Author Topic: No Keys, No Click Click Boom For You Both...  (Read 296 times)

Offline Kain

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No Keys, No Click Click Boom For You Both...
« on: October 26, 2018, 11:43:50 PM »
 Alex found himself to be exhausted.

With a worldwide music tour still going in full swing, it feels good to have the week off.
Back in Los Angeles, California, in his own mansion, he had a lot to ponder.

First off, his sales for his new album, Kings, continues to sell at a fast pace and he’s widely considered to be one of the greatest musicians in his time. After all, he DID craft the entire album from start to finish, performing on all the instruments, performing all the vocals, even going as far as to mix and master the album the way he wanted. His empire, Kings Inc., was the key to getting it out there, advertisements, commercials, you name it, it was done to get this album out on the streets in every format possible.

The hard work paid off. He’s doing great things in his career as a musician and he’s still going to give the fans what he wants.

But he needs to focus on his main passion.

Standing in front of the window that overlooks the beautiful city of Los Angeles, he stares at the view before him, full of wonder and majesty. Fighting has been his passion from the beginning and even though he failed in his attempts to gain two victories, Alex isn’t a man to be taken on lightly. He’s gone through a lot in his fights, win or lose, and he ain’t about to quit now.

This new team though….they should prove to be an interesting challenge, if not mild entertainment for the time being.

Smirking, he walked out of his room and headed downstairs as his butler, Lee, was preparing breakfast for the legend. As he walked into the kitchen and sat on one of the bar stools, the two men and faced each other as he picked up a glass of water with ice that was already prepared and drank a sip of it.

How are you feeling about this week’s clash?

The legend shook his head and chuckled.

I’ll be honest, I’m not too worried about it. It’s all about getting back on a bicycle and riding it. These two may have had success in their own right, but that doesn’t mean they’ll succeed at Climax Control. Not a chance, Lee. Not a chance!

Lee nodded and put down a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. Alex began to eat his food with a knife and fork, chewing away at the eggs first. Clearing his throat, he looked at his trusted butler.

After this bout is done, I’m hoping to get back into the picture with the World Heavyweight Championship. Fenir and I respect each other, but I still want another shot at him.

Lee couldn’t help but express surprise. Kain stopped eating and look at him.


It’s just that I’m surprised at the amount of confidence that you have against two people. Do you really think you stand a chance against them?

The champion couldn’t help but laugh, resumed eating his eggs. He quickly finishes them off before replying to Lee.

Why shouldn’t I be? I’ve gone through both old-timers and newbies in my career, belts or not belts on the line. These two folks are eager enough to face us, I understand this. And they’re excited…why shouldn’t they be? They might have a chance at the titles if they win against Mercedes and I. But I doubt that’s going to happen. Mercedes and I are going to rip a new one on those two souls, Lee, and we are going to walk away from them, knowing that they had their chance and they failed. We are the true winners, Lee, not them. Climax Control will be difficult, at first, but Mercedes and I are going to kick their asses and prove to the world, YET AGAIN, why we are the Grand-Slam champions. What she and I see are realism and the facts. What our opponents see is delusion, somehow thinking that victory will be within their grasp. That’s not going to happen, Lee. I’m VERY confident in myself and in my abilities and I have it in myself to come back and win. Nothing more but a rude awakening in the process for those two souls. May God have mercy on their souls. Because I don’t. Not at all….

Alex continues to finish his breakfast as Lee nods to his master.

* * *

My name is Kain and I am the King Of Kings.

I’m going to be the first to admit this, although it is not easy to. I fought two battles against Fenir and Dimitri. I’ve lost on both accounts.

That’s my fault. That’s my responsibility. I’m going to make up on those matches, rise up from the ashes, and win in the end. But that’s another story for another time.

Speaking of stories…I’m sorry? Can you please explain to me why you are subjecting to us to pointless melodrama?

Melodrama seems to be the order of the day for one half of the tag-team that Mercedes and I are scheduled to face against at this upcoming Control Climax. And I’m not pleased, to be honest. I was hoping to find out more information about you and some I’ve seen proved to be useful. After all, you’re a success in Division, so you are considered to be a threat. But why try to explain your pathetic little history with a girl? Are you trying to tell us that your stupid bullshit won’t interfere with the task at hand? Honestly, it’s not the truth. It’s a lie, because it’s clouding your judgments and it certainly will affect you in the confrontation ahead. After all, this is going to be the biggest moment in your career here in the SCW. So really the question that you should be pondering instead is whether you both have the skills, the heart, and the strength to see this contest through and emerge victorious. Guess what? You don’t need to act like fools to stand there and answer in a collective fashion, because I’ll tell you the answer right now.

No. You will not win.

You consider me a dark horse. That’s fine. That’s exactly what I am and you’re about to discover that for yourself. The both of you will not like what I’m about to unleash inside that ring. A lot of pent-up frustration aimed at a single target, which is you Lachlan. Mercedes and Sierra, from what I understand, have some kind of history with each other. But guess what? Unlike you, I trust Mercedes to get the job done. She’s handled herself quite well inside that ring, On top of that, here’s another HUGE difference between your team and I. Mercedes and I DO NOT have any drama between us whatsoever. We are tight at one unit and when we have the belts on our shoulders, it means EVERYTHING to us and we want to go out there and destroy the competition. You both are not going to be ANY different! Mercedes and I are two of the biggest superstars in Sin City Wrestling and despite the two losses I’ve had, back to back, guys like me NEVER DIE. Mercedes is in a class of her own and CANNOT be surpassed by any woman in her division, with all due respect to the rest of the lady locker-room. That being said, there’s not a combined powerhouse in the world that can stop the Mixed Tag-Team Champions…THE GRAND SLAM CHAMPIONS!

Melodrama? You want melodrama? The greatest story will be told inside of that ring. Both of you will suffer crushing defeats and Mercedes and I will be holding the titles over your crippled, That chance you had for us to be destroyed by your dynamite? DENIED! That chance for those mythical keys to be delivered to you so that you may gain access to the kingdom? FORGET ABOUT IT! Mercedes and I are about to summon a storm, an endless tide of reckoning that must be seen to be believed! Not a single punch or kick, hell, not even a SINGLE move can phase either one of us! Melodrama is going to be the least of your worries, because Mercedes and I are going to be giving you the biggest headaches of Climax Control! See, we are the biggest tag-team in Sin City Wrestling! They threw former champions at us, they threw secret surprises at us! And no matter how bad may have gotten at one point, we came back STRONGER THAN EVER and we slaughtered the sheep to regain our titles back! Tell me! What makes you both lady and gent ANY different from the rest of the pack of weak wolves? You’re all the same to us and Mercedes and I are going to enjoy teaching you both a cruel lesson in this game. I don’t care how tough or strong you are, that’s been said a thousand times over. I only consider you to be minor threats that will eventually be taken seriously. After all, the only way for you both to redeem yourselves and prove yourselves worthy is by defeating us.

Defeating us…

I can’t help but laugh! Such an impossible thought…

Go ahead. I welcome you both to try out for the possible prize of a lifetime.

But I guarantee you this. Neither of you are walking out of Climax Control. Only sorrow and depression will be your only rewards. I’m going to enjoy kicking your ass from dusk until dawn. Mercedes will use her personal history with Sierra to overcome the odds and keep her at bay. Together, we will crush all opposition and our stars will shine brighter than the high heavens itself.

For I am Kain….THE KING OF KINGS!!!!!!!!

And I…..HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion