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Messages - CrasH

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Climax Control Archives / //The Arrival
« on: April 28, 2014, 10:07:58 PM »
OOC : Good Luck Guys, Hope you enjoy it, this is my first competitive RP as this character in like... forever, so hope it's up to snub for the SCW

A war.

Is not won simply by mass demolishing your opposition, it’s about winning the small battles that plague your path to the main objective. And no less important is the reaction to losing a stride.

War, was about character and determination, the moment you show weakness, it will be capitalized on… no doubt. This was something Crash lived by.

His entire childhood, after the tragedy that took his parents life from him, every step he took, he fought, every chance he had, he clung on for life. This, was an upbringing of a true fighter, a man who’d never squander a great opportunity.

To the Congo-a-go-go. We Go-Go.

While the Sin City Superstars, from the recent Climax Control, had a much shorter route to the city of kinshasa from the event in Yamoussoukro, Crash had quite a trip ahead of him, the recent attempts at signing contracts made him very weary of taking a trip across the Atlantic Ocean, without having the contract in his hands.

The flight, without any delays would take approximately twenty one hours, a long time to be trapped in a plane with complete strangers, screaming children and the plethora of body odour most passengers possess. But this was the price you paid, to be a superstar in the industry, you took one for the team, you flew out to the middle of nowhere, where starving children was reality, to compete in a stadium the size of a high-school gym, to leave the next day.

This was the life. What more does a true wrestling fan want than to be part of the circus that was of the lower level federations. Crash, had never been a part of a federation this small, that travelled thus far to put on events, but he had travelled plenty when he was trying to get his career off the ground when he was younger.

The scene opened up as we seen the new SCW star, standing in the security line at the Lambert, St. Louis international airport. Crash was on his way to the Climax Control event in Kinshasa, what would be a twenty plus hour flight.

With one bag on his shoulder. Crash was the only man with a lightly packed bag, he always got annoyed with the people that had eighteen bags with them for carry-on. He had his laptop with him, his ring gear in the bag. Crash, finally got to the front of the line as he threw his stuff in the tray, walked through the metal detector and was passed through rather easily, unlike everyone he stood in line behind. Crash picked his bag up off the tray after slipping his shoes on as he heard his phone ringing from the bag. Crash reached in and grabbed his phone as he answered it hoping it wasn’t too late.

“Yeah?” Crash answered as he was beginning to walk down to the gate his flight was departing from.

“Matt, rumour has it you’re heading to the Republic of the Congo for that Sin City Wrestling federation.” A voice was heard on the other side of the phone, a voice who seemed well attuned with Crash’s professional side.

“Yeah, plane leaves in about forty five minutes, I just checked through the gates, now it’s just the waiting game for me.” Crash’s smile grew across his face, the person on the other side of the phone seemed to be someone close to him.

“Well go to gate M28, I’ll get your luggage re-routed. You’ll see.” A click, and the phone-call was over. Crash rolled his eyes as he looked around realizing M28 was the other way, as he began walking towards it. Crash didn’t know what was ahead of him, but his smile made it seem like it was something that intrigued him.

Crash walked by kiosk after kiosk, and finally got to gate M28, as one man stood in front of the doors leading to the airplane, he looked like a regular airport attendant as Crash walked up to him, as the man looked up.

“You must be Matthew yes?” Crash nodded as he showed the man his passport, as the guy waved his hand at him.

“No worries about ID, if you’re not Matthew, you’ll regret walking down the tunnel, you’ll find what you’re looking for at the end of it sir.” The attendant walked behind Crash as he walked down the tunnel and shut the door behind him as Crash paid no attention to it as he got to the entrance to the plane as the pilot stood at the entrance, a man whom Crash didn't recognize, but he recognized Crash as he stood aside and waved him in.

“Your plane sir.” The pilot pointed to his right as Crash turne, and seen a very un-ordinary looking plane as sitting on the couch inside the plane, was none other than his mentor, and saviour - Chris Mendryk.

“What in the heck is all of this Chris? A private jet? I mean seriously, this isn’t funny.” Crash dropped his bag on the seat near the entrance as he sat down on the seat across from Mendryk.

“Since the iWS closed, I’ve been sitting outside from the business and lets just say, seeing you back in action made me miss the business, so here I am offering you a flight to what-cha-call-it in Congo, just a little help getting off the ground, if you catch my drift.” Mendryk leaned back in the couch as he grabbed the glass of water in front of him as he took a sip, and set the glass back down on the table.

