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Results / SCU Ep 42 11-28-2019
« on: November 29, 2019, 04:24:05 AM »
Cox Pavilion will be the host of SCU Underground 42 Thanksgiving Show
November 28th, 2019 SCU Underground 42

A flash of white light comes from down the hallway and we quickly follow it. Father Gerald, Mother Mavis, and Sister Esther are seen standing in front of something covered in a white cloth. A few of the followers adjust it so that the camera can get the right angle. Father Gerald turns around and waves to the camera.

Gerald: God is love, God is life. God is mercy, but not above justice.

Mother Mavis raises a hand to the sky, nodding her head. Esther clutches her SCU Combat Championship to her stomach, looking a little nervously at her father.

Gerald: The Church of the Good Shepherds hath seen some of the brightest peaks in our short time here. We have spread our message through love, but also through force. Many people now think twice about calling us out or judging His Holiest of Truth!

Mavis: Amen!

Mavis now throws both arms up in the air allowing the spirit to begin to take control of her body.

Gerald: Force can be a sign of love. Love is pain. Love is truth. Love is joy. Love is unconditional. We at the Church of the Good Shepherds love unconditionally, all of our fellow man. We might sound hateful, but that is because we do hate. But we hate the sin and not the sinner. Tough love for mankind is necessary. Or else we start building the Towers of Babel again. Stop me if I’m wrong.

Gerald chuckles and runs his fingers across his goatee as Mavis pats his arm with a sweet smile right from the eyes.

Gerald: The Good Shepherds have been made a joke of. Our own Double Down Champion Mark Cross finds it acceptable to crack jokes on Twitter about us. As do those satanic jezebels, Le Coven. Soon enough we will be the laughing stock of the wrestling world and we cannot have that.

Mavis: Hallelujah Father Gerald! Preach!

Gerald: I defeated Holly Wood last week. But since then Sister Esther and Brother David lost to two newcomers who also think it wise to talk nonsense about us on Twitter. Then, myself and Brother David were defeated by Mark “The Dragon” Cross and Griffin Hawkins. This is unacceptable! I will not condone my family to let me down, to let the Lord down, on the Lords day!

Gerald turns and Mother Mavis steps in front of him. She slaps the taste out of Esther’s mouth and sends her away. Esther holds onto her face with contempt written underneath her hand. Gerald then turns back to the camera.

Gerald: Tough love. But I am sure that you find yourselves thinking “Why Father Gerald that is a little harsh for little Esther to have to receive when she’s not the only one to lose a match this week.” And to that I could not agree more.

Gerald reaches out as one of the members of the church moves under the white cloth and pulls out a whip. Gerald holds onto it as he nods to Mavis who begins uunbuttoning his shirt. She pulls it off along with his jacket as Gerald whips it back, tearing into his own flesh without so much as a grunt. He flogs himself once more before letting us see the glass pieces in the tassels at the end of the whip.

Gerald: Little Esther got off easy.

Mavis holds a towel over Gerald’s back. Gerald then turns to pull the cloth off for us to see Brother David tied to a cross, wearing nothing but a pair of white briefs. Next to them are two other whips. Gerald and Mavis take them and look to one another.

David: I deserve this! I have failed you, my Lord!

Gerald and Mavis wait for a second as David shakes in fear. They then begin to whip him across the back with no restraint in their arms. David lets out yelps of pain from each one. He cries out after the first few. Gerald begins growling as he whips David harder and harder until David lowers to a whimper. Mavis steps back and looks at the rising welts on his back and the trickles of blood coming from a few of the harder whipping spots. David breathes heavily and shakes as sweat pours down his back. Gerald snarls at David and then waves him away. The two helpers begin moving the platform away in the same direction that Esther went.

Gerald: Before you sit here and crucify me and my family and my church then you might want to look at the lengths I will go to ensure victory for my people. My reach is getting far and our presence will be felt more and more. Weakness will not be tolerated in my presence any further. Just as Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac, Gerald is more willing to sacrifice David, Esther, Mavis, and himself. Tonight we are going to take on Le Coven, Eyesnsane, and Mickey Carroll. Mercy. Will not be in my vocabulary. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Gerald smiles and walks off with Mavis.

Backstage, Spokeswoman Donna Beauchamp and General Manager Tad Ezra are seen discussing a few things on paper.  Donna is speaking about what is on the papers, and Tad is nodding his head, clearly bored by what she’s saying.  She notices this and looks at him with a serious expression.  However, before Tad can even respond to this, Jenifer LaCroix and Celeste North, better known as Le Coven, approach.  Jenifer gets between them, looking right at Donna.

Jenifer: Combat Title!

Donna: What title does Sister Esther hold. I love that tv show.

Donna says with a bit of sarcasm.

Tad:  Oh, hello, GM here.

Tad waves.  Everyone else rolls their eyes as

Celeste: Look if I may save everyone the trouble of the two of you needing to have a conversation in french only for me to translate in English to the fans. I know you speak french but Tad and about 78% of the viewers don’t.

Tad: Yes, please Celeste, what is on Jenifer’s mind.  

Celeste: Brother David’s… Oh you mean about, nevermind.

Tad: David’s what? I need to hear these things!

Celeste: I said nevermind.

Celeste looks at Tad and puts her hands up and away about 12 inches apart. Tad’s eyes open wide with a smile ear to ear.

Celeste: Tad, focus on me for a second.

Tad’s eyes get droopy with his smile turned to a frown.

Celeste: Jenifer will not be at Underground 44 on December 26 to face whoever may be the SCU TV Champion. You, and you told Jenifer and me that in time she would be granted a Combat title shot and I’d be granted an Underground title match. Neither has happened. Instead, you somehow get Sister Esther and Torielle Jackson to sit on top of Jenifer’s division all while allowing someone who hasn’t earned any stripes in SCU to walk into the company and take the Underground title match that should have been mine.

Celeste steps in close to Tad and gets nearly nose to nose with him, her cherry mint breath trickling up his nose.

Celeste:   Then, you have the nerve to plan for Le Coven to host the Halloween show on the night you book a battle royal for the Underground Championship contendership, while making us sit back with a strict order not to get into matches, and if we did, they would not be sanctioned… which Mercedes Vargas goes on to win? Delia Darling shows up and gets a cozy contract for four matches, while you have two undefeated stars sitting around, waiting for a fucking year?  And what has Veronica done?  Besides waltz right in here and take the title I’ve been working for a year to get with some cheap-ass tactics?  Former SCW Roulette Champion?  Done it.  Former Mean Girl?  Been there.

Tad stares at Celeste, who stares deep into his eyes with serious intent.

Tad:  Well damn, why don’t you tell us how Jenifer really feels!

Celeste takes a step back and Jenifer nods her head.  Celeste refocuses her attention on Donna Beauchamp.

Celeste: We speak on Le Coven business. Jenifer and I have separate issues with how Tad and or you seem to go about booking the shows.

Donna: Then find work elsewhere. You two sign part-time deals. No one, not even a great wrestler like yourself will tell me how I should book anything. So before you keep going I advise rethinking how you plan on explaining your concerns.

Celeste:  Then would you care to explain the constant blackballing of Underground Title opportunities that you so willingly hand out to Mercedes Vargas then?  She’s not even a part-time wrestler, and she’s been given one more fair opportunity at the Underground Championship than Jenifer or myself has ever gotten.  Need I remind you why Jenifer even signed with this shit hole company?  Because every time there is a battle royal for that fucking title belt, I get jumped by three bitches, or outright banned.

Donna: I love how you ask me the question you should’ve asked Tad. Yes, it was my idea to book the battle royal, no it wasn’t my idea to find a way to get Le Coven of out the match.

Donna looks at Tad with an evil eye before looking back at Celeste.

Celeste:  But was it not part your doing with the Beat the Clock, where her manager got her a ten-second victory via disqualification in order to get the title match?  Do not act innocent, especially if you are HIS boss.

Donna: You can smack me if you want for what I’m about to tell you. Did I approve, of course not. Was I mad, meh, was it funny? You bet your ass it was.

Celeste purses her lips as she steps in closer.

Celeste:  I’m not going to smack you.  Old Celeste would have given you the Homicidal and walked out of the building in cuffs, waiting for mommy to bail me out.  But this is Le Coven Celeste, the bitch that has been undefeated for almost two years now.  Nobody else on this roster can say that.  I wouldn’t even throw out that card, but since we’re splitting hairs here.  You reward people who come in here and kiss your asses.  Maybe these GRIME jokers are on to something…

Donna: Again, Tad. When have you seen me run behind Angel or Veronica like I was there god damn tail? I don’t kiss ass nor want it kissed. Tad on the other hand, well…

Tad: Don’t try to get Celeste to smack me, she knows it’s my fault. Why do you think she’s coming to you for?

Donna: Fine, before i speak on one half of Le Coven’s issues, what is up Jenifer’s butt?

Celeste: Jenifer like myself has been told so many times about a certain title. For Jenifer, it was the Combat Championship. A title she has been seeking since day one given her MMA background. The TV title, the Combat title, and the Underground title are all just as important. Not one is bigger than the other. Others will disagree but each title is different in their own respective ways. One holds the name of the company and can be defended any night. The TV title is seen on every TV showing while the Combat title is only seen on the biggest nights SCU is a part of. Le Coven believes that certain titles should be held by certain wrestlers who are one with said championship. Like myself and the Underground title, my little kung fu ninja and the Combat title.

Donna: Jenifer won a shot at the TV title. Are you telling me she doesn’t want the match?

Celeste: She’s working tonight so by your own words last week she’s off on December 26th and will not be showing up for work. She will not be taking a loss for not coming to work so you better figure out a way to fix this.

Donna: Okay, so what does Jenifer want?

Celeste: God fucking damn it, what do you think? A Combat title match.

Donna: And for the TV title what am I supposed to do on Dec. 26?

Celeste: Well, I don’t know.  You’re the boss.  I’m sure you’ll figure it out.

Jenifer holds her hand up and whispers something to Celeste.  Celeste thinks about it for a second with a nod and an expression that says she is highly impressed.

Celeste:  That’s a good point.  You’ve been dicking us around, but we’re not the only ones.  Someone who comes here each and every week, where even Jenifer and I aren’t around every week.  Someone who embodies the TV Championship better than even the two of us does.  She shows up each and every week, ready to do work.  Even if she isn’t on camera, she is here, every single show.  I’m sure she would gladly take another crack at the TV Championship.

Donna:  And who might that be?

Jenifer:  Merlot Ayano!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Celeste:  I mean, sure, we’re undefeated, and that’s one hell of an accolade considering how long we’ve been with the company, but look at what Merlot’s done.  Mayhem Survival 3 winner, getting inches of the Underground Championship belt in the Misty’s Battle Royal, only to get screwed over by the Kawaii Dragons. After weeks and weeks of anticipation, we got to see Merlot go one on one and beat the former SCW Internet Champion. She could’ve beaten Sierra Williams had she been given the chance. We all know she wanted that shot, and like the great wrestler she is, she didn’t even want it for a chance at the title. She wanted to be in the match because, whether you book her on TV or not, she shows up to work. She’s here every week. If that is not a TV champion in your eyes then what is. An unbeaten part-timer like Jenifer? Sure not losing is great, but a great champion at heart recognizes other champion material.

Jenifer tugs on Celeste's arm. Celeste leans in towards Jenifer.

Celeste: I forgot about that.

Celeste looks back at Donna.

Donna: Forgot about what.

Celeste: Merlot was trained at Osaka’s Zero/FOUR Dojo in Japan. This is why her style is different from most. This is why she should be on TV more often than anyone else. She brings something different to the ring, like Jenifer, only unlike Jenifer. Merlot is highly trained in pure wrestling on top of fighting skills while Jenifer is a highly-skilled fighter and using that to get by while mastering the wrestling skills Merlot already has. Merlot given the chance in SCU can be a champion. One she can add to the list I can name them all and you will see that not one has ever been a TV title. The one title she should hold for the fans that come watch her every single week.

Donna: Okay, look, damn, Jenifer feels this way?

Celeste: No, I like talking to you for shits and giggles, we should do this more often.

Donna: Well, great speech and yes I agree with everything but one thing. The one thing you failed to bring up was that Merlot has a chance a few weeks ago and lost.

Celeste: Yes, Merlot tapped out in the middle of the ring. She was trapped and she knew it. She could have tried to fight back but at the risk of risking injury, it was smarter to take the L and move on. She does that better than most. She shows up ready for a new fight every week. You want a TV champion like that. Dahlia Rotten is the same as Merlot and Dahlia deserve to be fighting the top tier, the best you have. Now, name me one person better than Merlot Ayano?

Donna: I can name you 3 right now, have a few drinks and name you like 5 more. So that’s 8. Now since you made it clear that no matter what I do or say Jenifer will not be showing up to face Dahlia Rotten, I need to find a new opponent. Now it will not be Merlot Ayano, it will be someone who will have to earn the match. They will earn it tonight and will also have to work on December 26 to get their match.

Tad: Wait a minute, I already have tonight’s show ready to go.

Donna: The crowd can hear us just fine back here so let's ask them. You all can have the 5 matches as adversative or I can make a few changes and turn tonight into four matches instead that I promise will be bigger than the show Tad put together.

Tad: I call bullshit.

Donna: So fans, you want Tad’s card or do you all trust me with making a new card. Right now is your chance to decide. Tad or Donna. What will it be?

Crowd: Tad! Donna! Tad! Donna! Tad! DONNA! Tad! DONNA! DONNA! DONNA! DONNA!

Donna: Well now. Time to make some changes. Tonight, Le Coven, Eyesnsane and Mickey will still take on The Good Shepherds. The Nobodies and the Kawaii Dragons will still take on Ariana Angelos, HB Carther, Holly Wood, and Dax Beckett. The other three matches will now be canceled.

Crowd: Boooooo!!!!

Donna: Let me finish. The TV title match you all came to see will still happen, only it will not be a triple threat match. It is now a Battle Royal every male star here tonight that came to work, except for those already booked. As for the ladies, well if the men can have a battle royal then why can’t the ladies. The ladies will also take part in a battle royal and the winner will go on to face Dahlia Rotten on Dec 26th for the SCU TV title. Now, Jenifer, I know you wanted Merlot to get a shot but she is not here tonight, she was given the night off. So she’ll have to wait.  

Celeste: Well, that is fair, I guess.

Le Coven look at each other and nod, they turn to walk away. In doing so the camera pan to their point of view. The crowd pops loudly as we see Merlot Ayano with her bags ready to work tonight. Tad and Donna are oblivious to this.  After a moment of contemplation, Tad sighs.

Tad: Shit, I forgot. I em need to go check something out with the Good Shepherds…

Tad hurries off as Donna raises an eyebrow but shrugs it off.

We are shown the closing moments of the Mixed Tag Team Title Match between London Underground and Team Go from this past week’s Climax Control before the scene opens backstage at Underground where we see Ariana working out in preparation for the upcoming eight man tag team match that’ll pit her and Carter alongside Dax Backett and Holly Wood against The Nobodies and the Kawaii Dragons in their first match since the Mixed Tag Title Match, she stops working out as this is approached by Marissa Henry.

Marissa: Ari, last week on Climax Control, you and Carter were unsuccessful in your efforts to win the Mixed Tag Team Titles from London Underground, how have you felt since then. @@

Ariana: It was a major blow to my confidence after all the hard work me and Carter did to prepare for the title match, but we will bounce back tonight in the Eight Man Tag Team Match. @@

Marissa: How is Carter anyway? @@

HB: You called? @@

Almost as if on cue Ariana’s best friend and GO Gym graduate leaps into view seemingly unaffected by his loss.

HB: I will admit, it had been a long time since I had been manhandled by such a big, strong man like that but as hard as it got London Underground still came out on top. @@

Ariana: Err, phrasing? @@

HB: Besides, Ari got to play around with Charlotte, and they switched positions so often that it was hard to keep up with who was on top. @@

Ariana: Again, phrasing? @@

HB: Now tonight’s match will feature multiple partners going at it but at the end of the night Team Go will come out on top! @@

Ariana: Your doing this on purpose, aren’t you? @@

HB: Doing what? @@

Ariana shakes her head whilst trying not to laugh.

Ariana: Look, the point is, whilst we suffered a defeat that most would’ve seen coming a mile away on Sunday tonight is all about redemption for Team GO! Fortune favors the Bold Marissa and tonight the Kawaii Dragons and The Nobodies will bear witness to the grace of the Angel’s Descent from “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos! @@

HB: See? We will come out on top! @@

Ariana shakes her head again as the scene fades.

Sitting on a bench in the back room, we see Alexis and Tim Staggs sitting with a small turkey in between them.  Alexis looks down at it and rolls her eyes.  Tim chuckles and gives Alexis a nudge with his elbow.  Alexis softens with a little smile.

Alexis:  I appreciate you trying to lighten the mood, but I’m super pissed right now.  I’d rather be at home, eating turkey with DJ, you dad and step mom, my sister…

Alexis trails off as she sees Tim staring at her with a bit of a smile on his face.  She shoves Tim playfully and grabs one of the turkey legs, holding it for a moment.

Tim: Come on.  We have so much to be thankful for.  We’re here, we’re breathing, we’re happily together for almost three years now.  We have a beautiful family.

Alexis:  We have to team up with two bitches who attacked me a few weeks ago, so I already know we can’t trust Winter and Tatsu.  We have to go against your on-again, off-again best buddy, Dax.  Holly Wood, Ariana Grande or whatever, and some guy whose going to rub every inch of your body in front of my face.

Tim goes to speak, but Alexis holds her hand up to stop him.

Alexis:  On top of getting attacked last week by a bunch of people ripping off The Nobodies circa 2016, one of which being your old running buddy.  Your old messes are going to screw us over tonight, and not that I have any problem with dealing with shit, but tonight?

Tim:  My old messes are not going to screw us over.  If anything, use it as motivation.  Use it to bulldoze through the two newbies, the idiot, and Holly Wood.  You always say “Let’s make some noise”.  There is no better time than now to go out there and make some noise.

Tim takes the other turkey leg and they clink the legs together in a sort of “cheers” motion.  They go to take a bite out of their turkey legs when a high pitched voice interrupts them.

Tatsu:  Ohhhh… hiiiiiiiii…

Tatsu and Winter walk into the room and Tatsu giggles.  Alexis jumps up, ready to fight, but Tatsu holds her hand up, but a smile still on her face.

Tatsu:  Oh, no need for fighting.  Tatsu and Winter come to make peace so we can win match against Uncle Dax, men who dress like ladies, and passive aggressive nice girl.  This is very important match.

Winter:  I just hope you have your gag reflex in check, but I’m sure with a man like Tim in your life, you’ve got to have that under control.  We just came to make sure that you’re okay and you’re not gonna choke.

Tatsu and Winter clasp hands and look to Alexis who doesn’t seem any less tense.

Alexis:  You two seriously expect me to believe that you come here in peace?

Tatsu:  Oh come on, Alexis.  It would be very, very great honor to defeat man who train with my uncle for years.  Real show of Japanese wrestling culture. Plus, it is American holiday of Thanksgiving where we eat lots of turkey and Kawaii Dragons are already at disadvantage being sleepy, plus teaming with two Nobodies?

Winter:  I thought you were supposed to be the sweet one here.

Tatsu shrugs one shoulder.

Tatsu:  I have my days.

Alexis:  If pissing me off more than I already was is your goal, you’ve accomplished that.  Now can you please give us a fighting chance in this match and get the fuck out of here?

Tatsu bows her head.

Tatsu:  Respectfully, I must disagree.  Are we in Canada today?

Alexis:  Uh, no, we’re in…

Tatsu:  Yes!  We’re in ‘Murica!  And in ‘Murica, we celebrate Thanksgiving in group.  Tatsu no let you eat turkey alone!

Tatsu reaches down and pulls off a piece of turkey and lets it hang from her teeth as she talks.

Tatsu:  Om wrrrrr grrrrrn wnnn crrrrrshhhhh wrrrrrr brrrrrnd! Yrsh?

Winter:  Hell yeah!  Team work makes the dream work!  That’s the ‘Murica way!

Tatsu:  ‘Murica!

Tim:  ‘Murica!

Alexis gives Tim a cold look as he has jumped up with a fist in the air to meet Winter’s and Tatsu’s.  He sighs and sits back down as Alexis turns to look both Kawaii Dragons down with the death look.

Alexis:  In “Murica”, we celebrate with those we love.  I don’t love you two.  I don’t like you two.  You’re not even worth my hatred of you two, but I’m pretty fucking close to that end of the spectrum.  We are being forced to team tonight.  I’m not happy about it, but I’m going to do it.

Tim:  And we’re going to win, because… Tim Staggs.

Winter:  This isn’t a penis measuring contest, Tim!  It’s a wrestling match.  I know you’ve got enough dick for the four of us combined, but this is about skill, and about focus.  Your wife needs to learn to let shit go, and you need to play it cool while we’re all at ringside.

Tatsu puts her hand over her mouth and giggles.  Winter smiles proudly, and even Tim finds the amusement in the situation.  However, Alexis does not.  She steps forward and Winter jumps behind Tim, playing scared even though her amused look shows that she isn’t.

Winter:  Timmy, I was afraid she was going to find out?

Tim:  Who?  What?

Tatsu steps forward and the camera zooms in on her shadowed face.  She smiles in a sinister way.

Tatsu:  Your wife…

Alexis:  Okay, whatever.  You two bitches need to leave before…

Winter:  What?  Before this?

Winter leans Tim back and catches his by surprise with a kiss on his lips.  Alexis growls and rips Winter off of Tim by the hair.  Tatsu jumps on Alexis and the two begin clubbing until Tim pulls both of them off of Alexis and flings them out of the locker room.

Tim:  Get the FUCK out of here!!!

Tim goes over to check on Alexis, but she spits on the floor from a busted lip and she glares at the open locker room door.  Tim holds her back as she tries to get past him to get to Winter and Tatsu who blow her a kiss and wave before prancing off.  Alexis grabs her gloves and pulls them on tight.

Alexis and Tim Staggs and Kawaii Dragons vs Ariana Angelos, HB Carter, Dax Beckett and Holly Wood.

Liam:  The following opening contest is an 8 Person Elimination Tag Team Match!

“The Nobodies” by Marilyn Manson plays over the speakers.  The lights go down as Alexis and Tim Staggs walk out wearing black hoodies, with the hoods pulled up.  However, seconds later, Winter and Tatsu come skipping out through the curtains.  Tim looks back from the commotion, and just rolls his eyes.  Alexis looks back at them as they smile, coming up side by side with Alexis.  Alexis shoves Winter, and Tatsu shoves Winter back into Alexis and giggles.  Alexis stops and clenches her fists before Tim leans in.

Liam:  Introducing first, the team of Alexis and Tim Staggs, AKA The Nobodies, and Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda, AKA the Kawaii Dragons!!!

Winter and Tatsu lean in, taunting Alexis as they make their way to the ring.  Tim climbs onto the apron first, and Alexis slides inside of the ring.  Winter and Tatsu slide in next and begin taunting the crowd before returning their attention to Alexis, as they all back into their corner.  The taunting comes back and forth for a moment.

Liam:  Aaaaaand their opponents! First... From Anaheim, CA standing at 6’4” and weighing in at 235lb, he is… Dax Beckett!!!

He strokes his beard, an intense look on his face as he comes to the center of the stage. He shouts out at the crowd, holding his arms out at his side as he does a slow 180 degree turn, slowly walking backward. Once the music completely picks up, Dax turns around and charges down the aisle. He darts around the ring, stopping periodically to pose for the fans, whether they like it or not. Once he makes his way around the ring, Dax jumps onto the apron and charges his way up the nearest turnbuckle. Dax ascends and nods his head to the music, his fist in the air. He jumps off and flips, landing on his feet as he jogs in place, waiting for his partners.

Liam: And next! On her way to the ring, from Hollywood, CA standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 165lb, she is... Mz Holly Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!

"Hollywood" by Collective blasts over the sound system as a pink shadow box appears through the curtains. The silhouette of a lovely lady dancing is seen from the inside, seducing the crowd with her feminine wiles. It comes to rest at the edge of the stage, and after a moment, the lady inside kicks her way through the thin paper to reveal... Holly Wood! Mz. Wood if you nasty. She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder as she raises her arms in the air, loosening her hips before sashaying down the ramp. She climbs onto the apron, swaying her hips back and forth as she lowers herself down into a split position. She crawls under the ropes and does a sexy pose on the mat before leaping up, dancing around the ring to the music as she waits for her other partners.

"#1 Crush" by Garbage begins too play and Carter steps through the curtains, holding an ankle length, sleeveless black robe closed in front of him. he then whips it open, revealing his ring attire of a printed belly t, booty shorts and thigh high boots. He holds one hand behind his head while running the other hand down his body while grinding his hips to the music.

Liam: From Seattle, Washington, weighing 176 pounds, he is the "Hardcore Bottom" -- Helluva Bottom Carter!

Carter drops the robe to the stage and runs toward the ring, slapping hands offered out to him all around the ringside area. He then hops up onto the ring apron in a split and slides beneath the bottom rope. He crawls seductively on all fours until he arrives in his corner. He pulls himself up and then lays across the top corner, awaiting the start of the match/his opponent's introduction.

The intro to “Fortune Favours the Bold” hits the speakers and once the vocals hit Ariana comes out to a modest reception, the young wrestler claps hand with the fans at ringside as she makes her way down to the ring.

Liam Gagnon: Introducing, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos!

Ariana rolls into the ring and poses for the crowd before waiting for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Tim and Holly Wood start the match off, and Tim slaps at his knees, leaning over.  Holly comes sauntering over to Tim and then shimmies in a circle around him.

Gena:  Alexis doesn’t seem happy about it as she shouts toward Tim and Holly.  Tim immediately drops Holly with Untitled No. 2 (Stunner) that rocks Holly!

Chad:  He rolls Holly over onto her back and hooks the leg, even as Carter jumps inside of the ring to break it up, but Alexis steps in the way to block him!


Liam:  Mz Holly Wood has been eliminated!!!

Gena:  An elimination already?!  Tim is on fire here.  He waves in the next victim, and this time, Dax is quick to meet him.  Dax goes for a Clothesline, but Tim ducks.

Chad:  He turns around and kicks Dax right in the ass as an insult to injury.  Dax turns around and goes for a chop on Dax, but Dax grabs the arm and goes for a kick to the head.

Gena:  But Tim leans back and does a backward one arm push up to bounce back up with a Clothesline From Hell on Dax!


Chad:  Tim goes to hook the leg, but this time, Carter is quick to get to the action before Alexis can take advantage of Carter’s unwillingness to fight women.

Gena:  Carter walks back to his corner and steps through the ropes.  Tim goes to picks Dax up, but Dax rolls him up into an Inside Cradle!


Chad:  Tatsu and Winter argue back and forth with Alexis.  It seems like Winter and Alexis are still reeling from that kiss to Tim earlier tonight, and Tatsu is backing up Alexis?

Gena:  Meanwhile, Dax gets up faster than Tim and hits a low Dropkick, sending Tim down to the mat.  Dax bounces off of the ropes and hits a Standing Senton Splash, hooking the leg.


Chad:  Tim rolls out from under Dax as Tatsu suddenly disagrees with Alexis, but now Winter is agreeing with Alexis and they are just going back and forth.

Gena:  Tim goes to try to tag one of his partners in, but he sees what’s going on, and he just spins on his heels, getting Speared by Dax, right into the corner, and the three ladies lean back to avoid impact.

Chad:  Tim stumbles out of the corner and Dax hits a Facebuster.  He rolls Tim over for the cover.


Gena:  Alexis breaks away from the arguing long enough to break up the pin.  She looks right at Winter and Tatsu and flips them off.  This brings Winter and Tatsu inside of the ring.

Chad:  Alexis is pissed, but she’s not stupid.  She steps back, even while keeping her mouth running.  Ariana grips onto Alexis and adds fuel to the fire.

Gena:  Tatsu and Winter go for the Kawaii Superkicks, but Alexis ducks, and Ariana gets the brunt of the shots!

Chad:  Meanwhile, with the distraction, Tim has hit a DDT on Dax, and locked him into the Untitled No. 1 (Scorpion Cross Lock)!  Dax tries to fight it, but he’s smarter than he looks and he taps!

Liam:  Dax Beckett has been eliminated!

Gena:  We’re down to an outright handicap match, 4 on 2.  But the real handicap is Tim having to carry his team.  He shouts at his partners to get them to focus.

Chad:  Sadly, he needs to take his own advice.  He doesn’t see Carter get inside of the ring.  He spins Tim around and nails the S.O.S.  Before Tim’s own partners can even see what’s going on, Carter is on the top rope, landing the Fruit Fly (Corkscrew shooting star press)!


Liam:  Tim Staggs has been eliminated!

Gena:  Alexis stops and turns to see Tim rolling outside of the ring.  He glares at Alexis as his head spins.  She bites at her bottom lip apologetically.  The referee asks who will be fighting next, and Tatsu volunteers.

Chad:  Carter tags Ariana in, who is just now recovered from the stereo Superkicks she received.  She climbs inside and her and Tatsu begin to square off.

Gena:  Winter says something to Alexis as they are forced to their own corner.  Alexis spins to Winter and grips her by the throat.


Chad:  Winter drops to the arena floor, nodding her head as she flips up the apron and begins rummaging through the weaponry underneath.  Alexis chuckles and does the same.

Gena:  Meanwhile, Tatsu begins throwing strikes with Ariana, hitting a few of them, dodging a few of Ari’s.  She blocks one shot and twists Ariana’s arm.

Chad:  Meanwhile, Alexis and Winter fight over a thick broomstick.  They are playing tug of war with it before they finally jerk it against the underside of the turnbuckle, snapping it in half!

Crowd:  FUCK YES!!!

Gena:  They point their sticks at one another, getting closer to one another as their mouthing turns to incoherent screaming.

Chad:  Tatsu rolls to the outside of the ring, and the referee begins shouting loudly.  Winter goes to swing first, but Alexis ducks and Tatsu gets hit right over the head with the staff!

Gena:  Then, Alexis swings and hits Winter with her half of the stick before turning and bashing Tatsu with it as well!

Liam:  It is the official’s decision that Alexis Staggs and Winter Elemental will both be disqualified!

Crowd:  *MEGA POP!!!*

Chad:  It’s Tatsu versus Team GO!  And Tatsu is out cold!  Alexis even goes as far as to roll Tatsu back inside of the ring before nailing Winter with the stick!  Alexis sits her up and Ari hits a Running Corner Dropkick before hooking the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Your survivors of the match… Helluva Bottom Carter and Ariana Angelos!!!

Carter gets inside of the ring and rushes up to Ariana, picking her up as “Fortune Favours the Bold” plays over the speakers.  Ariana throws her arms up in the air as Carter spins her around to show off.  The referee raises Carter’s one hand as they celebrate.

We go backstage to see a camera looking at a door and anything else. We can hear chatter but not make out what is being said. A few seconds go by and Kawaii Dragons enter the shot. Winter opens the door to hear the Ruin Sisters yelling. Winter looks at Tatsu.

Winter: Fuck that, I’m out, let’s go.

Tatsu: Yeah.

The Kawaii Dragons walk away leaving the door open. The camera starts to walk towards the door. The camera peeks in almost to make sure it's safe and everyone is dressed. Once the cameraman sees the coast is clear the camera enters the room. We see Halo Williams, Kelli Torres, Chanelle Blade, Angel Kash, Melissa Ruin, Debbi Ruin, Stacy Ruin in the room.

Angel gets up and walks out the room, Chanelle leaves with her. Kelli and Halo look on as Melissa yells at her two older twin sisters. Stacy looks at Kelli and Halo. Melissa turns around to see Halo and Kelli looking on.

Melissa: What! This ain’t your business but since your both here. You may as well know that you’ll ain't got no chance winning this Battle Royal so you may as well get those damn smirks off your faces.

Halo turns to look at Kelli.

Halo: Boy, when they say card subject to change, y’all ain’t fuckin’ kiddin!

Kelli: I know, and how great as that is we got baby ruin thinking she gonna win it.

Melissa: Oh hell Nah, I know you sluts ain't gonna act like I didn’t just talk to you’ll.

Halo looks at Melissa then at Kelli.

Kelli: Hey, so what’s your plans for after tonight?

Melissa: Are you kidding me?

Halo: Y’all hear somethin?  Could have sworn I heard somethin buzzin’ around in here… Kelli, you hear that?

Stacy and Debbi giggle, Melissa turns to look at her sisters.

Melissa: Well! You two really gonna let them mock your baby sister?

Debbi: Yes.

Stacy: Melissa, just shut up, they know your not going to win this. Hell Kelli and Halo may just get rid of you first.

Debbi: Then they get tossed out as it’s clear who’s winning this.

Stacy: I am!

Melissa: No, I said I am so deal with it.

Kelli: Hey Halo, please tell me you and Rain don’t act like this at home or anywhere really.

Halo shakes her head.

Halo: Naw, Rainie usually is hangin’ out with GoGo more than me.  They could finish each other’s sentences…  and would probably kick their asses.  

Kelli: I think your right.

Melissa: You know what!  

Melissa walks up to Kelli, Halo politely grabs Melissa's shoulder and moves her to the side so that Halo and Kelli can keep making eye contact.

Halo: They are a pretty good tag team, after all.

Melissa walks up to Halo.

Melissa: Do that again, I dare you!

Kelli politely grabs Melissa's shoulder and moves her to the side so that Halo and Kelli can keep making eye contact.

Halo: Y’all did ask…

Kelli: Hey why don’t we go somewhere and talk about how we are going to be the last two in the ring.

Halo shrugs.

Halo: Deal.

Melissa: Stacy and Debbi, I’ll deal with you later, tonight you better back me up in beating those sluts!

Halo and Kelli walk away to head towards the exit laughing. Melissa stomps to the other side of the locker room. The camera slowly fades back. As it does, the audience is treated to a shot of Merlot Ayano as she sits on the other side of the locker room. Although it appears as if she is looking at something off in the distance, Merlot is really just in the zone and focused.

Though, she’s able to spot the camera out of the corner of her eye.

Merlot: Hmm.

It appears as if Merlot spots the camera out of the corner of her eye.

Merlot: Want to thank Celeste and Jenifer. Merlot hasn’t had words with you two before. Not sure of motives. But you spoke highly of Merlot. So, is appreciated.

She nods her head.

Merlot: However, can tell Donna was no convinced.

She’s silent for a few moments.

Merlot: Is fine. Will convince you tonight.

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep. 40
« on: November 08, 2019, 04:14:38 PM »


Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, Nevada
November 14th, 2019
Segments due November 13th, 2019

SCU Underground Ep 40 will be live in front of the United States Air Force military as SCU teams up with the 99th Air Base Wing to host this event for the
United States Air Force Warfare Center
57th Wing
505th Command and Control Wing
563d Rescue Group
926th Wing
820th RED HORSE Squadron

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Helluva Bottom Carter vs John Blade

The troops are seated in there seats and get to witness an excellent opening match up. As new comer, high flyer Helluva Bottom Carter takes on Big Match John Blade! Crowd favorite John Blade looks to slow down HB Carter. John will have to use his power to keep Carter grounded. Speed vs power which will win this opening bout?

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Ariana Angelos vs Angel of Filth

The Greek Angel, Ariana takes on Angel of Filth. The young rookie got a big win over Denise Andrews and looks to do the same with Filth. The rookie however faces one of the toughest brawlers in SCU. Filth is not afraid to cheat, play dirty, or even injure her opponent. Filth is not about to let a rookie beat her in her second match. All the training done at Go Gym is going to have to come into play for Ariana if she plans on walking out the winner.  

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Eyesnsane and Mickey Carroll vs Kingingiseisha Shirasu and Javier Gonzalez  

Former Hardcore Tag Team Champions, Mickey Carroll and Eyesnsane will team up for the first time in two years as they take on SCU TV champion Hitamashii and Underground Champion Javi. A big time match up for all four wrestlers. This can go either way as both champions have been on fire as of late. Yet, they have off against former Honor Champion Mickey Carroll and Eyesnsane, a man who has who has held many titles including two world titles in different companies. In a rare twist one can say that the champions could be the undergrounds in this match up.

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Abaddon vs Todd Williams

Todd returns to singles action after teaming with Brittany the last few matches. He takes on Abaddon, Abaddon joined SCU many months ago and targeted Mickey Carroll. Adaddon manages to take down Mickey a few weeks ago and now looks for a new target. Will Todd be that target or will Todd be able to stop Abaddon in his tracks.

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Double Down Tag Team Championship
Fire Dragons vs Le Coven

Le Coven have been waiting a long time to receive a title shot since joining the company. The wait is over. Celeste and Jenifer seek to take the Double Down titles from Mark Cross and Valentina, cutting there reign short. The Fire Dragons may be the crowd’s favorite tag team and most exciting to watch. Exciting is what this match will be as one of two things are sure to happen. Le Coven could be walking out of this show as the new Double Down Tag Team Champions or the Fire Dragons will be ending the undefeated streak of Jenifer Lacroix and Celeste North!

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Merlot Ayano vs Angel Kash

Angel Kash takes on Merlot Ayano. Merlot came close on becoming the TV champion. Angel recently lost her Double Down title. As fun as it was for Angel to be a tag team champion, she made it clear, she wants to get back her Underground Championship. Merlot may not have had a title in SCU just yet but to the fans she is there fighting champion. Expect to see a power hitting match as the crowds number one enemy Angel Kash goes one on one with the crowds champion Merlot Ayano!

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Kawaii Dragons vs Shorty and Jaime Staggs

Jaime Staggs has been around here and there but is now entering the SCU for good as he finally makes his debut. He teams up with Shorty as they take on Winter and Tatsu. The Kawaii Dragons may get along with Jaime and Shorty but when the bell rings only Gift’s Delia Darling and Mercedes Vargas are safe from the Kawaii wrath. Jaime and Shorty won’t be easy on the Kawaii Dragons which means this match can go down the middle or go south real quick!

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Combat Championship Air Force physical fitness test/close combat match
Stewart Mason vs Earl Lockyer

The two Canadian veterans are close friends, served together and now face each other in a singles match. Not just any match but one that will test them to the fullest. They have one minute to do 30 jumping jacks, one minute to do 8 pull ups, one minute to do 25 push-ups, one minute to do 30 sit ups. After that the two will have to run two miles on the running track. Following the fitness test the two will head to the ring to begin the match. Each event won by a wrestler will be rewarded an extra point towards the judging score card should the match reach it’s time limit. The match will have a ten minute time limit. Pin falls will be allowed and the match will have three judges judging it as one long MMA round.  

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Combat Championship Last Woman Standing Match
Sister Esther vs Melissa Ruin

Sister Esther defends the Combat title once again. This time she takes on Melissa Ruin who looks to seek singles gold after losing the Double Down titles to the Fire Dragons. Esther seems to have gotten comfortable being champion and doesn’t look to change that soon. Nobility, Ruin Twins and the Good Shepherds will be banned from ringside.

A slight change to the rules because the Combat title is on the line. This is not a hardcore anything goes match. No weapons are allowed. This match is to take place in the ring at all times. Outside of that, anything goes. Only way to win is by medical stoppage.

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Main Event
Underground Championship
Veronica Taylor vs Mercedes Vargas

Tribute to the Troops’s main event is one for the ages. Veronica Taylor swooped in and took the Underground title from Halo Williams. Some that doesn’t sit will with some. Now from all the people she could be defending the title against, It happens to be Mercedes Vargas. A few years ago this match would have been the main event at any SCW Supershow. SCU Underground Champion knows the challenger very well. The two became so hated in SCW that to this day you can hear some of the bombshells hating on what was the Mean Girls. Mercedes continues to be one of the most hated in SCW as Veronica wasted no time becoming the most hated in SCU. SCU and SCW have had a few great inter brand matches over the past year but this match is by far the biggest inter brand match ever!

Results / SCU Underground Ep. 38 (Results)
« on: November 02, 2019, 03:25:17 AM »
 SCU Ep 38 Halloween Special

October 31st, 2019 at The Golden Ring Casino

The show opens up with a wide shot of the sold out crowd at the Golden Ring Casino. The camera zoom in at the ramway were we see AML. The band gets ready to open the show by playing the shows theme song.

Crawling After You cover version by AML

Behind the band the SCUTron turns on as we a the SCU opening package. We see the Fire Dragons winning the Double Down tag team titles as Mark Cross stands on the middle turnbuckle with his title held high and Valentina standing in the middle of the ring holding hers up in the air. The shot switches over to Halo and Merlot fighting on a ladder as the Underground title hangs right above them. The scene changes over to the crowd on their feet roaring and chanting like crazy as we see Alexis Staggs and Merlot Ayano having an epic stare down.

The next set of shots shows Dahlia Rotten pinning Winter Elemental to Tatsu Ikeda superkicking Melissa Ruin to Alex Rush backstage with his ryno Robbie Edwards. We see Eric Weaver get  hit with a moonsault by Dax Beckett to them seeing John Blade dropping Dax Beckett with a death valley driver.

The next set of shots go Winter and Tatsu double teaming Chanelle backstage to a different backstage shot of the Fox Brothers and the Ruin Sisters laid out cold. Security is seen coming to their aid as the Monstimals are seen in the background looking on at their handy work. We then see Marissa Henry interviewing Dorian B when all of a sudden he gets sneaked attacked by Tim Staggs and Eric Weaver.

The next set of shots show Father Gerald and Brother David standing over Mason and Jason Fox in the middle of the ring as Father Gerald places a mini version of the good book on there chests. From there we go to another shot of all four of the Good Shepherds ready to attack Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine but it turns into just a stare down as we see Celeste appear next to Jerry and Jenifer standing next to Kandy Kaine.

The shots now change to different brawls over the last few months as it starts with Javi and Eric Weaver trading blows at High Stakes to Sister Esther and Torielle Jackson trading strikes during the Combat championship MMA match at Summer XXXTreme. To seeing Alexis Staggs and Brittany Williams trading chard chops to the chest. at SCU Ep 33 is Ladies Night. Then to highlights of Earl Lockyer, Dahlia Rotten, Todd Williams and Brittany Williams as they try getting the Hardcore Tag Team titles during the Skirmish match at Summer XXXTreme. From there we go to a clip from the Mayhem Survival as we see Merlot running at Mercedes, Mercedes going for a roundhouse kick, Merlot lowers herself in time and tackles Mercedes to the nearest to the corner to then seeing Merlot and Winter superkicking Denise over the top ropes and hitting the floor to then seeing Merlot holding Winter in the Vanguard Lock at High Stakes Pre-show main-event.

The next set of clips or short 2 second clips of all the SCU superstars. As we get to the end of the video it ends with Abaddon holding Mickey as he kidnaps him at Supernova taking off holding on to a rope make ladder on a helicopter as everyone on the boat looks on in shock.

The camera moves backstage to the GM office where Donna Beauchamp is seated on top of the desk.  She is wearing devil horns with her red and black suit.  She has her phone pressed against her ear with one shoulder as she fumbles through paperwork with her free hand, idly.

Donna:  … Yes, I know what you’re saying…  No, trust me, I do… No, hear me out.  I am not his biggest fan either.  He is the biggest pain in my ass...

Donna pauses and rolls her eyes.

Donna:  Second biggest…  But how do you expect him to make this brand any more gritty than it is when you have talents like Angel Kash, Valentina, Veronica Taylor, and Melissa Ruin running around? …  Uh huh… Uh huh…  Look, just don’t do anything rash.

Just then, there is a knock on the door.  Donna straightens her blouse and skirt as she stands up from the desk.

Donna:  I have to go.  I have this meeting scheduled.  I’ll see you later.

With that, Donna ends the call.  She slides her phone into the pocket of her jacket.  She clears her throat.

Donna:  Come in!

The door opens to find Halo and Kelli Torres standing there looking somewhere between amused and annoyed.

Halo: Y’all rang?

Donna: Yes. I'm just waiting on that bumbling GM of ours to…

Just then, Tad walks through the door carrying a Starbucks cup in his hand.  He sees that the party already started, and an amused look cones over his face.

Tad:  Halo. Kelli. What a "pleasure" it is to see you both.

Tad makes air quotes with his fingers as he says the word "pleasure", making sure not to let it be mistaken that he is being serious.

Halo: Love you too…

Kelli: We thug lovin it over here!!! Halo and I been to jail, we seen things, crazy things. We did things, crazy things. Some, just one or two we are not proud of but the rest, oh you but your lame ass we proud bitches! We are not the ones to “provoke” little man.

Kelli says in a way to have him provoke the two women.

Halo: Watch it or he’ll…  

Halo gasps mockingly.

Halo: Punish us more…

Kelli: Oh I am really scared. Tad and Donna have nothing on us Ms. Annis.  

Donna: Tad is that pumpkin spice?

Tad: Yes it is.

Donna: Ah.

Donna takes the cup from Tad and takes a sip of it to Tad’s surprise.

Donna: You’re the GM right. They seem not to be taking you seriously.

Tad: Those that test me always come around, always.  

Donna: Not all.

Kelli and Halo look at each other wondering why they are even in this meeting at this point.

Tad: Yes all, for example, tonight Halo and Kelli will take on the Hardcore Tag Team Champions, The Monistmals.

Donna:  That means the Hardcore Tag Team titles are on the line. Not really a form of punishment.

Kelli: Hey, if I had known that dropping a few guards would have given Ms. Annis and I title matches then we would have done that a long time ago.

Halo: Hey if we double the damage we do to the guards can I get my title back from the wannabe champion.

Kelli: do not get ahead of yourself. They owe me a match against that trash of a champion. She is the reason I had to vacant my Combat title.

Kelli looks at Tad then brushes him off to look at Donna.

Kelli: Make it happen so I can be the Underground champion then Halo and I can have a bomb ass match for the title.

Halo looks at Donna then brushes her off to look at Tad.

Halo: While Kelli does that I can take on Sister Esther and take the Combat title from her. Then Kelli and I can have a bomb ass champion vs champion match.

Kelli: While Halo and I are also the Hardcore Tag Team Champions.

Halo: Oh of course. It starts with those Monistmals.

Donna: Like I said, they seem not to be taking you seriously.

Tad: Oh they will, they all do. All of them.

Tad takes back his cup of coffee from Donna. Before taking a drink he looks at Kelli and Halo.

Tad: Deal.

Donna: Excuse me? Your agreeing to this nonsense?

Tad: Donna, They just said they will do that as the Hardcore champs. Beating the Monistmals is not going to happen. Like I said they all change and see it my way. Halo, Kelli if, if you manage to win this match then yes. You both will get the title matches you just laid out.

Donna: How the hell is this a punishment?

Tad: Donna, you don’t like me, I get it. I don’t give a shit but I get it. But take a second to think about one thing. Have you ever seen me worried about a match I book? While you think about that also think about this. If I say this is a punishment match that they can’t win and if they do they get rewarded. Don’t you think I’m doing this for a reason. Trust me, any other time I’d screw with you Donna but they crossed the line and are lucky to have a job. Now let me do mine and watch the punishment unfold. Then you will see what I mean. They always come back around.  

Kelli and Halo look at each other. Halo shakes her head holding her laughter as Kelli just shrugs at her.

Kelli: You ready to do this champ?

Halo: You bet your ass I am… Champ.

Kelli: Okay.

Tad:  Best of luck ladies…

Tad’s smirk spreads from ear to ear as he watches Halo and Kelli get up and walk to the door, not paying him any mind.  He gives a half-hearted wave to them as they exit.  Donna looks expectantly at Tad, who sighs, about to explain as the cameras follow Kelli and Halo.

Halo: Tad thinks he has this in the bag. I know he’s got something up his sleeve but we got this Kelli.

Kelli looks at Halo.

Kelli: We really don’t.

Halo: What do you mean?

Kelli: This is a 2 on 1 match.

Halo: I’m lost here.

Kelli: My SCU contract clearly states that I only fight women. I am solely in the women's division. You are signed to a intergender contract. Tad and Donna know this.

Halo: Kelli we can do this. I know why you have a gender only contract. I know you been injured by male wrestlers but this will be different.  

Kelli: How so mate?

Halo: When we spent the night in jail, we stood up all night talking remember?

Kelli: Yes.

Halo: You said you started your career two years ago at a Halloween show. That means tonight makes you starting your 3rd year. In your debut match you were in a 30 person royal rumble and came in at number one. You lasted half the match before being thrown over the top ropes. In that time you fought men and walked out. You faced a few men in tag team matches and never got injured. Your first injury came from a triple threat match when you had to take on two men. When you returned you wrestled great for a few months until they put you in a fatal fourway match with three men.

Kelli: Yes, I ended up getting really hurt. I was out for a long time. When I was set to return PW closed its doors.

Halo: Yes, tonight you face two men only it’s not a fatal fourway or a triple threat match. This is a tag team match. I’m your partner, I can’t say you won’t get hurt but I can say is that you won’t be alone out there like before.

Kelli: I don’t know.

Halo: Hey, if I had met you when I arrived in SCU then I’d understand you having doubts but I known you since before that. You followed me on Twitter 2 years ago then we meant a few months later at a American Murder Log concert. We clicked girl, I know one day you and I will have to face each other and we will get it on. Trust me, I fight my sister, my closest friends like the band, even my own wife B-brat. It doesn’t change anything it’s just business. Then a week later I team with them like it’s no big deal. We go to the ring and kick ass. If anyone gets out of line then we will kick there ass. Something you know how to do with your combat skills.

Kelli: Tad gets this one. I swear if I get injured I’ll find Tad and break his teeth and nose. He better make sure The Monstimals don’t try anything funny.

Halo: Hey it’s a hardcore match anyways so use those kicks and fists you got. Who cares who big they are. You can take them out.

Kelli: Yeah, you are right. Lets do this.

Kelli and Halo high five as the camera cuts away.

The camera cuts backstage where we see SCU’s Backstage Interviewer Marissa Henry in her Superwoman costume ready for an interview.

Marissa: I’m here with one of SCU’s newest signings and a recent graduate of the legendary GO Gym, “The Greek Angel” Ariana Angelos!

The camera pans over to show the young wrestler clad in a Wonder Woman costume and to say that she is a little excited is an understatement.

Ariana: Hi! So excited to be here!

Marissa: So, I can see, though I have to ask, your debut match will be the Open Invitational Battle Royal, are you worried about going up against so many wrestlers with more experience than you?

Ariana: A little but I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in myself! Not saying I’m going to win the match because, well, it’s a Battle Royal and who knows what could happen in a match like that! The only thing that matters is leaving a good impression on my debut and I intend to do just that!

Marissa: Well Ariana, I wish you the best of luck in your debut and I’ll be on the lookout for you!

Ariana: Thanks!

Ariana runs off as the scene fades.

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Halloween themed stipulation - Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Halo Williams & Kelli Torres vs The Monstimals

Liam: This first match is set for one fall and is a Hardcore match for the Hardcore Tag Team Championship!

The crowd cheer as but turns to boos as Lost at 22 by Life of Agony starts to play.

Liam: First on her way to the ring, from Hollywood Hills, CA, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 144lb, she is… Halo Williaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaams!!!

Life of Agony’s “Lost At 22” starts up and B-Brat walks out, smirking and twirling what looks like a long necklace as the crowd boos the second-generation star. Halo follows behind her looking stoic and simply ready to go seemingly paying the boo birds no attention at all. B-Brat takes her sweet time getting to the ring making sure she milks all the attention she possibly can as she drinks everything in. She makes her way up the steps and slips through the ropes effortlessly, Halo following right behind her. They take the center of the ring and B-Brat walks up to the ropes, flashing hand signals to the crowd as Halo stands behind her, simply raising her right fist to the sky. B-Brat steps back and smacks Halo on the belly, pointing to her as Halo simply stands tall, ready for war.

The boos go to loud cheers as The Ecstasy of Gold by Ennio Morricone starts to play. Kelli comes to the cheers grew louder.

Liam: And her partner on the way to the ring… Kelli Torres!!!!

Monster and Animal I Have Become (mashup) by Skillet and Three Days Grace play over the sound system.

Liam: And their opponents. They are the Hardcore Tag Team Champions…. Sam McPherson, Lord Raab, the Monstimals!!!!

Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab come through the curtain with Henry Losak behind them as they walk side by side together to the ring, ignoring the fans as they step over the top rope together while Henry goes through the middle rope. Raab and Samuel do a holdup in the ring with the fans booing on them as Henry steps out of the ring with Raab and Samuel stand in the ring waiting for the match to start.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Monster and Animal I Have Become (mashup) by Skillet and Three Days Grace play over the sound system, everyone in the ring looks at the rampway. We see Tatsu Ikeda wearing a Samuel McPherson wrestling attire and who we can only assume is Winter Elemental in a full-body Lord Raab outfit with the mask.

Chad: Oh god, what are these two up to now?

The Kawaii Dragons walk down the rampway just like the Monstimals do. Sam looks at Henry. Henry signals for him to just relax and let this play out. Lord Raab looks on. Halo and Kelli are just as confused as they both turned to look at the ref.

The Kawaii Dragons enter the ring. Sam (Tatsu) stands in the middle of the ring staring down Halo and Kelli while holding on to the chest piece of the outfit. Lord Raab (Winter) looks up to have a staredown with Lord Raab.

Lord Raab (winter) raises a microphone.

Winter: You know I’m a fan. This outfit is one I bought at some store… Oh, he-he I mean at the SCW store. But this mask, this is the real deal. You remember giving me this mask at Summer XXXTreme. Hold on.

Winter looks at the crowd.

Winter: Trust me, Lord Raab is as bad as they come. I am just lucky to have caught Lord Raab in a not so bad mood and was somehow able to get him to see that I liked watching him back in SCW.

Winter turns to look at Lord Raab.

Winter: You know, when you were working on getting into the Hall OF Fame. Lord Raab understands that I liked it all, when you won when you lost when you lashed out and said fuck it and kicked everyone’s asses. But you Lord Raab. you and I need to be on the same page about something. I’m your biggest fan, but you have my title around your waste. And it’s okay Lord, I still love you bud but you know that a time will come when I have to take that from you.

Samuel takes a step forward. Lord puts his hand out to hold Sam back. Sam turns to look at Henry. Henry tells him to stay calm.

Winter: But since I’ll feel bad for taking your title I figured I won’t be doing that. Instead, I’ll take Sam’s and Tatsu can take yours. I’d feel more at peace that way.

Lord takes his hand and places it on top of Winter’s head then pats her head a few times.

Winter: No I want huggy not patty on the head like a doggy.

Winter leans in but Lord Raab moves his hand to the front of Winter’s Raab mask to keep her away from him.

Winter: Fine… For now, good luck, and be nice, I like Kelli and Halo. Beat them if you can but don’t hurt them. Especially, Kelli, she seems to get injured a lot. Oh wait I forgot, Kelli and Halo have to face The Monstimals. All of them…

Gena: What does she mean by that… Sam, I mean Tatsu charges at Halo and tackles her to the mat. Kelli also gets speared by Lord Raab, I mean Winter.

Chad: How about lil Raab and Lil Sam?

Gena: Sam takes a step forward but is stopped by Lord Raab. Brittany jumps on the apron to distract the Kawaii Monstimals. Lil Raab and Sam get back to there feet and point behind Brittany as we see SCU Security rushing the ringside.

Chad: Tad is seen coming out the curtain as well.

Tad: Sorry everyone. I have been busy with everything going on. I forgot to tell Halo that her manager Brittany is barred from ringside!

Gena: Oh come on, it's already a four on one match!

Chad: Security remove Brittany from the apron as Halo and Kelli get to there feet. Kelli and Security guard Kittie have a stare down.

Gena: Halo and Kelli turn around to face the Kawaii Monstimals. Kelli goes to kick Tatsu but she backs away as Halo goes for a clothesline but Winter ducks underneath. Halo keeps on running as she clothesline Lord Raab.

Chad: Lord Raab doesn’t even move as he just looks at Halo. Kelli goes for a fake left then nails a hard right hook to Tatsu as Winter runs at Halo and hits a dropkick from behind. Halo hits Lord Raab’s chest then drops to the mat. Lil Raab stares up at Sam McPherson. Sam grabs Lil Raab by the neck and lifts her up for a chokeslam!  

Gena: There on the same team! Wait, Sam tosses Winter to Halo as she tried getting up. Winter back slams on to Halo upper body to drop her back to the mat.

Chad: Kelli grabs Tatsu and sends heer to the ropes, but Lord Raab grabs Tatsu and lifts her up in the air then shoves her towards Kelli. Kelli side steps out the way to avoid Tatsu. Sam walks over to Kelli, Kelli hits a low stiff kick to Sam’s leg to no effect!

Gena: Kelli punches his chest also to no effect. Sam goes to grab her but Kelli backs away then kicks him in the gut to no effect. Halo, Lil Raab and Lil Sam get up. Lil Raab grabs Halo but Halo nails a knee to her gut. Lil Sam pushes Sam as it looks like she doesn’t take kindly to being thrown around. Lord Raab grabs Halo off of Lil Raab and throws her over the top ropes.

Chad: Kelli grabs Lil Sam from behind and hits a German suplex. Kelli looks at Sam as Sam goes to grab Kelli. Kelli tries to break free but can’t. Sam lifts her up by her neck with both hands. Sam drops her with a sitout bomb. Lil Sam gets to her feet. She looks at Lil Raab and points at Sam. Lil Raab points at the Monstimals manager Henry. Henry points at Halo!

Gena: Lil Sam runs out the ring as Halo gets up. Lil Sam kicks Halo in the face. Halo stumbles back, Lil Sam runs at Halo. Halo grabs Lil Sam and sends her to the ring post!!!

Chad: Kelli gets to her feet as Sam looks on. Kelli throws a punch that just misses. Sam looks on as Kelli opens her fist and smacks Sam on the nose. Sam takes a step back. Kelli goes low and nails a right hook on Sam’s inner thigh. He grabs his leg as Lil Raab comes over to help.

Gena: Kelli nails Lil Raab and hits a superkick that drops her to the mat. Lord Raab goes to grab Kelli but Kelli ducks it then smacks the back of his neck. Lord Raab turns to look at her. He tires a clothesline but Kelli counter as she ducks it and punches him right in the armpit.

Chad: Lord Raab grabs his armpit. Sam nails Kelli from behind with a clothesline. Lil Raab gets to her feet, Halo grabs Lil Raab’s feet and knocks her back to the mat then grabs her to drag her outside the ring.

Gena: Halo grabs Lil Raab and throws her to the barricade. Lord Raab and Samual grab Kelli and Samuel gets Kelli up for a powerbomb and drops Kelli to the knees of Lord Raab as the nail there Powerbomb/double knee backbreaker combination!!!

Chad: Halo grabs Lil Raab and throws her to the ringpost. Lil Sam starts to get up. Halo rings to the other side of the ring and spears Lil Sam to the barricade!

Gena: Kelli starts to get up The Monstimals grab her and nail a Double Suplex. Halo slides in the ring. Sam grabs Halo by the neck and lifts her up. He grabs her but Lord Raab grabs on to her back and hits a backstabber as they nail Monstimals kill!!!

Chad: Sam covers Halo!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

The camera moves backstage to see Gianni Di Luca dressed up as a king.  He is walking down the hallway, and as he comes to the catering table, he sees someone sitting in front of it.  He laughs in a sort of seductive way as he walks up to Veronica Taylor.  He presses himself against her and reaches down to grab hold of her rump.

Gianni:  Well hello there, darlin’.

Veronica chuckles but its much deeper than her usual bitchy tone.  She groans and rubs back against Gianni, feeling up on his chest beneath the jacket he’s wearing and she moans.  She turns around and… it’s not Veronica Taylor at all.  It is Sin City Underground newcomer, Helluva Bottom Carter!

HB:  Well hello dear.  Feel free to walk up on me like that any old time.

Gianni’s eyes widen as he looks down at Carter.  He fumbles over his words as he tries to come up with a coherent word, but fails at it miserably.

HB:  You have some pretty amazing assets.  A girl would be pretty special to be your Queen.  Luckily, I’m dressed the part.

Gianni: Yo, my eyes are up here.

Carter rolls their eyes and looks up at Gianni with an annoyed expression.

HB:  And?  It’s not like I’m looking at your eyes anyway.

Carter turns around and grabs their bottle of water with the words “Fancy Mineral Water” written over paper with black marker.  They take a sip and wink at Gianni, though they still don’t make eye contact with him.

Gianni:  You might wanna watch who ya mockin’ around here.  Ya queen’s got some friends in pretty high places, and she don’t take too kindly to people tryin’a be in her league.

HB:  Thanks for the warning.  Luckily for me, I am in her league.  I mean, you are more than welcome to see for yourself.

Gianni:  I’ll pass, thanks.

Gianni rolls his eyes now and he takes a few steps back, realizing that he’s awfully close to Carter.  Carter shrugs their shoulders as Gianni takes note of Carter one last time before shooting off a text.  He walks off, leaving Carter to return to their business at the table.

We cut to the backstage area where we see Dev Khatri standing by in his Gilligan costume after what has just transpired in the ring.

Dev: Wow, what a night of action we’ve had tonight, and the night is still young! And with the Open Invitational Battle Royal coming up, who knows who will show up.

As Dev says this a female figure wearing a Jason Vorhees costume steps into view, she is a few inches shorter than Dev though her face is concealed by the mask.

Dev: Err, hi, are you another new signing?

???: Not exactly.

The woman removes her mask and the crowd boos as they recognize that figure as longtime SCW Bombshell Jessie Salco.

Jessie: God, I’m not looking forward to wrestling in that thing!

Dev: Wrestling? You’re in the Battle Royal?

Jessie: Why not? SCW didn’t book me for Climax Control this week and when I saw that SCU was holding an Open Invitational Battle Royal for the Halloween Show I decided “fuck Arizona, I’m heading down to Vegas for the week” and, well, here I am!

Dev: Are you still going to appear on Climax Control?

Jessie: I will, just to see what this announcement is about, I’m not heading back to Arizona until tomorrow but until then I’m staying here in Vegas and hey, if I get to throw out Christina’s kid in the Battle Royal whilst I’m at it then all the better!

Jessie puts the mask back on and walks off as the scene fades.

The screen is black burn then a voice can be heard…

???: The time has come, the circumstances are just right. A company, SCU has found a way to make wrestling and combat fighting into one. I’ve looked long enough, I’ve watched long enough. I’ve got that feeling, that fighting feeling and this company has a Combat title. The way I see it, there’s only one way for me to take that title. There’s only one way to show the world what real combat wrestling is, so congratulations. Congratulations to all the fans of SCU, you all are about to receive the gift of all gifts.

A match can be heard as it’s struck and a small flame appears as the hands of a man can be seen. The man is wearing a black tee shirt but his face is still in the shadows.

???: Stewart Mason, you are not alone. You are no longer without a rival, without a challenger that can meet you on your level. Do you see the flame on this candle? It represents the flame that has been reignited within me. Oh but it’s going to keep burning, this is no ordinary flame that can just be blown out. The hunt is on and I’m coming for you Mason. I won’t be stopped and I’m taking that title. Enjoy your time with it, admire it, hell love it. Because the clock is ticking.

The man bends down placing his face by the candle allowing us all to see Eyesnsane.

Eyesnsane: It’s just a matter of time before I become the new Combat champion and turn your light out.

He blows out the candle and the screen goes black as you hear Eyesnsane laughing menacingly.

We open up backstage at the Golden Ring Casino and it is there where we are able to see Gemma Frost dressed up as an evil witch. A few moments go by and we are able to see Christina Zdunich which we can hear a massive pop in the background. Crystal smirks as she is dressed up as that of Sailor Moon. She looks around embracing it in as loud Christina chants can be heard. It isn’t long before we see Brittany Williams next and when she appears we hear a lot of boos. Brittany shakes her head in disgust as Gemma begins to speak.

Gemma: Hey everyone let me welcome to the world of SCU Christina Zdunich!

Christina: Thank you so much and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart that it feels so great to be here right now! You know High Stakes was such an amazing Super Card and even though I didn’t win my match against Jessie Salco it still felt good to be a part of a great show.

Christina smirks as she lifts a plaque up and smiles at the camera.

Christina: And at least I won feud of the year with Alicia Lukas. Alicia and I have had some war this past year. It’s been a war of wrestling, words, and so many emotions but she really is the best of the best, and she has all of my respect. She might hate me out of the ring and my actions in my personal life but I hope she can respect the war that went down into making our feud the most talked about feud!

Crystal grins as she continues to speak.

Christina: Tonight however is about enjoying Halloween and today I came dressed as one of my favorite anime character Sailor Moon. Serena or Usagi whether you prefer English or Japanese translation is so amazing. Such an innocent soul although she can be a klutz at times but deep down she is a great soul. Tonight Brittany and I will be entering into the battle royal and we just want to have a good time. Celeste if you are hearing I know you beat my ass during our last encounter in the ring and I hope you can forgive me.

Brittany shakes her head as she looks deeply into the lens of the camera.

Brittany: Blah, blah, blah… No one cares about that mom. What people care about is of course me Brittany Williams doing whatever it takes to get what I need and to push ahead. You all saw my wife doing super amazing, well what’s to stop me from ascending up the ladder and getting what belongs to me?! You can fucking boo me but I don’t give a shit about that.

Brittany twirls around as she shakes her head.

Brittany: I mean look at me I am dressed as Sailor Mini Moon because I just so love my mother!

Brittany rolls her eyes as she shakes her head in disgust.

Brittany: Look I am nobody’s sidekick let alone I am not going to be in anybody’s shadow. So even though you are my mother I will do whatever it takes to make an impact. Mark my words on that!

With that Brittany just sighs walking away as we fade out on this image.

We see jenifer wearing a NFW Women's World Champion and Omega Chaos Championship titles around her waist as she holds a bong, has a blunt hanging on the side of her head hanging on top of her right ear with her hair sprayed green as she is dressed as  "Darth Ganja" Sativa Nevaeh.

We see her with birthday girl Zenna Zdunich dressed as The Painted Doll (from The Devil's Carnival) and older cousin Linnéa Lacroix as she is dressed as Marie Laveau (the New Orleans Voodoo Queen) in the background we can see about 25 people al in different costumes minging in small groups.

Zenna:  Har du till och med rökt från den bongen ännu?
(Have you even smoked from that bong yet)

Jenifer takes a lighter and uses it to light up the bong.

Jenifer: Je suis au travail. Donc pas de THC seulement CBD.
I’m at work, so no THC just CBD.)

Zenna:  Bra. Vi är i återhämtning.
(Good. We're in recovery.)

Jenifer: Oui, je sais, mais certains de ces moments étaient des moments amusants.
(Yes, I know, but some of those moments were fun times.)

Jenifer says as she winks at Zenna and Linnéa. Jenifer smiles then  pauses as she sees Winter and Tatsu dressed as the Monstimals walking in.

Jenifer: Dames.

Winter: Dames? What the hell? Damn you bitch!

Linnéa shakes her head chuckling. Jenifer looks confused and looks at her cousin Linnéa.

Linnéa: Elle pense que vous essayez de l'insulter.
(She thinks you are trying to insult her)

Jenifer: Mais elle parle français comme moi
(But she speaks french like me)

Winter: And I do and? Oh, Dames as in ladies. Oh man, oops, Désolé je suis lent (Sorry I’m Slow)

Jenifer: C'est vrai
(That is true)

Winter: Regarde salope, je me fiche de savoir si c'est ta fête, je te botterai le cul.
(Look bitch, I don’t care if it's your party, I'll kick your ass.)

Jenifer starts laughing uncontrollably in Winter’s face which gets her to take off her Lord Raab mask. Tatsu grabs Winter and pulls her back as Jenifer takes a step towards them letting Winter know that she is not one that will put up with her bullshit. Zenna and Linnéa move to get in front of Jenifer.

Zenna:  Steph, what is going on here?

Tatsu: Oh someone's in trouble now. She called you, you know what!

Winter smiles at Zenna and forgets everything that just happened.

Winter: Hi Zenna, happy birthday Zenna.

Winter says in a cute tone. Tatsu looks shocked as she expected Winter to tell Zenna it's Winter when at work.

Zenna:  Tack.

Winter: You're welcome Zenna!

Winter says in a playful manner, Winter then turns to Linnéa

Winter: Hey babe, so em. When cloning becomes a real thing like for real, can I clone your wife so I can have one too. I just want everyone to look at the two of us and have them wondering why something as sexy as Zenna would hang out with little ole me.

Jenifer looks at everyone as she only understood 10% of that.

Linnéa: You are not a potato, Steph. No matter how mashed you make everyone else when y'all get in the ring.

Winter puts her hand on Linnéa shoulder.

Winter: I’m no potato, I’m a potatis, it’s swedish for Uglyducklingpotatohead.

Linnéa: Du är inte en potatis. Du är en vacker kvinna och du förtjänar det bästa.
(You're not a potato. You are a beautiful woman and you deserve the best.)

Winter turns to Zenna and gives her wink

Winter: You hear that Z? She said I deserve you!

Winter said as she holds her giggles inside. Linnéa and Zenna both giggle right along with her.

Jenifer: De quoi parle cette pomme de terre?
(What is this potato talking about?)

Jenifer says as she gives Winter the evil eye.

Linnéa: Steph pense que Zenna est attirante.
(Steph thinks Zenna is attractive.)

Winter: Vous êtes tous très attirants. Pas Jenifer, elle est un moche sorcière.
(You are all very attractive. Not Jenifer, she's ugly witch.)

Celeste: Jenifer, come.

Celeste looks at Linnea

Celeste: I'll take your cousin away for a few so she can Winter can chill out.

Le Coven go to mingle with others across the room as camaera cut off

Halloween Costume Battle Royal match to face the Underground champion at at SCU Ep 40 Nov. 14th.

The crowd goes nuts as a spotlight shines on the stage to show off Liam Gagnon in a Wizard outfit.  He waves to the crowd with his staff, and they cheer even louder.  He brings the staff to his mouth, and we see that it is also his microphone.

Liam:  Ladies and gentlemen!  It is now time for our Halloween Costume Battle Royal!  The rules are quite simple.  20 competitors will start things off inside of the ring.  They will continue until one person remains inside of the ring.  Eliminations occur when a competitor is thrown over the top rope, with both feet touching the floor, or once a competitor is stripped of their costume!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Liam smiles as the camera switches over to the ring.  The lights sweep across the competitors inside of the ring.  Some are obvious as to who they are, such as Tim Staggs in a “My Halloween Costume” shirt, Stacy Ruin as Joy Turner, and Mr. and Mrs Claus being portrayed by Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine.  Newcomer Ariana Angelos is adorned in a Wonder Woman costume.  Holly Wood is dressed as Jessica Rabbit.  Stewart Mason and Earl Lockyer are seen in lumberjack gear.  Angel of Filth bounces up and down as she shouts “Gimme a B, gimme an A, gimme a B, gimme a Y!” for Baby Firefly, as she looks across the ring at Dax Beckett who is dressed as Captain Spaulding the clown.  Chanelle Martinez is dressed as a Disco Dancer.  And as we saw earlier, Christina Rose as Sailor Moon, and Brittany Williams as Sailor Mini Moon, newcomer HB Carter is decked out in their finest Veronica Taylor outfit, living the part as she admires her nails, having spared no expense on the human hair wig.  Otherwise, we see Thing One and Thing Two, Marie Antoinette made up in white face paint, Robo Cop, Harley Quinn, and Jason Vorhees!  The crowd reaches a new level of excitement as the referees surround the ring.  Head Referee Ryan Richards calls for the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  My, oh my!  RoboCop gets a Superkick from Tim and he goes flying over the top ropes.  He holds on tight to the ropes, but Tim jumps on it and bites his fingers, causing him to drop immediately!  His helmet falls off to reveal he was Jacob Johnson!

Liam:  Jacob Johnson has been eliminated!

Gena:  There’s always one!  Tim turns around to get an uppercut from Captain Spaulding, I mean Dax Beckett.  Dax flings him across the ring as Joy Turner pulls the ropes down, and Tim goes flying over the top rope!

Liam:  Tim Staggs has been eliminated!

Chad:  Left and right!  Only 18 more to go.  Tim didn’t care for that one as he tries to go back inside of the ring.  Constance Salazaar and Dylan Roberts hold him back from going in.  Jason Vorhees grabs the back of Joy, er, Stacy Ruin, and goes to toss her to the outside!

Gena:  Stacy holds on and Vorhees tries to pry her fingers off.  Brittany Williams comes over and tries to help, but Harley Quinn comes over and hammers at Brittany’s back.  This causes Christina Rose in her Sailor Moon outfit to rip the Daddy’s Little Monster top off her!

Chad:  Harley’s down to her awfully tight shorts and her knee high socks now.  She turns around and hammers Rose in the face with an elbow!


Gena:  In the meantime, Brittany and Vorhees are able to work together to pry Stacy’s hands off of the ropes and she falls to the outside!

Liam:  Stacy Ruin has been eliminated!

Chad:  Harley pushes Christina into Baby Firefly, who grabs onto her arms.  As Harley flies at Sailor Moon, Christina ducks and Baby Firefly goes flying over the top with Harley Quinn!

Liam:  Angel of Filth and Debbi Ruin have been eliminated!

Gena:  5 down and 15 to go.  Jessica Rabbit and Veronica Taylor are sharing words in the corner.  Holly doesn’t care for what Carter is saying, so she flings her across the ring.  As she comes running behind Carter, Carter jumps up!

Chad:  Carter wraps her legs around Holly’s neck and repeatedly drags Holly’s face into their deiriere!  Bounce, bounce, bounce.  Holly pushes up on Carter’s legs, and Carter lands on the apron.

Gena:  While they trade blows inside of the ring, Ariana Angelos and the mysterious Marie Antoinette are having the same back and forth in their own corner of the six sided ring.  Neither one seems to be giving an inch.

Chad:  Ariana goes for a Discus Clothesline, but Marie does a Matrix Evasion.  She comes back up and grabs Ariana from behind.  Ariana tries to struggle out as Marie goes for a German Suplex.  But Ariana flips out, and as Marie goes for a Discus Clothesline of her own…

Gena:  … Ariana does her own Matrix Evasion, showing that she can hang! Meanwhile, both of the studly Lumberjacks, Earl and Stewart, have Captain Spaulding down on the ground, stomping the living shit out of Dax Beckett!

Chad:  Dax holds onto the bottom rope for his life as Earl grabs Dax’s legs and begins ripping at the clown costume.  Dax tries to kick his legs, but it only seems to help Earl out.  Stewart stomps at the back of Dax’s head.

Gena:  Thing One and Thing Two come to Dax’s aid as they begin barking at Stewart and Earl.  Stewart and Earl turn to look at them and they begin laughing.  Stewart wraps a friendly arm around Thing 2’s shoulders and then swipes the wig off.  He smears the paint.

Chad:  That’s Mason Fox!  That must mean Thing 1 is Jason Fox!  The teal wigs are on the mat, and Stewart and Earl begin violently ripping the red onesies off of the Fox Brothers! And they’re off!

Liam:  Mason and Jason Fox have both been eliminated!

Chad:  Chanelle and Kandy Kaine are going at it in the corner as Jerry Cann comes over to Earl and Stewart.  He points down to Dax, and the three men lift Dax up.  Dax shakes his head as he goes over the top ropes and lands on one foot!

Gena:  He winces in pain as he hops on the one foot and goes around the ring to the other side!  This leaves Stewart and Earl to look at Jerry.  They go to flip him over the top ropes now!

Liam:  Jerry Cann has been eliminated!

Chad:  Meanwhile, Christina and Brittany look over at Ariana and Marie giving one helluva show despite the amount of people still left in the ring!  Brittany grabs the back of Ariana and flips her over the ropes and onto the apron, while Christina does the same to Marie!

Gena:  Christina grabs hold of Marie, but Brittany scoops Christina up from behind and dumps her to the arena floor!

Liam:  Christina Rose has been eliminated!

Gena:  And that is the half way mark!  Only 10 competitors left.  Holly and Carter continue their back and forth on the apron as Carter goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Holly lands on the apron.  Holly kicks up straight to get Carter, who grabs her ankle and spins Holly!

Chad:  Holly holds onto the ropes as Carter jumps on Holly’s shoulders and hits a Hurricanrana, and handsprings back onto the apron!


Liam:  Holly Wood has been eliminated!

Gena:  Holly shakes her head as Carter gives a slap on their behind and a wink of the eyes.  Meanwhile, The Lumberjacks see Brittany still celebrating fucking her mom over, and they are quick to dispose of Brittany while Marie and Ariana drop down to lower the ropes.

Liam:  Brittany Williams has been eliminated!

Chad:  Ariana is proving to be one fierce talent from the G&O gym, right alongside her other newcomer, HB Carter.  Helluva Bottom sounds like my kinda friend.  The Lumberjacks try to make fast work of Ariana and Marie, but Dax comes from behind and begins hammering away at both men!

Gena:  Kandy Kaine finds herself the victim of a… Black Rose Overdrive?  From Marie Antoinette, AKA Mercedes Vargas!  Ariana Angelos lifts Kandy up and over the ropes for the elimination!

Liam:  Kandy Kaine has been eliminated!

Chad:  With all of the action going on inside of the ring, i just realized that Chanelle Martinez is sitting pretty in the corner, just watching the action with a smile on her face.  She doesn’t realize that Jason Vorhees is lurking outside of the ring.  Jason gets on the apron and pulls her over in a chokehold, dropping her to the outside!

Liam:  Chanelle Martinez has been eliminated!

Gena:  The Lumberjacks see Jason and they rip the mask off to reveal… Jessie Salco!!  Jessie ducks between them as Dax is able to scoop Stewart up and over.  Dax ducks just as Earl goes for a Clothesline, and Earl eliminates Stewart!!!

Liam:  Stewart Mason has been eliminated!

Chad:  Dax tries to dump Earl over, but Mercedes, Jessie, Carter, and Ariana see the tatters of Dax’s suit and they begin ripping at it and… OH CENSORS!  Most of them don’t want to see just how hairy Dax’s nethers are!

Gena:  If you thought that beard was something.  It’s like a second beard.  And off goes the hat.  Do we have an elimination?

Liam:  Dax Beckett has been eliminated!

Gena:  Get that Yasquatch a robe, please?  All the feminine energies left in the ring, with the pure testosterone of Earl.  Earl feels the pressure as the ladies move in on him.  He backs up, but can’t escape as they begin ripping his clothes to shreds.  Fortunately for the censors, he is wearing tights underneath,

Liam:  Earl Lockyer has been eliminated!

Chad:  One penis left in the ring, and HB takes a few steps back before spitting Earl’s jean button at Ariana in the process.  Respect…  However, Jessie is quick to use the distraction to dump Ariana over the ropes!

Liam:  Ariana Angelos has been eliminated!

Chad:  Ariana didn’t care much for that and she steps inside the ring and pulls Jessie back over to the outside!

Liam:  Jessie Salco has been eliminated!

Gena:  It looks like we are down to the final two.  A real Mean Girl, and someone playing a Mean Girl.  And the real Mean Girl is playing the original Mean Girl.  Mercedes looks around at the emptiness of the ring and shouts out in royal proclamation.

Mercedes:  Deixe-os comer bolo! (Let them eat cake!)

HB:  Mood!

Chad:  HB turns around and does a quick twerk to go along with Mercedes proclamation.  Mercedes charges as Carter and goes to toss them over the ropes, but Carter avoids collision and yanks the powdered wig off of Mercedes.

Gena:  Thats not the way to get Mercedes out of this match to win a title match during your debut, sweetie.  There’s like twelve layers to that outfit.

Chad:  It’s meant more as an insult, like to say “I’ll snatch you bald, kween”.  And the favor is returned when Mercedes rips the wig clean off of HB’s head!  It’s a Queen Off!

Gena:  Mercedes goes to kick Carter in the stomach, but HB trips her right up to the mat.  She goes to rip at the dress, but Mercy kicks Carter in the stomach.  She stands up and finds the weap stitch of the dress and snaps it right off!

Chad:  HB holds onto it, but the jewels snap and begin falling right off, causing the grip to be lost, and Mercedes gets the dress right off!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Helluva Bottom Carter has been eliminated!  Therefore, your winner to face Veronica Taylor on Episode 40 on November 14th…  Mercedes Vargas!!!

Gena:  No fucking way!  That’s a dream match for SCU, and one we haven’t seen one on one ever!

“Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” begins playing over the speakers as Mercedes places her wig back on her head and celebrates her win.  Carter stands up and shakes hands with Mercedes as we go to the back.

The picture comes to life, and as it does, it’s quite evident that the video was shot earlier in the day. The camera focuses in on five Sin City Underground crew members as they go about setting up the ring. They laugh and joke as they go about doing their work. Their high-spirited energy causes someone off-screen to chuckle. The camera slowly pans to the left to reveal Merlot Ayano. She’s seated in the third row.

Merlot: Hi hi!

The cameraman turns to leave, but Merlot motions for him to stay.

Merlot: Stay, stay! Besides, is better to capture Merlot now. In happy state right now. Probably won’t be when have to do sit-down with Winter.

The veteran wrestler leans back in her seat.

Merlot: May not know this, but Merlot no live in America too long. Came here around 2015, maybe 2016. So really, Merlot still relatively new, hai. Las Vegas? Was first place in America that Merlot called home. And even though spends most of time in Boston now, still consider Vegas as home. Friends are here. Started to build family here. And over the years, have wrestled in front of so many fans here. So, find it big honor to be able to perform at Vegas Ballpark, hai.  

There’s a moment of silence before Merlot begins speaking again.

Merlot: This week, will be taking on Sister Esther. Is SCU Combat Champion.

There’s another pause.

Merlot: Sister Esther? Merlot consider herself woman of honor. So, will give credit where do. Your skills are amazing. And you hold SCU Combat Championship; is very distinguishing. However, no mean that you will just walk over Merlot. Is not happening.

She shakes her head.

Merlot: Match after match, Merlot has proven to be one of best in company. Pound for pound, is hard to find someone better. And may not hold a belt in SCU, but Merlot has captured hearts and minds of SCU fans. Because of that, Merlot never down and out.

Merlot nods her head.

Merlot: Will be gunning for you, Esther. So expect fight of life.

Merlot continues to relax in her seat. Eventually, the camera fades out.

Gemma and Gail are backstage, Gemma is decked out in Evil Witch costume, while Gail is dressed and black cat.

Gail points to people walking towards them, Gemma picks up here mic.

Gemma: Please welcome the only other two women that matter in this shithole, Sarah and the SCU Women’s television champion, Dahlia Rotten.

Dahlia and Sarah step into the interview area dresses as nineteen-thirties era gangsters.

Dahlia: Those costumes fit both of you.

Gemma rolls her eyes.

Gemma: Whatever, so you’ve been demolishing everyone woman who has come after your Television title, and tonight your’s facing the Merlot Ayano chick, so how bad ya gonna beat her.

Dahlia: Gemma, I felt Ms. Ayano has earned her right to face me here tonight, but just like all the others, that have faced me she will not be wal

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep. 38 (Card)
« on: October 23, 2019, 07:44:39 PM »

SCU Ep 38 Halloween Special

October 31st, 2019 at The Golden Ring Casino

SCU books the London Underground’s Casino one more time. The last time the company was at the casino, proceeds went to the Las Vegas firefighter departments top charity. This time SCU is doing something a bit different. For every fan who walks in dressed up as their favorite past or present SCU/SCW star they will get a code they can redeem to download the cover version of the new SCU Theme songs soundtrack Vol. one performed by AML. A total of 15 tracks total.

AML (American Murder Log) is a big fan of Halloween. One of the members treats it like a birthday as her real birthday is just two days before. The band has a long history with the company, dating back to Honor Wrestling and Northern Lights Wrestling, and have been invited to the show. We have been told they will be at a Halloween party at the Golden Ring Casino the night of our show. Which was odd as the casino is the host of this week’s show and we weren’t told that another event will be taking place at the same time.

So of course... What Halloween party we asked? Well with band member Zenna Zdunich celebrating her birthday, lead singer Linnéa Lacroix wanted to do something special as did Linnéa Lacroix cousin Le Coven member Jenifer Lacroix. With Jenifer and Celeste really enjoying Halloween, as if it is the biggest holiday of the year for them, they wanted to host a party for SCU fans as a surprise. The surprise is no more as now the two events will be one in the same.

Show opens up with AML band performing a cover version of the SCU Theme song as we air a new intro package to go with it.

A segment between Donna, Tad, Kelli, and Halo. The Spokeswomen and GM never see eye to eye so this should be interesting to say the least.

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Halloween themed stipulation - Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Halo Williams & Kelli Torres vs The Monstimals

Kelli and Halo have been released from the Hawaii jail house and will return to action vs Hardcore Tag Team Champions Sam McPherson and 2019 SCW Hall Of Famer Lord Raab. Donna booked this match as punishment for the actions of Halo and Kelli at High Stakes IX. But since the Monstimals are the Hardcore Tag Team Champions, and those titles being on the line every show, they will at least get the title match. The champions are racking up the wins in tag team action. They face two women who were champions in their own rights. The last match they had. Halo losing the Underground to Veronica and Kelli having to vacant the Combat Title due to Veronica. Now they have a chance to become the Hardcore Tag Team Champions. A task not easy to do against the Monstimals on any given show, but with Donna doing this as punishment and us seeing what the Monstimals are capable of in and out of the ring. One has to ask, is this punishment, a title match or career suicide for Kelli and Halo?

Stewart Mason was victorious at High Stakes IX, SCW Play by play Jason asked who will be next in line to face Stewart. And just like that we see two time SCW Tag Team Champion Eyesnsane shock the fans as he stood at the rampway and look at Stewart. A hint at a possible match up with a nod and just like that Eyesnsane was nowhere to be seen. We expect to hear from him tonight, or do we? We just never know with Eyesnsane.

Halloween Costume Battle Royal match to face the Underground champion at at SCU Ep 40 Nov. 14th.

*This is an intergender match. The winner will take on the Underground Champion of the same gender on SCU 40.*
This match is open to anyone in SCW and SCU who wants to take part who is not already booked in a match. Please DM the Underground account no later than Saturday, Oct. 26, at 5 pm EST, to let us know who you would like in the match (2 characters per handler limit), and what costume you would like them to wear. This gives us time to get the match done and also lets us inform SCW creative team on who if any of which SCW stars will be booked so they are aware of what's going on to not interfere with any bookings they have set for Nov. 2 SCW CC 251

Segments from those in the TV title matches

Veronica Taylor’s Underground Championship Celebration. We know she plans on doing it big. It’s also halloween. Oh plus Kelli and Halo are in the building. What can possibly go wrong?

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SCU TV Championship
Merlot Ayano vs Dahlia Rotten

Tad had decided at Underground Ep 37 that Dahlia will defend the TV against the winner between Merlot Ayano and Winter Elemental at High Stakes. Everyone saw Merlot as her “Fuck You Switch” turned on and Winter wasn’t able to turn it off. But two people were paying attention more than anyone else. Who are the two you ask? Dahlia Rotten and her manager Sarah Lane. Dahlia win the TV title and told every wrestler in that match that she looks forward to facing them each for the title. She has been doing just that and it will continue with Merlot, but will it end with Merlot Ayano becoming the new TV Champion?

What’s an Underground show without the former Double Down Champions, Nobility. If you ask them, a lame one. Lucky for us we didn’t ask them but we’re sure they’ll speak on it anyways as well as their displeasure for not being the Double Down champs anymore  as they are off today but will be in attendance.

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Singles Match - SCU TV Championship
Powershock vs Kingingiseisha Shirasu

Like Dahlia, Hitamashii is taking on everyone and anyone SCU is putting in front of him. Like Dahlia he has been successful in retaining the title. He faces a former Underground Champion in Powershock. Powershock hasn’t been too pleased with his bookings. While Donna had someone else in mind for Hitamashii to face, GM Tad thought differently. Tad agrees about the bookings and is giving Powershock a shot at TV gold!

The Fire Dragons have become the new Double Down Tag Team Champions. It was a long and bumpy road but Mark and Valentina did it and get to enjoy the moment for now, as they have swept the Hardcore and Double Down Championships now, joining an elite and exclusive club in SCU. Will they be at this show, or take the night off? One thing we do know is that Javi or Veronica will defend the Underground Championship at Underground 40 but The Fire Dragons will main event that show as they defend the Double Down Tag Team Championships. They’ll find out tonight who they’ll face.

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Main Event
Grudge Match - Bring A Baseball Bat Match

Abaddon vs Mickey Carroll

This match was scheduled to take place at High Stakes IX, but word was passed down from the owner that both men were barred from the arena for the night, and that this match deserved to steal the show.  With the animosity and rage between both men, spanning months now, including Abaddon’s abduction of Mickey Carroll, he or she could not be more right.  The pure hatred between both men boiled over a few weeks ago on Underground Ep. 36, having both men barred from the arena for Underground 37, and eventually High Stakes IX as well.  Forget the haunted houses.  Forget the scary movie marathons.  Tune in on Halloween Night to see two men all but kill each other in front of a live audience to settle just who has won the war.  The Final Battle, involving baseball bats decked out with whatever both men desire to stick onto them as the only weapons, that leaves a lot of room for this to get bloodier than Friday the 13th.  One, two, Abaddon’s coming for you.  Three, four, Mickey wants some more.  Five, six, get your gorey fix.  You get the point.  This is the match to set the standard for hardcore wrestling, and just might be more of a massacre than our opening bout!

Tune in on Halloween Night to witness a darker, filthier side of Sin City Underground than you’ve ever seen.

Everyone is encouraged to do a segment. Those listed on the show are segment we require to begin/continue storylines. For those not sure one what to segment about. Keep in mind that it’s Halloween so you have that as an option. Le Coven are hosting a party, so feel free to us that for your settings.

