Author Topic: Exposed.  (Read 355 times)

Offline Evie Baang

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    • Evie Baang
« on: October 28, 2016, 06:37:24 PM »
Chances; everyone in life takes them right? Some people are given chances, while some people just take chances… it’s the daily gamble we take. Every time we leave the house it’s with a chance that some of us will never make it back there safely. This is a cold hard fact that I wish upon many of my enemies and most of Sin City Wrestling but hey, I’m just a bitch like that. However in the end we only regret the chances in life we didn’t take. It’s a tragic bumper sticker am I right? I mean when you read that quote life is meant to jump right out and grab you by the fucking throat and shake the shit out of you until you realise that you could be doing so much more with yourself.

It’s a feel good slogan that makes you just want to run out of your house and take life by the horns, learn something new, take a step out of your comfort zone and become a better version of yourself. I mean why wouldn’t you want to take chances when the rewards on these bumper stickers seem so prestigious? “Take a chance you never know how perfect something might turn out to be” “Every chance is a risk worth taking” “your next chance might be your final step into happiness” ah yes, I believe it and trust me I’ve been taking chances ever since I was a little girl but there is one thing I have always told myself never take a chance on a undeserving person. That’s like handing a loaded gun to someone and begging them not to shoot you. Some call it trust issues while to me it’s just plain and simple survival techniques.

The day you have walked a mile in my shoes will be the day that you’ll understand why I only hold a handful of people close to me. MI Mundo, Gabriel, Odette, Ben and Calista that’s my team it’s the only team I need it’s the only people I trust enough in this world. I know that they won’t stick the knife in my back as soon as I turn it. I also know with them that a spade is a spade, there is no hidden meanings there is no underlying bitterness they call it how they see it, they keep me in line and yet they let me be me without trying the cloud me or change me.

These are all people that I have taken a chance on and they have taken a chance on me and things have worked out perfectly. I mean probably not for some of you I mean the bitterness I get from hanging out with Ben Jordan is ridiculous it’s even funnier when it comes from some of his closest friends. I’m looking at you Jamie Dean. The jealously I’m treated with because of my connections to Gabriel and Odette humours me, because let’s face it the king and queen of Sin City Wrestling could have chosen anyone to bring up into the limelight and they picked me. Do you know how many people have tried out for Gabriel’s wrestling school? Hundreds, do you know how many he has taken a chance on? Just a handful and do you know how many he has actually pushed into the spotlight, just one and you’re fucking looking at her.

However it’s been a while since I have had to the take a chance on somebody new, well that was until Mi Mundo walked into my life and everything changed. Now I just find myself in-between a rock and a hard place and no I’m not describing his erection and a wall I’m talking about the fact that there are certain things that he doesn’t know about me, things that he would probably never understand and things that will probably drive us apart. What a tragic little whirlwind I have gotten myself into, something that just started out as some fun has turned into something that is now overcome with feelings. Not just any feelings, true feelings something that I haven’t felt for a very long time. Yet here I am wondering if I should act on them or if I should just keep doing what I’m doing and walking this fine line of emotions and praying to whomever the fuck is the maker of mankind that I don’t trip and fall into deep. I would hate to take a chance on this and reveal everything to him only to have that chance be thrown back into my face.

This week will be filled with chances, you’ll just to wait and see which ones I take and which ones I let slide on past me. Here’s hoping that I do the right thing and things turn out the way I want them too because I would hate to have to go through all of this again. It wouldn’t be worth it.

Alright let’s get on with it shall we? Let’s go and dig into my week thus far and see what I have taken a leap at and with a bit of luck if this all goes well you’ll be able to hear about the rest of my story. For all of you who have been keeping up you already know where my future lies, in an abandoned warehouse surrounded by men with guns. You also already know when this all started at the night of my birth now let’s see why I am who I am today and you’ll find out why I don’t give people chances.

Though if you haven’t been following my story I guess that just means I’ll see you on Sunday night at Climax Control when I finally get to shut up Alexis Edwards for good. She thinks she is in with a chance this Sunday night saying that she thinks she has what it takes to beat me, I’ll show her and the rest of you that the only chance she has… is one she doesn’t stand at.

And for all of you slow fuckers out there, it’s a play on words of me saying that she doesn’t stand a chance.


*The following is reflected from Evie’s eyes only as you are unable to see the front of her Mi Mundo’s face. I promise when he is revealed it will be worth the wait, it’s just imperative to her story that his identity isn’t known for now.

It was raining again but that was nothing new for Washington State, the familiar scene of the treehouse in the middle of nowhere was our main focus on this dusk filled evening. The cloud cover was masking the sun but still Mother Nature provided a picturesque backdrop as the green sky high trees swayed in the gentle breeze, the rain gently pelted down on the ground filling the lake, while hydrating the leaves on the plants that surrounded Evie’s home. It was peaceful and everything in this picture screamed tranquillity.

Quickly the panorama shot changed to the inside of the small cosy wooden home of Evie Luna Baang. The house was dimly lit as only an array of candles was bringing the ambience to life in doors. She had power she wasn’t living off the land but there was something about the smell of burning hot wax that smelt like vanilla that intrigued her. Her fire place in her living room was roaring to life as the sound of crackling wood burning brought another peaceful sound to her ears. Evie loved her home, she loved how it made her feel at ease and it turned over everything negative inside her. She was in her safe place, her comfort zone and the one place she truly knew as a cease-fire.

The young Aussie was sitting in her large soft leather chair that looked snuggly in place with her rustic looking décor. Evie was sitting with her legs drawn up to her body with a light cashmere pull over blanket across her lap. She wasn’t dressed to impress however she still looked flawless, something that hadn’t always come easy to her but since she had found her confidence she owned her unique look. She had a tight pair of dark blue jeans on, while her feet were snuggly housed in a pair of bone coloured Australian UGG boots. Her top half was covered in a skin tight black short sleeved top that struggled to hold back her mounding breasts but still held her in place keeping her in check. She loved to show off her cleavage it was one of her favourite assets about herself but she did so in a classy way as she didn’t want to come across as a common tart something that was easy to be misjudged as in her line of work. On top of her head was a black and bone coloured beanie that was the cherry on top of her cake, as her long blackish brown hair cascaded down around her shoulders and around her cleavage. Her face was makeup free, well apart from her fake mink eyelashes that she had on but she would rather die than be seen without her lashes as they framed her eyes perfectly and gave her that sensual but intellectual appeal.

