Author Topic: Two years of craving to be tag team champions  (Read 345 times)

Offline Konrad Raab

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Two years of craving to be tag team champions
« on: September 15, 2017, 11:33:51 PM »
 Discussing The Monstimals return and their upcoming match. Melbourne, Australia. Sunday 9th September. (Off Camera)

It was a few hours after Lord Raab had his feast or fired ladder match over in Extreme Hardcore Wrestling Federation as he and Samuel officially joined a stable to destroy and take out Samson family and Joshua who Lord Raab's hated from the day he heard about him by his twin brother and he felt much happier because little do people know that no longer was Raab carrying any broken bones or that he's had glass removed from his back. Reason being was because he had to have surgery to remove skin cancer from a lump on his face.

Of course you can't see the signs of surgery because Raab was fully clothed, but little does he know he's gonna make a debut very soon in Carnage Wrestling after he made his mark by attacking wrestlers named Candyman and Shinjiro Yamamoto. He was now officially employed with Carnage Wrestling, but for now was only there for singles matches, much like he's only employed with Sin City Wrestling for tag matches.

It works both ways with Lord Raab discovering new things in Carnage Wrestling to start his solo's debut, while Samuel hadn't made a proper solo's run with Sin City Wrestling after the news about Lord Raab's skin cancer. Raab was really happy after they've just got back in their hired apartment and while Samuel sat down, Raab walks around like he's looking for something and although he was glad to be in pain again.

Lord Raab: “It was awesome I'm feeling pain again. It's well worth celebrating.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Although it was also down to Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson having new hurdles stacking against them, there was also one reason why Lord Raab hadn't fully retired from SCW, the tag titles he wanted to win for two whole years and it has drove him mad and he says this.

Lord Raab: “I'm fucking dying to win those tag team titles. Every fucking time we get a chance, we fucking blew it. I want to win those SCW tag titles.”

It turned to anger as Lord Raab clinches his fists, but at the same time remembers what the doctors at the hospital told him about his heart, having to take medication everyday to save his life, more so now that he got a girl pregnant and having twins. Of course, Sarah was up to nearly 3 months now and she was struggling, big time with the twins she's carrying.

Lord Raab: “Wonder if Sarah is alright? Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me, giving a damn about a girl?”

Samuel relaxs Raab as he was angry because he not only was unable to win the tag titles, but also that Sarah was vomiting a lot and Samuel writes down for Raab to relax and takes a deep breath, while the phone goes off and Henry walks away from them as Samuel nods. When Raab notices a few minutes later Henry was not in the room, he asks.

Lord Raab: “Where's Henry?”

Samuel does a phone sign with his hands, explaining that Henry's on the phone to somebody, who knows what and where as both The Monstimals members hadn't been watching any Climax Control or even the Supershow they had recently because they've been trying to be with Raab, coping with many different surgeries he had, even nearly had fights a few times because he hates pain being removed from him. Henry returns to the room and he smiles with Raab looking at the floor, not noticing Henry's smile and he says this.

Henry Losak: “Funny you mention the tag titles because guess what team is gonna go for the tag titles?”

Lord Raab: “What?”

Henry Losak: “I was told by Christian Underwood that the tag titles were recently stripped from The Bad Boys because of their lack of effort of defending those tag titles. Since they beat you and Samuel for the tag titles, they upped and left the company.”

Lord Raab: “See, I was right about them being The Pussy Boys after all. It's funny how that truth came out when they can't be bothered to put in the work. So what's gonna happen now?”

Henry Losak: “They said at the Supershow, they announced the tag titles need to go to a new home both male and female tag divisions and they knew you guys were coming back so they've added you and a few other teams to be in the battle royal match for the tag titles.”

It was the news Raab was hoping for, the one and only thing he really wants to do has come true. He's getting another chance to become tag team champions. Right now, that's all Lord Raab cared about and he says this.

Lord Raab: “Two fucking years we've been tracking those belts and it's driving me fucking mental that me and Samuel have never won those belts. I want them more than anything else right now in the wrestling business.”

Henry Losak: “I'm surprised y.............”

Lord Raab: “I don't give a shit which teams they throw at us because I'm showing these tag teams that nobody is gonna step in mine and Samuel's way this time to capture those tag titles. We want them and there's no team gonna stop us from achieving that goal. We'll bring fucking weapons to the match to beat the living shit out of all the teams in the match just to win those tag titles.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Henry Losak: “But we have to stay here because they are on the road trip over here and New Zealand. I said to them, we're already in Australia, but the problem is now, I've got to cancel flights back to America and swap them for New Zealand.”

