Author Topic: Tis The Season For Horror Parodies  (Read 446 times)

Offline Gabriel

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    • Gabriel
Tis The Season For Horror Parodies
« on: October 23, 2012, 05:46:18 PM »
 Odd few weeks if I'm honest, very odd. I mean from the outside looking in, you'd think I'm living the dream, walking through the perfect life. Yeah, I thought that too but sometimes, you need to scratch the surface to see what's really underneath. I'm not saying there's bad underneath, but there is some stuff that's weighing me down. I bet you instantly thought that I am talking about Odette. Well, not exactly, I'm in love with Odette but things have been slightly different away from the camera. You see, we allow you to see what we want you to see at this point, well, until they start filming that Gabriel and Odette reality show Odette tweeted about a while ago, but there's so much you don't see. You can't reach in to my heart and feel what I feel. Here's the scoop, the relationship is fine, I am not. I look in Odette's eyes every day of my life - thankfully - but I see the things she tries to hide, like how much losing that title seemed to effect her. Throw in me with injuries, headaches, contract negotiations, life has been pretty stressful for us both. You can't always see the truth, you can't always see what runs through my mind. That's the point I'm trying to make here, not many will ever know what's behind these eyes, only the special chosen few will know what I'm truly thinking. I hate distance, I hate feeling useless, but you don't know when I feel like that, because you're not one of the chosen few. My way of dealing with feeling like shit? Simple... get in the ring and keep making people relevant for being in the ring with me.... I feel sad that Bo Dreamwolf has to be one of my opponents. Blaque Hart, I couldn't give a toss about, but Bo, wrong place, wrong time.

"Baby?" Odette's sweet Australian accent is heard saying behind me.

My train of thought breaks as I tilt my head backwards, looking up at the beautiful woman standing above me, her pretty eyes burning down on my forehead like rays of sunshine.

"Hmmm?" I mumble out, keeping my lips pressed together as I look up.

"What's wrong?" she asks me "You've been sitting staring out of the window for ages not saying a word"

I guess I didn't really have a lot to say. I'm kinda in an awkward place here. I know Odette is dealing with so much. Losing the title hurt her more than most other things could. I'm not saying she's materialistic, but I think it's who the title went to, that got to her the most, only to be pissed on and well, probably sitting in Hot Stuff's or Christian's closet collecting dust..... still, goodbye to bad rubbish, eh?

"I'm ok" I reassure Odette as she slips her arms around my neck.

Odette slides her head down to rest on my shoulder, kissing me on the cheek and running her fingers through my hair

I don't think the "I'm ok" is enough

"You know that the 'I'm ok' isn't enough, right?" She whispers in my ear.

Whoa, this woman is hearing my thoughts. I wonder if I can get her to bring me a beer

"It's not?" I reply

"No" Odette says back

"Have I told you today how beautiful you are and how much I love you?" I reply, trying to change the subject

Smooooooooooth Gabriel, smooth

"Nice try" Odette says, tapping me on the head playfully

Always worth a shot

"I'm fine, I've just been thinking a lot about the future now. Things are different right now, different from the way they were a year ago" I reply "Like a year ago, I was just doing shows out of the Luxor, I was out of wrestling, I was making big time money without having to damn near kill myself in the ring. I never had the life I lead now"

Odette moves around me, sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck.

"Do you miss your life from a year ago?" Odette asks me

Tough question really

"No" I reply after a few seconds thought "If I never chose to me in SCW, I would never have meet you, I would never be sitting in this amazing house that we own"

Ah ha! I bet you was wondering where all this was taking place. It's Nevada, it's home, it's our home. I won't get sick of saying our home. It's the place where we start our lives together and higher power willing, we will grow old together

"I love what we have" I say, running my fingers through Odette's hair "This is what I always dreamed of, you are what I've always dreamed of. Years ago, when I was sitting on the streets of Paris, looking around at people, people there for the romantic getaways, I knew that's what I wanted. I knew I wanted that life, and well, I got it."

Odette kisses me on the forehead as I look at her, my arms slowly moving over her back.

"I do just want you to be ok" I tell her.

Odette raises an eyebrow at me, followed by a look of confusion on her face.

"What do you mean?" She asks

"I just wanna give you everything possible to keep a smile on your beautiful face" I answer

"I already have all I need to smile" She replies to me, a smile crossing her lips.

Odette leans in, kissing me softly on my lips, before pressing firmer. I wrap my arms tightly around her, pulling her as close to me as I possibly can. Odette pulls away, her forehead resting on mine, staring deep in to my eyes

"I love you" she whispers

I will never get tired of hearing that, although I won't lie, I do fear that someday, she may get bored of saying it, or just want to walk away. I hope not but a little insecurity is fine, will make me work harder to keep her loving me.

