Author Topic: Issue #53  (Read 294 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
Issue #53
« on: December 12, 2014, 11:45:19 PM »
 Well, hello SCW. I know, I know things have been getting kinda crazy lately, haven’t they?

I know, I didn’t know I had a sister either! It’s amazing that I could have went this long and not known. I mean, Nicole and I are basically twins, we act and dress alike, and a blood test proved, we’re siblings! I never had a sister before, so this is new to me, and incredibly exciting! I can’t wait to spend the holidays with her and her friend, and my wife and her sisters, it’s a big family thing. My family is growing and I’m so happy.

Things are finally, looking like they’re coming full circle for me. Family coming together, Friends are happy and healthy No more being targeted by a psychotic ex-best friend for a while. At least I hope. It all look good when look at it. But, then again, I always try to look on the positive side of things.

And, what’s even better? This trio of friends that is coming to change things for the better in SCW!

I know, I was just as concerned as you guys that Misty was going to leave us. That maybe she was going to let a loss get to her that much. But, Melody and I, we have to do something. We were not about to let our friend let this minor setback get her down. Granted, it took some convincing, but we did it! That’s right, Misty isn’t going anywhere! She’s staying with us, as well start to take the fight back to the Mean Girls, and then, we win.

I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t have my doubts. Heck, that why Melody and I had a secret meeting, to discuss what our plans were if Misty did try to leave, they weren’t pretty, and involved a lot of crazy things, which makes me happy we did not have to implement them. But with Misty now fully committed to the team, I think we’re going to make a lot of difference in SCW. A change is desperately needed, and we are going to lead the way.

Well, no, I take that back, the Metal and Punk Connection took back a lot of momentum for the rest of the bombshells, they now sit as SCW Tag team champions, and that is awesome! They broke that strangle hold the Mean Girls had, and now, the tide, is about to turn.

And for the first time, I think in a long time, Misty is upbeat. I think Melody and I are part-time Wizards or something. But, I guess the jury is still out. It’s all wait and see, but I think in the end, she will learn to enjoy this partnership not only because of what the intent is, or what we can accomplish, I think, in the end, Misty will be feeling a lot better personally.

Of course, O’Malley probably will help that a little too!


{Inside the Fortress of Fight, Roxi is getting an evaluation from Captain Freedom. Roxi sits nervously in a chair as Captain Freedom reviews a manila folder in front of him.}

Captain Freedom – Lady Bedlam, since taking on your wife as a partner, you’ve engaged in several…questionable activities. Hunts for Vampires? Demon slaying? This is not our department. Our job is to make sure the people of the world are safe, not just your friends.

Roxi – Sir, I understand, that, but… I was always taught to help those in need.

Captain Freedom – I sympathize with you, really. But, there are larger matters at hand that require the Guild’s attention.

Roxi – Sir, those were side missions. I want experience fighting so that, my partner and I, are a more valuable asset to the Guild.

Captain Freedom – Then, how do you explain this situation with… a Ms. Claire Beaumont?

{Roxi sighs heavily and struggles to come up with something tangible.}

Roxi – Sir…  I didn’t want that to be a personal thing, but… she target me, and my wife. She burned down our apartment, she tried to kill me, my wife, and my friends. She put lives at risk, just to get to me.

Captain Freedom – And you didn’t bother to inform the Guild?

Roxi – I… I guess I just felt guilty. I thought she was dead. I wanted to save her, and I couldn’t.

Captain Freedom – I’m aware of that casefile. But you cannot let personal feelings get in the way of duty. Where is Ms. Beaumont now?

Roxi – I…. I … I don’t know.

Captain Freedom – She escaped, or did you let her go?

Roxi – She… she just left the warehouse two weeks ago, haven’t seen, or heard a peep since. And I would never just let her go, she is… was… I don’t even know anymore. For now, she’s…. out there somewhere, trying to figure things out.

Captain Freedom – You’ve put several lives at risk now, you know that, don’t you?

Roxi – It was not my intention, I intended to get Claire the help she needs.

