Author Topic: A Showcase To Remember  (Read 504 times)

Offline harkorewarriors

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A Showcase To Remember
« on: March 17, 2012, 01:27:30 PM »
 Scene: 1(Takes Place Past Midnight: Early March 16th Post WCCW Ides of March)

*The aftermath of a night that was supposed to be just a mere bump in the road, while technically & officially coming out with the victory, to anyone watching on the night knew the match had to be a set up from the get go as we come into focus in the parking lot of the arena where WCCW's Ides of March Super show took place.


Viper: I told you we shouldn't of showed up!!  These f*ck's didn't care about winning they were sent by Jeremy King to weaken us before our Wrestleclassic Rematch vs. Absolved.  

*Viper, who just a few months ago suffered a minor concussion at the hands of the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Aaron Shephard & a lead pipe, has her head completely wrapped up after the oxygen tank shots she received at the hands of the barely alive father of the Turner brothers Exuwa.  There are no paramedics around them but either they have done the repairs themselves or this is being aired after they've seen at least the WCCW trainer's as Weapon-X has a bulge under his mask to show he too has bandages covering wounds of the night.

Weapon-X:  Viper we struck a nerve with The Turner family.  Our words showed them as only place holders during their reigns as NWA World & WCCW American Heavyweight Tag Team Champions as the old man got his son's DQed out of rage that we were TELLING THE TRUTH like we always do.  We were right that Exuwa is the weak link of The Beautiful People.  

*A limo pulls up in front of the NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions that now have a 4-0 non-ICW NWA tag team record, that if the ICW record is included it's 9-2, as while slightly limping Weapon-X opens the door for his lovely but deadly wife before getting in himself.

Viper:  X we have a match in SCW, two states over in California, in under three days.  You know the one match we actually WANTED to have this week since other then PRA the SCW promotion has the top tag team division in all of the NWA?  Who knows if we'll get medically cleared to wrestle as if I have another concussion I'd bow out of this match so that we'd be cleared for the Absolved match so we don't give the NWA Board of Directors the excuse some may want to strip us of our titles.

*The black & red extended limo drives off as our camera view cuts inside as it's looking opposite the duo married not just to each other but seemingly to their fans as well EVEN IF they for some reason were booed in WCCW.

Weapon-X:  We're not going to get stripped of our belts as many of the fans would revolve for starters but we'll be fine.  You are not slurring your words & it appears that you didn't black out at all or have pockets of tonight that you don't remember so we were lucky that you didn't have another concussion.  We can't back out of Climax Control since it's taken us damn near a month to get the thing approved EVEN IF we had to agree to their mixed tag rules which personally disgust me that a region that is so involved with anti-bulling campaigns treat women like second class citizens.

