helping me see the bigger picture.”

“And that would be?” She asks, interrupting me again.

I take in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. “That being Ember’s father could change me even more. For the better. And I’ll be damned if I let my kid stay a part of the system and have it mess her up after she just lost her mother and her uncle...the only father figure she’s ever had.”

“Ms. Macintosh,” Kittie chimes in and we both turn and look to Kittie. “He won’t be in this alone, either. He has me. And Ember will have a pretty big extended family back home that can help look out for her.”

Ms. Macintosh nods slowly as she looks at the both of us. Kittie reaches her hand over to mine, squeezing it and we both look back to Ms. Macintosh. She leans forward in her seat, going through the file folder in front of her, which I assume is Ember’s. After a few moments, she quickly closes the file and turns her attention to me.

“Alright. I see no reason why Ember shouldn’t return to Las Vegas to live with you and your wife, Mr. Sullivan.” She replies and Kittie and I breathe a sigh of relief. “Ember has been staying with a foster family the last couple of days, and we can get her to you within the next few hours. But I was asked to speak to you about Electra and Danny Blaze if you were to come here to take custody of Ember.”

I raise an eyebrow at her curiously. “What about them?”

“Well, Mr. Sullivan, as they had no other family that we were able to find or contact, there is a little issue with handling the arrangements.” She replies.

Kittie and I both go wide-eyed. “The...arrangements?” I ask, but I know what she’s talking about.

“Yes.” She replies. “The funeral arrangements. Now, it is completely up to you. Should you not wish to handle any funeral arrangements for the both of them, the coroner will most likely have their bodies--”

I hold my hand up, stopping her before she can finish and I can feel Kittie’s eyes on me. “I’ll take care of it.”

“Are you sure? As you’re not next of kin, you have the right to--”

“It’s fine. I said I’ll handle it. Just give me the information on where to go and I’ll handle the funeral arrangements. Ember should get to say goodbye to them.” I hear Kittie sight but she runs her hand along my arm, showing her support. Ms. Macintosh grabs a piece of paper from next to the file folder and hands it over to me.

“All of the information is in there.” I take the sheet of paper, not ready to look at it just yet. “I will make a phone call to the family that Ember is staying with and make arrangements for her to be brought here. It could be a few hours so if you have a few things to take care of, I can give you a call when she’s here.”

I look to Kittie. She shrugs and I look back to Ms. Macintosh. “That’s fine.” I say, folding the piece of paper she gave me and putting it in my pocket. “I suppose we could get a head start on planning some sort of funeral for Electra and Danny.”

“I admire your decision to handle that, Mr. Sullivan.” Ms. Macintosh says, leaning back in her chair again. “For what it is worth, Ember is a very special little girl. I’m sure this doesn’t need to be said, but please be sure that she gets the appropriate support so she can deal with this unexpected loss.”

I nod, and then a thought hits me. “H-how is she, anyway?”

Ms. Macintosh folds her arms. “She seemed okay when the foster family came to get her. She is naturally upset, but these things take time. Please understand that.”

I nod again. “Yeah. I get it. Well, if that’s all for now, I suppose we should get out of here for a bit.”

“You can let yourself out and leave the way we came in. I will call you as soon as I can.” We all stand up and she extends her hand towards me. I shake her hand and then Kittie does the same before we head out of the office.

The nerves hit me like brick wall as we head back down the hallway. The gravity of everything I just agreed to starts to sink in and I almost feel like I’m going to be sick, but I’m pretty good at holding that back. I’m taking slow deep breaths as we walk out of the building and head towards the car, but I stop dead in my tracks just before we reach the car. Kittie stops and I turn towards her, in a panic again.

“You didn’t have to agree to that.” She tells me, reaching for my hand again. “Planning a funeral for two people isn’t your responsibility.”

“Yeah,” I say, nodding quickly. “It kind is in this case, Kittie. I’m not going to just whisk Ember home to Las Vegas without her getting to say goodbye to Danny and Electra. I know they weren’t my family, but they were Ember’s and I owe that to her. I don’t want her hating me right off the bat, either.” She knows I have a point with everything I’m saying, and I know I have a point, but I’m still freaking out. I bring my hands up and grip my head, quickly starting to hyperventilate.

“Dude, calm down.” Kittie says to me, trying to calm me down. She wraps her arms around my waist, hugging me, but I can’t move. “Take in a few deep breaths, alright? I get it. Shit is crazy, but the sooner we handle all of this, the sooner we can get Ember home to Vegas and move on.”

I laugh and she keeps her arms wrapped around me. “Move on? Kittie, Ember is going to be a mess over this shit. How am I supposed to plan a funeral for her crazy ex who I practically hated...and make sure that my kid doesn’t hate me?!”

Kittie runs her hands up and down my back and I take in a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. It slowly starts to work and she backs up, looking up at me. “Because that’s not going to happen. Let’s just head over to the morgue...or wherever we’re supposed to go...and start planning this. And then we can focus on Ember when we come back.”

I close my eyes and take in another deep breath, finally feeling my blood pressure return to a slightly normal level. I open my eyes and nod down at Kittie as she backs away. I take the piece of paper that Ms. Macintosh had given me and I hand it to Kittie as we walk back over to the car and get inside, figuring out our next move, and where we are supposed to go.


Several hours later…

Ms. Macintosh wasn’t kidding when she said it would take a few hours before she called. As anxious as I was to just get Ember and hop on a plane back to Vegas, it would now be several days before that would happen as Kittie and I just spent the last couple of hours arranging a double funeral for Electra and her brother, Danny. A double funeral that no one would probably even attend, except Kittie, Ember and I. But I had to do something.

Not long after finalizing the arrangements, my phone rang. I quickly recognized the number as the same number Ms. Macintosh had called from just yesterday so I answered the call after two rings this time. Ember was at the office and ready to be picked up. Kittie and I jumped in the car and quickly headed back over to the Department of Children and Family Services, which is where we are for the second time today.

We walk through the doors, hand in hand again, and the blonde at the front desk immediately recognizes us from earlier. “Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan. Ms. Macitosh is waiting for you in her office. You can head back now.” She says, pointing down the hall.

I look to Kittie, squeezing her hand. “Ready for this?”

She gives me a half smile back. “Whenever you are.”

Both of us take in a deep breath and then head down the hall towards Ms. Macintosh’s office. The door is closed when we get there, so I gently knock before I just walk inside. “Come in.” I hear her say and I grab the handle, slowly turning it and pushing the door open. I step inside first, with Kittie behind me, and I see Ember sitting in the chair Kittie had been in just a few hours earlier. She turns her head around and as soon as she looks at me, she jumps out of the chair and runs back to me. Kittie and I are both taken off guard as Ember throws her arms around me, hugging me tightly, but she doesn’t say a single word.

“Hey, kid…” I can’t even find the right words to say to her. What the hell am I supposed to say to her when she just lost her mother and her uncle? “You okay?”

Ember shakes her head and she looks up at me, teary eyed. “Mom and Daddy...I-I mean, Uncle Danny...they’re dead. They’re...not coming back.”

She hugs me again, starting to sob as I pat her back, doing my best to comfort her. I look at Kittie, completely lost on what the hell I’m supposed to do. Kittie being Kittie, she kneels down to Ember’s eye level and tries to help me out.

“Hey Ember,” she says, running her hand along Ember’s arm. Ember just turns her head and looks at Kittie, but she keeps her arms wrapped around me. “We’re real sorry about your mom and your uncle. We know how much you loved them and we’re gonna do our best to help you get through this. We’re gonna take you back to Vegas to live with us…”

“Vegas?!” She cries and looks up at me, shaking her head. “But...I live here! I don’t want to go to Vegas!”

Ms. Macintosh watches on remaining cautiously quiet as she lets us try and handle this for the moment. I look at her, and she just nods once, encouraging me to speak to Ember. Because I tower over the poor kid, I kneel down to get as closd to her eye level as I can.

“I know you don’t want to leave here, kid.” I say and she furrows her eyes at me.

“Ember! My name is Ember!” She snaps at me.

I take in a deep breath. This is going to take some getting used to, clearly. “Sorry. Ember, I know you don’t want to leave here, but we can’t stay here. We’ve got a big place back in Vegas and you’ll have a nice big room. And a pretty big extended family that’s gonna want to meet you. And I’m sure Despy--”

“Despayre?!?!” She says excitedly, her eyes suddenly lighting up. I glance up to Kittie and she doesn’t even bother to hide an amused smile.

“Yeah, Despayre.” I turn my attention back to Ember and say to her. “He lives pretty close and I know you can go visit any time you want.”

This seems to have gotten her attention, and excitement. She smiles for a few seconds but then it fades as she thinks about something. “But...what about all my stuff here?”

“Well...we’ll get what we can or we’ll just ship it back to Vegas if we have to. We’re not leaving for a few days, though.” I reply.

She thinks for a few minutes, still hesitant on the move but shr looks around to all of us before her attention falls solely on me. “What about Mom and Uncle Danny?”

“We’ll talk about that in a little bit, ok?” I say, not ready to get into the details of the funeral in front of Ms. Macintosh. “How about we go get some lunch and Kittie and I will answer any questions you got for us?”

“Lunch?” She asks, and I nod. “Can we go to Panda Express?!”

Kittie and I both let out a laugh and Kittie speaks up before I do. “Oh she’ll be best friends with Despy in no time.”

“Apparently.” I reply with a bit of a laugh. I stand up and look around, spotting a bag next to the chair. I walk over and pick it up so she doesn’t have to carry it. “You ready to get out of here?”

She nods and behind her excitement I can still sense a bit of fear and hesitant. But I’m suddenly feeling better about all of this, and so is Kittie. I look to Ms. Macintosh and hold my hand out to her. “Thanks again.”

“Anytime, Mr. Sullivan.” She replies. She grabs a business card and hands it to me. “And, please, if you ever have any questions or need anything at all, give me a call. Goodbye, Ember. I wish you nothing but the best, sweetie.”

Ember waves as we turn around and lead her to the door. “Bye Ms. Macintosh! Tell that family I said thank you for letting me stay with them!”

Ms. Macintosh smiles and nods to her as the three of us head out of the office and out of the building completely. First order of business is a lunch stop at Panda Express and then we’ll deal with the funeral and Ember’s emotional state next. As it comes.

One day at a time...


Climax Control Archives / Evolution of Rage: Part 3
« on: June 16, 2017, 10:09:03 PM »
May 28th
Gold Coast Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada
Following Rage’s Loss to James Tuscini

He lost. To James Tuscini, no less. But it wasn’t just an loss. It was an embarrassing loss that Rage will not soon forget as he had been pinned by a simple Backslide. Had anyone ever lost by a backslide before tonight? He has no idea, and he ultimately doesn’t care. All he wants to do is leave the Gold Coast Casino and head back home.

As he walks through the curtain following his loss to Tuscini, he’s quickly met by his wife of just two weeks, Kittie. She’s staring at him with a look of sheer shock on her face, and she’s holding his cell phone in her hand. She goes to say something to him, but he holds his hand up and shakes his head.

Rage: Not now, Kittie. I know what you’re going to say, but you can save it for later. I really don’t feel like talking about it right now, alright?

He brushes past her and she quickly turns around to follow after him.

Kittie: Rage, that’s not what--

Rage: I get it, Kittie! Alright?! I lost to a damn Backslide. It was embarrassing and people will be pointing it out to me for the rest of my life. I don’t care. Let them. But, please, don’t you join in on it because I can handle--

As Rage stares at Kittie, continuing to speak, he trails off as he studies the look on her face. She was in shock, yes, but there was something more to it.

Rage: What? What is it?

She takes in a deep breath and holds his phone out to him. He reluctantly takes it from her.

Kittie: You...need to call that number back.

Rage: What? Why? Kittie, just tell me what the fuck is going on.

Kittie: Just call the damn number, Rage.

Rage stares down at his phone for a moment and then glances back up to Kittie. She nods and he shakes his head, letting out a sigh before he unlocks his phone and dials the number back that had tried calling him earlier. He starts walking back down the hall, heading towards the locker rooms when a person on the other end answers, and he immediately stops, frozen in place.

Rage: Yeah someone from this number tried calling me earlier...Ra--Jake...Jake Sullivan….Alright, fine.

Standing just outside of the locker room, Rage turns around to face Kittie. She’s standing behind him quietly as he is put on hold, but he raises an eyebrow at Kittie.

Rage: Department of Child and Family Services in Ann Arbor? Kittie, what the fuck aren’t you--

He’s suddenly cut off as someone returns on the other end.

Rage: Yeah, this is Jake. Can you tell me what the hell is going on?

His eyes grow wide as he looks back to Kittie with the phone still to his ear.

Rage: Wait...what? You’re joking, right?...What the hell happened?!

As the person on the other end answers Rage’s question, he leans against the wall, sinking down slowly. He shares in Kittie’s shock and he runs his hand over his head, at a loss for words. Kittie takes a few steps towards him, but remains quiet.

Rage: Y-yeah, I’m still here...Look, I’d like to help out, but...I can’t, alright?!...I didn’t even know I had a kid until like eight months ago!...She’s better off without me. Just find somebody else. I’m sorry...

He quickly ends the call and shoves his phone back in his pocket as Kittie stares at him, her jaw dropped even further now.

Kittie: Did you just really hang up on them?!

Rage: What did you expect, Kittie?! You could have told me the truth! You couldn’t tell me that Electra and her brother were killed in a car accident, but why? Did you really expect things to suddenly change and me change my mind about being in Ember’s life?

Kittie: Look, I know I was never a fan of Electra’s or anything, but you gotta think about this, Rage. Ember just lost her mother, and her uncle- who she thought was her father until just a few months ago. She’s in foster care for fuck’s sake!

Rage closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. Like earlier, he looks as though he is trying to channel some kind of anger, but again, it’s just not there. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at Kittie, still shaking his head.

Rage: Look, not to sound like an ass here, but are you really trying to talk me into being a father when you gave up your own son and are letting that asshat, Jame, raise him?! Like I told that DCFS woman...Ember is better off without me. End of story.

Kittie: Fair argument, but is this because you think she’s better off without you as her father or because you’re too scared to even give it a shot because you might actually be good at it?

Rage’s jaw drops and Kittie folds her arms across her chest. He thinks for a moment and then quickly snarls at her.

Rage: She’s better off without me! Just drop it, Kittie!

Rage then turns towards the locker room door, shoving it open and slamming it right in Kittie’s face. She stands there for a moment, shaking her head when a thought hits her. She turns around and walks a few feet away from the door, taking her cell phone out of her pocket. She dials a number and starts pacing as she waits for the other person to answer. Much to her relief, they do just a few moments later.

Kittie: Synn! Thank God you answered...No, everything is not okay. Look, I wouldn’t be calling you if I absolutely didn’t have to, but it’s about Rage...Synn, his daughter needs him. And he needs your help...

Kittie turns around to glance at the locker room door before she goes on to explain the situation to Synn. She walks a little further down the hall in case Rage were to step out of the locker room, and the scene fades away.

About an hour later, Rage and Kittie were just down the street from their home. The whole ride from the Gold Coast Casino, short as it was, was quiet and full of tension. Kittie stared out her window as Rage drove through the streets of Vegas leading to their home. Every once in a while Rage would turn and glance at her, expecting her to be looking at him. But she wasn’t.

Rage: I can’t believe you’re seriously going to be pissed off at me over this, Kittie...

He finally broke his silence as he turned down their street. Their house was just up ahead, and Kittie just shook her head, refusing to speak. The truth was, she was saving it for what was going to go down when they finally got home. But she was surprised when he pulled the car over, just before their driveway.

Rage: Look at me.

Kittie shakes her head as she continues to stare out the window. Rage grits his teeth, trying not to get angry with her. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath and when he opens them, he reaches towards her, taking her hand.

Rage: Kittie, would just just fucking look at me? Please?!

He doesn’t see her roll her eyes, but she slowly turns her head to face him with a scowl on her face. And she remains absolutely silent.

Rage: Why are you trying to push me into this? This whole marriage thing is a two way street, Kittie. I gotta support you in your decisions, and you need to support me. But apparently, that ain’t how it works with you, is it?

Kittie pulls her hand away and folds her arms across her chest.

Kittie: I would be supporting you. If the decision you were making wasn’t a stupid one. I supported you before, when there was actually someone close to Ember to take care of her, but now...

Rage: Now she’ll go to a family that will be better than me or even Electra could ever give her! Don’t you fucking get it?!

Kittie shakes her head, letting out a frustrated laugh.

Kittie: You don’t know that, Rage! Haven’t you heard the horror stories of the way the foster care system works?! Do you really want that for her?!

Rage turns and grips the steering wheel, gritting his teeth and growling under his breath. He closes his eyes, trying to find the right words to say, but Kittie continues to speak.

Kittie: You’re just scared and you know it. It’s not like she’s a baby, Rage. She’s ten. And she just lost the only family she’s ever known. Try and think about her instead of about yourself, because you’re lying if you say you are thinking about her.

Rage growls again and shakes his head. He puts the car back in drive, finally turning into his driveway. He’s about to say something else, when he spots the other cars in his driveway. He pulls up next to Phil’s car and when he puts the car in park, he turns and glares at Kittie.

Rage: Why are they here?!

Kittie turns and grins at Rage as she opens her door.

Kittie: You’ll find out once you head inside now won’t you?

Rage: I’m still behind the damn wheel, Kittie! I can leave right now if I want to!

Kittie: But I don’t think you will.

She doesn’t say anything more as she steps out of the car and starts walking up to the front door. She leaves her bag for Rage to carry inside, but he doesn’t follow behind her right away. He watches her disappear into the house as he grips the steering wheel hard enough that his knuckles turn white. He contemplates doing exactly what he threatened to do by backing the car out of the driveway, but he quickly changes his mind as he spots his brother step out of the house, staring directly at him behind the wheel. He closes his eyes and growls as he removes the keys from the ignition and then opens his door.

Rage: Whatever she put you guys up to, Phil, it’s not going to work!

Rage shouts to him as he slams his car door shut and starts walking towards his house, and his brother. Phil just smiles and stands where he is, keeping his eyes locked on Rage.

Phil: You say that now, but something tells me you’re wrong, bro.

Rage finally approaches his brother, standing toe-to-toe. Neither speaks a word for a few moments as Phil stares at him, quietly speaking with his eyes. Phil breaks the silence only when Rage looks away from Phil.

Phil: What are you doing, man? Why are you here and not on a plane to Michigan right now?

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: This doesn’t concern you, Phil. This is my decision. You of all people should understand why I’m not on a plane right now.

Phil shakes his head, disagreeing.

Phil: But I don’t. Maybe I would have two years ago, but now? I really don’t. And this does concern me because she’s my niece.

Rage: If you’re so concerned about it, why don’t you and Maddie go and take her then?! Jesus Christ, you people just don’t understand!

He walks around Phil and storms inside the house where he’s met with glaring eyes not only from Kittie, but the man who has refused to speak to him in over six months...Synn! Rage takes one look at Synn and just shakes his head, attempting to make his way upstairs and towards his bedroom.

Rage: Well isn’t this just a lovely sight. Now you’re ready to talk to me, Synn? You wasted your time coming over here. You and Phil both.

Synn walks around Kittie when he sees Rage has his sights set on the stairs. He quickly blocks Rage’s path, and shakes his head.

Synn: Now is not the time for this sort of attitude, Rage.

Rage: Oh, I think it is, Synn. For months I tried to approach you to talk shit over and you ignored me every chance you got! You expect me to talk now? Over something that none of you really should be trying to pressure me into?! Get out of my way, Synn.

Synn stands his ground. He shakes his head, keeping his arms crossed in front of his chest, refusing to be intimidated by Rage. Not that he would be either way.

Synn: No. You need to talk about this situation with your daughter, because as much as it is your’s to make, it’s a selfish decision your choosing.

Rage rolls his eyes and laughs. He turns around and walks away from Synn, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.

Rage: It’s not a selfish decision, Synn! Don’t you get it?! When Electra told me about Ember last year, I told you why I couldn’t be a part of her life! She’s better off without me! She’s better off without the fucked up baggage I’d bring into her life. So tell me how the hell that is being selfish?!

Synn: Because you’re refusing to even try, and instead allow her to be thrown into the foster care system. Which, I might add, could potentially cause her more harm than you think.

Kittie: Seriously think about this, Rage. Regardless of whether or not you think she’d be better off without you, she stands a better chance at a better life with you...with us, than being thrown into foster care. You have to know that!

Phil approaches Kittie, standing next to her, nodding.

Phil: And it’s not like you’d be alone, Jake.

Synn: Ember needs you. I think it’s time you get over your fear of actually being a father and get on a plane to Michigan and go get her. Before you regret it.

Rage laughs and shakes his head. He spins back around and glares at Synn.

Rage: Why the hell do you even care, Synn?! You don’t think I can do it!

Synn: That’s not true. Quite the opposite, actually. I don’t know what gave you that impression, but I fully believe you can be a father to Ember if you just try.

Rage is shocked to hear Synn say this and he’s left speechless. Synn takes the few steps towards him, getting right back in Rage’s face, but remaining calm as can be.

Synn: And that anger of yours...that temper?

Rage: What about it?

Synn: Lose it. Now.

Rage grins and laughs.

Rage: Yeah, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. I couldn’t even punch a damn wall if I wanted to right now.

Synn: Be that as it may, should your temper suddenly return, keep it at bay. For her sake. And for your own.

Rage lets out a sigh and nods. He closes his eyes and thinks for a moment as he grips at his head, still struggling with his decision. When he opens his eyes, all three are still staring at him.

Rage: This house isn’t even ready for a ten year old girl! I’d have to get--

Phil: Let the women handle that. I’m sure Maddie would love to help decorate.

Synn: And I’m sure Odette and Melody Grace could lend a hand as well. It will all be handled while you’re gone. Just go to Michigan and bring your daughter home.

Rage looks back and forth from Synn and Phil. Phil just nods slowly at him, urging him to do the right thing and Rage finally gives in. He takes his phone out of his pocket, going to call the airport.

Synn: What are you doing?

Rage: I need to call the airport and book a flight...

Synn: No, you don’t. I already handled it. Your flight leaves in two hours.

Rage raises an eyebrow.

Rage: You booked a flight before I even decided to go get her??

Synn smirks.

Synn: I knew you would give in and do the right thing. Now you best get a move on it. Everything for Ember’s room will be handled by the time you get back.

Kittie is already heading towards the door and Rage looks at both Synn and Phil one last time.

Rage: Thank you both. I’ll call you guys to let you know when we’ll be back or to let you know what’s going on.

Phil: Anytime, bro. Just take your time and go get Ember.

Rage and Synn just exchange looks, Rage quietly thanking Synn once again. Synn nods and Rage turns and follows Kittie out the door. Phil turns to Synn, and runs his hand through his hair.

Phil: really think he can do this?

Synn nods.

Synn: I have no doubt, Phillip. I think that once he spends time with Ember, there won’t be a thing he wouldn’t do for her or to keep her safe.

The Next Morning

By the time Rage and Kittie had made it to Michigan, it was too late to do anything about getting Ember for the night. The two had booked a hotel room at least for the night, potentially longer depending on how the situation with Ember panned out. Rage had barely gotten any sleep, for obvious reasons Kittie didn’t need to question him about.

They made sure to be up and ready bright and early so they could head over to the Department of Children and Family Services in Ann Arbor. Rage has just pulled the car into the parking lot of the building, and after finding a parking spot, he doesn’t turn the car off right away. Kittie goes to get out of the car, expecting him to follow suit a few seconds later, but he reaches his right hand over towards her, gripping her arm and stops her.

Rage: Kittie, don’t. Just...wait.

Kittie looks down at her arm in Rage’s grasp, then lifts her head to look at him. He’s staring out the window at the building, and just stays frozen in his seat.

Kittie: What? Why? Please don’t tell me you’re changing your damn mind?! Rage, we’re already---

Rage: No, I haven’t changed my mind! I just...need a few minutes.

Kittie nods, without saying a word in response. Rage loosens his hold on Kittie’s arm and then moves it down, taking her hand in his, squeezing it. She stares down at it for a moment before she looks back up to him.

Kittie: Dude, your hand is a sweaty mess. Relax, alright?

Rage shakes his head, still squeezing her hand.

Rage: I can’t relax, Kittie. I really can’t. This whole situation is fucked up. I never wanted kids, Kittie. I’m fucked up. I can’t fuck up a kid’s life with my baggage.

Kittie can’t help but crack a smile as she shakes her head.

Kittie: You think her life wasn’t already somewhat fucked up before this? Electra was her mother for Christ’s sake. We all have baggage, Rage. Just because you’ve got a shit ton of baggage from your childhood, doesn’t mean that you’ll fuck her life up. Hell, you could make it a lot better.

Rage turns his head and looks at Kittie. Sweat is starting to drip down his forehead as his panic increases and he takes in a few deep breaths.

Rage: She just had to have a girl, didn’t she? This would have been a lot easier to deal with if we’d had a son and not a daughter. Jesus Christ, I don’t think I’m ready for this...

Kittie: Is anybody ever really ready to have a kid? People can say all they want that they are, but I think it’s bullshit. And honestly, if the two of you had had a son, I think I’d be more afraid of that than anything. A mini Rage? Yeahhh...

Kittie cracks a smile and Rage frowns at her. She lets out a laugh and nudges him.

Kittie: It was a joke. Seriously, relax.

Rage takes in another deep breath and looks back out the window.

Rage: So that means you’re not ready for this either?

Kittie: Fuck no, I’m not ready.

She lets out another laugh.

Kittie: But we’re married now so we’ll just have to experience and deal with all of this together. And like I said, I may have hated Electra with a passion, but I didn’t want her dead. Not really. And I sure as shit wouldn’t want to see her daughter…your daughter...end up in foster care when she has a family she can grow up with and be a part of.

Rage: I won’t lie, Kittie. I’m fucking terrified right now. About this whole situation.

Kittie returns the favor and squeezes Rage’s hand this time, trying to reassure him but also comfort him.

Kittie: I’d be surprised if you weren’t terrified, honestly. This isn’t supposed to be easy. She’s going to have a hard time coming up because she just lost the man she grew up thinking was her father, and her mother, who she thought was her aunt. It’s going to be a confusing time, but I think together we can do the best we can to make it easier for her. And so will everyone else. Gabriel and Odette. Shane and Fantasia. Despy. Melody. Phil. Maddie. This girl is going to have one hell of a family now. You know--

Rage suddenly takes Kittie off guard as he takes her face in his hands and brings his lips to hers in an intense kiss. They kiss for a few long moments and when Rage finally pulls back, Kittie is staring at him, blinking her eyes slowly.

Kittie: That was...

Rage: Thank you...

Kittie tries to speak, but she can’t find the words. Rage kisses her again, but this time just a quick one.

Rage: I love you. I know I don’t say it enough, but I do. And honestly, I couldn’t go through all this shit without you. I can’t guarantee I won’t be an ass from time to time from here on out, but...I’ll try not to be.

Kittie: Well..that’s all you can do. But, we both know that when you’re being an ass, I’ll just be a crazy bitch right back to you. And I love you, too. Asshole.

They both manage to crack a smile and laugh.

Rage: You know what us taking custody of Ember now means, right?

Kittie raises an eyebrow and shakes her head.

Rage: I’ll either need to take some time off from SCW or just call it quits all together. I can’t deal with the shit in SCW and focus on her.

Kittie shrugs and just offers him a smile in return.

Kittie: That is completely up to you then. And I’ll support you in whatever decision you make, because right now, she’s more important than anything.

Rage nods and finally turns the engine off, removing the key from the ignition. He takes in a deep breath and then looks at Kittie.

Rage: Alright...let’s do this. It’s now or never...

Kittie: Ready whenever you are...

Rage then gives the ok with a single nod, and he and Kittie get out of the car. And for the first time that Rage can remember, he and Kittie walk hand in hand up to the building.


“It’s crazy how so much can change in just the span of a single month. Changes for the good and some...for the bad. It’s already been a month since I walked into Into The Void VI as the World Heavyweight Champion, but I walked out with nothing. I’m not gonna lie and say that was an easy pill to swallow, because it sure as shit wasn’t.

But, a lot has changed for me outside of SCW, too. Shit that is way more important than the World Heavyweight Championship will ever be. Now, I’m not going to sit here and talk about all of that, because honestly, what goes on in my personal life is really no one’s business. And like I said on Climax Control last Sunday...I almost called it quits. I came pretty damn close to hanging up my boots and retiring for good, but a little voice told me not to. Begged me not to.

So here I am.

And here I am once again being put up against Jeremiah Hardin. I don’t know how many times I have to prove myself against him, but I guess I have to do it once more, don’t I? But, here’s the thing…

I’m not the same person that I was the last four times I’ve faced you, Jeremiah. I’m not going to deny it. You might think that you stand a better chance at beating me this time because of that fact, but let me tell you right here and now, you’d be wrong in thinking that, Jeremiah. And I’m not going to sit here and hash out a bunch of bullshit that happened in the past, because I’m not going to do that either.

You, Jeremiah...You have nothing to prove going into this last match between the two of us. But me? I’ve got everything in the world to prove, because all the other encounters between the two of us? You were up against Rage. You faced the part of me that couldn’t control the anger...that couldn’t control his temper. You faced a part of me that, for the most part, did more damage than good in the time he existed.

But I’m not Rage anymore, Jeremiah. I no longer feel that uncontrollable anger building at the drop of a dime. I’m much more relaxed. Much calmer than I was before, and I have to feels damn good. And it’s going to feel even better walking into the ring and getting what I will consider the most important win of my career this Sunday.

Yeah, more important than any title match we’ve ever had. You want to know why, Jeremiah?

It’s because people don’t know me as Jake Sullivan. They don’t know what I can do as my true identity. They’ve only ever known me as Rage. Hell, I’m sure that most of them, including you, probably think that he’s all I’ll ever be. But, again, that’s just not true.

I’m Jake now. I’ll always be Jake from now on, because I just can’t be Rage anymore. I have to learn to control my emotions and as Rage...I wasn’t able to do that. It didn’t matter how angry I got, I was always looked at as a weak. And maybe they were right then.

But everyone better get a different opinion of me now, because I’m looking at this as not just a much needed change of pace. I’m looking at it as a whole new beginning. A beginning I’ve needed for longer than I can remember.

I honestly don’t know what to expect from you, Jeremiah. I really never do. One minute you can act like you don’t give a shit about the match you’re heading into, the next you’re doing what everyone should be doing and just giving it your all. And you stay quiet the entire time. It makes it pretty damn difficult to face you most of the time.

But I’m not underestimating you. Not one single bit.

And I won’t be holding back. This may be just an ordinary match. A non-title bout touted as the final one between the two of us, but I have to win, Jeremiah. You managed to defeat me as Rage once before, and maybe that was my own fault.

But you won’t beat me as Jake. I am lot smarter than Rage ever was. And I’m a hell of a lot more determined.

So get ready, Jeremiah. Get ready for the fight of your life, because I’m not letting myself lose this one. You and everybody else is going to see a whole different side of me...the real side of me and I plan on sending a message that I still have what it takes to be here…

And I’m not giving up.”

Climax Control Archives / Evolution of Rage: Part 2
« on: May 25, 2017, 09:05:16 PM »
 The trip home to Las Vegas was not only a long one, but a quiet one. Way too quiet, in fact. Kittie wanted to say something to Rage, her new husband of just a few days. But what could she possibly say to him after he lost the World Heavyweight Championship...again? Granted, he didn’t lost it to Jeremiah Hardin this time, nor was he the one that was defeated in that fatal four way match. But, he still wasn’t able to do what it took to keep the title in his possession.

And it left him speechless. Which was strange. Too strange.

Normally when things like this happened to Rage, it brought out his anger in full force. After losing the title to Jeremiah Hardin just a few weeks ago, it left his anger at an unstable level and on any given moment he was unable to control it. But he thought when it all came down to it, he thought his third run with the World Heavyweight Championship would be different. He thought this would be his moment...his summer.

But he was wrong.

It’s been just a little over twenty-four hours since Into The Void ended with J2H celebrating winning the title for a second time. Rage and Kittie are just walking back into their home in Las Vegas, not saying a single word. Rage drops their suitcases on the floor just by the door, not even bothering to carry them upstairs to their bedroom. He just sulks over to the refrigerator, opens it and takes out an ice cold beer, all while Kittie just stares at him.

He twists the cap off the beer, tosses it in the trash and takes a drink before he stops just at the center island in the kitchen. He sets the bottle of beer down on the counter and just stares at it, as the long silence continues between him and his new bride.

Kittie: Ok. I can’t take this silence any longer. Would you say something? Please?

He looks up at her, disappointment written all over his face. They should be celebrating right now. Not going through these emotions he was currently going through.

Rage: What do you want me to say, Kittie? There’s really nothing to say right now.

Kittie: You still have a rematch clause. This isn’t the end.

He lets out a laugh and takes another drink of his beer, walking around the counter and over towards Kittie.

Rage: I really don’t want to talk about it right now, Kittie. Actually, I don’t want to talk about it ever. So...just drop it.

Kittie: You’re kidding, right? You’re up?

He doesn’t say anything back to her. In fact, his next move almost shocks her, as it’s not something he’s ever done. He leans down and kisses her forehead and then walks away. Her jaw drops and she turns around and watches as Rage disappears downstairs, still drinking his beer. She brings her hand up to her forehead and finally picks her jaw up off the floor as she leans against the counter, trying to process what just happened.

Meanwhile downstairs, Rage is standing just outside what is left of his “trophy room.” The room that, just a few weeks ago, he destroyed. He hadn’t bothered to clean up after going completely insane in the room and demolishing every reminder of every accomplishment he had achieved throughout his career. He takes in a deep breath as he reaches his hand inside the darkened room and flips the light switch on the wall.

He stands in the doorway and looks around the mess he left, and takes another drink of his beer. He steps inside and closes his eyes, trying to feel something...anything. But he’s frozen.

His eyes burst open seconds later and he continues to stare around the room and what he had done. He looks down at the beer in his hand, and tries to will himself to just throw it against the wall. He wants to hear the shattering of glass. To feel the high from the destruction that follows.

But he can’t.

Rage: What the hell is wrong with me?!

Kittie: That’s what I’d like to know.

Kittie’s voice startles him and he spins around quickly, dropping his beer in the process. He doesn’t even think anything of it as he stares at her. She’s looking at the room for the first time since he destroyed it.

Kittie: You weren’t kidding when you said you destroyed this room. Do you at least feel better?

Rage shakes his head as he looks around the room.

Rage: No, I don’t. I...I don’t know what’s wrong with me Kittie. I lost the title...again...and I’m angry about it but...I can’t do fucking express it.

Kittie: You’re acting like that’s a bad thing.

Rage: This isn’t right Kittie. I’m not used to feeling all this shit.

Kittie steps over a pile of broken memorabilia and walks up to Rage.

Kittie: Look, I never thought I’d be the one to say this, but you don’t NEED to be so angry all the time. It’s ok to be calm every now and then.

Rage brings his hands up and squeezes the top of his head growing frustrated.

Rage: It’s not okay, Kittie! Not for me! It’s ruining shit for me in SCW now and I don’t know what the fuck to do.

Kittie: Dude, it’s only been twenty-four hours since Into The Void. You don’t have to have everything figured out right this second. Just take this guaranteed week off and fucking relax. That’s your problem. You worry about shit way too soon and you can’t ever seem to relax. You’ll give yourself a damn heart attack before you even turn forty!

Under normal circumstances, Rage would shoot a look at Kittie that could kill her in two seconds flat, but now? Now his head is shaking furiously as he keeps his eyes closed, trying to figure things out.

Rage: You don’t understand, Kittie. You just...don’t.

Kittie: Then HELP me to understand! We got married last week for Christ’s sake! I’m your wife now so just fucking talk to me! For once!

He continues shaking his head and his eyes burst open and he stares at Kittie. His eyes are filled with panic and his hands drop back down to his side.

Rage: You don’t...You can’t...You won’t.

He quickly stops making any sense when he speaks. Kittie reaches out to grab his arm, but he yanks it away and rushes past her and out of the room. Her jaw drops and she turns around just in time to hear the door upstairs slamming shut. She stands there for a few moments, blinking and then turns around, looking at all of Rage’s trophies and memories destroyed. She shakes her head, takes in a deep breath and then walks out, turning the light off behind her.

I...I don’t know what the fuck is happening to me. I thought for sure the devil inside me...the part of me that takes over in times like this...I thought for sure that side would come out. Help me figure out my next move and hopefully come up with some sort of plan of attack in regaining the World Heavyweight Championship.

But...I can’t feel that part of me anymore.

I’m angry, yeah, but...this is different. This is completely unfamiliar to me and I don’t know how the fuck to deal with this. J2H is once again parading around with the title, making his jokes and spouting off the “I Told You So’s” and now as the winner of the Blast From The Past Tournament, Lord Raab will get his shot at the title at Summer XXXTreme.

Fuck...this is not how this was supposed to go. This is not how I’m supposed to be feeling right now.

I can get the World Heavyweight title back. I know I can, whether or not everyone else believes I can. I even want it anymore? I may be a three time World Heavyweight Champion, but every single “run” I’ve had with the title hasn’t gone how I’ve expected it to. I really want to put myself through that shit again? Do I really want to make myself into a further embarrassment than I already am?

Fuck if I know. This is the first time in my life where I haven’t got a fucking clue what to do next.

I don’t even know who the fuck I am anymore.

Fast forward to a week later, and the week off should have been a much needed and welcomed time for rest and relaxation.  But it was far from that. Rage and Kittie should be enjoying the first couple of weeks as a married couple, but instead, they’ve barely spoken. And while Kittie wants to speak to him, she also wants to give him his time and space to figure things out and hopefully come to his senses.

But he hasn’t.

Kittie is currently in the kitchen making dinner for the both of them, but Rage is nowhere to be seen. She looks up every once in awhile and shakes her head, before she looks back down at the pan on the stove, stirring whatever she is making. She walks away from the stove for a moment when the sound of the door leading to the patio and pool area is heard opening. She turns her attention to the door, where Rage is seen stumbling inside the house.

He’s in just a pair of shorts and his eyes are barely open as he trips and stumbles over to the refrigerator. He grabs not one but two beers and twists the cap off of one, taking a huge gulp. Kittie shakes her head.

Kittie: Don’t you think you’ve had enough?

He doesn’t look at her. He shakes his head and then lets out a loud and disgusting belch.

Rage: Nope...

He then starts heading right back to patio door.

Kittie: Food will be ready soon. It would do you some good to eat something to soak up all the booze you’ve been drinking.

Rage laughs and shakes his head as he steps out into the pool area without saying another word. Kittie closes her eyes and growls. She heads back over to the stove and quickly shuts off the burner before she turns around and grabs her cell phone off of the counter. She goes through her contacts until she finds the number she is looking for and then hits send.

Kittie: Please don’t be working...Please don’t be working...

She almost expects the call to go to voicemail but her face lights up a few seconds later as the person on the other end answers.

Kittie: Oh thank fuck! Phil, are you busy right now?...Good. Look, I know this is a lot to ask, but I need your help right now...I know, Phil. I get that you two haven’t been on speaking terms lately, but he’s not doing too good right now...I’ve tried. I really have. But I don’t think I can do this shit by myself...Could you head over here and just help me try and get through to him?...Thanks, Phil. I owe you one...Alright, see you soon.

She lets out a sigh as she looks out by the pool. Rage is sitting on one of the large lounge chairs, working on his second beer now and he lets out another loud belch. Kittie shakes her head as she waits for Phil to get there.

She doesn’t wait too long, as within ten minutes, Phil’s car is pulling into the driveway. Kittie opens the door as Phil is walking up to the house. She has her left hand showing on the edge of the door, and when he walks inside, he spots the new wedding ring on her finger.

Phil: Did you two get married??

She nods.

Kittie: Yeah. While we were in New York. Look, we can talk about that later. We just need to get out there and talk to him.

Phil: Where is he?

She points towards the patio door and out by the pool.

Kittie: Sitting by the pool. Drunk.

Phil: Again?! Shit, why do I have to be the one to rescue him when he’s drunk?!

Kittie: This never used to be a problem, Phil. But something has changed recently. I’m not going to sit back and let him turn into some stumbling alcoholic and really ruin everything. He’s your brother. I know you’re mad at him, but he needs you. He needs us both. He has a match against James Tuscini in six days that I haven’t told him about yet and he’s not going to listen to me alone.

Phil sighs and shakes his head.

Phil: Alright. I’ll give it a shot, but you know as well as I do how stubborn he is. This might not work.

Kittie: We at least need to try.

Phil nods and makes his way towards the patio door, with Kittie right behind him. He slides open the door and steps out onto the deck. Rage is snoring loudly in the lounge chair, with a near empty beer bottle in his hand, ready to drop to the ground. Phil shakes his head as he walks up to the chair, and snatches the bottle out of his hand. Rage doesn’t move an inch as he keeps snoring away. Phil lightly kicks his leg.

Phil: Rage...

No answer. Kittie folds her arms and shakes her head and Phil kicks Rage again.

Phil: Rage...

Again nothing. Phil closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. When he opens his eyes, he leans down and smacks Rage hard across his head.

Phil: JAKE!

Rage bolts upright in the chair, looking around in a panic. He damn near falls out of the chair as Kittie and Phil stare at him with angry glares on their faces.

Rage: Huh?!

He looks towards Phil and Kittie and calms down, sinking back in the chair.

Rage: What are you doing here, Phil?

