Author Topic: Happy Halloween  (Read 792 times)

Offline O Malley

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Happy Halloween
« on: November 03, 2012, 07:27:02 PM »
 Halloween Day/Night

There is a slight breeze in the air, sending the fallen leaves from the trees travelling around the ground.  The sun is beginning to set as, as the view from a window shows the backyard to a nice two story home just off in the distance.  Two children can be seen running through the backyard.  The taller of the two appears to be chasing the littler one around.  A low chuckling is heard a few seconds later.  The camera pans back a little, revealing the Queen of the Damned and former two time Bombshell Champion, Misty, standing at the windowsill.  She is looking at the home through a pair of binoculars with a devious smile on her face.

Just then, she lowers the binoculars for just a moment, keeping her eyes on the house without them.  An annoyed and frustrated look appears on her face as a third person is seen walking out from the back door of the house.  Misty raises the binoculars once again, getting a look at whoever it is again.

Misty: Surprise, surprise.  My sweet sister, Dixie, just arrived.  Oh I do wish that little brat would move back to Chicago already.

Misty lowers the binoculars again and shakes her head.  She sets them down on a nearby dresser, but keeps an eye on the house, now apparently identified as the home she used to share with Spike Staggs.  The two children running around the backyard are Spike’s son Timmy and their daughter, Eden.  Misty watches as her sister, Dixie, gives chase to Eden, trying to catch the feisty four year old as her brother has given up.

Misty: Chase my daughter around while you can, blondie.  My blood runs through her veins.  Deep in her heart, she knows who her mother is and always will be.

Misty leans against the large windowsill and folds her arms across her chest.  A serious look crosses her face as she watches as Dixie scoops young Eden up into her arms.  Misty lets out a sort of maniacal growl as she reaches for the binoculars.

Misty: And just what on earth have they dressed my daughter as this year?  I’d bet everything I have that dear Auntie Dixie picked that one out.  A butterfly, I see.  If I remember correctly, my annoying half-sister happens to love butterflies.

Misty shakes her head once again.  She watches as Dixie sets Eden back down on the ground, saying something to the little girl, and only wishes she knew what was being said.  Eden bolts back into the house excitedly, with Dixie following behind her.  Timmy had already disappeared back into the house a few minutes earlier.  As Misty lowers the binoculars and places them back on the table, Ruby’s voice comes from behind her.

Ruby: Is everything alright, my Queen?  I thought I heard you talking to someone, and you did not sound happy.

Misty: Everything is just fine, Ruby.  Thank you for asking.  I was talking to myself.

Misty walks up to Ruby as the only woman in her group of disciples glances past her and out the window.  She looks at the house, nodding her head once, before turning her attention to her leader.

Ruby: Forgive me for asking, my Queen, but were you watching the children again?  I do wish you would agree to move locations now that you are fully healed and well enough.

Misty shakes her head, giving Ruby a polite smile.  She walks past the petite woman, taking a seat in a chair across the room.

Misty: Do you know what today is, Ruby?

Ruby turns and faces her queen once again.  She nods, keeping her hands in front of her.

Ruby: Today is Wednesday.  It is Halloween.

Misty crosses her left leg over her right, leaning back in the chair.  She keeps her eyes locked on Ruby, an evil smile growing on her face.

Misty: It is, Ruby.  Today is the day that children over the world will be walking through their neighborhoods, going door to door muttering that ever so familiar phrase.  Trick or Treat. My daughter is one of those children, Ruby.  My daughter is all dressed and ready to go get as much candy as her little heart desires, and do you know what?

Ruby stares at Misty with a blank expression.

Ruby: What is it, my Queen?

Misty: Her own father…my ex-fiancée…is not the one taking her it seems, and to make matters even more interesting, my kind-hearted, blonde-headed half-sibling, Dixie, is the one he has chosen to do so.  He also apparently let her choose Eden’s costume this year.  Can you believe my daughter is dressed as a butterfly?

Misty shudders at the thought, and takes in a deep breath.  Ruby laughs lightly as she approaches Misty, standing in front of her.

