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« on: December 04, 2023, 07:01:14 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Harper Mason

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“Rise of the Avenger Part VI: Seasons Beatings.”
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2023, 07:00:49 PM »
(Carter and Miles were used with their handler’s permissions)

Harper’s woes continued because she was on the verge of scoring the biggest pin-fall win of her wrestling career against Courtney Pierce only to have to settle for a DQ Win after Mercedes attacked Harper with a cane again! That said? Harper would get a measure of revenge the following week on Climax Control where Harper cost Mercedes a World Bombshell Title Match, now they were set to face off in a rematch and it was under hardcore rules, can Harper finally get a pinfall win this cycle?

Outside Miles and Carter’s loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 23rd of November 2023, 10:29am

When I was about to graduate from Hero Academy earlier this year, Jessie told me that the rookie year was usually the toughest part for any young wrestler’s journey, even with that in mind? I don’t think there’s many young wrestlers who have had it as rough as me.

Just to recap, my parents got murdered in a home invasion gone wrong, their killers got a (relatively) light sentence of 25 To Life and all that was before and just after I wrestled Jessie, Keira and Roxi in a Gauntlet Match to graduate from Hero Academy! A Gauntlet Match that left me bruised, bloody and with a sore leg thanks to me deciding to use my Taekwondo kicks on Roxi whilst she was leaning against the Ring Steps only for Roxi to move right before the last one.

Yeah, that was fun.

Since then, I can describe my rookie year as a roller-coaster, the ups were obvious, I won my first title faster than Cassie did, signed with EWC’s Prime brand and later Sin City Wrestling, the downs? Well, aside from the stuff I’ve already mentioned? KCW closed before I could defend the TV Title (though they were kind enough to let me keep the title which currently occupies a spot on my mantle), my EWC Career hasn’t gotten off to a great start and then there’s the whole situation with Mercedes.

Didn’t think it was possible for me to gain an enemy before I even met her but I guess that’s what I get for being a young wrestler who happened to be related to one of Mercedes’s oldest and fiercest rivals!

At least there’s only a few weeks left in the year right? Maybe my first full year as a wrestler won’t be as rough!

But yeah, that stuff in the beginning about my parents was why I’m here at Carter’s loft, it was Thanksgiving and it being my first Thanksgiving since my parents died? Yeah, it was proving to be a rough day for me, my siblings were spending the day with my aunt and whilst I did receive an invite? I had to decline because I was worried that I was going to say the wrong thing and ruin the mood for everyone! My original plan was to just spend the day at home, playing video games, chilling with my dogs and figuring out what I was going to do for dinner later, but when I made my post about my first Thanksgiving without my parents? Well I got two offers.

The first was from fellow FCW talent Lacy Hartson, but I had to decline her offer because she was in New York and flying between Vegas, there and Tempe was going to leave me with a major case of Jet Lag, the other offer was from Carter, well, I say offer but he outright said that he was going to text me his address and well, here I am.

Guess I’d be better company than Krystal at least.

”Yep, this is the place.” I muttered to myself as I double checked Carter’s text message to be sure, I knew Carter fairly well because I had brought my current loft from him after his nasty breakup with his ex-boyfriend but that didn’t make the fact that I had been invited to another family’s Thanksgiving any less awkward, still I let out a deep breath ad knocked on the door.

A few seconds later and an older woman answered the door, and by older I mean “probably old enough to be my grandmom”. “Yes?” The woman greeted me and I grinned awkwardly.

”Err, hi, I know this is awkward but Carter sent me an invite to spend Thanksgiving with you guys?” I asked as I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly. ”I think he would’ve said something about someone called Harper?”

As soon as I dropped my name the older woman’s demeaner softened a lot. “Oh you’re Harper Mason? Come in, come in!” The woman stepped aside to let me in and I entered the loft, it didn’t take me long to recognize the smell of Thanksgiving dinner being cooked and judging from the smell? I had made the right call. “Carter? Your friend is here.”

”Ari’s already arrived grams!” Carter’s voice rang out from the kitchen as I took a moment to look around the place, Carter and Miles had certainly done a lot to spruce up he place, that much was obvious. ”Unless you mean another friend.”

“It’s that Harper Mason girl.” Grams called back and it didn’t take long for Carter to emerge from the kitchen after hearing that.

”Hey Carter, thanks for the in………” My greeting to Carter was cut off by a surprise hug from Ariana, who I didn’t even notice was coming out of what I assumed was the living room. ”……….vite, definitely wasn’t ready for an Ari hug!”

”Heh, sorry but I figured you could use one after everything that’s happened this year.” Ariana apologized and I gave her a thankful nod after she broke off the hug. ”Carter’s been preparing everything solo I’ve offered to help but…….”

”I told you earlier Ari, I’m in survival mode today.” Carter reminded her and I shook my head with a chuckle, I had heard stories of how “creative” Ari could get with her cooking (I wasn’t subscribed to her YouTube channel so I had nothing to base that off) but seeing the two best friends banter wasn’t going to get old any time soon. ”And think nothing off it Harper, you deserve a break after dealing with Mercedes for the past few weeks! Well, that and everything else.”

”I appreciate it Carter, if you want my help with anything please let me know, I like to think I’m a pretty decent cook.” I offered Carter who just shook his head, I followed Ariana into the living room where Miles was stroking Ms. Thang, their tuxedo cat. ”Hi Mules.” I greeted Miles as I sat down opposite him and he smiled warmly.

“Glad you could make it Harper, make yourself comfortable by all means.” Miles greeted me and I smiled at the Brit before Ms. Thang walked up to me for a sniff. “It seems Ms. Thang likes you.”

”That or she smells my dogs on me, I don’t know, I’ve been a dog owner for most of my life, don’t really know a lot about cats.” I admitted with a shrug before I gave the kitty a couple of strokes, if I was allergic to cats, this would’ve been a really awkward way and time for me to find out, luckily that didn’t seem to be the case. ”Thanks again for the invite, you can probably imagine how rough the past ten months have been for me.”

“Think nothing of it, we weren’t about to leave you on your lonesome.” Miles assured me and I grinned as Ms. Thang started to purr. “So, how are you finding SCW so far?”

