Author Topic: SCU Presents... Underground Ep 133: Lethal Lottery (RESULTS)  (Read 6673 times)

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SCU Presents Underground Ep. 133

Mary Brown’s Centre in St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada

Sin City Underground Ep 133 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 60% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Mary Brown’s Centre in St John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network on Saturday, May 21st, 2022.

We open the show at ringside, panning across the crowd of Mary Brown’s Centre. The crowd cheers loudly, waving signs for their favorite SCU stars, waving old Northern Lights Wrestling merchandise, and promoting the “No Nights Off” Tour. After a moment of this, we fade back inside of the office of General Manager, Lexa Pellegrini. This elicits a huge pop from the audience. Lexa is standing by with two old bingo drums, already churning the wheel.

Lexa:  Welcome everyone to the first leg of our “No Nights Off” Tour. We’re kicking things off differently, because, let’s face it… things are different. Sin City Underground is coming to an end. And what better way to kick things off than to crown new Pride Tag Team Champions, as early as possible, to give the champions the best chance at shining? Now, I will draw names from two separate drums, each one containing the men and and women respectively, of SCU, champions excluded. We will get random teams to liven up the division, starting tonight, and leading to Supernova.  So, without further adieu, let’s begin…

Lexa stops churning, and reaches into the blue bingo drum. She pulls out one name.

Lexa:  Rory Rockefeller.  And he will be teamed with…

Lexa pulls out another name.

Lexa: Unknown. A masked wrestler who signed a last minute contract with the company.  And they will be taking on…

Lexa churns the drums, and then picks out a name from each.

Lexa:  Andrew Borg, and Tatsu Ikeda.

Another churn.

Lexa:  Match two… Javier Gonzalez and Kelli Torres…

Lexa deposits the names into buckets and reaches in for two more.

Lexa:  … versus Father Gerald Shepherd and Halo Annis!

Crowd:  *POP!!!*

Lexa deposits the balls into the bucket. She gives another churn to each drum, and then reaches into both.

Lexa:  Alex Rush… and Esther Azarov versus… Stewart Mason and… Linnea Lacroix!

Lexa deposits the balls and gives one final churn. She reaches in, and pulls out one each.

Lexa:  Eric Weaver and Angel of Filth versus…

One she reaches into one of the drums, but all of the balls fall out and scatter onto the floor, on both drums.  Then, two roll back to her.  She scratches her head, but when she sees the names, she just shrugs.

Lexa:  Skag and Morganna… Why not? Apparently somebody wants this bad enough, even though that team imploded.  There you have it, folks. Let's get this thing started!

Outside of the women’s locker room, we see backstage interviewer, Marissa Henry standing by with Tatsu Ikeda.  Tatsu looks less than thrilled being there, and Marissa is trying her best not to match energy. Marissa looks at the camera and smiles brightly.

Marissa:  Hello Sin City Universe, and welcome to Underground, Episode 133, live from Mary Brown’s Centre in St. John’s, Newfoundland…

Crowd:  *POP!

Marissa:  I am standing by with one half of the Kawaii Dragons, Tatsu Ikeda. Tatsu, you requested…

Tatsu: Demanded…

Marissa: … demanded an interview spot immediately following the Lethal Lottery drawing. I suppose everyone is wondering why.

Tatsu blinks a few times. Contrary to her usual smile, she is leaning against the wall, looking rather apathetic. She raises her eyebrows as she barely glances over at Marissa.

Tatsu:  Tatsu does not team with randoms. Tatsu is clearly tag team wrestler, after performance at Into the Void XI, when losing to Winter Elemental. Maybe everything everyone say is true. So, if is true, then Tatsu will not perform with random people.

Marissa: Tatsu, your performance at Into the Void XI was amazing.

Tatsu shrugs.

Tatsu:  I come up short against Winter-san. Is okay. Winter-san is awesome wrestler and Combat Champion. She can beat anyone in SCU. Best friend, and I support her. Am not mad. But, it show me that I am best as tag team wrestler.

Marissa: If I can’t change your mind, I will not argue with you. But, if you are such a great tag team wrestler, then why are you refusing to team up with Andrew Borg?

Tatsu:  Is because he is not tag team wrestler. He is best in Combat. Facing masked person Unknown, and someone as good as Rory does not look good for Tatsu. I don’t trust him, and won’t want to be Pride Tag Team Champions with him. Only people I team with is Winter-san, Alex-chan, and Stewart-san.

Marissa looks confused by the last name listed.

Marissa:  Stewart Mason? That seems random.

Tatsu:  Who doesn’t want team with Stewart Mason? He is best wrestler in men’s division. Best champion. Trusted by Winter-san, so trusted by Tatsu. Plus, Canada produces great wrestlers, next to Japan.

Crowd:  *POP!*

Marissa: I can’t argue with that logic. So, what are you saying about your match coming up in just moments?

Tatsu:  Tatsu say no.

Marissa:  Aren’t you afraid of getting in trouble by Lexa?

Tatsu giggles in a child-like manner.

Tatsu:  No. She can’t fire Tatsu. Kawaii Dragons are unfireable, but Tatsu will find way. Trust me.

Marissa:  But, doesn’t that pose a problem with the match starting in just a few seconds?

Tatsu shrugs. She then smiles, but there is almost a wicked intent behind it.

Tatsu:  No. See… everyone make joke about Asian looks all same to them. People always think Merlot is me, and Chi Chi is me. Is okay because I am first here and best here.  And look at this one.

Tatsu points out of view. The camera catches 2 Broke Chicks sitting near the catering table. Chi Chi speaks with a mouthful, sputtering indistinctively and Tatsu laughs again.

