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    • Christian Underwood
Post your roleplays here by deadline. Good luck and have fun!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Andrew

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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2022, 10:39:44 AM »

Narrator:  The time has come for Summer XXXTreme X where Bill Barnhart, along with Alexander Raven who became Roulette Champion at Climax Control 335, Finn Whelan who lost the Roulette Championship to Alexander Raven, and Miles Kasey, to face off in the Ultimate X of the Pool match to determine who will exit Summer XXXTreme X as Sin City Wrestling Roulette Champion.


The scene comes on our screen and we notice we’re at the home of Bill and Bea Barnhart, and their English Bulldog Iris, located in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Bill and Bea are having a conversation with Iris.

Bill:  I’m sorry Iris but I can’t bring you to Summer XXXTreme X on the Sun Princess Cruise Ship. They don’t allow pets so you have to stay here in Lawrenceville, Georgia, at Camp Bow Wow, until we return from Summer XXXTreme X.

The ears of Iris flutter when she hears the name of Camp Bow Wow.

Bea:  Iris you know Matt the Owner of Camp Bow Wow. You also love seeing the Manager, Edwin, and his assistants Allison and Jordan, as you’ve known them for two years now. You’ll be fine.

Iris is still sad that she can’t go to Summer XXXTreme with them but she perks up when she hears the name of Camp Bow Wow and the names of Matt, Edwin, Allison, and Jordan. When Iris leaves the room she seems to be happy and we think we see a smile on her face.


Bill:  Bea you know I’m in the Roulette Championship match, in an Ultimate X over the Pool match, and I’m facing Alexander Raven, Miles Kasey, and Finn Whelan. This should be an interesting match because Finn lost the Roulette Championship to Alexander Raven at Climax Control 335. That means Whelan wants to get the Roulette Championship back but I also know that since Alexander Raven holds the Roulette Championship that he’s not planning on letting it go out of his possession any time soon.

Bea:  Why don’t you run down for the viewers your in-ring history with Finn, Miles, and Alexander. It’s always nice to know the background going into an event.

Bill:  I’ve already made a list to discuss those items.

Bill pulls out a sheet of paper. He shakes the paper in front of him then he begins reading from it.

Bill:  I’ll keep it simple. I don’t need to mention specific events and dates but I’ll give the short version of my history with Finn, Alexander, and Miles. I’m 0-2-1 against Finn Whelan. Against Alexander Raven I’m 2-0-0. Then against Miles Kasey I’m 1-0-0. With that record against these guys, and the fact that Finn is not the defending Roulette Champion at Summer XXXTreme X, the odds are in my favor.

Bea:  Tell the viewers why you state the odds are in your favor.

Bill:  There are four wrestlers in our match. The way to eliminate them is to knock them off the X that is over the pool causing them to fall into the pool. Since I’ve been in matches like this before, and with Finn being overly-focused on regaining the Roulette Championship from Alexander Raven, that means I’m the only wrestler not distracted by the others. Game on! I win!


Bill:  I want to get things straight so nobody gets confused. This Ultimate X Over The Pool match for the Roulette Championship is an amazing type of match. It is a match that fits my wrestling style and mental attitude and I’ll walk away as the winner. Do you need to pin your opponent to win? Nope! Do you need to make your opponent submit to win? Nope! You battle it out with your opponents on top of the X set up over the pool. The only way to eliminate someone from the match is to knock them off the X and they drop into the pool. This match is a perfect fit for me. This match puts me in charge of this match. My wrestling style and abilities work in my favor in a match like this. And you want to know what the best part of this match is for me?

Bea:  Sure!

Bill:  My three opponents don’t have what it takes to hang with me in this type of match. They’re not focusing on what it takes to win. They’re like most wrestlers who get assigned to an Ultimate X Over The Pool match. They spend too much time trying hard to prevent the others from eliminating them when they should be going all-out from the bell to aggressively eliminate the other wrestlers in this match.

Bea:  Great point Bill.

Bill:  The key to all wrestling matches, especially with a multi-wrestler match, is to be aware of everything going on around you. My upcoming opponents don’t have the mental ability to realize what is going on every moment of the match and at every turn. The instant they turn their back to me to go after someone else I’ll take them out and be closer to becoming a two-time Roulette Champion. You three can talk all the smack you want but there’s a requirement for doing that. If you talk smack you damn sure better be able to back it up. I know you three can talk shit but that’s all your talk is. . .shit. . .and I’ll take the advantage and walk away the winner of the match and the newly crowned Roulette Champion. Don’t believe me? You’ll believe me at Summer XXXTreme X.

Bill informs the camera person he is done with his comments for today. The camera person calls into the Network and the Network returns to regularly scheduled programming.

Offline Alexander Raven

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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2022, 08:31:45 AM »
Saints and Sinners
On-Camera | 30/06/2022

“It perplexes me, Finn. You seem so close to understanding yourself. You seem so close to understanding how the world works. Yet in moments of faltering, in moments of failure. You slip away, you slip into your own mind. You slip into your own failures. Excuses, Finn. I hate the excuses. A loss is a loss, regardless of how much you wish it wasn’t. A streak of failures stain my record recently, and I hate it. I hate it with every fibre of my being, but in failure, revelations. Revelations about where I should be and where I will be. Focus comes with an understanding of the failure. That is why you lost Finn. Not because you didn’t try, as you so often claim. Half effort is still your full. I hate it Finn. I hate that you think anyone cares. Yet the thing I hate the most, is your dishonesty. I thought we were more alike than the surface would tell. Men driven by anger, and frustration. Yet it seems that is the entirety of your similarities. A truly false idol. A Saint of Lies. A true saint of this city of sin. Sin City’s true Saint if you will. Any which way works, and the truth remains the truth. You are nothing but a liar, hiding behind insecurity and excuses.”

“It wasn’t half effort that caused you to lose. It wasn’t half effort that threatened to end your reign on your first defense. It wasn’t half effort, it’s excuse. You are full of them, Finn. I see the things you post. Talking about wanting the best, yet refusing to put in the effort? You don’t deserve the best, Finn. You a petulant child stomping their feet and banging their hands. Screaming for change yet refusing to be the change you seek. Excuses Finn, they boil my blood, and you, boy. You are full of them.”

A group of robed figures are seated at a round table. Wooden dining chairs for each, and then at the opposing top end, an armed wooden chair, a far reaching back. An intricate carving of birds and vines wrapped up in a war with each other. Sitting in the chair, Alexander Raven. The roulette championship belt laid out in front of him. His eyes are locked with it, his head tilted down, body leaning forward. His hands grip either side of the face plate, focused.

“Climax Control was meant to be my crowning moment, Finn. My chance to shine. My assent to the top of my mountain top. Adulation, surprise and a becoming of truth. My reality as I’ve painted it, becoming such. Yet you scorn the acts, and in doing so rain upon my coronation. I am the king of chance, the gambler with all the odds. I am the King, Finn. I am the false prophet and the broken messiah. And now, I have the crown to prove myself the One True King. Reality as it is, will be the reality that comes. I refuse to let you take my crown back. The War of the Roses, if you will. The Saint weeps, and the king turns his back. Assume this, the reformation of this Sin City. Purged of the virus that is your lackadaisical attitude. Weep, Finn. Weep and cleanse the feet of your saviour. Are listening to me, Finn?”

Raven releases his grip upon the belt slightly and raises his hands. The figures around the table all in unison raise red candles, flickering flames illuminating the immediate air in a fiery yellow glow. Raven himself reaches for a glass to his left, and lifts it to his lips, drinking deeply of the dark brown liquid within. His gaze still firmly focused upon the face plate of the belt.

“Yet as much as you boil my blood, Finn. As much as you sicken me to my core with your dis-enthused lamentation and falsified words there is a solace gifted to me. A gift to the False Prophet, and the One True King over the Saint of this city of sin. I need not worry myself with you. I need not concern myself with your past. For your future is now mine to fix. Your future is now my prerogative. For come our clash upon the high seas, truth reigns supreme. Elimination at my hands, at the hands of your own wolf or by the feisty bulldog who aims to seek your head. The truth of the matter is thus Finn. Bulldog doesn’t see me as a threat, due to our past. Miles is cocky, but he knows you well. Friendship would dictate that Mr Miles would aim to bring it down to you two. However, intelligent play would be to hedge his bets. Knowing himself lesser than the Saint, he would be best to risk it against unknown adversary. Particularly, the mouthy Broken Messiah who belittles him. Anger at the mouth patriarchy, and the champion himself. What greater symbol of growth and success, but to dethrone the King himself.”

“Finn, I am to be your target, this is clear. Yet Miles would want my throat too. Do you cross each other to push for your own gains? Friendship ends when battle starts, and the battle has already begun to rage. War takes no prisoners and neither will I. I know I can beat you Finn. I have reason to take down both Miles and Bulldog. I fear not leaving you to your own devices because I know you won’t be able to do it. The excuses are far too powerful, aren’t they? Why put in full effort, when you can half it and let others do the work? Your past dictates your future, and whilst I am the guiding light of yours now. Whilst I am the one that will ordain your failures and cast you down to feed the ravenous plebeians of my kingdom, I know you, Finn. You will fail, because your past, present and future is painted with the failures of your lack of effort. Nobody to blame but the anger that bubbles within you. Nobody to blame, but the angry virulent Saint of Sin City. Do you understand me Finn?”

The cries of a baby shatter the scene. The figures placing their candles upon the table as they raise to their feet and turn away. Alexander Raven drags his hand across the face plate a little bit before grabbing the edges of it again, and lifting it up to his forehead. The cries continuing to ring out, twitches of frustration pulling at his lips.

“New life is an interesting thing, Miles. Your mind is elsewhere, family controls the thoughts and now. Now you have something to prove. A need to have a success to point to, to say ‘I did that. Aren’t you proud? I did that.’ Less than a year is what it has taken me to ascend the top of one of the mountains in this Sin City. Roulette Champion, and venerated for the musings of those who think me a wobbly starter. Success dictates reality, and the reality is this. Despite my ‘wobbly’ start, despite my shortcomings, acknowledgement has always been my reality. Understanding of changes needed, ways to affect where I stand and what I needed to do in order to succeed. Success has been granted to me, for I deserve the success I’ve taken. Less than a year, Miles, and I’ve managed to ascent to the top. Failure of length speaks more than my failures of short. How long have you dwindled and scrambled to become better? Seeing those you surround yourself with succeed where you have not. Depending upon others for strength that you lack, for the lacking is not something you can fix.”

“No amount of training with those better than you. Working out in the gym. Trading verbal barbs with those who have made a career of crawling into the skin of their opponents. None of it matters, for you cannot build that strength. You’re less than the best, and it takes the best to stand at the summit. Untoward focus will change where you stand in life, Miles. Family is as important as you assign it to be. Your focus is elsewhere and it will be your undoing. Untouchable is the focus of the Prophet and Messiah who must bring the truth to his Conspiracy. Unbreakable is the focus of the One True King who throws the stones of truth to shatter the stained glass lies that shroud this city of sin. Focus is our differential, Miles. And focus will remain our differential, because you are lacking in the strength requires to have clear focus. Two things in this world matter most to me. My success in spite of the broken promises I’ve made to get to it. And the forgiveness I shall receive on the other end by the only one that it matters from. My focus is on the here and now and this crown. This is the most important thing in my life. For with it, I am granted the forgiveness of the broken reality I’ve left behind.”

Once more Raven places the championship down on the table before pushing his ornate chair back slightly, rising to his feet. The cries of the baby being to dim, before silence fills the now seemingly empty scene. Alexander Raven alone, surrounded by candle flame and an empty glass. Reaching into the right side pocket of his coat he removes a cigarette and a lighter. He puts the cigarette to his lips and ignites it, taking a deep drag. Turning on his heel he aggressively throws the lighter into the darkness beyond the reach of the candle flame and the single handing lantern. The sound of glass shattering, followed by the sound of waves. The lap of water and the rush of the wind.

“The Ultimate X match, is my focus, Miles. Reality continues to be as I state it to be, because that equates to my focus. Are you listening Miles? Are you following? I need you to listen to me. I need you to understand what I’m telling you. You, Miles, are the weakest member of this match, and in that you have the least to lose. The most to gain, but the least to lose. Which means, just like your fellow wolf Finn Whelan, you too can fall on your excuses. A field too strong, your mind elsewhere. Cheats and disreputable opponents. People who would forsake their own mothers to win, and that’s just not your style. A world of excuses to hide the fact that your focus was elsewhere. Your focus was unfocused on the only thing that matters when we ride the high waves of the ocean blue. Both on land and sea, I am the king. I am the truth, I am the reality bringer. The breaker of stained glass lies and disconnected truths.”

“Miles, I pity you. So confident in yourself over me, yet with nothing to back it up. Nothing to accentuate any level of future in yourself. Take yourself home, Miles. Take yourself back to your sister, and your nephew. Take yourself away from the cruel seas, and the unforgiving brutality that awaits you on that ship. For I make no qualms about it. I lie no longer, and the truth is this. I care not for sending you home in a state good enough to hold your newborn Nephew. I care not for ensuring your safe escape from the seas that would drown you beneath the tireless waves. Go home, Miles. Go home and stay there. Otherwise, I will send you home. The only transition, is your transition away from my kingdom.”

