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Messages - Culture Shock

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Supercard Archives / Mixed Tag Team Championship Match
« on: October 12, 2019, 11:57:18 PM »
 Jack #1: Where do we go from here?

Off Camera

Emmie Ward was not the only one having a hard time with the aftermath of the intervention that Jack Asher had put together, the man himself was feeling guilty and it was a very new feeling for him. Rarely did he ever have any sort of remorse or hurt about something he’d done, but seeing the different feelings rushing over Emmie’s face as everyone said their piece, there was a part of him that just wanted to protect her from it all. /Sheild her from all the hurt it was causing.

“What’s wrong babe?” Jericho Pennington puts a hand on his shoulder. He hadn’t slept much and it was late, Nearly three am in Hawaii time.

“Did I do the right thing, Jeri?” He asks, looking over at her. She sits up more, scooting in closer to his side.

“Of course you did. You wanted to make sure that she didn’t go through the same thing your mom did. You knew that if she heard from everyone how it was affecting us all it would give her the perspective she needed to realize it was starting to go down a path that you can’t always come back from.”

He shakes his head, still not convinced that what she was saying was the truth.

“I feel like I just hurt her more. I want her to be healthy and ready. Titles be damned, I care more about her health than that and that in itself is a mystery to me. I never care about others. Why do I care so much about someone I haven’t even known that long?”

Jericho smiles, “Because she’s your friend and you love her. IT doesn’t matter how long you have known each other, sometimes true friendship just happens and it feels like you’ve known each other forever, even when you haven’t.”

Emmie was igniting the same protectiveness he had for his sister, only Julie was older, but there had been times when they were growing up when he had been more like the older sibling. Especially when both of their parents were too busy with their careers to notice that their children needed them.

“Can I be honest Jeri? That kiss... it...”

He can’t even finish it but Jericho doesn’t need him too. She seemed to intuitively know exactly what he was thinking and it happened more often than he thought possible.

“You are a monogamous personality so when someone kisses you, it means more than it does to someone like Emmie who doesn’t view that particular topic the same as you. To you, if a kiss is passionate than it has to be mean more than it actually does. Black and white. It’s also that same logic that makes you good as a lawyer... But in this regard, it makes you kinda... well... A little naive...”

Jack spins his head around. He didn’t like anyone ever pointing out a weakness. Weakness to him was a failure that could or was about to happen. Naivety was how you made mistakes that lead to a loss.

“I am not...”

She puts a hand to the side of his face, “Yes you are. Calia was your only relationship ever besides me, at least romantically. You didn’t have friends, just people that you worked with, that were teammates. You closed yourself off so that everything had to be simplistic with an easy explanation. IT turned you into what some perceive as arrogance and self-importance but to be honest it’s not really your fault that you are like that. You had parents that raised you to believe that you were the best and given the best. It’s hard for you to see cracks in that. But you’re getting there. ONce we chip away all this venire hiding youre reall nature, we’ll see what you can do.”

He giggles and Jack can’t resist smiling back at her.

“Emmie is going to be having a tough go for a bit but that's when you will really need to be there for you. I bet, she loves you as a friend just as much as you do her and neither of you boneheads wants to admit it. She admires you and well if she didn’t think you were attractive I think she’s crazy but she also knows where to draw the line, when she’s sober. She was drunk when she kissed you and came on to you. She wasn’t in control. Now, stop worrying and go to sleep.”

She flops back onto the pillows and turns to her side. Jack still hadn’t attempted to do anything other than sleep in the same bed with Jericho. Despite the advice that Bobbie had given him, he still was going to do everything in his power to make sure their first experience together was perfect, so of course, that meant he had some planning to do, but in the meantime, he had to focus on Emmie and the match coming up. A critical defense and despite what people continued to say about them, they were the champions for a reason and champions they would stay.



That’s what I do most of the time when I see promo’s from our opponents. IT’s always the same tired crap being regurgitated.  Most people talk about Emmie and how she’s a Ward. Like that has anything to do with what she has or how talented she is. Most of what ‘talent’ is, is of course just hard work and training. Although there are some that probably should quit while they’re ahead *cough* Amy *cough*.

Sorry... Had a little something caught in my throat. Amy would know all about that... wouldn't she?

You see the one thing that no one can take away from us is the fact that we are dedicated to this sport... I know some call in entertainment but what we do in that ring is not anything short of needing some sort of athletic ability.  Amy and Joshua once were shining beacons of SCW. Two names that people would see as top billing, that people were excited to come and watch kick ass and take names but now? Now people are bored. Seems that Amy can’t own up to her losses and Joshua phones in his matches like that sad cardboard pizza the caterers in the back call “Gourmet”. Joshua and Amy are supposed to be the “Gourmet” of SCW instead they are just the Chinese food that makes you hungry again in an hour. Not really filling and frankly leaving much to be desired.

Then we have the Elders. Elders of what? Their own little secret society? If we’re just assigning fake titles then I’m the King of the Kings. The Crown Prince of sarcasm. But the best title is... of course, champion. Something that these two want so badly that they’ll willingly take the bone that Mark or Christian is throwing at them here because let’s be honest, where have these two been lately? Orchid and Matt Spears.  A flower and a man as dumb as a pinecone. Good thing you don’t have to be particularly smart to be a wrestler I suppose. Good for me though that I happen to be a wrestler and smart enough to pass the Las Vegas Bar Exam. Just saying.   But back to these knuckleheads.   Not unlike London Underground, once upon a time, the Elders were one of those teams that people got excited for.  Now that I think about it, this whole tournament is full of teams that just want to reclaim former glory. Like hungry wolves attacking the younger, better wolves that made their own pack.

I compllete understand it now. It’s an age thing. Hmm. I wish I could say I feel bad for all of you aging wannabes but I'm really not.  In fact, it’s something I can take advantage of, you’re not as fast, you don’t have the same agility, and you don’t have the same backing that Em and I do.

That in no way means we are taking any of you for granted. Every dog has his day of course but you all seem to be taking for granted that we are young, like we are somehow stupid.

And the best for last, not that this is necsiarly a compliment because in no means is London UNderground “The best” THey are simply the team that is more likely to give us the most trouble retaining our titles simply because they have giant chips on their shoulders at being beaten at SummerExtreme.  Sorry Not Sorry.

I still believe that you are all trash. Not in a ring mind you, no no, you guys really took us to the limit and I am not ashamed to admit that, even if none of you would be willing to say we were the better team. OH no, we won because somehow Mark Ward waved his magic wand over us and made us hte winner. Yup. Has to be it because no way that this young, less experienced team won the tag titles.  It’s fine but I digress, no you guys are trash because you are just generally horrible people. At least I admit that I do some shady things and I won it, you guy sare into something bad. Worse than me just saying a bunch of smack on camera to psych you out for a wrestling match. No... I may not have proof yet but I will.  What I don’t understand is why wrestling? It’s not exactly something that is going to bring you a bunch of money. If it’s because you like winning then maybe it’s time to hang up those wrestling boots and continue to make lovely women widows... oops...

Regardless of the people, Em and I are not going to just let any of you walk away with OUR titles. We set out on a journey to win and to reshape the way this division is built and perceived That won’t happen if someone like Amy Marshall carries a title or if the sour-faced Mackenzie has it over her shoulder. That will only be accomplished by a young and fresh team like Us, Culture shock, encouraging the new teams to try to challenge us. No one cares about Amy and JOsh, or the Elders or even London Underground. They are all old news. Culture Shock is what is going to keep this division actually interesting. Other than being a bunch of gollums what can London Underground give to a young hip fan base?

Supercard Archives / Mixed Tag Team Championship Match
« on: October 12, 2019, 03:57:33 PM »
 Emmie #1: The First Step


Interventions were originated in the 1960s with Dr. Vernon Johnson. It focuses on creating a confrontation between a group of supporters and the addict in order to expose the addict to the consequences of their addiction. The confrontation serves to precipitate a crisis in the addict's life that is not threatening, damaging, or fatal, and is used to compel them into treatment before they are able to suffer irreparable social or physical damage as a result of their disease. It became a source of entertainment when the whole "reality TV" phase happened in the mid 2000's.  Since then it can be a hit or miss in terms of really helping an addict to admit they have an issue and further agree to get treatment.

Emmaline Ward had a problem. In the back of her mind, she knew it but outwardly she tried to convince herself she was just a little too overindulgent. She was managing just fine, in her opinion. However, Jack King A.k.a Jack Asher, her tag partner, had experienced this sort of thing before when he had nearly lost his mother to alcoholism three years ago. Which had prompted him to act now, before it ended up a repeat of his mother, or worse, he wasn't able to save Emmie in time.

Emmie wasn't expecting it at all, which was how an intervention was supposed to work, so when she arrived at the hotel conference room expecting a fan meet and greet she was stopped dead to see a large group of family and friends staring at her.

"What's all this about? Mum? Da?"

Among the group were her parents, grandparents and even Jericho, Jack's girlfriend. Bobbie sheepishly gives a little wave from her seat whereas her Cousin Mark has his arms crossed over his chest with more of a "Dad" face than that of her own father or Grandfather.

Patrick Ward stands, "Ems, have a seat my love."

She always related better to her dad, probably because they were similar in nature. Generally honest, sweet people who outside of her actual job of hurting people wouldn't actually hurt anyone.

Her brow furrows, "Is this a bloody intervention?!"

Her father is still trying to gently persuade her to sit in the empty seat in front of everyone but she was brushing him off. Instead she turns angry eyes on Jack. "This was you, wasn't it? I told you, I don't have a problem!"

"Emmie! Sit your arse down, now!" Mark finally makes his presence known and Emmie's mouth drops open. Mark raises his eyebrows and points to the chair. She does so, but it is more like that of a petulant child, not a woman a month away from turning twenty-one.

Jack clears his throat. "Emmie, this is a group of your family and peers here to help you to understand that we are worried about your relationship with alcohol."

Emmie shakes her head, "There is no prob..."

Mark stares her down and she shuts up, suddenly looking down at her feet.

"This is Dr. Canon. He is a very good therapist and specifically deals with addiction. He helped my mother after her battle with alcoholism."

The man was rather attractive, tanned skin and wearing a crisp white dress shirt, open two buttons down the front to reveal a tiny dusting of sandy blond chest hair.

"I know this will be hard for you Emmaline, but these people have all come because they love you and are concerned for you."

He folds his hands on his lap and Emmie can't help noticing that he seemed to have muscular thighs.

"A few of your family have prepared a letter to read to you."

Surprisingly, it's Jericho that stands first.

"Emmie..." she clears her throat and can only look at the paper in her hands, hands that seem to be shaking with either nerves or emotions. Emmie doesn't know which. "I have only known you for a short while but I feel like our friendship was a fast one. We seemed to connect on so many things. I noticed that you seemed to drink a lot, especially when we would go out but I hadn't fully realized how much until Jack told me what happened two weeks ago. You came to his room, assisted by some strange man and as Jack was attempting to take care of you, you kissed him."

Emmie feels the tears burning in the corner of her eyes. By the surprised looks on both Mark and Bobbie's faces she can tell that Jack had only told Jeri about the kiss.

"I think I know you well enough to know you would never do something like that when you weren't drinking, but it seems you are never without a drink lately. Never completely sober. You drank so much that it turned off that part of Emmie I like. How can I trust you around Jack now? How can I know that you are not going to do this again? I care about you Emmie which is why I am hoping that you will accept this gift of help, before it becomes a problem that ruins your life."

There is a choke in her words as she lays her head on Jack's shoulder. He puts an arm around her.

Emmie hadn't realized it would affect Jericho that much. It had been a stupid mistake.

Patrick starts reading next, "As you know Ems, alcoholic issues do run in my side of the family. Both Mark and I's Grandfather had a problem as well as my father who passed tragically due to liver issues. I blame myself for not being a better father to you..."

"Da... don't say that. You were a great father..."

"Let him finish Emmaline." Dr.Cannon speaks up.

"I should have been more hands on. I should have told you more about our family and the problem with having an addiction. I do not want to see my little girl become what my father became. He was a kind, generous man too and after Alcohol took over he became violent, unscrupulous and nasty. Alcohol can turn even the purest person into a monster. I can't let that happen to you Ems. Not on my watch."

Her mother nods in agreement, obviously having had helped her father with his speech.

"I..." Emmie falters on her words.

Mark clears his throat. "When Jack approached me about there being a problem a few weeks ago, I didn't believe him at first. Told him to just leave ya be and piss off but then that tweet happened. The Emmie I know would never call anyone... that word. Then when Jack called me again talking about how you were going out alone and comin' back with some bloke ya don't know? I knew then that I had been foolin' myself just like you been foolin' yourself thinkin' you got this handled. You may not be a drunkard yet, but if ya don't catch it now, ya will be. So smarten up and accept the help."

There was nothing nice in Mark's tone in the slightest.

Bobbie seems to look uncomfortable in her chair but she goes next.

"I didn't really think you had a problem Em, then after Jack told me everything and now hearing from your family, I just want you to be healthy. You and Jack have been good friends to me, even when I was being a bit of a jerk, so I'm here to support you and help any way I can."

Dr. Cannon then looks at Jack.

"I already told you everything I felt two weeks ago Emmie and you didn't do what I asked. You showed up to our first title defense tipsy and I had to take some drastic measures to make sure we didn't lose to the wonder twins. I shouldn't have to do that because you are exceptionally talented Ems. Everyone knows that but you have put so much pressure on yourself. You've let other people's opinions dictate your opinion of yourself and I suppose you're using booze as your escape. I get it, my mom went through the same thing. She was promoted at work. Being a supervisor for other nurses started to weigh on her. She didn't feel like she was good enough and it all started with a glass of wine after work, then two glasses and on and on until she was having to take vodka shots before going to work. It wasn't until I was pulling her from the pool and doing CPR that it finally sunk in there was an issue. She's three years sober now. I don't want the same thing to happen to you Emmie. You're too good to allow that demon to control your life."

