Author Topic: Donovan Rayne  (Read 6632 times)

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Donovan Rayne
« on: April 22, 2020, 06:22:46 PM »

Handlers Name: J
Any Messengers: Twitter
Years Active: This is my first foray into fedding.


You will be booked at least 2-3 times a month. In order for this to happen, you will be booked in singles as well as tag team matches. Since tag team matches take place in an intergender division, please let Tad Ezra know if you wish to only wrestle your gender. We will still book you in tag team matches under Mixed tag team rules but keep in mind, tag team titles will be intergender so if you wish not to wrestle the opposite gender, you limit yourself to only singles gold when you do get a title shot. ***Be sure to fill out a Tag Team application***


Picture Base (Name Only, real picture bases no cartoons. Check Taken Pic Bases List): Angelo Carlucci
Wrestlers Twitter:@iDonovanRayne
Wrestlers Name: Donovan Rayne
Nickname(s): The Stand-Out
Age: Twenty-Five
Height: 6’0
Hometown: “Hailing from the Bright Lights of Hollywood, California
Personality: A self-centered Hollywood type. Donovan think’s that he and Bentley are the best thing to happen to wrestling, and intends to do whatever it takes to reach the noterity he deserves.
Strengths: Athleticism is one of the greatest strengths that Donovan has. He’s agile, and ahead of his craft.
Weaknesses: Donovan does have trouble maintaining focus, and this can sometimes cost him.
Gimmick If Any:The Stand Out Donovan Rayne believes that he is about to become the biggest and best thing to happen to Professional Wrestling since Lou Thesz. Being that he has had everything he’s ever wanted in life, he wants to be handed the mantle of the greatest wrestler in the world, and he will go to any lengths to prove that he is the star that he thinks he is in his own mind.


Entrance Theme Music (Check Taken Theme Song List):”Viol” - Gesaffelstein
Entrance Description (Mandatory for bookings):<!--c1--></div><table border=\'0\' align=\'center\' width=\'95%\' cellpadding=\'3\' cellspacing=\'1\'><tr><td>CODE </td></tr><tr><td id=\'CODE\'><!--ec1-->The house lights dim down, and a single solitary spotlight shines on the entrance way. Suddenly, the sounds of Gesaffelstein’s “Viol” hit over the speakers in the arena. The crowd’s silence instantly turns to jeers. From behind the curtain emerges The Stand Out Donovan Rayne. As he stands firmly into the spotlight, his head is looking down. Suddenly, the vivacious Delta Rayne walks out from behind the curtain and stands at her brother’s side. A devious smirk on her face, she quickly spins around in a complete three sixty. Then, as she slowly raises her right arm, Donovan raises his head with a confident smirk on his face. Putting her hands on the collar of his leather jacket, he pops it as the fans boo him.

With a confident swagger, the Rayne’s start to walk down towards the ring. With her hands firmly on her hips, Delta can be seen jaw-jacking the fans that are near the aisle way. While she does this, Donovan laughs as his sister verbally eviscerates the fans. As the two make their way to the ringside area, Delta stops walking. Donovan continues to the ring, and climbs up onto the apron of the ring. With the fans continuing their parade of boos, Donovan faces his back to the ring. With his arms now raised into the air, he throws up two peace signs, almost as an non-acknowledgement of the hatred of the fans. The Provocateur then makes her way over to the stairs, and makes her way up to the apron. The Stand Out enters the ring and stands next to the rope. Placing his foot on the bottom rope, and pulling the middle rope up, he lets his sister enter the ring.

Letting the rope go, Donovan makes his way over to the turnbuckle. He stands up on the middle rope and again, throws the peace signs into the air. Delta then stands by her brother looking up at him with a smirk. Jumping down from the turnbuckle, Donovan sheds the leather jacket, and hands it over to his sister. With a smirk on her face, she exits the ring as Donovan awaits the action beginning.<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class=\'postcolor\'><!--ec2-->


Everyone gets one finisher and 3 signature moves as well as a move set package. Please pick one package for your wrestler. Any moves you really want your wrestler to have please add it to the the signature moves section.

Wrestling Move Packages *Remember you can only pick one*

-All-Arounder (Jack of all trades, master of none)

Signature Moves
The Stand Out  - Double Knee Lock
Koji Clutch
T-Bone Suplex

Finishing Move
Heavy Rayne : Argentine Cutter


Weapon Of Choice: Steel Chair
Match Of Choice: Any

Superstar Bio:The Stand-Out Donovan Rayne is a man of less than humble beginnings. Coming from a well-to-do family that enjoyed life in the luxurious suburbs outside of Los Angeles, California, Donovan and little sister Delta were given the opportunity to have many of life’s biggest extravagances. Born to a world renowned plastic surgeon, Donovan and Delta were exposed from a very young age to the ins and outs of the celebrity lifestyle. Exposure would eventually lead to dreams of the spotlight, and that’s something that both siblings would covet to this day.

Throughout his teenage years, Donovan would be a standout athlete, participating in Football, Wrestling, Basketball, Baseball, and Track and Field every year in High School. Upon graduating High School, he would commit to a full-ride baseball scholarship to UCLA. Though he primarily focused on baseball, Donovan would continue to compete in collegiate wrestling for much of his college career. Upon graduating, Donovan would not seek to continue into sports professionally, but would start to use his father’s connections to his full advantage.

At the age of twenty-two, Donovan would begin to look into modeling and acting professionally. He would land a modeling contract, and would use those connections to land spots on reality television. Using his newfound notoriety, Donovan would be approached with the idea of professional wrestling. For the next three years, Donovan would train hard to become a professional wrestling star.

Now, he is ready to make his mark, and be what he’s always said he would be, the biggest STAND-OUT the professional wrestling world has ever seen
Past Accomplishments:

***Be sure to fill out an NPC/Manager application as well***
Manager's Name:”The Provocateur” Delta Rayne
Manager's Pic Base (Check Taken Pic Bases List): Tnaa Mongeau
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 02:18:56 AM by Underground »