Evie didn’t always think that she was worth a second look but ever since the man that was sitting across from her had walked into her life she thought she must have been doing something right to have a grown successful man jumping continents weekly to be with her. Even if it was just for a few hours he always made his way back to her and she always made her way to him. Her Mi Mundo was sitting directly in front of her; he was alone on the two seater couch that looked across at Evie’s single chair. He had just flown in a few hours ago and had just settled in. His normal business attire was replaced with a dark blue pair of jeans, with black socks covering his feet keeping him warm with a casual plain white t-shirt over his chest. He didn’t need a beanie or a blanket as his mountains of muscles kept him warmer than his prized possession his Evie. His dark brown hair was tussled to the side and somehow even though it wasn’t styled it wasn’t messy either.

The two weren’t saying a single word to each other as they just looked across the short distance between them, staring at each other. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was just a silence something that would have been filled with deafening moans and thumping in previous visits. Yet here they were sitting in Evie’s living room each holding onto a hot cup of coffee not saying a single word just looking at one another, waiting for each other to make the first move. As the intense sound of rain on the tin roof above them started to ease up Evie heard her Mundo clear his throat before he placed his coffee cup on the table beside him. Her clear hazel green eyes watched as he leant forward in his seat, before he rocked back in to it getting comfortable. He was acting differently and she couldn’t tell if this was a good thing or a bad thing, but the sound of his English accent cut the air between them like a hot knife gliding through soft butter.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Evie I want you to tell me everything; I want to know how you got those scars? I want to know why you’re so outspoken and yet so cautious? I want to know why you wake up in hot sweats, trembling in distress only to tell me that everything is okay and that you’re fine. You’re not fine and this isn’t right. What are you hiding from me Evie?”

His voice was harsh but in the same light it was soft and riddled with concern, he had never been that way with her before but now he was looking her dead in the eyes searching for answers. Evie didn’t know what to say at first as she just glared across the room at him, she wanted to know why all of a sudden he had an interest into her past when she knew that they had both decided not to dive into it when they first started seeing each other. The concerned look on his face was eating her alive, she didn’t like it she didn’t want him worrying about her after all this was meant to be a fling without strings. He was glaring at her with his clear eyes that were surrounded with dark circles of concern. He was worried about her and that made her feel nauseous.

“Don’t look at me like that. Don’t you dare look at me like that, like I’m some sort of stray mongrel that you need to protect I don’t need you to shelter me, I’m fine everything is fine.”

She was straight on the defensive that was her go to card, she would always snap when she felt someone was getting closer to her so she could keep them away from her. It wasn’t because she was worried about her feelings it was because she didn’t want anyone to get trapped inside her world a world that was filled with disappointment and misery. She wasn’t what you call a catch she was a flight risk, she was damaged but she yet she managed to hold herself together in public so that no one would be any wiser. Her greenish hazel eyes burned towards him as she glared him up and down, however he didn’t skip a beat as he just rocked forward placing his right hand on the arm rest staring directly into her eyes

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Evie, I’m not trying to shelter you, I just want to understand what you’re going through. I want to help you; I want to grasp what’s going on with you. One minute you’re running hot, the next minute you’re subzero. It isn’t right Evie, I know you are keeping something from me and that is cutting me to the core. You have always said honesty is best and that only sincerity is what a solid relationship can stand on, so why start breaking the ground now? Open up to me Evie, I need to know what’s going on in that mind of yours; I need to know what’s running through your veins… what drives you. Share with me, it doesn’t have to be the whole story tonight, but just a snippet that’s all I ask of you Evie.”

His eyes were burning into her skin as he watched her fidget in her seat, she didn’t like feeling this fragile but right now she felt like she was on the urge of breaking. Evie had never been forward with her feelings, well she had once but it had broken her to the point where she guaranteed herself she would never allow it to happen again. Yet here she was gazing across at her Mundo worried that once her story was out in the open he would leave her and the thought of having him walk out of her life was enough to paralyser her. As these thoughts barrelled through her mind Evie closed her eyes, holding them tightly from emotional pain, she knew she had to tell him the truth but the outcome of her honesty would be enough to break them. Opening her eyes slowly she looked across at her lover and softly spoke towards him, her voice was almost inaudible as she forced her words to squeeze out of her throat that had started to tighten due to her concern.

“You will leave me once you know the truth you will walk out of my life and I will never see you again.”

He could have sworn he saw a tear building up in her eye just welling up waiting to be released but Evie rapidly blinked and looked away from him. She would never show such a weakness to anyone, not even him. Focusing on the rain sliding down her glass windows was enough tear streams that she needed to witness; it was as if Mother Nature herself was crying for Evie so that Evie didn’t have to. The young Australian turned back to look at the man that was staring at her, his expression was firm and locked onto hers. Reaching out he rested his open palm onto Evie’s knee trying to break the distance between them reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. Nevertheless Evie wasn’t convinced as she just looked down at his hand, seeing it there on her body but not really feeling its presence or its worth. She had already persuaded herself that after tonight he would no longer be in her life.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “You don’t know that Ms Baang.”

His tone was filled with optimism hoping that would break down her walls and allow Evie a chance to breathe and relax. Mundo started to rub his thumb over her knee in a circle pattern trying to reassure her that he was still there and that he wasn’t going anywhere. The green in Evie’s hazel eyes were on fire tonight as it flickered out and stood out, something that only really happened when she was stressed. It was a shame though as her preferred her green dominate eyes to her hazel ones as she thought it made her look more stunning, she quickly shook her head from side to side was she really concerned about the colour of her eyes right now or was she just stalling from the matter at hand?

“I know you will, how could a man of such integrity stay once he finally knows the truth about his, well, whatever I am to you? This was just meant to be a little fun, no one was meant to get caught up, no one was meant to develop feelings and here you are sitting across from me breaking our demands wanting to know my full story and here I am frightened to share it because I dread the immanent future of you walking upstairs, grabbing your belongings, packing your suitcase, walking out that door and out of my life forever.”

She licked her lips that were paper dry before she dropped her coffee cup onto the table beside her. He watched her every move like a hawk and cringed as she dragged her long red polished nails over her skin as if she was trying to mask her emotional pain with something physical. Evie wanted to feel anything and by anything that included the sharpness of her nails digging into her skin to get her mind off the drumming of her heart. He flinched out with his right hand and placed it on top of hers before he pulled her hand away from her own arm stopping her from grinding her own flesh. The scary thing is he didn’t believe that she knew what she was doing as the startled look in her eyes screamed deer caught in the headlights. He dropped her hand back down to her side before he gave her a stern look, a look that said don’t do that again before he returned his hand to her knee cap.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Try me Evie, tell me your story.”