He closes his eyes prepared to fall back asleep, but Phil kicks his legs again, trying to keep him awake.

Phil: I’m here to help you, asshole. What the hell is going on with you lately?

Rage laughs as he looks up at Phil. Kittie remains quiet, hopeful that Phil can get through to his brother.

Rage: Nothing is going on, little bro. I’m just fine. Go back home to Maddie.

Phil: You’re NOT fine, Jake. You’re a mess. What the hell is going on?

Rage rolls his eyes and then turns his attention to Kittie.

Rage: You didn’t have to call him, Kittie. I’m fine. I just need time to figure shit out.

Kittie: Oh really? How much time exactly, because you’ve got a match coming up in six days and you’re still a mopey mess.

Rage arches an eyebrow.

Rage: A match? Against who?

Kittie bites her bottom lip, hesitant to tell him. He sits up quickly, staring at her impatiently.

Rage: Who the fuck am I facing, Kittie?!

Kittie: James Tuscini...

Rage starts laughing and shaking his head. Kittie and Phil briefly glance at one another before turning and staring back at Rage.

Phil: What is so funny?

Rage looks up at Phil.

Rage: You want to know what my problem is? You want to know what is so funny?!  THAT is fucking funny, Phil. That match is a fucking joke! I’m a fucking joke!

Kittie: Rage...

Kittie tries to get through to Rage but he shoots her a look that could kill.

Rage: Don’t, Kittie. Don’t even try and make me feel better about this shit, because it’s not gonna work. I go from being in the main event to facing a weird ass Italian dumbass like James Tuscini?!?! Fuck that shit.

Kittie goes to respond but Phil turns towards her, holding his hand up.

Phil: Kittie, do you mind giving me a few minutes to talk to him alone? I know you two are married now, but I’d like to talk to him alone for a second.

Kittie throws her hands up in the air.

Kittie: Fine by me. Maybe he’ll listen to you. Clearly he won’t listen to me and I’m his damn wife!

She turns and storms off back inside the house and Rage watches her. He has an almost remorseful look on his face and when he looks back up at his brother, Phil is glaring at him angrily. Rage lets out a laugh.

Rage: What the hell is your problem? You don’t have shit to be angry about.

Phil smacks Rage upside the head again.

Rage: What the fuck?! Stop that!

Phil: Maybe once you stop being such an asshole I will! Kittie is your wife, man! And you’re just going to sit here and act like this? Get over yourself!

Rage: I am over myself, Phil! I’m fucking over it all, because I don’t have shit anymore!

Rage flinches as Phil tries to smack him again, but Phil stops himself short this time.

Phil: What? So just because shit in SCW isn’t going so well right now, you think you don’t have shit? I think you’re pretty damn lucky to have a woman like Kittie putting up with you and your bullshit. So don’t say you don’t have shit, because you have her.

Rage: If she was smart she’d just go running. I’m an embarrassment to her anyway.

Phil laughs and rolls his eyes. He kicks the empty beer and other liquor bottles all around the chair as he continues to glare at Rage.

Phil: But she isn’t, so what does that tell you, huh? Seriously, Jake...

Rage: Would you stop calling me Jake?! Fuck!

Phil: No, I won’t. Because, regardless of this whole act you put on, Jake is who you are. And it’s who you always will be. Rage is just a God damned mask. A mask that you should just get rid of if you ask me, because it’s just going to destroy you sooner rather than later.

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: I wouldn’t be so sure about that one, Phil. It seems like Rage decided to go on a nice long vacation.

Phil: Not from where I’m standing he didn’t. Man, do you even know who the hell you are anymore?

Rage stares up at his brother, who quickly changes his demeanor. After a few moments, Rage lets out a sigh and shakes his head, lowering it as he looks to the ground and brings his hands up to his head.

Rage: I don’t know, Phil. I really fucking don’t. And now I’m just dragging Kittie right down with me.

Phil: No, you’re not. She’s here because she wants to be, but it seems like you’re trying to push her away. Which is pretty damn confusing considering you went and got married in New York.

Rage: Because I thought I could fucking make her proud, man. I thought I could actually defend the damn title and be a good champion for once. I’ve been wrong about so much shit lately.

Phil takes in a deep breath and pulls another chair up closer to Rage. He sits down so he’s eye level with Rage, and tries to be understanding with him.

Phil: Look, you need to think long and hard about what it is that you want and what you are doing. But, you can’t shut Kittie out. She believes in you, but because you’re going through a bit of a slump, you’re just ready to give up. She said you’re facing that Tuscini guy this week?

Rage nods and laughs again.

Rage: I guess so. Like I said, it’s a fucking joke.

Phil: Joke or not, don’t treat it like it is. If you want to continue with your career in wrestling, you need to just get serious about it again.

Rage: I’ve been serious about it Phil!

Phil shakes his head.

Phil: Not serious enough. You know what your biggest problem is?

Rage stares at him, slowly shaking his head even though he had a feeling he knew what Phil was about to say.

Phil: Your God damn temper. You’re letting it get the best of you.

Rage: Do I look like it’s getting the best of me, Phil?! I couldn’t even whip a fucking beer bottle against the wall last week no matter how pissed I got!

Phil: You’re letting it get the best of you because you think you need to do shit like that to get anywhere. You don’t! It’s dragging you down and fast.

Rage closes his eyes and keeps a grip on his head, growing more and more frustrated.

Rage: It’s who I’ve been for so fucking long, Phil. It’s who I fucking am!

Phil shakes his head.

Phil: It’s NOT who are you are, Jake. And it doesn’t have to be. I don’t know what it’s going to take for you to realize that, but you need to figure it out. You’re not a bad guy, but you have it in your head that you need to be for whatever reason. Just...get over it.

Phil pushes himself back to his feet and Rage looks up at him, almost sadly.

Rage: Where are you going?

Phil: I have a girlfriend to get back to and I have to work tonight. If you can’t get over this shit alone, Jake, at least let Kittie help you. She deserves that much.

Rage: I’m sorry, Phil...

Phil: Don’t apologize to me. You’re not doing anything to hurt me. You’re only hurting yourself...and Kittie. Just figure out who you are. Make your life and Kittie’s easier than this shit, because it’s not fair to either of you.

Rage lets out a sigh and just nods. Phil pats his brother on the shoulder before he turns and heads back inside the house. Rage stays out there for several minutes, thinking about everything his brother just said to him. He buries his head in his hands and kicks some of the empty bottles away from him in frustration.

So this is what it has come down to, huh? This is what I’m being reduced to? Mid card status facing guys like James Tuscini? Fucking ridiculous. Fucking pathetic, honestly. How could I let this happen?

I had it all! I was right where I wanted to be...where I should be! I worked my ass off for so fucking long and I finally made it back to the main event level and to the World Heavyweight Championship. I was the fucking champion, and now? I’m fucking nothing and facing James Tuscini!

Oh but James Tuscini isn’t someone to take lightly, right? He’s not completely worthless, right? He’s actually a pretty tough opponent because he held the Roulette Championship for how long? He’s made a pretty big impact in the year that he’s been here, so it shouldn’t be that big a deal facing him, right?

Fuck off with that shit! James Tuscini is worthless. James Tuscini is laughable at best, and being put up against him goes to show just what everyone thinks of me now, doesn’t it? Here’s your punishment for losing the World Heavyweight Championship two times within a matter of a month. Face a member of the Blood Legion or whatever the fuck they’re calling themselves.

Let me tell you what facing James Tuscini is going to be like. Some people think I’m boring, but if you ask me, they need to sit and watch a James Tuscini promo because that shit...that is painful on so many fucking levels. Half the time I don’t even know what he’s saying, because I can’t even focus when I’m watching. Not that I’ve ever had a reason to watch, because I’ve never even faced the guy. Not that I can remember anyway.

What does that say, huh? I can’t even remember if I’ve ever faced him, meaning he ain’t that damn memorable to begin with. And I still can’t believe I have to face him as it is! I honestly have no fucking clue what I’m doing anymore. I don’t know if this shit is worth it, because if I’m just going to be degraded and facing guys like James Tuscini or hell, worse than him, what the fuck is the point anymore?

But Kittie and Phil think I should get it over with and just keep at it. Go into this match and not look at it as a joke or an embarrassment in any way. that is even possible. While I have to face James Tuscini, I have to sit back and watch Lord Raab and J2H fight over a title that should still be mine.

Or should it? I don’t even fucking know! All I know is that I wasn’t ready to give it up and walk away. My body isn’t ready to call it quits and find something else to do for a living, but everything else is telling me maybe it is. Maybe this match against James Tuscini should be my last?

Maybe...just maybe.

And if it is my last...I need to make the most of it go out on a high note. Go out with a fucking win, because there ain’t no way I’m going to let myself lose to some annoying Italian shithead.

I just can’t…

Character Building Roleplays / Evolution of Rage: Part 1
« on: May 15, 2017, 07:44:18 PM »
 (OOC note: So the first part of this would have been in my 2nd RP for ITV if I had found motivation and inspiration to write anything...which didn't happen until last night. Anyway..enjoy, as there is more to be told after this!)

The sun begins to peek in through the bedroom window, shining right in Rage’s face. He wasn’t ready to get up and out of bed. He was still more than exhausted, even considering last night was the best night’s sleep he remembered having in years. Kittie is still sound asleep next to him, and he would stay right where he’s at if the early morning piss call hadn’t suddenly hit him. A low grumble escapes him as he shoves the sheet and the blanket from off of him and throws his legs over the side of the bed, placing his feet flat on the floor. He stretches his arms and lets out a bear like yawn and pushes himself to his feet.

Shit, something doesn’t feel right. Why are his bones so damn achy this morning? That four corners match must have taken more out of him than he thought. No big deal. He’s got time to bounce back on the week off. He finally takes a step away from the bed, heading towards the bathroom, and when he unexpectedly lets out a loud fart!

Okay, being a guy or not, he’s not used to that happening. He let’s out a chuckle though as he heads into the bathroom and towards the toilet. He flips the seat up, positions himself and starts to relieve himself as he another fart rip loose!

Rage: Okay...what the fuck is with the gas this morning?! Seriously?!

He finishes doing his business, flushes the toilet and then heads over to the sink to wash his hands. He doesn’t look into the mirror at first, but when he shakes he excess water from his hands after rinsing the soap off, he looks up into the mirror for a split second. He glances down, but when his reflection finally hits him, he looks up at the mirror again quickly, in a panic!

Rage: What the fucking fuck?!

This isn’t possible. This can’t be possible. How’d he age that much overnight?! And more importantly, how the fuck did he grow a clean shaven beard and mustache like that?! And hair! He had hair again!

Rage: What the fuck is going on?!?!

He touches the mirror, thinking this can’t be real, but it is. He brings his hands up to his head and pulls at his hair, in full on panic mode now. When he turns around to storm out of the bathroom, Kittie is standing there, looking at him in confused horror.

Kittie: Jake? What’s wrong?!

Jake? Did she just call him Jake?!

Rage: W-what did you just call me?! Kittie, what the fuck is--

Wait a minute. Something was off. He’s not in the bathroom of his and Kittie’s hotel room like he thought. He knew where they were, They were just in New York so how could they be back home in Las Vegas?!

Rage: H-how did we get back home?!

Kittie raises an eyebrow and takes a step towards him, concern written all over her face.

Kittie: Jake, what are you talking about? We’ve been home! Are you feeling okay?

He starts shaking his head furiously before he storms past here, back into their bedroom. A strange sound coming from the room just down the hall causes him to freeze in place and listen carefully. Now that...THAT definitely isn’t possible! Kittie stands behind him, staring at him still concerned and a few moments later a little boy, only a few years old at most, runs into the room and right up to Rage, throwing his arm around Rage’s leg!

Boy: Daaaaddddyyy!

Da...WHAT?! Rage looks down at the little boy, unable to move. Who is this kid? Why the hell is he calling him Daddy?! Rage looks behind him at Kittie, but she walks up to the little boy, scooping him up into her arms and a few moments later, a flame-haired teenage girl walks into the room, holding a younger little girl, less than a year old, in her arms.

Rage: E-ember?!

Rage immediately recognizes her. She’s older, yes, but that was definitely his and Electra’s daughter standing his house...with a baby in her arms!

Ember: Ugh. Kittie, has Dad been on the sauce again?

Kittie: Hell if I know. Jacob, sweetie, calm down!

Jacob? She just called the little boy in her arms Jacob. So...whose baby is Ember holding?

Rage: I...What the...WHO?!

Rage points to the baby in Ember’s arms.

Ember: Dad, are you high?! If you are, I’ll just put Sarah back in her crib, but she prefers you in the mornings…

Rage: Sarah? Jacob? Ember???

This is all too confusing for him. Kittie adjusts Jacob in her arms as he squirms and fidgets, fighting to get put down. But she knows the second she does, he’ll take off like a bat out of hell, and she’s too concerned with, Jake, right now.

Kittie: Jake, why are you looking at the kids like you’ve never seen them before?

Rage spins and stares at Kittie, and little Jacob in her arms, who is reaching out towards Rage.

Rage: Because I haven’t! This...this isn’t real! Kittie, we were just in New York last night for Into The Void! And now you’re telling me that we have two kids?! And what is Ember doing here?!

Ember stares at her father, trying not to laugh.

Ember: Riiiiight. This is my cue to head back to my room. Dad, you really need to lay off the sauce. You make yourself look like a fool.

Ember then walks away, laughing, as she takes baby Sarah back to the nursery and then disappears into her own room. Kittie stays behind, but Jacob is giving her a hard time so she finally puts him down.

Kittie: Alright, Jacob. Fine! Go get Ember and play with her for a little bit while I talk to Daddy.

Jacob then takes off running out of the room, squealing and laughing. A few moments later, Ember can be heard shouting as Jacob runs into her room. Kittie walks over to their bedroom door, closing it so they can talk privately.

Kittie: Alright. What the hell is going on with you?! You’re acting really strange right now.

Rage grips at his head as he looks around the room. This was definitely their room. In their house in Las Vegas, but the entire situation was not familiar to him.

Rage: I’m telling you, Kittie, I don’t know what the hell--

Kittie: Ok, you mentioned Into The Void in New York. Jake, that was four years ago!

Rage: Why do you keep calling me Jake?!

Kittie stares at Rage, mouth gaped open and eyes wide. She runs her hand through her hair, trying to wrap her head around his behavior.

Kittie: Uhh...maybe because that’s your name? We’ve been calling you Jake for a while now.

Rage: It is NOT my fucking name!

Kittie takes a step towards Rage, sending him a warning glare.

Kittie: Would you keep your voice down if you’re going to swear like that again?!

She speaks through gritted teeth and Rage backs up, shaking his head. He collapses down onto the edge of the bed, still gripping his head.

Rage: Wh-what...what happened to me? Did I get hit over the head too hard or something? I..I can’t figure out what the fuck is going on!

Kittie: Jake....Rage...

He looks up at her, still in a complete panic. Beads of sweat start to drip down his head and he slowly starts hyperventilating. Kittie walks up to him, placing her hands on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

Kittie: Look, I guess I have to remind you about what happened, but...J2H won the title back that night, Rage. You tried to stay in the game, couldn’t. You retired a couple of months later and we came back home. Good thing, too, because we found out I was pregnant with Jacob not long after that.

Rage closes his eyes. He tries to remember, but he can’t. The last thing he remembers was walking out of Into The Void without the title and then waking up here. Four years later?

Rage: Four years? Four years?!

He looks up at Kittie and she nods.

Kittie: I don’t know what is going on, but yeah. Four years. This is what you wanted, though. I didn’t force any of this on you, and we’ve been pretty damn happy actually. Things are great.

Rage points towards the door as if pointing out to the hall.

Rage: And Ember?

Kittie: really don’t remember any of it?

Rage shakes his head and stands up quickly, smacking his head, trying to jog his memory he thinks he lost.

Rage: No! None of this makes sense, Kittie! I...We...TWO KIDS?!

The room starts spinning, and he lurches forward, feeling like he’s going to be sick. Kittie runs up to her man, placing a concerned hand on his back but it all becomes too much for the big man to handle and he passes out right then and there, his head smacking against the floor with a loud THUD!

And just like that his eyes burst open, and he’s staring up at the ceiling of the darkened room. He bolts upright in the bed and looks around in a panic. Kittie is sound asleep next to him, somehow not woken up by his night terror. He’s breathing heavily, but as he looks around the room, realizing it was all a dream, he starts to quickly calm down.

Rage: A dream...It was all a fucking dream.

He takes in a deep breath and swings his legs over the edge of the bed, planting his feet on the floor. He places his hands on his knees, breathing slowly as he looks up and out the patio door at the New York City Skyline.

Into The Void VI wasn’t the night that Rage was expecting or hoping for. Once again he walked in as the World Heavyweight Champion, but walked out with nothing at all. J2H had done it. He had regained the World Heavyweight Championship, now making him a two-time champ and Rage a further embarrassment to all champions. He didn’t know what was happening. He felt himself going on a downward spiral and his career quickly fading into nothing, making everything that J2H had said about him right. And, of course, it just made him angry.

But not at J2H. Not at anyone else. No, it made him angry at himself. For allowing this to happen to him. For only having himself to blame as he grows into a bigger disappointment and embarrassment to everyone around him and everyone in SCW. And he had no idea what to do about it. His anger this time left him stark frozen.

In the back of his mind he wanted to go nuts. He wanted to storm backstage and destroy everything like he had done a few weeks ago after losing the title to Jeremiah Hardin. But he didn’t. This time he was left almost catatonic. He was left speechless for the most part, that much was clear. Kittie had followed closely behind him after the match and she was surprised when all he wanted to do was head back to the hotel for the night.

Instead of heading back to Las Vegas right away, he opted to stay one more night in New York City. And far be it from Kittie to try and persuade him to do otherwise. She was in no hurry to get back to Las Vegas, either. So they went back to the hotel and to her surprise, Rage had actually fallen asleep before she did. He passed out cold...practically dead to the world.

But here he is now, wide awake at three o’clock in the morning, staring out at New York City. He closes his eyes and tries to process everything running through his mind right now, but he can’t. And that dream...or was it a nightmare? Whatever it was, it gave him even more to think about as at least one aspect was a reality.

J2H recaptured the World Heavyweight Championship, and he had no idea what to do about his future in SCW. Not that he had to make any decisions right away. As he continues to think, he turns around and stares at Kittie fast asleep in the bed. He glances down to his left hand, and the wedding band now placed on his ring finger. It was something he never thought he’d ever see. But he wouldn’t change it.

He walks back over to the bed and crawls in under the covers again, getting as close to Kittie as he can. But he’s not about to wake her up for a late night(or is it early morning?) roll in the hay.

Instead, he just wraps his arm around her and closes his eyes, trying to fall back asleep…


Supercard Archives / Rage Vs Jeremiah Hardin Vs J2H Vs Drake Green
« on: May 06, 2017, 10:12:03 PM »
 Later that night…

I can’t sleep. Go figure, right? I’ve been awake for almost two days straight, and I’m running on pure fumes at this point. Kittie and I had sorted shit out following the incident with the ring rat, and she was left thoroughly satisfied with me proving that I’m loyal to her and have no plans on getting involved with the likes of a ring rat. She’s currently passed on on her stomach in the bed, covered by the sheet, as I’m standing by the door leading to the balcony outside the room.

I stand there for a long while, just staring out the door. I don’t want to step outside, because it might wake Kittie, and for all I know, there could be a crazed ring rat stalking my every move. I need sleep, and soon, because if not, it’s going to catch up to me and fast and with a match with everything at stake coming up in just a week’s time, I can’t have a lack of sleep be my downfall.

“When is the last time you slept?” I hear Kittie’s sleepy voice say behind me a few minutes later. I turn around and see she’s sitting up in the bed, holding the sheet up, and staring at me.

“I’m fine.” I lie, trying to reassure her. “Go back to sleep.”

“You need sleep, Rage.” She shakes her head and says. “If not you’re seriously going to crash, and you have a lot of shit to do this week.”

I let out a sigh as I look back outside, watching the planes approaching the airport. “I know that, Kittie. I just have a lot of shit on my mind. And that fight earlier just added to it.”

She laughs. “Yeah, but I thought the angry make-up sex afterwards had sorted that shit out.” She grins at me as I look back to her.

“I’m not saying it didn’t.” I reply as I turn and walk back over to the bed. “I’m just...I’m getting burnt out Kittie. I need shit to go my way next week. I need it more than any of those other assholes do, but this is all draining me more than I’m letting it show.”

I sit back down on the edge of the bed and she slides closer to me, pressing her body against mine. “You can do this, Rage. You have what it takes to beat all of them, but you just need to relax and focus. Focus on keeping that title with you, because one wrong move and any one of them will take advantage of that. Especially J2H.”

I roll my eyes and let out a laugh at that last part. “Yeah, don’t fucking reminding me. I know he’ll try and capitalize on any fucking mistake I make, but something tells me he’s not going to focus on me in this match, Kittie. He doesn’t need to pin me to win the title back. He knows I’ll be the hardest one to pin.”

“You’ll also be hard to take out of the equation.” She reminds me, placing her chin on my shoulder. “You can stop any one of them from pinning the other so just quit worrying about it. But don’t focus about this shit tonight, alright? Try to get some fucking sleep, because now that I know you’re not sleeping, I’m not gonna be able to sleep unless you do.”

I shake my head and turn around to face her. “What if I can’t, Kittie?” I ask, confusing her. “What if I can’t stop any one of them from pinning the other? Or worse, what if one of them pins me? It was bad enough just worrying about facing J and Drake, but now that Hardin is in the mix? They’ll be gunning for him more than me because he’s the fucking weak link in this match”

“Dude, I thought going to the Anger Room the other day helped you?” She asks, annoyed.

“It did.” I reply with a nod. “At first anyway. I mean, it helped to keep my anger in check, but now comes the fucking doubt. I can’t deal with this shit. And if I didn’t have you here right now, I’d be fucking lost.”

She grins. “Good to hear you say that, but dude, you need to relax, seriously. Quit letting yourself get all over the place like this, because it’s the last thing you need right now.”

I let out a sigh and shake my head again, turning my back on her again. She wraps her arms around my neck a few moments later, trying to calm me down, and it slowly starts to work. A crazy thought creeps into my mind out of the blue, but I keep it in. As if sensing it, she immediately calls me out.

“What is it?” She asks, bringing her face closer to mine. “Something just got to you.”

“How the fuck could you tell?” I turn my head just enough to look at her.

“Because you tensed up a bit, idiot.” She barks back. “I’m not fucking stupid. I know you better than you know yourself sometimes.”

“What if I lose, Kittie?” I ask and she backs away, letting out a growl, but she didn’t let me finish that thought. “Hold on before you go and get pissed off again.”

“You’re obviously convinced you’re going to lose, Rage, so it doesn’t really matter what I fucking say.” She folds her arms and leans back against the headboard.

“Do you really want to be associated with a loser like me if I don’t win this match? I’ll be the laughing stock of SCW. Do you really want to marry that?!” I explain.

“Dude, I agreed to marry you before you even won the title in the first place. Why the hell would I go back on that if you lose this match?” She asks.

“Because I’d be letting you down. I’d be letting myself down. I can’t give you all the shit that J gives to Melody..” She lets out a loud laugh but I look at her very seriously. Her laughter soon subsides, thankfully, because I’m fairly sure she could wake the people in the next room.

“You’re serious?!” She exclaims as quietly as possible. “I’m not with you for your money, Rage. No offense to Melody, but I don’t need to be showered with extravagant shit or shit like that. And please don’t try and use me as an excuse for this sudden negative attitude you have going on.”

I let out a sigh and push situate myself back on the bed, laying back against the headboard right next to her. “You want to get married?” I ask, out of the blue.

She laughs. “Uh, judging by the ring on my finger, I think I already agreed to that.”

I quickly turn and grab her, lifting her up and placing her so she’s straddling my lap. It takes her off guard but I look at her very seriously as she laughs again. “No, I mean this week. While we’re here in New York. We’ve been engaged long enough, don’t you think? Why not just get it over with?”

Her jaw drops and she stares at me, trying to get any indication that I’m joking, but I’m not. “You’’re serious?” I nod and she blinks. “Rage, you HAVE to focus on this match. If you really want to push up the wedding, we can just get married when we get back to Vegas.”

I shake my head. “No. This week, Kittie. I NEED at least one good thing to happen this week. It’ll motivate me to keep the good vibes going. So let’s do it. Let’s just get married this week.”

She sits back, jaw still dropped, as she thinks it over. She runs her hand through her hair and blinks, taken back at my idea to get married sooner than planned. “You’re sure?” She asks.

“Do you honestly think I would suggest it if I wasn’t?” I ask.

“Alright then.” She replies with a smile. “Let’s get married this week. But one thing.”

I raise an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“If you lose the title on Sunday, I want an annulment.” She grins and winks at me, clearly just joking.

I roll my eyes and growl before I flip her on her back and prop myself above her as I look down into her eyes. “Not a fucking chance, Kittie. We’re stuck with each other now.” She goes to laugh again, but I bring my lips to her in a fiery kiss, ready for round two.

And then, hopefully, I can get some God-damned sleep!  

So I guess it’s time to get down to it, huh? It’s time to say what’s on my mind about the three assholes I’m putting my title on the line against next week. I’m sure some people are expecting me to be nervous or worried that I’m going to lose the World Heavyweight Championship so soon after regaining it against Jeremiah Hardin last week. Well, let me tell ya, anyone who thinks that is dead wrong, because now that I have the title back in my possession, where it belongs, I ain’t letting it go.

Let’s talk about the ugly equation in this mix, shall we? And that’s the mother fucker I “lost” the title to just a few weeks ago, then went on to take it right back last week. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Jeremiah Hardin. You see, this match was never supposed to include you, Hardin. You’re an addition to this match that shouldn’t even be here, and to tell ya the honest fucking truth, you don’t even fucking matter because if there is one thing I am sure about, it’s that YOU won’t be walking out as a two-time World Heavyweight Champion. The fact that you can even say you are a ONE time champ pisses me off more than anything.

Jeremiah, this will be the third supercard in a row that I’ve faced you and quite honestly, I’m fucking sick of it. I had hoped to face someone more worth my damn time, hell even worth ANYONE’s time, but I guess shit happens, right? You’re on a losing streak when it comes to supercards, and next Sunday, that losing streak continues, because the odds are stacked against YOU, asshole. This is the LAST time we face off at a supercard. That much I will make sure of after this, because as much as I like winning, the easy wins just fucking piss me off.

And then we have Drake Green. The fucking planter’s wart of SCW. The thorn in everyone’s side. The fucking zit that just won’t go away. Drake, I’m sure you’re going to talk a whole lot of shit once you decide to say whatever the fuck you need/want to say, but let me just say, I’m not buying into this whole passion ya got for this business. You don’t come back just for the people. You don’t do this because you love wrestling. You do it for the fucking attention and to try and get people to remember who you are, as soon as they start forgetting your name. And you just want to be known as a five-time World Champ, but I promise you Drake, that ain’t gonna happen.

I’m not going to let a fucking retired part-time washed up asshole walk out of Into The Void as a five-time champion! I’m sick of seeing your God-damned face around this place. Hell I’m sick of even seeing your bitch wife, but at least I don’t have to have any contact with her. You’re bad enough, but here’s what I’m going to do. Once I’m done dealing with Hardin...or once either you or J eliminate him from the equation because I’m pretty sure the ONE thing we can all agree on is that we don’t want that fucktard to walk out with the belt. Once Hardin is dealt with, I’m going to deal with you, Drake. I’m going to do everyone a fucking favor and send you back to retirement where you belong, and this time, maybe you’ll just fucking stay gone. This match should only be about two people, Drake. Regardless if you get a rematch or not, the REAL main event contenders in this match are and have always been J and I. Because THAT is what the people want to see.

That’s what I’ve fucking wanted for over a fucking year now!

J2H. James...Huntington-Hawkes...The Third. I’ve saved the best for last. The most irritating, I should say, because this is the chance I’ve been waiting for for so long. This is the ONE person I have wanted to face more than anything else and if there is one thing that just gets my blood boiling, it’s the fact that this ain’t a one-on-one like it should be. But, that’ll work for now.

J, I’ll give ya props where it’s due. Ya managed to win the World Heavyweight Championship and stay the champ for over a year. You’re the one who can say he’s done that. So, bravo, kid. You’ve cemented yourself in SCW history and no one can take that from ya. But, let me just break something to ya, J. The longer you held that title, the more people got bored of seeing you as champ. You can try and deny it all you want. You can try and say they paid to see you and only you, but that shit ain’t true. People are fucking OVER you as champ. They don’t want to see that shit anymore.

Now, don’t get me wrong here. They might not want to see ME as champ, either, but hey, at least I’m something fucking different. At least I’m a fresh face holding the damn title. At least I’m a new challenge...a bigger challenge. Your time at the top of the mountain is fucking over, J. Just face it and move on, because no matter what you say or do, just like Jeremiah Hardin, you ain’t walking out as a two-time champ.

Three opponents. Three fucking shitheads wanting to walk out with MY title, each thinking they have a reason to claim it as theirs, but the only one who can lay claim to this title is ME because it’s in MY possession and that is where it is staying! I don’t care if I don’t have to be the one to get pinned in this match. I can damn well make sure that none of you assholes are the one to lose it for me, because if that shit happens? That’s not something I’m going to forget.

It’s MY fucking time right now. I’m at the top of the fucking mountain where I belong and I REFUSE to walk out of Into The Void defeated and without my title. Summer is just around the corner and this is going to be the Summer of Rage. I’m going to be the one to lead this fucking division from here on out, because the rest of you fuckers?

You just don’t deserve it.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Four clocks are running as we head into Into The Void, assholes. Once all is said and done, three of those clocks will be busted and broken...unfixable. The last one will keep ticking.

That’s my fucking clock, guys. My time isn’t running out. My time is just beginning, and it’s going to keep on running for quite some time. Prepare yourselves, assholes.

Because I’m not going down without a fucking fight.

Supercard Archives / Rage Vs Jeremiah Hardin Vs J2H Vs Drake Green
« on: May 06, 2017, 10:11:19 PM »
 I told you so! What did I fucking tell you people?! I said I was going to walk into that rematch on Climax Control and take back the World Heavyweight title, but still certain people doubted. Especially Jeremiah Hardin. He really thought he was going to beat me a second time, this time without help? Fucking idiot! And you know what that makes me now?

A three-time World Heavyweight Champion! Only the second guy on the roster to do that and the first that really matters, because Drake Green does what so many others have done. He comes back and sets his sights on the Word Heavyweight Championship. Somehow, he ends up winning the damn thing because the fucker that he faced was too worthless to let Drake lose and you know what happens? Drake goes on to lose the fucking belt not long after and he fucking disappears again.

That shit ain’t gonna happen this time. The circumstances surrounding how I won, lost and then won the title back in the first place might be a little hectic and controversial in their own way, but that shit doesn’t matter to me. The fact is that I AM a three time World Heavyweight Champion and I’m NOT going to lose the title so soon after I just got it back from Hardin.

I still have my doubters. That’s is pretty fucking obvious, but let people think what they want to think because I don’t give a shit if you doubt me. Doubting me only motivates me to prove all you fuckers wrong, because I’ll stand back and just fucking smile when I crush the predictions you have. Especially if you’re one of the FEW people who still put your faith in Jeremiah Hardin.

Let me break it down for you people, if you didn’t get the hint last week. Jeremiah Hardin can’t win the title on his own. That much is VERY fucking clear. He tried last week and he failed. So, unless you people know something I don’t, Jeremiah Hardin is not a person you want to be betting on. I’d tell you to bet on Drake or J sooner than I would tell you to EVER put money on Jeremiah getting the title back.

But, those two assholes aren’t going to win either. I’m not letting this title go. I refuse to let the title slip away to a washed up retired has-been, an annoying past his time little prick, and a cheater. Just ain’t happening.

They’re gonna have to pry the title from my cold, dead hands.

Sunday April 30th
Boston, MA
After Climax Control

What a fucking night! Not that I had any doubt that it would happen, but my World Heavyweight Championship is back where it belongs. And it’s going to stay that way. And let me tell ya, what a difference two weeks makes, because Jeremiah Hardin was lacking a bit this week. Gee...wonder why that could be?

It’s pretty fucking obvious. The douchebag didn’t have any help from J2H and he wasn’t as strong as he was in that last match so I’m guessing the voo-doo vibes were in the back where they belong. And it fucking paid off! I’m a three-time World Heavyweight Champion! I’m fucking going to the main event at Into The Void which is where I fucking belong.

I’m not one to celebrate very often, if ever, but tonight just calls for it. It’s just me and Kittie, as it has been for a while now, and as much as shit gets too quiet at times without being around Despayre or the others, it’s really how I prefer it to be. I don’t know what we intend to do tonight, but considering I’m not a fan of Boston as it is, I’d much rather just go back to the hotel and celebrate there.

Kittie is carrying my World Heavyweight title proudly for me, and I’m carrying our bags as we are walking out of the arena. She’s blabbering away about something, but I couldn’t tell ya what the hell she’s saying because I’m tuning it out the entire walk to our car. Just as we’re a few feet away from the car and I hit the unlock button on the key, I hear a voice behind me that stops me dead in my tracks.

“Jake?” She says. And by she, I mean someone I never wanted to see again. Her voice sounds older and frailer than I remember, but like I give a shit.

Kittie turns around, but I keep my back to her. I glance at Kittie from the corner of my eye and her eyes are wide as she stares at the woman standing behind me. Kittie elbows me, but I don’t move. I can’t, because I don’t want to face this bitch behind me.

“Jake, please turn around and talk to me.” She says and I close my eyes, still refusing to turn around.

I drop mine and Kittie’s bags on the ground and feel my hands clench into fists. Everything in me is telling me not to turn around. Not to face this woman, but Kittie elbows me again, harder this time and my eyes shoot open. I take in a deep breath and let out a quiet growl as I slowly turn around to face her. For the first time in just about two years, I come face to face with my mother, and the reunion is not a pleasant one. Not for me anyway.

“The fuck are you doing here?” I snap at her. The truth is, I don’t give a shit why she’s here. The fact is that she’s here, but this little conversation won’t last long, because I’m not interested in anything she has to say.

“I heard your company was in town,” she says and takes a step closer to me. I hold up my hand, warning her not to walk any further and she stops. “I wanted to see you. I had hoped Phillip would be with you.”

My eyes narrow angrily at her. How fucking dare she bring up Phillip after what happened last time she saw him. I shake my head and keep my fists clenched at my sides. “Well he’s not. So you can hop back in your car and fucking leave.”

She shakes her head. “I can’t do that. Not yet. I’d really like to talk to you.”

“He has nothing to say to you, lady.” Kittie chimes in before I can respond. She takes a step forward in my defense, and my bitch mother turns her attention to her. “You may have given birth to him, but you’re not his mother. You’re not his family, so just leave us alone.”

My mother smiles. The bitch actually SMILES, but almost in a mocking way. “You must be the woman who has stolen his heart?” She asks, unimpressed. “Kittie, is it?”

Kittie snarls at her. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, I am.” She adjusts the title over her shoulder and offers my mother a smug grin. “And you’re the bitch who gave birth to him and treated him like shit before tossing him in a psychiatric ward when he was a kid. Let’s place bets on who he loves more?”

My mother shakes her head. She opens her mouth to speak, but I take a step forward, standing between her and Kittie, and glaring at her. “I’d choose your words carefully, Mother, because if you even think about insulting or threatening my fiancee in any way, I won’t hesitate to have her permanently break your hips.”

She turns her attention back to me and frowns. “I wouldn’t dream of insulting someone I don’t even know, but clearly you have found your perfect match.” She states, and I’m fairly sure it’s a backhanded compliment. I’ll let it slide for now though. “I was actually hoping to talk to you about Ember.”

Kittie and I both go wide-eyed and my hands quickly unclench as I just blink for a few moments. I look to Kittie, and neither of us knows what to say but I end up turning back to my mother, trying to figure out what to say to her, if anything. “Ember?’

She nods. “Yes. Ember. Jake, were you ever going to tell me I had a granddaughter?”

I let out a loud laugh and bring my hand up, running it over my head. “You don’t have a granddaughter. So let’s try not to make a bigger deal out of this shit than it is.” I reach down and pick up our bags, ready to leave. She sees this and immediately takes a step closer to me.

“It IS a big deal, Jake!” She shouts at me, almost pleading with me. “That beautiful little girl has my blood running through her veins. She IS my granddaughter whether you want to admit it or not.”

I let out a loud growl and she jumps back. “FUCK YOU!” I shout, unable to hold my anger in any longer. “I don’t know how you fucking found out about Ember, but I don’t really give a shit. I’m not her father. You’re not her grandmother, so don’t try and try and spin the family bullshit on me, because I’ve never been a part of the Sullivan family. Not really. So again, fuck you!”

“Electra came to see me.” She admits, and I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m pissed off, but I should have known Electra would do something like that. “She’s a lovely woman, and from what I’ve been told, Ember is an amazing little girl. Why you would refuse to be a part--”

“ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!” I shout even louder this time, dropping our bags again in the process. “What the fuck are you getting at, lady?! What the fuck are you trying to do here other than royally pissing me off?!” She stares at me, growing terrified. She’d never seen me this angry before, but I won’t hesitate to let her witness my anger in all it’s dangerous glory, because maybe it’ll keep her the fuck away from me in the future.

“I...I’m not trying to do anything, Jake!” She says, taking a step further back from me. “I just don’t want to see a little girl suffer because--”

“Because of the mistakes YOU and my piece of shit father made?!” I snap at her. I can feel Kittie’s eyes watching me the entire time, and if it weren’t for the fact that she is here right now, I probably would have done something I’d regret later. “That kid is better off not being a part of this fucked up family of yours, lady. She’s doomed as it is have the Sullivan blood running through her veins, but being introduced to you? I wouldn’t torture her like that.”

Her eyes well up and I can see she is about to cry. “’s going to happen. Next week, actually. Electra is bringing her here to Boston to meet Ashley and I.”

I close my eyes, feeling the rage building even more. I feel like I’m about to go fifty shades of postal on this bitch, but a few moments later Kittie reaches her hand towards me and grips my arm. I immediately feel myself relaxing just a little bit, but when I open my eyes to look at my mother again, I just feel like being sick.

“Do whatever the fuck you want to do, lady.” I finally tell her. “Just keep me the hell out of it. And keep Phillip out of it, because he doesn’t need your shit either.” I warn her.

“It doesn’t have to be this way.” She pleads again. But, sadly for her, no amount of pleading is going to change my view on her. Ever. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes, Jake. I won’t stand here and deny that to you, and I wouldn’t deny it to Phillip if given the chance. I just want a chance to make things right before…” She chokes up and her voice trails off as a tear rolls down her cheek. I don’t even bother asking her what she meant by that, because I don’t fucking care.

“Almost thirty years is a little fucking late for that.” I snarl at her. “You have no one to blame but yourself, so do us both a favor and quit wasting both our time trying to get me to forgive you, because it ain’t gonna happen.”

She starts crying now. Full on bawling as she turns to Kittie, taking a pleading step towards her. “Kittie, please. Help me here. He loves you. He listens to you.”

She lets out a laugh and shakes her head. “Loves me, sure. Listens to me?” She grins. “Not so much. And why should I do anything to help you? He’s my fiancee. I’m not going to force him to do shit he doesn’t want to do. Especially where you are concerned.”

For a second, I think the bitch is going to pass out right in front of us, and a part of me is hoping she does. She brings her hand up to her forehead and just takes in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself, and I look at Kittie, quietly telling her to head towards the car.

“I’m sorry, Jake.” My mother says again, but no amount of apologies will matter. “I failed you as a mother, I know. I failed Phillip. But I’m so proud of you for finding a strong woman to stand by your side.” She looks to Kittie again before looking back to me, running out of things to say.

“Well I’m just soooo glad you’re proud of me, Mother.” I say very sarcastically. “Now, why don’t you go ahead and turn around and disappear from my life for good?”

“I can see now that it really is too late.” She finally gives in as I reach down and pick up our bags again. “Congratulations on your championship win and on your upcoming wedding. Despite the circumstances, as I said before, I’m really proud of you, Jake. You’re my first born son and you’ve made a life for yourself that your father and I clearly couldn’t give you.”

I roll my eyes and say nothing back as I turn my back to her. I hear her sniffle a few times and nothing else is said between the three of us. I listen as she walks away, followed by the sound of a car door closing and a few moments later the car drives off out of the parking lot. But I can’t move. Seeing her again just brought on this deep rooted hatred and anger towards her...towards my father and my sister. I feel myself start shaking as I close my eyes, and the anger starts to grow unstable.

Kittie suddenly wraps her arms around my midsection, embracing me. It’s as if she could sense the anger just dying to be unleashed and she wants to calm me down before I do anything stupid. I take in a few deep breaths and start to relax, but not fast enough.

“Don’t let that shit bother you, Rage.” She tells me, trying to calm me down faster. “And don’t let it ruin your good mood.”

“A little late for that.” I respond, breathing slowly.

“Well I think I might know a good way for you to unleash some of that pent up frustration you have going on.” I can tell from her tone just where she is headed with this, and I couldn’t agree more. Not that it wasn’t already planned for tonight, but when one of us is angry, it’s a good indication of how the night is going to end.

