Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
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“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Jack Washington

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    • Jack Washington
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2022, 08:35:47 AM »

Jack was indeed victorious as he intended and told everyone he would be, Beating long-time rival Alex Jones. Jack now had seemingly made up for coming up short with the Blast From the Past Tournament a month ago. Now, with seemingly an old rivalry finished for the time being, Jack now sets his sights on becoming the Internet champion against Champion Ken Davison. Jack was already fully confident he could beat Davison one-on-one, but now, after Climax Control, a monkey wrench has been thrown into the plan as Jack not only has to defeat Ken Davison, but now, as a result of their match on Climax Control having no winner, Matthew “The Raven” Knox has been added to this match, which obviously has not made Jack very happy. Jack will undoubtedly let his feelings be known as he prepares for the chance to become the Internet champion.


Outside the ring, it was a rather stern and shocking turn of events when Jack’s brother Jason requested that not only he be part of the casino business, but be promoted to being one of the owners and removing Benny, the owner that Jack struck up a partnership to help get his foot in the door a few years ago. Not only did Jason want Benny’s spot, he actually suggested that Benny be permanently removed from everything, citing his knowledge of Jack’s bad deals and how it was only a matter of time before Benny began to take more than his fair share from the Casino, despite Benny not having done so. Jack agreed to monitor Benny, but perhaps Jason is looking to speed up the process?


Washington Estate

Las Vegas, NV


Jack had just finished his workout, preparing for his match at Blaze of Glory, which would normally be followed by some video study of his upcoming opponents. He took his shower, and was putting on fresh clothes, when Jason knocked and walked in.


Jason: Yo bro, I’ve been thinking.


Jason: That could be dangerous.


Jason: Haha, very funny. But seriously, I’ve been thinking about this, and I think we can really make some noise around Vegas.


Jack: Oh yeah? How’s that?


Jason: We expand.


Jack: Expand what?


Jason: You know, our name, our brand.


Jack: We don’t have a brand here, Jay. 


Jason: You got the Casino though, right?


Jack: Yes, but that’s it. I didn’t change the name or anything. I didn’t do anything aside from get it up and running. I let the people who knew what they were doing, do what they do. 


Jason: That’s exactly my point. We don’t need a public name is what I’m saying.


Jack: You want to... extort people?


Jason: Don’t call it that, bro. We are like... the people’s silent partner. We’re for people. People get good businesses here. Let’s take some time and put some money in their pockets, so they put even more into ours.  That’s what I’m saying.


Jack: We don’t have a strong name, Jay. We’ve got people up our asses about the Mexican thing. It took every ounce of good will we have left to get people to come back from that. To trust us again.


Jason snaps his fingers, smirking at this remark.


Jason: Exactly, bro. That’s why we can’t stop there. If we move out there, out of just being in the casino, and we expand, we can earn even more trust. We put guys in places, and we back them. It’s a pretty simply strategy.


Jack sighs.


Jack: You’re thinking about this like it’s a Military operation. It’s not that easy. You have to work people, gain their trust. You can’t just think that because you are a certain person, that you can finesse them like that. It doesn’t work that way.


Jason: It could work based on that alone. You convinced people that the Casino was cool, and it was clean. In fact, you could do the same thing and maybe gain even more trust and clout.


Jack: How do you figure that?


Jason: You get rid of Benny.


Jack snickered as he nodded. 


Jack: This was your whole thing from the beginning, wasn’t it? This whole conversation was to butter me up for that.


Jason: Just... hear me out on this. Look, you don’t need to find any shady dealings or anything like that. You don’t even need anything other than what we have now. All you need to do, is use Benny, for what you were going to use him for anyway.


Jack looks up at Jason, who is nodding.


Jason: You said it from the beginning, that dude was going to be a scapegoat if things went bad right? I think they went pretty fucking bad, don’t you?


Jason rubs his face to emphasize the point.


Jack: Ugh. I told you I didn’t mean that.


Jason: I’m just saying. Whose name is on that paper? It’s his. He’s the one holding the bag now, and you went and smoothed that over. But you know damn well you smoothing it over just means he’s going to want more control. He’s going to want to take over, because he knows he may not be able to trust you.


Jack: He’s right not to.


Jason: Exactly! So why the hell are we playing with this dude like that, bro? It’s written on the wall that he needs to go, and then you put me in, and then boom, we’re on easy street. We get rid of Benny, and then, we expand to making the most of our name and brand.


Jack sighs again, rubbing his eyes with his fingers.


Jack: Let me think this over, okay? I know you’re eager to get into this, and I appreciate you want to jump in feet first, but you have to understand that this wasn’t supposed to be for you. I get that you’re here now, and because I fucked up, you got deeper into it then you needed to be.  But we cannot make these decisions rashly.


Jason stands up, waving his brother away.


Jason: Just think about what I’m saying here. That’s all. I’ve got to get to work.


Jason slapped his brother up and he quietly left. Jack finally finished changing and walked out into the kitchen and living room area, where Brian was sipping coffee for a change, instead of whiskey. Jack watched his brother get into a car, and be driven away by Eric’s security.


Brian: What are you thinking about Stick?


Jack: He’s trying to do too much, Brian. He’s going in head-first and he’s not going to try and work with people. 


Brian: You having a crisis about Benny?


Jack: Benny was useful. But, I dunno, maybe Jay is right. Maybe he’s outlived his usefulness. I mean, Jay spoke the truth earlier. Benny is a liability now.


Brian: Because you screw it up.


Jack: But that’s what he was ALWAYS there for. What Jay said, it makes sense.


Brian: You really want to wipe out Benny?


Jack sighs, and looks outside at the skyline.


Jack: At the end of the day, it was always going to come to that. I wish at this point he would have retired out, but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to be how it is.


Brian: He hasn’t stolen anything. In fact, he’s been pretty straightforward with us.


Jack turns back to Brian.


Jack: Maybe we out to see how he feels.



Grand Flamingo Casino

Las Vegas, NV


Benny was in the manager’s office, looking out, over the whole casino and people watching, as he was one to do. Always checking for the telltale signs of cheating, always looking at who’s trying to hustle, who’s looking to make it rich, and who the easy targets are. 


Ah he studied the room, Jack and Brian walked in. Benny turned to them, a half-hearted smile on his face as he held out his arms.


Benny: Must be my lucky day.


Jack: We need to talk Benny, have a seat.


Benny: Oh, yes sir, boss. You believe this kid, Brian?


Brian: Just have a seat.


Benny does indeed sit down, as Jack joins him.


Benny: So, to what do I owe this immense pleasure?


Jack: How you feelin’, Benny?


Benny: What’s the supposed to mean? How am I feeling? I feel pretty good.


Jack: I just, I want to talk to you about what’s happened the past... you know, few months and things.


Benny: You still want to talk about it?


Jack: Yeah, because I never got your perspective. I just told you what the deal was, and you got pissed, and you have every right to. Not going to blame you one bit. But I need to know, how you feel about it.


Benny was taken aback for a quick second, trying to find some kind of angle is what Jack was saying. He seemingly didn’t find one, and looked at Jack with a stern, annoyed look.


Benny: You made a serious mistake fucking with those Mexicans. Not only did you go into business with them, then they come in here and try and sell their shit, right out from under me. You didn’t even bother to tell me that shit was going down, kid. 


Jack: You would have tried to stop me.


Benny: You’re GOD DAMN RIGHT I WOULD. You didn’t need to get involved with that shit, kid. Them Mexicans are no good, I’ve seen it since I been here. I fucking told you that shit a long time ago. Don’t get involved with them, they are bad fucking news. And you didn’t listen, and you almost got your brother taken out because you made them mad.  That was fucking stupid and you never should have made that deal. Period.


Jack: I know that.


Benny: You’re damn right, you do. A day late and a fucking dollar short. It was supposed to be me and you kid, but you went behind my back, and who had to keep this place together? Me. It’s all kinds of bullshit and you know it, don’t you? Yeah, you do. I can see it right there. I should be getting more money for doing that and keeping this place from falling apart.


Jack nodded.


Jack: Maybe you should. How much are we talking here?


Benny was again taken aback by the calmness of Jack and that Jack was actually considering his offer. Benny could only shrug.


Benny: It was 20%… I’m thinking more like 40 now. Unless you got some other deals you ain’t told me about.


Jack again just nodded and shrugged.


Jack: No, no other deals Benny. I want to thank you for being honest with me. I know I put you in a tough situation and you know what? You came through. I can’t deny that at all. You did hold this place together. And I admire that. So, let me think about that deal. I just want you to know that I appreciate all you’ve done after all that’s happened. I understand if you’re still pissed, that makes sense. The situation was fucked, I know. So, let me just look at the numbers and see what we can do, alright?


Benny again searched Jack’s face for some kind of angle, something felt off to him.


Benny: That’s it? There has to be something else. There’s always something else.


Jack shook his head.


Jack: No. You did good shit out there. And I appreciate it.


Jack stuck out his hand and Benny was again hesitant, but he did eventually shake Jack’s hand and then Brian’s hand as well. Jack and Brian then departed, leaving Benny alone, who reached into his jacket and pulled out his pistol, aiming it at the door, waiting for something to happen.


Outside the door, Jack and Brian simply walked away to the elevator. Pushing the button for the bottom floor. The doors opened, and they both entered.


Brian: So, what do you think?


Jack: I think Jay’s making more and more sense now. 


Brian: He did make some valid points.


Jack: He did. Maybe he deserves a raise. Hell, he does deserve a raise.


Brian: So, what’s the plan?


Jack: Well... since Jay is a part of this now... let’s see what he says. 


Brian: You think that’s wise? 


Jack: He’s eager, but you know what? He’s family, and we’re all eager, aren’t we?


Brian: Guess that’s true. 


There was silence as the two men left the Casino and hopped back into the car.


Brian: What does Jay really think we should do anyway?


Jack: Expand. Get out fingers in a lot of stuff around the strip. Get our brand out there, as he says.


Brian: We don’t have much of a brand.


Jack: Yeah, I know.


Brian: You know, you have that Internet wrestling thing going on. Maybe, using the internet is also a way to get the name out there. 


Jack glanced over at Brian as he started to drive.


Brian: Just thinking out loud.


Jack: And maybe you have something there. Still, let’s see what Jay thinks about it, and... we’ll probably have to adjust his plan.


Brian: It’s a plan though.


Jack: I know, I’m impressed at how much he put into that.


Jack pulled up his phone and dialed.


Voice: Yeah.


Jack: Eric... how good is your crew at removing things?



On Camera:


Jack sits, a half-smile on his face. It’s really one of satisfaction, rather than say happiness.

Jack: I told you. I am a man of my word. I’ve been known to grab a rope or two. I’ve been known to kick a man in the nuts, and I’ve been known to do some underhanded shit. But one thing, that I don’t do, is lie about the facts of a situation. I call a spade a spade, and I do the things I set out to do. I told garbage-ass Alex Jones that I was going to beat his ass, and that’s exactly what I did. I warned Alex Jones that I would forever shit on Wolfslair and everyone and anyone who thinks they are anything but trash. And now, for the second time out of three, I whooped Alex Jones’s ass and sent him packing. And I hope that this time, it’s for good. But if and when Alex Jones decides he’s going to grow a nut sack and try and come at me again, he’s going to get the same thing he got at Climax Control last week. I’ve been done with this garbage group, and I can only hope and pray that this is the last we ever see of any of them. It’s just getting pathetic at this point. Go home. Walk away and do something with your lives. This game isn’t for any of you pieces of trash. So long, good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Get fucking lost. 


Now, while that was especially satisfying to do last week, of course people had to continue to disappoint me and people just continue to fucking suck, and leave me to pick of the pieces. You know, I tell everybody I am the Face of this Franchise for a reason, because I am the best. But Christ Almighty it’s getting tough when everyone around you is just so God damn bad. Now I know how Aaron Rodgers feels. I know how Peyton Manning felt. How Michael Jordan felt. That’s the kind of level I am on, and when you look around and you’re trying to do everything you can, and everybody just sucks so bad, you just stop and wonder if you did something in a past life or something, to have to deal with this level of bullshit. It’s like I am Jack Parkman from Major League II. I am the only winner of the team, the rest of them are losers. Either by choice, or by birth.


Because, I should be standing here, telling you about how I’m going to kick the shit out of the Ken Davison, and win the Internet championship from him, after he stole the opportunity from me a couple of months ago. It would be so easy to be talking about this right now if that was actually the case. I mean, I did my part. I won the number one contender’s match at Inception. I won last week when I kicked Alex Jones’s ass. So, the question becomes, how did Ken Davison fuck this up so badly?

Jack shrugs, an exaggerated look of confusion on his face.

Jack: I’m starting to think now that the bastard did it on purpose so he can slide in and sneak away another win when my back is turned and after I do all the work. Because Jesus, this guy can’t even stop somebody else from being added to the match. It’s not that hard, is it, Ken? Can you not just win a match when you’re supposed to? You’re the Internet champion for crying out loud. Are you that fucking terrible that simple opponents give you the most trouble and you thrive in multi-man matches where someone else does all the work and you just steal all the glory? Are you that guy? Are you the guy who just adds his name to a group project and shit? When it’s all done and you didn’t do a fucking thing and you just sign your name and get the grade? Because appears to be all you’re good for. Oh yeah, you want to run your mouth about how you stole my thunder and my title match, and then you beat a paper champion, but now, you have one title defense, fucking one, and you can’t win? You fail miserably when you have just one task to do? You have to be kidding me, Ken. You have had all this time and all you have done is fuck up royally. It shouldn’t have been so hard. This isn’t rocket science. You’re a champion, you act like a champion, and you win like a champion, instead, you get the Internet championship and you do fuck all with it, and fall flat on your face the first time out. It’s really damn sad that you are a champion, because all you have done is prove you have no business being a champion, and really you are... I don’t even know if I can call you the weak link of your stupid group, because you all suck.  At least the fucking Cowboy is being carried to the finals of that tournament. And the big masked goof actually got carried to round 2. What have you done? 


You’ve been as trash as you could be, and now you’re sitting here making it even more difficult on yourself like a complete idiot. I swear if somebody put your brain in a parakeet, it would fly backwards. You have got to be one of the worst champions this company has ever had, and I mean, Alex Jones was a fucking champion here. Do you actually know how bad it is that you are worse than he is? Do you? I don’t think you fully understand, Ken. You’re horrible, and you brought this on yourself. But I mean, I know the plan. It is what it is. You are waiting for me to do the work, so you can come in again and steal the match away. That’s why you did what you did. It’s either you didn’t win on purpose, or you are so terrible that you actually went out and tried and failed. It’s really one of two things. It’s can’t be anything else.