She swallowed hard as she looked into his eyes, he wasn’t going to give up and she knew it. Evie dragged her bottom lip into her mouth and inhaled before letting a deep exhale out. She was going to have to open up to him and just hope for the best. As her Mundo watched her, he kept his hand firmly planted on her knee before he slid it up her leg and onto her thigh. He wasn’t being risky he was doing it to make her feel at ease. Evie looked down at his hand and cracked a petite smile she would be mad not to give this ago and who knew? Maybe he would stay with her once the dust settled on her wild and stormy story. Looking up from his hand on her thigh Evie reflected into his clear blue eyes and they both shared a heart-warming smile.

“Where would you like me to start?”

A chuckle left his lips as he looked at her, did she really have to ask him that? Evie flinched at his laughter not sure what was so funny but the calm look on his face eased her. Her Mundo gave her thigh a tight squeeze and a tender pat as he spoke towards her with his unmistakable English accent.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Like most good stories Evie, they always read better when you start at the beginning and finish at the end.”

She watched him wink at her and her teeth tightened against one another, he was witty and that drove her crazy. Evie quickly let out another exhale before she dragged the beanie off the top of head and rested it down to her side before she messed up her long brown hair. With a simple lick of her dry lips and a roll of her head on her neck she straighten herself up in her chair and parted her lips and what followed next was well the beginning of her whirlwind story. Would he be here at the end of it? She prayed to God he would be and if he wasn’t at least she had taken a single chance.


Where to start? Where could you start? It was a huge request as Evie just sat in silence for a few more moments to collect her thoughts and try and pull her earliest memory from her brain. It didn’t take long as a flood of memories poured into her mind and it was only a matter of moments before she was lost deep inside them. Her trip down memory lane for her Mundo would have started with the story of her birth, followed by some average stories about growing up but what her world was interested in was the story she was retelling him now. It was time to take a trip down memory lane a place that Evie swore to never return to.

She could remember that moment like it was yesterday. It was a blistering hot summers day back home in Australia, Evie was in a new location sure she was born in Victor Harbor but she never stayed there for long and on this day she found herself on the Gold Coast. The Cancun of Australia, there was overcrowded beach parties, tourists jammed in Cavill Avenue shopping up a storm hitting up all the designer stores while an aroma of Fish and chips was in the air masked by a slight smell of sea air. She loved going to the beach, she loved the surf, the sand and the freedom the ocean brought her but today wasn’t an ordinary day at the beach. Evie didn’t have time to take in her picture-perfect scenery in fact she was too focused on the man that was kneeling down in front of her pretending to fix up the collar on her tiny red collared dress. It was her father; he was speaking to her while he adjusted her collar.

“You remember what you have to do here Poppy?”

Poppy, ah a nickname that she hadn’t been called in years. Her father had called her that out in the field because to him she was a picture of beauty, with her bright red dress that she always wore and her long black brown hair; it was also a play on the flower that was used for remembrance days. As Mr Baang knew that there would come a time and day in the future that Evie’s name would go down in history and that everyone that had come across her would remember her name.

“I sure do daddy, I have to push the buttons in this order on the keypad.”

Evie was only six years old at the time, so innocent, so pure and she had no idea what her father was training her up to be. She was his intelligent sidekick, she was his accomplice but she was also one of his greatest instruments that he used to play his game and win. As Evie looked into her father’s eyes she didn’t know any better as he was her flesh and blood, she loved him and all she ever wanted was for her father to be proud of her. Even at this tender young age she had this need to see her father happy because she had seen what he had done to people who had failed him in the past and she didn’t want to suffer the same fate.

“That’s my girl, now what happens once you push the buttons in the keypad?”

Evie sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as she tried to remember what her next move was meant to be, her father was eagerly looking at her giving her time to find the right answer.

“I have to push the buttons and then I have to run away and find a man who looks nothing like you and hold his hand, that’s so if there are any cameras they will focus on him and not on you”

She smiled proudly at her father as she remembered her chores, step by step, Evie’s father couldn’t be more proud of her right now. However he still had to be sure his daughter didn’t stuff this up for them.

“What happens if you enter the code incorrectly?”

Evie’s smiled faded as she moved into her father closer, the happiness drained from her face as she looked at him pale like she had just seen a ghost. She didn’t know the full extent of what happened if she stuffed this up but she knew the stories that he father had drilled into her head.

“If I don’t get the right code in, I’ll die. The money machine will go boom, I don’t want it to go boom daddy.”

She went in for a hug as she was scared but her father placed his hands on her shoulders keeping her at bay. Looking around at a swarm of people in the crowd his was looking for the perfect time to send his daughter on her first job. Evie was desperate for a hug she wanted to be comforted but her father didn’t feel the need to do so, he was too focused on the plan. He turned back to look at his daughter and looked at the fear in her eyes, which caused him to growl at her.

“Get that fucking look off your face Poppy”

Her bottom lip trembled but she held it together, she was only six years old but already she had learnt how to control her emotions. Inside she wanted to scream, kick and cry but she knew that would only upset her father. Evie quickly stood up as tall as she could before she let out a big exhale, she didn’t even know why that motion made her feel at ease at such a young age but she knew it calmed her down.

“I’m sorry Daddy”

Her Father ignored her apology and looked behind his daughter and saw the opening and with a quick firm look into his daughters Hazel eyes he barked down his orders.

“Go to work Poppy, go to work”

Evie didn’t waste any time as she skipped out from behind the wall that she and her father was just talking behind. She quickly skipped across the busy Cavill Avenue and made a beeline over towards the first ATM machine she didn’t waste any time as she quickly reached up on the very tips of her tippy toes and smashed away at the keyboard hitting the keys in the correct order.

“Nine, seven, six, eight, five, one, one, five, eight, six, seven, nine, enter, enter, enter, zero”

Evie remembered that code like it was a nursery rhyme and once she entered it she skipped off from the ATM that was now showing an Error code on the screen. She didn’t know at the time why she needed to put the code into the machine but to her it was a game, the way she played it was like hop scotch and this is what she thought family bonding was. She remember ed that she didn’t look back and that she continued to make her way down the long strip of Cavill Avenue hitting all the ATMs from different banks. Repeating the same pattern over and over again until she got to her tenth and final Automatic Teller Machine once the code was entered she ran off into the crowd of people looking around for someone she could pretend was her father. An older man in his mid-forties presented himself to her, she could remember his bright orange quick dry shorts and his black billabong t-shirt. Rushing towards him she knocked into people bouncing off them as she desperately needed to catch up with him and once she did she placed her left hand in his. The man looked down at her surprised while she looked up at him in fear.