The heartfelt tone to his voice was probably the most genuine she had ever heard her partner be. It brought tears to her eyes. Maybe she wasn't handling it. Maybe she hadn't realized that it was affecting those close to her. Her grandmother basically agreed with her father, which was a miracle in itself because her maternal grandparents always seemed to butt heads with her dad.

"So..." Dr. Canon offers a kind smile, "Are you willing to accept help today Emmie?"

The idea of never drinking again caused a knee jerk reaction and she could feel the impending panic attack of not having that buffer to protect her from the hurtful words her opponents had flung at her and would continue to throw at her going forward. But Jack was right, she couldn't just bury those feelings or numb them with alcohol, she had to deal with them now before it became something she couldn't give up and everything she lived for was gone for good.

She nods her head and the room fills with claps and cheers for her brave decision but she doesn't feel brave at all. She feels weak and like a failure. She feels this way even after everyone has filtered out of the room, her parents and grandparents were staying for High Stakes, which added even more pressure to win.  It isn't until she feels the comforting hand on her shoulder that she looks up to realize that Bobbie is the only one that has stayed back. She offers a comforting smile.

"It was a really tough day, huh?"

She pulls up a chair and the metal scratches the floor
Emmie winces

"Ug... sorry... my bad..." finally Bobbie gets it to the right spot. "Probably wasn't the best for that hangover you're obviously sporting."

"No. Not at all..."

"I wish I could tell you I sympathize but I can't. I don't know what an addiction is like. But I am going to help whatever way I can. I'll even come with you to AA if you don't want to go alone."

"Thank you Bobbie."

Bobbie bites the inside of her cheek, searching for the right words to help her friend.

"I meant what I said earlier. I have been lucky to have met so many great people and I know I've been pretty crappy lately with this Artie stuff. Now my opponents are bringing it up. So I guess I get the whole pressure to do well... thing..."

Finally, Emmie looks up. "Andrea Hernandez's promo was just a giant "read between the lines" all her words being "big" and "large". For someone that's supposed to be a good person, I think she's a sham. She should just admit that she has something against overweight people and don't pussy foot around it."

Emmie's tone was fired up. She had been steamed after watching that promo.

"Overweight sounds worse, just call it what it is. I'm a fat girl and up until recently I wasn't ashamed to call myself that. I owned it. I mean people can't hurt you with it if you make fun of yourself, right? I have to get back to that place and I'm going to but you gotta get back to the girl that managed to get grampa Jack to partner with a new, young girl from London that wanted to save the tag division. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. You get back to old Emmie and I'll make my way back to old Bobbie."

Bobbie holds out her hand. What happens next goes so smoothly that it even amazes the women involved. The two slap hands and then do a series of weird gestures and actions until it ends with both women giggling at how ridiculous their girl pact handshake really was.

"Remember, only we know about that. It's like being blood sisters..." Bobbie awkwardly tries to explain. Emmie only smirks and shakes her head before finally getting to her feet. She was sporting a wicked headache but she figured that maybe she just needed a cold cloth and a couple aspirin. Maybe even a nap.

"Now... what about this Artie situation...?"

Well, here goes nothing...

Hello, My name is Emmaline Ward and I'm an alcoholic.

It feels good to admit it publicly. I wanted to tell you all personally before any rumors started flying. I know I'm young but my dear friend and tag partner had the foresight to recognize that I had a problem before it became something that ruined my life. I tried to tell myself that it wasn't a real problem. That I just needed to control it but let's face it, the first sign of having an addiction is not recognizing that it is an addiction.

That being said, I know that my opponents will have a field day with this. Probably going to tell all of you,my fans and supporters that I am not worthy of being a champion. But here's the thing, they can't deny that we did win against London Underground and they can't deny that we beat Jessie Salco and Caleb Storms.  So despite what my personal problems may be, I am still the same girl that stood here just a few short months ago and told you I was going to be the next one. Jack and I fought the odds. We rose above the shade being flung our way and we became the saviors of the mixed tag division.

What doesn't kill us,only makes us stronger, isn't that the phrase used so often here in America? A reputation for being true grit and tough. A people that were built on the rebellion against those they thought oppressed them?

It's sort of ironic that, seeing as how I am both an American and a British Citizen. It's like two halves of me at war, much like my conscience and that part of my brain making me need alcohol to keep me sane. A constant war. A never ending battle. That being said, who better to be a champion in a division so wrought with war wounds it might as well be a medical tent in a warzone.  Never has there been this much interest in these titles. Never have there been so many teams stepping up with fire and determination.

Four teams all vying to be on top of the mountain and oh what a mountain it is. You need a ladder to get to the top and you need a sure grip to get back down. I know that I can do this. I am sure footed and heights don't scare me. I was made for this match and when it's over and Jack and I have our hands raised in Victory, there will be no doubt about what we are capable of.

I'm not saying it will be easy. It's going to be pretty hard. It's going to be incredibly hard. Four teams trying to climb up a rickety ladder for the greatest prize. It will be pure hell. But I have already been on the road to hell. It's hot and its murderous. It is full of traps and deceptions. And I'm not even talking about my addiction. The whole tournament was hell. So much back talking and back stabbing. Underhanded tactics and clever lies all just to be crowned champion. You would think it was the presidential race or something...

It's a good thing that titles are not won by popularity because Jack and I would be champions for a very long time. Out of the other three teams,we are the only team unanimously cheered, even with a guy like Jack because like me, they see his potential. They can see that despite his hard exterior he has a heart. And I know that these titles mean just as much to him as they do me. We don't intend to lose on only our second defense. We are champions for a reason, and I made a promise to myself that no matter what, I am not going to give up. I am not going down without a fight.

London Underground thinks I'm still just a rookie. Amy and Joshua think I can just be dismissed. And the Elders? To be honest what gives them any right to be in this match? Thinking they can just walk in and be given a shot based on past success? Where Were they during the tournament? They don't deserve a shot. Let them earn a spot just like the other teams. Amy and Joshua may have lost in the tournament but at least they showed up. At least they wanted to be apart of it all. And London Underground? Despite all the really... Excuse my french, shiity, things they said, it doesn't change how much talent they have. They took Jack and I to the limit. We didn't just steal the titles, we had to work for them. Unfortunately, they lack the focus. Daniel for example seems to have his hands in many pots, even so far as to saying he has another business venture in the works. I am all for multitasking but come on. A Casino, other investments and now yet another thing too? It is rather hypocritical to call Jack and I out on not "being focused on the titles" because we aren't on camera at every show. At least we have one hundred percent committed our time to SCW alone. That's the difference between doing this out of love and doing this for money or fame.

And Orchid and Matt Spears? You mean the Matt Spears who let his alter ego, Jon Dough claim his Roulette title shot and just enter a match, very similar to this one and basically discredited all of those men who worked hard for that match. He could have picked any other match but no, he had to be center of attention. Much like now. Orchid is a formidable opponent but frankly she should know better. She's supposed to be honorable. No honor in being handed things.

Oh I know this might come off hypocritical on my part since there have been people saying that I was handed something. Handed a contract, handed a place in the tournament, handed opponents that I'd easily beat. Of course none of that holds any weight, but I am not about to explain myself any longer. It's a horse I'd rather not beat to death.

I know I've worked hard and all of you who have supported me know it too. I am a people's champion. My game plan wasn't to come out here and just trash talk on my opponents, it was also to sell myself. Show you all that despite my setbacks recently it is not going to stop me from getting a victory at High Stakes. I am going to be the best me and the best me is one half of the Mixed Tag Champs.

I owe it to all of you. I owe it to Jack but best of all, I owe it to myself. I have been so bloody hard on myself, taking the word of people that don't even know me. People who rely on rumours and insinuations. Who would rather assume I haven't worked hard and just asked Mark for all of this. That is more of an insult to him than anyone else. The fact that anyone would think he would ever do that is sad.

The first step of Alcoholics Anonymous is to admit that I am powerless over alcohol and that my life has become unmanageable, but now, I can manage. I have a goal, I have something worth staying sober for. I know there is no amount of alcohol in this world that will ever take away my insecurities so I am just going to try to handle them as they come. Like a normal adult. I have grown up a lot quicker than most and even at nearly twenty-one. I think I just need to let myself be twenty-one. A nearly twenty-one year old who won the tag titles within the first two months of her debut, I might add. Not to toot my own horn as it were.

So let the haters hate. I am going to fight these feelings and I am going to fight to keep my title too. I may not be Super Emmie right now but I'm still strong enough to fly.


Emmie's head felt like there were a thousand men on bongo drums inside it. The beat was steady with her heart. She felt dizzy and nauseous. Part of her wanted to end that pain and she knew that all it took was just one of those little bottles locked in the mini bar to do it.  She looked up, seeing the pain reflected in her own blue eyes. Eyes that pleaded with herself to just forget everything, allow that bitter, beautiful liquid to do what it had been doing for the last few months, numb any lingering pain, drown out those voices of doubt and insecurity.

"No!" Her fists on the counter rattle the jars and containers of beauty products. "No!" Again but this time several of them rattle enough to topple over, filling the small bathroom with the sharp noise of glass on melamine.

"No...?" Her voice has lost that determination. She sobs, unable to look at her reflection now due to the blurriness of her tears. A knock at the door causes her to wipe her face with her sleeve, not exactly very ladylike but Emmie was past that point now.

"Are you okay in there sweetie?"

Her mother's voice was a welcome one. She wondered if maybe she had been in Las Vegas this entire time, she wouldn't have felt so alone. She cared about Jack, no doubt,but there were some issues she just couldn't share with him. Issues he probably wouldn't understand,like how she felt so utterly alone even in the small group they had acquired. He probably wouldn't understand how much she wanted her parents close.

"I'm fine mum. Be out in just a sec."

The older woman's voice comes out a tad skeptical, Emmie had grown up reading the subtle differences in her mother's tones. "Well alright. Your Dad and I want to head back to our room."

Emmie knows her mother and father both probably were aware of the shouting, the rattling of the bottles, her fists hitting the bland beige of the countertop but yet, they respected her struggle enough not to comment past the query of "Are you okay?"

If she was being completely honest with herself? No, she wasn't alright. She was the biggest,hottest mess that one person could be. And maybe part of why she held so much contempt for herself was because there were so many others that were in far worse shape then she was, but yet here she was, selfishly using her issues to promote herself in her latest promo.  In hindsight, maybe she was using it to get a bit of sympathy but all she actually wanted was to have people know that her issues were not going to keep her from her goals.

She takes one last look at the girl staring back at her. She felt pangs of guilt. That haunted look, those tear stained cheeks, the paleness of her skin from emptying her stomach not more than a few moments before she had accosted herself in the mirror. For a second, she hates this girl but slowly, she realizes that this girl was just trying to deal with pressure and expectations that most twenty year olds didn't have.


Success was harder than failure. At least with failure, you had something to get back up for. Something to work towards, but being successful right out of the gate? What did that leave to fight for besides just staying at that level?


She wasn't going to be what those other teams expected her to do. She wasn't going to crumble. She wasn't going to let them keep getting in her head, when that was what had contributed to this whole bloody mess to begin with.

Later, after her parents had retired to their own room and she was left to herself, her eyes kept going back to that mini bar. She knew exactly what bottles were in there, how many of each and the brands. She Knew that with one drink she could erase the stinging in her eyes and the fuzziness of sickness in her head. Two drinks would help her smile again. Three or more had her not even worrying about anyone else. The problem was that, that worry was what the real problem was and she couldn't just mask it. It never went away and so she had stayed partially drunk for weeks. Seeing everything now with sober eyes felt like trying to drive west in the early morning. Even sunglasses couldn't completely block out the sun, but it was permanent. No matter where she went or what she did with her life there was always going to be someone that wasn't a fan of her methods.

Acceptance was part of the twelve steps. She was still just on the first. In fact she barely had her toe on that step. It was going to take a while but in the meantime she was going to go out there and be the best.

Climax Control Archives / Mistakes
« on: September 20, 2019, 06:02:16 PM »
 Emmie's head was pounding when she woke up. Still in her sequined tank top and shorts from the night before, her gold heels are however at the foot of the other bed in the room. A bed where someone was still sleeping. She sits up and realizes she's in Jack's room. The events of the night before flood back, although very hazy. Had Jack carried her to this bed? Had she...

She puts a hand to her face.

Fuck she says internally. That was definitely a mistake. Now she was sure Jack was thinking she had a thing for him. She didn't... at least not enough to act on it. She admired Jack. She praised his in-ring ability to everyone who asked her why she willingly chose him as a tag partner but never had she thought about wanting to be with him, let alone snog him. But she had. And deep down she thought she liked it.

Pushing that feeling deep down in the pit it had risen from, she swung her legs over the side of the bed. She feels like she's still a little tipsy but her first instinct is to get out of here while Jack is still sleeping, giving her time to prepare for the conversation where she would need to explain her actions. She quickly grabs her shoes and quietly leaves the room. It was a walk of shame but for an entirely different reason. The shame was because she had probably confused the hell out of her best friend and that was not something she wanted to do. There was already one of those conundrums with Bobbie and Artie.

She managed to make it back to her room without seeing anyone she knew. Wouldn't that be something for her opponents to use... not that it mattered, the whole company was full of debauchery and soap opera esque relationships. People fucking someone new every week. Not her though. She'd been surprisingly celebate for the last year. Her focus had been wrestling and being her best.

She opened her mini bar to find a little bottle of vodka and a can of orange soda in the fridge. It would do as a makeshift mimosa she supposed. Just enough to make her functioning.