But, if this was your little plan, it’s not going to work this time. You may do some slick shit once against me, but twice? No. That’s not how it works. I learn and adapt, and really, the best you ever did was steal a pin from me. You think that’s going to happen again? That shit has a snowflakes chance in hell, Ken. That shit is dead. I know you’re used to having someone do the work for you, but that’s not going to cut it as champion. And as proven by your inability to get one damn win, it’s high time that we just dispense with this whole joke of a reign you’ve had. We’ve all had a good laugh, but at this point it’s not even funny anymore. It’s a really sad joke. We all did that thing where you go “hey, look at that, good for him” and we give you that mock applause. 


But you know what happened, Ken? That shit went to your head and you began to believe you were some kind of great champion or some shit and as soon as nobody was giving you that, you fumbled the ball, man. You dropped it and now you are on the ropes coming into this match. You have no momentum, you have no champion’s advantage, and you have no chance in hell of winning. I mean, you wouldn’t have one if this was a one-on-one match like it was supposed to be, but you have even less of a chance now. You’re sitting there, and well... shit dude, you’re hoping for a miracle aren’t you? You’re hoping to pull a rabbit out of your hat and steal away with a championship, so you can sit there and go “ha, see what I did?! Look, everybody! I did this thing!” And once again, it will be met with nothing but indifference. Because you don’t make a difference Ken. You don’t mean a damn thing. You are a paper champion, walking around here like you’ve done something. You fucking suck. And it’s going to be so great to stand in the ring with you at Blaze of Glory, and finally whoop your ass, and take that championship from you. 


And you know that’s what’s going to happen, don’t you? Yeah, you’re sitting there, biting your fingernails, wondering how the hell you are going to get out this one. When the truth is staring you right in the face, Ken. You won’t get divine intervention this time. You’re going to get your ass beat, and I will make sure, that I stand over your broken body, and hold up MY championship and I will enjoy every single second of the fact that I took it from you. I’m not going to steal it from you. I’m going to snatch right out of your hands. And you ain’t going to do shit about it, my man. You will lose it, and you will like it.

Jack shakes his head, shaking his finger before beginning his next thought.

Jack: And... Matthew... Knox? Right, that’s your name? Knox? Okay, whatever. Look bruh, I’m just gonna tell you like this, alight? You don’t have any business being here. Let’s be real here, you do not beling in this match. You didn’t beat anybody; you didn’t have some amazing contender’s match or do anything impressive. Had you done that, I wouldn’t have really anything to say at this point, but God damn dude, are you really proud of yourself? Are you really, really happy with how you got into this match? I mean, Ken Davison sucks. He’s trash and a worthless champion, and you, Matt Knox, you could not beat him. I mean, that must be painful to think about. 


But then again, you’ve got your eyes set on so many different things that this kind of stuff just passes you by. So let me just break this down for you. You do not belong here, you do not belong in this match, because all you did, was NOT LOSE. That’s it. That’s the whole reason you are here. And now, do you honestly think that because you didn’t lose, that somehow, you now stand a better chance with me in the match? That you can somehow do BETTER? Please do not kid yourself Matt, I mean, seriously. Come on now. Don’t be that guy, Matt. Don’t try and pump yourself up with all that false hope, because you know damn well you have no shot. You know that, so please, please don’t be that guy Matt. I’m telling you this now, because I’m going to make this as easy as possible.


Okay, look, this was an honest mistake on SCW management’s part. You shouldn’t be here and this is none of your business. You really have no shot here, so I’m going to just be the team player that I am, and I’m going to let you just walk away. Seriously, just walk away. Just don’t bother coming down to the ring for this match. Just wait until I am done with Ken Davison and I win the Internet championship, and then you can be next in line or whatever. Just stay in the back, let me do what I need to do, and then somewhere down the road, you can try and come and win the championship. I’m trying to be civil here, Matt, I really am. I’m trying to let you off easy, because you haven’t done anything to piss me off just yet. You do this, and everything will be easy and pie, my guy. You don’t have to get steamrolled like Ken is. It’s the best solution to this little problem. Save yourself the trouble. Save yourself the hassle and heartbreak, because that’s the only option that makes any sense for you. I’m giving you an out. It’s an act of generosity.


Because, if you don’t take this road, if you choose to show up and when whatever shitty song plays for your entrance, and you do come through the curtain, and you do participate in this match? Then you will have basically slapped me in the face and rejected my offer of an easy out. Then I have to go into Blaze of Glory, and beat your ass as well. Then you will have taken this to a level that you really don’t want to. Come on, man, you saw what I did to Alex Jones, right? You saw what I did, you can’t seriously be thinking that you are going to waltz in and beat me and Ken, when you couldn’t actually beat Ken anyway, right? That doesn’t make any damn sense, Matt. This is not something you really want that badly, and you know it. This isn’t the type of situation you really want to find yourself in, is it? You have to be smarter than that. You will take this from us not having a beef, to us having a beef, and you can ask around, I don’t let beefs go man. I will never stop trashing you, never stop rubbing it in your face that I beat you, and I will do worse to you every single time. It’s really not worth it for you Matt. Seriously. I’m trying to warn you about this situation. I’m trying to help you steer clear of this and avoid the beatdown that’s coming Ken’s way.


You have options Matt. I’m just telling you now. You have a really good option, and you have a really shitty option. The ball is in your court at this point. You have a decision to make. You can opt out, or you can opt into an ass-whooping and your name just gets added to my list dude. I’ve said it to many people, but nobody wants to heed my warning, and at the end of the day, everybody suffers and I walk away with everything and you get left looking like an idiot. You don’t want that.


Because if you choose the shitty option, if you choose to slap me in the face and reject this offer, there is no going back from it. I want you to understand that. I’m really trying to drive this shit home, my man. You do not want to be in my crosshairs. You can ask around it doesn’t end well for people. If you make this choice, I swear to everything I know and love that you will live to regret it for the rest of your career. There will be no time that you cross my path after this, that you suffer. Every single time you’re going to get run down. It’s just how this shit works, Matt. 


At this point, I can’t really preach to or warn you anymore. I’m just asking you not to be hard-headed, but something tells me that you will be. You’ll come out guns blazing and ready to fight, and slowly, as this shit progresses, you will realize that you simply do not have the ammo to keep up this fight. I may lose battles, but I win wars. I’ve been on 10, not 9, but 10, for a long ass time. You’re going to find that out if you choose the shitty option. 


Jack continues to learn sternly into the camera as he tries to wrap up.

Jack: There. I’ve said what I needed to say at this point, and really, I’ve told everybody exactly what’s going to happen and no lies came out of my mouth. At Blaze of Glory, there will be at least one ass kicking and that’s a guarantee. And sadly, despite everything I’ve said just a little bit ago, I have a feeling that there will be two at the end of the day. Don’t let anybody say I didn’t warn these two what’s coming. They already know, and now, you do too. Nobody can say it was a surprise or they didn’t get it. I laid it out as plain as day for everybody. 


So, if all goes well, I won’t have to really, really get harsh around here. But you all already know, I will if it becomes necessary. I will be the Internet champion after Blaze of Glory. And there’s two things, either one of them can do about it. 


Nothing, and like it.


And with that, Jack shoos the camera away as we cut to the black.


Trust. No one.

Offline Matthew Knox

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« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2022, 11:33:23 PM »
He wished this wasn’t so new.

He had adopted Hope when she was almost six, and between not knowing of any of them but Sylvie and letting his demons keep him from her? This was technically his first up close experience with caring for a newborn. And between the mile high trips of euphoria, he found himself racked with guilt for the time he’d missed.

Thankfully, it was the first of the two options that he found himself in as he was laid upon his own chest on the carpet of his bedroom, watching Asahi enjoy his tummy time. Instinctively, the corners of his mouth twitched into a broader smile any time the week old would gurgle or chirp. Tubby little legs that looked like the michelin man’s arms twitching as he tried to move.

“Soon son…you’ve got my legs. They'll carry you right and true.” he said in a low, gentle voice as his hand reached out to press gently on Asahi’s back, staring at the wide, curious glasz eyes so much like his own. A chuckle from his chest as he had the mental image of the newborn throwing a picture perfect roundhouse flash through his mind.

From a distance, the mother, the wife, was watching. Her darker eyes locked on the two, but unlike most times where her gaze was filled with a grey cloud, this gaze was of a soft nature. Her own smile is present on her face. She took an extra moment to mentally capture the image of such beauty before making her way over. Not too loud to cause a disturbance, but not too quiet to alarm them by taking them off guard. “Any direction he looks to take them, he will be prosperous…and then he will eat our phones…”

At this, Matthew Knox let out a genuine laugh before reaching up to take his wife, Marika by her dainty hand and bring her down to their level while shifting to a seated position. When she was in reach, he planted a gentle kiss upon her forehead. A low hum escaped him as he existed in the domestic bliss for a moment before he ruined it all by speaking

“Have you gotten tired of me thanking you for him, yet?” barely above a whisper, his forehead lulling forward to rest upon hers. The scent of raspberries invading his senses and only deepening the smile.

Her soft smile only grew warmer at his sentiment and the adorable nature behind it. She couldn’t help her own small laugh before leaning into the touch. “Surprisingly, I’m not sure I could get tired of that. Though I’m not against you testing the theory.” he returned her smile, leaning up to capture her lips in a soft kiss before laying back onto the carpet and watching their boy for a moment.

“Thank you for him…I promise, before it’s over and done I’ll be worthy of the gift you’ve bestowed upon me, Mari…” he reached out gently, tracing his fingers along the infant’s back. Just for the sake of touching him, and reassuring himself that this wasn’t just a cruel dream.

“How sweet in a way, but also cruel that neither of us see ourselves as worthy while holding each other to that pedestal. Some may see your promise as not holding much meaning. When it comes to this? To the truth, I know the efforts will always be there no matter the toll they take. Thank you as well, Matthew…”

A gentle greeting is done from mother to son at that point, directing the wide eyed gaze of wonder her way before it shifts back over to where it was prior. “I’m going to have a rare moment of expression in saying it’ll be strange to have times where this does not get to happen.” He nodded once, letting out a sigh.

“Not everything will remain perfect like this. But as long as you two are here waiting for me, when I drag myself out of each battle over and over until I leave my boots in the ring…It’ll be perfect to me. Just as you have been since I first laid eyes on you…” his gaze returned to her then, reaching a long arm out to beckon her into being his little spoon, adjusting with her and resting his gaze on their son as he speaks.

“So small, so afraid…the brilliant act you put on in that hotel lobby in Reno. Convincing me that you were concerned and unsure…” another slow, content sigh “I could see it was a trap from the get go but..something about you made me step in anyway…I knew what it would do to my life. I knew the risk…”

“I just knew, also…that you were worth it.”

Though she still had her way about not deep diving into the emotion, save a moment or two, it was more clear than usual she wasn’t emoting to the fullest extent she could. Letting out a sigh of her own, Mari adjusts herself to better fit like the connected, battered pieces that they were. “I hope you know the sentiment is shared. From that first time, I wasn’t sure what it was but also found something different when it came to you. I’m glad I didn’t follow up with what I was meaning to do, I’d much rather spend life with you, with him.”

A snort “You mean where you were going to stab me to death?” he joked with her, fingers intertwining with hers and paying the hand a squeeze as he begins trailing slow, tender kisses from the nape of her neck and over her shoulder, gently moving her top aside to accommodate his path.

“You choosing the slow…purposeful route is working out much better, I have to agree my love…my wild blue sky…” he let out a sigh against her skin, pressing his forehead upon it and clearing his throat, pumping the brakes as he was keenly aware of them not being alone as AJ let out a small gurgle and beat his tiny hands against the floor.

A shared moment of laughter, of understanding filled the room with a previously unseen glow outside the baby himself. “Of course I was meant to do something different when we met and our hearts stole one another’s. Funny how we keep on fighting against fate. Even this angel we rightfully hold in the purest of skies was originally brought to the world by what can be seen as such a sin, by chance.” A different kind of smile can be caught then, a true boatload of thoughts entering the fray. “Truly the best of us. I love you so much.”

“The only sinful part was the knifeplay..” he chuckled out against her skin once more before shifting upward to find her lips for one more soft kiss, parting only to stare into her dark eyes and upon all the memories therein. The first time he brought her to this old home by the shore. The way she seemed to chase all the ghosts out of it as she had with him. Fool he was, he still didn’t see then what he should have.

He was glad he did, eventually. Because having her here with him, with their son? Made it all….worth it.

“I’m leaving tonight…much as I don’t want to. Will you two be alright without me here? Should I ask Robert to come over? Maybe Avalon?” While her expression shifted slightly upon the reminder of his departure, she still managed a smile same as the one she would always give. An understanding one.

“We should be alright, but even with me saying that I know someone will just happen to stop by out of pure coincidence that not so secretly is far from it. Love brings about the worry and while you know I’m quite capable, our dearest angel has a little ways to go when it comes to combat.” A soft chuckle escapes as she turns her dark eyes in his direction. “He does have strong looking legs though and a curious mind already. By the time he’s about three or four, he’ll be a machine.”

“God, I hope not..” he mused silently with a smirk, a jab at his darling cousins Tom and Jenny. He gently, reluctantly pried himself from her and sat up. He moved to be closer to the infant, laying on his stomach directly in front of him and smiling at the bright eyes within the head struggling to keep itself up before comfortably settling back down upon his blanket, ten little fingers flexing and memorizing the textures around them.

“You, little man…you listen to your mother while i’m gone. Pay no mind to all the siblings that pop in, blood or otherwise. The twins are crazy and waiting for you to be old enough to play catch with…with you as the ball. Victoria is too shy for affection…or angry, I suppose. Hope? Well…if she comes by, it’ll surprise me..” he leaned forward, gently pressing his lips to the top of the infant’s scalp.

A smile creeps upon him as the new baby smell floods his senses.

“Sylvie….Sylvie will be by next weekend to meet you. Now, she’s your littlest big sister…I hope you two come to love each other, as I love you now…” he whispered softly over the happy, curious gurgling input of his son. Slowly, he pushed himself to his feet and stared down at both infant and wife for a moment, a smile chasing off every scowl that ever was upon his face…

….Worth it.

The camera fades in on a shot of a painted brick wall, jutting up in a feeble attempt to touch the face of God.The very top of it displaying an ancient painted on logo advertising the Hotel Cecil. The camera pans back down to street level, revealing that while the lens went on its exploratory journey toward heaven, the long, lithe spectral form of Matthew “the Raven” Knox came to stand in front of the wall that had seen nearly every 20th century president.

His black hair was slicked back and tucked behind his ears, an old set of ray bans covered glasz eyes and a camel non-filter hung lazily from his lips, acrid smoke climbing toward the heavens in their own feeble attempt. He was dressed in a brown leather jacket, black jeans and an ancient Alice in Chains T-shirt.

