Author Topic: The Darkest star... though not a TRUE STAR...  (Read 8019 times)

Offline Casper Grey

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    • Casper Grey
The Darkest star... though not a TRUE STAR...
« on: January 20, 2013, 12:01:42 AM »
 OOC: As you can see another long Rp, you see a trend here, this was the kind of Rp that was done by everyone, though after awhile length starts to kill, and you get tired of having to wright such lengthly Rps, kinda like I did lol, but yes this was for the Television Title in which I didn't win, but it was a damn close match, but anyways hope you all enjoy it.

“Late night with King”

Sunday October 7th, 2012 11:30 pm
On the set of the talk show of Aaron King

[Aaron King can be seen sitting behind a wooden desk, a brown leather couch can be seen stationed on the side of the desk of King. On the other side of the stage a band can be seen setting up, as a voice can be heard, that voice being the voice of television host of the television program “Late night with King” as King’s voice can be heard getting closer and closer, applause and cheers can be heard coming from the audience as King steps out onto the stage, he walks on over to his desk and takes a seat.]

Aaron King: “Thank you, thank you all, your all so kind, shall we get started?”

[Aaron questions the audience as they cheer for him in response to what he had said.]

Aaron King: “Our guest for tonight’s show is none other then Phoenix Wrestling rookie superstar, owner of 24 Karat productions, he’s also a producer, and director for that very production company…”

[Aaron pauses for a second as he stands up behind his desk from his leather chair, and continues on.]

Aaron King: “Lets give a standing ovation for the one and only ”Mr. 24 Karats” Caaasper Greeeeeeey!”

[As Aaron says his name, “Mr. 24 Karats” Casper Grey walks on through the doors of the television station MNC the home of “The Late Night Show with Aaron King and onto the set of King. Casper can be seen dressed in a pink dress shirt, with a blue dress coat overtop, Grey can also be seen having matching blue dress pants. Casper can also be seen wearing a blue fedora atop his head, his lavishing neatly combed dirty blonde hair can be seen perfectly set underneath his fedora.

A drum roll can be heard being given as Casper takes his first step out onto the set of where Aaron King can be seen, King can be seen awaiting for Grey’s arrival. As the fans of King set their sights on Grey, various remarks can be heard as he makes his way on over to where King is seen sitting. Casper shakes King’s hand before taking up residence on  the provided leather couch. As Grey sits back, he can be seen resting his hands across his lower abdominal area, he then crosses his left leg over the top of his right leg, making himself comfortable as if he was at home, a cocky smirk could be seen creeping its way onto his face as King caught his attention.]

Aaron King: “Evening Cass, glad you could join us here tonight…”

[Before King could continue on Casper cut in, finishing his famous line.]

Casper Grey: “On the late night show with Casper Grey. Hehehehehahahaha…”

[Casper said before laughing it up.]

Casper Grey: “Sorry about that Aaron though as a child growing up I’ve always wanted to say your famous line, though I’m sure you’ve had plenty of other guest who have done what I did, right?”

[Casper said grinning.]

Aaron King: “Not exactly Cass, I’ve never had someone cut me off in the middle of me saying my famous line until tonight when you cut me off… Though shall we get started?”

[Aaron questioned Casper who could be seen continuing to sit confidently on the stage as if he owned it.]

Aaron King: “So just like everyone else I too am wondering what 24 Karat productions is going to be producing, rumor has it your producing, and directing the horror thriller movie Death Cellar?”

Casper Grey: “Well Aaron those rumors are true, actually production on Death Cellar started in October of 2011, and we are just now nearing near the end of production, it should be coming out very soon, if not as soon as of next month!”

[Casper said as he fixed his posture, sitting up right, his hands still crossed atop his lap, though now no longer cross his legs over one another.]

Aaron King: “So what exactly is Death Cellar about Cass?”