Ruby: Perhaps young Eden chose her own costume, my Queen?

Misty: That is possible, Ruby, I know.  But do you know what a butterfly symbolizes in some cultures?

Ruby shakes her head and then kneels before Misty.

Misty: A butterfly can be used as the personification as one’s soul, Ruby.  A person’s soul.  Now, should my daughter truly be dressed as a butterfly?  I am her mother, after all, and I cannot stand butterflies, let alone to see my daughter dressed as one!  It’s absurd!

Ruby: Forgive me, once again, my Queen, but Eden is just a child, and you have been away from her for several months now.  She does not have the proper people in her life to teach her her true calling in life.  Yes, your blood runs through her veins, but the longer she is around those people, the less that fact means anything.

Misty narrows her eyes for a moment.  She first appears to be frustrated with Ruby, but her eyes return to their normal shape a few moments later, and her body can be seen relaxing.  She leans forward in her chair, and places her hand on Ruby’s chin, lifting her bowed head to face her.

Misty: You are absolutely right, Ruby.  Thank you.

Ruby: I am always here to serve you, my Queen.  You know that.

Misty: Yes, of course, Ruby.  But, do you realize the idea you have given me just now?  I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner!

Ruby looks slightly confused as she shakes her head, looking deep into Misty’s eyes.

Misty: I am Eden’s mother, Ruby.  Spike can try to say otherwise at the moment because of everything I did, but she will always be my flesh and blood.  You and the brothers found me when I was headed down the wrong path, and that is exactly what I plan to do with my daughter.  She will grow up to take her rightful place in the world, Ruby.  Maybe not right away, but it will happen.

Ruby: Anything you wish, my Queen.  You know the brothers and I will help you in any way we can.  Your heir will take her rightful place in your life whenever you wish.  And if that parasite that calls himself her father tries to do anything to stop it, the brothers and I will stop him dead in his tracks.  That is a vow, my Queen.

Misty smiles and laughs at her loyal disciple.  She runs her hand across Ruby's cheek and glances at the window.

Misty: Do not concern yourself with my ex-fiancee, Ruby.  I know how to handle him.  And I will, along with the lovely ladies of NXT.  More specifically, Miss Odette Ryder.

Ruby growls at the mention of Odette, causing Misty to laugh.  She stands up, as does Ruby and walks to the center of the room.

Misty: Your loyalty knows no bounds Ruby.  The contempt you feel for Miss Ryder is stronger than mine at times it seems.

Ruby: It is not only her, my Queen, but the entirety of Sin City Wrestling!  You have been back just a few short weeks, and you are being treated as a newcomer...a rookie of sorts!  It is frustrating to say the least, especially considering they have placed that woman on a pedastal.  As if she deserves to be on the same level as you are.

Misty again laughs as Ruby speaks about Odette.  She signals for Ruby to approach her, and she does so without hesitation.  Misty places her hands on Ruby's shoulders, looking into her eyes...her soul.

Misty: You are upset over my match at High Stakes II, aren't you?  Dear sweet Ruby, my match against Laura Jackson is not a problem for me, I assure you.  The Bombshell division must be shown who their one true leader is and always has been.  It must begin with all the new faces who are not familiar with me and what I can do.

Ruby: I know this, my Queen, but does it not bother you to see the four faces that are in the finals fighting for the Bombshell Championship...your Bombshell Championship?  Three newcomers and...Odette Ryder.

Ruby almost spits Odette's name out as her eyes narrow and she once again grows agitated.  Misty thinks for a moment before leading Ruby over to the edge of the bed, making her take a seat.  She sits next to her, and a cocky grin appears on her face.

Misty: Ruby, how many times must I tell you the Bombshell Championship is not a major concern right now?

Ruby: Once more as always, my Queen.

