Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: February 05, 2024, 09:26:41 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Eddie Lyons

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« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 06:08:11 PM »
It was starting to feel like they almost WANTED him as Roulette Champion, as Eddie Lyons finds himself once again, challenging Peter Vaughn for the Roulette Championship. A man who had already beaten Eddie twice to defend that very same championship.

While Eddie failed to capture the championship on those occasions, he has gained the respect of Peter Vauhgn. Peter, who is looking to move his career to it’s next level wants to be sure the best wrestler for the job is the one who carries the Roulette Division next, and he selected Eddie Lyons as one of those men because of the fight Eddie brought him in the past.

Peter Vaughn defeated Eddie Lyons on those occasions, keyword being defeated because one thing Peter hasn’t done yet.

He’s never pinned Eddie Lyons.


The Lyons Den in 2012 wasn’t as state of the art as it is today, and it hosted a different crop of talent. Most notably Keevee Kaiser, now known as the coach of Eddie Lyons, but years ago, he too was just trying to find his way in the business.

It was around that time he first met the young Eddie. Just a kid about the age of ten. Kaiser had just finished a tour of Canada with The Maple Leaf Wrestling Alliance, and was now starting his gig as a trainer at the school.

“Excuse me, um Mr. Kaiser sir?” said the young Eddie

Kaiser turned, blinking his eyes with a smile, “Oh, hey there buddy. You’re Rays kid, um…Eddie right? How can I help you?”

“Yes.I was just wondering if you’ve seen my cousin Vincent?” asked Eddie, “We were gonna play video games at his house, while our dads worked with the students.”

“Sorry kid.” Kaiser shrugged, “Haven’t seen him, been a bit busy with my new students.”

“Oh yeah, Uncle Vincent said you were a trainer now.” Eddie said

“Yup.” Kaiser smiled proudly, “Got this new crop of students. The Zakk Attack, Michael Kingsford, Jack and Diane Cosgrove, and some dude named Sawyer. I’m gonna do everything I can to make them into stars in this business. I really think this crop can do something.”

“Oh yeah, I met Zakk Attack. He’s funny.” laughed Eddie.

“That he is.” Kaiser agreed, a laugh of his own.

“Hey, when I’m older…maybe you can train me.” said Eddie

“Only if you promise to eat your vegetables, so you can grow up strong.” Kaiser smiled.

“I will.” said Eddie happily.

Across the room, Kaiser noticed Vincent Jr's arrival, and waved at the teenage boy.

“I think player 2 has arrived.” Kaiser pointed out, “You go have fun, and remember…eat those vegetables.”

Kaiser nodded, and shared a fist bump with the young Eddie, before the kid trotted off to play with his older cousin. Kaiser would turn his attention to his first crop of students, not knowing each and every one would end up an abysmal failure, causing Coach Kaiser to question his own abilities for years, until his own mentor Vincent Lyons Sr. passed.  With some motivation from his friend Aaron in Wolfslair. Kaiser would start by breaking Vincent Lyons Jr into the business, with many more successful students to follow, including of course his most recent acquisition, Eddie Lyons.


As the cameras open on the scene, it’s Coach Kaiser who is in the forefront, while Eddie can be seen in the background going to town on a punching bag, with the ferocity of an actual lion.

“Peter Vaughn.” said Coach Kaiser, “We haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Keevee Kaiser. You can call me Coach Kaiser, you can call me Keevee. You can call me my old ring nickname of Dragonborn. Dig deep enough into my early career, and you may even call me a Sensational Teen Idol , or even Your girlfriends favorite wrestler. Doesn’t matter to me. I am the coach of the man you know as Eddie Lyons. I’m the Apollo Creed to his Rocky Balboa, The Mr. Miyagi to his Daniel-San, Tony D'Amato to his Willie Beame. You get the idea. I’ll try to keep the cute metaphors down. Bad habit of mine really.  “

He glances back slightly at Eddie, who’s still working the punching bag.

“He’s a little busy at the moment as you can tell, so I wanted to take some time to talk, you and me.” Kaiser continued, “I wanted to thank you for the words of praise you gave Eddie. It’s something he needed. It’s something I needed too, because I take great pride in my students success. I’ve had a string of success in recent years with some other students of mine and am hoping the same for young Eddie.”

“He had a bad go of it, after his most recent loss.” Kaiser continued, “Really got into his head about it during the holidays. I did whatever I could to motivate him to get his head back in the game. We were getting somewhere, then got derailed by Bill Barnhart. Then we heard your challenge on Climax Control, and that awakened the beast in Eddie. He’s not looking to waste this opportunity again. You were right in choosing him, but then you also chose Justin Smith? Which makes me, as a more seasoned veteran of this game wonder…what are you playing at here?”

Coach Kaiser scratches his chin inquisitively and raises an eyebrow.

“You claim it has to do with motivation.” said Kaiser, “But is it really that? Because I can’t imagine why you would want someone with such an abysmal record to have a championship match. Is this some case of picking one tough opponent, and then an easier one so you somehow look like you did a good thing, while also providing an escape route in case things get too dicey out there? I mean it’s probably something I would have done during my career.”

Coach Kaiser shrugs.

“Yeah, I wasn’t always the nicest guy in my career.” he continued, “Did some downright vile things that would make Caligula look like Mother Theresa. Took every shortcut in the book. But Eddie? Eddie is different. He refuses to take shortcuts, says he wants to to things the right way.  Keep honor alive and all that.”

Coach Kaiser shrugs again, this time with a sigh.

“Don’t quite get it myself.” he continued, “But I’ve told him before, he has to be himself. I’m not the one writing his story. I’m just the guy who needs to mold him into the champion I know he can be, and that time is coming. Your words awoke a beast in him like I haven’t seen yet. I can tell he’s ready to get violent, ready to take a head off if he needs to, and with my help I can instill that killer instinct in him. You’ve beaten him twice, so now he has that look of nothing to lose, and I can tell you that he is going to be more dangerous than you’ve come to know in your previous encounters, he’s going to be more bloodthirsty and willing to do whatever he needs to both you AND the sacrificial lamb Justin Smith in order to finally take home that Roulette Championship.”

Coach Kaiser glances back one more time, at Eddie working the bags.

“Keep it up Eddie! Remember to breathe!” he called out, before turning his attention back to the camera.

“We’ll see you soon Peter, until then,  I got some work to do.” Kaiser smiled with a wink as the scene faded out.


Eddie used the towel draped around his neck to wipe some sweat form his brow, as he sat on the bench in front of some of the schools lockers, looking up at his coach after another intense workout in preparation for another championship match.

“You did good today Eddie.” Coach Kaiser remarked “You’ve been more intense recently, and you’ve been hitting harder. I think we might need to get a new punching bag, you did a number on that one out there.”

Eddie laughed, “Thanks coach. I just hope I bring home the gold this time. I wasn’t expecting another championship match. I thought I was going to be in the Blood Bath Brawl with Justin and some others, maybe I was misinformed, or more likely  Peters challenge changed plans.”

“Either way, you get another chance.” Coach Kaiser said, taking a seat next to his student.,”So, how you feeling? Anything on your mind?”

Eddie shrugged, and shook his head

“No coach.” Eddie replied, “Just trying to say focused on the match here. Last time I had a triple threat for a championship, I lost without being pinned, and both Miles Kasey and BRADDOCK were better than Justin Smith, so that could easily happen again.”

“It could.” agreed Kaiser, “But it could also play into your favor, because the same rule applies to Peter. YOU could pin, submit or whatever you need to do to Justin, and walk out a champion.”

