Author Topic: Kate Steele Must Die  (Read 295 times)

Offline Crystal Zdunich

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    • Crystal Millar
Kate Steele Must Die
« on: July 28, 2017, 11:27:30 PM »

How’s it going all of my beautiful Stars and Starlets?!

I know last week everybody was expecting for me to call it quits after the way I got my ass handed to me by the likes of Evie Baang. You probably expected me to ride off into the sunset and call it a day after the career I had in SCW but then again when have I ever simply called it quits? I know in my heart that what you saw on that cruise ship is not the way that I want my legacy to be carried out and to be honest I just wasn’t myself.

I am too ashamed to tell you what went down in that big main event match but all you need to know is what you saw from me will in fact never happen again because I won’t ever bring myself to that. You fans don’t deserve it, SCW doesn’t deserve it, and it would be a disservice to myself. Instead you need the Crystal Millar that comes onto the scene giving a fight night in and night out.

You need the woman who knows that the spotlight is always on her and in the moments when it isn’t she just comes about and takes it. It’s as simple as that. Now last week I told the world that I wanted to take a step back from competing at a top level. Not because I don’t feel I belong there because I know in my heart that I can always compete with the very best of them.

It’s just I want to prove my worth again and starting at the bottom is the only way to build oneself up again because you show how much you really want something when you are chasing after it again. For far too long I just been handed stuff, I cried my way into situations, I begged for matches, but I want to show the world that I have what it takes to EARN my shit and I am not going to let anyone rain on my parade.

Today I will admit I got extremely pissed off because you have someone in the likes of Mercedes Vargas telling the world that this match Kate asked for is going to be a cake walk. She said it was going to be easy because she was facing me but why is Vargas talking shit anyway?! Haven’t I always had her number every time we faced off against one another?!

The only time she has ever beat me in SCW is when she slammed a pumpkin over my head in a Halloween special but other than that she hasn’t pinned me and she certainly hasn’t submitted me yet she becomes the queen of talking when she hasn’t even been relevant in God knows how long.

People are quick to shit on my title reigns but guess what that first reign was the second longest of all time and I can at least say I got the belt a second time not everybody can say something along those lines. But let me stop talking about Vargas because the focus is on her in this match it’s on that of Kate Steele, and when I look at Kate I see nothing more than an immature brat who seems lost.

I see a woman who is doing everything in her power in order to get socially accepted. Oh my God MELODY YOU AND I ARE THE BEST HAIR FRIENDS! A way to be socially accepted!

OH MY GOSHIE LET ME JOIN MPC!!! Yet another way to be socially accepted.

OH GOD I WON THE INTERNET TITLE let me be all INTERKATE, KATE.NET, KATE.WEB, and yet when it got shut down where did Kate go from there? Absolutely nowhere.

She got made to be Polly’s bitch on numerous occasions, she got made to be Vargas bitch on numerous occasions and both are women whom I beat in this company. Hell I was the one that took the main title off of Polly. Yet I am the one that gets shat on.

Who came up with this silly notion that I was washed up anyway?

And I find it absolutely hilarious that people are jumping to this foregone conclusion that Kate is going to beat me on Sunday! I can tell you for a fact that simply won’t happen because I won’t let it happen. Hell I wouldn’t even let that happen in one of my movies because Kate is everything that I hate in this business.

To be honest have I had a hand in mentoring Kate Steele? Of course I did but the two of us come from completely different worlds. She comes from a world of having everything spoon fed to her. Having her mother and father get her everything and anything she ever wanted. She didn’t even want to join wrestling but me on the other hand I grew up in a very poor household. In a single parent household and that single parent wasn’t even my birth mother. It was my Aunt who was forced to adopt me when her drug addicted sister left me on her doorstep.

But she never turned away from that. Instead she took care of me along with her four other kids and I grew up as the youngest in a house of four other siblings. Do you know how hard it was for a single woman to raise five children?! It wasn’t easy but she made ends meet.

Do you know how hard it was to go through life with the realization that your mother had you out of an accident and you were never meant to be in the first place?! Of course you don’t because mommy and daddy were there, and when they weren’t. They were buying you all types of new toys, guitars, and stuffed animals to show that they cared.

I may not have been as suicidal as you or got bullied by my older sister like you did. As a matter of fact I did get bullied my older sister Ester in the same way that Samara tormented your life, but I never cried like a Bitch because of it. I got it at home, I got it at school. Do you know what it feels like to go to school and get ridiculed because you don’t look like the rest of your family?! Do you know how hurtful it felt to be called a half breed on an everyday basis?!