“I mean I appreciate this but it’s not like your my manager or anything man, there are far more important fighters in this industry you could cater to. I’m nothing special.” Crash looked to his left as the one stewardess on the plane, placed a glass of water in front of him as she walked off to the front of the plane.

“Matt, you’ve proven that my investment in you back in the day was not something to regret, you’ve fought through every obstacle imaginable just because you wanted to be part of the business that many can’t handle. If anyone deserves a little bit of praise, it’s you.” Mendryk shook his head slightly, knowing of the Climax Control card Crash was competing in.

“Why they book you in a match where you have to compete with someone next to you, seems to make me think they don’t know the talent level they are hiring, which is somewhat disappointing.” Mendryk was obviously referring to the tag match Crash was in with Michael Hardy.

“Hardy was the one that strung me into the business, I wish i had the chance to show what I could do individually instead of as part of a team but I’ll take a fight because it’s a fight man, you know that. There is no better part of this business than being in the ring and if this match was the only way I could get in the ring in Kinshasa then so be it.” Crash was happy to be fighting, even if it was as part of a  team that he hoped lived up to the hype. Michael Hardy was the man that got Crash interested in this business but, if he hoped to team with Crash for the future, he’d have to prove that his fame wasn’t self-hyped.

The plane begins to move as it looked like the flight was leaving much earlier than the public flight. Crash got up and quickly grabbed his bag, he brought it over to the seat as he sat back down.

“I looked at Hardy’s career here, he’s done nothing special man, why even waste your time coming to SCW for him?” Mendryk looked out the window as the plane was finally on the runway as they were taking off.

“I could tell what he was about Chris, he was dedicated to this company, dedicated to the business, accolades or not, he fought week in week out. I’ve never been about what gold has fallen into my hands, I’ve always been about the fans and the love for being in that ring, if he is about the same thing, that’s up for him to show me, but thats what I saw in him prior to signing, and to be quite honest, the fact that this place is small, gives me a chance to grow with the company, like i did with the iWS.” Crash had faith in the impression Hardy left with him, something he didn’t honestly say about many people, now it was just up to Hardy to prove the assumption correct.

The plane, took off from the ground as both men remained seated enjoying the view as the flight was going to be a long one, slightly quicker than the public flight due to weight and speed restrictions, this flight would cut the time by a few hours, but nothing more.

“Looks like we’re in for a long flight.” Crash yawned as he had gotten up early for this flight, hoping to catch some shut eye on the plane, something perhaps unlikely now that Mendryk was here.

“Well it could be shortened, take a look at this.” Mendryk stood up as he walked to the other side of the plane, where he flipped the table between both couches, as a full-sized bed was on the other side.

“Travel in style, but travel with comfort, you can take the bed man, I’ve slept on the floor of this plane, anything is better than those seats in a regular plane.” Mendryk laughed as Crash got up and rolled onto the bed as a loud sigh was heard.

“You know man, four years ago, you tell me this was where I was going to be, I’d have honestly told you, there was no chance. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me, my life, I’d have never gotten this far without someone like you having my back.” Crash ran his hand under his right eye, wiping away what you could assume to be a tear, as Mendryk, had a grin on his face as he shook his head.

“The only thing I ever did for you Matt was show you I was interested in your skills, you did the rest, you got through the eye of the storm by yourself, I had nothing to do with that… I just ended up being the one to show you the light at the end of the tunnel man, everything else was you.” Mendryk grinned as he threw a pillow from the couch over to Crash as he seemed to be missing a few.

“I guess, I just hope they’re doing well up there man… they weren’t the best parents in the world, but they were my parents… i still loved them, they deserve to be happy now.” Crash rolled over on his side, turning his back at Mendryk, Crash lived every day in honour of his parents, something not everyone clings to, when the parents they had, were terrible at best, but Crash cherished everything in his life… everything.

“They’d look at you man, and they’d be so proud. Get some rest, we’ve got plenty of time to talk, a whole days worth in fact.” Mendryk turned on the couch as he too laid down.

The plane, continued to fly along as it was focused slightly on Crash, with the camera man now asleep too, but forgetting to turn off the camera.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *

Hours passed, as Crash began to stir on the bed, he slowly sat up as he looked around, as everything in the plane was dark in the plane, Mendryk still asleep on the couch as the clock on the plane showed that they’d been out for quite some time. Crash reached for his phone, as the plane had internet and phone service provided, only it wasn’t the most reliable.