“And I guess Justin could surprise us all, and walk out a champion.” Eddie replied, “But with all due respect, I think everyone knows the real fight is with Peter and myself. This will be our third encounter, and I intend to make it the one I win.”

“Are you really ready to get more vicious than you have before?” Coach Kaiser asked, “Ready to really dig down deeper than you have before?”

Eddie stood up, and furrowed his brow angrily, “What’s that supposed to mean? You think I can’t do it? I’m tired of coming close enough to feel a championship, but having it slip from my grasp. I’ll prove it to Peter, to Justin, and to you as well.”

“Eddie, c’mon you know I didn’t mean..” Coach Kaiser began

“No.” said Eddie, “I know what you meant. You think I’m still the worst of your students. You’d probably have more faith in Cleo wouldn’t you? Well you chose to go with ME in SCW, and it's time I show you why despite me being your newest and most inexperienced student, that I damn well belong among the best of your students. You want me to bring a fucking championship to The Lyons Den? Then I’m going to bring a fucking championship to The Lyons Den, and I don’t care who believes or doesn’t believe in me. Because I believe in myself, and I fucking refuse to let this opportunity slip away from me AGAIN.”

Eddie takes in a deep breath, still holding angry eyes.

“I’m going for a walk.” he huffed, grabbing his favorite hoodie, and exiting the school in an aggressive manner, slamming a door as he left. He didn’t notice Coach Kaiser smiling at him as he stormed off.

“Just as planned. Almost too easy with this kid.” Coach Kaiser said to himself.


The scene opens on Eddie Lyons sitting alone on a decent sized boulder, big enough to sit on, but still allow his feet to rest on the ground. He’s setup his Smartphone on a tree in front of him in order to film himself. Hoodie up, he doesn’t keeps his gaze slightly off camera

“Didn’t think I’d be here again Peter.” said Eddie, “And I don’t think SCW had another championship opportunity planned for me, given my shortcomings at the last three live events. But you went out there and in so many words basically said you needed to find the right man to take the Roulette Championship off of you, and wouldn’t you know who won the pony.”

A slight grin appears on Eddies face, slightly covered  by his hoodie.

“I must have left some impression on you.” Eddie continued, “Either you’re totally full of shit and are just looking for an easy way out by choosing someone you already beat twice, and another who’s record speaks for itself, or you truly believe I’m the one that can make your wish come true. That I’m the one you think is worthy of being the next Roulette Champion. While I do think it’s the latter,  you must at least be half full of shit because I can’t imagine why you think Justin Smith deserves to be here.”

Eddie shakes his head and laughs a little.

“You know what he’s going to tell us right?” said Eddie “He is going to beat us and make us bleed. He’s going to make us scream out in pain. Thats what he said to me, that’s what he said to Bill Barnhart, that’s what he said to Aiden Reynolds. But did he do that to any of us? No. Justin talks a big game, but can’t back his mouth up.”

Eddie exhales slightly before continuing

“Called me a joke.” Eddie laughed, “Well he found out real quick I’m not joking around anymore. Peter Vaughn says he wants to move to the next level in his career, Well it’s time Eddie Lyons moves to the next level in his. It’s time for Eddie Lyons to become a champion, and this time Peter…it’s different.”

Eddie turns his gaze now fully to the camera, with an exhale and a look of confidence, he continues

“I’m different.” said Eddie, “I realized some things about myself, and how I go about honor. Because make no mistake, honor is still everything to me. I just came to realize that it’s not about being a complete boy scout about everything. I can keep my honor, and still get violent. Because honor is simply about who you are, and what you represent.”

There’s a clear shift in his tone of voice, as it becomes more serious and direct.

“And I represent the will to push through, and keep fighting.” Eddie said, “Even when things ge tough. You keep going. Don’t stop. We all go through rough patches, but as long as we fight then we come out the other end stronger. This is my other end Peter, where I pickup the biggest victory of my career and end your illustrious reign as Roulette Champion. I’m willing to play by whatever rules the wheel allows, and if that means I’m allowed to cave your skull in with a sledgehammer then I’ll just have to do just that.”

Eddie takes a short a short pause before continuing.

“I understand that violence and honor can go hand in hand.” Eddie continued, “You’re about to find out how much of a violent artist I’ve become. See I really have nothing to lose this time. After losing to you twice, it’s probably what most everyone is even expecting. So it’s my job to surprise them and do whatever I need to do to come out with the win.”

Eddie exhales again, and mills over his next thoughts.

“As for you Justin.” Eddie continued, “I can’t say much more about you than I already have. You need a serious wake up call because as I stated, I don’t think you’re ready for this. I’ve gone to war with Peter twice, and I know what he’s capable of. You are not ready for what Peter, or myself are going to do. Maybe you’ll prove me wrong and I honestly hope you do in a way, because right now I just don’t see it.”

Eddie shrugs, he knows his words may seem harsh but he is only speaking his truth. It’s Peter Vaughn he sees as the real challenge here, especially just coming off a win over Justin at the last Climax Control.

“I guess what happens remains to be seen.” said Eddie, “But I think everyone should expect the unexpected. Eddie Lyons isn’t going to choke this time. I’m going to do what I got into this business for and become a champion. Become the champion I know I can be. But I need to beat the best to do that, and you are among the best Peter. You’ve proven that. You need a worthy contender, because you are a worthy champion. But it’s time for a change, you know it and I know it.  You chose me for this because I think you WANT me to be that person. You were quick to mention my name as a challenger, and then after what seemed like some hesitation, you chose Justin as well.  Which, could be one of your less wise decisions because it might just be easier for me to beat him instead. I mean I just did it at Climax Control, so I know I can do it again.”

Eddie still keeps his confident gaze, and tone as he continues.

“I can’t speak for Justin.” Eddie continued, “But I’m there with you Peter. We’ll make this division the most talked about. You’ll be remembered as probably the greatest Roulette Champion of all time, and I’ll be known as the guy who beat you for it.  It’s going to be a war, but I will have my hand raised in the end this time. My victory here only benefits both of us. You get to go on and test yourself at a higher level, and I get to test myself as a champion and see if I can become as great of a champion as you.”

Eddie nods, showing that he has grown a great respect for Peter after their last two encounters.

“It’s been fun Peter, but this is likely the final chapter in our little trilogy.” Eddie continued with confidence, “Almost poetic isn’t it? I’m just glad I didn’t give up on myself after our last encounter. I almost did, but those cracks have been mended, they never broke because my spirit, or drive, or my determination. I still remain unbreakable. It’s always been honor before glory. Well, I’ve always kept my honor intact. Now it’s time for the glory.”

The video ends as Eddie steps up from the boulder, walks forward and reaches in to shut off the recording.


Coach Kaiser was already gone by the time Eddie returned, a few trainers remained, as well as some of the new students trying to prove their worth. Still upset about his coaches earlier comments, and feeling like Coach Kaiser didn’t support him fully, he quickly went to gather his bags, and make a hasty exit. Until he was stopped by the schools top student, and one of his best friends, Cleo Phillips.

“Yo, Eddie” said Cleo, with her urban tone, “Saw you storm out a bit ago. You good yo’?”

“Oh, I’m good.” said Eddie, “Coach just pissed me off is all.”

“Coach?” replied Cleo curiously, “What happened?”