Captain Freedom – Well now, she’s out there, and she’s officially a fugitive. I will have people looking into this.

{Roxi opens her mouth to say something, but then… looking into Captain Freedom’s eyes, she realizes that nothing she says will change the decision.}

Roxi – Yes… Sir.

Captain Freedom – Regarding Ms. Beaumont’s activities, did she attack Hamilton incorporated?

Roxi – She attempted to kidnap Heather Hamilton, but we got her back.

Captain Freedom – Then, you know Ms. Hamilton?

Roxi – I… Yes.

Captain Freedom – Good. Then you have a new assignment.

Roxi – Both me and Keira, right?

Captain Freedom – No, just you. Your partner can continue to do patrols, until she gains more experience. This is undercover work that we need an insider for.

Roxi – How does that involve Heather Hamilton?

Captain Freedom – Well… to be blunt, you are going to work for her.

Roxi – Excuse me?

Captain Freedom – Lady Bedlam, you know that Hamilton Inc. runs a business that sells weaponry and inventions to our enemies. We need you… to be saboteur. Get inside, find out what they’re trying to create, and shut it down.

Roxi – Won’t that be kind of suspicious? I show up, and suddenly none of their stuff works?

Captain Freedom – You might have to get creative. But, we’ve set everything up, you start tomorrow.

Roxi – Wait, what? They’re hiring me without an interview?

Captain Freedom – Forged resume’s, you’re extremely qualified. Plus… Ms. Hamilton was more than willing to have you in her employ.

Roxi – No shock there. She hates me. Sir, isn’t there someone…. Qualified to do this? More than me?

Captain Freedom – At the moment, no. Plus, you’re personal relationship with Ms. Hamilton, makes this even easier. I’ll have Vision send you the files you’ll need, so be ready to get everything going in 2 days. Report to Vision each night, no more cowboy stuff out there.

Roxi – Yes…. Sir.

Captain Freedom – That will be all. Good luck.

Roxi – Thank you.

{Roxi gets up and leaves, more annoyed than anything else that she has to work for her high school rival now.}

{Having grumbled all the way home, Roxi opens the door to the apartment, where Keira is waiting for her. Kiera greets her with a warm smile, a huge, and a kiss, before Roxi just flops onto the couch, and sighs.}

Keira – How did it go?

Roxi – Sometimes, I think I did something wrong in a past life.

Keira – Oh… that good?

Roxi – They gave me a new assignment.

Keira – Oh? Both of us?

Roxi – No, sadly, you’re not on this one. It’s just me. I have to work for Hamilton Inc.

Keira – Hamilton? You mean, where that Heather woman works?

Roxi – Yeah, and I have to work for her.

Keira – How come I don’t get assignments?

Roxi – I… They want you to get more experience first.

Keira – That’s not fair!

Roxi – I’ll tell you what’s not fair! Working for Heather!

Keira – She is kind of a snot, isn’t she?

Roxi – She’s a huge snot! This is just stupid. I’m supposed to sabotage their stuff, I don’t think this is going to work at all.

{Keira can tell Roxi is none too excited about this assignment, and not simply because of the details.}

Keira – You’re still holding a grudge from high school, aren’t you?

Roxi – No….

Keira – Baby, I know you, when you say “no” like that, you really mean yes.

Roxi – Oh really?

Keira – Yes. Watch. Roxi, have you ever robbed a bank?

Roxi – No.

Keira – Have you ever climbed Mt. Everest?

Roxi – No.

Keira – Have you ever said “Geez, I can see why people love asking me about my feet?”

Roxi – No….

Keira – See?

Roxi – Okay, okay… also, shut up!

Keira – Heheh. Whatever. And who knows, maybe this will end up being a good thing.

Roxi – You know me Kiera, I’m not cut out for a 9 to 5.

Keira – No, you most certainly are not. You work all the time.

Roxi – I know, I don’t ever have time to do the fun stuff too much! It’s come with age. Maturity. Gotta have priorities!