Crash grabbed his phone as he slid to the photo section of it as he looked at the last picture he had of his parents and him together… this was his chance to prove something. Crash had accomplished things in the iWS, but this was the first time he was competing outside of his element, without any names he really knew… that was something he was looking forward to, an untouched fanbase.

Crash laid back on the bed, with his phone still in front of his face as he had a smile on his face as he kept sliding through the photos. Crash decided after the nostalgic moment to check his twitter as he smiled to a few tweets as a few of his die-hard fans were on the way to see the event as they missed seeing him in the ring.

That was success.
That was the reason for return.

Crash turned to the camera as he seen the red light was still on as he grinned as he picked it up and set it down next to him, hoping that the stream was still connected to the website.

“To each one of my fans, I have to say, without you guys I’d never have pursued this but you guys gave me the reason to keep fighting… to be your lightning rod, to be your voice. I will go to Kinshasa and prove that I am as good as I ever was, I will prove that no matter how tough or big the opponent I will fly higher.” Crash leaned back and looked around the plane again as the silence was calming, something he wasn’t used to.

“You see this guy?” Crash turned the camera at Mendryk who looked like he had been drinking too much as he was sprawled out across the couch, half on the floor. “That’s called someone you can trust, now I know a lot of you guys are curious why I’m even going out to this torn city to fight, truth is, if i can go somewhere that needs help, and give them something to build on, I’ll be doing exactly what he did for me, giving them hope, and something to fight for… I may not have billions of dollars like he does, but the littlest sentiment goes a long way. I’ll see you guys when we land.” With that Crash waves at the camera as he shuts it off, giving himself, and the rest of the crew some more time to themselves, at least until they land.

*          *          *          *          *          *          *

“The Fuck?” A voice abruptly ended the silence as Mendryk quickly rose from his sleep as the plane was rather shaky.

“Crash, brace yourself.” Mendryk quickly leaned over and hit Crash on the arm as he woke up. The plane was landing in Brazzaville as Crash quickly flipped the table over and sat down, as landing was never as gentle as taking off…

A quick jerk of the plane and they were on the ground.

“That was quick.” Crash rubbed his eyes as he threw his computer back into the bag as they were about to get to the terminal shortly.

“Damn rights. Your bag is in the back there man, i figured you didnt have everything in your man purse there.” Mendryk laughed as Crash shook his head and went to the back, grabbing his luggage.

“So where we off to now?" Crash looked at Mendryk, expecting a surprise.

“Well, I’m back off to home, I got a few things to take care of and when you get yourself situated here a little more-so, I might come out to be part of this shindig with you permanently. Asides from that, you know you’ve got me boosting your fanbase by the hundreds every hour, good luck man, and don’t forget, you’re carrying the iWS name on your shoulders, you best keep your wits about you.” Mendryk got up and gave Crash a brotherly hug, which was pretty damn appropriate for the situation.

“Have a safe flight back man, and don’t worry - nobody here knows of the iWS, we weren’t that cool.” Crash laughed to himself as he walked off the plane as this airport was designed slightly different from the rest, there was no “wing” for the plane to line up to, you walked down the steps, and onto the pavement, and walked through the dead heat to the tiny airport ahead.

The word about Sin City Wrestling were in the area, some of the locals recognized Crash when they seen him up close and gave him a wave, as Brazzaville, was hoping it got a piece of the action sooner rather than later, but Crash was still a ways from Kinshasa, well, not that far but it was a ferry away… Literally.

Crash finally got to the little terminal that was the airport, it looked to have one guard, if it was even a guard, as he just waved people through, not caring who they were or where they were from. Crash, looked around hoping to see a Taxi but, to his surprise he seen what looked like a bus, with a bunch of people gathering on it. Crash walked up to it and had his little map out as he showed the driver he wanted to go to the port to board the ferry as the driver nodded to him, as Crash got on the bus and sat down on the torn seat.

The bus began to drive away from the airport as Crash slid the window next to him open as the air inside the bus was very dry, even with everyone sweating, it didn’t help the air moisture level at all. The bus stopped a few times to gather more passengers as a few more minutes passed and the driver stopped turning to Crash as he pointed to the side, signalling this was his stop. Crash, obliged and got off the bus as he looked at his phone, curious as to where he was.

“Here hopes google knows where the heck I am right now.” Crash, chuckled to himself as he was lucky as the map gave him a hope of going in the right direction.