Raven allows the cigarette to hang loosely from his lips, about half burnt through. A deep breath, a long exhale and smoke wisping loosely around his head. A stomp followed by another and then more from the darkness. The sound of flames igniting and braziers light up the space. A shattered window sits in a stone wall, and a burning effigy in the shape of a Bulldog head burns in the space between. Raven picks the championship belt up off the table, and holds it aloft in his left hand, facing the effigy.

“The man who eludes me. Who rattled my confidence and put me down in my pursuit of this very crown, twice. The man who I fear beyond the wolves in this match. The mutt in need of being neutered. I think it almost symbolic that the two matches that put me here, in this position. As not only a member of this Ultimate X match, but also as the defending champion walking in. I think it’s symbolic that the success of these two matches comes from rending low the jewels of two men. And not but a week earlier, in the decree of the Greek King, the man who resembled the Men, Women and Non-Binary friends of my world rent me to the grave with the same. Everything has a meaning, and nothing is left to total fate. Symbolic of your neutering, Bulldog. For the truth is in the circumstance. A man of symbolism, metaphor and analogy yourself, you would understand. Just like I secured my crown by ruining the jewels of would-be rulers. Just like the neutered Saint that walks in, lacking enthusiasm. Just like the man focused on anything but the crown we fight for. You, Bulldog. Will be brought low, and eliminated. My redemption achieved in blood and violence. And truth that maintains. The truth, that this doggy has been fixed.”

“But there is many things to look at. A man who holds the wins and none of the failure. A man who holds our host, the double bird man Griffin Hawkins in such esteem. A man I would rather spit upon. One who dances and avoids, betrayed by the man I once betrayed. One who shares my namesake, Alexander Remington. You see, Bulldog. Those you respect are those I despise. Hawkins, Fenrir, Finn and yourself. Momentary allegiance and alliance. Sticking your nose in my business. Your incestuous mixings in this city of sin, like the Wolves that demand to enter every aspect. Everything about this Sin City that you hold so aloft, is filled with it. It seeps into me as well. My obsessions trickling into a world I don’t wish to be in. I don’t care for your connections with Senor Vinnie. I don’t care for your connections with Goth. I don’t care for your connections with my past, and I don’t want you to be part of my future.”

The stomps continue to echo through the room. The burning effigy beginning to burn out. The flames slowly dying out and flickering their last parts of life before a burnt wire frame remains. Raven continues holding the championship up high. He then spits the cigarette from his mouth towards the effigy.

“This is a tale of us, Bulldog. A bulldog and a raven. The wolves will bark and fight, yet starving, they’ll kill each other. This is on us. The bulldog seeking his favourite toy once more, yet the toy now sits in the home of most proud of black raven birds. The messenger of the dead, ready to bring the end to you. I will send a message to the double bird man. I will make him acknowledge me, and I will throw that gauntlet down once more. You, will be my banner of challenge Bulldog. The man who thinks himself anything but an arrogant, oversized and bullheaded old man. You will be the way I announce my way into the world. You will be the next step on my path to forgiveness. Though the crown of her king now rests upon his temples once more, blood to be spilled remains. Those who forced the breaking of his promises to her, need to be put down. You, Bulldog, are the start of my path. You are the beginning of my journey to total forgiveness. She will forgive me. Do you understand me, Bulldog? She will forgive me. I just need you all to listen. I need you all to understand. I need you, Bulldog to know.”

"I will neuter you, bitch.”

Stomp, stomp, stomp. The sounds reverberate through the space. Alexander Raven slowly lowers the championship, and turns it over, holding the face plate towards himself once more. Staring down at it. The braziers and candles slowly extinguishing one by one. The lantern too. Slowly everything being cast into darkness.

“The Conspiracy descends upon us. The truth of my word becomes the reality of this Sin City. I will purge the incestuous nature of this place. I will purge all those who have wronged me. I will show the broken truth, and the return of the False Prophet shall be. False is this stained glass house of lies. I will cast the first stone, and I will rattle the foundations. Listen, follow and understand and you will know. You will know the truth I speak. The One True King of this Sin City is here. The Roulette Champion, the King of Chance and the Master of Games. Whelan, Kasey and Barnhart. Listen to me.”

“This is my path to the summit. You will be the flesh, blood and bone that builds the pathway to forgiveness. You will be my salvation, and in that I thank you all. But I remind you of this. I will be king, now and forever. Finn, I expect your best. Miles, focus up, or stay home. Bulldog, I will avenge myself, and your blood will pay for the damage to my reputation. That is the final truth of it.”




Offline MiloKasey

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« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2022, 11:59:41 PM »
Family Obligations

June 23rd, 2022
New York, NY

Do you ever get the feeling that life likes to come at you all at one moment?

I’ve been feeling like fucking Neo lately with everything that has been thrown at me.

First, there is everything that is going on back home:

Miles, you need to come home.

When you get that sort of call from your mother, you are prepared to drop everything at a moment's notice. Miles told her as such but he got the whole “No, it’s not too bad but when you can, please?

Ma, what is going on?” And there were several beats of silence like she was debating on how much to tell him, all it did was set his hackles up a little higher. “MOTHER!” he barked and went to apologise but she just sighed.

I promised your sister and right now it’s nothing bad but she really wants you to come but she doesn’t want you to worry.

Because you know he only has to board a giant ship in just a couple weeks, let’s add a trip across the Atlantic but the concern in his mother’s voice at that moment....fuck the jet lag. He just sighs heavily, grabbing his laptop and calmly says, “Okay look, I have to be in Arizona this weekend because I promised Finn I’d be there, but as soon as I’m able I will hop the first flight.

You’ve always been a good kid, despite what some are sayin’.

What’s that supposed to mean? ...actually you know what, nevermind, I’m gonna let you go and book that flight.

Good kid. And don’t worry, I’m sure everything will be just fine.

And before he could get out ‘What the hell does that mean?’ the call ended and Miles just stared at his phone, his face dropped. Becca tweeting out, scratch that...subtweeting out. Apparently she forgot how to use her phone. There is a story that eventually either needs to continue on or just end but right now, focus has to be back home.

He knows that if he messaged Finn, they would tell him to just go, but it was a promise that needed to be kept. They have each other’s back even though they would be facing each other in just a few weeks. With the Roulette Title on the line before SummerXxxtreme, this mattered.
Fast forward to the 26th

Well that didn’t go as planned.” ...that should just be tattoo’d on his ass by now. He looked up and saw Alexander Raven with his hand held high with that Roulette Championship in the other and he couldn’t believe it. It had all gone wrong for Finn and surely the fallout was going to happen.