“Basically he implied he doesn’t think I’m ready to be a champion.”, Eddie explained, “Doesn’t think I can dig deep enough to beat Peter Vaughn. But I don’t really care. I’ll prove him wrong too, and that goes for anyone. I’m tired of being seen as a choke artist, or a good hand. My moment is now Cleo, and nothing is going to stop me this time. Not Peter, not Justin, not Coach, not  anyone.”

Cleo shook her head with a smile.

“What’s so funny?” said Eddie, furrowing his eyebrow, “You gonna cast your doubts on me too?”

“Naw.” Cleo replied, still with a slight smile, “But you got played man.”

Eddie cocked his head slightly, and looked at Cleo curiously.

“What do you mean?” asked Eddie

“Man, coach didn’t mean that shit.” she replied, “He just wanted to fire you up, and from the looks of it. It worked.”

Eddie said nothing as the truth set in, as he realized Cleo was right.

“Well, do you know where he went?” asked Eddie

“Probably went home.” she said, “He’s got a family remember?”

Eddie nodded, “Yeah, that makes sense.”

“And you know I’ll always support you man.” Cleo replied. “I ain’t ever gonna be fake wit’ chu.”

“Thanks Cleo.” said Eddie, “It’s just been tough. I want that big win you know?”

“I get it.” said Cleo, “But nobody knows about tough times around here better than me. Before I came here I was just some young punk street thug. I robbed people, got into gang fights, spent time behind bars, the whole deal. I was actually sent to this school on probation.”

“Yeah I remember.” said Eddie, “Your PO figured it might help you, similar how to many ex-cons turn to boxing.”

“That’s right.” nodded Cleo “Now that life is behind me, and I’m a motivational speaker for troubled youth and in training to become a social worker. But the road wasn’t easy. I went through some dark valleys. Still I came out the other end stronger because I didn’t give up on myself. I pushed through those tough times.”

Cleo rested a hand on Eddies shoulder, and looked him in the eyes.

“You got this man.” she told him with a nod. “You know that company your cousins worked for closed down. You’re the only active star around here right now. Whatever happens though, I know you’ll do this place proud.”

“I will.” said Eddie, “Peter Vaughn has been a tough obstacle, but I know I can beat him. I just know it. He knows it too. Next time you see me, I’ll have a shiny championship over my shoulder.”

“Fo’ sho” said Cleo, sharing a fist bump with Eddie.

“Anyway, I’m gonna get out of here.” said Eddie, “I wanna get up to Baltimore to see my dad before Coach and I fly back out to Vegas.”

“Yeah, I got a school assembly to get to myself” said Cleo, “Gotta teach the kids not to make the mistakes I did, ya know?”

Eddie nodded, and the two shared a friendly hug before going their separate ways. Eddie was feeling more motivated than before, being hand selected by the champion himself, based on their last encounters is what The Unbreakable One needed to hear, now it was time to show Peter just why he picked Eddie in the first place,..... and of course Justin Smith would be there too.

Offline Peter Vaughn

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« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 07:43:33 PM »
~As the picture slowly fades in, the drone floats over the streets and buildings of Dallas, Texas, showing off the majesty of this great city. The drone slowly makes it way down one boulevard, twisting around and suddenly cutting across a large, green area. Astute viewers of the Peter Vaughn Channel will know that this is the Garden of Betrayal Vaughn had built soon after coming to Sin City Wrestling, a creation that still prospers today. Of course, the locals don't call it the "Garden of Betrayal". It's too beautiful a spot for that name. Most simply call it their little Eden, an oasis in the middle of the city.~

~The drone drifts over the still-thriving park before heading over to the four-story building next door. This one should also be recognizable to true fans, as Vaughn purchased this building after the completion of the garden and began to have it restored. We can see the roof from this height, with no signs of the hole that Vaughn had once plunged through early in the reconstruction. The drone drifts downwards, dropping story by story, heading for the small parking area out in front of the building. There we can see a customized van parked, with our faithful cameraman getting out of the driver's seat, controller in hand. He directs the drone right into his arms, catching it easily.~

Cameraman: Can't believe how green that garden still is. I mean, it's February, what kind of plant-growth science-style BS did Vaughn give them to still survive like this? Or... are they actually all fake plants? I mean, I never really looked too closely when I was over there. Hmmm, I wonder...

Peter Vaughn: You wound me, friend.

~The cameraman nearly jumps out of his shoes at the sound of Peter Vaughn right behind him. He spins around, although we're still on the drone shot, so we still only see his face.~

Cameraman: Mr. Vaughn! Uh, didn't see you there.

Peter Vaughn: Obviously.

Cameraman: One second...

~The cameraman quickly opens the door to the van, replacing the drone with a more handheld style of camera. He directs it towards Vaughn, as we shift to that recording. Vaughn is dressed in typical fashion, wearing his coveralls and a Texas Rangers baseball cap. He shakes his head.~

Cameraman: About what you heard, I, uh, hah hah, I was just quoting some stuff I saw online...

Peter Vaughn: Never believe what's on the Internet. No, the Garden is not sullied with artificial plants. That would negate its whole purpose. No, sir, those are all living organisms, and it hasn't been easy to keep them surviving in the elements, let me tell you, even though they've been bred to thrive in all environments.

Cameraman: You really didn't spare any expense, did you?

Peter Vaughn: Trust me, the Garden will be there long after I am gone. And believe it, it's already been paying dividends. The Garden is a legacy, of a sort... as is this building. Care to step in?

~Vaughn gestures to his building, with the cameraman seemingly reluctant to go in there.~

Cameraman: I don't know, last time it didn't go so well in there. That construction is dangerous, isn't it?

Peter Vaughn: It can be. But construction is completed, at least on the ground level. We're actually starting to get closer to opening, if you can believe it.

~Vaughn gestures again, and with a sigh, the cameraman hesitantly moves forward. He goes through the doors, with Vaughn right behind him, taking in the view... of a completely restored lobby. The walls are covered in a wood-style paneling, with a nicely-patterned carpet leading on the way in. A desk has been set up on the far side, likely where visitors will be able to contact whoever it is they're looking for. It's really a professional setting, eliciting a whistle from the cameraman.~

Cameraman: This is fairly amazing, Mr. Vaughn. I didn't know it was so far along. And you're going to rent out the space?

Peter Vaughn: As I said before, I'm keeping some of these offices for myself, for work I've got to do in the area. But yes, some of the upper floors will handle someone else's business. You have to pay the building expenses somehow, right?

~They move off to the side, where a couple of waiting couches are positioned. There's also a large picture to the side, showing Peter Vaughn from one of his World Championship reigns, raising the gold high into the air. It certainly stands out compared to the rest of the lobby.~

Cameraman: So... this portrait...

Peter Vaughn: Pretty fabulous, isn't it? It gives an air of class as you come in.

Cameraman: I'm... not sure others will see it that way.

Peter Vaughn: I can't say I'm too concerned with others' opinions. It's my building, I get to have a few perks in it.

Cameraman: I suppose that's true.

Peter Vaughn: Besides, sometimes I need a reminder... of where I've been.

~Vaughn turns to the portrait, smiling at it, remembering that moment. He then lets out a small sigh, before turning and moving to the side, leaning against the wall. The cameraman repositions himself for the best shot, knowing the signs of a Vaughn soliloquy.~

Peter Vaughn: It's been 391 days since I first made my presence known in Sin City. Over a year. Everywhere else I've gone, I've been a force to be reckoned with. I went into the XWF and won their Universal Championship within 6 months. I became the first TPW International Champion a short time after it opened, and I won the West Coast Rumble to become the WGWF World Champion soon after its return. Hell, I won my first tournament with PW Valor and became World Champion that night. But in SCW... things have really been on slow-play, haven't they?