Viper:  Even with Misty as the new NWA World Cruiserweight Champion she most likely will be facing a UNRANKED person in Angelica JUST so their rules can be kept in place but that's ok.  I'm a 3-Time former World Heavyweight Champion & have held more men's championships then most men have.  If they want to be as* backwards to the modern world then any of their real tag teams are screwed since they'll never be allowed a opportunity at the top tag team titles in ALL of Professional Wrestling as long as we are champions.  
Weapon-X:  Just because they aren't a official tag team or have had any real experience together Despayre & Kittie have a relationship in the goth stable they are a part off.  And we just witnessed in WCCW what happens when we are about to destroy a team in a region not our own so we can't go into this NOT expecting the rest of the stable to get involved.  Just as focused as we were towards The Beautiful People we will showcase why we are at the top of the mountain by being able to turn on a dime to drown out everything except these two for the next couple of days.
Viper:  I still think we're taking a risk & even if we do win it's not going to be a huge deal in the rest of the NWA since it was against a unranked, thrown together mixed tag team.  But if we lose they get put into 8th in the NWA rankings as we wanted Sean & Wyatt or Sinful Obsession or hell at least the Aristocrat's so I feel no importance of not p*ssing them off since Mark Ward has been screwing with us during the contract negations for this match since the beginning.
Weapon-X:  Viper to bring the tag team division back to where it deserves to be risks are going to be a part of it.  If it doesn't work in a couple of months we can calm down & I'll get to spend my free time getting to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship & if you want to try for the NWA World Television Championship but right now other then what ends up happening on March 28th in ICW this division is our sole professional focus.  We'll be fine as for all we know these two don't even care about the division no matter what they said at the last Climax Control they're just doing this for the paycheck.  I mean if it was Gabriel & Despayre, the former AWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions in December, 2010 who had about a two month reign before the belts were vacated, then that would matter more.  Now we have a guy who used to be a important top Mid-Carder in AWA & a woman known simply as a former SCW Bombshell Champion & one other women's title back in 2005.  Unless we're missing something & our injuries are not getting in our way we should be fine.
Viper: I hate going into a match with a concept of we "should be" fine you know that X.  And with the mixed tag rules I'm sure it'll be hard as f*ck to do any double team moves legally in the five second span not to mention quick tags are almost meaningless with these rules since we can't keep one person in the match to weaken them.  We're being set up for the second time in a week I know it.
*X moves towards his wife taking her left hand in his.  He moves in close to her as if to reassure her which leads to a passionate kiss between the couple of over twenty years.
Weapon-X:  Only 11 months left my love.  We can do this for our legacy, our fans & the business I just know we can.  And as for this week two mentally unstable people, no matter the home field advantage, will not overcome our talent, experience & drive to win.
*Suddenly the limo driver slam's on the brakes sending the back end of the limo off to the side into the other lane of traffic.  The HarKore Warriors & the camera-man did not have seat belts on so they are thrown about in the back but without words X opens up the door away from the oncoming traffic.  More squealing of tires can be heard as vehicles are trying to stop.  X pushes his wife & then the cameraman out of the limo first as he then makes his way out JUST BEFORE a tracker trailer hit the back of the limo.  The cameraman can be heard muttering "f*ck" over & over again while all three appear to be safe.
Weapon-X:  This has got to be the worst month that we've had in years.  
*Since the tracker trailer hit the back of the limo the driver of the limo is shaken up but safe also.  While we see his staggering out of the limo Viper moves towards the truck driver to see if he's well as X storm's over to the twenty-something african american male driver.
Weapon-X:  You better have a damn good reason for putting us all in danger!!
*The driver just points, clearly still in shock from the accident, in front of where he's standing as a dead horse is in the center of our lane with a piece of paper stabled on it's forehead.  From the tracker trailer you can hear Viper call out to her husband.
Viper: X you won't believe this!
*X takes the note off of the head of the dead horse & with the camera peering over his shoulder you can see the words "Back off or you won't make it to Wrestle Classic 2013" which causes X to have a primal growl seemingly coming from his soul as he walks over towards his wife.
Weapon-X:  What is it?
*The camera is shining a light onto the scene that oddly enough has no street lights around this spot.  Viper is in the cab but the oddity of it is that she's alone in the cab without a driver being present.
Viper:  I don't think this was a accident love.
*X waves the letter around to reveal to his wife that her instincts are right, as always.
Weapon-X:  First Cesar now this.  F*ck what the F.B.I. & Homeland Security wants we are going on the offensive against these sinful, pathetic excuses for ninja's.  Nobody threatens my family & gets away with it.