“Awesome, the guy was right on! A block south and here I come ferry ride.” Crash smiled as he carried on with a joyful pace towards the ferry port in Brazzaville. A brisk pace made for a quick walk, as the more Crash seen of Brazzaville, the faster he walked as the scene of homeless kids , wasn’t right in his eyes, but there was little he could do on the timeframe he had. Crash could clearly see the ocean as he slowed down as a smile crawled his face.

“Kinshasa here I come.” Crash walked up to the guards at the port as they seemed surprised to see a white man on the docks.

“English?” Crash asked expecting no one here to know it.

“Yes.” Said a man in the background as a shorter figured guard popped out from behind the two big men that guarded the wing of the port.

“My names Matthew, I’m part of Sin City Wrestling, we have an event in Kinshasa and I need to take the Ferry across.” Crash grabbed his ID as he showed it to the guard.

“I see, well if you’re doing an event there and aren’t bringing a vehicle, we can let you ride along for free, just expect it to be packed tight on there, most people don’t like waiting for the next ferry.” The man pointed Crash in the direction to the ferry, as if it wasn’t obvious enough as Crash walked towards it, noticing that the man was right, the ferry was packed.

Crash hopped on as he seen plenty of people standing on the top of the ferry, as the vehicles and crates were on the bottom, as Crash made his way to the top, as he leaned on the bars at the top as he took in the scenery.

“Apart from the crime, and the homeless, this place is beautiful, smells sort of funny though.” Crash smiled at the camera as the guards were coming onto the ferry.

“Hold onto your hats ladies, we’re taking off now, we’ll be in Kinshasa within an hour.” The guard that spoke to Crash, was the only one to go to the top of the platform with the other passengers as the other two stayed at the bottom.

“You’re Crash aren’t you?” The guard walked up next to Crash, and leaned against the railing next to him.

“Yessir. I assume you’re a fan of the sport?” Crash smiled knowing he had a fan, or at least someone who knew him already.

“Fan of you, I have lived out here through the thick of the battles, the crime, everything and i have to say, knowing that you’re performing here, that’s something I never thought I’d see. I came out here to try to help the people, unfortunately it takes more than one man to do it.” The man looked at Crash as he looked back into the water.

“I get that, but one man can make a difference, if you change two people, you’ve got a bigger crew then you started with. Are you by chance coming to the event?” Crash grinned as he was hoping to get another fan in the crowd.

“Yes, actually, I wouldn’t miss it for the world, I hear you’re teaming with Michael Hardy, that guy went nuts in his promo, you seen that right?” Crash looked at the man oddly…

“No I haven’t. And what was your name again?” Crash asked as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket as he had a small connection to his provider as he ran Hardy’s promo on his phone as it was true, Hardy definitely came across a lot differently than last time Crash had seen him.

“You weren’t kidding, I mean I get the personal rivalry with this “Hot Stuff,” but to blame your inability on someone else isn’t right. I expected more from him, i just hope he uses this rage to his advantage and focuses on the match at hand at Climax Control, instead of worrying about the others.” Crash looked back at the guard. “Your name?”

“Tristan. So what do you think of this Wrath guy you’re facing?” The guard shook Crash’s hand as they both grinned at each other.

“Good to meet you, Wrath seems like he’s doing gods work, and if that’s the case then he’s barking up the wrong tree in my book, if sinners were to be punished, then why is everyone here in ruins? I doubt the five year old kids living off the street did anything to deserve it. Wrath strikes me as a man who may think he knows the answer to all of lifes issues and can tell us how we’ve wronged each other or ourselves, but fact of the matter is, no one knows personal faults except for that person. Theres a reason for every action and for him to claim he knows the right or wrong between each, is idiotic.” Crash shook his head as he never did enjoy the words of a man who claimed to be in the light of Jesus, everyone has their own definition of god, what makes him so sure his was the right definition?

“Well man, I’ve got to get back to work, it was nice meeting you. We’ve got a short trip left. Enjoy the view.” The guard, Tristan, walked back down to the base of the ferry as Crash continued to look around as his match was now on his mind.

“Wrath, you can try to tell me how much you know in regards to what I’ve done or what god thinks of me but to be quite honest with you, the only reason you have Jesus to guide you, is because that is your only hope for winning matches. May god give you hope, I don’t use hope, or luck to win matches, I use the passion built into me, I use the desire to be the very best to carry me through the ring, and that’s the heart of a real champion, not some facade of a reality.” Crash’s past never let him believe in something of a higher power, and that was something that always seemed to push him the wrong way.