“Promo in front of a brick wall…I can hear Johnny screaming about copyright infringement on your behalf already, Kenny…” a pause “You..are a part of that circus aren’t you? Or have you fallen in with Chris Aged? It’s hard to keep up with all the dance partners and the cross-contamination therein..”

He takes a long drag of the cigarette, looking like the perfect image of a miserable Hollywood success. He tilts his head back toward those ever present heavens, toward the God that failed and exhales the acrid smoke.

“Doesn’t matter, though. Not here, not in our Blaze of Glory. No…No, what matters here is ego. Your ego, Ken. Tell me, is it as bruised as your face or moreso?” he paused long enough to scoff, and chuckle “Fucking fool that you are…predictable, too. Once more, your hubris has set you up for something you can’t come back from.”

Slowly, stiffly, he leans back into the brick wall of the Cecil Hotel, removing the sunglasses and staring into the camera lens.

“It’s fitting then, that we’re here in Tinsel Town where ego and hubris lead to downfalls, and overdoses in the viper room. So many come here, forsaking and abandoning lives that were perfectly fine. Perfectly satisfying for anyone on God’s green earth. But no…no some of us? Some of us just need it all, before we’re happy. Damn satisfaction in the mundane, damn everything else, damn everyone else…”

He raises a finger, jabbing it toward the lens in an accusatory manner.

“And you…you have damned someone Kenny, outside of yourself of course. Jack Washington. The angry, blustering challenger for your title. Fresh off a win over the guy who spent all of 2021 bullying your ‘brother’ in the cowboy hat.and no doubt absolutely livid that i’ve been involved in this slap fight of yours…” he pauses long enough to dig the pack of smokes from his jacket pocket, plucking another between his lips and lighting up.

“No doubt..” he exhales the smoke “No doubt, he’s already sat in front of a camera somewhere, slinging snot over the whole thing either regurgitating talking points or pulling the ‘who are you?’ shit like he doesn’t know.” a pause, a bemused chuckle wrapped around another puff “Hell, maybe you don’t know me Jack. Maybe I’ve just been everywhere you haven’t been looking..”

“But, you’ll find out.”

May, 2020
Carnage Arena
Baltimore, MD

“What the fuck was that shit, yo?”

The tinny rasp of Robert James McAlroy seemed to bounce off the walls of his lockerroom and evolve into an unending echo that served as little more than static and white noise to his revere, if it could be called that. He was seated on a bench identical to every other one in every other locker room on God’s green earth.

“Can’t believe they pulled that shit. Making a fucking public spectacle out of the shit with you, your kids and Astryd..”

A soft chuckle escaped him, or the ghost of one at least as she shifted but said nothing. He hadn’t even had a match for the company yet, but was invited to make his introduction to a crowd of people who didn’t know him from Adam, or at most had only heard of him in the briefest of passings. Usually in the same breath as every other failed world champion that fell off the face of the earth.

And he took the opportunity to call out his father in law, to try and settle accounts and get something out of the way. Quick, painless and short. Like ripping off a bandaid. Instead, the woman he had abandoned met him with the two girls he had abandoned her with. Right out in full display on the live stream of that episode of Chaos.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers, many of whom were seeing him for just the first time saw a pathetic man who abandoned his family. And then, the further insult, he was expected to believe that the decision was solely her own. That her father, who literally led a cult, was in no way an influence upon the decision.

Bert continued stating his opinions at length but they were lost upon him. How the fuck could he recover from this? How could he have not seen it coming? This was a death blow from the word ‘Go’. A guillotine Nathaniel had set up that he happily put his head right into.

“I can’t do this.” he said, cutting Bert off mid-sentence as he stood up, grabbing the ancient Adidas bag and heading out the door as he slung it over his shoulder. He walked in a panic disguised poorly as purpose.

“Yo, wait, what t–Matt!!” Bert called after him, joining him in the hall seconds later and charging after him to catch up. The squeak and clatter of knock off air jordans evened out to match the tap of his feet on the empty hallway as Bert walked beside him now, albeit backwards as he tried to speak up to Matthew.

“You can’t be serious, yo! They’re the whole reason you ca–”

“And I already fucked it up, Robert. Just like I always do.”

“You spoke for like twenty seconds!!”

“And that’s all I fucking needed!” he halted then, causing Bert to do the same. His face twisted in some sickening hybrid of anger, betrayal ,and hurt,  “I mean, Christ, I know…Knew I KNEW I was going to have to face this eventually but what they just pulled? That stains it. That fucking puts me dead in the water.”

“Only if you let it, yo!”

“Oh shut the fuck up, Bert. You don’t get it, man. Whole world saw me and my dirty laundry on display, and what’s more? My girls saw me shy away from confronting them. Goddamn..Sylvie, Sylvie I haven’t even seen since she was a toddler and the first thing she sees of me that she can remember is me calling out her grandfather to fight, and then running from dealing with them…”

“Yeah, that’s shitty but-”

“But nothing, Robert! They were better off wi-”

“With what? With WHAT yo?” Bert shoved him suddenly, showing no fear despite Knox having more than half a foot and a hundred pounds on him “With you hiding in that house sticking shit in your arm and up your nose? Fuck that, yo. Maybe that was a bad look, but it was a look yo. You came out, you crawled out of the house and you’re trying. That’s miles more than anyone would have thought of you a month ago, yo…”

The shove only served to send him back a step, but the words carried more weight and a deeper impact. One he wouldn’t admit to or show the world for love or money as he spun on his heel, turning away from Robert and dropping his bag on the ground. His hands go to take purchase on his hips. His head rotated back, staring up at the fluorescent lights through half-lidded eyes.

“You can’t fold at the first sign of opposition, yo. Even if it’s like you’re General Travis and you just walked out of the outhouse to look Santa Ana in the eye. Yeah, it looks bad but if you just raise the white flag and go chill in a Mexican Army Prison Camp? You never go past that. You get a fucking paragraph in the history books instead of a whole chapter, and a million fuckin’ songs, movies and poems written about you.”

“No one is going to write a book about me, Robert..”

“That’s not the point yo! And besides, you don’t know that. No one does..” Robert stepped forward, hands flailing as wildly as his tone does as he struggles to put together a point and drive it home simultaneously “But What you do know? What I know, what eeeevvverrryyybooodddy knows, yo? Is that quitters don’t get books written’ about em. Quitters get forgotten, yo.”

“Maybe t’s fuckin better I do get forgotten, ‘yo’!” he snapped back mockingly, the words weighted down by regret before they even fully escaped his lips “I stick around, what do they get? A drug addict dad teetering on the edge of relapse twenty four seven who knows nothing about them outside of what he managed to hold onto from phone calls he had with their mom while absolutely blitzed…”

“And that’s better tha-”

“How!? How, Robert? How the fuck is that better? And how the fuck would you kn-” he managed to find the brakes on that one. Of course Robert would know about not having a father around. Poor bastard lost him before he could buy the beer to numb the pain and dull the memories. Matthew turned away, disgusted with himself. Bert’s jaw steeled, he only nodded “Look, i’m-”

“It’s fine..” Robert interjected, clearing his throat, “But…think on that, yo. You’ve seen me be a moody bitch on birthdays, or on dates that mattered to me, yo. And Like…I know, wasn’t shit I could do or a fuckin thing I can do now but If I could man? For like…a minute more? Even if what I got wasn’t what I remember? Anything, yo…anything..”

“Your dad was a good guy though, Robert. You lost him to a disease. Their dad? Their dad is a degenerate who they almost lost a dozen times t-”

“It doesn’t matter, Matt. You’re their dad. Kids need their dad…” he raised his hands up, placing them on his friend and mentor’s shoulders and giving a firm squeeze “I ain’t sayin’ its easy, yo. Easy is us gettin on a plane, headin back to Monterey and eatin a bag of shrooms before waking up banned from the Aquarium again…” a shared snort of laughter.

“But what I am sayin’ yo, is that even if this ain’t easy..and it ain’t never gonna be, yo…It’ll be worth it.”

“See…we all form habits. If we’re lucky? They’re good ones. You, Jack…you’ve formed a nasty one, i’m afraid. And ironically, it’s the same one that Ken has formed. You’re insufferably arrogant. And trust me, coming from me? That’s something.”

He scrunches his nose, letting out one last plume of smoke before flicking the butt of the cigarette off to one side on the sidewalk, a brilliant display of sparks arising from the impact upon the cement.

“You’re good, Jack. No goddamn doubt about it. But you speak with…such a sense of entitlement, it’s angering the boomer tourists staying in the hotel behind me. Every word that comes out of your mouth is obnoxious, abrasive, and setting you up higher, and higher and higher still for when that fall comes. The one where you land on your face. When you ran your mouth just a hint too goddamn much…”

He paused long enough to sprout a grin and share a laugh with the wind whipping around him at Jack’s expense.

“I’d make a joke here about how the supershow was appropriately titled for such a thing but, unfortunately for you, the fall I speak of will have nothing glorious in it for you. No, best case scenario, outside of the obvious? You are not a part of the pinning equation and either Ken or I are ‘sneaky low down thieves’. Suppose, though, there is a silver lining in that…with the obsession everyone has for not being the one to eat the pin or submit.”

Slowly, he slides down the wall. Long legs stretch out in front of him toward the street. He lifts his hands to slide behind his head as he relaxes in the shadow of the old hotel. He takes in a deep breath, letting the exhale leave him slowly before he speaks again, tone resigned and wistful all the same.

“It all comes back to hubris, to arrogance. Seems like most days, it’s the only thing that accounts. But, like I said, at least we’re in the right venue. Thousands of dreams come here, thousands die. It’s depressing, really. Especially when you consider the seedy underbelly, and the lengths people go to, just to escape mundanity. To be anything but normal.”

“This building behind me? It’s more a mausoleum than any that can be found in any graveyard in this rotten city. Tourists, failed actors and starlets that never got to shine. Hell, they say Elizabeth Short had her last drink here before becoming the Black Dahlia. In the 80s, when the world was as happy as it could be in the shadow of the cold war? Richard Ramirez called this place home..”

He pauses, a hand finding its way to is chin to stroke the stubble in thought, an amusing one going by the expression upon his face and the sparkle in his eye.

“Imagine…just imagine that. How many tourists, here to see where the stars call home shared continental breakfast with the Nightstalker? How many found him to be a charming, handsome young man? It’s bone chilling, really. How ignorant we are of the monsters among us. Right up to the point that it’s too late…”

The thoughtful expression cracks into a tooth grin, a chuckle rolling out from somewhere deep within. Somewhere that wasn’t quite so dead as the rest of him.

“Now, i’m sure you’re thinking this is the part where I declare myself to be that monster. Well, reverse the eye roll boys. That’s not me. Not today, anyway. No…See, I’m not a monster. I’m just the guy who fights them. Who beats them with nothing more than what God blessed him with…speaking of God, and his tribute acts let’s…let’s focus back in on you, Kenny.”

He leans in over his bent knee, getting closer to the lens and focusing in upon it, beyond it to the viewer. To Ken.

“You look like a prize jackass, you know that? Of course you do..why else would you beg management to ‘run it back’ as the kids say…you talked so much inane shit, and you failed to back any of it up. I’m not the strongest. I’m not the fastest. I’m not someone you’ve ever defeated, or ever will if that was the best effort you could put together…”

His face sours into a grimace then, brows furrowing as he sucks on his teeth for a second. A laugh, bemused as the shake of his head resonates before he speaks once more, his tone dripping with condescension and venom.

“All that time. All that time we’ve wanted to hit each other in the face, and the most masterful move you pulled all match. All goddamn match was to roll out of the ring after I rattled your brain with my knee. Sent you reeling into the void, and you crawled out like a coward. Now, I could posture more on how much of a fucking fool you are. I could keep swinging my dick and bullshit you and everyone in the back talking about how I could have dragged you back to the ring at any time…”

A dismissive shrug, one hand going to the back of his neck and rubbing it almost bashfully.

“But I'll be honest. I lost track of the count while I was beating your ass in the audience. I thought we were still at six when the bell rang. At that point, I wasn’t getting anything else out of it so I just kept hitting you in your stupid, wrinkled, bald moon face….God, that was a great night…”

And now, the wistful smile returns. As if reliving a pleasant childhood moment for the thousandth time..

“See, I was satisfied with leaving it there Ken. I was good with a tie. I was good with being the first man in SCW that you could not beat. I was good with you going around having to explain to everyone how you were unable to defeat someone who you said wasn’t the strongest, or the fastest…just the loudest. I was FINE with you knowing that you couldn’t get it done…”

“But oh…Oh no, here comes that ego again..”

A roll of his right shoulder, the crack of his neck as he limbers up. The sounds of the city drift in for a moment, serving as a reminder that despite all the best efforts one makes, they are not yet alone in the world. A whole planet exists out of their field of vision. Lives starting and ending in the same breath currently used to threaten others.

Oh, how small they all were.

“You begged for another chance, Ken. It was…honestly pathetic. Unbecoming of a former world champion, of someone who calls themselves ‘Godly’. I wonder…was it you? Or did your ‘brother’ demand you finish the job?” a pause, a sneer “No..No that would require him seeing past his own bullshit and whatever material he’s stealing from his new daddy. And if he couldn’t do that when his wife was melting down for the world to see, what hope would we have?”

“So it was you then, Ken. It was from you, that groveling. Those pathetically thinly veiled puffs of the chest. That was all you…you could not handle your failure, and what have you done to resolve it? Doomed yourself by throwing yourself at the mercy of the man you couldn’t beat, and the man desperate to beat you. With your title on the line…”

“It’s not going to go how you think it will, Ken. Either Jack, or I, will be there to make sure of that. You’re going to lose, for the first time. And in that one loss you will lose EVERYTHING You’ve worked for here in SCW…and i’m sure that failure will tuck your tail right between your legs, brushing against that spot your balls used to be while your feet carry you as fast as they can back to Chicago.”

“But…when you ARE laying there, Ken. . .Under the lights with your first defeat fresh on your skin, that ashen taste of failure on your tongue…Kenny, I want you to ask yourself one question…Ask it to that part of yourself that whined, and begged, and pleaded for management to insert me into this conflict of yours…”

A smirk cracks his pail features as he slowly rises to his feet, arms hanging almost limply at his sides giving the impression of him slithering up, or billowing like smoke. He takes a step forward toward the camera, leaning in close and filling the frame with that toothy, smug smirk.

“Was it worth it?”

With only the quiet chuckle to leave a reminder that he was ever there, Matthew stepped out of frame and out of sight as the camera slowly faded to black, rotating towards the heavens none of these three men would ever reach after Blaze of Glory.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2022, 11:35:39 PM by Matthew Knox »

Offline GKD

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« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2022, 11:59:37 PM »
”Come on, get up, buddy.”