Also when using any SCU reporter for this show they will be wearing...
Marissa Henry will be dressed as Superwoman
Dev will be dressed as Gilligan (Gilligan's island)
Gemma will be dressed as an Evil Witch

Alumni / Le Coven
« on: October 12, 2019, 03:52:05 AM »

You will be booked at least 1-2 times a month. Since tag team matches take place in an intergender division, please let Tad Ezra know if you wish to only wrestle your gender. We will still book you in tag team matches under Mixed tag team rules but keep in mind, tag team titles will be intergender so if you wish not to wrestle the opposite gender, you limit yourself to only singles gold when you do get a title shot. ***Be sure to fill out Singles Application for both/all members of tag team***


*Add more wrestlers if necessary*
Wrestler 1: Celeste North
Wrestler 2: Jenifer LaCroix
Tag Team Name: Le Coven
Personality: Jenifer is more of a quiet type unless provoked. She is the protector of Celeste.  Celeste is fairly apathetic, but draws energy from the Earth and Moon to stay as positive as she can be.
Gimmick (If any): Witchy shit
Alignment: Face


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List): "Cupid Carries A Gun" by Marilyn Manson
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):
The lights in the arena dim down as “Cupid Carries A Gun” by Marilyn Manson begins playing over the speakers.  The crowd goes into an uproar of cheers as the screen is taken over by the picture of a silver moon behind a fog of clouds, with crows flying in front of it.  Two shadowy figures emerge from behind the curtains.

Liam:  Aaaaand their opponents, at a combined weight of 255lb, they are Celeste North and Jenifer LaCroix… Le Coven!!! @@

The fans give off an even bigger pop as a spotlight shines on both ladies behind a misty screen of fog pouring out from behind the curtains.  They make their way down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans on their way.  They go to both sides of the ring and split it, looking out into the crowd before climbing onto the apron.  They sign to the audience before stepping inside.  They take their corner and talk to one another as the lights return to normal and they wait for the match to start.


***The following moves are specific to the tag team moves***

Signature Moves

Finishing Move
1.) Le Coven Bomb (Arn Anderson Spinebuster)

Superstar Bio:
Past Accomplishments: Witchy shit, 24/7.  These ladies are undefeated separately as well as together.  NLW originals, baby.

Results / SCU Underground Ep. 37 (RESULTS)
« on: October 11, 2019, 04:56:01 AM »
 SCU Underground Ep. 37


Sin City Underground, in conjunction with Sin City Wrestling present to you…
Underground, Ep. 37 filmed in front of a live audience in the Thomas Mack Center, airing on Thursday, October 10th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST
Note: Segments are welcomed from everyone in SCU and SCW. ALL segments are due no later than Tuesday, October 8th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST to the Underground account.

The camera cuts to the back where General Manager Tad Ezra is seated at his desk.  He swivels from side to side in his office chair as he looks into the camera, his torn Sin City Underground logo t-shirt giving sight to his tattooed features underneath.

Tad:  What’s up Sin City?

Crowd:  *POP!*

Tad:  I haven’t heard that in a while.  Here, let me fix that.  Your shining beacon of hope in this otherwise desolate wasteland of talentless hacks, Veronica Taylor, has a tall order tonight as she is set to beat the clock, a total time of 7 minutes and 36 seconds.  I think she can do it.

Crowd:  Boooooooo!

Tad:  That’s more like it.  But, I’m sick and tired of hearing people accuse me of handing out favors around here.  Last week, Donna got to pick out Celeste’s opponent.  It seems only fair that I get to do the same.

The crowd can be heard rolling their eyes collectively.  Tad smirks at the camera.

Tad:  No favors.  Veronica and I had a little arrangement once upon a time, but that’s over.  If Veronica is able to defeat the person I’ve chosen, which is a huge “maybe”, let alone within 7 minutes and 36 seconds, then she deserves a title shot, without a shadow of a doubt.  Her opponent is one of SCU’s biggest contenders of all time.  A former Underground Champion, a current champion, and THE single brightest star that SCU has ever seen.  This woman has captured the hearts of millions of fans within her career, and I find it only fitting that Veronica’s Beat the Clock opponent be none other than…

Tad leaves the crowd hanging on every word as he slows and pauses so that the wait is even more agonizing.  He leans forward in his chair to get closer to the camera as it zooms in on nothing more than just his face.  He slowly iterates.

Tad:... Angel Kash…

The crowd gives off excited cheers for the idea of these two meeting up one on one inside of an SCU ring, but others in the crowd boo both ladies harshly as Tad grins from ear to ear.

Tad:  Celeste and Veronica were given the test of skill and time by having to beat the clock. Whoever wins this, and I’m quite confident in Veronica Taylor, will have to prove their endurance to take the title off of Halo Williams by defeating her... in a 30 Minute Iron Woman Match…


He then waves the camera off as it pans out and then leaves the office, switching to ringside.

Camera shows the time is now hit's when John Martinez Blade comes out from behind the curtains and brings out his Wife Chanelle Martinez Blade alongside with him and starts running straight down towards the ring in gets inside in throws up his six fingers in the air and when his music starts fading he walks over to the time keepers area in hands John the Microphone while talking to the SCU Universe.

Crowd:  Blade Martinez, Blade Martinez Blade Martinez Blade Martinez Blade Martinez!

Martinez-Blade: Man I am fired up here cause tonight I will be in action to take out Dax Beckett. in a No Holds Barred match to see who will face between Stewart Mason and Eric Weaver to fill in the Vacated SCU Combat Championship but that match won't happen until three days because when me and Dax Beckett square off against each other then I will be your new No'1 Contender for the Combat Championship on Underground.

Martinez-Blade: but that's not all though cause you see when I get back inside of that Underground ring on Wednesday night in my No Holds barred with Dax Bracket I will be Crowned as the next SCU Combat Champion right after I beat some sense into Dax Bracket this Wednesday on SCU.

Martinez-Blade: Because nobody isn't good as me in that is why I need this win more then anybody in that goes for Eric Weaver and Stewart Mason. those two will get there asses handled when I am done with Dax Beckett. tonight in our match on Underground.

John hands the Mic over to his Wife Chanelle Martinez.

Chanelle: there's something I need to ask you John. well it's about this dude that me and the Nobility was seeing last Wednesday in this very ring and his name was Joshua.

The time keeper hands John another Microphone to talk some sense to his Wife.

Martinez-Blade: who in the hell is Joshua. is he your ex-boyfriend or something or is he a new freaking new guy cause I really don't know what to say about this relationship I mean really but if you still have feelings for me or this Joshua. guy then you need to know right here and right now like who do you want to be with me your Husband or the ex-Boyfriend Joshua. of yours because if you don't make that decision after my match with Dax Bracket. then you and I are gonna finish this conversation when I get through beating Dax Beckett tonight on Underground.

Chanelle: but wait John. it wasn't like that me and Nobility was just talking mad shit about him. He tried to challenge us for our titles the Double Down Championship that's all babe so if you still want me to have you then please say yes I want you back into my life and if you don't then I'm gonna hang with nobility until you say yes Chanelle I'll forgive you and I want you say it in front of these people right now in this middle ring before you do anything else until you fight Dax Beckett tonight.

John slides back into the Underground ring and walks up to his Wife Chanelle Martinez.

Martinez-Blade: are you telling the truth that you and nobility was just bad mouthing this Joshua last Wednesday on Underground when I wasn't there that night cause I was gone when that happened and now you need me to say that I forgive you okay I'll see it but not in this ring lets finish this in the back just me and you with no one else just John Blade and Chanelle Martinez talked this out in the back because I got a No Holds Barred match that I need to get prepared for in win this No'1 Contender's match for the SCU Combat Championship when I beat Dax Beckett. on Underground.

Martinez-Blade: Because your Champ is here!

Time is now hits again after John and his Wife Chanelle Martinez exits out of the ring and walks back up towards the stage and goes back in finished there conversation before John's match with Dax Bracket starts on Underground. Scene fades when Blade Martinez and Chanelle Martinez goes straight through the back in continuing talking about of what happened  earlier in that Underground ring until Underground even begins this Thursday.

Cameras go backstage with the new Hardcore Tag Team Champions of The Monstimals, Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson. They both hold their titles up behind Henry Losak as he was laughing and applauding The Monstimals, achieving their goal of being Hardcore Tag Team Champions as Henry begins to speak.

Henry Losak: "What did I tell you these men would do? Of course, they'd become champions because that's what they wanted the entire time they've wrestled in SCU. Of course, Team Canada had to throw in the towel because what The Monstimals did was brutal and terrifying as hell. When we said nobody can stop The Monstimals, we meant every word of it."

Although it did mean they had to appear on camera more often than not now, being tag team champions and all. Henry smiles when the announcement of them defending their belts on the High Stakes Supershow.

Henry Losak: "While it's a proud moment of Lord Raab being inducted in the Hall Of Fame which I'll address the lazy punk J2H in a moment, it's a bigger moment for The Monstimals to achieve something no other team in SCU has done, defending the Hardcore Tag Team titles on a Supershow. We know there's a title contention match between The Good Shepherds and Williams family tonight for our belts at High Stacks. We don't give a fuck who wins the match, just prepared for destruction that The Monstimals will give to you both with and without weapons because you have no chance to win."

Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson clench their fists together and hear the sound like they were snapping something and do a punch towards the camera before they hold the titles and pat them at the camera before Henry speaks again.

Henry Losak: "How hypocritical are you, J2H, claiming Lord Raab can't hang with SCW guys anymore? At least Lord Raab is doing something, made history with Samuel of being the first team ever to hold the SCW and SCU tag titles. What are you doing? Oh right, sitting at home doing nothing because you can't fucking hack it as a wrestler anymore. You're a lazy punk who's too much of a pussy to step into the SCU or other wrestling company doors and wrestle, prefer to sit on his ass at home. Newsflash you fuckhead, Lord Raab has achieved everything there is in SCW as well. Why would he come back for the worthless mixed tag titles he has no interest in winning? Why would he come back to win the same titles he's won in the past again?"

Lord Raab and Samuel nodded in agreement with Henry and speaks again.

Henry Losak: "Of course, he wouldn't because the mixed tag titles are pointless, much like your statements. Anyway, why would I care about some washed-up wrestler who talks shit, but doesn't grab his balls and compete in SCU or SCW? Think before you speak next time. The point is we're Hardcore Tag Champions and nobody is going to beat The Monstimals. We're going to watch from the back and see who we'll face at High Stakes Supershow."

The Monstimals hold their titles in the air, tapping them to the camera as Henry along with Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson walk away with the cameras going elsewhere in the arena.

No Disqualifications Match - Contendership to Hardcore Tag Team Championships
The Good Shepherds vs Brittany & Todd Williams

Liam:  The following match is No Disqualifications Match is scheduled for one fall, and is to determine who will go on to face The Monstimals at High Stakes IX for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!  Iiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, from Los Angeles, CA standing at 5’2” and weighing in at 103lb, she is… “The Lil Dream Machine” Brittany Williams!!!

Jump by Kriss Kross begins to blast across the speakers. As it does Brittany Williams begins to emerge from behind the curtain being accompanied by her wife Halo Annis. Brittany offers a wide grin as paparazzi following begin to snap photos of the two girls. Brittany grins taking in all the cheers as she walks down the aisle wearing her tiara with a cape around her back. Her attire a glittering red and black mix. She slides into the ring moving her hands through her curly (nappy) hair. She takes off her tiara, and her cape. As she waits for the match to begin.

Liam: And her partner… On his way to the ring, from Long Island, NY standing at 6' and weighing in at 210lb, he is "The Redeemer" Todd Williams!!!

Be Somebody begins to blast all across the speakers. The moment it does that is when Todd Williams comes out with his wife Kimberly. Todd smiles as he runs out slapping the stretched out hands of all of the fans that are cheering him on. He runs down to the ring and quickly slides inside. He holds his hand up as his girlfriend takes his place on the side of the ring. He bounces around passionately waiting for the match to start.

A white light flashes over the crowd that is almost blinding. It returns to a more tolerable brightness as "Spirit In the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum begins to play through the arena. The crowd boos and gets louder when the announcer speaks up.

Liam: On their way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma Representing The Church of The Good Shepherds they are Brother David and Father Gerald Shepherd!

And the boos become louder. Gerald and David run out onto the stage. Gerald throws his hands in the air, looking up, as David claps his hands and orders the crowd to look at Gerald. Gerald nods his head and smiles when he goes back and forth across the stage. He holds His Holy Word in his hand as he shouts out a verse. He and David walk down the ramp as he continues to read. He sits it on the ring steps and runs up them as David jumps onto the apron, walking back and forth Gerald also walks across the apron as he seeks His praise. They get inside of the ring and slowly spin around before settling in a corner and waits for the match to start while discussing strategy.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Brother David and Father Gerald are playing the size advantage over Todd and Brittany.  Brother David and Todd kick it off inside of the ring.

Gena:  Todd goes to punch David, but David grabs his arm and hits an elbow straight to the forehead!  As Todd stumbles back, David gets a Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

Chad:  David stands up over Todd and reaches down to pick him up with force, but Todd rolls David up into a quick pin!


Gena:  David gets out, but Gerald is ready to break it up if need be.  David gets onto his hands and knees, but Todd kips up.  He climbs on David’s back and begins hammering away.

Chad:  David crawls over to the ropes, and Todd grabs on as David gets to his feet.  David shakes both ways, but Todd does not get off.  However, Brittany reaches in and tags herself into the match.

Gena:  Brittany lowers down and hits a Low Blow to David.  Gerald shouts out to the referee and points out Brittany’s wrongdoing.  Brittany sticks out her tongue as she grabs onto David’s hair and brings a knee to the back of his head, all the way down to the mat.

Chad:  She is proud of herself for that one as David holds onto his nose, bleeding.  He looks over his shoulder at her and begins shouting.

David:  You filthy whore!

Gena:  Gerald gets inside of the ring and brings Brittany over with a German Suplex.  David wipes at his nose as he ducks a Clothesline and rams his knee into Todd’s stomach and he tosses Todd to the outside!

Chad:  They turn their attention to Brittany as they hammer away at her.  Brittany tries to crawl to the ropes, but David and Gerald drag her to the center of the ring.  She turns over onto her back to kick at them, but they each switch legs.

Gena:  What the fuck are they doing to that little girl?  They flip her up onto their shoulders like she’s a ragdoll, and then they slam her to the mat!  David goes for the pin.


Chad:  Todd pulls his daughter out of the pin and down to their corner.  He jumps up on the apron and then he reaches down.  Brittany barely moves, but enough to tag herself out.

Gena:  Todd gets inside of the ring, using his own speed to begin throwing shots at Gerald, then David, switching back and forth like lightning!

Chad:  He grabs hold of Gerald and David’s heads and bashes them together!  He lost track of who is legal, so he drops down on top of both men to pin them!


Crowd:  BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Gena:  Todd slaps the mat and then pushes himself up as both Shepherds stand up, seeing stars still.

Chad:  Todd goes to grab David, but he ducks, and Gerald grabs onto him and nails From Above (Diamond Cutter)!  Gerald points down to Todd, reminding us that David is the legal man. He then walks over to make sure Brittany can’t get involved.  David makes the cover!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winners going on to High Stakes as the challengers to the Hardcore Tag Team Championships… Father Gerald and Brother David… The Good Shepherds!!!

“Spirit In the Sky” plays as David stands up and gives Teddy a few extra kicks.  However, Gerald shakes his head and calls David off.  They each reach into their back pockets and pull out a few small books.  David drops it on Todd’s chest as Gerald places it on Brittany’s chest.  They don’t waste time celebrating, instead leaving the ring to get to the back.  They stop at the curtains and turn to raise their arms in the air before walking backward slowly.

Marissa Henry stands in the ring.

Marissa Henry: Please welcome my guest at this time Team Canada members Dahlia Rotten and Sarah Lane.

Dahlia and Sarah make their way to the ring hearing more cheers than boos as they enter the ring.

Marissa: First, Dahlia we have heard that tonight you will learn who your next title defense will be against, does it matter to you who you face.

Dahlia: Honestly it doesn’t, I’ll defend my title against whomever Tad and Donna chose to face, I want to be a fighting champion Marissa, the fans of Sin City they kinda deserve a fighting champion.

Marissa: Last week during Team Canada’s title defense against The Monstimals you threw in the towel, the question is why.

Sarah: Everyone knows my partner is a warrior and there was no chance he was going to give up, it not in his DNA, he would have risked a potential career injury to defend the Hardcore Tag Team titles, but I did what I did to save my partner form a serious injury, was it the right decision In my heart it was, and don’t think Earl didn’t scold me about throwing in the towel.

Marissa: So how is Earl.

Sarah: Earl is.

Before she can continue the crowd pops as Earl appears on the stage, and kames his way to the ring he walks out the steps and stands on the apron then steps through the rings.

Marissa: Earl how are you feeling?

Earl: I feel good, Marissa, I’ll give respect to The Monstimals, they lived out to their reputation, but as you can see I’m still standing.

Marissa: Last week Sarah threw in the towel, giving The Monstimals the Hardcore titles.

Earl: Yes, and let me tell you I gave Sarah a stern punishment for that, but I know her heart was in the right place, hell if Dahlia were in the same position I would have probably done the same, but with that being said The Monstimals shouldn’t get too comfortable because you can Stewart and I will be coming for those titles sooner rather than later, and everyone knows what usually happens, we always win.

The Three-Way exit the ring and make their way up the ramp, to what is now mostly cheers, they acknowledge the crowd then exit.

Tag Team Match
Fire Dragons (Mark Cross & Valentina) Vs Angel of Filth & Javier Gonzalez

Liam: The following mixed tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!!! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, from Canterbury, England… Mark “The Dragon” Crosssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!

The arena lights dim as the bassline to "Never Again" begins to rumble around the arena. As the guitar riff hits, so does the lights, revealing Mark "The Dragon" Cross standing, one fist aloft, at the top of the aisle. Receiving recognition from the crowd, he strides purposefully to ringside, taking a moment to survey the scene as he reaches the apron.

Flashes like cameras go across the stage and the audience as the sound accompanies it. “You should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish begins on the PA as pure beauty walks through the curtains. Her hair blows in the wind as she looks up at the ceiling. She places a hand on her hip as she lets the crowd admire her despite getting a mixed reaction.

Liam: Please welcome, on her way to the ring from Merida, Spain. She stands at 5'11" and weighs in at 125 pounds, she is pure perfection... Valentinaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Once Valentina is officially announced, she turns and begins walking down the ramp. She pushes her hair out of her face as she vogues, showing off her face to it's full capacity. She steps up to the ring steps and looks around with a majestic smile. She takes to the steps as she comes to the apron. She looks around for a moment, stomping her foot in protest as a scantily clad man runs down the ramp and climbs onto the apron. He sits on the middle rope, opening it for her. Valentina then takes off her Loubotins and hands them to the man as she prances barefoot around the ring. She refuses to let go of the spotlight.

The lights go down as the whirring sounds begin to rise. The drums kick in and red lights pulse to them. They get louder as the fourth set kicks in and the curtains flip to the side. Angel of Filth comes crawling through them with her black wings fluttering behind her, covered in a black substance.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, she is “The Seraph of Sleaze”... Angel of Filth!!!

Her eyes glow white as the lights switch between black and red. She glares down at the ring as she rises to her feet, throwing her wings out to the side as they amast. She waves them slowly as she prances down the ramp to the beat of the music. She stops half way and looks from side to side. She has a sickening smile on her face as black oozes from her mouth and she laughs. She enters the ring and climbs up the first of six turnbuckles. She throws her wings out as the fans boo her. She then drops down and goes to the other corner, doing the same. Once at the far end of the ring, she sheds her wings and kicks them to the outside as she rubs her hands together.

“Way Down We Go” by KALEO begins playing on the speakers. Camera shifts to the side of the stage to see Javier Gonzalez stepping through the curtains. He has his arms raised in the air as he walks back and forth, making sure to show off the Underground Championship around his waist.

Liam: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand her partner… Coming to the ring from Albuquerque, NM, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 190lb, he is your Underground Champion… Javier… Gonzalez!!!

Javier charges down the rampway and slides inside of the ring. He walks to each corner, stepping up to the second rope as he stares across the crowd with no emotion. After completing all six sides, he stops and settles into his corner.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Mark and Javi start things off by meeting up in the middle of the ring.  Javi talks trash as Mark nods his head, listening carefully.  He must have said something to piss the champ off because…

Chad:  Javi rocks Cross right in the jaw.  You don’t want to piss off the top champ in the Men’s Division.  No matter what you say on Twitter about it.

Gena:  Javi nails a few good shots to Cross before bouncing off of the ropes.  He comes back with a Headbutt to Cross, sending him down to the mat.

Chad:  He goes to stomp on Cross, but Mark rolls out from under the first stomp.  He moves up to his feet and grabs Javi’s arm and then nails a Spinning Back Elbow to Javi’s face, followed by a Neckbreaker!

Gena:  He goes to roll Javi over onto his back, but Javi grabs onto the back of Mark’s neck and raises up, nailing a Running Bulldog.  He flips Mark over onto his back and hooks the leg.


Chad:  Mark moves over to his corner and makes the tag to Valentina!  This means that Javi has to tag in Angel of Filth now, and we already know how these two feel about one another!

Gena:  Javi reluctantly walks over to his corner and tags in Angel of Filth, clapping for her as he shouts out in her support.

Javier:  ándale! Ándale!  Arriba chica!

Chad:  Filth gets inside of the ring, getting pumped up by her partner.  She walks up toward Valentina, snorts, and then spits at Val’s bare feet, making her dance to avoid it!

Gena:  Uh, gross.  Filth uses the distraction to begin throwing solid punches at Val, backing her into the corner.  She sends Val into the ropes, but Valentina does a Springboard Back Elbow to Filth.

Chad:  Val then drops another elbow down to Filth’s face.  She goes back to the ropes, going for a Moonsault, but Filth moves out of the way!  Val teeters on her feet as she forces herself to make a vertical landing.

Gena:  Filth grabs onto Val’s ankle, trying to trip her up, but Val then drops a knee to Filth’s forehead, really taking it to Filth!

Chad:  Val then kneels down and makes the pin!


Gena:  Filth gets out of the pin.  She grips onto Val’s hair, dragging her up to her feet.  Filth nails a Headbutt and then whips Val by the ponytail, right into the corner.  Filth follows it up with a Body Avalanche, but it misses the mark as Val tags her partner back in!

Chad:  Filth grunts as she walks right up to Cross.  She goes to slap him, but the referee grabs her arm and then shouts at him.

Filth:  I’ll fight him too!  Let’s get dirty, boyscout!

Gena:  Filth goes to plant a filthy kiss on Cross’ lips, but Cross moves, causing Filth to shove her tongue up his nose.  He jumps back as Filth flicks her tongue at him, walking backward to tag in Javi again.

Chad:  Disgusting.  As Javi gets back inside of the ring, Cross charges at him, Spearing him to the mat!  He throws punch after punch, and this forces Javi to try to flip Cross over.  He begins throwing hands too.


Gena:  I’m down with this crowd.  Cross gets out from under Javi, picking him up from behind.  He goes for a German Suplex, but Javi shows his “Ahuevo” abilities by flipping and landing on his feet!

Chad:  As Cross turns around, he gets a Roundhouse Kick that puts him right on his back.  Javi drops down for the pin.


Gena:  Valentina breaks up the pin.  This brings Filth inside of the ring.  Val finds herself blinded by a black mist to the face!  Filth them spits the rest down onto the mat as she stands over Val.

Chad:  The referee grabs Filth and tries to get her to exit the ring.  She refuses, laying boot to dat asssssss…

Gena:  As Filth gets her fill, she shoves the referee away, receiving a warning, but also pushing him into her partner.  As Javi stumbles, Cross is up and… Erm...that move he does! (Tiger Driver '91)!  He drops down for the cover!


Chad:  Filth turns around to break it up, but Valentina hugs onto her leg to keep her in place!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners… Mark Cross and Valentina… The Fire Dragonnnnssssssss!!!

“Never Again” plays over the speakers as Valentina lets go of Filth’s leg.  Valentina rolls outside of the ring now, finding her shoes and putting them back on.  Filth is ready to attack, but Cross taps her on the shoulder, causing her to turn around, just as he buzzes past her, waving before joining Val on the outside of the ring.  They high five as Valentina saunters backward, dancing in victory, which causes Filth to stomp angrily on the mat.  She spits at Valentina and rolls outside of the ring, headed her direction despite Mark Cross being there.  However, the security team makes their presence felt, causing Filth to spit once more in their direction before disappearing through the curtains first, followed by security.  Cross and Val celebrate their victory, raising their arms up, on the stage, taking time to slap hands with the fans after.

We go backstage to see SCU reporter Dev Khatri along with Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine.

Dev: Hello everyone one, I got the Killer Kandy’s with me.

Dev looks at Kandy and Jerry

Dev: It’s been a while since SCU’s favorite tag team the Killer Kandy’s been booked as a tag team.

Kandy looks at Jerry

Kandy: I am we are still a team right Jerry,, we are still the Killer Kandy’s?

Jerry: Of course, I mean the name meh but Kandy and I work as a team and enjoy being a team. When we get booked as a team is out of Kandy and my control.

Kandy: I do, Tad told me along time ago that any time I want the Killer Kandy’s booked to let him know.

Jerry: So this whole time we haven’t been booked is because you haven’t talked to Tad?

Kandy: Well no, we haven’t been booked because Tad is the boss and he has yet to book us in our next tag team match.

Dev and Jerry look at each other confused as Kandy stares off into space.

Kandy: I feel like you two seem lost.

Dev: Um, no not at all. Jerry faces Hitamashii for the TV title tonight.

Kandy: I know, I booked his match.

Dev: You did?

Jerry: What do you mean?  

Kandy: Well yeah, I am his manager after all.

Jerry: No, you asked and I said I didn’t want a manager.

Kandy: You wanted not to need one but you did and I am she.

Jerry: I’ll go with it.

Dev: Well Jerry takes on Hitamashii tonight. If Jerry Cann wins he will not just be the new TV Champion but he will also have to defend it at Halloween then all other Underground shows going forward.

Kandy: Jerry is ready, right Tad.

Kandy says as the camera zooms out to catch the GM walking by.

Tad: Um, yeah sure whatever you say.

Kandy: See I told you I can go to Tad for anything.

Dev: Tad, you have yet to announce who Dahlia faces at Halloween. Have you decided yet.

Tad: I’m still thinking about it. Some choices are not that easy to make.

Kandy: Oh Tad, you know you have it easy.

Tad: Um, Yeah sure whatever you say.

Kandy: See Jerry I told you his job is easy.

Jerry looks and Tad then and Dev and just shrugs

Kandy: Angel Kash got screwed by Kelli, I’d reward her. She earned it.

Tad: Um, Yeah sure… yes, you’re right. You see Dev, I always said Kandy was a genuines. She’ll make a great GM one day.

Dev: So Dahlia will face Angel Kash on Halloween for the TV Championship.

Tad: Is that an issue for you? Do you think someone else should be before Angel Kash.

Dev: No Sir!

Tad: Good, now if you excuse me.

Kandy: No  burping.

Tad looks at Kandy and shakes his head before walking away as the scene cuts out.

The door to a backstage dressing room opens to find the Women’s SCU Underground Champion seemingly almost waiting for the camera to come in.

Halo: Y’all damn right I’m here tonight! There’s a match that determines MY future tonight in that Veronica Taylor has to try and beat the clock to get to a match that she wanted that I agreed to take her up on a long time ago. If she doesn’t beat the clock, then I get Celeste and Veronica gets nothing, but let’s get one damn thing straight here before this even happens! Veronica tweeted at me that she wasn’t done with me yet…

Staring into the camera, Halo glares incredulously.

Halo: Da hell y’all mean y’all ain’t done with me yet? Y’all ain’t even really started with me yet! You might win that match tonight and if you do, then we go for the gusto at High Stakes! If you don’t, well hell, damn right y’all ain’t finished yet!

She pauses to hold up her Underground Championship Belt.

Halo: You made it very clear this was your target, your goal here in SCU and I would think that if you didn’t manage to beat the clock tonight that short of dying in the attempt or getting yourself fired for being exceptionally stupid in something, that you would turn around and start demanding fr other opportunities and keep on going until you DO get to me!

Lowering the belt, Halo nods forcefully.

Halo: And if you do get to me, you bet your ass and anything y;’all wanna show everybody every chance you get that I will be not just waiting, but running towards that fight because I can’t wait to get me a piece of you either! I will welcome the challenge of Celeste if it’s her but I will find you a special switch no matter what and I will have it waiting for whenever that trip to the woodshed happens!

She steps for and glowers into the camera.

Halo: And I’m damn sure not sorry about it at all!

The bright light flashes through the backstage area but does not have enough time to give the peaceful effect it should because Sister Esther comes stomping down the hallway to find nothing but the scent of Dev’s cologne in the air.  She crosses her arms and sort of hugs onto the Combat Championship as Brother David walks behind her.

Esther:  These interviewers are so rude.  I mean why the heavens would they not want to interview me?  The best SCU Combat Champion ever.  Well at least the most righteous one.

David:  They think that if they silence The Good Shepherds that we will just disappear like our name was Ethan McBride.

Esther:  Or Kinley Carlisle.  Yeah I dug up a little bit of research on what this dump used to be like. Brother David, we sure did join the wrong company.  Aside from all of the lady bits flashing around and the alternative lifestyles it was a much more righteous place.

David looks to his sister and gives a certain nod to agree with her.

David:  “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”  It proves how strong we are.  I’m only glad that father is out campaigning for our cause because this war will get a whole lot easier.

Esther:  Easier?  Can you believe how easy I have it at High Stakes?  At least Melissa Ruin comes from good stock.  She seems like a proper God fearing woman.  We could have had a real barn burner of a match.  But instead I have to face off with that. I don’t even know what she is.  Does she have a girlfriend?  Does she have a boyfriend?  Is she sad?  Is she happy?  Regardless we can see that she’s not the greatest wrestler.

David:  She has skills.  She took that witch near the limit.

Esther laughs.

Esther:  Yeah before she made her squeal like the swine that she is.  That jezebel is taking up the most legendary moment in SCU history.  My first of many title defenses.  Now when people look back there going to make fun of me.  There going to say that I had an easy match and that it doesn’t count.

David:  Don’t be silly.  You will prevail for it is His will.

Esther:  Of course I’m going to win.  There’s no doubt in my mind.  I’m so worried that people won’t take it seriously when they see me beat down a rotting twig of a woman.  That’s all I’m worried about.  Maybe Tad is starting to change his ways and he wants to ease me into greatness.  Do you think that’s it?

David shrugs his shoulders as he and Esther continue walking toward their locker rooms.

David:  I wouldn’t count on that.  I would though say that you have been handed a miracle.  A free pass of divine proportions.  Take it and don’t question it.  Train and move on to your next challenge.  For he will test his flock eventually.

Esther:  You are certainly right Brother David.

Esther wraps her arms around her brother’s neck and gives him a kiss on the cheek. She takes her bag from his hand and walks into the womens locker room.  She sets her bag down as the door closes.

Results / SCW Underground Ep. 36 (Results)
« on: October 04, 2019, 02:58:48 AM »

SCU Underground Episode 36 comes at you, filmed in front of a live audience at Las Vegas Ballpark, airing on October 3rd, 2019 at 11:59pm PST


The picture comes to life, and as it does, it’s quite evident that the video was shot earlier in the day. The camera focuses in on five Sin City Underground crew members as they go about setting up the ring. They laugh and joke as they go about doing their work. Their high-spirited energy causes someone off-screen to chuckle. The camera slowly pans to the left to reveal Merlot Ayano. She’s seated in the third row.

Merlot: Hi hi!

The cameraman turns to leave, but Merlot motions for him to stay.

Merlot: Stay, stay! Besides, is better to capture Merlot now. In happy state right now. Probably won’t be when have to do sit-down with Winter.

The veteran wrestler leans back in her seat.

Merlot: May not know this, but Merlot no live in America too long. Came here around 2015, maybe 2016. So really, Merlot still relatively new, hai. Las Vegas? Was first place in America that Merlot called home. And even though spends most of time in Boston now, still consider Vegas as home. Friends are here. Started to build family here. And over the years, have wrestled in front of so many fans here. So, find it big honor to be able to perform at Vegas Ballpark, hai.

There’s a moment of silence before Merlot begins speaking again.

Merlot: This week, will be taking on Sister Esther. Is SCU Combat Champion.

There’s another pause.

Merlot: Sister Esther? Merlot consider herself woman of honor. So, will give credit where do. Your skills are amazing. And you hold SCU Combat Championship; is very distinguishing. However, no mean that you will just walk over Merlot. Is not happening.

She shakes her head.

Merlot: Match after match, Merlot has proven to be one of best in company. Pound for pound, is hard to find someone better. And may not hold a belt in SCU, but Merlot has captured hearts and minds of SCU fans. Because of that, Merlot never down and out.

Merlot nods her head.

Merlot: Will be gunning for you, Esther. So expect fight of life.

The camera moves to the live ringside and Merlot is seen sitting in a chair in the same spot.

Crowd: *MEGA POP!!!!*

However, now Gemma Frost is sitting in a chair by Merlot, with an empty seat on the other side of her. Merlot continues to relax in her seat.

Gemma: So, Merlot. It seems that you had a lot to say earlier today about…

Gimme Chocolate by Babymetal starts to play. The crowd boos, but after just the song intro the music stops. The crowd looks at the rampway wondering what is going on. The lights dim down quite a bit. The SCU Tron turns back on. We see the snowy mountains of Canada. Broken Dreams by Shaman's Harvest. The let out a mix reaction as WInter Elemental comes out from the crowd.

Winter walks down towards the ring as the fans gather around her trying to get on TV. Winter high fans a few of her fans while ignoring those booing her in front of her face. Winter jumps the barricade then slides in the ring behind Merlot. Merlot stays in the same spot unfazed. Winter looks at the fans and singal if she should yank the chair from under Merlot. Winter decides not to and instead walks around to face Merlot face to face.

Gemma gets up and gets between the two. Merlot stays in her chair, she still looks relaxed as Winter’s antics have no effect on her.

Gemma: Winter, back off!

Winter looks at Gemma and polity moves her to the side. Winter takes a closer, Merlot gets up from her chair. Gemma gets between them again.

Gemma: Wait, I have something important before you make a mistake Winter.

Gemma: Before you do something stupid Winter, I need to let you and Merlot know that I have been given the task to inform you both that if you two touch each other in any way before High Stakes IX then the match is canceled and the two of you will be suspended and get hit with a $30,000 fine.

Merlot seems unfazed by the news. Winter glares at Gemma, Gemma can be heard telling Winter away from the microphone. “I’m just the one giving you the news. Take that up with Tad and Donna.”

Winter over to the chair on the other side of Gemma and talks a seat.

Gemma: Ladies and Gentlemen. At High Stakes IX, SCU brings back the pre-show for the biggest card of the year. The pre-show's main event match will be none other than Merlot Ayano vs Winter Elemental. Winter, Merlot, you both know how important that is. We can sit here and talk about how important that is but I believe the fans of SCU have a bigger question they want you to answer.

Winter: Yes, Merlot is not that great of a wrestler, she's okay but not SCU worthy.

Gemma: I haven't gotten to the question.

Winter: Sorry, everybody already knew that anyway.

Gemma: Wait a minute, Merlot won the Mayhem Survival match. Merlot could have been sitting here as the Underground Champion but you Winter! You decided to interfere in that match.

Winter: First off, you raise your voice at me again and I'll pop you in the face. They said I can't touch Merlot, they ain't say shit about you!

Merlot turns to Gemma.

Merlot: Have question.

Gemma looks at Merlot and gives her a nod.

Merlot leans forward and looks at Winter.

Merlot: Going to ask clearly and concisely. What is beef with Merlot? Hmm?

Gemma looks at Winter. Winter leans forward as well to look Merlot in the eyes.

Winter: Merlot was set to fight Alexis and someone in charge bumped the match and put them in the main event match instead. Those two spots belonged to Tatsu and me, they stole our spots in the match. Kawaii Dragons would be Underground Champion right now but the shits in charge screwed us.

Merlot: Merlot wrestler; no make matches.

Winter: You're correct but if I touch the bosses then I'll never be booked again. You, however, you, I can attack for the injustice done to the Kawaii Dragons. Only I didn't knock you off the ladder to cause you to lose. I climbed the ladder and you grabbed me and dropped me off the ladder landing on Tatsu. You threw yourself off. You lost that match on your own Merlot. Merlot, I know you wanted to be the champion, I know you could have won that match. I climbed the ladder to cheer you on as a fan. You thought I put you in a spot and you reacted by attacking me. Now I kick your tushie at High Stakes IX.

Merlot gives her disgusted look.

Merlot: Merlot no like liars, Winter.

She shakes her head.

Merlot: Moment ago, said that you were jealous of the spot Merlot and Alexis received. That was real reason why interfered and cost Merlot SCU Underground Championship, hai? Winter and Tatsu have been jealous of Merlot ever since joined. Saw Merlot’s background, saw Merlot’s talent, and got scared would be replaced. Tatsu said so herself once.

There’s a pause.

Merlot: You attack me during match? You try to ruin career moment? Hai, Merlot going to fight back. And Winter lucky more didn’t happen, if being honest.

Merlot: Was hoping that Winter maybe had real issue with Merlot. But was too much to ask for, hai. Instead, seems this whole match is based on petty BS.

Merlot nods her head.

Merlot: Fine. Winter has asked for match. Will get match, one-on-one. And afterwards, will finally understand why was signed. And will understand why picking fights with Merlot is big mistake.

Winter: Good, but you're not getting the Winter you seen lately where I play and beat the system and treat it like a joke. You're getting Winter Elemental. The two time, soon to be three-time tag team wrestler of the year, A champion with the most title defenses dating back from Honor Wrestling. You may not have seen what I can do in the ring in the short time you have been here but mark my words, you will find out at High Stakes what you're up against Merlot-san.

Merlot: And Winter? Winter be fighting woman who became inaugural and only Champion of Shesin. Will be fighting woman who defined an entire division when held the Proving Grounds Valor Championship. Will be fighting woman who won Omega Tournament of Icons this year. Will be fighting woman who defied all odds and became third person in history to win Mayhem Survival. And will be fighting woman who currently holds Omega Fenris Championship. Winter wanted Merlot, now will face her in totality.

She nods.

Merlot: Winter mock Merlot, try to discredit her talent. See if can do that at High Stakes. Bring your best; Merlot will bring hers. But know, not so easy to talk crap when the lights and cameras are on. When crowd is against you. And if not careful, Merlot leave Winter knocked out on mat again like in tag match. Haven’t forget that, hai?

Winter gets up from her seat and walks over to Merlot.

Winter: I'll see you at High Stakes, focus on that, don't worry about Sister Esther tonight as I'm sure she will beat you with ease. Just worry about me.

Merlot: Nobody beats Merlot with ease. Will find out soon.

Winter smirks at Merlot then walks towards the ropes. She jumps over the top ropes and jumps off the apron. Winter then goes over the barricade and walks off through the crowd.

The cameras go backstage to see Henry Losak standing with Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson known as The Monstimals for their biggest tag team match up they've ever had in their careers, the hardcore tag titles. Henry, who sees Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson jump up and down, boxing with one another in the background as Henry with the microphone in hand begins to speak.

Henry Losak: "About bloody time these men get themselves a shot for the Hardcore Tag Titles after all the hard work they've done to get where they are. They've placed their blood, sweat and tears to earn themselves a hardcore tag title opportunity they craved for, ever since they've joined Sin City Underground brand. After all, you all should be thanking them in the first place because they were the first team in SCW history to be known as a hardcore wrestling team."

Lord Raab and Samuel nodded as they continued to do boxing punches in the background with each other with their hands. Henry continues to speak.

Henry Losak: "Of course, we haven't forgotten about Team Canada, bragging about themselves being a dominant team, being undefeated since they've won the titles. Last I recall, The Monstimals have only been defeated in solo's matches. Not once have they been defeated in tag team competition. These men are the definition of hardcore wrestling both as individuals and as a team, especially as a team. You Canadians haven't proven anything to be hardcore wrestlers, apart from the tables match you had last week. Nor have you been worthy of promoting the hardcore tag division on the SCW shows."

Lord Raab and Samuel shake their heads as they got hold of a Canadian flag and hold it up before both Samuel and Lord Raab tagged on it as Lord Raab tears the flag in half as he and Samuel tear into pieces and spit on it.

Henry Losak: "Tonight, your dominance run of the Hardcore tag titles is going to end as The Monstimals have only been in SCU for a short while, but they don't want anything more than to capture the Hardcore Tag Titles as we've waited and earned them long enough to get them. Tonight, the era of The Monstimals making history of being the first-ever team to hold an SCW and SCU tag titles in the whole company as a whole."

Henry breathes for a bit as there are pieces of the Canadian flag everywhere on the floor now as Henry continues to speak as Lord Raab and Samuel clench their fists together and punch the camera before the signal for the titles to come to them.

Henry Losak: "Tonight you Canadian pricks, you won't last a second with this hardcore experienced team, beating the holy shit out of you both, until you can no longer stand the pain, the suffering and the violent beatings you get from this monster and this animal, coming at you like a pair of wreaking balls, like a pair of bulldogs ready to take you both down with us then, promote the Hardcore Tag Titles and defend them not only on SCU shows, but on SCW Supershows as well, showing the entire world that The Monstimals not only are perfect definition of Hardcore Wrestling, but also they will win and beat disgraceful Team Canada to be the new Hardcore Tag champions. Prepare to be dominated by The Monstimals."

Henry walks away, while Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson bash their fists towards the cameras and once again, step forward and both use their left hands to punch to the camera before they walk away, knowing their dreams of being Hardcore champions was only around the corner. Cameras go elsewhere in the arena.

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Tag Team Match
Dax Beckett & Eric Weaver Vs Tim Staggs & Javier Gonzalez

Liam:  The following Tag Team Match is scheduled for one fall!!!

The opening of “Alive” by Lil Jon, Offset, and 2Chainz begins playing and red and white lights begin flashing across the stage and out into the audience.

Liam: From Anaheim, CA standing at 6’4” and weighing in at 235lb, he is… Dax Beckett!!!

He strokes his beard, an intense look on his face as he comes to the center of the stage. He shouts out at the crowd, holding his arms out at his side as he does a slow 180 degree turn, slowly walking backward. Once the music completely picks up, Dax turns around and charges down the aisle. He darts around the ring, stopping periodically to pose for the fans, whether they like it or not. Once he makes his way around the ring, Dax jumps onto the apron and charges his way up the nearest turnbuckle. Dax ascends and nods his head to the music, his fist in the air. He jumps off and flips, landing on his feet as he jogs in place, waiting for his partner.

Take Five starts to play as we here the jazz beat coming we see Eric Weaver coming from the curtains.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaaand his partner, from Chicago, IL standing at 6’ and weighing in at 175lb, he is… Eric Weeeeeeeeeaverrrrrrrrr!!!

"Won't you stop and take
A little time out with me
Just take five"

Eric waves at the fans as he walks down the ramp.

"Though I'm going out of my way
Just so I can pass by each day
Not a single word do we say
It's a pantomime and not a play

Still, I know our eyes often meet
I feel tingles down to my feet
When you smile, that's much too discreet
Sends me on my way"

Eric slides in the ring from underneath the bottom ropes.

"Wouldn't it be better
Not to be so polite
You could offer a light
Start a little conversation now
It's alright, just take five
Just take five"

As the music fades we see Eric holding his right hand in the air as he looks over to the crowd.

Liam: Aaaaaaaaaaand their opponents… On his way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 195lb, he is... "The Nobody" Tim Staaaaaaaaaaggs!!!

The lights in the arena go out as the beat to "The Nobodies" by Marilyn Manson plays over the speakers. As the electric organ picks up, a red light flashes across the screen as random faces begin to show on the screen. Then, a man in a white Bad Boys hooded jacket, and a black mask, steps out onto the stage, pausing as he looks down at the ground. As the music picks up, the figure pulls his hood back, yanking his mask off to reveal Tim Staggs. He jumps onto the ring apron, focused as he steps through the ropes. He paces back and forth, and the lights turn up some as he looks up. He then removes his jacket and tears away his black pants to reveal his wrestling outfit. He jogs backward and rests in one of the far corners, sinking down to a seated position as he contemplates.

“Way Down We Go” by KALEO begins playing on the speakers. Camera shifts to the side of the stage to see Javier Gonzalez stepping through the curtains. He has his arms raised in the air as he walks back and forth.

Liam: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand her partner… Coming to the ring from Albuquerque, NM, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 190lb, he is… Javier… Gonzalez!!!

Javier charges down the rampway and slides inside of the ring. He walks to each corner, stepping up to the second rope as he stares across the crowd with no emotion. After completing all six sides, he stops and settles into his corner.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Dax and Tim start things off, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats already.  Why couldn’t this be the Main Event?

Gena:  Because Dahlia defends her TV title, you idiot.  Plus, this match sets the tone for the night, which is going to be hard-hitting!

Chad:  Tim and Dax tie up in the center of the ring.  Dax uses his slight size advantage to push Tim back to a corner.  He hits two Shoulderbutts, but Tim grabs Dax by the beard and tosses him into the corner, ramming knees into his stomach.