The stress of everything had gotten to her and she knew she was drinking a lot. Her grandfather had been an alcoholic and it was by a small miracle that her father had an allergy and couldn't drink.

She looks at the drink in her hand. It didn't even taste very good, yet here she was swigging it down just to feel normal. What was normal though? Drinking had never been so important to her before but now, she was finding it harder and harder not to be drinking.

She downs the rest of the glass and makes her way to the bathroom, shedding every piece of clothing as she went. A shower would do her good, then she'd get her ass in the gym and work it all off. She didn't have a problem. She could manage this. She was just young, having fun. That was what she was supposed to do right?

Emmie Promo #5 - Champions

Here we are, Jack and I overcame all the doubt, all the haters and rose to the top. We were able to beat London Underground and be the new mixed tag champions. Just like we promised we would. We have lived and breathed these titles even before we earned them. One week without saying anything and suddenly that makes us un-fit in the eyes of the group whom we beat. The thing is though, it doesn't matter what they say because it won't change what happens. It won't change that we hold these titles and it won't change all those fans minds that supported us, that still cheer for us.

Besides that, words do not win matches, skills do. Saying I wasn't good enough obviously had the opposite effect on me than what they thought it would. It made me work harder to be better. Even if now, they still all have denial that I legitimately beat them. That Jack beat them. I know... how embarrassing to be beat by someone you claim is too new to be a champion. Someone who they claimed only got here based on their last name.

Pretty obvious by the tweets between Mark and I that there is zero nepotism here. I had to try out and be scouted just like everyone else here. So if I was as terrible as they claim, I would not be here and I would not be holding this belt.  Mark has gone out of his way to try and persuade me to go back home. Go to Oxford. Be a doctor. He told me he would only give me a contract if I convinced Jack Asher to be my tag partner. The most annoying man on the roster. He thought it would be a perfect way to dissuade me. But yet, I convinced Jack Asher. I forced him out of bed while he moped about being dumped and I got his ass in the gym. I made him into a suitable partner.

I know he'll hate me saying all this, but he appreciates truth and that is facts galore. My Cousin didn't want me here. Not because he doesn't care about me, but because he DOES care. He cares enough that he wanted me to be better than this life, sometimes though, you can't fight your inner desires.

This match with Jessie and Caleb is just as important as the one in three weeks where we have to defend against multiple teams. Every opponent is important and I owe it not just to my opponents but to myself to be focused on each match as they come up. So this week, my focus is on the amended version of Punk and Metal connection.

It's unfortunate that this team has had to face two loses to its group. First with Senor Vinnie having a world title to defend and secondly with Joshua being injured. That can really hit the group dynamics hard. And the man they get in, is Caleb Storms. Oh dear.

Now, I'm not a member of this team that rolls out insults. I try to find the positive in all things but in all honesty, Caleb feels like a very desperate man. Much like Jessie. In fact it's quite funny actually that these two should end up in a team together when both are notorious for asking for title shots. Maybe it's not been as prominent lately as it has been in the past but both of these guys have been given so many opportunities to be on top yet have not been able to fully secure any of them. I can understand how that would make someone bitter.

However if every match turned to mush, maybe that's a sign that something has to change? Whether it be strategy or just being better prepared. Watching some matches of your opponents maybe and getting a better idea of how they move in a ring... something... anything. If I were Jessie I would be doing everything I could to prove myself... in fact, I did, didn't I? And even now, I still have to prove myself. Probably more than before becoming a champion. It never stops. And that's what I came to realize this week. It doesn't matter what you do, it will never shut up the people who want to see you fail, that doesn't mean I am going to let their words get to me in a negative way. Instead I just keep going. I do what I have to do to be the best damn tag partner, the best tag team that SCW has to offer. That is the reality. And Jessie, if you and Caleb really want to beat us, then you gotta be at that same level. You gotta want this bad enough to push yourself to limits you never thought possible.

I just don't see it. I have never seen it from all the promos you have produced, not in the matches you have fought in. Unlike London Underground though, I am not going to stand here and say 'never' when it comes to the possibility that you could beat us on Sunday. You could, there is always that possibility, I just don't think either of you are ready... yet.  Again, unlike my previous opponents I do not get satisfaction from stepping on you to succeed. Part of being a champion isn't this hoopla about talking on camera, or going to fan events. That's all just surface stuff. What really makes someone a champion is heart.  That's the seed and it's all the other stuff you do leading up to making that seed grow that actually makes you a good champion.

I believe my Cousin was wrong. Being a good champion and being a successful champion are not the same thing. Being a good champion is being a leader. Someone who can push the others to be better, not just be someone to beat. I used to admire Daniel and his lot, that was until I realized they were not 'good' champions, they were just successful. I would rather be known as good than successful if being successful puts me in the same group as people who don't care about the bracket they represent. And that's fine. Not everyone has to be like me but lordy I want to be a leader. If I can just make a difference to one person I'd be happy. I hope that person is you Jessie. I really hope so, even though I have doubts.

Prove me wrong love. I'll be waiting on Sunday.


"I think we need to talk about last night..."

Jack has arrived in the hotel gym and he doesn't look happy at all. Emmie had gotten proficient at reading lips while having her headphones in. She reduces the speed on her treadmill to a walking pace and pulls out her ear buds.

"Yeah, sorry. I should have just had that bloke bring me to my own room."

He crosses his arms over his chest. "That's not what I mean, and you know it."

"It was nothing. Don't get your knickers in a twist."

Jack moves forward, pulling the emergency stop on the machine which forces Em to give him her full attention now.

"You are not quite good enough at using my own avoidance against me, Em. I am talking about you kissing me last night. I thought we had been completely honest about our feelings for one another. That there was absolutely no way this would ever turn into more than what it was supposed to be. Friendship and partners in a ring."

Emmie steps down off the treadmill. She looks him straight in the eye.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to Jack, but that doesn't mean it would ever be anything other than just some fun. You are the sort to attach sex and love. I'm not."

"So you're admitting that you are attracted to me?" He seems surprised by that and given his arrogance she was even more surprised at his surprise.

"Don't you believe that you are attractive enough for women to want to take you home?"

She chuckles, rubbing a towel through her damp hair.

"I don't believe I am ugly if that's what you mean but I highly doubt that most women would want to copulate with me..."

"Ug! Just say it Jack, 'fuck'. Women want to fuck you. It's not dirty to actually say it. And yes Jack, in terms of fuckability you totally have it. I knew from day one though what you were about. You believe in monogamy, surprisingly, and that is something that I don't usually. It's why I don't usually have long term relationships. It's why I decided on day one not to just fuck you into being my tag partner."

He 'hmpfs' as if the idea that it would work would be ludicrous

"Don't scoff at it. Sex can do amazing things when it's leverage. But it wouldn't work because of who you are, any other guy... or girl... it probably would have. It's probably another reason why Uncle Mark said you or nothing. He knew I couldn't just seduce you."

"Are you really promoting being something of a harlot?"

Em laughs. "I'm not exactly out there screwing every human with a pulse Jack. I am selective. And for the record, the last year my focus has been on being ready for SCW."

"Not even that bronzed adonis from last night?"

Em smirks, "Intimidated were you? Understandable. He's a local athlete. We got to talking about the company. He even thought he might come check out the show this weekend."

"We've gotten off topic. The kiss..."

"Doesn't mean anything. Like you said, I was drunk. I wasn't in control and I guess my libido is starting to rebel at being dormant for so long. I don't have a crush on you and I have no intention of ruining what you and Jeri have. She has no reason to worry and neither do you."

She turns back toward the treadmill.

"What about the drinking?"

She pauses. She was still telling herself she was in control. As long as she was in control it wouldn't get out of hand.

"I'm just like any other young woman in her twenties living up this free vacation in paradise. Everyone goes a little overboard sometimes."

"It's happening more frequently. Every night even. I can still smell the booze on you and it's eleven. Did you have another drink when you left my room?"

She turns, putting on her best smile. "Just a quick one to help get me moving. Can't be in bed all day when we have titles to defend."

Her stomach takes a turn and she forces herself to control it. She wasn't about to give him any fodder by puking on his shoes.

Jack shakes his head. "This is getting to be a serious problem Emmie. You're in denial. I don't know what it is that has you triggered enough to drown it all in a bottle of tequila but you need to deal with it or I'll go straight to Mark and tell him. Do you want to be stripped of the titles Em? Do you really want to prove Daniel right about being too green to be a champion? Because that's where this is heading."

He starts to walk away. "You need to stop. Cold turkey. Obviously you can't control it so you need to nip this now before you wind up dead in a ditch. Think about it, and if you're not sober by Sunday I will take steps, Em. I care about you now so I'm not going to stand by and watch you kill yourself."

He then leaves and no sooner had the door closed , then Em's stomach has bottomed out. She rushes to the nearest garbage can and completely empties the contents of her stomach into it. She sits, sliding down the wall until her ass hits the floor, sweating profusely and feeling like shit. She needed another drink. It would make this all go away. She could control it. Jack would never know. She had to practice moderation is all. That's all.

Climax Control Archives / Tangled Web
« on: September 20, 2019, 05:48:51 PM »
 ~Off Camera~

When Emmie Ward enters the hotel room of her tag partner and co-champion Jack Asher's room, she is both confused and surprised.

The floor is littered with manilla file folders, there are papers and pictures. Newspaper articles are strewn everywhere and Jack himself is just as disheveled as his room. He has what can only be described as a crazed look in his eye as he pours over the paper in his hand.

"Jack... what's all this about?"

She steps over a pile of discarded folders and manages to make it to his bed, which also appears to be covered in more of this 'research' he was doing.

"I know it got to you about Daniel accusing you of not doing research but this is ridiculous..."

Jack holds up a hand, cutting her off.

"I don't care about that. He was just using the only thing I said that he could dispute. It was more of this smoke and mirrors bullshit he constantly tries to use. No. This is actual research. London Underground are real honest to god mobsters and I'm going to prove it."

Emmie offers him a compassionate smile, even though he hasn't actually looked her in the eye since she came in.

"Jack, that's ludicrous. Daniel is not a gangster. He's just a business man that made some good investments."

He spins now and Emmie can see how even more obsessed he has become since the cruise.

"No. Em, I know that you want to be the good cop in this team and try to see the innocence in everyone but honestly sometimes there isn't any good to be found. I don't have enough evidence to come out and say it publicly yet, but I will. I will find something. I have the interns at Dad's firm digging..."

Emmie sighs. "Way to piss of your Dad doing that. Besides, when are you going to take your bar exam? You finished your last course ages ago."

Jack bites onto Em changing the subject. "Why do I need to? I have wrestling. I have the tag titles. I have you."

She shakes her head.

"Because being an impressive multinational lawyer is a far better gig than a tag team wrestler in a local Nevada promotion."

"That's some nerve, Emmaline Ward. Weren't you accepted to Oxford for pre-med before leaving it all for wrestling. You very well know what it feels like to live and breathe this sport..."

Emmie stands up, doesn't back down from her partner. "It's different and you know it. You are doing all this research why? To out some guy that wrestles? So what if you are right and the world knows? You think people will suddenly like you better? That it will somehow change everything? It won't. People are always going to see you as the arrogant little shit stain that came into SCW not knowing he stunk."

"Oh really? You practically begged me to partner with you. Do you remember? Didn't mind the stench then, did you?"

Emmie can almost see the pout. The arrogance was wearing thin these days, she gave herself credit for pushing him in a better direction, however it was times like these she could really see the difference in how they both grew up affecting how they dealt with stress.

Emmie smiles. "I didn't say I thought you stunk Jack. I just said everyone else does. You know what I realized after that fiasco on twitter last week? I realized that it doesn't matter. None of it matters. Daniel might just very well have this secret life you claim, but so what? It will never take away from the fact that you..." she motions between the two of them. "...We have already bested them once. London Underground is not a team that takes well to having their egos busted up. They seem to think they still have all the fans they did months ago but they don't. We are what's new. We are relatable to so many young fans. We are transparent to a fault and that is what has those fuckers in a tizzy. The only thing they have is to prey on our new-ness, he preyed on my need to succeed despite my last name and he's triggered you into this obsessed little cretin. He's played us both exactly how he meant to. Let's not give him the satisfaction. We gotta stay united Jack otherwise they will win and all of this will be for nothing."

Em's words are still with him long after she's left to enjoy another night of depravity among the island locals. She'd tried to persuade him to join her but he'd already proven that bar hopping, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, was not his thing.

Jeri hadn't been able to join him this week but they'd been texting and skyping. They were even discussing him coming out to Malibu again after this tour was over. After Calia, he had a hard time believing he would ever find a woman that would fit every single one of the qualities he wanted in a partner, but Jeri had filled all of those and more he hadn't realized he wanted . Now they were getting to the point where he wondered if they should discuss the next step. And that, of course, was Sex.

He was surprised that after Em had exposed his being a virgin on social media it hadn't sparked more of his fellow wrestlers to tease and ridicule him over it. Not many men like him were still virgins at twenty-four. Mind you, Jericho was twenty-three and yet also still a virgin. He wondered if it really was something so mind blowingly eventful that it would change his entire outlook after one night?

Bobbie had insisted that most people hyped it up to be this magical thing and then were left completely disappointed because of it

"You'll blow it in like two minutes the first time. You'll probably apologize to Jericho a million times but you'll feel a little dirty until things rise up again. After like, the third or fourth time, it will be so much better. I promise."

He didn't want to believe her though. The thought of failing so bitterly the first time at something that was supposed to be so monumental seemed inherently wrong to him. He didn't want Jericho to be disappointed that she had waited, and he failed to live up to her expectations. Just like with everything else in his life, he turned to his laptop, immediately researching everything to do with the 'first time' and what he could do to avoid a bitter disaster.