“You’re not my daddy”

The man quickly dropped down to his knees as she started to fake cry, playing her role in this scene perfectly as he fussed over her “the lost little girl” while her father set out to work. All the ATM’s at Evie had entered that code into was now on a timer. A timer where all you had to do was slide your card into the slot and all the funds from that machine would spill out of the cash dispenser. Evie didn’t know that’s what was happening at the time as she faked being the lost little girl, she just thought her father followed her and reactivated the machines. Little did she know that on that day alone she helped her father steal well over five hundred thousand dollars, she was completely oblivious at first. That was until this first time job turned into a series of three hundred hits across the country. The total at the end of this little game that she had helped her father acquire was a total of just over seven million dollars.

The greatest ATM heists to ever happen in history in Australia.

Oh and also the reason why every ATM in Australian now has a five point camera security system!

Her train of thought left her first lift and it started to replay every single one after that, she spilled out the names of the cities that she helped her father hit. Almost pin pointing them in order. She thought of the times they almost got caught, the times when the ATM’s only had twenty dollars in them the times that she almost stuffed up the game and got in a world of trouble. Each and every hit that she felt was worth telling him about she spilled to him, until she remembered the time when her father brought her home to Victor Harbor and instead of praising her efforts he banished her to her room for a month. Evie didn’t know what she had done wrong, she didn’t know what went wrong but all she remembered was being woken up one morning at three forty-one am when her father wanted to teach her a valuable life lesson.

Evie went to start that story but she couldn’t talk, words had escaped her as she just sat their struggling with trying to find the right words. All of her memories had spiralled back out of her mind as she closed her eyes trying to shut them out. She knew what came next in her story and she wanted to share it but she just couldn’t shake the feeling of her body trembling. So she sat in silence with her head in her hands, looking at the ground a hurricane of emotions ripping through her body. She was angry, something she was well known for but it was an emotion that her Mundo had never seen before as her fists clenched but rested against her forehead, her normally tanned skin was now flushed red and was burning. It was like a pit of rage had just engulfed her and she was sinking into it.


With a few rapid blinks and a soft sigh escaping her lips Evie returned her attention back up to the man who was still across from her, she was lost and he could tell that she was halfway between reality and memory. He had asked her to tell her a story from her past but he didn’t realise that it would push her some close to the edge of anger. He watched her slip back into her chair and turn away from him, pulling her cashmere blanket up over her body as she was now freezing. The redness from her body had simmered down to nothing as she just watched the rain pour down her glass windows, relieving her mind putting her at ease. He knew that she needed a few moments to collect her thoughts and remember what was real and that she was no longer stuck in the recollections of her past. His hand slid down her leg back onto her knee, the she couldn’t feel him there she was stunned from the flood of memories that were now beating down the door inside her mind just wanting to breakout.

It wasn’t the fact that she had helped her father steal money that troubled her, she couldn’t care for that it was the fact that she was returned home and locked in her room for a month straight that troubled her. The last time she saw the world she was six years old, only to pulled back into it at the age of seven. Her birthday was celebrated by herself in her room with a boarded up window, with a revolting ham sandwich slid underneath the door for her only meal. She didn’t know why her father had punished her and to this day she was still clouded about it. However she was a child and children tend to always love and forgive their parents so as soon as that door opened on that day she was overcome with joy and happiness that she was able to join her mother and father once again.

She was sick; she had to be sick to feel the feelings that were in the pit of her stomach right now. She still loved her parents even though they treated her like an animal for a month. Her father tried to cover it up saying that he needed to protect her identity and that he would make up for lost time. Evie’s teeth grinded together and that sound brought a cringe to his face. She was still lost in a world of hurt and it was his fault for making her open up. Reaching across to her he shook her gently and that’s when she finally snapped out of her memories.

Turning back to look at her lover she faked a smile, as she pulled her dry lips apart she huffed. She didn’t want to seem weak but she already knew that covering that up was too late with him. Evie had let him in and now she was exposing her layers to him. She always thought that people who grew upset by their feelings were weaklings but right now she understood them and it was eating her up inside. As she looked over towards her Mundo she rolled her head on her neck and spoke out towards him.

“And that’s how I knew my life was going to be extremely different from every other girl who dreams of pony rides, dollhouses and rainbows.”

She was trying to play if off like she was okay and that everything was fine but all jokes aside he knew she was just trying to bullshit him. He wasn’t stupid he was far from it; he didn’t become a successful business man for no reason. Evie looked at him giving him a smile hoping that would please him, hoping that he wouldn’t try and probe into the story that was sitting at the tip of her tongue that she wanted to tell him. She had told him up to the part where she was locked away and then released but she had just stopped, however when she looked across at him she knew that he would want to know why.

“You have a history of petty crimes Evie, that’s not worth me packing my bags and leaving why didn’t you just tell me?”

Rolling forward in the chair she watched as he rested his hands on top of his knees looking at her confused. He rested his head down on to his bawled up fists that held his gaze with hers. Evie was confused, did he just miss all of her body langue cues or was he just playing it safe and asking and not assuming things about her? Either way Evie was starting to feel uncomfortable with it all. She rocked forward in her chair and wrapped the cashmere blanket around her keeping her body warm from the ice cold shock she had just put herself in.

“Because that’s just the start Mi Mundo, it’s just the very tip of the iceberg. What followed in the years to come might be considered meek in your eyes right now but believe me when I say this my light fingers quickly turned into a heavy hand and stealing from the rich to give to the poor soured into the quick or the dead.”

The uncompromising look in her greenish eyes said it all and he read that message loud and clear, he knew that he was right to assume that she had a catalogue of back stories still to tell and that she had started with the tame one for a reason. She was just dipping her toe in the water to see how much he could handle. Evie was seeing if he was man enough to stick by his word and stay by her side for this whole ordeal and do what he promised by giving her a chance to tell him her story.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “I want you to tell me more, but not tonight. Tonight you have shared enough however I would be interested in hearing your full story Evie in fact I must know every single detail about it.”

She didn’t know why he was so interested in her story but it was too late she had already tore down some walls and was starting to share it. Nevertheless Evie was always on the defence she was always over protecting herself when it came to her emotions and she was guarding herself now for the ending she still saw pending in the near distant future for them.