“I don’t know, Kittie.” I say as I turn around to face her with a wicked grin on my face. “You think you can handle me unleashing all of this on you?” As if I needed to ask that. She grins right back at me, but says nothing as she walks around me and heads to the car with a shrug of her shoulders. I quickly follow behind her, knowing she’s just teasing me, again. Trying to piss me off even more.

At least this night will end on a high note...literally.

The more I think about it, the more I’m glad and relieved that I let Kittie stick around with me not only on this tour but in SCW as a whole. It’s a damn good thing I have her in my life, especially the last few weeks, because if I didn’t, I’d probably be in some major shit right now. Other than the really great angry sex, I don’t know how she has managed to help bring my anger back down to a manageable level.

I never saw myself as the type of guy to ever get married. I know shit can change, but I’ve never had the patience to deal with a woman long enough to consider spending the rest of our lives together. I figured it would lead to one of us murdering the other with a pillow at night or some shit. But...shit with Kittie is just different. As much as she likes to push my damn buttons, and I do the same to her, things would just be weird as hell without her, and I think she’d say the same about me if you were to ask her.

She also supports me in SCW and makes sure I focus when I need to, because she knows how much I’ve wanted to succeed. She knows how hard I’ve worked my ass off for this place. Kittie might not be one of those vocal cheerleader valet types you’ve seen standing at ringside screaming and yelling and causing a huge scene just for attention, but her quiet support is enough.

And it will be enough. She’s also a huge reason why I’ve been fighting so damn hard. Not just for myself and to make myself proud, but to make her proud too. To make her look better for being with an asshole like me, because I know people find it strange that she’s with me. But, fuck them. Let them think what they want. For whatever reason, Kittie and I just click, and that’s how it’s gonna be.

No offense to Melody Grace, but at least Kittie doesn’t beg me to take her on all these extravagant trips every damn week. At least Kittie is not like the blonde bitch Drake is married to and trying to convince people every damn day on Twitter that her marriage is so perfect, when Drake is probably somewhere drinking himself into oblivion because his wife is so annoying. And at least Kittie isn’t like that voo-doo crazy bitch Diamond or Darknyss or whichever the fuck member of the Fallen Jeremiah Hardin is engaged to. Not that it fucking matters, because they’re all weird as shit and not worth paying attention to anyway.

I’m not worried about being part of a “Golden Couple” status like J2H. I couldn’t give a fuck about making movies or some stupid shit like that like Drake does. And I certainly don’t hang around a bunch of uninteresting idiots like Jeremiah Hardin does. I’m only worried about one thing.

Keeping this damn World Heavyweight Championship around my waist. And at Into The Void VI, I plan to do just that, by any means necessary.

Monday May 1st

Considering how late Kittie and I were up releasing some “steam” and “celebrating” last night, I don’t know how the hell either of us managed to get out of bed this morning. Me specifically. Kittie was able to fall asleep at some point, but I’ve pretty much been awake for over twenty-four hours, with no time to sleep anytime soon. Our flight out of Boston is in a few hours as we’re getting ready to leave Boston, but before we do, there’s one stop I want to make, and not only does it surprise me, but it surprises Kittie, too.

I’m driving our rental car through the front gate to Forest Hills Cemetery. I hadn’t been here in about two years, but given the confrontation I had yesterday with my mother, I needed a little satisfaction in visiting the grave I was here to visit. But Kittie is more than confused.

“What the hell are we doing here?” She turns her attention from her window, to me behind the wheel. “We have a flight in a few hours you know.”

I nod as I try to remember where at he is buried. And by he, I mean my piece of shit father. “Yeah no shit. But I need to stop here just for a few minutes. Just don’t give me shit, alright?”

She lets out a laugh and shakes her head. “Alright, fine. I just don’t see the point. The guy has been dead for almost three years and he meant nothing to you anyway.”

“I know he didn’t.” I say, turning the car down one of the smaller roads in the cemetery. “Maybe I just need to make sure he’s still fucking dead? Maybe I just need to stare at his headstone for a bit and actually feel a sense of relief for a bit?”

She shakes her head again, but she doesn’t say anything in response. I finally stop my car along the edge of the grass, looking just out the window. I spot the large headstone marking my father’s grave. If I had any say in it, that bastard wouldn’t have even gotten that shit. He would have been buried in an unmarked grave. Hell, he might not have been buried at all.

I leave the engine running as I’m not planning to be here very long, and I turn to look at Kittie. She’s about to get out of the car, but I grab her arm and stop her. “Stay in the car. I won’t be long.”

“What?” She asks, confused. “You don’t need to do this alone, Rage.”

“Yeah, I do.” I respond with a nod. “Just stay here, alright? There’s no reason for you to come with me.”

“Whatever.” She says, sitting back in her seat, folding her arms and pouting.

I roll my eyes and let out a sigh before I open my door and get out of the car. I walk the few hundred feet before I stop just over my father’s grave, staring down at his headstone.


I let out a laugh as I put my hand on the headstone and squat down. I can feel Kittie’s eyes watching me the entire time, but I don’t turn around to acknowledge her.

“Heya Dad.” I say out loud as if I am speaking to him. My voice is full of contempt and hate, even after now that he has been dead for almost three years. “Are ya proud of me, old man? Are ya watching down, smiling with pride like a father should?”

I let out another laugh and shake my head. “No. Of course you’re not.” I say. “My guess is that you’re down below, getting some special treatment from Satan himself like you should be. The fact is, I don’t give a shit if you’re proud of me or not. I’m glad you’re dead, you son of a bitch. It gives me great joy to be standing over your grave while I’m up here living my life like you tried to stop me from doing when I was a kid.”

I stand back up, but I keep my eyes on the headstone. I stop speaking for a moment as I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, feeling the light breeze hit my face. I open my eyes a few seconds later, and stare at his name. “I’ve made a name for myself. I’ve made a successful career in SCW. I’m the champ now and I’m even engaged to someone a million times better than your slutty wife is. And I did it all on my--”

“What the hell are you doing?!” A voice cuts me off quickly and when I spin around, surprised, I come face to face with yet another woman I had no desire to ever see again. My bitch of a sister, Ashley.

“The fuck does it look like I’m doing?!” I snap back at her. Kittie is prepared to get out of our car but I hold my hand up, stopping her. Ashley turns around for a moment, glaring at her, and when she turns her attention back to me, she’s even more angry.

“Well it seems to me that upsetting our mother wasn’t enough to you, but now you have to stand over our father’s grave and speak ill about him, too!” She shouts, taking a few steps towards me. “I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to get some help. A serious amount of it, if I’m honest.”

I laugh at her, feeling the anger start to rise in the pit of my stomach. “Well if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black, then I don’t know what the fuck is.” I say and I turn my back to her. I can hear her walking towards me, but I stand where I’m at, hoping she dares to lay a hand on me. I hear the car door closing a few moments later, but when I glance back, Kittie is just standing against the car, watching on carefully.

“You’re almost thirty-eight years old, Jake.” She says, not needing to remind me. “Grow the fuck up. Mom was just trying to apologize to you. Trying to make things right with what little time she has left and you treated her like shit! And then you felt the need to come here to our father’s grave? For what reason?!”

What little time she has left? I spin around and face Ashley again, keeping my temper under control for the moment. “First, I don’t need a reason to visit his grave, Ashley. It’s his fault my childhood was as fucked up as it is, and he’s dead, so I just needed to feel a little better at the moment. And what the fuck do you mean with what little time she has left?”

Ashley rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Oh please. Don’t act like you care now.”

“I don’t.” I say with an amused grin that she doesn’t return. “Color me curious, though.”

She folds her arms and glances back to Kittie behind us and shakes her head before she turns her attention back to me. “Not that you care, but Mom is dying. She doesn’t have but a few months to live and she was hoping that your company being in Boston this weekend was a sign that she could fix things with you and Phillip. She’s absolutely heartbroken right now, and you and your wretched fiancee don’t even care!”

Kittie takes a step forward, but I secretly signal her to stand back. She does so reluctantly as I turn my focus back to Ashley, glaring at her angrily for her choice of words. “Watch what you say about Kittie, because you have no room to talk about being wretched. Spoiled little bitch.”

Her jaw drops open and she lets out a laugh. “You clearly know nothing, Jake! You and Phillip weren’t the only ones who had it bad when we were younger, but you’re certainly dead set on keeping up this woe is me bullshit attitude you have going on. You need to move on. You need to learn to forgive, especially our mother because the only one who was really to blame for what happened to you was our father.”

“And you’re standing here giving me shit for speaking bad about him right over his grave?!” I shout back, shaking my head. “You’re really something else, you know that?”

“Look, even if you don’t want to let our mother make things right with you, can you at least talk to Phillip?” She pleads with me, and I roll my eyes. “Even though you’re my brother, too, I can’t convince you to do something you don’t want to do because I didn’t live with you all those years. I lived with Phillip.”

I shake my head. “I’m not saying shit to Phillip.” I growl at her. I wish they’d just forget about Phillip already, but I guess they won’t. “After what happened last time you saw Phillip, I’d suggest you just forget ever having any contact with him ever again. I’m not going to risk having him have a setback because of you or that old hag of a mother of ours. I don’t give a shit if she’s dying.”

“I can’t believe how unbelievably selfish you are!” She throws her hands in the air. Kittie takes a few steps towards us, but I again signal her to stand back. I want to handle this situation, even though I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise.

“Selfish?!” I ask, shocked she even had the nerve to suggest I was being selfish after what I just said. “I’m the one who has helped Phillip the last two years! I was the one who got him out of that fucking hospital after he tried to kill himself because of what your fucking family put him through! ME! NOT YOU!”

“He needed to be in that hospital, Jake!” She snaps back. “He tried to take his own life and he needed doctors to help him! Taking him out of the hospital could have set him back and just caused him to actually attempt it again only succeed the second time!”

I take a threatening step towards her. “Shows what you know, bitch! He was happier the second he got out of Boston!”

“Where is he?” She asks me, looking back to our rental car and Kittie. “Where is Phillip? Doesn’t he normally come to these shows with you?”

I clench my fists. This bitch is relentless and she’s worse than our mother. “That’s none of your fucking business. Leave Phillip the fuck alone, because if you don’t, you’ll just have me to deal with and when you piss me off, things get really fucking ugly. Which you’re close to finding out.”

“I’m not giving up on this.” She warns me and I snarl at her. “I’ll go to Vegas myself if I have to. I was able to find you, so trust me when I say it shouldn’t be that difficult to find Phillip. He needs to know about our mother.”

Kittie finally ignores me and starts walking over to us. Ashley turns around and sees Kittie heading towards us, and she apparently wants no part of a confrontation with her. She turns her attention back to me for a moment. “This isn’t over, Jake. If you don’t tell Phillip about our mother, I will. And don’t think I’m lying. But go ahead and concern yourself with your silly career and some worthless title to try and make yourself feel better. All I care about is helping our mother.”

Kittie walks up and stands next to me, glaring at Ashley. Ashley doesn’t even acknowledge her as she turns around and walks away, heading back to her own car. I’m shaking with anger once again as I watch her get into her car and drive away. Once she’s out of sight, I let out a frustrated growl as I spin around, bring my leg forward and kick my father’s headstone with one angry and powerful kick. It breaks in half and Kittie jumps back, shocked at what I just did.

“Dude…” Is all she can say, at a loss for words.

I bring my hands up and grip my head, starting to lose control again. “I knew coming to Boston was a fucking bad idea, Kittie! I knew it! It just brings up a lot of bullshit that I can’t fucking deal with!”

I start pacing back and forth over my father’s grave and Kittie tries to grab my arm, but it doesn’t work. She tries a couple more times before she’s able to get a grip on my wrist and stop me. I turn and stare at her, breathing heavily from the frustration.

“Look, I wasn’t going to suggest this because I wasn’t sure if it would work or not, but I think I have a way for you to unleash a serious amount of that anger.” She tells me, and I can see the concern on her face.

“This ain’t exactly the place for that shit, Kittie.” I say, immediately thinking she’s suggesting our normal way of letting off some steam, but she rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

“I’m not talking about sex, idiot!” She yells at me. “There’s this place in Dallas called The Anger Room that I think would really help you out a lot. I heard about it a while back and was waiting for the right time to suggest it to you. And considering I don’t want you trashing our house anymore, this might be a better idea.”

“The Anger Room?” I ask.

“Yeah.” She replies. “Basically, you pay so much for a certain amount of time and you get to just fucking destroy the room with no consequences. You can set the room up anyway you like, too. And, I think I have a pretty interesting idea for you.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Now you WANT me to destroy a damn room? Make up your mind!”

“This is a cheaper way to do it, asshole!” She barks back at me, slapping my chest. “I haven’t even seen what you did to the trophy room at home yet and we haven’t gotten a bill for the damages you caused back in Phillie. This will only cost like a hundred bucks. If even that!”

I think about it for a few minutes as my breathing slows and my blood pressure starts to return to normal. I let my hands drop down to my sides and I let out a sigh as I look back to her. “Alright, fine. I’ll fucking try anything at this point.”

“Good.” She says as she puts her hand on my back. “Now let’s get the fuck out of here before someone sees you and what you did to your father’s headstone. Your bitch of a sister might have you arrested and I don’t really feel like dealing with that shit.”

“Just get me the fuck out of Boston, Kittie.” I feel defeated as I shake my head and start walking towards the car.

Kittie follows behind me and I’m so ready to get the hell out of Boston, but depending on what happens at the airport, we could be stuck here for several more hours as it seems we’ll be making a detour to Dallas before heading back to Las Vegas for the rest of the week.

Well Boston lived up to its expectations, both in and out of SCW. I knew I’d be walking into Boston with nothing but that I’d be walking out with my title back in my possession and I was right. But, from the moment I heard I was being booked in that shithold city, something told me I wasn’t going to escape the city without some reminder of my fucked up family.

And I was right.

You see, my birth mother and sister would like to MAKE you believe that they have good intentions. That they feel horrible about what happened when me and Phil were kids. least my mother would try and spin that shit. Ashley just doesn’t give a fuck apparently, and yet she calls me the selfish one. So leave it up to them to try and ruin my fucking moment. Leave it up to the fucking Sullivan women to try and bring me down from the high I was feeling over winning back my title.

Hate is a strong word, I will admit, but I really fucking hate those women. Just as much as I hated my father. If Kittie weren’t around, I’d probably be sitting my as in jail right now with no possibility of being bailed out, and my life and career would be fucking over. All because of those two bitches.

And if it weren’t for Kittie, I also wouldn’t have found out about this Anger Room thing. I didn’t even know this shit was a thing, but I guess it is. And, against my better judgement, I’m going to give it a shot and see what it’s all about. Kittie said she’s taking care of the entire set up for me, which if I’m honest, fucking scares the shit out of me, because fuck only knows what she’s come up with. But I trust her, and she knows that.

I just don’t like the fact that we have to make a stop in Dallas just to test this theory of her’s, but apparently Dallas is the only place that has this Anger Room. I fucking hate Texas about as much as I hate Boston. I just want to get back to Las Vegas to relax for a few days before heading off to New York to focus on all the promotional shit that comes with a supercard...and with being the World Heavyweight Champion.

Tuesday May 2nd
Dallas, Texas
The Anger Room

“Kittie, is all this really fucking necessary?” I stop as we’re heading up to the entrance. I’m referring to the outfit she’s told me to wear. Dark jeans, a black leather jacket and a white shirt underneath. I’m pretty sure who I’m made up to look like, the exception being I have no hair.

“Yes it is.” She turns and looks at me with a laugh as she keeps walking. “Now quit being such an ass and let’s go.”

I roll my eyes and let out a growl as she stops by the front door and opens it. As much as I trust her judgement, I look like a fucking dumbass as I sulk my way into the building dressed like a fool. She follows behind me with a laugh and we head up to the front desk, where some young kid is standing by a computer. He takes one look at me and grins.

“You must be here for The Walking Dead special.” He says.

“Gee...what gave that away?” I snarl. Kittie elbows me in my side, but it has little effect on me as I just glare at her out of the corner of my eye.

“I’d say it was the lackluster Negan costume.” He quips back as he starts typing something into the computer. “Looks pretty close minus the being bald thing.”

My nostrils flare out and I ball my hand up into a fist where he can see it. Kittie clears her throat and he turns her attention to him. “You’ll have to forgive my bald-headed eternally angry fiancee.” She tries to be as polite as possible.

The kid laughs and shakes his head. “It’s not a problem, miss. Dealing with anger is part of the job description here. It’s why we offer these services anyway. It really does help, though.”

“Maybe for other people.” I chime in. “But I’m fairly sure ya never had to deal with someone like me before. Trust me when I say you don’t even know the half of it, kid.”

He laughs again and then reaches underneath the counter and pulls out a bat. He places the bat right in front of me, but it’s no ordinary bat. It’s covered in barbed wire- an exact replica of Lucille from The Walking Dead. I take one look at it and then slowly look to Kittie and then back to him. “This is a joke, right?”

He shakes his head. “No, it’s not. She said the experience had to be as authentic as possible, and we’re only happy to oblige. You’ll have forty-five minutes to go absolutely bat shit crazy. Pun intended.”

I grab the bat and hold it up, staring at it carefully. I have to admit, it felt oddly empowering holding this thing in my hand, but I don’t know what destroying a room made up to look like a scene from The Walking Dead will do to help me one bit. The kid walks around the desk and over to the door just a few feet away and he opens it for me. “You can follow me to the back.”

“This shit better work, Kittie.” I look to her quickly before I head over to the door leading to the back. Kittie laughs and then walks over to one of the chairs in the waiting room.

He leads me down a long hall towards the back. As we pass one of the doors, I hear several loud crashes and shatters, followed by frustrated yelling and growling. Huh...guess this is my sort of thing. We walk all the way to the end of the hall to the very last door and he opens it, stepping aside.

“There is a timer inside the room. Even if you’re not paying attention to it, it’ll go off once your time is up. Don’t hold back, because this room was set up specifically for this purpose. Oh, and you may need this.” He reaches over to a hook on the wall, grabbing a splash cover of some sort. I stare at it with a raised eyebrow.

“Uhh...what for?” I ask, shaking my head and refusing it.

“Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You’ll find out soon enough what it’s for.” He returns it to the hook on the wall. “Have at it.”

I peak inside the room trying to get a view before I commit to it, but once I step inside, he closes the door behind me. I look behind me quickly, tempted to just leave right now, but once I get a closer look at how the room is set up, my jaw drops.

I don’t know how many people watch The Walking Dead, but I get a sick fascination out of the show myself. There’s a little bit of everything in this room for me to destroy. Tables. Chairs. Lamps. Things you might see in the Alexandria community or something. I don’t know.

But the mannequins. Oh the fucking mannequins are brilliant!

There’s a few zombies, or walkers as they are referred to on the show, but the five others catch my eye more importantly. Their faces are made to look exactly like my mother, my sister, Jeremiah Hardin, Drake Green and J2H.

“Oh this is going to be fun.” I say quietly as I twirl the bat, heading over to the first mannequin. The one made to look like my sister.

“Oh hello, Ashley. My sweet innocent older sister!” I raise my voice as I bring the bat up above my head and then bring it crashing down against the “skull” of the mannequin. As soon as I do that, a thick red liquid splatters from out of it, sending some of it spraying against my face and jacket. I look down at my jacket and then bring my hand to my face, wiping some of it off.

“Fake blood!” I should with a sick smile on my face. “FUCKING BRILLIANT!”

And before I know it, I swing the bat against ‘Ashley’s’ head again, knocking it right off the top of the mannequin. The fake blood goes flying everywhere, including against the wall and I let out a roar and a sick laugh as I move on to the one that looks like my mother.

“Can’t forget about you, bitch!” I shout and with one powerful swing, I decapitate that bitch. “Fucking bitch! How dare you fucking abandon me like you did! And you want to apologize now?! You want to make up for it now just because you’re sick and dying?! GO TO FUCKING HELL YOU CRAZY BITCH!” I stomp on the decapitated ‘head’ for good measure, covering my boot in the fake blood before I kick the mess away from me and move on to the next.

“Jeremiah Hardin…” I say slowly, twirling ‘Lucille’ in my hand. “The worthless piece of garbage who thinks he deserves to be in the main event for MY fucking title?! The one who cheated me out of it in the first place?! FUUUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!”

I swing the bat hard across the midsection of the mannequin and the fake blood oozes out of it. I laugh wickedly before I swing the bat across the face, spraying more of the ‘blood’ across my face, but it doesn’t even phase me. I’m enjoying this way too fucking much to even care. I move on to the Drake Green mannequin, decapitating that one quickly as well before I walk over and stop right in front of the J2H mannequin.

“And I had to save the best for last…” I say slowly as I stare at the face of J2H on the mannequin. That smug grin is enough to get me fuming as I bring the bat up, holding it just over the head. “You want your title back, J? You want to take your place on top of the mountain again, you little prick?”

I shake my head as I bring the bat up, holding it there for a moment. “Ain’t gonna happen shithead! This is MY time now! FUCK YOU!” And I bring the bat swinging down hard against the skull, caving it in almost immediately.

At that point, I unleash every bit of pent up anger and frustration as I completely bash in every inch of the mannequin that looks like J2H until there is nothing left but a ‘bloody’ mess. Once I’m finished, I go absolute bat shit all over the room, destroying every piece of furniture..every piece of equipment and the rest of the mannequins made to look like the zombie walkers. The fake blood is splattered everywhere. There are ‘bodies’ strewn all over the place and before I know it, the buzzer is going off indicating my time is done.

I look around the room at my handy work and I can’t help but smile a sick smile. It wasn’t the real deal, but it was enough. Fuck, was it ever enough. The door opens a few seconds later and the kid from the front desk appears in the doorway, staring at me with an amused smile on his face. I’m covered in the fake blood.

“I told you you should have used the poncho.” He laughs and looks around the room, nodding with an impressed grin. I hold up the ‘blood’ covered bat and stare at it, letting myself smile and before I know it, I’m laughing. Full on busting a fucking gut because I didn’t think this shit would even work.

“Fuck that stupid poncho. This was worth it!” I prop ‘Lucille’ over my shoulder and head out of the room with a spring in my step and feeling a bit of sick pride. I’m well aware that walking out in public like this will look really bad, but fuck if I care. This shit was all worth it, and I can’t wait to head to Into The Void to face those three assholes!

Damn! Talk about a fucking rush! I really didn’t think that The Anger Room would help me any, but holy shit, did it ever. They really need more of those around the states, because that shit does wonders, and let me tell you, I’m more focused than ever.

After I walked out of the room and Kittie saw me covered in that fake blood, she was lost for words. She knew it had helped calm me down and relaxed me because of the smile on my face, but I think the fake blood was a little off putting to her. As a way to thank her I tried to walk up to her and give her a big sloppy kiss, literally, but she threatened to use Lucille on me if I came anywhere near her.

I’m sure once people get wind of what I did, and the fact that the mannequins were made to look like Hardin, Drake and J2H, will cause a bit of concern in some people, and to be quite honest. I don’t give a shit. This was just a fantasy. None of it was real, so if people want to throw a fit and accuse me of something that isn’t the case, they can kiss my ass. I’m not gonna go postal and turn it into the real thing, because I know what I need to do.

I need to use what I did in The Anger Room as fuel during my match against those three idiots. I need to envision what I did to all of those mannequins and act as though I’m playing it all out for real, but in the ring. I need to do whatever the fuck I need to do to keep my World Heavyweight Championship in my possession, because I know that walking into this match not the favorite to win it. I know more people are putting their money on J2H to regain the title, and that’s fucking fine.

Because I’m going to prove them wrong.

The odds are stacked against me, I know. The odds are stacked higher against Jeremiah Hardin and Drake Green, but that’s beside the point. This match is going to be one hell of a fight. It’s a fight I’m ready for. It’s a fight I’m ready to win, because I have to win. Any other outcome just isn’t acceptable. This is a fight I don’t intend to lose.

New I fucking come!

Saturday May 6th
New York City
Hilton New York- JFK Airport

We didn’t plan on coming to New York earlier than sometime tomorrow, but because I want to get a jump on training and my scheduled promotional shit for Into The Void VI, we decided to move our flight and hotel reservation up by a day. I figured it would be quieter that way as typically all the crazy fans start stalking the airport and hotels on Sunday as most of the others start making their way to New York then.

Boy was I wrong.

As soon as we arrive to the hotel just near the airport, there is a group of fans just outside the front entrance. They don’t even know for sure if any of us are going to show up, or who for that matter, but they don’t care. They’re die-hard fans and that’s a chance they take every fucking time there is a supercard.

As soon as our rental car pulls up into the parking lot, the group of fans turns all of their attention to us. They’re trying to get a view of who we are, if anyone, and I’m not looking forward to this. I grip the steering wheel, refusing to get out of the car right away and I see one of the girls in the group jump up and down excitedly as she points our way. She’s apparently figured it out, which is just fanfuckingtastic.

“You might as well get it over with now, Rage.” Kittie says, grabbing the handle to open her door. “This is shit you have to deal with anyway with being the top champion. Just pretend to enjoy it at least.”

I shake my head and grip the steering wheel tighter. “This shit is crazy!” I shout as all eyes in the group are now on me, waiting for me to get out of the car. “Don’t they have a fucking life?! Stalking wrestlers is fucking insane!”

“They’re loyal fans. You know that.” She replies.

“Loyal and fucking crazy! Can’t we just check into our damn hotel room without making a fucking scene?” I growl through gritted teeth. I’ll never understand it. “I get that I’m the top champion, but that’s what my scheduled appearances are for, Kittie. This shit is just over the top and pathetic.”

She laughs and finally opens her door before I can stop her. “The sooner you get it over with, the sooner we can just head to our room and relax for the night. Come on. There’s only a few of them anyway.”

Kittie steps out of the car, with her back to the group of fans at the front door. I hear some of them squeal and cheer as they realize it’s Kittie, and she looks down at me in the car, waiting for me. “Yeah and before you know it, there will be an entire crowd flocking up there if I just enlighten them and give them what they want. I don’t have the patience for this shit, Kittie!”

“Well you can either walk up there with me right now, or I’ll just give them all permission to flock over to the car.” She says with a grin.

“You wouldn’t dare.” I say slowly, glaring at her.

“Oh yes I would.” She replies with a smile.

I punch the steering wheel and let out a frustrated growl before I open the door and step out. The fans cheer and squeal more as they see me, and I prepare myself for the onslaught that is about to happen. I walk around to the trunk to get our luggage and once I slam the trunk shut, I take in a deep breath, ready to get this shit over with. The group of fans jump up and down as they see me approaching them. They have their cell phones and wrestling memorabilia out, ready for autographs. One of the girls in particular catches my eye, but not because of her innocent excited wrestling fan demeanor. Oh no. She’s definitely what we would refer to as a ring rat, because she’s dressed the part, ready to throw herself at me.

Short black skirt that leaves nothing to the imagination. Mid drift top that shows off plenty of cleavage, complete with the hooker heels. Fucking desperate as all hell. Kittie is the first to approach the group and she signs a few autographs, but the ‘ring rat’ keeps her eyes all on me. Once Kittie is done signing autographs and taking pictures she turns to me and smiles.

“All yours big guy. I’ll go check us in.” I can’t even get a word out in protest before she heads inside to go check us into our room and I’m quietly cursing her under my breath.

As soon as she is out of sight, and ear shot, the ‘ring rat’ shoves her way to the front of the group and right to me. She’s holding an SCW magazine in her hand, with a picture of me holding the World Heavyweight Championship after I cashed in on Drake Green at Blaze of Glory just on the cover. I grin just a bit, thinking this girl is not in this for the love of wrestling. If I had to guess, she’s probably a notch on Drake Green’s belt, but I’m sure he’d deny that.

“Oh em gee, you’re so much bigger in person!” She exclaims and grabs my bicep without even asking. I glare down at her hand, which she quickly snatches away. “Oops. I’m so sorry. I should have asked. My name is Delani. Your biceps are so huge!”

This chick really knows how to spout off the sexual innuendos doesn’t she? I’m secretly laughing on the inside, because as tempting as she may be, I ain’t that desperate to get involved with that shit, because I ain’t ready to be exposed to the long list of diseases she might have.

“Yeah, that kinda comes with the territory of working out ya know.” I say, trying to be as nice as possible. I take the magazine and the sharpie from her. I quickly sign my name on the cover and hand it back to her, ready to move on to the next eager fan, but she shoves her way into the picture again.

“Do you think I can get a picture of you with the World title?!” She asks as a seductive smile starts to grow on her face. “I’ve never had my picture taken with a champion before and this would just be the coolest!”

I run my hand over my head, shaking it. “The title is in one of my bags right now, sorry. Look, can I just--”

“Oh, that’s ok.” She says, faking disappointment. “Can I just say that you’re so much more attractive in person? I mean, I know people like to make fun of you because you’re bald and because of the goatee and all, but I think it’s really sexy.”

Some of her friends start to giggle, while others just shove things for me to sign towards me. I take the sharpies and quickly sign each of their items as they snap pictures with their cell phones. I want nothing more than to ignore this ring rat, but she’s relentless.

“Uh...thanks.” I honestly have no clue what else to say. I’m hoping Kittie hurries up and can save me from this chick, because I’m fairly sure if she doesn’t, she’s going to just throw herself at me, right in front of her friends.

“I’m totally going to be rooting for you next week.” She says, slyly running her hand up my arm. Again with the God damn touching! “There’s nothing I like root for more than the well built clearly superior wrestler. And you look to be far superior. In every way.”

I look down at her and she winks at me. Alright, seriously?! This chick needs to back the fuck off, because I may be a male in every way that matters, but I don’t go for this desperate fuck me bullshit she’s got going on.

I don’t even know what to say to her at this point so she keeps on talking. “Say, are you going to be training anywhere near her? I’d love to come watch. It would give me such a thrill. You don’t even have to tell Kittie.”

“Alright, look.” I finally say, having had enough. “Enough with this shit, ok? I’m not going for this shit, alright? I’m engaged to Kittie, and I’m not going to be a notch on your ring rat belt so just give it up. Jesus Christ!”

She pouts her bottom lip out but takes a step closer to me. The rest of her friends have backed off at this point, clearly letting her try to work her way into my pants, even though it’s never going to happen. “Oh come on,” she says, running her hand up my arm again. “It’s really not a big deal. All the wrestlers do it. Kittie never has to find out. I promise you it’ll all be worth it.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Trust me when I say, no it won’t. I guarantee Kittie is a better lay than you are, but hey, if it helps you sleep at night, go ahead and think otherwise. Now, get out of my way slut.” To my surprise, she steps in front of me as I go to walk inside. I glare down at her, but I’m left dumbfounded at her sheer bravery at taking such a move.

“There’s only one way to find out. Don’t try to deny it, sexy. I know you haven’t been able to take your eyes off of me.” She then reaches into her cleavage, pulling out a small piece of paper and she slides it into my pocket. “For when you change your mind.”

I shake my head. “Your pathetic.” I say. “And if there is a reason I couldn’t take my eyes off of you it’s because of how ridiculously desperate you’re coming across as. Once a slut, always a slut I suppose. I’m not into that shit, so I won’t be changing my mind.”

She chuckles and shrugs her shoulders and before I know it, she reaches her hand around and grabs my ass, giving it a squeeze! The fuck?! I swat her hand away, but Kittie clears her throat behind her and the girl jumps back, caught red-handed.

“Thanks again for the autograph and picture, Rage. You’ve made this fangirl extremely happy!” She squeals and then skips off to join her friends back in the parking lot.

Kittie watches her walk away, unimpressed and once the girl is out of earshot, Kittie snarls at me and punches my arm. Is she seriously blaming me for what just happened?! “Ow!” I shout, looking down at my arm. “The fuck, Kittie?!”

“What the fuck was that?!” She shouts, pointing towards the ring rat with an angry scowl. “I leave you alone with them for like five damn minutes and you’re flirting with some whore?!”

“I wasn’t flirting with her!” I shout back, adamantly defending myself because it was the truth. “That fucking ring rat was clearly out for one thing, and if you had been here, you would have seen that I wasn’t having any of it! You’re the one who left me out here to deal with that shit!”

She reaches into my pocket and pulls out the little piece of paper the girl had left me. She looks at it and rolls her eyes before shoving it in my face. The girl’s phone number was written on it, as I had suspected.

“Her fucking phone number?! Let me guess, you were going to sneak out of the room in the middle of the night and make yourself a notch on her slutty belt.” She shoves the piece of paper back in my pocket and everyone in the general vicinity turns and stares at us. Again with making a scene and airing our shit in public…

“I didn’t ask for that shit, Kittie.” I say calmly, and as quietly as possible. “You know how ring rats are. All they care about is which wrestler they’re going to fuck next, but I’m telling you, THAT is definitely not happening. She’s probably got herpes or some shit. Not to mention, I don’t really feel like fucking someone that Drake Green probably has.”

Kittie can’t help but let out a laugh, but I can tell she’s still agitated. She looks past me at the ring rat, who is watching us argue with a proud smile. Kittie flips her off, causing me to smile, and the girl just rolls her eyes and looks away. “Fucking nasty bitch.” She says under her breath.

“I told you I didn’t want to deal with that shit. I signed autographs and I let them take their pictures, but dealing with that broad? That’s what I fucking hate.” I glance back at her. She winks and waves towards me but I roll my eyes and turn my attention away from her again.

Kittie lets out a growl of her own before she turns around and storms off back into the hotel. I follow behind her, following her as we head up to our room to get settled in for the night.

Climax Control Archives / Uncontrollable Rage..and Feelings and Shit
« on: April 28, 2017, 10:52:53 PM »
Sunday April 23rd
Washington DC
After Climax Control

Tonight was a much better night than last week. Better than the majority of the week has been, actually. I came out and confronted that piece of shit, J2H. I would have liked to get my hands on him, but I’ll save that shit for Into The Void. Some people might not be expecting me to be in that main event at Into The Void, but I’ve made a promise to myself that I fucking am! And I’ll be walking in as the champ, too!

Oh yeah, that’s right. You heard me. Well, ya heard my fucking thoughts, and you saw what Hot Stuff said. I get my fucking rematch in Boston next week. Fuck, of all the damn places, it had to be Boston! Oh well. I’m not gonna think about that shit. I’m just thinking about getting my fucking title back and proving what a worthless piece of shit Jeremiah Hardin is. But, I have to find Kittie, first.

I know she’s here somewhere, but she’s probably pissed at me so she’s hiding. But I need my fucking phone back. I want my phone back! There’s only so many places she could be as I’m looking around backstage, searching for her. I eventually find her just outside the Bombshell locker room talking to Odette. Odette takes on look at me from a distance, whispers something to Kittie and then goes on her way. Shit, even SHE is pissed at me. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s married to Gabriel after all.

Once she disappears down the hall, Kittie turns and glares at me, still pissed off. I run my hand over my head and walk up to her, but she says nothing to me.

“Look, I know you’re pissed…” If looks could kill, I’d be burned into ash right now. But, this is a good thing. Because angry sex later will help both of us. “But I just needed to be by myself for a bit so I just fucking left.”

She rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed laugh. “Oh really?” She says. “So turning up at Synn’s plastered off your ass is being by yourself? And having Phil drive you back home? Save it, Rage. Because I don’t want to hear it.”

This woman is seriously difficult to deal with sometimes, and I’m half tempted to just walk away. But she has my phone. And I really need the angry sex later.

“I’m sorry if I didn’t want to get you in the crossfires of my uncontrollable rage, Kittie.” I snap at her. “Next time I’ll just risk hurting you and then having everyone really hate me for hurting you, even though it would have been unintentional.”

Her hands drop to her sides and I see her clench her fists. Damn, she and I are a lot alike. But I already knew that because it’s part of the reason that I asked her to marry me in the first place.

“What the fuck were you thinking?!” She screams at me causing several people to stop and stare at us. I get that we’re not speaking in private, but damn, they could just mind their own damn business.

“Uh, it’s called I wasn’t!” I shout back. “I’ve been seriously pissed off all damn week and mix that with a bottle of whiskey and my ability to really think before I acted or said shit was turned off! If it makes you feel better, Despy slammed the damn door on my hand and I have a nasty bruise to prove it!”

I bring my hand up, showing her the large multi-colored bruise on my hand. She grins and lets out a laugh. “Yeah I heard about that. And good for him. Not good for you because I’m pretty sure Jeremiah will use that against you next week in your rematch!”

I let out a laugh and wave it off. “So? Let him. Trust me when I say NOTHING is going to stop me from taking my title back. The anger I’ve got going on right now? It’ll be like he’s facing ten guys. Not the two or three it felt like facing him last week.”

“There you go getting--” she starts to say but I quickly interrupt her.

“Getting what? Cocky? Arrogant? CONFIDENT?!” I raise my voice. “You’re damn fucking right! After that shit show last week, I’m more than confident that I’ll be walking out of Boston next week as a three time World Heavyweight Champ. And Jeremiah Hardin can fuck off for all I care.”

“All I’m saying is you have a habit of getting overly confident and underestimating people in certain situations. I’m not saying I think Jeremiah will perform at the same level he did last week, because I don’t, but..” She replies.

I let out an angry growl, throwing my hands up in the air. “Jesus Chris, Kittie! You can be maddening sometimes you know that?! I love you, but damn! You frustrate the--”

“What did you just say?” She interrupts me, surprised, and I don’t even realize until the what I just said.

I rub my head, trying to backtrack but I can’t. “Oh don’t act so damn surprised! You’re wearing that damn ring I gave you!” I remind her.

“Yeah no shit.” She says, her jaw still dropped. “But even with as long as we’ve been together I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say those words. Are...are you feeling ok?” She reaches up, placing the back of her hand against my forehead and I swat it away.

“Knock it off!” I say and she laughs. “I’m fine, alright? I’ve just had time to let off a lot of steam this week and I’ve been feeling and saying a lot of shit that I’m not used to. Look, if I didn’t love you I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me.”

This is getting all sorts of weird for me, even though we’re engaged. I’m not used to being so open with my feelings but this last week has fucked me up big time. Fuck you Jeremiah Hardin!

“Well, it’s nice to hear you say the words finally. Asshole.” I glare at her and she cracks a smile and laughs. “Look, can you just not do that shit that you did last week again? I get you were pissed and all, but I didn’t know where the fuck you went! Until Synn called me on Monday.”

“I told you, Kittie. I was pretty damn unstable last week and I didn’t want you to get in the crossfire and have me seriously hurt you.” I admit to her with more sincerity than I’ve ever shown. “Hell, I still sort of am but I need to save it for next week against Hardin, because I’m gonna do everything in my power to get my damn title back.”

“And I hope you do.” She replies. “But you’ve gotta learn to stop being such an asshole sometimes! Especially to me. We’re supposed to be getting married, but you still fucking push me away all the damn time and it’s maddening.”

I grin, once again thinking about the angry sex. “How maddening?” I ask, winking at her.

“Stop that!” She yells at me and I let out a laugh. “I’m being serious here and you’re mind is stuck in the damn gutter!”

“Can you blame me? You enjoy the angry sex as much as I do. If not more.” I wink at her. She punches me in my arm and I laugh again. “Ow! Damn it, relax! I’m just messing with you!”

She folds her arms, unimpressed and looks away. I take a small step closer to her, trying to get serious. “Alright, look. If I was acting like I’m pushing you away it’s because I don’t want a damn distraction or weakness around with however long I have left in SCW. You’re my damn weakness, Kittie.”

She raises an eyebrow. “However long you have left in SCW? The fuck does that mean?!” Of course she’d only hear that part.

“It means I don’t know how much longer I can do this shit.” I confess, almost regretting I had. I’m not even drunk at the moment and I can’t lie. “This run for and with the World Heavyweight title? This one could be my last, Kittie. I need to make the best of it, but I keep fucking up left and right!”

Her eyes widen and her jaw drops. “Oh don’t you go saying that shit! You’ve got plenty of--”

I shake my head and she goes quiet. “No, Kittie, I don’t. I’m almost thirty eight years old for Christ’s sake! I know some guys do this shit well into their forties, but I ain’t gonna be one of them. My bones are already starting to fucking hurt and these new guys coming in are only getting better.”

“So what?” She asks. “You gonna get the title back from Jeremiah and then retire as soon as you lose it the next time? That’s just horse shit.”

I shake my head. “Maybe not as soon as I lose it but..I don’t know. I have to see how it goes. I just want to make the most of this run. And I want to get my hands on J before I call it quits anyway.”

She lets out a sigh and shakes her head. “Whatever. I can’t persuade you to change your mind but regardless of what you say, I’m not letting you do this by yourself. I can stay backstage during your matches,  but I’m coming to the shows with you.” She puts her foot down. I want nothing more than to argue with her, but I hold myself back realizing it will be useless.

“Alright, fine.” I give in, and she smiles at me, satisfied. “And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry we can’t do the big Sins wedding we were planning.”

She shrugs and waves it off. “Seriously? You don’t need to worry about that. I don’t need some big elaborate wedding. It’s only about the two of us anyway, so we’ll figure it out.”

“I guess we will,” is all I can think of to say back to her. We’re both noticeably calmer now, and I’m slightly disappointed because if she’s not mad, there won’t be any angry sex! Oh wait..I know how to piss her off.

I rub the top of my head, thinking about my trophy room I destroyed in our house. She stares at me, aware that I’m hiding something and immediately calls me out on it. “What? What the fuck is it now?!”

“Well...I should probably tell you now before we head back to Vegas and you find out then…” I start and her eyes quickly narrow at me. “I might have...kind of...did...destroy the trophy room.”

