Author Topic: I Won....Poof Be Gone B*tch!  (Read 1447 times)

Offline Brooklyn Carter

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I Won....Poof Be Gone B*tch!
« on: January 09, 2012, 06:17:33 PM »
I promise it will feel real good Brooklyn, just relax and Daddy will take care of you.


Brooklyn, New York
December 22nd, 2002

The scene opens up inside Brooklyn's parents home, Brooklyn is shown stretched out on the sofa lying on her stomach, behind her, her father Jerome is shown rubbing oil up and down her legs.

Jerome: Just be still and I'll make that pain go right away.

Brooklyn clenches the sofa pillow as her father rubs the oil up and down her leg, she lets out a small cry before relaxing her body.

Jerome: You are my angel and I promise to never let anyone hurt you or take advantage of you.

Jerome continues to caress Brooklyn's thighs.

Jerome: You took a hard fall outside on the court today, but luckily I was there and able to get to you after you were hurt, I promise after we get those clothes off and I run you a hot bath, everything will be okay.

Brooklyn lays there motionless, scared, and unaware of what to do next.

Jerome: You haven't told your mother about our secrets,
[Pauses] have you?

Brooklyn nods in disagreement.

Jerome: Good, I wouldn't want it to come between our relationship and I know you wouldn't want to be the reason why your mother and I would split up, God Forbid that happens.

Jerome laughs to himself.

Jerome: Now do me a favor sweetie and roll over, we need to take care of your front area.

The scene fades


Los Angeles, California
Brooklyn's Loft Apartment

The scene opens up inside Brooklyn's apartment, Brooklyn is shown laying on her couch, eyes closed. She moves her head from side to side but is awaken by the front door slamming, her publicist and manager Dana walks in.

Dana: I know your not resting, after this huge win.

Dana laughs.

Brooklyn:I'm just tired. [Yawns] and not really in the mood for jokes.

Dana: Excuse me Miss Lady? For someone to come off a huge win, you sure are in a shitty ass mood, well do I have the pleasure of asking you what is wrong?

Little did she know the sh*t I have to put up with on a daily basis, if it isn't drama with my family, then its drama with someone else and I try my best not to get involved with any of that.

Dana was a good person, well let me rephrase that. Dana is a good person, and she's the type of person to be there no matter what the circumstance is, she has had my back through a lot of stuff which is why I could never replace her.

But there are things that Dana doesn't know about me, and it's not that I don't trust her, its protecting myself and her. I know how much she cares about me and she would never want to see me hurt, but I have a very dark past and I honestly feel like she would not be able to handle it.

Dana: The good new is, you are booked next week and your going against Misty, she's a veteran and a pretty damn good wrestler.

Brooklyn:I'm familiar with the name, and I know a little of her history so I am excited about going up against her since she is a former champion.

Dana: Which means if you beat her, I think it would make you a contender, maybe a number one contender.

Brooklyn:So what happened with that Kandi chick?

Dana: I heard she forfeited her contract and quit.

Brooklyn laughs.

Brooklyn:Was it because of me?

Dana: Why wouldn't it be? Both of your matches were debut matches, and its funny because she talked all that mess but needed help to win the match, but what's really funny to me is that she failed, and I do mean she failed...miserably [Laughs] But who cares, she was a pain in the ass and I don't think anyone would want to work with her, especially with that attitude.

Brooklyn:I mean she talked all that crap and said how she was going to do this and do that, but  I guess me and my Horse Hair proved her wrong. [Chuckles] But enough about that chick, we did what we said we was going to do and that was get rid of her and we did something better, we made the b*tch quit!

Dana reaches over and grabs a water bottle, she makes her way over to Brooklyn and sits down on the couch beside her.

Dana: What about this Misty chick? Are you nervous?

Brooklyn nods.

Brooklyn:Of course I am, I think anyone would be nervous going up against a former champion and Misty has a past, a history and I know for a fact she is going to be a tough opponent.