”It’s had its ups and downs, most of which can be blamed on Mercedes, but I am enjoying my time here so far.” I responded with a nod as Ms. Thang hopped off the table to wonder off elsewhere. ”I don’t know what her problem is with me but I’m looking forward to getting some payback at December 2 Dismember VI.” I added as I brushed some hair over my shoulder.

”Compared to my headaches with Courtney? That almost seems quaint.” Ariana commented as she entered the room with Ms. Thang following her closely. ”At least Mercedes hasn’t tried to break your hand.”

”How about we don’t give Mercedes ideas before I face her in a No DQ Match.” I commented with a slight laugh before I shook my head. ”Besides, is Thanksgiving really a day to be talking about the violent sport we all partake in?”

“That is a fair point.” Miles conceded with a nod and we all agreed with my point. “I mean, I’m the only Brit here but I just view it as free food, though some of the other foreign stars in SCW are being a bit more direct, like a certain Aussie.”

”Eh, if they don’t celebrate it then what’s the big deal, heck, I spent most of my childhood growing up on military bases around the world so I’ve seen a fair few cultures in my time.” I responded with a shrug before I felt a light thud on my lap and looked down, Ms. Thang had leapt onto my lap and made herself comfy on my legs. ”Meant to ask bt how old is Ms. Thang?”

“She’s just over a year old, a bit younger than Ariana’s cat Athena.” Miles responded with a smile as Ms. Thang started to purr. “How about your dogs? You mentioned them earlier. Logan and Xavier right?”

”Yeah, Logan’s just under two years old and Xavier’s just turned two.” I commented with a wistful sigh as I stroked the cat. ”I did consider bringing them with me but then I remembered about the cat and figured it was safer to leave them with my aunt for the day.”

”Yeah, that was definitely the safer option, can never tell how dogs are going to react to meeting a cat and all.” Ariana nodded in agreement as she glanced over at Ms. Thang. ”I got lucky in that my two dogs get along with Athena, haven’t really tried introducing them to Peaches since she’s a feral cat and all but they get on great with Athena otherwise.”

”I’m sure they do, I’m just not sure how my dogs get on with cats.” I admitted with a shrug before Carter brought out the food for the Thanksgiving meal and it was a great time had by all, but I still had a match to prepare for.

Jessie’s home gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 6th of December 2023, 18:00pm

So yeah, the December 2 Dismember PPV is going to be a wild one.

Merecedes cost me one match against a former World Bombshell Champ, I cost her a match against the reigning Bombshell Champ, it’s safe to say that things are going to be pretty hectic in two weeks’ time, luckily Jessie has agreed to help me prepare.

Yeah, I know she’s been retired from active competition since Violent Conduct back in September but she has been helping me train when I’m not out wrestling for Empire, FCW, EWC, or SCW, and she doesn’t seem to have missed a step.

”That the best you got Jess?” I taunted her good naturedly as I hopped up and down in one spot, I was in my wrestling gear, Jessie was wearing her workout gear, either way we were ready to fight. ”Or are you that rusty since your match against Alexandra?”

”Cute, but I still need to keep you on your toes.” Jessie responded before she charged forward and hit me with a dropkick to the but of my jaw, knocking me down, I sat up clutching my jaw in pain whilst but I did notice Jessie clutching at her chest as she got up. ”Just some chest pain, nothing major.” Jessie assured me after she spotted the worried look I was giving her.

”No offence Jess but given your history of drug use? I’d say that’s plenty of reason to be worried.” I responded with a worried frown as I pulled myself up and Jessie shrugged off my concerns. ”I know you get palpitations but that doesn’t seem like palpitations to me.”

”Harp, it’s fine, I’ll live!” Jessie assured me and I frowned before we continued sparring for a while, only stopping when I saw that she was especially winded, even when taking into account that she was an older woman sparring with her teenaged cousin. ”Okay, you’re doing pretty good, but we need to work on your speed if you’re going to beat Merc……..”

”Okay, seriously Jess, we’ve only been sparring for half an hour, someone in the shape you’re in shouldn’t be that winded.” I interrupted Jessie as she clutched at her chest again. ”Let me guess, more chest pain?”

”Yeah, but this time it’s accompanied by a tightness around my chest.” Jessie nodded and I frowned for a bit. ”Let’s wrap things up, practice the Masonline Special on me and we’ll call it a day, my heart medication’s upstairs anyway.”

”Sure.” I nodded in response before charging at Jessie for a clothesline only for her to duck and go to send me over the ropes, I caught the top rope and used it to balance myself before pulling myself up on the apron ready to deliver the Masonline Special, just like I had practiced thousands of times at Hero Academy, except when I pulled myself up, Jessie wasn’t on her feet waiting for me, she was lying facedown on the matt. ”Jess? Oh come on, stop messing around!” I said before waiting for a response, but none came and dread quickly filled my body. ”JESS?!” I asked before rushing into the ring to check on her, my first instinct was to roll her onto Jessie’s back but she wasn’t responsive, there was a pulse but she was out.

I quickly bolted from the ring and headed up the basement steps, nearly losing my footing on the way up because of how fast I was going. “Oh hey Harp, you and Jess finished already?!” Shane greeted me as Jessie’s husband looked up from the living room after hearing the door to the basement/home gym open, and then he and Jake saw the look on my face. “Harper? What’s wrong?”

”It’s Jessie, she collapsed in the middle of our sparring match.” I responded after taking several deep breaths and it didn’t take long for Jessie’s husband and step brother to realize that i was dead serious. ”I only rolled her onto her back to see if she was okay, but she’s still in the ring, I need to call 911.”

“Stay there, I’ll go get you your phone.” Jake instructed me and I nodded before Shane pushed past me to head down to the basement/home gym himself, when he came back up he looked as pale as a ghost.

The ambulance was there within minutes and Jessie was soon off to the hospital, I wasn’t sure what exactly happened but I had to somehow put that aside for everything that was ahead of me.

Harper’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 6th of December 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

Well, this escalated quickly.

”I have to say, I didn’t think I’d find my first rival this quickly in SCW.” I admitted as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”But then again, I didn’t think I’d endure my first DQ win before my win/loss record in SCW hit double digits but here I am at two with only five matches to my name! And you want to know who’s at the centre of all this? Oh, just a bitter old dinosaur called Mercedes Vargas.”