“YOU DID WHAT?!” She yells and I’m secretly grinning inside. “You dumbass! Why the fuck would you do that?! What did doing that shit prove other than you’re an immature asshole?!”

“I was tired of seeing that shit!” I shout back.

“I can’t believe you! Asshole!” She lets out a growl, turns around and disappears into the Bombshell locker room. When the door opens I see no one else is in there, so I follow in behind her, closing the door and locking it behind me. She continues shouting at me with her back turned to me as I just pull my shirt off, knowing that as soon as she turns around, we’ll be back in business...

Everyone saw it. Everyone witnessed what I was up against. And everyone KNOWS that something with Jeremiah Hardin just wasn’t...right...that night. He goes from being eliminated in the Blast From The Past tournament...from putting in little to no fucking effort to win the damn thing even though he CLAIMS he wanted to win the thing so damn bad, to THAT! Let me tell you, that was a whole different Jeremiah Hardin that night and if you ask me...he had a little bit of secret help. Mark Ward and Christian Underwood need to drug test that bitch, because he had more strength than even I did that night and everybody fucking saw it.

This is what I don’t fucking get. And Jeremiah, I hope you’re out there listening. I hope you’re watching this and paying close attention, because that title you have in your possession? MY title? It’s coming back to me after this Sunday and you have only yourself to blame, because you didn’t “shake things up” in the World title scene. Oh no. You awakened the fucking beast inside of me and that...that doesn’t bode well for you buddy.

People have seen your past matches, Jeremiah. They’ve watched them and they’ve seen that you just...turn up when you fucking want to. You fight when you feel like it and the rest of the time it’s like a big FUCK YOU to SCW. To the bosses and to your opponents. You don’t give a shit and in the first round of the Blast From the Past tournament, you proved that. You let your partner down and just didn’t give a shit. But even before that you didn’t give a shit, did you?

I’d faced you two times before that Jeremiah. Two fucking times, and it was the same song and dance. The first was in the King of The Hill Ladder match at Inception. You sure didn’t give a shit about that did you? Because if you DID you would have fought like hell and done everything to get that Golden Briefcase for yourself because it was a guaranteed shot at ANY title ANY time you wanted to cash it in. Pretty big fucking deal if you ask me, but hey, you, whatever. I don’t want it. I’m just gonna put in no fucking effort and move on.

And then...then I faced you at Blaze of Glory and you know what? It was like you just didn’t show up! You were there physically, but mentally? You were gone, asshole. You treated that match like it was fucking nothing and hey, I did what I did last time and I beat you. Two fucking wins under my belt. And then the Blast From the Past started.

You said you wanted to win it. You acted like you gave a damn, even though you spouted out a bunch of bullshit thinking Brandi was just going to flirt with you or some shit. Newsflash, idiot. If you had done your research, you’d know Brandi has a thing going with Indian boy, Bo Dreamwolf. Jesus Christ, you really must be fucking blind. Or just stupid. Or, as my point to all of this is…YOU JUST DON’T GIVE A SHIT!

So tell me, Jeremiah. Why the change all of a sudden? You’re given a World Heavyweight Title shot that you didn’t fucking deserve. They probably felt sorry for you. Or, they wanted to give me an easy win. Either way, it doesn’t change what the fuck happened does it? You were a whole different person, Jeremiah. It was like you were possessed or some shit. I don’t know. I hear your girlfriend...fiancee...whatever the fuck she is to you, is into some hinky voodoo magic shit. She’s always been more successful than you. I bet she found a way to zap herself into your body and fight for ya, huh? Far fetched, probably, but that’s what it sure as shit seemed like.

People like you aren’t just magically that good overnight, Jeremiah. So stop trying to deny it, because when you’ve been in this business as long as I have, you know the damn truth. Hell, I’m willing to admit I’ve had my shares of ups and downs. I’ve had my good days and my bad days, but you know what? Doesn’t mean I don’t treat each match equally the fucking same and that I bust my ass week in and week out. I put in the fucking effort because it’s my job and because I want Mark Ward, Christian Underwood and everyone else to take me fucking seriously as a competitor.

But you don’t, do you? And that’s what pisses me off more than anything! Guys like you come in and half ass everything and then automatically expect to get anywhere in this fucking business. You bust your ass to win a title and then everything changes. You slack off again and start to fail again, but you think it’s still ok to brag that you even won the title in the first place. I’ve seen it before, and I’ll see it again. I’ll see it real soon because that’s what’s gonna happen with you.

Let’s not forget, you had a little help from J2H, Jeremiah. Oh, don’t worry, he’ll get what’s coming to him soon enough, that much I promise everyone. But you seem to be downplaying his involvement and the fact that had he not stuck his nose where it didn’t belong that night, I would have finished you off right then and there. I was on my way to doing just that, Jeremiah, and we both know it.

You see, I was at a big disadvantage, wasn’t I? Me. A six foot eight, three hundred pound monster was at a disadvantage because it wasn’t like I was just fighting one person. It wasn’t like I was fighting two people. It turned out to be a bit of a three on one handicap situation, and I’ll be fucking DAMNED if I left that shit happen again. You see, people might not like how I won the title in the first place, but at least when all was said and done, I did it all on my fucking own, Jeremiah. Me. I DID IT.

I’m angry, Jeremiah. Pissed off. Furious. Fuming. RAGING FUCKING MAD. And that’s not good for you. I hope you realize that.

I’m going to embarrass you, Jeremiah. I’m going to prove to everyone that your “win” was a fucking joke and that it never should have happened. I’m going to inflict a serious amount of pain on you, Jeremiah, and even if you beg me to stop, I won’t. Because I’m going to make you suffer. All while your “Unc” and your girls in The Fallen are watching backstage, helpless to stop you.

You’ve awakened a dangerous side of me, Jeremiah, and I don’t think you realize that. Because even IF someone tries to help you out by interfering or with some voodoo magic possession like two weeks ago, the beast inside of me...the DEMON inside of me is a lot stronger than anything you assholes can dish out. It’s time for me to correct a mistake, Jeremiah. But not MY mistake, because even though I let myself get distracted by J2H, I could have come back from that. I could have beat you.

If it was just you.

I don’t take too kindly to knowing that you’re carrying around MY title acting like it’s rightfully yours, because it isn’t. It never will be as long as I have anything to say about it, and this week, I’ll have a whole hell of a lot to say about it, Jeremiah. With my words AND my actions, and you can try as much as you want. You can bring your fucking best.

But it won’t be good enough.

You might want to say your I-Do’s with your girl pretty damn quick, Jeremiah. Profess your love and then say your goodbyes, because after I’m through with you, she’ll be planning your funeral. She’ll be walking away a fucking widow while I take MY World Heavyweight Championship back and get back to focusing on much more important matters than a worthless piece of shit like you. You got the best of me once, Jeremiah. That was one fucking time too many.

I promise you it won’t happen ever again. And if I have anything to say about it, this will be the LAST time we square off in the ring. Hell, it’ll be the LAST time anyone ever sees you in an SCW ring at all. I’m done facing the likes of you, Jeremiah. I’m a million fucking times better than you will EVER be and I will prove it this Sunday on Climax Control.

The devil is out for your blood, Jeremiah. And he’s NOT stopping until he spills it all over the six-sided ring.

See you Sunday, mother fucker!

Climax Control Archives / Uncontrollable Rage..and Feelings and Shit
« on: April 28, 2017, 10:52:09 PM »
Sunday April 16th
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
After Climax Control Went Off Air

I’m gonna kill him! Straight up gonna wrap my hands around his throat and choke the fucking life out of him! I don’t give a shit if it’ll break Melody’s heart or make me look like a big pile of shit, but that sonofabitch is going to pay for what he just did. I just have to fucking find him!

He hightailed it backstage pretty damn quick. I’ll give him that much. He ran like the coward that he is, because he knew I’d be more than pissed off at him getting involved where he shouldn’t have, and because of it, Jeremiah Hardin stole my damn title from me! I should be pissed off at myself, but fuck that shit. I’m directing my anger at the appropriate pieces of shit and once I’m dealing with J, I’ll handle Jeremiah Hardin and get my damn title back.

I didn’t even pay a single second of attention to Jeremiah Hardin celebrating in the ring after Jasmine handed him my title. I couldn’t focus on that shit, so I chased after J. I’ll admit, that’s where my damn size put me at a disadvantage because J is a quick little fucker so once I burst through the curtain and to the backstage area, he was nowhere in site. Everyone is staring at me. I’m sure half are still shocked at what just happened and me losing the title to Jeremiah Hardin, and the rest are probably wondering what the hell I’m doing.

“J!!!! YOU LOUSY SONOFABITCH! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!” I clench my fists and shout at the top of my lungs. I feel my face going beat red as I look around, trying to see where J could be hiding. “James...Huntington...Hawkes...the third!!!! COME OUT AND FACE ME ASSHOLE!”

Figures he would be hiding like the damn coward that he is. People are still staring at me as I storm around the backstage area, tossing shit as I go. I don’t give a shit what I break in the process. I don’t give a fuck who I hurt in the process. It’s all collateral damage, because once I get my hands on J, it’ll all be worth it. FUCK why didn’t I see that shit coming?! J has been an even bigger pain in my ass the last few weeks than he was last year before I made the mistake of joining up with that bullshit J2Hism.

“Where the fuck is J2H?! Where did he go?!” I shout to anyone and everyone directly around me. Some shake their heads while others scurry off and run away like the pussies they are. “I know someone saw where he went! Answer me God damn it!”

But no one answers me. Seriously, it’ll be easier for everyone else if they just tell me where the fuck he is, because them protecting that piece of shit just makes them just as guilty in my eyes. They just refuse to tell me, and it pisses me off even more as I kick a large equipment box and it flies back into the wall.

I let out another roar. I really can’t fucking help it. I can’t remember a time where I’ve been this damn pissed off, and I take a steel chair, whipping it across the hall. It crashes against the wall, breaks into pieces and to my sheer fucking delight, takes a chunk out of the brick wall. I let myself grin for just a second and let out a quick chuckle but I have to get back to looking for J. I feel my knuckles go white as I’m beyond frustrated. As I stand where I’m at for a moment, it suddenly hits me.

“Fuck. I know where the little shit is!” I shout out loud as I look at my surroundings.

I storm off down the hall, searching for the right locker room, passing the Men’s and Bombshell’s locker rooms. Sharing a locker room with the other guys on the roster is beneath him and he doesn’t have his own locker room anymore since he’s not the World Champ anymore, so I know exactly where to find him. I finally stop just outside the door labeled “Melody Grace”, close my eyes and take in a deep breath. My eyes shoot open a few seconds later and I kick in the door.

When I burst into the locker room, expecting to find an unsuspecting J2H and Melody Grace, I instead find an empty locker room. Melody and J apparently got out of there pretty damn fast as their shit is already gone. Fucking figures. I let out a frustrated roar as I bend down, grab the bench just in front of me and toss it across the room. It crashes against a TV monitor, breaking it, but I don’t give a shit.

“AHHHHHH! SONOFABITCH! MOTHER FUCKER!!!” I can’t hold anything in. I start tossing shit around the locker room, demolishing every fucking thing in my way. “Fucking piece of shit coward!!!!”

I’m aware that people are passing by the locker room, some shrieking and in shock of what I’m doing, but let them. At this point if anyone tries to stop me from unleashing all this anger and rage I’ve got going on, they’re bound to get hurt. I continue kicking and throwing shit across the room and the sweat starts to pour down my head. I’m running out of breath, but I fight through it because I literally can’t stop myself. I can’t hold it all in. I bring my hands up to my head, wiping all the sweat from off the top of my head and when I spin around, letting out another angry growl, my eyes stop on Kittie as she’s standing in the doorway.

“What the FUCK are you doing?!” She yells at me, her jaw dropped as she looks around at the mess I’ve caused. “Do you realize how much all this is going to cost you in damages?!”

“I don’t fucking care!!!” I roar back, fuming. “He fucking cost me the title, Kittie! He stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and Jeremiah Hardin beat me! FUCKING JEREMIAH HARDIN!” Another roar and I grab another chair, whipping it across the room. Kittie ducks as it comes close to hitting her and I collapse down to the floor, rocking back and forth.

“Yeah no shit. I was watching the entire thing!” She screams. She steps around the broken chair and into the locker room, stopping just a few feet in front of me. “You got distracted and it--”

“DON’T PUT THIS SHIT ON ME!” I snap my head up and glare at her. “Even if J hadn’t come out there, Jeremiah was clearly on some shit because he was a lot fucking stronger than he was the last two fucking times I faced him! Fucking bullshit!” I kick at the broken pieces front of me and I start breathing heavier. My heart and head are both pounding and I soon feel Kittie’s hands on my shoulders.

“Calm the fuck down, alright?” She says as calmly as she can. She runs her hands up my neck and grabs my face, forcing me to look at her. “Shit happens, but destroying a whole god damn building isn’t going to make matters any better. Mark and Christian could suspend you for this shit!”

I shake my head and swat her hands away. “I don’t fucking care, Kittie! I’m...I’m...I’m fucking furious right now!” I start rocking back and forth again, shaking my head. I don’t think I’ve ever acted this way in one of my fits, but my blood is boiling right now. I can feel it.

“No shit, Sherlock.” She snaps back, sitting on the floor next to me. I wish she would keep distance between the two of us, because I really don’t want to hurt her, but Kittie is nothing short of persistent and aggravating at times. “Look, it’s just a damn title, Rage. You can get it back. Same shit happened when you had the Internet title and faced Dmitri. Just...calm down and focus.”

I shake my head. “I can’t, Kittie. It may be just a fucking title, but that loss...that was fucking embarrassing! It was my first god damned defense after the controversy of how I won the damn thing in the first place! I’ll never be able to recover from that shit.”

She shakes her head and nudges me. “Oh quit the fucking woe is me bullshit, Rage.” She tells me. I look up at her with a frown. “Everyone knows that wasn’t the normal Jeremiah out there tonight. Even if J2H hadn’t gotten involved, he probably would have found a way to beat you.”

I snarl and push myself away from her. Did she seriously just say that shit to me?! It doesn’t matter. I don’t care what the fuck she just said. I don’t give a shit if Jeremiah was on something or possessed by a fucking demon of some sort. I had him beat until J walked out when he shouldn’t have.

“Don’t get all mad and try to deny it, Rage.” She says, scooting back closer to me and closing the space between us. “Everyone saw it. Everyone has been talking backstage about that shit. They saw something was off, and honestly if I were you, I’d go to Mark and Christian and demand Jeremiah be drug tested or something. They could just make that victory null and void and the title will come right back to you.”

I laugh and shake my head. Yeah, like that shit would actually happen anyway. “Fuck that, Kittie.” I say, taking in a deep breath. “It’d be pointless because my suspicions or anyone else saying the same shit wouldn’t be proof enough to them. I’d be wasting my time.”

“So then demand your rematch for next week!” She raises her voice and I look at her. “Get your damn title back and quit being this way.”

I close my eyes, bring my hands up and gripping the top of my head. I let out a sigh and shake my head again, feeling completely lost, but my blood is still boiling and I feel like exploding again at any second. “Fuck Jeremiah Hardin.” I snarl at her. “He’ll get what’s coming to him soon enough. No, I need to focus on getting my hands on J and breaking every fucking bone in his God damned body! Little bastard is going to regret this!”

Kittie takes in a deep breath and lets out a sigh, shaking her head. I know she’s just trying to help, but with the current mood I’m in, even angry sex with her wouldn’t be able to help like it normally does. I just want her to leave me the fuck alone, but she won’t.

“Rage, listen to me.” She speaks calmly, placing her hand on my arm. She squeezes it gently, which is weird even for her, but I’m doing my best not to explode and hurt her in the process. “This shit with J isn’t over yet. Everyone knows it, so it’s best if you just not focus on that shit and worry about going after Jeremiah again and getting your title back. Besides, I’m pretty damn sure J is going to stay hidden for the next week. Melody was waiting for him and they hightailed it out of here as soon as the show ended.”

I turn my head slowly and look at her. My eyes are narrowed and my nostrils are flared out. I clench my fists again until my knuckles are white and I furiously kick at the broken shit in front of me again, screaming at the top of my lungs. Kittie pushes herself up to her knees and brings her hands up to my shoulders as she starts massaging them, trying to calm me down.

“Breathe, Rage.” She says calmly. “I know you’re pissed off and I don’t blame you, but just...breathe. Relax. Calm the hell down.”

She continues massaging my shoulders and I let myself close my eyes and do as she says. I take in several slow deep breathes, unclenching my fists and letting the blood flow through my knuckles again. A few minutes later, Kittie stands up back to her feet and stares down at me. “Get up.”

I look up at her, confused. “What? Why?”

“Because I said so.” She bites back. “Just get the fuck up.” I roll my eyes and shake my head. I take in a deep breath before I push myself back up to my feet, towering over her once again.

“Look, let’s just get out of here, okay?” She runs her hand down my arm, shaking the sweat off her hand with a slightly disgusted look on her face. “Let’s go back to the hotel. You can take a shower and just relax for the night. Or...we can find a better way for you to let off some steam.”

And there it is. Her ulterior motive. I look down at her and she winks at me and I take in another deep breath, looking around the room at the mess I created. I’m actually quite proud of myself for it, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting my next paycheck because of it. I shrug and look back to her.

“Alright, fine.” I lie. The truth is, I’m not fucking fine, and I won’t be fine. “Why don’t you head back to my locker room and start getting our shit together. I’ll be there in a second.”

She looks confused as she folds her arms. “Why don’t you just come with me?”

“Just go to the locker room, Kittie.” I order her. “I’ll be right there. I just need a minute or two to myself to gather my thoughts, okay?!”

She stares at me for a moment, reluctant to do as I ask, but she shakes her head and shrugs, throwing her arms up in the air, defeated. “Fine.” She gives in. “But don’t go destroying anything else. Otherwise you’ll be without a paycheck for months.”

I can’t help but grin as she turns around and heads out of the locker room. Once she’s out of view and the coast is clear, I give in to the rage again. I crack my neck and feel my fists clenching again as I head over to the door. I look out, making sure she’s nowhere in sight, and snarl at a few people staring at me and the damage I caused. But I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take being in this building anymore so I turn to the left and storm off towards the exit. I don’t even bother taking any of my shit. I just want to get the hell out of here and out of Philadelphia.

I won’t lie. That loss hit me a lot fucking harder than any loss I’ve ever suffered so far in my career. It was embarrassing. It was maddening. It never should have fucking happened, and I’m not going to sit here and blame myself for shit that wasn’t my fault to begin with.

The first defense is always the most important. It was even more important for me because nobody was happy with me cashing in the King Of the Hill briefcase on Drake Green after he beat J2H at Blaze of Glory. I got a lot of flack for that shit, and I’ll probably get a lot of flack for the rest of my life, but as I’ve said in the past, I don’t give a shit. But...this match was my first chance at proving I deserve to be the damn champion. Sure it was just against Jeremiah Hardin, but unlike some people, I treat every opponent the same. I don’t slack off. I don’t hold back just because I’m facing a midcarder or rookie.

But from the start, I knew...I fucking knew something wasn’t right. I could feel that things weren’t going to go my way. I could feel that, even though I was giving it one hundred percent that night, that I would have to give just a little bit more if I wanted to keep my title. Even then it wouldn’t have been good enough, would it? Even then, like Kittie said, chances are Jeremiah still would have walked out as champ because the bitch had the strength of two or three guys.

It was one of those moments I just knew I couldn’t win. I didn’t want to accept it. Didn’t want to admit it, but it sure as shit was. I can normally deal with a loss no fucking problem. It’s not about wins or losses to me. It never has been. It’s about beating the shit out of my opponent and making a statement. And I was trying to do just that against Jeremiah Hardin.

And then J got involved.

I was on my way to trying to finish off Jeremiah...maybe prove myself wrong that he could be beaten that night...and then J’s music hit. I knew that Ward warned him not to lay a finger on me or Hardin in this match, because he knew J was up to something and that he would try something. But, FUCK, Ward should have just warned him not to get involved at all! Leave it to that spoiled little piece of shit to find a way around anything and do something to piss me off even more.

But that didn’t just piss me off. That didn’t just make me fuming angry.

It fucking HUMILIATED me. And that set off a side of me that I’m just not even used to. It set off a fury of emotions that right now...I just can’t fucking control no matter how hard I try. And believe me, I’ve fucking tried.

Every time I think I’ve finally calmed down and that my head is clear, a thought creeps into my head and sets it off all over again. I yell. I scream. I roar louder than a fucking bear for Christ’s sake. And I break shit. A lot of shit. Nothing seems to be helping me keep this rage under control, and honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get it under control again.

And that’s not a good thing. Not for me. Not for Kittie. Not for J2H, Drake Green or even Jeremiah Hardin. I’ve never experience this anger before so when I’m this uncontrollable to the point I’ll flat out admit it...well, anything can happen.

Shit can and will get broken. People can and will get hurt. Careers can and WILL be ended. And you know what? I...don’!

But I guess I have to deal with all of that next week in DC, won’t I? I’ll get my chance to confront J at Climax Control. Maybe even Drake Green and probably even Jeremiah Hardin. As for right now...there’s a few other people that I need to confront because all of this shit just set off a completely different set of emotions. Emotions that I need to confront. And there is only one place that I can confront those emotions...those feelings…

Back in Las Vegas…

Monday April 17th
Las Vegas

It’s been weeks since I’ve been back to my house. When SCW is touring, I really don’t find much of a damn reason to travel back and forth like most people do. The travelling gets to be too much and it makes no sense to go to one place, stay for a day or two and then have to head to the next city. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t do well on living on little to no sleep. It makes me that much harder to deal with. As if it matters right now considering how fucking unstable I’ve been the last twenty-four hours.

The flight back home I was stuck being seated in front of some annoying little kid, constantly kicking the back of my seat. I tried to ignore it. I really fucking did, but that little shithead just wouldn’t stop! So I turned around, glared at the little bastard without saying a single word. I think I scared the little shit pretty good, because he went stark rigid in his seat, gripped the armrests and stared at me with a panicked look in his eyes. His skanky mother was seated next to him, staring out the window not paying attention, so I didn’t have to deal with her bitching to me, thankfully.

After leaving the airport I hailed a cab to take my back to my place. Traffic took a little longer than I expected, or wanted it to and once the driver pulled into my driveway, I tossed a few bills at him and quickly went up to my front door. I unlocked the door and stepped inside as the cab disappeared back down my driveway and away from my house.

Normally I’m used to walking into a quiet empty house, but I really could have used Aggie to greet me at the door right about now. I don’t even know how she’s doing, considering Phil took her out of here and to Synn’s when she got sick. I could have fucking took care of her, but whatever. She clearly preferred him over me anyway.

I’m only here for one reason. I’m not here to sulk. I’m not here to wallow in self pity or some shit like other people do. No. There’s a room downstairs I need to spend a little time in right now and that’s exactly where I’m headed.

I storm my way downstairs, flipping the switch at the bottom of the stairs so there is light. I’m half tempted to just bypass my whole original plan and go to the workout room, but I quickly shrug off that thought saying fuck it and walking to the room just next to it.

My “trophy” room.

All athletes have one, right? I personally didn’t want one, but not only did Kittie bug me into getting one, Despayre thought I should have one, too. I don’t know how the fuck I always let them talk me into doing shit I didn’t want to do, but I guess it doesn’t matter now, does it? The only one who will be bugging me from now on is Kittie anyway, and in the end, I rarely listen to her so whatever.

I turn the knob and push the door open, standing in the doorway. I close my eyes, preparing myself because I know as soon as I turn on the light, I’m going to lose it. I’m going to lose my shit and go apeshit, without anyone here to stop me.

“Don’t fucking do it, Rage.” I say out loud, surprising myself. I rarely try to talk myself out of doing something, but destroying more shit in my house might not be the best idea. “Turn the fuck around and just..leave.”

I reach inside the room and to the right, putting my hand on the lightswitch. I don’t turn it on right away as I keep my eyes closed and keep my hand on the lightswitch. I stand there for a long while, almost unable to move, but then that dark voice deep inside me whispers to me. My eyes shoot open as I flip the switch and turn the light on, gazing around the room.

“Fuck it.” I step inside, my eyes darting around the room at all the reminders of my accomplishments in my career from GXW and now SCW. It might not be as many accomplishments as others, but it’s enough to at least be slightly proud anyway.

I feel myself start to shake as I stand in the center of the room, turning around and just looking at everything. My blood starts boiling almost immediately and I shake my head, quickly losing my grip on reality. When I lift my head again, I can’t keep it in any longer and I let out a loud growl before I rush over to one of the trophy cases containing my very first SCW Tag Team championship belt...the one I won and held with that dipshit Jamie Staggs.

I swing my leg forward with one forceful kick, breaking the glass, but I don’t stop there. I keep kicking at it until it’s completely shattered, then reach down, picking up a piece of the metal edge, spin around and whip it across the room. It shatters against another another trophy case, this one holding the very first SCW Heavyweight Championship I held. The one that I defeated Nick Jones for. I don’t give a shit.

I move to the last case holding the second tag team championship that I held with Despayre and repeat the process, destroying that one as well, but I keep going. Pictures, awards...anything and everything that reminds me of my entire wrestling career I pull down off the walls and slam then down on to the floor, demolishing them. This whole room can piss right off. But as I stand over the mess I’ve created, and my ruined reminders of my achievements, I feel a burning desire to just set everything on fire.

It’s the only way…

“No...No!” I shout, shaking my head and trying to hold myself back.

“Do it, Rage. You know you want to.” The dangerous voice says inside of me. “Better yet. Call Electra. She’ll have no problem doing it for you.” And the damn voice then laughs! It fucking LAUGHS at me!

“NO! I WON’T DO IT!” I shout back, even though I’m clearly having a psychotic break and just shouting to myself. I grip my head, nearly convulsing from the anger. “I...I can’t do it!”

I storm out of the room. I can’t be here anymore. The longer I stay in this mess, the more likely I am to just set my entire house on fire and then I’ll really be screwed. And not only that, but Kittie will be screwed as well, but at least in her case, she’d be allowed to crash at Synn’s for a while.


Shit...I really need to try and sort shit out with Synn and the other’s. But I’ll need a little liquid courage before I deal with that shit storm.

I don’t know how I did it. I don’t know how I managed to stop myself before I walked out of the room, went and got some lighter fluid and a lighter and just set that bitch on fire. I wanted to do it. Hell, a part of me still does. I never wanted that house. I never needed a house that big, but Despayre thought it was my style when he was helping me pick out houses and he got me a good deal so…

DAMN IT! Everything leads back to that shit, doesn’t it?! Every fucking thing reminds me of what a big fuck up I am. Everything! I should have just set the damn thing on fire and burned the bitch to the ground and disappeared, because it would have made some people’s lives a hell of a lot easier.

But, that didn’t happen, did it? No, I was able to fight through the urges and leave before I made yet another huge mistake. I don’t know how, but I’m not ready to find out, because chances are if I go back to the house right now, I’ll be tempted all over again. But, I went from almost making a huge fucking mistake, to making a stupid fucking mistake.

Before I get into the details, let me just point out that I don’t usually drink hard liquor. I’m more of a beer kinda guy. It’s simple and it’s what I know. Anything else and shit gets fucked up. I get fucked up. So of course knowing that shit, my first thought was to go to the nearest liquor store, buy the biggest bottle of whiskey I could find and start downing the entire bottle. Well…almost the entire bottle.

It probably wasn’t the wisest decision I could make. But it was a decision I made anyway. I needed to talk to Phil. I need to talk to everyone. If they were even there. I need to see them and speak to them face to face.

Turning up shitfaced drunk probably wasn’t the best way to do that, though…

Later that day…
Synn’s Home
Las Vegas, Nevada

Damn. I really need to drink this whiskey shit more often. It’s pretty damn good. Goes down smooth. Not exactly doing the best job at masking my problems, but fuck it. I’ll still drink it.

I called a cab for the second time today. I don’t know why, because I fucking hate paying the cab drivers their ridiculous fare to drive me around Vegas, and I have a perfectly good car, but it was probably a smart decision considering I just got my license back not the long ago and I don’t need to go wrecking another car and getting in even deeper shit for driving drunk.

“You can’t drink that shit in here.” The cab driver had warned me once I opened the bottle and started downing the contents.

I took a few giant gulps and then glared at him from the backseat. “Just shut the fuck up and drive.” I say, taking out more cash from my pocket. “Extra trip for ya if ya keep your mouth shut and just drive.” He was reluctant to listen to me, but the big wad of cash in my hand was too tempting to pass up so he put the car in drive and started heading the distance to Synn’s place.

Once he made it to Synn’s neighborhood, I had him stop at the end of the driveway and just drop me off there, as I didn’t want anyone to see the cab pull up closer to the front of the large mansion. I paid him his money, plus the large tip, exited the car with my booze in hand and he drove off. I stood at the edge of the driveway for a long while, drinking the whiskey while I thought about what I was doing. Phil’s car isn’t in the driveway, so either he doesn’t live here anymore or he’s just not home.

“Fantastic.” I think, taking another big swig of the whiskey. The whole bottle is nearly gone by this time, and I’m trying to build the courage to just walk up to the door and get this shit over with.

It takes me awhile to do that, though. Longer than I thought it would. I don’t even know how long either, as after about half an hour, I think, the whiskey started to kick in and the earth started spinning. I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying to fight through it but as soon as I open my eyes again, everything is spinning again. More than before, actually.

“Nooope. Didn’t work.” I say outloud, surprising myself. I take in a deep breath and start walking the steps up to Synn’s front door, nearly losing my footing a couple times. “Fuuuck. I forgot how to...walk.” A giant unexpected hiccup escapes from my lungs and I can’t help but chuckle as I continue stumbling up to the door.

As I get closer to the door, I see the curtain to one of the windows move, so I know someone is home. It was probably Despy looking out to see who was here, and I’m not paying attention to where I am walking. My foot hits the bottom step and I trip forward towards the door but I catch myself and walk up the few steps and stop right in front of the door. Do I knock? Do I ring the doorbell?

“Doorbell!” I say outloud, feeling a grin appear on my face.

I put my finger on the doorbell and push it, hearing the sound on the inside of the house. I chuckle as I ring the doorbell again and again and again, finding it amusing, but I don’t even know why. Fucking doorbells. I hate them. But...this ain’t my house, so I’ll just…

“Despy!” I actually feel myself smiling but that fades pretty damn quick because as soon as Despy sees me, he starts to close the door.

“Oh come on Despy,” I think I say as I place my hand inside the door, but I could be slurring my words because I’m fucking trashed. “You and I both know you won’t--”


“SONOFA!!!” He did it. Little bugger ACTUALLY slammed the door ON my fucking hand! I hear him yell “Rage is here!” to Synn from inside the house as I stumble around and then collapse down to my ass, holding my hand in pain.

“Fucking hell I think he broke my hand!” I let out another growl as I stay seated where I fell and shake my hand, trying to get feeling back into it. It only causes another jolt of throbbing pain to shoot right through it, but I fight through it. I’m not some pussy bitch that whines about something as little as a paper cut. But...I’m also drunk so that adds to it too.

I wait for Synn to open the door and step out and approach me, but he doesn’t. He obviously wants nothing to do with me, but that’s not gonna stop me from waiting. I sit and wait for what seems like hours and just when I’m about to stand up and pound on the door again, a car pulls into the driveway.

“Oh fuck,” I say, shaking my head. “He called the--” I squint my eyes to get a closer look at the car and finally realize once the driver gets out that it’s Phil. My younger, and much more good looking than I am, brother.

“Phil! Heyyyy brosef!” The fuck did I just say? I laugh as I can’t even comprehend my words any longer and I struggle to get back to my feet.

Phil shakes his head as he walks up to me, stopping just a few feet away. “Jake, what the hell are you doing here?” He folds his arms and asks me. I stand up and stare at him, confused.

“Jake? Who the fuck is Jake?” I ask, scratching my head. A moment later I remember and I snap my fingers. “Ooooh, right. I’m Jake. Or I was. I don’t know!” I stumble back down the steps, nearly falling forward but Phil is able to somehow catch me.

“You’re fucking plastered right now!” He growls as I stand up straight, but wobbly as shit.

I smile and nod proudly. “You fucking bet I am!” I chuckle. “Ya know I don’t even know why I hadn’t drank whiskey more often before today. I’m feeling pretty damn good right about now.”

He shakes his head as he stares at me with an annoyed expression on his face. “Except for your hand.” He says and I’m reminded of the throbbing pain in my hand again.

“Fuck!” I shout, bringing my hand up to stare at it. “He slammed the door on my hand, Phil! Despy! Despy did it!”

Phil laughs and nods. “Yeah I know.  Synn called me. He was tempted to call the police but I told him I would handle it.”

I snarl and turn around, looking to one of the front windows. I spot Despy for a quick second just before the curtain moves and he disappears. I wave my hand and turn back around to face Phil.

“I ain’t doin’ nothin’ Phil! I just wanna talk to the guy!” I shout, not even realizing just how loud until he sighs and shakes his head.

“And he doesn’t want to talk to you, Jake.” He replies. “Just...give up, alright? He’s not going to forgive you. You’re not going to be welcome back here. Leave them be for Christ’s sake!”

I roll my eyes, unable to control my actions thanks to the large amount of alcohol in my system turning my the filter in my brain off. Any thoughts that run through my head, I immediately put to action and this includes dropping down to the ground right there and sitting down, burying my head in my hands.

“Fuck! I went and fucked up my life big time, Phil.” I say out loud, vaguely aware of my eyes starting to water. The fuck is that shit?! “I went and joined up with that little piss...piss...MOTHER FUCKER...and look where it got me? And now I lost my damn title to Jeremy Hard-On!”

Phil raises his eyebrow and lets out a laugh. “You mean Jeremiah Hardin?” He asks.

“Whatever! I was close enough!” I shout at him. “Fucking worthless cocksucking fool has my title!”

Phil laughs at me again. “Karma is a bitch, isn’t it bro?”

I snarl at him. “Hey fuck you, bro! I don’t give a rat’s dick what I did, I didn’t deserve to lose to that asshole! You can hate me all ya want, but I’m fucking humiliated, Phil! And the people who were supposed to be my family don’t give a shit!”

“I don’t hate you, bro.” He replies and to my surprise he sits down on the ground right next to me. “But I think you need to open your eyes a bit and see just why all of this shit is happening.”

“Because I was a dumbass and betrayed the only family I’ve ever known?” I respond quickly as I turn and look at him. Fuck, all this emotional feelings bullshit is not something I’m familiar with. I don’t like it.

He shakes his head and says, “Well, that’s part of it, but look at the bigger picture. When’s the last time you really did anything independently? For or by yourself?”

I scratch my head and lead out a snort. “Fuck if I know. Synn always handled shit. Or Kittie. Shit. If I didn’t have Kittie right now I’d really be fucked. And not in the good and pleasurable way, obviously.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “So maybe all of this happened for that reason. Think of it as a wake up call like I got two years ago when you and Synn helped me get out of Boston. Just..less suicidal.” He manages to crack a smile and laugh at that last but I don’t.

“That shit ain’t funny, Phil.” I snap at him. “Don’t be joking about you trying to fucking kill yourself.”

“Why not? I’ve moved on and healed from it. I’ve got Maddie now and I’m in a much better place.” He says. “And I’ve got you and Synn to thank for that, too.”

“You still living here?” I quickly ask, wiping that wet shit coming from my eyes.

He shakes his head and says, “No. Maddie and I finally got our own place. But this isn’t about me or Maddie. This is about you.”

I take in a deep breath, lift my head and look towards his car. I can’t even sort out all the shit running through my head. “I don’t know, Phil.” I say, shaking my head and letting out a sigh. “Shit just got way too complicated too fucking quick. I can’t control anything right now. You could just breathe wrong and I’ll fucking snap.”

“You don’t like change. That’s your problem.” He replies and elbows me lightly on my arm. “You just need to be open to change for damn once.” He then pushes himself back to his feet and looks down at me.

“Fuck change.” I growl. And I meant it.

“Look I can’t figure things out for you, bro.” He says, throwing his hands in the air. “You gotta do that for yourself. But what I do need to do is get you the hell off of Synn’s property before he does call the cops. Now stand up.”

“Let him call the fucking cops!” I shout, refusing to stand up but I’m not entirely sure why. “He’s being a stubborn pig-headed asshole, and all I want to do is talk!” Not really, I don’t. Not anymore. So why the fuck did I just say that? Stupid whiskey talking!

Phil lets out a frustrated sigh and with little warning, he smacks the back of my head. “Dude, get the fuck up. Quit acting like a five year old throwing a damn tantrum and get up so I can take you home.”

“Uh, OW!” I say, rubbing the back of my head. “Don’t boss me around, Phil! I’m bigger than you!”

He rolls his eyes. “Jesus Christ! How damn old are you?!”

“Almost thirty-eight..” I respond quickly. Fuck! I just admitted my age out loud!

He smacks me on the back of my head again. “Then start acting like it! Do you WANT Synn to call the cops and get your ass thrown in jail? Because I’m not bailing you out and I’m pretty sure Kittie will be pissed if--”

Before he can even finish that sentence I quickly push myself back to my feet, nearly falling back on my ass in the process but I manage to save myself. The earth starts spinning again and I almost feel like the whiskey is going to make its way back up from my stomach but I just let out a loud belch right in Phil’s face. He waves his hand in front of his face and I let out a laugh.

“Hahaha, sorry bro.” I say, looking around.

“Yeah, whatever.” He replies back. “I’ve never seen you move that fast. Kittie must scare the shit out of you.” He says with a laugh.

“You HAVE met Kittie, right?” I ask back.

He laughs and nods. “Yeah I have and you’re lucky as hell to have her. Don’t fuck it up because she does love you. You love her right?”

I nod quickly. “Yeah I do! Would I have asked her to marry me if I didn’t?!” Damn I’m just spilling all sorts of touch feel bullshit. Now I know why I stay away from the hard liquor.

“I don’t know. I’ve never actually heard you say the words so..” He shrugs. “Look, it doesn’t matter right now, ok? Let’s just get you back home so you can sleep this shit off and get back to being the selfish angry asshole that you normally are.”

He pats me on the back and although it wasn’t that hard I nearly lose my footing. “Thanks, Phil. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry I’m such an asshole. I guess I’m more like our piece of shit father than I thought.”

He laughs and shakes his head. “You might think so, but you’re not. Just shut up and let’s get out of here. And no getting sick in my car either! I just had it detailed!”

“I know how to hold my liquor!” I say as another belch escapes from my gut. “I won’t ruin your precious car.”

“Good because if you do, you’re cleaning it up.” He responds as we start walking to his car, slowly.

The earth is spinning too much for my liking but he lets me take my time as I take the several steps towards his car. I’m pretty sure I’ll end up passing out in a few minutes, but maybe not. I’m too intoxicated to give a shit and I let him lead the way the entire time. I just hope that Kittie doesn’t hear about this. Then again maybe she should hear about it because she’ll be pissed. And when she’s pissed that leads to one thing.

Some damn good angry sex!

Climax Control Archives / Not Again
« on: April 14, 2017, 10:22:06 PM »
 <Center>Sunday April 9th
Detroit, Michigan
Immediately After Climax Control

Three weeks have passed since Rage cashed in the King of the Hill golden briefcase on Drake Green and won the World Heavyweight Championship. And there were a few who were under the impression that Rage was actually going to hand the title back over to J2H in a display of good faith and obedience to the longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion in Sin City Wrestling history. After all, for the past six months, Rage had been following the ways of J2Hism, so would anyone really find it that surprising for Rage to hand the title back over to J2H? Perhaps, but Rage had other plans apparently.

Just last week, on the very first Climax Control following Blaze of Glory, Rage defied J2H and flat out refused to hand over the belt. A decision that, of course, did not sit well with the former champion and as of that moment, ended any alliance the two shared. And not only does Rage now have to deal with J2H demanding he get his rematch as soon as possible, but Drake Green is waiting in the winds as well, claiming he deserves the rematch before J2H. And while Drake Green had nothing to say this week and was not in attendance, J2H was, and he had quite a bit to say to both men.

But Rage doesn’t seem to care. After J2H spoke his peace, Rage did his job as the World Heavyweight Champion and he responded. Short. Sweet. And to the point. He knows he will have to face J2H eventually. Sooner rather than later, no doubt. But he’s just standing back, letting the pieces fall as they may. And despite the controversial way in which he won the title, he’s carrying the belt around with pride, relishing in the fact that he is now a two-time champion.

But winning the championship is the easy part. It’s only half the battle as everyone is all too familiar. Keeping the title in your possession is the real test, and it is perhaps the a test that, even if he passes with flying colors repeatedly, will not erase the doubt people feel towards him as a champion.

Just as he is heading towards the exit backstage, a smug look on his face, he’s quickly approached by one of the SCW backstage staff and handed a piece of paper with the schedule for next week’s matches in Philadelphia. Rage glances down at the paper almost immediately and when he spots his match, he grabs the staff member just before he can scurry off.

Rage: Whoa, hang on a damn minute there. This isn’t the actual card for next week is it?

The staff worker nods and stares at Rage nervously.

Worker: Yes, it is. Christian Underwood gave it to me just a little while ago.

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: This has to be some kind of joke. Or some mistake. Go get me the real card, asshole.

Rage shoves the piece of paper back into the staff worker’s hands, but the now nervous man just stands there, frozen.

Worker: I...I can’t. This is the card. Christian Underwood handed it to me himself. There’s no mistake.

Rage: I can’t believe this shit!