Gena:  Tim takes a few steps back and then slaps Dax across the face, making the crowd “ooh” and “ahh” as they watch Dax’s eyes grow as big as saucers!  Dax takes a step forward and smacks Tim with the back of his hand, sending Tim spinning around!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Chad:  Tim finds himself in a Neckbreaker, and on the ground before he even knows what’s hit him.  He rolls over onto his stomach, holding his neck.  Dax does a Lionsault off of the middle ropes, landing his knees on Tim’s back!

Dax:  Now THAT’S West Coast Flavor!

Gena:  Dax turns back toward Tim, only to find himself the victim of a Diving Clothesline from the Underground Champion!

Chad:  Eric Weaver climbs inside of the ring, but when Javi is seen retreating, the referee stops Eric and backs him into his corner to get him outside the ring.  Javi comes in and stomps on Dax’s back repeatedly.

Gena:  Javi leaves the ring and Tim is back to his feet.  He drags Dax up next, and hits a Snap Suplex, rolling over on top of Dax to begin hammering away with punch after punch!

Chad:  Dax can’t block the majority of the hard hits, but he bucks Tim off of him after taking a few solid ones.  Tim gets up and ducks a Clothesline from Dax, who bounces off of the ropes, getting caught up in a Sidewalk Slam!

Gena:  But Dax swings backward and out of it, doing a whole tuck and roll to get to Eric to tag him in!

Crowd:  FUCK YEAH!!!

Chad:  Eric smiles almost wickedly as he steps inside of the ring.  He and Dax look at one another, and as Tim turns around, they hit simultaneous Superkicks!

Gena:  Tim is down on his sexy ass, staring up at the lights now!  Eric looks down at Tim for a second before looking across the ring at Javi.  He tries to coax Javi in, but Javi signals that he needs a tag.  Eric lifts Tim up and drops him with a Piledriver!

Javier:  I still need the tag, stupido!

Chad:  Javi points to his head as Eric nods and lifts Tim up from the mat.  He drags Tim over to Javi and goes to slam him into Javi, but Javi ducks out of the way and hits a High Kick to Eric’s face!

Gena:  This allows Tim to drop down with a Jawbreaker.  He then locks on a Figure Four Leglock on Eric.  Dax gets inside to break it up, but Javi hits a Roundhouse Kick that sends Dax back to the ground!

Chad:  Eric uses the distraction to twist Tim over, reversing the leglock!  The crowd cheers as Tim is facing away from the ropes.  He tries to get to them, but Eric moves along with Tim, staying against the ropes!

Gena: Eric leans back, really wrenching the legs as Tim shouts out “FUCK!”  He looks around and finds his way out, but Eric grips onto his ankle for The Buck Stops Here (Ankle Lock)!  Before Javi can even see what’s happening, Tim taps out!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners… Eric Weaver and Dax Beckett!!!

Crowd:  YEAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Eric lets go of the hold as “Take Five” begins playing over the speakers.  Tim holds onto his knee as he glares up at Eric.  Javi drops down to one knee and holds onto his head in clear surprise.  He’s even more surprised when Eric drags his leg out from under him and straps on The Buck Stops Here again!  Even though Javi gets out of it quickly and scurries out of the ring, Eric Weaver makes his presence known.  He looks over at Dax who is getting up to his feet.  Eric looks like he’s about to do the same to Dax, but Dax slips through the ropes and to the outside as he holds his hands up.  This leaves Eric alone inside of the ring with his arms raised in victory.  Dax does a bit of celebrating, slapping hands on his way up the ramp as he stares at Eric back inside of the ring.


Kingingiseisha "Hitamashii" Shirasu is seen backstage outside his locker room. He looks intense, and ready for a fight.

Hitamashii-I told everyone that I would defeat John Blade, and that is exactly what I did, and there is nothing that nobody can do to take the SCU TV Title from me, NOT ANYBODY. I took everything John Blade gave me, and that wasn't enough to prevent me from retaining the TV title.

Hitamashii cackles and then smiles as he continues to talk.

Hitamashii-Now onto my next victim, who I don't know who it is, but not like it really matters, as I will soundly defeat them, much like I did John Blade last week, and the men whom I faced in the 6 way ladder match 2 weeks ago. I will do whatever it takes to maintain my spot and have a title reign that SCU has yet to see, and be the most talked about champion in history.

Hitamashii walks off with a swag in his step as the scene fades to black.

A bright light shines around the backstage area and Marissa Henry sighs an exasperated sigh. Gemma Frost looks at her and then to Dev Khatri and says one simple thing.

Gemma: No.

Dev: Oh come on really?

Dev throws out a rock, but Gemma throws out paper and covers his hand and she walks away. Dev looks at Marissa who just throws out paper just as Dev throws out rock.

Marissa: You’re just too predictable.

Dev shakes his head and Marissa walks away just as Father Gerald leads the Shepherd family to the interview area. Gerald waves to Marissa but it is clear that he is not sad to see her go.

Gerald: My what a glorious day it is today. He is looking out for us, because we were hoping to get a word with you, Dev.

David: Yes, we like you better than those mouthy jezebel’s. Can you believe they had the audacity to insult Sister Esther two weeks in a row?

Esther butts through the two men with her SCU Combat Championship over her shoulder and anger spread from ear to ear.

Esther: That is why we didn’t show up last week. How did you like that punishment?

Esther crosses her arms over her chest to pout but the fans cheer loudly like they are asking them to leave again. Esther gasps and Mother Mavis shakes her head.

Mavis: Tonight is the night that as was said in the match announcement that I will bring home yet another piece of gold to the Shepherds, to honor His glory. I’m not doing it for the fans. I’m not going to walk around the ring before and after to show off how the gold looks dangling from my half naked body. Not only do these cretins not deserve such a sight but they shouldn’t even want to see it in the first place.

Gerald: Now, now Mother my sweet apple dumplin’. We knew what we was getting ourselves into when we entered the lion’s den of sin and desperation. Don’t act surprised that men fawn over the luscious curves of a woman’s body. They smell the blood and they come running like dogs in heat. It is human nature.

David: But it is a sign of the evolved man to ignore those demonic urges to prove our worth to God Almighty.

Esther: Mother Mavis is going to bring that gold home to us even if not to just spite all of you neanderthals staring from your seats as you slop up your concessions like the filthy unclean swine that you are. Gluttony and Lust won’t stop that from happening. Just as Envy won’t stop me from walking out of my non-title match tonight with a Godly victory underneath me.

Gerald nods because he can’t help but agree with Esther. David pats her on the shoulder.

Dev: What makes you both so confident that you will defeat two of the most lethal wrestlers in SCU as a whole regardless of which locker room they belong to?

David: Let me take this answer, Father. It is well beneath you.

David waits for his father to give a nod of approval before he steps forward and speaks on The Good Shepherds behalf.

David: First of all how dare you say such a thing? Sister Esther destroyed Torielle Jackson at Summer XXXTreme and she brought the SCU Combat Championship to Him. He is our guide and the glory we fight for. We are his soldiers and the hands and feet that do his bidding. We are beyond lethal because we have God. Instead of insulting Mother Mavis and Sister Esther by asking such an asinine question maybe you should stop and think about where that question should be aimed child of ignorance.

Gerald: I don’t think I like him very much anymore.

Esther: Let’s kick his unholy ass back to 200 B.C.!

Gerald nods again and Sister Esther and Brother David drag Dev out of the shot. While it isn’t clear if they are actually hurting him we can hear the struggle. Gerald brings the microphone to his mouth lastly.

Gerald: You can continue to pray to your demons and your devils. Just know that when you come back empty handed that you are praying to the wrong source. You are fighting a losing war. Good prevails over evil and no matter what the outcome of the matches tonight it will be clear by the Holy Ass Kickings witnessed before you that we are on the winning side. One if not two titles will rest around our waists by the end of tonight and that is all the proof that is in the pudding. This is a warning to change your ways or wait for things to get real, real nasty.

Gerald takes Mother Mavis hand and he drops the microphone to the ground with a crackle. He steps over it with his well polished shoes and they join David and Esther and continue back to the locker room area.

The camera pans across the sea of fans to rest on Sam Marlowe who is relaxing among the fans watching the show. The cameraman begins filming as Marissa moves into view.

Sam Marlowe: Hey there.

Marissa: Sam Marlowe, SCW’s reigning Bombshell Roulette champion here in SCU? Aren’t you supposed to be on tour in the Caribbean?

Sam Marlowe: I am Marissa but I had to come back to pick up some stuff here at home and when I saw that SCU was going to be here, y’all know I needed to come and scout out the talent.

Sam smiles at the interviewer who leans closer to speak.

Marissa: But what about your match at High Stakes against Bobbie Dahl? Are you going to be prepared for that?

Sam Marlowe: Of course I am going to be after all I have a title to defend and when I set my mind to it, I can beat anyone even though there are those that don’t believe it. I just want to say to Bobbie Dahl that I know you are probably going to be a heck of a challenge to overcome but that is what I have to do when I face you in the ring for my title. So good luck Bobbie, see you at High Stakes.

As she finishes speaking, the fans all rise to surround Sam which interrupts Marissa who shakes her head and heads towards the aisle leaving Sam sitting with the fans.

Judas by Fozzy plays over the PA as SCW’s Joshua Acquin walks down to the ring wearing a neck brace. He climbs the stairs and looks around at the crowd as he enters the ring.

Joshua: Wow what a crowd we have here for SCU. As you can see I am in a neck brace. I have not given an official status since I was injured a few weeks ago. Doctors say I have a bulging disk in my neck. They said surgery is not needed right now, however they recommend it and I said no. I have a match High Stakes and I cannot let my partner, a SCW Hall of Famer, the very first SCW Grand Slam Champion, Amy Mar...Santino. She couldn’t make it here tonight but she wanted me to pass onto you she is ready to go and cannot wait to take the Mixed Tag Team Championship. So like I said I told the doctors to hold off on the surgery and they told me it is a high stake choice that can cause more damage and keep me out longer. Funny how the next super card is High Stakes because I am making my own and will be out there getting gold. But my match isn’t the only one to watch because even your SCU stars will have their matches for the championships here in SCU. Oh and The Three Way and Nobility after Amy and I win the Mixed Tag Team Championships maybe we will take yours as well.

Joshua walks to the corner and goes to hand the microphone back.  He then crosses the ring, ready to exit when suddenly, “Superficial” plays over the speakers.  The fans turn their attention to the rampway as Angel Kash, Melissa Ruin, and Chanelle Martinez walk out to the stage.  Melissa and Chanelle are holding the belts over their shoulders, and Angel Kash has a microphone in hand.  She motions for Chanelle’s belt, and she props the belt onto her shoulder before lifting the microphone.

Angel:  Let me get this straight.  You are half a man right now and you want to come for our titles, peasant?

Joshua nods his head in the ring, and the fans cheer around the ring for this motion.

Angel:  With a filthy ring rat like Amy Marshall?  Oh please.

Melissa asks for the microphone and Angel thinks about it for a second before handing it over.

Melissa:  Oh, come now Angel. Don’t be so hasty. That sounds like a great idea, Josh.  I think that Nobility would love to face you.  I mean, we should never turn down such an easy win.

Melissa and Chanelle laugh, and Angel cracks a smile. Melissa and Chanelle share a high five, lacing their fingers together.  Chanelle waves the microphone toward her, and Melissa gives it over.

Chanelle:  It’s been a while since I put a beat down on dat ass.  But if I was you, I would watch out, because I’m Nobility’s pit bull.  I’m the baddest bitch in Sin City.  I got nothing wrong with beating up an injured man.  My husband is John Blade!  The face that runs the camp has taught me enough to take you down.  And all them muscles won’t stop it.  So you gone an’ get dem straps and come get some of Nobility.  Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about, baby…

Joshua talks from the ring, and it is enough to get Chanelle and Melissa to laugh and walk off.  Angel takes the microphone.

Angel:  Biggest mistake of your life, peasant… And that’s saying a lot with that thing around your neck…

Angel joins her girls in laughing as “Superficial” plays again.  Joshua waves it off and continues to celebrate the show with the fans.

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Singles Beat The Clock Match
Celeste North Vs Winter Elemental

Liam: This next match is a Beat The Clock challenge match!

The lights in the arena drop down and "Sex Metal Barbie" by In This Moment begins playing. The ring crew brings out a wooden plank, meant to resemble the Mean Girls Runway of yester-year, fastening it tightly to the ring, as it looks like it will fall apart at any minute. Before they can even disperse, the curtains open, and Celeste is wheeled out onto the ramp in front of a podium. A spotlight appears on her as a man dressed in a potato sack walks out behind her, helping her down onto the stage. She is dressed in a pair of red hot pants and a Mean Girls tank top tied just above the navel, and an opened hooded jacket. She has red streaks in her hair as she slightly pulls back her hood to show off her face and the obnoxiously sparkling tiara on her head, taking a drag from the cigar in her right hand.

Liam: Making her way to the ring, hailing from Beverly Hills, California, standing at 5 feet 6 inches, and weighing in at 132 pounds... "Queen C"... Celeste North!!!

She struts along the "runway" slowly, showing off everything she's got, a cigar in her hands. She takes a puff of it and winks as she exhales slowly. She then flips her hair from side to side seductively as men wearing dress suits and potato sacks over their heads line the runway, taking photos of her. Celeste takes a puff from the cigar before dropping it to the arena floor. The first hooded man holds the ropes open for her as she enters the ring. She struts around to the music for a moment, shedding her black hooded jacket. She puckers up her lips as she b

Liam: And her opponent!

“Broken Dreams” by Shaman's Harvest plays over the speakers.

The beat kicks in as we all wait for Winter to come out the curtains. A bigger pop is heard at one side of the arena. We see Winter walking through the crowd making her way to ringside.

Liam: On the way to the ring, she is from the all the snowy mountains of Canada!!! Standing at 5’6”, she is a Kawaii Dragon member... Winter Elemental!!!

Winter hops over the barricade as she stares down Celeste. Celeste waves for Winter to get in the ring but Winter just gives her the middle finger as she milks her time by walking around ringside forcing everyone to listen to her theme song. Winter stomps each ring step in a dramatic form. Winter gives Celeste the finger again then turns to look at the crowd. WInter makes Celeste wait another 2 seconds before she decideds to get in the ring.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Winter looks at Celeste as she makes her way to the middle of the ring. Celeste stops and waves Winter over. Winter gives Celeste the finger. You know which one. Celeste charges at Winter. WInter gets her upper body out of the ring through the middle and top ropes. The ref gets between them.

Gena: Celeste ain’t having it as she grabs Winter’s right foot and forcefully pulls her in the ring. Celeste lets go of her leg and attempts a clothesline but Winter ducks…

Chad: But gets nails in the nose with a backhanded forearm instead.

Gena: Quick thinking by Celeste. The advantage of facing each other a few times already.

Chad: Winter grabs hr her as Celeste turns around and goes for a chop to the chest. Winter blocks it and hits Celeste in the nose with a headbutt. Celeste grabs her nose as Winter looks on giving her the finger again.

Gena: Celeste reaches in to grab Winter but Winter kicks her in the gut then grabs her head and drops Celeste with a double underhook DDT! Winter kicks Celeste in the chest then runs to the corner to climb to the top of the turnbuckle.

Chad: Winter jumps off and gets lots of hang time as she goes for a moonsault. Celeste does a kip-up and perfectly times a European uppercut to the Jaw of Winter. Winter chest and face lands hard on the mat!

Gena: Celeste goes for the cover.


Gena: Winter kicks out at one as we expected her to kick out this early in the match.

Chad: Yes but Celeste has to not just beat Winter but do it in the fastest time possible in order to win The Beat The Clock Challenge.

Gena: You think that’s why Winter was stalling at the start of the match?

Chad: Not sure but that’s why Celeste wasn't going to let Winter play any games.

Gena: Celeste drops Winter with a bodyslam and tries for another cover as she hooks both legs..


Chad: Winter kicks out by reversing the position as she rolls herself over to get on top of Celeste for the pin!


Gena: Celeste kicks out at just one. Both women get to their feet. Celeste goes in and grabs Winter but Winter hits Celeste in the gut with a knee. Winter grabs Celeste’s shoulders and swings her around for a swinging neck breaker.  

Chad: Winter goes to the corner, Celeste sits up, Winter runs over and goes for a low missile dropkick but Celeste gets her hands up to block most of the impact from hitting her face.

Gena: Winter gets up as Celeste does the same. Celeste goes for a clothesline but Winter ducks underneath it and counters with a low stiff kick to Celeste’s knee dropping her to her knees.

Chad: Winter kicks Celeste in the face dropping her to her knees. Winter, runs back to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. Winter looks around at the crowd as they give her a mix reaction. She looks back at Celeste before jumping off the turnbuckle going for A Splash of Insanity!!! (450 Splash)

Gena: Winter hooks the leg for the pinfall!


Chad: Celeste kicks out, Winter almost ended her undefeated steak. WInter looks at the ref as she feels it was a slow count. Winter gets to her feet and kicks Celeste in the chest. Winter grabs Celeste's arm and gets her to her feet and on her shoulder for The Blasted Slam! (Olympic Slam)

Gena: Winter goes for the cover!


Chad: Celeste roll over to get her right shoulder up!

Gena: Winter gets to her feet and gets Celeste up to hers. Winter Irish whips her to the ropes but it gets reversed. Winter bounces off the ropes heading back to Celeste. Celeste lifts Winter up in the air and nails Le Coven Bomb!!! (Arn Anderson Spinebuster) This is one of their new finishers! Celeste goes for the cover!


Liam: Your winner of this match at 7 minutes and 36 seconds… Celeste North!!!!

Celeste rolls off of Winter and holds the back of her head. Winter lays on the mat as the crowd pop seeing Tatsu running down the rampway. The crowd pops louder as behind her unaware of Tatsu is Jenifer Lacroix. Tatsu grabs Celeste and drags her outside the ring. Jenifer grabs Tatsu and turns her around. Jenifer lifts Tatsu up in the air and nails Le Coven Bomb on to the floor. SCU Security runs in and grabs Jenifer. Celeste gets surrounded as the two are escorted to the back.


A door opens backstage and the camera finds Brittany Williams standing there smirking knowingly.

Brittany: WHADDUP!!! WHADDUP!!! WHADDUP!!! B-Brat here and I got yo hook-up tonight! Come inside the cave of wonders!

She backs up and out of the way to let the camera see the group of people inside the room.

Brittany: And look at what we bring y’all TONIGHT!!!! Holla at ya girls, we got us family!

She nods to the first two women sitting in chairs at the end of the line of a people.

Brittany: The current Hybrid Wrestling Ascension Brand Twin Star Champions, The Fallen Angels, Zenna Zdunich and Maja Lindström! Next to them, the former Hybrid Ascension Honor Champion and current number one contender to that championship, the third Fallen Angel, Linnéa Lacroix!

Brittany waves the camera over to find the raven-haired Linnéa sitting next to another raven-haired beauty.

Brittany: Next to her is her sister, Alissa Lacroix, and next to her with the Harley Quinn hair is Kelly Taylor. Honor Wrestling fans will recognize them and the blonde woman sitting on the end there as the band American Murder Log, who played Honor shows several times and feautures the brotehrs of SCW’s own number one contender to the World Bombshell Championship, Seleana Zdunich!

The camera sweeps the group and ends on Kelly, Seleana and the aforementioned blonde woman, the youngest Zdunich Sister, Katra Zdunich.

Brittany: If you think that’s all, you haven’t been paying attention to us!

The camera moves back and finds a young woman that looks remarkably like Halo standing next to a rather excited shorter brunette woman.

Brittany: Say hello to my wife’s twin sister, Amy Rae “Rain” Annis and her tag team partner, Kendra “GoGo” Goganious! Together they are former Twin Star Champions and graduates of the Hybrid Wrestling Combat School, Rain and GoGo, Natural Resources! And then we bring you the people you all know better than best, better than all the rest and the talent to be bigger than a pest, my mother, Christina Rose, my father, Todd Williams, and my wife, the SCU Underground Champion, Haylie Jo “Halo” Williams!

Halo steps forward nodding slowly.

Halo: So, High Stakes is coming, and y’all gonna see Mama Sel walk that aisle and step to Alicia Lukas for the third time! That World Bombshell Championship is gonna be a barn burner that steal the whole show and maybe even headline it! That is a classic title fight just waiting to happen!

Everyone behind her collectively nods with Seleana in particular smiling both gratefully and proudly.

Halo: Y’all also gonna see Mama Chris get her paws on Jessie Salco and show she ain’t need to a crystal to take that woman to the woodshed! Mama Chris done it all, done made world champ many times, done made hall of fame many times and she gonna make Jessie Salco regret havin’ ever picked this fight!

She nods to Christina and then pats her own championship belt.

Halo: And y’all gonna see me defend my championship against somebody. Now, I done challenged Veronica Taylor to put up or shut up and the company has seen fit to make her play Beat The Clock to get it against Celeste North.

She nods and then glances around the room.

Halo: Do y’all know how hard I am gonna laugh if Mean Girl Part 675 talks all this shit and then ain’t get nothin’ just because Celeste was better than her?

A smile comes to face.

Halo: Celeste, if it’s you, I will be more than happy to meet you at High Stakes and let it rip same as I did against Melissa Ruin, Shelby Holt, Angel of Filth, Angel Kash and Shannon Middlebrooks! It will be an honor to meet y’all in that ring and let it all hang out!

She nods slowly, the smile fading off her face.

Halo: But if it’s y’all, Captain #Basic? I will enjoy every second of givin’ y’all a personally guided tour to the woodshed with custom cut switches just for the occasion! I swear, it is the funniest damn thing watching you call someone like me a basic, when the entire of a basic would make me have been born beneath them cause there was shit that was middle class and generic or mainstream about me! I was born in the dirt under the gutter and my sister and I have both fought, clawed and bled our way to rising above that muck to make something of ourselves and no matter what you say, ain’t nothin’ you can do to take that away from me or cause me to feel embarrassed! The only thing y’all’s talkin’ keeps doin’ is make me wanna slap you around the way your mama should have, keep goin’ until my hand starts to hurt and then slap y’all some more with the other one for makin’ my hand hurt!

She mimes slapping with her right hand and then gives it a squeeze with her free one.

Halo: Either way, I get to enjoy myself at High Stakes so play the game and let’s see who wins cause either way that card is stacked and we’re only gonna make it better!

Brittany leans forward and smirks.

Brittany: Ye heard?!!?

Show Cards / Sin City Underground Ep. 36 (CARD)
« on: September 27, 2019, 08:35:19 PM »
 SCU Underground: Ep. 36


SCU Underground Episode 36 comes at you, filmed in front of a live audience at Las Vegas Ballpark, airing on October 3rd, 2019 at 11:59pm PST
Note:  ALL segments are due no later than Tuesday, October 1st, 2019 at 11:59pm PST to the Underground account.


We start things off a bit different then normal as Merlot Ayano now knows that she will indeed face Winter Elemental at High Stakes IX. Gemma will try her best to get both ladies to do a sit down interview with her at the same time.

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Tag Team Match
Dax Beckett & Eric Weaver Vs Tim Staggs & Javier Gonzalez

Last week on Ep. 35, Dax Beckett made his return known.  However, his moment was interrupted by an angry Eric Weaver.  They two nearly butted heads until Dax suggested they put their differences aside to face off against Underground Champion Javier Gonzalez, and (former?) stablemate Eric Weaver.  Eric agreed, and we kick off the action with a match that could be Main Event quality.


SCU TV Champion Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu finds out who he takes on next. We’re sure he will have something to say on the matter.

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Singles Beat The Clock Match
Celeste North Vs Winter Elemental

Beat the Clock match one takes place tonight.  Tad Ezra decided to push for Veronica Taylor to get a shot at the Underground Champion Halo Williams.  However, Donna said that she thinks there is a more deserving wrestler, and Celeste North was in the right place, at the right time.  She and Winter Elemental shared a few words, and it led to Celeste being booked against Winter to set the pace for Veronica to beat.  Her undefeated streak does not intimidate Winter in the slightest.


Underground Champion, Halo Williams, surely has a lot to talk about this week after successfully defending her Underground Championship by helping to pin former champion Powershock, only to turn around and have possible contender, Veronica Taylor, attack her.  What is her mindset going into her upcoming title defense at High Stakes IX. Top that off with Celeste now also in contendership. This makes Halo now even a bigger target then before.

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- Hardcore Tag Team Championships
The Monstimals (Lord Raab & Samuel McPherson) Vs Team Canada (Earl Lockyer & Stewart Mason)

The Monstimals have been campaigning for a shot at the titles that brought them to SCU… the Hardcore Tag Team Championships.  Week in, week out, they have stated how patient they are willing to be to earn the titles, but week in, week out, they have not been given any opportunities to fully prove themselves.  Last week, they came out and chased off Team Canada after they had just defeated Nobility.  GM Tad Ezra has heard their intent, and he has chosen now as their opportunity for the belts.  Team Canada has been dominant champions, both Hardcore and Double Down, but The Monstimals are known for Hardcore.


Tad Ezra makes an important announcement concerning the vacant SCU Combat Championship, and where it’s standing is with High Stakes IX looming near.

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]Non-Title Match
Merlot Ayano vs Sister Esther Shepherd

Merlot Ayano has been out of action for a couple of weeks due to other obligations, but she returns to the ring to take on the SCU Combat Champion, Sister Esther Shepherd.  Sister Esther took the championship by what some are calling a surprise.  Merlot Ayano won the Mayhem Survival in quite the same fashion.  Both women have a lot to prove to the fans, and they are looking to do that on October 3rd.


To the surprise of SCU producers. The Ruins did not ask, they have demanded air time as they have a few things to get off their chest. Tad has agreed and is all ears to hear what they have to say.

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Triple Threat Match - SCU TV Championship
Mother Mavis vs Torielle Jackson vs Dahlia Rotten

The SCU Television Championship is on the line in the Main Event.  Ladies first.  Dahlia Rotten gets to celebrate being the inaugural Television Champion in full fashion… by defending it against not one, but two challengers.  Mother Mavis looks to be the second Good Shepherd member to bring gold to His honor.  But to do that, she will have to get through the champ, along with “The Classy One” Torielle Jackson.  This will be one of the toughest challenges ahead for all three ladies.

Tune in on October 3rd, 2019 for this and oh so much more as Underground Ep. 36 comes at you!

Results / SCU Underground Ep. 35 (Results)
« on: September 27, 2019, 03:32:13 AM »
 SCU presents: Underground Ep. 35
Graphics to be added soon

SCU Underground is filmed in front of a live audience from the Orleans Arena on September 26th, 2019, airing at 11:59pm PST.

Scene opens where John Blade and Chanelle Martinez Blade Discuss there situation about their separate match while Dev Khatri stops them.

Dev: last Wednesday on SCU you and your Wife was in a Double man event when you was in a Steel Cage match after she was in her Ladder match in now the two of you will be fighting the Co Women's T.V Champion Dahlia Rotten and Hit for there SCU Television title this Sunday any comment.

Martinez-Blade: Reason they force to let hit and Rotten hold those SCU men and Women T.V titles like that I think that me and Chanelle. deserve those T.V titles away from Dahlia and Hitman in and we are gonna win those T.V titles this week in our separate matches on Underground.

Dev: and what about you Ms Martinez. do you have anything else to say about your match as well when you fight Dhaila Rotten. this Wednesday.

Chanelle: this is hopeless I mean me and my Husband was in a different match I was in steel cage awhile my Husband John. was in a ladder match with six other men but don't worry though you and I are gonna take those SCU Women and Men Television titles away from Hitmanshi and Rotten. tomorrow in our different match on Underground.

Dev: but John. can you and your Wife defeat hitmanshi and Rotten this Wednesday.

Martinez-Blade: only if they don't leave out as the Television Champion cause me and Chanelle. get ourselves a rematch for there SCU Men and Women's T.V title in our different match my Wife Chanelle has Dhaila Rotten. and I have hitmanshi for his title as well and they both will get there asses whipped by The Blade Martinez and we will show you what we are made of once we beat them separate after we won those SCU Women and men T.V title on Underground.

Chanelle: Cause The Champ is here.

John and Chanelle Martinez kiss in make up when they walk away from Dev Khatri when he continues talking.

Dev: thanks for that support and good luck to you both when you two take out Hitmashii and Rotten for there SCU T.V title on Underground.

Dev: and we hope that John and Chanelle Martinez. can win there Television title over Hitmanshi and Rotten to see who gets to leave out as the new T.V Champion on SCU Underground.

Camera fades when John and Chanelle Martinez heads back to their own Rooms before him in her match even begins this Wednesday.

Gemma: Yeah, I know I have a job to do now bug off and let me do it.

Gemma: Okay, so please welcome my guest the SCU Women’s television champion, team Canada member Dahlia Rotten.

Dahlia and Sarah step into the interview area.

Sarah: Evening Gemma.

Gemma: Evening Ms. Lane and must I say you're looking lovely this evening.

Sarah: Thank-you.

Gemma: Okay now back to business, Dahlia last week you fought against all the odds and walked out as the first-ever Women’s television champion, I know you celebrated all week and I know you're ready to best this Nobility loser Chanelle Martinez-Blade.

Dahlia: Now, now Gemma, Chanelle is a worthy first challenger for my title, she ‘s not going to win because look at who she is facing the most dominant, feared woman in SCU. Winter only delayed the enviable, tonight I make my first successful title of my Women’s television title.

Gemma: I have no doubt about that.

Sarah: Now Ms. Frost if you will excuse.

Gemma smirks and nods as Dahlia and Sarah walk off.

Singles Match - SCU TV Championship
Chanelle Martinez-Blade Vs Dahlia Rotten

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCU Television Championship! Making her way to the ring, from Bronx, NY standing at 5’7” and weighing in at 127lb, she is “Azz n’ Class”... Chanelle Marrrrrrtinezzzzzzzz!!!

“Red Lipstick” begins playing over the speakers as Chanelle comes out from behind the curtains. As the music picks up, Chanelle begins to “back it up” before she comes down the ring. She climbs onto the apron and does the splits as she twerks down to the ground. She climb underneath the bottom rope, continuing to shake it. She stands up and runs across the ring, running up a turnbuckle where she once again shakes it for a moment before stepping down to a standing position.

Liam:  Aaaaand her opponent, standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 285lb, from Leeds, England by way of Edmonton, Alberta, she is your SCU Television Champion… Dahlia Rrrrrrrrrrrottennnnnn!!!

Dahlia steps on the stage accompanied by Earl and Sarah, they walk to the ring and enter, a spotlight shine on the rings, Dahlia and Sarah wrap their arms around Earl's neck and he gives the crowd an arrogant smile.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  This match has been a couple weeks in the making.  Chanelle Martinez-Blade is ready to take home another belt tonight.  Dahlia isn’t ready to lose this belt so fast, though.

Gena:  Chanelle eyes Dahlia carefully for a minute and loosens her shoulders and Dahlia cracks her knuckles.  Chanelle charges at Dahlia, but Dahlia is ready, causing Chanelle to back up again.

Chad:  Dahlia chuckles as she comes toward Chanelle.  Chanelle circles around, jogging mostly in place, dodging Dahlia as she forces Dahlia into the corner.

Gena:  Chanelle begins boxing Dahlia into the corner as she talks shit to Dahlia.  Dahlia goes for Chanelle, but Chanelle jumps back and waits for Dahlia to come out of the corner.

Chad:  Chanelle isn’t quite ready for that stampede as Dahlia charges and drops her with a headbutt!  The crowd cheers loudly now and Dahlia drops down with a full force elbow drop that rocks Chanelle.  Dahlia covers Chanelle.


Gena:  You can tell that it took the confidence out of Chanelle, but not the fight.  Chanelle gets to the ropes and pulls herself up.  Dahlia goes for a Clothesline, but Chanelle drops down and rolls behind Dahlia.  She rams her shoulder into Dahlia’s back.

Chad:  Don’t tell me that she’s going to… She is!  She wraps her arms around Dahlia’s waist and she rolls Dahlia back with tons of effort!  Dahlia grounds her weight and holds onto the ropes, but Chanelle growls hard before rolling back into a German Suplex!

Gena:  Chanelle bridges that into a pin, and even the crowd is stunned by this display, complete silence after a gasp.


Chad:  Pin attempts are tied one to one.  Chanelle rolls out from under Dahlia, staring up at the ceiling lights, panting.  Dahlia gets to her feet first and finds Chanelle still trying to collect herself.

Gena:  Chanelle’s arrogance might have cost her severely.  Dahlia lifts Chanelle up into a Bear Hug and begins swinging Chanelle around like a rag doll.

Chad:  Chanelle shouts out in pain as she tries to clutch onto Dahlia’s shoulders to steady herself.  Dahlia doesn’t relent, but Chanelle refuses to give into the pain.

Gena:  Chanelle reaches up and grabs onto Dahlia’s hair to steady herself before hitting an Eye Rake that breaks Dahlia’s intense grip. She then hammers away at Dahlia’s face until she lets go.

Chad:  Dahlia loses her grip and Chanelle comes down to her feet.  She stumbles around a bit as Chanelle is forced to find her footing.  She dropkicks Dahlia’s knee, sending her into the corner.

Gena:  Chanelle charges forward with the Ridin’ Yo Face (Bronco Buster)!  However, Dahlia grips onto Chanelle’s legs.  She lifts her up as she comes to her feet.  She swings Chanelle up into a Jacknife Powerbomb, hooking the legs into a pin!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner and still Television Champion… Dahlia Rotten!

Dahlia stands up and over Chanelle triumphantly.  Once she is handed the belt, she steps down to try to help Chanelle up, but Chanelle slaps the hand away and crawls towards the ropes.  Dahlia glares down at her and gives a nod of the head before she continues to celebrate her victory.

Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu is seen backstage with his managers Johan Svennson and Giovanna Teixeira. He has his recently won TV Championship sitting on his shoulder as Hitamashii decides to discuss his upcoming match with John Blade.

Hitamashii-I find it very curious that I have to face John Blade, one of the 5 men I beat last week to win the TV Championship, especially where he wasn’t even near me when I was on top of the ladder and unhooking the title from the clasp.

Hitamashii smiles as he thinks about how he just won the grueling match.

Hitamashii-If anyone from that match truly deserves a title shot, I would say Father Gerald would, as he was the one trying to prevent me from getting the title at the end of the match. Nonetheless, I did say I would be a fighting champion, and I am going to prove that by steamrolling through John Blade this week, and prove to the world that he isn’t worthy of facing me for the TV Title.

Hitamashii cackles and he, with his managers Johan Svennson and Giovanna Teixeira, go into the locker room to strategize for the match as the scene fades to black.

SCU cameras cut backstage to see Donna Beauchamp and Tad Ezra in the middle of an argument.

Donna: No, she shouldn’t

Tad: I’m the GM. That makes me the boss. It’s my call and I say she should.

Donna: Okay then you make a good point only you forget that I am your boss and I said no, she shouldn’t.

Tad: Okay fair enough. Only you signed a contract with her. In this contract she’s guaranteed a title match within her 90 days. She is wanting to exercise that portion of her contract at High Stakes IX.

Donna: I know what I signed. And I’ll make sure that she’ll get just that, a title match within her 90 days.

Tad: Look, who better than Veronica Taylor? Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Donna: You’ll wait? I can give you 7 names off the top of my head. Hell, I can have a few drinks in me and shout out about 7 more and be just as correct over Veronica Taylor.

Tad: No, you’re wrong this time. Veronica is the top contender.

A buzzing is heard in the background the gets the two’s attention. They turn around to see the Kawaii Dragons making buzzing sounds.

Tad: What the hell are you two up to now?

Tatsu: I make funny noise. Buzzzzzz!!!

Donna: Winter, like what the hell.

Winter: Tatsu is Kawaii Bee!

Donna: And why are you buzzing with her?

Winter: I Wu Tang Killer Bee!!!!

Winter starts beatboxing a Wu Tang song. Tatsu stops buzzing and stands next to Winter bumping her head side to side.

Tatsu: Yo, yo, yo… They call me Tatsu, Donna looks like she’s always sick with the flu. Even in her troll look she give Tad a hard on that has his balls staying blue!!!

Tad: That’s it, I’m done with the Kawaii Dragons. You win…

Tad gets on his radio.

Tad: Casey, please send security down to hallway B.

Tatsu: But why?

Casey: 10-4

Winter: We didn’t touch no body, where just having fun. Right Donna?

Donna looks at Tad as Dying Breed show up to handle security duties.

Tad: Get the Kawaii Dragons out of here. Take them to the medical room. I want them both tested for drugs.

Tatsu: Ha!!! Tatsu drug free! Right Winter-san!

Winter: That statement is as positive as my soon to be urine test!

Donna: Excuse me?

Winter: Oh it’s medical use. The doc knows all about it.

The Dying Breed grab the Kawaii Dragons but let go and get in front of them instead as Le Coven enters the shoot.

Celeste: Jenifer, did my ears just play games with me. Did Tad just say no one is better then Veronica?

The crowd gets in a roar given the history between the two ladies. Jenifer ignores Celeste but to still drive the point home she looks at Donna Beauchamp.

Jenifer: Like moi and Z’e Combat Championship!

Winter: Now those two are on drugs. You need to check the two of them.

Celeste: Go with the Dying Breed before we make you relive last week.

Winter: Nah, you and me one on one and I will hurt you like I plan on hurting Merlot Ayano. All Donna has to do is grow a pair of tits and book me a match with you and Merlot.

Donna: Fine! You win Winter. You will get your match with Merlot. In fact you and Merlot will go one on one at SCW’s High Stacks IX. Tatsu is be banned from ring side to asure Merlot gets a fair match. As for Celeste, you were my choice to take on Halo at High Stakes but Tad feels differently. As spokeswoman of SCU I have made up my mind. Celeste and Veronica will have a beat the clock challenge. Celeste next week you will take on Winter Elemental and Veronica will take on…

Donna gets cut off by Tad.

Tad: A wrestler of my choosing. If Donna is going to overstep her boundaries and book Celeste in a match then I’ll do my job and book Veronica’s opponent.

Donna looks at Tad.

Donna: Fair enough. So Celeste, Winter, you two have your match set for next week. You four may go.

Tatsu: Wait, what about drug test? Tatsu show you she clean then Tatsu sue company for giving Tatsu bad name. This Murica and I won’t take that from Tad!

Winter: Tatsu, let it go. We don’t want to be tested for another 3 days.

Tatsu: Wait what?  

Winter: Oh nothing!

Winter takes off running, Tatsu gives chase.

Tatsu: Come back, I kill you!!!

Singles Match - SCU TV Championship
John Blade Vs Hitamashii

Liam: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SCU Television Championship!  Introducing first! From Boston, MA standing at 6’1 and weighing in at 251lb, he is… John Martinez-Blaaaaaaaaaaade!!!

John Blade’s music begins to play as he walks out on stage. He talks to the camera man and bounces a little. He holds up his “Never Give Up” logo flag and tosses it to the fans. He salutes and runs straight down towards the ring. He bounces off the ropes side to side and he holds up his “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect” shirt. He takes off his hat and tosses his shirt to the fans and hands his Chain to the ref to begin to fight.

The opening riffs of Fire In Our House by Astral Doors hits the speakers and Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu comes out to the stage, looking smug, and stands there as the crowd gives him boos.

Liam:  Aaaaaaand his opponent. From Himeji, Japan, standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 192lb, he is your SCU Television Champion… Kingingiseisha "Hitamashii" Shirasu!!!

Hitamashii walks from one side of the stage to the other with a swag in his step before he looks around the crowd, and starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head with his nose in the air to look at the crowd, their faces showing that they do not like the way he is looking down upon them. Hitamashii lowers his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Hitamashii climbs up to the apron and steps between the top rope and the middle rope, looking around at the fans as they continue to boo him.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: The TV title is on the line as...

Gena: Hitamashii wastes no time as he charges at John Blade, John cuts him off with a European Uppercut! John grabs the TV champ and throws him to the corner. John nails a chop to the chest!

Crowd: WOOOOOO!!!!!

Chad: John looks around at the crowd as they cheer him on. John goes for another chop, but Hitamashii jumps straight up in the air and hits John in the jaw with a high knee.

Gena: John takes a step back. Getting caught off guard Hitamashii takes advantage as Hitamashii lays a low stiff kick. Hitamashii goes in to grab John but John's quick thinking nails the TV Champ with a clothesline to the mat!

Chad: Hitamashii quickly does a kip-up to get to his feet. John grabs him and sends him to the ropes. Hitamashii bounces off and heads back to John. John lifts him up in a military press!

Gena: John walks around the ring with the TV Champ over his head. The crowd cheer for John Blade as he releases Hitamashii dropping him from behind.

John looks at the crowd then turns to a cameraman to smile for those watching at home.

Chad: John is in a big match, he better focus on the champion and not the crowd. John bends down to grab Hitamashii but the TV champ grabs John first and rolls him up in a small package!


Gena: See, to your point, that's why you never give Hitamashii a second to breathe. John needs to stay on the champ if he wants to be the champ.

Chad: Both men get to there feet and tie up. John lifts Hitamashii up and drops him with a suplex! John runs to the ropes and bounces off, he stops right in front of Hitamashii, John drops for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Hitamashii rolls out of the way at the last second.

Gena: Hitamashii crawls and nails john head-on with a ramming headbutt! The champ gets up and gets John to his feet. Hitamashii grabs John Blade and sends him to the ropes, but gets reversed, no wait, it gets reversed again! John bounces off the ropes as Hitamashii drops down. John jumps over him and runs to the opposite ropes. The champ gets to his feet and gets closer to the middle of the ring.

Chad: John bounces off the ropes and heads back to the champ who jumps up in a leapfrog as John goes under him to the opposite ropes. John kicks off the ropes for his Springboard Stunner!!!

Gena: But the TV Champ sees it coming and counters hitting John in the back with a dropkick!!!

Chad: Hitamashii gets John to his feet. John hails a quick uppercut, Hitamashii stumbles back a few steps. John goes in to grab the champ but gets kicked then drop with a DDT!

Gena: Hitamashii runs to the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. John holds his head as he gets to his feet. Hitamashii drops off and wraps his legs around John's head... Concrete Heart!!! (Dragonrana)

Chad: Hitamashii hooks the leg for the cover!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Your winner and still the SCU TV Champion... Kingingiseisha "Hitamashii" Shirasu!!!

Chad: Great back and forth but Hitamashii retains his title this week.

Gena: John Blade could have had it. Hitamashii was able to capitalize when he needed to and walks away the winner this time.

Chad: Now we wait to see who he faces next week. Can a streak be in the making?

Gena: That was just one match, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Chad: Well, for now, he walks up the ramp the winner.

Gena: And getting showered with boos.

Chad: The price of being a champ. A prize worth paying.

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep. 35 (Card)
« on: September 20, 2019, 11:45:01 PM »
 SCU presents: Underground Ep. 35
Graphics to be added soon

SCU Underground is filmed in front of a live audience from the Orleans Arena on September 26th, 2019, airing at 11:59pm PST.
Note:  ALLLLLLLLL SEGMENTS!!!  They are due NO LATER THAN 11:59pm PST on Tuesday, September September 24th, 2019.  Be punctual, please and thank you.

Singles Match - SCU TV Championship
Chanelle Martinez-Blade Vs Dahlia Rotten

Episode 34 went off the air with a bang as Dahlia Rotten was crowned the first ever women’s Television Champion.  She has had a week to celebrate this amazing victory, but it is done to business this week.  She was set to take on Chanelle Martinez-Blade on Underground Ep. 33: Ladies Night before she was attacked by the Kawaii Dragons.  Her revenge will have to wait as she takes on Dahlia in the delayed match, but with the stakes made just that much sweeter.  Will we see a reigning champion, fighting hard to keep what is hers, or will Dahlia’s reign be very short lived?
Note:  All Television Championship Match participants must provide a segment for the show.  If one does not, they will automatically lose, including the champion.

Singles Match - SCU TV Championship
John Blade Vs Hitamashii

Last week on Episode 34, we saw the first ever Television Champion was crowned, and his name?  Hitamashii!  Congratulations go out to the new champion, but his celebration will be short lived as he must defend his title against “The Champ” (self proclaimed, not the actual champ), John Blade-Martinez.  Blade had a very impressive showing in the Six Man Ladder Match, but this week, the title will be defended in a straight up, one on one, singles match.  Built like a shit brick house, John Blade will be giving Hitamashii a real challenge.
Note:  All Television Championship Match participants must provide a segment for the show.  If one does not, they will automatically lose, including the champion.

 - Hardcore Tag Team Championships
Nobility Vs Team Canada (Earl Lockyer and Stewart Mason)

As Underground Ep. 34 went off the air, GM Tad Ezra’s friends, the members of Nobility, told Tad that they felt they were being ignored.  Tad seems to not want to upset Nobility, and has granted them an offering of a title match where the Hardcore Tag Team Championships are on the line.  Unfortunately, Tad might not have thought this one through and the single most dominant tag team and stable in SCU/NLW history, Team Canada’s Earl Lockyer and Stewart Mason, are the current Hardcore Tag Team Champions.  If Nobility is going to pull off becoming double champions, they are going to have to step it up a notch.