Misty: I know you and the brothers are upset over my lack of concern for the Bombshell Championship, but none of you are seeing it quite the same way as I am.  One of those four women will walk out of High Stakes II as the new Bombshell Champion.  That is a guarantee.  Now, I have big plans for Miss Ryder, and quite honestly, I have full faith that she will be the victor in that match.  Should I be wrong...Well, any of the other three simply don't stand much of a chance at holding the belt for too long, but I must not focus on a match that I am not involved in.  I have to focus on taking out Laura Jackson.  Do you understand?

Ruby nods, taking a deep breath and relaxing.  Misty runs her hand along Ruby's back, further relaxing her.

Misty: That's a good girl.  It will be dark out soon, Ruby and you know what that means, right?

Ruby: How could I forget, my Queen?  Our visitors will be here, and we all must prepare for their arrival.  I will go find the brothers while you change.

Misty: Thank you, Ruby.  I appreciate everything you  have done and continue to do for me.  It doesn't go unnoticed or taken for granted.

Ruby tries not to, but she is unable to hold herself back from blushing a bit.  She lowers her head with a bit of an embarrassed smile.

Ruby: It is my pleasure, my Queen.  I am here to serve you for as long as you so wish.

Misty smiles back to Ruby as she turns and walks out of the room to find the brothers.  Misty walks over to her very large and spacious walk-in closet.  She grabs a garment bag that is hanging near the front of the closet and looks at it with the that devious smile that is growing all too familiar lately.  She walks over to the windowsill with the garment bag, taking one last look at the place she called home at the beginning of the year.  The house is now dark as everyone is out trick or treating for the night.

Misty: In time, my little girl.  You'll be where you belong.  Mommy just needs to take care of a few things before it can happen.

Something suddenly catches Misty's attention outside the building.  Someone actually.  She watches as a group of three teenagers approach the chainlink fence surrounding the building, trying to find a way inside.  She keeps her focus locked on one in particular as she shakes her head.

Misty: Well look who we have here.  This just took quite the interesting turn.  It seems someone remembered the scary story I told him several months ago.  Oh, how ironic is this now?

Misty chuckles as she keeps her eyes locked on the teenagers about to enter the building.  Little does one of them know the connection he holds to this building, or the surprise he and his friends are about to be given.  One of the "guests" Misty and her disciples had been expecting was none other than the boy she helped raise for close to six years...Timmy Staggs.



They hadn't lived here for very long, just a few weeks actually, but already the Staggs family have adjusted quite well in their new home in Las Vegas.  Misty was worried about how the move would affect the kids, but her worries proved to be unneccessary as both Eden and Timmy were doing well with the move.  Eden particularly loved their new backyard, which was slightly bigger than the one they had in St. Louis.

There was one thing that always caught her attention, however.  It was the same thing that Misty couldn't help but glance at when they were spending time in the backyard.  The old abandoned building just off in the distance.  It was an eyesore to say the least, and today in particular, little Eden Staggs decided to ask about the building as she was in the backyard playing.

Eden: Mommy, what is that place over there?!

Eden turns and points to the building.  Misty looks at the building and frowns.  She knows the story behind the building, having just found out not that long ago, and it is not something she wants her young daughter to know.

Misty: That, honey, is just an abandoned building.  Nobody lives there or works there anymore.

Eden: Oh...Why?!

Misty laughs as the inevitable and virtually unending series of "why's" begins.  She thinks for a second, trying to figure out an appropriate way to explain it, when from behind her, Timmy chimes in his own answer.

Timmy: Because it's haunted, right?  That's usually why those creepy buildings stay abandoned anyway.

Misty turns around, giving Timmy a stern look and sighing.  So much for protecting Eden from the scary story.  Timmy shrugs and laughs, as Eden looks at Misty almost excited.

Eden: You mean there is a ghost in there?!

Misty: It's just a rumor, Eden.  But, yes, the stories say that the building is haunted.  You, however, are too young for the story.

Eden: I am not!  I'm a big girl now!  Ask Daddy!  He tells me scary stories all the time.

Timmy lets out a bit of a snorting laugh.

Timmy: Dad's stories are hardly scary, Eden.  He just makes them less scary so you don't have nightmares.