Tatsu: She always want to be me. So tonight, let her be me. Let her team with Andrew Borg and try to be me for one night. I allow it this once. Interview over.

Marissa: Oh, um… okay…

Chi Chi shrugs her shoulders and pats at her wallet as she heads toward the curtains as Jane cheers her on.

Pride Tag Team Tournament Match Quarter Finals
Rory Rockefeller & Unknown Vs Andrew Borg & Chiaki Sanada

Borg and Rory start things off, going back and forth with a series of punches.  Each one rocks the other, and the fans cheer for the exchange.  However, Borg buries his knuckles into Rory’s stomach, and nails a Headbutt that drops him to his knees. He then spins an elbow right to Rory’s face.  He sends Rory into his corner, following up with a Clothesline, but Rory ducks, causing Borg to nail Chi Chi.  He tries to slow down, but he can’t stop himself fully. Rory nails a Dropkick to Borg’s back, sending him onto the apron. Chi Chi slides inside as Unknown climbs in. The two circle each other as Chi Chi dives at Unknown for a tie up.  Unknown shoves Chi Chi’s hands to the side and nails her with alternating kicks to the ribs, followed up by a Yakuza Kick.  Chi Chi rolls to the outside as Unknown grabs Borg and drags him in through the ropes.  She places him in a Cobra Clutch, but the referee calls it off.  She lets go just before the 5 count.  This gives Chi Chi enough time to slide back inside and she hits a German Suplex.  She then hits a Split Leg Moonsault and gets a two count.  Unknown rakes Chi Chi’s eyes and then drags her to her feet.  She goes for a Spinning Heel Kick, but Chi Chi dives through it and tags Borg back in.  Unknown tags Rory in.  Rory dives at Borg, but Borg moves.  Rory swings Borg into the corner.  He Spears Borg into the corner, and then hits a few shoulderbutts. As Borg comes off the ropes, Rory lifts him up into the On the Rocks (Atomic Drop followed by Double Underhook Suplex) and gets the cover! Rory Rockefeller and Unknown win via pinfall!

Out in the crowded hallway, near the merchandise table, we see Andrew Borg and Father Gerald Shepherd standing by with fans, thanking them for coming out. Mother Mavis is sitting in a wheelchair, also thanking fans for showing up. Ginny Mae Putnam is posing for pictures with some of the fans.  Borg signs a copy of “Yes You Can, Too!” for a fan before being approached by Dev Khatri.

Dev:  Andrew Borg, just the man I was looking for.

Andrew:  Are you looking for a copy of “Yes You Can, Too!”, just released last Monday?  If so, you are in luck. This time, I collaborated with Father Gerald Shepherd to bring to you, a self help book with the guidance of the Lord.

Dev smirks as he tries to negate the conversation.

Dev:  I was actually hoping to hear about your thoughts on your match that just took place against Rory Rockefeller and Unknown, where you teamed with Chiaki Sanada.

Andrew:  We gave it our best, but I think I encouraged Rory just a little too much before the match. He was doubting himself, and I entered his den of sin to stop that self destructive behavior. Gerald here read him a daily affirmation, straight out of “Yes You Can, Too!”  We told him he could, and he did. It is proof that all dreams can become reality. He bought a copy.

Dev: Oh, nice… Now, Gerald, can I borrow you for a moment?

Gerald parts ways with the group of fans, thanking them before turning toward Dev.

Gerald:  My brother in Christ, Dev Khatri! You know, I would be happy to sign a copy of “Yes You Can, Too!” if you would like.

Dev: If I buy a copy, will you stop plugging “Yes You Can, Too!”?

Gerald laughs and shakes hands with Dev. He hands him a stack of copies.

Gerald: Make it… seven, and we’ll call it even!

Dev pulls out his wallet and hands a card to the merch attendant. He shakes his head as Gerald pats him roughly on the back.

Gerald:  Today starts a new journey for you, my friend.

Dev: Now I just have to find six suckers to buy the other copies… Anyway, I wanted to hear your thoughts about teaming up with Halo Annis to take on Javier Gonzalez and Kelli Torres.

Gerald: You know, ever since my son came out as gay, it really forced me to look deep within myself and my faith to examine what happened. What went wrong? And the answer is “nothing”. Love is love, and with Pride Month approaching again, I wanted to say that I am still a supporter. So, it is not only an honor, but it is fitting to team with Ms. Annis.

Dev:  Are you at all concerned about the fact that your partner will be taking on an old friend?

Gerald shakes his head.

Gerald:  Not one bit. Ms. Torres is a lovely person, just as Ms. Annis. They are both highly competitive, and I think that will only sell this match that much more.

Before Dev can even address the last comment, we can hear fans getting offended, scoffing, and shouting “Hey!” as they are pushed out the way. Before long, Javier Gonzalez comes on screen.  He wraps his arms around Borg and Gerald, smug as ever.

Javier:  Orale, homez!  Ay, it’s an honor to get to face you, Father Gerald. You are one of the top names in SCU.

Gerald glares at Javi, waiting for the angle. He says nothing. Javi removes his arms from around Gerald’s shoulder, giving Borg a few nudges before letting him go too. However, Borg puts Javi in a Reverse Wrist Lock behind his back, letting him know not to try any funny business.  Gerald excuses Borg and returns to glaring at Javi.

Gerald: Thanks…

Javier:  No, thank you! It’s gonna be great having a pass in the tournament. It’s almost like a bi round. I mean, you were a long reigning Underground Champion! Long reigning Hardcore Tag Team Champion! Were. And since then, you’ve done absolutely fuck all, vato.