”And you know what? I’m still not sure what your problem with me is Mercedes! I said it clear as day when I cut my promo against you, whatever beef you have with my family is between you and Jessie, not me and you!” I added as I folded my arms. ”But that wasn’t enough for you because you liked going to town on me with that cane so much that you did it twice! Once to cost yourself our first match, and then to cost me the biggest pin fall win of my career against Courtney!” I added as I shook my head. ”At least I got some payback for both occasions, first when I challenged you to this rematch, and then when I cost you that World Title Match against Julianna, what was it I said again?”

Oh yeah.

”Payback’s a bitch!” I added as I shook my head. ”And look, I like to think that I’m a decent person, my parents certainly raised me to have respect for my opponents no matter what, but there’s a line that marks how far that respect goes, and you jumped over that line with a motorcycle going over three flaming school busses in the process when you attacked me twice with a cane!” I added before quickly shaking my head. ”Oh wait, I just made you sound a lot more badass than you actually are!”

Here we go.

”I wanted to avoid this topic the first time we faced off Mercedes, but then you had to go look at the respect I was showing you and spit in its face, your glory days are so far behind you that any title shot you get these days is the wrestling equivalent of a pity fuck!” I mimicked dropping the mic after I said that last line. ”When was your last singles title reign? years ago, probably when I was in my mid-teens now that I think about it, when was the last time you beat someone of importance who wasn’t Jessie? Alicia Lukas back in 2022, man, no wonder she’s no longer wrestling here! To be honest Mercedes? I’m not even sure why they keep you on the roster.”

At all.

”And here you are, wrestling someone who was a twinkle in her dad’s eye when you were starting out in SCW, someone who, in her rookie year, has been more successful than you’ve been in years, you hate that fact don’t you Mercedes?” I asked pointedly as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”You hate the fact that a girl who isn’t even old enough to drink yet is enjoying far more success than you have in years, tell me I’m wrong, I dare you to try to deny it because I honestly have no better explanation for your recent beef with me! And if that is the case? I’ve got two words for you.”

It's that simple.

”Ok boomer.” I added with a playful wink. ”To think, before our first match I was enjoying my matches against the Bombshell Division’s veterans, granted I had just come off retiring Laura Pheonix in my first PPV Match for SCW but I was still looking forward to the next one, and then you attacked me with a cane after you already had me dead to rights, and that was your first mistake.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Your last mistake was agreeing to this match in the first place.” I added as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”Because whilst I’m still in my rookie year? I’ve got experience in hardcore matches, in fact I’ve won more hardcore matches over the past few months than I’ve lost, beginning to regret this yet Mercedes? Yes? Good! Because the world needs a new hero to put the old villain out to pasture and her name is “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason! See you in the ring at "Rise of the Avenger Part VI: Season's Beatings!”

I turned off the camera as the scene fades.

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2023, 10:53:40 PM »
Present Day ♦ S A N T A M O N I C A, C A L I F O R N I A


"So, I didn’t win the Bombshell World Championship match recently — Climax Control 379 last week. Losing happens, it's part of anything you do that's competitive for most of us. And, yeah, sure there's always the disappointment that comes with a loss, but that's temporary. Pressure either makes you or breaks you. I knew that I gave everything that I had against Julianna. I never backed down and I always had one more in the chamber. I may not have the Bombshell Championship, but I still am the Champion of Champions."

[Mercedes Vargas steps into the scene, wearing her signature "Mercedes" authentic T-shirt. She stands out of view of the camera for another second. There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean and the picturesque sunset on a warm day in Santa Monica. Mercedes steps back into the frame and briefly stares at the horizon before turning back at the camera.]

"Like I said, I didn't walk out Bombshell Champion. Not my fault, though. Not my fault. Harper Mason lost the match for me. You’ve heard things probably on Al Gore's internet. Not in a great place, but there is one thing that can turn my frown upside down, that can change things for me — it’s getting my revenge on Harper Mason. And I can’t think of anywhere better than for yours truly to beat Harper like a red-headed stepchild in front of live fans than at December 2 Dismember.

"Now, I love the spoils that goes with a good old-fashioned wrestling match, but I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty either. That's a testament to the ten-plus year career I've logged with Sin City Wrestling as a valuable member of its roster and not to mention a pioneer in the Roulette Division. Of Sin City Wrestling various matches, the Roulette Division offers the most challenging aspect to anyone who’s ever took part in these wild matches choosen solely by the spin of a roulette wheel. Fending one opponent is tough as it is. Facing that opponent in any given stipulation is something else entirely.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but this match won't be anything but beautiful, it's going to be ugly. To anyone who sees the card, it's not the main  event, but to me this is nothing more than a glorified warmup match. I guess I should thank Harper for making this a Hardcore match. She may not understand it now, she may not get it right away, but next Sunday, she's going to thank me. She's going to thank me for making this clear to her. This match was by no means decided on a spin of a wheel, it was chosen for me. Hardcore matches? Been there, done that, have the T-shirt. Part of me wants to believe just how hilariously bad this match is going to be, for her. Some fans don't see this as a match at all, but a mismatch.

"Harper can watch all the tape she can, come up with her best putdowns and disses in front of a camera, but come Sunday, she might as well not show up. Because if she does, you best believe getting off that plane will be the biggest mistake she will ever make. If Harper has plans for an upset at the supercard, cancel them. Better yet, crumple it up and throw it away. Of course, there are those who will give her a chance and if you believe that, believes this. I will never be as ready as I will be at December 2 Dismember. Harper's going to want to be ready for the disappointment coming her way in Phoenix, Arizona.

"If she already planned to be in there, then good. She is where she is supposed to be. It happens that bad things come in threes. In less than two weeks, those poor fans will find out how true that is. I will be damned if I'm going to allow that snot-nosed brat to get the best of me because this week she picked the wrooooong Latina to fuck with. Sunday night is where Harper is going to learn first-hand that while silence is golden, I'm about to make my statement loud and clear and for all the world to hear when she ends up on my checklist.