Casper Grey: “Well Aaron, Death Cellar is the story of C.W. Farquhar a 1975 mass murderer who owned a hotel, and well murdered those who took up residence in the hotel, many of them being female girls, but yea if I keep going on about Death Cellar I’ll be giving away the entire story… Hahahahehehehe…”

[Casper could be heard saying as he forced a chuckle of laughter out, the fans and audience members of King could be heard applauding for the movie premiere, as if it didn’t matter to them that it was being produced and directed by Mr. 24 Karats himself.]

Casper Grey: “Well good I’m glad you’re all excited about Death Cellar coming out soon, Aaron if you like you can show your audience a clip from the movie, a little sneak peak, or should I say tease…”

[As Casper says that Aaron stands up from where he’s sitting, and begins to address his fans and audience.]

Aaron King: “So how about it folks, Cass here is being nice enough to give us a little tease to one of his projects, so what do you all say, shall we show it?”

[As Aaron says that various clapping, cheering, and applause can be heard coming from the fans of King.]

Aaron King: “So there you go Cass, they spoke, and spoke they did, lets show the clip.”

[Aaron says before sitting back down behind his desk, both Casper, and he himself turn towards the high definition 84 inch television screen that can be seen stationed on the wall in the center of the Late night stage.

As the set begin to go dark as the stage lights flickered off simultaneously in chorus to the screen of the high definition 84 inch television flickering on as if it set on a timer. The words of the narrator could be heard coming out from the speakers set around the stage and its set.]

Narrator of Death Cellar: “The film which you are about to see is an account of the tragedy which befell a group of five youths, in the summer and autumn of 1975 in the city of Chicago, Illinois, though no other footage has been captured of the man who’s come to be identified by local authorities as C.W Farquhar.”

[As the movie begins to unfold it shows the city of Chicago, Illinois at piece, it then blackens out showing another clip of the movie, that clip being somewhat of a glimpse of C.W Farquhar before blackening out once again and showing the final clip of C.W Farquhar with his hand over the mouth of a frightened female guest.]


[The clip then fades out showing the motel itself, as the title DEATH CELLAR flashes across the screen with the release date showing underneath. The stage lights begin to flicker back on, various cheers can be heard coming from the audience as the television screen flickers off. The audience can be heard slowly going quiet at Aaron King begins to speak.]

Aaron King: “Wow Cass Death Cellar looks frightening as and excuse my language but as hell to be honest, so folks what did you think of the glimpses Death Cellar we all come to see?”

[More cheers can be heard coming from the audience, though quickly quieting down as Casper speaks up.]

Casper Grey: “Shut up could you all just shut up for once… hahahahahehehehehe…”

[Casper says with laughter as Aaron give the cue to go to commercial break, as the show went to commercial break, Casper got up from where he was sitting and could be seen walking off stage as the audience of King booed him in hatred, and disgust due to his remarks he had made, though Casper not paying attention, ignored them as he made his exit off the stages set.]

“Death Cellar pt. 1”

Tuesday  October 9th, 2012 2:00 pm
On the Production set of Death Cellar

[It’s the middle of the afternoon, as a limousine can be seen pulling on up to the 24 Karat production building. As the limousine comes to a stop, the driver of the limousine steps on out of it, and walks around to the back area of it, the driver opens one of the doors of the limousine and out steps none other the Phoenix Wrestling superstar “Mr. 24 Karats” that’s right folks the one and only actor, producer, director, and owner of 24 Karat productions Casper Grey. Grey can be seen dressed in a silky red shirt, and a pair of black jeans, he also can be seen wearing a pair of snake skinned leather boots.]

Casper Grey: “Right on time Charlie, right on time, you’ve never made me late for a project of mine yet, here’s a few bucks for your efforts!”

[Casper said as he walked through the front doors of his 24 Karat production company. As he walked through the doors Wisp looked up from what she was doing, she could be seen sitting behind her desk.]

Genevieve Wisp: “About time you arrived babe.”

[Wisp could be heard saying as Casper walked on over to his girl friend, he leaned forward giving her a kiss on her forehead before continuing on down the hall to his office.]