Gerald:  And you’re a paragon of accomplishment since your reign, long before mine? And your briefcase cash in attempt? You need Jesus in your life.

Javi leans back and sighs.

Javier:  Man, Jesus is my motherfuckin’ homie! We chill every Sunday, homez. Drinking wine, eying up the virgins to see which one we gonna tag team…

Gerald hauls off and punches Javi in the face. This causes the security in the hall to come in and form a line between the two. Gerald balls up his fists, but Borg and Ginny get up close and talk him down.

Javier:  Look, I ain’t gonna hold that against you, mang. I get it. You been salty every since I turnt your baby girl out. Brought her into GRIME, took out the freak in her.  You know I was the first one up in her? Andrey got it second, and I just got to say that she was the tightest bizcocha I ever had!

Gerald roars as he pushes through security and begins to throw punches at Javi.  The two brawl as more and more security shows up to not only hold back the crowd and Andrew Borg and Mavis, but to try to separate the two. It takes several moments before they are able to do so. Gerald punches a nearby wall and roars again.

Gerald:  Rage is of the devil, and I repent for my sin today, Lord! That degenerate will get what’s coming to him inside of the ring…

Javier:  Ay, puto!  I bet Esther’s still half a virgin in her asshole! I seen Andrey while we was tagging your daughter…


Javi holds his hands up and walks backwards. He grabs at his crotch, giving it a healthy shake. He laughs at Gerald’s expense as he exits the scene. Mavis and Ginny approach him to help calm him down.

The squeaking of rats can be heard echoing down the long, dark corridor. This elicits booing from the audience that is eventually cut off by the sound of a bow screeching across the strings of a violin. A yellow spotlight flashes over Skag as his body above the knees is parallel to the ground. The bow is raised up in the air, and his dear friend Hecate is seen standing on his chest, sniffing around. Skag slowly turns his head to the side to face the camera, and a wicked smile comes over his half painted face.

Skag:  Ahhhh, hallo und wie ghet’s? Welcommen mein friends…

Skag contorts his body unnaturally to go upright once more. Hecate scurries up to her favorite spot, on his left shoulder. Skag turns, and the lighting returns to normal.

Skag: Tonight is the Pride Tag Team Championship Tournament to crown new, and possibly last, Pride Tag Champions. Und many wonder why I would be so excited to team with Fraulein Morganna instead of Angel of Filth.

Skag pauses to think about the conundrum for a moment.

Skag: I haven’t an answer. Angel of Filth has been one to understand the depths of my soul. Someone who has been happy inside my darkness. For this, I will remain ever grateful.

Skag takes a bow, holding his bow out to his side in a very theatrical manner.

Skag: Tonight, mein friends… tonight is the start of a new era. The final era if you will. Nothing will be the same, but nothing will change after tonight…

Skag’s eyes wander off to the side, and his wicked smile returns to his face. He takes another bow, yet one that is less dramatic than before.

Skag:  Ah, it is mein dearest new friend, Morganna. Welcommen!

Morganna is not amused when she walks in and she sees Skag.

Morganna: We’re not friends. We teamed together ONCE and ONCE was enough for me. I knew when you praised Helena before the last time we teamed together that your head wasn’t going to be in the game. I don’t even know HOW I can trust you or HOW we can even be friends. Yeah, I’m still mad about the last time we teamed up… BEYOND mad…

Skag puts his hand to his chest, showing that he is hurt by the statement. He turns around in a complete circle before falling against the wall.

Skag: You scathe me, Fraulein… Wounded deeply. I tried to save you from your own devices, and being squashed to death. Hehehe!

Skag pushes himself off of the wall and walks toward Morganna. He kneels down before her as Hecate leans off of Skag’s shoulder to sniff toward Morganna.

Skag:  A second chance to prove myself is all I ask. Will you be my partner in tonight’s tournament, and until the death of SCU do us part?

Morganna: ...that sounds like a wedding thing… EW!

Morganna rolls her eyes.

Morganna: You’ve got some nerve you know? A second chance to prove yourself? I mean, I don’t even have a choice in being your partner since the draw has already happened. But you seem to want this SO badly. I mean… WHY though? Why the fuck are you so interested in me?

Skag looks up into Morganna’s eyes with a twinkle in his own. He stands up, attempting to grab her hand, but is unsuccessful. He does his best to remain confident.

Skag: I want a real chance. Not some half baked attempt where you would rather see my demise than see us emerge victorious.

Morganna: What’s in it for me then? Aside from a possible tag title that is…

Skag licks at his bottom lip. He tilts his head down so that he looks at her through darkened eyes.

Skag: Have you not seen the symphonic destruction, the musical mayhem, the creative chaos that has traveled along with Angel of Filth? You get ME! An instrument, a tool to create unrest and bedlam. You once wore a GRIME shirt, and anyone else would have gotten an epic beat down, but not you… because it belonged on you. You have the darkness in you, and I see it very clearly. You need such an instrument to foster it as such. I don’t just need you. You don’t just need me. We need… each other…

Morganna: Darkness… yeah… maybe I’ve got a little of that in me… oh god, why am I even ENTERTAINING this?!?!?! You know what… because I have no other choice… FINE! Second chance! If we’re going out, then we’re going out by burning this whole freaking tag team division to the fucking ground! Because the last thing I want to be is in the shadows when it’s all said and done in Supernova and I’m NOT ending things in the damn shadows! So yeah… you’ve got your damn second chance. I’m reluctant as fuck… but fuck it! Just don’t fuck this up for me again, I swear to god!

Skag cackles and claps his hands. Hecate squeaks as she rushes around to his right shoulder, and it almost appears as if she’s clapping too.