{As if on cue, Roxi’s phone vibrates in her pocket. She digs it up, and answers it.}

Roxi – Hey Melody! …. Uh-huh…. Oooh! Sound like a great idea! Super Sprinkles strikes again! I’ll be right over! Hugs!

{Roxi puts her phone back in her pocket, and leaps to her feet off the couch with renewed vigor.}

Keira – What was that? Where are you off to?

Roxi – Melody and I are giving Misty a makeover! It’s going to be so much fun! I’ll be back soon!

Keria – What was that about maturity?

{Roxi gives Keira a small glare before exiting the apartment to meet up with Melody and Misty.}

I’ll be honest here, I was skeptical about Misty agreeing to let us make her over. We did our best, and I am pleased with the result. I know Melody is, and to my surprise, I think Misty is actually liking it too. I know the jury is still out, and she may end up hating Melody and I in the end, and it took courage for Misty to let us do that to her. But I’m confident that Misty made the right choice. Not only to let us help her, but helping us.

Misty is my friend, and Melody is simply amazing. I know it may seem like an odd trio right now, but I’m extremely confident that this group can get results. Granted, we have a tough road ahead of us, I don’t consider what we have to do to be a walk in the park, on any given week, but given the talent, and the chemistry, I know what this trio of super friends can do!

I know it seems like this group was formed out of desperation, and maybe a little bit of it was. But hey, sometimes, desperate times, call for desperate measures. The fact remains that two championship remain in the Mean Girls possession. And to take them, it’s going to take watching each other’s backs, because it’s obvious, they will do the same, in addition to using underhanded tactics to get a victory. Whether it’s team Super Sprinkles, or Misty and I, or Melody and Misty, or all of us, we have to be a team. That’s what it’s going to take.

And no question, our teamwork will be put to the test come Sunday. Vargas, Desiree, and Mikah are not going to be pushovers. I have respect for each of them as people, and as wrestlers, but… they seems to be intent on either making me an enemy, or keeping me one. And that’s fine, I’m not going to sit here and tell them they shouldn’t have me as an enemy, We are going to show them exactly what they are up against. I really hope they are ready.

{After unveiling the “new” Misty, Roxi takes it easy, until the day after, where she has to report to work.}

{Roxi gets to the Hamilton Inc. building, and enters through the door. The Receptionist is there waiting to greet her.}

Roxi – Hi. I’m Roxi, I’m the new… hire.

{The receptionist gives her a disinterested stare for a few moments, before picking up the phone, and dialing.}

Receptionist – New hire’s here.

{Just that quickly, she hangs up the phone, and goes back to staring at her computer screen. There’s a few moments where Roxi is undecided on what to do. She looks around nervous and confused, as the receptionist offers no help.}

Roxi – Uh… so do I go up or…?

{The receptionist shoots a death glare at Roxi, before turning back to her computer screen.}

Receptionist – She’ll be down in a minute.

{Rolling her eyes, the receptionist turns back to the computer, leaving Roxi to just kind of twiddle her thumbs. Finally, an elevator dings, and the door opens, and Heather walks out, still on her phone.}

Heather – I said it has to be Macaroni and cheese, we already did the box art! Blindness if eaten twice a week? Who cares? Who’s eating Macaroni more than twice a week? Whatever.

{Heather ends the call, and stares at Roxi for a moment. After a few seconds, and a confused look on her face, she finally speaks.}

Heather – We hired you?

Roxi – Yes, you did. I’m supposed to be the new head of your R&D department…

Heather – Really? You?

Roxi – Yes….

Heather – Well, then, get to work!

{Roxi throws her hands up, annoyed.}

Roxi – What the heck am I supposed to do?

Heather – How can you be my R&D person, when you can’t even do your job!


{Heather stops, as Roxi’s shouting has caused everyone else to stop and stare. Heather looks annoyed at Roxi.}

Heather – Ugh. So unprofessional.

Roxi – Just… tell me where my office is, and what I’m working on.

Heather – Ugh. 3rd floor, 3-121.  Get with Marcos and Dave. They are the… uh…. What’s the word? Underlings? Yes. Underlings.