Ken Davison opens his eyes to see a TSA Agent looking down at him. On the floor of Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, Davison was waiting for a flight to Los Angeles. He is dressed in a nice orange button down shirt and black dress pants.

”Is there a problem?”

”You can't sleep here. Now go find yourself somewhere to go.”

”I'll tell you what, Officer Bitchcakes. Tell Continental that when they cancel the red eye that they need to make accommodations for their passengers. Not all of us can afford hotels you know.”

The truth of the matter is, Ken Davison could more than afford to go to a hotel. Hell, he could have driven home. But the floor of the airport was just as comfortable to him. He hadn't had a good night's sleep in months.  Originally, he was supposed to leave at 7:16 last night and his flight was delayed. Then, it was delayed a second time. The third time, it was canceled. Ken simply decided that he would wait at the airport and fix it in the morning. The TSA agent walks away, now ignoring Davison.

”Hey, homeboy, come back here. Can't I get one of those enhanced pat downs? I haven't had that kind of action in months!”

Ken gets up and grabs his suitcase and jacket off of the floor, wiping the dust off of them. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell phone. It's just after five in the morning. Davison groans audibly, trying to stretch out the muscle in his back. Davison makes his way over to the JetBlue terminal, surprised to see agents there already. He gets his travel issues sorted out and walks to the food court. Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and a Boston Cream Donut in hand, he parks it at the nearest table and pulls his cell phone out and sets it on the table. He goes to call his fiancee, but on the off chance Kyra is actually sleeping, he decides not to call her.

As if she can read his mind, Ken’s phone starts ringing

“Hey, mama…” Ken’s voice sounds tired and weary. “You sleep okay?”

Kyra couldn’t help but chuckle, albeit humorlessly.  “I’ll give you one guess where I am right now.”

“I would guess either the couch or on the shitter.”

“Good guesses, but no.  Adina took over our bed so I took hers.  Got tired of getting my ass kicked.”  She replied, stifling a yawn.  “We really should look into getting her a new bed though.  God damn this thing sucks.”

“Kicked?” Ken forces out through his stifled laughs. “Last week when you were on the couch I ended up with three of her toes in my mouth! Do you know where those things have been?”

“Other than in your mouth?  I don’t even wanna know, but whatever it was… I’m sure it tasted horrible.”  Kyra laughed.  “She’s a menace and she needs to be stopped.”

“Remember that time she tried to make ramen in the microwave and didn’t add water? It tasted as bad as that smelled.” Ken smiles in spite of himself. “So, yeah… I’m guessing you saw I’m still here.”

Kyra doesn’t respond right away, but eventually she sighs. “Yeah.. I only checked to see if you made it over yonder.. But what’s going on?  Everything okay?”

“Yeah. There were a couple of delays and then they canceled. I slept on the floor and just got the flight rebooked as early as possible. I’ve got a stop over in Las Vegas, so probably going to head over and see Mac. I need to get my head on straight.”

Letting out another sigh, Kyra sits up in the bed.  “That’s not a bad idea.. But what’s wrong?  Can I help?”

“Honesty, I’m just… I don’t know… lost, is maybe the word.

“I don’t like the sound of that.”  Kyra replies, her voice quieting. 

“I just feel like we scratched and clawed and fought to win the UGWC Co-op titles and now that we have, it’s like, what now? With the rotating door of cooperative champions, I’d like to try and hold onto these things for a while. But, the motivation is just… it’s like the adrenaline has worn off. You know?”

Kyra nods her head, even though she knows no one can see her.  “No, no.. I get it.  I completely understand, but I also know that the moment we go back and we see these fuckers doing the same shit we were doing to get to those belts… it’ll come back.  And hell, it might even come back with a vengeance because we don’t wanna lose em as quickly as we got em.”

“I understand that. We’ve gone from the hunters to the prey. I’m not going to lie, Ragdoll and Cervantes AGAIN! At least the Piercing Media Empire will be a new challenge. What I really wanted was one more match against Incendium so we could see once and for all who the better team was. Then Gabe retired and that was the end of that.”

“I don’t know, hun.  I feel like we could face them and beat them a hundred times more and there’d still be a debate.  But I guess we’re just gonna have to settle for agreeing to disagree on that particular topic.”  She grins.  “But we’re still here and regardless of what anyone says.. No one can deny that we’re the best team in the UGWC at the moment.  I mean they’ll deny the shit out of it but fuck em.”

“So, where do we go? Do we just wait to see what the world throws at us or do we just start leaving a trail of bodies?”

“You know me.. I’m all for bodying these fuckers.  And honestly, that seems to be the only thing they understand.  But.. And I can’t believe I’m saying this…”  She pulls in a deep breath.  “..It doesn’t hurt to sit back and see what ends up coming our way either.”

“You know, you’re saying ‘fuck’ an awful lot today. Feeling a little spicy?” Ken laughs. He desperately wanted to be home with Kyra, but he was sitting alone, in an airport, by himself. At least the coffee was fresh. “You think we’ll be okay? Or you think we need to get slapped around a little bit to regain our edge?”

Silence settles between them while Kyra thinks about Ken’s question.  She pulls one of Adina’s stuffed animals into her lap and stares at it - It was an adorably ugly little thing that Ken had bought for her.   She smiles at the toy and clears her throat.

“You know, I think we’re perfect Ken.  We’re in the business of getting slapped around, so that’s gonna happen regardless.  As for our edge, we ain’t lost it.  Not one bit.  This isn’t gonna last forever but at least we get to say we were champions twice… together.  Maybe I’m getting soft in my old age… I dunno, but I got you, and I got that little shithead that’s sleeping with my belt in our bed.. What more could I ask for?”

“I don’t know about you, but I could ask you to stop talking about old age. My body gives me enough reminders of that on the daily. One day, I will be too old for this.”

“I mean, you can ask.. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna listen.”  Kyra replies with an ornery smirk.  “One day we’ll both be too old for this, but until then.. Let’s just keep doing what we’re doing.”

“Sounds like a plan. I just need to make sure you’re healthy enough that we can get in trouble for grabbing each other’s asses when we finally get to the old folks home.”

Kyra chuckles.  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.  I always find a way to get into trouble.”

“Alright.I’ll be home in a couple of days. I promise.”

“Oh I know you will be, we both know you can’t leave me for too long.  Just take care of yourself and let Mac finish kicking your ass back into shape.  I love you.”

“I love you, too, mama.”

It was never easy to talk about Sin City with Kyra, even though Ken had been actively trying to recruit his beloved to the company since before he had even signed his own contract. With the kiddo at home, though, it was hard. He understood that. But the way he felt about those UGWC Cooperative Championships was exactly how he felt about the Sin City Internet Championship.There were parallels that even Stevie Wonder could see.

‘I lost to the ‘Cockney King’ then had a draw against Knox. This is not acceptable.’ Ken thinks to himself as he finishes his donut and grabs his coffee. ‘Well, asshole, I guess it’s time to get your head on right.

“Here I am, preparing for my match at Blaze of Glory, and I keep replaying Mark Ward’s words replaying in my head.”

Through the magic of audio engineering and clever editing, Hot Stuff’s voice plays.

“You, my friend, must have balls of steel, because no one in their right mind would do that, no one with any common sense would add Matt Knox to this one by choice. It's like the christians in the Colosseum raising their hands and saying there's not enough lions here, throw in another.”

Then, the key words echo over and over, each time getting  louder.

“No one in their right mind”
“No one in their right mind”
“No one in their right mind”
“No one in their right mind”
“No one in their right mind”

“The problem here is that I am of my right mind. I know what I am capable of. Matt Knox knows what I am capable of. Jack Washington is about to find out what I am capable of. If you see other than a clear cut understanding of my actions, then you are either ignorant or you are not of your own right mind. The things I have seen… the things I have done... you would have to kill me to try and stop me. Three years ago, I had a widowmaker heart attack. Yet, here I am, alive and kicking. God Himself could not defeat me. What makes the two of you think that you have any chance of doing so?”

“Regardless, I understand that the last month has been something of, I don't know, an awakening. Since I won the Sin City wrestling Internet championship I have become a hypocrite. I have become exactly what I accused Agostino Romano of being.  I became complacent. I became comfortable. That is unacceptable.”

“Where is that fire I showed when I confronted Agostino? Where is that drive that I should have had when facing “The Cockney King”? Where was that fire when I sullied my hands with Matt Knox? The problem is, figuratively speaking, that I got fat and lazy.  I had a match in another company, for a title I had been chasing since June of last year, I managed to win that title. Here, in Sin City Wrestling, I was given that opportunity for the Internet Championship, and I was happy to take that championship. I was on top of the world. Rightfully so, might I add. After all of the blood, sweat and tears, it was like. “Now what? Where do I go from here?”

“Having those goals gave me a sense of direction. It gave me power. It's the old adage about how it's not the kill but the thrill of the hunt. It's like a video game where you strive but you strive to get better and better until you can get to that next level. But this isn't a video game. There is always a next level. I lost sight of that and that's on me. My goal in this company is to become the SCW World Champion.  I don't care that Mac bean currently holds that championship. The way the Saviors work is that we bring out the best in each other just as much as we enjoy smacking other people down. I don't care that Mac bean currently holds that championship. The way the savior's work is that we bring out the best in each other just as much as we enjoy smacking other people down.”

“When those objectives come on those goals, that I worked so long and hard for, that I bled for, We're no longer goals, but achievements but achievements, I lost sight of what I should be doing. I am a condemned champion.I am one of the faces of Sin City Wrestling by that fact alone.  The issue is that I was happy to be the Sin City Wrestling Internet Champion. Let me say that again, the problem is that I was happy.”

Ken folds his hands in front of him and sighs deeply.

“You know, Agostino Romano was happy. But, Agostino Romano is a pure soul. Agostino Romano deserves to be happy. I was once young and innocent. I actually miss the days when that was enough. My advice to you, Romano? “Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold.”

“There's a science to why the chase is more enjoyable.I'm not going to bore you with all the details but the gist of it is that each step you take towards achieving that goal bowl gives you a little head of dopamine.I'm not going to bore you with all the details but the gist of it is that each step you take towards achieving that goal bowl gives you a little head of dopamine. It's like getting a little bit of a high every time you get a little bit closer. Sometimes, you don't even have to get closer to your goal. It's just the anticipation of it that makes you happy. This leads to people jumping from goal to goal to goal to goal to goal and an effort to chase that high. Shit, that's the entire reason why Matt Knox had his grubby little paws pause in so many different companies. He's not satisfied at home, obviously. He's not content to climb the ladder. What he wants is to have as many matches as he can to chase that high.  He is nothing more than an adrenaline junkie. He needs his fix. At Blaze of Glory, he will not be getting that fix.”

“Don't get me wrong, That's actually not meant as an insult to Matt Knox.  In this case, the man has cracked the code. By working here, there,  and everywhere he doesn't have to worry about being let down. When I crush him at Blaze of Glory, he'll just go to another company and beat someone beneath his level. The problem with spreading yourself so thin is that you can't keep up that kind of pace forever. What our last match proved to me is that even on my worst day, he could not beat me.”

“It honestly took a close friend of mine to tell me to pull my head out of my ass for me to realize what my problem was. I set a short term goal and I didn't think beyond that moment. I have been doing this long enough that I know that the Internet championship is not the pinnacle. However, in my time as the Internet Champion my goal should be to go down in history as the best Internet champion this company has ever seen. My goal should be to put myself in the best position I can for my future opportunities. To do that, I have to defeat Matt Knox. I have to defeat Jack Washington. It is not enough to simply hold on to my championship.”

“I had to step back. I had to look at things through a different lens to realize that. What Jack Washington and Matt Knox need to realize is that is what makes me so dangerous.  I have the presence of mind that Jack Washington does not. By his own words he made the mistake of trying to work with someone, in this case Krystal Wolfe, and it blew up in his face.  Did he do anything differently? No. Same old story, same old song-and-dance.”

“However, that is not who I am as a person. Go ask Amber Ryan.The first time she and I met in the ring, she came out victorious. In fact, the second time we met in the ring, she came out victorious again.  So I did what I needed to do. I looked at what I was doing and I recognized the things I needed to change. Obviously, since I've won the Sin City Internet Championship, I have not done that. Things needed to change. It won't be until we reach Blaze of Glory that those changes will be revealed.”

“Enough about myself, at least for the time being. At this point I need to shift the focus to my opposition.”

“Matt Knox, I would like to thank you for a couple of things. First, I'd like to thank you for proving me correct. You showed the entire world that you are exactly the person I said you were. You sat there and ran your mouth because you didn't lose. You ran your mouth and made it sound like you were better than me when you still have yet to prove it. That just shows who you are as a person.  You weren't even content with the fact that you didn't win. You celebrated the fact that you didn't win. I suppose it was more a celebration of the fact that you didn't lose, but the point still remains.”

“The other thing I feel I should thank you for helping me to realize that I cannot be you. I couldn't walk into Blaze of Glory against Jack Washington and feel as though I deserve to be the champion if I did not definitively defeat you. What you did, Knox, is light a fire under my ass. I realized that if I can't beat you, what business do I have in the ring with Jack Washington?”

Davison smirks, knowing where this is going.

“The better question here is what business does he have being in the ring with me?”

Davison puts his hand over his heart and audibly gasps with so much fake shock that you would think he was an actress on a telenovela.

“Did he really really just say that? You're Kendamned right, I said it. I understand that he's a two time World Champion here. If we're being honest, I've never heard of Jack Washington. So, I did what anyone searching for the answers to life, the universe, and everything would do. I Googled him. Guess what! Google  didn't seem to have heard of you, either. Let's see here…”

Ken reaches inside of his vestments and pulls out a cell phone.

“Jack Washington, American saxophone player, died in 1964.  Karr girls basketball coach Jack Washington dies after sickness, February 2021. Longtime Trenton teacher, historian Jack Washington dies, April 2017. Literally the only thing I've gotten out of trying to find you is that anyone with your name is probably dead already. So, what do we know about you? Former World Champ. The internet doesn’t know who you are. Talked shit about the title you’re fighting for. Oh, and my favorite, blaming Krystal Wolfe for the fact that you couldn’t get out of the first round of Blast From the Past. Now, I’ve got this all figured out. You are whiny, selfish, cry and bitch when you don’t get your way. You are a five year old little girl. I know because I’ve got a little one at home.“

“So, what I would like to do now is come down to your level. As a parent, you are supposed to model your behavior in a way you would want your child to emulate. So, instead of me going through the same old rigamarole, why doesn’t wittle Jacky Wacky go back and watch this from the beginning. Pay special attention to the part where I don’t blame anyone but myself for my record lately. Maybe you should take a few notes on that.”