~Vaughn glances up again at his portrait, shaking his head.~

Peter Vaughn: I wonder if that guy there would have been okay with that, or if he would have broken some heads sooner. I don't know. I guessed I've changed a lot over the last few years. And it's not like I've done nothing in Sin City. By the time My Bloody Valentine V gets here, I'll have been Roulette Champion for a record-breaking 288 days. I've dominated that division like no other. I've made it a glorious warzone that everyone wants to compete in. But... no matter what I've done, the respect just doesn't seem to be there. Something's going to have to change.

~With that, Vaughn pushes himself off the wall and steps forward, straightening himself up as he looks towards the camera.~

Peter Vaughn: That's why I issued the challenge the way I did. That's why I told Eddie Lyons and Justin Smith to meet me at My Bloody Valentine, to see if one of them is strong enough to become the new Roulette Champion... or if they're both disposable, worthy only of being discarded. It's time for there to be a change, so that I can continue my journey to the top of the SCW mountain. But only... if that person earns it.

~Vaughn raises one finger to the camera, shaking it back and forth for a moment.~

Peter Vaughn: I will defend this championship 50 more times if that's what it takes to find someone worthy. I will battle against three wrestlers, four, half a dozen, whatever it takes to find the one. Will it be Eddie, who's tried multiple times before? Will it be Justin, who just got his ass beat by Eddie on the last Climax Control? Or will it be someone else, further down the line, with both of these bozos blowing their opportunity? We'll just have to see. The Roulette Title has been... precious to me. It will continue on in successful hands... be it theirs... or mine.

~With that, Vaughn dusts off his own hands, before turning and looking down the hallway beyond the main desk.~

Peter Vaughn: You want a tour of the rest of the building, see how it's coming?

Cameraman: Sure!

~The cameraman follows behind Vaughn as they head towards the back area, before Vaughn suddenly stops, raising up a hand to the camera lens.~

Peter Vaughn: Actually, there are a few things back here that, uh, probably shouldn't be broadcast. Do you mind?

Cameraman: Er... is it something illegal?

~Vaughn gives a kind of wishy-washy hand gesture, as if the line is vague. The cameraman gulps.~

Cameraman: Okay, I suppose I've got enough footage...

~The camera shuts off, taking us out of the scene.~

~The video comes back with a shot of the PMV Ranch, Vaughn's pride and joy. He sunk a good deal of his winnings from a $3 million dollar tournament into this ranch, taking the gamble that he could be more than just an ex-janitor wrestler, and it's paid off. The aerial view shows that the ranch is thriving, with cattle roaming the fenced-in grounds to the north and other farm animals being cultivated closer by. The camera zooms down to one of these areas, the chicken coops, where we can see Peter Vaughn working with his tools on one side, adjusting something. He considers what he's looking at, and then reaches for his bag, trying to get a different-sized screwdriver, only to find the bag out of reach. He turns, confused, then relaxes when he sees his fiance, Sadie Anderson, standing there with a smile, holding onto the bag.~

Sadie Anderson: Still working on that contraption of yours?

Peter Vaughn: It's a fine piece of technical engineering, thank you very much. And yes, I'm still trying to work out a few kinks...

Sadie Anderson: You mean it doesn't work.

Peter Vaughn: It works! It just needs some... adjusting...

~Sadie gets Vaughn a raised eyebrow, before handing the bag back over to him. He reaches inside, finding the screwdriver he was needing, and makes a few turns here and there, tightening things up.~

Sadie Anderson: You know there are non-tech ways of doing this, right?

Peter Vaughn: Yeah, but if I can get this working, it'll save us so much time. You know how long it takes Trevor to get in here and farm all of these eggs every day? Even with the ramps set up, it can be so much faster a way to collect if this works. I just have to...

~Suddenly, an egg comes firing out of the nearby chute. It misses the collection bucket entirely, as well as the soft padding therein, instead rocketing past Sadie and splattering the egg against the next chicken coop wall. Several impacts have apparently already hit there. Sadie looks back at the wall, then turns to Vaughn again, speechless. He shrugs.~

Peter Vaughn: Okay. Yes. Velocity is a problem. But I'm going to fix it, you'll see.

Sadie Anderson: Well, just don't forget that we have the dinner party at the mayor's house tonight. We'll need to be well-dressed for that affair. Is your tuxedo ready?

Peter Vaughn: Ugh. I hate that thing.

Sadie Anderson: I know you do. Is it ready?

Peter Vaughn: ... Yep. It's good to go. I'll be cleaned up and dressed for tonight, Sadie. I promise it.

~Sadie steps forward, giving Vaughn a quick kiss on the lips. The two hold each other for a moment, staring into each other's eyes... until there's another rattle from behind them. Vaughn quickly spins them to the side, as another egg goes flying by. They look over at the splattered remains, then Vaughn shakes his head.~

Peter Vaughn: I just need to remove some of the elasticity of the cables. It'll be fine.

Sadie Anderson: Sure it will. Just don't forget your promise. I know how you like to tinker.

Peter Vaughn: I won't.

~Sadie heads off, as Vaughn goes back over to his device, looking annoyed that it's still not working as expected. He reaches in, continuing to readjust, as we slowly fade out.~

So here we are, boys. Time for a little blood, sweat, and Valentine's Day tears.

Let's talk about the man I'm most familiar with. Hey, Edds. How have you been? I bet you were overjoyed when you saw that you were going to have to fight me again. You probably didn't feel any of that tremendous anxiety that comes from battling a man who's busted your head with a sledgehammer and later won a First Blood match over you by making you internally bleed. I mean, damn, why would you be worried at all about getting into the ring with a man who's nearly killed you TWICE?

Okay, fine... if anyone should be nervous about fighting me, it's probably you.

Really, Eddie, there hasn't been anyone in my battles that has taken more damage than you have. Barnhart got to just be duct-taped to a stretcher. Washington got away mostly unscathed thanks to the "Briefcase Bonzana" stipulation. The only one who comes close to you is ol' Rodrigo, but I'd still put you beyond his damage levels from the Bar Brawl any day.

I mean, I suppose I should be first, because I went through ALL of those conflicts, and took my own damage along the way. But I still walked away, didn't I?

So I'm sure you're wondering, why, after the two horrendous beatings I've given you, would I pick you as one of the men to fight me for the Roulette Title at My Bloody Valentine? Well, I see it as being pretty simple. You got your head smashed in. You got your ribs cracked and your guts all turned around.

And you got up.

I have to respect that, Eddie. You could have said enough is enough, and it's time for a change. You could have gone off and gotten a different job in the business, maybe as ticket-handler or merchant vendor. Maybe you could have transferred to commentary, allowing you to at least watch the matches. But you didn't. You stuck it out. You came back for more. I mean, that is honorable as hell, Eds. And after watching you knock out Justin with the Lions Roar, how could I deny you this opportunity?

Besides... who knows what weapons I'll get to use on you this time? They say the third time's the charm.

I can't help it, Eddie. I want to push you. I want to take you to your limits and see if you can surpass them. I've always thought there was potential there for you to be one of the great ones in this business. Maybe you need me to give you that extra nudge forward, to really get things going for you. Or maybe you need me to knock you unconscious once again. I mean, I don't think it's doing your brain cells too much good, but I'll do what I can.

I'm always willing to go the extra mile.

