Author Topic: False Prophecy  (Read 9507 times)

Offline "Scumbag" Kevin Carter

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False Prophecy
« on: April 25, 2024, 12:56:05 AM »

Date: JANUARY 3RD, 2015 || Camera: OFF

The lights in the room were bright. The single desk set up in the middle of the room had a recorder on it. The mask-wearing patient sat at the desk.

Of course both of his hands were shackled together. His feet are the same. All of those shackles leading to the chair he sat in.

There was nowhere for him to go. Even if he wanted to, but the shackles weren’t for the fear of him escaping.

The shackles were for the safety of the young doctor walking in. She had already been attacked once by the patient sitting at the desk.

Although their relationship had seemingly improved the last few months. The trust wasn’t there and likely never would be.

She then found herself taking a seat. Sitting down with a notepad and pen right in front of her. Before reaching over and pressing the record button.

“This is Dr. Wynn.
This is session twenty five with the Entity.”

Her hazel eyes coming up to meet the patient’s that were behind the mask.

“Are you ready to speak?”

“Of course. . .
It’s taken us a while to finally warm up to each other.
But I think you now know what I expect.
And what I will or will not tolerate.”

“As I mentioned before.
I’ve never meant any harm or any disrespect.
You came to our facility almost two years ago.
All I’ve ever wanted to do was help.”

“Do you know how many times I’ve heard that Dr. Wynn?
I’ve heard that ‘no disrespect’ was meant.
I’ve heard ‘we all have the respect in the world’ for you.
More times than I can count. And every single person that said it. . .
They meant to be disrespectful.
They didn’t have any respect for me. Never did. Never will.”

The masked patient just shook his head in a disappointed manner.

“People are fickle.
They’re never meant to be depended on or trusted.
I’ve had to learn that lesson the hard way. More times than I’d like to admit.”

“And the most recent time was with that company you were telling me about.
Is that correct?”

“Ah, yes that was our last discussion.
Good ol’ Sin City Wrestling. The shadiest professional wrestling company to exist.
Ran by two corrupt men. Mark Ward and Christian Underwood.
Two men that said they respected me.
Two men that said they appreciated me.
But everything they said was a lie. It was all a lie.”

“I’m aware that we’re starting to get to the root of your problems but. . .”

“Problem? Oh Dr. Wynn.
I think you still severely misunderstand.
I never came to this place for help.
In fact I came here to embrace who I needed to be.
I had to become who I am now for the ultimate revenge.”

The sinister chuckle that fell from the masked patient’s lips made the skin crawl of the doctor before him.

She had a job to do still. Regardless of how on edge he made her feel.

“Ultimate revenge?
I want to know more about that and where your head is.
However, before we go there. I want to back up for one second.
Those two men. Mark and Christian.
Why are you so convinced they’ve done you wrong?”

“The proof is all in the pudding.
I played the game they wanted to play.
I was a model employee. I did exactly what they wanted.
Showed up for every event. Competed every match I was in.
Even took their prized purpiles and put them on a higher level.

And then when I did the highest honor.
They turn on me. They refused to honor the deal.
Refused to extend my contract.
Left me without a job. With a family to support.
They’re evil intentions were shown.”

“I am just going to call this how I see it.
Corporates are hard to understand.
They make complex decisions all day long.
Some we will never have to deal with.
Being a boss isn’t always rainbows and sunshines.
Are you sure it was truly a matter of malice?
And it wasn’t just a hard decision you don’t understand being made.”

“Oh I’m more than sure my view is correct.”

Those words were just dripped in hatred. As much as it may have been a figment of his imagination. Mentally ill or not the mindset wasn’t going to change.

“Everything. . .
Everything done since then proves it was done with intent.
When it was revealed I blew my ACL that last match.
No phone call. No bump in my last check. Certainly no job offer.
My name has not been mentioned in a year and half since leaving.

I get no royalties when my image is used to promote things.
They’ve done everything they can to move on from me.
To forget about me. To erase my career and my legacy.
For no reason at all.
That is something I cannot let go unpunished.”

“I don’t want to upset you. . .
Do you understand when you talk about revenge?
When you talk in riddles? When you come off threatening?
I can never tell my boss that I feel like you’re safe to the public.
Your time here isn’t going to come to an end.
We have to find a way for you to channel this energy into a more positive mindset.”