Casper Grey: “It’s already starting to feel like a busy day and I haven’t even done anything at all… Hehehehahahaha…”

[Casper said as he begin to laugh, as he entered through the doorway of his office, as he entered into his office, he could be seen taking his personal cell phone on out of his pant pocket.]

Casper Grey: “What do you mean you can't go through it?!"
“Always about your freaking principals is it?”
“Stop crying like a moron & do your job! You've completed part one already... You only have part two to complete and your done, Death Cellar is due out in November and as of current it’s on schedule and not behind schedule yet!“
“Oh and by the way I’ll be coming by the set in a few minutes just so you know!”
“You weren’t expecting me today to bad, I’m coming by!”

[As Casper flipped his cell phone closed, he then could be seen picking some folders on out of his office before walking on out of it once again, as he walked on over to the nearby elevator and pushed the door button, once inside, he pushed the button to the 3rd floor. Once the elevator stops at the 3rd floor, the doors open up and Casper’s business partner is the first to greet  “Mr. 24 Karats” Casper Grey himself.]

Sherman Watts: “Cass look at what we have going on here…”

[Casper smiles, before speaking.]

Casper Grey: “What the hell is this shit Sherm?! I mean I leave you alone for two days and you some how manage screwing up the last couple of scenes of Death Cellar.”

Sherman Watts: “Your main actor quit on us, so I had to get someone that could do the part!

Casper Grey: “So you pick Zachariah DiNero the very person who said he wouldn’t do it in the first place! Sherman, if you would, take two days off if you would please, and I’ll see what I can do to get Sebastian Monroe back!”

[As Casper said that he reached his left hand inside his pant pocket and pulled out his cell phone once again, before walking on over to his directors chair and taking a seat.]

Casper Grey: “Yea Zach, it’s Cass the producer, and director of the production company 24 Karat productions, you know the very company you turned down, and then signed when I was away…”
“Yea that company, well anyways I hate to be the bearer of bad news but your fired, Sherman had no rights in offering you a job with my company, or a part, though not just any part the main role in Death Cellar!!!”

[Casper closes his cell phone, and begins dialing another number.]

Casper Grey: "Monroe, Cass lets talk business hows…."

[Before Monroe could respond Casper threw him out a number before getting up from his directors chair and walking towards the elevator. As the elevators doors closed behind him]

“The Darkest star… though not a TRUE STAR!!!”
TV Title Match
Vs. © Rowyn Starr

Wednesday October 10th, 2012 11:00 am
The Residence of Grey

[It’s morning, possible just before noon, as we find ourselves downtown Hollywood, California looking at the bottom of the bed of one of Phoenix Wrestling’s newest signee, that signee being none other then the man known as Casper Damien Ethel Grey or other wise known by the fans of Phoenix Wrestling as “Mr. 24 Karats” Casper Grey. After a few minutes Grey can just be seen awakening from his sleep, as he stretches out to the great world that welcomes him.

He can be seen shirtless, black silk sheets covering everything below his waist, but his god like abdominal six pack abs, and upper pectoral muscle. Grey looks around the bed for a moment, as if to find something and reaches onto the side table by his bed for his glass of water he had from the night before.

His hand reaches down, though pausing for a second as if he was looking at where the wall and the floor met a few feet from his bed. His piercing baby blue eyes, locked upon that one spot as if he saw something that was out of place, that something being something intriguing enough to catch his attention.

He yawns loudly.

After a few minutes that something comes to be seen as none other then his gorgeous girl friend and best friend Genevieve Wisp. She can be seen sitting relaxed, down upon a bar stool, dressed in what looks to be a sexy bed time outfit. She could be seen waiting for Grey to awakening as if this day, Wednesday October 10th 2012 was some kind of special day, and indeed it could have been but Casper couldn’t have cared if it was, as he looked at her as he sat up from his former position, one thing was certain that thing being the only thing currently on his mind was a certain “Star” that star being none other then Phoenix Wrestling’s Television champion “The Dark star” Rowyn Starr.]