Roxi – Where are they?

Heather – The lab. They’re science nerds. Duh!

{Heathers phone rings as she answers it, and walks away from Roxi at the same time. Roxi takes a deep breath, and enters the elevator, before heading to her office and looking around, adjusting to her new surroundings. The office is plain, bare, and have no life to it whatsoever. Roxi sits down in the uncomfortable chair, and she begins fidgeting on the chair’s material. Finally, an unfamiliar man knocks on the door.}

Man – Hi. I’m Larry.

Roxi – Hello Larry… ugh….what…. what the heck is wrong with this chair?

Larry – Oh, the material is supposed to promote productivity. If people can’t get comfortable, they don’t day dream or get distracted. They are more productive. And… more filled with hate, and then they might go crazy….That’s happened a few times.

Roxi – I already hate this chair!

{Roxi stands up, the fabric itching her. She moves the chair out of the way, and leans against the desk.}

Roxi – So… Larry… uh, pardon this expression, but… who are you, and what exactly do you do?

Larry – I’m Larry.

Roxi – Yeah, we’re past that.

Larry – I’m your quality control person. Once Marcos and Dave come up with something, I test it. So that you can approve it, and Heather can get all the glory.

Roxi – Why do I get the feeling that you’ve done this spiel before?

Larry – 12 times now.

Roxi – Great. Okay, so…where are Marcos and Dave?

Larry – The l –

Roxi – If you say “The lab” I’m going to scream, I assume, they are in the lab, I need to know where the lab is!

Larry – Oh, 1st floor, there are signs.

Roxi – Thank you, Larry.

{Roxi walks past Larry, and heads back down to the elevator, and goes back down, to follow the signs to the lab, where each door is marked with the team of scientists, and eventually she finds the one with Marcos and Dave, she knocks, and enters.}

Marcos – I said, but take the toilet paper with you to the bathroom when you do. That’s what I do.

Dave – It’s not normal. Marcos.

Marcos – It becomes normal. If you keep doing it…. Everything does.

Dave – Well, you can take their crap, but I’m not like that. I’m… a fighter! I fight stuff like this!

Marcos – No… you don’t.

Dave – Shut up Marcos!

Roxi – Uh… guys?

Marcos – Agh! Lady! Why didn’t you tell us there was a lady?!

Dave – Marcos, she’s a woman, not a murder-bot…..

Marcos – Or… is she?

{Dave turns and looks at Roxi, staring at her up and down.}

Dave – He makes a fair point. Are you a murder-bot?

Roxi – No. I’m Roxi. I’m the new R&D supervisor.

Marcos – Roxi the R&D Supervisor murder-bot?

Roxi – No! Guys! I’m a human. I just need to know uh… what exactly we’re working on.

Dave – Well… uh.. We’ve been working on weaponizing the pumpkin.

Roxi – Excuse me? Why?

Dave – I thought you knew…

Roxi – I don’t. It’s my first day.

Marcos – Usually the R&D Supervisor just tells us what we’re doing, and then… we do it.

Roxi – So… I need to go to Heather.

Dave – She could… probably tell you.

Roxi – Okay, I’ll be right back.

{Roxi exits the lab and heads back upstairs, trying to find Heather, but she’s nowhere to be found. Roxi walks by Larry’s desk, and finds Larry, shoveling coffee creamer into his desk drawer.}

Roxi – Uh… Larry?

{Larry looks up, shocked, and quickly closes the drawer.}

Larry – Oh, you snuck up on me there…

{There is a moment of awkward silence.}

Roxi – What’s…. with the creamer?

Larry – What? They’re mine.

Roxi – Okay, so…. Uh, where’s Heather? I need to know about this… pumpkin thing?

Larry – I think she’s at lunch. Or a meeting. Or a lunch meeting.

Roxi – Wonderful. I guess I’ll just wait until she comes back…

{Another awkward silence.}

Larry – I like creamer. Is there a rule against that?