Lord Raab of course got concerned as he knew right now, Samuel's friend was looking after Sarah and seeing their not able to come home on Tuesday like they planned to, things have to be changed and he says this, thinking and worrying about the pregnant girl he knocked up.

Lord Raab: “Fuck, it means I have to phone Samuel's friend right now to tell her to stay with Sarah longer.”

Right now, who his opponents were at this time weren't on his mind as he snatches the phone away from Henry and dials her number up, waiting for her to pick up, even if the time zones are very different in Australia to America. It took a while, but Samuel's friend, Charlotte picked up and Raab went right down to the chase.

Lord Raab: “We have a problem. Me and Samuel have got to travel to New Zealand.”

Charlotte: “Why?”

Lord Raab: “Because we have to wrestle as a tag team next Sunday for the tag titles. Please, can you stay with Sarah for an extra week?”

Charlotte: “Sure, no problem and I'll tell Sarah that you won't be back for a bit.”

Lord Raab: “No, I will be back cos I got to wrestle in America on the same week anyway, but just until I come straight back. Thank you so much for everything on looking after Sarah and being able to do an extra week of taking care of her. Is she alright?”

Charlotte: “She's asleep at the moment. She's vomiting a lot, but it's nothing to worry about. Just remember it's a good thing because in the long run, those babies are gonna be healthy.”

Lord Raab: “Yeah, you're right, must remember those babies are fine and apart of the pregnancy process. I let you go and sorry for calling you so late.”

Charlotte: “No, not at all as this was important for me to know. I'll see you and Samuel later.”

Raab puts the phone down as he never wanted to say goodbye, but now he knows Sarah is officially asleep at this point in time and the vomiting signs he has to remember are a good signs of the babies being in general healthy, he then suddenly switched his focus back to the tag title match as he does ask the question.

Lord Raab: “So who's the other teams we're facing then?”

Henry Losak: “Thought you'd never ask. You have The Black Sheep which as you guys know have beaten before, you got Travis Nathaniel Andrews and Horace Jackson.”

Lord Raab: “Oh don't make me laugh. Travis will always be a fucking joke of the wrestling business, especially the shit he's said about my brother a few months ago. I'll blast this fake cunt with words. That's funny really people think he has a chance of winning the titles like wise with Black Sheep as well. I mean sure my brother and I never got along, even disagree with our views of wrestling, but they shouldn't be teaming if they can't get along, that's why we defeated them with no problems last time.”

Henry Losak: “There's more. There's also James Tuscini and Pinky.”

Lord Raab: “Oh god it gets worse. Why is Pinky in the match? This match is sounding like a god damn joke already. The guy has never wrestled.”

Henry shook his head, knowing Raab already completely forgot about Samuel starting out as a wrestler and he reminds him of that.

Henry Losak: “Yet you forgot that Samuel's first match was also in a professional wrestling company in 4CW against Chris Madison, you know the time where you ran away those years ago? Yeah so think what you say.”

This clearly shut Raab up, he had forgotten about that match Samuel had to do first time around against Chris Madison which he lost, but the difference was Samuel was built for wrestling and had two weeks of training, Pinky would only have training for a week, but he however understood where Henry was coming from, although were in different situations.

Henry Losak: “While you've faced all of those opponents except for Pinky and Horace Jackson, there's a new team they've mentioned to me and I'll try and gather the info up for them along with Horace Jackson known as London Underground. They have a stable of male and female wrestlers.”

Lord Raab: “Oh just great, another stable is exactly what we need. I mean Black Sheep are piss poor as a stable, but who are their names in that London Underground team?”

Henry Losak: “Excluding the woman cos they aren't important. Daniel Morgan and a big guy Osbourne.”

Lord Raab: “All I can say is good to have new competition in SCW, especially for the tag team division. I mean I know SCW has their problems of gathering teams together so I can't really complain on London Underground taking that opportunity to place themselves in the match. Still they along with the other teams haven't had the commitment like me and Samuel have and we'll beat the living shit out of them.”