But no one said anything.

It was because word had gotten out that something was going on with his sister. Everyone knew that Brianna was pregnant and getting close to her due date. People were asking what he was doing there, and all he could say was he was holding true to his commitments. Lord knows everything else seemingly fell apart around him. Wrestling was the one true thing in his life.

But now he had to go. His focus wasn’t there, and honestly that’s something that in hindsight was very blatantly obvious. After talking to his mom just a few days prior, she had sent no updates, just a ‘We’ll see you Monday afternoon.’ and it was driving him crazy.

14 hours in the air and all he wanted to do was find out what the hell was going on with his sister. There was something that he couldn’t shake, something was seriously wrong with her. They may not be identical, but that connection was still there.

He’d land, go straight to the hospital and God only knows what he would find.

Of course he would just sit at the airport and find tweets from Alexander Raven, the newly crowned Roulette Champion telling him to just stay in the UK and not bother coming back. Needless to say Miles gave zero fucks but to hell with this tool thinking he can actually try and scare our beautiful idiot.

He spoke his peace and once Raven finally shut the fuck up after one final warning of having that giant target on his back, Miles sat back, headphones in and waiting for his flight to be called.

Quit Treating Me Like I’m A Child
St. Mary’s Hospital
Manchester, UK

It was indeed far worse than his mother had been letting on.

She was only a month away. Her due date was legit a week and a half before his own birthday and Brianna Kasey laid unconscious in her hospital bed in the maternity ward after developing something called preeclampsia that put serious strain on her and the baby. He stood in her room, machines feeding her medications of all kinds and monitoring everything from her heart rate, blood pressure and pushing oxygen through a tube that led to her nose.

You should have told me.” he mumbled to the room where his mother sat at her daughter’s side. The older woman just stood up and slowly walked over to her son who was holding flowers in one hand and a gift teddy bear that he had found in the airport in the other.

Brianna, the same person that would always remind him that he always came second when they were born, the same person that would light him up whenever he was being an idiot, had no signs of life to her except the beep of the monitor that proved otherwise to how it looked.

Miles please.” she said, trying to usher him out of the room. He just pulled away and stared at his sister, “She didn’t want to worry you.

And this is nothing to worry about?” he glared at his own mother for a moment before sighing heavily. He was jet lagged and snapping at her would solve nothing. Not with any of it. Instead he just walked over and dropped the flowers on her table at the foot of Brianna’s bed and took a hold of his sister’s hand. “I would have been here sooner.

She knows that, she also knows that you had to be there for SCW.” she looked back at the TV, “In a way, she watched it. Well...I watched it and was hoping she’d hear it.” There was a beat of silence for several moments before his mother continued on, “The doctors said that she’ll be ok. That the sedation is purely precaution after the c-section. The baby is perfectly fine, he looks a lot like you did.

He glances at his mother for a moment before smirking, “Stupid?

No, he’s got the Kasey chin and some really curly blonde hair.” she said with a laugh, reaching over and running her hand through her son’s hair, “He’s in the nursery, if you wanna see him?

He squeezed Bri’s hand a little tighter, and leaned up and whispered in her ear, “Hey, brat...I’m here but I need to go see this rugrat. Don’t go anywhere, eh?

When they approached the nursery, the nurses’ eyes lit up for a moment as his mother greeted them and asked to push the incubator over to the window. He could hear them whispering for a moment as he glanced into the window, trying to locate him by himself before he focused on one particular incubator, with a small babe with a blue cap on his head and a tube up his nose. “What’s that for?

Just a feeding tube, they said he’ll be off it tomorrow and we can start feeding him ourselves....if you want to, that is?

Yeah, I’d like that.” he said, “Any name yet?

No, not yet.” she said as she wrapped her arm around her son’s arm, “Last I knew though, she was thinking Anthony.

Miles' eyes blink for a second because he heard that and all the emotion hit him, it was his middle name, before looking at his mother with a smile. “Good name.

Miles’ mother looks at him before reaching up and swiping the hair out of his face, “She thought so too.”

If life wants to keep testing me, you’re going the right way to find out...

Still in Manchester, it’s late at night. Miles has found himself in a park that is humbly lit up with soft street lights. He’s been wandering for hours upon hours since the staff kicked him and his mother out for the night. He made sure she made it back home before he just couldn’t bring himself to go to sleep.

You know those absolute moments in time, where you wish for one moment you could go back and just tell yourself to not fucking do it? I’ve had quite a bit of those lately. Nothing recently, because I have found myself actually having fun lately but it seems like some people have not really been appreciating that lately.

He looks around and yells out.


And when no one answers, he just rolls his eyes.

I should have known that going into Summer Xxxtreme that nothing would be simple. I should have been able to help Finn keep a hold of that Roulette Championship but I let myself get caught up by that fat shitbag, Bill Barnhart. And now we have a guy that has barely been here for a cup of coffee, Alexander Raven boasting that the “Broken Messiah” is the best, when in fact that bitch isn’t worthy enough to wash anyone’s jockstrap in the entire locker room.

Miles finds an empty bench and sits on it and looks up at the flickering street light.

I already told you, fucker, your arrogence paints you red. You are perhaps messing with the hungriest wolf that is in SCW TODAY and you wanna try and tell me that I’m ignorant of what exactly? The fact that you find yourself in this predicament of your precious SCW Roulette Championship hanging over a pool, in a match where you don’t have to be pinned, where you have to hang on to the little glory that you just gained. No, I’m not ignorant of that fact. You have to survive in a match with three others who are looking to take your head off and claw their way across...PRAYING they don’t fall off.

He folds his hands like he is praying before he glances up with his eyes, silver in this light and that wicked sly smile.

Praying is what you will need to do. Bill Barnhart, who I have a lot of unfinished business with because I had to give my shot away last year....something I knew I shouldn’t have done, but Bill is going to be needing to do a lot of praying because . And Finn. Mate, you know how much I respect and admire what you have done. I’m sorry, I’m sorry I failed you.

Miles' face drops and he rubs it to try and rub the guilt off but it’s obvious that it pains him still.

But this, I cannot fail. I won’t. I won’t let my sacrifices go anymore. I have had to give up so much to get to this moment and so help me to whatever Gods above, the ones that look over my sister, the ones that look over my the end of the day, this sacrifice will be my moment of glory. It’s been too long. It’s been a long time coming.

He looks up again and the light is blinking even more.

Sink or swim is not the name of the game. It’s stay afloat and don’t fall into darkness.