"So, yes, Harper, we meet again, but I don't think the timing could have been more perfect. You get to enjoy the one victory you have over me - but it was not by your doing. Because of me, you won two matches by disqualification, a technicality. How did that make you feel, Harper? Cheated? Yeah, I figured that. Luckily, you get a second chance. Lucky you. Sure, I'm still pissed at how everything went down in my title match, but you know what? I still am two things you're not."

[Mercedes points at her Hall of Fame rings.]

"Successful... "

[Then points at her temple].

"And smarter than you. Still, I have to hand it to you."

[Mercedes beguns wiping her eyes, trying to control her breathing from laughing.]

"You got me. You really did. No, you outdid yourself this time, mamita."

[Mercedes starts clapping slowly, almost to the point of arrogance to start.]

"Are you happy now, Harper? Did you finally get your sweet revenge? Did you FaceTime your cousin and tell her about your crowning moment of awesome? You want to cost me my rightful opportunity for the Bombshell Championship in the name of revenge? To me, it seems like you have a death wish. Well, call me a fairy godmother because your wish is about to be granted. Funny how you want to come out and tell me that I asked for this. No, no, no, YOU asked for this."

[Caught between resolve and anger, Mercdes points an accusatory finger at the camera.]

"Being this successful, beautiful, and on the right side of my age isn't easy. Funny thing is, I thought I was the one who has to keep up with the twentysomethings in the women's division, but it turns out they have to keep up with me. When you step in between these ropes and stare across the ring from me, you won't be looking into the eyes of a past her prime Mercedes. But you know what I find funny is this narrative that somehow the reason why I attacked you that first time is because of your cousin, Jessie."

[Her head tilts, one eyebrow raised as if to say, "Really?"]

"Oh, you poor summer child. Why would I be jealous of someone I've dominated over the years in my career? I'm the one who kept your cousin's massive inflated ego in check. In fact, I would say it was my civic duty. Why would I be jealous of someone who owns the dubious record for the most losses of anyone who has ever set foot in Sin City Wrestling? Why would I care about someone who's a glorified manager now that someone finally put her long-suffering career to rest?

"If you need Jessie to help you win matches, I'm pretty sure that says a lot about you than it does me. Then again, if she thinks she has what it takes to take me on, she can get an encore of the beating I gave her the last time she got in my face. And, yes, I will be bringing in some reinforcements. Say hello to my little friend."

[Mercedes brings in a Singapore cane, which she begins twirling around.]

"See, I've just about had it. I'm tired of the games, I'm tired of the bullshit. I'm just sick and tired. I'm sick and tired of being constantly punished and a target just for being better than everyone in the company. I'm not in the main event, I'm not in the match before it, I'm certainly not competing for a championship much less the one I'm contractually owed. But, hey, that's okay. Any match I'm in is the main event, and I'm going to make good on walking out with a win, at your expense.

"So, you bring your best, Harper. Not because you want to but because you have to. You think you're better than me, you think you've arrived in SCW? Well, I have a feeling you're about to proven dead wrong."

[Mercedes looks thoughtful for a moment then a small smile.]

"The saying goes that time heals all wounds, but you look at what remains after the hurt and the pain and you can see that saying is not true. Time has not been kind. The wounds did not heal. The healing has not come.

"When that bell rings, the night of my spoiled Bombshell Championship opportunity will be playing in my mind and I'm going to remember how I felt that night and whip your ass so that you remember it too. I will be champion again. It's not a matter of if, but when I take back the Bombshell Championship, history will be made yet again.

"I couldn't care less if you respect me or not, Harper, because you don't even deserve my respect. You haven't earned it. What you have earned? A very pissed off Hall of Famer.

"Long before you knew, and long after you'll remember."


2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)

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“Rise of the Avenger Part VII: Deck Mercedes Right In The Nose.”
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2023, 08:00:33 PM »
(Joshua Acquin was used with his handler’s permission, Amy Santino was used with her handler’s permission)

It was the week of December 2 Dismember VI but things had taken a turn in the Salco household as Jessie collapsed in the middle of a sparring match with Harper after complaining about chest pains and heart problems, now Jessie was in the hospital and Harper likely needed to go into the rematch with Mercedes on her own and given what has transpired over the past several weeks between the veteran and the rookie? That couldn’t be good for Harper, can she get the win?

Jessie’s hospital room, Las Vegas, Nevada
Saturday the 9th of December 2023, 10:00am

I gotta say, this wasn’t how I wanted to spend my first holidays as an SCW Bombshell.

The ambulance arrived at Jessie’s house about half an hour after she collapsed and despite some difficulty with getting the stretcher down the steps and keeping Titan out of the way (though I do suspect that the doggo had an inkling that something was wrong) they were able to load Jessie into the ambulance and get her down to the hospital in no time, right now there isn’t a timeline for when she’ll be discharged but it’s looking likely that she’ll miss December 2 Dismember VI even if she is discharged before then.

So yeah, not looking good for me heading into the match with Mercedes, but I can’t think about that right now.

“Jessie?” Jessie looked up upon hearing the nurse’s voice and saw me standing next to her. “Your………niece? Daughter?”

”Cousin.” I corrected the nurse who quickly nodded to acknowledge her mistake. ”Basically I’m here to see you Jess.”

”Good, now I have someone to die of boredom alongside me.” Jessie snarked and the nurse, who was clearly trying not to laugh at Jessie’s joke, stepped aside to let me in. ”So, how goes the training with Josh?”

”It’s been going great Josh is a good guy and I can see why you like him so much.” I responded with a nod as I sat next to Jessie’s hospital bed. ”I’ve been finding it kinda difficult to concentrate on the match with Mercedes to be honest, been so worried about you since you collapsed.”

”Now you know how I felt after you were attacked by Melissa last year.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and I nodded, to be honest? I was kinda frustrated that Melissa had gone back to being Goth’s manager after he returned from injury because I was hoping I’d get a chance to take her on before the year ended but if she did return to in ring competition? It was going to be in the New Year now. ”Anything crazy happen with SCW yet?”

”Nothing I saw, no.” I responded as I shook my head before shifting my weight. ”By the way, did you get the insurance stuff sorted? I know your company refused to pay for the treatment and I can still set up that GoFundMe.”

