Author Topic: Nothing Like You've Ever Faced Before!  (Read 280 times)

Offline Kain

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Nothing Like You've Ever Faced Before!
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:06:15 PM »
 A Non-Title match? Unbelievable!

Sitting in his private office at headquarters located in sunny Los Angeles, California, the King Of Kings couldn't help but scowl in rage. Dressed in business attire, he couldn't help but shake his head.

He knew it would come to this. The top-mega rockstar in all facets in life, from his concert and album sales and merchandise sales, now has a date with destiny. He knew that Fenris called him out publicly, but didn't have the time to answer.

Now he does.

He gazes into the skyline that's stretching for thousand of miles, hovering over the city. Why not answer the man with his fists and feet? Why not show Fenris that he's about to get himself into the biggest fight of his life? Both are champions in their own right and both are willing to challenge each other to see who the better man is. It couldn't have come for a better time for the two. Fenris doesn't have a clue as to who he is about to deal with, title or non-title.

Perhaps this is the way the bosses wanted it? To see if Kain has what it takes to defeat a man like Fenris, to see if he was worthy of a shot at the big time? Mark and Christian aren't stupid men. They know exactly what they are doing, but just wait; he's going to shock them both. On top of that, the whole world itself will also be shocked. To sit there and think to themselves "Hmm, he could actually do it. He could beat the man that's sitting on top of the throne and maybe give himself that chance for it." On the other hand, there are also the doubters, the ones who think Kain could amount to anything in his life.

Those doubters will forever be there, but he loves shutting them up.

He smirked as he turned his attention to the card that's starting in front of him from the computer screen and slowly stood up. His concentrated eyes was brought up to the doors that opened as his secretary, James, entered the room.

They're here, sir.

The King of Kings nodded.

Another deal to be made. This will be benefitting all of us. I'm not the only one reaping the rewards. You are and so is every employee in this building and those who work with us.

Really, sir? You are a changed man. Everyone said that you weren't like this in the past.

He walked around his office and stood next to James, placing his arm around his shoulders and smiled.

Sometimes, James, a man has to lose everything in order to gain back everything. I've gone through a lot in my life in get to where I am. I am definitely a changed man. The only thing that hasn't changed is my edge. That edge will be used to defeat opponents and to give me motivation to continue on.

Who are you facing this time?

As they closed the office doors behind him and stood in the hallway, which was flooding with employees going back and forth, Kain had a serious look to him, then he looked at James.

Fenris. The man who has the main title that everyone on the roaster wants. He's going to be the biggest challenge in my career. But I'm ready now. Fenris is about to face the biggest danger in his career. First, it's going to cost him his pride, then it's going to cost him his title. It's going to shake his whole world upside down when a fighter like me takes him out of the ball game for a LONG TIME. It's time to get back to the top, James. On top of the wrestling world.

The two men nodded to each other as they continue their walk, entering into another room and Kain starts to talk to a slew of business men on a new deal as the scene fades to black.

* * * * *


You called me out awhile back. I had every intention of getting back to your response, but with so much going on in my life, I figured I would wait for the perfect opportunity to address you face to face, man to man.

Now is the time.

Ever since I returned to the SCW, I knew that I would be crossing swords with whoever possessed the SCW Heavyweight Championship belt.  Turns out that it is you and you're not a man to be underestimated in the slightest.  And I rather have a challenge to go up against, a man who knows no bounds, who has accepted and defeated challengers high and low, and have come very far in your career. You remain undefeated and so I give my heartfelt congrats to everything you have accomplished in your journey so far.

My respect for you stays intact...until the match starts and then ends.

Because when I'm facing you in the ring, you're about to discover, THE HARD WAY, that I'm NOTHING you've ever faced in your career. Not a single man on this roster can hold their own against you except for me. I'm going to be the one card that will prove difficult for you to adjust to in the ring. I'm very disappointed in the fact that this is a non-title match, Fenris, but I'll have to use that as extra rage and motivation to take you down for good. So I want you to consider our first encounter a preview of things to come, because I ain't holding back. And when that title match DOES happen? I'm not going to hold back again and go even further than last time, because fighting you will take EVERYTHING out of me and so much more. You're about to find out what it means to lose to someone that's BETTER THAN YOU.

Did that get your attention?

I hope so.

I don't consider myself a God nor do I shout to the heavens for assistance from a false God either. Not that I don't respect your beliefs, because I do.  You have your beliefs and philosophies to believe in and I respect it. But I'm not afraid of a mythical being. You can sit there and yell, curse, and scream in your own language and ask for assistance. But will that help you in a matter of life and death against a man who is fully in control of the situation and has no fear in his eyes? A man that's full of faith and confidence in the one thing that he believes in the most...himself? That would be me. Yes, I believe in God and in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but he only helps me in my journey and I let faith guide me and do the rest. How can you destroy a man of that magnitude Fenris?  You can't. That's going to destroy your confidence and it's going to shake up your world.  You are going to find out EXACTLY how much trouble you're in when we encounter each other next time. This is a preview, Fenris.

A preview.

A preview of another battle yet to come in the future. That time, the title will be in your hands for now, but I want this match to serve as a powerful reminder that I'm the only one that is courageous enough to confront the great Fenris and take him out of the picture for the SCW Heavyweight championship. Mark my words, Fenris, I'm not going away anytime soon. I'm not going to be fall so easily. You and I are going to battle with our own two feet and hands. I guess we are similar in that, aren't we? Both of us are legitimate MMA fighters that rely on our bodies to complete the job. But I'm better than you. I'm stronger than you. I'm faster than you.

You won't believe me now. That's fine. I'll let my actions in the ring do all the talking, because at the end of the night, Fenris is about to discover who and what Kain is. I have redeemed myself and am now a greatest success than ever before. A two-time Mixed Tag-Team champion, a Grand Slam champion, Hall Of Famer, and soon to be SCW Heavyweight champion in the near future. Are you prepared for that future? With you gone from the picture and me with the belt in my hands?

You're not and that scares you a lot, doesn't it?

I thought so.

You're a good man and a good fighter. I'll give you that. But after Climax Control, you'll need more than yourself and a God to aid you. More than that when it comes to facing a King like me, Fenris. More than that....

For I am Kain....THE KING OF KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

And I.....HAVE SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 05:07:39 PM by Kain »

SCW Accomplishments
X1 SCW Tag-Team Champion
X2 SCW Roulette Champion
X1 SCW Internet Champion