“Again. There is your ignorance rearing its ugly head.
I am here to become who I need to be. Listen to me when I say that.
You have no authority over how long I say or when I go.
That fat pig you call a boss has no control.

I have all the control. And when the time comes.
When the transformation is complete.
I’ll let you know when I’m ready to leave.
And you’ll walk me out the door. Hand in hand.”

“I don’t believe that will be the case.”

“I do. . .
You don’t want another run in with me.
They almost didn’t get to you in time.
Think about your husband. Your two year old.
They’re not ready to say goodbye to you.
Like you’re not ready to say goodbye to them.
Just know you will do what I want when the time comes.”

Her facial expression displayed nothing but fear. She had never mentioned her personal life. Even some of her co-workers didn’t know.

She quickly reached for the table and smacked the button to the recorder to shut it off. Getting out of her seat as quickly as she could. The masked patient began to laugh.

“Dr. Wynn. . .
You don’t understand how deep you’re in this thing with me.
Trust me when I tell you. You don’t want to be part of this revenge tour.
We’d be much better off as allies.
I’m a man that likes to take matters into my own hands.
I can be very dangerous when the time calls.”

“You’re disgusting!”

It was the only two words she could let escape her lips. Before she quickly stormed out of the room. Leaving the masked patient shackled there.

His demonic laugh began to consume him. As he rocked himself back and forth in that chair as a true unstable human being.

Camera: ON

The sound of church bells ringing could be heard with the shot opening up. Sure enough with the cameras panning around.

The location was revealed inside of a church. Inside the church. Not a soul was seen. Not even the priest. All the seats were empty.

Service had concluded for the day. The sounds of the bells were signifying that. A slow turn of the cameras leading to their primary focus.

A confessional booth. More than anything the focus was on the door where a cross was featured. Cameras slowly started to zoom in.

Then Like some type of black magic, there was a sudden flash of white light. With the shot now inside the confessional booth.

The wicked grin of the one they called The Entity was shown. A slow pan up to their face as the soulless areas were visible. Almost glowing like never before.

The silence now broken by the masked figure.

“A false prophet. . .
That is someone that claims to be a gift prophecy.
Someone that claims to be divine inspiration.
More or less someone that believes that they are on a level above the rest.
And sometimes false prophets are made because of false followers.”

Surely just a few words being spoken by Entity. They would have the Sin City Wrestling faithful’s attention. Whether they wanted to give it or not.

“That’s where the false prophecy of Miles Kasey comes in.
Fans all across the globe clamor for the man.
Some go as far as calling him the greatest wrestler of this generation.
They believe that he can hang with the best of them.
No matter who he is matched up against.
Hell, the match he just competed in.

Fans are calling it the greatest wrestling match of twenty twenty four.
There’s still so much time in the year to go. How disrespectful.
And it doesn’t end there with the fans.
Pay close attention to his peers. They overhype this man.
They also believe he can hang with the best of them.
They are the ones that say he had one of the best Internet Championship reigns in recent history.

They are the ones that say he’s a future World Heavyweight Champion.
They’re the ones that say it's an honor and privilege to face someone like him.
All of these comments and claims add to the aura of Miles.
It adds to this false prophecy that he’s some kind of wrestling god.
It’s disgusting to hear the things these people say.
It’s even more foul that Miles doesn’t bother to correct them and tell the truth.”

Entity’s face twisted into a ‘sour’ like expression with that sentence.

“Not once have you humbled yourself, Miles.
You’ve never come out and denied the claims of being one of the best.
You’ve never shut down the calls for you to be a World Champion.
Never one named five Internet Champions that were easily better than you.
Instead you embraced those claims. You embraced those remarks.
You’ve leaned into this false prophecy which now means you’re endorsing it.
That means you belong in hell. You deserve to burn in forever eternal damnation.”

Each word being spoken had the Entity sounding more and more frustrated. Their opinions of Miles Kasey are very different.

Far different than the rest of his peers. To the point it had the masked figure upset. That heavy breathing from behind the mask becoming heard more often.

“By embracing this false prophecy.
You leave me no other choice but to expose you.
No other option but to lead you down the path to your eternal damnation.
But of course. . .
What I am saying right now is falling upon deaf ears. Am I right Miles?

After all, who I am to you?
What do I mean to you?
What do I mean to Sin City Wrestling?
When am I ever going to amount to anyone around here?
All these questions have circled your head.