Eden: Nuh uh!  His stories are always scary and I never has nightmares!

Misty: Ok you two, that's enough.  Eden, I'm not telling you any scary stories, because you have had nightmares before.  You're too young to understand this story, but maybe when you're---

Eden: No fair!  I'll ask Daddy!  He'll tell me!  He always tells me!

Eden then stomps her feet, climbs up the ladder to her slide and then slides down, landing on her feet.  Misty takes in a deep breath, closing her eyes and thinking for a second.  She turns and looks at Timmy, then back to Eden and shakes her head.

Misty: Eden come here for a second, okay?

Eden frowns but she listens to her mother and sulks over to Misty, not wanting to stop playtime.  She stands in front of Misty, her bottom lip pouting out.  Misty kneels down to her eye level and smiles.

Misty: I'll make you a deal, okay?  I'll tell you and Timmy the story, but if you have any nightmares because of it, there will be no more ghost stories or scary stories for you until you're older.  Do we have a deal?

Eden smiles and nods her head quickly.

Eden: Okay!  But I won't have nightmares!

Misty: We'll see about that.  If you really want it to be scary, I'll tell you when it's time for bed, okay?

Eden again quickly agrees before turning around and heading back to her swingset and slide.  She is noticeably more excited than earlier, and her brother Timmy approaches Misty.

Timmy: You're going to sugarcoat the story and make it less scary like Dad does, aren't you?

Misty turns and looks at her son, a wicked smile on her face.

Misty: Absolutely not.  If she really thinks she's a big girl, I'll tell her the story.  But I'm not going to made into the bad guy by not telling her.

Timmy: Yeah but you do realize if she gets scared and has nightmares because of it, she'll be mad at you for telling her and she'll just go crying to Dad.  She always does when she thinks you've done something wrong.

Misty's smile quickly fades and Timmy laughs at her.  He walks away, shaking his head and still laughing, as Misty stands there, blinking her eyes.  She takes a deep breath and shakes her head.

Misty: I can't win.  My daughter is everything I never was.  My daughter is a complete daddy's girl.

Misty turns around to keep an eye in Eden as she has now moved from the slide to one of the swings and is swinging back and forth.  Misty looks past her to the abandoned building, studying it for a while.

Later that night...

The excited laughter belonging to little Eden Staggs fills almost the entire house.  She is dressed and ready for bed, wearing her Hello Kitty pajamas, and has jumped into her bed pulling her blanket over her.  Misty isn't in her room yet, but Spike is.  And he is unaware that Misty has promised their daughter a scary bedtime story.

Spike: Ready for your bedtime story baby girl?

Eden: Uh huh!  But Mommy is telling it tonight!

Eden bounces up and down on her bed excitedly as she waits for Misty and her story for the night.  Spike seems surprised and he raises an eyebrow looking at his daughter.

Spike: Oh really?  But I thought you liked my bedtime stories better?

Eden: I do but Mommy has a ghost story for me tonight!  About real ghosts.  And I can hear it because I'm a big girl and I don't have nightmares even though Timmy says I do!

Timmy: You do, and I bet Dad ten dollars that you'll have one tonight.  How about it Dad?  Want to place a bet?

Eden: Daddy!  I promise I won't have nightmares tonight!

Spike laughs and thinks for a moment.  Timmy walks up to him, waiting for his response, when Spike extends his hand out for a shake.

Spike: Okay.  You're on.  Ten dollars says she doesn't have any nightmares tonight.  After all, she made a promise, right?

Timmy shakes his father's hand making the bet official, but not without a laugh.  Spike gives Eden a goodnight kiss, then stands up from her bed.  Before he walks out, he stops Timmy and whispers to him so Eden can't hear.

Spike: You really need to learn to make your bets a little higher when it comes to her.  You know I can't bet against her, and ten dollars isn't much of a loss.

Spike shakes his head with a laugh and walks away with a smile on his face.  Misty is just walking into the room as Spike is walking out.

Spike: Get a little jealous of the fact she likes my bedtime stories more, did you?