The six degrees of Google had led him down a dark and disturbing path, one that led to a particular 'kink' of virgin school boys and their unapologetic teachers.  With a disgusted grumble he closes his laptop and was back to internally pondering.

He knew Emmie was right. London Underground had played them both. If Daniel was smart enough to be a gangster in plain sight, then he was certainly smart enough to pick at their flaws. But the fact remained,  Daniel had completely glossed over his points about them being outdated and irrelevant, which to him meant it did what it meant to and struck them just as easily as their own initial blow had with him and Em. London Underground had no defense for that. Because it was true. Everything he said was true. Except his joke about them dressing in drag, that was just him throwing insults back. But they knew from the beginning just how good him and Em were but he also knew they were both still wet around the ears. He knew that Jack's ego was large enough to easily pierce and that Em was sensitive about her "uncle Mark". But they couldn't keep using that same argument while in another breath claim to be better representatives for the titles. It just wouldn't keep like he hoped. London Underground were essentially treading water in a shark infested sea while bleeding heavily. And him and Em were two of the sharks.

But it wasn't just them. It was any other team that got into the tank. Caleb and Jesse, admittedly, were just as hungry for any sort of gold and if him and Em weren't careful, they might just lose it all in next week's match and then prove those gangster assholes right. He wasn't about to do that.

He must have dozed off, because a knock on the door roused him. He glanced at the alarm clock, seeing it was nearly four am. Looking out the peephole he can see it's Em and she's not alone. She's being half lifted by a very impressive looking man. He could have bench pressed Jack and Jack hardly ever admitted he wasn't as good as someone else.

"Does she belong to you?" The man has an accent but Jack can't be sure if he's a local or just another tourist unfortunate enough to get stuck with a drunk Emmie.

"Uh, kinda. Bring her in."

The man deposits her onto Jack's bed and then looks at him with disapproval.

"You know, you really shouldn't let your girlfriend out by herself. Some of the locals may take advantage of such a young pretty girl."

"She's a friend, co-worker, not my girlfriend."

The man chuckles. "Well all she could talk about was Jack this, Jack that. I assume you are Jack, no?"

"Yes but..."

"I know a crush when I see one."

Then man turns leaving Jack alone to care for Emmie.

"Em, you'd be so mad at that guy if you weren't mostly unconscious right now."

With a sigh, he removes her heels but stops there, not feeling comfortable removing anything else she was wearing.

"I appreciate that you want to have a good time Em, but I think this drinking is becoming a problem."

He'd noticed that over the last few months her drinking had steadily increased. To the point where she was becoming more irritable to others and easier to actually irritate. Point in case, her tweet last week. It was out of character for her.

He moves to the couch in the suite, knowing there was a pull out bed there. Which he would move her too once he got it fixed up.

Getting her there was no easy feet, dead weight was hard to get a good grip on. He finally hauls her up in his arms only for her to curl into his neck.

"You smell good Jack-e..."

He pauses. What if that man was right? He couldn't stay her partner if she had feelings for him. He thought that they had both established early on that there was not an ounce of romantic chemistry between them but this changed everything.

"You're drunk. I could smell like a foot and you'd think that was good."

She giggles as Jack lays her down on her stomach, just in case she vomited in her sleep. He would never be able to forgive himself if she choked on his watch.

As he goes to move away, she grabs his face and full on kisses him. For a split second he forgets everything but it's all forced back, slamming into him like a car crash. He pulls away.

"Em, you're drunk..."

Not to mention that he was falling for his present girlfriend and thinking about sex with her, but now he was suddenly thinking about Emmie in a way he shouldn't. He backs away, getting into his own bed and shutting off the bedside lamp. He didn't need this right now. He had so much to already worry about, sexual attraction to his tag partner was not something he needed to add to that.

~Promo Time Again~

If Jessie and Caleb think they have a chance they they are far more deluded than I previously imagined.

I do not however, want to be like Daniel from London Overrated. I mean Underground... what was I thinking... I am not going to deny either of these two their due. Both have held titles, so it's not as though they lack the potential. They have so much of it that the big wigs keep on giving both of them opportunity after opportunity and sadly... well maybe not so sad but still unfortunate, they fail to bring home gold both have claimed they deserve. Unlike our future opponents of the muscle head bullies of London, they have trouble winning matches against every challenger. So tell me, coming up against the champions, how is this any different? We have come up against what some believe is the rightful heirs to these titles and gone home victorious, so I'm interested to hear how Caleb intends to be essentially better than London Underground.

Facts are there, he isn't and therefore, by default not better than Em and I. I gotta say, I am trying real hard to find some redeeming qualities in these two but I'm coming up short. Amy and Vinnie couldn't defeat us, and they are by far the better pair in this headache of music choices, so what chance do these two members of the "B" team have to offer that their more accomplished club patronage didn't have?

I'll give you a hint... they got nothing. While I appreciate their determination and the clout to get on social media and proclaim to be "the new champions" it's really all just words. Until I see something that proves otherwise, I don't really believe that Caleb has what it takes to beat me, that he has what it takes to beat anyone. He's gotta get off this treadmill of failure and truly evaluate the things that are just digging his grave for him. We are both arrogant men, the difference is that my arrogance is justified with the wins I have, Storms doesn't have that same proof.

I am in no means thinking I don't have to go out there with everything I got. I always give everything even in the matches where I believe I am far more superior, one hundred and ten percent. If that means that Caleb gets destroyed in the process? So be it. I am one half of the tag champions and I am here to represent the best of the best. It's Caleb that needs to step up. However, I highly doubt that Caleb will admit that I am by far the more superior athlete. In fact, pretty sure he's going to talk about his failure at SummerXXXtreme and how it's only made him more motivated to get hold of... ANY gold.

As we already saw sir, getting a title is not going to change anyone's opinion that you're pretty bad at this wrestling thing. But please, enlighten me with how you intend to beat me this time. I always enjoy a bit of comedy.

Supercard Archives / Culture Shock Vs London Underground
« on: August 22, 2019, 11:00:39 AM »
 The big question going around seemed to be, why was Jack Asher slinging drinks at the poolside bar? No one seemed to be able to correctly answer that and the fact that it seemed to make the members of London Underground uneasy delighted the man. What seemed to delight the arrogant man more was the fact that his plan seemed to be working.  The tag team they were set to go up against had completely underestimated him and Em as a team and that, was a bad thing to do.  It appeared to Jack that for all the time people had accused him of being a talentless arrogant hack, they came out on the losing end. They had made a fatal mistake, simply jumping on a bandwagon with a wobbly wheel and broken yoke. It was a recipe for disaster. For them at least.

But that wasn't even an issue for Jack. He brushed off their doubt in his abilities like dirt on his shoe. Gross and wet at first but easy to brush off once it dried. And dried quickly it had.  

He had texted Em, Jericho and Bobbie to meet him once he had gone for his break and the guy from the downstairs bar had arrived. He watched, rather amused as Ty stumbled drunkily away from the woman who needed a good swift kick in the ass. A little revenge on his part for the would be champion calling him 'Hack' Asher.  The girls were there in minutes, each curious to know what Jack was really doing.

"Look. I know that Daniel and those other meat heads are into something. Something illegal. They think they're clever but being on this ship has made them feel like caged rats. I am determined to find out more. That's why I took this job, to get information. To eavesdrop. I overheard them saying stuff. They are meeting somewhere else tonight. I want to know more so I can expose them."

Emmie shakes her head. "Jack, why does it matter? It's just a stupid wrestling match. We are probably going to lose..."

Jack's eyebrows go up. "Really Em? Those assholes think I'm a prick one moment and then soft the next. They have no idea who I am. They obviously don't pay attention. They think I'm full of myself? At least I research my opponents instead of talking about peoples ex girlfriends and who they hang out with and use that as proof of being unfocused. I might not be mister do good like Drunkie West but I am definitely focused. We have to beat them. We have to make sure we rise above what all those lazy stupid wannabes say but yet not let on that it's actually made any impact. I liked you focus last week Em. You rose above the hate and didn't compromise who you were. We both don't have to be assholes to do this."

Em looks at the other two women. "Aye, you're a big enough one for us all..."

Jericho giggles behind her hand while Bobbie smiles widely.

Jack sighs heavily and then pulls out some boxes from a backpack he had hidden away. He hands each woman one.

"Walkie Talkies. Better signal than cell phones."

"Do we get code names? Like spy shit. Oh... we should be Charlie's Angels." Bobbie pipes up. "I've been told I look like a plus size Cameron Diaz."

She proudly poses and everyone kind of stares at her.

"Spoilsports." Bobbie gives a bit of a pout.

"Anyway, each of you should keep checking out the other clubs on board. There are a lot of them. And those four never seem to hang out with anyone but themselves. They are less likely to suspect you of anything Jeri since they apparently only selectively pay attention to my life and what I do. Don't piss off a man with connections."

"Well... okay but Jack... I don't think this obsession is healthy at all. If they are into shady business deals, couldn't they hire people to you know..." she looks around. "Do away with you?"

Jack laughs. "No. They're not intimidated by me. They think I am just an empty headed rich kid with no discernible talent. If anything I am just a fly. They shoo me away. They're not very smart by discussing they're deals in public. My feels are not unsubstantiated. I've been listening for a while now. Taking jobs here and there in positions where I am mostly unnoticed. I put on makeup and a full bread and got hired at their casino dealing blackjack, they never even knew. The secret to getting one up on someone is to let them believe everything they think is true until it suits you to prove things differently."

The girls still seem uneasy about this plan but they agree to help Jack. Jack returns to the bar, the wheels in his head turning maniacally.


Every creature on earth has gone through some sort of evolution, despite what the bible thumpers of our lovely southern peninsula try to tell you. Our own species started as tiny microorganisms in the primordial soup that would turn into modern day oceans. As time went on, we changed on a microscopic level, one tiny cell at a time, slowly changing as it passed from generation to generation. In fact some of the things essential to our daily life are all just the result of some lucky mutation. A beating heart. A brain with electrical impulses. Lungs. Opposable thumbs.

Everything we are is all just one mistake in our RNA and DNA that was strong enough to stay put until finally, we became what we are today. Homosapiens. Well to be completely accurate, I believe we are called Homo sapien sapien now.

What does all this have to do with my upcoming match you might ask? Well... I'm glad you asked boys and girls. Humans are actually one of three races that were of humanoid decent. We just happen to be descended from the one that won the lottery of life. The same sort of thing happens in a tournament. See you have all these teams. Some are very similar while others are much different all competing to be the dominant species. They will do whatever it takes to surpass the others. To make sure it's their legacy that continues to thrive And continue.

London Underground is like the homo habilis. A sub species of early humans. Unfortunately homo habilis did not evolve into homo sapiens. They died out leaving sapiens to thrive. See while homo habilis had it's advantages, it just got to a point where it couldn't evolve past a certain point. That point was key for moving on. And so homo sapiens won that race.

Em and I, well we are the homo sapiens in this story. We have beat out the other offshoots of our lineage. Fire Dragons, Punk Connection or whatever ridiculous name they have. Eggplant... it's a shame we couldn't personally take team Eggplant out of the running personally, if anything just for the bragging rights of shutting them up but the door is always open to challenge us once those titles come off the boat with us.  All that is standing between us and gold is the old team of London Underground. Emphasis on old, but I will explain that further in a few minutes.

Now Em likes to try and be upbeat and positive about all her opponents and until recently she idolized the Underground. But after being treated like worthless trash it's no wonder she's changed her tune. See, I have never minced words. I say whatever comes to mind without really caring about the consequences. Em is a good woman and to have her skills constantly brushed off as either nepotism or beginners luck is disgusting. It only proves my point more. The London Underground should stick to what they do best, losing titles and hiding in either their clubhouse in London or the cheesy casino in Vegas, and leaving things like leading the SCW tag division in our younger, capable hands.

Where have they been exactly? Playing around in the minor leagues until suddenly they're here in a tournament for a title they had no interest in reclaiming until it looked like the competition was easy. Let's be honest, them offering respect to team Eggplant is a farce. The team of inaccurate veggie emojis lost to Gamers Inc. Made this big deal about getting them back before conveniently deciding to give a try to singles. Lachlan got lucky with my distraction to claim my #1 contender spot to face Griffin only to fail miserably. what a huge disappointment and embarrassment.

After that unsuccessful run, Mark then gives an ultimatum to Gamers Inc, which they ignore. Now suddenly here's the inappropriately named team back to talk about how good they were. They lost to a team that couldn't even bother to defend their titles. But yet this team deserves respect? Laughable.

This was all just a way to make Ems and I mad. So we would get caught up and scared because deep down, the men and women of London  Underground know that we are the future of the tag division and losing to the new pups is a huge embarrassment to them with their falsely pumped up egos.

I have never lost sight of anything, contrary to popular belief. I find it amusing when people think they know me and then wind up with their foot in their mouth. I am far from intimidated. If anything it just stokes my fighting fire all the more. And we do want it more, more than anyone else that has already given up. London Underground doesn't want to be champions. They even admitted how much being in the spotlight bothers them. I watched how they begrudgingly posed for pictures with an innocent little girl only to complain about even being on the ship at all. They've divided their time. They have to have four people in their group to handle the load that two younger, talented people can do easily. And yes, despite what they try to feed you all, we are not talentless. We are in the finals for a reason, even if they are in complete denial of that. London Underground is the outdated phone that you have to hold onto until your service plan finishes. You know the relief you feel when you unburden yourself of long dead technology right? Ems and I are like the newest iPhone. That excitement is seeing Culture Shock at the helm of the mixed tag division. London Underground is the model that stopped getting iO updates six months ago, everyone knows that pain.