The light blinks completely dark and when it comes back....

He is gone.

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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2022, 08:48:07 AM »

Bea is finished with her comments and she steps out of camera range to allow Bill go get on camera to present his comments for his match at Summer XXXTreme X.

Narrator:  Bill Barnhart is confident he will win the Ultimate X Over The Pool Roulette Championship match to become a two-time Roulette Champion.

Bill:  Hi and welcome to our cabin on the Sun Princess cruise ship. Nice to be able to enjoy a cabin on a cruise ship as a change from the normal dressing room accommodations we usually get at wrestling events. Bea had some nice comments for Samantha Marlowe and now I’ll present comments concerning the Ultimate X Over The Pool Roulette Championship which is the match to open Summer XXXTreme X. To be fair to my opponents, so nobody feels I’m playing favorites or disrespecting someone, I’ll mention my opponents in the order they are listed on the card for our match.

Bill clears his throat then starts his comments.

Bill:  Alexander Raven you’re first on my comments. I commend you on your win to earn the Roulette Championship. However before you get a huge ego and think you can repeat that performance to retain the Roulette Championship let me enlighten you. You’re the target of all the wrestlers in our match as you hold possession of the Roulette Championship. Your handicap, if you want to call it that, is that you tend to have memory lapses and make mistakes in matches. Once you hesitate in our match you’ll get eliminated. It really is that simple to understand.

Bill looks over at Bea and she gives him a thumbs up on his comments to Alexander Raven.

Bill:  Next in line is Finn Whelan. Now, Finn, I cannot deny that you managed to win the Roulette Championship but you also managed to quickly lose it. Nothing like having slippery hands eh! You do have nice abilities in the sport of wrestling but your mental awareness, to remain focused at all times, is where you lack. If you take your focus off anything during our match I will take the advantage and you will be eliminated.

Bill chuckles

Bill:  Finally I come to Miles Kasey. I’ll be honest with you Miles. Compared to Alexander and Finn you actually come across looking fairly good. Not a good as me. . .but still fairly good compared to Raven and Whelan. I’m not sure what your game plan is for our match but I damn sure know what my game plan is. No matter what the three of you think or feel or try during the match I plan on winning the match and becoming a two-time Roulette Champion.

Bill glances over at Bea again and this time she gives him two thumbs up


Bill:  Are you three asking yourselves what this match comes down to and are you asking yourselves what it will take to win this match? Probably not. I always think and plan ahead on all my matches. I’ve been in the sport of wrestling a long time and there’s things I know and understand that I don’t believe you three will ever know and understand. The key element in an Ultimate X Over The Pool Roulette match is simple. You are not in the match to pin your opponents. You are not in the match to make your opponents submit. You are not in the match to knock them out with a submission hold. The only way to win is to eliminate your opponents is to knock them off the X over the pool and cause them to drop into the pool causing them to be eliminated from the match. Even though I just told you three everything you need to know about this match I’m positive the three of you will figure out a way to f*ck it up and lose. Oh well. Shit happens. I win. . .you three lose. . .deal with it!

Bill is done with his comments. He looks at Bea and the two of them turn and take off down the passageway to get to their cabin.

Offline Alexander Raven

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« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2022, 10:25:06 AM »

“Alright, alright. Masterclass starts in 10 everyone. Gather in close, make sure you’ve got eyes on the bar top. We’ve got some classics, some you might not have heard of, and one of my personal favourites. Bring it in.”

Alexander Raven, dressed to the nines, black tuxedo with a bright red bow tie and a pristine crisp white shirt, hair tied back tightly, and beard shaved down to a rough stubble. For all intents and purposes, looking a far different man than normal finds himself in a room surrounded by people of various ages and backgrounds. A few SCW stars with a keen eye for good spirits and liquor also taking residency. Alex smiles as he walks the bench, his array of tools at hand. Shakers, strainers, a multitude of cocktail classes, rose glasses, pony pots for those willing to sample but not wanting a full ride. Behind him a fully decked out bar, reaching at least 5 shelves deep, and then another 5 deep in a top section above him.

“Ladies and Gentleman, I am Alexander Raven, and I will be your Master of Spirits for this evening. As someone very acquainted with pain; from evenings of heavy drinking and evenings of heavy beatings. We’ll be starting with something a little bit boozier than your standard, but a perfect one for a sprightly cruise like the one we’re on.”

Alex smiles and stretches his hands out as he turns to face the wall behind him, the throng of people gathering inwards. Alex grabs a bottle of Pusser’s Navy Rum, placing it upon the bench top. A bottle of pineapple juice, and some orange juice freshly squeezed adjoin it. A double jigger placed beside them.

“We start with ‘The Painkiller’. First made in British Virgin Islands, we keep it authentic with Pusser’s Navy Rum. Depending on the strength of the hangover, two ounce may be plenty. However, with the Ultimate X Over the Pool match ahead of us, and the brutality and violence awaiting us. I think we are looking at a Painkiller #4. If you like Pina Coladas, ladies and gentleman, and seeing wolves get caught in the waves, this is the one for you.”

Raven smiles widely, as a few chuckles emanate from evident fans. He shovels some pre-crushed ice into his shaker, free pouring the rum as he measures out the pineapple and orange juice. Smiling he pulls another bottle from under his bar, pouring an ounce of cream of coconut. With a flip of the bottle, he replaces it on the counter, and slaps the top shell of the shaker down onto the bottom. Pushing them together tightly, he bounces the shaker back and forth across his palms before shaking vigorously over his left shoulder.

“As an extra treat for you ladies and gentleman. Tonight you’ll get not only a masterclass in cocktails and history. But you’ll also get an insight into the mind of the Broken Messiah himself. The Painkiller, so aptly named. Pain is a wonderful emotion in our industry. In this, the place of sin and debauchery. Where every wolf is bedding every dog. Where every bird is mocking said beasts. The incestuous mixings I’ve spoken of, they remain to keep us distracted. Distracted from the truth that we are so unwilling to see. The Wolves of this company are deeply rooted in its festering depths. They cause a deep pain, a migraine of the soul. Agony emanates because people like Miles and Finn. Gripping the leg of freedom in their jaws, they force a pain and agony into our existence. Alas, ladies and gentleman. Whilst I am the One True King, and a master of spirits the same. I’m afraid this boozier take on a Pina Colada, may not suffice in being a potent enough Painkiller for the pain that we suffer at the hands of these wolves.”

Discontented murmurs echo, as some people begin to heckle. Telling Raven to get on with it. Scoffing, Alex finishes his shaking, and twists the shaker apart. Placing a strainer over the top of the filled half, he begins to pour the liquid into a cocktail glass.