Misty and Kandi are definitely on two separate levels, Kandi is more of a jobber, she is the person you face when you debut in a match, kind of what I did and Misty is more on a higher level, Misty gets title shots, Misty holds titles and she is more respected in the wrestling world, not of the strength of her looks, but more for her personality and her wrestling skills.

I'm honored to face an opponent like Misty because that lets me know that I am worthy enough to go against champions and former champions, obviously the staff and my fans believe enough in me that I do have what it takes to make a name for myself here and to destroy my opponents.

I only know very little about Misty, but I'm definitely interested in knowing more. I look at this match as a opportunity to really make a name for myself in this business, beating her will give me the respect and push I need to go further in this company and I'm excited.

Kandi messed up by opening her mouth and making it seem like she was the hardest and best female wrestler this corporation or hell this world can offer, but I proved that theory to be wrong after I took her ass out. You can tell by her shitty ass attitude and how she handled loosing the match that she wasn't really competition in the first place.

She talked mad game, but ended up not backing up what she thought she could dish out, but we don't need people like her in this federation. I see her doing porn then being taken serious in the wrestling world.

That is if a porn industry would be interested in someone that looked like her, I know sometimes porn companies settle for less especially if the girl has really big breasts, but with a face like Kandi's, I doubt they'll let this one slide.

Brooklyn jumps up from the sofa making her way into the kitchen, she reaches in the drawer and pulls out a lighter. Over on the counter, she reaches for the dutch she smoked on earlier and re-lit it.

Dana: I swear you are such a pot head.

Brooklyn laughs as she takes a hit.

Brooklyn:I rather be a pot head then a coke head or a crack head, honestly weed may slow your brain cells down but it doesn't physically hurt you. Its a stress reliever and it puts me in a calm mood, now if I was doing something extreme then I would be worried, but I'm not.

Dana: I'm not judging you sweetie, believe it or not I was a pot head in high school and half way through college, but in your sport I don't think smoking is your best bet since your work involves a lot of movement and I'm pretty sure you have a hard time breathing at times, inhaling on that smoke.

Dana was right, but I just couldn't imagine myself kicking the weed habit right now, it was what I did in my passing time, you know if I'm bored or can't sleep then I usually roll me up a fat blunt and call it a day.

I was raised in a family of drug addicts and smokers, my father choked on cigarettes almost every day his entire life, he calls himself quitting but I remember the last time I saw him, he had a full carton in the backseat of his car and as for my mother, she messed around with some coke in her days but I don't think it was ever a huge problem.

Brooklyn:I don't think weed is bad as cigarettes, weed is more herbal as or cigarettes is man made, all those chemicals of course can f*ck someone's body up but weed actually heals.

Dana: Oh is that right? And where did you hear that mess from?

Brooklyn laughs as she takes another hit of the dutch, she looks over at Dana who is sitting there watching her, Brooklyn raises her arm and tries to pass it to Dana but Dana declines.

Dana: Those days are over, I am a business woman and I have money to make for you and myself, and me being high would not help any of us get some money in our pocket so I hate to say but I will have to pass on this one.

Brooklyn:[Shrugs Shoulders] I wouldn't force you to smoke it, but you could of taken one hit, and your staying with me tonight anyway so I'm pretty sure your high will be gone by the morning.

Dana stares at the dutch in Brooklyn's hand for a couple minutes before reaching for it, she puts the dutch up to her mouth and takes a hit.


Dana: DAMN!! [COUGHS] What the hell do you have in this stuff? This isn't regular weed Brooklyn.

Brooklyn reaches for the dutch.

Brooklyn:Of course not, I don't smoke regular weed unless I can't find any exotic, what your smoking on right now is Kush, and I got some Purp in my bedroom but London would get mad if I was to smoke that.

Dana: Y'all are really some drug addicts.

Brooklyn:No, not drug addicts...[Pauses] I would say more of a POT HEAD!

Dana: Look, I don't care what you and brother do, but you are my client and I have the right to be concerned and worried about you. But anyway, I just want you to be prepared for this match coming up against Misty, because this match is much more important then the one with Kandi.