Roxi – No…. not at all.

{Roxi heads back to her office, and then, Heather walks in.}

Heather – Why is there never any creamer in the kitchen area?

{Roxi shrugs, hiding from her boss what she just saw.}

Roxi – Don’t know. So…

{Behind Heather, Marcos knocks and enters.}

Marcos – Ms. Roxi, there’s been a spill and… oh, hi Heather, it’s nothing.

Heather – Ah, Marcos, just the person I was here about.

Marcos – Oh….

{Marcos closes the door behind him, and the turns back to Heather.}

Marcos – I’m here now.

Heather – You can go now, I’m here to talk ABOUT you, not TO you.

{Marcos’s face drops in disappointment.}

Marcos – Oh… I’m sorry.

{Marcos opens the door and leaves.}

Heather – I just got done with a meeting. The company wants to freeze Marcos.

Roxi – Excuse me?

Heather – Marcos, the company wants to cryogenically freeze him. Just for a year, just to see if it’s possible…. The company thinks that it is.

Roxi – You THINK it’s possible?

Heather – Yes, Mrs. Negative, we do. We’ve developed a chemical that allows us to rapidly freeze animal tissue without it exploding. And, fingers crossed, we’re ready for human testing.

Roxi – That… that presentation sucks. And why Marcos?

Heather – For P.R. Dummy. And, in the unlikely event that something does go wrong, well… there are people we’d… miss more.

Roxi – Good luck convincing him of that.

Heather – I don’t have to.

Roxi – He’s already agreed?

Heather – No.

{And the reality hits Roxi right over the head.}

Roxi – You can’t expect me to…

Heather – Those are your people. They will listen to you. They’ve got… what that thing? Underlings have it… Loyalty? Yes. Loyalty.

{Roxi’s mouth goes agape at the prospect of what she’s being asked to do.}

Heather – This is big for us. And your first real test. You need to make this happen…

{More silence as Heather walks out of the room, leaving Roxi with a conundrum. Roxi thinks a few minutes before heading outside and back to Larry’s desk, where Larry is on the phone.}

Larry – No, the toaster and zebra are friends….

Roxi – *Clears throat*

Larry – Oh, I have to go….. No that makes the toaster too mean! He’s not a sociopath, he just doesn’t want to make toast anymore!

{Larry slams the phone down, and nervous turns back around to Roxi.}

Larry – Hey…. You…

Roxi – Yes, let just pretend that phone call wasn’t odd…

Larry – I’m… trying to write a children’s book.

Roxi – About a toaster? And a zebra?

Larry – *Sigh* the toaster is just like, you do the same thing every day, and eventually, it gets boring. At some point you say, “Making toast is fine, but… I need more!”

Roxi – I need to know about freezing Marcos.

Larry – Excuse me?

Roxi – The company wants to freeze him, since you’re my tester, I need to know just how safe it is… before I have to try and talk him into it. I… I’m going to need some positives, because right now, there are none.

Larry – I’ll… look into it.

Roxi – Thanks… and… they know about the creamer…

Larry – They’ll never take it from me! It’s mine!

{Roxi walks away, and back to her office to sit down, but as soon as she does, the itchy chair acts up and she can’t get comfortable. Stressed, she rubs her faces and tries to calm down. She calls Marcos into her office, and tells him the news.}

{The next day, Roxi calls Marcos into her office, and tells him the news…}

Marcos – Why do they want to freeze me? I didn’t do anything!

Roxi – It’s not a punishment…. I don’t think, it’s… it’s an honor! You can be…. “The Sub-Zero-Hero!”

{Even Roxi is kind of impressed by that name that she came up with off the top of her head.}

Marcos – I don’t know, I’m going to need to think about this…

{Roxi sits at home, keeping up with her assignment, she talks to Vision.}

Vision – Well, how did it go?

Roxi – They have the most evil chair I’ve ever sat in, they’ve tried to weaponize the pumpkin, and they want to freeze a scientist!

Vision – Wow, they are evil.

