Author Topic: Greatness and you're not it...  (Read 7878 times)

Offline Casper Grey

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    • Casper Grey
Greatness and you're not it...
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:48:03 PM »
 OOC: Figured I'd share my very 1st Grey Rp with you all, it's actually 3 Rps in one. Hope you enjoy it as I had a lot of fun writing this Rp.

“Greatness has a name…”


God created Happiness on December 25th  1985, that happiness came from when Rebecca Grey and Woodrow Grey received the greatest thing anyone could ever receive that being a baby boy.  That baby boy being Casper Damien Ethel Grey who when born weighed in at 6 pounds. Though with happiness there’s also sadness at that very exact moment disaster would hit, though it wouldn’t hit the Grey’s but another family 300, 000 miles away in a different state, in a different town.

What exactly would be the disaster you wonder? Well it could have been anything from drug overdose, to a car crash, to even murder, though one thing is for certain there was a disaster some place happening exactly at that given moment.

Though one thing was certain, when god created Casper, he created not only greatness, but something he hadn’t expected and that something would come when Casper would grow into the very man we’ve come to see before us today, and that’s a narcissist, a pompous, arrogant, hot headed man…
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Monday September 12th  2012, 5:13pm
Office building of 24 Karat Productions

[Irritation and annoyance ran through Casper Grey’s mind as he sat alone behind  his personal desk. A rather large solid red oak desk, various papers sat piled atop of it, as well as various proposals for movies hoping to see the big screen, though they sat stacked upon Grey’s desk waiting for his approval, though not a single person nor Casper himself knew when that would be due to Casper having put most of his production companies projects on hold.

Casper could be seen slouching in his black leather chair, his legs positioned atop his desk as he continued to relax in his office. It could be seen mid evening as the sun cast light into his office as it shined through his office window. A nock at Grey’s office door could be heard.]

Casper Grey: “Yeah what is it?”

[Casper questioned as he continued to lounge, his feet stationed comfortable across the top of his desk.]

???: “It’s Gen, Cass…”

[As he heard those words, the door handle could be seen starting to turn, as it turned it slowly opened, a beautiful brunette with a beautiful smile dressed in what could be seen to be a green women’s business dress suite. As she walked through the door various files dropped from out of her hands to the ground below.]

Genevieve Wisp: “Comfortable are we Cass?”

[As she said that, Casper’s eyes raised to connect with hers, Casper’s face showed a half of grin as if he knew exactly what she was talking about.]

Casper Grey: “As you can see Gen, I surely do look it, and well I will say I am indeed.”

Genevieve Wisp:  “Yeah Cass I see that, though shouldn’t you be over looking those movie scripts that sit stacked up in a pile on the corner of your desk, I mean there are people counting on a check from your company, seeing how for the past couple of days I’ve come to see them sitting downstairs in the lunch room…”

Casper Grey: “Yeah I should but I’m not, for I have other plans, and those plans involve each and every one of my employees, for the next project I won’t be just producing but I’ll also be directing and staring in, it’s going to be called Mr. 24 Karats…”

[Casper says with a arrogant looking grin, as he continues to look at his beautiful looking girl friend.]

Casper Grey: “Nice ring eh? I mean I could have named it the Casper Grey project but I figured why, when I could name it something that basically means the same thing, and has just as much as class as it’s leading role does…”

[As Casper says that Wisp rolls her eyes.]

Casper Grey: “What gorgeous, was it something I said?”

Genevieve Wisp:  “No not at all babe, but I’m serious you need to start putting scripts into development and getting them started!”

Casper Grey: “I will once I get my Mr. 24 Karats film produced it’ll only take a few days, for it’s going to be for the new promotion I signed for, you know Phoenix Wrestling, the promotion I signed a contract with…”

Genevieve Wisp: “You mean to tell me your producing, and directing something for that place your going to be competing in which I still haven’t figured out why for though…”

[Before speaking Casper takes his legs off from his desk, and leans forward,  placing his hands on top of his desk he folds them together.]

Casper Grey:  “Fame, Championship titles, and more fortune for yours truly… Hehehehehahahaha…”

[He says as he laughs, before stopping and developing a cocky looking half smile across his face, as he leans forward on his desk, his hands still folded over one another.]


[As Casper looks at his girl friend with that same grin, she turns away from him, and opens up his office door, before walking on out of his office she looks back at him with disappointment in her eyes, as if he had just disappointed her with what he had just said, before finally walking away, the door of Casper’s office closes behind her, leaving him alone in his office.]