Skag: Burn this entire fucker to the ground, ja! Take what we want, and make them remember our names! Violence will become synonymous with us, and we shall reign supreme. I will earn your trust. There is no doubt in mein mind! Consider this an unholy alliance of beauty and depravity…

Morganna: Yeah… we shall see how THIS goes…

Morganna delivers that signature, conceited scoff of hers before she turns and exits the scene. Skag watches her exit, keeping his eyes trained on her.  He creepily sniffs the air, catching a final whiff of her perfume before he is satisfied to leave the hallway.

Pride Tag Team Tournament Match Quarter Finals
Javier Gonzalez & Kelli Torres Vs Father Gerald Shepherd & Halo Annis

The crowd cheers as Kelli and Halo start the match off circling each other.  It doesn’t take long before they tie up.  Halo quickly asserts her size advantage by backing Kelli to the ropes.  The referee breaks it up, and Halo abides.  Kelli swings at Halo, but Halo grabs onto her arm and nails a Headbutt.  She lifts Kelli up for a Running Powerslam, but Kelli slides down Halo’s back.  She kicks at Halo’s left knee, taking her down to one knee.  She then turns around and punches Halo in the face.  She gets a few good strikes in before Halo lifts her up and rushes her into the corner.  Kelli slides out just in time, and Halo knocks into the corner inside. Halo rushes Kelli once more, but this time, into the ropes. Halo climbs on top of Kelli and begins throwing rapid punches. Kelli wraps her legs around Halo and spins her over, using her Combat skills to do so with ease.  She begins throwing punch after punch.  Halo rolls back on top and begins throwing fists again.  Kelli throws punches back, and then the two start to get to their feet, punching one another on their way up.  Once vertical, Kelli ducks a punch and goes behind Halo.  She locks on a Body Scissors and takes Halo down.  Javi laughs from across the ring, and he shouts over at Gerald. Gerald narrows his eyes until Javi grabs onto his crotch and gives it a good shake, speaking even more loudly. Gerald roars as he gets inside the ring, running across to try to grab onto Javi. Javi moves out of the way, and Gerald climbs outside. He and Javi go round and round the ring. Halo is able to get her foot on the bottom rope. Kelli pulls Halo up, and tosses her to the ropes.  However, Javi grabs onto Halo’s foot to stop her. This allows Gerald to pummel him to the ground. They brawl hard, rolling around until Gerald lifts Javi up and drops him chin first across the barricade. Halo tries to reel him in, even as Kelli spins her around and nails a Superkick. Gerald picks up a piece of the barricade to strike Javi with, but Javi punches him in the stomach. The referee tries to get them to stop fighting, but they don’t even hear him. Javi picks up the barricade now, but Gerald unhooks the top set of ring steps. They charge at each other and collide. Kelli and Halo just stop fighting, knowing what’s coming now. Both teams have been disqualified from the tournament… They shake hands as Gerald and Javi are both laid out on the ground. They exit the ring together, no hard feelings with one another, as much as their partners.

Pride Tag Team Tournament Match Quarter Finals
Alex Rush & Esther Azarov Vs Stewart Mason & Linnea Lacroix

As the bell rings, Stewart and Alex start things off with a tie up.  Alex buries a knee in Stewart’s midsection to gain the early advantage.  He drops Stewart with a DDT, going for an early cover.  Linnea breaks it up. As Esther comes in, she goes for a Clothesline to Esther to force her to exit the ring, but Esther holds on, and both ladies tumble over the ropes.  Stewart quickly recovers and spins Alex around and nails him with a series of punches to the face.  He then whips Alex into the corner and follows up with a Clothesline.  Alex goes down, and Stewart buries a knee into Alex’s face, grinding it around.  The referee calls for a rope break.  Stewart backs up and watches Alex.  He goes for a Shining Wizard, but Alex smacks Stewart’s leg away.  Alex turns and honks Stewart’s nose before tagging Esther in.  Stewart looks over at Esther and then to Linnea. He walks over and tags her in.  Linnea climbs through the ropes, and Esther charges her. Linnea moves out of the way and throws Esther through the middle ropes.  She waves Esther on as Esther tries to get up.  She holds onto her back and then slowly gets up using the barricade.  Linnea runs at the ropes and dives through, knocking into Esther.  They both stay there for a moment as the fans get to their feet.  Linnea gets up first and drags Esther over to the steel steps and bounces her head off of them.  She does this a few times before Esther puts her foot on the steps and then bounces Linnea’s head off of them.  She rolls back inside to break up the count, and then goes back outside.  She grabs Linnea by the hair and drags her to the apron, hoisting her up inside of the ring.  She slides in and picks Linnea up.  She sends her into the ropes and catches her with a Bell Clap and then a Scoop Slam.  Esther goes for the cover, but gets a two count.  Esther sends Linnea into the corner and looks for a Body Avalanche.  Linnea ducks and then sets Esther up for an Electric Chair Slam.  She drops Esther, but has worn herself out in the process.  She stumbles a bit before locking on a Figure Four, arching back into a Figure 8.  Esther shouts out as she tries to pull her way across the ring to the ropes.  Stewart goes to break up the hold, but Alex is there to break it up instead.  Stewart and Alex begin brawling.  The referee tries to break it up, but Linnea rolls Esther up from behind, scoring the three count. Linnea Lacroix and Stewart Mason win via pinfall.

