Author Topic: Bet on me, bet on Nakita Niles  (Read 524 times)

Offline Nakita Niles

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Bet on me, bet on Nakita Niles
« on: May 09, 2024, 12:15:40 AM »

War? War is something that Nakita knows all about. Her own war started two weeks ago when she almost had the win, but that was gone when Bea cost Nakita the match. Course, Nakita knew that she had to get some payback and she did. She did what she had to do and that cost her match to lose in the Blast from the past tournament. It’s no doubt that Bea is going to try to get payback against Nakita. But this time, Nakita will be ready for anything and everything that Bea tries to throw at her. Nakita has to give Bea a message that she messed with the wrong girl and to do that, she has to face Miss Murder and beat her within an inch of her life. She has to show her what happens when she crosses a marine.

After doing everything to make sure she was going to lose, Nakita had to spend a few days away from social media to really get her mind together. She wanted to make sure that nothing in this world matters most then this match that she has against Miss Manners. Who is this woman? Where did she come from? Why is her name Miss Manners? Was she some kind of saint? Nakita will have to figure all that out at a later date. Right now, her mind, body, and spirit are calm and relaxing. Nakita is more patient than anyone could hope for. Nakita has to remember everything that Chris and Everett have taught her and that’s not give up and keep fighting. Keep fighting until they hear your voice and make them remember who you are.

Nakita was outside as the sun was going down. She’s wearing a pink sports bra, pink and black workout legging tights, and white sneakers. Nakita's phone went off as she answered it. ”Hello?” As she spoke in her southern tone accent. ”Hey Nakita! This is Chris. How are you feeling after last week?”

How is she feeling? That’s something that she never thought she would do but had to make Bea pay for what she did.

”I’m okay! I never thought I would go that low, but Bea just pissed me off so much that I had to get her back.” Chris understood what she was going through and had been there more times than anyone. He knows the feeling of paying someone back for what they did to him.

”I completely understand where you’re coming from, Nakita. When Pandora joined Eclipse back in XHW, I was hurt from her betrayal. I knew that I had to fight her eventually and I did. I wrapped a barb wire around her face and used everything in my body to make her pay for what she did to me. It killed me on the inside, but I know it was the right thing to do.”

”I know what you mean, but I’m not like you. I didn’t want to do what I did in order to pay her back for what she did to me.”

”Think about it, Nakita. You cost her something. What she did to you was something you had to do. It’s showing her that you mean business. And I know when you get your mind focus, you mean business.”

Nakita knows that Chris is right. She knows that what he says is nothing but the truth. In a way, Nakita was happy that she cost Bea the chance to advance, and that made her smile even more.

”I guess I never thought of that, Chris. I’m glad you know what you’re talking about. Sometimes I need to listen to you if I want to get better.”

”That’s why you, me, and Everett were Trios champions back in ECWF. Sometimes we need to listen to each other if we want to get better. Listen, I want you to not think about anything but your match this week. I want your mind on who you’re facing and nothing else. No social media, no thot posts, no DMs, nothing. Just you and this match. Can you do that?”

That’s when Nakita nodes her head as if she can do that. ”I can do that, Chris.”


That’s when Nakita hears fighting over the phone which happens to be at Chris’s home. Mellie is yelling at the kids to calm down. That’s when Chris spoke to Nakita. ”I have to go. The kids are fighting, and Ryan is throwing stuff that he shouldn’t.”

He looks at his kids and yells at them. ”Alright that does it” As he told his kids before saying the last thing to Nakita. ”I’ll call you later.”

He hangs up as Nakita shakes her head while looking at her phone.

”I want kids, but not those kids.”

She sets her phone down and looks in the distance at the sun. She gives off a little nod knowing what she has to do if she wants to win. She has to stay off everything and focus on the only thing that matters and that’s Miss Manner. She kneels as the sun goes down. Nakita thinks that looking at the sun will make her go down, but it’s the opposite. It’s going to make her rise to the top and get a sweet victory that she knows she can achieve. If she wants to prove herself and prove to the entire SCW world, she has to —- No, she needs to win. She needs to win to show that she’s the toughest of the tough in SCW.