“Why so when you shame me at the end of all of this, you’ll be so repulsed you can tell yourself every night you were right to leave me and were right to never fall for a girl who should be locked away?”

Her words cut him like a knife, they had hurt him but now wasn’t the right time to tell her why they did, now was the time to show her why. Reaching out with both of his hands he grabbed a hold of hers, watching her struggle to fight him off at first but he just latched onto them gripping onto them. Evie gave up the fight, she knew that she could easily remove him but something was screaming inside of her to just let him be and to listen to what he was about to say to her.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Evie, Evie, Evie… you need to trust me, you need to trust us and you need to have faith in the feelings that we have for one another. Right now when I look into your eyes I can see a world filled with pain, a universe clouded by misjudgement but I can also see the clarity that you seek. You’re not a bad person Evie, there isn’t a damn thing you could do in this world that would make me feel that. I only have to look into your exquisite eyes to know you’re a good person, deep down even if you don’t believe it. I see it and right now there is a genuine woman staring back at me.”

She was lost for words and all of the bitterness had seeped out of her body like water pouring into a drain. Her eyes looked him up and down unsure what to say unsure what to do at first. Evie leant forward in her chair and looked at her man a little confused but somewhat grateful a feeling she hoped didn’t come back to bite her on the arse in a few days’ time when her full story came out. Her Aussie accent was finally heard and the thickness of it made her next sentence creepier than what it should have been.

“You have no idea what I’ve done, what I can do and what I will still undoubtedly end up doing.”

His eyes were locked on hers and he could feel the tension rising in her once again, he pulled his arms back, dragging her forward before he ordered her.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Come here.”

He pulled her across the distance between them as Evie now made the short journey from her chair to his and before she knew it he had positioned her on top of him. Evie was now looking into his eyes as he placed his hands on her hips, holding her close to him but far enough that he could still look at her in the eyes. She could feel her heart beating a mile a minute and she was pretty sure that he could see it pulsing through her chest. There was no secret that Evie was a completely different person around her lover, she was learning to feel sensations again something that had been stolen from her a long time ago. She was still well aware of falling into deep too soon, but it was as if the moment he gave her a single minute of his day that first time they met that something had awoken in her and that she was completely unrecognizable.

“I don’t who is crazier; you for wanting me near you or me for allowing myself to be this close to someone?”

That brought a chuckle from his lips as he looked up at her, his hands now sliding up her back, his hands were sprawled open so that his flesh could be against the thin layer of cotton. He started to rub his hands up and down trying to bring warmth back to her body as she finally rested her hands around his neck draping them there in an effortless hug.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “I guess you could say we both have our flaws.”

His smile beamed up at her as he flashed his crystal white teeth, as his lips parted she just wanted hers to be on his but she didn’t know if that was inappropriate in this exact moment in time. Evie took the high road by screwing up her nose and faking a laugh, did he really just say he had flaws?

‘There’s not a single flaw on you, you’re practically a vision made from God himself who is authentic and polite I’d put money on the fact there wouldn’t be even one bad intention in your whole entire body.”

That’s where she couldn’t have been more wrong, Mi Mundo had his own past that he would have to share with her one day sure it wasn’t one filled with bank robbing and whatever else Evie had gotten herself mixed up in when she was little but he could assure he that he wasn’t Mr innocent. He had a dark side of him that only a few people in this world had seen.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “You couldn’t be more wrong Evie; I didn’t get to where I am today without having a bit of dog in me.”

He was lucky she was Australian and that she got that British expression or otherwise she would have been sitting here looking at him like a dummy. Not knowing what to say at first Evie just nodded her head as if to agree with him for something that she knew nothing about but now she wanted to know his backstory but she knew he wouldn’t share it with her right now at this second. Her eyes started to scan up her right arm that was now pressed up against his chest and her smile slowly faded to a frown as her eyes crossed over the scars that lined her arms. They weren’t from self-harm or anything like that, but they were from cuts. As soon as her eyes stared down at them she flinched, the next part of her story that was at the tip of her tongue was now burning at her mind once again. As if they had just triggered the link to when she was seven years old, her Mundo sensed that she was starting to stiffen up so gave her body a little squeeze trying to pull her back into the now. His eyes followed hers down to her faint scars and he went to say something but her accent cut him off.

“Unsightly isn’t it?”

Without skipping a beat her love, said something so pure and so nice that it pulled her away from the dark place she was headed.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Not at all my Evie, it’s actually a work of art”

Before she could say anything she felt his powerful body move underneath hers as he broke the distance between them. His hands now pushed her back so that her chest was now leaning into his torso. Within a matter of seconds he had brought his lips down to right arm, he pressed them against her skin and started to kiss a trail up from her fingers, to her wrist, to her forearm, to her shoulder before he embraced the side of her neck giving her light kisses on each and every scar he could find on that side of her body. Soon the trail came to an end at the nape of her neck, before he dragged his moist lips across from her neck to the bottom of her jaw until finally they found her lips. He kissed her lightly at first not wanting to startle her, that was the last thing he wanted to do but he wanted to show her that he still considered her body his temple.

She was to be worshipped because she was a real woman, someone who called a spade a spade and treated him like a human being unlike the money hungry women he faced on a daily bases. Their embrace deepened just a little, before her mouth edged open more allowing his tongue admission into her mouth and before he knew it their tongues were duelling in a powerful heated embrace. Evie’s hands flew up to his face as she held onto either side of it not wanting to let him go as he controlled the tempo bringing the kiss down a notch. The Aussie didn’t know what she had done wrong but as she opened her eyes and the two parted she saw a satisfied smile on his face, before he rested his forehead against hers. Surely they didn’t just share their first proper kiss, that didn’t lead to other forms of foreplay and soon to be followed intercourse? Surely this wasn’t that moment and with a cocky nod from her Mundo, Evie knew that he was on the same page as her and in this moment he still wanted her for what she was and… that was his.


Taking a break from her life story, Evie could now be seen standing in her kitchen. She had a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee in her hands as she looked outside her wall length window watching the rain falling, calming her. Her Mi Mundo wasn’t anywhere to be seen but the sound of pipe creaking gave it away that he was upstairs showering, getting ready for date night. Evie was still in her clothes from before as she hadn’t even started to get ready, she just needed a few extra minutes to gather her thoughts and process what she had just told her lover.