Spike laughs as he stands in the doorway as Misty gives him a stern look.

Misty: You’d just love that wouldn’t you?

Spike: Nah, not at all.  I hate the fact that our daughter is a Daddy’s girl.

Misty pretends to laugh at Spike’s sarcasm, and he lets out another chuckle himself.  She gently pushes him aside and looks toward Eden who is waiting very impatiently for her.

Misty: Oh you’re so funny, babe.  I’ll be in bed in a little bit.

Spike smiles and the two share a kiss before he disappears down the hall and to their bedroom for the night.  Misty turns and looks at Eden, who is staring wide-eyed at her, clutching one of her stuffed animals.

Eden: Mommy!  Mommy!  Mommy!  Can we hear about the ghost now?!

Misty: If you’re ready to hear about the ghost, then I’m ready to tell you.  But first you have to settle down and listen quietly.  You wouldn’t want to miss anything now would you?

Misty walks over to the chair sitting next to her daughter’s bed.  Timmy is sitting on the bed next to his little sister, having been begging by her to do so until he had no other choice but to give in.  Eden finally settles down, laying back against her pillow, pulling her stuffed animal in even closer than before as Misty sits down in the chair and begins to tell her story.

Misty: I hope you’re ready for your first real ghost story, Eden, because this one is a chiller…


Back To The Present…

Timmy Staggs and his two friends have just entered the building downstairs.  The portion of the building that Misty and her disciples have left untouched and un-renovated looks just as the rest of the building had earlier this year.  Windows are broken.  Walls are lined with holes and cracks from the floor to the ceiling.  The occasional rat and mouse scurry along the floor, disappearing into a hole in the wall.  The building appears to be abandoned.  Which is what Misty and her disciples want people to believe.

Timmy and his buddies look around the room they first walk into, kicking bits of debris across the room without a care.  One of Timmy’s friends picks up a rock, throwing it across the room.  It hits another window and shatters it, causing Timmy to spin around, glaring at his friend.

Timmy: Don’t do that again Dean.  I don’t need us getting caught.

Dean: Man, chill Tim…It’s not like anyone is around to hear us.

Timmy: Look, let’s just go down to the basement and get this over with.

Dean: Why the rush dude?  Need to get home before mommy or daddy realize you’re gone?

Dean and the other teenager laugh and give each other a high five, as Timmy folds his arms and glares at them again.

Timmy: First off, my mother is a selfish bitch and she’s not around.  And second…my dad probably doesn’t even know I’m gone, because he’s hardly ever around anymore.  I just want to get out of this place, because I’m getting a bad feeling about it.

Dean: So you’re scared of some stupid ghosts?  Geez, man, you need to lighten up.  

The three boys head over to a set of double doors leading to the stairs.  One of the doors is broken, barely hanging on by a thread, and Timmy is the first to step through the doors, shining his flashlight down the stairs, and listening carefully.

Timmy: I’m not scared, alright?  Something about this building just seems familiar for some reason, and it gives me the creeps.  Okay, I think the coast is clear.

Timmy starts heading down the stairs towards the basement with his buddies following behind him, mumbling and laughing occasionally.  They walk down two flights of stairs before reaching the door leading to the basement, and Timmy stops right in front of it, turning to face his friends.

Dean: What are you waiting for?

Timmy: You do realize this place probably isn’t haunted, right?  It’s just some lame story that’s been going around to try and scare us?

Before Dean can respond, a loud banging noise is heard coming from behind the basement door.  Timmy jumps back a little, as do his two friends, but none of them seem scared, as the banging continues.

Dean: You were saying?  Come on.  Let’s go say hello to Casper.

Dean then walks past Timmy with the third boy following behind him.  Timmy thinks for a moment, shrugs and then follows his friends as the open the basement door, stepping inside.  The air is much cooler and damp, giving off a musty smell, and the boys can still hear the banging coming from down the hall.  They shine their flashlights down in that direction, when a noise behind them causes them to jump.

Timmy: Did you guys feel that?