“Another pro-tip is that you should use appropriate responses. When you ran down Krystal, the way you use the word ‘bitch’ like it’s the only insult you know, when you called me “bum ass Ken” Ken puts his hands over his heart. “That hurt. I’m wounded. So wounded. Be that as it may, you show all the intellectual prowess of Matt Knox. I wouldn’t be especially proud of that.”

“What I’ve tried to do is help you to see things from another perspective. I want to face Jack Washington the man. I want to face Jack Washington who won the World Championship twice. I want to face a version of Jack Washington who is worthy and a man who feels that any title is beneath him doesn’t deserve to carry it. The one thing I will say is that at least Matt Knox would carry this belt with some Kendamned pride. You, Washington, are disgrace to this company and to this entire industry.”

“Maybe you remember when I showed up here, I didn’t come here to be Mac Bane’s buddy. Kendamn that shit’s been overused. When I came here, I said my goal was to rid Sin City Wrestling of all of the derelict souls, the smarmy vagrants, all of the overinflated egos. I didn’t come here to win championships, although I am proud to carry the Sin City Wrestling Internet Championship, that will not stand in the way of what I have to do.”

“I never thought I’d meet someone that annoys me more than Matt Knox. Holy hell. The fact is that I am a man who doesn’t settle. I am a man who has made a career of proving myself time and time again. The things I do, I do for the betterment of this company. You are two of the best, but you are not THE best. The two of you are both problems, well, chuckleheads,  I am the solution. I am the path you follow. I prove it each time I get in the ring, every time I speak to you, and every time I merely grace you with my presence. I want you to bring your best. I want you to bring all your vitriol, all your anger, and all your rage. I want to watch the life drain out of your eyes as you realize that I am everything I say I am and more. I can make matches. I can do whatever I want, or need, when I am in that ring because I am God and when you’re God, you don’t have to break the rules. You make them!”

Offline Jack Washington

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« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2022, 11:49:04 PM »

Jack made it pretty clear how he feels about his opponents going into Blaze of Glory. Obviously, his disdain for Ken Davison is well noted and documented, and although he offered Matthew Knox seemingly a chance to not take part in the match, Matthew Knox IS going to show up and that’s not going to make Jack very happy. Maybe he was saying it in jest, but Jack has never been one to really make jokes. With all that being said, the week draws to a close and Jack prepares one last volley of vitriol at his opponents headed into Blaze of Glory, looking to win the Internet championship for the first time.


Outside the ring, it was once again reiterated by Jason that he wants Benny’s spot as owner of the casino, and is not above simply wiping out Benny in order to do so. Jason also suggested that the Washington brothers could expand beyond the casino into the local markets, but Jack seems to think that the brand name of the Washington’s is not strong enough for such an action right now. Granted, the casino is making money and Jack is more than happy with the current arrangement, but Jason did remind him that Benny’s role at the outset was the be the fall guy should something happen to the Casino. And after the incident with the Mexicans, Jason does have a valid point about Benny being the fall guy, but he simply was not used as the fall guy.


Jack visited the casino to talk to Benny and find out his stance, and Benny was none too happy about the situation with the Mexicans and how it endangered the work at the Casino as well as Jason’s life. Benny also suggested a raise for himself as almost a payment for dealing with the situation as well. Jack listened to Benny, along with Brian. Jack told Jason that he would listen to Benny and see where he stood, but it seems that Jack may be coming around to Jason’s side, and that Benny may no longer be of use to Jack.


Will Jason have any other ideas? And what will become of Benny after his years of loyalty to Jack?



Washington Estate

Las Vegas, NV


Jack and Brain sat at the table, waiting. Neither was in the mood to speak, both sitting in silence, awaiting Jason to return. Brian took the moment to grab 3 glasses filled with ice and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Eventually Jason comes through the door, finished with work at the casino. He instantly spots the two at the table, and the three glasses, so a smile crosses his face, and he gently sits himself down, dropping his work bag on the floor. Brian pours the three glasses as Jason is the first to take a sip.


Jack: Long day?


Jason: Security work isn’t the greatest job in the world. Why don’t we have guns anway?


Jack: Because you’re security, not a cop.


Brian: Don’t want to give the impression things are dangerous around the Casino anymore, you know?


Jason: Very funny. Could have used some guns then too.


Jack: I get it. But no guns, besides, I don’t think you’ll be needing them anyway.


Jason’s eyes light up as he seems to know what that means. He takes another drink of the Jack and continues to smirk.


Jason: I must be getting a promotion.


Brian: Looks that way, I think.


Jason: So, there must be news, then?


Jack: Benny seems to think he deserves a raise. And more credit for everything he’s done.


Jason slaps his hand on the table and lets out a chuckle.


Jason: I TOLD you. I fucking told you, Bro. He was going to use anything he could to try and strongarm us, man. I fucking called it. Now you see why I wanted to get rid of his ass, right? I mean, come on, it’s right there on the wall.


Jack held his hands up in attempt to calm Jason down.


Jack: I just wanted to listen to his concerns. And he had a lot of them. 


Jason: You knew he was the fall guy, right? Ya’ll planned for that. I’m telling you, we get rid of him now, and we won’t have any more problems.


Jack: We still have quite a few problems, Jay. Even if we took Benny out of the picture.


Jason: I’m tell you now, bro. You get rid of Benny, that’s a huge problem out the window. The dude is a ticking time bomb. You said it yourself. You heard what he said. Money and recognition. That mean that one day, the mother fucker will do some shady shit and drag you down, he’ll drag US down. 


Brian: You know, the kid has a point Stick.


Jack: I told you that he was eager.


Jason: I just know a potential problem when I see one. The dude ain’t gonna do shit but be in a shitty mood unless you pay him more money, and you know what that’s gonna lead to? Wanting even more money. And more power. I’ve seen the shit man, it’s no good.


Jack nods, as everything Jason is saying does make sense to him.


Jack: Okay, say we get rid of him, and we put you in his spot, what is to stop you?


Jason looked taken aback by this question.


Jason: Whoa, you know me, bro. I’m family. You know you can trust me.


Jack: And I don’t trust anybody more than I do you, which is, let’s be real, not a lot. You’ve had a problem with drugs. You got involved in this because of me. What’s there to say that you don’t get pissed at me one day and then I’m in the exact same situation?


Jason held up his hands in mock surrender as well.


Jason: Wow, you really think I would -


Jack: Yes. I do. You’re family, Jay, I love you because you are family. But so is Brian, and I don’t trust his ass either.


Brian: Feeling is mutual, Stick.


Jack: So, Jay, you may be able to see where I’m coming from.


Jason scowls, thinking about the logic being used by Jack, as he finishes his first glass and pours himself another drink. After a moment, and another swing. He nods.


Jason: I wouldn’t do that to you, bro. You saved my life. A couple of times, let’s be real. I owe you a lot when it comes to this shit. I wouldn’t never turn my back on you like that. You know me. You have my word. We’re blood, bro. That is forever. 


Jason extends his hand and Jack looks at it for a moment, then at Brian, who takes a swig himself.


Brian: It’s up to you, Stick. I think the kid had a point, and... he owes you a lot.


Jack turns back to Jason, still with his hand out, and Jack finally shakes it and smiles.


Jack: Well, looks like we got ourselves a new owner.


Jason smiles broadly at this announcement. The handshake breaks and Jason pours everyone another round of drinks.


Jason: I think this calls for a celebration.


The three raise a toast.


Jack: To new ownership?


Jason: To new ownership.


Brian: To new ownership.


The three slam down down their drinks and begin to just continuously drink, finishing the bottle between the three of them. Finally, after some time spent with this joyous celebration, Jason finally raises a question.


Jason: So, what do we do about Benny anyway?


Jack: I think tomorrow, we’ll have to have a very difficult conversation. And I think you should be there.


Jason: Oh?


Jack: Of course, This wasn’t really my idea. It was yours, and I think you might be able to break the news a little better than I would, or Brian would as well.


Jason: Shit yeah.


Brian: Just... you know, let him down gently, you know how he gets when it comes to bad news.


Jason: Maybe. I’ll think about it. In the meantime, we got another bottle?


Brian: Way ahead of you.


The three break out another bottle of Jack Daniels to continue the celebration.



Grand Flamingo Casino

Las Vegas, NV


Inside the casino’s upper room, Benny sits and observes the camera and what’s going on inside the casino, hearing the various chatter from security on walkie talkies. There is a knock at the door that makes him again clutch his pistol inside his coat. He takes a moment, before Jack and Brian walk in, Jason behind them. Benny is seemingly put at ease by the sight of Jason, and he extends his hand and shakes all three of their hands in a sign of respect.


Benny: Gentlemen. 


Jack: Benny, we had a day or so to think about things and I just wanted all of us to be here so we can discuss what we talked about the other day.


Benny: Really? 


Jack: Yes. Really.


Brian: I’ll keep him in line, Ben, don’t worry.


Benny: You’re a good man, Brian. You always have been the reasonable one.


Jack: Let’s just have a seat.


The four men take a seat at the boardroom table in the back of the room. Benny sits at the head of the table, Jack and Brian to his left, and Jason to his right. Jason slaps Benny’s shoulder playfully and encouragingly as they sit.


Benny: So, what have you decided?


Jack shrugs.


Jack: You made some very valid points about us putting you in a tough spot and you holding it together. Can’t deny that. Hell, won’t deny that. You’ve done really well, and the business is booming with you in charge and keeping everything together. And we know it wouldn’t be fair to keep you at the same rate after everything that’s happened.


Benny: You sure I’m talking to the right person? This doesn’t seem like you at all, kid.


Jack: Well, given the circumstances, things have to change sometime.


Benny: Well, hot damn... I thought this might have gone a different way, you know?


Jack: Yeah, don’t worry. We’re gonna make some wholesale changes.


Benny: Wow, I never expected this.


Jack looked over at Jason, who again placed a hand on Benny’s shoulder.


Jason: That’s not what we meant when we said changes were going to be made. Ben, I hate to be the one who has to tell you this, but... we’re going to have to let you go.


Benny’s whole demeanor changes as his face gets red with anger and a little embarrassment. He points at Jason with a small chuckle. 


Benny: You can’t be serious. You really let the kid get that joke out?


Benny looks over to confirm this is a joke, but it isn’t. Jack and Brian are stone faced and do not share in Benny’s tone.


Jason: You can make this really easy, or you can make it harder than it is. You’ve been loyal, I know. And you helped this place get off the ground. That’s what makes this so difficult to do. 


Benny snatches away from Jason’s hand on his shoulder, standing up and taking a step away from the chair.


Benny: This is the thanks I get from you mother fuckers? Huh? This is what loyalty gets you? Fuck all three of you! I can make this place go down the fucking tubes faster than you can say Mexicans! You want to throw me away? FUCK YOU. Nobody is throwing me away. No. Not by a fucking long shot.


Benny reaches into his coat, producing his pistol. 


Benny: You wanna fuck with me. Fine, I’ll show you who you’re fucking with!


Jack, Benny, and Jason make no outward movement despite Benny pointing a pistol in their direction.


Jack: Benny, I know this is -


Benny: Shut the fuck up! You aren’t taking me down. I’ll fucking guarantee that. If I go down, I’m taking all of you with me.


Benny continues to point the gun at the Washington’s, but Eric and his security team have silently moved into position and tackle Benny to the ground ensuring he can’t use his pistol, and Jason begins directing traffic. 


Jason: It’s just time to move in a different direction, Benny. I know you understand. It’s not personal, it’s business. Well, no, fuck that, you point a gun at me, then it becomes personal! Get this fucking guy up. 


Eric’s team hold Benny in place, dragging him to his knees and stretching out his arms along a table. Jason pulls a hammer out of his jacket, as Jack stands up, with the ownership paperwork. He puts it right under Benny’s nose.


Jack: We’re changing ownership, Benny, and you need to make a choice. 


Benny: Fuck you!


Jason: Okay, quick question. Are you left-handed, or right-handed?


Benny doesn’t answer the question, defiance in his eyes.


Jason: Okay, I’ll take a guess then.


Jason walks around to Benny’s left side and begins smashing his left hand with the hammer in hand. Benny yells in pain as bones in his hand break.


Jason: Now, I can’t continue up your arm, or you can sign it with your right hand. Your choice.


Jason aims the hammer at Benny’s wrist, but Benny stops them.


Benny: Okay! Fuck! I’ll sign it!


Benny is handed a pen and quickly signs his name, giving ownership to Jason.


Jason: I knew you’d see the light eventually. Now, let’s just make sure this is all nice and binding.


Jason hands the papers to Jack, who hands them to Brian, who looks it over. 


Brian: Looks good to me.


Benny: You fucks! You sick fucks! I was good to you!


Jack: You were, Benny. You really were. But I’m afraid you are no longer useful. 


Jack gives a nod and Eric’s group throws a black hood over Benny’s face, and then one of them cold clocks him with a blackjack. Benny stops yelling and screaming.


Jack: Make sure he’s not going to be found anytime soon.


Eric’s goons give a nod and they disappear with Benny out of the room. Jason is very proud of himself.


Jason: That went better than expected.


Jack: I'd say so. 


Brian: Well, here’s to new ownership.


Jack: Congratulations bro. That’s one hell of a promotion.


Jason walks over to the window, looking down on the rest of the casino, oblivious to what happened in the room.


Jason: Under new management. It’s time to shake things up.



On Camera:


Jack is currently looking at himself in a mirror, not focused on the camera, but he begins anyway.


Jack: God damn I love me. 


You know that feeling when you get in your opponent’s head, and you live rent free? And you know that you absolutely OWN a piece of them? That’s really how I feel when it comes to Ken Davison. I mean, Ken clearly knows his days as champion are fucking over and done with come Blaze of Glory, and so, what do we have left to even say? I guess, I can say that I’m glad that Ken Davison watches me talk. It’s probably the highlight of his day to be honest. I mean, I’m the most entertaining thing since movies came in color. I am seriously giving Ken Davison all the attention he wants so badly, because without it, he’s just be another bald-headed asshat who thinks they are badass and can make watching fucking paint dry sound fun. I mean, I guess when he became a dad, he took the bullets out of the gun, or cut his nuts off because I have never heard a less-threatening man in my life. I mean my God man, this was just utter insomnia-killing gibberish and honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to out trash-talk me. You got a big mouth, but you’re shooting blanks when it comes to this thing Ken. You really don’t have the ammo to compete. You’re a clown, and not even a particularly funny one either. 


I mean, did you hear that Ken said that I was selfish? 


Wait for it... wait for it.... 




Jack turns to face the camera, an incredulous look on his face.