“Look at me go sharing my life story with someone else and opening up about my life to you guys like a fucking book. I’d pat myself on the back but hey let’s try and keep things humble. I don’t mean to blow my own horn but I’m pretty impressed with myself I mean this sharing stuff is hard, like really hard… but now you know that I’ve come from a life of petty crimes. I just wonder what all my competition will say about me in future? I really hope it’s something creative and worthwhile, because so far all my competition in Sin City Wrestling has just been too easy to eat alive.”

Turning to the audience Evie smirked, no she wasn’t that crazy she wasn’t talking to herself as she was now talking to well you. She rolled her tongue off her white teeth, while she rested her elbows down on the hard wooden bench that was housed in the middle of the kitchen. With her coffee cup still being nursed in both of her hands she continued to speak.

“Now I know what you’re thinking, how am I talking to you all right now, when I was just making out with Mi Mundo and telling him about my past? Well calm your tits girls, you didn’t just witness a flash back inside a flash back something that people said couldn’t be done correctly… that literally all happened right then and now… however I had to take a break from my story to remind all of you to watch Climax Control this Sunday night to witness Alexis Edwards’ second chance at trying to defeat me.”

Another evil smirk crossed Evie’s face, she hadn’t forgotten about her match this Sunday night at Climax Control. In fact that match wasn’t far from her mind this week after all last Sunday’s challenge answer segment on the show was a hot topic on people’s lips. Really a kissing pun? Oh yes I went there. Taking her right hand off the mug she brought it up to her long brown hair and she dragged her fingernails through it before messing it up effortlessly. She guided the mug to her lips and poured some of the burning hot coffee into her mouth, savouring the taste of the dirty dish water before she swallowed it. For some reason she didn’t feel any lighter after sharing her story with her Mi Mundo in fact her whole body was tense and aching. She just shrugged off the mental anguish before continuing.

“Now some people say a second chance is all you need in life to make things right, to change the here and now… while my view on second chances is that only the weak look for them while the strong work around them. They say that everyone deserves a second chance but I think some people don’t need another opportunity to be embarrassed and ashamed but hey if that’s what Alexis wants, that’s what Alexis will get.”

A wink, just a strong confident wink followed as Evie continued to stare at her audience so they could feel connected to her while they watched this. Her greenish hazel eyes just burnt a hole in the lens as she wanted to get the message across loud and clear that Alexis was going to pay and she wasn’t going to like the end result of her second chance. As Evie turned back to watch the rain she heard the sound of the water from the shower directly above her head stop and that’s when she knew she had to speed this along.

“Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a hot date to get ready for, I just wanted to silence the trolls that were concerned that there wasn’t enough match focus in my promotional package this week.”

She placed her mug down on the bench and turned on her heels before making her way towards the stairs to head to the upper level of her Washington Tree house escape. Before she disappeared up the stairs to go get ready for their weekly date night, Evie turned back to say.

“See you soon Muppets and no you can’t join us upstairs, go find something to do for at least two hours to keep yourself occupied.”

With an evil smirk and another wink Evie turned on her heels and made her way up her spiral stair case heading towards the top story of her house, where she would no doubt shower, get dressed, do her hair, put on makeup and make her Mundo wait it out for the next hour and a half. Evie typically hated girls like that but tonight was special, so she was going to make him wait it out building the anticipation between them. So once they were finally out together at date night he could long for her as she sat across the table looking at him with such passion in her eyes while he couldn’t and wouldn’t take his eyes off her perfectly seductive body that she had put together just for him. She was different to all the other girls that he had been with and that was exciting to him like a breath of fresh air, while Evie was just pleased that his views of her hadn’t changed from earlier today. She didn’t even want to think of her downward spiral if her story had soured his perception of her, although she was only one percent into her story and she still had a lot to tell.


A few hours had passed by and the scene now opens up in a private table inside a dimly lit restaurant. There was only one table set in the entire building that over looked the city of Seattle it was the world famous Canlis restaurant how to Seattle’s fine dining. The table was set just a few feet back from the jaw dropping glass window that opened the restaurant to its award winning views. Canlis had been booked out for tonight and only two people sat at the table, one was Evie Baang the other was her man. He was dressed in a midnight black suit, with a pale grey button up shirt that he had the sleeves rolled up just slightly. He was dressed to impress especially since he knew the owner of this establishment and he knew that he had a strict dress code. It was the least he could do for his mate that had shut down his entire restaurant for a night just to cater for himself and his Evie.

Evie on the other hand was dressed up in a pair of pin point red heels; her long legs were on display before a knee length dark red velvet sweet heart neck line dress came into the shot. Her long left leg was on display as a spilt up her dress left very little to the imagination. She looked the perfect combination of stimulating and yet classy a look that a lot of people probably thought she couldn’t pull off. Her arms were on display that included her tattoos that she didn’t stress about because she still managed to look elegant with them. She had a crisp white trench coat draped over her shoulders as she was still feeling the cold of the winter that was starting to storm her home away from home.

Sometimes she didn’t understand why she choose to live in Washington as her body screamed for heat from growing up in Australia anything under twenty-four degrees was freezing to her.

Evie could sense her man eyes observing her every move so she made sure everything she did was slow, so he could drink it all in. She looked perfect and everything about her look tonight made his heart skip and pound out of his chest, while his eyes widened every time she crossed or uncrossed her legs as more of her fleshy skin was on display. He had to clear his throat as Evie leant forward in her chair faking that she was having a hard time reading the menu in the dimly lit restaurant. As she scanned the menu for options she felt his right hand press down on her thigh, giving it a squeeze.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “There’s no need to pick anything to eat, Evie.”

She rolled her tongue off her glossed lips and smiled up at her man, clearly thinking he was hinting at something else as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

“Not hungry anymore?”

He picked up the difference in her tone to which he played back.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Oh I’m ravenous, but tonight leave it up to me…”

Evie glared up at him, he was picking her meals now? Well he did know the owner of the place so he probably knew what was good here and what wasn’t. She let go of the menu in her hands and turned her attention back up towards him.

“How about you pick the mains and I’ll handle dessert”

She wasn’t talking about food and he knew it, he wasn’t angry at her either as she pouted away at him before smiling like she had just won the lotto. Evie was playful around him, something that only a selected few ever got to see and that was because her walls were dropping and he was starting to see the real her. Before he could retort a waiter made his way over towards the table to fill their wine glasses with a rare red drop, before he placed a fresh set of cutlery down on to the table. That’s when Evie’s eyes fell on the knife that triggered a world full of memories.