Like they’ve circled everyone else’s head that I’ve faced.
That’s exactly what Mark Ward wanted.
It’s what Christian Underwood wanted.
They wanted my presence to have no effect on anyone.
My career and my legacy, they wanted to be nonexistent.”

Smallest little shake of the Entity’s head was visible. They continued on while starting to clap in a very sarcastic manner.

“Congratulations. . .
If you are letting my words fall upon your deaf ears because of that.
Then you’re a moron. I already told you this. I’ve told everyone this.
I know what they’ve done and what they’re trying to do.
It’s not a surprise. You’re just setting yourself up for failure.
But maybe that isn’t it.”

The masked figure’s clapping came to an end. All while starting to tilt their head to the side.

“Maybe the reason for deaf ears is HB Carter.
Are you taking advice from him?
Are you letting him give you words of wisdom?
Are you letting him be your guide to defeating me?
Carter is the only person to defeat the Entity thus far.
That might be fact, but you know what else is fact?

Fact number one. Wins mean nothing.
Losses mean nothing. This is Sin City Wrestling.
Where the mediocre will forever be rewarded.
You could lose every match for six months in a row.
You’ll have at least three title shots handed to you.
Without being earned during that time.

I’ve said it before. I’m not here to be the competition.
I am simply here for revenge.
Here to make certain people pay for what they’ve done.
It seems to be something people struggle to understand.
But the more bloodshed that ends up on my hands.
You’ll understand, Miles. You’ll all understand.”

This deep demonic laugh consumed the Entity for a moment. That was more than a telling sign that the masked figure was anything but sane.

They were anything but someone that could be rationalized and understood. Everything about them screamed they wanted to watch the world burn.

“Fact number two. What did HB Carter do with that victory?
It’s a feather in his cap. A chance to rise up the ranks.
A chance to show he has arrived here in Sin City Wrestling.
Despite being here all this time. But Carter did what he always does.
He goes right back to just being another body on the roster.
Once again he goes right back to being complacent.

Carter had no direction. He took no step forward.
He did nothing with the win. Barely even made it onto the last supercard.
If it wasn’t for him being friends with some hag. He’d been sitting at home.
You know that just as much as I do.
If you ask me. The writing is on the wall.
It’s there in black and white.

You’re far more successful than Carter ever thought about being.
You’ve held championships. Competed in Main Events.
Done many of the things he claims he wants.
But for some god forsaken reason.
You’re going to listen to him. Take his advice.
Allow him to lead you nowhere.”

Entity had their glove covered hand brought up. Shaking it right before the cameras in a ‘no-no’ like manner. As if they were referring to Miles as a toddler of sorts.

“And that brings me to fact number three.
You don’t have the confidence to be in the ring with someone like me.
Taking that loss to Peter at Blaze of Glory.
It shook you to your core. It shattered you. It broke you inside.
It broke your mindset. It made you question your abilities.
It made you question whether or not you belong.

I know that you’re not going to admit to that.
You’re not going to give me that satisfaction.
That’s why you’re really leaning into this false prophecy.
Soaking in the attention you’re getting for a match of the year candidate.
I am not a fool. I know how these games work.
But deep down. You know what I am saying is true.”

Once again that evil smirk had appeared on their expression.

“To stand across from me. . .
You’ll need confidence. You’ll need the ability to believe in yourself.
Entering the ring with me already deflated, lost, and confused.
It makes this easier for me than it should be.
Surely, you don’t want to do that Miles.
You don’t want to give it all away before the match happens.

If you do that. Then you lose your fans.
You lose the support of your peers.
No more big time matches. No more being viewed as a pillar to Sin City Wrestling.
Giving up on yourself is the worst thing you could do but. . .
It would be the smartest thing you ever did.
I get that you brits aren’t the smartest.

In fact some of the dumbest people on earth.
But this is the time you should listen to me.
Show up on Sunday. Walk to the ring.
Lay down in front of the world. And expose yourself.
It’s for the greater good. It saves you a beating.
It saves me from sending you to the Emergency Room.

It saves you from having to put your loved ones through hell.
And through torture of making them watch what I do to you.
I’m telling you, Miles. This is the best option.
After all, even the man they called Jesus. . .
A true prophecy did what was right.
For the ones he loved. For the greater good.”