But I never shied away from it, instead I would say it built me up and it made me stronger. I sought after my biological father who happened to be a wrestling legend who ran his own school in Mexico. I went there with the intention to learn and I didn’t get kicked out. I left on my own accord because I felt I was better than the school but years later was welcomed back with opened arms because I knew I needed my father, and I wasn’t above the school.

You haven’t learned that lesson because with you it has always been about school hoping and sucking something dry until you used it for all it’s worth. I know people are quick to talk about my wealth, my fame, and what I have become but in all honesty everything is a direct result of what I put into the wrestling business and I can reap the rewards from it.

I paid plenty of my dues Bitch what have you put into it besides trying to do so much but never conquering much of anything?! That’s Kate Steele for you.

This Sunday you are going to be going up against a woman who is looking to get right back into the fray and I don’t give a damn if you have dreams and aspirations of becoming a SCW World Bombshell contender. They will be forced to take a backseat to me because I have my own set of things that I wish to accomplish.

You simply just can’t tell the world you want something and expect to be handed it. Especially considering you really haven’t won a match by yourself in ages. I didn’t get to where I am in this company on name alone. I put in that effort, I busted my ass, and was able to reap the rewards from it. Are you ready to put in the work that I did?!

Are you sure you are really ready to go through the hurdles of getting to the very top?

If the answer is no then take a step back so I can go after and chase my dreams. You can create all the checklists in the world but if you aren’t able to overcome the very first thing on that list then what’s the point of it?!

Your journey is about to be over long before it even begin.




I do believe it’s Showtime Katey so let’s see how you rise up to the plate.

Get ready to bow before the almighty SILVER SCREEN QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll see you in the ring! Good luck you are certainly going to need it!

`Malibu, California
Rose Productions Yacht

Crystal Millar’s personal assistant turned COO Chloe Martin had called for a special executive meeting on the Rose Productions Yacht. With the way that Crystal had wrestled at Summer XXXtreme V Chloe knew something was up and she wanted to deal with it. All of the Board of Directors and the studio’s main star Matt Stone were invited to attend this meeting. Chloe smiled as she sat aboard the yacht clad in a bikini. She held a Pina Colada in one hand as she glanced at everyone sitting before her. Crystal could only sigh in return as she knew something was up. Whenever Chloe used the company yacht good things were never to come from it.

“Good afternoon everyone. Isn’t it a beautiful day?! Such a great day to be aboard a nice yacht and to enjoy drinks with one another. Don’t you all agree?!” The blonde smiled as she looked around. Crystal however just shook her head uneasily as she glanced back.

“Would you stop the theatrics and just get to the point already. We don’t have this kind of time. We all have things to do and….” Chloe immediately cuts her off as she snaps back.

“Actually we have all the time in the world especially considering this meeting is about you and your actions at a recent wrestling show….” Crystal points at herself a bit confused. “My actions?!”

“Yes your actions… You see your performance was not what we are used to seeing… Okay your acting is absolutely horrendous as it is without having our main star Matt Stone to carry you of course.”

“Actually…” Matt starts, raising an arm in the air. “As someone who has faced Crystal in the ring, it was something I was used to seeing. She might be able to win the odd match here or there, but for the most part her opponents usually out class her, though this was even worse than usual. It was almost like she was playing Madden out there with how badly she was doing.” He finishes up with a smug look on his face, glancing over at the now former champion.

Chloe smiles as she winks at Matt. “Actually… It was worse than that. You see Crystal fought like she had absolutely no heart. She didn’t really do anything. Normally I wouldn’t care because it’s Crystal and it’s what she does best but our shares took a ten percent hit. You have anything you wish to share with us Crystal, perhaps maybe defend yourself?!”

Crystal can’t help but sigh as she looks back at everyone. “If you really want to know the reason why the match went the way it did was because…. Well…..”

Chloe leans forward as she looks at Crystal. “Come on you can spit it out! We won’t make fun of you or at least try not to… Go on share what’s going on.”

“I was drunk… Being on that cruise really got to me especially with the open bar and….”

Chloes eyes open wide up as she stares at everyone. “It looks like our recovering alcoholic decided to relapse and we are the ones to suffer now because of it! It’s funny considering that Crystal always talked so much crap about that one girl she worked with showing up to shows drunk and now Crystal has become the very thing that she preached against!”

“I actually find the funny part to be that she was drunk and none of us realized it, we all just assumed she was normally that uncoordinated!” Matt waits for a moment, looking around the room to see people staring at him. “What? I didn't say I wouldn't make fun of her.”

