Author Topic: New Mentor  (Read 1037 times)

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
New Mentor
« on: June 02, 2023, 11:58:31 PM »
Monday May 29th
Wildcat Wrestling School
Los Angeles, California

Life for Dawn Warren was meant for her to be at the top of the world. Everything and anything that she ever did resulted in her in exceling to the very top. She did so in high school as a Valedictorian, in college as a Sum Cumae Laude and even in graduate school. However her wrestling career had been filled with many bumpy twists and turns. This is a woman who had gone pro at the age of 16 back in 2014. It was a short stint that caused her to finish schooling among other things. However this year she had jumped right back into the career in wrestling and things have been blossoming ever since. She has the beautiful fiancée she has the awesome gig at Rose Productions and life seemed to be amazing.

It was amazing until she was met with the results of Into The Void and despite being flawless throughout her career the blast from the past finale isn’t what she was expecting. Not only was she stopped in the finals in the tournament but she would lose her match to some goldbricking by her opponent which led to her ultimate demise. This didn’t sit well with Dawn and that is when she decided that in another company she would cash in a briefcase to challenge for a World Championship. She knew it was probably a bad idea to fight her mentor Seleana’s wife Crystal for a World Championship but she didn’t care. Dawn just NEEDED her moment. She did the unthinkable she beat Crystal and was crowned the ECWF Champion but that celebration wasn’t for long as she would lose that same title to a hungry contender two weeks later.

This thing called losing wasn’t what she was accustomed too. It was Memorial Day Monday and while she should have been off spending time with her family barbequing or just enjoying the hot sun. Dawn had decided to sit on one of the bleachers in the Wild Cat Wrestling School. Her hair was free flowing as she sat there with her arms crossed. It wasn’t long until a figure emerged into the gym, that figure was none other than her mentor Seleana Zdunich. The Swedish born bombshell walked slowly towards Dawn as she was followed closely by Dawn’s fiancée Melissa Chavez. Melly just sighs as she speaks out to Seleana.

“See… Like I told you she’s been waiting for you here. I tried to get her to enjoy the holiday with Teddy and Chavy but she is persistent on just sitting there…”

Seleana shakes her head as she draws closer towards the Pink Puppy. Her arms are crossed as she looks at the pink haired beauty.

“Melly says you been sitting here all day. Today’s a holiday ja?! You should go home and spend time with your family.”

Dawn shakes her head as she sighs in return.

“Spend time with my family?! Listen…Wrestling is my family. It’s where I feel home. These past three weeks haven’t been what I wanted. I have worked hard and what has it been for?! I appreciate that people are starting to look at me now. It’s totes an amazing feeling and I love it! I like being the best though… Losing that tournament wasn’t what I wanted. Winning would have put me closer to a World Championship match and now that’s not the case anymore?! I dropped the ball… I let my partner down, I let myself down…”

Seleana places a hand gently on Dawn’s shoulder as she tries her best to reach out to her.


Dawn however pulls her shoulders away as she screams in return.

“DON’T TOUCH ME!!!!!!!”

Both Melly and Seleana are taken back as she didn’t expect that type of outburst from Dawn. The Pink Puppy just breathes heavily as she glances back at the Swedish woman.

“Look… I am sorry… I didn’t mean to have that type of outburst… It’s just that I am very frustrated. I don’t like losing. I feel like I could have done so much better. I thought that winning a World Championship would have made me happy but it didn’t. My showing in the Calamity Chamber wasn’t really the best either. I had such a high number and it really didn’t account for how far it should have taken me. Losing my World Championship within two weeks didn’t help either. It just hasn’t been my month and I feel like I need a change of scenery…”

Seleana thinks about it as she looks at Dawn.

“So is that what this is about? You just want to go and branch out. If that’s what you wanted that is all you needed to say. I would have had no issue with you wanting that. I am happy to give you my blessing so you can go out and travel the world. I love you Dawn and I just want you to be happy. Both you and Melly should feel free to live your life and not be confined in a box of what others want from you…”

Dawn listens to Seleana before she just breaks down and lets her emotions get the better of her.