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“24 Karats of Grey”

Tuesday September 25th, 12:00 pm
Downtown Hollywood Blvd.
24 Karat Production Set

[We come to see what looks to be the set of a production set in the state of construction. Workers can be seen putting things together as well as tearing things down, others can be seen plastering, and painting the newly built walls. A select few can be seen putting the monitors in place and securing them down in front of their perspective places.  

A silhouette of a male figure can be seen approaching the set, that figure can be seen as none other then Sherman Watts, Grey’s business partner, and business consultant. Watts can be seen dressed in what looks to be a brand new business suit, as he steps out onto the set, he can be seen holding a piece of paper in one of his hands, before reading from the paper, he glances up at a worker carrying a flat screen television set.]

Sherman Watts:  “Over there for now.”

[He points towards a corner of the studio, before finally looking around at the current state of the production set, Watts can be seen taking a few minutes to oversee everything that is going on.]

Sherman Watts: “Let’s get it done folks, Casper’s an hour or two away and expects everything to be done when he arrives, and it must be perfect for his inspection, got it good lets get it done!”

[He says as he takes a few steps forward.]

Sherman Watts:  “No breaks until this set is done got it people?”

[As Watts said that the set production workers  could be heard answering back to him.]

Sherman Watts: “Anyone have a problem with what I said?“

[As Sherman said that the set could heard going silent as if what he had said caught their attention, nothing but hammers, drills, and other tools could be heard.]

Worker: “Where would this go Mr. Watts?”

[The worker questioned, though  before Watts could even answer a familiar voice could be heard that voice being the voice of Casper’s squeeze Genevieve Wisp, the queen Bee as far as everyone was concerned and she damn well was because of her boy friend “Mr. 24 Karats” Casper Grey. Wisp could be seen dressed in not her normal business appeal, but rather a more laid back appeal, an appeal you’d come too see mostly in fitness gyms.]

Genevieve Wisp: “That Mr. goes over their where the couch is, I’m pretty sure my Casanova Mr. 24 Karats is going to want that over there.”

[Genevieve said with a wave of her finger, pointing on the upper part of the set.]

Sherman Watts:  “Just Great…”

[Sherman muttered to himself.]

Genevieve Wisp: “What’s that Sherm, did you say something?”

Sherman Watts: “No not at all, just talking to myself Gen, how much longer till Cass arrives, do you know?”

Genevieve Wisp: “Umm he said in about an hour depends on traffic, you know how Cali traffic is love!”

[Genevieve said, as Sherman rolled his eye, his back turned away from her, he continued to watch the workers bring in more electronics.]

Sherman Watts: “Ok folks you heard the little lady, we need to shift this into hyper drive now, I didn’t know that, he was that close to us…”

Genevieve Wisp: “Sherm you do know I was only playing right?”

Sherman Watts: “What do you mean only playing?”

Genevieve Wisp: “Yeah I was only playing Cass is about 20 or 30 minutes away, though like I said…”

[She replied back to Watts, before he cut her off.]

Sherman Watts: “20 or 30 minutes your kidding right?”

Genevieve Wisp: “Nope I’m not, and like I was saying before you cut me off, he could take longer all depends on traffic, gosh Sherm your always in a hurry… Hehehehe…”

[She said giggling, before continuing on.]

Genevieve Wisp:  “Sherm you need to take a breath and just take a break for once, and stop being so hard on yourself Cass will understand or so he does with me… Hehehehahaha!!!”

[She says as she walks on over to the upper area of the production set, taking a seat on one of the leather couches.]

Sherman Watts: “Take a break eh?”

[Sherman says with a hard chuckle in his voice as he forces it forth.]

Sherman Watts: ”With your so called Casanova I can’t for with him things are always changing and well with this particular project he specifically noted everything must be perfect for its for some Wrestling thing or something, or so that’s what I’ve heard!”

Genevieve Wisp: “Yeah that would be correct, though I can’t figure out why he’d want to involve himself in something so low as to the likes of professional wrestling, competing with guys with criminal records, drug problems, alcohol problems etc. He’s far more talented then those he’ll be competing with, I mean lets not gloat, or glamorize about Cass, but how many people do you know at the age 27 years actually own their own business?”

Sherman Watts: “None, other then Casper Gen.”