*Sirens can be heard in the distance, as while The HarKore Warriors were busy the limo driver has called the proper authorities, but as the view starts to fade out there is movement in the distance.  Out in the shadows, far enough away that our hero's haven't noticed, but that a type of foe who seemingly lives & owns the shadows is out there watching, waiting for the perfect time to strike as we fade to darkness.
Scene: 2(Takes Place Early Afternoon: March 16th)
*Opening up our scene one of the first things you see is a police vehicle that has the name "North Richland Hills City Police" across it.  Upon zooming out you can see that there are three other local police cars, two Texas state police vehicles & standing by a older gentleman in a police uniform are Weapon-X & Viper.
Weapon-X:  I want to say again Sheriff Perdue we greatly commend you for your departments ability to find one of the Yakuza's safehouses in such a small period of time.  And allowing us to come with you for the benefit of both your city & our personal reasons.
*The mostly bald, white man of slender build nods his head while listening in to the radio to get confirmation that his teams are in position.
Sheriff Purdue:  I've heard of some of your personal history with the Yakuza since I'm on the International Association of Chiefs of Police Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Committee.  We can't do much outside of our city limits since I've been told the federal authorities, for whatever reason, are taking the investigation very slowly but you two are quality, God fearing, moral promoting people so we're happy to help.  
Viper:  We know they probably isn't any of the clan's leadership left here but at least if we can find something that points us to them that's all that matters.  As for you puts some of the national media spotlight on you in a positive light which I'm sure will help when it comes to funding issues.
*The sheriff laughs at Viper's mention of local vs. state or local vs. federal funding issues that seem to be a constant in the current fiscal atmosphere of the United States of America.  Over the radio you hear the signal that the swat teams are ready.
Sheriff Purdue: Sniper team & containment, exterior team status?
*The sheriff gets the ready signal from all involved as he then calls to start the operation.  A helicopter is over head, on loan from the Border Patrol who are fans of The HarKore Warriors & what they do to get the word out about illegal immigration, as our view goes to a top heavy one as we can see two teams moving into position.  
*The house is a two story blue painted house in a run down area of town near Rufe Snow Driver that is so bad the city has grants out to try to help housing prices  the overall community's standard of living go up in the upcoming year.  No garage but a small yard with a fence as one of the teams has jumped the fence staying away from any of the windows.  The team in front has the man with the battering ram in front while all are wearing extensive amounts of protective gear from bullet proof vests, bullet resistant helmets, goggles for if they need to use or have used against them certain types of chemicals as well as automatic machine guns.  
Officer:  North Richland Hills City Police!!  We have a warrant to search these premises!!
*A split second later the battering ram slams into the door & without warning a major explosion engulfs the first few officers in the front of the house.
Sheriff Purdue: All teams fall back!!   I say again all teams fall back the house is rigged to explode!!
*Weapon-X & Viper do not hesitate as they run towards the officers that are now on fire.  The rest of the team in the front was blown over by the explosion & some of them are having issues hearing but for the three that are on fire Viper & X take off their shirts, Viper not caring that she now only has left on a red bra, as they start to pat out the flames of the three men while X is darting his head back & forth wondering if the Yakuza are planning a attack.
Weapon-X:  We'll get you damn it!  No matter how long it takes we'll rid your cancer from our lives if we have to cut it out at the roots!!
*The helicopter has flown lower to start to roam the area surrounding the house to see if there is anybody watching that shouldn't be.  The HarKore Warriors have put out the fires on the three men but the explosion was so intense that while their not dead most of their safety gear has  melted while the bits of exposed skin appears severely burnt.  An ambulance that was strategically placed a couple blocks away has arrived to take over the swat team member's care which allows Weapon-X to storm towards Sheriff Purdue, who right now is safely in a bullet resistance police cruiser with officers around him.
Weapon-X:  You didn't check for explosives first?!?  You don't have ONE bomb sniffing dog that could of circled the place before we decided to go in?!?
*X has been allowed past most of the almost thirty year veteran's officer's but due to his emotional state he's kept from getting with in arm's reach of the sheriff.
Sheriff Purdue:  You think I did this on purpose to my own men?  That my team & I didn't think up every possible scenario?  F*ck you I've served without ANY issues this long I don't have to take flap from you.  We tried to help you & it back fired if anything WE should be p*ssed off at you NOT the other way around.
Weapon-X:  That's a nice story to tell the press sheriff as how'd you learn of this safe house in the first place?  You never told us that.
Sheriff Purdue:  Everything will be revealed in due time.  We'll be starting a internal investigation after the rest of the house is went through.
*X lunges towards the sheriff getting his hand, just for a moment, around his throat with his left hand before the other police officers push him back.