Now, let's discuss this man they call... Justin. Just. In. You know, I've already heard from people about you. People saying "Why the hell does he get a title shot instead of *blank*?" Or "He lost to Lyons, he shouldn't be in the match with Lyons." And also "Who the hell is that? Never heard of him."

I think that last one comes from how simple your name is, friend.

I mean, Smith is about as generic as you can get here in the States. It's like being a Müller in Germany, or a Tanaka or Sato in Japan. Now, believe me, I'm not one to talk. "Peter Vaughn" isn't some glorious name or anything, I'll freely admit that. But it's heads and tails above "Smith. You're a young guy, right? 23, about to turn 24 in March? You still have time to make a change and wrestle with a different moniker. What about... Justin Surmountable? Wait, no, if they call you by your last name, the impact is reversed. Ummm... Justin Humanity?

You know? Like "Oh, the inhumanity!!"?? It would fit you being this hardcore extremist like you say you are.

And that's just a little bit of the help I'm planning to give you, Justin... because at your core, I DO see someone that can become a dangerous individual in the wrestling world. You just need a few nudges in the right direction. Well, maybe not nudges, maybe a few barbed-wire broomstick shots to the back, but it'll have the same effect. At the same time, though, you need to be prepared for something... different.

Yes, a lot of my Roulette defenses have been extremely hardcore, as Edds there can attest. But that's not always the case. What if it's a three-way submission match? Will you have any way to win when you can't use your weaponry? What about a three-way pie-eating contest? Okay, that one's less likely, but after the Briefcase Bonanza, I know that anything is possible. You really have to be ready for anything, just like I am. You can't be so specialized.

After all, I've been known to spray Windex into eyes and tear people's foreheads open with industrial-strength sandpaper. But I'm also able to fly higher than any wrestler going against me, and I can break out the technical acumen at any time I want. About the only area I haven't fully levelled up is pure power, because, let's face it, those muscle-bound guys can never move fast enough to keep up with me, so why would I want to remove that advantage? So you need to come into this match, Justin, ready to adapt for whatever's coming your way.

Will you be able to do it on the first try? Take me down and move forward? I mean, Lyons is on his third try now, so that seems unlikely... but maybe you can do it. Maybe the Roulette wheel will favor you, and you'll get your speciality. Or maybe I'll manage to knock some of your teeth out with a well-placed steel-boot dropkick. Do you have a good dental plan?

Oh, what am I saying, you work for Sin City, of course you do.

Really, boyos, I'm pulling for both of you to give me the battle that's necessary, to move yourself into a major place in this federation. I want to see you channel your inner Mechanic and roar forward, fighting all the way through, and manage to prove yourselves to me. But I'm not going to be patient. I'm going to slug the first person in my way, even if it's the referee, and bring you both to the edge of your wrestling talents. I will test you in every way possible, with every maneuver and assault possible. And in the end, if one of you is still standing, I'll shake your hand.

And if neither of you are upright... I'll break your hands and move on.

~As the picture returns, we now see Peter Vaughn adjusting his tuxedo bow-tie, looking disgruntled at how it feels, as Sadie Anderson stands beside him. She takes his arm, smiling at him, and the two head away from the parking garage where Gabriella is now located for safety's sake.~

Sadie Anderson: You look amazing, Peter.

Peter Vaughn: How do announcers wear stuff like this every single week? I just don't get it.

Sadie Anderson: They wear it because it makes them look good, just like it does you.

Peter Vaughn: I don't think even I could manage a superkick in this gear.

~Vaughn stops, as if to give it an attempt, but Sadie quickly stops him.~

Sadie Anderson: I really don't want you to rip your bottoms, Peter. We haven't even gotten inside yet.

~Vaughn stops, shrugging his shoulders before looking back at Sadie.~

Peter Vaughn: Would that get me out of this?

Sadie Anderson: Not a chance. You'd have to go in with your boxers showing to all the world.

Peter Vaughn: Boxers, huh? You think that's what I'm wearing?

Sadie Anderson: ... It's not a thong, right?

Peter Vaughn: Hah! No, no thongs here. Those never looked practical even for the people who are supposed to wear them.

Sadie Anderson: Then what... wait, I don't think I want to know this.

Peter Vaughn: That's up to you.

Sadie Anderson: Look, we're moving forward in line. Do you have the passes?

Peter Vaughn: Sure.

~Vaughn pulls the two passes out of his tuxedo jacket pocket, displaying them to Sadie. She seems comforted by this, half-expecting Vaughn to lose them so that they couldn't go in and he could return to the ranch. The two move forward, listening to the conversation ahead of them.~

Fancy Woman: I tell you, that was the last time we let Sigfried on our yacht!

~The man next to her laughs, as does the security guard checking their pass, although his laugh sounds a lot more fake. He waves them through, and Sadie and Vaughn step forward.~

Security: Passes please.

Peter Vaughn: Yes sir. You know, we never had any problems on my cruise ship, the, uh, Titanic...

~Sadie gives Vaughn a playful nudge with her elbow, getting him to shut up. The security guard runs the passes through his scanner... and then runs them again. After the third time, Vaughn looks a little more annoyed.~

Peter Vaughn: Technology, am I right? Never works like it's supposed to.

Security: Actually, it IS working, sir. But I'm afraid I'm getting a negative message on these passes.

Peter Vaughn: Negative message?

Security: It seems your invite... has been denied.

~Vaughn's eyebrows go up, as Sadie brings a hand to her mouth in shock. The security guard seems to be a little torn himself, as he hands the passes back.~

Security: I'm sorry, Mr. Vaughn. If it's any consolation, I loved your Ultimate X match for the Roulette Championship last year, it was my favorite contest of the year.

Peter Vaughn: I appreciate that... now who do I talk to about these passes? The mayor?

Security: I'm afraid the mayor is already inside, and you, unfortunately, are not to be allowed in. Please don't make me call more security and ruin that beautiful suit of yours.

~Seeing this as a challenge, Vaughn steps forward, but Sadie quickly grabs his arm, shaking her head. They turn and walk back down the steps, with Vaughn rubbing at his head, deeply confused.~

Peter Vaughn: Why would it be denied? I don't remember talking about Eric Johnson in any of my promos recently. Why would they invite us, and then block us?

Sadie Anderson: I can make a couple of calls, see what I can find out. I've got connections there. But before I do that... you didn't set this up, right, Peter? To keep us out?

Peter Vaughn: Of course not!! ... I would have done something that made more sense than this.

Sadie Anderson: Okay, then, let me talk to some people. We'll find out what's going on.

~Sadie moves off, her phone at the ready, as she goes into the political battlefield. Vaughn, meanwhile, looks back towards the security guard, seeing him check in another couple for the event. He takes note of the other guards nearby, weighing up the odds.~

Peter Vaughn: We'll get in there. I guarantee it.

~Vaughn clenches his fists, knowing that whether he wanted in there or not, Sadie DID, and that's all that matters. He heads off back to his truck to get some tools as we slowly fade out.~

Offline JustinSmith

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« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2024, 09:55:04 PM »
 The scene opens up with Justin Smith outside Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas to catch an Adele show.  Before he approaches the ticket counter, he stops to talk about his latest loss to Eddie Lyons’s.

Justin-I know I talked a big game last week, and I lost, and I’m ok with that knowing how good Eddie is.  I also get a chance to seek revenge at My Bloody Valentine when I face him and Peter Vaughan for the Roulette championship.  To be honest, when I saw I was booked in this match, I was shocked because I haven’t won many matches, yet I’m getting a title shot already.  I am going to make the best of this opportunity, even tho there’s a good chance I will walk away without the title.  I will do whatever it takes to win tho.