Casper Grey: “Hey sexy, what you doing up so early?”

Genevieve Wisp: “Just going over some of the script on Death Cellar for you!”

[A grin formed across Casper’s face before he spoke.]

Casper Grey: “So did you hear Gene after my amazing debut, and my impressive introduction, apparently  I impressed Slaine so much he decided to give yours truly a shot at the Television Championship, the very championship that jackass “The Dark Star” Rowyn Starr holds currently!”

[Casper says as he gets on out of his bed, his lower half can be seen being covered in a pair of red silk boxer shorts.]

Genevieve Wisp: “You mean that annoying guy who’s dating that bitch Keri Saunders?”

Casper Grey: “Yea the very bitch I’m hoping who joins him at ringside come Redemption cheering him on, also causing his demise of being the Television Champion, I’m preying she’s with him at Redemption, I mean it’d only make it easier on your love Gene!”

Genevieve Wisp: “That it would, one big love distraction for Rowyn!”

Casper Grey: “That it would indeed Gene, and with a new couple, their very… very how to say vulnerable, and it her being at ringside doesn’t distract him, I’ve got another plan, that plan involving her being put in harms way!

Though one things for sure baby Championship gold is on my mind, and that championship being the Phoenix Wrestling television Championship, the very title that deserves a far better champion then Rowyn **cking Starr, I mean it deserves to be around wealth, and greatness, not around some troubled fuck and his girl friend… Ahahahaha…”

[Casper says laughing, before continuing on.]

Casper Grey: “Genevieve why must the world always speak about some ingrate? Why not talk about precious little O’ me. ME, ME, ME! All eyes should be on me instead of that two cent individual Rowyn Starr what special thing did he do in his first match in Phoenix Wrestling….”

[Casper pauses for a second as he walks on over to his refrigerator and opens it up, he pulls out a thing of eggs, bacon, and a few uncut potatoes, as well as a thing of orange juice. He also turns on the small digital camera that can be seen in the corner of his kitchen.]

Casper Grey: “Now… now everyone knows I should be the center of attention, I should be the face of Phoenix Wrestling, I did far more during my 1st match on Redemption and the funny part is my match wasn’t even on television and neither was I suppose to be, but I was and it was a statement that caught the attention of Slaine Rodrick!

Anyways back to my opponent the one who identifies himself as the darkest star, Rowyn Start do you know what I predict for you!? I sense a cold wind passing by your head. I also see myself standing over your prone corpse. I can visualize you in your grave & me dancing above it enjoying myself, and my newly acquired friend, that friend being the Television Championship title itself!!!”

[Casper could be heard telling his girl friend as he turned the stove on and begin making her and him breakfast, the digital camera continued to film.]

Casper Grey: “Gene all I can say is if the fans of Phoenix Wrestling want to believe in some prediction or some fantasy love couple and the fantasy world they live in then believe in Rowyn Starr and his current squeeze Keri Saunders, but eventually reality will set in!!!”

[Casper says as he throws the food into the cooking pans, and begin prepping their food.]

Casper: “Rowyn I truly hope you come prepared for you’ll need to be, you’ll need to have all of your strength for our match, for just like what I did to The Fin Nisher I plan on doing to you, for you my friend, you'll never succeed. I'm too far of a match for you! Not to worry friend, I won't do exactly what I did to Fin to you, but it damn well will be close enough, I won’t break you for that…. …would ruin all the fun for me of enjoying your lifeless corpse. I want to savior my time with you! Hahahahaha... I want to see you looking up at me as you see your championship walk away with it’s new owner, it’s new friend, and it’s well respectable champion it truly deserves!!!

[Casper says as he finishes up on the food he could be seen making for Genevieve and himself, the two then walk on out to his patio area that can be seen over looking the beach, leaving the kitchen area and the digital camera behind, ending “Mr. 24 Karats” Casper Grey’s personal camera interview.]
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 12:29:17 AM by Casper Grey »