Weapon-X: I have people trying to kill what's left of my family.  People who just tried to kill a entire f*cking swat team of yours!  A type of people who have a scorched earth policy but instead of bombing every morning we'll wake up to find more people dead & money gone as they own the darkness.  I have a match this weekend in California but come Monday morning I'll be back & you'll have some answers for me.  
*X stop's struggling with the officers as he backs up to show he's no longer a threat even though a good chunk of them have their hands on their pistol's just in case something happens.  X starts to walk away as Viper joins him, by his side, as they share a hug while moving towards their rental car as the scene fades out to black.
Scene: 3(Takes Place About 10:00pm; March 16th)
*A cloudy night is where we find ourselves as the scene opens up to the outside of the Los Angeles, Ontario International Airport in Ontario, California.  Latitude 34 degree's, 3', 21" N & Longitude 117 degree's, 36', 3" W as depending on what route you take is between six to fifteen miles from the site of SCW's next Climax Control at Fontana, California as we see SCW's backstage interviewer Ms. Rocky Mountain standing by with a microphone in her lovely right hand.
Ms. Rocky Mountain:  Folks we are now under 48 hours from what may be one of the biggest SCW Climax Control's in regards to the National Wrestling Alliance's tag team division.  The top four teams in what my next guest has dubbed "one of the two top regions in all the NWA" are fighting it out in a Four Corners match up for the SCW Heavyweight Tag Team Championship Titles.  Our current champions are the fourth ranked Sean Williams & Wyatt Peterson, the ninth ranked Aristocrat's as well as two unranked teams in The Surf Boy's & Jordan William & the man who recently barely earned a shot at the NWA World Television Championship title in Casey Williams.  We're nearing the end of the month so it's clear this match will be important in deciding whom SCW picks as our top three to go into the April rankings.  But if that's not enough action for you for the FIRST TIME EVER the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions are going to be competing at this week's Climax Control in a Non-Title NWA Sanctioned but SCW mixed tag team rules apply "Showcase" match that also may have repercussions in April's rankings.
*The young lady pauses to take a breath as you can see behind her "The Mistress of Justice" Viper on her cell phone walking past her while "The HarKore God" Weapon-X walks into screen & stay's beside Ms. Mountains for when she's ready for him.
Ms. Rocky Mountain:  Our stable The 7 Deadly Sins came out during the last Climax Control to accept your challenge but instead of the former undefeated AWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Sinful Obsession, who ARE ranked this month at sixth, due to the SCW's rule that does not allow men to fight women instead of the former SCW Heavyweight Champion Gabriel joining Despayre it's our former SCW Bombshell Champion Kittie instead.  Since they are unranked if they win they'll move into eight place in the current rankings but if they lose they, as a team, will be barred from the rankings for thirty days.  My guest at this time is one of the two who is making this match happen as he is tied for NWA's Rookie of the Year for 2011 after not even three full months in the Alliance & who in under two weeks will be challenging for the ICW Heavyweight Championship Title in a 60-Minute Iron Man Match.  Please welcome 1/2 of the NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions The HarKore Warriors as this is "The HarKore God" Weapon-X!!
*Weapon-X's body language perks up after he is introduced, as if "flipping a switch" inside of his brain, as a weak smile comes over the man who just over twenty four hours ago had his head bashed in with a oxygen tank not to mention the personal issues post WCCW Ides of March.
Weapon-X:  Hello to all of the SCW fans as we can't wait to showcase, other then PRA, the best regional tag team division in ALL of the National Wrestling Alliance.  This may be the last week you'll be seeing us for awhile, since there's no way we can travel back & forth to Europe with the other matches we have on our schedule,  but my wife & I are going to do our best to give to you a match worth the three week wait.
Ms. Rocky Mountain:  On the last Climax Control Despayre & Kittie did not have much high praise for your team or the championship that you hold as well as the one last week that you still held in the ICW Heavyweight Tag Team Championship titles.  Kittie said they were only answering your challenge to be "generous" & Synn claimed that if they won they got a title match in the future which lead Despayre's "friend" Angel to say that if you were real champions you'd defend them right away.  To be honest it's not clear if Despayre is really talking to a teddy bear so how you do feel about their mockery of your legendary team last week?
Weapon-X:  Well it's clear they don't pay attention if Synn thinks they were going to get a title shot as ONLY IF they were in the top 3 of the National Wrestling Alliance rankings would they of earned a title shot in April.  
Ms. Rocky Mountain:  Why is that Mr. X?  While your team was ranked first before Wrestle Classic & depending on if The Corporation vs. Absolved match takes place before then right now Absolved is ranked first as well but in the past teams out of the top three have gotten title shots.  The Corporation were seventh last month & The Darkstar Brothers in December were fifth.  Hell, as you have stated yourself recently, in RMP's last chance at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship title last month as well as what will probably end up happening with the NWA World Cruiserweight Championship title shot in SCW in April even unranked people have gotten title shots due to the NWA Board of Directors waving the rule that states you must be in the rankings to qualify.  So what makes this match any different?