Crystal can’t help but try to plead her case. “Look it was one match and it won’t happen again!”

“...Right…” Chloe replies back slowly as she keeps her eyes locked on Crystal. “And how can we trust that this really won’t happen again when you have had a track record of doing this in the past. At one point your alcoholic addiction caused you to hit your own daughter with a car, and now you could have put somebody’s career in jeopardy by wrestling drunk. What’s to stop you from showing up to the set completely drunk and ruining filming or endangering other actors such as Matt Stone?!”

Matt's too busy laughing about the Britney hit and run to reply right away, finally realizing that people were looking at him. “Oh yeah, I don't want to be put in jeopardy, I fear for my life...or something to that effect. Really, all it would do is lessen your already rather weak reputation and hinder this company's ability to make money and really, isn't that why we’re all here? Well, that and to mock this train wreck. That's who you remind me of! Amy Shumer, you're the Amy Shumer of wrestling.”

“No! That’s not me at all and I really haven’t had issues in my matches before! This was just one time and it won’t ever happen again!”

Chloe can’t help but shake her head as she looks back at Crystal in return making sure to take in a long sip of her Pina Colada. “I think doing it once is a small step to doing it over and over again, and we need some real safety precautions to make sure that it doesn’t so we as a board. What do we believe is the best way to go about this situation?! Any suggestions?”

“Well we could force her to retire, not like the world would really miss her, right?” He asked, waiting for a round of applause that never comes. “Or give her a breathalyzer test, send her to rehab, put her in AA, I don't care.”


Crystal snaps back but Chloe smiles as she chimes in. “Trust me if she was going to retire she would have done so already. She always teases she is going to do it but never goes through with it. If she does rehab she will probably have to leave wrestling and she would cry if that happens but what about AA?! I think that could be a great idea and she can keep on doing what she is doing.”

Crystal leans forward as she stares at Chloe. “So you want me to to a fucking AA meeting and surround myself in a room with a bunch of people who have problems?! No it’s not happening!”

“Oh you wouldn’t be alone Christina… We could send Matt to go along with you so he could keep an eye to see if you are learning anything from the meetings, also he could perhaps gain inspiration for his next role in the film we are working on. What do you say Matt?!”

“What?” Matt asked, shocked at the very suggestion. “What did I do? Why do I have to go to the crazy people hang out? She's the one what was the embarrassment!”

“Because we need someone there who can make sure she’s making progress. There’s no one better than you of course… Besides if she can make it through AA with you being there she can make it through anything…”

Crystal crosses her arms. “Fine I will do this stupid AA meetings but when I do make it through despite Matt’s constant trolling because I know that’s what he’s going to do then I get to pick the next film and script… As a matter of fact I don’t know why I just don’t do that anyway! I own the company after all…”

Chloe just shakes her head. “And you say you always worked hard for what you believe in… Seems to me you are having issues doing exactly just th…”

“Whatever I said we will do it let’s just get on with it… Looks like you and I get to spend more time together buddy!” Crystal says as she points a finger directly at Matt.

“Buddy?” He questions, sounding disgusted. “I don't remember ever being your buddy, nor do I appreciate the implications of that.” Matt turns to Chloe. “If you expect me to sit in a room full of people with problems, you better be intending me to get paid while I'm there. Think of all the money I'll save us in the long run by making sure she completes this tutorial thing. Also, and I'm sure you're well aware of this, I hate being in a room with strangers, someone's always sick, so I need compensation.”

Chloe smiles. “Why don’t you try to put on your best acting performance, pretend you too have a problem and go from there. Of course you will be getting paid but your main goal is to keep an eye on Crystal. If she doesn’t fix herself then the entire company loses money you understand?!”

Crystal grins. “So in other words you need me just as much as I need y…. Ahem myself!” Crystal laughs as she keeps her eyes locked on him.

“Keep an eye on Crystal? I suppose I can do that, that doesn't mean I have to listen to her though.” He turns to Crystal, shaking his head. “I need you like I need humility lessons, but it's a paying gig, so might as well make the most of it.”

Chloe smiles as she raises her glass in the air. “Great so it’s settled rebuild Crystal Millar starts today… I want to make a toast in order to….”

Chloe grins as she stares right at Crystal. “Well excluding you of course wouldn’t want you to relapse again especially while we are trying to build you up.”

“...Very funny Chloe… Very funny…” Crystal says angrily as the yacht cruises off into the distance.
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