Fans have put up with it because they couldn't afford anything better. But now the waiting is over. Culture Shock is here to save you from the boredom leaving bags under your eyes and stress lines on your foreheads.  To offer you a new and fresh perspective on an old staple. Let me explain further;

Every roster member in SCW seems to think they are running a magic show. Sleight of hand appears to be the most popular technique. They try to distract you on one side so you don't see the ace up their sleeve which conveniently falls into the deck unnoticed. Well I notice. I notice more than you think.  And we are not in the business of smoke and mirrors.

Despite what anyone, not just Daniel and his goons, think, I am ready to claim my crown. I am ready to get into that ring and show every single person in that crowd, in the back and watching at home, exactly what I have always meant to do, what I was born to do. Like my entrance song says, I was made for this, and Culture Shock, is unstoppable.



The world seems a little hazy but as his head clears the events of the night unfold in front of him. He'd received a tip that the group he was partially stalking was holed up in a bar below deck. Jeri had dressed in black and made her way down to spy. Jack and the others were slowly on their way when Jeri had come from the kitchen, crashing into Jack and sending him sliding into a counter with a crash.

"Are you okay?" Bobbie has her face impossibly close to his, no doubt she had tried to convince Jeri and Em he needed CPR. Thankfully they were nowhere near any of the public places so no one had seen him crash into a cart of dishes, except the woman pushing them which just happened to be his guest on this cruise, Jericho Pennington. She looked worried.

"Did you happen to catch them?" He was unconcerned with his head on collision with the china or the fact that there was a goose egg forming on the side of his skull. All he cared about was the proof that the members of London Underground were either gangsters or working for gangsters.

"Well no Jack. We all cared more about you then some tip. Besides, it wasn't Charlotte it turns out. Just a woman with a similar build and hair colour..." Em explained."

He pounds his fist against the tiled floor in frustration.

"Why is this so important anyway? It doesn't matter if they are into some shady business."

Em was still doubting herself and that was dangerous in a match this important.

"It's a pride thing." was all he could muster up in his defense. The real reason was of course that he hated anyone putting him in a stereotype and then writing him off after all the hard work he put in to get here.

Jericho is surprisingly the one to stand up and say something. "That ego is one of the thingsI like about you Jonathan King but don't think for a second that I am going to lose you just as I found you!"

Emmie's eyes go wide. She nudges Bobbie. "Let's go grab a drink..."

"But... I wanna..." Emmie gives her a look, "Oh alright, fine."

Once they leave, Jeri sits beside Jack on the floor.

"Why is this so important to you?"

He sighs. Some things he had no problem being brutally honest about but letting anyone in past his barriers was difficult.

"They don't take Em and I seriously even though we earned this opportunity. They think we coasted by to get here. Like Em's DNA somehow got her a pass with easy opponents and because I am not... a duplicate of some moron who left this company an eon ago we are just an easy pass. And the best part is, even if they lose, they will still not take ownership of it. They are more concerned with that cheesy casino and whatever other shit they're into and that's why they lost the titles to begin with."

"So use that. I have watched all your video things. I watched all your matches. I may not be an experienced fan or know what a good wrestler, but you have been winning. And I have faith in you."

He gives her a smile. They are silent for a few minutes.

"So, as awkward as this is, I suppose we should discuss the direction of this... relationship..."

He looks at her. She's looking at her hands in her lap.

"Well sure. Although I think you just made the plan for us already."

There is a bit of an edge to her words, obviously not liking the earlier tweets about them taking things slow.

"I apologize. I was put on the spot. I didn't want to assume you were my girlfriend." He forces himself to keep looking at her, not giving into his desire to avoid eye contact. He supposed that was one reason he had delayed taking the bar exam, despite having finished his last course last month. He didn't know if he could look anyone straight in the eyes. Having a conscious was a new thing for him. He had never had to care about anything or anyone but himself before but now he had three women in his life whom he admittedly cared about. He never expected that. Sure it threw off everything he knew and it made his opponents think he was unfocused but he didn't hate it. He liked having friends. Something he had avoided until this point in his life.

"I assume this is what you want to find out now?"

Her words bring him out of his own head and back to the conversation at hand.

"Yes. I am only hesitant because of Calia. Not saying you are anything like her. I am not an easy person to understand."

As Daniel had proven this with his odd promo. And yeah, Calia leaving did impact him. Maybe Daniel had just never had love kick him in the balls before to truly understand how it felt.

"But I want to understand you. I never got the chance when we grew up together, but now you've welcomed me back into your life, I want to more than ever."

They were nice words to hear. Someone wanting to genuinely learn about him instead of jumping to conclusions.

"Well you know how closed off from emotions my parents were. It will be a learning curve for me but I want to let you in Jeri."

His parents were a prime example of a couple that did not marry for love. It had just made good business sense. He was taught to shut up and follow in line. So in a way, being on his own now he was experiencing these emotions now. He'd been stunted before.

She finally looks over, staring right into his eyes.
"So you want to make this official?"

Her words were straight, to the point. There was no cutesy giggles or shy smiles. She was deadly serious, as she had been when telling him that she had a crush on him since the pair had attended high school together.

"I would like that, yes."

She smiles before standing and offering him her hand. He can finally see the damage. Some of the china on the trolley had fallen over and smashed. By the looks of it, the women had attempted to clean up the shards of broken glass during his few moments of being blacked out. He would make sure to write the cruiseline a cheque for any damages. Last thing he wanted was to be under the scrutiny of Mark. That man was brutal. Jeri steps into his arms, folding her arms around his waist tightly and laying her head on his chest.

He had a hard time remembering if Calia had ever made him feel this important to her. She rarely hugged him without there being some sort of ulterior motive behind it. Jeri on the other hand had done it simply because she wanted to.

"I'm so glad. Thank you for letting me back in your life."

Those words broke whatever barrier he had left. He would rope Jericho the moon if she asked for it. Maybe he was a sucker for a pretty girl or maybe he had just been waiting for her all along.

"I wish that I hadn't been so blinded by Calia, and noticed you. You have no idea how much I am kicking myself for that. I missed out on so much. I am still amazed that you had a crush on me for this long."

Hey. It's fine. That's in the past now. Let's focus on the present together. You have made me so happy.

She looks up at him while still hugging him.

"And can you blame me? Never thought I'd ever be in your league."

A pang of guilt hit him. Had he really been that much of an asshole?

"What league? Calia dumping me was the most impoverished I have ever been. I fully admit that I have never had to endure any hard times. I know that people resent me for that. If anything that makes me in a 'lower league'"

Maybe he was changing but was that such a bad thing? They thought he had gone soft because he stopped being the dick everyone hated? He couldn't win on that argument it seemed, so why bother making a huge deal about it.

"Well I certainly wasn't exactly prom queen quality. You were on a completely different world to me."

Jericho wasn't from a well off family like he is. He couldn't even imagine what it felt like being in the other ninety-nine percent of the population.

"I was an idiot."

He would never admit that to anyone else. Jeri brought out things in him he would have never thought he was capable of.

"Don't worry about it. Let's focus on the present."

And he was finally ready to start actually letting go of his resentment towards a certain ex-girlfriend of his. Jeri liked him for himself, not because of his money or social status. Just him. No one had ever just liked him without some sort of catch.


He kisses the top of her head and his nostrils filled with the scent of her shampoo. For the rest of his life he would never be able to forget that smell.

Supercard Archives / Culture Shock Vs London Underground
« on: August 17, 2019, 10:09:56 PM »
 Emmie saw the notification on her phone. She had purposely set it up so that whenever a new promo went live on the site she would know but she was hesitating. She had been a London Underground fan since they had appeared but Jack had been right. More right than she wanted to believe. She knew without even watching that they were not going to be praising her. They were not going to be friends and best of all, they would likely be on the same wavelength as the rest of her opponents. Nepotism and luck would be the vein they mined at. Knowing full well, how hard Em had worked to prove otherwise.

With a deep breath, she swipes the notification away and decides to not watch. There was not going to be anything in that promo that would help her. She wasn't a coward as some might assume. She had watched enough London Underground promos to know that they didn't sugar coat anything. This was them playing mind games as much as Jack tried to tell her that she had to do them too, she wasn't going to change who she was for that.

"Earth to Emmie..."  there is a tap on her forehead and she looks up to see her friend Bobbie Dahl. The older blonde smiles widely.

"Sorry Bobs, was just a little lost in my thoughts..."

"About Jack?" She winks and Emmie shakes her head.

"I am not into Jack like that. Stop trying to play matchmaker. I am fine, I don't need a boyfriend or a girlfriend to know who I am or how valuable I am."

"Hey... cute butt..." the bartender turns and surprisingly it's Jack. While the two had been talking, they hadn't noticed that the shift had changed. Bobbie's mouth drops open to gawk at her friend in the tight shirt.

Emmie giggles, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Why are you bartending?"

Jack actually smiles, something rarely seen from the serious rookie.

"Research. And I am not serving you Ems. I know how old you are..."

But he does slide a glass filled to the brim with a pink liquid and an umbrella to their mutual friend. The ship they were on wasn't yet moving. It was still docked, waiting to pick up some stragglers that still hadn't boarded yet.

"He's right. You're way too young and innocent to be indulging in..." she takes a sip and her eyes go wide. "Where did you ever learn to make drinks? This is..."

"Horrible?" Emmie offers but Bobbie shakes her head.

"It's the best damn drink I've ever had. All these hidden talents Jack. Next, are you going to tell us that you were once a stripper?"

Jack turns away from the women but not before Bobbie catches what looks like a blush on his tanned skin.


Emmie puts a hand over Bobbie's mouth and then drags her friend to a table. She's quick to grab her drink as they go. Emmie releases her hand only for Bobbie to take a sip quickly like it was a shot rather than a yummy fruity concoction.

"Stop gawking at him. He's practically got a girlfriend now."

Bobbie looks back at Emmie.

"Sorry. This is about you, I mean you do have something to talk about. I can see it in your eyes. I'm good at reading people."

"Am I too nice to be a wrestler, Bobbie?"

Bobbie's eyebrows go up. "No?! What does being nice have to do with being a good wrestler? The only thing that matters is that you are good at wrestling. Period."

"Jack said that I can't keep trying to be friends with all our opponents. That I was too naive."

"Well, you can't be friends with everyone because there are an awful lot of jerks around this place. And as charitable as that Sweet ass Daniel is, he's successful because he didn't let anybody get to him. You gotta do the same. Don't let anybody make you soft. Ya, you're new, so what? Ya, you are the cousin of the owner? So nepotism is how the world runs. Ya, you have a pretty face and are about as threatening as a newborn but..."

"Bobs... stop. I get it. I'm not exactly a killer."

Emmie seems defeated when Bobbie puts a hand on her wrist, causing her to look up.

"You didn't let me finish. You are talented, girl. Valentina was no slouch, Amy Santino is a grand slam champion. And you know what big mistake those people are going to make? Underestimating you and Jack. Sometimes when people know it's going to be hard, they put on a brave face and lie."

"London Underground doesn't lie Bobbie."

"No? We all get in front of the camera and lie. We put on a big smile and pretend that we aren't shitting our pants."


Emmie screws up her nose in disgust.

"It's true. We have to pretend to be absolutely, one hundred percent confident. It's why a promo doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of it all. We can't let them know we doubt ourselves. Even those hotties in Underground have doubts, they are just smart enough not to let people know. It makes us doubt ourselves because it's so flawless."

Emmie appears to get an epiphany.

"Maybe that's the answer. Maybe I need to show weakness."

Bobbie shakes her head. "Were you listening, that's the opposite of what I was saying..."

Emmie stands. "No, it's brilliant actually. Bloody hell Bobs, you are a genius!"

The bigger girl blushes. "Well Not to toot my own horn but..."

Emmie plants a kiss on her cheek.

"I got work to do. Thanks, Bobbie."

She runs off and Bobbie realizes her glass is empty. She raises the glass and looks over at Jack, wiping down the bar.

"HEY SWEET CHEEKS! I need a refill si Vu plait!"

Jack visibly grits his teeth and rolls his eyes as he starts pouring liquid into a metal shaker.


For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a wrestler. I know it seems like an unlikely dream for a young girl, and while yes it was influenced by my dear cousin, he had no hand in my decision. The influence came from going to a show. Watching how the people almost seemed to fly like superman. I wanted to fly too.

My parents tried very hard to fill that want with other things. More 'girly' things. Gymnastics, ballet, sports. Although I enjoyed them all, none of them could fill that void. None of them was hero inspired. There is nothing quite like jumping off that top rope and taking down a villain. No other feeling in the world can even come close. And I know that no one is the SCW tag division is quite a 'Villian' like those in comics, it is still my duty to show that it's not always the same teams facing each other for the titles. That is why the tag division is crumbling. That is why Jack and I need to save it.

I used to idolize London Underground. Actually, until just recently, they were my favourites. The tough, no-nonsense style. I was foolish to think they would treat me any differently than the other teams. In fact, if I had let the stars in my eyes fade out, then perhaps I would have seen it much earlier than this.

I don't need to watch their promo. I have seen enough of them to know that they will be no more original than my last opponents. Using my inexperience as their stepping off point. And they're right. I am new. I don't have experience in other companies and I am well aware of what a challenge this is going to be for me. I can't speak for Jack on that though. Despite being new to SCW, he has the one thing I don't. Experience. But that is the reason why I wanted him as my partner. Experienced enough to know what he's doing yet not hardened by this industry to be hardened and stuck in his ways.

Charlotte and Mackenzie have been on a steady cycle. Wash, Rinse and repeat. That is the reason I don't have to watch what they have to say because it is like a rerun.

"We're better than you. We have experience and you don't. We are going to win because we said so."