As words were spoken under the black screen. It comes up and you can see Nakita Niles sitting there against the wall. The screen was black and white. As you can tell, it was a filter on the leans. She’s wearing a jacket, a top, combat pants, and boots. Her hair is curly and covers her right eyes.

”Violence is something that a little girl should never learn. A little girl is supposed to be raised properly and delicate. I can tell you; I wasn’t raised like that. I was raised to defend myself. I was raised in the country. Riding horses, feeding chickens, barreling the hay. I was raised to be a tough country gal. As I grew up, I joined the Marines and I learn to not only defend myself, but I also defended this country.”

”But you, Miss Manners? You’re nothing more than an egotistical woman who doesn’t know what manners is really like. You think you’re so good? You think you can go around SCW and tell all the men and women what to do? To make them like you? You make them do something that they don’t want to do?”

Snickered. ”Good luck trying that against me. I see someone like you, and I just want to punch you square in the mouth. I’m not some little girl that you can raise to be proper or delicate. I’m not a sheep like some people who want to follow you. Nah, I’m Nakita Niles, a soldier. A warrior. A Marine.”

She shakes her head while her eyes continue to be on the camera. Her back was against the wall and continued what she said.

”When I was fighting overseas, I was scared to death. But I stood tall and continued to fight. I fought against all those that thought they could harm the American way. I didn’t come home until the last shot was fired. Miss Manners, everything about you makes me sick. Anyone who is anyone knows what I can do in that ring and they know how tough I am. You? You’re not that tough. You’re the type of woman who would rather speak instead of fighting.”

She brought her leg up as the bottom of her boots was on the ground. Her arms rest on her knees. She takes a moment to breathe and really thinks long and hard. She sighs and gives off a little smile.

”If you’re going to bring up my past and lose in the Blast from the past, go ahead. Because people will do whatever it takes to bring me down. But guess what? I’m not the type to go down easily. I don’t care if you want to hurt my feelings or tell me that I’m not woman enough, then go ahead. I had worse things thrown at me. But guess what? Words mean nothing to me. You want what means something to me? What happens in that Twenty by twenty ring. What happens in that ring means everything to me and I’m going to show you and everyone just how good I am.”

”If I beat you within an inch of your life, so be it. Because I want you to know that I’m not just another pretty face. No  —- I’m more than that and everyone knows it. I know you don’t know it, Miss Manners and that’s why I’m going to make you understand clearly about who and what I am. Unlike you, I care about this business. My trainers, Chris Matthews and Everett Aloni have taught me to be cold and ruthless to those people who deserve it. The question is, do you deserve it?”

She used her hand and moved her curly hair to the side. Both of her eyes are focused on the camera. She gives off the smile again before letting it down.

”Who knows at this point. But I can assure you that coming Climax Control, we’re going to find out, aren’t we? Either way, you better be ready to understand that pain that I’m going to put you through. I’m going to make sure that you and everyone is going to remember who I am and that I’m willing to step in the ring with anyone that steps in that ring with me.”

She rests her arms back on her knees. ”And you’re going to be one of the many people that are going to feel my wrath. Everyone that wants to fight, I’m open. I want Bea to understand who she’s messing with. I want her to understand that I’m not the type to sit down and die. No, I stand back up and I fight. I can promise you and everyone that when I get my hands on Bea, I’m going to hurt her and humiliate her.”

”There are things that run through my mind, Miss Manners. But what runs through my mind isn’t something I don’t or need to say. Why? Because I know that kids are going to be seeing this promo on the internet. But I can promise you that what I want to say isn’t nice. Cause you see, unlike you, I have manners. But my manners aren't delicate or proper. My manners take place in that ring and you’re going to see what I’m talking about when we step in there. At Climax Control, things aren’t going to be proper or delicate when I get my two hands on you and you can bet on that.”