“Now I can’t say I’ve heard much of Duke ATA, all I know is you’re the proverbial powerhouse in this match. Whether that be true or not, I can’t honestly say, why? Because I’ve yet to see you fight, for me this match is as much about getting my name out there, and getting out into the ring and jumping over every obstacle placed in my path, I’m also not someone who underestimates my opposition. You, are a wildcard in this match and for that I say, good luck. Wildcards have a history of failure and winning, which side will you be a part of?” Crash grins as he looks behind him as the view of Brazzaville is long gone, as he turns forward again and the ports of Kinshasa are visible now, as docking time seemed to be imminent.

“Come Climax Control, I will prove to every fan in that arena, every wrestler in the back, why i deserve to be here. I may not be the best in the business, the fastest or the strongest, but I can damn well guarantee you I am the one with the biggest passion you’ll ever see. Hardy, I need you to focus on the match and worry about H.S.I. another day, if they make their presence felt in our match, we’ll deal with that when we need to, because for this moment you are my ally.” Crash pauses as the ship begins to turn towards the dock.

“Wrath, you proved yourself a step ahead of Hardy last week, perhaps that was luck, skill, or Jesus. I’m not too sure. I’ll tell you this much though, you’ll need much more than faulty sin claims against me to pose a threat, I respect your in ring ability, but your attempts at striking fear, doesn’t really work for me.”Crash looks to his left as he slowly cracks his neck to the right as he grabs his bags and begins walking to the front of the ship.

“Duke, you appeared to make a enemy in Hardy, whether that works in your favour or not, that’s up to you to decide, but from what I’ve heard and seen, the tape is still out on you, bring your A game to Climax Control, because there is no hiding behind your all powerful leaders in this one, Hot Stuff or not, this match will prove if you are even deservant of your placement there.” Crash lowers his head as he breathes in deeply, as the ship rubs against the dock as it finally comes to a stop as a few of the men jump onto the dock to tie the ferry down.

“Here we are, Le Beach Ngobila, this is the end of the line, please make sure to take all your belongings, or we will!” The guard chuckled as he waved to Crash, who waved back.

“Kinshasa, SCW… It’s good to be here.” With that, the scene fades to a close. Crash was fired up for his first match in the company, and with the support of his fans, and his friends…

It was time for Crash to prove why he was here.

End Scene

Character Building Roleplays / // The FlashBack
« on: April 25, 2014, 10:05:12 PM »
 [OOC - First time I've ever written the background to this character, felt the necessity to make it vivid, make it honest and bring my life into the mix - And yes I'm aware this OOC is long ha-ha.]

Begin Transcript.

"Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!”

The chanting, still vibrated through the mind. It was what brought wrestling to the forefront of life, the ability to repay the fans, for what they’ve done for me in the past.

Cue Flashback.

The setting, was a household, which looked rather beaten down, the wallpaper was peeling off the walls, as rain was seen falling outside of the house, through the broken window.

“GET YOUR ASS UP ALREADY WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE.” A sharp, manly voice caught our attention, although no visual was made, small murmurs from a womanly voice was heard… and the door slammed behind them.

Moving to the window, looking through it - all you could see was a car speeding off into the night. Backing away from the window, was Matthew Carson, who was just an ordinary kid living in a big city. Sixteen at the time, Matthew went to the basement where a rinky-dink ring was set up, as he turned the stereo on to the loudest volume, he stepped inside the ring and started bouncing off the ropes.

Matthew was a fun loving kid, the definition of good kid, would be under his name in the dictionary, and despite the deadbeat parents that ran his life, he continued to build himself up for success, he constantly watched wrestling on television trying to emulate the stars of the business.. this night was no different as he always climbed to the top rope, and managed to do something different each time… bringing him more joy, to his already joyous world.

Little did he know, how much his life would change that night.

A knock at the door, hours later…
Violent knocks, as loud, unknown voices yelled at the top of thier lungs.

“MATT??? MATTHEW??? MATTHEW CARSON This is the Police, please open the door.”

Matthew sat up with sweat running down his face, as he had fallen asleep on the couch downstairs, throwing a shirt on as he ran upstairs as he opened the door as a Police Officer stood at the door with a long face.

The officer walked in the door, and closed it behind him as he motioned for Matthew to sit down as the officer, whose nametag read “Blake,” sat down next to Matthew.