Singles Match - Underground Championships
Shannon Middlebrooks & Powershock Vs Halo Williams & Javier Gonzalez

Two former Underground Champions get the opportunity to regain their former glories, but in order to do that, they have to make it through the current champions.  Halo Williams has proven herself time and time again since she won the vacated title back in August.  Javier Gonzalez has only had the title for a short period of time, but he found a way to sneak two titles into his grasp.  And he defended and kept both titles.  Both champions are worth their weight in gold, but both former champions made their way into the history books for a reason.  Will the past take hold, or will the new era prove itself?

Tune in for this and oh so much more on September 26th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST!

Results / Sin City Underground Ep. 34 9/19/2019 (RESULTS)
« on: September 20, 2019, 09:14:35 PM »
 Sin City Underground presents: Underground Ep. 34


Underground Episode 34 is filmed in front of a live audience at the Gold Coast Casino on September 19th, 2019 airing at 11:59pm PST.
Note: All segments must be turned in by September 17th, 2019 11:59pm PST (2:59am EST on 9/18)


As we focus on the inside of the ring, the fans begin roaring with cheers, waving signs around for their favorite SCU stars.  Dev Khatri is standing in the center of the ring next to Liam as a spotlight shines down on both of them.  Dev takes a microphone.

Dev:  Welcome to Underground Episode 34.  I’m Dev Khatri, and I would like to introduce to you, your new and reigning SCU Combat and Underground Champion…

“Way Down We Go” by KALEO begins playing on the speakers, cutting Dev off. Camera shifts to the side of the stage to see Javier Gonzalez stepping through the curtains. He has his arms raised in the air with both the Underground and Combat Championships raised up high as he walks back and forth.

Liam: On his way to the ring… Coming to the ring from Albuquerque, NM, standing at 5’10” and weighing in at 190lb, he is your Underground and Combat Champion… Javier… Gonzalez!!!

Javier charges down the rampway and slides inside of the ring. He walks to each corner, stepping up to the second rope as he stares across the crowd with no emotion. After completing all six sides, he stops and settles into the corner as he takes a microphone from Liam.  He sets it on the top rope before taking one last moment to raise the Underground and Combat Championships high above his head in the center of the ring as the fans boo him even more loudly than they did at Summer XXXtreme VII.  Javier gets back to the ropes where he straps the Combat Championship around his waist, and rests the Underground Championship on his shoulder.  He picks up the microphone, glaring at Dev for a second.

Javier:  THE CHAMP… IS HERE!!!

Crowd:  Boooooooooooooo!!!

Javi cracks a smile and begins pacing back and forth inside of the ring.  Dev goes to speak, but Javi holds up a hand to silence Dev, shaking his head from side to side.

Javier:  You know what takes a lot of getting used to?  Holding two championships.  I didn’t have one up until Supernova 2.  Now I got two, vatoooooooooooo!

Javi gyrates his hips so that the belts both catch a glimpse of the light.  He runs his hands over the Combat Championship, and then up to show off the Underground Championship against his rippling muscles.

Javier:  All the bitches love gold.  Unfortunately, Tad Ezra says I got to give up one of these belts.  One of the belts that I worked so hard for.  Not just in the ring, but being present backstage.  Showing up to work.  Being a fucking champion, mang.  A true champion.  A defending champion.  The only person in SCU to capture two titles in one night, and to defend two titles just seven days later.  Not even Kelli Torres can say that.

Javi winks at the camera and then puckers his lips to blow Kelli a kiss.

Javier:  I don’t think I should have to give up any of these titles because I proved that I am twice the man as anyone in that locker room.  I proved that I can handle it.  But, rules are rules.  I already proved that I can be a wrestling legend in just seven days.  So I got nothing else to prove with two belts.  The Underground Championship is so prestigious a belt, homes.  But that Combat Championship?  I mean, how pissed off would mi hermano Eric Weaver be if I just tossed it to the side like he thinks I did with our friendship?

Javi shakes his head as he looks around at the crowd who is roaring with disapproval.  Javi mouths something at the fans before reaching back behind his back.  He unclips the Combat Championship and drops it to the ground.  He spits down on it, and then kicks it over to the outside of the ring.

Javier:  You already seen the best champion you gonna see, Combat Championship.  You served your purpose.

Dev:  Speaking of which…

Before Dev can say a single word, “Take Five” plays over the speakers and the crowd electrifies with cheers as everyone stands up, waiting for the combustible element to enter the picture.  Eric Weaver comes rushing down the ramp and slides into the ring.  Dev stands between the two men, reluctantly and he gulps.

Dev:  Excuse me, Eric, but we’re conducting a sort of… Aw, fuck it…

Dev hands the microphone over to Eric, who gets nose to nose with Javi, who just smiles and laughs in response.

Eric:  You son of a bitch!  How could you?  How dare you?

Javier:  You need to calm down, bro.  You’re the one who be making this shit all personal.  It coulda been anyone in that locker room and it still woulda happened.  John Blade, Stewart Mason, Dax Beckett, Mz Holly Wood…

Eric:  But I’m not any of those people.  I’m Eric Weaver, the man who was supposed to be running with you, Javier.  The Real Bad Boys.  I should have known better than to trust a Bad Boy.

Javi looks like he’s about to say something, but instead, he just shrugs his shoulders.

Eric:  Don’t make me wipe that smile off of your damn face, boy!  The only reason I haven’t ripped your head off is because I want answers.

Javier:  You want answers, puta?  Javier Carlos Gustavo Santiago Gonzalez don’t run around with pendejos.  He don’t run around with little bitches who don’t know how to take what they want and keep what is theirs.  You need to go toughen that pussy skin of yours and then come see me.

Eric drops the microphone and takes a few steps closer to Javi, ready to take action instead of throwing around insults.  Javi nods his head as he sets his belt up in the corner and begins to roll out his shoulders.  However, before he can get any closer to Eric, “What Does the Fox Say?” by Ylvis plays over the speakers and the crowd cheers even more loudly.  However, it is not just Mason and Jason Fox than come out to the ring.  Instead, they are led by Martha Fox, and she has a microphone in her hands.

Martha:  Oh, hello boys.  Would you like some cookies?  I brought plenty, and they are available at the catering table as always.

Martha gives a sweet smile as she waves out to the adoring fans.  Javi rolls his eyes as he points to the curtains.

Javier:  Listen grandmama Fox.  Why don’t you go to the back and tend to your loser grandsons, and…

Martha:  Pin a tail on a donkey, and suddenly he thinks he’s a noble steed.  Why don’t YOU leave the ring so that the fans can get what they came for; a wrestling match.  And since my grandsons are opening the show, it seems about Jasone you two take your pissing party to the back?

Before Javi or Eric can say anything, the Ruin Sisters come out, and the five begin going down to the ring.  Javi and Eric look like they might put their differences aside to fight for their ring Jasone, but Dev ducks outside quickly to get out of the way.  Javi pushes Eric toward the Ruins and the Fox Brothers.  He slides out of the ring and laughs at Eric who glares at the four wrestlers.  He shakes his head and ducks out, walking up the ramp before Javi gets around to it.  The Ruin Sisters and the Fox Brothers take their corners as Liam announces the match.

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Tag Team Match
Ruin Sisters (Debbi & Stacy) Vs The Fox Brothers

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Iiiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, from Scottsdale, AZ, Debbi and Stacy, the Ruin Sisters!!!

The crowd gives a cheer as the Ruins raise their arms up, drawing in the cheers.

Liam:  Aaaaaand their opponents, from “The Woods”, they are accompanied to the ring by Martha Fox, they are Mason and Jason… The Fox Brothers!!!

The Fox Brothers yip as Martha beams with pride.  The crowd continues to cheer loudly once more.  But they don’t waste any more Jasone as they look across the ring at their opponents.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  It is fucking good to be back after that long break.  Martha is standing on the outside of the ring, watching her boys fight, but watching the rampway just as eagerly.

Gena:  Well, after what just happened a minute ago, I can’t blame her.

Chad: Mason and Debbi start this match off. Debbi approaches Mason who hits a Kick Combo with an Enziguri on Debbi!!!

Gena: Mason picks up Debbi and nails her with European Uppercut followed by Backhand Chop… Mason grabs her and tries to go for a Belly to Belly but Debbi blocks it by hitting Mason with a Headbutt.

Chad: Mason lets go of Debbi who picks Mason up and drops him with a Scoop Slam!!!  Debbi picks up Mason as the two start trading kicks!!!

Gena: Debbi gives Mason a hard shot to the gut. Mason grabs his guts as Debbi grabs him and drops him with a Double Arm DDT!!!

Chad: She goes for the cover but gets only a one count… Debbi goes and tags in Stacy… Stacy gets in as Mason gets up and hits a running Forearm smash… He grabs Stacy and picks her up... Electric Chair Drop!!!

Gena: Mason runs at Stacy and locks in a headlock… Stacy grabs the ropes forcing the break… Mason gets up as does Stacy… Stacy hits a stiff shoot kick and hits Mason in the face… Mason goes done as Stacy lays a shot before the ref steps in to get her off of Mason!!!

Chad: Mason gets up as the ref stands between the two… Mason goes to his corner as Jason tags himself in… Stacy goes to her corner and tags in Debbi… Jason runs and hits Debbi with a Spear!!!

Gena: Jason goes for the cover but only gets a one count as Debbi powers out… The two get up… Jason grabs Debbi and sends her to the ropes, she bounces off and comes back hitting Jason with a Running Lariat!!!

Chad: Debbi grabs Jason and picks him up… Northern Lights Suplex!!!


Chad: She locks it on for the pin but gets a 2 count!!!

Gena: Jason manages to roll out of the pin… Jason gets up and goes to tag in Mason but gets stopped by Debbi. As she grabs him from behind and nails a Backdrop… Debbi goes for an Elbow Drop but misses as Jason rolls out the way. Both get up as Jason uses his speed to kick Debbi in the gut, but Jason blocks before picking her up for a Piledriver!!!


Gena: Jason goes for the cover but gets a two count… Jason gets up lifting up Debbi in the process… Debbi grabs his arm for an Arm Breaker then grabs him again and sends him to her corner. She tags in Stacy Stacy who right away keeps Jason in the corner hitting with Sticks kicks…

Chad: Stacy pulls Jason out of the corner then gets behind him… Dragon Suplex!!!

Gena: Jason right away sits up as Stacy goes for a penalty kick to the back. Stacy trips Jason up and locks on the Ruin Lock (Ankle Lock)!  It doesn’t take long before Jason taps out!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners… Debbi and Stacy, The Ruin Sisters!!!

The Golden Age plays over the speakers as the Ruin Sisters celebrate their win.  They don’t take too long before they help their opponents up, and they walk to the back together.

Backstage, you'll see Lord Raab and Henry Losak as there's been a big announcement recently for Lord Raab as he clinches his fists, already looking for a fight and Henry begins to speak.

Henry Losak: "Let me congratulate Lord Raab for being selected to be in the SCW hall of fame coming up on his birthday. We're pleased about that and look forward to Lord Raab being inducted in the hall of fame."

Some of the crowd boo at that as Lord Raab was known not being very well-loved in SCU, let alone in SCW as he still has his fists clenched and Henry continues to speak.

Henry Losak: "Getting back to business, as if Lord Raab cared about being attacked by Austin James Mercer in the battle royal. He doesn't and whatever history you have with his cousin I believe, right Markus?"

Lord Raab nodded and lets Henry continues where he left off.

Henry Losak: "Can stay in SCW as he knows his cousin can fend for himself and doesn't need or want this guy here to help him or the need to come back to wrestle in SCW when he's achieved everything there is to do. Although saying that, it wasn't a bad night as Samuel was the best male wrestler in the Mayhem Survival three rumble, despite being entered third to last. Lord Raab wouldn't deny this that it should've been Samuel in this TV title match, considering he deserves a reward for being the best male wrestler in the Mayhem Survival three rumble."

Once again, Lord Raab nods, although he applauds his tag partner and Henry continues to speak.

Henry Losak: "While it's true Lord Raab's held all the titles in SCW, but not had the opportunity to hold any titles in SCU because he wants to earn them, likewise with Samuel too. Lord Raab's had a ton of experience with any hardcore matches, and that's why he was placed in the match for the TV title. Although The Monstimals are more focused on getting the Hardcore Tag titles, they won't take no for an answer with any title shot, including solo's title shot."

Lord Raab shook his head, clashing his right fist with his left hand and clinches his right fist and does a punch towards the camera.

Henry Losak: "Looks like Lord Raab's ready for a fight and he certainly with all the wrestling experience he has compared to the majority of the wrestlers in this match, although he's extremely dangerous when it comes to using weapons and not just ladders either. He will climb to the top and make yet, another history in the books to be the first-ever TV champion in SCU because Lord Raab's the best male wrestler in solo's division and we hope Samuel gets a reward for his efforts in the rumble like a solo's title shot in the future. For now, witness the era of Lord Raab's quest to be the first-ever TV champion. Prepare to be Raabinated by the new TV champion."

They went away from backstage as they go into Lord Raab's locker room before the cameras switch to go elsewhere in the arena.

We are taken backstage, to where Gemma Frost can be seen walking through the corridors. It follows her to a locker room door, where she stops for a second to address the camera.

Gemma: We're just about to go backstage to speak to Mark "The...WHOA Jesus Christ…

As Gemma pushes open the door to the locker room, we are treated to the sight of Mark "The Dragon" Cross seated in a deck chair in the centre. He is shirtless and barefoot, wearing surfer shorts, Ray Ban sunglasses, and has a large pina colada in his hand, which he sips at casually.

Gemma: You have a match in like 10 minutes, what are you doing?

Mark casually takes off his sunglasses as he looks at the Backstage Interviewer.

The Dragon: Oh, hey Gemma! Don't worry I know. I'm just feeling pretty relaxed about things tonight, that's all.

Gemma: Why's that?

The Dragon: Well, I'm right back where I want to be. My run on the main show was a lot of fun, and I'm sure it won't be my last, but I always said that Underground is where I belonged. I'm back in the running for title gold, something I'm pretty accustomed to...and most importantly, the band is back together.

Gemma: You mean the Fire Dragons?

The Dragon: Exactly! Did you get that new t-shirt I sent you by the way?

Gemma: ...yeah I'm not wearing that…

The Dragon: It was a pre-release exclusive! It won't be on the merch stands for weeks!

Gemma: I'm not...gonna wear a Fire Dragons shirt. Sorry.

The Dragon: Your loss.

Gemma: So any more words before your match tonight?

As the next question comes in, we watch The Dragon struggle to get out of the low-slung deck chair, taking a couple of attempts before getting himself back up to a standing position.

The Dragon: I think I'm going to do all my talking out there tonight. Hey, can you take care of this for me? I need to go change…

Gingerly, Gemma takes the pina colada glass that gets handed to her. She stands awkwardly with it as The Dragon disappears and she is left to address the camera.

Gemma: Clearly feeling confident about his team's chances tonight, Mark "The Dragon" Cross everybody!

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Number one contendership for the Double Down Tag Team Championship
Fire Dragons (Valentina and Mark Cross) vs Angel of Filth and Eric Weaver

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Number One Contendership to the SCU Double Down Championships!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Liam: Next, from Canterbury, England, standing at 6’1” and weighing in at 225lb, he is… Mark “The Dragon” Crrrrrrrrrosssssss!!!

The arena lights dim as the bassline to "Never Again" begins to rumble around the arena. As the guitar riff hits, so does the lights, revealing Mark "The Dragon" Cross standing, one fist aloft, at the top of the aisle. Receiving recognition from the crowd, he strides purposefully to ringside, taking a moment to survey the scene as he reaches the apron.

Flashes like cameras go across the stage and the audience as the sound accompanies it. “You should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish begins on the PA as pure beauty walks through the curtains. Her hair blows in the wind as she looks up at the ceiling. She places a hand on her hip as she lets the crowd admire her despite getting a mixed reaction.

Liam: Please welcome, on her way to the ring from Merida, Spain. She stands at 5'11" and weighs in at 125 pounds, she is pure perfection... Valentinaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Once Valentina is officially announced, she turns and begins walking down the ramp. She pushes her hair out of her face as she vogues, showing off her face to it's full capacity. She steps up to the ring steps and looks around with a majestic smile. She takes to the steps as she comes to the apron. She looks around for a moment, stomping her foot in protest as a scantily clad man runs down the ramp and climbs onto the apron. He sits on the middle rope, opening it for her. Valentina then takes off her Loubotins and hands them to the man as she prances barefoot around the ring. She refuses to let go of the spotlight.

The lights go down as the whirring sounds begin to rise. The drums kick in and red lights pulse to them. They get louder as the fourth set kicks in and the curtains flip to the side. Angel of Filth comes crawling through them with her black wings fluttering behind her, covered in a black substance.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, she is “The Seraph of Sleaze”... Angel of Filth!!!

Her eyes glow white as the lights switch between black and red. She glares down at the ring as she rises to her feet, throwing her wings out to the side as they amast. She waves them slowly as she prances down the ramp to the beat of the music. She stops half way and looks from side to side. She has a sickening smile on her face as black oozes from her mouth and she laughs. She enters the ring and climbs up the first of six turnbuckles. She throws her wings out as the fans boo her. She then drops down and goes to the other corner, doing the same. Once at the far end of the ring, she sheds her wings and kicks them to the outside as she rubs her hands together.

Take Five starts to play as we here the jazz beat coming we see Eric Weaver coming from the curtains.
"Won't you stop and take
A little time out with me
Just take five"

Eric waves at the fans as he walks down the ramp.

Liam:  On his way to the ring, from Chicago, IL standing at 6’ and weighing in at 175lb, he is… Eric Weaver!!!

"Though I'm going out of my way
Just so I can pass by each day
Not a single word do we say
It's a pantomime and not a play

Still, I know our eyes often meet
I feel tingles down to my feet
When you smile, that's much too discreet
Sends me on my way"

Eric slides in the ring from underneath the bottom ropes.

"Wouldn't it be better
Not to be so polite
You could offer a light
Start a little conversation now
It's alright, just take five
Just take five"

As the music fades we see Eric holding his right hand in the air as he looks over to the crowd.  He nods to Filth, who nods back and steps to the outside.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: Mark and Eric start this match off as Mark runs in at Eric and hits a Dropkick to Eric’s. Mark then rushes into spear Eric, but Eric lifts him up for a Flapjack instead. The two men get right back up as Mark lets out a few boxing punches hitting Eric a few times before the ref steps in to warn Mark about the closed fists… Mark walks up to Eric, who pokes Mark with an Eye Gouge.

Gena: Eric quickly grabs Mark picks him up for a scoop slam. Eric goes for an Elbow drop but misses as Mark rolls over. The two get up as Mark tags in Valentina. Valentina gets in and quickly goes for a Spinning Heel Kick…

Chad: Eric gets hit in the chest. Valentina kicks Eric in the gut then goes for a DDT but Eric shoves her away… Valentina rushes back at Eric who picks Valentina up and drops her with a Side Slam. Eric goes and tags in Filth!

Gena: Filth gets in the ring and kicks Valentina as Valentina tries to get up. Filth picks her up Valentina… Valentina pushes Filth’s hands away then grabs Filth’s head and hits a Single Knee Facebreaker. Filth staggers a bit… Valentina wastes no time as she goes and tries to grab Filth but Filth grabs Valentina instead and pulls her in for a Belly To Belly Suplex.


Chad: Filth goes for the cover but gets a two count… Filth gets up and picks Valentina up by her hair. Filth turns Valentina around and grabs her from behind… She drops Valentina with a German Suplex!

Gena: Filth goes and tags in Eric. Eric gets in and picks up Valentina by the throat!! He lifts Valentina up for what looks to be a chokeslam… Mark runs in the ring and spears Eric  to the ground as he starts laying out close fist…

Chad: If he is not careful he will get DQ’ed!

Gena: You don’t mess with a man’s woman, er, tag team partner?

Chad: The referee has stepped in and breaks it up as Filth now gets in the ring and grabs Valentina as she tries getting up only to get hit with a swinging neck breaker! Mark gets off of Eric and heads towards Filth tackling her down to the ground… Eric gets back up… Oh, he looks pissed… Big Boot to Mark!! Eric picks up Valentina as Filth bounces off the ropes. Heart Attack!!!

Gena: The ref yells at Filth to leave the ring!! Eric goes to grab Valentina who instead grabs Eric and rolls him up for a pin…


Gena: The ref starts to count but Valentina only gets a two count. The two get up as Eric tries to kick Valentina, Valentina moves out the way and hits some of her martial arts kicks… Eric goes down!!!

Chad: Valentina winks at Mark and holds a thumbs up to signal for something as she speaks, but I can’t hear what she’s saying.

Gena: Neither could I but Valentina now gets on the top turnbuckle as Mark gets off the apron and runs to the other side pulling Filth of the apron. Eric gets up as Valentina jumps off the turnbuckle… Dethroning!!!! (Top Rope BlockBuster)

Chad: Valentina goes for the cover and gets the three count!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners and Number One Contenders to the SCU Double Down Championships… Mark Cross and Valentina, The FIRE DRAGONS!!!

Mark Cross climbs inside of the ring as he and Valentina hug, jumping up and down!  “You Should See Me In A Crown” plays over the speakers and the Fire Dragons celebrate their win for a second before taking it to the outside of the ring to celebrate with the fans.  Angel of Filth looks over at this with an angry expression on her face.  She spits down on the ground and begins walking up the ramp, leaving the crowd celebrating with the new contenders, officially welcoming them back.

A bright light flashes across the hallway and the angelic voices sound as Father Gerald and Sister Esther walk into the doorway.  They are followed by Brother David and Mother Mavis but it is ovious that it is more about the first two.  Gemma Frost stands in front of the doorway and Father Gerald spares her a look of complete disgust.

Gerald:  Sinners flock to the righteous to leech from their light and this is no doubt another instance jezebel.

Gemma blinks at them and then gives them a cheerful grin that hides the vehemence.

Gemma:  I don’t point out the obvious flaws in believing a man in the sky watches over us and grants us wishes when he feels like it and determines if we go to Neverland or to a Deathklok music video. Please do not bring up my personal choices in an interview that has nothing to do with me and everything to do with you.

Esther steps up and goes to slap Gemma across the face.

Gemma:  Try me sister.

Gemma doesn’t back down and even gets closer to Esther.  Father Gerald holds Esther’s arm back and Esther sneers at Gemma.

Gerald:  Why Gemma.  Your choices do affect the righteous.  We swim in a sea of despair and loneliness quelled by vices like alcohol drugs and pre and extra marital sex.  We came here in good spirits hoping that we could convert the wicked but the devil’s hold is far too strong on those around us.  Even the lolly GM Tad Ezra has some sense of righteousness because he deemed me worthy of holding the first ever SCU Television Championship.  He deemed Sister Esther worthy of holding the SCU Combat Championship and she went on to win the belt.

Gemma:  Shocker.

There is a level of sincerity in Gemma’s voice when she says this and it makes The Good Shepherds all grimace.  Gemma takes a certain kind of pleasure from it.

Esther:  It’s shocking that I defeated Torielle Jackson?  You think it’s by the element of surprise that I fought the good fight and was rewarded for my loyalty?  I earned this belt.  And I’m going to be honest with you.  I already know that when Kelli Torres is cleared to return to the ring she’s going to come after me to take what I have.  Her own personal demons keep taking her out of contention for this belt.

Esther holds up the Combat Championship proudly.

Esther:  The fact of the matter is that she’s going to try to take this belt back from me and she’s going to fail.  Kelli Torres will not get this belt back.  As a matter of fact no one in that back room is going to take the belt from me.  Not even Jenifer Lacroix.

The crowd gasps in the background as Sister Esther looks smug.  Gemma raises her eyebrows from the surprise of it all.  Esther sets the belt back on her shoulder to show it off where she thinks it belongs for the forseeable future.

Gemma:  That is quite a claim Sister Esther.  I’m sure that won’t piss the people off in the back and paint a big red bullseye on your forehead.

Esther:  Let’s be honest.  There already was one. I just made it bigger. And I am alright with that jezebel.

Gerald:  Sister Esther has set forth the precedence of excellence.  The boutny bestowed on us by His Almighty grace.  Tonight I will prove that He is good and He is kind.  He provides for his people and tonight the TV title will come home with me to The Good Shepherds.  A Hellspawn. A psychopath from the land of the rising sun.  An unapologetic lolly. A fool and a bafoon. A man who hath already refused His offer of graciousness.  They will fall to their knees tonight as they watch my ascension to heaven and to that belt.  This you can count on.  Amen.

Shepherds:  Amen!

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Hardcore Tag Team Championships
Team Canada vs Mz Holly Wood & ???

Liam:  The following match is a Hardcore Rules Match and is for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships!  Iiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, they represent Team Canada, they are your Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Stewart Mason and Earl Lockyer!!!

Earl and Stewart step on the stage accompanied by Gail, Dahlia and Sarah, they walk to the ring and enter, a spotlight shine on the rings, Dahlia and Sarah wrap their arms around Earl's neck and he gives the crowd a smile as Gail wraps an arm around Stewart and they go to the ring.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from Hollywood, CA standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 165lb, she is... Mz Holly Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!

"Hollywood" by Collective blasts over the sound system as a pink shadow box appears through the curtains. The silhouette of a lovely lady dancing is seen from the inside, seducing the crowd with her feminine wiles. It comes to rest at the edge of the stage, and after a moment, the lady inside kicks her way through the thin paper to reveal... Holly Wood! Mz. Wood if you nasty. She flips her blonde hair over her shoulder as she raises her arms in the air, loosening her hips before sashaying down the ramp. She climbs onto the apron, swaying her hips back and forth as she lowers herself down into a split position. She crawls under the ropes and does a sexy pose on the mat before leaping up, dancing around the ring to the music as she waits for her partner, with a smile on her face and a long pause from the fans.

Lights go down low as "Starboy" by The Weeknd bounces through the speakers in a seductive tone and Dorian Brown comes out in a brown leather biker jacket and matching pants. He has a bar of chocolate in his hand and he bites a piece off the tip before handing it to a fan along the aisle. He swerves them hips before he rips off the pants to show off his silky tights that have chocolate bar brick prints over it. He loses the jacket to show off his body, moving hands up and down stomach and chest.

Liam: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the Memphis native weighting in at 224lb and standing at 6'1 he is Dorian Brown!!!

Dorian comes to the ring as he gets on the apron. He puts one leg through the ropes and stops to swerve his hips again but with more power this time. He comes inside that ring and drops to his hands and knees as he moves across the ring seductive until he gets in the corner. He stands up and lick his lips as he watches the audience fall under his spell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: This match is off to a quick start as Holly Wood  decides to take on Earl. Dorian and Stewart step to the outside as Earl and Holly Wood  lock up in the center of the ring.  The crowd cheers as Stewart and Dorian both have the same idea and toss random weapons inside the ring.

Gena: Holly Wood and Earl look around at the weapons and smile.  Holly then slides behind, looking for a Bridging Pin early on, but Earl leans down, grabbing onto Holly Wood’s head and brings her down with a Side Headlock.

Chad: Holly Wood quickly moves her leg over and brings a chain closer to her hand.  She whips it over and cracks it over Earl’s head!

Gena: Earl takes a second, and then stands up and picks Holly Wood up from the mat, but Holly Wood holds onto the rope to stop an Irish Whip dead in its tracks. She instead hits a Chick Kick that causes Earl to stumble a bit. Holly Wood  goes for another Chick Kick, but Earl grabs it.

Chad: Earl does a Dragon Whip to Holly Wood on top of a steel chair, and then uses the Catapult to launch Holly Wood into the corner. Holly Wood holds her head as she turns around, and Earl dashes forward with an Elbow Smash.

Gena: Oh, but Holly Wood moves out of the way, and as Stewart  stumbles forward, Holly Wood  grabs the back of his neck and hits a Bulldog. She goes for the pin.


Chad: Just after two… Earl gets back to his feet, and as Holly Wood darts forward, Earl ducks a Clothesline attempt and plants Holly Wood on the mat with a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker on top of a trash can! The crowd gives off a bit of a cheer for that one.

Gena: Earl goes for the cover.


Chad: Dorian makes the save with a Dropkick to the face of Earl. He is escorted to his corner as Stewart climbs inside of the ring and picks Holly Wood up from the mat. They send her to the ropes.

Gena: Earl lifts Holly Wood up, and Stewart comes over to grab onto her, but she wraps her legs around his neck, taking both men down. Holly Wood crawls over to her corner as the referee ushers a bit of a stunned Stewart to his corner.

Chad: Holly Wood tags Dorian in, and he jumps clear over the top rope. He picks Earl up from the mat and hits a Snap Suplex, hooking the leg immediately.


Gena: Dorian shrugs his shoulders as he goes to pick Earl up again. This time, he hits a Throat Thrust. He uses the moment to grab on for a Sitting Reverse Armbar, coming down on top of the half crushed trashcan. He keeps it locked on in the center of the ring!

Chad: This could be it! But no! Stewart Mason enters the ring and hits a Cravate Suplex to Dorian! He has no problem in going back to his corner as he drags Earl back to his corner.

Gena: Stewart reaches inside and taps the half extended hand of Earl. He climbs back inside as he quickly jumps on Dorian, who is still holding onto his neck.

Chad: He hits a scissors stomp to Dorian’s head followed by an elbow smash. He then rolls Dorian over onto his back, hooking the leg.


Gena: Stewart doesn’t look happy as he gets back to his feet, dragging Dorian with him. However, Dorian shoves him and hits a High Kick that causes Stewart to stumble a couple steps. However, he surprises Dorian when he catches a Roundhouse Kick in return!

Chad: Dorian falls back against the ropes as Stewart Clotheslines him over the top rope. He climbs to the outside as Dorian slowly gets to his feet. Stewart hits a Front Missile Dropkick to Dorian, but catches a little less of him than he meant. Both men are down!

Gena: Stewart crawls over to the ring steps, slowly pulling himself up.

Chad: Dorian pulls himself up on the barricade, wobbling a bit as his blood begins to pump again. He goes for a Bicycle Kick to the prone Dorian, but Stewart moves, and Dorian smashes the back of his knee over the steps with a loud thud…

Gena: Stewart rolls back inside as Dorian hops around.

Chad: And Dorian makes it back inside of the ring at the very last possible second. Stewart  doesn’t let him get up as he locks on an Ankle Lock to Dorian, while pulling him to the center of the ring. Dorian rolls over to kick Stewart in the face.

Gena: Stewart stumbles a bit as Dorian goes to kick again, but Stewart  ducks the second one, rolling over Dorian to fully re-apply the move. Dorian can’t swing it, but Holly Wood comes in with a Hurricanrana, breaking the hold. She darts over to her corner, holding her hand out.

Chad: Dorian crawls over to the corner and makes the tag. Holly Wood enters and as Stewart rises, she leaps up for a Lou Thesz Press… but Stewart catches her with Running High Knee, followed by the Paid In Full (Implant DDT) on top of the steel chair! He drops down for the pin.


Gena: Dorian gets inside of the ring, but his knee gives a bit, slowing him up as…


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Here are your winners and still Hardcore Tag Team Champions… Earl Lockyer and Stewart Mason…. Team Canada!!!

Earl and Stewart take their belts and hold them up high.  However, after a second, Stewart reaches down to help Dorian up to his feet, and Earl helps bring Holly Wood to her feet.  After getting over being stunned, they find themselves shaking hands with Team Canada, who raise their arms up along with their own to celebrate a good match.  The crowd cheers loudly.

Abaddon: I told you.

Through the darkness, the familiar muffled rasp of Abaddon cuts through the silence.

Abaddon: You were the first.

In the distance, the mask that covers the identity of The Destroyer begins to appear.

Abaddon: You Mickey. You were chapter one. You were the beginning of this tale. You were the beginning of this tale of vengeance. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

The mask becomes whole, and gets closer and closer. Abaddon tilts his head ever so slightly to the left.

Abaddon: Jacob... I apologize. I apologize that you have found yourself on my path. I apologize that I have to step on you to continue this journey. Jacob, I will crush you under my sole like a bug in the road and continue on my way without a pause. This journey is so much larger than you. You will fall to the power of Revelations, and close another chapter of my masterpiece.

Cut to the match.

Show Cards / SCU Underground Ep. 34 (Card)
« on: September 15, 2019, 05:07:13 AM »
 Sin City Underground presents: Underground Ep. 34


Underground Episode 34 is filmed in front of a live audience at the Gold Coast Casino on September 19th, 2019 airing at 11:59pm PST.
Note: All segments must be turned in by September 17th, 2019 11:59pm PST (2:59am EST on 9/18)



We open the show with what better be an explanation from the new SCU Underground (and Combat) Champion.  First of all, we will find out which championship Javier Gonzalez will be keeping.  We also look forward to hearing who he anticipates to be his next challenge, all while being interviewed by none other than Dev Khatri.

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Tag Team Match
Ruin Sisters (Debbi & Stacy) Vs The Fox Brothers

Last week on Ep. 33: Ladies Night, Debbi and Stacy Ruin approached the acting GM, Donna Beauchamp, about not being booked much, and not being booked on Ladies Night was their final straw.  Donna heard their complaints, and before they left the office, they were granted a match, but a match they were none too happy about it.  They are booked against their friends, the tag team of Mason and Jason, the Fox Brothers.  Will the Ruin Sisters end their dry spell, or will the former Double Down Champions find their way back to the top, using this match as a catapult.

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Number one contendership for the Double Down Tag Team Championship
Fire Dragons (Valentina and Mark Cross) vs Angel of Filth and Eric Weaver

Last week, we saw Valentina and Angel of Filth teaming up to take on Nobility for the Double Down Tag Team Championships.  If you did not watch, then go do that now.  We’ll wait.  Okay, so you saw that it did not end well, and Angel of Filth was livid afterward, and we hear Valentina had several choice words.  GM Tad Ezra has decided to honor Filth’s request for a match, but not in singles action.  Mark Cross returns to SCU to resume the run of the Fire Dragons to back up Valentina.  But, it does not come easy, as Angel of Filth’s partner is Eric Weaver, the former SCU Combat Champion who feels pissed on and pissed off about the actions of his (former?) stablemate.  Two people who are not above winning at any cost, taking on the former Hardcore Tag Team Champions.  This will be good.

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Hardcore Tag Team Championships
Team Canada vs Mz Holly Wood & ???

With Dahlia being booked for a match later on tonight. The two men of the Team Canada faction will defend the Hardcore Tag Team titles. Holly Wood gets another shot but this time without Catarina as we have not been able to get a hold of her. Holly Wood has made a phone call and informed SCU that she will have a partner with her this Thursday, but who?

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Singles Match
Jacob Johnson Vs Abaddon

At Supernova 2, Abaddon shocked the fans when he made his presence known in the Mayhem Survival Match.  He took out five competitors, taking one of them with him by helicopter!  Talk about making a statement.  Now, he makes his official in-ring debut.  But, it won’t be an easy win as he takes on Jacob Johnson, a name that has been around in Honor Wrestling and Sin City Underground for years, someone who knows this ring like the back of their hand.

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Singles Match
Shelby Holt Vs Halo Williams

Our Underground Champion is in action tonight as she takes on Shelby Holt, the very first ever (Northern Lights) champion.  A dominant member of the roster since the beginning of the company, a member of The New Foundation is a threat to anyone, and without the title on the line, Shelby is likely wanting to grab the attention of Tad Ezra by grabbing a win over the champ, to get herself a title match in the near future.  However, that is much easier said than done when going against a champion like Halo Williams.

Double Main Event
Crowning the new SCU TV Champions

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Six Man Ladder Match - Television Championship Match
John Blade vs Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu vs Jerry Cann vs Father Gerald vs Lord Raab vs Dax Beckett  

Six big names in SCU.  One title that needs a champion.  Jerry Cann is a former Hardcore Tag Team Champion.  John Blade is a former Hardcore Tag Team and Combat Champion.  Dax Beckett is a former Pride Tag Team Champion.  Lord Raab is a former SCW Tag Team Champion, SCW Roulette, SCW Internet and SCW World Heavyweight Champion.  Hitamashii and Father Gerald are big names, but men that are on the rise.  Any of these six would be a great inaugural champion, but the question is… who will it be?

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Six Women Steel Cage Match - Television Championship Match
Torielle Jackson Vs Merlot Ayano Vs Alexis Staggs Vs Chanelle Martinez Vs Dahlia Rotten Vs Denise Andrews

Much like the men, we have six women who are excellent options for inaugural champion.  Why is this ending the show?  Because of all of the combustible elements inside of the ring.  Merlot Ayano and Alexis Staggs just had their one on one match at Summer XXXtreme, and the fans want more.  Chanelle Martinez and Torielle Jackson are former tag team partners who have had an underlying desire to beat the fuck out of one another.  And speaking of Chanelle, she was called out by Dahlia Rotten, part of the Hardcore Tag Team Championship stable.  The match will take place, but not this week.  And The Duchess of Las Vegas thrown in there makes this main event quality, so throwing a title up for grabs will likely bring out the violence.  Who’s going to take the cake?

All of this, and so much more on 9/19/2019 for Underground Episode 34

Results / SCU Underground Ep. 33 (Results)
« on: September 13, 2019, 05:45:33 AM »
 SCU Ep 33 is Ladies Night

SCU Underground comes at you from in front of a live audience at the Zappos Theater in Planet Hollywood of Las Vegas on Thursday, September 12th, 2019, airing at 11:59pm PST

Acting GM:

Announce Team:
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\'user*Ring Announcer
\'user \'user

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Exist†trace’s “Futatsu no Koe” begins to play throughout the arena. That causes a majority of the crowd to get hype. After a few moments, Merlot makes her way out from the back. She’s rocking a Nike floral bra, matching Nike leggings, and a pair of Nike Joyride Run Flyknits. Merlot lifts up a fist as the fans let out another cheer. Afterwards, she begins to walk down the entrance ramp.

She’s tossed a microphone as she makes it to the end of the ramp. Merlot quickly hops up onto the ring apron and enters in through the ropes. It isn’t long before the music begins to die down; she makes her way towards the hard camera as it does.

Merlot: How doing!?

The fans react positively, which encourages Merlot to continue.

Merlot: Is true, Merlot not really one to grab mic and talk in front of big crowd. But this time, think is justified, hai?  Would be grave disservice to all fans if Merlot just stood in the back and spoke. So, am here!

She nods her head. Merlot also pauses to think about what she desires to say next.

Merlot: Supernova was big night for Merlot. Massive night! And on that night, did something few people have done. Merlot became third person ever to win Mayhem Survival! Put name in Sin City Underground history books by lasting nearly thirty-three minutes in match. And in end, think Merlot proved something to everyone in back. Proved that am not some pretty face. Proved that am not some person who wants to blend in. Proved that am one of the most talented wrestlers in SCU. And if not clear by now―am not going anywhere!

She begins to walk around the ring a bit.

Merlot: Was big, big honor. But, couldn’t let win get to Merlot’s head. Why? Because still had work to do. Still had huge match with Alexis Stiggs to conduct. Was match that should have happened many times over. But time and time again, match got ruin or stopped. So, knew had to go out there and deliver at Summer XXXTreme. And guess what? Did just that!

Merlot: Though, am a bit disappointed at what happened after match. Merlot fought it honor. Fought with pride. So, am not sure why Alexis no shake hands. Merlot has never had the luxury of being sore loser in SCU; Alexis shouldn’t either.

Merlot continues walking.

Merlot: Is something else to address―Winter Elemental.

There’s a small pause. There’s also a minor change in her voice. It gets a bit bit deeper.

Merlot: You are one of the reasons Merlot no holding the SCU Championship. You and tag team partner thought it was cute and funny to interfere in Merlot’s match. Felt the need to try and ruin Merlot’s success here in SCU. Just did bad job. And retribution came on Episode Thirty-Two when Merlot and Alexis fought Kawaii Dragons in main event. Winter remember that? Because I do. Merlot no cheat. Merlot no take advantage of any situation. All did was deliver amazing suplex and lock on Vanguard Killer. Winter? Winter got knocked out. Winter no have the strength or wherewithal to get back into the fight―

Merlot: And now Winter want single’s match?

There’s another pause.

Merlot: Hai. Fine.

She puts up a finger.

Merlot: But, should be careful what wish for, Winter. Will not take match lightly. Will not go easy on you. Will be even more physical than first meeting.

In the backstage area, we find the members of Le Coven, Celeste North and Jenifer Lacroix, walking through the halls.  Jenifer is wearing a black dress suit and sunglasses while Celeste is wearing a black flowing gown that trails behind her.  She removes a hat from her head as she looks around the halls, taking a deep breath as she turns to Jenifer.

Celeste:  Ahhhh… it’s good to be back.

Crowd:  *Pop!*

Celeste’s lips curl into a bit of a smile. Jenifer stares blankly and straight ahead.  Celeste quivers.

Celeste:  This is a new era.  I can feel it coursing through my veins.  A renewal is indeed upon us.  Le Coven returns after having six weeks off, but there is so much more change in the air.  Tides have changed, and a new moon has risen.

Jenifer:  Un nouveau jour apporte de nouvelles opportunités pour Le Coven. More opponents means more collateral damage.  You have the only two undefeated competitors in SCU standing in front of your, refreshed and ready to go.

Celeste nods her head along with Jenifer’s statement.

Celeste:  We stand before all of our sisters in SCU tonight, and we invite you to take advantage of these brand new opportunities.  A new championship is on the horizon to add to these opportunities.  Seize them.  Join us in our incantation momentarily for empowerment.  But let us tell you one thing, and one thing only.

Celeste looks over to Jenifer as if they are to have a silent conversation.  Once this is over, they both look directly into the camera.

Celeste:  If one of your goals is to come and interrupt Le Coven’s streak, then you better bring everything you’ve got, because we have worked hard to get where we are.  We might not have been booked as much as we would like, but we have fought most of the roster, and we have found ourselves on the winning side.  I’m not going to say I am unbeatable, even if my record says so.  I’m sure Jenifer feels the same way.  But we welcome any and all challengers to take a stab at us.

Jenifer:  We do enjoy a good challenge.

Celeste and Jenifer look to one another for a moment before Celeste looks back at the camera.

Celeste:  Sisters of the Moon, kindred spirits, we ask that you guide us down our designed path.  We ask that you show us the light.  It is our will to follow the trail to where we are meant to be.  Your guidance is desired, and requested.  May Gaia direct us.

Jenifer:  May we honor her in everything that we do.

Celeste:  Speak through the screaming fans of SCU, for they guide us in our actions.  Bring about every challenge, even ones that will knock us down, for failure is simply an opportunity to learn lessons and grow into more fully realized, awakened individuals. Mote it be.

Jenifer:  Blessed be.

Celeste inhales deeply through her nostrils.  Upon exhaling, she smiles to the camera.

Celeste:  Tonight, we slay dragons. Not because we have personal problems with Winter and Tatsu, but because it is the challenge set before us.  While failure is a lesson learned, we will not fail tonight.  We will prevail, because we take our destiny seriously.  We let our skills speak for ourselves.  Shock wrestlers, we are not.  We are mature women who do not lack focus or determination.  I look forward to putting Tatsu in her place.  I look forward to taming Winter.  And once Le Coven has done so, I will dedicate my victory to my friend, who has dealt with this problem for far too long now. Tonight will be…

Jenifer takes a deep breath and smiles almost uncharacteristically, exhaling as if she were in a trance.

Jenifer: … magical…

Both ladies nod to one another, locking hands before walking out of the shot.

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Singles Match
Veronica Taylor vs Torielle Jackson

Liam: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Iiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first… From Bronx, NY, she is “The Classy One”... Toriellllllllllllle Jaaaaaaaacksoooooooooooon!!!

Torielle walks down to the head of the ring and she waves to the audience. She starts to enter the ring, but then pushes herself off of it as she begins to strut around the ring, showing off her long legs. She ruffles her hair as she comes to the apron. She pulls herself up and falls into the splits before pulling herself up into a genuflect, and then she slides her leg under the middle rope, climbing inside. She takes her hat off and hands it to the referee, along with her jacket, as she gets ready for the match to start.

Turn my Swag on by Keri Hilison hits over the pa system as the lights begin to flash all over the arena, as the fans give a loud ovation of booing. As, a makeshift runway appears, and soon a red carpet is rolled on top of it. As, out from the back steps Veronica Taylor with outstretched arms as the fans boo her, before grabbing her mirror and blowing herself a kiss. After, a few moments she begins to do a model like strut on the red carpet runway as a few photographers appear to take her photos, as she poses arrogantly. She, then takes a look around her grabbing her perfume from Veronica's Secret and sprays it around to get rid of the "stench" in the arena.

Liam:  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand her opponent!  From Beverly Hills, CA standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 122lb, she is… “The First Class Mean Girl”... Veronica Tayyyyyyyyyylorrrrrrr!!!