”No need, I contacted the company SCW uses, they’ll pay for everything involved in this trip.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and I nodded in understanding. ”Now I have an honest question for you Harp, and I want your answer to be as honest as possible.” Jessie added as she shifted her weight and I gave Jessie a curious look. ”How long would you be willing to go solo in SCW once the New Year kicks in?”

”I don’t know, guess it’ll depend on how long your talking about.” I responded as I shook my head and Jessie nodded. ”What are you talking about?”

”I’m thinking maybe nine months, give or take.” Jessie responded and when it sunk in, it hit me like a ton of bricks. ”You just figured it out didn’t you?” Jessie asked and I nodded in response. ”Let’s get one thing out of the way, I wasn’t pregnant during my last couple of months as an SCW Bombshell, and I think someone would’ve noticed if I had been pregnant before that point.”

”Yeah, that’s not exactly something that’s easy to miss.” I nodded as I got the idea and Jessie grinned. ”So what? The health scare brought it on?”

”I’m not getting any younger kid, hell I’m turning thirty four on New Year’s day, if I leave it any longer than I may as well admit that you’re going to be the closest thing I have to a daughter.” Jessie pointed out with a sigh and I nodded in response. ”I’m not saying that I want to fill the void left in your life after your parents were murdered, let’s face it, your nearly a full grown woman, it would just be weird if I tried to fill that role at this point, but what I am saying is hat me and Shane have talked about it and we’ll be trying for kids in the new year.”

”Oh wow, guess that means you’ll stop accompanying me to ringside at some point in 2024.” I commented as a processed the info and Jessie nodded. ”Being around a wrestling ring is dangerous in general, but when you’ve got a bun in the oven?”

”Why do you think I was so reluctant to get pregnant when I was in my twenties? As much as I wanted to be a mom and make up for the childhood I had? I didn’t want to take most of, if not the rest of the year off because I got pregnant.” Jessie responded as she shook her head. ”Hell, we saw that happen this year with Bella Madison.”

”And Makayla to a lesser extent, I know she got pregnant last year but the pregnancy still lasted up until May of this year.” I remembered before I shook my head. ”Not that it made that much of a difference since Makayla’s only connection to SCW was Krystal and she didn’t want to risk it with her family’s history of heart problems anyway.”

”And she didn’t really show up on SCW shows regularly before the relationship between her and Krystal imploded anyway.” Jessie responded with a nod before sighing. ”Look, if I do get pregnant? You’ll be the first to know Harp, well aside from Shane obviously, basically I’ll tell you and Shane before I post anything on Twitter, but for all I know? It might be exactly a year from now by the time my efforts to get pregnant finally work out.”

”And by that point we’ll be looking ahead to 2025.” I responded before doing some quick math in my head. ”And assuming you get pregnant in December and not September? That would mean that your kid would share a birth month with me, maybe even the same birthday.”

”If that happens, it’ll happen, but I’ll warn you now that my kid would get first priority on birthday presents and I’ll probably get you an Amazon gift card or something.” Jessie responded with a grin and I nodded in understanding, then a nurse came into the room to check Jessie’s blood pressure. ”Strapping me up to the torture machine again?”

“Sorry but it has to be done, I’ll try to get it done asap.” The nurse apologized before Jessie offered her left arm to her and let her do the test. “Blood pressure’s looking normal, you might get discharged before you know it.”

”Good, I think my leg might go numb if I spend any longer in this bed.” Jessie sighed and the nurse gave her a sympathetic look before she left the room with the machine. ”But bringing things back to the present? Even if I’m discharged before the weekend’s over there’s a pretty good chance that I won’t be medically cleared to accompany you to ringside until we’re at the first Climax Control of 2024, and that applies to training you too.”

”Considering this whole saga was started by you collapsing during a training session? That’s the last thing on my mind.” I responded as I shook my head and Jessie nodded in understanding. ”But I’ve got Hero Academy and offers to train with Acquin to fall back on so it’s not like I’ll fall behind on training.”

”True, and Acquin may not have gotten much respect in his career in SCW but he’s a hell of a wrestler and a good guy, you’ll learn a lot from him.”  Jessie assured me and I nodded in response. ”But Harp? I will be watching December 2 Dismember VI from home, don’t let Mercedes get to you.”

”I won’t, thanks Jess.” I responded with a thankful nod before the topic shifted elsewhere, I pretty much hung out with Jessie until visiting hours were up by which point I was ready to head home.

This is going to be a challenge.

Josh’s gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 11th of December 2023, 16:00pm

Well, I can officially say that things are taking a turn for the better.

Jessie was discharged from hospital yesterday and with SCW’s insurance company paying for it she didn’t have to worry about the medical bill either, as for me? I’m insured through my EWC contract and since I joined them before I joined SCW? Yeah, they are my main insurance provider.

At least I won’t have to worry about my money if I’m ever taken to hospital.

But the main point is that Jessie’s been advised to take it easy until the second week of the New Year at the year at least meaning that I had to go to Joshua Axquin if I wanted to have a sparring partner, but this time I had a partner.

“Great job girls, your training is coming along great.” Josh called out to me and Zara after we took a break from training, as for how Zara got involved in this? Well, we talked Friday morning, largely because Zara was wondering how Jessie was doing, and when I mentioned that Josh had volunteered to take over my training whilst Jessie recovered? Zara jumped at the chance to train with an SCW Legend, even if most people would laugh at the prospect of Joshua Acquin being considered a legend when you look at his SCW Career as a whole. “You’ve only been training for a month Zara?”

“A little over a month now but yeah.” Zara responded with a nod before we hared a fist bump. “But I have a similar background to Harp, minus the high school wrestling part.”

”The fact that she’s a fellow Hero Academy trainee helps.” I responded as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”Thanks again for taking over my training whilst Jessie recovers, between that and Keira’s pregnancy my options for one to one training sessions are kinda limited.”

“Glad to help, me and Jess have been friends for years.” Josh assured me before the doors to the gym opened. “But I brought in some help, from a woman who is arguably a bigger friend to Jess than me.” Me and Zara shared a confused look before we turned towards the door, sure enough? There was Amy Santino, Jessie’s tag team partner in the Metal and Punk Connection, and Zara was a bit starstruck when she saw her. “I didn’t realize you were bringing a fan of Amy’s Harp.”