Weapon-X:  What makes this match different is that we didn't HAVE to show up here in SCW.  We wanted the BACW Heavyweight Tag Team Champions The Logan Boy's but they have something against career advancement so since we love the division so much & it has given so much to my wife & I over the last 17 plus years we went to Mark Ward to set this up.  So since WE, as I know it's odd for champions to be seeking out competition most just hide & wait for challengers to be named, came here our goal is to make the rankings matter in the National Wrestling Alliance.  Be it the Heavyweight, Television, Tag or hell even the Cruiserweight if it is a NWA championship title it needs to be respected as a WORLD championship in all of the regions.  Sean & Wyatt have slowly impressed us as a team even though they weren't a team before the Lethal Lottery tournament as they are regional tag team champions.  All the respect to them but WE are the top of the tag team ladder in Professional Wrestling.  NOT Sean & Wyatt or The Logan Boys or Absolved or even the f*cking traitors in The Corporation as they are all regional tag team champions we are the WORLD champions.  So to get a shot at us it shouldn't just be thrown about without much thought a team needs to actually EARN it in my book.
Ms. Rocky Mountains: Well if Kittie & Despayre win this upcoming match up wouldn't they have earned the shot?  Before your shot against Absolved at Wrestle Classic while you were ICW Heavyweight Tag Team Champions you only did win one rankings challenge match vs. the former WCCW American Tag Team Champions New Tradition.  
*Weapon-X looks towards Ms. Mountain almost if to say silently "how dare you" but he keeps the smile plastered onto his face as he speaks.
Weapon-X:  I've stated this in public before I NEVER thought we'd move up the rankings that quickly after arriving in the NWA.  Viper & I were dead set on February to get into the top three before ICW's mandatory shot at the championship titles.  The NWA Board of Directors either agreed with us that Absolved didn't deserve the belts OR Kurt Chavez was right that in January we were the only team that cared about the titles as I know some may say that if we were really true to our morals that we'd of turned down that match but no we were awarded because of our past glory.  We were awarded where Roughkut & the WWA & CWF sh*tted on us the NWA knew what they had in the palms of their hands.  And since we have self lessly promoted the division over EVERY SINGLE region that would accept us since then as well as forced out teams that didn't deserve to be ranked like The Logan Boys, Miami's Most Wanted & Sudden Impact we've all but earned where we are & the expensive salary the NWA is paying us.  
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  Kittie & Despayre may be the new HarKore Warriors though if they were to shock the world to win this match & then in April the NWA may award them "early" by moving them from eighth to a top three or five position?
Weapon-X:  That's up to the NWA but when it comes to April we will move on to whatever comes out of Premiere's tournament & the NWA Crockett Cup Tournament.  But you know if one of their stable mates in Synn wasn't even paying attention to us on the show & the best insult they have is "oh you won over twenty five tag titles then that means you've lost twenty five times" then I doubt there is going to be a future in this duo past this week.  When Gabriel is cleared to wrestle the old team will be back together again & Kittie will go back to wasting away stuck in the Bombshell division.
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  You don't think that they care at all about winning this match?
Weapon-X:  Kittie claims that she does but Despayre clearly does not.  He'd rather be playing bridge with his former friend Big B or attacking Goth for the hell he put his buddy Angel through in SCW & whatever the backstage issues were in AWA that caused them to leave.  I hate to say this but this may end up being a match that simply makes us look good & shows to the SCW why if they EVER want these titles as long as we hold them that their descriminatory rule holding women back needs to be lifted.  Since we don't plan on losing these belts until at least Wrestle Classic 2013 after we retire as champions.
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  Despayre may have his mental issues but you brought up the AWA as then you must know that he was undefeated there as their North American & 1/2 of the World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions with Gabriel.  While he has not wrestled much since coming over to the SCW he has kept himself in the thick of things with the SCW Heavyweight Champion Nick Jones & along with Gabriel they do have a non-title victory over the current SCW Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
Weapon-X:  When Despayre is on his medications he can be a force to be reckoned with I will agree with that.  But most of his time is spent having Angel win some "Universal" title or getting high with Charlie Sheen or trying to have sex with Dolly Parton then wrestling.  He's become a comedy act with a dark twist but since he has been able to defeat Anthony Phoenix in the past I know he's one not to be taken lightly.  Anthony Phoenix is a disgusting excuse for a human being but by hook or by crook the tool knows how to win titles.  Keeping them is another story but winning them he does rather easily most times so unless his tag team partner in AWA Swifty was a jobber they have immediate "street cred" even if their reign was only two months.  
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  Your going back & forth though as your not taking him lightly but you think he's a comedy act who doesn't care about the match doesn't it have to be either or?