Genevieve Wisp: “That’s Exactly my point, he’s far more advance then the likes of any of the Phoenix Wrestling talent!”  

[As Wisp could be heard saying that, the voice of “Mr. 24 Karats” Casper Grey could be heard getting closer and closer.]

Casper Grey: “And thaaaaaaat’s a wrap folks!!!”

[Casper could be heard yelling, as he walked on out onto the production set, Casper could be seen grinning from ear to ear as he looked at his newly constructed production set.]

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Greatness, and your not it…”
Vs. The Fin-Nisher

Tuesday September 26th  4:00pm
On Set of the 24 Karat Production set

[Casper can be seen sitting alone on a black leather couch, dress in what looks to be a business suit, his hair neatly combed, he can truly be seen looking like millions of dollars, or as he’d say 24 karats. Various cameras can be seen placed pointing directly on him as he begins to speak. A a dark black oak coffee table can be seen stationed in front of him.]


Casper Grey: “The first person I’m going to talk about is the man who retired Bone’s McCoy, that man being William Bateman, Congrats man I mean I gotta give it you yeah, you beat a man who should have been retired ages ago, a man not in his prime though congrats Bateman you beat Bones and now the fans of Phoenix Wrestling won’t have to put up with his old out of date ass. Its not no shocker as to why McCoy’s nickname was Bone’s for that is exactly what he is… hehehehahaha…”

[Casper says before chuckling in laughter, though before continuing on he gets a hold of himself, still chuckling here and there before finally speaking again.]

Casper Grey: “Now before I started laughing, what I was going to say was that name fit McCoy for he was exactly that Bones, though his nickname should have had bag placed in front of it for that is exactly what he was a bag of bones. It’s kind of sad though the man couldn’t have stopped when he was on top, he had to go out loosing, and loosing is exactly he’ll be remembered for, he’ll be known as the guy who went out loosing his final match, though it’s also sad that William Bateman will be remembered as the guy who took out a legend, a bag of bones, though then again I too would have done the exact same thing Bateman did and that was getting rid of something that should have been taken care of years ago…”

[Casper says as he lifts his feet onto the coffee table that can be seen sitting in front of him and his leather couch on the set of his production set.]

Casper Grey:  “Now that, that is said onto my next chosen person, that person being…”

[Casper pauses for a second, as he looks at a piece of paper on a clip board.]

Casper Grey: “Oh the anticipation of wondering exactly who I’m going to name off next, can we get all cameras pointed directly on yours truly Mr. 24 Karats, gods greatest gift ever created!”

[As Casper says that all four production set cameras turn towards Casper, Casper’s facial expression turns from a serious grin to a wide devilish smile.]  

Casper Grey: “Enough with the waiting eh folks?”

[Casper says as various cheers can be heard, though the cheers sounding as if they were machine propped.]

Casper Grey: ”Ok enough of the cheering…”

[Casper says giving the cue to silent the room.]

Casper Grey: “The next person I’mma talk about is our now newly crowned Phoenix Wrestling Television champion Rowyn Starr…”

[Casper says with annoyance in his voice, before continuing on.]

Casper Grey: “Where can start… lets face it Rowyn earned it, but as far as I’m concerned had no true competition, it basically was given to him, he had no real competition like I said except for Natalie Burrows  who even though made it to the finals of the Television championship tournament really wasn’t no real competition for Starr, though that will change once Phoenix Wrestling gets a look at yours truly in completion, which brings me to my next person  on my list, and my opponent for Redemption  37, The Fin Nisher or so his name is, Redemption will be the very place I make my debut, it’ll also be the place Phoenix Wrestling comes to see what true talent looks like and acts like!!!”

[Casper says with a smile as he continues to relax on the leather couch on his production set.]    

Casper Grey: “Redemption and The Fin-Nisher will come to see the very thing I’ve come to perfect, that very thing being something many have come to identify as Grey Matter, the very movie The Fin-Nisher will come to meet when the two of us square off in the middle of that very ring, one of us will walk out of Redemption with his hand raised high, while the other one  doesn’t and Fin I’mma make sure its not you who’s hand is raised high, but rather yours truly! Come Redemption Fin you’ll finally get the chance to feel what it’s like going up against someone who’s got a promising future… Hehehehahahhaha”

[Casper says before cracking up laughing, as he gives the signal to cut the video feed, the video feed can be seen starting to end, as Casper and his leather couch can be seen starting to fade away.]
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 11:52:46 PM by Casper Grey »