“Will a fan of the wolf known as Miles, step forth and sample, please?”

As the final few drops fill the mid size glass to the rim a rather squat looking man pushes his way to the front. Alex smiles as he pours a generous helping of nutmeg on the top, and sliding an orange wedge into the glass. The man stepped forward, and Alex reaches across the bar and pulls the man onto it. Gasps from the surrounded onlookers, but a few instigators shouting ‘get ‘em!’ ‘show them what happens Raven!’. Alex smacks the mans face into the bar top, and flicks his head back.

“Miles Kasey. You didn’t listen did you? Do you see Miles? The focus? You’re lacking it. You’re a loud and obtuse man, this is for sure. You’ve got new blood waiting for you at home, and yet, here you are. On the seas, waiting. Ready to be thrown from the top into the pool and eliminated. To fail once more. To fail to reach the standard that wolves have given you. Like this man, Miles. Full of arrogance, bravado and misplaced machismo. Like this man, you step to a master with all the confidence in the world, and yet. Just like this man. You’ll be needing a painkiller, Miles. Are you listening? Do you understand?”

Alex smiles, and loosens his grip allowing the man to slide and stagger back. Blood pouring from his seemingly broken nose.

“Your drink, sir.”

Raven holds the glass out to the man who takes it limply and walks away, a few attendants moving to help stem the flow of blood. Drops of blood lay on the desk. Raven holds his hand out, a crew member handing him a towel, bright red. Raven allows it to be draped over his arm holding it out far to his side. Reaching into a pocket he pulls some fine sand from the pocket and sprinkles some into the blood upon the bar top. Taking the towel he wipes the sand and blood free from the bar top, before laying the clean side face up on the bar.

“Blood and Sand, is a Scotch cocktail named after the Bullfighter film from 1922 of the same name. Blood and Sand is a personal favourite of mine, and aptly named considering the events we’ve just experienced. Fret not ladies and gentleman. Theatrics and drama are all parts of the bartending experience. Whilst some will flip and flop bottles, and spread fire and flames to enhance the danger, I prefer a much more individual experience. The drama and theatre so real it is indistinguishable otherwise. Blood and Sand ladies and gentleman.”

The crowd once again murmurs and gather in closer to watch the show once more. Alex smiles grabbing a bottle of Glenfiddich Cask Collection Single Malt, and placing it upon the bar, coupled with a vermouth, coupled with a Cherry Heering liqueur. Alex grabs a smaller shaker this time.

“Whilst normally a far less boozy cocktail, to sit upon the deck, sip and stare into the world beyond. There is none better than this classic. Much lighter than the Painkiller, Blood and Sand will have you ready to fight upon the sandy beaches of wherever you frequent.”

Raven pours an ounce of the scotch, three quarters of that in liqueur and vermouth, as well as some orange juice. Smiling he also squeezes a couple of lemon wedges into the tin followed by some ice.

“Lemon is an often excluded ingredient, but to stay true to the classics of the world, it is a must inclusion. I like to see myself in the Blood and Sand, as without Alexander Raven this cruise would be missing a crucial element. Without the Conspiracy keeping all in check and focused, there would be a sense of classical integrity missing.”

Shaking vigorously, frosting slowly engulfs the tin. Alex places the shaker tin upon the bar top as he slowly removes the top half and allows the waft of the ice to emanate from the top of the glass.

“Like the iceberg that sank the titanic, I changed the course of history just a few weeks back. By sinking the good ship The Virulence, I put the blood in the sand and marked my truth upon this cruise. To walk in as champion, I was the iceberg that changed history. Unlike the Titanic however, I will not be sunk by an unknown chunk of ice. Unlike the titanic, I will not be thrust from the top of the world into the icy depths below. Blood and Sand is a fantastic analogy for the truth that I intend to bring to this Summer. The Summer of Raven, if you will. The Summer of Truth. The Summer of flames.”

Placing a strainer over the top, Raven pours the brownish red liquid into a frosted glass, a whiskey rock floating inside. With a smile, an orange twist is hooked over the rim of the glass and it is handed to a well dressed man standing near the bar. Hesitantly he takes it, and when no violence follows a wash of relief flows across the crowd. A ornate Georgian glass is placed upon the bar top. Another person places a small glass of steaming hot coffee, and then a prepared shaker filled with a cream float.

“For a man who flies off the handle at the smallest irks. Who shows very little care and effort in his actions, Finn Whelan comes from a land that would be well acquainted with this next one. The Seamstress Irish Coffee, created by a wonderful aficionado Pam Wiznitzer of the Seamstress, an elegant spot in Upper East New York, is aptly named. A velvety smooth experience that will have you coming back over and over. Whilst Wiznitzer swears by drip coffee, I am more partial to espresso. The taste is different, and whilst the coffee itself will be a slightly more bitter experience, bitterness is what I seek here.”

A bottle of Irish Whiskey, a sugar syrup squeeze bottle are pulled from the back shelf and held in hand. Carefully pouring out near two ounces of the whiskey, a small helping of the sugar syrup to follow and then just over two ounces of coffee.

“You see, this Irish Coffee is about controlled, and delicate detail. Unlike the aggressive natured and quick to excuse poor form Finn Whelan, this requires careful, careful detail. No amount too much or too little. Perfect and delicate balance. Our resident Saint of Sin City could do much to listen and learn here.”

‘Shut up nobhead!’ shouts one of the onlookers, a few people turning around to expose said person. Raven shakes his head slightly, and gestures with his hand, indicated that the man come forward. As he does, he pours a thin layer of cream on top, before grating some fresh cinnamon over the top of it.

“Like the man he idolises, a temper as quick as his time in the sun will be. Sir, please. I invite you to sample this.”

Suddenly a lot less confident, the man steps forward as Raven hands him the glass. A Cheshire smile stretched across his face. A small sip, the steaming hot coffee making the person hiss, before tilting their head. ‘It’s damn good.’

“Sometimes, the gentle hand is the one that leads to greatness. Something that both the wolves could learn to understand. You see, Ladies and Gentleman. The strength of a bartender comes from his ability to serve with the correct form. The twists and changes he makes along the way, serve to fulfil the grand design. To be the Master of Spirits, you must be willing to slow yourself down. To temper yourselves, like the mightiest of steel. Finn is a man who lives bound by his own set of rules and emotions. Yet unlike the masters who have come before, and those journeyman developing their craft now. Finn is a lost lamb who refuses to listen to the greater words of those above him. Excuses, failures and forgetfulness. It was not a mere fluke of luck that put him beneath me. It was not a mere gesture of dumb chance that ensured that I was the iceberg of his voyage. Finn needs to be an Irish Coffee, yet he is little more than a shot of whiskey in his morning brew. Quick, haphazard and serving to soothe demons. No, ladies and gentleman. Finn is no Saint, but that of the failures and tears that fall as a result.”

