Author Topic: Brains  (Read 261 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
« on: November 20, 2015, 11:42:58 PM »

Climax Control was over as Crystal made her way back to her hotel room. You would think that after losing such a big match the Rose Goddess would have nothing but a frown on her face, however for some reason Crystal was actually all smiles as she slid the key into her hotel room door and she slowly cracked it open. She swung the door open and as she did was able to spot her close friend Zelda Knite was sitting down on the floor in darkness. Crystal’s room was covered in nothing but darkness except for the small lit that emerged from the television screen. Zelda had a tub of popcorn in her hand as she smiled in anticipation hearing the gunshots emerged from the speakers on the television screen. Crystal rolled her eyes as she couldn’t help but cross her arms glancing back at the Texan in front of her.

Crystal: “So I take it you didn’t get to watch my match?!

Zelda laughs in return as she places some popcorn in her mouth while cracking a wide grin.

Zelda: “Oh that?! Yeah I saw it… You fought hard… You gave it everything you had but in true Crystal fashion you FAILED once again! Sounds like a normal day in the shoes of Crystal Hilton to me….

Crystal quickly shakes her head as she looks deeply back into Zelda’s eyes.

Crystal: “Well yes… I mean NO…. I mean Yes…. Damn it Z! It was a lot more than what you explained. Aren’t you confused to why I actually have a smile on my face?! Aren’t you confused to why I can sit here, and just chuckle at me losing…

Zelda: “No you just didn’t lose… You tapped out… I am sure there’s pretty much a major difference between the two Crystal!

Crystal: “And how is that different Zelda?!

Zelda cracks an even wider grin as she stares daggers right into Crystal.

Zelda: “It’s different because it means you had your hand on the suck button… It means you quit…

Crystal: “Maybe because I was in severe pain and rather risk injury it was much easier to just maybe save myself for another day instead of risking an injury.

Zelda just scoffs as she looks back at Crystal with a smile on her face.

Zelda: “I mean if you say so of course. Everyone knows that quitting is just a shortcut to losing… So if you want to admit you are a loser that’s more than fine with me…

Crystal folds her arms as she stares daggers right into the eyes of Zelda.

Crystal: “Why do you always find a way to just undermine everything that I try to tell you? It’s as if you just want me to fail or you really couldn’t care less about what I do in my wrestling career?

Zelda thinks about it for a few moments as she turns her attention back over to the television. She grins just throwing more popcorn into her mouth as she looks deep into the eyes of Crystal.

Zelda: “So Crystal could you ever imagine if zombies were a real thing?

Crystal seems befuddled as she crosses her arms in return.

Crystal: “Zombies as in the things that constantly roam the Earth in all of those movies wanting to eat people’s brains?! Or the things that you used to call all of your fans/

Zelda nods her head in return as she eats a little bit more popcorn as she keeps her eyes fixated on Crystal.

Zelda: “Something like that but I have been keeping up with all of these tv shows as of late. The Walking Dead… IZombie and there are some thoughts that are just crossing my mind right now.

Crystal: “Over a damn zombie outbreak that will more than likely never happen?!

Zelda yells back at Crystal in return.

Zelda: “You don’t know that! I mean what if we are already infected?! What happens that the moment one of us dies we come back to life as a zombie and we roam around aimlessly? What do we do then?

Crystal stares blankly into the eyes of Zelda as she seems disgusted.

Crystal: “You honestly aren’t serious right now…

Zelda: “But I am serious you played video games like Resident Evil or the Last of Us. The moment one of us gets bit that’s it. Infection spreads and it will speed the process of us turning. But when the outbreak I do have some requests.

Crystal: “Requests?”

Zelda nods her head with a wicked grin as she looks back at Crystal

Zelda: “Yes requests so when everything does happen. I want you to promise me one thing Crystal.

Crystal: “Ok and that would be?

Zelda: “Whatever you do, if for some reason I do turn promise not to kill me. You better keep fighting to the very end to find a cure.

Crystal: “So I am supposed to just keep you alive… or is it undead as you might potentially you know kill me in the process just to save you even though you might be unsaveable?!

Zelda: “That’s right…That’s exactly the point.”

Crystal: “That is so stupid! And you do realize that things that happen in video games are just purely fictional right?!

Zelda: “Right… Just so you know if you ever get bitten… I would totally put you out of your misery with a bullet to the head.

Crystal: “Why?!”

Zelda: “Because I am the STAR between us so…

Crystal: “Yeah I don’t think you could live then… A knife through the brain would surely suffice for you.

Zelda: “So that’s how it’s going to be?”

Crystal: “Yeah you can get out of my room now… BYE FELICIA!

Zelda just sighs as she leaves the room leaving Crystal in the room by herself.
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