Roxi – No kidding. This is a huge operation for just one department, and they asked me to convince him to go through with freezing!

Vision – Well, maybe you can un-convince him.

Roxi – I already gave him a hard-sell. Though, in retrospect, it’s pretty weak.

Vision – Well, keep me updated. What about that pumpkin?

Roxi – I never got an answer. As far I know, if I don’t’ mention it, they’ll drop it.

Vision – Sounds like a plan.

{The next day, still feeling guilty about asking Marcos to be frozen, Roxi sits in her office, on the phone with Keira.}

Roxi – This is horrible. He’s got a family, and I just had to sell him on getting frozen.

Keira – Well… all you have to do is sabotage it.

Roxi – True. But… still. It’s wrong. Maybe I can convince him not to, and avoid that altogether?

Keira – Still sabotage.

Roxi – But … neater. I get it.

{Larry knocks and enters. Roxi hangs up the phone and look at Larry}

Roxi – How the freezing thing looking?

Larry – It’s good. It he can last up to -20 degrees without his eyeballs exploding, that would be the first sign of trouble…

Roxi – Oh, good. I asked for POSITIVES Larry!

Larry – That’s about as positive as it gets…

Roxi – Even better. Well… thanks.

{Larry exits as Marcos enters after him.}

Larry – Marcos.

Roxi – Marcos, come in here.

{Marcos walks in, and stands.}

Roxi – Look, Marcos, about yesterday.

Marcos – I want to do it!

Roxi – What? Marcos that’s crazy!

Marcos – You were right. I have a chance to be a pioneer!

Roxi – Marcos… I may have sold you on that, a little hard, and that… that was wrong.

Marcos – Sub. Zero. Hero.

{Roxi rolls her eyes.}

What have I done?

{Roxi comes back to the lab where Marcos was successfully frozen. She stares at his frozen face, feeling sorry for him. But the moment is broken when Heather walks in.}

Heather – Creepy.

Roxi – Well, at least he’ll be in here, where they can monitor him, right?

Heather – They’re moving him tomorrow.

Roxi – What? Where?

Heather – The basement. Although they did discuss India.

Roxi – Is that safe?

Heather – Of course. We’re going to take every precaution.

{Having returned to her desk, and now with a different chair, Roxi sits back and relaxes a few seconds, but is still worried about how she can fix this. She speaks with Vision.}

Vision – Second day? What’s going on?

Roxi – They froze Marcos. I guess their technology works.

Vision – So, what’s the next step?
Roxi – I’m going to try and thaw him out, I guess unplug him after they move him to the basement.

Vision – Well keep me up to –

{Roxi has to hide her phone as Larry frantically knocks on the door. He opens it, and puts a foot in the door.}

Larry – Marcos thawed out!

Roxi – What?

Larry – Yeah.. his…. Tank… kinda fell over.

Roxi – Is he okay?

Larry – Seems fine, although he can’t seem to control his neck. He looks like he’s auditioning for Night at the Roxbury.

Roxi – Alright…. I’ll be down in a minute.

{Larry leaves, closing the door and Roxi looks back down at her wrist communicator.}

Roxi – Vision…. I don’t think this place needs me to sabotage it...

So… it comes to this. Sunday, we step into the ring, and Misty, Melody and I plan on getting this partnership off on the right foot, and that means beating Mercedes, Mikah, and Desiree.

Desiree was extremely confusing by calling me nice on one hand, and then somehow judging the color of my pubic hair, which was… off-putting, to say the least. But for the most part, she apparently just said what she heard others say about me, and Misty. I thought Desiree was better than that. I really did. I had such high hopes for her, since I’ve heard a lot about her, and how skilled she was in the ring, and talking trash.

But, honestly, I’ve heard that before. All of it. People like to make fun of the way I look, or how my wife looks. I’ve never claimed to be a model, in fact, I don’t want to be. Neither does my wife. We just enjoy living our lives and not trying to impress others with our looks. But if Desiree thinks that because she insulted my wife, that it’s going to get me off my game, she’s got another thing coming. People have been doing that for a long time. Why? I guess they might be jealous? I don’t know. That is pretty much my best guess. What other reason is there to bring my wife, who does not wrestle here, into her talk about our match? There isn’t one, other than to try to make me mad. And, it doesn’t.