Justin laughs before calling his old trainer and SCW Hall of Famer Casey Williams about Justin’s upcoming title shot.

Justin-Hey Casey, do you have a few minutes so I can pick your brain about me getting a roulette championship match next on Sunday against Peter Vaughan and Eddie Lyons?

Casey-Well, I don’t know much about them except that they been around for a while and are good wrestlers but I know what you are capable of, and if you go out there and do what you do best like you did against the Troll, you should be able to get the win and the roulette title no problem.

Justin-Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can finish the conversation as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin makes his way to the gym to get a workout in, but turns to the camera to address his opponents, Roulette champion Peter Vaughan and fellow challenger Eddie Lyons.

Justin-Eddie and Peter, I know that you guys are great wrestlers and the likelihood of me winning is equal to yours, but I also know that I don’t have the same success rate you guys do.  That will not stop me from being hungry enough to snatch that Roulette championship. I am willing to do whatever it takes to walk out the winner at My Bloody Valentine. Eddie, you and I must have proven something to management in our last encounter to warrant us a chance for the Roulette title opposed to being in the Blood Bath Brawl.  I am going to prove to the world that I am better than you when it counts most by walking away as Roulette champion. Peter, I may have been less than successful against Eddie last week, but when my back is against the proverbial wall, I do not back down without a fight and am here to show the world how much fight I have in me when I pin you for your title, ending your reign once and for all.

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he approaches the workout equipment.

Title reigns

Offline Eddie Lyons

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« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 07:54:17 PM »
It had been a while since Eddie visited his family home in Baltimore. He was traveling a lot because of SCW, and when he did some back to his home region most of his time was spent down in Charlotte training at The Lyons Den.[/i]

Eddie looked around the living room, it was just as he remembered it. His mother just liked it that way and never saw much need to change it. Feeling relaxed, he took a seat on the couch, just as his father returned with the beers.

“It’s good to see you Eddie.” said Ray, “Real proud of your progress in SCW.”

“Thanks dad.”
Eddie replied, popping the top off his his beer, and taking a sip.

“So, big championship match coming up.” said  Ray, “How you feeling?”

Eddie took another sip of his beer, “As good as I can. It’s my fourth chance at a championship, and my third with Peter. Somehow though I think this is the time, this is where I become a champion. I know I said that last time but I have to believe. I have to believe in myself, because I know I can do this.”

“I know you can too.” said Ray, “You're better than I ever was in my time. Really, all of Coach Kaisers students are better than any of us were back in the old IWF days. That includes Coach Kaiser as well.  He grew and developed over the years but he’s doing a much better job these days as a coach to all of you guys.”

“Oh, I think you guys did alright for yourselves.” said Eddie. “Running a company can’t be easy.”

“Some of us I guess.” shrugged Ray sipping his own beer, “You know I never won a championship in my career. I had opportunities, but never could capture one. Your uncles both won multiple but not me. I was just the oft forgotten about middle child. Even my friends Marcus Richardson and Mr. Ghetto won championships. But I still had fun doing it all, and wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Oh I know.” said Eddie,”Coach Kaiser talks about those days all the time. It’s all the more reason for me to win this championship. I’m tired of my cousins taking all the glory of this family. Our family line matters too, and as your only child, it’s up to me to carry it on for us. Vincent and Victoria have each other, and Alex probably has multiple half siblings all over the place.”

“Yeah your Uncle Zack really liked the rats.” said Ray said with a laugh, “But you don’t need to fight for my honor or anything. I’m happy enough with what I did, even if it wasn’t as much as my brothers. You need to do this for you, and know I’m proud of you no matter what.”

“That means a lot Dad, thanks.” said Eddie.

“When you do win one though, you gotta let me hold it.” said Ray

“Only if you beat me for it.” Eddie smirked.

The two laughed, and shared the rest of the evening reminiscing, and discussing some pointers for Eddies championship match, before Eddie spent the night in his old bedroom, which again Mom had left exactly the same. He had to drive back to the Carolinas in the morning. Coach Kaiser had invited him over to watch the Superbowl with his family.


“Goddamn Kermit The Frog looking motherfucker!!!  And fuck Taylor Swift too!”

Those were the words that rang through Eddies ears the moment the Superbowl ended, they were followed by Coach Kaiser throwing a bowl of chips across the room, and then slamming the door to his house as he stormed outside in the Joe Montana 49ers Jersey that Eddie had bought him just before High Stakes a few months back.

“He gonna be alright?” asked Eddie to Kaiser’s wife Marissa.

“He better get over it.” Marissa replied, “And he better not slam another door in this house though, and he better not expect me to clean those chips up.”

“I’ll go talk to him.” said Eddie as he stood up and made his way outside.

He found Coach Kaiser sitting outside on one of the porch chairs, resting with a fist against his head in frustration.

“Tell Marissa I’ll clean the mess up.” he said, as he sensed Eddies approach.

“Said to not slam anymore doors either.” Eddie grinned.

“Yeah, well I was pissed off. We came so close. I know I moved my family here to Charlotte, but  my home will always be The Bay.” said Coach Kaiser.

“Did you really need to take a shot at Taylor Swift too?” Eddie asked, as he took a seat of his own.

“Whatever.” Kaiser said, “Beyonce is better anyway.”

“Okay Kanye.” Eddie retorted.

“Oh you got jokes now?” said Kaiser, a grin forming on his face.

“Now and then.” said Eddie with a smile, “But seriously they had a good year, and came up just short in the end. There should be no shame in the Niners performance this year.”

Coach Kaiser said nothing, as Eddie continued

“Remember, Brock Purdy was called Mr. Irrelevant at one point but he stayed strong and proved himself and led his team to the Superbowl.” Eddie continued, “Some call me a choke artist and you know what, I’m going to do the same thing as Purdy and prove them all wrong. The only difference is I’m going to WIN the championship. The Niners didn’t get it done for you, but I will.”

“You know you have my full support.” Kaiser nodded.

“I’m gonna do it. I’m going to win a championship.” said Eddie with confidence, “You’ve put a lot of work into me, helping me grow. It’s time for me to step up and allow it all to pay off by taking the championship away from Peter Vaughn.”

“Well, whatever happens. Remember we keep fighting.” said Kaiser “That’s the spirit of all Lyons Den talent. We keep fighting.”

“No doubt.” agreed Eddie.

“Anyway, it sounds like I have a mess to cleanup.” said Kaiser, “Best not piss the wife off any further.”

“I’ll help you out.” said Eddie.

After Coach Kaiser took another quick moment to calm himself, the two went back inside to clean up the mess of Doritos that littered the floor of the Kaiser home.


The backyard of the Kaiser household, is rather nice. Private deck, swimming pool, a giant metal BBQ smoker built by Kaiser himself. A true vision of someone who’s been successful in their field. It’s here where the cameras open on Eddie, and Coach Kaiser together this time, both seated on a picnic table. Eddie doing the cool kid thing, and sitting on the table with his feet on the bench, Coach Kaiser next to him sitting on the bench normally, just turned the other way do he can face the camera like Eddie.

“Nervous?” Eddie began, with a confident smile, showing that he was anything but, “No Petes. I’m not nervous. You said yourself, you knocked me out, you caused internal bleeding. What more can you really do to me now that would make me nervous? Knock me out again? More bleeding? Been there, done that.  Perhaps you could break a bone or something, but that feels like a far less fate than internal bleeding, or being knocked out. You’ve done your worst, and here I still stand.”