"I love you too" I reply, my thumb running down her cheek "You know, maybe we should run away from it all, be a couple of normal people in some normal little town"

Odette smiles at me

"Trying to say I'm not normal?" She says, trying to put on a serious look.

"I'm saying somewhere where no one knows who we are are" I reply.

"And then you do a random magic trick out of habit, and the small town people burn you as a witch" Odette replies with a laugh

I lower my eyebrows in thought for a few seconds

"You have a point" I reply quickly

Odette kisses me softly and quickly on the lips before spinning her body slightly around, looking out of our window to the outside of our house.

Just because we haven't been here as much as we would have liked to have been, doesn't make it any less ours. Moving here alone was a huge step for me, I was so used to the live I lead for so long. Since I was a teen, I was head strong and out on my own, cruising through the streets of Europe, finding a lot of places I've never heard of before, but one thing stayed the same, I was always on my own. Call me snobby if you want, but I hated the thought of living with random people in a house sharing thing, hated the thought of random flat mates. I am a creature of habit, and to me, I don't usually want people in my space or near me, or leaving shit all over a kitchen. Even when I met Synn and Shane for the first time, I refused to actually live with either of them, I stayed if I had to but live? No chance. Even when I got close to Despayre, and he wanted me there, still had to say no to that. Synn works people out quickly, he set me up with a place of my own pretty quick, before the big money started to flow. Set in my ways, very much so, so to be here, in this amazing house with a beautiful woman, is a big step for me, but a step I couldn't wait to take. I get to be around Odette all the time, I get to be around the woman of my dreams, so as big a step as it was, it was the best step I've ever made.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Odette says, breathing my thought.

"You are" I reply

Odette runs her fingers through my hair, leaning down to kiss me, but a knock at the door stops her just inches from my lips.

I have really gotta take that door knocker off the damn door. Every time things look up, someone knocks on the door.

"That will be our guest baby" Odette tells me

Odette jumps off my lap and walks away from me and to the door. I quickly stand up

It's cool, it's not a meet the parents situation again, Odette showed you some of that last week, who knows, maybe you'll get to see part two of that this week...

"Gabriel!" Despayre's voice is heard yelling as he bounds in to the living room.

Despayre jumps at me, wrapping his arms around my neck, as he holds Angel in his hand. Despayre squeezes on my neck while I pat him on the back, like a long lost friend. Odette walks in the room, with Synn on one side of her, and Melody Grace on the other side of her, both Synn and Melody holding an overnight bag.

"Thanks for picking Mel up" Odette says to Synn.

"No problem" Synn replies.

Synn looks towards Despayre, still not releasing me.

"You would think he hasn't seen him in months" Synn comments

I know, right? I saw him like six hours ago!

Despayre finally releases me, and we walk towards the trio watching on.

"Are you sure this is ok?" Synn asks me

"Yeah, of course" I reply "It's only for the night, how much trouble could he be?"

Synn raises an eyebrow

"Ok, wrong term of phrase" I reply "But he'll be ok, just go out there and blow off some steam"

Synn nods in my direction

"No scary movies Gabriel" Synn tells me firmly

"Got it" I reply

I mean it, honestly

Synn nods at me and places the bag down on the floor

"Have a good night" Synn says before turning around

"I'll show you out" Odette says

The two walk away and Melody walks towards me.

"Synn still scares me" She says slowly

"He scares me too sometimes but the rest of the time he's alright" I say with a smile.

"We're gonna have so much fun" Despayre says excitedly "I brought some movies, because it's almost halloween, they're scary ones. Well, it says they're scary, but Angel says they're not"

I exchange a curious look with Melody as Despayre runs to the bag, unzipping it and reaching in to pull out the DVD of Nightmare On Elm Street. He quickly runs back and waves it in my face.

"Nightmare On Elm Street?" I say, running my fingers over the DVD case.

"Ya ah!" Despayre replies, as Odette walks in the room.

Odette walks up behind me, wrapping her arms around me from the side. I put my arm over her shoulder and pull her closer to me.

"Can we watch it now?" Despayre asks

"Sure" I reply

Odette raises her head, looking at me.

"Synn said no scary movies" Odette reminds me, but I smile at her.

"Nightmare on Elm Street isn't scary. I watched it a few months ago, it's more of a comedy than a horror now. It's the least scariest horror film out there, it's just cheesy really"

"On your head be it" Odette replies.