But it’s okay Desiree, I still see a bright future for you. I still think, even with your tired insults and cliché attitude, you do have something offer SCW and the bombshells, but do not expect this match to be your stepping stone to the top, because it won’t be. You’ve got a lot of potential, and I don’t throw praise lightly. But this match, this six-woman tag match, you are taking on the 3 top bombshells not holding championships. A legend, a future legend, and me. Better luck next time.

And Mikah. Mikah, I have absolutely no idea who “Lita” is, or how she factors into the match, so really, your comparison makes no sense. This “Lita” person is someone you’ve made up in your mind, I guess, and I happen to act like her? Sure, I guess. I think you remind me of this girl “Bobbi”. That’s how this works right? I’m just picking a name at random here. She liked to make up random stuff about people. She also liked to point things out just to say “I don’t know much about that.” Clearly, she did, and you do, because you brought it up. You can’t just bring things up, and then say… “But that doesn’t matter.” Because otherwise, it just makes YOU look silly. I mean, I’m not the smartest person in the world, but I think I can tell when someone is grasping at straws trying to be clever.

And to think, I gave you such high praise when asked about the new bombshells. I thought that you had quite handle on things, in addition to your impressive skills. I thought that, but, apparently, I was wrong. Wrong to assume that you could talk about your opponents coherently. I mean, no, I’m no master of high risk moves, but I’m pretty dang good at it. In fact I’m pretty good at everything I do. Except dancing, but I’m getting there! Just you wait!  Anyway, I don’t know who “Lita” is, all I know is that you are Mikah, and I am Roxi Johnson, and we’re opponents this week. I have always been my own person, I don’t need to try and be anybody else. I’m perfectly happy with who I am, and where it has gotten me today. I have a great group of friends, family, and partners. I have earned everything I have, by being who I am, not trying to be someone else. So, maybe you should do a little research, and stop comparing me to people who aren’t even real.

And my old friend Mercedes. Looks like Mikah beat you to it with the comic book reference. Though I’m sure you’ve got a million of them, you’ve got plenty of them coming up. Enough to drive home the point that you are capable of using google to reference things. Most of the time not accurately, but you know you can’t believe everything you read on the interwebs.  You, are seemingly surviving by the skin of your teeth aren’t you I mean, beating Zuri with by hook or by crook isn’t exactly anything to brag about. But, in the process, you’ve managed to hold on to that championship time and time again. So, in that feat, good for you. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

I say that, because you know, as well as anyone, that your reign is slowly coming to an end. You know you can’t hang on forever, now that Veronica is beltless, the pressure’s on Mercedes. You have to start coming through, and finally, after all this time, stepping your game up. No long sitting there stagnant, and comfortable. Maybe now, you will rise to the occasion. And back up all the parroting you’ve been doing for so long.

You’ve been getting by, holding onto that championship for dear life, but let’s understand this Mercedes, Melody, Misty and I? We’re not the daughters of darkness. Not even close. I’m sure you’ll have some fancy name for us, perhaps a comic book reference, or maybe a witch joke, or a unicorn joke, because that’s your thing. And for a long time, you’ve gotten away with it. Sorry to tell this now Mercedes, but those days are over. And you’ll get that first hand on Sunday. We are going to send a message to the Mean Girls, starting with you. I know that Misty is just… itching to get you in the ring. And, I can’t say as I blame her, but don’t worry, she’s not planning on just trying to hurt you out there Sunday, despite all the grief you’ve caused her. No, we’re going to make this drawn out. An example of what lies ahead.

Sunday, we start cleaning this division up. Restore it what it once was. Mikah, Desiree, trust me, when you understand exactly what we’re trying to do, you’ll thank us for making sure that you get your fair shake.

Times they are a changing, for the better this time!

See you Sunday!
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