Rage snatches the piece of paper out of his hand again.

Rage: Get the fuck out of here!

The worker quickly scurries off as Rage glares down at the card for next week’s Climax Control. He crumples the sheet of paper in his hand and snarls, tossing the crumpled piece of paper on the floor. He just shakes his head before he continues walking towards the exit. He bursts through the exit door to the parking lot, looking around and trying to remember where he parked his rental car. But as he looks to the right, his attention is drawn to his fiancee, Kittie. She has her suitcase on the ground right next to her and she’s leaning against the wall with her arms folded.

Kittie Damn. Took you long enough. Did you have to take the Browns to the Superbowl before you left or something?

Kittie smirks and lets out a slight laugh as Rage frowns, not sharing her amusement.

Rage: Very funny, Kittie. Aren’t you going back to Vegas with Synn and Despy?

Kittie shakes her head.

Kittie Nope. There’s no reason to.

Rage raises an eyebrow.

Rage: Oh really? And why not? Everyone else will be back in Vegas.

Kittie You won’t be. You’ll still be travelling for SCW.

Rage shakes his head, letting out a sigh.

Rage: Kittie, you don’t need to travel with me. You don’t need to act like you’re not still pissed off at me, because we both know you are. And you’re going to stay pissed because I was actually considering giving the title back to J.

Kittie pushes herself away from the wall and holds her hands up, keeping her eyes locked on Rage.

Kittie Look, can we just not talk about that anymore? What’s done is done, but I’m serious. Synn and Despy won’t be travelling for the foreseeable future, and who knows, maybe never again. I’m not going to sit at home doing jack shit while you’re travelling and defending the title. I might as well tag along.

Rage: Kittie, you don’t need to do that. Seriously. I’m not going to make you choose to leave the Sins behind and continue going to shows with me.

Kittie Jesus, you’re not making me choose! Don’t you get it? We wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else. It could just be the two of us travelling, Rage. We could just do our own thing for once.

Rage blinks his eyes very slowly as he thinks about what Kittie is saying. He eventually lets out a loud sigh and adjusts the strap of his duffel bag over his shoulder.

Rage: And what about the others? What about Synn...Despy..Shane...Fantasia? You really ready to just piss them all off for choosing to travel with me?

Kittie I’ve already told all of them that I’m not calling off our engagement and that it was up to you. The whole situation is fucked up, but it is what it is. Look, if you don’t want me to come with you, just say the damn words. Not like I wasn’t partly expecting it, but I just thought this could be good for the both of us if I came with you, because you’re going to need someone in your corner when you defend that belt.

Rage: Kittie, I’m not going to fall apart if I don’t have someone in my corner. Fuck do you people NOT think I can do shit by myself? J went out there and went on a rant claiming I can’t, and now you’re acting like I’m not gonna be able to keep this belt around my waist without someone there. How about this. We put it to the test next weekend, because I have my first defense in Philadelphia.

Kittie thinks for a moment and folds her arms across her chest.

Kittie They give J2H his rematch?

Rage shakes his head.

Rage: No. I was hoping they would as stupid as that sounds. But, no. Instead they give fucking Jeremiah Hardin a title shot. Why? No fucking clue.

Kittie Maybe they just want to see some fresh faces go for the title?

Rage lets out a loud laugh.

Rage: That’s all fine and dandy but Jeremiah hasn’t done shit to deserve this shot. He’s proven he can’t beat me because the last two times I’ve faced him I’ve beat him! He must have done something to piss Mark or Christian off. Oh well, he ain’t getting this belt.

Rage looks down to the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. Kittie shrugs and just as she is about to respond, a little girl’s voice comes from several feet away.

“There he is! There’s my daddy!!”

Rage’s eyes widen and Kittie looks confused as they turn their attention to the little girl. They immediately recognize her as Ember; Rage and Electra Blaze’s ten year old daughter. Electra is walking just behind her as Ember rushes up to Rage and throws her arms around him. The World Heavyweight Championship slides off of Rage’s shoulder as he holds his arms out and luckily before it hits the ground, Kittie manages to catch it. Rage stands there awkwardly for a moment, not a clue on how he should react but his attention turns to Electra. He glares right at her, his eyes saying “What the fuck?!”

Electra: Ember, sweetie. I told you not to get overly excited. I’m so sorry, Rage...

Electra apologizes not only with her words, but in the look on her face as she reaches for her daughter and pulls her away from Rage gently. Ember turns and looks up to Electra with a frown.

Ember: But...I thought he would be excited to see me!

Electra sighs, but she doesn’t know how to respond to her daughter. Kittie stands back quietly, trying her best not to get involved in this situation, and Rage is doing his best at keeping his temper in check, to avoid a sticky situation with the little girl.

Rage: Electra...what are you doing here? You brought her here?

He speaks low and slowly, as if Ember won’t be able to hear him. But she does. And she looks back and forth between them, confused as her little mind would be.

Electra: I couldn’t tell her no, Rage. She knew you guys were going to be in town and she begged me to bring her here.

Ember smiles excitedly as she turns all of her attention on Rage.

Ember: I’m sorry I got so mad when you told me you were my daddy. I don’t hate you. I hope you don’t hate me.

Kittie’s eyes widen a bit as she stands back quietly. Rage runs his right hand over his bald head and he stumbles on his words.

Rage: I...uh....I don’t...

Electra: Ember, honey, he doesn’t hate you. He could never hate you.

Rage narrows his eyes at Electra, telling her to shut up without speaking a single word.

Rage: Uh, Electra...Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone...

Ember: No! I wanna know what you two are talking about!

Electra looks to Kittie.

Electra: Kittie, I hate to ask, but can you just stay with her for a second while the two of us talk?

Kittie’s jaw drops and she tries to speak, but she can’t. Rage grabs Electra by the arm and drags her far enough away so Ember can’t hear what they are talking about. Ember stands back by Kittie and looks up to her with a bright smile.

Ember: Are you going to be my second Mommy?!

Kittie is left dumbfounded as she glances over to Rage and Electra, who are now exchanging heated words. Actually, Rage is the one exchanging most of those words.

Rage: Electra, are you fucking crazy?! Why would you bring her here?! Did you think that I’d just welcome her with open arms the second she started calling me daddy?! It’s not gonna be that simple for me!

He raises his voice as much as he can but he also speaks through gritted teeth. Electra sighs as she holds her hands up, trying to calm him down.

Electra: I’m sorry, okay?! I just...I couldn’t say no to her! I knew it was going to take her some time to get used to us being her parents, but I didn’t think she’d get over it this quickly.

Rage: That’s all fine and dandy for you, but trying to shove her into my life isn’t going to help the situation any. I may be the one who knocked you up, but that doesn’t make me a father, Electra. Get that through your thick skull!

Electra frowns angrily at Rage and she folds her arms across her chest.

Electra: That may be true, but I also know you better than you think I do. You’re not going to purposely do anything to hurt her, which is why you took me aside to talk to me. Look at her, Rage.

They look over to Ember as she is talking a mile a minute to Kittie. Kittie nods her head every so often and puts on a smile trying to enlighten the little girl, but she glances to Rage, her eyes telling him to hurry up.

Electra: She even seems to like Kittie...

That doesn’t seem to sit well with Electra, given the history between the three of them, and Rage turns his attention back to Electra.

Rage: Look, I don’t care, Electra. You shouldn’t have gotten her hopes up like that, because I’m not father material, okay? Your brother raised her. Danny is her father for all intents and purposes. Quit trying to force your kid on me!

Electra: She’s not just MY kid, Rage! She’s your kid, too! I can make this very difficult for you, Rage, trust me.

Rage: What the fuck does that mean?

Rage snarls at her and she grins at him.

Electra: Your name is on her birth certificate. All I have to do is go to the courts and file the appropriate papers and that paycheck you bring in from Sin City Wrestling? Most of it could just be headed right to me for child support and back child support.

Rage: You’re fucking kidding me, right?! You just told me about her six fucking months ago! Oh wait...I know what this is. This is because I don’t want to be some sort of happy family with you and your kid, isn’t it? For fuck’s sake--

Electra: This has NOTHING to do with that, Rage! I’m over you, as much as you don’t seem to think I am! This does, however, have everything to do with me trying to get you to get over your own fucked up daddy issues and try and be a father to your daughter!

As Rage and Electra now get in a heated, much louder, argument, Kittie and Ember turn their attention to them, watching it all unfolds. Ember frowns sadly and she looks on the verge of tears, but she stands back, almost afraid to say anything.

Rage: What the fuck are you talking about?

Electra: I don’t need or want any of your money, Rage. That’s not what this is about. What it IS about is trying to open your eyes to world of possibilities, because that little girl? Our daughter? She’s an amazing kid. You need to move on and get past this whole angry beast lifestyle you seem to think you will have the rest of your life, but you won’t. It’s not too late, trust me.

Rage’s eyes narrow even further, and his fists clench at his side. He doesn’t say a single word in response and when Electra turns and looks to Ember, tears are now running down her face.

Electra: I’ll let you stew on that for a bit, but right now I need to go and comfort our daughter. Who knows, maybe Kittie will agree with me for once, but I doubt it.

Electra says this loud enough so Kittie can hear her, but Kittie stands back, speechless. Electra approaches Ember, kneeling down so she’s eye level and she wraps her arms around her daughter, trying to comfort her.

Electra: It’s okay, Ember. I’m sorry you had to hear all that. Let’s go home and I’ll try and explain things as best I can, okay?

Ember: I don’t...want

Ember speaks through the sobs as Electra rubs her back and then stands up slowly, leading Ember back to their car. She glares at Rage one last time before they make it to her car where she helps Ember into the back seat, making sure she’s buckled up safely. Rage keeps his back turned the entire time, standing in place, seething. Kittie makes her way over to him, still holding his World Heavyweight Championship belt. Electra’s car speeds out of the parking lot a few moments later, and Kittie watches as it disappears out of view before she turns her attention back to Rage.

Kittie Rage, are you--

Rage: Don’t say a fucking word, Kittie. Just...don’t.

Kittie glares at him.

Kittie Don’t get all fucking pissed at me! I didn’t tell her to bring her here and what she did was bullshit!

Rage turns to her, surprised.

Rage: Oh really? So you’re not going to try and talk me into giving this whole fatherhood thing a shot?

Kittie Fuck no. You can’t force someone to be a parent. I’m proof of that. You want to be her father, that’s up to you. Not me. Not Electra. You.

Rage: And you’ll just be okay with it either way? You’d be fine if I decided to try and be a part of her life, knowing that I’d be connected to Electra for the rest of our lives?

Kittie takes in a deep breath and shrugs.

Kittie Like I said, I can’t make that decision for you and neither can Electra. Electra is trying to force you into being that kid’s father, but if you don’t? Just be prepared to start shelling out child support. It’s up to you on what you want to do.

The more Rage things about it, the angrier he gets. He starts shaking, trying not to think about what to do about the whole situation. He closes his eyes and tries to take in a few deep breaths, but the gravity of the situation overwhelms him. His eyes shoot open and he lets out a loud guttoral growl before he storms off. Kittie stands there confused for a moment, holding his title and looking over where his duffel bag and her suitcase still remains in the parking lot.

Kittie Hey! Asshole! You’re forgetting a couple things!

She chases after him without their luggage, hoping he doesn’t leave without it.

Roars. Deafening roars. But his eyes are closed and the sounds are muffled. He’s laying flat on his back, unable to move. He can feel all the movement around him. All the excitement. All the shock. When he slowly opens his eyes, he’s look straight up at the ceiling, and the lights surrounding them.

And he still can’t hear.

He continues to blink and he slowly turns his head, trying to get a view of the activity around him. As he does, however, J2H stands over him, looking right down at him with a huge grin on his face. And he’s laughing. But he still can’t move. And he still can’t hear what all the commotion is about.

He looks around again, only for Kittie to appear opposite J2H, but she looks down at him, disappointed and shaking her head. J2H is still laughing. As he continues to blink, he tilts his head up to get a better view of what is going on, and his eyes go wide. He can’t be seeing things clearly. There’s just no way.

Referee Jasmine St. John is standing directly next to Jeremiah Hardin, holding his hand up high, and the crowd is going wild. He blinks again, and the gravity of what has just happened hits him further as his eyes focus on the World Heavyweight Championship, but it is no longer in his possession. Jasmine St. John has just handed the belt over to Jeremiah Hardin, declaring him the new World Heavyweight Champion.

He shakes his head. This...this can’t be happening. He sits upright, looking around as Jeremiah Hardin exits the ring and celebrates with the fans in the front row. J2H and Kittie stay in the ring with him, giving two very different reactions as he watches Hardin hold the World Heavyweight Championship up high.

He shakes his head again, trying to speak, but the words just don’t come out. But J2H knows exactly what he wants to say.

J2H: Oh, it happened alright, Rage. You went and proved what everyone already knew!

Rage turns his head slowly and stares at J2H, jaw dropped and at a loss for words.

J2H: You don’t deserve that belt. You’re not championship material, and ya never will be! Look at you! Pathetic! I held the belt for over a year and you couldn’t even hold it a month! And you went and lost it to a guy like Jeremiah Hardin! Fucking pathetic!

All Rage can do is blink. J2H continues to stare at him, laughing and shaking his head. Kittie gets kneels down to his eye level, complete disappointment written all over her face.

Kittie You can’t do this anymore, Rage. You’re not the monster you were before. You’ve ruined everything.

Her words are soft, but harsh and as much as Rage wants to respond, he can’t. He opens his mouth to speak, but the words just don’t come out. J2H continues to laugh.

J2H: Time for you to do everyone a favor and disappear, Rage. You’re nothing. You’ll never be as great as I am. You’ll never be the champion that I am for SCW. It’s time for me to right this wrong and get my title back, proving ya never should have had it in the first place. I’ll repair the damage you caused in just a matter of weeks holding MY belt. Get your ass out of my ring! Get your ass out of MY company you waste of a space!

Rage lowers his head in shame, but he can’t move. Jeremiah Hardin has already disappeared backstage to continue his celebration and Kittie has gotten back to her feet. To add insult to injury, J2H slaps Rage hard across the face, but Rage still can’t move.


J2H slaps Rage again and Rage just collapses down the canvas, and that is when the assault begins. J2H unleashes all his frustration on Rage, kicking and stomping away and Rage doesn’t do anything to stop it, nor does Kittie. Kittie just let’s it happen, and so does Rage. J2H may be much smaller in size, but he manages to slowly roll Rage over towards the rope and then kicks him, rolling him under the bottom rope and out of the ring.

Rage crashes down to the floor below and the fans in the front row are on their feet, staring at him and laughing. And he doesn’t move. He lets the embarrassment sink in as J2H continues to shake his head and laugh as he exits the ring and heads backstage. Kittie stands back in the ring. She leans against the ropes, looking down at Rage on the floor below. Her mouth moves as she’s shouting at him, but it falls on deaf ears. Rage rolls over onto his back and stares up, his eyes occasionally glancing to Kittie as she shouts at him.


He’s paralyzed. His eyes are all that is able to move.


He can see her mouth continuing to move, but he just...can’t.


His eyes suddenly burst open and he’s surprised to see Kittie looking down at him. He bolts up and this causes him to fall backwards and off the bed as he crashes to the floor with a loud THUD! Kittie jumps out of bed and rushes around it, over to him.

Kittie Christ! What the fuck?!

Rage quickly sits up, looking around him in a panic.

Rage: W-what the fuck happened?!

Kittie You tell me! You were practically shouting in your sleep and I was trying to wake you up. You fucking fell out of the bed.

Rage looks around, confused for a moment and his heart is racing. Once he realizes it was all a terrible nightmare and he’s in the safety of his and Kittie’s hotel room, he’s able to relax a bit. He takes in a few deep breaths as Kittie sits on the floor next to him.

Kittie Seriously...what the hell was that all about?

Rage: It was all a nightmare. It was just a fucking nightmare! Thank fuck!

He takes in another deep breath as Kittie looks only more confused.

Kittie Yeah, obviously. Care to tell me what the hell happened in that nightmare that got you so riled up?

Rage: He beat me...He beat me for the title...

Kittie can’t help but crack an amused smile.

Kittie Who? J2H?

Rage turns and looks at her, shaking his head.

Rage: No! Fucking Jeremiah Hardin! But J was there. And so were you.

Even though he’s still slightly shaken by the nightmare, Kittie laughs and this causes Rage to frown.

Rage: I’m glad you think that’s funny because I sure as shit don’t!

Kittie I-I’m sorry, but it kind of is. But, hey, at least you’re not dreaming about this Electra and Ember shit and your mind is where it should be on this title defense this week.

Rage narrows his eyes at her.

Kittie Right...sorry. Tell me more about this nightmare.

Rage shakes his head.

Rage: It doesn’t matter, because it ain’t going to become a reality that’s for damn sure. Fuck, what is happening to me! Shit never used to get to me like this before.

Kittie It’s called being human, Rage. And you’ve got a lot on your plate right now, so it’s starting to take it’s toll. It’s not a big deal, but as long as you focus all your energy on this title defense, you should have no problem beating Hardin.

Rage shakes his head again and he brings his hands up to head, gripping it.

Rage: What the hell am I doing, Kittie? Was I fucking crazy cashing in when I did? Cashing in at all?

Kittie’s jaw drops and she just shakes her head in disbelief. They both remain sitting on the floor, as Rage continues to calm himself down.

Kittie You’re joking, right? You’re going to let some damn nightmare rattle you that much, that now you’re second guessing everything? It was a damn nightmare!

Rage: Yeah and what if it, even though I say it won’t, it still becomes a damn reality? J will be standing there laughing at me, making me a bigger fool than I already am, and you’ll just be standing there disappointed in me. What the fuck did I open myself up to?!

Kittie suddenly smacks Rage upside the back of his head, taking him by surprise. He turns and stares at her, and she glares at him, pointing her finger at him.

Kittie Knock this shit off and quit being such a god damn pussy! It was a damn nightmare, and you’re not going to let it become a reality! You’re the damn champion, and you’re going to man up and fight through that target on your back. Get over this damn insecurity and focus on proving why you’re the damn champion.

Rage: Don’t fucking hit me again.

Kittie Then shut the fuck up about this shit and get over it! I’m trying to knock some damn sense into you and I’ll do it again if I have to!

Rage snarls at her.

Rage: Alright, fine! Damn! Excuse me for actually freaking the fuck out over something that felt real! I couldn’t even move in the damn nightmare!

Kittie rolls her eyes.

Kittie It’s just your mind trying to play tricks on you. Seriously, just relax and don’t worry about it. Hardin isn’t even on the same level as you. You know that.

Rage takes in a deep breath and he pushes himself up and onto the edge of the bed. Kittie stands up and sits next to him.

Rage: Someone needs to tell Mark and Christian that then, because they keep putting him up against me. Fucking hell I just need to get this first defense over with already.

Kittie laughs.

Kittie I hate to break it to you, but you’re gonna be getting a hard time past more than just this first defense, Rage. Especially considering the way you cashed in. You can prove it over and over again that you’re worth being the champion, but in some people’s eyes, you never will be.

Rage turns and looks at her.

Rage: And in your eyes?

Kittie grins and shrugs. Rage’s jaw drops open and he quickly turns and grabs her, lifting her up and onto his lap. She wraps her arms around his neck.

Rage: Don’t got an answer for me, huh?

Kittie Careful, Rage. You need to focus on this match on Sunday...

Rage shrugs and shakes his head.

Rage: Oh I think I got time for a temporary distraction, don’t you?

Kittie I dunno. Five minutes is awful long time to be getting distracted...

Kittie lets out a laugh as Rage snarls at her, but he gets over it quickly as Kittie brings her lips to his in a passionate kiss and the two collapse back onto the bed, quickly forgetting Rage’s nightmare ever happened.

I don’t know how many times I have to do this shit. How many fucking times do I have to get put up against the same damn opponent, beat them, only to be thrown against them again and repeat the process again? And, worse yet, this time it’s for MY fucking title! Something is very fucking wrong with this picture.

I’ve had to face Jeremiah Hardin two times over the last couple of months and both times, the outcome has been the same. I’ve beat him. Me. I’ve walked away with the win. Not him. So, what the fuck makes them think that he deserves a shot at my god damn title? Someone please explain it to me, because I can’t fucking figure it out.

I’m getting sick and fucking tired of this bullshit. I’m literally getting so tired of facing this guy over and over again, just like I was with facing Dmitri over and over again. Don’t get me wrong, I like kicking ass more than anyone else around this place, but when it’s the same fucking person? It starts to piss me off more than anything!

Jeremiah, I don’t know what the fuck to say here that I haven’t already said before. I’m running out of shit to say, but then again, I never really had much to say in the first place because you’re just not worth wasting any material on. You’re the biggest waste of space on this roster, and that’s saying something because we have a lot of dipshits that just don’t deserve to be here. But you...I still don’t get you.

You’re You manage to squeak by and get a win every now and again, but it’s usually nothing but luck and you’ll never get anywhere. I don’t get why you’re still here. I don’t get why you’re given opportunity after fucking opportunity, continue to fail and still remain here! And now some people think you actually have a chance at taking my title on my very first defense?

Get the fuck out of here! This title is going NO WHERE, Jeremiah. No...where.

But’re going right back to the bottom where you belong. You don’t deserve to be in the main event, and you never will. This is your one and only shot, and you’re going to fail miserably and that’s all there is to it. There will be no other outcome, no matter what you think or say.

I am the champion, Jeremiah. I am going to STAY the champion. It’s MY time. Not your’s so just prepare yourself to add another loss to that record of yours.

See ya Sunday, asshole!

Supercard Archives / Rage Vs Jeremiah Hardin
« on: March 17, 2017, 08:41:54 PM »
Confessions of A Rageaholic: Part 2

Monday March 13th
3 A.M
Hilton Stockton Hotel

Rage has had a lot on his mind over the last week, ever since the less than successful interview with Pussy Willow. The sitdown interview was his idea to begin with as he had expected to give not only Pussy Willow, but the fans and viewers an insight into his mind once all was said and done. Sadly, that’s not how things went down. Pussy Willow had called the interview a complete waste of time and walked out before Rage even expected the interview to be over. It left Rage more angry and more than a little confused. And then just a couple of days following that interview, Kittie had showed up at his house...their house?...with a suitcase in tow stating she wanted to go to Stockton for Blaze of Glory with him. All in all, it was one of the more eventful weeks he’s had recently, and he’s had a lot to think about.

It’s the main reason why he’s wide awake at the moment, when he should be snoring quite loudly next to Kittie. He laid in bed for the past couple of hours trying to fall asleep, but he just couldn’t. And he was tired of staring at the ceiling while Kittie slept soundly next to him. So he quietly climbed out of bed and walked over to the door leading to the outside balcony, in nothing but his boxer briefs. Before he opened the door, he turned and looked back to Kittie, making sure she was still asleep. She remained comfortably where she was and Rage opened the door leading to the balcony and stepped outside.

The air was cool, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He walked over to the ledge, leaning against it as he looked at the courtyard surrounding the hotel, and the city just beyond. Staring at the sights was not something he was used to doing, even on nights like this when he couldn’t sleep, but the fresh air, in a way, did him some good. And he wasn’t worried about anyone of the other hotel guests seeing him in just his underwear, as all the lights were out and everyone was, as far as he could tell, asleep. He stands outside for a long while, trying to sort through the thoughts in his head that are continuing to keep him awake. After being outside for about thirty minutes, his attention is drawn behind him as Kittie slides open the door and joins him outside, though she’s covered in a robe.

Kittie: What the hell are you doing out here? Aren’t you cold?

Rage glances at her as she walks up next to him. He shrugs quickly before he looks straight ahead again and shakes his head.

Rage: It isn’t that cold. I couldn’t sleep so I came out here for some fresh air. Go back to bed.

Kittie scoffs and rolls her eyes. She shakes her head at him as she scoots in closer to him.

Kittie: Dude, your arm is freezing. Don’t try and give me that bullshit that it isn’t that cold. Just come back inside.

Rage: I said I’m fine, Kittie. Please don’t start fucking nagging me, alright?

Kittie glares turns slightly and glares at him, annoyed with his attitude. He pays her no attention as he stays right where he is, refusing to admit that he’s getting colder now. Kittie leans against the ledge on her right arm and stares at him.

Kittie: I’m not nagging you, I’m just pointing out the obvious. Are you going to tell me why you can’t sleep, or do I have to guess again?

Rage turns his head and looks down at Kittie. She gives him a pressing glare as she waits for him to open up to her, even though he clearly does not want to. In the end, he shakes his head and lets out a sigh as he looks away from her.

Rage: I just have a lot of shit on my mind, okay? That damn interview with Pussy Willow last week didn’t go the way I had planned it would. I wasn’t expecting you to show up at home and actually want to come to Stockton with me, and I’ve got this damn match against Jeremiah Hardin to focus on. My fucking brain just won’t shut off.

Kittie lets out a slight laugh and shakes her head. Rage is a little surprised that she actually laughed at him, but he doesn’t call her out on it.

Kittie: Dude, you just need to focus on one thing at a time. Forget about that interview with Pussy Willow because it’s done and over with. You can’t change how it all went down. As for me being here? Well, you obviously don’t have a problem with it, otherwise I wouldn’t be here and we definitely wouldn’t have that little make up session earlier.

Kittie grins, hoping to get the same reaction from Rage. For a moment it works as he glances at her and the corner of his mouth turns up, but only briefly before he turns his attention away from her again.

Kittie: And don’t be so damn worried about Hardin.

Rage’s head suddenly snaps in her direction and his jaw drops open as he looks at her.

Rage: You’re fucking kidding me, right? You were giving me just the other night telling me no to underestimate him. Now you’re telling me not to be so worried?

Kittie grins again as she shrugs.

Kittie: What can I say? I felt like pissing you off about something other than this bullshit with you and J2H and the golden briefcase. It got you focused on Hardin didn’t it? Maybe I was a little harsh the other night. I mean, Hardin has been pretty damn quiet this last week. He tends to be that way around the supercards, so I’m pretty sure he won’t be a problem. Does that mean you should underestimate him? No, but you shouldn’t overestimated him either. If that makes sense.

Rage lets out a bit of a laugh and sighs. He goes quiet for a long while, not quite sure how to respond anything Kittie has just said. The truth is, he’s not worried about Jeremiah Hardin. Not at the moment anyway. His mind is consumed with so many other thoughts and worries, he can’t even focus on Jeremiah Hardin at the moment. Kittie scoots in closer to Rage again, gently nudging him with her elbow.

Kittie: Seriously, dude, can you just tell me what else is bothering you? I know you’ve never been one to open up and pour your heart out, but I’m not asking you to do that. I’m asking you to pour your fucking brain out, because keeping shit bottled up won’t help you. It’s clearly not anything that you can use in the ring, because it’s not pissing you off.

Rage lets out another sigh and he turns his head to look at her again. She was right. He knew that much. If what he was focusing on pissed him off, he could at least use it as fuel in the ring. But, it didn’t piss him off. It just...bothered him. It bothered him in a way things normally didn’t bother him. He looks away again and tries to figure out a way to say what was on his mind, and Kittie just waits patiently.

Rage: They’re never going to forgive me for this shit, are they Kittie?

Kittie raises an eyebrow and cocks her head to the side.

Kittie: Huh? What are you talking about? Who isn’t going to forgive you?

Rage turns again and the look on his face is unfamiliar to Kittie. It was very serious. Almost sad and remorseful.

Rage: You know who. Synn. Gabriel. Everyone else. They really want nothing to do with me anymore because I sided with J.

Kittie takes in a deep breath and nods just once, getting the picture. She looks around the courtyard as Rage had done for so long before she had joined him out here and he is now the one staring at her waiting for a response.

Kittie: Honestly, Rage? I have no fucking idea. I know you say you had your reasons, but you completely blindsided all of us. Especially Synn. I’ve tried gently bringing it up to him, but he doesn’t seem interested in even speaking about it. As for everyone else? Well, your guess is as good as mine.

Rage: And what about you? They’re just as much family to you. Do you honestly think they’d accept you being with me after what I did? I’m not asking you to pick fucking sides in this shit either. It’s been almost six months and this shit still bothers me. Synn wouldn’t even let me explain.

Kittie: No, but I gave you plenty of opportunity to explain and you didn’t. If I had any understanding of the shit you did sooner I might have been able to--

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: It wouldn’t matter, Kittie. Synn needed his explanation from me, and he wouldn’t even hear it. We’ve been family for the better part of ten years, and he just refused to hear me out. It’s fucking bullshit. Not to mention Phil packing his bags and going to stay at Synn’s place and he’s my own flesh and blood. That alone should be enough to piss me off.

Kittie: Phil will come around. Trust me. You should know how sensitive he was considering what he went through in Boston. I can’t say I blame him for freaking out and getting upset. I’m still a little pissed that you went and sided with J2H after wanting nothing more than to choke the damn life out of him and take the title from him. Seriously, how the hell can you stand to be around him?

Rage lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

Rage: He’s really not as annoying as I once thought, Kittie. Call me crazy but he makes a lot of sense. He’s held the title for over a year now so why not take advice from him? I can’t be one of those dipshits that is so focused on winning one title after the other, getting so consumed by that shit and failing every time and then bitching and moaning when I fuck up my chance. You’d have to call me Travis Nathaniel Andrews and that is not someone I want to be lumped in the same category as. I’d rather just beat the shit out of people with nothing on the line and succeed that way. Be seen as a threat that way.

Kittie: You know what I think?

Rage stares at Kittie and shakes his head.

Kittie: You try way too damn hard sometimes. For as big an asshole as you can be most of the time, who says he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else’s opinion of him, you’re constantly doing or saying shit that proves otherwise. Even now you say you’re finally doing shit for yourself, but in the back of your mind, you know that’s bullshit. I know it’s bullshit. You can come across as selfish all you want any day of the week, but when it comes down to it, you usually do pretty unselfish things. You usually do everything else for other people and not yourself. Prime example, your match against Drake Green last week.

Rage raises his eyebrow and stops himself from snarling at her.

Rage: Don’t even try and say that I wrestled Drake for J, Kittie. That match against Drake was for me because I wanted nothing more than to bash his skull in myself. I wanted nothing more than to end Drake Green.

Kittie: And yet he walked out with another win over you. You held back on Drake because you wanted J2H to finish him off at Blaze of Glory. Look, I’m done trying to understand your friendship or whatever it is with that kid, because in the end, you can do whatever the hell you want. I don’t want to be standing here bickering with you about J2H at almost four o’clock in the morning. I’d actually like to get some sleep and you should, too, because whether or not either of us thinks Jeremiah Hardin is a threat, you need to get ready for this match on Sunday.

Kittie turns and starts to head back inside, but before she opens the door, Rage turns and stops her.

Rage: Hey Kittie...

Kittie turns her attention back to Rage.

Kittie: What?

He looks like he’s about to say something. Like he really wants to say something, but he can’t find the words. Kittie stands with her arms folded, waiting for him to say what it is he wants to say, but in the end he just shakes his head.

Rage: Nothing. Nevermind. Go on back to bed. I’ll be in there in a couple minutes.

Kittie shakes her head slowly and shrugs before she turns and opens the door and walks back into the hotel room. Rage lets out a sigh before he turns and looks out to the city surrounding the hotel for a few more moments. He doesn’t stay outside for long as he is forced to finally give in to the cold air and head back inside to warm up and then try and get at least a few hours sleep. Time for rest would be over soon, because starting later in the day, he needed to focus on preparing for his match against Jeremiah Hardin as well as his promotional appearances for Blaze of Glory. And after Blaze of Glory he could finally head back home to get some much needed R&R.

Supercard Archives / Rage Vs Jeremiah Hardin
« on: March 11, 2017, 11:28:09 PM »
Confessions of A Rageaholic- Part 1

The camera comes to life inside of a dimly lit room, and it zooms in on the face of SCW’s head report, Pussy Willow. She has a serious expression on her face at first, but one given the signal from the cameraman she smiles quickly as she looks into the camera.

”It’s not very often that we are graced with such revealing interview as I am about to take part in. And perhaps even more rare is the fact that this interview was not forced upon the man who I am about to speak with, but instead he asked for this interview himself. Yes, you heard it here first, folks. And just who am I referring to as I speak these words?”

She looks just to the side and the camera switches angles to reveal the man sitting just across from her. The large and intimidating former Seven Deadly Sins member turned J2Hism follower, Rage. He has his arms folded across his chest as he stares into the camera with a blank expression and he breathes very slowly. Almost eerily calm.

“This man, right here. Rage. The former Sin of Wrath and current follower of J2Hism. It’s no secret that even speaking with Rage in the past has proven to be quite difficult, so I will admit I was quite surprised when I was informed of his request to sit down and do this interview. Rage, thank you for sitting down to speak with me. I have a feeling we’re all going to be shown quite a different side to you. Would I be correct in that assumption?”

Rage takes in a deep breath, but his position remains the same. His arms never move and he blinks very slowly as he looks into the camera when it faces him once again.

“Maybe you will. Maybe you won’t. Either way, I’m not doing this so you’ll see a different side to me, Pussy. I’m doing this because after being in this business for almost fifteen years, the past five of which I’ve been in SCW off and on, I’m sick and tired of people still not completely understanding me. Do I give a shit? Not really, but after this interview is done I’ll also be done ever trying to explain my actions and the way I do things.”

The camera turns back to Pussy Willow. She has her left leg crossed over her right and she’s nodding slowly as she has her full attention focused on Rage.

“Does this have to do with your decision to leave the Seven Deadly Sins when you sided with J2H on the Halloween show several months ago? That seems to be the only decision you’re always trying to defend lately.”

Rage takes in another deep breath and shakes his head. He unfolds his arms and adjusts his position in the chair as he keeps his eyes dead center in the camera.

“That shit is part of it, yeah. But let me make one thing very clear here. Even after I sided with J2H and helped him out in that match, I never left the Seven Deadly Sins. They were the ones who practically shunned me and cast me out of what was supposed to be a family. People want to talk a bunch of shit about J2Hism being a cult or some shit like that, but look what the Seven Deadly Sins did to me? They were supposed to be my family and I’ve had nothing but the cold shoulder for months now. THAT is a bunch of bullshit.”

“Well, in their defense Rage, what you did completely blindsided them. You were just as much family to them as they were to you and I can’t blame them for considering what you did as turning your back on them. You can’t really sit here and keep defending your actions and playing the victim.”

Rage laughs and rolls his eyes. His hands visibly clench in his lap for a moment, but he quickly keeps his temper in check as to keep this interview going.

“You’re right. I can’t sit here and keep doing that, because it doesn’t matter what the hell I say, you people just won’t really hear me out or give a damn. There are two sides to every story, Pussy, and everyone has only been willing to hear the side of the Seven Deadly Sins. But this interview isn’t all about them. This is about so much more than that, but that’s what people want to focus on, isn’t it? The Seven Deadly Sins. What I did to them and me betraying them when I turned to J2Hism?”

The camera turns back to Pussy Willow where a blank expression remains on her face and she doesn’t speak a word. Rage leans forward in his chair, staring directly into the camera with a fierce expression in his eyes.

“Well this isn’t about them, Pussy. This is and always has been about me and getting you people to know more about me, because you have to understand something.”

“And just what might that be? What is it that we have to understand?”

Rage smiles wickedly and sits up straight in the chair.

“You have to understand just why I tossed my real identity to the side years ago. I want you to understand why I call myself Rage, because it’s not just some ridiculous ode to my so called anger problem everyone thinks I have. If my anger was a problem, I could fix it. I would have been able to let Synn, Kittie or the others control me and change who I am, but that’s not the case. Rage isn’t just actions or feelings, Pussy. Rage is my identity and at Blaze of Glory, Jeremiah Hardin will figure that out first hand.”

Pussy Willow’s eyebrow raises and her head cocks to the side.

“Jermiah Hardin? What has he got to do with anything? I mean, I understand he is your opponent at Blaze of Glory, but what has he ever done to you?”

Another wicked smile grows on Rage’s face as he nods.

“That is exactly the right question you should be asking, Pussy. Jeremiah Hardin hasn’t done shit to me. Which is why I asked for this interview because the one very important thing I need you all to understand is just why I have to do what I’m going to do to him at Blaze of Glory. I need you to understand why I have this deep seeded desire to break every fucking bone in his body simply because of his name.”

Pussy Willow bites her bottom lip and her eyes blink curiously. She looks around, trying to understand everything Rage has just said, but a quick shake of her head says that she doesn’t. She is about to speak up and respond, but Rage holds his hand up and she sinks back down into her seat, remaining silent.

“I knew a Jeremiah once. It was a long time ago, but even to this day, the name just irks me.”

Before Rage and even Pussy Willow know it, Rage closes his eyes and dives deep into his story, remembering the very first Jeremiah he knew.

**28 Years Ago**
**Undisclosed Pediatric Pyschiatric Facility**

Several months have passed since young Jake Sullivan had been admitted to the psychiatric facility under the care of Dr. Acklund. It has been quite a rocky few months to say the least as just six weeks into his admission, Jake attacked another young patient. So severely that the young boy had been left in a coma. But that was months ago and from what Jake had been told, little Allen had woken from his coma. He hadn’t returned to the ward, and any information on his condition wasn’t being given to him. It didn’t matter to him, though.

Nothing mattered anymore. Jake Sullivan was sedated so much on a daily basis, he could barely remember how long he had been there.

He once again finds himself in the recreation room, sitting by himself in the corner. The other children are distracting themselves with various toys or TV shows, but not Jake. Never Jake. He just sits back and watches them. His eyes blinking slowly. His head turning every so often to glance out the window, dreaming of being outside for just five minutes.

But that would never happen, because anytime the sedative wore off, Jake would go right back to throwing a fit and Dr. Acklund and the nurses would have no choice but to give him a shot once again. He didn’t quite know why he had so much anger inside of him, but it was just...there.

As he’s sitting back, minding his own business one of the other patients walks up to him. Jake turns his head very slowly, first looking at the boy’s legs but then slowly lifting his head to look at the boy’s face. The boy has an amused grin on his face as he kicks Jake’s foot, but it doesn’t phase him. Jake just looks away and turns his attention back out the window.

Jake: Hi...Jeremiah.

The other boy, now identified as Jeremiah, just laughs. He’s about to kick Jake again, but Nurse Faith calls out to him.

Faith: Get away from Jake, Jeremiah. If you kick him one more time, you’ll get a shot and be confined to your room the rest of the day.

Jeremiah looks back to Nurse Faith and then takes a step away from Jake. Nurse Faith nods and turns her attention back to the other patients, keeping a close eye on each of them, and Jeremiah turns his attention back to Jake.

Jeremiah: Aren’t you going to attack me, Jake? Don’t you want to put me in a coma, too?

Jake just slowly shakes his head and refuses to answer Jeremiah. Jeremiah laughs again, once again closing the gap between he and Jake.

Jeremiah: You’re not as tough as everyone thinks you are. They’re all afraid of you, but I’m not. I’ll never be scared of you, Jake. You’re just a faker, you know that. They’re not really giving you shots every day.

Jake continues to ignore Jeremiah, and a small part of him is fighting back tears. He wasn’t used to being bullied. No, it was usually the complete opposite as Jake had always been in the roll of the bully in these cases. And as much as a part of him was fighting back tears, there was also this urge deep within him that wanted nothing more than to do far worse than what he had done to Allen just a few months ago. But, he couldn’t. The sedative left him, for the most part, unable to really move.

Jeremiah kneeled down to Jake’s eye level and continues to egg him on. He’s careful to not touch him, as Nurse Faith was watching just a few feet away, and he didn’t want to receive another shot.

Jeremiah: Come on, Jake. Hit me. You know you want to. I’m not leaving you alone until you do. Come on. HIT ME!

Jeremiah is now no longer able to control his own temper as he shouts at Jake. Jake just shakes his head.

Jake: I...can’t.

Jeremiah continues shouting at Jake and Nurse Faith finally has to intervene. She grabs him by the arm and drags him away from Jake, though the young boy is still shouting even as they make it down the hall and to his room where he is given a shot to calm his outburst. And the entire time, Jake remains frozen in place, staring out the window. Jeremiah was right, though. He had wanted to hit him, but his actions were frozen. He could no longer make decisions for himself, and that hurt him more than anything else ever did.

“ want to exact your revenge on the Jeremiah from the psychiatric facility you were in as a child out on Jeremiah Hardin? Am I understanding that correctly?”

Rage laughs and shakes his head as he comes back to reality and the camera focuses in on his face once again.

“In a way, I suppose. I could have very easily killed that Jeremiah back then. If I hadn’t been so weak from the beginning. If I had only been able to do what I’m doing today and controlling my rage. They wouldn’t have had to keep me sedated. They wouldn’t have been able to keep me from being who I really am, holding me back from my true potential.”

Pussy Willow thinks for a few moments, trying to understand. She takes in a deep breath and keeps her attention focused on Rage.

“You’ll have to forgive me for being a bit confused, Rage. I’m not exactly seeing the point of this interview, because aside from a traumatic experience from your childhood, I don’t really see much point--”

“I’m done doing things people tell me to do or doing the things they think I should do. I know some people are expecting me to take it easy on Jeremiah Hardin because he’s not a threat to me and he never will be, but do you think that makes any bit of a difference to me? Do you?!”

Pussy Willow thinks for a moment and slowly shakes her head.