Timmy spins around, shining his flashlight in the opposite direction.  Dean and the other boy laugh, still showing no fear.

Dean: Oooh Casper wants to mess with us!  Better be careful Casper or I'll have to call the Ghostbusters!

All three boys laugh, as they split up.  Timmy goes in the direction of the banging noise, while Dean and the other boy go in the opposite direction.  They each shine their flashlights around, trying to catch a glimpse of anything.  Little do they know, there are shadows following each of them.  Shadows with sets of glowing yellow eyes.  They follow the boys, stalking them and waiting for the right moment.

As Timmy gets closer to the source of the banging noise, it suddenly stops, and everything goes quiet.  The three boys turn and look at each other.  Behind Timmy, the sound of a woman's low eerie laughter is heard, and his friends grow wide-eyed with terror.  Timmy looks at them, laughing.

Timmy: Very funny guys, but I'm not falling for that.  

His friends, however, are not joking.  They are pointing frantically behind Timmy at the figure approaching him, or only visible to them, those glowing red eyes.  Timmy has no idea what is lurking behind him.  His friends suddenly drop their flashlights, turn and run off leaving Timmy behind, screaming as they run back upstairs and out of the building.  Timmy laughs and shakes his head.

Timmy: And he said I was scared?  Whatever...

Timmy is just about to walk away when he feels a hand touching his shoulder.  His whole body goes rigid for a moment, before he slowly turns around to face whatever is touching him.  He shines the light on the cloaked figure with the glowing red eyes, and stumbles back, falling flat on his behind terrified.  The five others with the yellow eyes stand behind him as the one with the red eyes takes a step toward him, laughing a slow evil laugh.  Timmy's breathing intensifies, but as he keeps his eyes locked on the figure approaching him, something suddenly hits him.  He reaches for his flashlight, shining it on the person once again.

Timmy: Wait a minute...I know I've seen those eyes before.

Two pales hands reach up towards the hood of the robe, and slowly it lowers.  Timmy's eyes widen again, though this time he is more angry than anything as he looks into the eyes of the woman he used to consider a mother figure.  Misty stands over him, a devilish grin on her face.

Misty: What no hug for the woman who raised you, Timmy?  I'm hurt...

Misty's disciples laugh behind Timmy.  He gets back to his feet, turning for a second to now see the five people standing behind him.  Ruby, Damien, Dante, Sebastian and Zane all have their yellow eyes locked on Timmy with matching evil smiles.  He glares at them before turning his attention back to Misty.

Timmy: As if you deserve any sign of affection?!  You might have raised me for six years but that didn't stop you from tossing me and Eden aside like garbage, did it?  I'm outta here.

Timmy turns around, not wanting to give Misty another minute of his time, when her disciples surround him, preventing him from taking another step.  He is unphased by their attempt at intimidating him.

Misty: Tsk, tsk, tsk, Timmy.  That is no way to speak to your elders.  It seems your father has been lacking in teaching you some respect and manners.  

Timmy: You have no place to even talk about Dad, or his parenting and you know it.  He's never done what you or my mom did.  You both abandoned me and neither one if you give a shit, and you abandoned two kids.  Go to hell you pale faced bitch, and stay away from me and my little sister.

Misty's lead disciple, Damien, places a hand on Timmy's shoulder.  Timmy elbows Damien's arm away from him, spinning around and steppig up to the larger man.

Damien: Watch your language, little boy, and do not address her like that again, or---

Timmy: Or what, freak?  What are you gonna do asshole?

Damien takes a step forward, looking down at Timmy with fire in his eyes.  Misty approaches them, and with the snap of her fingers, Damien backs away, though he keeps his eyes on Timmy.

Misty: Do not worry about Damien, Timmy.  He will not harm you.  He will not do anything unless I order him to do so, and I would never allow anyone to harm you.  

Timmy: No, you just do it yourself, right?  Please, I'm not afraid of your psycho lackeys, and I sure as hell am not afraid of you!  I knew this place seemed familiar earlier.  I've seen it in your stupid return videos SCW played before you came back.  You've been here all along!