Eddie keeps his unwavering look of confidence on the camera, Coach Kaiser does the sane, but allows his talent to continue speaking his mind.

“Maybe that’s it.” Eddie continued, “Maybe somewhere deep down, it bothers you that after what you’ve already done to me and I still get up and live to fight another day. Maybe some part of it frustrates you, and you feel this need to end me for good. But as the name states Peter, I am unbreakable. That’s why I always get up. I take every loss I’ve had in this company as a chance to grow, and make myself better. Then when I meet those people again, the outcome won’t be the same.”

Eddie pauses for a moment, laughs to himself and holds up a finger.

“But I haven’t yet been able to crack you have I?” said Eddie, “To be fair, I haven’t had yet had another shot at Mercer, Barnhart or Kasey. Really I’ve only faced the same opponent one on one more than once, with two people. You and Golden Briefcase holder Rodrigo Afonso.  I have great respect for Afonso, him and I stared here around the same time and both of us have done well for ourselves, if I may say so. But thing is, I see Rodrigo walking around with that briefcase. I can see in his eyes how proud he is to carry it. I want that. I want that feeling and for me to get that feeling I need to win the Roulette Championship.”

Eddie looks down at his empty shoulder, visualizing in his eyes having a championship rest on it.

“I know I can beat you. I know it.” Eddie continued, “I just realize now that I have to, as they say do as the romans do. I have to learn to get violent and honestly, when a lion gets violent nobody is safe. I just hope Sadie has someone to help her mourn the death of her bloody valentine…..”

Suddenly Coach Kaiser interrupts, singing.

“ONEEE LAAAAAST TIME SINGING OH MY LOVE PLEASE DON'T’ CRY…” Coach Kaiser sang with a smile before Eddie stopped him.

“What the hell are you singing for?” he asked, not recognizing a song that was probably older than he was at this point.

“Sorry..but you said those words in that order, and I couldn’t help myself.” Coach Kaiser said.

“You told me to say them!!!” Eddie said, throwing his hands in the air for a moment.

“....Just keep going.”
  Coach Kaiser grinned.

Eddie shook his head before continuing.

“I don’t get your generation sometimes.” Eddie said, “Now Justin. Well you did the Justin thing, and that’s to say, not much. What surprised me the most was your choice of concert. I have nothing against Adele, but I just..didn’t expect a tough guy like you to be a fan, let alone be willing to be seen at one of her concerts. Kudos to you for that I guess. Just know that this is a war you’re coming into, a war between Peter and myself and if you don’t come properly prepared, it’s you who will be rolling in the deep, when you could have had it all.”

Coach Kaiser scrunches his face and gives Eddie the so-so hand gesture. Eddie decided not to remind him that he told him to say that line too.

“Everything Peter and I said about you are just the hard truths you need to learn to accept.” Eddie continued, “Peter is right, you are boring. Your name is boring. I understand wanting to use your birth name, but when it’s a plain as yours is, then it needs an adjustment. Even I shortened my name to Eddie, because it just rolls off the tongue better than Edward Lyons. Edward makes me sound sort of prissy.”

“Even in my day, every company had a Justin Sane.” said Coach Kaiser, “Even us. Actually he was a good friend of your Uncle Vincent's, tag partner even. As unoriginal as the Justin Sane’s were, still more original than Justin Smith.”

“Everything I do fellas is for this business.” said Eddie, “I train harder than anyone else at The Lyons Den. I have to, because I need to bring my coach and my school a championship. I’ve seen all my cohorts before me win championships for The Lyons Den and it’s time I join them. I need to make myself better, because one day someone else will be that new student and I want them to look to me for inspiration, like I look to the ones who came from The Lyons Den before me. I have to prove I belong among the BEST Lyons Den talent, and I don’t intend to disappear into nothing like many have before me.”

“Well..those were mostly my fault.” said Kaiser, “I wasn’t coaching or leading them right.”

“Still, I won’t let  myself be listed among them.” said Eddie. “I don’t care if it takes me five thousand tries. I will never give up in my goal of becoming a champion. I will always get back up and I will always keep fighting. But I can say with great confidence that it won’t take me five thousand tries. Change is going to happen in SCW at My Bloody Valentine and that change is going to be the beginning of era of Eddie Lyons as Roulette Champion. The beginning of Peter Vaughns rise to World Champion, and the era of Justin Smith being taught a valuable lesson, that he’ll probably learn nothing from.”

Eddie pauses for a short moment.

“You’ve played a great part in awaking the beast inside me Peter.” said Eddie, “I have to give you credit for that. The beatings just made me hungrier, with more of a desire to come right back and sock you in the mouth and break your fucking jaw. You want to see me get more violent then I’m going to get more violent. But be warned, I just my maul you limb from limb because like I said, I really have nothing to lose anymore. I will still be standing there when the smoke settles and I will shake your hand Peter, but I’ll be doing it as he NEW Roulette Champion.”

“You might even….BANK ON IT.said Coach Kaiser.

The camera lingered on the two of them for a moment, before cutting to static.


The last people Eddie wanted to deal with in the days leading to his championship match his three thick-headed cousins but that was just who he got today. They were likely upset because the company they joined didn't end up panning out in the end and figured they’d let their own frustrations out on Eddie. Of course, it was Victoria who would do most of the talking.

“Well, if it isn’t our wayward cousin.” she said upon approach, “Ready to disappoint us once again?”

Alexander Lyons, flanking Victoria on her left mocks Eddie with a choking motion.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” said Eddie, trying to ignore them.

“Quite the opposite really dear cousin.” Victoria continued, “We want you to actually win this time. Your losses make the rest of the family look bad. All three of us have been champions, and we all did it quickly. But you just can’t seem to get it together can you?”

“Yeah, well at least I have a contract.” Eddie replied, realizing he was just going to have to deal with this.

“Oh. He’s mouthy today.”  said Victoria “We all know Coach Kaiser plays favorites. He can get us SCW contracts too, but he won’t. If PWS ever comes back, he’s gonna send Cleo.  As for us, we will be forced to sit and wait till he feels like sending us somewhere.”

“Well, maybe it’s your attitude Victoria.” said Eddie starting to get pissed off, “The three of you look down on everyone around here. You just want to control everything around you.”

“I used to think you were cool.” said Eddie to Vincent, “We were best friends as kids. Now I don’t even know who you are.”

“And you.” he said turning to Alex, “You’re afraid to be alone. You were kept away from your family for so long, now you want nothing else but to be a part of some sort of family.”

He shakes his head a the three of them.

“You’re the ones making the Lyons name look bad.” Eddie said, “I’m trying to show that some of us still have respect. Some of us still have some damn integrity and can fight on their own. You all brag about your championships, but you took shortcuts to get to them. All of you. When I win my first championship, it will be done the right way and it will be because I actually earned it. I didn’t need the backup of my twin, nor did I need the backup of a bunch of emo vampires.”

Victoria scowled, and held back the feisty Alexander.

“That’s what really worries you isn’t it?” said Eddie, “You worry that I’m actually going to win, and for the first time a Lyons of the modern era will win a championship on their own.”

“Or perhaps you’ll never win anything like Uncle Ray.” Victoria smirked.

“Perhaps.” Eddie shrugged, “But at least I’ll always have stayed true to myself. At least I will be able to say I didn’t rely on the help of others.”

“Eddie…” Victoria started

“No.” Eddie interrupted, “Just stop. All you’re trying to is get in my head before my match, throw me off my game. But it’s not going to work. I’m sorry you lost your contracts but that has nothing to do with me. Now, I kindly ask you to leave me the fuck alone.  Maybe go figure out how to get contracts instead of bothering the only one of us who actually has one.”