“Fuck no it doesn’t! I’m going to walk into this match at Blaze of Glory and I’m going to treat Jeremiah Hardin the same way I treat every damn piece of shit they put me up against. I’m a little confused as to why I’m up against Jeremiah Hardin for the second supershow in a row, but do I really give a shit? No, I don’t. I’m going to hand him another loss for a supercard and prove what a worthless pile of shit he really is. And then I’ll move on to the next guy. And the next guy. And the next guy.”

“And you really think people will have a better understanding of you after this interview? It really wasn’t that different from anything else we’ve all been subjected to. Again, besides the insight into that traumatic experience, it doesn’t tell us much about your motives as of late. It doesn’t give us much insight into why you jumped from supposedly being the lackey of the Seven Deadly Sins to being the World Heavyweight Champion’s lackey. Or why you really don’t want to cash in that King of The Hill golden briefcase in on J2H, when before you even joined sides with him, you were very very vocal on your desire to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship.”

Rage closes his eyes and draws in a deep breath. That topic clearly strikes a nerve, as it always does, but he stays calm, opens his eyes and looks into the camera again.

“Things change, Pussy, and I just happened to have changed my mind. J2H is the champion for a reason. And he’s going to still be the champion after Blaze of Glory. I’ve been keeping my eye on the other champions for the past few weeks and I can tell you, I’m close to making a decision on just who I want to cash in on. It all just depends on how things go down at Blaze of Glory. That briefcase is mine to do with as I see fit. I’m not going to waste it and cash it in on someone who I don’t want to cash in against or a title that I don’t want anymore. After Blaze of’ll all know.”

Pussy Willow nods slowly and the interview seems to be winding down quickly.

“So your plan is to walk into Blaze of Glory and defeat Jeremiah Hardin. And then after that, you’ll give us all some idea on just who you plan to cash the briefcase in on?”

Rage nods without saying a word.

“Well...this interview has been quite...informative. Maybe. Or it’s been an absolute complete waste of our time.”

“Excuse me? The fuck did you just say, blondie?”

Pussy Willow throws her hands up in the air and quickly stands up from her chair. Rage stares at Pussy Willow as she removes her microphone and sound pack.

“You heard me. You asked for this interview as some sort of amazing insight to you and for a second I thought we were all going to see a different side of you. But we really didn’t. It’s the same song and dance with you, Rage. This wasn’t an interview at all. I’m not exactly sure what it was if I’m honest, but it was a waste of time. I’m fairly certain you’ll go on to Blaze of Glory to defeat Jeremiah Hardin, even though I am supposed to remain unbiased, but as for after Blaze of Glory? Well, I certainly hope that you figure everything out, because you’re on the verge of completely losing yourself. I mean, you’ve already lost the only woman who has ever been crazy enough to agree to marry you and you lost your family in the Seven Deadly Sins. You say you’re making decisions for yourself and that you’re not being controlled, but that’s not the way I or anyone else truly sees it. Can you honestly tell me or anyone else that you no longer want a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship? That you’re satisfied with being stuck in the midcard against guys like Jeremiah Hardin?”

Rage’s eyes narrow at Pussy Willow as she asks him such a hard hitting question. He thinks for a moment and stands up from his chair slowly, with nothing but sheer confidence.

“Not that you’ll believe me, but yeah. I can honestly say that, Pussy.”

She laughs and shakes her head with a sigh.

“Then all I can say is that I truly feel sorry for you, Rage. And I’m not quite sure just why you’re even a part of Sin City Wrestling anymore. Good luck to you at Blaze of Glory. And I hope things work out with you and Kittie. As odd a couple as you two are, I thought you made the perfect pairing. We’re done here, Steven. You can turn the cameras off.”

Pussy Willow looks past Rage at Steven the cameraman and the cameras turn off moments later. Rage looks around as Steven the cameraman starts collecting all of his equipment and Pussy Willow walks away without another word. Once she disappears out a door, Rage spins around and glares at Steven the cameraman, and in a fit, he grabs ahold of one of the cameras and slams it down on the ground, breaking it. Steven the cameraman stares at him.

“Hey! That was an expensive piece of equipment!”

Rage laughs.

“Who the fuck cares. Tell Ward or Underwood to take it out of my next check or whatever. I don’t give a shit.”

Rage then kicks the broken camera before he, too, storms off out of the room. Steven the cameraman shakes his head as he continues gathering his equipment.

Friday March 11th
Las Vegas, Nevada
Confessing One’s Sins

In just eight days, Blaze of Glory will be taking place, live from Stockton, California. All the SCW superstars and Bombshells will be starting to make their way to Stockton in the coming days, as they are all scheduled to take part in various promotional appearances for SCW’s biggest show of the year. Rage is currently at his home in Las Vegas, packing the last of his things as he prepares to leave for California tomorrow morning. He’s just finishing packing his bag and when he turns around to walk it towards the the door to his bedroom, he stops and stares at the door. His, for the most part, estranged fiancee, Kittie, is leaning against the doorframe with her arms folded. Rage’s eyes fall to her suitcase which is just at her feet.

Rage: What? Change your mind about the ultimatum you gave me a few weeks ago?

Kittie shakes her head.

Kittie: No. My ultimatum stands. Whether or not I move back in is completely up to you.

Rage laughs and he shakes his head. He tosses his duffel bag over his shoulder and walks towards the door, stopping just in front of her.

Rage: Well I guess you’re not moving back home then. So what are you doing here? And what is with the suitcase?

Kittie: I want to go to Blaze of Glory with you. I want to be in Stockton with you.

Rage raises an eyebrow before he rolls his eyes. He shoves his way past Kittie, heading downstairs to take his bag to the front door. Kittie grabs her own suitcase and follows behind him.

Rage: Why? Shouldn’t you be going with Synn and Despy to root him on against Xander Bishop and Calvin Harris? Why would you want to go to Stockton with me?

Kittie: Because, Rage. We need to work a lot of shit out. I’ll still be supporting Despy, but who is going to be supporting you?

Rage drops his bag by the front door and turns around. Kittie follows suit and drops her suitcase next to Rage’s, but that doesn’t seem to sit well with Rage.

Rage: I don’t need anyone supporting me, Kittie. I’m only facing Jeremiah Hardin.

Kittie: It doesn’t matter who you’re facing, Rage. You still need someone in your corner, and I’m going to be there whether you like it or not.

Rage lets out a frustrated growl and runs his hand over across his head.

Rage: You need to make up your damn mind, Kittie, because this back and forth shit is really getting old. You either want to get married, or you don’t. You either want to move back home or you don’t! Make up your fucking mind!

Kittie frowns as Rage grows more frustrated. He walks past her, heading into the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. She turns around just as he twists the top of and takes a huge gulp. Before Kittie has a chance to say anything in response, Rage sets his beer down on the counter and stares at her.

Rage: And before you say anything, this isn’t all up to me, Kittie, because you know where I stand in all of this. I’ve made it very clear, but you’re the one running around unable to make up your damn mind and it’s screwing the both of us up. This isn’t my damn fault.

Kittie: Bullshit! I told you I’d move back--

Rage: I almost fucked Electra again.

The expression on Kittie’s face falls and her jaw drops open. Both remain silent for a while until Kittie frowns at Rage.

Kittie: You’’re joking,right?

Rage shakes his head.

Rage: No, I’m really not. She showed up here a couple months ago after Inception. Things got a little heated and--

Kittie: And you almost fucked her. How do you almost fuck your ex-girlfriend who happens to be the mother of your kid?!

Rage rolls his eyes.

Rage: I stopped before things could go any further than they did. Can you really fucking blame me, though? You weren’t here and she practically threw herself at me!

Kittie: Un-fucking-believable! That bitch just can’t get the hint, can she? And you always fall for it! You can’t resist that crazy bitch! You should have just asked her to marry you, because clearly your dick gets hard whenever she’s around!

Rage: Did you not hear what I just said, Kittie?! I said I stopped! I told the bitch no and sent her packing, because of you!

As much as Kittie is angry and upset, she stares at Rage, confused.

Kittie: Because of me? Why? You clearly wanted to fuck her, and I wasn’t here so there was nothing stopping you.

Rage: Look, trying to repeated explain this shit to you pisses me off more than anything. What don’t you seem to understand, Kittie? I gave YOU that ring. I asked YOU to marry me. Not Electra. That alone is something I never saw myself doing. Ever. I may be an asshole, but I’m not going to fucking cheat on you if we never officially called off the damn engagement! I’m not that much of a selfish asshole.

A long silence falls between the two of them before Kittie shakes her head and storms off. She heads over to the door leading to the backyard patio and pool area and disappears out into the dark for some time to think. Rage stays inside for a moment, slowly drinking his beer until he lets out an annoyed sigh and follows after her, leaving his beer on the counter. When he walks out to the patio, Kittie is sitting in one of the pool lounge chairs, staring at the still covered pool.

Rage: Look, if you want to go to Stockton with me, I’m not going to tell you no.

Kittie shakes her head and for a moment Rage hears something that almost sounds like sniffles.

Kittie: No, it’s ok, Rage. Really. You clearly don’t want me to--

Rage: What I want is for all this damn fighting to just fucking stop! I get that people don’t like the decisions I’ve made, but’s my damn life! I’m not all sunshine and daisies, Kittie. You knew that a long fucking time ago, so don’t expect me to suddenly just pour my damn heart out. That’s not how I do things. I asked you to marry me for a reason. I’m leaving this shit up to you for a reason, because you KNOW what I want, but you’re just trying to get me to express shit in a way that’s just...not me!

Kittie nods slowly as Rage stands behind her and another long silence falls between them. A few more quiet sniffles follow before Kittie gathers herself and stands up from the chair. She turns around to face him and takes in a deep breath.

Kittie: So...what’s your plan against Jeremiah Hardin?

Rage: What? You’re seriously going to change the subject that fast?

Kittie shrugs and lets out a sigh.

Kittie: Pretty much. I don’t really feel like being the reason you lose to an asshat like Jeremiah Hardin so it’s best we just drop all the shit. At least until after Blaze of Glory.

Rage: Like I’d lose to Jeremiah Hardin either way? Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kittie.

Kittie: What? I’m just saying you have a habit of underestimating people! I know you can beat Jeremiah, but you’ve been known to fuck up in the past!

Rage lets out a loud growl as the dynamic between the two almost returns to normal. Rage turns around and storms back inside the house with Kittie following behind him and moments later, the two are arguing inside about Rage’s upcoming match against Jeremiah Hardin.

Climax Control Archives / Drake Green- a cancer to SCW
« on: March 03, 2017, 08:39:47 PM »
 OOC: Apologies for the crappy RP this week.  Major writer’s block as far as CD scenes goes, and also had very little motivation to get much written.  This doesn’t happen often, and I didn’t want to just no-show either.

No matter how hard some people try to paint themselves to be the good guys, or the man of the people bullshit, deep down, you just know who they really are. Drake Green is one of those people. Drake Green is like a fucking cancer to SCW. Just when we’re finally rid of that disease, it rears its ugly head again and we have to deal with it all over again. Yeah, I just likened Drake Green to cancer. Don’t like it? Fuck you, I don’t care.

Drake Green is hands down, the biggest attention seeking jackass I’ve ever come across. Maybe that’s why him and his whore wife make the perfect pair, because they both beg for attention any chance they can. He feeds off of the attention he gets from the fans and acts like he gives a shit, and the fans are blinded by the bullshit to see that he really doesn’t give a shit. He just likes being in the spotlight, yet how many times has he “retired”? How many times has he given up this career he claims he loves so much, only to come swooping back in eventually, attacking the current champ and trying to snake his way back into the title picture? Sounds familiar doesn’t it? It should because it’s exactly what he’s done right now.

Isn’t that right, Drakey boy? Just when the fans had forgotten you and stopped giving a shit about the name Drake Green, you came running back into the ring and attacked J2H from behind, and what was your reasoning for it? Oh, right, because he was supposedly running his mouth so you had to shut him up. You really think that anybody believes that shit? I sure as shit don’t, but if that is the excuse you want to go with, go right ahead. It doesn’t make you look any better.

I already know what you’re going to say about me, Drakey boy, if anything really. You’re probably going to run your mouth and say a few words, but saying you don’t want to waste words on someone as “boring” as me, because that’s the only shit you think you have against me. Face it, Drake, you’re “insults” are just as old and washed up as you, so maybe you shouldn’t try. Either way, it doesn’t change what I’m going to do to you in that ring come Sunday night.

We’ve faced off in the past, Drake. I know you remember, and I know you’re going to try and use that little ego boost of a victory you hold over me from before and try and hold it against me now. Go ahead and try, but you’re not going to get the same outcome as you did before, because I’m not the same Rage as I was back then, and even if you try to deny it, you know it’s true. I don’t have the Sins holding me back like I did back then, and I’ve got the ways of J2Hism in my corner. What do you have, Drake? I’ll give you some time to think about it, but we all know the answer.

Nothing, Drake. You don’t have a God damned thing anymore, except your boring marriage to that dumbass blonde wife of yours. Why don’t you just go knock her up already so you can be the family man that she wants you to be, because that’s all you’ll ever be good for anymore, Drake. You’re wrestling career is over, and you know it. As much as you THINK you’re going to take that title from J2H, there’s not a chance in hell that will happen, because he’s been defending that title for the past year while you’ve been off drinking away your boring life as you fade into obscurity. Funny how the tides have turned, eh Drake? You used to call me boring all the fucking time, but that’s what you’re life has turned into, hasn’t it.

If there’s one thing you should be thankful for, Drake, it’s that I’m not going to be able to do all the damage I really wish I could do to you on Sunday. I can’t, because if I were to do everything I wanted, there wouldn’t be anything left for J2H at Blaze of Glory. And he still has a lot more revenge to unleash on you, asshole. You’re gonna wish you hadn’t attacked J2H at Inception, because it’s going to come back at you a million times worse.

Two days, Drake.  You’ve got two days to shake off that ring rust before you step into the ring against me. You might think you’re going to pin my shoulders to the mat, or somehow make me tap out, but I guarantee you, that shit ain’t gonna happen. You’ve got a world of hurt coming for you, Drake. Once J2H and I are through with you, there will be nothing left of Drake Green.

The devil is out for your blood, Drake. And he won’t stop until he gets it…

Climax Control Archives / Focus Rage Focus
« on: February 17, 2017, 10:14:49 PM »
January 22nd
During Inception
What You Didn’t See

The King of The Hill ladder match has come and gone, and as he promised, Rage walked away with the victory and the Golden Briefcase in his possession. It was a tough fought battle, but he simply refused to let Jeremiah Hardin, Xander Bishop or Calvin Harris walk out of the match with what he claimed was his from the beginning.  And his hard work paid off.  Now the show is quickly coming to a close and just as World Heavyweight Champion, J2H, is about to finish off Jamie Dean and successfully retain his championship, Rage can’t fight nature’s call any longer and he heads off into the restroom to relieve himself.  He wouldn’t miss much, he thought, so there would be no harm done.

Oh, but he was so very wrong.  As soon as he disappears into the restroom, three-time former World Heavyweight Champion, “Showtime” Drake Green, came running out of the audience and into the ring and started a vicious assault on J2H.  It was a quick attack, but it was brutal as J2H was beaten unconscious and left a bloody mess.  By the time Rage walked out of the restroom, the camera had already switched backstage and Jessie Salco was on the screen talking.  Rage stared at the screen for a moment and just shrugged, thinking nothing of what he missed while in the restroom.  Moments later, he heard a commotion just outside the door of the lockerroom and decided to see what was going on.  

As soon as he opened the door, he saw J2H being wheeled down the hall on a stretcher with Melody Grace frantically following behind, worried for her boyfriend.  Just as she was running past the door, Rage grabbed her by the arm and stopped her.  She quickly turned towards him, tears running down her cheek and clearly distraught.

Rage: Melody, what the fuck happened?!

Melody: I...I...Weren’t you watching?!

Rage looks down the hall where the exit doors are wide open and an ambulance is already waiting and the paramedics tend to J2H for a few moments.

Rage: Yeah, I was, but I had to take a piss just as he was about to pin Jamie.  What...the fuck...happened?!

Melody: was so fast! was Drake.  I...I need to go with him!  Wait!

Melody yells down the hall at the paramedics just as they are loading J2H into the back of the ambulance.  One of the paramedics looks her way and she tries to run towards the ambulance but Rage once again stops her.

Rage: Drake Green?!  Fucking Drake Green did this?!  Melody, you’re match is next.  You can’t go with him.

Melody: I don’t care!  Don’t tell me that I can’t go with him!  He’s my boyfriend!  I have to be with him!

Rage: Look, I get you’re worried about him and I understand, but you have a shot at the World Bombshell Championship.  You think he’d really want you to screw all that up?!

Melody is in full on tears as she stares down the hall.  The paramedic has his hands up in the air as they can no longer wait another second.  They close the doors and drive off a few moments later, and this only makes Melody even more upset.

Melody: He...He’ll be so mad if I’m...not there!  Why didn’t you let me go with him?!

Rage: He’ll be more pissed off if he were to find out you blew your shot at the title, Melody.  You’ve busted your ass to get this shot, and you’re not going to let what that piece of shit Drake did to J mess it up.

Melody: It doesn’t matter anymore!  I’ll never be able to focus and win the title now!

Rage grabs Melody by her shoulders and lets out a frustrated sigh.

Rage: I’ll carry your ass out to that ring myself if I have to.  Don’t worry about J.  He’ll be fine.  I’ll take you to the hospital after your match.  After you win the title.  You WILL win, Melody.  So you and J can be the Golden couple or whatever. Now you’re either going to walk your as to the ring and focus on the prize, or I’m going to carry you out there.  Which is it gonna be?

Melody sniffles, still worried about J2H, but as she looks up at Rage and sees he’s serious about carrying her to the ring if he has to, she just shakes her head.

Melody: Fine!  I’ll go!  But you better not leave for the hospital without me or I’ll kick you in the shin harder than Despy ever did!

Rage rolls his eyes as Melody quickly darts off down the hall towards the curtain to head to the ring.  The backstage is buzzing with talk of Drake’s attack on J2H and Rage looks around as people stare at him and talk quietly under their breath.  He starts breathing heavily, fuming over what happened before he finally lets out a boisterous growl and all eyes fall on him and everything goes quiet.


Everyone blinks slowly as they stare at him and he rushes over to two backstage workers, grabbing one of them by his shirt collar and pinning him against the wall.

Rage: Where the fuck is Drake Green?!  WHERE IS HE?!

The backstage worker shakes his head nervously and shrugs, unable to utter a word for fear Rage might seriously hurt him.  This only frustrates Rage more and he drops the man, who scurries off down the hall, along with the person he was talking to.  Everyone else attempts to do the same.


No one answers him as they all rush away, scared for their safety.  Rage closes his eyes and grabs the top of his head before letting out another angry growl and looking around.  He wants nothing more than to run off to search for Drake, but he made a promise to Melody and it was a promise he intended to keep.

Rage: FUCK!

He then grabs a steel chair, folds it up quickly and whips it down the hall.  It makes a loud clanking noise as it hits the wall and Rage storms off towards the backstage entrance where he intends to wait for Melody.  Payback on Drake Green would just have to wait until later…


A Few Hours Later

It’s been a long night to say the least.  As promised, immediately following the World Bombshell Championship match in which Melody Grace walked out as the new champion, Rage and Melody quickly headed to the local hospital in which J2H was transported to.  After checking on J2H and ensuring he would be okay with Melody for the night, Rage headed home, making sure to tell Melody if she needed anything to call and that he would be back in the morning. J2H was still groggy and in a lot of pain and there was nothing much Rage could do at that point.

So he headed the short distance back to his home.  As always, he walked into a quiet house, though tonight it was a welcome silence following the chaos of the last few hours.  As soon as he walked in the door, he dropped his duffel bag and the golden briefcase on the floor and headed to the refrigerator, deciding to have a beer before heading straight to bed.  No sooner than he popped the top off than did his phone start ringing in his pocket.  He quickly took it out of his pocket, thinking it was Melody calling him from the hospital.  But as he looked at the screen, he rolled his eyes and took a quick gulp of his beer before he answered the call.

Rage: Electra?  Why the hell are you calling me so late?

He put his phone on speaker, setting it down on the counter as he drank his beer.  Electra chuckled on the other end of the phone.

Electra: Somehow I had a feeling you’d ask me that.  I watched the show tonight and wanted to give you a call.  I wasn’t sure if you’d be awake, but I guess you are.

Rage: I was just about to go crash, actually.  I just got back from the hospital and I have to head back up there in the morning so I need every minute of sleep I can get.  What do you want?

Electra: How’s he doing?

Rage took another big gulp of his beer and glared down at his phone as if Electra could see the look on his face.

Rage: He’s in rough shape, but Melody is with him.  The fuck do you care anyway?  You didn’t call me just to check on someone you’ve never even met, did you?

Electra laughs again.  Rage grabs his phone and heads towards the stairs, heading up to his room.

Electra: No, I didn’t.  I was calling to speak to you, of course.  But, I know you and James are...friends.

Rage noticed the slight hesitation as Electra finished her sentence.  He walks up to his king sized bed, tossing the phone down as he takes his shirt off and gets ready for bed.

Rage: Well would you please get to the fucking point.  I haven’t heard from you in months so I’m a little confused as to why you’re suddenly calling me now.

Electra: you mind if we speak in person?  If I’m honest, I was actually calling to make sure you were home...

Rage: The fuck?  Electra, I just told you I’m---

Electra: I’m at your front door.

Rage closes his eyes and lets out a growl.

Rage: What?  Are you fucking kidding me?

Electra: Nope.

The sound of the doorbell ringing follows and Rage lets out a sigh.  He quickly ends the call before he storms out of his room and back downstairs.  When he opens the front door, Electra is, indeed, standing outside.  She has a smile on her face when she sees Rage shirtless, but Rage does not return the smile.

Electra: Do you really hate me that much?

Rage: At the moment?  Yes.  I’m fucking exhausted and I’m not in the mood to deal with whatever it is you want to talk to me about.

Electra lets herself in, much to Rage’s disapproval.  He turns around and stares at her as she walks in and looks around the kitchen and then large living room.

Electra: Been a while since I’ve been in here...

Rage: Yeah, and like last time, you weren’t invited inside.  You off your meds or some shit?

Electra laughs and shakes her head.  She turns around and looks at him again.

Electra: I’m sorry if I’m stepping out of bounds here, Rage.  It’s just that with you, there’s really no other way.  I have to admit, I’m surprised you’re still living in this place, considering--

Rage: Considering what?  I happen to like this house so why the hell would I move?

Electra folds her arms and the look on her face says that she is hesitating with what she really wants to say.  Rage stares at her, waiting for her to respond and she finally takes in a deep breath and spits it out.

Electra: It’s a pretty big house for a single bachelor, Rage.  I mean with Kittie and your brother gone, why would you need to stay in this place?

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.  Kittie and I are still together.

Electra stares at him, surprised.

Electra: Really?  I thought you two split up after you left the Sins?  She moved out, didn’t she?

Rage: Are you fucking stalking me again or something?  How the fuck do you seem to know so much?  And, she’s just staying at Sins until we figure shit out.  My relationship with Kittie is none of your business, but I’ve told you that shit in the past.

Electra takes a few steps towards Rage, nodding.

Electra: I know, and I’m sorry.  I’m just making sure you’re okay, that’s all.  You’re the father of my child and regardless of how things stand between us, I’d like to make sure you’re okay.  You’re all alone in this place.

Rage: I’m fine, Electra.  Fan-fucking-tastic, actually.  So, if that’s all you wanted, you can go ahead and let yourself out, because I really need to get some fucking sleep.

Rage points towards the door and heads back upstairs a few moments later.  He just assumes Electra will let herself out, but given their history together, he should no better.  Electra stands there for a few moments, at a loss for words.  She takes in a deep breath and then heads upstairs towards Rage’s bedroom, refusing to let their conversation end that way.  When she approaches his bedroom, the door is wide open and she looks inside.  Rage is laying flat on his stomach with his eyes closed, clearly exhausted and about to fall asleep.  She quietly sneaks into the room and towards the bed.  Rage hears her, however, and lets out a growl.

Rage: Get the fuck out of my room, Electra.

Electra: I’m not leaving, Rage.  I’ll sleep in another room if that’s what you want, but you’ve been alone in this house for too long and you could use some company.

Rage bolts upright in the bed and glares at Electra.  She stands just a couple feet away from the bed with her arms folded.

Rage: What I need?  What I need is some fucking sleep, not some crazy bitch keeping me awake trying to get in my pants!

Electra laughs and shakes her head.

Electra: I’m here for you, Rage.  I’m trying to help you out.  Whatever that entails.  I’m not going to the lengths I did a few years ago, but you’re forgetting, I know you.  I know when you’re frustrated, and you’re clearly frustrated.

Rage: Are you fucking serious?  You came all the way to Vegas from Michigan just to try and get me to fuck you?!  You really haven’t changed, have you?

Electra: Yes, I have changed, Rage.  A few years ago I’d be pushing myself on you, but I’m not, am I?  I’m not asking you to pour your heart out and talk about shit that’s bothering you, because I know that’s not you.  But whatever it is that you need...I’m here to help you.

Rage shakes his head and looks down to the floor.  He doesn’t say anything and the longer he remains silent, the more impatient Electra gets and she takes a few steps towards him.

Electra: Unless of course you want me to push myself on you.

Rage looks up at her, still saying nothing and she takes another step towards him.

Electra: I know you had your reasons for doing what you did, Rage.  I’m not judging you for them, either.  I don’t know what is going on inside that head of yours but you need to unleash that pent up frustration.

Electra is now standing directly in front of Rage as he’s seated on the edge of the bed.  He looks annoyed, but he doesn’t push her away.  She wraps her arms around his neck and brings her lips to his, kissing him aggressively.  He doesn’t fight it and he grabs her waist and the two collapse back onto the bed as they continue their game of tonsil hockey.  Before things can go any further and they really get all hot and heavy, Rage pushes Electra away from him and sits up quickly, lifting her up and putting her back on her feet.

Rage: Fuck.  This isn’t going to happen, Electra.

Electra grins, thinking otherwise.

Electra: Why?  You clearly want to.

Rage: Me telling you it isn’t going to happen means that I don’t want to!  You need to stop this shit!

Electra: Again, why?  Kittie clearly isn’t here taking care of your needs so why deny yourself?  Why deny the both of us?

Rage glares at her as she stands there with her arms folded and occasionally licking her lips.

Rage: You and I are not going to happen again, Electra.  We can’t happen again because we’re not good for each other, so just get it through your damn head.  We’re not going to be a family with Ember if that is what you’re hoping for.  I don’t know why you told her the truth about us being her parents, but it was a mistake.  She was better off being raised by your brother.

Electra suddenly frowns, not too pleased with hearing that.

Electra: She deserved to know the truth, and I wanted her to know.  Just because you’re too damn scared to be a father doesn’t mean I’m afraid to be her mother.  I’ve sorted out my life and gotten help for my problems, but what have you done?  Clearly nothing.

Rage: Fuck you!  I’ve been fine with my life before you decide to pop back up whenever you see fit!  And you clearly still want a piece of me if you came all this way just for my dick.

Electra laughs and shakes her head.

Electra: Again, I didn’t come here for me.  I came here for you, but I see it was a mistake.  Keep telling yourself that you’re fine with your life, Rage.  I think you’re lying to yourself, but whatever.  Enjoy your nightly dates with your right hand from now on.

Rage narrows his eyes angrily at her as she turns and storms out of the room and then downstairs.  Moments later he hears the door slamming shut as Electra leaves the house and he just closes his eyes and shakes his head before he collapses back into the bed, ready to get some sleep.  That is, if he can manage to forget everything that just happened and almost happened.

Flash Forward
Sunday February 12th- 3 Weeks Later
Irvine, California

Earlier in the night, Rage walked out to the ring and addressed not only the fans, but the entire men’s locker room.  Holding the Golden Briefcase carrying a guaranteed shot at any title at any time, he put just about every single champion on notice, declaring that the only championship that is safe is the World Heavyweight Championship.  A decision everyone thought was not only odd, but downright a mistake as well as it was well known that for the longest time, Rage had expressed his desire to win back the championship he hadn’t held in almost five years.  But that all changed the moment he joined sides with J2H and started following the ways of J2Hism.

Following his in-ring speech, Rage headed backstage, still carrying the briefcase.  People stared at him every now and then, but he ignored just about all of them as he walked down the hall.  Eventually, he came to a stop and stared just ahead of him as his eyes slowly narrowed.  When the camera panned out, his estranged fiancee, Kittie, is seen standing there with her arms folded, glaring at him unimpressed.

Rage: What the hell are you doing here?

Kittie laughs.

Kittie: Do I really need a reason to be here?

Rage: Considering you’re not contracted anymore, yes.

Kittie rolls her eyes.

Kittie: I am allowed to join Synn and Despayre from time to time, you know.  Despy might not have a match tonight, but I wanted to come with.  So, here I am.

Rage now rolls his eyes.  An awkward silence follows as Rage looks away, avoiding eye contact with Kittie.  After a what seems like minutes, Kittie shakes her head.

Kittie: So, did you mean what you said out there?

Rage: Every fucking word.  But, which part in particular are you so worried about?

Kittie: You know damn well which part.  Two parts, actually.  You’re seriously considering cashing in against Despy?!  What the hell is your problem?!

Rage rolls his eyes and laughs.  He looks down at the briefcase and then back up to Kittie with a grin on his face.

Rage: I’m exploring all options, so I haven’t really decided.  And, besides, like I said, I never used my rematch clause for the Internet Championship, so who knows.  It just might happen.

Kittie: You never even wanted the Internet Championship in the first place!  It’s why you LET Despy win and never cashed in your rematch clause!  Now all of a sudden you’ve changed your mind and just forgotten the one title that you were busting your ass to get a shot at and that your new “friend” kept denying you a shot at?!  You’ve lost your fucking mind!

Rage: I’m really not in the mood to fight with you again, Kittie.  All we fucking do lately is fight, and I’m sick of it.  If you don’t like the decisions I’m making, you’re more than welcome to just stay the fuck away from me, because I’m over it.  I’m doing what the fuck I want to do, but clearly you can’t seem to support my decision.

Kittie’s jaw drops open.

Kittie: Are...are you serious right now?  So does that mean you want the ring back, then?

Rage: I told you, Kittie, I’m leaving that decision up to you.  If you want to move back home and work this shit out, fine.  But it’s all up to you.

Kittie laughs and shakes her head, but it’s not an amused laugh by any means.

Kittie: Move back home, huh?  You want me to move back home so we can work out our shit, huh?

Rage shrugs.

Rage: All we fucking do is fight, Kittie!  And then you end up going right back to Synn’s place and it doesn’t help either of us.  So, either you want to give me back the ring, or you want to move back home.  It’

Kittie stands there for a few moments, tapping her foot as she thinks things over.  Rage lets out a sigh and shakes his head when Kittie’s hands drop back down.

Kittie: Fine.  I’ll make you a deal.  I’ll move back home, but you have to take that briefcase there...

She points to the golden briefcase in his hands.

Kittie: and cash it in against J2H.

Rage lets out a loud laugh and shakes his head.

Rage: Ain’t gonna happen, Kittie.  I’m not cashing it in against, J.  I’m over it, and you should get over it, too.

Kittie glares at him angrily and throws her hands up in the air in frustration.

Kittie: You have got to be the stupidest and most stubborn, pig-headed jackass I have ever met!  You’re giving up a guaranteed shot at the World Heavyweight Championship for a reason I can’t even fucking understand!  GAH!  YOU DUMBASS!!

With no warning at all, Kittie hauls off and kicks Rage hard in the shin!  It’s enough to cause him to nearly lose his footing, but he manages to hop on his other foot and stay on his feet.  He lets out a pained yell as Kittie storms off down the hall and he shakes his leg, trying to get feeling back into it as he stares in the direction she ran off and watches her disappear around another corner.  He glares into the camera as the scene fades away.

After Climax Control

Climax Control ended just a short while ago and everyone is filtering out of the building.  Rage is just walking out of the locker room with his things as World Heavyweight Champion J2H walks up to him.  He notices the annoyed expression on Rage’s face and calls him out on it.

J2H: What the hell is your problem now?  You weren’t in such a shitty mood earlier so what gives?

Rage: Women.  That’s my fucking problem.  Doesn’t matter.  I’m ready to get the fuck out of this shithole.

J2H laughs and shakes his head.

J2H: You really need to quit worrying about this shit with Kittie, because it’s no use.  She just wants to turn you back into the Sins bitch, but you no better than that now.  Ask her for the damn ring back already.

Rage: She can keep the damn ring, but it’s her decision if she wants to end it.  I’ve told her that countless times, yet she still insists on confronting me and arguing with me all the fucking time.  It’s pissing me off to no end!

J2H: Forget about that right now.  Get that shit out of your head, because you’ve got more important shit to worry about.  Your match against Samuel Devereux was rescheduled for next week and you need to focus on winning that match and not letting your ex distract you and screw things up again.

Rage mumbles a few words under his breath and J2H just stares at him, no clue what he just said.

Rage: She’s not my fucking ex...Not yet anyway.  And don’t worry.  Samuel Devereux will be no problem for me.

J2H: Yeah, right.  Like I believe that shit.  You’re holding that Golden Briefcase for a reason, right?  You won the damn thing, but if you go out there next week and lose to Samuel Devereux, how will that look?  Focus, Rage, because you’re better than this damn drama that the Sins get you involved in.

Rage closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath.  With the Golden Briefcase in one hand, he unclenches his other hand that was going white knuckled just before that.

J2H: You realize Jamie Dean is going to be out at ringside for this match, don’t you?

Rage shrugs.

Rage: Yeah?  So?  Why the fuck should I be worried about Devereux’s new play thing?

J2H: I don’t think you should really be worried, but I’d expect him to try and get a little payback in for what you did after that battle royal before.  I doubt he’s forgotten about that shit.

Rage laughs.

Rage: Let him fucking try.  I don’t think I need to remind you that I’m a hell of a lot bigger than he is.

J2H: All I’m saying is just keep your eyes open and don’t underestimate this damn match.  You know you can beat Samuel Devereux easily, and I know it, too.  So go out there and fucking prove it.

Rage: Like I said, don’t worry about it.  I’m not worried about facing this jackass.  With or without his boy toy at ringside, I’ll have no problem beating him.

J2H pats Rage on the arm and nods.

J2H: Just keep that attitude and you’ll be fine.  Oh, and just stay the hell away from Kittie.  If she tries to approach you again, just fucking walk away.  These little pep talks are getting old.

Rage: Yeah, whatever.  Let’s just get the fuck out of here.

J2H shakes his head and shrugs.  He is the first to start walking away and Rage follows behind him as the two head off to, presumably find Melody Grace and leave.  

Samuel Devereux, huh?  Is he really supposed to scare me?  Am I supposed to be intimidated by this guy just because I don’t have the clear size advantage over him that I do with most others I have faced?  Or maybe I’m supposed to be scared because he seems to be so highly regarded and a possible favorite to get a World Heavyweight title shot in the future?  Fuck that.

Let me make one thing clear, I’m not intimidated.  By anyone.  I don’t fucking care who it is.  I don’t give a shit if the guy is bigger than me or smaller than me.  It doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to walk down the ramp, step into that ring and beat the fuck out of anybody and everybody they put in front of me.  And that includes Samuel Devereux.  As highly regarded as he may be, he needs to realize just who the fuck he is up against, because I don’t think he does.  

Samuel Devereux may be into some freaky shit that even I don’t understand.  He may be all “enigmatic” and shit, but I’m a lot more dangerous than he ever will be.  There may be only two inches separating the two of us, but I could snap his neck if I really wanted to.  But, don’t worry.  I won’t go doing anything like that.

But I will inflict some serious amount of pain on him and enjoy doing it because his new little boy toy, Jamie Dean, will be at ringside watching.  And as much as Jamie will be rooting for him to get the win over me so they can run off and celebrate behind closed doors, I’m going to do Jamie Dean an even bigger favor.  I’m going to incapacitate Samuel Devereux and make it so Jamie has to play nurse for a little while.  

I don’t appreciate people trying to make it seem like I don’t stand a chance.  I don’t fucking appreciate people ignoring the fact that I’ve made a bigger impact on this company than Samuel Devereux ever will and because of that, Samuel Devereux has a big fucking reality check heading his way.  

I’ve heard rumblings that Samuel might be given a title opportunity at some point soon.  Which title?  Fuck if I know and fuck if I care, but I’m going to show him and everyone else the one person they all need to worry about.  I’m going to go into this match and send an even louder message to all the fucking champions watching backstage, because what I am going to do to Samuel Devereux?  It could very well be any of them next.  

I have the Golden Briefcase for a reason.  I’m the King Of the Hill for a fucking reason, and if the Roulette, Internet or Tag Team Champions don’t seem to believe that?  Well...they better watch their fucking backs because once I’m through with Samuel Devreux, I could be coming after anyone of them at any time.  I might give them warning.  I might not.  That’s the best fucking part about having this briefcase.  None of you have any fucking clue.

So, Samuel Devereux, I hope you’re fucking ready.  The devil is looking forward to going toe to toe with such an enigmatic soul such as yourself, but this is one fight you can’t win, Samuel.  I’ve never been more fucking determined to send a message loud and clear as I have been lately.  One by one they put you assholes against me.  And one by one, you all fall victim to the devil.  

Oh and one more thing, Samuel.  Make sure to tell your boy toy, Jamie Dean, not to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong.  Make sure to tell him to keep his ass on the outside of the ring, because if he tries and gets involved he’ll be wheeled out on a stretcher and there won’t be any “fun time” between the two of you for a very long time.  If ever again.  This match is between you and me, Samuel.  And there is nothing that Jamie Dean can do to stop me from beating your ass all over the six-sided ring.

Two days, Samuel.  You’ve got two days to enjoy a pain free life, because after Sunday?’ll see.

The devil is out for your blood, Samuel.  And he’s not stopping until he gets it!

Supercard Archives / Rage Vs Bishop Vs Harris Vs Hardin
« on: January 20, 2017, 10:54:42 PM »
 January twenty second.  Inception II.  Four men step into the ring in what will no fucking doubt be a battle of the ages.  Sure there’s no title on the line, but there may as well be.  It’s still a golden opportunity, because hanging high above the ring will be a golden briefcase with a guaranteed title shot at any time throughout the year.  Pretty big opportunity, huh?

You’re damn right it is.  But you see, not exactly all of the men that will be fighting tooth and nail in this ladder match exactly deserve to be in this match.  But regardless of that sad reality, one man will still walk away with the golden briefcase in hand, and their guaranteed shot at the title whenever they see fit.  

Will that man really be you, Jeremiah Hardin?  Do you really believe that, out of the four of us, YOU will be the one to climb to the top of that ladder, grab a hold of that briefcase and be declared the winner?  I really hope that you don’t, because when it comes to the four of us, I think the general consensus is that you are the underdog in this situation.  Yeah, I said it.  YOU are the underdog, Jeremiah.  How does that make you feel?

I get it, Jeremiah.  You’re not new to SCW.  You’ve been around a time or two and even held a couple of titles, but you know what else you’ve done?  You’ve disappointed everyone, Jeremiah.  Including yourself.  You’ve up and disappeared.  You’ve come back, and then disappeared again.  Not exactly deserving of a championship opportunity such as this, is it, Jeremiah?  

Don’t say it is, because it’s not.  And don’t you fucking dare come back and say that you’ve changed, because from where I’m standing, you damn well have not changed.  You had all week last week to run your mouth and share your thoughts on this match.  You had all week to grovel and thank the bosses for giving you an opportunity such as this when you failed to win that battle royal at Climax Control.  You had all week to PROVE that you deserve to be in this match, but did you?  No, you didn’t.  You were rather quiet the entire time and I find that rather...irritating.

You have your work cut out for you Jeremiah.  You’re going up against three other men, in just one week’s time and I don’t think even the stupidest people would put money on you walking out with the briefcase.  They would have to have an amazing amount of faith in you to pull it off, because going against the three opponents you will be?  Well, the odds are really stacked against you.  And that’s saying alot, considering two of your opponents are relative newcomers to SCW.  Newcomers who have apparently impressed a hell of alot more than you have if they are getting the same opportunity as you so early on in their time here in SCW.

And how does THAT make you feel, Jeremiah?  I know how it makes ME feel.  It pisses me off.  I can feel the rage building inside me just thinking about it, but you see I intend to do something about it.  I intend to be the one walking out of Inception with that briefcase, because I sure as shit refuse to let the likes of you three walk out with something that belongs to me.  But, you’re first on my list, Jermiah.  

You see, I’m done watching you play the same old song and dance routine that you do.  I’m going to make it so you can’t pull this shit again.  I’m going to DESTROY you in that ring, because I’ll be damned if I sit back and let you “impress” the bosses enough to get a title opportunity after losing not only the battle royal at Climax Control, but this match, too.  Now isn’t your time, Jeremiah, and after this match?  You won’t even have a future in this business.

You shouldn’t be afraid of Xander or Calvin.  Oh, no.  They’re NOTHING compared to what I’m going to do to you in that ring.  From the moment that bell rings, your time in that match is going to be over, because I’m going to take you out of the equation.  You’ll either be in a pool of your own blood on the outside of the ring, or they’ll be forced to wheel you out on a stretcher.  Either won’t last very long in this match.

Say goodbye to your wife and kid...or girlfriend.  Whatever the fuck that freak is to you.  I don’t really care.  If she was smart she’d beg you not to go through with this, because you’re just setting yourself up for failure and you’re walking into your own demise.  