Of course Raab was going to bring up the fact of him and Samuel, chasing the tag titles for two years again, but Henry sighed, but at the same time, he even sees Samuel wanting to repeat and he even writes down something very important that he shows to Raab and Henry.

Henry Losak: “You do have determination of how bad you guys want to win the tag gold. However as much as I want you guys to train in the gym, I also want you both to spend time together while you both are in New Zealand as well outside of the gym. Go out and explore New Zealand together, doing something different for a change.”

Lord Raab: “Yeah, I've thought a lot about that me and Samuel really don't spend a lot of time outside of the gym. I do want to change that, more now that we're gonna be father's. In fact, I wanna have private time with Samuel right now. We'll discuss our cravings for the tag titles in the week.”

Of course without saying a word, Henry leaves the hired apartment, seeing he wanted them to have time together as he goes back to the hotel, Raab and Samuel go in the bedroom to close the door behind them, getting down to doing what they've not done in months, making love as they make noises and moaning before a few hours later, the room went silent with both lads getting the sleep they need before travelling to New Zealand after the last minute change of tickets as they head there and finally found a hired apartment for Raab and Samuel to stay in.


Cardrona Ski fields. Queenstown, New Zealand. Thursday 14th September. (Off Camera)

They were told by Henry while they were in Australia to have a day off from working out in the gym and spend time as a couple they are which it seems like they are in a very odd place where you don't expect to see a monster and an animal on their snowboards, going down the hills. Raab's very used to cold weather as there's some part of his home country that has hills and mountain covered with snow and it so happens that Germany are better in winter Olympics.

Of course, there's been a few times where both Samuel and Raab have fallen over, but they were having fun like they were told to do which even Raab felt like he could do while away from America. He almost felt like he's free because barely anybody knows him outside of America so he's willingly able to go snowboarding with Samuel. Needless to say Lord Raab and Samuel aren't very good snowboarders. They even had tips from people who've snowboarded and skied here every single winter as they both listened and Lord Raab thanked them as they knew what they were doing now on how to snowboard since they've never done anything like it before.

Besides, Raab wanted to take risks and be in pain if he hurts his body and even if they were wrestling on Sunday, they didn't care for what people will say or do when they snowboard. Of course, they were getting looks from people which Raab scared the crowd away as he wasn't someone who'd sign autographs or pose for pictures unlike his twin brother.

It's been an enjoyable day for Samuel and Raab to snowboard as a couple and kissed a few times during the snowboard course. There was a lot of people today seeing there's some snowboarding event going on with the big air competition, but they decide to leave it alone for a few hours so they could get better at snowboarding.

Lord Raab: “It's been great to snowboard with you.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Lord Raab: “But I'm thinking about the tag team titles Sam. It's all I got in my mind. Lets continue to snowboard down the hill a few times before we watch the big air competition, what do you say?”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

As Lord Raab sticks to his word to Samuel and they snowboard down every single mountain they could find, even some laughing and joking coming from them due to them having a ton of fun and a few hours later, they decide to call snowboarding for the day as they've been there since ten in the morning and it's now three in the afternoon as they take their snowboards back to the cabin and boots to wear normal boots again before they walk towards the big air competition that's been taking place this weekend.

The Snowboarders were doing a lot of tricks to get those big airs as Raab and Samuel lined the fence to watch the competition as it amazed even Samuel who's never seen anything like this before, even if Raab was thinking about the title match as Samuel writes to ask Lord Raab if he was alright.

Lord Raab: “I'm fine, just what I said to you hours ago. I'm sick and tired of not delivering when it comes to tag title shots in SCW. We seem to have the worst luck in the world. I mean enough is enough of allowing our competition to steal our chances for the tag team titles. We earned every right to go for the tag titles, but unlike some people in this match, we can't claim we're the tag team champions.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Lord Raab: “Things are gonna change big time and we're gonna cause fucking destruction on all those bitches, but one thing I will brag and admit to, we've got the most dedication for those belts. Not a big deal if the rest of the teams lose, especially London Underground because they'll be around for years and get the belts in the future.”

Raab had to face some hard truths about when he's going to retire from the wrestling business, but he shrugs it off with the complements as there's a guy doing a trick that's unbelievable towards the fans.