Odette takes my hand, leading me to the sofa and sit down while Despayre puts the disk in to a disk drive in front of a large TV in the living room. I take a seat and Odette lays across me, her head on my chest. Despayre sits on the floor with Angel in one hand and a control in the other, Melody slides next to Despayre on the floor. I run my fingers through Odette's hair as she looks up at me, before kissing her on the head. Despayre hits a button and the movie starts to play. I look at Odette, her beautiful eyes already closing as I run my hand on her cheek.

Doesn't seem like a bad idea

I close my eyes, and it doesn't take me long to drift off in to my own little world.

"You suck Gabriel!"

What the....

I look around, standing in a garden, in what seems like a bright summer day. Kids run around me, as I look around more, trying to become familiar with my surroundings.

Where am I and how did I get here

I look down at my hand to see a large top hat, and a cape half covering my arm.

Oh shit

I look down at children before me as a rabbit pops out of the top hat and runs away, causing the kids to laugh. I look up at a group of adults, one man looking seriously unimpressed, staring a hole right through my chest.

"I paid two hundred bucks for this shit for my kids birthday. I want my money back" He tells another parent.

"I'll be back in a few kids" I say slowly

I step away from the crowd, moving behind a tree, wiping the sweat from my forehead.


That same parent rests easy in a chair, the party done, kids gone home, once again returning to normality. The television flickers in front of his tired eyes as he closes them. A slow gentle breathing rhythm forces his chest in and out as he drifts in to the subconscious world controlled by his brain. The television flickers to a white circle on a black screen. A tapping on glass sound his heard before the white dot, causing the man to open his eyes and stare at the screen.

"What the hell is that?" He says sleepily

My face appears in the white dot.

"Oh, not this guy again. I still want my money back" He says with disgust dripping from his deep tones.

The man gets up, leaving his chair and moving to the television set, switching it off, but the television instantly switches back on, my face still in the white circle. The man looks confused and starts to hit the button again to turn it off again, but my face appears on the screen again. A shadow appears behind the man, towering over his shoulder. I appear behind the man, looking down at my attire of black pants, a black and red stripped sweatshirt, and a black hat. On my hand, a glove with razor fingers.

Ahhhh, I see what this is now

The man turns around to see me standing behind him. The man gasps in horror as I push him backwards, crashing the television set, smoke piling up from it. The man falls to the floor, and I put my weight on top of him.

"So you want your money back, do ya?" I say,my voice gruffer than usual.

I put my ungloved hand under his chin and money starts to fly out of my sleeve, in to his mouth. The man chokes and gasps for air as the camera moves away from the action, showing the wall. A slicing sound is heard and thick red liquid flies against the wall with a splat. The camera moves down to the smoking television set. The partly blood covered screen flickers through the smoke and lights up with three little girls standing in white dresses, all looking identical with long white dresses. In unison, they chant.

"One, two, Gabriel's coming for you"

A flash of white light is seen as the scene changes to a street setting. I'm standing there holding a deck of cards. I raise a card to the audience, holding it up in front of a young man's face.

"Is this your card?" I ask

"No you idiot, my card is the ace of hearts" He replies with a touch of arrogance "I've been better street performances in my sleep"

In your sleep, eh? Bit weird that this dude dreams of street magic

"If this is what Vegas has to offer, I might as well of stayed in Michigan" the man says before storming off down the street.


A hotel room is seen with the man from earlier. He walks around the room, holding a glass of champagne in his hand and swaying around, clearly having drunk a fair bit of alcohol.

"Vegas isn't as bad as I thought" he says slurring his words "Other than that stupid street performer, God, where do these people get off thinking they're actually talented? How are they still alive and surviving?"

The lights around the man start to flicker on and off. A chant is heard coming from behind a curtain.

"Three, four, better lock your door"

The man moves towards the curtain and pulls it open to reveal a balcony door. He slides it open,, stepping out in to the cool Vegas night, to see three young, identical girls, standing looking at him, again in long white dresses, with long jet black hair.

"How did you get up here?" The man says, the distinct tone of surprise in his voice.

The girls do not react to the man's question, but continue to chant.

"Five, six, grab your crucifix"

"How did you get up here?" He asks again, this time, more demanding.

"I put them here" My gruffer voice says.

The man turns around in horror, to see me standing behind him, still wearing the stripped shirt, black pants, black hat and razor glove. The man moves towards where the little girls are, but they disappear.

"You mock street magic, yet I can do this" I inform the man "Before you sit there and insult a whole craft, maybe you should see what we can actually do"

I step towards the man, my gloved hand raised.

"I'm sorry" he stutters out

"Too late" I reply with an evil smile.