The devil is out for your blood, Jeremiah.  And he ain’t stopping until he gets it…

Scene 1
Time To Reflect..and Confront a Brother

You’d think with perhaps the biggest match he’s faced in a long time that Rage would be using any and all time to prepare and get ready to face not one, not two but three opponents in the King Of the Hill ladder match.  Yeah, you would think, but that is not what the big man is doing.  Ever since making the decision to turn his back on the Sins and join J2H to follow J2Hism, Rage’s life has been much less...eventful.  And a large part of that has to do with the fact he is no longer around Despayre and the shenanigans he was used to being a part of.  It’s funny, because one could say that Rage’s life is now exactly how J2H had insulted him many times over the last year.  

Boring.  Yes, Rage’s life is, for the most part, boring.

The decision to follow J2Hism has cost Rage pretty much everything.  The only family he had really ever known.  His brother, and his cat.  And, of course, for all he knows, his relationship with Kittie.  Though that is still up in the air at the moment.  

So what is Rage doing to fill his time?  He can’t possibly just stay holed up in his house all the time.  Well, he could.  And, most of the time he has, but not tonight.  Tonight, he’s actually decided to get out of the house because the silence is becoming quite deafening to him.  And, whether he likes it or not, he needs a little bit of noise.  

He’s been walking around Las Vegas for a while now, trying to decide where he wants to go.  Because of his less than affinity for being around people, nothing really strikes his fancy so he ends up on settling on a place that Sin City Wrestling has performed at at least once before, and a place he had a feeling he shouldn’t be going to anyway.

Club Rain.

As he walked up to the door, he told himself he was only there to get a drink or two and then leave.  There would be no interactions with drunken women looking for a one night stand.  Due to his nature, that happened very rarely as it was, but he wasn’t out for that tonight.  The bouncer recognized him and immediately let him inside, much to the disappointment and annoyance of some standing outside waiting to be let in.  

But Rage didn’t care.  He headed straight for the bar to order his first drink.  The club was pretty busy tonight.  Most tourists no doubt, and due to the capacity, there were at least three bartenders on hand.  And the one on the farthest end of the bar was someone Rage knew quite well.

His brother, Phil.  Rage knew Phil worked as a bartender here, but he didn’t know for sure if he would be working tonight.  He hadn’t spoken to Phil in a few weeks now, ever since Phil had decided to crash at Synn’s until he and his girlfriend, Maddie, figured out a more permanent living arrangement.  It pissed Rage off knowing that his own flesh and blood could do something like that, but he wasn’t about to beg for Phil to come back.  

He hoped Phil didn’t see him there, and he was relieved when another bartender walked up to take his order.  He ordered from the beer on tap and the bartender quickly grabbed a glass, filling it up to the brim and sliding it to Rage.  Rage pulled some cash out of his pocket and handed it over to the bartender telling him to keep the change before he made his way through a crowd of people towards a secluded part of the club.  To his relief there was an empty table that was calling his name, as most of the other people in the club were out on the dance floor or at the bar.  

Once Rage sat down all he could do was just look around the club.  Watch people dance and make a fool of themselves.  Watch the bouncers have to get involved and toss a couple of drunken and unruly frat boys out.  And, every so often, turn and glance towards his brother working behind the bar.  Before he knew it, his first glass of beer was empty and just as he was going to go up to the bar and get another, a friendly face walked up to him.  A friendly and familiar face.

Maddie: Can I get you a...refill? in Phil’s girlfriend Maddie...was one of the many servers walking around the club tonight.  Rage had no idea she worked here, and she was more than surprised to see him sitting there.

Maddie: Oh...Hi, Jake.

Rage: When did you start working here?

Maddie: Not that long ago.  I was looking to get out of my old club so Phil put in a good word for me here.  W-what are you doing here?  Does Phil--

Rage quickly shakes his head before Maddie can finish asking her question.

Rage: No.  And I’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible.  I’m not looking to cause any trouble at his job.

Maddie: Then why are you here?  I knew he worked here.  Besides, I’ve never known you to be the nightclub type.

Rage lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

Rage: You’re right, I’m not.  And to answer your question, the only reason I came out here tonight is because I need to be around some noise.  Anything.  It’s been too fucking quiet lately.

Maddie nods as she folds her arms across her chest.

Maddie: It might not be my place to say this, but you only have yourself to blame for that, Jake.  Phil didn’t want to leave when he did.  I was trying to get him to move in with me sooner, but he wasn’t really ready to move out of your place yet so he decided to stay there a little while longer.  You didn’t directly hurt him, but it had it’s effect on him, you know.  He still has his days where he’s not quite himself.

Rage leans back in his chair and just stares at her, raising an eyebrow.  She nods and he folds his arms across his chest.  He thinks for a few moments before he narrows his eyes and glares at her.

Rage: You’re right.  It’s not your fucking place to say anything.  You might be dating my brother, Maddie, but outside of that, you don’t know anything about the situation other than what they’re telling you.  Don’t believe everything you’re being told.

Maddie: This has nothing to do with what I’m being told, but it has everything to do with what I’m seeing from Phil.  He told me how you and Synn helped him when he was still back in Boston.  You and Synn.  And for you to do whatever it is you did to those people who have been your family for so long?  I don’t know the full story, nor do I particularly want to know it or you reasons.  But the fact is that you still did what you did, and it hurt Phil and I’ve had to be the one to help him through it.  I hope whatever it is was worth it, because he’s a pretty terrific guy.  But, I’m sure you already knew that.

After speaking her peace, Maddie turns on her heels and gets set to walk away.  Rage holds up his empty glass and clears his throat loudly.

Rage: Care to bring me another beer?

Maddie turns back around and with the most polite smile she can muster, she looks directly at him and responds.

Maddie: I’m sorry, sir, but I have the authority to cut you off when I think you’ve had enough.  And, I think you’ve had enough.  I suggest you leave willingly and without a scene, otherwise I’ll be forced to get a few of our security staff involved.  Have a nice night.

Maddie then turns and walks away, getting back to her job and finding someone else to help.  Rage rolls his eyes and just leaves the empty beer glass on the table before he stands up and starts shoving his way through the crowd and towards the door.  He is blatantly ignoring Maddie’s warning and as people shout at him as he shoves them on his way out, Phil looks up from the bar and spots him.  He narrows his eyes and shakes his head as Rage storms out of the club.

Meanwhile, outside, Rage is slowly walking away from the club, clenching his fists at his side and trying to keep his anger under control and he has to stop, close his eyes and take in a few deep breaths.  Just as he does this, the voice shouting from behind him catches his attention.

Phil: Is there any particular reason you decided to come out to where I work tonight and be a complete asshole and make a scene like you did?  What the hell is your problem?

With his back still facing Phil, his eyes narrow sadistically and he laughs and smiles wickedly.  He slowly turns around to face his younger brother, his fists still frozen at his side.

Rage: Oh, hey Phil.  Good to see you, too, little brother.

Phil rolls his eyes.

Phil: Don’t make me ask you again, Jake.

Rage: Oh, I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to go out every now and then, Phil.  I didn’t know you were working tonight, otherwise I would have went somewhere else.  Fucking relax.  Damn.

Phil shakes his head as he takes a couple of steps closer to Rage.

Phil: You’re allowed to do whatever the hell you want.

Rage lets out a laugh.

Rage: Is that so?  If that is the case, why the fuck does everyone still have their panties and boxers in a twist over my joining sides with J2H?  Clearly I’m not allowed to do whatever the fuck I want.  At least not where you all are concerned.

Phil: There’s no point in trying to explain it to you again, Jake, because you just don’t get it.  And you never will.  I’m guessing things aren’t quite working out for you the way you had hoped, otherwise you wouldn’t have come out here to stalk me or whatever the hell you’re doing.

Rage laughs again and shakes his head.

Rage: Oh things are working out for me just fine, Phil.  Better than fine, actually, because now that I’ve sided with J, I’ve got my golden opportunity at Inception.  And all I have to do is take the golden briefcase and that’s it.  I’ll have a guaranteed shot at any title any time I want it.

Phil shakes his head.

Phil: Well congratulations.  That sounds pretty terrific, bro.

Phil’s voice is just oozing with sarcasm and Rage can’t help but let out a laugh again.

Rage: I wouldn’t expect you to understand, so that’s alright.  Just so long as you know that I’m not as miserable as you people seem to think I am.  I’m making decisions and living my life as I see fit.  I’m not going to let any of you bring me the fuck down anymore.

Phil: Good, then don’t.  But if that’s how you really feel, don’t come out to this club ever again.  You want to do whatever you want to do, go ahead and do it.  But, don’t expect to have any interactions with me anymore.  You fucked up big time, and sooner or later, you’ll realize that.  If you already haven’t.  My guess is that you already have, but you just refuse to admit it.

Rage takes a step towards Phil, almost threatening him.  Phil stands his ground, refusing to be intimidated.

Rage: There’s nothing to admit, little brother.  There’s nothing holding me back any longer.  My eyes are fucking opened big time and it feels...great.

Phil does a slow clap for his brother.

Phil: Again, congratulations.  But you’re lying to yourself.  You see, there is something holding you back.  Or...someone.  Whether you think so or not, J2H is holding you back in some way or he will.  I’ll have all the proof I need should you actually win that golden briefcase.

Rage: What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Phil shrugs and shakes his head.

Phil: It doesn’t matter.  I’ll watch the show and find out for myself if I’m right or not, but something tells me I’m right.  I have to get back into work.  Like I said, don’t come around here again.  You won’t be allowed back in at this point, unless SCW does another show at some point in the future.

Phil doesn’t give Rage a chance to say anything else before he turns and heads back inside.  Rage stands there for a few moments staring straight ahead.  A couple of people walk past him and slowly turn their heads to stare at him as his hands are shaking.  He shoots his head in their direction as they walk by.


The couple quickly scurries away as other people turn and stare at him.  He lets out a growl before he turns and storms off down the street and away from the club.  

Xander Bishop.  Xander...Bishop.  You know, I try to say your name without rolling my fucking eyes, but I just can’t seem to do it.  I can’t seem to not shake my head and wonder just what the hell Mark Ward and Christian Underwood were doing signing some dumbass piece of shit like you.  And not only that, but they’re throwing you right into the title scene and the ink on your contract isn’t even dry yet. beat Alex Rush.  That’s not exactly something to brag about and it sure as hell isn’t worthy of being put into a ten man battle royal to determine the next challenger to J2H’s title in your second match.  Granted, you failed, but what happened after that?  You apparently “impressed” Mark and/or Christian so much, they’re giving you another shot in this King of The Hill ladder match.  Well guess what?  I can’t let that happen.  I WON’T let that happen.

I’m not going to sit here and lie and say that I actually paid attention to you before this match was maid.  Aside from the little bit of noise you made on Twitter, I had no desire to pay attention to someone who pisses me off just by saying one word.  But, once I heard about this match, I had to force myself into scouting some of your material.  Man, I regret that.  But, at the same time, I don’t because all it’s done is fuel my need to beat you that much more.

You talk a big game.  You like to run your mouth and spout of words that the majority of the roster probably doesn’t understand.  I can’t even waste time trying to decipher the shit you say, it’s that bad.  You’re trying to get people to like you, and for some messed up reason, some people actually DOlike you.  But, you certainly do a crap job of trying to be likable.  I think you’re confused, Xander.

Maybe you got dropped on your head one too many times as a baby.  Or maybe you were born without a brain to begin with, judging by the way you talk, but running your mouth the way you do?  Spewing that ghetto garbage you do, that ain’t gonna fly around this place for long, and it sure as shit ain’t gonna make you many friends...if any.  

I’m sure you’ve got all the confidence in the world going into this match, Xander.  I bet anything you think so damn highly of yourself because this is your second opportunity to get a title shot, so that little ego boost is giving you a bigger high than those blunts you’ve no doubt been smoking.  Yeah, don’t think you’re fooling anyone by saying you don’t do that shit.  Sooner or later, a little random drug test will come up and you’ll be outta this place faster than you can say ni...Nope.  Not going there.

Don’t let this opportunity fool you, Xander.  Don’t let it get to your head, because you don’t stand a chance either.  You might fair a little bit better than Jeremiah will, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some ghetto piece of shit get that golden briefcase from above the ring.  In fact, I have one mission to accomplish against you, Xander.

Break your fucking jaw.  If I never have to hear you speak another word after this match, I’ll be just fine with that.  I’ll probably be doing everyone a favor because I’m sure everyone is just as annoyed as I am listening to you talk.  Hell, I’ll probably be doing even YOU a favor because once I break your jaw, the only way you’ll be able to speak again, is by LEARNING to speak again, and let’s just say...You could use more than your fair share of English classes.  Ya hur. Man?

Fuck I can’t believe I just say that, even mocking you.  I don’t like you, Xander.  In fact...I really fucking hate you.  Don’t take it personally though, I hate everyone, but just the idea that you’re even a factor in this match about sends me over the damn edge.  If anyone is going to win this match, it’s going to be ME, Xander.

You may have fought nine other guys in that battle royal, Xander, but I wasn’t in that match.  I don’t think you’re quite ready to deal with me, but let me tell you, I’m more than ready to give you the beating of a lifetime and send you to the back of the line, because the only one that’s going to impress in this match, is ME.  You’re going straight to the back of the line with Jeremiah and that’s a fucking promise.

Do your scouting.  Do your researching and preparing, Xander.  None of it will help you.  Nothing you do will be able to stop me from climbing that ladder and taking that briefcase into MY possession, because no one deserves it more than I do.  As a follower of J2Hism, that briefcase BELONGS to me already.  You three idiots just don’t realize it yet.

But you will.

Take your best shot.  Throw a few punches....a few kicks.  Whatever the hell you think you need to do, but whatever lessons you took from the “hood” won’t be enough to stop the devil from taking what’s his.  

The devil is out for your blood, Xander.  And he ain’t stopping until he gets it…

Scene 2
Lovers Quarrel

Following his confrontation with both Maddie and Phil at Club Rain earlier, Rage has finally made it back home.  He went out to be around some noise, and he got more than he bargained for.  He storms into his house, slamming the door behind him and tossing his keys on the counter.  He’s still obviously wound up from everything that Maddie and Phil said to him and he heads over to the fridge to grab a cold beer.  He twists the cap off and takes a huge gulp as he walks over and heads upstairs.  He really needs a hot shower to clear his head, so he heads up to the master bedroom.  He’s taking another gulp of his beer as he notices the light is on from just down the hall.  He slows his pace, wondering who is in his house as he knows the light was off when he left.

Rage gets his answer when he stops in the doorway.  Looking inside his room, he sees that Kittie...his fiancee, or former sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for him.  She has almost a blank expression on her face as she looks directly at him.  He finishes off his beer as he steps inside, setting the empty bottle on the dresser.

Rage: This night just keeps getting better and better.  What are you doing here, Kittie?

Rage opens a drawer to the dresser and pulls something clean to sleep in.  He turns around, and stares at Kittie, waiting for her to answer.  She seems to be thinking her answer over carefully.

Kittie: What the hell is going on, Rage?

Rage looks at her with a baffled look on his face.

Rage: I’m sorry, what?  What the hell are you talking about?

Kittie: You heard me.  What is going on?  With us...with everything.  Do you want this ring back?

Kittie holds up her left hand, still wearing her engagement ring.  Rage shakes his head with a laugh.  That seems to be the trend for the night.

Rage: That’s not for me to decide, Kittie.  I already told you that.  It’s your damn decision on what you want to do.  If you came all the way over here just for clarification on that--

Kittie: I’m asking you what the hell you want!  I don’t even know if you really wanted to get married in the first place.  I just want to hear the words from your mouth, asshole.

Rage: I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit tonight so you might as well head on back to Synn’s.  I’d like to take a shower and get some fucking sleep.

Kittie: When are you going to be in the mood, Rage?  Huh?  Because, every time I try and fucking talk to you, you just blow me off and say you’re not in the mood to deal with it.  Shit needs to get sorted out, because I’d like to know what the fuck this is anymore.

Rage laughs, but he says nothing.  Kittie narrows her eyes at him but he refuses to say anything else as he walks past her and into the master bathroom.  Her jaw drops for a moment and she sits there, shocked, and a few moments later, the shower turning on is heard.  She stands up from the bed and stands there for a moment, thinking her next move over carefully.  She takes in a deep breath and pulls her shirt up over her head and tosses it on the floor as she disappears into the bathroom behind Rage.

The bathroom is already steamed up pretty good from the heat of the shower.  The top half of Rage’s body is all that is visible through the door to the walk-in shower and Kittie stands back, removing her clothes.  Rage is completely oblivious to this as he has his hands pressed against the wall of the shower and his head under the shower head letting the water just hit his face.  He only becomes aware of Kittie completely naked when the door to the shower opens and Kittie steps inside.

Rage: What the fuck, Kittie?!  Can’t I shower in--

Before Rage knows it, Kittie reaches up, putting he hand around his neck and pulls his head down, bringing her lips to his in a passionate kiss.  He doesn’t fight it, though, as both have been dealing with the frustration of being apart for the last several weeks and neither could hold back if they even tried.

Later on that night, after their steamy session in the shower and another session after, the two are laying in bed.  Rage is drifting off to sleep, thinking Kittie is doing the same with his arm tucked under her head.  But she’s not.  She’s just laying there, staring at him, wide awake and the longer this goes on, Rage eventually can tell without even having his eyes open.

Rage: Are you going to go to sleep or are you just going to lay there staring at me all fucking night.

Kittie: No...I’m just thinking...

Rage turns his head and looks at her.

Rage: Well could you think a little quiet.  I’d like to get some sleep.

Kittie: Fine.  Get some sleep.  But you’re coming with me back to Synn’s place in the morning.

Rage quickly slides away from Kittie and sits up in the bed.  Kittie sits up as well, pulling the sheet up to cover herself as Rage glares at her, shaking his head.

Rage: I don’t know what gave you that idea, Kittie, but no I’m not.  Synn and everyone else made it very clearly where they stand.  Two rounds of angry sex between us ain’t gonna change that.

Kittie shakes her head and lets out a sigh.

Kittie: You can’t honestly tell me that living in this house by yourself is what you want or that following J2H around like some glorified bitch is what you want either?!  You two have hated each other for so long and you honestly think this J2Hism bullshit is something to believe in?!  Come on, Rage.  Even I know you’re smarter than that shit.

Rage: You clearly have no idea what the hell I want, Kittie, because if you did, you wouldn’t be asking me to go back to being a fucking joke to the rest of the Sins while it got me nowhere.  NOWHERE!  Fuck that.

Kittie shakes her head disappointedly again.

Kittie: So now what?  You’re just going to continue doing what J2H tells you to do, when you’re sitting here saying that you hated when the Sins supposedly did that?  You’re fooling yourself if you actually believe he’s going to help you any.  Especially if you win that briefcase on Sunday.

Rage: IF?  There’s no fucking IF about it, Kittie.  I’m winning that briefcase.

Kittie: And do you honestly believe that if you do, you’ll be able to use it to get your shot at J?  He won’t fucking allow it.  He laughed in your face and flat out denied you your shot more than once!

Rage growls and lets out a sigh.

Rage: The briefcase says I’d get a shot at any title, Kittie.  Not just the World Heavyweight title.

Kittie’s jaw drops open and she stares at Rage, shocked.

Kittie: You’re fucking joking, right?  You’d actually waste it on the roulette title?  Or...are you actually considering cashing it in for a shot against Despy?!

Rage: I don’t know what the fuck I plan to do with it, Kittie!  Damn!  All I know is J is the champion, and he’s the champion for a fucking reason!  He’s going to stay the champ for a while, so the briefcase won’t fucking matter.

Kittie: I...I can’t believe what I’m actually hearing you say.  He’s got your head so fucking twisted and you can’t even see it!  You’ve let him make you believe that the Sins were holding you back, but it seems like he’s---

Rage turns his back on Kittie and then pulls on a pair of boxers.  He stands up and turns around, glaring at her as he points to the door.

Rage: Get the fuck out.

Kittie: What?

Rage: You heard me.  Get the fuck out.  Shower sex and an angry fuck afterwards doesn’t mean that I’m suddenly going to turn back into your pussy whipped bitch.  I told you, I’m making the decisions and doing what the fuck I want, but none of you seem to understand that.  When I win that briefcase on Sunday I’ll be able to do what the fuck I want with it, and not what you, Synn, Gabriel, Shane or even Phil thinks I should do with it.  ME!  WHAT I FUCKING SAY!

Kittie rolls her eyes before she reaches down and picks up her clothes.  She starts getting dressed as Rage stands next to the bed, watching her.  Once she’s dressed, she turns around and looks back to him, but he doesn’t seem to have changed his mind on wanting her to leave.

Kittie: I don’t know if this is some mid-life crisis or what, but you need to get over it and quick before it’s really too late.  You’re throwing all your hard work to shit for that little bastard and I don’t think I’ll ever understand why.  For your sake, I hope you know what the fuck you’re doing, because I sure as shit don’t.  No matter how hard I try to wrap my head around it.

Rage: Maybe if you’d fucking listen to me for once instead of trying to get me to listen to you, you’d understand.  But, it’s all falling on deaf ears so it doesn’t even fucking matter.  Now just get back to Synn’s because I’d really like to enjoy some peace and quiet tonight.

Kittie closes her eyes and sighs, shaking her head.  She opens them a few moments later and looks at him, disappointment written all over her face.

Kittie: Fine.  If that’s what you want, I’ll leave.  But just understand that the longer this shit with you following J2H around and being fooled by him goes on, the less likely it is that Synn would welcome you back to the Sins once you’re eyes are opened to what he’s been doing to you.  But...whatever.  Believe what you want.  Not much fucking problem anymore.  Enjoy your nightly dates with your right hand, because what happened tonight won’t happen again.

Rage: I don’t need my right hand when there are plenty of whores all around Vegas...

Rage grins wickedly at her and she glares back at him viciously before giving him the finger and quickly turning and walking out of the room.  Rage laughs to himself as he listens to her storm downstairs and then slams the door behind her as she leaves, and he’s once again left in complete and utter silence...

Calvin Harris.  The man who my guess is everyone is putting money on in winning the gold briefcase.  They no doubt probably think you have the most potential...are the biggest threat. least that’s just what I could be hearing through the grapevine.  I hate to burst everyone’s bubble, especially yours...Wait, no I don’t.  I really fucking love it.  But...this match isn’t yours to win, either.  I’m sure you’ll put up one hell of a fight, and I fully expect you to, but it won’t be enough.

Word has it you’re walking into this match with a banged up knee.  It may be near one hundred percent by the time the bell rings, you really think it a wise decision to compete in a ladder match at such a clear disadvantage.  Word gets around quickly, Calvin.  Whether you want it to or not.  Whether you make it public knowledge or not, that bum knee of yours?  Puts you at a big disadvantage….and that is something I plan to take full advantage of.

I know exactly what I need to do to take you out, Calvin.  I know just what I need to do to cripple you and stop you from climbing that ladder, and guess what?  You only have yourself to blame, pal.  A dumbass like you doesn’t deserve to carry that briefcase around with a guaranteed shot at the title at any point throughout the year.  You don’t deserve it, so you won’t get it.

That knee of yours is going to be much worse off than it was before walking into this match, Calvin.  You see, before I climb that ladder and retrieve what is MINE, I’m going to use it for its other purpose in this a powerful and painful weapon.  And I’m going to target that knee right from the start.

You’ll be begging me to stop.  You’ll be crying out for mercy and trying to crawl away, but do you think that will help you?  Do you think I will show you mercy?  That will only fuel my desire to inflict even more pain on you.  That’ll just make me even more determined to cripple that knee once and for all, because I’m not going to let you stand in my way of grabbing that briefcase and having the referee raise MY hand in victory.

You’ve been in this company a little while longer than Xander, and for all intents and purposes, longer than Hardin because that jackass has up and disappeared more times than I can count on my hands and feet.  You may have been around a little while longer, but you haven’t earned this opportunity.  You haven’t done shit to deserve this shot.  Not when I’ve been busting my ass time and time again and have had to sit back and watch guys like you...guys WORSE than you, get their shot and fail.  

You’d fail, too.  If by some miracle you managed to get that briefcase.  You, Xander and Jeremiah...any one of you would fail from the moment you decided to cash in.  It’s why I can’t let any of you win that briefcase.  That and do you really think YOU have what it takes to be greater than J2H as a champion?  I sure as shit don’t.  Not a damn person on this roster can do what he’s done this last year, so I need to protect that title from guys like you.

Once this match is done, Calvin, the bosses will realize that you don’t quite have what it takes to be a top tier champion.  They’ll reassess their opinions once they watch the beating I give to you, Xander and Jeremiah, and if you’re lucky, the might toss you in the Internet title scene, but the World Heavyweight Title scene?  You can forget that one.

I know you want to win, Calvin.  I know you want to do whatever you have to do to make a bigger name for yourself here in SCW and be successful and impress the bosses, but going up against a guy like me?  That’s a pretty big problem for you.  You three don’t just have to climb a ladder to get that have to topple a fucking mountain.

And don’t let my size fool you.  Don’t think for one second that I’m slower and that puts me at a disadvantage.  All it takes is one wrong move from you three and you’re done.  I’m not holding back because this is my match to win and yours to fucking lose.

I’m not settling for second best.  I’m not letting some assholes like you three take MY moment from me.  And if you are really that hell bent on stopping me?  Well...then I’ll have no fucking problem sending you straight to hell.  No regrets.  No remorse.  Nothing.  I’m out to inflict pain, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

The devil is out for your blood, Calvin.  And he ain’t stopping until he gets it…

Scene 3
An Understanding

With Inception II fast approaching, now is the time that the excitement really begins leading up to a supercard.  The superstars and Bombshells are taking part in their scheduled promotional events and interviews, as is usually mandatory for these shows.  Rage has his own schedule to follow as well, but that’s later.  Right now, Rage is waiting for the World Heavyweight Champion, J2H, to finish up a scheduled appearance.  He’s standing back, trying to stay hidden from everyone else while the champion does his thing.  Unfortunately for Rage, it doesn’t quite work out as planned, as Pussy Willow walks up next to him.  He towers over her, of course, and he tries not to pay any attention to her.

PW: Hey there, big man.  Looking forward to Sunday?

Rage glances at her from the corner of his eye and just lets out a laugh, but doesn’t speak a word.  He folds his arms across his chest as she takes in a deep breath.

PW: Big opportunity for you, ya know.  It’s not going to be easy though going against the likes of Jeremiah, Xander and Calvin.

Rage lets out an annoyed laugh and then turns and looks at her.

Rage: Are you fucking kidding me, big tits?  Those three are not a problem for me and if you think they are, you’re living up pretty damn well to the reputation of a fucking dumb blonde.

PW: Some things never change, do they?  I think you’re underestimating just what those three will bring to the match, but what do I know, right?  I’m just a reporter...

Rage: You’re right, you are.  So stick to your fucking job and just ask questions instead of voicing your damn opinion.  You’re getting awfully fucking brave these days, aren’t you?

Pussy shakes her head.

PW: Not really.  I’ve just grown used to being treated like this from those who don’t like me.  And as I recall I asked a simple question and you just shrugged it off and ignored it.  It’s not my fault the smallest things send you over the edge.

Rage: You want a real answer?  Here it is.  Yes, I’m looking forward to this match on Sunday because I’m looking forward to making easy work of three assholes that shouldn’t even be given this chance.  I’ve busted my ass for years in this company and gotten fucking nowhere while guys like them are here for two seconds and handed title shots without fucking earning them.  It’s not just about the briefcase to me anymore, Pussy.  It’s about sending a message that I’m not going to stand back and let shit like that continue to happen.  Satisfied?

Pussy Willow nods slowly as she stares at him.

PW: That works I guess.  This isn’t an official interview so it’s not going to go on record or anything.  I was just asking out of curiosity.

Rage rolls his eyes.

Rage: Of course you were.  Everyone asks out of curiosity and not because they like pissing me off.

PW: I don’t think anyone likes pissing you off.  You can be quite...despicable...when you’re pissed off.

Rage: Oh, there are certain people who like pissing me off, I can promise you that.  Now, are you done, because I wasn’t exactly planning on dealing with an impromptu interview...

Pussy holds her hands up and just smiles.

PW: Don’t worry, no more questions from me.  And for what it’s worth, I’ll be pulling for you to win that briefcase.  I think it will make things quite...interesting.

Rage raises an eyebrow as she says this and before he can question her on what she means, Pussy Willow turns and walks away just as J2H walks up to Rage.  He glances at Pussy Willow as she’s walking away, then turns his attention back to Rage.

J2H: What was that all about?  I thought your interview or whatever wasn’t until later?

Rage: It’s not.  That was just her being annoying as ever, but I don’t care.  Look.  We need to talk, because something is really bugging the fuck out of me and it has been all week.

J laughs.

J2H: What else is new?  But, what is it this time?  Who pissed in your cornflakes this time?

Rage: This ladder match on Sunday...the King of The Hill shit for the gold briefcase?

J2H nods.

J2H: Yeah?  What about it?

Rage: I don’t want it.  Fuck it, J.  Xander or Calvin can have it.

J2H bursts out laughing but as he stares at Rage, his laughter subsides and he just looks at the big man, confused.

J2H: The fuck?  You’re serious?!  Like hell you’re going to let one of those three morons win that briefcase when it’s your’s for the damn taking!  Mark and Chris practically gift-wrapped that damn briefcase for you.

Rage shakes his head.

Rage: Maybe so, but not for the reason you think they did.  People actually expect me to cash it in on you, but I’m done doing what the fuck people want or expect from me.  So, I’m gonna do something none of them will expect and just sit this shit out.

J quickly pulls his hand back, balls it into a fist and then punches Rage hard in the arm.  It actually manages to slightly hurt the big man, but J stares at him very seriously.

J2H: Like fuck you are!  You winning that briefcase would be a good thing.  And don’t just fucking win it easily like I know you can.  Break those three assholes in half and take that damn briefcase.  Don’t fucking hold back just because people want you to cash it in against me.  You winning that damn briefcase just means that none of them can use that briefcase when it suits them.  You can use that briefcase the way its meant to be used, but still on your own damn terms.  Fuck the rest of them.

Rage: I just don’t see the fucking point, J.  I’ve got no interest in that worthless roulette belt.  I’ve held the Internet belt twice before and you’re the World Heavyweight Champ.  I don’t give a shit about titles anymore, J, so why the hell should I lug around a damn briefcase?

J laughs but Rage doesn’t see the humor in any of this.

J2H: You don’t have to decide when you want to cash in that briefcase overnight, dude.  Don’t let the bullshit that everyone else likes to talk influence what we both know you’re capable of.  Yeah I’m the World Heavyweight Champ, but do you know what will happen if Calvin Harris or Xander Bishop win that briefcase?

Rage doesn’t even move a muscle.  He stands there, quietly, staring at J2H.

J2H: They’ll fucking do what cowards do and try and cash in when they think I’m most vulnerable or some shit.  It’s what people do.  You get that briefcase for yourself, and that ensures that won’t happen.  You can use it and prove you don’t need to be a fucking pussy and cash it in on some sneak attack.  Cash it in on a real fucking match.  I’m not going to let you sit this damn match out because this is the perfect opportunity to take three guys out of the equation at once.

Rage: You do realize that no matter who wins this match on Sunday, any one of us could still get a title shot?  It was already announced that the three losers still might get title shots if they impress enough.  I don’t fucking get it, but whatever.

J laughs again.

J2H: So you automatically assume that they’d get a shot at my title?  I’d say they’d probably get tossed down to the lower tier titles where they belong.  Which is another reason you need to win this damn match, because do you really want to be stuck fighting someone like Ryan Keys or Steve Ramone for the roulette title?  Let Hardin, Bishop and Harris deal with those dickheads.  You’re capable of a lot worse than any of them could dish out.

Rage: Look I want nothing more than to destroy those jackasses, but what’s the fucking point if even if I do people still won’t take me seriously?!

J2H: The point is you MAKE them take you seriously.  You have a fucking ladder at your disposal.  You have free reign to hurt them as much as you want without any consequences.  Let the fucking devil out and get the fucking job done.  Stop trying to make this seem like a bad thing when it’s not.  Everyone will know how much power we have as soon as you grab that briefcase and then stand over their broken bodies and hold that damn briefcase high above you.  It’s that simple.

Rage: Shit’s gonna change after Sunday, J.  Once I really unleash on all those morons, there is no turning back.  I’m gonna make everyone’s life a living hell, because I’m telling you...Once I feel a bone crack...I’m gonna want more...

J smiles wickedly and pats Rage on the arm.

J2H: That’s what I’m talking about, Rage.  You want to feel bones cracking?  Have at it, big man.  You want people to fear you?  That’s the fucking way to do it.  Not by some temper tantrum that a five year old would throw.  Inflict some serious pain and then they’ll know.  Make an impact.  Do whatever the fuck you have to do.  I’m not going to stop you.  I’m just going to stand back and encourage you, because this is the Rage everyone needs to see.  This is the exciting Rage.  This shit isn’t boring and it’ll never get boring.  I want to see the evil in your eyes as you end them.

Rage’s nostrils suddenly flare and his eyes narrow as the look in his eyes turns exactly that...evil.

Rage: I won’t be held accountable for my actions, J.  Just remember that.  I’m not holding back.  I’m not going to show them mercy if they fucking beg for it.  I’m going to break their bodies and then I’m going to take that briefcase because I deserve it.  Not them!  ME!

J2H: Just remember that in your head during your match, and there’s no way you’ll lose.  Just remember the mission...the ultimate goal...and that briefcase is yours.  You’re not the Sin of Wrath anymore, Rage.  You’re the devil, remember.  And the devil doesn’t take it easy on anyone.  The devil does what he wants, when he wants.  I’d tell you to make the people watching scream in fear, but you know what would be even better?

Rage slowly shakes his head.

J2H: Silence.  Having them watch on in absolute silence at the destruction you cause.  You can do it.  You WILL do it.

Rage: No holding back.  No fucking mercy...

J2H shakes his head and smiles wickedly as does Rage.  The camera zooms in and you can almost see the fire in Rage’s eyes.  And that..that isn’t a good sign for Jeremiah, Xander or Calvin come Sunday night...  

In just two days, the former Sin of Wrath and now self-proclaimed Devil of SCW, Rage, will be walking into the six-sided ring in Las Vegas to go up against three other men for the opportunity of a lifetime.  The opportunity that, until recently, he had been waiting for for a very long time.  You see, the moment he joined J2Hism, and followed the longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion’s way of life, it all seems that things have changed.  J2H is the World Heavyweight Champion for a reason, after all.  

“Look at you standing there.  You’re pathetic.  Even YOU don’t deserve to be in this match.  Not with the attitude that you’ve had lately.  You’re weak!  You’re a pathetic piece of shit!”

He should be training, he thought.  He should be in a gym or wresting ring somewhere letting off some steam and getting ready for this match, but he’s not.  No, instead here he is standing in front of the full length mirror staring at the man he’d become.  And the voice inside him...the “devil...wasn’t helping any.

Rage: Shut the fuck up.  You’re just trying to drag me down.  Make me fail.  It’s not going to happen!

A low malicious laugh follows and Rage furrows his eyes as he stares into the mirror.

“You know I’m right.  You let that worthless group you call ‘family’ turn you into this.  You let them drag you down.  You put me into hiding all those years in an attempt to take all the credit for everything I did.  You really think you were capable of such despicable actions as I had to take?  Hell no.  That was all me.  And the longer you try and keep me locked away, the less you will achieve.  Don’t try to deny it.”

Rage couldn’t believe it but the devil almost came to life right before him in the mirror.  The image of himself began to move differently than he was, and it spoke directly to him as he backed away.

Rage: You’re full of shit and you know it.  I’ve done terrible things, too.  I’m just as dangerous as you are, and I’m going to prove it in this ladder match on Sunday.  You’re staying right where you are.

The devil laughs again and the image of him shakes his head in the mirror.

“I can stop you, you know.  I’m a lot stronger than you, so I can take over any time I want.  I’m just giving you the opportunity to go willingly, but once again you’re proving what a pussy you really are.  You don’t want to be held accountable for what I do, so you’re trying to stop me.  You’ll never going to be able to stop me from handling business, Rage.  You’re turning yourself into a fucking joke with that childish ‘temper’ of yours.  It’s all just an act because we know who the REAL dangerous one is.  We know who the TRUE evil one is.  And here’s a’s not you.”

The devil grins back at Rage, folding his arms.  Rage stands frozen in place, glaring at “himself” with his fists clenched at his side, but he can’t speak.  He can fill the rage (pun intended) building up inside of him, but this was what the Devil wanted.  This was the reaction he was hoping to get.

“Look at you.  That’s all the proof I need.  Do you REALLY think I’m going to sit back and allow you to be the one to get that briefcase?  You don’t stand a chance.  I mean, I guess I could sit this one out and let what happens happen, but like hell if I’m going to do that.  You’re the one that needs to get put on the back burner because you’re floundering, Rage.  You’ve turned into a laughing stock that no one takes seriously and they never will unless *I* take care of business.  Why the fuck do you think J called you boring for so long?  Because, without me, that’s exactly what you are.  Old.  Washed up.  A fucking snoozefest that nobody fears.  But me?  I could snap a motherfucker’s neck if I really wanted.”

Rage: Not that I give a shit about any of the pieces of shit that I ever face in the ring, but if you did that shit intentionally, it would end my fucking career!  You think I’m gonna let that happen just so you can get your--

The Devil laughs again and shakes his head, causing Rage to stop before he can finish his sentence.

“You see, that’s why I need to be in control.  You’re not exactly the smart one either.  There are ways around these things.  Ways that only *I* know and understand.  How exactly do you expect to beat Jeremiah, Xander and Calvin on Sunday, Rage?”

Rage: How the fuck do you think?  Beat the shit out of them, climb the fucking ladder and take the briefcase!  And you think I’m stupid?  Fuck!

“Such a damn fool.  You’re gonna have to do MUCH worse than that if you intend to win on Sunday, but clearly you don’t realize that.  Clearly you won’t do what needs to be done to take that briefcase.  One by one you need to CRIPPLE them, Rage.  This is the perfect opportunity to do just that, because there will be more than one ladder at your disposal. I said.  You don’t seem to realize that, so, I’ll need to take care of this one for the both of us.  The devil wants to come out and play Rage.  Unlock the cage willingly or I’ll just break it myself.”

The Devil shrugs his shoulders just a bit, and it’s enough to piss Rage off even further.  He takes a step closer to the mirror, fuming.

Rage: No!  You’re NOT handling this one, asshole!  I NEED this.  I’m going to be the one in charge.  I’m just fine without you!

The Devil laughs again and stares straight at Rage.

“Oh really?  Excuse me if I don’t agree, because *I* am not the one who lets that fiery little minx boss me around.  You make the term ‘pussy whipped’ quite literal with her, let me tell you.  Not to mention all the chaos your special little friend...Despy? you into all the time.  And you just always put up with it.  Had *I* been in charge, poor little Despy wouldn’t have even--”

With a loud and ferocious growl, Rage lunges, first forward, right at the mirror!  He shatters the mirror without a care, bloodying his fists in the process.  But a few seconds later, he brings his hands up to his head and his eyes close as he backs up towards the bed.  He’s breathing heavily and he lets out another growl as he hunches forward, still grasping his head.  A few moments later, his breathing relaxes and he slowly lowers his hands.  They’re still bleeding, but he doesn’t seem to care.  He stares over at the shattered pieces of the mirror and slowly stands up to his feet, stepping towards them.  He reaches down and picks up a large shard of the mirror and stares back at the partial reflection in the mirror.  A wicked smile grows on his face as the reflection staring back at him starts pounding away from “inside” the mirror, full on beast mode and screaming back at him.

Devil: It’s like I said, Rage.  I can take control whenever I want.  And if you REALLY want to win this ladder match on Sunday...You and I both know that *I* need to be in control.  So that is exactly what is going to happen.  The Devil is going to have some fun.  Watch and learn, big fella.

In the mirror, ‘Rage’ backs up, but his fighting relaxes.  He’s still fuming but the look on his face says he knows what has to be done, yet he’s powerless to stop it.  But the Devil is not.  The Devil is out and he’s out for blood.  He’s out for pain.  He’s out for the souls of those who stand in his way.

And this Sunday he gets a three for one deal with Jeremiah Hardin...Xander Bishop and Calvin Harris.

Climax Control Archives / The Devil and J2Hism
« on: January 06, 2017, 09:57:55 PM »
January 2nd, 2016
A New Year...New Rage?

2016 wasn’t exactly the year that Rage had envisioned for himself.  There were more lows than highs unfortunately, even though he was a two time Internet Champion and even found himself getting engaged to his then fellow Seven Deadly Sins member, Kittie.  He tried to end out his year a little early and on a bright note by shocking everyone by turning his back on the Seven Deadly Sins and joining the World Heavyweight Champion, J2H, and following J2Hism.  He had hoped it would be a smart decision, and in the beginning, he thought it was.  But now?  Now he was beginning to doubt himself.

He wasn’t booked for the first show of 2017, and he had no real reason to be at the show.  So he didn’t go.  He chose to stay home, brooding as SCW rang in the new year with their first show of the year.  The only light in the room is coming from his laptop as he watches the show, and as the light shines on his face, he snarls after what he just watched on the show.  He slams his laptop shut and tosses it on the edge of the bed.  He brings his large legs over the edge of the bed and touches his feet to the floor as he grabs his phone off the night stand and turns on light.