“You just don’t understand. I was thrown into wrestling since sixteen years of age. I joined wrestling because I wanted to fill a need of being in a trios team with my sisters in laws in Cindy and Kate Warren. I just let them down though. I felt like a weak link even though I had some amazing training from my hero SVW Champion Wendigo. I was young and went through a bad backup with my boyfriend at the time in Dillon. I lost my way and it’s taken nine years for me to fill in the pieces and be reassembled…”

Melissa walks over to Dawn and puts an arm around her. She hugs her tightly before she shakes her head at her.

“You might have been broken but I am also doing my part to help you together and you aren’t alone. Your journey is also my journey. We are in this together. As far as I am concerned your entry into the sport in 2014 wasn’t that much of a failure. You managed to finish school. I know we have met and you have studied at being an awesome journalist. Sometimes being on the sideline and analyzing others is the best way to find footing for you. So don’t you ever call yourself a failure! It doesn’t matter if you held a World Championship for two weeks. It’s still two weeks longer than some people have ever held a title. You are realistically only five months into your career and have a World title reign under you. Losing it should drive you to want to be on top again… Your setbacks should be your starting points on where you wish to improve… Everything exists as a teachable moment…”

Seleana nods her head.

“Exactly and maybe walking away from Wild Cat Wrestling Academy is what is needed to bring you to the new heights that you are looking for. I don’t want you to stop growing. That would selfish for me to even wish that for you. You are still young into your career and are just getting better with every passing match. So go and grow into something amazing. Show the world that you aren’t a puppy but you are a dog wanting to chomp down on the rest of the competition!”

Dawn nods her head as she stands up and glances right into the eyes of Seleana.

“That is exactly what I am looking to do. I just want to grow. I just want the name of Warren to actually mean something in the wrestling world. That is my end point…”

Seleana grins.

“Well… If that’s your end point you have already gotten there. It doesn’t getter bigger than that of a World Champion but I see what you are saying. You want more. You want to take it to new heights. Well go out there and do it then. I know it’s going to feel weird not to have you in this gym but I trust that you will be the best wrestler that you possibly can be. With you gone I can at least shift all of my attention to that of my broken family…”

Dawn nods her head as she looks back at Seleana and gives her a passionate hug.

“I am so sorry Miss Seleana… I know it sucks especially watching Crystal and Alexandria fight one another at the Calamity Chamber. It got bloody and it seemed really brutal…”

Seleana let’s tears fall from her eyes as they hit the ground below.

“Ja… Alex hasn’t said anything since choking out Christina, and Christina seems lost. I was forced to stand in the middle and watch. I wish I could have done something to stop it! We are family. We should be united not fighting one another! I made sure Aurora didn’t watch because I don’t think she could have taken that…”

Dawn continues to hug her mentor.

“It’s okay… You don’t have to worry about me. I will find my way. I promise that things will be okay with me…”

Melly nods her head in return.

“And she also has me watching out for her. I won’t let my girl get into too much trouble especially when the two of us are attached at the hip. I will look out for her…”

Dawn giggles as she nudges Melly in the side.

“Which means we could TOTES get in so much trouble TOGETHER!!! OMGoshie forget being a puppy, Melly and I together make an entire kennel!”

Seleana nods her head as she wipes the tears from out of her eyes. She looks at Dawn before looking over at Melissa.

“You two are amazing and I am happy that you have made the Wild Cat Wrestling Academy what it is today. You both are exceptional students and I will be cheering you on no matter what you do. I will deal with my personal issues and you two will just keep growing. I think it sounds like a win, win situation all around. Go out there and never stop growing. Remember little puppy that Scrappy Doo is indeed a tough one…”

Dawn nods her head.

“Of course he is… The biggest things come in the smallest of packages. Ba Da Da Da DAHHHHHHHH it’s PUPPY POWER TIME! Thank you for everything Seleana. I won’t ever forget what you taught me. This isn’t a good bye… Consider this until we meet again. Get your stuff in order and get ready for June 30th because at my wedding you better bring your dancing shoes because we are going to have so much fun!”