Pretty standard if you ask me. Never showing any cracks in their porcelain but in the same respect showing about as much personality in their stone-cold expressions. Never changing, never faltering. And that is how Jack and I are going to win this.

Predictable. As I said, I have been watching for a long time. While I may not have years of 'in-ring' experience, I have a lot of London Underground experience.

Do you know why Team Eggplant couldn't get back on top for this? They blame Malachi but it's not really his fault. It's theirs. They allowed him to distract them, just like Jack let me distract him in the match against Lachlan. You can't blame others for your failures. And honestly, what has Eggplant done since they lost the titles? An unsuccessful run in singles? Yet because they were champions before they were put on this pedestal they don't necessarily deserve. They failed against a better team. No denying that. London Underground have been a force in SCW. But they were defeated before, they are not unbeatable. Eggplant was beaten by Gamers Inc, a team that couldn't even be bothered to show up to a show. Say what you will about us being new here, at least we have stepped up. At least we show up. At least we want those titles for a legitimate reason.

But you know I have been making mistakes. Not in the ring but out of it. I assumed that people here in SCW were genuinely good people outside of the ring. Obviously, that isn't the case. I was thinking that by winning matches, I would somehow get the respect from others. Be recognized for my talent.  I seem to be the only one that is willing to respect people for what they have done. And I am not ashamed of that.

What some might call weakness, I call character. Weakness is objective. I am not watching London Underground looking for weakness, I am looking for their strengths, so I can counter them.

I learned something really important recently. I see more than black and white. I can see all the colours and within that, I can see what I need to do. What I need to be to win. Being a little bit frightened is exactly what I need to stay.

Do you know the expression fight or flight? That reaction is based on the amount of fear within you. I never run so maybe what I need to fight harder is to be scared. The thought of going home empty-handed is my worst fear right now. I don’t want to win just to prove to everyone that I am good at what I do. I want to win the titles for me. For Jack. Because we are living proof that with the right kind of perseverance we can accomplish anything. We can accomplish everything. Maybe if the members of London Underground were more scared of what could happen they would be able to face us.

Jack and I have a very real possibility of losing. But it’s not like a ninety percent chance. This is truly a fifty-fifty chance. We beat two very good teams to get here and there is no denying that London Underground deserves to be here, in the final two. But so do we. We have worked our arses off to be here and I am not about to listen to anyone that tells us otherwise.

The only running I am going to be doing; is circles around either one of those two women.


Emmie shuts off the camera in front of her and leans back against the pillows on her bed. She was sharing a cabin with her new friend, Jericho. She was yet to arrive yet but already the room was a mess, random clothes and items kind of haphazardly thrown around. Emmie was not known for being a neat person ever. What she lacked in tidiness, she made up for with her big heart and large personality. She smiles wide before picking up her phone and calling someone. Within minutes an English male voice replies.

“So? Did you find a talking point?”
“I did.” She smiles widely.

“I’m glad baby. You know that we are here, cheering you on.”

Emmie nods. “I know Daddy. I just wanted to tell you that I am so incredibly lucky to have you and mum around. You have accepted everything I have done. Even my weaknesses and there is nothing I can say or do to truly tell you how much it means to me to have that.”

“Ah, love. You never have to thank us for that. We’re your parents and you’re our kid. There is nothing you can do that will ever change how much we love you. There is nothing you can do to stop us feeling that pride in our hearts. I am very proud of everything. I am proud of you for accomplishing your goals. I love how you can be yourself even when people are out there putting you down for that. That is your greatest strength.”

“My weakness is my strength?” She smiles because that was exactly her talking point.

“Many people see a big heart as a weakness Em. Especially in a sport like wrestling. What they don’t know is that it takes a big heart to stay strong in the face of adversity. Even if you and Jack lose on Sunday, we are still going to be here. You’ll just have to keep trying. Keep getting up and keep being the hero we know you are.”

“Thanks, Dad. I’m hoping to come home for a visit after this trip. A much-needed trip.”

“And maybe you can bring Jack with you?”


Her father coughs uncomfortably.

“Why does everyone think we are dating? We’re just friends Dad. Besides, Jack has a girlfriend now, or at least on his way to having a girlfriend. But I will ask him if he wants to visit and meet you guys.”

“Alright love. Have a good match and we’ll be watching here at home. Go get em.”

Emmie hangs up with a huge smile on her face. She was willing to admit to her opponents that she was scared but nowhere did she mention that she wasn’t confident that she could beat them. Confident that she and Jack had what it took. It didn’t matter what the members of London Underground say, they were not properly prepared for them because they refused to look beyond them being new. That was their weakness and it was what was going to make them triumphant.  

Supercard Archives / Jake Raab Vs Ty West
« on: August 17, 2019, 09:26:03 PM »
 The West-Ward Blogicles
Season 4, Entry #7 -- “Just a Big Bully”

“Your first Mistake Raab, that was using my name to promote yourself.”

The video starts with Ty West, looking into the camera and speaking right away.

“No one has stabbed me in the back, not Mercer, not anyone. This is part of the world we live in. We find weaknesses in each other and exploit them. It is just as much psychological warfare as it is physical and you seem to have gotten all fired up about what?”

He offers a shrug to the camera.

“People talking about you on social media. You have given every single opponent you have faced everything they need to break you, easily.”

He sighs heavily as if this whole thing seems like a waste of time to him.

“You wanted screen time? Well, here you go. I'm waiting to hear your proof of my so-called bullying ways. You know what else is pretty funny, you claim to not use twitter and that none of your family use it either, so the only way for you to have even seen my tweets was in fact because you are the one who is the coward. No idea why Mark Ward is all huffy about it either, he's not exactly anyone's angel, now is he?”

He gives a bit of an awkward smile towards the camera.

“You, Jake, do not have the balls to actually admit that you can't handle anyone calling you out on your back and forth ways. "I'm a good guy..." you so emphatically exclaim in one breath while telling people they are deserving of being 'shit talked'. The thing you were so enraged about, right?”

“So yeah Mark, as much as you wanna call me what was it? Oh right, a frat boy? A bully for 'attacking' someone who supposedly is undeserving of mine or anyone's scrutiny... well, your precious Jake is not exactly a shining beacon of innocence. You know how many times people have called me names? How many times people I am not even facing have assumed I was someone I wasn't because my ex-manager insisted on adding the word "pretty" to my name? And did I get in my promo and whine? Call people cowards for not getting in my face? No. I stepped up my fucking game and rose above it. I spoke out yes. I added my two cents to an ongoing conversation. The world is not fair.”

His face remains serious.

“Mark, you even forced your own family to team with the shittiest guy on this roster, who bashes me and my family at every opportunity. Which is pretty funny when you get up to defend Raab. Do I complain about 'Hack' Asher? Cry foul? No. I ignore it because it means nothing. There is obviously something deeper going on here. No idea if Raab is lining your pockets to say all that shit, but cut it out. As much as I like you, Mark, you're a shitty actor.”

He is referring to the segment on the last climax control where Mark Ward used a similar phrase towards Ty.

“Raab has claimed to be this big guy with all the right skills, so why oh why does he need you defending him? And if you think this match is going to change anything you are wrong. I'm not even annoyed that I have to face him.I know this actually has nothing to do with twitter. This has to do with jealousy. Your name, Jake, wasn't linked to anything awesome. No one is taking you seriously so, let's pull in the names of the guys that have put blood, sweat, and tears into this company to get a little spotlight and well... I guess it worked but not in the way you hoped. See you tried to get me to join your Austin bashing crusade by saying that he backstabbed me. The thing is, Austin and I are not friends. We respect each other but to say we are friends is stretching it a little. Way to pay attention hun. So there is no backstabbing, besides, by your definition, he did it in a promo so it's fair. And besides, what did your so-called 'shit-talking' get you? I believe you had your ass handed to you in that match.”

He tries to hold back his smile but he can’t.

“Now, while you do have my attention none of it is good. Let's first call into play how you claim to be this great person who respects most people yet you will fly off the handle and rage at anyone that even utters your name negatively. Funny, I didn't take you for a stereotypical Millennial. I was under the impression that you were an athlete that had gotten enough of a taste of what being a wrestler is about that you wouldn't be so sensitive and yell 'Bully' at anyone that doesn't agree with your lack of a solid identity. I mean I am kinda taking a risk here by assuming you are in rage mode, this time. You switch more than a bipolar housewife on antidepressants and chocolate. What's next? Are you going to blame me for not getting enough positive attention too?”

He raises his hands with his eyebrows raised.

“Bully. Sheesh. Frat Boy? What the fuck?”

His face quickly changes to one of aggravation, anger even.

“Yeah you know maybe Fen has been a bit of an influence on me, or maybe I learned that it's not my job to appease everyone. Or just maybe, I am just tired of being called a boy scout. Being a boy scout hasn't done me any favors. If I want to be good enough to beat people like Vinnie and Austin, I have to be more like them. Not necessarily a copy, but more so not being afraid to call anyone out on their actions. I called you out. You weren't exactly coming up to me backstage either to confront me, now were you? You got behind a screen and complained about two people that until that moment, had nothing to do with you. Who, Ironically, used another form of media to complain about your antics. Hello Pot, meet Kettle.  If you have an issue I'm here. You want to defend yourself about what I said then by all means. If you have people checking social media, scouring it for any mention of your name so you can cry about it, then have the guts to admit you have people doing that. But you won't, because then it would ruin your argument. An argument you think makes you look like an innocent victim.”

“Do innocent victims call people trash and assholes? Because that's what you called Austin. A man who has earned what he has. A man that has taken every challenge presented and still stands up and shakes his opponent's hand at the end. That's integrity. Of course, he's going to be a little arrogant. He's the champion. He deserves to hold his head up high. And anything you say can be scrutinized. You think if I was scared of you I would mention you on twitter at all? Of course, things can get back to you. No one is stupid enough to believe a public tweet is somehow going to not get read. Please. Fact is, I wanted you to see it. I was hoping it would wake you up, but all it did was give Mark an idea for a match. And all I got was you calling me a coward and you cried to the boss who had to be your soccer mom and appease you with a match. A match by the way I am not letting you win. Just so we are clear on that. I don't give in to threats or crying Raabs.”

He shakes his head again, in disgust.

“You don't respect people who talk on twitter huh? Well, then you don't respect anyone in SCW since you seem to be the only one not on it. For a while, I too decided to avoid the tweet machine. At the time my bestie Effie was doing some shit-talking and you know what? I got called out for talking about it while not using twitter. So you know what I did? I decided to be a man and get on twitter myself. That's the way to avoid the shit. If you don't like twitter than don't be on it but don't get your feathers ruffled because other people talk on it. You can't have it both ways. And you can't control what free thinking people do either. We are not a dictatorship and you are certainly nowhere near qualified to be a leader. Which is why I will be putting all my effort into beating you. But I knew that long before you said it. You are completely oblivious to what's going on around you. And frankly, I don't respect a man who has no idea what's going on in his own head. Not that respect matters. Your respect is worthless to me. So you can go ahead and keep that.”

The camera moves a bit and you can see the dying sun in the background behind him, an indication that he was out on some kind of walk or run.

“I have worked my way up to this position too many times. Sometimes I have succeeded. Earlier this year I faced Austin twice for an opportunity at that belt and twice I was so close I could taste the gold. But there were times, like the match against Vinnie that I failed. And you cannot succeed if you don't recognize and respect your own failures. As much as I have an issue with Vinnie, I don't blame him for the loss, I blame myself for not being better. I will never make that mistake again. I didn't against Ace and I certainly didn't when facing Caleb. And you will be no different. I'm not saying you don't have skills hun, I'm saying that you lack all the mental stuff that is half of what it means to play in that six-sided ring. You keep talking about needing to get back on top. Needing that win. Maybe what you need is to lose against a guy that doesn't give a crap about you in a whole roster that agrees that you still have a lot to learn. “

He nods his head.

“And I don't care. You don't own anything you say or do. You find every little excuse or reason not to give hard-working individuals their just due. And you name drop people you have no clue about and have no business using as part of this crusade you have. You get upset when they don't reciprocate in their promos. Like I said on twitter, why would I waste time in my promo, that isn't facing you, on you? And why do you care so much about what people think of you anyway? If you are as good as you claim and you get all fired up about kicking the shit out of people, why give anyone you claim to be nothing more than a bully, even one iota of your time? Aren't you supposed to be better than us common folk as you so claim? You act like because your family is well known it makes you some kind of wrestling royalty. Yet everyone can get under that very thin skin of yours.”

“My advice Jake, grow up. Not everyone in this world is going to say nice things about you. Not everyone is going to agree with you or appreciate you. Hey, I bet if I had praised you on twitter you would have been all happy about it. No mention of being "too cowardly" then now would there? Double standards are marvelous things, am I right?”

He offers yet another shrug.

“So if you ask me what this match is going to be like? Like every other match. I am going to give you everything I have and I am walking off that boat as the next challenger for the Heavyweight title. If I have to prove one more time that I deserve this then I will. Whether it was you, Alex Jones, Caleb Storms or even Fenris. Because that's what you are supposed to do. You have no idea how much I want this. How hard I have worked to get back here and not once did I complain about it. If I was a Frat boy as Mark wants to try to label me then I wouldn't be fighting for this. I would be whining about it.  I have been sidestepping ridiculous labels all my life. The only one that matters right now is; "The number one contender, Ty West." And that one, I will proudly wear.”

He nods his head, agreeing with his own words before shutting off the camera without saying goodbye, yet another indication that Ty was serious about putting his opponent in his place.



"Pleeeeease Uncle Ty! I have never been on a ship before...."