Jack: Of course, I’m selfish, Ken. You fucking idiot. Have you met me? Have you seen me out there? I’m fucking incredible. I think I made that very clear from day one. The day I walked into this company, I told everybody, I don’t give a shit about any of them. And guess what? You know what that means for you? It’s fucking grandfathered in. I don’t give a shit about you either, Ken. I don’t give a rat’s ass about you. I care about one person, ME. Duh. That’s my whole thing.  I feel like I’ve said that a few times, but apparently, you’re late to the party. A day late and a fucking dollar short, much like always. I mean, at this point, insulting you is a waste of my time. You, yourself, are a waste of my time. I’ve said it a million times, I am the Face of this Franchise. The big-name player. The crown jewel. I rose to the top of this company, faster than pretty much anybody. In the same amount of time that it took you to finally earn a a championship match, I was already a World Champion. You are only making yourself sound stupid, by trying to compare anything you’ve done, to what I have in the short amount of time I’ve been in SCW. I should be the World champion right now! I beat your fucking Cowboy leader right in the middle of the ring, no questions asked. You saw, you know it. 


So, I have to ask what in the holy fuck do you think is going to happen to you? You think that because you snuck in and stole my Internet championship match at Inception, that it somehow means you’re anything? You are a fly on my fucking shirt, Ken. You are irrelevant to me. This is just going to be proof of what I already know, but I’m sure, since you just figured out that I’m selfish, that you’ll be repeating the next time you feel froggy and try and do something about the shit I say I’m going to do.


Jack shakes his head before continuing.


Jack: That’s the thing, my guy, I don’t make promises or say things that aren’t true. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say, and when I say, that I will beat your ass in front of your little girl, I fucking mean it. I will beat you like a damn dog and watch her cry her little bratty eyes out when she sees what I do to you. And that’s just because you have something I want. And because you stole from me, and have tried to act like a badass because you beat a paper champion. I don’t back down from challenges Ken. I have faced the best in this company and I’ve talked the same shit to them, as I do to you. You are not special, you are not different, other than the way you look, and you referring to yourself as God like a fucking tool. 


The real difference, is that those people actually did something in their careers, while you, haven’t. And I know, this is where you bring up however twenty different championships and however many Hall of fames and whatever else you want to try and justify yourself, but to me, you’ve done three things, and all of them are trash. You joined a group of losers, you stole my championship opportunity, and then you beat a paper champion. Outside of that, you are still a joke. I don’t need to respect you, you’re a piece of trash. When you actually do something worthwhile, I might actually respect you a tiny bit.


Oh, nah, I can’t lie about it, I will always and forever think you are a piece of trash. That’s never going to change. No matter what you ever do in your life, you will be garbage to me. I know you’re disappointed, since you enjoy going through my promos with a fine-tooth comb and everything. You want to try and cherry pick things to try and throw back at me. You know what that says to me, Ken? You are a desperate man, searching for any advantage he can get because he knows he’s a fraud. Trust me Ken, at Blaze of Glory, I will expose you for the trash champion you are, and I will take it from you and make it mean something instead of being a piece of gold and leather that you carry around for show. 


At Blaze of Glory, you will get your ass whooped Ken. And then, you can tell me what a disgrace I am all over again, because I’ll still be the Internet champion, and I will still be better than you.

You bitch.


Jack gives a half smile and a half chuckle thinking about what he’s going to say next.


Jack: Now, look... Matt Knox. I tried to be you know, sporting about this. I tried to give you the out from this match, and just let me beat the shit out of Ken Davison and be done with it. I guess you don’t like him either, which isn’t surprising, and he doesn’t like you, probably because he doesn’t like people who are probably better than him. So, while I understand why you would want to be in this match, and why you think you deserve to be in this match, and maybe your hearts in the right place or some poetic shit like that, but I’m taking this as a refusal of my offer. I get that the dumbass wanted you added to the match, but since when do you listen to him? Since when do you take what he gives? He’s an idiot, and really, all he’s trying to do is make sure that when he loses, he can try some ex-champion bullshit and try and get a rematch with me, because you’re in the match, and you’re going to lose to, so he’s trying to make sure you can’t get anything out of this. I just want you to understand that. 


What I offered you was a great deal. It was the best deal. Come back some other time. Save your strength and endurance. Kick the shit out of this loser some other time. Then you can come for me, and I’ll kick your ass, but at least you would have earned it, and you would have had the fun of beating up Ken Davison. It was win-win for a much of a win-win as you can get. It was a perfect scenario for you. 


But instead, you’re choosing to talk shit and get yourself involved in this. And that’s a slap in the face, Matt. A slap in the god-damn face and I was willing to work with you for the time being. I was willing to try and make this work. But you have chosen to ignore that, and that’s insulting. And as Ken knows, you do not want to insult me. Ask Ken, ask Alex Jones, and Kris Halc and Austin Mercer and literally anybody I’ve trashed over the past two years. I don’t hold back, and I don’t care who or what you are. I tried to give you the option to spare you from this, but no, you guys all want to be tough guys and act like you really want these problems. 


So fine, you really want these problems, then so be it. You have nobody to blame but yourself for this Matt, I don’t have a problem with beating your ass, just as soon as I would Ken’s. You didn’t have to take this road, but since you’re taking it, then you can get lumped in with him. It seems you two have some kind of a history, and you are more than welcome to settle it, but do it on someone else’s time. I don’t have time to be in some kind of little scuffle between you two. I’m the number one contender for the title that Ken is currently fucking up, not you. I told you before you don’t have any god damn business in this matter, but no, you want to be a tough guy now too, right? Fine, if that’s the way it’s going to be, then that’s the way it’s going to be. I said you don’t belong here, and I will prove it to you at Blaze of Glory. And then, you will have fuck all to show for showing up and taking an L. I don’t even want to pin you, I don’t want to make you submit, that’s not even worth it. What I’m after is the same thing I want to do to Ken. I’m going to beat your ass so badly, and so convincingly, that you don’t ever try me ever again. That’s the kind of thing I enjoy. Proving a point, Matt. You can get this work, and I don’t have any issue giving it to you. 


So, just so we’re clear, what happens to you at Blaze of Glory is now all your fault. You will have nobody to blame but yourself when you walk out of Blaze of Glory with nothing and you don’t even get the satisfaction of beating Ken’s ass, because I’m going to beat you to it. You could have had this all to yourself at some other point, but, you’re here now, and you have made one of the biggest mistakes of your entire career, Matthew. I don’t give a flying fuck about you, or where you stand in front of, or if you call yourself a monster or not. You know what people who call themselves monsters are, Matt? Fake. If you seriously want to be that guy, I feel bad for you. Nah, I don’t feel bad, I am embarrassed for you. I mean, you’re a grown man, you’re an old man. Don’t go full Alex Jones on me. Don’t be that guy, Matt. It doesn’t make you sound intimidating, it makes you sound stupid. You have to know that, right? You have to be fully aware of calling yourself a monster is the same thing as calling yourself an astronaut when you’re five. You’re playing pretend, Matt. And that’s really the thing here. If you’re reaching into your bag of old man tricks to try and re-capture some lost edge you had in your youth, I’ll be there to kindly remind you that you cannot turn back the clock anymore. Those days are over Matt. I am the best now. I’m at the top, not you, and not Ken. I don’t play pretend, I play for keeps. And because you wanted to do this, I will prove it to you at Blaze of Glory.


Jack sits down, shrugging at the camera.


Jack: Let’s just be real here. I earned my number one contender status. Matthew Knox was added in because He didn’t lose and Ken Davison is an idiot. This was a massive oversight by Mark Ward, and I’m sure he’s aware of that. Perhaps he was just caught off-guard by Ken Davison’s stupidity and that’s why this is a triple threat match. Because it really shouldn’t be. This match should be me, kicking the shit out of Ken Davison one-on-one. Period. The fact that this is a triple threat match is absurd, but you know what? I’m taking this as a test. I call myself the face of the franchise for a reason. And because of this, I’m being tested right? I mean, it’s not like I haven’t been given the shaft before around here. I mean, let’s be real, I should be the world champion for the third time, right now. But instead I’m here, and you know what? I’m cool with that now. I will simply pass yet another test, because at the end of the all of this, I will prove to every single person that I am simply the best that there ever was in this company’s history. It’s little things like this that test a person’s mettle, and I will once again rise to the occasion prove to everybody, I am what I say I am.


Now, there it is, all laid out nice and neat for you both. You know how this was going to end regardless of me telling you or not. You both should be well aware that you are not on my level and this is the worst possible scenario for the both of you. This is where the cream rises to the top, and you two asshats go to the bottom where you belong. In case you both somehow missed it, yes, I am an asshole, I am arrogant, I am egotistical. I am all those horrible things you called me. 


Why? Because I can be. 


I have proven time and time again that I am fully capable of backing up everything I say. Whether it’s all by the book, is not what I’m about. If I have to beat you both with a fucking pipe, I will. I don’t care how it gets done, I care about winning. That’s all. In my eyes, the end more than justifies the means. And in this match, there’s no disqualifications. There’s nothing to stop me from bashing your brains in to get what I want. I have warned you both about what’s about to happen and how I’m going to beat both of you and walk away the Internet champion. So, at this point, there’s nothing really left to say. You are both going to get your asses whooped and you will have nobody to blame but yourselves. I will destroy both the paper champion and the pretender contender. 


This Sunday, you are both going to be my bitches. 


Get ready chumps, and don’t take this ass whooping personally. 


You are both just stepping stones to my continued greatness. 


Deal with it.


With that, Jack dismisses the camera and we cut to black.


Trust. No one.

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« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2022, 11:49:30 PM »
Tuesday, March 14, 2022
John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland

Sitting in his hospital bed lies “Godly” Ken Davison. It most certainly was not anywhere he actually wanted to be,but at the moment, he had no choice. The white walls are plain and sanitary looking. Ken peers over at the corner of the room where a large man with long black hair and an equally long beard sits.

“You really think that you should keep wrestling or are you actually trying to put yourself in the ground?”

"You want the honest truth or a happy lie?"

"You've finally got it all. You've got the life. You're about to have the wife. You've got a kid that's already calling you 'Daddy' and you haven't even made it to the altar yet. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

Ken pause, taking time to really think about the question. He had never really thought about it before.

"I suppose it's all I know. I started training at 15. I got my GED so I could train full time.  Wrestling has given my the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Besides, there are guys wrestling well into their fifties and sixties."

"Your ticker says you might not making it to your fifties."

"I told you, I am only here for observation because my doctor thought my blood pressure was too low. They ran all the tests and I'm fine." Ken gives a bit of a shrug. "Besides, if shutting Matt Knox's mouth is the last thing I do, then my life will be complete."

"You really are a stubborn son of a bitch. Aren't you?"

"Coming from 'The Demon of Sobriety,' I will take that as a compliment."

"The Demon of Sobriety" Dorian Hawkhurst; recovering alcoholic, profession wrestler, disciple of "Godly" Ken Davison, and the best damned father that Ken had ever met. Also, he was one of the few men who could be completely honest with Ken.

"Speaking of stubborn, where the hell is Kyra, anyway?"

"Adina's getting out of school. She had to pick her up. For fuck's sake, why the third degree."

"Because she should be here."

"And she will be, just as soon as she gets Adina settled. Besides, I'm going to get discharged in a bit anyway. I told you, there is nothing wrong with my heart."

"And how does she feel about you going back to LA and facing Knox so soon after this scare?"

"You forgot Jack Washington."

"I didn't forget shit. I don't know him so I really don't give a rat's ass about him."

"Big mouth.  Small dick. Definitely compensating for something."

"Goddamnit, Ken. Can't you take anything seriously? You are seriously going to sit there and waste whatever time you have making jokes about your health? Your opponents, whatever. But your fucking health, man. If Kyra were here, she'd kick your ass. In fact, I'd kick your ass if I didn't think she'd kick my ass."

"Your Kyradamned right, I would."

"Gimmick infringement." Ken yells as he and door turn their heads to the doorway where Kyra and Adina are standing.

"Damn, that feels kind of good. I really should make that I thing." Even under her mask, you can see the smile in her eyes. "Hey, Dorian."

"Hey, Kyra. Hospital's only letting in two visitors at a time, so I guess I'd better go." Dorian replies. As he walks past Kyra he stops and pus his massive hand gently on her shoulder. "Do yourself a favor. Remind this asshole to appreciate the time he has."

Dorian puts his mask on as he is walking out leaving Kyra looking out the door, completely confused.

"What the fuck was that about?"

"It would seem the big man doesn't like my atti," Ken grunts as Adina plops her five year old self on the hospital bed next to him. "Hey, baby girl."

Ken gives Adina a gentle squeeze before looking back to Kyra.

"He didn't like my attitude. He doesn't think I'm taking this seriously. I just don't get what he wants me to do. Am I supposed to be fucking miserable because I've gotten a raw deal with my health? Fuck that, I'm glad that I'm on the right side of the dirt. It's that simple."

"I know, babe," Kyra says as she pulls up and chair and takes Ken's hand.

"You know, if you want me to step away.."

"NO! You can't. Who's gonna teach me how to wrestle?"

"I don't know... YOUR MOTHER?"

The sarcasm coming out of Kyra is palpable. Ken can only laugh in spite of himself.

"I mean, she's not wrong, baby girl."

"So, what the hell is going on? Because I swear if you have another heart attack, I will kill you! You cannot do that to me. You cannot do that to us."

For the first time, a look of genuine concern crosses his face. Kyra doesn't say 'cannot.' She always says 'can't' without fail.

"You know if I didn't pass a physical every time I wrestle, they would pull me because it's a liability for their insurance. I just wrestled last night. I'm fine. I just had one overzealous doctor who got paranoid. The two of you," Ken squeezes Adina and reassuringly gives Kyra's hand a more gentle squeeze. "The two of you are more important than any championship and I will spend every moment of my time doing whatever is best for the three of us."

"I'm serious. I'll kick your ass."

"I love you, too."

Ken Davison sits, comfortably relaxing in a recliner, upholstered in a white Corinthian leather. He is dressed in an orange button down shirt, with black slacks and a matching tie. “When I'm in the ring, I'm doing great. As “Godly” Ken Davison, I don't have a care in the world. But when I come back through the curtain, reality is there waiting. Reality waits for no man, woman, or child. Time is valuable. Dare I say, time is the most valuable commodity in the entirety of our reality.”

Davison looks down at his watch, a fine looking silver timepiece.

“You see, time is among the very few things that once lost can never be recovered. In a First World Nation such as ours, the average life of a person is just a reservoir of 2.4 billion seconds, give or take. That’s about 75 years, here where life expectancy is quite high. The situation is worse in third world nations. So, each passing second our reservoir sheds time, just like in an hourglass. Unfortunately, most people do not realize how precious time is until later in their lives. Money lost can be regained. Broken trust can be amended. Opportunity lost can be replaced by another opportunity gained. However, when time is lost it has gone forever. So, what makes time precious, so very, very precious, that we have to make the best out of it? Glad you asked.”