Veronica then stands at the end of the entrance ramp, doing some more poses. Before, raising her arms in the air as the fans fill the air with more boos. Before, she mouths to the camera "So damn first class baby", before blowing a kiss to the camera. As, she then moves to the ring apron, yelling at the referee to lower the ropes for her, which he does as Veronica enters under the bottom rope. As, she then stands in the center of the ring raising her arms in the air, before lowering them slowly. Then, she grabs out her perfume and sprays it all around killing the stench in the ring. As, Veronica then takes off her diamond necklace and hangs it on the corner, as she grabs her compact mirror and makes sure her makeup is done flawlessly. As she fluffs her hair, and blows herself a kiss.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  The long awaited in-ring debut of Veronica Taylor is finally here.

Angelica:  Yeah, it’s the one thing that’s going to save this shithole company from going under.  But could they be more insulting of their saving grace?  Torielle Jackson?  Really?

Gena:  Veronica waves to my broadcast partner, and, oh… you’re blowing her a kiss.  Completely impartial.

Angelica:  Yeah, well, I only associate with talent.

Gena:  While Veronica is distracted, Torielle sneaks up behind Veronica and trips her up into a Russian Facebuster!  Veronica’s good looks are ruined!

Angelica:  Not likely.  Veronica has taken far worse bumps, and she’s still strutting the runways in Milan.

Gena:  Torielle gets on Veronica’s back and pulls up on her hair, slamming her face first into the mat!  One, two, three, four, five, six…

Angelica:  Ugh, why is the referee not doing her job? *Clap clap*  Come on, Constance!

Gena:  Torielle grabs one of Veronica’s arms and spins her into an Inside Cradle!


Angelica:  An amazing kickout from Veronica Taylor, at the one count!  You can’t keep a great fighter down!

Gena:  As Torielle lets go of the pin, Veronica pokes her in the eyes!

Angelica:  I have no idea what you’re talking about.  I have half a mind to get in touch with Veronica’s lawyers to draw up a slander suit.

Gena:  You do that, princess.

Angelica:  With Torielle’s clumsiness, Veronica asserts her amazing ring awareness to hit a high Running Knee to Torielle, improving her appearance by like 1000%.  She then grabs Torielle’s hair and brings her over with a Snapmare!

Gena:  Veronica locks on a Rear Choke and brings Torielle down to the mat.  Torielle struggles, using her long legs to draw her closer to the ropes, kicking frantically.

Angelica:  Veronica’s ingenuity kicks in and she stops Torielle in her tracks, bringing her back to the center of the ring.

Gena:  Torielle kicks her legs around, turning her over to her side.  Veronica is not giving up as she keeps latched on with the choke.  Torielle is able to move over to her stomach, pushing herself up.

Angelica: Come on, Veronica!  She’s riding Torielle like a five star cowgirl!  Torielle’s talentless ass is bucking all around, but Veronica keeps her down!

Gena:  More like Torielle flings Veronica onto the mat and begins elbowing her relentlessly until Veronica lets go?  I can see the confusion.

Angelica:  Your ends are badly split, and it looks like you applied your makeup before going on a three-day bender before showing up for work tonight. And you smell like it too.

Gena:  Don’t you dare criticise me, bitch or I will cut y… Oh, and Torielle breaks free.  She gets on top of Veronica and begins throwing punch after punch.  She tangles her fingers in that $500 hairstyle of hers!

Angelica:  Ha! If only… Her hair's insured for  $100,000.  Torielle’s not even worth that much, so she better watch out!

Gena:  Torielle pounds Veronica’s head into the mat for all it’s worth!  Torielle then gets up and hits a Split Leg Drop, keeping posed over Veronica into a pin!


Angelica:  Barely a two!  Is that the best she’s got?  Wait, what is she doing?

Gena:  Torielle lifts Veronica up and shoves her head between her legs.  It looked like we’re about to see the Classy Bomb!  She lifts Veronica up and…

Angelica:  Sparkles!  There’s glitter everywhere!  I can’t believe Torielle would throw glitter in her own face like that.  It’s like she wanted to lose!

Gena:  Veronica blew that right in Torielle’s face and you know it!  As Torielle wipes at her face, Veronica sets her right up for the…

Angelica:  Beauty Improvement Pass (Curb Stomp)!  It’s over!  She rolls Torielle over onto her back and hooks the leg!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner via pinfall… Veronica Tayyyyyyyyyylorrrrrrr!!!

Gena:  Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!

Angelica:  I don’t have to sit here and listen to that kind of talk about my client.  She won her match fair and square.  And now that I’ve made sure that she has her match called the way that she deserves, I’m outie…

There is a crackling sound as “Turn My Swag On” by Keri Hilson plays over the speakers.  The cameras pick up Angelica walking away from the table to join Veronica inside of the ring. She walks over to Constance Salazaar and pushes her away from Veronica’s arm.  Angelica raises her arm instead, and then Angelica takes the honor of picking Torielle up from the mat and tossing her to the outside of the ring.  She sanitizes her hands, and then shares it with Veronica.  Veronica is still not pleased as she waves at Angelica, who reaches into her purse and pulls out a bottle of Veronica’s Secret perfume and sprays it around Veronica, and then herself.  They waft it toward them as the crowd boos loudly for the Mean Girls.  They laugh with one another before taking their leave, trying their best to be above the crowd by paying them no attention.

A bright light shines down the hallway before footsteps can be heard.  The people in the back stop and stare at the light until it fades their faces looking like they see trouble heading their way now. Right on time Sister Esther and Mother Mavis walk down the hall carrying their bags. Sister Esther also has an extra piece of luggage around her waist with the Sin City Underground Combat Championship.  She looks around and then she is annoyed and stomps her foot on the ground.

Esther:  I thought that dark haired one would be here to greet me.  Or that satanic slut.  I deserve a warm welcome.

Mavis looks at her daughter and she can’t help but nod her head and clear her throat to look around at the lack of welcome for the new champion.

Mavis:  I bet if that one who wears next to no clothing and shakes her rump in front of the slobbering dogs in the audience were to walk in here she would get a deafening ovation.

Esther:  It’s not fair momma!  Not fair at all!  I deserve a parade or something.

Mavis: Or at least a warm welcome.  You did what no one thought you would do including myself. You won the Combat Championship at Summer XXXtreme. You have made Our Father genuinely happy.

Esther’s bad mood almost goes away until Marissa rushes over to the ladies almost out of breath.

Marissa:  I do apologize. With being down an interviewer it has been hard to keep up with all of the ladies tonight.

Mavis puts her hand over Marissa’s face which makes the interviewer mad in return.

Mavis:  Excuses are the devil’s lies that stop us from admitting our wrong doings. There is no excuse for not greeting your new champion.

Esther:  Exactly jezebel.  A champion comes above all others.  Even a champion like Halo Williams despite her bountiful sins.  But she already had her time to celebrate being a new champion and I have not.  I don’t know how you do things in Las vegas aside from straight up debauchery but in the south we call that plain rude.

Marissa goes to speak again but Mavis speaks over her.

Mavis:  It could be that no one expected you to win Sister Esther and they are still in shock.  Tell me Marissa.  Did you think my daughter was going to walk away from that fight as the champion? That even the holy divine power of Our Father would lead this soldier to victory, albeit self-absorbed?

Marissa looks to Mavis and starts to nod her head and agree until she looks at Esther who looks angry at this idea.  She starts to disagree until she sees Mavis moving in on her.

Marissa:  I cannot answer that question.  Besides it doesn’t matter because the fact is that Sister Esther Shepherd is standing before us as the new SCU Combat Champion.  Many congratulations goes to the new champion.

Esther looks back to Mavis.

Esther:  I dislike her a lot less for some reason.  I think she might be able to be saved if she tries hard enough.

Mavis:  I’m not so sure, daughter.  The shirts are low cut, as if she is inviting someone to welcome her to America, Trump style.  It’s unfortunate.

Marissa:  And I am still standing here.

Mavis looks directly at Marissa with her cold snake like eyes and she speaks not a word.  Esther giggles and adjusts her belt up from her waist to her shoulder to show it off better.

Esther:  Agree to disagree.  Either way I am the champion and I’m already looking out for my next challenger. Will it be Shannon Middlebrooks?  Torielle Jackson? Tatsu Ikeda? Winter Elemental? Or will Kelli Torres boo boos be healed by then?  You know what it doesn’t matter. Any challenger is fine by me. They will just be in my way and I don’t like obstacles. I get really really cranky when I have obstacles. It’s not a fun thing. So the next challenger better pray for mercy because I won’t be giving them any.

Marissa is about to say something else when Mother Mavis and Sister Esther leave her presence on their own terms.

Alexis Staggs is seen backstage just outside the locker room door. She’s already dressed in her ring gear and she’s doing some last minute stretches to limber up for her match against Brittany Williams when Marissa Henry walks up to her, microphone in hand and eager for an interview.

Marissa: Alexis Staggs. Mind if I have a word?

Alexis stands up straight, still stretching out her arms. She smirks at Marissa and lets out a laugh.

Alexis: I’d say you just did, but sure. Make it quick.

Marissa: Since your return to the ring and your debut here in SCU, you haven’t had the biggest presence backstage. Any reason why?

Alexis rolls her eyes.

Alexis: There’s always a reason. And to be honest, I’m still trying to find my footing and getting back into being an active wrestler along with trying to be present in my kid’s life. It hasn’t been a smooth transition, but I’ll get there.

Marissa: It seems to be taking you quite a while…

Alexis: Your point being? Everyone adjusts differently and at a different pace, Marissa. I’m getting there. Get over it. Damn.

Alexis rolls her eyes again and finishes limbering up.

Marissa: At Summer XXXtreme we finally got to see your one-on-one match against Merlot happen. It ended in a loss for you, obviously, but Merlot tried to be a good sport by shaking your hand after the match. You refused and alot of us are questioning why.

Alexis laughs again.

Alexis: Because there was no reason to. We’re not friends. She beat me and that’s all there is to it. I didn’t feel like shaking her hand. Is that all? I really need to focus on beating Brittany Williams and these questions are starting to annoy me.

Marissa: You seem to be more focused heading into this match tonight.

Alexis nods.

Alexis: I have to be. I’m not about to walk out to that ring and let myself get beat by Crystal Hilton’s daughter. Or any member of that family for that matter. People might not be talking much about me or worrying about me right now, but tonight I’m walking out there and using Brittany Williams to send a damn message to the whole damn locker room.

Marissa: And that would be?

Alexis turns and looks directly into the camera.

Alexis: That Alexis Staggs is here to fucking stay.

Alexis then shoves past Marissa and off camera.

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Singles Match
Alexis Staggs vs Brittany Williams

The ringside crowd is in a bit of a lull as the camera focuses in on Gena Schaal sitting by herself at the announcer’s table.  After a minute of this, the crowd gives off a mixed reaction as “O Canada” plays over the speakers.  Gemma Frost walks out from behind the curtains and makes her way down to ringside quickly.  She gives a couple of half-hearted waves before walking over to join Gena.

Gena:  To what do I owe the pleasure, Gemma?

Gemma:  Word in the back is that I still work here, and your help for the night took off on you already.  Are you that unbearable?

Gena:  Apparently!  But I think I’ve got a certain spunk.

Gemma:  Funk?  Yeah, I can tell.  Angelica wasn’t wrong about that part.

Gena:  I knew I liked you for a reason.  You got character.

Gemma:  Too bad it isn’t an unemployed dead person.  Shut up, the lights are coming on again.

"Unbreakable" by Fireflight starts to play in the sound system and a video montage of some of Alexis Edwards memorable moments appears on the screen. Seconds into the music, Alexis appears from behind the curtain, standing at the top of the ramp and throwing her hands in the air as her music plays, and the crowd now cheers her on.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV standing at 5'5" and weighing in at 120lb, she is... Alexis Staggs!!!

She looks around the crowd and smiles before she starts making her way to the ring, high fiving and slapping hands along the way. Once to the ring she slides in under the bottom rope and jumps back to her feet. She jumps up to the second turnbuckle, throwing her hands in the air to another round of cheering from the crowd before she jumps back down as her music dies down. She stares back towards the entrance as she waits for her opponent to enter.

Liam: Aaaaaaaaaaand her opponent. On her way to the ring, from Los Angeles, CA standing at 5’2” and weighing in at 103lb, she is… “The Lil Dream Machine” Brittany Williams!!!

Jump by Kriss Kross begins to blast across the speakers. As it does Brittany Williams begins to emerge from behind the curtain being accompanied by her wife Halo Annis. Brittany offers a wide grin as paparazzi following begin to snap photos of the two girls. Brittany grins taking in all the cheers as she walks down the aisle wearing her tiara with a cape around her back. Her attire a glittering red and black mix. She slides into the ring moving her hands through her curly (nappy) hair. She takes off her tiara, and her cape. As she waits for the match to begin.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gemma:  Alexis seems pretty excited about wiping the floor with Brittany’s face.  She goes after Brittany, but Brittany ducks underneath Alexis’ attempts at tying up.  She turns around and grabs hold of Alexis’ head.

Gena:  Alexis twists and picks Brittany up, looking for a High Angle Suplex, but Brittany flips out of it and lands on her feet.  Alexis turns around, and Brittany goes for a Crescent Kick, but Alexis grabs her leg and trips her up.

Gemma:  Alexis does to drop an elbow to Brittany’s stomach, but Brittany rolls out of the way and then kips up.  To everyone’s surprise, Alexis kips up next and the two come face to face.  Alexis’ nostrils flare up.

Gena:  Brittany laughs as she and Alexis get nose to nose.  Brittany gives Alexis a nice little shove, and then Alexis turns to her side, pointing to Brittany as she nods her head and laughs with the crowd.

Crowd:  Oooooooooooh!!!

Gemma:  Alexis takes a few steps forward, giving Brittany a slightly harder shove before letting her arms fall to her side, pleased with herself.  Brittany stumbles back a little before giving Alexis a harder shove, with some anger behind it.

Gena:  Alexis breathes deeply, but before anyone can react, Alexis lunges forward with a Headbutt right between Brittany’s eyes!  Brittany goes down and Alexis begins circling her, stomping a fucking mudhole into Brittany.

Gemma:  She then picks Brittany up and flings her into the ropes.  Brittany flips into the ropes and then comes back, meeting Alexis with a Handspring Elbow that puts her on the mat.  Brittany gives the whole circle stomp routine now.

Gena:  Brittany picks Alexis off of the mat and then she sends her into the corner.  She goes for a Spear, but Alexis moves out of the way.  She grabs onto the back of Brittany’s head and then she begins slamming her head into the turnbuckle.

Crowd:  Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Gemma:  Brittany, in a desperate attempt, kicks Alexis away from her. She then grabs hold of Alexis and spins her into the corner.  She lays boot to Alexis in what seems like it will be a never ending cycle of turnabout.

Gena:  Or she’s trying to tell Alexis that anything she can do, Brittany can do better. She drives Alexis down to the ground and then presses her knee into Alexis’ head, causing Alexis to yell out.

Gemma:  Alexis slides outside of the ring.  She talks trash to Brittany while Brittany taunts her.  Brittany laughs and begins to saunter around the ring, pointing out to Alexis on the… inside of the ring, but she doesn’t notice!

Gena:  Alexis slides back inside of the ring and spins Brittany around.  She kicks her in the gut and goes for the Put On Notice (Kudo Driver), but Brittany gets out of it by flipping forward, keeping Alexis’ arms locked in hers, with a Backslide Pin!


Gemma:  Alexis barely gets out of that one.  Brittany picks her up from the mat, but Alexis trips Brittany up, sliding quickly over Brittany and grabbing her arm for the A.G.E. Of Alexis (Disarmer)!

Gena:  Brittany screams out in pain and looks around the ring, trying to maneuver over to the ropes, but Alexis grounds her weight and there’s nowhere to go!  Brittany taps out!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner via submission… Alexis Sssssssssstaggsssssssss!!!

Alexis quickly rolls off of Brittany.  She celebrates her win for only a second before she jumps out of the ring.  She throws her arms in the air as the crowd cheers.  “Unbreakable” plays over the speakers as Alexis gives Brittany a final laugh before walking up the ramp as Brittany shrieks at Alexis, pounding the mat angrily.

The cameras move to the backstage area to see The Ruin Sisters, Debbi and Stacy, standing outside of the GM office. They are talking amongst themselves.

Stacy: We deserve to know why, on a Ladies Night show, where every woman in the locker room is booked except us.

Debbi: All I'm saying is that they probably have their reasons. We don't really know, and we should have a little faith in the GM for the night.

Stacy rolls her eyes and moves her hand back and away from the door where she was preparing to knock. She looks back at Debbi with a sardonic expression.

Stacy: Faith? I can't say anything about faith. As a God fearing woman, I have faith where it matters.  But the reasons we aren't booked are simple, sis. We haven't won a match in almost a year. Our records aren't the best. There aren't any Ruin Sister signs out there. People don't believe in us.

Debbi: Um, ouch?

Stacy: Let's be real for a second, Debs. We haven't exactly been on a roll, and that goes as far back as our debut in Honor Wrestling. We're still finding our way. But it doesn't help when we don't get booked but once a month. And getting passed up on Ladies Night is just plain unfair.

Debbi thinks about it for a minute, wanting so badly to argue the point. But after a moment of inner conflict, Debbi sighs and nods her head. Stacy looks pleased with herself and turns back to the door. She knocks on it in an almost pristine manner, and then she falls back next to her sister, straightening out her blouse. The door opens and Donna Beauchamp is standing in the doorway.

Donna: Debbi, Stacy, what can I do for you two?

Stacy goes to speak, but Debbi doesn't let her and she steps toward Donna.

Debbi: We would like to talk to you for a moment in private.

Donna steps aside and paves the way even though she looks confused by the presence of the twins. They take their seats.

Donna: Ladies. I am all ears.

Debbi: And we are all opinions. Now that we have your attention, we have a few concerns.

Donna: If I can be of assistance.

Stacy: We sure hope so. Professionally, we would like answers as to why we are the only two women in the locker room not booked for Ladies Night.

Donna sighs as she tends to the papers in front if her.

Donna: The honest truth is that there was simply not enough room for the two of you.

Debbi: And yet the New Foundation are main eventing tonight, and they have been all but present for quite some time. Word on the streets is that you are on the verge of terminating contracts with them.

Donna looks stunned, and Stacy is nearly as flabbergasted.

Donna: I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. But you have to look at it from a business standpoint. The New Foundation draws attention and ticket sales.

Stacy: And the Ruin Sisters don't. When will we have a real chance instead to prove ourselves instead of sitting in the locker room and drawing a check? We want action. We show up every week. We deserve a match.

Donna: To an extent, you are right. You do deserve a chance. Why don't we plan on facing the Fox Brothers next Thursday on Episode 34?

Debbi: But Mason and Jason are our friends.

Donna stares at Debbi from across the desk. Stacy elbows her sister in the side.

Stacy: That would be wonderful. We look forward to proving ourselves and starting our lengthy SCU career. Debbi, let's celebrate.

Debbi still wants to debate with Donna, but Stacy pulls her sister by the arm and drags her out of the office. She looks back at Donna and squeals with delight as she drags Debbi down the hallway.

The crowd comes to a hush as a spotlight shines on Marissa Henry in the middle of the ring. She smiles as the crowd gives her cheerful whistles. After a moment of this, she raises the microphone to her lips.

Marissa: Please welcome my guest at this time. She is your reigning and defending Underground Champion… Halo… Willllllliaaaaaaaamssss!!!

Life of Agony’s “Lost At 22” starts up and the SCU Underground Champion, Halo Williams, comes walking out to a nice ovation. She slaps a few hands on the way down before stepping up to the stairs. As she does so, confetti explodes from seemingly everywhere, catching Halo by surprise. She glances around and sees her wife, Brittany "B-Brat" Williams, standing by the entry curtain, smirking knowingly. Halo shakes her head, almost laughing, before she walks up the steps and enters the ring. As Halo settles into the center of the ring, Marissa shakes hands with Halo and then they wait for a second as Halo's music dies down.

Marissa: Halo, I would like to congratulate you on two successful title defenses at Supernova 2 and Summer XXXtreme VII against Angel Kash and Angel of Filth respectively. How does it feel to put down two former champions in seven day's time?

Halo: In all honesty, I don’t think that’s set in yet. Angel Kash talked her shit and ended up eatin’ it and then Angel of Filth took her shot and we went to that woodshed together… and I’m the one who came out standin’!

Marissa gives an impressed nod.

Marissa: You surprised the world when you captured the title in the first place, so many thought you would not leave the Sun Princess with the belt. Yet, you proved them wrong. Anything you want to say to your doubters?

Halo holds the championship belt up for the world to see.

Halo: That about covers it, I think, y’all agree?

Marissa chuckles and nods once again, aiding in Halo's cause by pointing to the belt, drawing a bit of an unexpected cheer from the audience.

Marissa: That definitely speaks louder than any words. Now, speaking of words, it is my understanding that not everyone in the locker room is accepting you as the top dog. Some deal with it by giving sideways glances, while others have gone to Twitter to voice their opinions. Do you have anything to say to them?

Halo shrugs.

Halo: Ain’t nothin’ to be done but say, y’all wanna come on down and take a trip to the woodshed, I ain’t hard to find!

Marissa smiles.

Marissa: Interesting… With so many talented women in SCU, the return of those such as Valentina and Celeste North, who do you see as the next top contender to your Underground Championship?

Halo: I…

Turn my swag on by Keri Hilson hits over the public address system as the fans let out loud boos knowing the theme song belonged to Veronica Taylor. The camera pans as out from the back steps none other than the First Class Bombshell herself who had a smug smirk on her face. As she struts down the ramp like she owns the place taunting the booing fans taking out her bottle of Veronicas secret spraying it around herself to cover up the scent.  Halo just stares at Veronica coming and shakes her head. Veronica soon orders a stage hand to give her a microphone he does, as she then “flirts” with them to get them to lower the ropes so she can enter the ring. After that she rudely dismisses them, as she puts the microphone up to her lips giggling in a bitch manner.

Veronica: Who were you expecting? Kelli Torres?

The fans boo even louder as Veronica lets out an evil laugh.

Veronica: Oh hush no one wants to hear you! But you know stepping in this cesspool known as Las Vegas like seriously do you people get tired of living in such a trashy place? Like hello I so can’t wait to be back in LA.

The fans just boo this even louder as Veronica rolled her eyes.

Veronica: Anyway well you say you need a challenger well who better than the woman who just slayin basic Tonellie Johnson all over the arena? Because lets face it the competition here isn’t much to write home about is it? I mean looking up and down that roster well its slim pickings. But you have something I want, and that puts you in my crosshairs doll.

Halo just stares at her.

Halo: Which one are you again? What with the Mean Girls, the Pretty Committee, Nobility, the Pink Ladies and half of my wife’s own family, y’all all start to run together…

Veronica rolls her eyes and scoffs.

Veronica: Honey don’t compare The Mean Girls and Pretty Committee to the rest of those okay? Second of all I am Veronica Freakin Taylor the basic slaying, fashion defining, runway strutting uggo destroying Queen of Mean. So you will show me respect because quite frankly you should be honored to be in my presence right now? You did hold and defend that title and props but seriously I can not let a champion with such poor pores around for much longer and that is why I am here.

The fans boo, veronica rolls her eyes.

Veronica: To save that belt from being around your waist any longer and quite frankly I am the only one who can do that? Because who else is here Dahlia Rotten? To busy eating at catering obviously. Nobility? Yawn borninnnnng! And sadly that is all I can think of the rest just blend it like the basics they are.

Halo nods slowly, smirking knowingly.

Halo: Y’all’s a talker…

The smile fades away.

Halo: I hate talkers.

Veronica looked disgusted.

Veronica: Oh boo hoo because after I get that belt from around your waist I will be talking even more and there will be nothing you or these rodents in attendance can do to stop me.

Halo: Y’all wanna take a trip to the woodshed?

Veronica rudely puts her well manicured hand up to Halo’s face meaning talk to the hand.

Veronica: When I am talking you stay quiet and woodshed uh ew! These basics don’t deserve to see a second Veronica Taylor match yeah you don’t. But I will be taking that belt on my time because I am the star around here.

Halo smacks the hand from her face.

Halo: You vacant fuckin’ idiot, I didn’t mean now…

Pausing, she nods in acknowledgement.

Halo: Although I would have done it had you asked, but I meant, so y’all want a trip to the woodshed so you can do what Angel Kash swore she was gonna do? How about at that big stage they call High Stakes?

Veronica smirked before putting the microphone up to her lips.

Veronica: You’re on Halo, by the way keep that title warm for me because it will soon be around my tight little waist soon enough. And I am not Angel Kash honey I am the one who put SCW on the social media map.

Halo: I’d say with all due respect, but, I’m pretty sure we’ve already heard the respect y’all is due tonight!

Veronica: Now that you signed your own title away you can be just like your parents. A total failure. I mean your gonna be begging for scraps after I am done with you.

There is a wave of rage that washes over Halo, and spreads out through the entire crowd. A roar comes over them as they get up on their feet. Halo begins marching toward Veronica when Marissa stands in her way. Halo pushes past Marissa. She is about to get to Veronica when the all female security team rolls inside of the ring and the appointed Head of Security for the night, Kittie, gets between Halo and Veronica. Kittie restrains Halo as the rest of the ladies back Veronica away and get her out of the ring. However, her job is done and smile smiles wickedly as they get her away from ringside.

Sarah, Gail, and Dahlia enter the interview area with Marissa.

Marissa: Please welcome Team Canada.

Sarah: Hello.

Marissa: Once again The three-way are champions.

Dahlia: Did ya bloody expect anything different, we’re the best bloody tag team in the world.

Sarah: You’ll have to excuse my partner she tends to get a little riled up sometimes.

Marissa: I get that, but about tonight and your match against Chanelle Martinez.

Dahlia: The nobility has been in our crosshairs for a while now, and tonight the lesser member has to step into the ring with me and everyone knows what’s going to happen, tonight Chanelle get crushed like a bug under my shoe, and the nobility will be one member down, and in a future fight against us, that will not be great for them, not that would matter anyway, because all we have to do is rope those three stupid trollops into a three on three-fight, and with Stewart as our third man, the nobility would be ground into dust, but we all know that won’t happen don’t we.

Sarah: Not that we’re imploying anything, now have a great evening Marissa, we have a nobility bug to squash.

Show Cards / Underground Ep. 33: Ladies Night (Card)
« on: September 04, 2019, 05:07:59 PM »
 SCU Ep 33 is Ladies Night

SCU Underground comes at you from in front of a live audience at the Zappos Theater in Planet Hollywood of Las Vegas on Thursday, September 12th, 2019, airing at 11:59pm PST

*All segments are due by 11:59pm PST on Tuesday, September 10th, to the underground account, or DM’ed via Twitter to the @SCU_GM_Tad account.  This is a ladies only event, so we will only be accepting segments from the female characters for this show.  All others will be reserved for the following show on the 19th.  This includes announcers, backstage interviewers, and personnel.

Acting GM:

Announce Team:
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After every major program SCU gives the fans a theme night. SCU rotates a Mens only, Ladies Night and Tag Team only matches night. This time it’s Ladies Night. This Ladies Night will open with the 2019 Mayhem Survival match winner, Mayhem Survivor Merlot Ayano. She was speechless at Supernova, she and Alexis Staggs finally got the match the fans waited months for at Summer XXXTreme. Winter made it public on Twitter she wants a match with Merlot. With all this we‘re sure Merlot will have a lot to talk about.

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Singles Match
Veronica Taylor vs Torielle Jackson

The fans have been waiting for the official debut of Veronica Taylor inside of the Sin City Underground ring.  Though Veronica is no stranger to the six sided ring, being SCW’s Social Media Matriarch, neither is Torielle Jackson.  She and Veronica have faced off in the past in tag team action, but on this special Ladies Night, the show is opened with two long time SCW wrestlers come to SCU for their first ever one-on-one match.  Who will be victorious?


SCU fans have seen the light… or the darkness that will come about SCU as we get word from the new Combat Champion Sister Esther. She and Mother Mavis will be in the house while Brother David and Father Gerald sit this one home.

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Singles Match
Alexis Staggs vs Brittany Williams

Alexis Staggs finally got her hands on Merlot Ayano on the Sun Princess Cruise Ship at Summer XXXtreme.  Word backstage is that Alexis is not happy about the way things turned out, but her focus is elsewhere.  Tad is willing to test her “focus” by sending her against one half of the former Hardcore Tag Team Champions, “The Brat Princess” Brittany Williams.  Will Alexis right her wrongs from Summer XXXtreme and take her opponents more seriously, or will the Williams Clan add one more victory to their growing list of SCU accomplishments?


Our Underground Champion, Halo Williams is set to celebrate retaining her title with the fans in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Where are her sights set now that she’s solidified herself as a serious champion not to be messed with?  Who will be challenging her as we look forward to High Stakes IX? We expect to hear from the champ herself on these topics and more.


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Tag Team Match - Double Down Tag Team Championship
Nobility (Angel Kash and Melissa Ruin) vs Valentina and Angel of Filth

It is Championship time!  By word of tonight’s acting GM, SCU’s Spokeswoman Donna Beauchamp, Nobility will be defending their Double Down Tag Team Championships, and furthermore, Melissa Ruin and Angel Kash will be the members defending them.  Some have argued that the strongest wrestler of the group is being put out of the match.  Donna doesn’t mind that, especially when she is putting them up against two of the strongest and most popular wrestlers on the roster, Valentina and Angel of Filth. Things suddenly don’t look so good for the champs.

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Singles Match
Dahlia Rotten vs Chanelle Martinez-Blade

Speaking of Nobility, and Donna Beauchamp’s reverse favoritism, Chanelle Martinez-Blade will be representing Nobility as she goes up against the literal biggest threat on the SCU roster, man or woman, in Dahlia Rotten.  Dahlia is not known for taking it easy on her opponents inside of the ring, but over the last several months, Chanelle has shown that she’s no one to snub your nose at either.  Rich and ruthless can go in the same sentence, but only as long as Dahlia doesn’t wipe Chanelle from the face of this planet.

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Tag Team Match
Kawaii Dragons vs Le Coven

Summer XXXtreme saw a lot of surprise moments.  It definitely lived up to the moniker of hottest show of the year.  Kawaii Dragons have been sticking their noses where they don’t belong for a while now.  But stepping in on the feud between Alexis Staggs and Merlot Ayano drew the ire of both most hated and most loved stars of SCU who wanted to see that match take place.  GM Tad Ezra made sure to try to set up precautions to ensure they got their one on one match, including adding Lumberjills.  The Kawaii Dragons disguised themselves amongst the Lumberjills, before the surprise return of Le Coven, who made short work of the Kawaii Dragons, and giving the fans what they wanted in the process.  A friend of the Kawaii Dragons might have stuck her foot in her mouth with Donna, and Donna had announced at Summer XXXtreme that Le Coven would take on the Kawaii Dragons in a sanctioned match, for the first time ever!

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Main Event
Tag Team Match

Mother Mavis and Sister Esther vs Shelby Holt and Shannon Middlebrooks

Talk about a Main Event worthy match!  At Summer XXXtreme, Sister Esther won the vacant SCU Combat Championship on the women’s side.  She defeated Torielle Jackson in a close contest to bring the first piece of gold home to The Good Shepherds.  She is joined by her mom.  Lame. No, seriously, Mother Mavis teams up with the new Combat Champion to take on the first ever Combat Champion.  To make things more interesting, The first ever Combat Champion is teamed up with her stablemate, who also happens to be the first ever Avalanche (and by proxy, Underground) Champion.  Stables collide as the ladies of The Good Shepherds take on the highly decorated members of The New Foundation.  Will the new era see some sort of familiarity with The New Foundation leaving Ladies Night victorious?  Or will the dawn of this new era bring about a certain “heavenly” light?

Find out all of the answers to this, and oh so much more as Underground: Ep 33 Ladies Night comes at you live from the Zappos Theater at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas!

Results / SCU presents: Supernova II (Results)
« on: August 19, 2019, 09:51:37 PM »
 Supernova PPV

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Sin City Underground presents: Supernova II, coming to you from the Sun Princess Cruiseliner on Aug. 18th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST. Broadcasted on Aug. 19th, 2019.

La Liga Ft. Alika - Yo Tengo El Do hits over the public address system as the fans burst into loud cheers as they await the arrival of Kelli Torres. However, after a few moments the music stops only to start up again as the fans are still waiting anxiously for the arrival of the former SCU Underground champion however, this time when the camera pans someone is arriving however, when the spotlight shines it is not Kelli Torres instead it was Veronica Taylor.  Who smugly smirked as the fans cheers turned into loud and disgusted boos which she shrugs off posing very happy with herself. Veronica is dressed to the nines in a red dress, red high heel pumps, and a red chanel handbag. Looking like the one she had during the attack of Kelli Torress, she soon makes her way strutting down to the ring taunting the booing fans as she soon took out a bottle of Veronicas Secret perfume and sprays it at the booing fans while holding her nose complaining about their scent. As she soon climbed up the steel steps ordering a stage hand to hold the ropes open for her which he does in order to avoid any more scheering from the Queen of Mean. As she soon orders a microphone to be handed to her which it is as she moves her hair out of her eyes and puts her hand on her hip. As she motions for her music to be cut which it is as it stops all that can be heard is loud boos from the fans at her lack of remorse and respect.As Veronica laughs loudly at the boos before putting the microphone up to her perfectly glossed lips.

Veronica: Aw, where you uggos expecting someone else? Someone who is beyond basic? Well to damn bad god I’m so glad we won’t hear that theme for a long time. It is terrible just like Kelli Torres!

The boos just grow louder as Veronica holds her hand up in a sush motion to the fans.

Veronica: When Veronica Taylor talks you basics shut up and listen. Whatever so rude!  Anyway, Kelli can come and try to get her revenge but here's the deal, I am done with you! Why? Because your so beneath me. Like seriously go play with the other uggos in the combat division because I am bigger than that mess.

The boos only grow louder at the arrogance of Veronica Taylor. As she placed her hand on her hip in annoyance again waiting for the fans to quiet down.  As she soon shrugs her shoulders and began to speak in her normal arrogant tone.

Veronica Taylors: Again uggos hush no one wants to hear you!

The boos just grow louder as Veronica gives a disgusted look at the booing fans.

Veronica: Now, Kelli I know you’re watching this, jealous of how amazing I look!  Which yes eat your heart out basic. But now you know you need to watch who you bitch to and about. Because, you whined and whined and went over Tad’s head right? Like what a lame move! Your like the fat girl who cried because I picked on her oh boo hoo. Waah the Nobility is kicking me around waah no one is doing anything about it oh waah. Seriously the worst. But speaking of that when you went to Donna and got security well Tad didn’t like that in fact he didn’t like it so much he wanted you taken down and he knew Angel’s girls couldn’t get the job done so he went to the past of SCW. He went to the founding mother of the Mean Girls, he went to me. And we made a deal a really good one, and I made sure you got the beating you so deserved.

The fans really boo this explanation from the Queen of Mean who just laughs loudly as she says in an arrogant tone.

Veronica: Oh boo hoo I did you a favor and you know it. But now your gone for a month but don’t blink because your gonna miss it. While you rest of your head you're gonna watch me make over this entire division from head to toe, and become the SCU Underground champion. Gonna take out that freak with the bad pores, and any other basic who thinks they are gonna stop the Leading Lady from getting what she wants. And I am the leading lady, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.  Sorry bout it.

Veronica drop the mic as Turn my Swag on hits . As she takes the time and poses all throughout the ring in a model like fashion. As the flash bulbs goes off, as the Queen of Mean soon left the ring smugly smirking at the booing fans and blowing kisses as the scene fades to black.

Camera shows John Martinez walking in the back and see his Wife Chanelle Martinez with her girls while Marissa Henry stops him

Marissa: Sorry to disturb you John. but one week ago you win your match against Brother David. by DQ and now you will compete in a thirty man Mayhem Survival against thirty Superstars to earn yourself a brand new vehicle at Supernova any thoughts John.

Martinez-Blade: Reason that I won by Disqualification was because of Brother David. is that he couldn't beat me fair n square so that's why he hit me with a steel chair and now they got me in a thirty man Mayhem Survival match with all thirty competitors will be fighting a new car this week at Supernova 2 PPV.

Marissa: but John. what about your Wife Chanelle Martinez. I mean does she even knows that you're already in the Mayhem Survival 3 match in two days on SCU.

Martinez-Blade: technically Ms Henry. I just past my Wife through the halls and I'm pretty sure that she knows that I have a match coming up in two days cause after I win this match on Sunday then I will take my Wife to a fancy nice movie theater after i defeat all thirty members of this Mayhem Survival 3 match at Supernova 3 on SCW.
Marissa Henry: John. can you even survive through the Mayhem survival match this Sunday.

Martinez-Blade: if only hows the match gonna turn out cause once I eliminated all thirty members from this Mayhem survival in less then two days then I will have no kinda problem until my Wife retains her Double down tag titles against Holly wood and Franklin on Sunday at Supernova.

Martinez-Blade: Because the Champ is here!

John walks away from Marissa Henry when she continues talking.

Marissa: thanks John. in good luck on Sunday against all thirty members in your Mayhem survival match.

Marissa: and we hope that John. can win his match on Sunday if he wants that new vehicle for his Wife so that he can be prepared for his other match next week at Summer Extreme v11 on SCU.

Scene fades when John theme song hits and heads Straight towards the back and gets ready to fight the Mayhem Survival Match.

Backstage, we find our way into the office of General Manager, Tad Ezra.  He can be seen sitting at his desk, looking as professional as one can in a tattered SCU t-shirt, messy black hair, and a beard that would make any mountain man jealous.  He clasps his hands together in front of him and purses his lips as he stares into the camera.  He takes a deep breath through his nose as he tries to continue.  However, he laughs a little, and has to try to re-establish his demeanor.  Once he does so, he continues.

Tad: Ladies and gentlemen.  First of all, I would like to thank you for taking your complimentary tickets to the Sun Princess one week cruise in place of your STAPLES Center tickets.  The change in venue was a little last minute.  That's what we get for letting that idiot, abscent minded boss of mine book a venue instead of letting me do what I do best.

Tad raises his eyebrows in a sort of “I told ya so” sort of manner.  He then re-folds his hands in front of him as he gets very serious.

Tad:  Next, it is with a heavy heart that I must start the show off with some very sad news.  Other than being forced to see John Blade tonight, I am tasked with informing you that your SCU Combat Champion, Kelli Torres, will not be attending tonight’s events.  As a matter of fact, she will not be on this cruise.  As a result of the good natured attack from The Original Mean Girl, “First Class” Veronica Taylor, Kelli Torres has suffered injuries which I am unable to disclose at this time.  She will not be able to perform her duties as the champion, and it was far too painful for her to be on this cruise without being able to participate.  So I reached out to Kelli personally.

By this time, a wide smile has spread across Tad’s face, and he is near the point of laughing now.  He draws it back in and clears his throat.

Tad:  SCU fans deserve a fighting champion.  So, as I said before, it is with a heavy heart that I must declare the SCU Combat Championship… vacant.  Sister Esther Shepherd will still be competing for the championship on the boat at Summer XXXtreme VII, but instead of facing Kelli Torres, she will be taking on another member of the roster. Who you might ask?

Tad shrugs his shoulders.

Tad:  As a favor to Kelli, she spoke so highly of Torielle Jackson, I will be giving her the millionth opportunity to take on a former SCU Combat Champion… the first ever SCU Combat Champion, actually.  Shannon Middlebrooks.  And if Torielle Jackson can’t get past Shannon this time, then I will bar her from ever getting a shot at the SCU Combat Championship so long as I am in charge.

Tad has made his way to being all business now.  He nods his head and then waves the camera away as if to tell them to leave him alone.

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Boxing Match - SCU Combat Championship Match
Ahuevo vs Eric Weaver

Liam:  The opening bout is a Boxing Match and is for the SCU Combat Championship.  It will go up to five rounds, lasting three minutes each, with a one minute resting period in between.  The competitor with the higher score at the end of the bout will be declared the champion.


Liam: On his way to the ring, from South of the Border, standing at 5'9" and weighing in at 177lb, he is "Senor Hell Yeah"... Ahuuuuuuuevooooooooo!!!

“Sueltate y Toma” by Reggae Black begins playing over the speakers when a red light shines from behind the curtains. As they open, the figure of Ahuevo is seen standing there. He bounces around to the beat of the music. He charges down the ramp, and as he makes it to the ring, he leaps through with a somersault, kneeling on one knee in the ring. He looks out to the crowd, pointing across them all in a circle. He then runs up the turnbuckle and does a flip off of it, landing on his hands as he walks across the ring to his corner on them before coming down to a crouching position as he waits for his opponent.

Take Five starts to play as we here the jazz beat coming we see Eric Weaver coming from the curtains.

Liam:  And the champion… From Chicago, IL standing at 6’ and weighing in at 175lb, he is… Eric Weeeeeeeeeeeaverrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

"Won't you stop and take
A little time out with me
Just take five"

Eric waves at the fans as he walks down the ramp.

"Though I'm going out of my way
Just so I can pass by each day
Not a single word do we say
It's a pantomime and not a play

Still, I know our eyes often meet
I feel tingles down to my feet
When you smile, that's much too discreet
Sends me on my way"

Eric slides in the ring from underneath the bottom ropes.

"Wouldn't it be better
Not to be so polite
You could offer a light
Start a little conversation now
It's alright, just take five
Just take five"

As the music fades we see Eric holding his right hand in the air as he looks over to the crowd.  Eric bumps his gloves together and then looks across the ring to Ahuevo, who comes toward the center of the ring.  We look out to the three guest judges on the outside of the ring, Gianni Di Luca, Erik Staggs, and Brooke Saxon, who wave politely to the camera.  The referee orders the obligatory glove touch in the center of the ring as he calls for the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Ahuevo surprises us all as he comes out full force, swinging lefts and rights on Eric, who was definitely not expecting that.

Gena:  Eric puts up his gloves to deflect a lot of the hits, but he just wasn’t ready.  He refuses to let himself get backed against the ropes or the corner, so he moves around in a circle, backwards.

Chad:  Ahuevo continues on the offense as Eric tries to avoid as much damage as he can.  However, he takes one solid punch to the head that spins him around.  Ahuevo goes for a few jabs to the kidneys, but Eric is on the ropes and Ahuevo is ordered back.

Gena:  Eric turns around and finds himself on the offense now.  He knocks a motherfucker with a few solid hits to the sides of the head, and Ahuevo’s bell is rung.

Chad:  Ahuevo is stunned.  He is a little weak on the defense, as his offense plan was shot by awakening something in Eric.

Gena:  Eric hits a few stomach jabs to Ahuevo, sending him reeling and into the corner.  He pushes himself out quickly and punches Eric with a solid Uppercut.  Eric backs up, almost to the ropes.

Chad:  Eric spits out blood to the outside of the ring and welcomes Ahuevo, who goes right back on the offense.  Jab, jab, right hook, blocked uppercut.

Gena:  Eric gets a couple light hooks to Ahuevo’s mask, nearly knocking it off. Ahuevo grabs it to save face, literally.  He even risks everything for the mask, and he pays for it.

Chad:  Eric knocks Ahuevo down to the mat, and Ahuevo gurgles blood from under his mask.  He immediately shoots back up to his feet and goes for a knockdown of his own, but the bell rings.

Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Erik, Gianni, and Brooke confer with one another, but it doesn’t take long before Eric passes along his scorecard.

Liam:  At the end of the first round, the score is in favor of the champion, Eric Weaver, 10-9 due to a knockdown on Ahuevo…

Chad:  The crowd gives off mixed reactions as Ahuevo glares across the ring at Eric, and Eric looks smugly across the ring before allowing Tim to help tend to the cut on the inside of his lip.

Gena:  Ahuevo allows a small man to stick a cotton ball inside of his cheek, and replaces his mouth guard after giving him a mouthful of water, and then spraying it into the hair of the mask.  Ahuevo rests against the ring post to take advantage of the momentary break.

Ding! Ding!

Chad:  They meet back in the center of the ring.  This time, Eric tries for the offensive, throwing hands left, right, up, down, jabs, the works.  Ahuevo blocks a good 95% of them as his arms fly around at amazing speed.

Gena:  Ahuevo dances around, rolling his tongue as if to tease Weaver.  He deflects one punch, trying to make Eric punch himself.

Chad:  Big mistake.  Weaver might not be the best Combat Champion we’ve ever seen, but that’s what makes him a major threat here.  He won’t fall for shit like that.

Gena:  Ahuevo with a right cross that puts Weaver on his ass, stars floating around his head!  Damn!

Chad:  Ahuevo goes in for an attack, but the referee backs him up and he obliges.  He jobs in place to keep the adrenaline pumping.  He moves his gloves to goad Eric back to his feet.

Gena:  Eric gets up, ready to Spear Ahuevo, because disqualifications still don’t cause the Combat Championships to change hands.

Chad:  But Ahuevo moves out of the way and lands a punch to the back of Eric’s head, sending him down to the mat once more, and the crowd is on their feet!


Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Ahuevo slaps Weaver on the ass as he crosses over to his corner to take a rest.  He holds his arms up in the air as the crowd cheers for him.  Weaver is piiiiiiiissed.

Chad:  Again, it doesn’t take long for the judges to turn in their score cards, and Liam seems just as excited as the rest of us.

Liam:  Round two goes to the challenger, 10-8 as a result of two knockdowns on Eric Weaver…

Gena:  Ahuevo takes another drink as he rests while Tim hypes up Weaver, getting him stoked up for the next round.  This sets the tone for the Real Bad Boys tonight as they can possibly take home two titles.

Chad:  Weaver better get his head back in the game if he hopes to do that, because he might very well get stripped of the title with such unsportsman-like conduct.

Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Both men look more tired now, despite taking little damage.  The dance has been hard on these men who have not had much time to prepare for a boxing match.

Chad:  And blocking and throwing is just as hard as taking hits.  This time, both men take the cautious approach, coming to the center of the ring and circling one another.

Gena:  The circling continues until Eric throws a right cross, attempting the same success that Ahuevo had earlier in the second round.  He misses and Ahuevo spins around, landing a punch to the back of Eric’s head, knocking him down to the mat.

Chad:  He pushes himself up from the mat and charges at Ahuevo, punching him with such ferocity that he sends Ahuevo sprawled out onto the mat, blinking and spitting a bloody cotton ball out.


Gena:  Ahuevo gets back up to his feet, but for a second there, we thought he might be out of it.  He steadies himself as he comes to the center of the ring.  He holds his head and squints at Weaver, who has the upper hand.

Chad:  Weaver hits a jab to Ahuevo’s gut, and then a left hook to Ahuevo’s jaw.  He goes for a right hook, but Ahuevo is able to block that one, but another left hook knocks his mouth guard out of his mouth in a shower of blood and spit and maybe a tooth?

Gena:  I don’t even know what that man looks like, but he just got a hundred times sexier.  He spins around and jab, jab, right cross, left hook, uppercut to Weaver, and Weaver falls back on his back!


Chad:  And Eric is back on his feet, but barely after that one!  Ahuevo and Eric are breathing hard, and both men are trying to find the right balance of resting and not letting their opponent rest too much.

Gena:  And fuck it, they say, because they charge one another, and they seem to melt together into a flurry of fists flying so fast and furiously that I can’t even keep up.  And most of them are connecting as they go back and forth.

Ding! Ding!

Chad:  The judges are going to have a little harder time with this one because it was damn fucking close.  They’re taking their time right now, it would seem.

Gena:  Eric and Ahuevo take their time resting up.  I just have to take a second to say that Ahuevo is a beast for going through this with that fucking mask this entire time.  Wrestling is one thing, but we’ve gone over ten minutes now, and he’s not so much as lifted that sucker to catch a breath.

Chad:  Oh, here we go.  Judges have come together.

Liam:  The judges have declared this round a tie, so both competitors will be awarded 10 points each.

Chad:  Both Ahuevo and Eric look miserable, and outraged by the proclamation.

Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Stumbling back out to the center of the ring, Eric and Ahuevo try to shake out the aches forming in their muscles.  For a second, they exchange a look of mutual admiration, but Eric knocks it right off of Ahuevo’s face with a left cross and uppercut.


Chad:  That was too fast for a knockdown.  Ahuevo is back up and he goes on the attack, throwing right cross, left jab, right jab, left hook, but only the jabs connect, and Eric absorbs the hits well.

Gena:  Ahuevo stumbles into the ropes and holds onto them as he catches his breath, turning around as Weaver shows no respect and comes at him with a hard jab to the nose.

Chad:  Thank fuck for that mask, or else that could very well have broken Ahuevo’s nose.  Ahuevo knows it too.  Haha, get it?

Gena:  Shut the fuck up.  Ahuevo ducks under a left hook and lands a left and right jab to the back of Weaver’s head.  Eric nearly falls down, but holds onto the ropes to stop himself.  He turns around and gets the same treatment to his face.

Chad:  He holds his gloves up to block his face, so Ahuevo body beats with quick and heavy jabs that get the crowd going with each added stomp Ahuevo gives to the mat.

Gena:  Ahuevo has found his aggressive roll.  Eric lowers his gloves to his body, and Ahuevo rocks a left hook and a harsh right cross, followed by an ax handle that might not be exactly legal, but the ref doesn’t say a word about it and Eric goes down to the mat, squirming.


Chad:  Weaver is back on his feet, and Ahuevo hits a couple jabs to his right side and then bloodies his lip with another right cross that drops him to the mat.


Gena:  And Weaver gets back to his feet and deliberately nails a headbutt to Ahuevo and knocks him down to the mat.  The referee admonishes him for it, but Weaver gives a bloody smirk of pride.

Chad:  The referee does not disqualify and Ahuevo gets back to his feet as…

Ding! Ding!

Chad:  The judges are really going to town on this one.  The debate is heavy, and you can tell that this one won’t be so easy to call.

Gena:  Well, they are handing the card off now, so I guess you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, chode.

Liam:  The judges have given this match to the challenger with a score of 10-8 due to the penalty of an illegal headbutt…

Chad:  Eric Weaver looks piiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssed offffffffffffff…

Gena:  Can you really blame him?  He thought he was going to take the belt home with a disqualification, and the referee knows that.  He’s not going to let Ahuevo throw in the towel yet.

Chad:  Ahuevo has challenged for the belt so many times though.  It’s about time he gave up.

Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Final round, bitchesssss… Longest boxing match in SCU history much?

Chad:  One of, most likely.  Ahuevo’s head is still spinning, and Eric takes advantage of that.  He clobbers on Ahuevo, but Ahuevo is not giving in.  He blocks as much as he can.  Half or so.

Gena:  Ahuevo moves closer to the center of the ring and he begins throwing his own jabs back.  The referee calls for the two competitors to back up just a touch so that their bodies are not literally touching, and technically ramming.

Chad:  If that’s a Reuben, I’ll be the roast beef.  Just slide in between.  You get what I’m saying… Because I want to be a Combat Champion someday.

Gena:  Just tell yourself the truth already, damn.  Eric gets a few inches of space, but Ahuevo uses that space to swing with an uppercut right to the chin, followed by a right hook, a left hook, and then like five rotating jabs!  Eric falls down!


Chad:  Closest call fucking ever!  Weaver is out on his feet though!  Ahuevo dances in places, winding up his arm as he dashes over and hits that motherfucker square in his… No!  Weaver moves!

Gena:  The crowd groans because they thought Weaver was down and out.  Weaver punches Ahuevo in the back of the head like four times, and Ahuevo goes down on the mat, crawling to the corner to try to get back up.

Chad:  The crowd is aching for a knockout, even at the expense of the fan favorite at this point.  That’s what they are accustomed to, and SCU always aims to please.  Ahuevo crawls up the corner, but Weaver continues his assault, punching away.  As Ahuevo turns around, he hits an Uppercut that gives him just enough space.

Gena:  He charges at Weaver and hits a series of jabs followed by a left cross that sets up for a right hook, but the right hook gets blocked and Eric throws a couple of jabs that get blocked.  He hits a stomp to the foot that the referee apparently doesn’t see!


Chad:  Eric hits six alternating jabs and then nails a right hook to the temple that sends Ahuevo into the ropes and down to the mat, but he clings on for dear life, trying to come back to his feet, and he does!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  No knockout?  Are you serious?  We went the full five rounds, bitches!

Chad:  And Gianni, Erik, and Brooke are handing in the scores now.  Liam is excited to reach this, and so are we!  We need a goddamn drumroll!

Liam:  The judges have given their score for the final round, and the scores have been tallied.  The challenger, with a score of 47 of 50 points.  The champion, with a score of 4...6 of 50 points!  Therefore, your NEW SCU Combat Champion… Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuevooooooooooooooooo!!!

“Sueltate y Toma” begins playing over the speakers as Ahuevo lets out a howl.  He struggles to get back up to his feet.  He breathes heavily as the man in his corner helps to hold him up and hype him.  He then holds the belt around Ahuevo’s waist as Ahuevo tries his best to look lively for the audience who is nearly deafening.  Eric is angry as can be, and he is ready to attack, and so is Tim, when Timekeeper, Casey Williams, waves his big, meaty hand at them and steps toward the ring.  Ahuevo and his assistant slide outside of the ring, and his assistant helps him to the back, but not before he musters up enough energy to hold the belt up high in the air for the audience to give him one final cheer!

You see Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Sharasu backstage outside the locker room area and he runs into Dev Khatri. Hitamashii is looking forward for Supernova and to be in the main event Mayhem Survival 3 match.

Dev:Hitamashii, you look like you’re excited. What ́s going on?

Hitamashii:Well, you know how I’ve been wanting to get my hands on Powershock for a while now, right?


Hitamashii:I have a chance to get my hands on him in the Mayhem Survival match, even if there are others in the match.

Hitamashii smiles as he leans against the wall listening to Scott.

Dev:Well, what if he or you gets eliminated from the match before you can get your hands on him.

Hitamashii:Then I will bide my time, much like Lursa and B’etor of the Klingon race in Star Trek. It is a shame that Barbara Marsh, who played Lursa, passed away recently. When I do get my hands on Powershock, he will regret costing me the Underground championship and as for the other people in the match, the only one who I am concerned with is the Underground Champion, Stewart Mason. So long as I get past him, I feel that I will win the match, get the $25,000 purse and the new Chevy Equinox, and hopefully a title shot at Summer XXXTreme VII, as we don’t know who is going to face the champion, whether it is Stewart Mason or Javier Gonzalez.

Hitamashii cackles and he walks away from Dev as the scene fades to black.

\'user Vs \'user

Singles Match
“Shorty” Devin Tyler Vs Alex Rush

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall... On his way to the ring, from Oakland, CA, standing at 3'11" and weighing in at 165lb, he is... "Shorty" Deviiiiiin Tyyyyyyyyylerrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Lights go down as "Shorty Bounce" by Lil Wayne starts up. As the lyrics start "Shorty" Devin Tyler comes out onto the stage, shuffling across the stage with swag. He stops center stage and throws his arms out to the side and spins around twice as he bounces down to the ring. "Shorty" takes the bottom rope to help pull him up onto the apron. He steps under the bottom rope and bounces around the ring with his arms out at his side, welcoming whatever reaction he gets.

Gold stars start to flash around the stage entrance as the arena lights start to drop out and a voice is heard saying "Do you wanna get rocked?" The name Alex Rush appears on the screen and the fans instantly burst in to cheers as Def Leppards "Let's Get Rocked" blasts through the speakers.

Liam: From Westminister, London, England, weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, he is Alex Rush!

Smoke appears at the top of the ramp as a spotlight hits the entrance way to see the back of a long haired man with one hand in the air holding up the devil horns sign. He turns around to more cheers as the spotlight shines on the face of Alex Rush! A line of security as seen either side of him as the lights brighten to show fans "held back" by security at the top of the ramp. Alex is wearing black leather pants with a red stripe down either side, a white shirt with the devill horns hand sign on in a faded gray colour. Around his wrist, a multi coloured scarf is tied. He looks to the held back fans and wave a hand at them in a presidential fashion before making his way down to the ringside area. Alex steps up the steps and through the middle and top rope and in to the center of the ring, his arms in the air with the devil horns sign as gold sparks fall from the roof. Alex reaches down, removing his shirt and throws it to the crowd as he looks over to Shorty.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Does anyone see this as a serious wrestling match?  If so, I think you’re in for a proper ass fucking, right through to the funnybone.

Chad:  How disrespectful can you be?  We’re on a classy fucking cruise ship.  Do you think they’re going to give less than a hundred percent?

Gena:  Fine, maybe you’re right.  I’m sure we’re going to see a straight up wrestling contest.  Shorty and Alex approach each other in the center of the ring, and Alex extends his hand toward Shorty.

Chad:  See?  Friendly, classy contest so far.  Signs of respect.  Shorty sees no signs of buzzers or foul play, so he accepts the handshake.  Alex pulls Shorty’s arm and whips his leg around as he wrangles Shorty like a little bull?

Gena:  HA!  Shorty tries to get out of Alex’s grip, but Alex is determined to ride a midget around the ring tonight.  Shorty bucks him off and then tackles Alex to the mat, pushing his massive pitbull-like frame down on Alex.

Chad:  He begins boxing Alex’s face, and Alex tries to block as much of it as he can, but a few shots make it through.

Gena:  Alex points behind Shorty, and as Shorty looks, Alex slaps him across the face, expecting Shorty to fly off, but he doesn’t quite.  Instead, Shorty slaps Alex back and Alex’s eyes literally cross!

Chad:  That’s a spicy meatball fist right there!  Shorty gets off of Alex and stomps him a few good times before Alex grabs his foot and trips him up.  He stands up and drops an elbow to Shorty’s chest.

Gena:  He’s shaking the cobwebs out of his head as he can’t believe the power of Shorty, as I think we often underestimate until we see him in a fresh pairing like this.

Chad:  Shorty rolls around, clutching his chest.  He rolls over onto his stomach and steps up.  He turns around just in time to get his cheeks pulled!  But as soon as he does that, Shorty headbutts him in the crotch!

Gena:  Alex falls down to his knees and he and Shorty are nearly at eye level.  Shorty hits a few jabs to the face as Alex is gripping at his groin.  Shorty steps behind Alex and puts on a Sleeper Hold.

Shorty:  Haven’t kicked you in the shins yet, you smelly bastard!

Chad:  Whoa-ho-ho, that is one feisty little guy!  But that arrogant moment from Shorty was just what Alex needed.  He whips Shorty over his shoulders!

Gena:  As Shorty skids, he stops himself and comes to his hands and knees.  He stands up, but Alex stays on his knees.  He throws his fists up at Shorty.  Is he challenging him to straight up fist-to-cuffs?

Chad:  A little bit.  Pardon the pun.  Alex gets the first punch to Shorty’s gut, but Shorty connects with a right cross to Alex’s lip!  Alex shouts out in pain as he glares at Shorty.

Alex: You busted me lip, short stack!

Gena:  Alex bops Shorty on top of the head, and Shorty reaches over and takes a bite of Alex’s ear a la Mike Tyson!  All the boxing references here is just too much.

Chad:  Alex pushes Shorty over into the corner where he knocks his head on the second turnbuckle.  Alex winds his arms up as he runs over… on his knees… to Shorty, and then stops, turns around slowly on his knees and then clobbers Shorty with an elbow!

Gena:  The crowd is dying now!  Even with a bloodied lip and a bloodied ear, Alex isn’t missing a beat.  He pulls Shorty to the center of the ring and covers him.


Chad:  Shorty gets a shoulder up!  He scrambles back to his feet as Alex maintains his position on his knees, trying to plot his next move.  He vaults forward with a Clothesline to Shorty.  Shorty rolls toward the corner.

Gena:  Alex stands up and beats on his chest as he leans against the opposite corner.  He then rushes toward Shorty and hits a Baseball Slide.  He picks Shorty up and gets behind him on his knees once more.

Chad:  Choke on this Wad (Rear Naked Choke)!  He’s pinching at Shorty’s sides and blowing raspberries against his head.  Shorty growls out angrily as best as he can as he wiggles around under Alex.

Gena:  Alex rubs his beard over Shorty’s head almost violently now, and with the choking, Shorty just doesn’t have it in him to resist it and he taps out!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner via submission… Alex Rush!!!

Alex stands up, breathing heavily as “Let’s Get Rocked” plays over the speakers.  He helps Shorty back to his feet after a moment of celebrating. However, Shorty doesn’t leave him much time to celebrate before taking Alex to Dick Punch City!  The crowd can’t help but cheer a little bit at this.  Shorty storms off, rubbing tenderly at the top of his head, leaving Alex holding onto the goods in the center of the ring.

Backstage on the boat, we see Brother David standing by himself.  Marissa Henry approaches him with her microphone ready as he is wearing his ceremonial robe.

Marissa:  It is interesting to see you by yourself.  It’s not often we find you like this.

David stops and looks at Marissa and he is annoyed.  He closes his eyes and thinks for a second but instead he smiles at Marissa.

David:  I am not allowed to be seen by myself?  I must always be viewed as part of a collective?  Tonight I take part in the third Mayhem Survival match and I am not part of a collective.  I am all by my lonesome.

Marissa:  But is Mother Mavis not part of the match as well?  And who is to say that Father Gerald and or Sister Esther won’t be part of the unnamed entries?

David continues to smile but he is no longer looking happy or annoyed but just present.

David:  Praise be.  If they are, then hallowed be thy name, O Father.  But the truth is that we could have the entire Church of the Good Shepherds in this Mayhem Survival and it would not change a thing.  While I am far less likely to eliminate my own mother, who is to say that she will not eliminate me?

Marissa:  You really think she would do that?

David:  If we were the last two standing inside of the ring, I would expect her to, because I make no bones about it.  I would gladly eliminate her.  And either way, we would go back and read from the Good Book and have a merry time of it all.  If I see someone like the hellbeast Powershock going after my mama, then you better believe I’m gonna toss his sorry hyde over the top rope.  I might team up on someone for a minute with Mother Mavis, but this match is every person for themselves.  Me and mama got the same goal in mind.

Marissa nods her head as David pauses.  He looks at her and widens his eyes to make her ask the obvious question.

Marissa:  And what is that?

David:  To bring that 25 grand back to the Church of the Good Shepherds, to take that Chevy Equinox around the country to prosthelytize, and to raise that ring to God Almighty.  A win for any member of the Shepherds is a win for all the Shepherds but the path to getting there is a very solitary one.  Papa says so.

Marissa:  One would think that if you are looking to share the glory with your team, you would work as a team.

David shakes his head.

David:  You just don’t seem to get it do you Marissa?

Marissa:  Apparently not.

David:  I am an individual part in the Body of Christ.  Father Gerald is the right hand.  I am the left hand.  Mother Mavis and Sister Esther are the foot.  Together we fight the good fight.  But I’m still a hand and I don’t got to do what the other parts are doing.  I do what the head, God, tells me to do, and sometimes, that is acting on my own.  Tonight is one of those times.  Wrap your silly little woman mind around that one if you can. I got a match to go get ready for.

David winks at Marissa and pats her shoulder as he walks along.  Marissa stares a hole in his back.

Part II Coming soon

Show Cards / SCU presents: Supernova II
« on: August 13, 2019, 03:59:06 AM »
 Supernova PPV
(Hype packages will be added. Card posted now for the purpose of announcing the matches as soon as possible)

Sin City Underground presents: Supernova II, coming to you from the Sun Princess Cruise Ship on Aug. 18th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST to open the Summer Xxxtreme VII festivities.

Segments are due by 11:59pm PST on Friday, Aug. 16th, 2019 to the “Underground” account. DM on twitter or PM on this site may be sent out for segments, but PLEASE feel free to send your own segments.

Hardcore Tag Team Championship
Todd Williams and Brittany Williams vs Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine

Jerry Cann and Kandy Kaine, known as Killer Kandy, did what nobody expected them to do and they won the Hardcore Tag Team Championships. Before they have a chance to get comfortable with those belts, they are forced to defend them, and they are defending them against a team who earned the opportunity for this match by taking out not only Vector C Rodgers, but also a former Underground Champion in Powershock.  The champions will have their work cut out for them in this contest.

Singles Match
Alex Rush vs ‘Shorty” Devin Tyler

It’s been a while since we got to see “Shorty” Devin Tyler in action, and it’s always a treat.  However, he will be taking on Mr. Firecrotch himself, Alex Rush.  Alex Rush has been on a bit of a roll lately, but he had better make sure to bring his A game or he will find himself laying on the floor holding his man parts as Shorty will have no issues with taking him to Dick Punch City.

Double Down Tag Team Championship Match
Nobility vs Holly Wood and Catarina Franklin

Underground Championship Match
Angel Kash vs Halo Williams

The locker room was in shock when Halo win the title. Some still can’t believe and have storm the offices of Donna and Tad demanding title shots as they feel they should be the champion. Halo has already defended the title showing that it was no fluke but Angel Kash still thinks otherwise. She plans on proving how right she is…. Or will she?

Boxing Match - SCU Combat Championship Match
Eric Weaver vs Ahuevo

Underground Championship Match
Stewart Mason vs Javier Gonzalez

Number One Contendership for the Vacant SCU Combat Championship
Torielle Jackson vs Shannon MiddleBrooks

This match is not being billed on the card, as we will have a segment on the show leads to this match.

Main Event
Mayhem Survival 3

30 wrestlers get a chance to become $25,000 richer, a 2020 Chevrolet Equinox. (This model will not be sold to the public until end of 2019. The winner will have one delivered to their home two days before they are sold to the public) and of course they will be the 3rd winner of the Mayhem Survival’s Survivor ring.

Some of the 30 superstars in this match will include.
Tatsu Ikeda, Kingingiseisha Shirasu, Mother Mavis, Brother David, Merlot Ayano, John Blade, Angel Kash, Stewart Mason, Winter, Tim Staggs, Powershock, Melissa Ruin and so many more rostered SCU stars, along with some mystery superstars

All of this and oh so much more as SCU brings you Supernova II!

Results / Sin City Underground Ep. 30 (Results)
« on: July 25, 2019, 04:02:51 AM »
 Sin City Underground presents Underground Ep. 30

Underground comes to you from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, NV on July 24th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST

“If I knew what to do I'd do it. “

Life of Agony’s “Lost At 22” hits and the SCU Underground Champion Halo Williams makes her way out and starts to the ring, her wife, Brittany Williams, walking out right by her side. The two make their way to the ring and step inside, Halo holding aloft her SCU Underground Championship for the world to see. Brittany nods, looking up at the championship and smirking as she claps.Halo is handed a microphone and she turns to face the onlooking crowd.

Halo: So, this is a bit of a script flip, ain’t it?

Brtittany shrugs and Halo nods in agreement.

Halo: See, normally, she does the talking and I just get to stand there and look tall and imposing next to her. Maybe say a couple words every so often for flavor…

Brittany nods, seemingly almost laughing.

Brittany: Sweet flavor too!

Halo shrugs and then glances out to the crowd.

Halo: But not today. Today is all about this!

She holds the championship aloft once again.

Halo: My name is Halo Williams and I am your SCU Underground Champion!

She pauses to smirk as she lowers the championship down.

Halo: Whether somebody like Angel Kash likes it or not. It’s funny, Angel tried to be, “straight cash, Homey,” about things with me and acted like it was a foregone conclusion she was going to be the champion. She didn’t seem to think Angel of Filth, Catarina Franklin, Torielle Jackson, Kandy Kaine, Alexis Staggs, Merlot Ayano or me had a prayer as long as she was in the match. She went on and on about how none of us could hold her damn under drawers, much lace her damn boots and we sho as hell wasn’t gonna be beatin’ her and yet…

She shrugs and holds the belt up again.

Halo: Looks like the one y’all offered 30 K to is the one who brought this baby home!

Lowering the championship back down, Halo nods grimly.

Halo: And in the process, we all proved that we is ALL on y’all’s level, Miss Kash! THis is the best collection of talent y’all is gonna find anywhere and if you is gonna be that kind of arrogant, you got what you deserved when you got taken down a peg! So now, I stand here as the Underground Champion and I understand that makes me a target! Any of them could be here any second now to announce they is gonna be the first to step up. Or it could be anyone else on the roster and I welcome whoever it damn well ends up bein’!

She pauses to turn and acknowledge Brittany.

Halo: Hell, it could even be my own wife, B-Brat! We know how she is about championships and if we gotta go back to the woodshed again, y’all bet our sweet asses, we goin’!  

She nods, Brittany nodding in return.

Halo: And that goes for anyone else wanna challenge me! If y’all wanna be the one to step up and come on down to the woodshed? Come on down, there’s always room for one more and I ain’t even gonna make ya cut your own switch!  

One more time, she holds up the championship.

Halo: I ain’t goin’ nowhere and I ain’t hard to find! Whoever wants some, y’all come on and get some and we’ll go together!  

Scene opens where John Martinez Blade walks in the hall and seen Nobility on the Locker room when he knocks on there door.

Chanelle: who in the hell is keep banging on our freaking door like that oh I'm sorry Babe I didn't know it was you cause I thought it was somebody else at first so what's there to talk about babe

John stands outside in the middle hallway and ask his Wife hands in Marriage.

Martinez-Blade: Look I love you okay but I was thinking that maybe after our separate match on Underground this Wednesday then I would like for us to spend sometime together because I know that you and I haven't spoke to each other cause you to busy hanging out with your girls instead of your Husband for exchange in that is why before the end of the night is over you and I will spend some equally time together cause your girls Angel and Melissa Ruin can fight there own battles next week. That is why you two yeah of course you babe that you'll be defending that Double down Championship against The New Foundation on Underground.

Chanelle: So what are you trying to say John. is that you don't wanna be with me is that what you are saying cause if it is then we don't need to be talking to each other then what is it John.

Martinez-Blade: I don't want us to get a Divorce all I want is to spend dome evening time with the most beautiful Wife of mine to escort her to dinner after our matches on Underground if that's really up to you Chanelle Martinez Blade.

Chanelle also takes her Husbands hand for Marriage as well.

Chanelle: You are the handsome man on this roster and I be dammed if someone is gonna try to steal my man away from me but all I am trying t say babe is that you can diffidently take me out on a date after I retain my Double Down title Wednesday night.

Chanelle: Oh before we go on our date there's something else that I might have to tell you when you take your Wife out on a Date next week on Underground.

Martinez-Blade: thanks for not bailing on me babe now since we got that settled how about you go out there in show them three stooges I mean those three new Foundation what the team Nobility is made of cause your man got a match to get ready to when I beat this nonsense outta this Japanese freak on Wednesday in my match on Underground.

Martinez-Blade: Go give them hell sweet heart and I'll see you at the dinner table after my match on Underground.

Chanelle Martinez kisses her Husband at the front door when her girls was calling her name after she shuts the door behind her and John leaves with a smile on his face

Camera fades when John starts running towards the arena and heard his theme song hit's and runs straight down the ring and meet up with his Opponent until his dinner reservation with his Wife Chanelle Martinez.

You see Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Sharasu backstage outside the locker room area standing next to Dev Khatri. Hitamashii looks pleased.

Dev:Hitamashii, you look pleased. May I ask why?

Hitamashii:I may get my hands on Powershock at Summer XXXTreme VII after that son of a bitch cost me my chance at winning the Underground title two weeks ago.

Dev:I see. Just be careful what you ask for, as Powershock is a dangerous competitor.

Hitamashii:I know he is a good competitor, but he can´t be as good as you say he is, as I am the very reason he is no longer the Underground champion.

Hitamashii smiles and he leans against the wall listening to Dev.

Dev:Don´t you think that very fact that you cost him his title is the reason why he attacked both you and Stewart Mason 2 weeks ago?

Hitamashii:The whole point of the Warrior´s Brawl is every man for himself. I did what anyone else in that match would have done to secure themselves as champion by eliminating the biggest threat in the match in Powershock as he was the champion at the time. I can understand him wanting revenge for losing his title, but he will regret that decision. If he knows what he is good for him, he will not board the Sun Princess boat in a few weeks and keep his nose out of my business!

Hitamashii cackles and he walks away from Dev as the scene fades to black.

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Singles Match
Kingingiseisha “Hitamashi” Shirasu vs John Martinez-Blade

Liam: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Iiiiiiiiiiiintroducing first, from Himeji, Japan standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 192lb, he is...Kingingiseisha "Hitamashii" Shirasu!!!

The opening riffs of Fire In Our House by Astral Doors hits the speakers and Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Shirasu comes out to the stage, looking smug, and stands there as the crowd gives him boos. Hitamashii walks from one side of the stage to the other with a swag in his step before he looks around the crowd, and starts to walk towards the ring slowly, stopping halfway down the ramp and turning his head with his nose in the air to look at the crowd, their faces showing that they do not like the way he is looking down upon them. Hitamashii lowers his head slowly and turns back to face the ring, walking down towards the apron. Hitamashii climbs up to the apron and steps between the top rope and the middle rope, looking around at the fans as they continue to boo him.

Liam: From Boston, MA standing at 6’1 and weighing in at 251lb, he is… John Martinez-Blaaaaaaaaaaade!!!

John Blade’s music begins to play as he walks out on stage. He talks to the camera man and bounces a little. He holds up his “Never Give Up” logo flag and tosses it to the fans. He salutes and runs straight down towards the ring. He bounces off the ropes side to side and he holds up his “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect” shirt. He takes off his hat and tosses his shirt to the fans and hands his Chain to the ref to begin to fight.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad: This stands to be an interesting match. As the veteran, John Martinez-Blade takes on Hitamashii.

Gena: Blade is one of the most dedicated stars in this business and has made his brand highly recognizable.

Chad: Hitamashii is no slouch either, as he shows so much promise to make it big in not just this company, but this industry, and no doubt will get a list of accomplishments as long as your arm.

Gena: My arm or your arm?

Chad: You know what I mean. Come on.  Let’s get to the action.

Gena: Both men lock up with each other in the center of the ring. Blade strikes first with a European Uppercut that sends Hitamashii staggering. Blade follows that up by whipping Hitamashii into the ropes and hitting a Spine Buster.

Chad: That will slow things down quite a bit. Picking Hitamashii up, Blade quickly performs a jaw breaker and with Hitamashii down Blade rebounds himself off of the ropes and hits a leg drop.

Gena: Blade picks up Hitamashii trying to press the attack but gets reversed by Hitamashii who whips Blade into the ropes but Blade is able to hit a leaping Clothesline.

Chad: Both men make it back and up to their feet and lock up again with Hitamashii getting an advantage as he capitalizes with a Snap DDT. Hitamashii then stomps at Blade’s legs as Blade gets back to his feet. Hitamashii continues kicking hitting Blade with various martial arts kicks.

Gena: Seizing the opportunity, Hitamashii lands a Snap Suplex. Then Hitamashii applies a Figure Four Leglock to Blade.

Chad: This could be trouble as Blade is far from the ropes. After struggling for a few moments Blade begins to push himself up with his arms and is able to lift and turn the hold to reverse it.

Gena: Now we have Blade with an Inverted Figure Four on Hitamashii.

Chad: True, but Hitamashii is already releasing his end of the hold. Both men take the moment of separation before coming face to face in the center of the ring again.

Gena: Blade hits “White Noise” and then goes to the top turnbuckle and leaps through the air, hitting a diving head-butt on Hitamashii as both men are now lying on the canvas holding their heads.

Chad: As both men get back up to their feet Hitamashii is able to apply a Hammer Lock and turns that into a clothesline. Hitamashii heads to a corner and waits for Blade to get to his feet and runs full speed at him hitting a Spear.

Gena: Hitamashii picks up Blade and hits a Pendulum Back Breaker and then goes to the corner once more, only this time he climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a Suicide Dive from the top rope.

Chad: These two have to be exhausted they have simply traded big move after big move, each of them seem to be swinging for the fences.

Gena: You can see it in how slowly they are moving as they have really done a number on themselves here, but the fans love every moment of it.

Chad: Hitamashii gets a head of steam and hits a Running Knee Strike to the corner. Hitamashii grabs Blade and lifts him up onto the top rope.  He steps back and then runs up, hitting Concrete Heart (Dragonrana) to Blade!  He hooks the leg.


Liam: Here is your winner by pinfall.... Hitamashii!!!

Hitamashii comes to his feet and picks Blade up with him.  He tosses Blade over the top rope to the outside so not to share the same ring as him.  He looks toward the curtains, expecting an answer of some kind from Powershock due to his challenge laid out last week.  After a moment of not getting that answer, Hitamashii flares his nostrils and jumps from inside the ring to the arena floor.  He moves up the ramp and quickly disappears behind the curtains.

The Kawaii Dragons, Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda, are seen walking down the hallway, looking angry.  They make their way toward the office area, but before they can reach it, Tad Ezra comes walking out of his office, and they stop to stare at each other in a long, drawn out glare.  Finally, Tatsu breaks the silence.

Tatsu:  What the hell, Tad?  What the hell?!

Winter:  What my blood sister just said!

Tad:  My thoughts exactly.  What the hell?

The glare goes on for a few seconds before Tad speaks.

Tad:  So who pissed in your cheerios?

Tatsu:  You pissed in cheerios, Tad!  You book us in match against eight people?  You say we are talking before show, but you just punish us right away.

Winter:  What the holy fucking shit?  You didn’t even give us a chance!

Tad holds onto his chest and his eyes widen in fake surprise.

Tad:  Whooooooaaaaaa!  I didn’t give you a warning?  I’m pretty sure I told you two to stay the fuck out of the Misty’s Battle Royal, but you couldn’t do that.

Tatsu:  And you say we can talk about it this show.  We come to you to do that, see?  You don’t need book this match.  Kawaii Dragons can just fight Ruin Sisters, and all is good, yes?

Tad laughs.

Tad:  No!  All is not good.  You two had better start listening to me because you’re in for a very rude awakening if you don’t.

Winter:  Oh, so he’s going to punish us more.  Tell me, Tiny Dick.  How can you make this any more fucked up?

Tatsu:  Yes!  Tiny Dick!  Because his name not Richard.  It’s funny, Winter.  Right Tiny Dick?

Kawaii Dragons:  Tiny Dick! Tiny Dick! Tiny Dick! Tiny Dick!

Just then, another voice enters the fray, looking up at the Kawaii Dragons.

Shorty:  Holy shit, you guys really know how to make a name stick.  

Tatsu:  Shorty!

Shorty saunters over next to Tad.

Shorty:  One thing’s for sure.  I might be small, but there’s one place that I’m not small.  Like an elephant trunk… Right Tiny Dick?


Tad:  EEEEEENOUGHHHH!!!  You want to know how I can make this suck more for you guys?  You have to eliminate all eight opponents to win.  But to lose, just one of you needs to go down for the one, two, three, or tapout.  So have fun with that, ladies.

Tad walks off from them as they continue to chant, getting the crowd to chant with them as Tad’s face turns bright red in rage before leaving the shot.

There is no pulpit this evening, but The Church of the Good Shepherds is ready to preach for the evening.  Father Gerald, Brother David, Mother Mavis, and Sister Esther are standing in the hallway when Marissa Henry approaches them warily.  Father Gerald looks at her with contempt in his eyes and is joined in kind by the other members of The Good Shepherds.  Marissa has a sly grin when she looks at the camera and her mic goes up to her lips.

Marissa:  Good evening SCUniverse.  I am joined at this time with The Good Shepherds who were just in action this past Sunday, taking on London Underground.  As hard as they fought, London Underground just overpowered them enough to score the victory.

Esther:  You shut your mouth, jezebel!  The Good Shepherds were not overpowered as you say.  We were victims of foul play, and not the foul play that you can see.

Esther snaps out of nowhere which is not out of her character but is new in front of the cameras.  Father Gerald looks at her but instead of being upset with her speaking out of turn, he nods along with her words.

Gerald:  Our Heavenly Father cannot stop every vicious attack by the great deceiver.  It is simply impossible.  Satan’s soldiers did in fact find a way to get one over on us.  I actually must give credit where credit is due.  They fought hard.  They tapped into their connection to the great deceiver and they found a way to come out on top.  And this is where I take responsibility.  The Good Shepherds have been trying to show compassion and mercy to the sinners of this city.  We have begged and pleaded with the witches, the crossdresser, the otherly defined, and the blatant sinners running around both organizations.  We got down on our knees and asked them to see the error of their ways because mercy and compassion are key to what we teach.  But it is unfortunate that we underestimated satan’s hold on these people.  His vile presence flows through every dark crevice of this play and it sickens me.

Gerald hisses the last part.

Gerald:  It occurred to me that maybe we are taking the wrong approach.  These people are too far gone.  We have tried to spare you, Sin City!  We have tried to show you the error of your ways.  We went the way of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  We turned the other cheek, but we refuse to allow the blind to lead the blind any longer children!  We will be taking a much more hands on approach to handling business here from now on.  We love every soul in this place, and we want to see it saved.  That is why it pains us so much to have to resort to such extreme and painful measures to bring back the flock.

Gerald almost begins to shed a tear even though you can see the gleam of joy in the corner of his eye.  He tries to bury a smile by turning away.  Brother David steps up to Marissa now, allowing Gerald his moment.

David:  We tried.  We really did.  But these city folk ain’t as humble as the people back in Oklahoma.  We have to beat each and every one of you down, lash at you, and let the blood flow like it was the wine of the eucharist.  You have brought this on yourselves, SIn City.  You got no one to blame but yourselves for what’s about to happen.

Esther:  And if you don’t believe that, just ask the Fox Brothers how it will turn out if you think we’re going to come to the ring all smiles and sunshine.  In their case, it didn’t.

Marissa:  Do you have some sort of plan?  That statement is so vague that I’m not sure we know what we’re in for.

Mother Mavis steps forward and sniggles.

Mavis:  That’s the beauty of His grace.  None of you will know what to expect.  None of you will see what’s coming.  That is the only way to bring His word to the masses here in Sin City.  Most of you don’t know that you want to be saved but you will bask in His glory and you will know it was for the best when all is said and done.  Trust His word.

Good Shepherds:  Amen!

With that the Good Shepherds leave Marissa hanging on her own words that are choked up in her throat when they walk away.

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No Disqualifications Handicap Elimination Tag Team Match
Kawaii Dragons vs Ruin Sisters (Debbi and Stacy), Kandy Kaine, Alexis Staggs, Angel of Filth, Lydia Dawson, Brittany Williams, Catarina Franklin

Liam:  The following contest is an Elimination Handicap Tag Team Match with no disqualifications, where the Kawaii Dragons must eliminate all 8 opponents to win the match, while the other side only needs to pin one member of the Kawaii Dragons in order to win.

The crowd begins booing as soon as a picture of a dragon appears on the Honor Tron. “Gimme Chocolate” by Babymetal begins playing, Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda come out from behind the curtains. They laugh together as they hold onto each other’s hands, skipping down the aisle, pointing and laughing at fans as they pass.

Liam: On their way to the ring, they are Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda..., the Kawaii Dragons!!!

The crowd continues to boo them more as Winter and Tatsu make it to the bottom of the ramp. Tatsu and Winter slide in the ring. They prance around with the belts, rubbing them, and their cuteness in the faces of the fans. They settle into their corner, laughing and joking together as they hand their belts over to the referee and wait for their opponents.

Liam:  Aaaaand their opponents…

The Golden Age by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour starts to play.

I wished I lived in the golden age
Giving it up on the Broadway stage
Hang with the rats and smoke cigars
Have a break with Frank and count the stars

Liam: From Scottsdale, AZ Debbi and Stacy Ruin,The Ruin Sisters!!!

Dressed to the nines, with hair to match
Shiny jewels, casino cash
Tapping feet, wanna take the lead
A trip back in time is all I need

Stacy and Debbi high fives as many fans as they can while reaching ringside.

Sing it out loud gonna get back honey
Sing it out loud get away with me
Sing it out loud on a trip back honey
Sing it out loud and let yourself free

They side in the ring as the music fades out.

"Candy" by Far East Movement begins playing over the speakers as brightly colored lights of all shades flash across the stage. Kandy Kaine comes out onto the stage, and she lets out a squeal as she jumps up and down as the fans cheer for her. She dances from one side of the stage to the other before working up as she stands center stage.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from the Kandy Kingdom, standing at 5'4" and weighing in at 122lb, she is... Kandy Kaine!!!

Kandy squeals again, hearing her name. She charges down the ramp, slapping hands on one side before moving over to the next side. She then dashes under the bottom rope, jumping up and down for the fans.

Liam:  And next, from Phoenix, AZ standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… Alexis Staaaaaaaggssssssssss!!!

"Unbreakable" by Fireflight starts to play in the sound system and a video montage of some of Alexis Edwards memorable moments appears on the screen. Seconds into the music, Alexis appears from behind the curtain, standing at the top of the ramp and throwing her hands in the air as her music plays, and the crowd now cheers her on. She looks around the crowd and smiles before she starts making her way to the ring, high fiving and slapping hands along the way. Once to the ring she slides in under the bottom rope and jumps back to her feet. She jumps up to the second turnbuckle, throwing her hands in the air to another round of cheering from the crowd before she jumps back down as her music dies down. She stares back towards the Kawaii Dragons, rubbing her hands together as she stares at Tatsu more intensely, but still glaring at Winter as well.

The lights go down as the whirring sounds begin to rise. The drums kick in and red lights pulse to them. They get louder as the fourth set kicks in and the curtains flip to the side. Angel of Filth comes crawling through them with her black wings fluttering behind her, covered in a black substance.

Liam: On her way to the ring, from Las Vegas, NV, she is “The Seraph of Sleaze”... Angel of Filth!!!

Her eyes glow white as the lights switch between black and red. She glares down at the ring as she rises to her feet, throwing her wings out to the side as they amast. She waves them slowly as she prances down the ramp to the beat of the music. She stops half way and looks from side to side. She has a sickening smile on her face as black oozes from her mouth and she laughs. She enters the ring and climbs up the first of six turnbuckles. She throws her wings out as the fans boo her. She then drops down and goes to the other corner, doing the same. Once at the far end of the ring, she sheds her wings and kicks them to the outside as she rubs her hands together.

Liam:  And next, from Vancouver, British Columbia, standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 121lb, she is… Lydia Dawson!

"Get Sexy" by Sugababes plays over the P.A. system as Lydia make her way down to the ring greeted with a chorus of cheers. She slaps fives with members of the front row before making her way into the ring and posing for the fans.

Liam:  From Los Angeles, CA standing at 5’2” and weighing in at 103lb she is… Brittany Williams!

Jump by Kriss Kross begins to blast across the speakers. As it does Brittany Williams begins to emerge from behind the curtain being accompanied by her wife Halo Annis. Brittany offers a wide grin as paparazzi following begin to snap photos of the two girls. Brittany grins taking in all the cheers as she walks down the aisle wearing her tiara with a cape around her back. Her attire a glittering red and black mix. She slides into the ring moving her hands through her curly (nappy) hair. She takes off her tiara, and her cape. As she waits for the match to begin.

Liam:  From New York City, NY standing at 5’5” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… Catarina Franklin!

“America’s Sweetheart” Cues and she appears at the top of the ramp. She gives a smile, raising her arms in the air before starting to walk down the ramp. She gets to the apron, flipping herself into the ring, she climbs the turnbuckle and waves at the crowd

The crowd cheers as the mixture of bombshells on the other side of the ring begin to close in on Tatsu and Winter, causing them to back into their own corner.  The referee motions for them to go to their corner, and they slowly but surely oblige.  The bell rings.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Debbi Ruin starts things off with Winter here.  Winter watches as Debbi tries to get at her, and she quickly moves out of the way, slapping the back of Debbi’s head.

Chad:  Debbi, while embarrassed, finds herself trying even harder to get at Winter, throwing punches as Winter tucks her arms behind her back and dodges the strikes.

Gena:  Tatsu laughs at this, and Debbi finds herself tripped up over the top rope.  Winter goes for an elevated Winter Lock, but the referee tries to pry her off due to Debbi touching the ropes.

Chad:  Meanwhile, Tatsu grabs onto Debbi’s head and rakes her face across the top rope, giving her a few shots in the process.  Debbi shouts out in pain, drawing the ref’s attention.

Gena:  The ref calls for her to stop and she holds her hands up innocently, giggling.  Winter pulls Debbi back and goes for the Winter Lock once more.  However, Stacy comes in behind with a club to the back followed by a Bulldog!

Crowd:  YEAHHHH!

Chad:  Stacy is ushered to her corner, but the damage is done.  Debbi climbs on Winter’s back and grunts as she locks on a Camel Clutch.

Gena:  Tatsu vaults herself over the top rope, bringing Debbi back with a Clothesline almost instantly.  Tatsu flips her hair and saunters around the ring, a la her mentor, Delia Darling.

Chad:  The referee needs some back up because both sides are keeping him distracted.  However, Winter hits a Blasted Slam to Debbi out of nowhere.  She hooks the leg!


Gena:  Stacy is back in the ring, but so is Tatsu, who Clothesline’s Stacy to the mat!


Liam:  Debbi Ruin has been eliminated!

Chad:  Lydia Dawson assumes the next spot, pushing past Stacy.  She grabs Winter by the back of the head and drops down to slam her face right into the mat!

Gena:  Winter’s head bounces off of the mat as Lydia rolls her over.  She mounts Winter and begins slamming fist after fist into Winter’s face.

Chad:  However, Winter sees past the pain and aggression takes over.  She whips Lydia down to the mat and then she begins throwing hands!

Gena:  She gets up, feeling the action so far.  She tags Tatsu in.  Tatsu climbs to the top rope and swings her hips around as she winds the crowd up.  She then dives off with a Flying Elbow Drop to Lydia’s chest.  She hooks the leg.


Chad:  Alexis Staggs rips Tatsu off of Lydia and flings her back against the mat by her cotton candy hair!  Alexis, however, sees past her rage as she exits the ring before the referee forces her out.

Gena:  Lydia holds onto her chest as Tatsu gets to her feet.  She screeches as she rushes Alexis, punching her in the face and sending her flying off of the apron.  Winter claps for Tatsu and laughs at Alexis.