Pride Tag Team Tournament Match Quarter Finals
Eric Weaver & Angel of Filth Vs Skag & Morganna

Morganna and Filth start things off as the two women go back and forth. Filth strikes first, gaining an advantage with a Japanese Arm Drag. Filth goes for a quick pin, barely getting a one count. As they get up, Filth whips Morganna into the corner and follows her in delivering hard chops to the throat and chest. Filth grabs Morganna in a Headlock and runs out of the corner hitting a bulldog. Filth is quickly back to her feet as she moves around her downed opponent. Filth attempts a Diving Double Knee Drop but at the last possible second, Morganna rolls out of the way. Morganna quickly hits a Somersault Senton on Filth. Morganna then picks Filth up and whips her into a corner, following her. Morganna dishes out Knife Edged Chops of her own. She tags Skag and then whips Filth across the ring into her own corner. Eric gets the tag and runs at his opponent, hitting a European Uppercut followed by a second one. Then Eric whips Skag into the ropes and hits a Running Leaping Shoulder Block. Grabbing an arm he picks Skag up and whips into the ropes again and hits a Spinebuster off of the rebound. Eric hits rapid repeated Elbow Drops to the chest of Skag! He goes for the cover… Two and a kickout! Skag gets the shoulder up and slowly gets to his feet. Eric grabs his arm again and tries another whip, but it’s reversed by Skag who goes behind for a German Suplex. Leaving Eric stunned on the mat. Skag is first to his feet. And just as Eric gets up, he gets hit with a Dropkick. Skag moves in and applies a Figure Four. Eric yells in pain and looks around as he sits up and uses his arm strength to pull himself closer to the ropes. Then he lunges out and grabs one, causing the referee to break the hold. Skag cackles as he refuses to let go. He only lets up when he sees Morganna’s face as she’s yelling at him. He lets go at three. Eric is slowly getting up as Eric approaches him and gets close. Suddenly, Eric hits a Jawbreaker! Both men fall to the mat but Skag starts moving first and is heading toward his partner. While Eric is only just starting to move, Eric makes the leap to his corner and tags in Filth. Skag then stands up and staggers to his corner and tags Morganna, before slumping down in the corner and rolling out onto the apron. Morganna and Filth run into each other in the center of the ring, and Morganna hits Filth with a Spin Kick! As Filth gets up Morganna wastes no time in hitting a Shining Wizard, setting her in position. Morganna hits the Heartbreaker (Leaping Busaiku knee from the top rope right into the heart/chest area). Eric gets back in the ring and runs toward Filth, and just as he’s about to break up the impending cover, Skag hits a Groin Clab to Eric, clutching onto the Weaver family jewels tightly, backing him into the corner as Morganna secures the three count! Morganna and Skag win via pinfall! Skag lets go of Weaver and drops him with the Mello Yellow (Shooting Star Neckbreaker) for added insult. He kneels before Morganna, speaking to her. She studies his expression before leaving the ring. His mouth hangs open as he watches on in awe.

Morganna is seen walking through the curtains, and Skag quickly follows after her. She grabs a towel and pats at her face before grabbing a bottle of water. Skag grabs a bottle as well.  However, he pours it over his head, undoing his spiked blonde hair.

Skag:  I told you that you could trust me. Now, don’t speak. Allow me to show you again that you can trust me.

Skag takes another bottle and wets himself down in an attempt to cool off.

Skag:  It reminds me of the first time we teamed together… the one you did not mention earlier. The time when we won. The reason we got to go after the GRIME Tag Team Championships to begin with. It may not be memorable because it was such an easy victory, fraulein. But, that was because of the chemistry inside of the ring. We gelled, as it is said. And tonight, we are gelling again.

Skag is still breathing heavily, making his German accent, and the light rasp to his voice more prevalent than before. As Morganna begins to speak, he gently, sweetly, shushes her,

Skag:  Save your breath, miezekatze. Save your energy, because we have two more matches until we gain our reputations back. The glory and the power will come to us, by force. Tonight is our night to shine…

Skag places a single chip of ice into Morganna’s mouth, giggling like a madman before the camera fades elsewhere.

The show cuts to a beaming Chelsea LeClair who is obviously in high spirits following her GRIME World Championship win. Of course, she’s in the greatest mood that she can possibly be in as she begins to express her thoughts.

Chelsea: Amy should’ve known better!

Chelsea pauses to deliver a quick wink before continuing.

Chelsea: And I mean that with the most respect possible. She was a dominant champion for a reason, don’t get me wrong on that. She is who she is and she has earned her reputation but at the end of the day, she got in her own head and that’s why she’s not the one with this championship: I AM! I beat Amy and I did it fair and square. I knew that she was going to be tough so I had to play the psych game with her. I had her waiting and wondering until the day of the show itself to reveal the stipulation for our match and if you saw in her promo, I would say that she was flustered. She was rattling off stipulation possibilities, even some of the most violent ones imaginable. She was preparing to really get violent, I know that for a fact. I KNEW she would do that. I knew that she was hoping I’d pick something violent to her advantage. So yeah, maybe picking a steel cage match, which is STILL a violent match just not as violent as Amy was naming off, might have thrown her off a bit. She described the possibility of me beating her as a ‘miracle’, but guess what? This is the third world title of my career.

I kicked off the glass slippers a long time ago!

Amy may or may not admit it, but at the end of the day, she overlooked and underestimated me. Maybe she didn’t do it to a great extent, but even the smallest extent was enough.

When the odds LOOK like they are stacked against me, I always come through and what happened during our match is proof positive of that. A couple of months ago, I was down on myself over the Veronica Taylor thing and it was a tough pill to swallow. It seemed like I was destined to be just another average bitch in Sin City Underground before I got my opportunity and I took advantage of it. Granted, there was a four way that I fell short along the way, but still. I’m a three-time world champion now and you don’t need to be a miracle wrestler or a Cinderella story to be a three time world champion. Though, I got the ‘easy’ part out of the way… and I use that term loosely. I know what’s going on in SCU and I know that Amy’s going to be coming for me.