Seleana and Dawn just give one another a look. Seleana nods her head and gives her a wave. With that Dawn and Melissa grab their duffle bags as they head for the exit of the gym. New adventures had awaited them and Dawn was excited to see where her path would take her. Melissa stands next to her fiancée as she grins at her.

“So where are we headed?!”

Dawn cracks a wicked grin.

“I was thinking that maybe we could head towards Colorado… I hear Hells Gate is always looking for people to train. I know Kimberly Pain was main to us in the past but considering she had always beaten Miss Seleana she might be able to help us in training… Let’s take a chance on her…”

Melissa chuckles.

“Super cool!!! Let’s go my little puppy!!!”

With that the two of them finally left Wild cat Wrestling Academy. Dawn stops as she reaches the door and let’s a long deep breath escape her lips. She turns around to see Seleana standing there. Dawn wanted something, a sign that everything was going to be okay and that is when the Swedish star lifted up an arm signaling that she would be fine. That was all Dawn needed as she exited the school and went on her way.

Hells Gate
Grand Junction Colorado
May 31st

Dawn’s adventures have brought her and her fiancée to Hell’s Gate in Colorado. Dawn walked through the doors of the huge facility and she smiled as her and Melissa saw the bar area. Dawn got excited as she jumped up and down as the little spitfire ball of energy that she was.

“OMGoshie… This place is so huge! I didn’t realize that we were basically coming into the palace of all training facilities! Melissa maybe we should go lift some weights in the workout area!”

Melly gets even more excited as she looks around spotting a red area in the far off distance.

“FORGET WORKING OUT!!! They have an actual octagon here! You want to do some cage fighting?! I bet I can tame the puppy. You do realize my sister is a vet so she can deal with any animal!”

Dawn quickly shakes her head.

“TOTES not true! She couldn’t even tame my Teddy bear of a brother! He seems to have tamed her! Getting her pregnant and what not! It just doesn’t get any better than that of my brother but that is us Warrens do when we come face to face with the women we love. They are no match for our charm and you are the example of that analogy…”

Melissa just rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms in return.

“Whatever! I am going to make pretend like you didn’t just say that. We all know who is running this relationship and who is in charge.”

Dawn and Melissa just glance at one another as they get into a little argument until a woman confronts the two of them. That woman is none other than the fitness trainer for the facility Ari Lopez.

“Hi… Can I help the two of you?! Did you need someone to help you to work out or are you here for something else?!"

Dawn nods her head as she looks right into the eyes of the woman.

“Actually we are here for something! I was hoping if Miss Kimberly was here! I mean she might not want to see me and stuff but I want something from here. I wanted to ask her a question and I felt like if I did it face to face it might be authentic…”

Ari nods her head smiling.

“Wrestling… Green area, follow me I will show you where she is…”

With that Ari helps the two wrestlers over to the green area in the facility. It is there where Dawn is able to see Kimberly working out inside of a wrestling ring. Dawn smiles as she slides into the wrestling ring and can’t help but chuckle in return.

“Hi there Miss Kimberly I was hoping the two of us could have a chance to talk to each other. There is a question I really wanted to ask you…”

Kimberly looks at Dawn as she just shrugs her shoulders in return. She wasn’t expecting to see the puppy but it didn’t. Dawn had come all the way out to Colorado so she might as well hear her out.

“I was not expecting to see you here especially with everything that I said about your mentor… If this is about trying to defend her honor and step up in her place. By all means the two of us can deal with it in this ring. I am in the mood to teach lessons!”

Dawn’s eyes light up.


Kimberly just crosses her arms.


Dawn quickly shakes her head.

“No… I am sorry! I didn’t mean for it to sound like that. Truth be told I am here for the lesson but not because I want to defend Seleana or anything like that. I just want to get better as a wrestler. I love Seleana and appreciate everything that she has done for me but I felt like now would have the perfect time to branch out and try something different! Don’t get me wrong Seleana is super awesome! She’s amazing and is nimble as a kitty cat but I just feel like I have learned everything that she could have possible taught me. Not to mention I had this briefcase and I cashed it in on her wife Crystal and won myself a World Championship!”

Dawn nods her head as she speaks some more.