”I didn’t realize that she was a fan.” I admitted to Josh who nodded in understanding as Amy approached the ring. ”So Amy, have you talked to Jessie yet?”

“We talked on the phone right after she was discharged from hospital yesterday, to be honest I was just relieved that she was making a recovery.” Amy responded with a nod before she stood up on the apron and leaned on the ropes. “You can never be too careful when it comes to heart issues, the way you described it I thought Jessie had a heart attack in the ring.”

”To be honest? It looked like a heart attack from where I was standing but that was ruled out by the doctors.” I responded as I shook my head and Amy nodded as she got the idea. ”So how are we doing this? Triple Threat, two singles matches? What’s the plan here?”

“I’m good either way but if you girls are up for the challenge? I’ll take you both on.” Amy responded with a nod and me Zara shared a look before nodding and heading towards different corners, the match itself was pretty competitive, Zara was obviously the least experienced off the three of us but she gave it her all and after about fifteen minutes of sparring we called it for a rest, at least this sparring match went a lot better than my last one against Jessie. “And that’s time! Harp? You’re even better than I remember, Zara? You got some work that needs to be done before your ready for prime time but there’s promise there.”

”Considering what I’ve done since graduating from Hero Academy? I’d hope so.” I responded with a grin as I caught my breath whilst leaning against the ring ropes. ”And Zara hasn’t been at Hero Academy that long.”

“Yeah, I literally joined right before Harp’s first match against Mercedes.” Zara nodded in response and Amy nodded as she got the idea. “Does it go without saying that I’m rooting for Harp to win the rematch? Beyond her being a graduate from my training school I mean.”

”I’d be complaining to Team Hero if you weren’t rooting for me.” I joked getting a slight laugh out of Zara before Amy walked up to me. ”Something on your mind Amy?”

“Beyond Jessie’s health scare? I just want to give you some free advice for dealing with Mercedes, because I’ve been dealing with that bitch almost as long as Jessie.” Amy responded with a nod and I stood there in the corner waiting for her response. “You made her mad when you cost her the World Bombshell Title Match against Julianna, use that against her.”

”Yeah, I saw that interview she conducted at the last Climax Control of the year, I didn’t bring it up because I was just aghast at the double standard.” I responded as I shook my head. ”It’s okay for her to interfere in my match but not okay for me to do the same?”

“I’m sure the bosses will have something to say about that, but that is classic Mercedes.” Amy responded as she shook her head. “Don’t let her get to you and you’ll be fine.”

”That might be easier said than done but thanks.” I thanked her before I left the ring to watch Amy go at it with Zara alongside Josh.

Outside Hero Academy, Las Vegas Nevada
Monday the 10th of December 2023, 21:00pm

*promo time*

This will be good.

”You know Mercedes? I think I finally cracked it, the whole reason why your angry at me, besides me costing you that World Bombshell Title Match obviously because I’m going back to when this whole affair started, you’re not mad at me.” I commented before shaking my head. ”I know it sounds like I just contradicted myself but bear with me! You’re mad at those women who brought me into the wrestling business in the first place! You’re mad at Jessie because she brought her previously unknown cousin into the wrestling business, you’re mad at Team Hero for training me at the building right behind me, in other words?”

Here we go.

”Your mad at those Bombshells for deciding to shift their focus on the wrestlers of tomorrow rather than desperately cling on to past glories, but between Jessie’s retirement and Keira’s pregnancy? You’re out of people to beat up and that frustration out on who’ve been in SCW as long as you have, you see me as an easy punching bag, right?” I asked sarcastically. ”Wrong! Between my one loss in SCW being under dubious circumstances, I’ve got an almost perfect record but you went and pissed me off not once but twice!”


”And you know what really sticks out to me? That interview you did with Rocky on Climax Control, or to be specific, the double standard that’s almost as big as Rocky’s double ds! I just know Keira’s going to get on my case for that joke.” I facepalmed almost as soon as that joke left me mouth. ”What double standard you ask? The one where it’s seemingly okay for you to interfere in my match but the moment I turn the tables on you? You cry foul and suddenly I’m in the wrong?”

Some people.

”No wonder Jessie hates you so much, your hypocrisy is almost as big as your ego!” I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. ”And to think, I actually treated you with respect during the build up to our first match some gratitude huh? Oh what’s that? You deserve all the gratitude because you’ve been wrestling since the Ice Age? Give me a fucking break!”

Hahaha, no.

”To some up your hypocrisy Mercedes, you seem to forget that you attacked me with a cane un the first place to get yourself disqualified from winning our first match, then you attacked me with a cane again when I had Courtney down for the count the following week, what’s the matter Mercy? Don’t like having your own tactics used against you?” I asked mockingly before shaking my head. ”No wonder no one likes you!”

It's that simple.

”What’s there to like about a bitter old bitch who can’t accept that the wrestling world has passed her by? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Especially when that bitch targets a young pup for no other reason other than “because she could”.” I commented as I shook my head. ”I’m not going to lie, this match is one I’ve been waiting for, and at Rise of the Avenger Part VII: Deck Mercedes Right In The Nose? I’m gonna do just that!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Falalalalala PUNCH! Sorry, couldn’t help myself! But I hope that by the end of this little saga of ours that you realize just how big a mistake you’ve made Mercedes! I’m not the same wrestler Jessie is, but like her I can carry a hell of a grudge.” I commented as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”And I’m going to be showing that in full HD at December 2 Dismember VI because the world needs a new hero and here name is “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason!”

I got in my car and drove off after turning off the camera as the scene fades.

Offline Mercedes Vargas

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    • Mercedes Vargas
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2023, 11:54:48 PM »
Blog: Almighty Fire
semana del 10 al 16 de deciembre de 2023

Pay-per-view week. More importantly, it's December 2 Dismember, the final supercard of the year. What do I have to say about this? I'm ecstatic. This should be fun. This is great. No, this is special. I don't always go to Arizona , but when I do, I bring plenty of water.

You know, high elevation and all. Nosebleeds, lack of oxygen.

