Author Topic: The Naked Truth of NXT and triple threat prep...  (Read 889 times)

Offline Vixen

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The Naked Truth of NXT and triple threat prep...
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:03:53 PM »
 Scene One:  Getting down to the naked truth about NXT

Moments after facing and beating Gothika at Climax Control, Vixen could be seen resting her head against her knee that had been pulled up to her chest.  Still somewhat weak from last week’s hospital stay, she sits calmly and quietly, eyes closed, mumbling to herself under her breath in a soft French accented trance inducing voice.  As she finally takes that last slow breath and holds it inside, a voice from the side can be heard saying something.

“I beg your pardon,” Vixen asks as her head rises to take in the intern standing nearby with a clipboard.

“I asked you if you were all right,” he says.  Moving closer, he holds out the clipboard towards the woman.  “I got a note for you from management.  Something about the Summer XXXTreme boat cruise supercard match you are in.”  

Vixen lets her legs drop over the side of the equipment box she had been resting on as she makes her way to the edge.  Reaching for the bottle of energy drink that is half empty, Vixen drinks the last of it then capping the bottle, tosses it into the recycle bin nearby.  “Okay, so who do I face at the supercard?” she asks with a smile.

The intern looks down at the clipboard before looking back at Vixen.  “Ummm you are in a triple threat match against Alexis Morrison and Bianca Solderini.  Says here that whoever wins the match will probably get a title shot against Kittie if she wins her match.”

Vixen moves to look over the intern’s shoulder at the clipboard that has the card for Summer XXXTreme.  “I’m only in a triple threat match for a contendership shot at a title?” Vixen asks in disbelief for a moment before running her finger down the list of the card.  “Trish Newborn gets the Roulette shot and Carly and Odette the Bombshell title shot.  Great, guess my fifteen minutes of fame are up.”  

Vixen rolls her eyes as the intern stumbles to try and reassure Vixen.  “I am not sure it is that way at all Vixen,” he begins as Vixen stops him mid sentence.  “It’s okay, I know it isn’t that way at all...I am just being sensitive is all.”   Vixen pats the intern on the shoulder before moving around him and heading towards the bombshell locker room slowly.  

Once inside the locker room, Vixen leans against the closing door and rests her head back against it and once more lets her eyes close.  From the shower area, voices can be heard arguing and Vixen growls as she recognizes Carly and Odette.  Reaching into her locker where an emerald bag is seen, Vixen grabs it and her clothes and slams out of the locker room.  Heading towards the parking garage, she manages to escape into her rental car and slides inside and locks the door.  Sliding the key into the ignition, Vixen turns the car on only to shut it off once more and rests her hands on the steering wheel as she looks into space.

Still in her wrestling gear, Vixen exits her rented car and slams the door.  “Someone is definitely going to need a talking to.  This situation is getting well out of control,” Vixen says as she storms towards the locker room area once more and made her way to the locker room of Spike Staggs.  Stopped for a moment as she debates knocking but then barges right into the locker room where she finds the leader of NXT standing admiring himself in the mirror wearing nothing but a smile and Casey's Roulette championship belt.  Stopping short, Vixen spins quickly covering her eyes as Spike turns and adjusts the belt to cover his ummm...

“Spike, we have to talk,” she says as she peeks over at the NXT leader then turns away once more.  “I want to know just what the hell is going on with Odette and why she has this thing against me.”

“Jeez Vixen, don’cha know you should knock before you barge in on a person,” offers Spike who slowly walks towards an empty towel rack that only makes him mutter angrily as he realizes  there is no towel to be had.

“Listen, I want to talk to you about what is going on with NXT.  For the past couple of weeks, I have been totally kept in the dark about what is going on with NXT only to see the Youtubes of Odette, you and Casey coming out without me.  Correct me if I am wrong but didn’t you come to ME about joining this little group we have?” Vixen asks, beginning to pace but keeping a hand up in front of her eyes.

“Vix, didn’t you get the memo?” he asks.  “We told ya that we were going to be doing that so where were you?”

“Memo...what memo?” wonders Vixen as she glares at Spike.   “No one told me what was going on.  I was up at my friend’s place in Nova Scotia...was thinking of entering into the ACW battle royal, ended up flat on my back in the hospital...speaking of which, you did get that message right?” Vixen once again twirls to avoid looking at the near naked Spike.  “Do you think you might get some clothes on so we can talk about this!”

“We are talking about it,” Spike replies as he adjusts the belt.  “I am concerned that you think we are cutting you out of the group.” Warming to the subject, Spike begins to pace as Vixen covers her eyes.  “We want NXT to be the next super group of SCW and everyone needs to be on top of their game.  Starting with SCW, then we will be talking about expanding...”

“Seriously really need to get some...” says Vixen only to be interrupted by a new voice that roars from the doorway.

“What the HELL!” yells Casey as he advances into the room towards Spike, bad intentions written all over his face.  Vixen moves out of the way as Casey reaches for the belt on Spike.  Just as he rips the belt off of his stable mate, Vixen rushes the door, her hands shielding her eyes.  “We’ll talk later guys!”

“Remember Vixen, we’ll be united and won’t let anyone split up NXT...even NXT,” shouts Spike.  

The door of the locker room closes as Casey is seen checking out his title.  “Aw man, you got sweat on it...”

Scene two:  Talking about the match while packing to cruise

“Swimsuit...check,” says Vixen as she stuffs a small ice blue outfit into the roll along suitcase sitting on the bed open as she packs for the cruise.  To one side, a phone can be seen resting on its side, the red light blinking as a voice comes out of the receiver.

“Swimsuit...really?  Aren’t you kidding yourself that it is dental floss the way you wear swimsuits,” teases the voice of her brother.

“Ha ha funny man,” returns Vixen as she folds a silvery silky dress into a small package in one corner of the suitcase before sitting down and directing a look at the phone.  “Seriously, I have to be ready for this match because it is going to be giving me a chance at the women’s Roulette title.  And I am not going to screw it up.  So when I step in the ring with Bianca and Alexis, I have to bring my A game.  Let’s hope I don’t get sea sick before the match.”

“Who’s bright idea was this cruise thingie,” her brother asks, the sound of disbelief can be heard in his voice as a voice in the background can be heard.  “I know, I will ask her.  Vix, the little woman wants to know if you would be able to bring her something from the ship.”

“Tell her I will bring her something.  But it is going to have to wait until after the show.  My focus has to be in what is going to be happening when I face Alexis and Bianca.  I know they will have their focus, especially Bianca who will be looking out for some revenge for my win the last time we faced off,” says Vixen who gets to her feet and fights to close her suitcase.  “I don’t know anything about Alexis other than she is related to another bombshell here at SCW and I am pretty sure that she is

Looking at the clock on the side of the bed, Vixen picks up the phone and with a smile brings it close to her mouth.  “Bro, I gotta go, got a flight to catch and a boat to board.  Talk to you when I get back.  Love you.”

Hanging up the phone, Vixen grabs her bag and sets it on the floor and begins to wheel towards the door.  At the door, she picks up a small bag and throws it over her shoulder as she opens the door and steps out into the hallway, turning to lock the door of the apartment.