“I feel like I rule the world but everything left me in one fell swoop. I lost my title in my first defense and I am still frustrated that I didn’t win the Blast from the Past tournament. I think I deserved better and I didn’t appreciate the antics that Devona used to win. I have nothing against her but I feel like I should have been prepared for that… Seleana can sometimes come off gullible and I know I can be that of an airhead at times. I want to protect myself from that. I want to be better and I figured who better to help me prepare for anything than the woman who is undefeated against my mentor. You also know how to fight dirty and learning different types of attitudes and styles will better me in the long run…”

Dawn looks right at Kimberly.

“I left Seleana’s school because I wanted to be your protégé. That’s the only thing on my mind right now. So please Miss Kimberly. Can I be your student? I want to learn from the very best and that is when you come in…”

Kimberly nods her head as she smiles in return.

“I would have never expected the student of a woman I have constantly dominated to walk into Hells Gate to be my student but I am not one to turn anybody away. Also add in the fact that you managed to rip a title from Crystal insert a fucking name and that just peaks my interest even more. Of course I will take you under my wing and learning from me I feel like your career will get elevated in ways you could have never even imagined. It doesn’t get better than it does training with me. However it’s not just me either. You can an entire entourage of people that will be willing to help you. There’s Renegade, There’s Whisper, and even Ari who you met at the front. We will all get you in shape and focus on your diet, your workout regimen and how you live your lifestyle. This isn’t for the faint of heart.”

Dawn nods her head as Melly yells in return.

“We know!!!”

Dawn chimes in.

“Exactly! We totes know this is no nonsense and that is why we decided to come here in the first place. I have always excelled at everything I have done so being here won’t be that difficult. I am learning from the very best. So teach me whatever you have to tell teach me. I am ready for…”

Kimberly doesn’t even let Dawn finish her statement as she delivers a spinning heel kick right to her jaw and knocks her out on impact. Dawn falls to the floor unconscious as Melissa is taken back.

“Hey!!! What was that f….”

Kimberly suddenly delivers that same spinning heel kick and this time to the jaw of Melly. Melissa falls down on the mat as she is on the mat unconscious next to her fiancée. Both of them are out of it as Kimberly places her hands on her hips with a grin.

“Lesson number one… Always expect the unexpected or it’s LIGHTS OUT! I see Seleana didn’t teach you about being alert or even how to block. I see how Devona was able to catch you with what you keep complaining about. You have a lot to learn but you will get there… A few months under me and Hells Gate, and you will be exactly where you need to be… I promise that much… When you both wake up I am sure we can try this lesson again until we get it right…”

With that Kimberly just hovers over her two newest students and watches drift away in the dream world.

OMGoshie… Here we are once again and to be honest I have so many thoughts racing and pacing through my mind. Most of the thoughts are about what could have been and what would have been. I am not going to lie this last month has been hell for me. Being in London was supposed to be amazing. It is where I had my Hen Do and it was building up to be a great Bachelorette party. I found out that I am going to be an Auntie because my brother has gotten my fiancée’s sister pregnant. Love just seems to be all around in the air and I should be feeling like I am on top of the world.

As great as all of that sounds I feel emptiness in my life because my career isn’t where it needs to be. I walked into the super card with so much momentum. I was one match away from being crowned as the number one contender for the World Bombshell Championship. I had gone through the tournament of the BFTP and gave everything I had. I was close and riding off of a wave of not being pinned or submitted everything was mine for the taken. Yet I just didn’t come through in the clutch. I just didn’t get the job done.

I feel like I let my partner Calvin down but more importantly than that I let myself down. I took the pin and it’s all because I was too naïve to see a trick unfolding right before my eyes. I have held every single academic and scholastic award and achievement that a person could gain in their life. I feel like I am one of the smartest people in the roster but book smarts doesn’t mean anything if my in ring awareness isn’t where it needs to be. I will admit that I have done my share of crying since that day. Also add in the fact that I lost a World Championship as soon as I won one and it’s been quite the sucky month.

I beat myself up over and over again as I replayed that image of Devona winning in my head on repeat, but that’s when I came to the realization that instead of trying to cry over spilled milk and come across like an ungrateful sore loser. I should appreciate how far I made it and I am not going to complain anymore. Instead I am going to get better to make sure that it never happens again and I have already taken the strides to do that.