Raven tips his head slightly to the man, who nods a little to himself looking a little less certain of himself than he did a moment earlier. The ship itself appears to have begun to rock slightly, being so far out to sea resulting in some rather nasty waves.

“The next is something that any, and all bartenders need to have in their back pocket. Something that will determine how much people love your work, and how many negative yelp reviews you’ll have to deal with.The Old Fashioned is one of, if not the oldest cocktails in existence today. Just like former champion himself, Bulldog Bill Barnhart. The Old Fashioned is full of bitters. Unlike the bitter and old man himself, the Old Fashioned will have a far sweeter overall taste, that actually gets better the more time you spend with it.”

This time most people seem to join in on the laughter erupts, clearly Raven having begun to win people over with his poor taste jokes at the expense of his opponents. A bottle of Bulleit bourbon is pulled from the back shelf, and a small bottle of Angostura bitters placed beside it. Two glasses are put side by side, one containing a very large round ice cube, the other with a few smaller cubes.

“The Old Fashioned is a simple thing to make, but incredibly hard to get the nuance correct. Your first one may be the best one you ever make, but you’ll never have the luck of making two the same. There is extra flavour held by allowing the drink to sit. Unfortunately for most of us, the longer you are forced to sit with Bulldog Bill, the worse the taste left in your mouth. No ladies and gentleman, it is unfortunately the case that whilst he may be a throwback and as old as the cocktail itself, Bulldog is never going to satisfy a single person on any given night. Poor Bea.”

Again another round of laughter as people have finally begun to loosen up. Raven claps to bring the attention back as he pours the bourbon, bitters and adds a small amount of syrup to the glass with the large cube. Placing a steel stirrer into the glass, he strikes it around the edge, stirring the ingredients only twice, before sitting it on the bar top once more.

“Miles, Bulldog and Finn are all kindred spirits. Angry, aggressive and quick to be blinded. Hyper focused, yet wearing blinders that stop them from seeing the greater picture. No patience means that they cannot be granted the sweeter pleasures in life. There is two pathways of thought when it comes to the traditional Old Fashioned. One is to stir for almost two minutes straight, stirring the entirety of the ice from existence and into the bitter sweet bourbon mix. Brash, bullheaded and with no patience, whilst the end result is serviceable, the experience is less than ideal. No, I am much more akin to the patient and cautious approach. Two stirs, no more and no less. Just enough to blend your bitters and bourbon. Unlike, Miles, Bulldog and Finn, I do not rush into things. Mistakes, ladies and gentleman, are costly. Elimination is something I cannot risk, and so. Even with the target painted upon me, I will wave the red flag. Like the bullfighter of Blood and Sand, the red flag will wave. The nuanced touch of the Irish Coffee will lend itself to me, and I will be the Painkiller that ends the anguish and distraction of this business for these men.”

After a few minutes have passed, Raven slowly pours the liquid from the large cube glass, to the other with small ice cubes. Entwining an orange and lemon twist, he rests this upon the rim and holds it aloft. The crowd of onlookers looking up at it.

“Just like that, patience pays off. A sweet, yet bitter, yet ever evolving taste. Patience lends itself to this masterpiece, and that is why it is one of the oldest cocktails in the world. From times of patience and understanding. From times of Kings and Queens. From times of Messiah, Prophets and alike. And yet, none are willing to wait. So…”

With a sharp rock of the boat, Raven releases his grip upon the glass and allows it to shatter upon the floor. Murmurs of confusion move through the onlookers, and Raven shakes his head a little, turning his back.

“I am, Alexander Raven. The One True King, the Broken Messiah and the False Prophet. I stand before you the current reigning Roulette Champion, and I will walk out of this match still the reigning Roulette Champion. My past walks before me once more, and I will not falter. We appear to be in for a Dark and Stormy evening ladies and gentleman. Something of a homework task. A simple drink, but one that can only be made with the specific rum of British Sailors of the early 20th century. That concludes tonight’s masterclass. I shall see you all, when I retain my championship, and solidify myself as the defending king of this City of Sin.”

Claps, cheers and whoops come from the people who had been attending. Those of which who hadn’t had their noses likely broken, or their basis of support shattered the same. Raven looks over the bar behind him, as some crew members begin to clean the broken glass, and prepare for typical bar service. A dark evening on deck likely to bring them more business than normal. And then…




Offline MiloKasey

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« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2022, 11:58:40 PM »
Come on.


Even after 16 hours in the air, even through Fenris’ venom jet fuel tasting alcohol the night before and passing out at the table he still sat there at the opening of people coming aboard the ship, hoping against hope.

All over that damn woman.

She wasn’t making any of this easy and at this particular point in time the chances that she would actually show up were slim. The conversation that was held very publicly the night before gave him little hope.

His stablemates were convinced he was crazy for even waiting for her but he couldn’t help it. Despite everything, he missed her. Not this version of her that everyone has gotten to see, but the version that made him laugh. This version of Becca Larkin, not even he could have predicted how absolutely awful it was.

But still, he sat back and watched as people showed up. His blue-green eyes locked on that spot. He’d watch as Bella and Malachi boarded. She would greet everyone with a hug, and a quick update as to how they’ve been doing. Malachi, would shake a few hands but not be nearly as talkative as his wife. She was always the more sociable of the two. That would be followed up by Mal’s brother Lachlan Kane and Sierra Williams. He knew that their appearances throughout the ship this week would be few and far between and had a small laugh when Kristjan told him that he was in the room next over from theirs. And suddenly very thankful that he was several doors down from all that.

“Milo, man, come on. You need to get rehydrated.” he felt his arm being tugged on. He glanced up not even really seeing who he was talking to but he knew they were friendly.

“Bugger off.” he would mumble and even right now, 12 hours later he still felt the effects of the alcohol he imbibed, it came out as a slur. He’d just shrug them off and before he would have a chance to glance back the horn would blow on the Sun Princess and the gates would close.

That was it.

She wasn’t there.

He would look around and make eye contact with Bella, who was looking at him with sadness in her eyes and he would just look away. They would all be looking at him like this all week and frankly it made him pissed off. That feeling only made him want to go into hiding.

How the fuck are you supposed to act normal when normal went by the way of the do-do a month ago?

He would look back to whoever was trying to get him to leave his spot and would see the Lukas sisters standing there, glaring at him, “Oh stop.” he grumbled.

Has anyone ever told you that you are completely pathetic?