Bringing religion into the mix. Likely wouldn't be well received by anyone. Entity on the other hand kept that devious smirk across their expression.

“You’ve got the chance to show your selflessness
Or you got the chance to be selfish.
It’s all in your hands from here on our Miles.
But I assure you. If you don’t go the smart route.

All the pain. All the suffering.
All the blood that will be spilled.
It won’t be worth it. You won’t come out the other side.
You will not still have a false prophecy attached to you. Regardless.”

Following those words. The Entity found themselves leaning in a little bit closer to the cameras. Now speaking in a satanic-like whisper.

“In fact Miles. . .
I told all of Sin City Wrestling. I was going to take matters into my own hands.
From here on out. I will not settle until chaos is amongst us all.
You don’t take the easy way out. Then the savage beating I put you through.
It’ll make the crucifixion of Jesus Christ look mild!”

The close up shot on those soulless eyes were enough to send a chill down the spine of the viewer. Then with another bright white flash.

The shot was outside of the confession booth. Focusing on the cross on the door once again, but this time it had been flipped upside down.

That was quite the statement by the Entity. Within seconds of being outside the confessional booth the shot found itself fading to black.

Date: APRIL 23RD, 2024  || Camera: ON & OFF

The shot opening up was a little shaky at first. Clearly not a professional camera nor a professional behind the camera.

Once the camera got held still it was revealed it was looking inside of a window. Then all of the sudden that booming loud voice could be heard.

Speaking in as close to a whisper as possible.

“Mark and Christian. . .
This video is going to be sent to the office.
Because by the time it makes headlines that one of your ‘employees’ have committed a crime.
You’ll be under so much fire to figure out what happened.
I want it to come straight from my mouth.
And my mouth alone.”

There was an almost sinister sounding snicker that left the Entity’s vocal chords.

“I told you back at Blaze of Glory.
I’m tired of the disrespect. I’m fed up with everything.
All you’ve taken from me and made disappear.
Therefore it’s time I take matters into my own hands.
And why not start with the family you forced me to abandon.
I’ve harmed when once by walking out on them.

Now I need to send a message loud and clear.
I need to have blood on my hands in the worst ways.
I need Sin City Wrestling to crumble.
What better way than having it gain bad press?
By a disgruntled man taking out his grieves on the ones he’s meant to love.
Oh what a headline it’ll make indeed.”

Entity’s gloved covered hand could be seen reaching for the window they were filming. Lifting it up slowly and very gently. Being sure not to make a sound.

Once the window was opened enough the camera became shaky again. All for a brief second before it came clear Entity had climbed into the home.

“I had two young children. A little boy and a little girl.
I had a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend who I loved dearly.
We were living on cloud nine when I was employed
With you back in two thousand and thirteen.
Best lives one could have. Then you stripped it all away from me.

You didn’t resign me like you said you were.
I was left without the funds needed to support them.
You contributed to the downfall of my mental health.
You are the reason I viewed myself as a failure to my family.
And the two of you didn’t feel even the slightest bit of remorse.”

Entity had slowly started to walk throughout the home. A lot had changed in the last eleven years. It didn’t look like it once did.

Nor could it be expected to be the same. Soon enough they found themselves slowly but surely starting to approach the stairs to lead to the second story.

“I left them high and dry.
Because of how you made me feel.
And because I could no longer provide for them.
They never understood it. They never will.
But for the last eleven years I missed out on my children’s lives.

I missed out on Nicole’s life.
And I won’t take the fall for that.
None of that would’ve happened, if it wasn’t for you two.
But now is the right time for a reunion.
Especially considering who I am facing this week.”

By the time their statement was finished. Entity had made it to the top of the stairs. Still speaking in that deep voice but with a whisper tone.

“Miles Kasey. . .
He gets to be employed. He gets to be a golden goose.
More importantly every single week. We all have to witness him.
Shove his relationship down everyone’s throat like it’s supposed to matter.
Miles gets to experience love and flaunt it.
He gets to support his family.
But I didn’t. Again the lack of respect and value.
You had for me is apparent.”

Their words were soaked in bitterness. Entity finding themselves reaching the top of the stairs and walking down the hall.

Poking his head inside the room. Thus far there wasn’t a soul in sight. One would have to assume that was a good thing.

Entity stopped in front of one of the doors that were shut. Pushing it open. Once he did so the review inside the room was very distinct.