Lord Raab: “Wow, that was some sick air he got there. If we got nasty and dangerous, we'd teach them a thing or two how to earn a title shot. I mean we've lost to The Bad Boys, but I think it was our performance is what's having us be in this match. The Pussy Boys are gone and thank god they are, shitting on the title like they did. How dare they try to ruin the legacy of the tag division.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Lord Raab: “I suggest you enjoy the experience of the big air competition because they are so alike to us, even risking their lives you know.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Even Raab who's not usually into sports like that match was enjoying the tricks they were doing, taking risks a lot and he admired that and it occurred to Raab that London Underground are honestly gonna be an extremely hard test for them to come through with them in the ranks already.

Lord Raab: “I don't want to say this because I believe we can and will win the tag titles, but London Underground team is still something I'm gathering up information on. We can't overlook them because as far as I recall, they will push us to the test because the danger fact of them is we don't know what they can do.”

Samuel writes down what his thoughts were and he had to agree with Lord Raab, they weren't able to find much, other than their moves of what they can do in the ring and that they discovered something else about them which Samuel wrote down.

Lord Raab: “I didn't know they named themselves after trains in London. Good find Samuel. I mean yeah you got Black Sheep as well who could be dangerous, especially how one of them beat The Bad Boys recently, but it's like meh on the other two teams as I've said because there's no way Pinky will be ready in time so they'll already be out, Travis will continue to suck and I want his ass more than anybody in the match.”

Samuel asks why as he responds to the question while watching the sick air the snowboarders got in a competition.

Lord Raab: “Because that cunt kissed Kaden Kessler's ass, a cunt who gave out suicide and death threats to my brother and his wife. That goes to show that Travis will never change and he'll forever be a fucking joke to the business. I can't take him seriously, more now after what my brother said to me. Horace will carry his ass all throughout the match.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Lord Raab: “In fact, I'm hearing a lot of things lately and we are pretty much favourites in the match to become new tag team champions and believe me, we're already ready to face against these pricks and use weapons to take everybody out, using chairs to eliminate people over the top to have us be the last men standing to hold the tag champions after two whole years of hard work. We need to win and we're gonna do that.”

As they were watching the competition, they were cheering and rooting on the snowboarders landing their tricks as the guy who done the first trick ever done on a snowboard won the competition and he imagines something that's on later tonight and says this.

Lord Raab: “Hopefully FC Koln will beat Arsenal tonight and we'll win the tag team titles. FC Koln are a soccer team I support in Germany. Me and Konrad are massive fans of them and for the first time in 25 years, they're in Europe competition. Konrad and I are seeing FC Koln in two weeks time when they play Red Star Belgrade in Europa League, although Konrad's gonna stay in Germany longer than me cos he's got a lot of promoting to do for Supreme Championship Wrestling, according to Fizz.”

Samuel nods before writing down the new fact about his husband being a massive FC Koln fan and you could tell Lord Raab was excited for the game tonight. He wants FC Koln to win bad and he says this.

Lord Raab: “Seeing we got a long way home, we'll better head back now as I'm not gonna miss FC Koln play Arsenal or in Europe for the world and I'm not allowing anybody take short cuts at us and allow them to become champions because we've got the biggest determination out of everybody in our tag team match and trust me Samuel, there won't be just regular plain old tag matches like the other champions have done, we're gonna make more hardcore, cage and even hell in a cell tag matches.”

Samuel McPherson: “Yaarrp.”

Lord Raab: “Because other tag teams didn't think things through that apart from battle royals and triple threat tag matches, they were still matches with disqualification's and that's what we're gonna change when we become champions. It's nice to have enjoy snowboarding and watching the big air competition. Lets go home.”

Raab kisses Samuel's cheek as Samuel returns one for him before they head towards the train station along with getting a bus back to their hired apartment which Raab immediately goes to turn his laptop on and watches FC Koln play Arsenal in Europa League. Samuel on the other hand decides to listen to music as soccer wasn't really his cup of tea. Once the match was over with Arsenal winning 3-1 with Lord Raab saying this.

Lord Raab: “Fuck.”

Samuel obviously had no clue why as he had been watching youtube videos as he asks what's wrong and Raab looked at him with anger.

Lord Raab: “What do you think? FC Koln lost against Arsenal and I'm supposed to be happy about that? Hell no because Konrad would be feeling the same way too. Some of these Koln fans are complete utter wankers to delay the game like they did. Idiots. At least me and Konrad are guaranteed tickets to see FC Koln play Red Star Belgrade in two weeks time as his wife got me tickets for the game as well as Konrad.”