Oh a few times, love. More than a few actually, now that I think about it.” he said scratching the side of his face that hasn’t seen anything resembling a razor in over a week, “But alas, I am me in all my glorious glory who is now off to drink his cares away. Care to join me?

It’s only noon!” Alicia barks at him.

AND?! Isn’t there a country song about 5 o’clock being somewhere?” he smirked before he heard a voice clear behind him. “And you are the last person I really wanna talk to right now, Bella.

Tough shit. I saw that look on your face, you are pining.” Bella says leaning against one of the walls with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Miles stumbles over to her, bending down to her level, “I don’t pine. I wallow, there’s a difference.

No there’s not.” she says, pushing him upright and pointing at his big head, “Look, I know you are bound and determined to do the self-destructive things that you are well known for.

Actually I’m just on my way to the bar, to contemplate just how far I’m willing to go.” Miles turns around and walks away.

DAMMIT MILO!” Bella stomps down and takes a step, determined to chase him but Alicia stops her.

I can’t hear you!” he says not even looking back and seeing that the girls are just letting him be. Not that it mattered, he was numb right now and wanted to remain that way.


Following the 3 day stupor that he was on, he had bounced himself into his room with the help of someone Tuesday night. He had woken up to a message and a not so subtle hint that if he didn’t pull his head out of his ass and actually get some work in that it would be his head on a pike.

When he finally pulled himself out, showered, shaved...sorta...and attempted to get his head on straight. He would make his way to the infirmary where after a lot of begging, they would give him the fluids he needed just so he would be able to stand up straight.

Somewhere along the way, in terms of the meet and greet, it got turned into a hugging booth. Word had gotten around some time ago that Miles always did give the best hugs, and apparently he agreed on this. He couldn’t tell you when, but by the time he had gotten himself to the location on the ship which was currently docked at a stop, he found himself quite the line of fans, majority of them were women but there were some kids.

He looked over to the stuart after looking around, “How long have we been docked?

“About an hour, mostly to pick up a few more people that weren’t able to make it to the first day and some needed supplies.”

Huh, alright well, keep the hose handy just in case some of these fans decide to not let go.” he gave a smile. It’d had been a few days, he had to start feeling more like himself after a little while.

“Yes sir.” he got a laugh from them. So not all hope was lost.

Miles would make it a spectacle, “ALRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS!” He let out with a yell as he was hoping up on the table, “I was told that this would be the group to meet, and I have all the best hugs to pass out here. LET’S GET TO IT!

ANd for a while, things was going spectacular. ...until...

Miles was finishing signing an autograph when he had a family step up to him, “Well hello there.

“Hi!” spoke up a little girl with long red hair. “I’m Danny!”

Well hello there Danny. I’m assuming this is your mom and dad.” he said, nodding towards them before waving.

“Yeah! This is the first time we’ve ever been to a SCW show!”

Well you picked a hell of a time to see us live.

“I’m cheering for you! It’s about time you get your first championship.”

I appreciate that one, Danny. And I has been a long time coming.

“Yeah, I was a little worried at first. My dad said you had been having issues with your family and I was worried you were going to cancel this chance for you. But when we heard you made it we were so happy. Your sister okay?”

Miles smiles at that, it was nice to know that people honestly cared, “She’s doing absolutely wonderful now and just got home yesterday from the message I got.

“Oh GOOD! And...” she looks uneasy for a moment, “Well..”

Miles nudges her with smirk, “Oh come on Danny, I haven’t been able to shut you up yet, what’s got you holding back now?

“Well...daddy said that I shouldn’t bring it up when we got on the ship today but I can’t help it! I swear I saw that girl you’ve been seeing.”

Miles gets caught by surprise a bit, “Come again?

“Yeah! She gave me a wave when I noticed her but she seemed really distracted.”

Well, she’s been really busy lately....I’m sure that was all.

From there on out, Miles went into a tunnel but managed to make it through while hearing a few different times that Becca had found her way on board.

3 days fucking later.

It took him everything to not scour the entire ship for her, but he couldn’t. Work had called and by the time it was all said and done, he was just too exhausted.


If she wanted to talk, she’d find him.

And the next day it was just as busy, he would look over his shoulder and then his phone would ping with a notification from twitter, so he knew she was trying to reach out. But it wasn’t exactly like he was hiding. He was trying to prepare himself for Sunday. He needed to fucking focus and instead this woman was gumming up the works!

Finn is going to murder him if he didn’t have his head in the game, Bill would try and do something stupid and more than likely Alexander would attempt to bore him to death talking about himself like a fucking Shakespeare play.

He went to dinner with the group and instead of holding civil conversation with them, he’d keep looking at his phone. He would catch glimpses of everyone staring at him.

It was that pity look again.

Fuck he was so close.

Excuse me.” he said, pardoning himself from the table.

In one part of the ship, he found a sanctuary spot, where no one would bug him. He should call her, he should just find out where she was...and instead, in the one thing he really didn’t want to do, he ended up in another public battle with her on twitter....AGAIN!

What part of private life did this woman not get?

He would slump against the wall and take a deep sigh, “I have had no chances to really get myself ready. I haven’t even taken any of the opportunity to sit and actually give my attention to my opponents. I mean, part of that was on purpose. If I wanted hot air, I’d be in the air and not on this beautiful ship.

Here’s my thing boys, I have had more than enough bullshit as of late from all sides. To say that I am more than ready to kick someone’s fucking head in, well that’s an understatement. Between my sister’s issues and now all this going on with Becca, I have to pop the top on this stress machine before I go nuclear. And believe me, I am hella fucking close.

His phone pings again and he looks down and quickly types and you can just see it adding on to his stress level, “I’m playing Days of Our Lives over here, and I’m still more interesting than anything Alexander Raven or Bill Barnhart has to say ever. I have realized that my personal life has to power what I do here. I see it with Finn, that fucker gets it more than anyone.

That phone just keeps popping off and he growls and it takes it all to not chuck it against the wall, “This is the kind of shit that I compete with all the time, and honestly I can go and fuck her right now and still have just enough of everything come Sunday to knock you ALL off that whole setup into the pool and snatch that Roulette Championship and just keep on going.

I do it because I have nothing else. I LIVE for this bullshit and all the drama that comes along with it. She’s pissed off because women were flirting with me. I’m pissed off because she spent the last month barely talking to me. But I am still going to be there. I’m going to do EVERYTHING I can to show that the GUIDING LIGHT BULLSHIT, is just a teeny tiny part of what I actually am. I am going to be out to show just that.

And when you think that it wasn’t going to get worse....that phone pops off and he sighs.

Now, if you excuse me...I’m a pathetic sod and least I got that for me.