It clearly belonged to a teenage boy. Lots of trophies on shelves. A basketball in the corner. eve a poster on the wall.

Entity could be heard scoffing from behind the camera. The poster was that of Miles Kasey. By the sound in their voice. It struck a nerve.

“Imagine that.
Because SCW took everything from me.
Forced me to abandon my family.
Made sure I didn’t have a job.
My son grew up to have a false prophet as his hero.
I’ll be fixing that real. . . real soon.”

Turning themselves around. Taking the opposite direction down the hall. Once again letting their voice be heard.

“Now I know that we don’t know each other, Miles.
And you might think that my issues with the company.
My issues with Mark and Christian. They don’t have anything to do with you.
But that’s where you are wrong. They’ve got a lot to do with you.
They’ve got a lot to do with the entire roster.

But specifically with you.
How dare you get to support your family?!
Make sure they don’t ever have to suffer.
Give them anything they may ever need.
How dare you get to live our happiness with your loved ones?!

Get to travel to work with them every week.
Having the chance to see the world.
Knowing every night your relationship is as good as it can get.
And more importantly. . .
How dare you get to be valued more than I ever did?!

You’ve never been to the top of the mountain.
Not like I have.
You’ve never provided the ratings that I did.
You have never had the stock.
That I did.

I can look at my career and yours side by side.
Everything I did in two thousand twelve to two thousand and thirteen.
Outshines everything you’ve ever done.
Or ever will, if we are being honest.
Yet, you get praise. You get value. It’s disgusting!”

Their voice raised for the first time. Showing that extreme amount of disdain for the man known as Miles Kasey.

“Like everyone else Miles.
You’re okay with it.
You’re okay with being held higher than me in value.
Despite the fact if it wasn’t for me.
People like you wouldn’t exist here.
You wouldn’t get the opportunities that have been handed to you.
But no one will give me the credit I deserve.”

As the Entity was approaching the end of the hall. From the door to the left that was closed. The sound of running water could be heard.

That being the indication that someone was home after all. There was a sudden flip in the camera view as the face of Entity was now being shown.

“Maybe just maybe.
Mark and Christian will show this footage to you too, Miles.
If I am willing to harm the ones I love.
For the sake of sending a message.
After I lost everything to begin with.

What makes you think I won’t harm you worse?
You’d be a fool to think otherwise.
In the end all that needs to be understood.
This on the hands of the company. It’ll even be on your hands Miles.
I will not stop until every one of you loses it all!”

The camera flipped back around. As the door was starting to open up. Steam rolling out of the hot room. A brunette in her mid to late thirties walking out.

Wrapped in a towel. Her attention was focused on her phone. No idea what awaited her. That booming voice speaking out to capture attention.

“Hello Nicole. . .
Long time no see.”

The hair on the back of the woman’s neck stood up. She dropped her phone in a startled manner. Looking up and coming face to face with that masked figure.

A blood-curdling scream could be heard leaving her lips. The woman turned to rush back into the bathroom. Retreating in fear.

“There’s going to be nowhere for you to hide!
There’s going to be nowhere for you to run!”

Entity rushed the woman and in doing so dropped the camera. It hit the ground and shattered the screen. Briefly catching the Entity trying to get to the screaming woman.

The camera stopped recording due to it being broken. The screams of Nicole got a little louder as she tried to push the door shut.

“No please! Leave me alone!”

Entity stopped trying to force their way in. Instead they stepped back and allowed the woman to close the door. The gloved hands of Entity came up.

Their fingertips pulling on the strings that kept the mask so tight to their face. Before yanking the mask off and holding it in their right hand.

“Nicole. . .
It’s me.”

Those words were soft spoken. Different from what was taking place moments ago. The voice sounded familiar enough.

The woman’s screams had come to an end. She popped the door open. Ever so lightly. Enough to be able to peek at it. Her gaze locked on the now maskless man.

She almost fell to the floor as the door opened. Her hands covering her mouth. The state of fear now being replaced with a state of shock.

“You’re. . .You’re. . . You’re. . . Alive?!”

Tears formed in the brunette’s eyes. Leading to her swinging the door open the rest of the way. She rushed out and wrapped her arms around the man.

Her sobs could be heard as he dropped the mask out of his hand. Letting it hit the floor at their feet. For the first time in eleven years he was . . . home