Brooklyn:I understand.

Dana: This match could determine the next direction in your career, especially here in SCW and I think that you deserve to wear Championship Gold and that should be your main focus, I don't care about your side projects and your smoking habits, but what doesn't concern me and what I do care about is your health and even though WEED may not be a death sentence like cigarettes can be, weed can still mess up your breathing and make it hard for you to catch your breath and I really think that with this match coming up, you should really cut back.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, Dana was right but weed has always been my calm solution, it always helped me release the stress that came along with all the problems I had going on in my life.

But Dana was right, this match coming up against Misty was very important, not only for my career but for the company period. I made a huge debut last week against Kandi, kicking her ass and everyone else who tried to get in my away and I definitely want to keep that win streak going.

I'm excited to face Misty, I'm excited to show SCW, the fans, and everyone else that I am ready to climb this ladder and make a name for myself, I see myself wearing that championship belt, I see myself defending that championship belt, and I see myself holding it for a very long time.

But as for health, I had to be a little more serious about it. I started smoking weed when I was 15 years old, to bad I didn't know about it when I was 10 and 11, I probably would of handled my fathers abuse a little better, during my teenage years, alcohol and substance abuse was my only way to help me cope with the issues I had going on in my life, it wasn't a smart decision, but when you take the drugs I did, your body, your life, hell even your personality becomes so numb that you can't feel the pain that's going on in and around your life.

Being numb was the best solution.

Dana: I only worry about you Brooklyn; I never want to play your mother or your father because I already know you have one of those. But as your friend and as your manager, your health and your well being is my concern also and I don't want to read somewhere that your in the hospital or god forbid something bad happens to you because of something you could of controlled.

Brooklyn:What I do has never gone above weed, its only weed and it will stay only weed but from listening to you, I have decided to cut back and focus more on my wrestling and trying to stay in better shape.

Dana: I'm happy to hear that.

Brooklyn:After this match with Kandi, it really opened my eyes and I'm ready to really make a name for myself and prove to everyone including me that I have what it takes and I swear this match with Misty will make that happen for me.

Dana: I have faith in you.

Brooklyn smiles.

Dana: I need to get out of here and run a couple more errands, I should be back around 9, Chinese tonight?

Brooklyn:No, London is going to bring me some food once he gets out of class, but a snack won't hurt.

Dana: Oreos?

Brooklyn:You got it.

Dana smiles as she leans over and hugs Brooklyn, she grabs her purse off the coffee table and heads toward the door as the scene fades.

2 Hours Later


The scene opens up with Brooklyn sitting on her couch, reaching for the remote, she starts to flip through the channels until she reaches Family Guy, she smiles as she starts to watch and then..


The Front doors open and London runs in.

London: We gotta go, like now! HURRY UP!

London races towards the bedroom, picking up random clothes and tossing them in his duffel bag, Brooklyn walks into his bedroom wondering what was going on.


Brooklyn:Where London?

London: San Francisco, I found Dad!

Brooklyn's mouth opens wide, hardly able to catch her breath, she backs up towards the door to lean.

Brooklyn:He's dead.

London: No he's not! Just trust me!

Brooklyn:What if I don't want to see him.

London: But I do, I have questions and I want f*cking answers and you know I don't want to go alone so please, please just pack a over night bag and let's go.

Brooklyn sighs.

Lord knows I wasn't ready to face this man, not after all I've been through, the history we have together, and not once did I ever receive a phone call or apology, but I have to rush off to see this man.

He disappeared on us, and now we have to go and find him.

London: Do it for me, please! [London begs] Just this once, I need answers sis!

Brooklyn nods in agreement as she turns and heads for her room, she reaches in her closet pulling out her Louis Vuitton and tossing it on the bed, with both hands on her hips, she lets out of huge sigh as she starts packing.

The scene fades.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 06:18:18 PM by Brooklyn Carter »
Don't get confused between my personality & my attitude. My personality is who I am, my attitude depends on who you are....
Bad Bitches, I'm Ya Leader.