She stands up as the camera follows her. She walks forward and passes by the camera as it now only focuses on the wall that Nakita was sitting at. The door of the scene opens and closes. That’s when the scene ends and finally fades to black.


Nakita is seen inside of her apartment packing her bags and knows that she needs to get to the airport. She’s wearing her marine shirt, black jeans, and white sneakers. Her phone is on the bed right next to it and it starts to ring. She looks at the phone. It was her mother and that’s when she grabs the phone and answers it.

”Hello, mother.”

She gets a smile on her face knowing that she loves to get a call from her mom.

”Hello dear. Usually, I would call to see how you’re doing. But this isn’t a good call.”

Nakita sits on her bed as she wants to know what’s going on.

”What’s going on momma?” As she spoke in worry. You can hear her mother crying on the other end.


”Mother, what is it? What’s going on?”

Her mother starts to get teary eyes from what she has to tell her daughter.

”It’s your father, dear. He…well, he passed away.”

”Wait, what? How?”

Nakita put her hand on her mouth as she started to get a teary eye. It was something that she never expected.

”He went to take a nap and he never woke up. He passed away in his sleep.”

”I’m coming up now. I need to see him.”

”No dear, you do what you’re doing now. You do what you’re doing now. Your father believed in you. So, you do a show and come here afterwards. Believe me, I know your father would agree with me on this.”

Nakita starts to sob after hearing what her mother told her. She wasn’t sure if she could do this, because it was a huge hit on her.

”I can’t mom. How can I do this knowing You tell me that dad passed away? I….I don’t know what to say. It was hard enough losing Grandma and grandpa. Now dad? I hate losing people.”

”Because I know you’re strong just like your father. You get your strength from your father. Your father was hard headed just like you. But he was always strong and he may not always say it to you, but your father really loved you.”

She was upset and that just made her even more sad. But it was happy tears that her father did love her even if he never said it to her all the time.

”Thanks mom. I need that. I promise that after Climax control, I’ll be there to see you and we can discuss dads funeral.”

”Don’t you worry about that, okay? You have enough to worry about. Let me worry about planning this, okay? He was my husband.”

”But can you do it on your own?”

”Yeah,” as she sobs silently to let Nakita know how much pain she is in. ”I can. You go and do what you have to do, okay? I want you to fight. Fight to be the best that you can be, okay? Your father watched all your matches and he was so proud of you. Now, get your stuff packed and get on that plane, okay?”

She smiles as her mother hangs up. Nakita plants her phone on the bed and leans forward. She put her hands on her head and you can see the pain in her face. It was the worst feeling knowing that her father passed.

”She’s right. I need to do this and believe in what my father believes. He believed in me and I need to believe in myself like he did.”

She stands up and looks on the side of her bed and sees a picture of her father and her. She grabs it and places it against her heart. It was like something that stung her more than losing a match. This was something that made her feel weak, but at the same time, she has to be strong.

”I have to remember what Chris said. I have to be strong and not focus on social media. I can’t post something of dads death. I have to remain calm, cool, and collected.”

She sets the picture down back on her bedside and finishes packing her bag and looks at the picture once again. She smiles and knows what she needs to do.

”This is for you, papa. At Climax Control, I’m going to make you proud of me.”

She walks out of her room. She heads to her fridge and grabs water. She shuts the door and walks out of the apartment where gets in her car and proceeds to drive to the apartment where she needs to prove to herself that even in her fathers death that she’s still as tough as she says she is. This will be a test for sure now. But this test will be like any other test that Nakita took. She will pass it with flying colors and prove that she’s not only strong, but smart. She calls Chris again and needs to talk to him for a second. ”Hello?”

”Hey Chris, I need to talk to you about something important if you have the time.”

Chris' kids were fighting as he was speaking to her. ”Still fighting I hear? I’ll call you when I get off my plane. I needed to talk to you about something important.”

”Sounds like a plan. Call me then.”

She hangs up and that makes her laugh knowing that the kids are fighting and annoying their parents. But Nakita will let him know what’s going on when the plane lands.