Ty zips up his suitcase and stares at the young girl in the doorway of his room. She pouts her bottom lip so far out that Ty has to stifle the joke in his head. She tries to make her eyes as big and unrelenting in their cuteness. He almost says yes.

"You have school, Evan. You know, the whole reason you are living here now?"

"Can't you get special permission? Auntie Lora can do homeschooling with me for the next couple weeks."

"Our worker from child services is not going to think too highly of you coming on a boat for a wrestling show Evan. Do you want to be sent back to Montreal? Or worse, be put in a foster home?"

"Just say I had a meltdown. ADHD kids have them all the time. It's like when girls just say "women's issues" to get sick days..."

Ty feels uncomfortable suddenly realizing that although Evan was only ten, those 'women's issues' could come at any opportunity. At this moment he was thankful for Lora being around.

"Why do you want to go?"

"You are facing that guy that thinks you're a coward. I wanna see you kick his butt. And Auntie Lora's wedding... not to mention it's a cruise ship with all these interesting people..."

Again it felt like Evan was wise beyond her years.
"Fine. I will talk to the worker. If I don't I might find myself a stowaway."

Evan squeals and hugs Ty so tight he wonders if she really is only ten and not actually a freakishly small adult with super strength. She then runs off down the hall, talking to herself about which outfits she was going to pack. She passes a bewildered-looking Lora who enters the room. Pointing over her shoulder she replies, "She won you over, huh?"

"Yup. I'm a big softie. Besides she had a good point. If she is going to possibly be your adoptive daughter she does have a right to be present at the wedding."

Lora's face goes serious. "About that, are you really still against this wedding Ty?"

Ty sighs heavily. He felt like the last few weeks had been non-stop talk about this wedding. He was tired of talking about it. In his mind, he felt like Vinnie was just going to keep disappointing his aunt and with a real possibility of her adopting Evan, it would be disappointing her as well. He couldn't handle that.

"I thought we agreed to drop this..."

"Ty..." she reaches out to put a hand on his arm. "You really think that I would jump into this if I thought Vin wasn't serious about what marriage entails? I am insulted that you think I am that stupid."

He feels guilty now. "I don't think you're a stupid auntie. I just... feel like maybe he has just figured out some way to hide those flaws I see."

"You think I don't see them? I do. I know what he is capable of. And if you could look beyond your big head, you might see his heart to. You and Jan. I know Jan is going to be a hard sell but it's your opinion that truly matters."

He hated how easily both her and his mom could guilt him into feeling bad about something.

"What if he wins at SummerXXXtreme? What if it's him and I facing the next climate control or the next Supercard? Who will be your hero then? And what if he cheats?"

"I don't know right now. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't going to be difficult to watch. Either way, I would be a winner and Vinnie knows better than to cheat against you. He promised me that."

"Promise. Pfft. Doesn't really hold much value for me."

"Just, please be there. I would like you to give me away.  You are my only male relative left alive. It would mean so much to me."

When he looks up there are genuine tears in Lora's eyes. He hated how much he was hurting her. But he loved her too much to just ignore the nagging bad feelings he had.

"I will think about it, okay? That is the best I can do right now."

She nods and leaves the room without another word. In all his life, he had never seen Valora cry, but he knew she was crying now. He hated that he was hurting her. His phone beeps and he looks down. As if the universe were listening, it's a text. Vinnie wanted to meet before boarding the ship.

He looks at the doorway his aunt had just exited and then back to his phone, biting his lower lip. If Lora wanted him to trust Vinnie, maybe he needed to tell the man why he couldn't be trusted.

Climax Control Archives / Culture Shock
« on: August 09, 2019, 11:52:47 PM »
 Emmie Ward loved the sun. Ever since she had moved to Las Vegas a few years ago, she had immediately taken advantage of how warm it was. She had laid out in the sun with SPF one million on and just enjoyed how there never seemed to be much rain here. No clouds. It never seemed dreary. Best of all, she didn’t have to listen to her mom’s soaps or her Dad’s constant talk about how parliament wasn’t doing their jobs. Despite her ‘uncle Mark’ being who he was, her family had not been thrown any bones. IN fact, her father, Patrick Ward, hadn’t wanted Mark to do him any favours. While he appreciated the offer and loved Mark like a brother, he wanted to make his own way and he had. He’d been a certified accountant until his retirement in early 2019. Now he did books for his friends for a small fee. He mostly just read the paper and complained about how nothing was earned ‘rigth and proper’.

Their flat was atop of a pizza place that served really bad pizza yet always managed to stay in business despite that. She had no idea how. She had grown to really hate the smell of cooking mozzarella cheese since it always wafted up into her bedroom through the connected vent.

Even now, her parents still lived atop that pizza place, still managing to stay open despite the horrible service and even horrible food. She supposed it was the prices. In hard times, people would rather pay for dirt cheap pizza that tasted like just that... dirt.

In her early teens, she had worked in her father’s practice. Mainly just answering phones and taking down appointments. It had earned her a small wage which she had saved for her ultimate plans to become a wrestler. Despite her hard work at school, she still wanted to be this. Despite her scholarship. Despite Mark’s bribes of a flat to attend Oxford. This was what she wanted.

So now, seeing everyone in SCW doubt her ability despite her heritage. Despite who she was trained by. Judging her by one loss rather than her wins. Not actually giving her any credit for her hard work... it made her mad.  IT made her mad enough to be rough with her grandfather’s lawnmower as she pushed it across their backyard. A task she normally enjoyed because in involved not only helping out her grandfather but being able to spend time in that warm sun she had grown to love. Mad enough that even her grandfather noticed and he didn’t really notice much. IT was enough that her own Nana put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. It startled the young girl and she put a hand to her chest.

Pulling the earbud from her head she exclaimed, “Nana... you scared the Jesus outta me...”

Her grandmother’s white eyebrows go up in surprise to which Emmie automatically feels bad and quickly apologize, “Sorry Nana.”

“Come have some lemonade dear, We don’t want ou killing the lawnmower...”

Emmie does as she’s asked. Despite her being an adult, she still was lovingly obedient to her maternal grandparents. Her grandmother had already poured her a glass. Her grandfather was still buried behind his fishing magazine while peeking over with one blue eye, only to wink at her and sneak back behind the glossy pages of Bass and Pike.

“Now Dear... It’s plain to see that you are agitated. You know you tell us anything.”

Emmie knew how accepting they were. In fact, when she realized that she liked both men and women, her grandparents were the first she told. They had lovingly accepted her regardless. She knew that they would always give their unfaltering support no matter what.

“It’s SCW. It seems like everyone keeps underestimating me because I”m a rookie...”

She rolls her eyes at the word. She hated that word. IT was a stereotype no different than saying all blondes are dumb or all kids are stupid.

“Well then they will be sorely sorry for that assumption dear. I may not know about his... wrasslin’ thing you do, but I know you are good at it or you would still not be here doing it. Your cousin would not have given you an opportunity in his company.”

IT made Emmie feel a little better. What she said was true. She wouldn’t be. Uncle Mark didn’t just hire anyone. He only recruited those he thought that the skill to be in SCW. She knew he would rather she do something else with her life if only because he cared about her getting hurt, but he still was not the kind to just hand her anything.

“I know...”

“Well... then what’s this. Since when do you let anyone tell you what you are? You are Emmaline Alanna Ward. You are a beautiful, smart and talented girl and I will not have you listening to any of that trash those... people say. They only want you to doubt yourself because what they say is actually the opposite of what they know. They know that they have hit their glass ceiling while you are only continuing to go on, and break barriers. That’s what it is. Plain old jealousy and intimidating you, praying on your kindness... that’s what they think will give them the advantage. You are better than you give yourself credit for.”

Emmie nods.

“So you are going to go into that ring with that odd young man you have as a partner and you are going to show those people that you are not someone to count out.”

Emmie swigs down her lemonade and stands, kissing her grandmother on the cheek.

“Thanks, Nana. That’s exactly what I needed.” She runs toward the house.

“Emmaline... The mower....” but it’s fallen on death ears, leaving the lawn only half mowed.

“That child...” the woman exclaims. Her husband lowers his magazine and smirks before the pair of them break out into a chuckle, for they saw their only daughter in their granddaughter nad it brought back fond memories of when she would do the same. The same daughter who had become a lawyer, a lawyer that helped improvised fight for their legal rights in England.


“I know what all of you expected when you heard that a relative of Mark Ward was coming to SCW. You all expected me to be some poor relations that were just being given a shot knowing that I would probably fail. Like Mark was only taking pity on me.  That was your first mistake. I am not a poor relation. In fact, Mark tried to convince me not to do this. He fought really hard to have me take the scholarship I won to go to Oxford University for my doctorate. But that wasn’t want I wanted. You know what it’s like, right Amy? To want something so bad you can taste it. I am not a stranger to your career or your life. I know what’s happening. Instead of offering some sort of professional respect or even just good luck you decide that it’s okay to treat me like every other ‘legend’ here. You decided to count me out before I’ve even begun.”

“And you know what... that’s fine. I”m not here to talk badly about you. I”m not going to be the bad cop, that’s what Jack is good at. No, instead I’m going to tell you why I am not going to repeat our last match together, against each other. You see yes, I did get pinned but you know what the difference is.. You know why I didn’t fight harder? Because my partner and I were no on the same level. I know I might sound like a broken record here but it’s the truth and I think we proved that when we went up against the fire dragons and even they took back what they said about me. Because I proved that I wasn’t just some ‘rookie’ that had no idea what she was doing. You lot are all the same, assuming that every newbie is some green as grass loser that doesn’t know what it takes. I would not be here if I was not ready. And honestly, with how your career has been fairing lately Amy, I wouldn’t really be one to dish out who is better than whom right now.”

“I pride myself on being a very quick learner and learning isn’t all about what you do in a ring it’s how you watch and learn. I have been watching, knowing very well that everyone that was in this tournament had a real chance of progressing. I wasn’t just watching you either. I was watching Evelyn. I was watching Sierra, I watched Valentina. I am not the idiot you think I am and you are going to be making a huge mistake by underestimating me and my abilities. Not just physical, like I started to explain, but mental too. NO, I’m not going to stand here and try to talk you down or put you down because that just isn’t who I am. Instead, I am going to memorize all your moves. What you do, how you think, what happens when you get into a situation you can’t capitalize on. Those are the things that are going to win me this match, that is of course if you even get the chance. Jack isn’t one to mess with either. And despite us losing our first match as a team, he stuck with me. Because that’s what partners do. Good with the bad. This wasn’t just some thrown-together team. I chose Jack as my partner because unlike you and the others, I didn’t see just another rookie, I saw someone capable fo being great.  It’s not like I have a different partner in every match. I have one partner and that partner is someone that I have started to grow with. Training is everything. Talking is everything. Being friends is everything. Can you say that you and Vinnie are truly friends? Really? And how does one go from one of the greatest teams to a menagerie of... well I don’t even know because like I said, I don’t just throw out insults to hurt people. That’s your job. That’s Vinnie’s job. That’s Jessie and Josh. I know Jack and I couldn’t be more polar opposites but that’s what makes us great together. If we were all meant to be the same, then by golly we would all reproduce asexually. There would be no need for partnerships or couplings. There would be no need for us to grow evolutionarily. Evolution has no set time frame and while you believe that I have not grown or changed in a few months, well that just shows just how far you have fallen to that you would trust assumptions rather than real facts. And I’m sorry that you have come to that because I always thought you were a great athlete. Then you made some really questionable choices. Then you came back here and haven’t been able to get a real good foothold on any of the championship ladders despite the opportunities. Those are real facts, Amy. I may be a rookie to you, but I won’t always be a rookie and at one point, you were also a rookie and had some arsehole legend telling you that you would never amount to anything. That you would never be good enough to be a champion. Did you listen to them? I bet now otherwise you wouldn’t be a grand slam champion, would you? So don’t try to hide behind your jealousy. That emotion is useless and toxic as hell. And toxicity is going to have you sitting on the sidelines while Jack and I get this win.”

Climax Control Archives / Culture Shock
« on: August 09, 2019, 11:07:06 PM »
 Did you know that Jericho was the city in which Jesus visited where he healed blind beggars inspired a local chief tax-collector named Zacchaeus to repent of his dishonest practices? Afterwards it was known as the city of Palms and started the story of Jesus’ journey. Jericho had turned into Jack’s ‘Jesus’. As much as he tried to play it cool and not overwhelm the girl, He was already enamoured with her. This was pretty evident to Emmie Ward, his tag partner. Especially when their morning practice had been halted immediately when she her name popped up on his phone. Travel arrangments. He wanted to make sure that he was there for when her flight got in and that he was hte one to make sure she got to her hotel safely. He was already acting to part of a protective boyfriend. Emmie wanted to warn him not to be too clingy, and after getting to know him a lot better over the last few months, she came to realize that maybe his break up with Calia wasn’t as one sided as he made it out to be. Yes, he doted on her and gave her everything her heart desired, however, he demanded a certain type of attention. He wanted to be the center of attention and she was worried that this behaviour would ultimately push her away as well, and that wasn’t something she wanted.

She fully admitted that Jack was an arrogant arsehole. She admitted that he could be quite self centered and often selfish but he was every bit the athlete he promised he would be. He was good at what he did and when he got in that ring, he dominated and that was exactly what she needed. The Ying to her Yang. That was why she knew they were the best tag team in SCW presently, even if they were the only ones that believed it.

The only way that everyone else was going to see it was if they were able to get past Amy & Vinnie. And just as much as Jack was determined to right his wrongs, so was she. She wanted to beat the pair and known for sure that the only reason they were victoirous the last time they squared off was only because Jack was so caught up in his miserable exsistence that he wasn’t giving one hundred precent of himssefl. It was hard for Emmie to say which was worse but considering that she couldn’t have everything, she opted for a happy Jack who actually pulled his weight in their team and if that meant that they had to stop what they were doing so that Jack could talk to the woman, then so be it.