You have to be prepared.

Speaking of prepared, there's my match with Harper this Sunday in Tucson. A match YOU mae personal. See, while we can make excuses about who did what when, the record book doesn't care for that. This Sunday, Harper, there will be no distractions, and there will be no excuses. You escaped death once so your odds of doing it again goes up dramatically, right?

Wrong. I like to think that those odds now are in my favor.

I have a very good track record of proving people wrong, that's just what I do. Whatever preconceived motions you have in your lizard brain right now, get rid of it. I'm not going to roll over, I'm not backing down. I'm at best when the chips are down, when my back is against the wall, when the odds are against me. You've seen it for yourself.

You've made the big time, Harper. You being under the bright lights can only mean one thing. Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Oh, Mercedes is going to kill me this Sunday! What am I going to do? She's going to outclass, outperform, and outsmart me.' And you're right, that is exactly what's going to happen. If you're feeling a little intimidated right now, don't sweat it. It's perfectly normal. Unlike the training you're getting at Team Hero Academy and training with your cousin, I'm not going to coddle you, I'm not going to kiss your boo-boo and make it all better, and I most certainly WON'T handle you with kid gloves. Once that bell rings, the gloves come off.

Sure, some of the opponents you beat are capable wrestlers in their own right, but let's face it, all of those wins were just dumb luck. OK, so you have only one loss since your debut? Oh, good for you! That you lost to Bea Barnhart is something else entirely. And how were those wins, by the way? In the humble words of Shania Twain, that don't impress me much.

And so, Harper, it seems we've come full circle, haven't we? Somehow we've circled the wagons to find ourselves facing each other once again. You and I will trip the light fantastic, we will dance the dance of death this Sunday in Tucson, Arizona.

I call it a date with destiny.

I don't think you're going to like this date very much.

Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. And may the odds be ever in your favor.


[Winter is coming. Mercedes Vargas didn't have that problem, at least for the few weeks she's spent here in Arizona. With the temperature heating up and the days getting longer, she was more worried about her next destination than whether she should have packed an extra jacket. And with so many destinations across the state, adventure was always just a short car ride away. Of course, getting there was half the fun. The other half? She didn't know, she wasn't sure. But it's going to be fun to find out.

[A clear blue sky. The sun beats down. In the distance, a white convertible drives along a gravel road somewhere in Arizona. Mercedes is behind the wheel. Her cousin Carmen in the passenger seat, preoccupied with paperwork. Top 40 playing from the radio. If every city Mercedes visited had a soundtrack, she had yet to find one.

Clean, fresh air. Breathtaking scenery. Spacious mountains. What more could you ask for?


You know, while I love quiet time, I'm not much of the silent type. At least say something.


[Carmen shuffles paperwork, pins them together with a paperclip, and stores them away in a briefcase.]

Did I ever told you about my first time in Arizona? It was crazy. Tempeture was in the triple digits, I think my radiator died.

Sorry, Merce. Let me fill out these last few questions...

Getting a signal was the worst, though.

[Carmen is lost in her paperwork. Trying to get anything to jot down on paper was neatly impossible.]

New year, new week, same story. Or maybe I'm living my own Groundhog Day.

[Carmen decidedly throws her paperwork with a perperclip, shoved it in a suitcase. Tosses it in the backseat.]

So how was your week?

Too busy. I had a car chase in downtown. Probably wasn't my finest moment, especially with Malcolm doing his best James Bond impersonation every moment he got.


The getaway car was swirving through traffic like he was in Grand Them Auto. The language barrier was brutal. The chase ended after the driver blewout his tires than Malcolm and I finally got them on foot.

..::MERCEDES::.. And then you stood among your vanquished foe, claiming victory with a warcry. Ayiyiiyiyiyiyi!


[Carmen reaches for the radio and turns the nob to a rock station as the DJ gives the weather report. Mercedes sighs and hangs her head. Carmen phone goes off. She answers, then gives up the phone to Mercedes.]

It's for you.

Motel 6, Mercedes speaking.

.:: FERNANDO::..

 Dad, hello.

.:: FERNANDO::..
 I wanted to talk to you about the Christmas dinner next Friday.

 Ah, Christmas dinner.

[Dead air followed by background noise and shuffling in the background.]

.:: ESTELLE::..
 You forgot.

Well mom, there's been a lot going on around lately, Christmas festivities not exactly high on my list of things to stress about.

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Well I'm sorry if the timing is bad Mercedes, but the world doesn't always revolve around you.

Excuse me?

.:: FERNANDO::..
 Cocktails are at 6, dinner's at 8.

 I probably won't be there for cocktails.

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Why not?

Because I have to work?

.:: FERNANDO::..
You can't leave work early?

 No, Dad, I can't.

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Why not?

 Because it's not in my job description.

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Well then don't come.


.:: ESTELLE::..
 Don't come. I don't want this to be a burden for you.

Yeah but -

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Just send Carmen.

Wait, what? Why do I have to go?

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Well you're obviously too busy.

You're telling me not to come to the Christmas party?

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Mercedes let's be honest here, I'm not too happy with you right now and I assume you're not too happy with me.

 I never said that.

.:: ESTELLE::..
 You didn't have to.

Um, Aunt Estelle. I can't make this year.

.:: ESTELLE::..
Carmen, you've always took time out to visit. You can do it again.

Sorry, I can't. Trust me on this one.

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Oh, well. If that's how you feel then I can't stop you.

So you're uninviting us to Christmas dinner?

.:: ESTELLE::..
 Yes I am.


.:: ESTELLE::..

 Ok, anything else?

.:: ESTELLE::..
 I believe that's all.

 Ok well, great mom, dad, it's been swell talking to you.

 Bye Mercedes.

Feliz Navidad, tia. Feliz navidad, tio.

Muchas gracias, amiga, feliz navidad para ti también.

[Phone hangs up]

[sourly]It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

[Mercedes slows down to a crawl, turns down the radio, stop talking and pulls over on the wide shoulder of a deserted road.]

What's going on?

[She tosses the keys to Carmen.]



Present Day ♦ S A N T A M O N I C A, C A L I F O R N I A


[As our scene opens, Mercedes can be seen walking up to the camera. The sun hides behind the clouds on this day.]