“I don’t know how you tell you this, Matthew but you know how your parents were flying to Las Vegas tonight?”  The officer put his hand on Matthew’s shoulder as he had nodded in response to the officers question. It had yet to sink into Matthews mind what the officer was getting at as he looked at him with concern painted across his face.

“Your parents plane, ended up losing both engines, it crashed into the San Juan National Forest, they… didnt make it.”

Any emotion you could possibly imagine went through the mind of… a kid.

Matthew, instantly lost control of his emotions as he was embraced by an officer who looked like he understood what this kid was going through.

Now, a lot of things happened to Matthew Carson, from that point until the point you, the stars of Sin City Wrestling, had the knowledge of him signing to your company.

Matthew, being sixteen had to suffer through foster parenting, as his only relatives being his aunt and uncle were unfit to take care of him. Matthew, with his world at a loss focused on a passion that never let him down yet, wrestling.

When Matthew turned seventeen, he set himself on a course that would change his life. He began to attend wrestling events and even signed up for a few, only to be denied due to his age, yet they never stopped him from helping set up the ring, or practice on it until the real show took place. Matthew pushed himself to focus and put the wrestling industry in the place of his heart where his parents formerly resided… giving himself a full-on commitment to a business that ate people alive… for fun.

At eighteen, Matthew Carson signed up for his first actual event, and with the luck of being in the right place at the right time ran into a man by the name of Chris Mendryk - and for those who don’t know who that man is, well lets just say he became, and forever will remain Matthews only true family.

Matthew trained under Mendryk after signing up to the card that was set to take place in a weeks time, and even though his ring skills were somewhat shaky, he kept getting words of encouragement and for the first time he was stopped by Mendryk, being asked what HE wanted to do in the ring.

Fly or Die Trying.

Perhaps ironic, but Matthew took this business seriously, and although his parents paid the price of their life in the air… he lived his life by taking risks, something his parents never did, and he knew they would always regret that.

It was finally game night. Matthew, standing in the ring for the first time as the crowd was on his side, as he was a regular in the building at this point… however he chose a nickname that he figured suited him well, as he had two very dumb accidents in his first attempts at driving, and coupling that with his parents tragedy… Matthew figured to pay tribute to them and himself as he called himself…


Crash, in his in-ring debut, proved his trainer, and his small fanbase that no matter what happens to him, he will always fly high. Crash shocked the fans hitting multiple moves off the tope rope on an opponent who was expected to destroy Crash within seconds of the match starting.

With devotion from his trainer, Crash promised to himself, and his fans that he would continue to work on his craft, and be their personal entertainer, because they had given him something to believe in, they had given him something to cling onto… and while most of his fans didn’t know the whole story, a cheer in his name, was a respect to his family name, his parents… and all those days fighting to keep going.

Crash, received a letter one day, from a man who had disappeared after the night of his debut… Chris Mendryk. The letter stated how impressed he was, and Mendryk wanted to see what he was capable of in the real ring, but he wanted to make sure Crash was ready for the fight, ready for the opportunity. Mendryk, came to Crash and trained with him for months straight, and Crash took in everything he possibly could from the thirty - plus time World Champion.

After the training, Mendryk gave Crash something he hadn’t ever been in since his parents passed…. growing up in the foster home and living in what was basically a homeless shelter since, Crash had nowhere to call his own, but Mendryk had seen a future in the fighter, and bought him a small house, in a little suburb near where Crash grew up… and that’s when Crash knew, his life was on the right path… the only catch was if Mendryk ever opened a company of his own… Crash had to jump in, which was an odd deal… considering how eager Crash would have been to join anyhow.

Fast forward to six months ago, years of training, years of perfecting the art of high-flying risk taking wrestling… Crash got the phonecall he was always ready for… Mendryk opened up a company, and as Crash promised he came. Crash dominated the Internet Wrestling Society, winning the Internet Championship, and becoming the first double champion before the company went under…

Crash felt lost without the iWS around, but when he met Michael Hardy at a fan oriented event he heard of Sin City Wrestling, and with hard work on his side, Crash felt the time to sign to the business was now or never.

It was time to bring back the glory, it was time to prove just how much this business meant to him… just one more time, for Crash was never about the glory… only about the passion that burned inside of him. And with the fans on his side, Crash knew it was only a matter of time before he made them chant his name once again.

“Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!...”

End Transcript.

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