Jack on the other hand was smiling as he chatted to the girl. A girl that had been in school with him, a year or two behind him, but there none the less. He had never noticed her back then because his whole world had been wrestling and then after that, Calia had become his everything. He knew that he attached to things deeply. That he cared deeply about things and it made him more vulnerable when those things became compromised but he would rather love hard than not love at all. He wasn’t the type of guy to be in the middle. Besides that, he was sure htat Jericho was becomeing just as enamoured as he seemed to be. She had spent most of the few days of his and Em’s vacation with them or with him. She visited their rented beach house daily. They ahd gotten dinner, gone for walks. He still hadn’t gotten the courage to kiss her though. He was scared that he was going to get hurt again. He couldn’t let himself be hurt like Calia hurt him, but there was something different here. Jericho wasn’t broken. She wasn’t miserable. She didn’t blame everyone else for her issues. She was well adjusted. Maybe that was the difference? Maybe it was Calia’s baggage that made her a pain in his ass? But despite everything, he didn’t really wish harm to Calia. He hoped that she found some absolution to her Daddy issues.

He hung up the phone and turned to look at the waiting Emmie. She raised one eyebrow and he scowled.

“What? Let’s get back to work. WE can’t lose this match. Was big enough of an emabareseement losing to Vinnie the crazy mariachi and the porn star the first time.”

Emmie sighs deeply. “That’s not really  nice...”

He laughs. “And most of the roster calling me names is nice? I know I can’t convince you to see things the way I do, but you can’t think that the ring ropes are made of licorice and everyone is going to see campfire songs. You got lucky that earned the respect of Mark and Valentina and they took you up on getting a drink and now you have a shopping buddy. You won’t get that offer from Vinnie and Amy. You won’t get that from Sierra & Lachlan Kane. You difently won’t get that from the guys in London Underground, as much as you idolize and tweet those guys.”

Emmie crosses her arms over her chest. “Daniel was very nice to me...”

“Because it was on twitter. YOu realy think that guy would give you the time of day in real life. Look I have heard rumours from some of my Dad’s people that a few of them might be into some heavy shit but it’s all rumours, nothing substainatied. Just, don’t assume everyone is going to be your friend Em. It’s stupid. It’s going to get your ass pinned to the matt.”

He was right of couse, but Emmie didn’t want to admit that he was right. It only added to his already huge ego. Instead she shakes her head and slips into the practice ring.

“Well?” She throws her arms up and Jack smirks, knowing that even though she didn’t admit it out loud, she had concented to defeat on that particular topic.

“So how is Jeri?”

Jack stops advancing as soon as her name is heard and Emmie is able to slip by him and roll him up, nearly trapping him. He flips out of it and pushes his partner away.

“You talk to me about distractions Jack? I know you like her and I know that she’s going to be at the show on Sunday but don’t let your feelings for her cost us this match. I would hate to think that a girl came between us and a win, again...”

It was Jack’s turn to stay silent. This was how it usually went. They would always end in some kind of stalemate. Neither could get the upper hand on the other because they were so polar opposite to each other. They cancelled each other out. But in the same respect, it made them perfectly balanced as partners. It was also what was going to make it hard for anyone, not just Amy & Vinnie, to beat them. Emmie was not going to give up the opportunity to become tag champion. And Jack wanted nothing more than to shut up everyone that said he was blowing smoke. It was the motivation to be the best, and nothing was going to stop that.

As usual, Jack Asher’s promo isn’t anything spectacular. Just a plain non-descript background, the main focus always being him, in the center looking directly at the camera unflinching and not intimated in the least. To say that Jack was unmoving was an understatement.

“I am not one of those guys that says he respects his opponents for what they did in their past. But I will be the first to reem you out for the obvious blunders. Vinnie is in fact, a walking blunder.  The last few weeks have been devestating for him. Lots of loses. Seeing is plant get destroyed so many times.  Yes, cool, he got his shot at the heavyweight title at SummerEXXtreme and then aligned himself with Amy Santino so that he could greedily get his hands on another? In a team that is a free bird one? So now he’s living off the win that Joshua Acquin magically managed to get. I have to tell you. What is so special about this man? Is it that he’s aged? Is it that his belly is starting to resemble that of of his future wife. I mean it’s pretty funny that a woman that is supposed to be promoting health looks like the poster child for Type 2 diabetes and a warning to others for what to avoid to be a walking heart attack waiting to happen? A pretty face doesn’t do anything if the one hundred pounds she carries makes it so she could keel over at any opportunity. The best part is that her nephew whom she claims to adore doesn’t do anything to help her lose weight and begin a healthy life. “

He shakes his head sadly

“He talks about Valora West in all his promos, have you noticed? Like somehow she matters in this. She doesn’t. No more than my recent friendship with Jericho does. No more than my failed relationship with Calia does. This has nothing to do with his fiance, this has to do with his attempt at distraction. He tries to come off as this humble family man who is somehow the best this company has to offer while making off-handed comments about his opponents' lifestyle. If he had done the research he claimed to do, then he’d have remembered that I was almost a champion in SCW. I didn’t have to stab my supposed best friend in the back to do it either...”

He offers a smirk.

“But other than that? We have to talk about Vinnie the loon. Who talks to an inanimate catcus. I don’t care what kind of power he tries to pretend he has, no one can make a cactus talk. And he definitely can’t tell him what to do, so it’s hysterical to see him claim that the cactus makes him do things. Am I the only one that sees the crazy here? Because from what I’ve seen most people talk about how he’s pretty good in a ring and how he got his shot at the heavyweight title but no one has ever said to him, ‘dude, you need professional help’. Your own fiance should see the signs for a being a schizophrenic. Only in wrestling is is acceptable to let an insane person run amok unchecked. Crazy.”

He rolls his eyes in disgust.

“See that’s the difference between me and Vinnie the Mariachi... who by the way just says he’s a mariachi. Have we actually ever seen proof of this? Is it because he’s Mexican and that is the only requirement for being one? Because I have actually been to Mexico several times I have seen some phenomenal Mariachi’s. He’s not one of them. Just because you say you are something, doesn’t make it true. You can put antlers on a cat and call it a deer but is it a deer? No. The fact that Vinnie has gotten this far is amazing. Not in a good way. More like I feel like the bosses in the back are only keeping him around so that the people will have someone to laugh at. A clown. Not Senor Vinnie the Marichi who somehow ended up in a group called Metal and Punk Connection but a man that is in need of some medication and an extended stay in a mental ward. It is the distraction of what he is that has been why he has been so successful. He deluded Ty West into believing they were friends and then boom... uses that against him to win. He deludes everyone into thinking he is just some good fun-loving guy but he’s an evil lunatic. I’m not going to be tricked by his smoke and mirrors. And neither should any of you.”

He now turns to address his opponent directly.

“Vinnie, The last few weeks you have let emotions dictate how you are in a ring. And that is going to get your ass pinned to the matt. Again. And it will again once you get on that ship. I mean, having a title shot and getting married on live tv? That’s a lot of pressure. I think maybe you should leave the tag division to some people who are better able to handle it, yes? And carrying Amy Santino. I mean at least it’s not Jessie but not much better. Amy has been struggling to make waves for a long time in SCW and has now sunk low enough to be in a team with a but bunch of folks below her abilities and you know what they say?  When you hang out with a certain type of person for long enough you start to emulate them. Amy needs to hang out with people who actually win matches, not crazy idiots that think they deserve shots they never earned. I mean you, Vinnie, you are actually that. You do have Some wins... you won that one that was important right? I doubt that is going to carry over to that boat. Austin is going to go home the champion again. Sorry. But before that, you’ll be walking away from this tournament a loser as well. You were fire when you came into SCW but now, now you are just a joke. A punch line.”

“Call me what you will Vinnie, I can already see it. Call me a hothead, arrogant. A man that doesn’t know his place... Yadda yadda. You think you are the first to say those things? And have I just listened to those people or have I actually stepped up my game? Did I not risk my own disfigurement to win a roulette title shot? I bet you couldn’t do that. Instead, you’d rather backstab those you care about for a title. At least I admit that I would do those things instead of crying about losing my best friend on twitter and then crying when that guy isn’t happy you have brainwashed his aunt into loving you and agreeing to be married to you. You aren’t anything special, Vinnie. You lost your opportunity to be great. You shit the bed, hardcore. There is a small opportunity to make it in any entertainment industry. If you don’t get on that train when it’s boarding then you’re going to be forever standing on the border watching the sun set on your time. You aren’t alone though. There are a lot of so-called ‘superstars’ in SCW who are in the twilight years. It’s just too bad that you spent your day talking to a fucking plant...”

He smiles wickedly and then laughs haughtily.

“Say what you will about my being an asshole, I admit I’m one. I don’t try to pretend to be something I;m not. I won championships when I was in traditional wrestling, I can most certainly do it here in this crazy messed up world. This whole loving future husband and nice guy friend is sickening to watch. Ty sees through your bullshit now, the rest of the roster sees through it, I mean Alex Jones destroyed you last week. He didn’t see anything worthy of being intimidated. To me, that says a lot. Not that I respect that trashcan fire, but he’s done a helluva lot more than you.”

“So before you start letting your ego get to you, think about how far more superior I am. How I have actually decided to work at this. To be the best partner, while you get thrown into a group with a woman that you barely talk to. That you barely know.  Your win in our last match was a fluke. You can only beat me when I am at my worse, trying to beat me at my best is going to be just another ax to the tree you are hiding on. “

He swings an imaginary ax, making a whistling sound.


He takes a step back, pretending to look at a fallen tree before he looks back at the camera. An eerie almost evil look crosses his eyes. He smiles wickedly again, winks and then turns away from the camera as it fades out.


It was mostly quiet on the way to take Jericho to the hotel he had gotten for her. She seemed more bashful than usual, but Jack wasn’t going to push her to talk. The last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable. He liked her. He liked who she was, how she talked. How animated she got when she spoke about her passions, her loves. He wanted to know more. He had missed her since they had left Malibu. He knew he had to slow down though. Too many times he had seen people rush into these things and it winds up ending very ugly. Like with Calia. He was almost ready to forgive her for everything. Forgive only to forget her. To move on and never look back. He wished her well but not too well.

He was an asshole and surprisingly, Jericho seemed to like him regardless of that. IT had been the topic of one of their first conversations. One of the deep ones that had lead well into the night, even after Emmie had wandered off to collapse in her bed completely drunk. Her argument had been, only real people can admit their faults and own them. Her second point had been, you shouldn't change who you are just to please other people.  IT had been refreshing after having to pretend to be someone he wasn’t just to make Calia happy. HOw he had pretended to be okay with the way she seemed to love that fucking dog more than him. That had been the first crack, but looking back and now looking forward, he was actually happy that it had happened before they had actually taken the next steps. A pre-arranged engagement and marriage. One where he was going to have to constantly have to make up for the fact that her father was a moron. A moron was not him even if for a few years he had stupidly believed her when she said she loved him.

“Hey... you seem so far away...”  Jericho nudges him with an elbow from the passenger seat. He had been on autopilot. Still following every traffic law and street light perfectly despite being lost in his own thoughts.
“I was just thinking... about...”

“Calia?” she asks and her voice almost sounds disappointed.

He shake his head. “No. About that first night on the beach. When we talked until the sun came up and you crashed hard on that beach towel with me.” He laughs and she blushes.

“First time I’ve ever slept with a guy on a first date...” she teases.

He pulls into the parking garage of the hotel and then looks at her. “Was that a first date?”

He bites her bottom lip. “Uh-huh...” she blushes again and Jack feels his heart start beating a little faster.

“So at what number of dates do we call this more?”

She’s silent as if thinking about it when she says, “twenty. When we get to date twenty we can talk about if this is going to be more. HOws that?”

“IF...” he says, almost disappointed.

As he pulls into a free spot she pulls his chin so that he’s looking at her. “NO. When. I don’t give up on people Jonathan King. I’m not about to give up on you either. You got some quirks but I see past all this facade you put up. You're not as much of an asshole as you claim to be. Assholes don’t treat women like equals. Assholes don’t put up with a woman loving a dog more than him. Which is still pretty lame if you ask me because you’re a catch.”

She then giggles and slips out of the car.

He’s quick to get out to meet her at the boot of the car. “I am huh? Then why wait until date twenty?”

She grabs her overnight back quickly and starts beelining it to the nearest elevator entrance, trying to avoid his question. He’s faster than her though and he’s able to catch her by the wrist and pull her back toward his chest. There is a moment. And it might seem cheesy but it’s like there is absolutely nothing else around them. Jericho drops her bag and the two are locked, all laughter, blushing and shyness was gone.

“So? Why am I such a catch?” he’s breathing heavy and it comes out a little more breathy than he intended. Not that the sprint had really made him work hard, it was just the effect she had on him.

“I’ll tell you on Date ten.” there’s a smile but her words are serious.

“Well this would be date five, do I get anything for that?”

“Uh-huh...” she nods her head.
She gets up on her tiptoes and quickly presses her lips to his. IT’s brief and she lands back on the heels of her feet before he can really react. The blush has returned to her cheeks but she doesn’t leave the embrace of his arms, their bodies impossibly close and tempting.

Jack is speechless, for even just an innocent kiss it had sent electric shocks throughout his body.

“If you win on Sunday, Maybe I’ll let you kiss me back.” she winks and steps back. She then grabs his hand and leads him to the elevator.

Jack knew one thing at that moment. He needed to win. Not just for Emmie, not just for the titles but so that he could have the chance to feel Jericho’s lips on his again. That was a bigger prize than any title he could ever hope to win.

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