All of a sudden she was no longer in a fancy private restaurant but she was now back in Victor harbor and it was three forty-one am in the morning. Evie was only seven years old and she was getting dragged out of her bed room that she was locked in for a month for the first time. Her father was pulling her down her hallway of her small house before he dragged her down the stairs her little legs were struggling to keep up. They were now deep into the basement of their home, the place where her father had most of his underground business meetings. They weren’t alone as in the smoke filled basement that had a number of safes that lined the walls there was tables with money stacked on top of it, there was guns and knives just laying around like toys. She wasn’t ever allowed down here, so she was unsure why he was dragging her down her today of all days.

That’s when her eyes fell onto a group of men, who were just staring at her looking at her like she was a piece of meat. She knew they would never touch her because her father would kill them but there was something about having four sets of eyes just staring at her that drained the blood from her body in fear. Evie looked up at her father and she could remember seeing him smile down at her as if nothing had changed between them and that everything was okay. However she also saw the glimmer that he father sometimes he got in his eyes when he was about to do something horrible. Evie remembered trying to wiggle free from her father grip but what happened next was her being pushed in to a chair that was set up beside his.

She now sat at a round table with four other men that she didn’t know and her father. On the table was an assortment of knives ranging from pocket size ones, to massive spears. Evie’s eyes lit up and that wasn’t a reaction that her father missed.

“Do you like them, Poppy?”

Evie just kept her eyes on the sharp blades that were gleaming in the darkness; she could tell that they were sharp from the gleam that sparkled off their blades. The young girl didn’t have to turn to look at her father, she just smiled and nodded.

“They are very pretty.”

Her father just chuckled and that chuckle brought a chill to her spine, nothing good was going to come out of today’s life lesson Evie only hoped that she wasn’t the one that was going to feel the pain. She watched as her father picked up a dagger and held it in his hand before holding it up to the light.

“Ah my baby, my Leticia… Evie you see this knife here, she’s my favourite and the things I have done with her… one day I would like to teach you. Yet before you can learn the art of swordsmanship, you must learn the basics.”

Her father slammed his left hand down on the table and spread his fingers out wide so there was a gap between them, before her held the knife in his right hand. The tip was pointing downwards and he quickly started to show off his skills as he slapped the knife down tip first on to the table quickly, dancing it between the gaps on his fingers playing that old knife game that they used to do in the war.

“The art of this Poppy, is learning precision, so you never slip and you never miss because one single slip up and your finger is gone.”

The sound of the knife hitting the table vibrated in her head, thud, thud, thud, thud, the thought of it caused her hands to ball up into little fists. However she just watched her father in awe before she reached out with her left hand and placed it palm down on the table. She wiggled her fingers apart before she looked around the table looking for a knife. Evie’s eyes fell on a small kitchen knife that she picked up with her right hand and she went to follow her father’s footsteps. Learning from him while four men just looked at her, the sound of one of them laughing echoed in the room as Evie attempted to play the Russian roulette with her fingers but it was the following sound that stayed with her for life. She heard a swoosh go past her ear followed by the feeling a slight breeze that moved her brown hair, followed by the sound of the knife hitting flesh, a groan from a man and a thud as that man fell from the chair to his death.

At the tender age of seven Evie had just witnessed her first murder and it was by the hands of her own father. Evie went to scream but her father shook his head, he needed to see how she would react. So she just looked at her father down to the man that was bleeding out on their floor before she turned back to her hands. She looked at the hand on the table and the hand with the knife in it and with the count of three she continued to try and mastered the game that he father just showed her. Mr Baang rocked back into his chair and placed his hands behind his head while he looked towards the other men in the room.

“Does anyone else want to doubt my daughter?”

They all shook their heads nod in sequence, that brought a smile to his face as for the rest of the day they talked business while Evie continued to dance the blade between her fingers, focusing on them trying not to slice her fingers or worse cutting them off while trying her hardest to please her father.

The recollection focused on the knife skipping between her fingers before she was pulled out of it from the feeling of a warm hand on her leg.


<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Evie, are you okay?”

He was looking at her while she looked down at the knife on the table, like a deer in headlights. Knives where one of her favourite weapons to use in her field but right now the one she was looking at was dragging her into a world of pain. Evie ripped her eyes away from the knife and looked back into her lovers clear blue eyes that were pulling her back into reality.

“I’m okay.”

that’s all she mouth from her glossed lips as she looked away from him, unsure if he was going to believe that. Her Mundo reached over and placed his right hand on top of hers and held onto it tightly before he gave her a genuine smile hoping that would ease the pain that was glistening in her eyes.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Are you sure, what’s wrong Evie?”

She was starting to get mad and it wasn’t his fault but she just didn’t understand why she was a barrel of feelings right now, after everything she had been through in life this should have been a walk in the park. She had thought about that day often in her life but never did it bring out this reaction from her. She loved that day; she loved how she learnt a new trick and was allowed to be back with the land of the living and out of her room. For years she just over looked that she had witnessed her first dead man and she did it with ease but this time round she felt sick. There had to be something wrong with her for to think that was one of the best days of her life.

“I… I just…”

She couldn’t find the words and that was driving her crazier, so much so she almost picked the knife up and threw it across the room but she couldn’t and she wouldn’t she didn’t want to ruin their date night. It was rare for them to have time together so being a dramatic brat wasn’t high on her list of things to do today. So she just played the scene out in her head and hoped that was enough to satisfy the urge to just flip the table.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “Tell me.”

She knew she didn’t have any other options right now; she had just gone from seducing him into their bed later tonight to now border line being on the edge of a panic attack. With a quick inhale and even bigger exhale she wrapped her left hand around the steam of her wine glass and brought it to her lips, absorbing a sip from the glass she put it back down on the table. Evie looked up and across at her Mundo and with a stern look on her face she started to spill her secrets to him once more. With each word she spoke he held her hand and ran his thumb across the back of her hand soothing her as if to calm her down from the eternal torment that was ripping her to pieces. Everything she thought was right in the world was now starting to feel like it was incredibly wrong.

Evie continued to tell her story as the first round of meals were brought out to the table but her Mundo didn’t touch a single thing on his plate until her story was told. Looking deeply into her eyes he smiled, not a I’m so happy you just told me something terrible smile but I’m proud of you smile.

“You can leave me you know?”

Evie was quick to point out she was still convinced that he was going to leave her once she got deeper into her history, he quickly squeezed her hand and pulled her attention from the table to his eyes.

<FONT COLOR=#B6B6B4> “I know I can and yet here I am choosing to stay.”