Hell, she was already talking about a rematch before our match even happened… which only someone that is inside of their own head would do.

So… IF there’s a rematch…. BRING IT!

I know what I’m capable of. I’m not going to be backing down from a damn challenge. I don’t even give a crap about someone from SCW coming to SCU and thinking they could swipe a world championship from me at the last minute while things are barreling toward Supernova. You saw what happened at Into the Void when I interrupted my former tag team partner in Andrea Hernandez and told her exactly how it is. I’m not afraid of a damn person. I don’t care if it’s Andrea, I don’t care if it’s Amy, I don’t care if it’s Winter Elemental, I don’t care of Veronica Taylor drags her fugly face plastic ass back to Sin City Underground, I don’t care if Hayley Halsey comes in SOMEHOW and faces me. I’ll defend this title against ANYONE while we’re still going here and when it is all said and done? Not only will I be THE GRIME World Champion… I’ll be the LAST one at that. So, to this third world title reign, I am going to make the absolute most of it and when the dust settles, you are going to see exactly how serious I’ve always been about my craft here.

This isn’t some “Cinderella story”... this is Chelsea LeClair at the absolute prime of her career! So, to the challenges ahead? Bring your best… because I’m at MINE right now and I’m going to be INCREDIBLY difficult to beat with the way I’ve proven I’ve got the survival mentality to do whatever it takes to be the last GRIME World Champion.

Chelsea maintains a determined look on her face before she makes her exit and the scene fades to black.

Pride Tag Team Tournament Match Round Semi Finals
Stewart Mason & Linnea Lacroix Vs Skag & Morganna

The bell sounds and Morganna and Linnea are going to start things off as Stewart and Skag each head to their corners, Skag protests that he wants to start, but Linnea grabs onto Morganna. The two lock up in the center of the ring. Morganna is able to push Linnea back a couple of steps and then shoves her down to the mat as she takes a moment to flex her muscles, much to the chagrin of the crowd. Meanwhile, Linnea gets back up to her feet. The women lock up once more but this time Linnea hits a Spinning Back Elbow, going down with Morganna. Both women quickly get to their feet and lock up once more. This time, Linnea whips Morganna into an empty corner and follows her, hitting a Clothesline that leaves Morganna stunned in the corner. Linnea is measuring Morganna, climbing up to begin delivering punches. The crowd counts along loudly, getting to six before Skag trips her up slightly. Stewart rushes around to pull Skag down from the apron. Linnea grabs Morganna and hits a Monkey Flip out of the corner. Linnea quickly gets back to her feet and is looking at Morganna as she slowly gets to her feet.  She hits Running High Knee right into Morganna's chest as she turned just in time to see what was coming at her. Linnea covers quickly… 2 and a kickout! Morganna gets the shoulder up and Linnea grabs a handful of hair to assist her getting up, but Morganna hits a Tiger Suplex. With Linnea down on the mat, Morganna heads to her corner and tags in Skag. Linnea gets to her corner and the referee signals for the tag. Linnea steps out of the ring and Stewart steps into the ring. As Skag and Stewart meet in the center of the ring, Skag hits a Dropkick out of nowhere. Skag uses the ropes for added momentum and as Stewart sits up, Skag hits a Shining Wizard, pointing to Morganna as he dedicates it to her. Skag picks Stewart up by the head and hits an Exploder Suplex. Skag nails Stewart with a Stalling Neckbreaker. As the most rested member in this fight, Skag yanks Stewart up as if he’s is going to whip him, Stewart reverses and buries his knee into Skag’s stomach, three times. He nails several blows to the back. He lifts Skag up, looking for a Vertical Suplex. Skag hooks his leg, and gets another knee to the stomach. Stewart tries for another, to the same effect. He rams his forehead into Skag’s, then buries his knee in deep. He goes for another. Skag reverses into The Overture (Tied up, Skag flips up as if he's about to get a Stalling Vertical Suplex by his opponent, but after stalling for a moment, he swings down into a Tornado DDT)! Skag hooks the leg, but Linnea is able to break it up just before the two count. Morganna grabs her by the hair and yanks her down to the ground.  They brawl until the referee is able to separate them and get them back to their corners. As both men get to their feet with Skag making it to his feet first.  He looks as if he is sizing Stewart up here.  Kick to the mid section and Skag grabs Stewart and locks on the Hecate’s Reign (Inverted Bow and Arrow Stretch)!  Linnea runs in to break up the cover but gets cut off by Morganna.  The two ladies brawl on the ground, and Stewart is dead centered inside the ring.  He reluctantly taps out! Skag and Morganna win via submission!  Skag only lets go when Morganna asks him to, as the referee is threatening to reverse the decision. He releases Stewart and then spits down on him. This doesn’t sit well with Stewart, and he Spears Skag into the corner, nailing rapid punches and knees, taking Skag down to the ground. He lays boots to Skag’s face and chest, busting him open. He only stops when Morganna knocks him in the back of the head with a Slapjack. She pulls Skag from underneath him and reprimands him for his arrogance. Skag cackles and reminds her of her own, and points to the speakers that are playing his music. She shrugs and can’t help but smirk too.

The show cuts to a reflective Cordelia Clark in the locker room. While she was able to defeat Angel of Filth, there are definitely some thoughts that are still crossing her mind. She’s more or less composed for the most part, but at the same time, there does appear to be a look of concern on her face as she begins to express her thoughts.