The scene comes up in the Vimy Ridge and Arras tour. The place was a battlefield in World War one. There were people taking a tour and then there was Nakita Niles who took in the sights. She’s wearing her marine t-shirt, black combat pants, black combat boots, and black tinted shades. The sun is out and shining brightly. She walks along the grass and takes a good look at everything about this place. She stops and looks at the camera.

”Battlefields? A place where two different groups of people fight for something stupid. Battlefields is a place where young men and women lay their lives down on the line for dumb reasons. Mostly because of the government where they want oil or something like that. But this battlefield right and that fight that you and I are going to have at Climax Control is different, Miss Manners. Yeah, you see, you and I aren’t laying out life down on the line for oil. No, we’re fighting because that’s what is asked of us. But the difference between you and me is that I’m coming into this match with a full head of steam.”

”That right there makes me the most dangerous and everyone knows it. They know that I’m coming into this match to be a stepping stone for anyone. I’m here to fight and I’m going to bring the fight to you. I know when you saw this match, you thought this was going to be another easy day for Miss Manners. But that’s not going to be the case this time. You see, I’m not here to be polite, be proper, or be delicate. I’m here to grab your face and rub it against the mat. I’m going to be there to break you down piece by piece and leave you weak and vulnerable.”

Nakita reaches up and grabs her shade to take them off. Her blue eyes looked at the camera as she kept a serious look on her face.

”I’m not going to take it easy on you, Miss Manners. I’m not going to stop this match until I know that you can’t walk anymore. But you know what’s funny? I’m not usually like this. I show everyone the respect that they deserve, but not this time. See, I want Bea and everyone to see that I’m not some push over like others think I am. No, I’m to break the door down to this place and show the warrior that I am. The fans' eyes will be glued to the ring and they will see me pick you apart. Why? Because they will know just how dangerous I am and see that I’ll do anything to send a message to someone who did me wrong.”

”You’re asking yourself, “Why me? What did I do?” And that question for you is…nothing. You do nothing. But I can tell you that you must’ve done something to be put in the same ring with me.  Which is why I’m saying what I'm saying. But between you and me, bea is the reason. All I want from you, Miss Manners, is to send Bea a message for me is all. I want her to know that I’m not going to forget or forgive what she did to me. Usually, I’m the type of girl to forgive someone, but not this time.”

”I’m marching to Climax Control to fight and fight I will. Are you ready for it? Are you ready to step in the ring with the soldier queen? Are you ready to go toe to toe with someone that can deal a great amount of damage?”

She shakes her head slowly and smiles at the camera. ”I don’t think you are. I think you’re terrified of all the damage that I can do to you. But you want to know something? It doesn’t matter what you say or do. It doesn’t matter how low you need to go against me, Miss Manner. All I know is that you’re not ready for the fight that I’m going to bring to you. No – I don’t think you have the slightest idea how much I can hurt you. I would stand her and talk to you about honor and discipline, but I don’t you have the slightest idea what those are.”

She walks forward and rests her back against the monument. She put her shades back on her face while she kept that smile on her face.

”At Climax control, I can tell you right now that you don’t have the strength or brain to go hand to hand with me. I don’t think you have the guts to do what I can do. You are no warrior. You’re no soldier. You’re nothing. When we step in that ring, I’m going to prove just that. I’m going to prove that Miss Manners is nothing but all bark and no bite. Miss Manners, the only thing that you’re going to understand is that I’m not someone you should overlook. As of right now, I’m going to let you go so I can take a look at this place some more. But before I go, I want to say one more thing to you, Miss Manners. I’m not sure if you’re a betting woman or not, but if you are, you better make the right bet. Because if I was you, I would bet on me. Why? Because when people bet on me, they always win. What about you, Miss Manners? What are you betting on? Are you betting on yourself or on me, Nakita Niles? Miss Manners, I’m going to see you later.

She moves forward and makes a salute to the camera. The camera moves closer as she gives off smiles.

”Bet on me, bet on Nakita Niles.”

She walks away as the scene fades to black.