Misty: I was never more than a mile away, son.  I've been watching over the both of you.  It is nice to know that you have not forgotten the story I told you just last year.

Timmy narrows his eyes at Misty and his nostrils flare.  Misty smiles as she sees the same look Spike has beem known to give.

Timmy: Don't call me son ever again.  I'm not your son, and you're not my mother.  And some story it was.  If you ask me, you were just revealing your future plans, weren't you?  You and your fellow pale faced freak over there are the two nurses, and your four bodyguards there are the psycho patients that killed them, right?  Real nice.  

Misty: I can assure you that I had no intentions of reenacting that story when I told it to you and Eden last year.  It is merely a coincedence---

Timmy: Save your lies for someone who will believe them, because I don't.  Now why don't you and your puppy dog followers leave me alone.  I never want to see you again.

Timmy glares at Misty again, folding his arms across his chest.  Misty studies him for a second, seeing so much of Spike in him, before she looks to Ruby and the brothers.  She nods her head, and they all step aside giving Timmy room to leave.  He turns to walk away, but Misty stops him one last time.

Misty: Oh Timmy?  Be sure to watch over Eden like the good brother I know you are, because I'll know if you don't.

Timmy simply responds to Misty by flipping her the bird, turning and walking away.  Misty can only laugh at the rebellious teenager as he disappears out of sight and out of the building.  Misty looks at Ruby and the brothers, clapping her hands together with a smile.

Misty: Well that was fun, don't you all agree.

Ruby: Disrespectful!  If the princess is around anything like that, she must be taught loyalty and respect before it is too late!

Misty: In time, Ruby.  All in good time, but we have other matters to attend to first.  It is time to begin preparing to take down Miss Laura Jackson at High Stakes II.  

Misty walks past her disciples.  They follow behind her, heading back upstairs snd the scene fades to black.


"The fun and games are officially over.  The tricks and the treats that come with Halloween have come and gone, and it is now time for work.  Yes, I said work. A Queen's work is never done after all, and I have much work to do.

I have been back a mere three weeks and in that short time, my plans have begun to unfold, and even before then.  There is only one person who can fix the tragedy that is now known as the Bombshell Division, and I am that person.  With the loyalty of those that serve me, the Bombshell Division will return to what it once was.  It will move forward and shine as it is supposed to with meas it's leader.  It doesn't matter if I don't have the Bombshell Championship in my possession.  Sooner or later I will, but I must deal with the trash first it seems.

I've already dealt with one Necra Octavian Kane.  It was no easy task as you all saw, but that is not important.  All that matter is that I defeated her and proved to everyone that the Goddess of The Dead can be beaten.  Now, I am out against someone a little more...Hmm, how shall I put this...easy in the ring.  Yet another woman who calls herself a Goddess.  

Laura Jackson...I've been watching you since your debut here in Sin City Wrestling.  I must admit I was quite surprised when you and your lady love, Miss Amanda Cortez, won the Bombshell Tag Team Championships.  It was a surprise, yes, but it an even bigger surprise to find out you had been stripped of those titles and the match taken off the record due to a failed drug test on your part.  Such a disappointment, Laura.

Quite frankly I don't give a damn how or why you failed that drug test, but you did.  And you are not a champion and this moment because of it.  And, to make matters even more interesting, your love, Amanda Cortez, will be fighting to become the new Bombshell Champion.  Much luck to her, by the way, as I believe she is going to need all the luck she can get.  But, I digress once again.

You see, Laura, you have been put into a situation that you simply are not ready for.  I am a seasoned veteran within this business, and within this company.  I am a former two-time Bombshell Champion.  My power and skills will simply prove to be too much for you.  Do not try to deny it, Miss Jackson.  Do not get overly confident, as I suspect you will once we step into the ring against one another.  When all is said and done, you will kneel before me.  You will submit to my will and exclaim me as your Queen.  Because that is what I am.

Your soul is damned, and it belongs to me.