Author Topic: Dog 'n Dare  (Read 451 times)

Offline BellaMadison

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Dog 'n Dare
« on: January 03, 2020, 11:22:57 PM »
 ~*~*~*~ Some ideas are not always the best ~*~*~*~





There’s a crash and you can hear little paws hit the floor running.

....Yeah...we got a puppy for Christmas. Actually according to Mal, HE got ME a puppy for Christmas.

Her name is Luka and she is a 3 month old insane asylum of energy. Like worse than me. She has, since her arrival A WEEK AGO has managed to destroy a trash can, a lamp....4 pairs of shoes and one pair of glasses and sunglasses.

Oh and she managed to do this all in one day, as she escaped her cage while we were gone for just a couple hours.

Her cage now looks like something of Azkaban prison. LOCKS EVERYWHERE! There is no escaping this...and includes Mal looking like a dementor....told him I’d have to get him a raggedy lookin’ robe to make the look complete.

For fuck sakes Bells....

What have I told you about butting in on my voiceover shit?

*siiiiiiiiiiigh* ...nerd.


ANYWAYS....since her valiant escape and trashing of our apartment, we have tried in vain to bathe this crazy ball of fur because what else she got into? Lord only knows but it’s gross and we were trying like hell to at least get her cleaned up only to find out that the tub is a scary place....and she’s stronger than she looks and faster than fast.

Mal thankfully was able to catch her before she got too far down the hall and brought her back, her happily trying to kiss up to him. “Oh you think you’re so slick...and now I’m completely soaked cause of you.

Good thing she’s so adorable, huh?” as he places her on my lap to dry her off. “I don’t know what we are gonna do with you but I definitely see you doing obedience school and soon.

Understatement of the year and it’s only just begun. You sure you wanna try and bring her with us to Atlanta?

I called every place I could think of to board her while we’re gone, they’re all booked up and mom said it’s probably a good thing to wait a bit before introducing her to Aaron. So it’s not like we have a choice. We should drive down there it would make life a little easier and less worried that Houdini here won’t run wild in the belly of a plane.

Too late love, tickets are booked. What about Mattie or my sister?

I just shook my head, “After what we just went through, do you really want them to endure that same thing? We’d come back to no pup at all if Mack has to put up with her like that. She’s still getting use to us as is. I’m at a loss right now what to do.

Right now I say throw her to the wolves....” I just glare at him as I still am working on drying off a very fluffy pup “Or we just make sure she can’t escape her cage and then we’ll unleash her on the SCW crew. many locks you got on that thing now?

About 20....think it’s enough?

If she escapes that then there is no hope for us at all...until we get her trained to not tear shit up....” I just look down at her “You are going to send us to an early grave...I just know it...and it’s all your daddy’s fault for unleashing you on us.

Mal just rolls his eyes and grabs my hairdryer and turns it on us....which oddly Luka leans into. “...huh....she likes it

Of course she are just a basket case, aren’t ya?” I just put her down and get off the floor and stand next to Mal as we just are amused by this weirdo.

Speaking of basket sure you are ready to go back to work?

I just roll my eyes, “I’ve been ready, I came off hot in that last show...and I fully intended to get my claws on Bobbie Dahl before the summer and I have this unique feeling that it’s going to take me a bit to get back into the groove of things but I’m still in the learning stage. Yeah I got that whole family legacy thing but I’m out to do something amazing this year.

That being?

I am going to be a royal thorn in the ass of anyone that tries to get in my way of getting my first title reign. Something I can be very good at....especially when provoked.

Ohhhhh how well I know that...

And with that said I grab the hairdryer out of his hands and blow it on his face. And Luka sees this as an opportunity to run for it.

Oh come on! You left that door WIDE open.

Yeah I know and one day you will learn not to take it, you cheap shot artist.” I say sticking my tongue out at him. He just gruffs at me and straightens his hair back out, I go to point the dryer back at Luka and notice she’s gone.... “Luka?? Oh man...not again! LUKA! GET BACK HERE!” taking off for her.

Apparently that’s not the only thing she left open....


Yeah, best Christmas present ass...

~*~*~*~ Not A Clear Vision ~*~*~*~

I thought looking ahead into this new year I would have a good idea where I wanted to go. I thought....I would have a clear vision and instead I was left standing at the end of the year with complete confusion.

I’m sitting in the arena just watching. People watching. Atmosphere absorbing.

Coming out of December 2 Dismember, I should have felt a lot better than I did. I got that victory that had been alluding me but it just felt so beyond flat. Yeah, I’m now in the record books with that win over Amelia but it almost feels embarrassing to a point. I wanted a barn burner match to show people what I could do and instead one move and done. What the fuck was that??! I felt ripped off. But hey, whatever...that was then....this is now.

I just prop my feet up on the chair in front of me and just stare ahead.

We’re in a brand new year, a whole new season and....I don’t have shit. I don’t have a focus. I don’t have much a goal besides the obvious. I hate that. I am a very detailed person. I make plans, I focus on the goals and I try to get to that goal. And instead, I imagine a big board in Mark and Christian’s offices with a huge question mark over my picture. That vision is enough to really get on my nerves, I was close to going for that Bombshell title. I could have been the one facing Sammi again....and instead I’m looking at a match with Joanna Krieger. Newest bombshell to the roster, whom I’ve been told has a chip on her shoulder and looking to follow in the footsteps of Alicia Lukas. least that what the site said. I’m not going to lie, I have no idea how the hell this match is going to go. The amount of stars that Wolfslair has produced is nothing short of amazing and every single one of them I look up too.

Then a slight smirk crosses my face.

That’s a thing though....I can look up to every single one of them, and it’s not going to make a lick of difference because respect is earned. While I don’t know what my path is, I do know one thing, I’m not going to bend over just because of where someone came from. I’m pretty much out to do whatever it takes to get 2 things this year....making Bobbie Dahl’s life a living fucking hell....and a real chance at a title. And Joanna, if that means welcoming you to Sin City by beating you in the ring? Then so be it. I’m not going to be standing and waiting to get punched in the fucking face anymore. You wanna be intimidating? COOL! Let that be you. You wanna try and tear me down? Awesome. You have fun with that because it just doesn’t really get to me. I’m out to prove a point. I’m not like the rest. I am not some vanilla coated girlie girl. Yes I have my moments but that’s just the cover. Pink or blonde...hell if I wanted to dye my hair blue, at the end of the day it’s just the cover.

I lean forward and look dead at the camera.

I am so much more. I once told my wonderful boyfriend...don’t ever underestimate me. I am the one with NOTHING to lose, I’m the one that simply is out to just make my career a learning experience and if that means me getting my ass kicked by you, Joanna....then beat my ass. But you better fucking believe this, I will NOT stay down. I am going to bounce back like an annoying superball from HELL simply because I can. So go ahead...try and kill the one thing that no one really understands yet.

I stand up and smirking at the camera with that ever so subtle evil twinkle in my eye.

I double dog dare ya. Bitch.