Cordelia: Last week, I was able to beat Angel of Filth and put her behind me. Don’t get me wrong, I AM happy about that. I’m glad that I was able to defeat her and put her behind me. Yet, knowing that Supernova is coming up and that there’s nothing going for me at the moment? Needless to say, I did not enjoy that victory for too long. Last year at Supernova, I was front and center of it all. I was the TV Champion going up against Angel Kash in a title for title match and I don’t want to sound like the sky is falling, but suddenly, with Supernova coming up, I’m left wondering what there is even left for me to do? Ideally, making a final, last minute push to regain the SCU Underground Championship but I’m a realist. Maybe I’ve fallen too far off the radar to even be considered for that at this point. Maybe it’s already too late. I’ve never beaten Omasa and I’ve never beaten Merlot and I don’t want to have THOSE crosses to bear when it’s all said and done.

I know there have been so many people leaving and I want to stick with things in Sin City Underground to the end but… what’s left for me here? What do I even do? Where do I go? Beating Angel of Filth was definitely closure for me as far as how horrible it felt to lose the SCU Underground Championship to her, but was it closure in a different sense? Have I reached the point where there’s nothing for me here anymore? I hope not. I’d say I’m pretty much in a similar spot that Chelsea LeClair was before she rose up and wound up winning the GRIME Championship.

Cordelia lets out a sigh, showing that she’s a bit exasperated by her situation at this point.

Cordelia: Maybe this whole thing with my sister took a lot more out of me than I thought it did. I hate to say it, but when she split, maybe she took whatever edge I had out of me too even though I DID beat her at Blaze of Glory.  I went from being what I was to more or less just being another face on the roster and that’s something that saddens me if we’re being honest. I want to end things here on a high note but maybe that win over Angel of Filth is the highest possible note that I can have at this point? If so, I can honestly say that’d be a disappointment. As the saying goes, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish. There definitely was one hell of a start, but I guess… maybe… as much as I hate to say it… things might end on a whimper for me here. I guess after the way I came in and initially treated everyone at the start, it’s karma for all of that.

One more moment of glory would be nice… but… the longer I feel so… ‘stuck’... for lack of a better term… the more I feel like that’s just a pipe dream. I don’t want to end things here being just someone else on the roster… but with the way things have been for me lately? It’s starting to look more and more like that’s exactly what is going to happen. I’m not asking for anything, I’m not demanding anything. I’m just venting and before any uneducated, pathetic commentators say anything, no, there AREN’T any confidence issues. It’s just that hopeless feeling of being ‘stuck’, more than anything. I’m going to do what I can for as long as I still have here even if things here are probably going to end on a ho-hum, average note for me…

Cordelia sighs before she turns and exits the scene. Shortly after her departure, the scene fades to black.

Pride Tag Team Tournament Match Round Finals
Rory Rockefeller & Unknown Vs Skag & Morganna

“Drink Drank Drunk” is playing over the speakers as Rory Rockefeller and Unknown stand inside of the ring, ready for their match to start.

Darlyn:  And now… our Main Event, the finals of the Pride Tag Team Championship Tournament, where the winner of this contest will walk away as the NEW champions!  Already in the ring, we have the team of Rory Rockefeller and Unknown!!!

Crowd:  POP!

The orchestra version of “Toxic (Promising Young Woman)” starts to play over the speakers as a yellow glow is cast over the audience, forming two X’s and a stitched mouth.  The crowd begins booing as we look over at the entryway to see the silhouette of Skag, leaning back as far as he can, with his pet rat on his head.  Once the music picks up, he moves like a stiffened zombie up to a standing position as the spotlight shines on him.

Darlyn:  Entering the ring, from Frankfurt, Germany, standing at 5’8” and weighing in at 177lb, he is… Skag!!!

Skag puts Hecate on his shoulder as he walks down to the ring, a violin and bow in his hands.  He looks directly at the ring, focusing his intent of madness on it.  He jumps onto the apron and quickly climbs inside.  He raises Hecate up in the air before turning and handing her off to a reluctant crew member.  He sheds his black jacket and kicks it to the side as he moves from side to side to loosen up.

Darlyn: Aaaand his partner… From Brooklyn, NY, standing at 5’4” and weighing in at 120lb, she is… Morganna!!!

"Dub on the Track" hits the speakers as Morganna appears on the stage drawing a negative reaction from the audience. She ignores the fans and heads down to the ring with a serious, determined look on her face. Once she heads inside the ring, she delivers a "talk to the hand" gesture toward all the fans that are booing her quite loudly. She heads to her corner and scoffs at all the boos she's getting. The song fades as she waits for the match to begin.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena:  The crowd comes alive for the final round of tonight’s Pride Tag Team Championship Tournament! The guys start this one off, as Skag insists in an oddly chivalrous manner.

Chad:  Skag rushes right over at Rory, but the lack of rest is showing clearly as Rory lifts him up into an Atomic Drop. Skag is reeling.

Gena: Rory lifts him up for a Bear Hug, whipping him around like a ragdoll. Skag gouges the eyes and forces the release. Skag hits a low Dropkick to Rory’s knees.  As Rory goes down, Skag nails a Superkick, going for the cover!


Chad:  Unknown is quick to break it up.  Skag lifts Rory up from the mat and whips him right into Unknown. Rather than knocking her down, it only pisses both of them off as they grab onto him with a Double DDT!

Gena:  Rory doesn’t go for the cover.  Instead, he climbs on top for several mounted punches. Skag covers his face, leaving him open for body shots. Rory then lifts Skag up and flips him over with a Snapmare/Rear Chinlock combo.

Chad:  Morganna comes in and kicks Rory in the side of the head, breaking up the hold. She scoffs and helps pull Skag to their corner, where she gets the tag. Rory also makes the tag.