The camera moves away to show the Vegas skyline, as the sound of blades swishing through the air is heard. The man screams as thick red liquid flies through the night air. I put my hand on the man's chest and push him over the balcony. Screams are heard all the way down until a thump is heard in the distance and screams from the people below. I look down at my hands.

"Damn this is a messy job" I say to myself

I look across the room at a bottle of champagne across the room in an ice bucket.

"But I guess it has it's perks."

Another flash of light takes me to a bar, somewhere on the Las Vegas strip. I look around as the table where I've now seemingly appeared. Odette sits next to me, while Despayre sits opposite me, with Angel on the table in front of him, happily sipping away on cherry coke, Despayre, not Angel, he's a whiskey man, erm bear. Odette wraps her fingers around mine, as we're approached by a very intoxicated group of men.

"Hey, it's those wrestlers" One man says loudly

Another looks at Odette Ryder and smiles.

"Why are you hanging around with this guy and the kid with the teddy bear" he says "Ditch them and come drink with us"

As the man puts his hand on Odette's shoulder, I instantly grab him by the wrist, standing up and pulling his arm off of Odette's shoulder.

"You do not touch my girlfriend, if you wanna still be walking by the end of the night" I firmly tell him.

The man instantly stands in my face, backed up by two friends

"After I take care of you, I'm gonna take care of the backwards kid there" The man in my face says "And then I'm gonna take care of your girlfriend in a different way"

I push the man back in to his friends but before I can take another shot at him, bar security rush in, ripping us apart.

Oh I'm gonna get you where you can't stop me you son of a bitch....


The free men are sitting around playing poker around a green clothed table. All three hold cards in their hands as they look at a pile of chips.

"We should have just taken those wrestler bitches out" One says

"We could have been having all kinds of fun with that Aussie chick by now" Another adds.

"What the hell is that?" The third adds as he looks up suddenly

Three identical girls, in long white dresses with dark black hair, stare at the three men. Chanting in unison

"Seven, eight, better stay up late"

The three men look at them, almost hypnotized by them, but my head pops up through the middle of the table.

"Surprise bitches" I say in my gruffer voice.

The three men jump up from the table and split in different directions, one heading towards a bedroom, the other towards the bathroom, the third backs up against a wall as I approach him, casually placing my hat back on my head, wearing, you guessed it, black pants, a red and black stripped shirt, and the razor glove.

"What's happening?" The man says shaking

"Here's how it works" I explain "You pissed me off, you threatened my brother and my girlfriend, you and the rest of the three stooges fell asleep, now I've come to rip your head off in this dream. Here's the kicker though lard arse, you won't be waking up again"

The man starts to quiver as the camera moves away from the scene, but the familiar slashing sound is heard and blood splatters up the white wall the man was against. The camera moves back to me as I turn around and away from the first man.

"Bedroom or bathroom" I say to myself "Choices, choices"

The bathroom seemed to feet right as the camera switches to the man hiding in the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom door, sweat dripping from his face

"What the hell is going on?" He mutters to himself.

He backs away from the door, moving towards the shower curtain, but a gloved hand with razors slowly opens the curtain. I stand looking down at him. As he turns around, the camera jolts up and away from what's happening.

Yep, edited for SCW TV folks

The man's eyes widen as the slashing sound is heard. I lean up close and whisper in his ear.

"I would tell you to be careful with what you do in the future, but well, you have no future" I say slowly.

I pull my hand back and the man flops to the floor, his head falling down the toilet bowl.

"Two down, one to go" I say with a mocking laugh.

The camera changes to the man in the bedroom, sitting on the bed, his head in his hands.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God" he says.

I pop up behind him, wrapping my ungloved hand around his throat.

"Sorry, God is on a lunch break right now, but feel free to leave a message" I say with a devilish grin

I use my gloved hand to slice a long slit in the bed and pull the man in to the mattress. I pop up and sit on the bed as the familiar face of Freddy Krueger appears in front of me.

"Did I miss all the fun?" Freddy asks me

I shake my head

"Not yet" I say

I plunge my clawed hand through the mattress and thick red liquid flows through the mattress and sheets, and on to the bed.

"Now you have" I say with a shrug.

Freddy looks disappointed.

"You had your chance to join me, you never" I tell the sulking Freddy.

"Next time, call me earlier, I can't just drop plans" Freddy replies "Nice outfit though"

The three girls appear from out of nowhere.

"Nine, ten, never sleep again"

I straighten up my hat but a scream snaps me out of things, my eyes fly open to show my living room. I look down at Odette, her eyes firing open at the sound of the scream. We both look in front of us to no longer see Despayre or Melody sitting in front of us.

"Where have they gone?" Odette asks.

"Right here" Despayre says, jumping up from behind the sofa, causing me and Odette to jump.