"I put my ears to the ground and I hear what’s said about me. I'm past my prime, I’m just a blip on the radar, my title reigns were a joke, I’m practically the worst Bombshell in the history of the company. They say everything happens for a reason, and I'm really starting to believe that.

"It's not like I was thinking if they liked me or anything. It's that I'd be fine if they don't."

[A short pause here as Mercedes removes her baseball cap as her wavy, brunette hair fell into her face. She places her baseball cap in her lap.]

"When I became one of the longest-tenured wrestlers in the company, that happened for a reason - I'm not a quitter. And maybe that's also to my own detriment. When I accomplished everything that there was to do in Sin City Wrestling, that happened for a reason - I'm driven. When I became a bonified legend, that, too, happened for a reason. I trained my ass off, got better in the ring, and cemented my legacy.

"I have nothing to prove to anybody because there's not a single Bombshell - past, present or future - who has worked half as hard as I did, half as smart, half as charismatic or half as good-looking as me. Nobody can erase or defeat what I have achieved in SCW. Often imitated. Never duplicated.

"I won't be wrestling in this ring forever. Sin City Wrestling is looking for bright young stars like Harper to lead them into the future. Still, if the majority of people still think that she's way out of her league against me - and they couldn't BE more right on that one - I believe in Harper. But now it's her turn. Call this her, oh I don't know, trial by fire.

"But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Let's bring this to where it should be: me versus the incomparable Harper Mason. Gotta say, some people are wondering how she's gone from rookie to lucky, and she's only been here a little over three months now. She's on quite the roll right now, her confidence is at an all-time high. No longer can anyone ignore the elephant in the room. She maybe good after all. A little rough around the edges but that's okay, she's still a rookie after all, that's to be expected. She's still learning, growing, and improving so she can someday, one day, see herself holding up an SCW championship as she's cheered wildly from the rafters to the front row and her family is probably in tears watching her in her moment.

"We're going to find out a lot of things come December 2 Dismember. And I know that day by day Harper is feeling confident. Day by day, she's preparing herself for the match at hand. And she should. Because she isn't swimming with guppies, she's swimming with sharks."

[She gives a rueful smile at the camera.]

"I think it's time we have a talk, a little heart-to-heart, a “come to Jesus moment”, an intervention, whatever you want to call it. Some things are better left unsaid, but you can bet I'm going to say it anyway. It's one thing that you're truly out of touch with reality, it's another that you think you have any kind of chance of beating me. That you even signed a contract with Sin City Wrestling is a miracle in and of itself."

[Mercedes shakes her head slowly, a solemn look on her face as she continues.]

"And when my last outing against you ended up as a disappointment, that also happened for a reason - because you lacked a killer instinct. You can hold that win over my head, but does that make you feel good, Harper? Did costing me my world title match against Julianna made you feel better? That makes one of us. I missed out on birthdays, weddings, holidays. Winning that championship would have continued my legacy. But you robbed that moment from me. So, now, you have to pay the price. Every action has consequences. Are you ready to face them, Harper? Are you ready for this match? Jessie may be ready. Those fans in Tucson may be ready. But are you? You better be. See, you have it all wrong. I'm not in the ring with you, mamita, you're in the ring with me. And what that means is that you can't run and you can't hide.

[Mercedes places her hands at her side as a wide grin appears.]

"I'll have you know that I've had my share of battles, and I've got the scars to prove it. I’ve been in this business for the better part of 14 years, 10 of those years in Sin City Wrestling. I’ve been through tables, ladders, and chairs. I've been thrown off of ladders, I've jumped off of ladders. Hit with broom sticks, hit with tool boxes, been suplexed and bodyslammed on concrete floors. I’ve been in street fights, first blood matches, table matches and, yes, even locked inside the confines of a steel cage on occasion. Your few months of hardcore matches doesn't compare to my few years doing the same. I'm not going against the grain, I'm not out of my element, matches like these are just second nature. So when it comes to December 2 Dismember, I stay ready so I don't need to get ready.

"They say good things come to those who wait, but I don't mind. I’ve got all the time in the world. In less than a week, when we meet in the middle of the ring, your time, Harper, is coming to an end, and I’m going to put an end to this. This thing between us..."

[Mercedes motions between her and the camera.]

"It will come to an end.

"I never want to leave here without offering some sage advice, and with that said, here's some advice from yours truly: Get over yourself. You haven't exactly set the River Thames on fire.You're going to be a cautionary tale about what happens when you have success too quickly when you fall flat on your face. Maybe after Sunday, you're going to have to find a new career.

"The way things are in the economy today, Lord knows there isn't much out there for you. What else are you going to do, be the world's largest cashier at the Circle K? A short-order fry cook at the golden arches? Waiting on tables at the waffle house? Hey, the worst off you could be is an escort.

"Then again, you probably would put them out of business. No date would last five seconds with you.”

[Mercedes shakes her head and chuckles for a quick second.]

"But you won't listen to me, and that's OK, that's fine. My voice will fade, my scars will heal, and time will move on. So, I hope Jessie sits back, relax, and get her Kleenex ready in her hospital room. This won't end well for her< or for you, Harper."

[Mercedes slowly nods and adds another head toss as she continues.]

“Consider this as the gift to top with a big red bow, courtesy of the Argentine Assassin.”


2x SCW Hall of Famer (Class of 2018, Class of 2022)
World Bombshell Champion (x2)
Bombshell Roulette Champion (x4)
Bombshell Internet Champion 
World Bombshell Tag Team Champion (x3; w/Traci Patterson (x2) and Delia Darling (x1)
World Mixed Tag Team Champion (x3; x2 w/Kain, x1 w/Goth)
Third Bombshell SCW Triple Crown Champion (6th SCW Triple Crown Champion overall)
First-ever and only 2x, 3x and 4x Bombshell Triple Crown Champion in SCW history (most ever by a female wrestler)
Second Bombshell Grand Slam Champion (4th SCW Grand Slam Champion overall)
SCW Year-End Award Winner: 2014 Feud of the Year (Mean Girls vs SCW Bombshells roster)
Queen for a Day winner (December 2 Dismember 2015, inaugural)