Gena:  Unknown comes flying at her with a Clothesline, but Morganna ducks and rolls out of the way.  As Unknown trips into the ropes, Morganna rushes to the other side of the ring.

Chad:  She jumps over Unknown and lands a Roll Over Neckbreaker!  The crowd jeers as Morganna asserts her dominance. She climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off with a Missile Dropkick!

Gena:  Morganna rolls Unknown onto her back and drops down for an early cover.  But Unknown lifts her up into a powerful Samoan Drop that defies her stature.

Chad:  Both ladies get to their feet, and they circle one another.  Morganna reverses the motion of the circle and gets behind Unknown.  She jumps up, looking for a Falling Knee Backbreaker.

Gena:  But, Unknown stands tall, holding onto Morganna as she walks around the ring.  She falls into the corner, crushing Morganna and forcing a tag to Skag again. Unknown steps back and tags in Rory.

Chad: Skag jumps over the ropes and swaggers over toward Rory.  Both men stop, and Skag points off in the distance. Rory looks, and Skag slaps him clean across the face, much to the shock of the crowd.

Gena:  Rory bolts forward with a headbutt, right where Stewart hit earlier, between the eyes. He hits another, and then another. Skag pushes off of Rory. His pride gets in the way of another needed tag.

Chad:  He rubs his knee as they look around, fire in both of their eyes as the crowd raises volume and anticipation.  Skag and Rory then go to blows as the crowd explodes.

Gena:  Rory hits a few stiff rights while Skag gets a left hook, then a right hook.  Rory then rushes Skag into the corner, hard, taking the breath out of Skag.

Chad:  Rory kicks Skag in the stomach twice.  He then roars as he begins smacking Skag’s belly repeatedly and intensely.  The crowd has to laugh as Skag’s stomach turns pink.

Gena:  Rory reaches out and grabs at Skag’s nose, twisting as Skag shouts out in pain.  Rory holds his hand out to Skag, but it gets smacked away.

Chad: Rory begins hitting knuckle punches to Skag’s face.Skag falls back and tries crawling backward to his corner where Morganna is bouncing up and down for the tag.

Gena: But Rory grabs onto his leg and pulls him back.  Skag tries to kick Rory, but Rory dodges.  Rory turns around for a Sharpshooter, but Skag leans up and punches Rory right in the ass! Rory is stunned, and then turns around.

Chad: After the release, and Rory limping, looking confused, Skag dives at Rory. But Rory moves out of the way.  He slides through Rory’s legs and punches him right in the starfish!

Gena:  Skag dives across the ring and tags Morganna back in.  Morganna jumps over the ropes, and Rory stumbles to his corner, jutting his thumb back at Skag.

Chad:  Unknown steps inside of the ring and catches Morganna as she jumps up.  Unknown looks for a Sidewalk Slam, but Morganna turns it into a Tornado DDT.  She rolls Unknown over onto her back.


Gena:  Rory is ready to break it up, but Unknown gets it.  She pulls herself up on the ropes as Morganna rushes at her.  She hits a Back Body Drop to the outside!

Chad:  Morganna lands rough, and the referee goes to check on her.  Pain is etched all over her face.  The crowd gasps as Morganna writhes on the ground.  She might be injured, folks!

Gena:  After a short exchange, Morganna manages to slowly get up.  She refuses to let up so quickly.  Unknown steps back so Morganna can get inside.  Morganna goes for the tag, but turns around and hits a quick Enziguri to Unknown!!!

Chad:  Did Morganna just play possum for sympathy to get the upper hand?  Morganna, however, does stumble a bit as she makes the tag, so it might’ve just been payback.

Gena:  Unknown tags in Rory, but instead of exiting the ring, she charges Morganna and bumps her off the apron!  She follows through as the two begin brawling, with Unknown gaining the advantage!

Chad:  Rory puts a hand over his backside as he steps inside, wagging a finger at Skag.  Skag shrugs his shoulders and the two charge at one another, throwing punch after punch.

Gena:  Skag gets an Uppercut that knocks Rory back a bit.  He then hits a Battering Ram to the stomach of Rory.  Rory goes down, and Skag’s eyes cross.  He goes for the cover.


Chad:  Unknown reaches in and drags Skag off of Rory, but Rory’s shoulders go up anyway.  Morganna jumps on Unknown’s back and begins clobbering away.

Gena:  Rory slowly gets up, still holding onto his stomach.  Rory ducks a Clothesline, and then he swings his leg back to Skag’s stomach.  He drops an elbow to the top of Skag’s head.

Chad:  Morganna finally backs Unknown off, and nails a cheap shot and attempts to rip the mask off. She doesn’t get very far when Rory hits the On the Rocks (An Atomic Drop followed by a Double Underhook Piledriver)!


Gena: Morganna rushes toward the ring, but Unknown Spears her down at the last second. Skag puts his foot on the bottom rope, but the referee doesn’t see it!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Darlyn:  Here are your winners and NEW Pride Tag Team Champions… Rory Rockefeller and Unknown!!!

The crowd cheers as “Drink Drank Drunk” plays over the speakers.  Morganna waves Skag’s foot at the referee, screaming at referee Ryan Richards in a near tantrum. He insists that she just put it there, which only fuels the anger.  She slides inside of the ring, and a face-to-face confrontation breaks down.  Morganna loses her restraint and she kicks the senior referee between the legs, and then slaps him to the ground.  Rory and Unknown raise their belts up high, but it almost seems to be overtaken by Morganna’s screaming, and Skag encouraging it. The new champions refuse to leave, even as security rushes down to contain Morganna. The show goes off the air as they surround her, ready to apprehend her.

Tune in this Saturday for Lethal Lottery action!