Davison picks up his coffee mug, with navy blue on the bottom and brown surrounded the square, but rounded, lip of the cup. 

“Ever heard the phrase that “time stands still for no man”? How could it be made any more clean than that? Time is always in motion. It does not stop for anyone, Like every other aspect of nature, it does not care about you. Circumstances mean nothing; rich or poor, famous or ordinary, Muslim or Christian, man or woman. Each person is given 24 hours a day to either utilize it or waste it away. Time waits for nobody, but it gives us equal duration to follow our dreams or waste them. Since it cannot be contained, we are only gifted with the power of memory to capture all the great moments that made our lives worthwhile.”

“Secondly, time is priceless. You have probably heard the saying that “the best things in life are free”. Same goes with time. It is simply the greatest gift that life has to offer us. You cannot put a monetary value to time. Any employer may try to put a value on an hour of your time, but they are remiss. You cannot redeem time for any form of money or property. If that were the case, then many wealthy men would have traded their billions of dollars to enjoy more time on Earth.”

“As I have mentioned, this is why I took some time to step away and look at my situation, to figure out what it is I could have done differently. I didn’t blame the referees. I didn’t make excuses. I put myself in the situation and both “The Cockney King” and “The Raven” did the exact same thing I would do and took advantage of the situation. This is why I used this time to invest in my future. This is why I am doing everything in my power to try to use this match, even with all its moving parts, to make an impact at Blaze of Glory.”

Davison stands up and begins loosening his tie while continuing to speak.

“People actually say that “they are buying time” to mean that they are delaying the inevitable. Fact of the matter is, Matt Knox is probably doing that exact thing right now. Regardless, the truth of the matter is that they are wasting their precious resources by not doing something that they will end up doing in the near future and in the process wasting even more time.”

Davison discards his tie onto the side table, causing it to land on the SCW Internet Championship Belt. He quickly unbuttons his shirt, displaying the large scar on his chest.

“Some of you people know, some of you may not, I had a heart attack three years ago. I had  a Kendamned widowmaker. Even then, didn’t realize it and it wasn’t until 10 days later when my blood pressure tanked that I went to the hospital and found out what had happened to me. That is why I worry so much about time. You cannot buy time. You can not stave off death. You can only play the proverbial hand you are dealt. That is why my time as the Sin City Internet Champion is so important to me. At Blaze of Glory I will not waste my time.”

Ken takes a moment to stop and calm himself down. In the background, you can see his fiancee Kyra peeking into the living room from the hallway with a look of concern on her face. Ken turns and motions to her that he’s fine.

“Because time can never be recreated, once it is gone it is gone. That is why I must do the selfish thing and go after my prey. I have to take this chance, this opportunity and wager that I can take advantage of the situation. If I cannot take down Know, then I will take down Washington. If I cannot take down Washington, I will take down Know. Or maybe, just maybe, I will bide my time, watch as Knox and Washington cannibalize each other and strike when the opportunity presents itself. Still, imagine if you could go back in time. The world would be a much different place. The concept of risk would be nonexistent. After a failure, loss, or mistake people would just remodel their time in a time travel fashion and go back to amend their mistakes. Time would be at a standstill”

“There would be chaos, sweet, delicious chaos, with people going back and forth trying to rectify their errors. Most of the brilliant minds in history would not exist simply because their births were considered errors on their parents’ part. Hell, Matt Know, should he actually succeed in being born, would be covered in scars from head to toe from the coathanger. At that point, life, much like Jack Washington, would be worthless and people would waste it just the same way we waste renewable energy. The irony of it all is that we still waste it, despite time being such a scarce resource.”

“Thankfully, there are no do overs. This isn’t like that movie “The Butterfly Effect.” We cannot redo the past, we can only move forward and learn from the past. Men like Washington and Knox have, admittedly, taken advantage of their time. Victories, championships, and a plethora of other achievements. That is one thing, possibly the only thing, about the two of them that I can respect and that is because our time, it is like a thumbprint, it is uniquely yours. We are given time but in different proportions. How we live is what matters, because we have control over our destiny. The only part of control we do not have is how other’s leave their thumbprint on our time. I know my worth and know my value. I also know both of yours.” 

Ken grabs his coffee cup once again before sitting back down. His tone has returned to it’s normal volume and clarity.

“Matt Knox, our first meeting did not go according to my plan. I recognize that it did not go according to yours as well. That is the only reason you are here. It’s not because you deserve to be here. You need to be honest with yourself and recognize the fact that because you could not defeat the GKD, “Godly” Ken Davison, you are not worthy to be champion. That having been said, you have been around me long enough to realize that I am the type of person that I am going to take my pound of flesh. Normally, I would sit back and wait for you to be booked against me again. When I looked at the big picture, I realized that this match is the absolute perfect opportunity to take that pound of flesh I am claiming. I have no issue with showing you that you are not my equal. You just found a glitch in the matrix. What I have found is that in this life, it is the quality of life that matters and not the quantity. There are people who died very young, but lived far much better and fulfilling lives than people who grew to their old ages. I have had a good, long life and an equally good, long career. I feel it is my responsibility to provide your comeuppance for your sins, to take on the role of judge, jury and executioner. I want to make certain that you have a nice, long life lived in as much misery and agony as possible. With my contentment, with the satisfaction I have with what I have done with my life, the personal cost incurred to take you down is irrelevant.”

“If I am being honest with you, Matt, you need to call your proctologist for a cranial extraction. You think you are clever, bringing up Johnny Hitmaker? The man only handles my contract in UGWC, not here in Sin City Wrestling. Here, each and every decision is mine. I act completely of my own volition. You are ignorant beyond compare. Yet, somehow, some way, your idiocy actually gave way to the smartest thing I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth. None of that matters here in Sin City Wrestling. What matters is that you think you understand how me and my thought processes. You want to go on a talk about my ego. Sure, cockalorum, let’s talk about my Kendamned ego. And before you ask, yes, cockalorum is a real word.”

“Let us go back to the company where you and I crossed paths for the first time. Shall we? I walked into that company and immediately went in there and in my third match managed to put a title around my waist. The exact same thing I have done in this company. When the time came, I challenged Amber Ryan for the World Championship. Everyone said I would lose that match, just as you are telling me now, that I will lose THIS match. The very same as Jack Washington is telling the world that I will lose THIS match. You want to sit there and call me out for MY ego?”

Ken lets out a kind of snort that can best be described as ‘pfft.’

“Let me assure you, my ego is just fine. It is not bruised. It is not wounded. I have done everything there is to do in this business: world championships, hall of fames, wrestled on every continent except Antarctica. One draw against a lesser opponent does nothing to tarnish my legacy. The only thing it could possibly do is elevate a lesser opponent… like yourself. You think I asked to have you added to this match because I couldn’t beat you at my best. Do you REALLY believe THAT was my best?”

Davison chuckles once again, in spite of himself.

“No, Matt, it wasn’t. It wasn’t anywhere close to my best. In fact, it may have been one of the worst efforts I have put forward since joining this company… and you still couldn’t win. What you need to understand, Knox, is that I am not the ‘Godly’ Ken Davison you knew a year ago. Asking for you to be in the match is not because of my ego. If I was simply trying to feed my ego, I would simply have moved on with my life and allowed you to wallow in your own braggadocio. No, Knox.” Ken’s expression changes, anger paints itself across his visage as he stands up, raising his voice. “This isn’t about my ego. It’s about teaching my five year old daughter that when you say you are going to do something, you fucking do it. I said I was going to beat you and Kendamnit, that is exactly what I am going to do. It might be a waste of my time to allow you this opportunity, but this is a bit of time I don’t mind wasting.”

Ken sits back down, taking some deep breaths to help himself regulate the adrenaline rush and calm himself down.

“Apologies, I do digress.” Ken softens his tone before continuing. “As I was saying, for some people, time depreciates in value. This is especially true for people who have done crime and have to do time to atone for their crimes. This time is toxic to them and they just want to do away with it so that they can be free and get back to their normal lives. But, this time is not always bad when you factor in people who may be in need of it, such as criminals on death row waiting to be executed. While I took the time I needed, I made it a point to ensure that my time was appreciated in value. That is the man I am. Matt Knox and Jack Washington are not men of my ilk. They live in a prison of their own words, their own attitudes. That is why I repeat this point. I am the most competitive, for lack of a better word, most rabid man, not just in this match, but in this entire company. Men like those two, they simply talk. There is no action.”

“The first time you and I met, Washington, I took the time of dropping a number of facts on you. Here’s a quick list of updated facts. You used to be World Champion and still haven’t put yourself in a position to regain it. Fact. You lost at the first time we met. Fact. You did not then and do not now deserve an opportunity at the Internet Championship, nor any other championship. Fact. You have fallen from grace and will continue to fall. Fact. You lack both the warmth and the depth to be a cunt. Fact/ You’re not smart enough to pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel. Fact. You have the subtlety of a brick and the depth of a thimble. Fact. You make a lot of noise for someone who says nothing. Fact. I am not insulting you. I am describing you. Fact.

“You are among those who waste their time waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Unbeknownst to them, opportunities rarely come and it is up to us to create them. Opportunities do not come flying through the window. You have to be in the nick of things, doing something meaningful and that is when an opportunity will arise. Hell, you waste all of your time doing nothing. When Bane and I kicked your ass back in November, what did you do? Nothing. Two weeks later, when you had the chance to get some retribution, what did you do? Nothing. In that same match, when you said you were going to beat me, what happened? I won. So, again, for you, nothing. Now, you are walking around here talking like you’re hot shit, why? Right now the score is “Godly” Ken Davison one, Jack Washington NOTHING.

“You, Jack, you have to realize that you absolutely did not do what you were supposed to when we faced off against each other back in the four way match. You can say I “stole,”
Ken makes air quotes as he says the words, “that match. You can look at it from whatever perspective you want, but the fact of the matter is I was smarter than you, which made me better than you. You made the mistake of assuming that because I choose to associate with Mac Bane, that I was nothing more than some lackey. You thought that just because you have beaten Mac Bane that you could beat me. You thought that because of who you used to be, you would be able to get one over on me. Like with most things in life, you failed. Now, I’ve already come to realize that beating you isn’t enough to shut you up. Somehow, someway, in that little head of yours you still believe you’re better than me. If you really want me to embarrass you, why don’t you go up to “Hot Stuff” and ask for this to be made into an elimination match? I am more than agreeable to taking both you and Knox down.”

Ken takes a sip of his coffee, his eyes dancing with mischievousness. He carefully places the cup down with a smirk on his face.

“Oh, wait. We all know you aren’t going to do that because then, when I successfully defend the Internet Championship, your built in excuse disappears. Of course, you could call your proctologist for a cranial extraction, or get the number of Knox’s, whichever works for you. Your level of stupidity, Washington, is astronomically astounding. You sit there and tell me to act like a champion, to beat the people I am supposed to beat and you do this immediately after giving me shit for having Knox added to the match so I can do exactly that. Then… holy hell… then you ask why I would make things harder for myself. It’s for the exact reason you pointed out, because I am a champion and I should carry myself like one. You literally talked in a circle and in the process managed to question the things you said yourself. Bravo!” Ken begins clapping. “Bravo, indeed.”

“And then, you double down by going in on how Mac Bane got “carried,”
Ken does the air quotes again, fortunate that the fingers JC broke a year ago had healed properly, “to the finals of the same tournament you lost in the first round. The man is the World Champion and you are so fucking dillusional that you honestly believe the World Champion had to be carried. Yet, I am supposed to believe that someone with the mental acumen of a seven year old is capable of evolving? You won’t evolve.I just know that you will redirect your offense, and rightfully so, on me. I recognize that while you might be so incredibly stupid that I wonder who ties your shoes for you in the morning, you are still a force to be reckoned with in that ring.”

“What I want you to do, Washington, is to make most of your time and you will be rewarded tenfold for it, waste it and the little you have will be taken away, just like in the parable of talents. People make excuses that they just don’t have time to do something. Maybe you should go and visit your friends or loved ones or to go on that vacation that they have been postponing for the last six years or whatever will help you find fulfillment, because you sure as hell won’t find it in this match. Maybe you have more important things to do, like bask in your own self-perceived glory or simply sleep the night away. Take the time you have in the championship spotlight and enjoy it. Your days as any sort of credible threat are numbered.”

“Of course, you won’t do that. You’re one of those people that coasts by on just their talent and doesn’t put in the work., Those people, they never seem to have time to do them, as they continuously tell themselves. As far as I can tell, the only two things you have time for is contradicting yourself and making excuses. There is time for everything, how we plan or fail to plan our time is the problem. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. That is why I spend as much time researching as I do training.”

“The secret is how I plan my life. I wake up earlier than most of us. I utilize the early morning hours doing something constructive like working out. I spend the day with my lady. We work out in the afternoon. When the kiddo gets home from school, we spend time as a family. Then, when I feel the need, I do my due diligence and study up on my opponents. I spend all of my time, every waking moment, nourishing my mind, body and soul. I do not waste my time. I am coming to Blaze of Glory to make a statement. I have a reason to smite each of you and I am more than capable of doing it. Jack Washington and Matt Knox are going to be reminded that their words mean nothing. Their excuses mean nothing. They will both fall at the hands of “Godly” Ken Davison and there’s only two things they can do about it.”

Ken lets loose a wry smile, “and like it.”

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« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2022, 11:54:41 PM »
God, how he hated hospitals.

You’d think they were his favorite place, as much time as he spended in them. However, this time at least, he was not the patient and was just visiting. Although that did precious little to improve his mood as he lingered in the small waiting area outside the elevator that had carried him to the fifth floor, where his protege was laid up.

The relationship between Robert McAlroy and Matthew Knox was an interesting one. They’d changed each other’s lives, and even saved them in more ways than one. Robert was one of the only people Matthew spoke with or trusted during the long period of isolation between the two chapters of his life that were his wrestling career. Initially, it was anything but an innocent arrangement.

He was a washed up has been paying money to some mark teen to run errands for him that ranged between groceries and grabbing percocets from his dealer. However, they ended up bonding during one of those nights Bert lingered while he was high as a kite. Talked into the early morning hours about the business, and the misadventures Matthew had gotten into during his time therein.

Robert James McAlroy was the only reason he hadn’t ended it. Much as he’d never say so back then, and as much as he was sure he’d neglected to say enough to date, the kid had saved his life. Kid…not so much anymore. Twenty seven, practically dragged a company to notoriety with his underdog story. Clashing with a demi-god who lay waste to the roster full of misfits and miscreants.