He flashed his pearly white smile at her before he let her hand go, so she could turn her attention back down to their meals. Her attention turned back down to the knife beside her right hand and the flashback faded from her mind and all of a sudden she wasn’t looking at a memory anymore she was looking at a knife.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 06:38:25 PM by Evie Baang »

Offline Evie Baang

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« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2016, 06:39:57 PM »
Well what a week it has been for me and well you, I’d say thank you for sitting through the start of my story but fuck you, you loved it. What a pleasant trip down memory lane it was and what an eye opening experience it was to see that I took a chance on Mi Mundo and it has so far paid off, I’m such a lucky girl and trust me after our dinner date... I was a lucky girl multiple times that night.

Ah now let’s get down to business, let’s get down to why we are all really here... this Sunday night Climax Control... for Sin City Wrestling, the Halloween edition show... the second chance for Alexis Edwards to prove to each and every one of you that her lost to me in our last match wasn’t really a loss... I mean she does have a point I never made her tap out, I never pinned her but home girl couldn’t fucking’ finish the match. She could barely fucking stand and yet here she is standing up each week in the ring claiming that Jasmine St Cum-cakes screwed her over. Like can you not get your own material now Alexis? Or do you just have your head so far up J2H’s arse that you’re now spitting our verses of J2Hism? No disrespect James, you know I fucking hate you but still I can respect you and she’s a follower you wouldn’t want on your team.  

So here we are, here is where it all boils down and Alexis Edwards gets a grand second chance at defeating me.

Chances, chances, chances...

I gave Alexis a chance once; I gave her a moment to show her true colours to me because I once had faith that she and I could be friends… turns out like all the times before I was right in believing that friendships are just fairy tales. I thought Alexis was cool I thought she could be someone I could have in my life that was until she showed herself to be the major disappoint that she is today. It’s okay trust me when I say this I didn’t cry over her disappointing ways, I took the chance and showed the world who she really is and that’s still that pathetic little nobody who doesn’t stand a chance of improving her status in the real world.

Sorry Lexi, but you’re stuck in the mud and trust me not even your alliance with Misty, Celeste or the Staggs will save you. You might think you have chanced but you’re still the flat tedious little nobody that you were before you went off to miracle rehab to work on your anger. You had anger issues? You’re like a fucking house cat, so fucking tame, so fucking predictable... so not worth the ownership.

I don’t even know why I’m entertaining this rematch; the results will be the same as our first match up. I’ll beat you, you’ll cry and say that I never beat you and you’ll make up some bullshit excuse about how and why I didn’t beat you because let’s face it you’re pitiable like that. What will you do this week Alexis blame the referee again for stopping the match to protect you? You’re lucky Jasmine was on your side because trust me I was just getting warmed up and tossing you around the ring like a rag doll was becoming dreary. You’re lucky that Jasmine had enough sense to sense the danger that you were really in and she saved you. You should be fucking thanking that bitch, not hating on her. You walked out of Violent Conduct, well you were carried out... you should be thankful that you’re able to stand today because if the match continued I can promise you, you’d be fucking wheelchair bound...

And all of your loved ones would be calling you, wheels right about now. So appreciate that Jasmine saved you, you ungrateful bitch.

But yet instead of knowing your place, which is beneath me you showed up to Climax Control and you issued a challenge for a rematch and well things snow balled from there and the following week, you were demanding an answer from me and I will telling the world about how weak and stupid you really were and that’s when you tried to play mind games with me. That’s when you took a huge leap forward and planted your lips onto mine and for what Alexis? Did you really think that would rattle me? Did you really think that would play with my mind? It’s child’s play. I saw you skipping off acting like you had just gotten inside my mind and that I would just bow to you and let you in there... that’s why I played fire with fire and showed you that you’ll never be in my mind and yet I’ll always be in yours. You see this weekend when you can’t beat me, you’ll always think about me as the girl that got away... as the challenge you could never conquer... the bitch that you can’t defeat and it will eat you alive. It will consume you and I fucking hope that it pushes you over the edges so we can get rid of this fucking washed up trailer trash somebody and the REAL Alexis Edwards can be returned to us.

I mean what satisfaction are you getting out of being nice Alexis? It can’t be a victorious feeling because so far you’re coming up empty handed in the times and in the matches that matter the most. It must suck knowing that you went through months of rehab to find yourself only to come out being more lost than ever? I feel sorry for you. You could be so much more and yet here you are being nothing... doing nothing... accomplishing nothing..

Enough about you Alexis, I mean there’s not much left to unwrap, just know that if you were looking for an impact last Sunday night with that lip lock... the only impact you got was from the hardening cock of Steve Ramone.

Nevertheless this Sunday night I have also have a chance... A chance to show the world once again that I’m more than what Alexis can handle when we go one on one at Climax Control. Not just any Climax Control but the Halloween edition, fucking child’s play. I hate this fake, made up holiday almost as much as I hate Valentine’s Day it’s a day made up by big companies so they can suck the money right out of your pockets and year after year everyone falls for it.

It’s also just another day for women to dress up as sluts or cats or my favourite slutty fucking cats… I wonder how many naughty nurses Sin City Wrestling will have this year? Or how many Witches will walk the back hallways pretending that they are spooky… If you’re begging to know what costume I’ll be wearing, you’ll be pleased to know I’m going as my mother fucking self. I don’t need to dress up to instil fear into the fans or the competition, I can do that wearing a pair of tight dark levis jeans and a white t-shirt for Christ sake because unlike everyone else on this roster I am who I say I am and unlike them I don’t need to hide behind a gimmick.

Like pretending to be somebody when in reality I’m nobody...

Alexis Fucking Edwards, everybody.

Now like my father always said “a Chance is a weapon if you know how to use it” and trust me I know how to take a chance and use it to its full potential. This Sunday night I have a chance to show everyone that my last match with Alexis wasn’t a screw job, it wasn’t a Jasmine St-What’s-Her-fucking-Face muck up, it was what it was and that was a blood bath that Alexis couldn’t swim out of, so Jasmine made the right call in stopping the match… it will be another chance but nothing will change this Sunday night when history repeats itself.

Time and time again.

You’ll hear Justin at the end of our match proudly say “And your winner... Evieeee Baang” I don’t need a crystal ball, I don’t need to be a slutty witch, nurse or cat to tell you that... because it’s just history repeating itself. It’s just Alexis Edwards shot at a second chance, just back firing in her face and it’s just plainly and simply because I am that much better than her.