"Bloody hell Despy" I say straightening up "Nearly gave me a heart attack. What happened?"

"The guy with the funny face appeared, Angel screamed and we hid" Despayre replies.

Odette looks at me with half a smile

"If he has nightmares now, you get to deal with him" She says

Odette runs her hand on my chest as the scene fades out

Laying on the glass outside our home, looking at the stars, I lie alone staring upwards with the SCW tag team title laying next to me. The camera moves around to my face and I start to speak.

"Climax Control last week brought a smile to my face, the world got to see the great return of Odette Ryder, putting herself in the frame again for what she truly deserves, and here lies the subject of today's little chat, what we deserve. There's so many people in the world who thinks that life owes them something, but in actual fact, life owes them nothing, we owe life everything. We have to fight in this life to get what we deserve, which brings me to this chalk and cheese team of Bo Dreamwolf and Blaque Hart Bruce Evans"

I take a deep breath.

"Now Bo, this is a hard one to swallow for me, because if anyone knows about putting in to life, to take stuff out, it's you. You are one of the nicest, most polite people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You never take anything for granted and you always put in the work, you give back to life, by teaching others. You put in to life more than you will ever take out, I respect that and you alone Bo, you deserve the shot at the gold that's on offer. If I was to lose this gold to anyone Bo, I wouldn't mind if it was you, because what you give back to the world, you deserve something out of it. You don't believe you deserve everything, and that is what makes you deserving. You're not like the others I've come across in the ring. You see, these other guys from the past, like The Dream Chaserz and any other challenger that comes for this gold, feel like it's owed to them, like they're gonna take it because somehow, in their tiny  mind, they deserve it, they should just take it. They have the mouth but none of the effort, this is why it's different with you Bo, see, you don't sit there and brag about everything, you get on with your job and Austin Parker has turned you in to one of the hardest working, most technically gifted wrestlers to ever step in to an SCW ring, that alone deserves respect"

I pause for a second

"You don't just appear in the ring, talk endless crap, repeat stuff over and over because you don't have a shred of creativity, you appear and work hard, that makes you worthy of this title Bo, that's what makes you deserve this title of mine. Coming for this title though, comes with the fact that you have to defeat Despayre and I to get the title, no easy task, I can assure you of that, but I have no doubt you will be one of the toughest opponents we have ever faced, and I like that. If anyone defeats us Bo, you are truly the man that deserves to be called a champion, but your partner, well, less said about him, the better. I know this team of yours Bo, is some sick creation by higher ups in SCW, but the difference between you two is truly astounding. Ok, wrestling styles aside, there's nothing that pulls you together, you are the completely opposite. You are deserving, Blaque Hart is not"

A smile crosses my face

"I prefer to talk at people and not about them, so Blaque Hart Bruce Evans, time to clear those ears out of yours and listen in very closely. Now no doubt you'll sit there and try and tell the world how deserving of the SCW tag team title, but my question to you is simply, why?"

I rest my hand on the SCW tag team championship belt.

"What makes you think you deserve this match Bruce? I mean ok, you've been here for a long time, it's pretty clear to see you're SCW for life, it's obvious to see that you would do pretty much whatever SCW asks you to do, but what makes you think you deserve a shot at my title? What makes you think you deserve to win this? You're a man, that hasn't had a sniff of gold in SCW, you haven't even taken home the roulette championship. You sit there and bang on and on about wanting the top gold here, you call out Nick Jones, he beats you, you called out your tag team partner, he will beat you. What makes you think you even deserve to win this match?"

I smirk

"You're a nearly man Bruce, nearly won this, nearly won that, but you've won nothing in reality, but somewhere in your head, you truly believe you deserve to win this. I could call a banana an orange if I want, doesn't make it so, does it?"

I point at the SCW tag team title belt

"This title stays with people who deserve the title belt, if you're lucky enough to get your hands on it Bruce, it would be because Bo got it for you, not the other way around. Have no fear Brucie boy, I am not going down without a fight, because you my friend, do not deserve to even be in the same ring as me, let alone taking the titles from me and Despayre."

I pull the title bet across my waist

"Face facts gentlemen, you need to be worrying about each other, well Bo, you gotta be worried about that snake of a partner of yours waiting to stick the knife in your back. When you strip this down to bare bones, not only does Blaque Hart not deserve this match, not deserve these titles or deserves to be in the ring with us, Blaque Hart doesn't deserve to even have Bo as a tag team partner. That, is a cold hard fact. Sorry gentlemen, the tag team titles stay here with Despayre and I"

I smile down the camera.

"Believe that!"

The camera fades to black for the last time