Chad:  Tatsu is distracted, and Lydia rolls her up from behind.


Gena:  Tatsu gets a shoulder up just as Winter is about to make the save.  Winter spins, kicking Lydia in the side of the head.  Tatsu then lifts Lydia up and sets her up for the Fire of the Dragon (Northern Lights Suplex) and she nails it!

Chad:  Perhaps an homage to SCU’s original incarnation.  She hooks the leg as Winter gets in, ready to head somebody off.


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Lydia Dawson has been eliminated!

Gena:  Angel of Filth enters the ring now.  She grabs Tatsu up by the hair and tosses Tatsu into the ropes by the hair.  As she comes back, Filth hits a throat punch and stuns Tatsu.  She then brings her over with a Japanese Arm Drag.

Chad:  Winter jumps inside of the ring and leaps onto Filth’s back, punching wildly as she shouts at her for hurting her “Tatsu”.  Filth grips Winter by the hair and then flings her down on top of Tatsu.

Gena:  She begins stomping away at Winter, and in the process, Tatsu.  Filth licks her lips as she stares at Tatsu writhing underneath Winter.

Chad:  Filth climbs onto the top rope and leaps off with a Frog Splash, but Winter rolls out of the way, and Tatsu puts her knees up.  Filth holds onto her stomach as Tatsu gets to her feet.

Gena:  Filth gets to her hands and knees as Tatsu and Winter begin kicking her in the stomach from both sides, bring out loud “oof” sounds from Filth as she jolts up a bit.

Chad:  Staggs gets inside of the ring, giving Filth a dirty look before grabbing Tatsu by the arm and kicking her in the gut.  She drops her with a DDT, and Winter spins her around, nailing Alexis with a Jawbreaker.

Gena:  As Filth finally stumbles to her feet, she goes back to her corner where Brittany Williams tags herself in, but Filth doesn’t care as long as she’s out of this mess!

Chad:  The referee gets Winter to her side of the ring, as Alexis rolls outside.  Order is restored… for now.

Gena:  Brittany dives on top of Tatsu, hooking both legs, and a handful of tights.


Chad:  Brittany looks frustrated.  She shakes her head at the referee and then resumes the pin, being sneakier with the tights and applying more pressure.


Gena:  Brittany is getting frustrated as she slaps the mat and shouts at the referee.  She then gives it one more try.


Chad:  Brittany shrieks as she gets to her feet.  She slaps her hands three times and then holds up three fingers to let him know he screwed her three times there.  The referee argues back.

Gena:  Meanwhile, Tatsu rolls Brittany up into a pin from behind, playing the same game to her with the tights.


Liam:  Brittany Williams has been eliminated!

Chad:  Brittany argues it, but there is no love lost as Cat enters the ring now.  She points Brittany to the exit.  Brittany glares at Cat and shoves her.  Cat shoves her back.

Gena:  They’re on the same team here!  Brittany shoves Cat back, and Cat shoves her in return.  Brittany then goes to slap Cat, but Cat grabs her wrist.  She throws it down and tackles Brittany.

Chad:  The only people who find this amusing is Tatsu and Winter… okay, and maybe the crowd… and me…

Gena:  The referee tries to pry them apart while Tatsu tags Winter in.  Winter grabs onto Cat, putting on the Winter Lock.  Tatsu hits a Superkick to Stacy Ruin who is trying to come in for the save.

Chad:  Cat tries to resist it, but as Winter tightens the hold, she is quick to tap!

Liam:  Catarina Franklin has been eliminated!

Gena:  The Kawaii Dragons have eliminated four of the eight women!  They just might stand a chance here.  Alexis Staggs gets back inside of the ring now and she stalks Tatsu back to her corner.

Chad:  She lifts Winter off of the mat, but Winter hits a Headbutt to Alexis!  Alexis is stunned, but not for too long as she hits a Headbutt right back to Winter!


Gena:  Winter turns around 360 degrees.  However, she quickly hits Alexis between the eyes with another Headbutt.  Winter is woozy now, and then Alexis’ eyes roll around.  However, she hits another one!

Chad:  Both ladies are seeing stars now!  They go to hit one another, and miss, falling to the mat!

Gena:  Tatsu looks stunned as the referee checks on both.  I think they knocked themselves out here.  He begins to count.


Chad:  Alexis is in trouble here, but Winter might have just screwed her team up!  Neither competitor is moving right now.


Gena:  Alexis is starting to stir now, but just barely.  She crawls over toward the ropes, seeing just enough to be able to tag in Kandy Kaine!


Chad:  Winter gets to her feet, and she looks a little drunk.  That’s more than we can say for Alexis right now, who is resting on the apron on her hands and knees, barely holding onto the tag rope.

Gena:  Kandy gets inside of the ring and she claps her hands wildly, squealing with joy as she walks up to Winter.  She gives Winter a big hug, and then pulls Tatsu in for a group hug!

Chad:  It’s like a mini A.G.I.F.T. reunion, but Kandy’s on the other team still, alliance or not!  Winter makes the tag to Tatsu, who gets out of the hug.  Kandy and Winter talk, Winter smiling big and bright.

Gena:  Winter backs Kandy up toward the center of the ring as Tatsu finds her position.  She bounces off of the ropes and leaps up just as Winter ducks, hitting Flight of the Dragon (Continuous Whirlybird Headscissors)!  Round and round and round she goes!

Chad:  On the fourth rotation, Tatsu lowers herself, bringing Kandy over with a flipping motion, landing on her back.  Tatsu then hooks Kandy’s legs.


Liam:  Kandy Kaine has been eliminated!

Gena:  Only three ladies remain to take on Winter and Tatsu!  Angel of Filth, Alexis Staggs, and Stacy Ruin who just climbed inside of the ring.  She drags Tatsu down to the mat in a Full Nelson.  Tatsu screams, trying to get out of it.

Chad:  I think the realization of the threat the Kawaii Dragons are is sinking in with Alexis and Filth right now as they put their differences away long enough for Filth to help Alexis to her feet.

Gena:  They watch intensely as Stacy tightens the lock.  Winter eyes the inside, ready to move when needed.

Chad:  Tatsu raises her hand to tap, but changes her mind and swings her elbow back into Stacy’s face.  She finally does it enough to where Stacy loosens the hold.  Tatsu wiggles out.

Gena:  Tatsu gets to her feet first, and she goes for a Clothesline, but Stacy ducks and sweeps Tatsu’s leg out from under her.  She then latches on the Ruin Lock in the middle of the ring!

Chad:  Winter dives through the middle ropes, but she is met by Alexis and Filth, who grab her up into a double Chokeslam of sorts.  Winter kicks her feet, trying to escape it, but Staggs and Filth keep her up in the air as Tatsu tries to get out of the Ruin Lock!

Gena:  The crowd is going nuts for Stacy right now.  She takes that energy and channels it as she tightens the grip, finally causing Tatsu to tap out!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners, as a result of a submission… Your surviving members… Stacy Ruin, Alexis Staggs, and Angel of Filth!!!

Alexis is almost excited enough to hug Angel of Filth, who gives her a warning look that stops that dead in it’s tracks.  Stacy looks around, almost shocked at her win.  She takes a deep breath, and then she lets out an excited howl that the crowd mimics!  Alexis walks over to her and helps raise her arm as Filth takes the other side.  Meanwhile, Winter drags Tatsu out of the ring before Alexis can get any ideas.  The three celebrate inside of the ring as Kawaii Dragons are enraged, heading up the ramp.

Backstage, we hear a commotion going on inside of the office of General Manager Tad Ezra.  Though, the commotion is mostly Tad laughing and a feminine voice talking with him, and a few other females chiming in.  Footsteps approach the office, which we soon find out belongs to Spokeswoman Donna Beauchamp.  Without hesitation, she opens the door.  We go inside to find the members of Nobility sitting around the office, chatting away with Tad.

Angel: … And then I told them “Honey, I will buy this shop with my pocket change just so that I can fire you.” and of course, she put my shoes directly on my feet for me.

Melissa:  That!  That is classic Angel!

Tad:  You’re telling me… Oh, hi Donna.  To what do I owe the pleasure?

Donna stares at the goings on inside of the office for a second and then rolls her dark brown eyes at Tad.

Donna:  I need to have a word with you, Tad.

Tad looks around to the members of Nobility, who smile at Donna innocently, but also a hint of irritation behind their stares.

Tad:  You can have a couple of words if you like.  We’re all family here.

Donna:  Alone?

Tad:  I’ll be with you as soon as Angel finishes her story.  Hold on.

Angel pushes her hair back to give full view of her joyful face.

Angel:  So then, I bought the store and fired her anyway.  Customer service has really gone downhill these days.

Donna:  Alone?!?

Donna glares at Nobility for what seems like forever.  Finally, Tad takes his turn to rolls his eyes.  Angel folds her arms over her chest and leads the way, walking out.  Melissa follows.  Chanelle comes last, but lets her presence be known.

Chanelle:  Somebody ain’t hittin’ it right or else you wouldn’t be such a bitch.

Donna:  Oh, honey if you only knew how good he was hitting it.  Now get the hell out of here before your name enters the conversation, which is titled “Who is getting stripped and suspended tonight”.
Chanelle is going to say something anyway, but Melissa is quick to bring her away before she can get into any further trouble.  Tad almost seems amused still as he leans over his desk and folds his hands in front of him as if to say “lay it on me”.

Tad:  Interesting topic of discussion.  I was thinking the same thing, but I didn’t want it to seem like I was picking on Kelli Torres, so I…

Donna:  Cut the shit, Tad.  I’m not talking about Kelli Torres because Kelli Torres has done nothing wrong but call out your shit in front of everybody.

Tad seems lost in thought as he taps his chin.

Tad:  Well I didn’t see any other champions do anything wrong, so what else is there?  Halo?  Eric?  Stewart?

Donna:  The last one is hot as hell, but not quite there.  Did you not see The Three Way put their hands, not once, but twice, on the referee simply for doing her job?

Tad:  … in a Hardcore Tag Team Championship match?  Yes, I did see that.  I also saw the referee try to bully them for being smart enough to bring cuff keys to the ring.  Hardly grounds for stripping titles or suspension.

Donna:  If we don’t stop this dead in it’s tracks, the referees of SCU are going to get manhandled on a weekly basis, and I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a goddamn liability.

Tad:  Well then maybe they should watch how they address the hottest Hardcore Tag Team Champions going.  Use this as an example for Jade Pham.  Suspend her for putting HER hands on my associates.  After all, I AM an unofficial member of Team Canada, and I’m going to strip them and suspend them over my dead fucking body.

Donna is seething, but it is clear that she is not getting through to Tad.  She brushes her hair over one shoulder and then leans over the desk to get eye level with Tad.

Donna:  I know you think this is all just fun and games, making friends with the roster, and letting them run wild, but this is a business.  It isn’t your own personal agenda.  You and I both are running a business, for quite a bit of money considering the avenue.  Aside from my pledged loyalty to the owner of this company, I have a good thing going and I’m not going to let some selfish, narcissistic, bearded hipster piece of shit like you ruin it for me!

Tad:  And I’m not going to stop doing whatever I want until someone who has the power to stop me actually tries to do that.  I built NLW.  I built SCU.  From the ground up.  All you did was try to tame down my vision.  I tried to play along and be the nice guy, but as soon as I brought chaos to SCU, the ratings went through the roof.  Stream counts are nearly as high as SCW itself.  I’m making the pussy of an owner rich, and I’m keeping you secure.  Now, to answer your question, I’m not going to strip The Three Way of the Hardcore Tag Team Championships, and I’m not going to suspend them.  So unless you have anything else to discuss with me then I suggest you drag your spinster ass out of here and let me do my job.

Donna goes to protest, but then she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket.  She reaches inside and looks at it.  At least half of her rage disappears as she looks down at it.  She chuckles.

Donna:  Looks like you’re right.  But, if the Three Way lays one finger on a referee from here on out, they will immediately be stripped and suspended.  And that is coming from our boss.

Tad:  Then so be it.  But, they won’t, so the point is moot.

After a bit of a staredown, Donna eventually turns and walks out of the office, closing the door behind her as Tad sighs at his desk.

Oh Canada plays inside Mandalay Bay events center, Team Canada walk towards the ring their arrogance spewing from them, and enters.

Gail: It’s really is getting tiresome coming out here every week, just to tell all of you just how great we are.

Gail smirks.

Gail: Then again it really isn’t that tiresome.

Sarah: What my colleague is trying to say is, we know we’re are the reason SCU still exists, we’re the reason all of you show up to the show and we all know that no matter how hard people try, we always end up decorated in Gold. Since last week we’ve heard about how our use of the handcuff was unfair, all is fair in a match with no rules, it's, not our fault the New Foundation didn’t have the mental or physical toughness to compete against The Three-way.

Dahlia smirks as she raises her mic.

Dahlia: Last week we trashed Shelby and Ivory so badly they quit just to save themselves from having their careers ended at our hands, this week Denise and Ella will have to try and survive long enough to not wind up crippled.

Earl: We’ve proved that not only are we the greatest tag team in the world today but also the toughest, tonight the Society will crumble into dust, with The Three way standing over what remains.

Stewart: Powershock as you can see I’m still standing, you couldn’t stop me with an atomic bomb, and just by me standing here with the Underground title, SCU ratings and revenues have increased.

Stewart’s arrogance is flowing through as he continues.

Stewart: One thing that Earl and I have in common from our days in Honor and Northern Lights wrestling was a pest named Tim Staggs, who wants to prove who the real bad boys are, well I can answer that Tim, they’re standing in this ring with the gold, and tonight Tim your night will end just like all the previous times you stepped in the ring with me, on your back staring up at the lights like all the ugly skanks here tonight.

Stewart smirks as the crowd boo.

Stewart: You all know it true, so just sit there and watch greatness in action.

Gail: I think we’re done here.

Sarah and Gail lead Team Canada out of the ringside area.

You see Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Sharasu backstage outside the locker room area and he runs into the head of security and former trainer Casey Williams. Hitamashii feels a little tense.

Casey:Hitamashii, you look tense. What´s going on?

Hitamashii:I had a flashback to the training you put me through and how tough it was at times.

Casey:I see. Don´t worry, I am not here to cause you pain. I am here to let you know that there will be extra security surrounding the ring for your match with John Blade to make sure Powershock does not interfere.

Hitamashii:I appreciate your concern, but I am not worried about him. I beat his ass at Into the Void, and when I get that match with him, I plan on doing it again.

Hitamashii smiles and he leans against the wall listening to Casey.

Casey:I know, but trust me, he is very dangerous. He is probably one of the most dangerous guys I´ve ever been around.

Hitamashii:Don´t forget I am dangerous too. I am going to send Powershock a message tonight via my match with John Blade. I am going to show Powershock that I am more dangerous than he is, and that I am not to be taken likely. He has no idea who he fucked with 2 weeks ago.

Hitamashii cackles and he walks away from Casey as the scene fades to black.

Show Cards / Underground Ep. 30 (Card)
« on: July 20, 2019, 12:30:16 AM »
 Sin City Underground presents Underground Ep. 30

Underground comes to you from Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas, NV on July 24th, 2019 at 11:59pm PST
Segments are due by 11:59pm PST on Tuesday July 23rd, 2019 to the “Underground” account. Can we get at least 10 this week? That’s my challenge to you!

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Singles Match
Kingingiseisha “Hitamashi” Shirasu vs John Martinez-Blade

Hitamashii has been a serious threat to the men’s side of the roster.  He has been scorned, and has essentially called out former Underground Champion Powershock to a match.  Word has it that this match will be taking place at Summer XXXTreme next month.  In the meantime, we will be seeing the former Combat Champion, John Martinez-Blade, taking that place.  One can’t envy Blade in this situation, but you cannot discount him.  The badassery of JMB is unmistakable, and he just might find himself on top for the one, two, three.

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Handicap Elimination Tag Team Match
Kawaii Dragons vs The Ruin Sisters, Kandy Kaine, Alexis Staggs, Angel of Filth, Lydia Dawson, Brittany Williams, Catarina Franklin

GM Tad Ezra made it clear to the Kawaii Dragons to not interfere in the Misty’s Battle Royal. The hardheaded dragons gave Tad the finger by interfering in the match which resulted in two women getting eliminated and most will argue they are the reason Halo became the Underground Champion. As punishment, the GM has ordered for the Kawaii Dragons to take on one third of the women's roster in a 2 on 8 match!

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Hardcore Match - Rights to the Hardcore Tag Team Championship Match at Supernova
Vector C Rogers vs Jerry Cann

After Jerry Cann lost to Vector Rogers and Earl Lockyer for the rights to face the Hardcore Tag Team Champions. Jerry insitted he gets a one on one match with Vector for the rights to face the Hardcore Tag Team Champions. The winner of this match gets to pick a partner of choice for the Hardcore tag team title match.

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Singles Match
Ahuevo vs Mz Holly Wood

On Underground Ep. 29, Ahuevo and Holly Wood looked rather friendly as they made light that Ahuevo will be challenging for the belt that Holly is holding, the SCU Combat Championship.  Oh, wait, no.  Holly is not the champion.  She only took the belt from Eric Weaver, the actual champion, after she defeated him in a non-title grudge match.  She dared him to come and get it, and he has yet to do so.  In a match to prepare for the Combat Championship Match at Summer XXXTreme, these two will fight it out for dominance.

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Double Down Championship
The New Foundation vs Nobility

No freebird rule will be in place as instead all three members Melissa Ruin, Chanelle Martinez and Angel Kash will defend the DoubleDown titles against all three New Foundation members, Shannon Middlebrooks, Ivory Sullivan, Shelby Holt!

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Hardcore Tag Team Championship
The Society vs The Three Way

The Society, Denise Andrews and Ella Singleton, will be stepping out of their comfort zone to challenge the Three Way for the Hardcore Tag Team Championships.  Ella and Denise are used to playing dirty, but not when the field is evened out.  Will they use their brains to walk out as the Hardcore Tag Team Championships?  Or will The Three Way remind us once again why they are THE premier team in SCU?

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Main Event
Non-title match

Tim Staggs vs Stewart Mason

In this week’s Main Event, we see Stewart Mason returning after a week off due to several brutal chair shots from the former Underground Champion, Powershock.  Stewart Mason’s opponent, Hitamashii, from that week, has already called out Powershock, so Stewart looks to take his aggressions out on another thorn in his side, The “Real” Bad Boys.  Tim Staggs will be representing the tandem this week, and he is aching to set an example of what a Real Bad Boy can do, ahead of Stewart Mason’s opponent for Summer XXXTreme.

All this and oh so much more as Underground Ep. 30 comes at you from in front of a live audience.

Results / Sin City Underground Ep. 29 7-17-2019 (RESULTS)
« on: July 18, 2019, 05:45:06 AM »
>Underground comes to you in front of a live audience at The Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, airing at 11:59pm PST on July 17th, 2019.

Liam: Ladies and gentlemen, Australian Soprano Danielle de Niese and The Australian Chamber Orchestra!!!

The crowd looks at the top of the ramp. The Ecstasy Of Gold by Ennio Morricone starts to play around the arena. The crowd quiets down as the slow melody kicks in. The beat slowly repeats itself a bit louder, on the third time around we hear the voice of an Australian Soprano Danielle de Niese singing the tune.

The beat and vocal begin slowly in a normal volume and slowly gets louder. We see Kelli Torres appear from the curtains wearing the Underground Championship on her waist and the Combat Championship on her right shoulder.

Chad: Kelli has to give up one of the titles but which one will it be?

Gena: The wait is over as Kelli makes her way down to ringside.

The crowd cheers for the double champion as she walks up the staircase to get on the apron. Kelli gets in the ring as the music starts to go to a slow fade.

G.M. Tad Ezra hands Kelli a microphone. Kelli takes the microphone from Tad, she paces around as she begins looking at the crowd. They cheer her name which gives Kelli a smile. Kelli starts pointing at the crowd. She bows her head many times to show respect.

Tad tilts his head left and right a few times as she waits for Kelli to hand over a title. Kelli sees this and decides to keep pointing and bowing to milk the moment for as long as she can. Kelli stops and looks at Tad, she places the microphone close to her mouth but then shakes her head no.

Kelli starts pacing again pointing at the crowd. They get louder for her causing Tad to raise his microphone.

Tad: We don’t have all day.

The crowd starts to boo Tad.

Kelli: I am the Underground Champion, we will have as long as I say we will have.

The crowd starts cheering again. Kelli waits a bit then puts the microphone to her mouth, she starts pacing around and looks directly at Tad Ezra.

Kelli: I stand here before everyone as the first-ever Underground Champion and Combat Champion. This is such a great honor to have and I am thankful to be so lucky. I fought my way to everything I have ever gained. This path in SCU is no different. It has not been easy, the challenges have been the hardest by far but it has been one heck of a ride, and that is all because of you fans. You all have been behind me since day one and all I can say to that is…

Kelli pauses to look at the fans in attendance.

Kelli: Thank you!

The crowd claps as they begin to stand.

Crowd: The Mut With The Stuff!  The Mut With The Stuff! The Mut With The Stuff!

Kelli: Now I must choose, do I continue my run as the Combat Champion or do I begin my journey as the Underground Champion.

Like everyone else who could have been in my shoes, the choice was easy to make. I, your Underground Champion…

Kelli takes the Combat title off her shoulder and hands it to Tad Ezra. Tod takes the title from Kelli and holds it with both hands out. The crowd starts to clap louder as Kelli then takes her free hand to remove the Underground championship from her waist.

Kelli: Will be relinquishing the Underground Championship and will continue my career as the SCU Combat Champion!

The crowd in shock at first then clap and chant Combat Champion as they see Kelli place the Underground Championship on Tad’s shoulder then takes her Combat title and places it around her waist.

Kelli: My journey as the Underground Champion will have to wait. SCU deserves a Great Combat Champion and right now they have one damn it!

Crowd: Kelli! Kelli! Kelli!

Kelli: Angel Kash, I just did you a favor because you want no part of me. You know if you get in the ring with me that you will lose. I am ready to take on the best, the strongest. Those that have the guts to have a clean match. Those like Jenifer, Celeste, Valentina, Dahlia Rotten.

The crowd stops clapping when they hear the name Dahlia Rotten.

Kelli: You all heard me, Dahlia Rotten, she is one of the best and will take on anyone, anytime. It’s wrestlers like her that I look forward to. Tad, you have your handsful but a number one contender is needed for my Combat Championship. After you figure out what you plan on doing with the Underground title please work on finding me a new opponent.

Tad: You start training because not only will you have to defend that title at SCW Summer XXXTereme but before you can get to that match you will have to defend the title at SCU SuperNova.

Kelli: At Supernova I will defend this title against the best you got!

Tad: We’ll see about that one.

Kelli: It is okay for you not to like me. I know Angel Kash is your favorite and it pains you to know that at best she is the seventh-best wrestler in the women's side of the roster. Not including the champions of course.

Tad: Angel is one of the best in SCU. You’ve done well, I’ll give you that much but you’re no Angel Kash.

Kelli: She is a joke, we all know that but you. I gave up the Underground title, go ahead and find a way to give it to her and when I decide she can not have it anymore I will take it away from her.

Tad: You worry about defending the Combat Title, I’ll handle this title.

Kelli drops the microphone, she exits the ring through the middle and top ropes as The Ecstasy of Gold by Metallica starts to play. Kelli high fives a bunch of kids as she walks up the rampway. The cameras focus on Tad as he stands in the middle of the ring with the Underground championship still on his left shoulder.

Tad watches Kelli go up the ramp, but he’s not finished yet.  He looks around at the crowd as they are still cheering for Kelli. He clears his throat, drawing the attention back to himself slightly before speaking up.

Tad:  Hi, thank you.  I’m still here.  Yeah…

The crowd groans at Tad as he holds a hand up in the air.

Tad:  Hand’s up, so shut up!

Crowd:  Boooooooooooo!!!

Tad hoists the Underground Championship onto his shoulder as he looks around.

Tad:  Yeah, go ahead and boo me.  I can wait.  I mean, it’s not like I’ve got some big news about this title I’m holding on my shoulders or something.

Tad taps his foot and waits for the crowd to stop booing.  He continues to tap his foot until the crowd has lowered their voices to his satisfaction.

Tad:  So, we have us a vacant title here.  We’ve got a roster full of ladies who could stand tall as our champion.  Like, I don’t know… *cough*Angel Kash*cough*.


Tad:  You hate because you ain’t.  Now, I’m thinking… we have six ladies in a match later tonight.  And I just can’t help but feel giving tonight.  I’m going to declare that match as a Misty’s Battle Royal to crown the new champion tonight!

Crowd:  *POP!*

Tad:  But wait a minute… you have to have at least 8 competitors.  Why don’t we go ahead and scrap the Alexis versus Merlot match and add them to the Misty’s Battle Royal?  It’s not like you guys were wanting to see that match anyway, right?

The crowd practically begs Tad for the match, while others give a standing ovation to the two competitors being added to the newly announced Misty’s Battle Royal.

Tad:  I mean, I can’t leave the ring with you guys loving me, so it was the least I could do.  Now, to the 8 women in our new Main Event match, I just have to say… “May the odds be forever in your favor”.  Happy hunting…

Tad winks at the camera as he looks up to a rung that is being lowered from the ceiling.  As it comes down to him, he hooks the belt onto it.  He then tugs on it and it begins to rise back up as the crowd goes crazy for it.  Tad then exits the ring and walks up the ramp.

The camera moves backstage to find Winter Elemental and Tatsu Ikeda standing around.  They don’t look very pleased at the moment as Winter’s arms are folded over her chest, and Tatsu is pacing.  A closed circuit television is in the background, and we quickly get the idea of what they are upset about.

Tatsu:  Why no Kawaii Dragons in this match?  Just does not make sense, Winter-san…

Winter:  Yeah, what the holy fucking shit?

Tatsu:  It like they no want good champion.  Just same champions, over and over again.  Angel Kash, Shannon Middlebrooks, Angel Kash, stupid blonde Disney Princess doll of new Foundation.

Winter:  I wonder what would happen if you and me went out to the ring during that match and fuck with them.  Do you think we would get suspended or something?

Tatsu:  Maybe!  It not like we booked much now anyway!  I say we do it and see what happens.  Serve them right for no letting Kawaii Dragons enter match.

Winter goes to speak, but suddenly GM Tad Ezra walks by, fresh from ringside.  He stops and stares at them, almost as if he’s taking pride in making both ladies go quiet.  His smile grows bigger until Winter steps forward and gets in his face.

Winter:  Unless you come to give us entry into the Misty’s Battle Royal, or unless you came to give us a shit load of chocolate, then I suggest you back the fuck up before you get fucked up!

Tatsu:  Yeah!  What Winter-san say!  Back fuck up or get fuck up!

Tad stares at the Kawaii Dragons and just laughs.  He shakes his head.

Tad:  No…

Winter:  Ohhhh, he didn’t just tell us no, did he?

Tatsu:  Ummmm… I think he did…

Winter:  That wasn’t a real question, Tatsu.

Tatsu:  Well then why you ask it?  Fake question is stupid!

Winter goes to continue bickering with Tatsu as they walk off the scene.  Tad just shakes his head, continuing to laugh as he disappears.

Straight before the match against Fox Brothers, Henry Losak stands with his guys backstage and he begins to speak.

Henry Losak: "It's good for Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson to make their debuts to SCU, being aware they have to prove themselves. They have no problem doing just that. Especially going up against Fox Brothers of Mason and Jason Fox. I'm sure you guys had studied and watched every single one of their matches when they were in SCW, right?"

Lord Raab and Samuel nod to the camera before they clench their fists together to the camera. After they've done so, they stand in the background again.

Henry Losak: "Sure, it will do you some good and sure, you've been tag champions before, but so have The Monstimals. They've been the SCW tag champions before, and even before you guys were signed to SCU, these two promoted how bad they wanted their tag matches to be hardcore. Granted, they're not in a hardcore match tonight, but it will send you boys a statement of their time away in the SCW ring hasn't dampened their ability in the ring."

Henry knew the fact their time away from the ring was a lie, especially they appeared in another company as of late to make a mark, but not worth talking about as both Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson nod their heads.

Henry Losak: "You guys might be struggling, but sorry that your struggles are going to continue because while you may have the advantage of speed when it comes to strength and brute power, you don't stand a chance. It's all thanks to SCU for seeking interest in The Monstimals because they are here to promote hardcore wrestling as a tag team and become hardcore tag champions."

Henry pauses with Lord Raab and Samuel clapping and nod before Henry speaks again.

Henry Losak: "Tonight Mason and Jason, your beatings of punishment are just about to begin, and when they win, it will be a start of The Monstimals earning their hardcore tag title shots, going one place ahead of the rest. They have no interest in coming back to SCW at anytime soon, but will forever be apart of SCU to get everyone to seek their eyes on the hardcore tag division and promote it to a point they'll be at the SCW Supershows to have the hardcore tag matches on there. Mason and Jason will suffer at the hands of The Monstimals and will prepare themselves to be dominated by The Monstimals."

Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson already make their way to the curtain area to wait for the announcer to call them out to the ring with Henry standing behind them as the cameras go to ringside to call out the first team of the match.

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Tag Team Match
Monstimals (Lord Raab & Samuel McPherson) Vs Fox Brothers

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!  Iiiiiiiiiintroducing first, accompanied to the ring by Henry Losak, they are Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab… The Monstimaaaaaaaals!!!

Monster and Animal I Have Become (mash up) by Skillet and Three Days Grace play over the sound system as Samuel McPherson and Lord Raab come through the curtain with Henry Losak behind them as they walk side by side together to the ring, ignoring the fans as they step over the top rope together while Henry goes through the middle rope. Raab and Samuel do a holdup in the ring with the fans booing on them as Henry steps out of the ring with Raab and Samuel stand in the ring waiting for the match to start.

“What Does The Fox Say?” by Ylvis starts to play. The crowd looks up the ramp as they cheer for the duo coming out. The crowd immediately cheers louder as Mason and Jason step out onto the ramp, yipping as they cross the stage. They are soon followed by Martha Fox, and the crowd gets even louder.

Liam: On the way to the ring, the Double Down Champions... the team of Jason and Mason Fox, the Fox Brothers!!!

Jason and Mason find their way to the rampway. The fans cheer as they slap hands on the way down. They slide inside of the ring as Martha settles into the corner, all smiles Jason and Mason get in the ring as they walk around the ring, dancing along to the music before settling into their corner.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  Damn it’s good to be back!  Mason and Raab are starting things off while their partners step outside onto the apron.

Chad:  Raab goes to grab Mason, but Mason ducks behind him.  Mason jumps onto Raab’s back, but Raab flings him over his shoulder and stomps on his back.

Gena:  Mason holds onto his back as Raab hits yet another stomp.  He drags Mason back to his feet and plants Mason back on the mat with a Body Slam.

Chad:  Mason arches his back as Raab picks him up once again.  He flings him with everything he’s got so that Mason ricochets off of the turnback.

Gena:  Raab then lifts Mason up into a Sidewalk Slam, hooking the leg.


Chad:  Jason Fox enters the ring and stomps on Raab, which only serves to anger him further.  He stands up and shoves Jason into the corner.  He fires away with rapid shots.

Gena:  Raab picks Mason up and then throws him at Jason.  McPherson steps inside of the ring and Raab Irish Whips his partner into the corner, colliding with both Fox Brothers.

Chad:  Sam drops down as Raab comes flying into the corner, colliding with both Fox Brothers. As Mason stumbles out of the corner.  He and Samuel grip onto his throat.

Gena:  Double Chokeslam!  Jason comes out of the corner and begins hammering away at the back of Lord Raab.  As Samuel goes to punch him, he ducks!

Chad:  Jason rams a knee into Samuel’s face and then hits a Falling Facebuster to the masked Monstimal.

Gena:  Jason is then ordered out of the ring by the referee as Samuel rolls outside and makes his way back to his corner.

Chad:  Raab rips Mason off of the mat and grips onto his throat with both hands.  He is whipping Mason around like a ragdoll!

Gena:  Mason pokes him in the eye, breaking the hold.  He falls to the mat and then stumbles over to his corner and tags in Jason!

Chad:  Jason isn’t exactly fresh in this contest, but he’s taken far less of a beating! He sweeps Raab off of his feet with a Legsweep.  He then begins yipping and jumping up and down.

Gena:  He yips as if he is taunting Lord Raab.  He turns around and throws his hands in the air with each yip, getting the crowd to go along with him.


Chad:  Lord Raab tags Samuel McPherson into the ring!  Samuel comes up behind Jason and relentlessly pounds him into the ropes, using arms, legs, fists, shoulders…

Gena:  He then whips Jason around and lifts him up into The Animal Kill (Vertabreaker)!  He is about to cover Jason, when he looks at Mason and roars!  Mason jumps down, shaking!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here are your winners… The Monstimaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllsssssssss!!!

Samuel picks Jason up half way, but Mason reaches inside of the ring and pulls his brother out of the ring.  He helps Jason onto his feet as The Monstimals begin stalking the Fox Brothers.  As quickly as they can, the Fox Brothers run up the ramp as “Monster” and “Animal I Have Become” mash up begins playing over the speakers.  The Monstimals step over the top ropes in unison and begin stalking up the ramp after the Fox Brothers, not feeling fulfilled enough.

You see Kingingiseisha “Hitamashii” Sharasu backstage outside the locker room area standing next to Dev Khatri. Hitamashii looks pissed off.

Dev:Hitamashii, you look pissed off. May I ask why?

Hitamashii:I guess you missed the end of my match with Stewart Mason last week. Let me refresh everyone’s memory on why I am so pissed off.

Hitamashii triggers the following clip:

Arnaud: Is he looking for the Paid in Full? Stewart tries to pick him up, but Hitamashii spins under, pulling Stewart in an arm wrench to get out of it and lifts a leg, catching Mason with a martial arts kick to the top of the head. Mason drop to the canvas and Hitamashii quickly covers Stewart Mason.


A chair crashes down on Hitamashii's back!

Chad: What the hell? Powershock is in the ring! Stewart Mason gets to his feet and Powershock levels him with the chair and the referee calls for the bell.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Arnaud: I believe the referee is throwing this out as a no contest.

Chad: Both Hitamashii and Mason are on the floor next to each other and Powershock continues the assault, slamming down chair shots on both men! Hitamashii crawls away and Powershock slams the chair down on Stewart Mason's back.

Arnaud: Powershock turns to see Hitamashii and drills the chair in to his gut before raising the chair again and smashing Hitamashii on the back of the head.

Chad: Stewart Mason turns to be met with a vicious shot to the head. The champion drops to his knees and Powershock smashes the chair over Mason's head again!

Arnaud: Here comes Casey Williams and the security team! They quickly get in the ring and force Powershock away.

Chad: But the damage has been done. Neither Mason or Hitamashii are moving at this point.

Casey and his security team move in on Powershock and pull him from the wreckage at ringside. The crowd boos loudly for such a great contest being ended early, and we end on Powershock being dragged up the ramp.

Hitamashii:Isn´t it obvious? I was screwed by Powershock. I mean, I guess I should have seen it coming after eliminating Powershock from the Warrior´s Brawl match at Into the Void VIII, but that is just going to come back to haunt him, as I am not the man he wants to fuck with!!!

Hitamashii smiles and he leans against the wall listening to Dev.

Dev:I see. What are you going to do about it?

Hitamashii:The only thing I can do, and that is call Powershock out and issue to him a challenge to a match, so I can seek revenge upon him for screwing me out of the Underground title, one that I would have won had he not interfered. I will do everything in my power to exterminate Powershock like the cockroach that he is!

Hitamashii cackles and he walks away from Dev as the scene fades to black.

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color=red]Singles Match
Powershock Vs Jacob Johnso

Liam:  The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

Take me out starts to play around the arena.
So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered, I lie
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot, then we can die
I know I won't be leaving here with you

Liam: Coming down to the ring. Weighing in at 200ibs, from San Diego, CA Jacob Johnson!!!!

I say don't you know
You say you don't know
I say, take me out!
I say you don't show
Don't move, tide is low
I say, take me out!
I say you don't know
You say you don't know
I say, take me out!
If I move this could die
Eyes move this can die
I want you to take me out
I know I won't be leaving here (with you)
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here (with you)
I know I won't be leaving here with you
Jacob hopes over the top rope hold one hand up in the air to the crowds mixed reaction. He keeps that hand up while he makes his way to the corner. He climbs the turnbuckle as he looks on at the live crowd.

The arena lights turn to a dark red tint as smoke fills the stage, ramp and ring. A thunderous gong sounds as a wicked scream is soon heard through the speakers. Sinister laughter follows before "Indestructible" starts playing. A man wearing a dark red mask with a blood red jumpsuit walks out onto the stage followed by two individuals. The masked man stands on the stage as the woman clings to his arm and the man is pointing at the ring.

Liam: From the Depths of hell, accompanied by his mouthpiece Stephen Lance and his valet Aeriel Sizemore....please welcome Powershock!!

Powershock throws both arms up and out as pyro goes off. He then sombers down the ramp while keeping his eyes pointed at the ring. A sly smirk appears on his face as he steps up onto the ring apron and steps over the ring ropes.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chad:  Powershock doesn’t waste any time as he walks over to Jacob.  Jacob tries to back up, but finds himself in the corner with nowhere to go.  He tries to drop and roll out of the ring.

Gena:  But Powershock grabs the back of Jacob’s shirt and whips him back to his feet.  He throws him clear across the ring.

Chad:  It’s clear that he’s in no mood to be here after Into the Void and Underground Episode 28.

Gena:  He picks Jacob off of the mat and Bodyslam’s him, not once, not twice, but thrice.  He then picks Jacob up for another Bodyslam, but Jacob slides down Powershock’s back.

Chad:  Jacob rolls outside of the ring, waving at the ring as Powershock steps over the top rope.  Powershock immediately drops down, while Jacob is sulking.

Gena:  Powershock picks Jacob up and then throws him into the crowd.  The crowd boos, but there is a level of excitement since they are fighting amongst the audience.

Chad:  Powershock tails after Jacob, who weaves in and out of the crowd.  He starts to make his way toward the back when Powershock grabs onto his shoulders.

Gena:  Powershock drags Jacob up onto the stage as the referee shouts from the ring.

Dylan:  Don’t do it!  Drop him now and return to the ring!

Chad:  Powershock hears him, but he just doesn’t give a flying fuck.  Instead, he throws Jacob off of the stage, and Jacob lands on a table, and it crushes under his weight!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam:  Here is your winner, as a result of a disqualification… Jacob Johhhhhhnsoooooooon!!!

The crowd is in utter shock as Powershock stares down at Jacob, who is now motionless.  He stares for a long while until he is satisfied.  He gets up and walks to the curtains, practically tearing them down as he pushes them out of the way.

The camera opens up backstage just outside the locker room areas. The newest addition to Underground, Alexis Staggs, is seen doing some stretching and prepping as she gets ready for the battle royal main event. Just as she is doing some lunges and limbering up, the camera pans back and backstage interviewer Marissa Henry is seen with a microphone in hand.

Marissa: Hello Alexis, I was looking for a few moments of your time to discuss your big in ring return this evening. Can I get a few words?

Alexis jumps back to her feet and shakes her arms a bit. She looks at Marissa with a confident grin on her face.

Alexis: Ready and willing! What you got for me?

Marissa smiles.

Marissa: Well what was supposed to be a one-on-one match between you and Merlot Ayano has, as you know, turned into the both of you being put into the Misty’s Battle Royal to determine the now vacant Underground Championship. How are you feeling about such a great opportunity for your first match in over two years?

Alexis smiles.

Alexis: That’s a pretty easy question to answer, Marissa. I would have been perfectly happy with a one-on-one against Merlot, but the chance I’ve now been given is that much sweeter, and it has an even bigger significance for me.

Marissa: How so?

Alexis: Misty’s Battle Royal. You must not have gotten the memo, but Misty was my husband’s stepmother. His mother for all intents and purposes, so the fact that her memory is being honored with this battle royal means even more for me. Misty and I didn’t always get along when she was alive, but the fact is, I did learn a lot from her and I’m going to go out to that ring tonight and prove it.

Alexis stops and takes in a deep breath, remembering the late Sin City Wrestling Hall of Fame Bombshell. Marissa nods.

Marissa: Do you feel like that people will be looking more towards you to win it for that reason then? Because of your personal connection to Misty?

Alexis thinks and half shrugs.

Alexis: I don’t know. Maybe. They might not really be expecting me to win, considering how long I’ve been out of the ring, but they better be expecting me to fight like hell, because that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t want to win for the title opportunity. Those I’ll earn with time. I want to win for my family and what it will mean to them. I want to win it for my son, because I came back to wrestling to make my kid proud to have me as his mother. There’s no bigger motivation than that.

Marissa: Absolutely. Well good luck to you tonight. I’m sure everyone in the match should now be on notice.

Alexis smirks.

Alexis: They better be. They should have been the second I walked through those doors. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to continue getting ready.

Alexis then turns and disappears into the locker room as Marissa heads down the hall and the scene fades.

Gemma Frost stands in the middle of the ring, the crowd boos her.

Gemma: Zip it ya hosers, now allow me to introduce the only tag team that matters in this company, they are members of Team Canada and the Hardcore tag team champions, Earl and Dahlia.

Earl and Dahlia walkout as Sarah flanks them and enter the ring and smirk at the crowd.

Gemma: So let’s cut to the chase here, how bad are you going to beat up the New Foundation here tonight.

Earl: Gemma here tonight in front of all these Vegas idiots, The New Foundation is walking into the worst beating of their lives.

Dahlia: And I don’t know what the rules of this handcuff match are, but if it involves me wrapping them around my fist and beating Ivory Sullivan and Shelby Holt into a bloody pulp I’m all for it.

Sarah: Everyone knows the history of Honor wrestling, they know the history of Northern Lights Wrestling, and they know the history of Sin City Underground, and they know that the most decorated tag team those companies produced stands in this ring, and tonight, we put another notch in our belts when we send the New Foundation to the hospital.

Gemma: I don’t know about that I hear American health care sucks.

The fans boo loudly.

Earl: Just like this city, and all you people, and tonight we’ll once again prove we can when win it matters, unlike the Golden Knights.

Sarah: We could stand here and continue to tell all of you just a great we are, but you already know that you just won’t admit it.

Gemma: These stinking hosers don’t deserve to breathe our air.

Dahlia: Yeah.

Team Canada tosses the mics and exits.

Show Cards / Sin City Underground Ep. 29 7-17-2019 (CARD)
« on: July 11, 2019, 06:02:17 PM »
>Underground comes to you in front of a live audience at The Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, airing at 11:59pm PST on July 17th, 2019.
Send them to the Underground account \'wink.gif\'

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Tag Team Match
Monstimals (Lord Raab & Samuel McPherson) Vs Fox Brothers

We received major news on SCU Underground: Episode 28, when it was made clear that, not only had Tad Ezra managed to ink a deal with The Monstimals, but The Monstimals have their sights set on something they have wanted since even before the inception of… the Hardcore Tag Team Championships.  Tonight, we will see them face off against former Double Down Champions in order to see how they stack up against SCU Championship material after their long hiatus.  Will the Fox Brothers be able to hold up against true fury uncaged?

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Singles Match
Alexis Staggs Vs Merlot Ayano

Merlot Ayano came so close to winning the Underground Championship in the first ever SCU Warrior’s Brawl Match, a long standing Honor Wrestling tradition that was adopted by the Sin City Coalition.  Alexis Staggs has had great success in the ring, but Merlot has been on a roll, so these two promise to put on a very interesting match.

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color=red]Singles Match
Powershock Vs Jacob Johnso

Jacob Johnson has a tall order ahead of him as he is set to take on former Underground Champion, Powershock.  Powershock showed just how angry he is with his loss when he ruined the Main Event for Underground Episode 28, and both men involved in that match have been given the week off to recover.  Jacob Johnson had better come prepared for an all out battle.

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Sin City Six Way - Underground Championship No 1 Contendership
Halo Williams Vs Angel of Filth Vs Torielle Jackson Vs Kandy Kaine Vs Catarina Franklin Vs Angel Kash

Kelli Torres is set to decide which title she wants to keep, as she won the Underground Championship, in addition to the Combat Championship, in the Warrior’s Brawl Match at Into the Void XIII.  Most of these ladies had great showings in that same match.  We don’t know what title Kelli is going to drop, but one thing is for sure. We need a contender for the Underground Championship, and any of these six ladies would make a great contender.

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Main Event -
Sin City Handcuff Match - Hardcore Tag Team Championship Match

The New Foundation (Shelby Holt & Ivory Sullivan Vs The Three Way (Earl Lockyer & Dahlia Rotten)

The New Foundation has not had the best showing lately as they take on the current champs in The Three Way, in a match that could very well end their championship reign just before it gets started.  A tag team that made the division what it is today, taking on one of the most arguably best tag teams to set foot into SCU.  Throw in the handcuffs, and carts of weapons surrounding the ring, and this match could turn into a full on bloodbath.

Tune in for this and oh so much more as Sin City Underground comes at you live!
NOTE: Card subject to change.

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