Rage: Son of a bitch better answer his damn phone...

Rage goes through his contacts and finds J2H’s number, and instead of just calling him, decides to make a FaceTime call with the World Heavyweight Champion.  He knew J wasn’t at the show.  He knew he was of celebrating the new year on some tropical beach, but that’s not what was bugging Rage.  No.  Rage didn’t care where J was, because as the champion, J2H could do whatever the hell he wanted.  Something else was bugging him big time, and he was going to give the champion a piece of his mind.  As long as he answered the call.  Which he did just then.

J2H: You better have a good reason for interrupting my vacation, big man.

J’s face appears on Rage’s phone and Rage narrows his eyes, snarling at the champion.

J2H: Not that your current facial expression is different than any other day, but what’s pissing ya off at the moment?  What’s got ya so pissed off you just had to call me while I’m enjoying this tropical weather while you’re back in that shithole known as Las Vegas?

J smirks and Rage squeezes his phone a little bit.

Rage: Did I make a mistake in trusting you, J?  Huh?  Did I?  Did I make a huge fucking mistake in following this J2Hism shit, believing shit would turn around for me?

J2H: Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Calm the fuck down, man.  What the hell are you talking about?  J2Hism isn’t a mistake, Rage.  In just over two months, you’ve made more of a statement than you did in how many years with the Seven Deadly Sins?  Trust me, you didn’t make a mistake.

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: Really?  Then tell me why the fuck that blonde bimbo becoming a follower is such a bigger fucking deal.  I’m not gonna have Drake Green’s whore wife outshining me, J.  It ain’t gonna happen, and this makes--

J2H: Hold up, Rage.  Calm down for a second, alright?

J leans forward, still sitting in the sand overlooking the sea.  Rage is breathing heavily, growing more frustrated by the second, but he stops speaking, letting J speak.

J2H: Neither one of you are going to outshine the other, Rage.  She’s a bombshell, and you clearly aren’t.  She just made a smart decision like you did.  That’s all this is.

Rage laughs again.

Rage: Bullshit.  Mikah becoming a follower of J2Hism makes zero fucking sense, J.  She doesn’t need this shit, and everyone knows it.  She’s fucking married to Drake Green.  She holds the record of being the longest reigning World Bombshell Champion.  What the fuck does she need J2Hism for?!

J smirks and shakes his head.

J2H: Same reason you do, big man.  Just because she held the World Bombshell Championship for nine months, doesn’t mean anything right now.  She lost the title almost a year ago, and since then she’s had a rough year.  And being married to Drake Green ain’t shit for her to brag about.  Drake actually needs to brag about being married to her.

Rage: It still makes no fucking sense to me, J.  Bombshell or not, she’s still going to outshine me and I’m not gonna fucking deal with that, man.  This shit ain’t going how I thought it would.  I mean, look at what happened with JT Midas joining the same fucking time?  Look how long that fucking lasted?

J laughs.  

J2H: Look, I’ll admit that was a mistake, but you and Mikah?  That’s not a mistake, man.  If there is a reason that Mikah may have outshined you tonight--

Rage glares and snarls into the camera but J just gives him a look and Rage takes in a deep breath.

J2H: Let me finish.  Mikah may have outshine you tonight, but that was because she was actually at the damn show to make a statement, and she did.  Hell, I’m not even in Vegas and I made a fucking statement.  What the hell did you do?  You stayed at home doing jack shit and that’s why people are going to forget that you’re even a part of the J2Hism picture.  You can’t do that shit.

Rage: Why the fuck should I be there when I have fuck all going on, and neither do you?  Hell, there isn’t even anyone running their mouth claiming they’re going to take that title from you for me to beat the shit out of right now.  Mark and Christian aren’t giving me a fucking thing to do.

J shakes his head and lets out a sigh.  

J2H: Do me a favor.  Use your brain for a second and think back to when you finally came to your senses and really listened to what I was saying.  Can you do that?

Rage: What the hell does that have to do with anything?!

J2H: Just fucking do it, alright?

Rage sighs again and shakes his head.  He closes his eyes for a second and thinks back to the moment, just a few short months ago, when J2H managed to open his eyes…

Several Months Ago

Rage has been a lot moodier than normal as of late, and instead of leaving the show with the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins, he decides to stick around for a while and then head back by himself.  They all ultimately agreed, and once the big man was ready to leave the arena, he grabs his bag and heads out of the locker room.  He thinks he’s the last one at the the arena even, but once he steps outside and through the door, he realizes he’s wrong.

A large crowd has gathered out in the parking lot, and almost hundreds of fans are swarming around someone.  As Rage gets a closer look, he realizes that World Heavyweight Champion, J2H, is the cause for this uproar.  Love him or hate him, he still draws attention from the fans, and this only causes Rage to roll his eyes.  He stands back for a few moments and watches as J2H signs autographs, playing the good role of champion as he should, though Rage knows that underneath it all, J2H doesn’t give a crap about the fans.  Rage lets out a low growl and starts walking towards his car, almost trying to sneak away.  Not that he has to, because not a single fan turns and looks towards him.  But J2H does.  Just as he signs the last autograph, in fact.

J2H: Why are you trying to be all sneaky, huh?  It’s not like these people would actually run from me to give you any attention.

Rage stops walking for a moment and closes his eyes.  He does his best to ignore J2H but J sees him clenching his fists at his side as he walks over to him.

J2H: What’s the matter?  Can’t handle the truth?  Isn’t this proof enough?  None of those people even bothered to come running up to you, begging you for your autograph or a picture.  Face it.  You’re washed up and you put them all to sleep.

J2H has a smug grin on his face and Rage turns and glares at him.  He wants nothing more than to knock a few of J’s teeth down his throat, but he holds himself back again.

Rage: Maybe they didn’t because they know I don’t give a shit about the attention.  I’m not wasting my time signing autographs or posing for stupid fucking pictures with those people.  That’s not why I’m here.  So just shut your fucking mouth and go back to pretending to give a shit about them, too.  You and I both know you don’t.

J2H laughs and shakes his head.

J2H: Look at you.  Such a waste.  You’re all bark and no bite these days.  You think I don’t know you, Rage.  But I do.  I know why you career is where it is.  I know why you’re not scary anymore.  I know--

Rage: You don’t know shit, J.  So quit acting like you do before I beat your ass all over this parking lot right here, right now.

J2H laughs again.

J2H: You won’t do it.  You and I both know it.  No one takes you seriously anymore, and I know the reason why.  But go ahead and keep being who are you, big man.  Because it’s gotten you soooooo far, hasn’t it?

J2H shakes his head and goes to walk away without another word.  Clenching his fist again, Rage calls J2H back to him.

Rage: Oh really?  Enlighten me then.  If you’re such a fucking know it all in this case, go ahead and say it.  Why doesn’t anyone take me seriously, champ?

With his back still facing Rage, J2H smirks.  He turns back around to face him, and keeps the smirk on his face.

J2H: The Seven Deadly Sins...

Rage’s eyes widen but he lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

Rage: You’re fucking joking, right?  They’re the whole fucking reason I’ve accomplished what I have so far in my damn career!  They’ve supported me and guided me in everything I’ve ever done.  That’s not holding me back.  Nice try, though.

Rage laughs again as J2H walks back towards him, laughing as well.  Rage quiets down as J2H gets just a few inches away from him.

J2H: And you’re fucking stupid for believing that.  When is the last time you held this title?

J holds up the World Heavyweight Championship.

J2H: Been a while, hasn’t it?  And even then, how long was that reign of yours, huh?  Not very long.  You might have done what not many could have back then and beaten Nick Jones but he took the title right back just a few weeks later, so some win that was.  Face it, Rage.  You’re stale.  You claim to be the **air quotes** Sin of Wrath but that’s nothing to brag about these days, is it?  You’re barely even worth the lower tier titles anymore.  But...

Rage is glaring furiously at J2H, but his eyes return to their normal state as J stops speaking for a moment.

Rage: But?  But what??

J2H: There just might be hope for ya, big man.  IF you can find your balls and walk away from the Seven Deadly Sins.  The Seven Deadly Sins are the past, man.  But the present...the future?  It’s all about J2Hism.  Deep down you know what I’m saying is the truth, Rage.  As long as you allow Synn and the rest of the Sins to keep you on a ball and chain like they do, no one will take you seriously.  Think about it...

J2H lightly pats Rage on the arm and walks away.  Rage stands frozen in place.  His face is just...blank.  His fists are clenched at his side still, but a few moments later, when it looks like Rage is going to completely explode, the tension just drains from him.  He turns and walks back to his car, tossing his bag into the back seat.  He then gets into the driver’s seat but before he starts the engine, he takes his phone out of his pocket.  He stares at it for a few moments, quietly thinking to himself, debating what he is about to do.  He finally takes in a deep breath and dials a number…

**Back to the Present**

J2H: Didn’t take you very long to realize what I was saying was right, did it?

Rage quickly shakes his head, snapping out of his momentary daze as he remembers how it all started.  He looks back down at J2H on his phone screen and shakes his head.

Rage: Maybe not, but I’m getting fucking tired of shit in SCW right now, J.  There ain’t shit for me to do, and even when I try to tell people I’m gonna make a statement, they don’t fucking care.  They just ignore it and pay attention to other shit.

J2H: So make them pay attention.  We’ll find you something to do, big man.  You can make a big impact...a big statement.  Just stop standing back waiting for someone to piss you off.  Just...fucking let loose, man.  You want people to fear you?

Rage glares at J and nods.

Rage: They’d be fucking stupid not to, and you know it.

J2H: So show them why.  You want to call yourself the devil of SCW?  Well let that damn devil out of his cage and give those people something to fear.  You don’t need a reason to cause some pain, so quit acting like it.  Don’t fucking hold back anymore.

Rage: And what about this Mikah shit, huh?  What if I still don’t like it?

J shakes his head and laughs.

J2H: Don’t worry about Mikah.  She’s gonna do her thing, and you do yours.  What she does will have no effect on you at all, so just don’t worry about it.  Understand?  Or do I have to waste more time from my vacation trying to explain it to you?

Rage: I fucking get it, alright.  I’m just running out of patience with shit.

J2H: Like I said...let that devil out of his cage, big man.  The Seven Deadly Sins aren’t holding you back anymore.  I’m not holding you back.  You want to make a statement?  Go out there next week and just fucking do it.  Look, we’ll talk about this more next week.  Think about it, alright?  Brood in your anger or whatever it is that you do.  I’m going back to enjoying my vacation.

Rage rolls his eyes.

Rage: Yeah, yeah.  Whatever.  Talk to ya later.

The call then quickly ends and J2H disappears from the phone screen.  Rage puts his phone back on his night stand and sits there for a moment, thinking about everything J2H had said to him.  He still doesn’t look happy but he lays back in bed and opens his laptop up again to finish watching the show.

This is it?  This is the best that Mark and Christian can put me up against?  Some dumbass with a fucked up name?  Jesus Christ, things never change do they?  But, none of that shit matters anymore, because no matter who the hell they book me against, the end result is going to be the same.  Me walking out with the win and the poor bastard I’m facing walking out in a serious amount of pain.

Eyesnsane.  Fuck, I can’t even say that name without shaking my damn head.  What the fuck kind of name is Eyesnsane?!  Am I supposed to be afraid of you just because your name tries to imply that you’re fucking insane or something?  Get a fucking clue, dude, and change that shit.  

Guys like you, really get my blood fucking boiling.  You walk around here, talking a big game, acting like you’re hot shit, but you’re not.  You’re nothing, and you’ll always be nothing.  I don’t know why Mark or Christian booked this match, but it ain’t gonna end well for you.  All it’s gonna do is show them why you need to just stick to tag team matches because ya can’t hack it in the ring by yourself.  You’re the type of guy that needs his tag team partner to carry his ass to a win.   But not only that, you need to hide behind that stable of yours, trying to make yourself look good.  Trust me, I know guys like you, Eyesnsane.  

I used to be the same fucking way.

Every day for years...Fucking YEARS...I hid behind the Seven Deadly Sins, thinking they’d lead me to success, but did they?  Some people might say they did, but not me.  Sure, I won a title here and there, but did any of that matter to anyone?  Fuck no!  The whole time I was in the Sins, not one fucking person took me seriously, and anything I achieved, was only put as a success to the Sins.  Not me.

Think about it, Eyesnsane.  A guy like you a member of The Elders?  Fucking seriously?  Big fucking mistake, Eyes.  Big fucking mistake.  But I don’t expect it to get through that skull of yours.  Not yet anyway.  So, I’m gonna do what I do best.  I’m gonna walk out to the ring.  I’m gonna stand in my corner until that bell rings, and when it does?  All bets are off, Eyes.  Once that bell rings, the devil of SCW is going to be unleashed and guess what?  You’re the first unfortunate bastard to fall victim to the devil.  I’d say I’d do you a favor and try and make it quick and painless, but fuck that shit.  

I’m done doing people favors.  The only person I’m doing favors for anymore is myself and I’m going to enjoy every fucking second of listening to the sheer agony I put you through.  You’ll be begging me to just put you out of your misery, but will I give you what you want?  Will I just give you a quick and sudden end?  Fuck no.  You’re going to suffer, and you’re going to suffer a lot because I want everyone to see just how fucking serious I am.  

Don’t believe me, Eyesnsane?  Just wait until Sunday, and you’ll find out.  You’ll all find out, because I’ve never been more serious in my life.  I’m done wasting words on worthless assholes like you.  Words don’t mean shit.  In the end, actions always speak louder than words and my actions this Sunday will speak volumes, Eyesnsane.  

See you sunday, fucker!

Climax Control Archives / The Devil's Warning
« on: December 09, 2016, 10:22:58 PM »
Sunday December 4th
What You Didn’t See On Climax Control

For weeks J2H and Rage had made everyone wait for an answer.  An answer to the question “Why Rage?  Why?”  Well, that answer came tonight as the self proclaimed God and Devil of Sin City Wrestling had walked out to the ring and spoke their minds.  And now?  Now Rage is following behind J2H as they walk backstage.  They get a few stares along the way, but for the most part, both ignore them.  A few moments later, their walking slows down and the camera pans back to see Rage’s fiance, Kittie, standing there with her arms folded.  J2H has a smirk on his face, but Kittie is focused entirely on Rage.  She doesn’t speak a word as she stares at him, clearly not pleased with him.  As the silence continues, J2H just steps around her, prepared to walk away and as Rage tries to follow behind him, Kittie steps right in front of him, blocking his way.  J2H spins around to see the two engaged in a heated stare down.

J2H: Dude, just pick her up and move set her to the side.  You’re about twice her size.

Kittie shakes her head, still focused on Rage.

Kittie: If he knows what’s good for him, he won’t put so much as one finger on me.

She turns around and glares at J2H.

Kittie: And maybe you should let me and my fiancee talk in private for a second? he not allowed to do that as he’s somehow become your little bitch?

J2H laughs at Kittie before he looks at Rage.

J2H: Shit I hope you break that chain she clearly has you on.  Do what you gotta do, man.  You know where to find me.

Rage nods.

Rage: Yeah.  I’ll be there in a sec.

J2H then turns and continues walking down the hall and Kittie turns her attention back to Rage.  He now has his arms folded in front of his chest, glaring down at the woman he is supposed to marry, but he doesn’t speak a word.

Kittie: You do realize that everything you said out there was complete bullshit, right?  And you’ve gone from being an integral part of a family to a glorified lackey and bitch to J2H.  And I still don’t understand why.

Rage rolls his eyes.

Rage: Is that why you’re here?  Just to bitch at me some more about why I sided with him?  You all had your chance to hear me out.

Kittie: Oh we heard you loud and clear just a little while ago.

Rage shakes his head and drops his arms back to his sides.

Rage: Are you done?  Or is there something else you’d like to bitch to me about?

Kittie: I’m done...For now.

She shrugs and an awkward silence falls between the two.  After several moments, Rage has finally had enough and he tries to walk away, but Kittie steps in front of him again, obviously having more to say to him.

Kittie: I wanted to check on you.  See how your Thanksgiving was...

Rage looks at her very seriously for a moment and then lets out a loud laugh, shaking his head.

Rage: You want to know how my Thanksgiving was?  Why the fuck do you care?  You spent it over at Synn’s.  You couldn’t even so much as call me.

Kittie: Look, I’m sorry, alright?  Things are just pretty fucked up right now, and it’s all because of what you did!  I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Rage: The ball is in your court, Kittie.  It must not be too difficult for you because you’re still wearing that ring I gave you.  And as for my Thanksgiving?  Oh, it was just peachy.  Nice and quiet all by myself...

Thanksgiving Day
Rage’s Home

Quiet.  Almost too damn quiet, actually.  For the last several years, Rage had spent most Thanksgiving Days at Synn’s home, except for the one year where he actually hosted here at his home.  Those times were never quiet, as cooking for such a large brood as the Sins was an all day affair most times.  That and Despayre would always try and sneak into the kitchen to sneak a snack or two before dinner was even ready.

This year, though?  After recently joining sides with J2H, and basically turning his back on the only family he’d ever known, Rage was now spending Thanksgiving Day alone.  His brother, Phil, had gone to stay at Synn’s place until he and Maddie found a place to live together.  And Kittie had been spending most of her time there as well, causing some serious strain on their relationship...if there was even anything left, that is.  

He’s now sitting in his large living room, drinking yet another beer.  He’d lost count of how many beers he had consumed today, but he didn’t care.  He just sat on his sofa, propped his feet up on his coffee table and searched for something to watch on TV.  There was no turkey cooking in the oven.  No pies or desserts already made and waiting to be enjoyed after dinner.  Nothing.  There wasn’t much to be thankful for in Rage’s home this year it seemed.

And it was all his fault.

After finishing off his beer, and not being able to find anything interesting on TV, he slowly starts to fall asleep.  His eyes flutter and his head starts to drop to the side.  This would never have been possible at Synn’s house.  The empty beer bottle falls to the floor, and his eyes open for a quick moment as his clatters against the floor.  

As he drifts off to sleep, his doorbell suddenly rings.  His eyes open for a moment and he looks around, thinking he imagined hearing it.  Who would possibly be ringing his doorbell on Thanksgiving Day?  He ignores it and starts to fall back asleep, but moments later a loud banging is heard on the door.  That finally grabs his attention as he jumps up from the sofa, nearly stumbling forward in the process.  His shin bangs against the coffee table and he lets out a pained bellow before he spins around and looks towards the door.

Rage: Who the fuck is it?!

But there is no answer.  The doorbell doesn’t ring.  No one knocks.  This is enough to anger the big man as he storms off towards the door.  He yanks the door open to find that no one is there.  He opens the storm door and when he steps out, he accidentally kicks something.  He looks down to see a small box with a ribbon wrapped around it.  When he picks it up, he looks around, trying to find any sign of who left the package, but there’s no one in sight.  He shakes his head and takes the box back inside, setting it down on the center kitchen island.  He’s tempted to leave it there for a while, but his curiosity gets the best of him and he decides to open it.

He removes the ribbon, dropping it on the counter and opens the box.  Inside it he finds a small teddy bear, holding a note.  He removes the note, and what he reads is enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.

“Angel sent me to protect you since he’s not there to watch over you anymore.”

Rage stares at the note for a long while, his jaw slightly dropped.  After a few moments, he sets the note down next to the box, and removes the teddy bear.  He looks down at it, and takes in a deep breath, shaking his head.  He walks over to the refrigerator and grabs another beer before he heads back into the living room, and sets his new teddy bear guardian down on the coffee table.  He twist the cap off of his beer tossing it on the coffee table and just...stares at the bear as he drinks his beer slowly.

Rage suddenly snaps out of his trance and becomes aware of Kittie snapping her fingers right in his face.  He looks down at her as he shakes off the memory of his less than exciting Thanksgiving.

Kittie: You’re lying...

Rage: What?

Kittie: I know sarcasm when I hear it, Rage.  Your Thanksgiving wasn’t peachy, and judging by you staring off into space like that just now, I know something is up.

He rolls his eyes at her and lets out a laugh.

Rage: Again, what the hell do you care?  You and my brother had a good old time at Synn’s house.  Look, I don’t have time for this shit anymore.

Kittie: Good old time?  It might have been better than spending Thanksgiving alone, but just so you know, none of this has been easy on Phil.  He’s crushed that you did what you did!

Rage narrows his eyes.

Rage: Oh, yeah.  Sure he is.  He’s the one that fucking decided to pack his bags and go stay at Synn’s place!  What I did didn’t affect him in the slightest, but he sure as shit thinks it did.

Kittie: That’s what you think, but you’re just too stupid to see just what it did.  If you could turn your back on us when we’ve been the only family you’ve ever known...Think about it and then you might figure out just why it bothers him so much.

Rage: Whatever, Kittie.  If he has a problem with it, he’s more than welcome to face me.  But, it’s cool.  I only saved his fucking life by inviting him to come live with me only for him to do this shit.  I’m done trying to explain my actions to you people.  If you don’t like it, I really don’t give a shit anymore.

Kittie: Clearly.  If you want to run along and be seen as J2H’s lackey, by all means, don’t let me stop you again.  Just remember, all the shit people are giving you because of this?  You brought this on yourself.

Rage narrows his eyes and lets out a evil laugh.  He takes a step towards Kittie and looks down at her.

Rage: You’re right, I did.  For once, I made a decision for myself and there’s nothing holding me back now.  You’re gonna want to pay attention to everything I do from here on out, because the fucking devil has been unleashed, babe.

He does a kissing motion with his lips and then steps around Kittie, walking off in the direction that J2H had gone.  Kittie turns around and watches silently as he disappears down the hall, and she just shakes her head disappointedly before turning and walking off in the opposite direction.

The Next Day
Rage’s Home

Rage had stayed overnight in Primm following Climax Control.  Not because he needed to, but because he just felt like it.  Primm was within driving distance of his home in Las Vegas and as he pulls his car into the driveway late the following morning, the car belonging to the woman he had hired to stop by to take care of his cat, Aggie, while he was away, was still in the driveway.  Odd, he thought.  He parks his car just next to hers and kills the engine, before walking up to the door.  

When he walks inside, he finds the woman sitting on the kitchen floor with Aggie in his lap, looking pretty bad off.  She’s lethargic and clearly in bad shape as the woman holds some wet food in front of her, trying to get her to eat.  Rage drops his bag on the floor and stares at the woman.

Rage: Claudia, what the hell happened?!

The woman, now identified as Claudia, looks up at Rage, shaking her head.

Claudia: I can’t get her to eat.  Or take her medicine.  I’ve tried everything.

Rage: How long has she been like this?

Claudia shrugs.

Claudia: I don’t know.  I came here to check on her last night and she seemed fine, but this morning when I got here, she was clearly sick.  I don’t know what to do.

Rage walks up to her and takes Aggie from her lap.  Aggie lets out a raspy meow as Rage walks her over to the counter and sets her down, putting the food in front of her.  Aggie all but snubs it as she turns her head away and just lays it down, refusing to touch it.

Rage: I’ll take it from here.

Rage reaches into his pocket and pulls out some cash, handing it to Claudia.

Claudia: You need to get her to a vet, and soon.  Would you like me to--

Rage: I said I’ll take it from here, Claudia.  Just take the cash and go.  Thanks for your help.

Claudia reluctantly takes the cash from Rage’s hand.  She gently pets Aggie on the head before turning and heading out the door.  Rage takes his phone out of his pocket when he hears Claudia’s car drive away from his house, and he dials Phil’s number.  He doesn’t expect his brother to answer, but to his surprise, and relief, he does.

Phil: I’m not sure why you’re calling but--

Rage: You need to get your ass over here, now.  Aggie is sick.

Rage quickly cuts Phil off.  Phil is silent for a moment before he speaks up.

Phil: What?  What’s wrong with her?

Rage: She won’t eat or take her medicine.  Look, she’s not doing very good Phil.  Just get your ass over here.

Phil: What the hell, bro.  Take her to the vet!

Rage: I’m going to, but I thought you’d want to see her just in case...

Much like his brother, Phil lets out a growl.

Phil: Just get in the car and get her to the vet.  I’ll meet you there, alright?

He doesn’t want to, but Rage leaves Aggie on the counter for a moment and quickly goes to get her carrier.  She’s still in the same spot when he returns and he carefully puts her inside the carrier and walks out to his car.  Moments later he speeds away from his house to meet Phil at the vet.

A little while later, he carries Aggie’s carrier into the vet clinic where Phil is already waiting for him.  Rage checks in with one of the veterinary technicians and they are brought into a room where they wait for Aggie’s veterinarian.

Phil: How long has she been like this?

To both Rage’s and Phil’s surprise, Aggie perks up a little bit upon seeing Phil.  He gently pets her as they wait for the vet, but she’s still too weak to even purr.

Rage: Dude, I don’t fucking know.  I paid someone to come check on her while I was gone and when I got back this morning she was like this.

Phil: This doesn’t just happen in a day, bro.  Have you been giving her her medicine?

Rage narrows his eyes and glares at Phil.

Rage: What do you think I am?  Stupid?  Of course I’ve been giving them to her!  Not exactly an easy thing to do since you moved out.

Phil: Has she actually been swallowing the pill?

Rage’s eyes widen and he’s about to come back with another annoyed response, but the door leading to the clinic area opens and the vet walks in.  She’s a middle aged woman with her long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail.  Rage is temporarily speechless as he stares at her.  Phil notices and he rolls his eyes, but the vet, whose scrubs read Dr. Morgan Miller on the front.  Dr. Miller looks at Phil with a smile on her face.

Dr. Miller: Hello, Mr. Sullivan.  What seems to be going on with Aggie today?

Rage seems to be distracted by Dr. Miller’s beauty, even in her work scrubs.  Phil elbows him as Dr. Miller starts to check on Aggie.

Rage: If we knew what was going on with Aggie, we wouldn’t be here, would we?

Rage seems surprised with himself that he sounded so rude, but Dr. Miller just manages to laugh it off.

Dr. Miller: I can’t say I haven’t heard that response a time or two before.

Phil: Don’t mind my brother.  He’s an asshole, as his fiancee would agree.

Phil emphasizes the word fiancee as he senses the immediate attraction his brother has towards the veterinarian standing in front of them.  Rage glances to Phil and rolls his eyes.

Rage: She’s not eating anything, and a caretaker I had looking after her yesterday said she won’t take her medicine either.

Dr. Miller nods as she looks Aggie over completely.

Dr. Miller: Well, she also seems to be pretty dehydrated at the moment.  That could be a big part of the problem, but I’d like to draw some blood to find out for sure.  We’ll also give her some fluids subcutaneously to get her hydrated and then we’ll go from there.  It’s going to be a little while, so you two just sit tight and I’ll be back in a bit.

Dr. Miller carefully picks up Aggie, who looks right at Phil and lets out a quiet and weakened meow.  Once Dr. Miller disappears into the back with Aggie, Phil turns to Rage and punches him right in the chest, but apparently not hard enough to affect Rage much.  Rage glares at Phil, confused.

Rage: Uhhh, what the fuck was that for?

Phil: I don’t know.  Maybe the fact that you were drooling all over Dr. Miller when you’re supposed to be engaged to Kittie?  Or, has that kind of loyalty been thrown out the window, too?

Rage rolls his eyes and lets out a laugh.  He turns around and takes a seat on the bench against the wall as they begin the wait for Dr. Miller to return with Aggie.  Rage folds his arms and looks up at his brother with a grin on his face.

Rage: Like I told Kittie last night, that ball is in her court.  But the longer she decides to ignore me and stay away, the more likely it is that I’m gonna have to go elsewhere to get what I want.  And excuse me for noticing that Dr. Miller is kinda hot for a damn veterinarian.

Rage lets out a laugh and Phil just shakes his head.

Phil: Man if Kittie knows what’s good for her, she’ll throw that ring right back in your face.  You’re really showing your true colors now, aren’t you?

Rage: Yeah I guess I am, Phil.  Finally thinking about myself for once and not doing shit you guys think I should.  I’m doing what the fuck I want, when the fuck I want.  And if that includes getting a little ass on the side because--

Phil: Dude, just shut the fuck up alright?!  We’re not here to talk about you being a cheating asshole or a big bitch to James or whatever his name is.  We’re here because you let Aggie get sick!

Rage glares at Phil, not too happy that he’s been blamed for Aggie falling ill.  Rage slowly stands up and takes a step towards his brother.

Rage: This isn’t my fault, bro.  I made sure someone was there when I was gone to take care of her, so I’ve done everything I could!  You moved out, remember?  You’re lucky I even called you!

Phil: Yeah but apparently you couldn’t even make sure she was taking her medicine properly.  Face it, bro.  Since you turned your back on everyone, it’s showing that you aren’t capable of doing a lot of shit for yourself.

Rage is about to respond, but the door opens again and Dr. Miller returns with Aggie.  They both turn to face her and see that Aggie has noticeably perked up in Dr. Miller’s arms.  She sets Aggie down on the exam table and Aggie immediately prances over to Phil, rubbing against his arm and purring loudly.

Dr. Miller: She seems happy to see you.  So I took some blood, which we’ll send off to the lab, and we gave her those fluids, but I think what we have here is just a severe case of dehydration.  Phil, she really is happy to see you.  Has it been awhile since you’ve seen her?

Phil nods and he pets Aggie as she continues to love up on him.

Phil: I, uh, recently moved out and she stayed with my brother.  I guess it’s pretty obvious who she favors between the two of us.  Isn’t that right Aggie?

She purrs loudly and lets out a meow.

Dr. Miller: Well, this may not be my place to recommend this, but is there any way you could perhaps take Aggie to whereever you are staying?  She could go through the separation anxiety again and land right back here.

Rage is about to shoot down that idea, but Phil speaks before he can.

Phil: That won’t be a problem.  I’m going to make sure she’s taken care of.

Dr. Miller smiles and nods.

Dr. Miller: Great.  Well, I’m going to give her an antibiotic, just in case something else is going on until we find out the results of the blood work, but I think she’ll be fine.  Get her home and get her back on her medicine, and if anything changes, don’t hesitate to bring her back.  I’ll have everything ready for you up front in just a few minutes.

Phil: Thanks Dr. Miller.

Dr. Miller then walks in the back.  Rage turns his attention to Phil, who is putting Aggie back in her carrier and getting ready to leave.

Rage: You really think you’re taking Aggie with you?

Phil nods.

Phil: Yeah, I do.  You clearly can’t make sure she’s taken care of, and I’m not going to let her die because she’s not around me.

Rage laughs and shakes his head.

Rage: Synn will never let that happen, you know?  It’s the reason I adopted Aggie in the first place.  Because Despy wanted to adopt her but Synn didn’t want another cat in the house.

Phil then looks at Rage with a smile.

Phil: You’re right.  Synn might not allow it, but Despy will.  And we all know that Despy won’t let Synn say no if Aggie’s health is on the line.  You can go back home now.  I’ll pay for this visit, and I’ll make sure she’s taken care of from now on.

Before Rage can object to this at all, Phil takes Aggie’s carrier and walks out of the exam room.  Rage stands back for a few moments, at a loss for words and when he walks out of the exam room, all it takes is one serious glance from Phil as he’s paying for the vet visit and he knows this isn’t a winning battle.  Rage shakes his head and growls quietly as he storms out of the clinic and to his car, while his brother takes the last interaction Rage had in his home.  And now...he’d really be completely alone.

Rage had spent most of the week going from enjoying the complete silence in his home, to brooding and pissed off.  Typical mood swings for Rage, actually.  He’d spent very little time doing what he should have been doing in preparing for his match against Jason Halc, but if you ask him, he’d probably tell you he had no fucks to give at the moment.  Well, World Heavyweight Champion, J2H, is about to bring up that issue to try and light a fire under Rage’s ass and get him to focus.

The tell it like it is twenty-two year old world champion is currently waiting for Rage in the VIP section of a high end club.  Not exactly a place Rage would ever be seen in, but when J2H called and told him to meet him, he grumbled for a few moments before heading straight here.  And the big man had very little trouble being led into the club as J2H had already made sure there would be no problems.  The perks of not only being a champion, but also well known and wealthy.

J2H is just taking a sip of his drink when Rage is led into the VIP area.  Rage looks around awkwardly and then to J2H who leans forward on the sofa with a grin.

Rage: Really?  You had to meet me here?

J2H: Don’t bitch about the location.  Sit your ass down.  We need to have a bit of a chat.

J2H points to the chair directly facing him.  Rage raises an eyebrow, quietly not enjoying being ordered to have a seat, but he sits down anyway and just stares at J2H.  A beer is promptly placed down on the table next to him, but he doesn’t touch it right away.

J2H: I’ve given you all week to do your brooding or whatever the fuck it is that you do when Kittie pisses you off, but it’s time to get down to business.  You’ve gotta get that shit out of your head because you have a match against Jason Halc on Sunday and something tells me if you let the Sins continue to get inside your head, things aren’t gonna go your way.

Rage growls and shakes his head.  He leans forward in the chair, ready to put that thought out of the argument, but J2H holds his hand up and continues speaking.

J2H: Don’t try to deny it.  You were fuming after Kittie cornered you like that.  Now, normally, you fuming isn’t such a bad thing, but in this case?  Wrong kind of fuming, big man.

J2H leans back and folds his arms.  By the look on his face, Rage doesn’t agree, but he stays quiet for a moment as he takes his beer and takes a huge gulp.  He sets the bottle back down on the table and gives J2H his full attention.

Rage: Look, whatever it is you’re thinking, I’m over that shit.  I’m pretty sure Kittie and I are done, so you don’t need to worry about that shit getting to me.  She tried to get under my skin and I set the record straight.

J2H: Bullshit.  You know damn well that if she were to show up this week, the same shit would happen.  You need to forget about the Sins.  Every last one of them.  They’re the past.  They only held you back, and from the looks of it, they’re still holding you back even when you’re not around them.

Rage narrows his eyes and glares at J2H.

Rage: So this is why you called me here then?  To piss me off?

J2H shrugs and nods slightly.

J2H: In a way, sure.  Whatever the hell needs to be done to make sure that you keep true to everything you said on Sunday.  Jason Halc isn’t exactly a guy you want to be losing to after making a statement like that.

Rage: I’m not gonna lose to him!  I’ve beaten tougher guys than him on my worst day!  Jason Halc isn’t gonna be a problem.

J2H: You sure about that?  Or are you gonna keep running around trying to explain to Synn and the rest of the Sins why you gave them the middle finger and made a decision that will actually get you noticed.  That will get people talking and keep them talking.

Rage closes his eyes and takes in a breath.  He knows what J2H is saying to him is true, but damned if he is going to admit it.

Rage: I’m done beating that dead horse, J.  The Sins don’t understand and they never will.  They turned their back on me just as much as they think I turned my back on them, so that shit is done and over with.  I’m fucking done with that shit and I’m ready to get back to being seen as a fucking threat in SCW.

J2H nods and smiles.

J2H: Good, because I gotta be honest with you.  If you walk out to that ring and lose to a worthless piece of shit like Jason Halc?  That’d be pretty damn embarrassing.  You wouldn’t just embarrass yourself, you’d embarrass me, and I’d like to keep that shit from happening.  I’ll be out there making sure Kris doesn’t stick his nose where it doesn’t belong, but you just make sure you focus on bringing that asshole down a few notches.  Remind him who the real number one is in this place.

Rage: Yeah, that’s the plan.

J2H: Make it happen, Rage.  When guys like that embarrass guys like you, they never let you forget it.  He’ll keep running his mouth all over Twitter and backstage and you’ll never live it down.  He might hold half of the tag team titles, but you’re the real threat in this situation.  Unleash some serious pain on him, dude, because we both know you’ve got it in you.

Rage’s nostrils start to flare as J2H continues to speak and bring up the possibilities.  Rage doesn’t want to lose to Jason Halc.  He couldn’t lose to a guy like that, and J2H is doing everything in his power to get him to see that.

Rage: You can chill out now, J.  Tone it down a few notches, because I’m not gonna let that dumbass get the best of me.  He’s not going to win this one.

J2H: I’m not quite convinced, Rage.  Because you’re sitting here pretty damn calm considering a guy like Jason Halc is trying to embarrass you.  He’s trying to make you feel like you’re the insignificant one in SCW, but come on.  You got about eighty pounds on the guy and a hell of a temper.  Now’s the time to start letting this shit get to you and break a few of his bones if you have to.

J2H hides a grin as he can tell that his plan is working.  His words are having an affect on Rage.  They’re getting his blood boiling, and that is just what needs to happen.  Rage needs to focus on beating Jason Halc and doing whatever it is he has to do in the process.

Rage: Look, can we stop fucking acting like I’m not going to beat his ass?!  I know he likes to run his mouth, that much was pretty damn clear on Twitter last week, but I’m going to be the one to shut his ass up!  Assholes like Jason Halc are all bark and no real bite in situations like this.  His brother is gonna have to carry his ass out of the ring once I’m finished with him.

J2H: I hope so.  You want everyone to believe you’re the devil like you said on Sunday?  Well, now is your chance to prove it.  And keep proving it, because the second you slip up?  Someone will use it to their advantage.

Rage: Are you done?!

J2H shrugs and just stares at Rage.

J2H: I guess for now I am.  Just get the job done on Sunday, because I won’t be able to come up with an excuse if you lose this one.

That finally sends Rage over the edge.  He grabs his half empty bottle of beer and slams it against the floor, shattering it and spilling beer everywhere.  He gets back to his feet, glares at J2H, fuming with his fists clenched at his sides.

Rage: I’M NOT GOING TO FUCKING LOSE TO THAT PIECE OF SHIT!  You want me to prove it to you?!  Hearing his bones snap will be proof enough, J!  I’m the fucking devil of SCW and Jason Halc is going to be the first one to experience just what I’m fucking capable of!  Do you hear me?!

Rage then kicks the table that was next to him and knocks it over.  He starts causing a scene as J2H smirks and people in the club look in their direction at what is going on.  Rage storms out of the club moments later as the manager comes rushing into the VIP area, looking directly at J2H.  J2H waves it off as not much damage had been done, but he knows that this Sunday...plenty of damage will be done to Jason Halc.

Six weeks.  That’s how long it’s been since I made a statement and joined forces with J2H...the most dominant World Heavyweight Champion Sin City Wrestling has ever seen.  You’d think after six weeks that people would just learn to shut up and accept what I did, but apparently they haven’t.  Even after giving them the explanation they kept begging for, they’re still running their fucking mouths!  

Love him or hate him, there is a reason J2H is the world heavyweight champion ten months after winning it.  There is a reason he’s gone through every damn person he’s been put up against since he won that title back in February.  Because he’s that damn good.  He went from being a worthless spoiled bratty kid to being the BEST that SCW has seen.  Yeah, I just fucking said that.  J2H is the best.  J2H is number one in SCW.  

Not some piece of shit tag team champion that felt the need to try and make himself more significant than he is or ever will be, by changing his twitter name.  Jason Halc.  Or Jason Halich.  Whatever the fuck your last name is.  Pieces of shit like you make me laugh, because you try to make yourself more important than you really are.  Seriously, J1H?  Is that supposed to make people think you’re actually better than J is?  

You might be a champion in SCW, but let’s get one thing straight.  Ya ain’t a singles champion.  You’re a tag team champion.  With your junkie brother no less.  That’s not something to brag about or be so happy about.  But, hey, if it helps you sleep at night giving yourself high praises for that shit, go for it.  But don’t try and run around acting like you’re hot shit in this place, when you’re not.  

I know you tried to get under my skin last week with all that shit talking on Twitter.  You were trying to point out that you’re the one that holds a title and not me, but you see, I don’t need a fucking title to make an impact.  I don’t need to have gold around my waist to try and get people to take me seriously.  Nothing I fucking said was me saying anything against J2H or the fact that he has the World Heavyweight title.  Even if he didn’t have the title, he’d be making a statement because that’s just who he is.  

You’re gonna learn a real tough lesson, Jason.  And you’re gonna learn it the hard way.  You can run around and make a fool of yourself all you want, but running your mouth the way you did last week?  That shit ain’t gonna fly.  Pissing me off like you did?  That also ain’t gonna fly.  I hope you’re ready for a serious amount of pain, dude, because what I’m going to do to you this Sunday?  It’ll be the worst pain of your life.

You don’t fuck with the devil and expect to walk away, Jason.  You don’t piss off the beast and not expect some sort of consequences for that shit.  I’m about to bring a little piece of hell to that six sided ring.  If you’re lucky, maybe you can bum some painkillers off of your brother, but trust me when I say even those won’t help you.  

You know, I actually just got a better plan.  Something that will help us both out.  You like running your mouth, but running your mouth seems to get you in shit all the time so here’s what I’m going to do.  I’m going to break that fucking jaw of yours, Jason.  That way, you won’t be able to talk anymore and I won’t have to listen to that shit!  I’d be doing everyone else a fucking favor, too.

And I’m going to use you as another message, Jason.  A warning, if you will.  People don’t want to take me seriously?  People don’t want to believe or acknowledge just how dangerous I am?  All they’ll have to do is watch what I’m going to do to you on Sunday.  They’ll watch as you beg me to just put you out of your fucking misery, but oh no.  That won’t happen.  I’m going to beat you within an inch of your life all while your brother watches.  And if he tries to stop me?  Well, if J lets him in the ring, I’ll just have to do the same shit to him, won’t I?  And then your time as tag team champions will be done and over long before you’ve even had a chance to make a statement.

There’s nothing you can do to stop me, Jason.  You can try, but once you’ve pissed off the devil, there’s hell to pay.

See you Sunday, fucker!

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