After Lord Raab turns the laptop off and places the lid down, Samuel drags Raab into the bedroom which did eventually calm him down, but it lasted a lot longer than usual, making Raab completely forget about the soccer game he watched and they went to sleep at 3 in the morning.


Time to finally become tag team champions shoot by Lord Raab (On camera)

“I'm fucking sick and tired of saying the same bullshit when it comes to me and Samuel still not winning the tag titles. It's driving us crazy, but despite me and Samuel being pissed off, we're still excited to get a chance to be tag team champions. I proved everything I said about The Pussy Boys when I mentioned them, taking off like they did without losing the belts because the competition was too tough for them. Heck, we nearly defeated them for those belts and do you know why? Because of mine and Samuel's determination and hard work we've done to get ourselves here.

Of course, we'll start with James Tuscini and Pinky. I know James has been far more focused on getting Pinky ready to wrestle. I don't need to listen to what he said because it's the truth. You've had the less time to prepare for this match because of that boundry in the way. Samuel was in the same position two years ago where he fought one of the top wrestlers going today, Chris Madison, but he trained two weeks before he fought him and he lost that match. I give James props for beating Calvin Harris, but the problem is you guys are no where near ready to become tag team champions.

Nor do I feel Travis Nathaniel Andrews and Horace  Jackson are ready either, especially I have a problem with Travis calling my brother out for the shit you've said about him on twitter. You know, you're good at sucking Kaden off who I'll get my hands on him one day to brutally beat the motherfucker myself for threatening suicide and death threats on my brother and his wife. Cos of your actions of shitting on Konrad who's innocent as anything, I don't believe a single thing of you changing and guess what? I'm gonna brutally beat the living shit out of you as well.

Nobody gets away calling me and my brother a joke, especially you've been the biggest joke out of everyone in this match, especially agreeing with a shit wrestlers like Kaden Kessler who doesn't give a fuck about this business. I don't know very much about Horace, but I know what he's done here though as I'm sure he has achieved a lot here, but I don't know much beyond this point and I may not want to beat you as much as I do with Travis, but you're just as guilty and Ben made a mistake allowing himself to manage the pair of you because you don't stand a chance against me and Samuel.

Black Sheep shouldn't even be together at this point because they can't get along as brothers they should be. Do you know why me and Konrad never teamed up? Because our views for wrestling is completely different to each other and it seems to be the case with you both along with your general lack of focus of being tag champs speaks volumes. At least the other teams you can depend on them getting along, but you sweete brothers won't and the whole stable is pointless. We'll  beat your asses like no tomorrow with that. Sure, one of you beat one of the pussy boys, but it means nothing now.

London Underground, the only team we have no history. I mean there's no way we can hate them for coming in and having the balls to take on the best tag teams in this company. Fuck, they could be the biggest threats in this match, but at the same time, We're also pissed off you joined the roster when they were giving out a free title shot. Me and Samuel had to work our asses off to get to be tag title contenders and you snoop in to get them. You're threats because nobody has seen what you guys can do and we wish you the best of luck.

See, the facts speak for itself as me and Samuel have been wrestling together as a team for two whole fucking years and all this pent and energy we have is sorely focused on finally becoming champions here after all the hard work we've done to get the tag division how it is. We might even be considered favourites because none of you teams have any confidence on being champions, nor any determination for the tag belts we've been craving on for many years. It's like a drug to me and Samuel that we must and want them in our hands.

Even if it's one title reign, it doesn't matter because I'll go down in the Hall Of Fame in SCW and once I become tag champion and lose the belts, I'm officially putting my focus on my Carnage Wrestling career as I've recently joined there. Samuel will take charge here on being a solo's competitor, but that's for later on, we aren't leaving here without those tag titles on Sunday night and you better guarantee none of you teams have the god damn passion and pride we have to be tag team champions. We'll eliminate each one of you with your bodies touching the floor with steel chairs.

That's right, we're gonna bring weapons to the ring and there'll be many changes regarding the tag stipulation matches being in place a lot more often because the tag division needs a variety and it's gonna happen because we refuse to give up our quest for The Monstimals of the Animal and The Monster to be the new SCW tag team champions. Prepare to be fucking destroyed by The Monstimals being the tag team champions right here tomorrow night in New Zealand with pumped up determination energy to do anything to win those belts.”