That is when I made the decision to leave Wild Cat Wrestling Academy. I love Seleana but for what I am looking for Seleana can’t take me to the levels that I need to go further in my career. I need to learn more. I need to stop being so open and gullible, and need the dirty points in wrestling and that is why I decided to walk into the doors of Hells Gate so that I can be a protégé of Kimberly Pain. Under Kimberly I know I will get exactly what I am looking for and I will advance in my training.

It might be a rocky road to start but I will eventually get to my destination and nobody can tell me any differently. Just wait and I promise you that one day the entire world is going to celebrate at the wrestler that I have become.

As I look at everything I have come to the conclusion that I am truly like Izuku Midoriya or should I just say Deku from my favorite anime My Hero Academia. Like Deku I felt like I didn’t have anything special or quirks that made me strong. I just had to over analyze everything else and get by being the smartest person in the room. That’s when it hit me and I realized that I didn’t want to just watch things from afar. I wanted to be in the action…

I guess that’s why the journalism thing didn’t really work out for me. Why settle for being a Lois Lane when I can be a Kara Danvers or should I say Kara Zor-El. I can be the focal point and be the one in the action instead of reporting it on the sidelines. That’s why I know this is my journey and I will do whatever it takes to get what I want.

Gaining more knowledge isn’t really a bad thing though and if it means branching out to learn from Kimberly Pain that’s what I am going to do. It will get me what I want and I will be back near the top before you know it. This week it doesn’t get easier though because I am going to be stepping into the ring with public enemy number one in the form of Krystal Wolfe.

I am going to be honest. I don’t really care for Krystal Wolfe… This woman comes out to this ring like she’s the end all be all. She constantly runs her mouth over and over again but what has she really done to warrant any respect?! Sure there was a time when she was the future star of the year. She had the Roulette Championship and was damn near unbeatable with the thing. She was a rising star and nobody could take her down.

However once she lost her championship that’s when she lost all of her relevance and now she is trying to be public enemy number one to get everything she lost. You think people are going to take you serious when you come out to the ring with these public workouts just to get free wins and to come across like you are the toughest woman in the entire world?!

It’s truly a joke and I can’t wait to step into that ring and showcase why I am still hungry and still ready to get to the top of the roster. I know you are an amazing talent and I won’t deny that but you aren’t as good as you think you are. If there’s something that you did that really pisses me off it’s the fact that you tried to talk down my old mentor of Seleana Zdunich. You talked down my friend Arianna and claimed that she was just being another Seleana Zdunich and she doesn’t have it anymore. That’s funny considering that Ariana actually had a championship at the beginning of the year.

She held a title that she didn’t lose by pin or submission. She lost because Crystal Caldwell managed to get lucky as she got super kicked outside of an arena. It’s not like she lost the match in the ring. It’s not like she was you. It’s very silly for you to talk down others especially Seleana considering she was a former World Champion and a former Roulette Champion. She can at least say she’s been to the top of the mountain and that’s a lot more than what you can say.

Krystal truth be told I can sit here and cut you down to shreds with my words but the fact is you already got beaten by me. I submitted you in the middle of the ring so whatever emerges out of your mouth can’t be taken serious because I BEAT YOU so nothing you could possibly say is valid. On top of that I am the woman who made it to the finale of the BFTP and I know that’s a lot closer to being in the top spot than you have during your career of being here.

What I am saying is that you don’t have any chance at being me and getting to where you want to get. It won’t be at my expense. There is a reason why I haven’t lost any singles matches as of yet and I won’t not to you. I will rebound with a win over you and will prove why I deserve to be in the top billing in this bombshell division.

I am one of the future stars in this roster and I will get back to the basics with a win over you. Kimberly I hope you are watching because this win is going to be for you.

BA DA DA DA DAHHHHHHH IT’S PUPPY POWER TIME, and by the end of the night Krystal Wolfe will be THINKING PINK as a Wolfe get’s decimated by a Puppy…

Don’t judge the size of the dog but judge the size of the fight IN THE DOG… See you soon…

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