Seemingly out of nowhere, Cleo Phillips having overheard the conversation popped up next to Eddie.

“Yo, we got a problem here?” she said, ready to back Eddie up.

“No.” said Eddie, “We’re good. C’mon let’s go spar.”

Eddie pushed past Victoria with confidence, with Cleo in tow. Cleo took it upon herself to “check” Victoria as they passed, and smirked when she flinched in response.


The cameras open on a shot of Eddie sitting on some ring steps, he’s by himself and after a few moments begins to address the cameras.

“So this is it, Peter, Justin.” he started, “Soon we’ll doing battle for the Roulette Championship. Where I intend to prove that Peter made the correct choice in picking me to be the on to carry the Roulette Championship into the future. And let’s make it clear, it WILL be me.”

He looks into the camera, showing his look of determination and grit.

“Justin, well you simply aren’t ready.” Eddie said, “Where Peter is right about me, he’s wrong about you. But once he gets in the ring with us, he’ll realize how non-threatening you really are and that the only threat in this match to him, is me. As for Peter, well he keeps talking about wanting to move up, about feeling weighed down by the Roulette Championship. I know Peter is still a fighting champion and isn’t going to roll over but the question remains. How much do you care? The more you focus on wanting to move up the ranks, where you can go to battle with guys like Goth, Finn Whelan or J2H, the less you’re going to care about the Roulette Championship and the less effort you’re going to put in to defending it.  You won’t even do it intentionally, but once someone becomes bored with something, there’s a natural less effort put in when it comes to dealing with that something. It might just a little less, maybe a slight crack in your game. But that’s all I need, just one little moment and I will end your reign once and for all.”

After a short pause, Eddie continues

“I’m fighting to prove myself to so many people and I just can’t let any of them down.” Eddie continues, “Coach Kaiser of course, he got me here. He taught me everything and always has my best interests at heart. He believes in me, and I need to prove to him that I’m not a wasted talent, that I can be a champion like the rest of his students, and do what I can do all he work he’s put into me and my career. He could have gave the SCW contract to any of my more successful cousins, or even his top student and my good friend Cleo Phillips. But he chose me, and it’s time I show him he made the right decision.”

Eddie nods to himself, as he draws in a breath, then exhales.

“Cleo..” he said, “She’s helped me a lot too,. We train together, we spar together. She’s done a lot to help toughen me up more. She’s the toughest person I know. You’d have to be tough to have lived the life she has, seen the things she has. Robberies, prison, gang fights, gun violence. It’s a life I don’t think myself, Justin or Peter could handle. I need to prove to Cleo that I can be a champion like her and I can be as tough as her.”

Eddie pauses again, for a moment.

“Then we have my cousins.” Eddie said, with a slight laugh, “I need to prove to the three of them that I am not the failure to the family they see me as. They think I’m a blight on the family name. They don’t think I can do it but I intend to prove them wrong. I am just as much a Lyons as the three of them, and it’s time I show them  just what Cousin Eddie is capable of.”

Eddie pauses again, as he looks directly at the camera

“Finally I need to prove myself to you, Peter Vaughn.” Eddie said, “You said you see something in me and wants to bring the best out in me. If I don’t succeed your going to look for someone else. But we all know your first choice is the best choice and your first choice was me. You want me to surpass my limits and I will do all I can to do that. You are going to see a tougher Eddie Lyons hats become more willing to kick your head in and maul you to pieces. I am even more determined to get it done this time. If not, then it’s back to fighting till I get to try again, but I just can’t let that happen. I’m going to keep fighting of course, but I’ll be doing it as Roulette Champion.”

He takes a moment to let his words settle on the ears of the viewers.

“I also need to win this for my father.” Eddie explained, “He never won a championship during his career, having to watch both his older and younger brother reach more success than him. I need to do right, and bring MY SIDE of the family a championship. It’s time and I’m ready to step up to the next level in my career, and you’re not going to fucking stop me this time Peter. Justin Smith certainly won’t be getting one over on me.”

He shows no signs of nerves, he comes off confident, and ready as he continues on.

“Peter, I do wish you well in your chase for the World Championship.” Eddie said, “Maybe one day you and I will face off again and it will be for the World Championship. Then I’ll take that from you too. Justin, I don’t know man. Like I said, you need a serious wake up call if you want to amount to anything in SCW. I can say with all the confidence I have in my heart that no matter what happens even if I don’t walk out champion, I’ll still walk out looking like a champion. I’ll still walk out of the match looking like I belong. I don’t know I can say the same for you. Peter sure, but I believe you to be the clear weak link in this match. I mean your record speaks for itself right? Just one victory over The Troll, who also never beats anybody. See why I’m not really impressed? You’re best bet is to stay out of my way, and probably Peters way as well because he isn’t going to be any nicer to you than I am. The two of us understand what needs to be done and if you’re unable to keep up then you’re just going to be left in the dust, weeping to your Adele records about how you could have had it all.

Eddie winks at the camera with a smirk.

“It’s gonna be a war boys, and only one of us can win.” said Eddie “It’s all going to come down to who wants it the most. Will it be the guy who openly states he wants to move on from the championship? Will it be the guy who nobody believes in pulling off a surprise upset? Or will it be the guy who wants it more than the other two, the one who’s stepped up twice and came up just short and is now looking to finally finish the job and become the champion he knows he can be? It could be any one of them, but I think one of those stands out a bit more than the others don’t you think? My Bloody Valentine will begin the true rise of Eddie Lyons as Roulette Champion and it’s going to be one helluva ride. See you soon fellas.”

Eddie nodded to the camera, and gave his look of determination and some intimidation, until it all finally fades to black with Eddie ready to win against whatever comes his way at My Bloody Valentine.

Offline JustinSmith

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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2024, 08:49:13 PM »
 The scene opens up with Justin Smith outside his old trainer Casey Williams house in Las Vegas to get a workout in.  Before he approaches the door, he stops to talk about his mood.

Justin-I enjoy kicking people’s ass, and even tho I haven’t been winning matches in SCW, I give my all and leave it all in the ring.  There is nothing I won’t do to win the Roulette title, and neither Peter Vaughan nor Eddie Lyons will stop me from obtaining my goal.  If they somehow do, I will not stop until the Roulette championship is mine.

Justin laughs before calling his old friend and fellow trainee Hitamashii about Justin’s upcoming title shot.

Justin-Hey Hitamashii, do you have a few minutes so I can pick your brain about me getting a roulette championship match next on Sunday against Peter Vaughan and Eddie Lyons?

Hitamashii-Well, I don’t know much about them except that they been around for a while and are good wrestlers but I know what you are capable of, that you are tough and I have faith in you.

Justin-Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Justin waves off the cameraman, asking him to leave so Justin can finish the conversation as the scene fades to black.

The following day, Justin is seen at his hotel room, getting ready to go to lunch, but turns to the camera to address his opponents, Roulette champion Peter Vaughan and fellow challenger Eddie Lyons.

Justin-Eddie and Peter, you guys should be afraid of the level of pain I am going to inflict upon you guys. I will show you guys no mercy and expect the unexpected from me.  There is nothing that is going to stop me from beating you guys, and walk away the new Roulette Champion.  Peter should be worried that I may end up pinning Eddie and taking the title.  I will inflict pain, punishment and no mercy upon you both.

The scene fades to black with Justin cackling as he leaves the hotel room.

Title reigns