But could not lay waste to the fight within the biggest misfit among them.

It’s tragic how often one finds defeat within their greatest victories.

He could tell in the way he carried himself in the media scrum afterward. Torn to shreds and bloody was par for the course. But the way he carried himself. The limp. The far too careful way he took his steps and kept shifting the title away from his shoulder to drag at his side in a loose grasp….

Pale eyelids close glasz pools off from the harsh realities of a harsher world as he lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.  Slowly, the eyes opened again as he pushed himself from the seat, the last by god spot in this world that he could pretend it away for one final time.

Teal painted walls, harsh light and white tile floors. Room 710, Bed 1. Those were the realities right now…

Had he mentioned how much he hated hospitals?

His Stacey Adams clicked with each step down the hallway before finding the room. Once more, he was brought to a pause. One hand rising to rest upon the wall as if he could get a read of what lay beyond, waiting for him as if he didn’t already know. The mental image of Robert laid up, battered and in a neckbrace and hooked up to machines to keep him comfortable while they decided the next step.

He hated being right as much as he hated hospitals.

Bright, intelligent but clearly morphine soaked eyes greet him as he stepped in.The face they were set in looks sullen and annoyed at the company, turning away to stare out the window. Matthew’s shoulders can't help but slump if only a touch at the icy reception. However, he goes to pull the chair closer to bed and sit within it.

“What’re they saying?”

A beat of silence, the eyes flicker over their shoulder but the face doesn’t turn to lay those eyes upon their mentor. A small sigh, and a hoarser version of the familiar youthful rasp of his voice rolls out.

“C1 and C4 fractured. It’s not a question of if, but when I’ll be in a wheelchair if I keep wrestling. Might have a chance to comeback if I get an operation, but you can never tell how successful that will be…or some sugary bullshit..”

A soft grunt of acknowledgement as Matthew shifts in his seat, wetting his lips once while considering his next words. Abandoning a long winded string of sentiment, the older man decided to keep it simple.

“You going to give it a try?”

“I don’t know.”

The answer was instant, preloaded. He knew the question was coming. It probably had come more than once already. Matthew’s head bowed once, shaking.

“Robert, I’m s–”


Another beat of silence, Matthew’s head lifting, face etched with confusion.


Don’t. You don’t get to. Not this time. Not with me.”

In hindsight he would feel great shame in the way he snapped at this. Many nights spent over the audacity he possessed to roll his eyes in the face of a man who had just had a world he thought he conquered ripped from his grasp.

“Robert, what in the name of Christ are you talking ab–”

“You know JUST what the fuck i’m talking about, Matt.” the younger man snapped back, leaning up in his bed as much as he could. His hand, knuckles bruised and swollen, swatted at him the moment he twitched from the chair in a move to help his friend. With a strained expression that was fighting off a grimace of reality cutting through morphine, Bert stared down the man who got him into this business.

“You don’t get to butter me up with bullshit. Tell me this is all your fault, and if you had done x, y, or z better as my coach then maybe this wouldn’t have happened. You don’t get to spin some tale about how if you were there, you could have saved me. You don’t get to make what happened to me be something that happens to you.”

“Robert, I wa-”

“No, of course not. Not here, not in front of me. No you’d never be a piece of shit where they can see it, huh? Not when it would justify all those people that know the truth already. The ones who know you’re still a junkie, knows you can’t keep it in your pants, that you knocked up–”

“What the fuck does that have to do with me visiting you in the goddamn hospital?”

“EVERYTHING you fucking chode! You are so toxic, yo. You’re a fucking poison. A parasite. Leeching onto people so you don’t feel so fucking alone in the misery you made for yourself. Well I'm done, alright? I’m done. If wrestling is going to be out of my life? Then fuck you, you’re wrestling. You always were to me.”

A weighted pause as Matthew suddenly found himself unable to meet Robert’s gaze. The pain in his voice cutting him far deeper than any of the insults, insinuations and frigid truths could ever really hope to. The last sentence sent him standing from the chair, turned away as if that could silence something that had been pent up since god knew when.

“You got every reason to stop. Every fucking reason to just go away and live and have everything you kept lying and saying you wanted back, when you were in the middle of a smack bender.Wife, baby you can raise. But no, no fuck you. That was just another lie. Honey to gain my pity then fuckin sink the claws in and make me feel bad for leaving your ass in the dust. I don’t know how Amber hasn’t fuckin sh–”

“ENOUGH, Robert!”

“See? Look at that. Fuckin’ look at yourself, right now….I talk about how you’re dicking off a wife and a baby again. You sit there in silence because you know i’m right…I fuckin take a swipe at the other man’s wife you can’t shake out of your head, and now you’re ready to punch a guy with a broken neck-a FRIEND with a broken neck..” Bert’s smile held no semblance of any supposed friendship. It cut, it mocked, it burned.

“You haven’t changed a fucking bit. It was never the fucking needle, yo…It was never the needle..” a pause, a breath for Robert whereas Matthew found all air had left him “Fuck you, Fuck Wrestling, Fuck Coaching, Fuck the fans….Get the fuck out of here so I can get back to being normal, whatever the fuck that is…”



Matthew slowly turned away, almost swaying for a moment until he found the strength to take a step. But just the one. He paused, looking over his shoulder at the toughest son of a bitch he ever met, and a kid he always wanted a son to be like. He lingered for a moment, piping up only to cut off an even more guttural ‘Go’ from ripping his heart from his chest.

“”Not the fans, Robert. They’re the ones that fuel what we do, what you did. They were happy for you every step of the way, and you don’t matter half as much to them out of that arena as you do to so many others….but in there? You were as close to them as they could be to you….You owe that a goodbye.”

“And remember, Son….Your wife is wrestling, too…”

He didn’t stay to hear the reply if there was one. No one could have offered him a signing bonus with enough zeroes to have made him. Some part of him was sure, these would be the last words he’d share with Robert. If only for a while, but time? Time was finite.

He had to return fire, make sure he wasn’t the only one forced into the ugliest pool there was. The deep end of introspection.

Where truth swam in a slow patient circle, waiting to drag it’s newest victim and drown them in everything they’d fought so hard to escape from.

There was no doubt, his waters ran deep.

For now though, he was to depart Philadelphia. A city that was 2 for 2 on mortally wounding him within the past thirty days, for one that was quickly proving to be deserving of equal ire. All to support a friend.

One he just couldn’t shake.

“My god…you are both so disappointing”

The camera comes to life to find Matthew Knox seated upon a random bench along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In the sprawl of humanity desperate to photograph etched names of people who likely did unmentionable, soul killing things to get away from the dredges that now worship them, even their name upon marble.

Without even needing to die yet.

Within this sprawl, he blended in like he was one of them. Like the devil walked among them, so too did the Raven. Or, rather, was currently seated among them.

Not quite so menacing, is it?

“I’m at a loss at where to begin. I’ve usually got to look in a mirror to be this disappointed. Alright, Luke. We’ll start with you…First and foremost, I’m going to let you know that yes, I’m beating you over the head for being so fucking dull that you mixed up how I entered this match. Yes, I'm sure it was simply because I am far too undeserving of your attention to acknowledge but…really, son. Really…”

“You’re chasing titles and entering a fight with nothing but former and current champions facing you, and you can’t even get the details of how they both came upon you? That’s sad. That’s butterflies in the stomach, first live show level rookie shit and it’s made me look upon you with…such disappointment.”

“I thought we could have had something. The two of us, doing shots and roasting Ken for the chuckenshit fuckface that he is but, i’m afraid I can’t be seen fraternizing with people who don’t even care about their own battles.” He leans in toward the lens then, face deadpan outside of furrowed brows and an intense gaze.

“So, if you end up being a non factor in this match? If you are just an accessory to my second attempt to rid myself of the last hurdle to Mac bane accepting what's coming his way? That’s on you. That’s on your hubris, and your inability to fully adapt to what’s coming your way? And trust and believe, if I get a chance? You’ve got a receipt coming your way for not paying attention to the most dangerous thing in your path…” a smirk breaks the expression, bringing a venomous levity

“But i’m a sporting sort, I am. So, one, consider this a free lesson should opportunity ever come your way to be squandered again. And two….now, try here. Really focus on this, because it would be a fucking pity should you miss this detail.” He shifted, bringing his hands together and bouncing one knee in a steady rhythm as he paused, giving his query adequate time to really focus and overcome their issues.

“If I overcome this challenge? If this all falls into place for me, and I walk out of Blaze of Glory with the Internet Championship? I’ll gladly give you another crack at it in my first defense. Call it recompense for Ken dragging me into your path in the first place, Fair?”

“No…far more than any of us deserve.”

He leans back slowly, letting out a slow breath that he was unaware he had drawn, let alone held in.

“And then…Then there’s you…”

His head was throbbing as he sat in the hotel room, freshly arrived back to Los Angeles after his brief romp around the globe. All of which proved disastrous. Between Robert twisting the knife he knew just where to stick and the continued presence of Peter Vaughn and Chris Page in his life by way of inevitability, and the physical attack by the mystery masked asshole with a hardon for him he wasn’t sure what caused a bigger throb.

In truth, it was none of it.

It was the fact that he felt responsible for costing Amber the International Title. For failing to secure another tether, one she wouldn’t have to rely on him to keep. One he didn’t need to trick her in. Maybe it was Karma, that made him focus on wanting to punch Page as much as it was his ego. He hated knowing that she left the ring with Vaughn in pursuit of this supposed mystery person. Counted out, on his behalf.

It had to be, didn’t it? He knew she wasn’t a rookie. She knew that the count out was going to happen. She knew as soon as the stairs came into the fold that the smart move was to knock Vaugh on his ass while he was hopping the guard rail. Kick his head while he was hung up. Roll him into the ring. Original sin. Done. Only thing to worry about then was Chris Page pulling some shit.

But no. No, she went after the motherfucker.

And he needed to ask why, when next he saw her.

He had one theory, one that turned his stomach. The theory, that it was on purpose. That her heart was never in it. Because she had tied it all to one place already, and their time as Duos champions being cut off served to cut off any real hope he had in reversing her doomed course.

Then, he pondered, what right had he to judge her choice to be saved or not? What right had he to intervene in the first place? None. Not a one. And yet, here he was. Adding reasons to stay. Reasons to linger. To stay in the maelstrom he knew and never point himself toward calmer waters and clear skies.

Masque, Amber, Mac, The Saviors? In truth, he wasn’t honest with his intentions. It wasn’t anywhere near what everyone had assumed, because of course they knew he wasn’t here because of the reasons he stated. He had come for as much a selfish reason as the selfess one.

Yes, Amber needed help in his opinion.

Yes, Mac and the gang of fools he’d mustered ought to be stopped and driven under.

But none of it was his to do. Nowhere near his cross to bear, and it did nothing to stop him from shouldering it.

Because it meant more time. More time to linger. More time to matter. More time in a world that made sense, that he could make sense of and make sense in.

A day would come when he would accept the blessings bestowed upon his undeserving self. The million second chances he never should have gotten. He swore as much to one of the few people he never could bring himself to lie to. And another he never would, for as long as he lived.

He just had to get right with the storm he knew, and the one within.

And somehow, on a mad level, on a level he didn’t understand and never would want to, he knew that this was the cure for what ailed him. Saving those that he deemed saving, and had saved him. Pulled him from the depths when they made the mistake of him being someone worth saving. He had to make that right.

Didn’t he?


His shoulders slumped with the rest of him as he leaned back forward upon the bench, elbows resting upon his knees and helping bear the weight rested upon his shoulders. He let out a slow chuckle that grew louder, albeit no match for the swarm that still marched behind him.

“My god man, you just….you just don’t know how disappointed I am in you. One, for you being so…well, you in the ring. What’s it like, standing in Mac’s shadow while simultaneously being a shadow of “Godly” Ken Davison? You come out with the carbon copy of your last bullshit. As if me being employable by more than here and the company the rats abandoned the ship for is really an insult..”

“If I wasn’t so frugal, I'd wipe the one tear your words drew with a hundred dollar bill. At least then you’d have easy material. Something you wouldn’t have to think for…because my friend you put no thought into this, even after you begged for me to be a part of it….” he shook his head “Pathetic, Kenny. Reeeaaal pathetic…”

He crossed one leg over the other as he sat back slowly, taking a moment to stretch his neck. He craned it back, eyes casting skyward as raven hair beginning to streak silver poured over the back of the bench, just barely past his shoulders. He rotated his head to the right, to the left, then brought it back complete with a new smile.

“Maybe i’m being far too harsh on you though, Ken. Maybe it’s just age at this point? Get lost, wonder if you did something even though you swore you did? Just in case, let’s try another point right? And…well…I’m going to assume this is more age. A breakdown in the faculties, that made you frame my words following our match into celebrating ‘not losing’”

“Ken…Ken, you of all people should have known. I was making fun of you. I was dragging you through the dirt because you dared to speak such nonsense about me. You dared to make me out to be nothing, and then you failed to prove it. You’re not as good as me, Ken. I had you all match, and you know it….and you couldn’t live with it. That’s why I'm here, interloping.”

He slowly stood to his feet then, reaching a thumb up to wipe at the bridge of his nose as he fished his trusty pack of camel non filters from the breast pocket of his shirt. He plucks the last one betwixt two pale lips as he crushes the now empty pack, tossing it into a nearby bin while sliding a dulled silver zippo out to spark up. One noxious plume of smoke flows from his nostrils after he puffs, gaze returning to the camera.

“Fact is, Ken…I’ve already beaten you. If you lose this match to either one of us, you’ve lost twice. You lose it to me? You might as well pack it in and become a Coalition exclusive, because I will take every opportunity to remind the world of who I took this title off of, and the nonsense he spewed about me before I did it.” A pause, a chuckle “Maybe this feels personal, but I promise it’s only because it is…”

“I saw you hurt my friend in Carnage. I saw you doom them to a shadow they fought so hard to escape. And now, I see you helping to expand the shadow others are trying to create even if it’s too ignorant to see what’s happening. And what’s more than that…you’re in my way.

He took another long drag off the smoke, dropping it and blowing the puff out casually as he chuckled once, eyes going off somewhere else for a moment, somewhere softer.

“So, I'm going to come into Blaze of Glory, hell bent on making sure you don’t get one. I’m going to fight you again. I’m going to fight Jack. I’m going to hurt the both of you, and i’m going to win. Is that bold? You’re fucking a right it is. I was too kind last time with you Ken, I settled for hurting you but now? Now I’m motivated to end you. To make sure that when I’m gone…”

He smirked, flicking the cigarette into traffic as he threw his arms out wide. He stepped back toward the crowd slowly.

“You won’t even be a memory.”