Weapon-X:  He has a mental disability so no to have seemingly two different attitudes in one person is not out of the question.  His serious brain injury caused during his child hood & piled onto that his mother's slow decay into a mental break down had to be tough on him.  I know that mental institutions have pretty lock solid confidentiality rules so I don't know his exact treatments or pills that he's on but he is a man made perfectly for Professional Wrestling from  his days being "treated" at Broodmore to now.  Gabriel & Synn knew if they could pretend to befriend him & get him to follow their orders that they could use him to better their own careers along the way.  
Ms. Rocky Mountains: So your saying that the stable is simply using him for their own benefit?
Weapon-X: Exactly as why are the other members of the stable getting more matches then he is?  Not only that but Despayre has had all month but he NEVER answered JT Underwood's rankings challenge for his tenth position in the NWA World Cruiserweight Rankings.  He's here simply for them they don't care if he is ever cured as since Kittie failed in retaining her SCW Bombshell Championship she is looking to make a quick rebound as if a team with her on it can get a victory over us, NO MATTER if she pretends that we're not important that they are doing this for our benefit, nobody will remember how she got her as* beat at Blaze of Glory.  
*X stops for a moment to ponder something he had just said.
Weapon-X: Well that's it isn't it?  Despayre is but a pawn in Kittie's master plan.  I know physically she wasn't pinned at Blaze of Glory but mentally Kittie failed since she wasn't smart enough to be paying attention to what is going on inside of the ring but all that goes away if you beat us right Kittie? The fact that you ONLY defeated Misty because you pushed her into the referee at December 2 Dismember & now the embarrassment of Blaze of Glory you want to erase from the fans memory banks.   Raynin can stay pigeon holed in that division while you move on to greatness in the NWA removing the shackles that SCW has placed upon you simply because you were born with a vagina.  It's a great dream & I actually hope that you accomplish it but it's NOT going to be over us.  While you have to be worried about if we can anger Despayre enough to get himself DQed or confuse him so that we can cleanly defeat you my team has very few negatives going into this match.  The mixed tag team rules suck & of course we are not at 100% because of The Beautiful People's father's cowardly, pathetic attempt at an attack but we are a real team.  We know what each other is thinking.  What we are planning.  What body part to focus on as we have forgotten more about tag team wrestling than most people KNOW as that Miss Gothic Princess is a fact.  The HarKore Warriors have come to SCW to try to spark the division but it seems like we're going to be stuck facing a power hungry woman matched with a poor soul who just wants to be liked but his anger issues keeps most at bay.   Despayre I would like to be your friend.  You'd have to teach me to play bridge as I'm more a Go Fish type of guy but as long as you allow yourself to be around bad people like Synn, Gabriel & Kittie it's going to be hard.  Just like with Big B Nick Jones isn't allowing him to come out & play with you anymore NOT because your a evil person but that your handlers, the people who pretend to be your friends, are the evil people.  
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  You actually want to befriend Despayre?  Did you see what he did to Goth at Blaze of Glory?
Weapon-X:  Goth deserved everything that Despayre did to him not just because of what happened to Angel but the sins that he committed in the AWA.  Loyalty is something that a roster is supposed to have towards the staff of the promotion their in.  No matter the on-camera part of it in the back you come together as one for the betterment of the promotion.  My loyalty for Mr. G, the owner of ICW, is nearly at it's breaking point after six months of doing my damnest to make that promotion the fasting rising one in ALL the NWA.  In AWA Goth failed his roster & thus failed your team.  The man you believe to be your friend in Gabriel Goth put in the hospital.  While I found it distasteful what you stated about the Bible & God, as a man's sacrifice or ability to think of others more then he does himself is a great teaching of the lord, you are a man in limbo in your life, personally & professionally.  I can have the NWA Board of Director's file a official request to Broodmore to see what Synn & Kittie & Gabriel have done to you since it's clear a top mental facility wouldn't of released you unless they believed you to have been cured.  I can have you helped & make sure your put on the right kind of medications as Despayre you are not a simple comedy act meant to amuse & do their bidding.  You should be challenging for the SCW Heavyweight Championship title but that will never happen if you don't break away from the mental grip this group has upon you.  I don't want to hurt you this weekend but to protect my wife & to ensure victory I will do what I must.  But remember after the final bell tolls that, if you want to be free, I am willing to help that to happen.
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  The rest of Seven Deadly Sins are clearly not going to be happy with what you've just gotten done saying.  Aren't you worried that your putting more of a target on yourselves' going into this Sunday's event as now not only does Synn have a reason to get involved but possibly even Goth would want to deliver some punishment on you for taking Despayre's side.
Weapon-X:  It is few & far between that the truth is told in professional wrestling.  It's all about mind games or putting forth a gimmick to sell t-shirts but for what we do & to follow our moral code we put a even bigger target on our backs.  For some unknown reason, for the first time ever, in WCCW the fans booed us.  So anything can end up happening during our version of March Madness but Kittie is simply a brat angry that she's no longer getting her own way.  So angry as well as juvenile since she has had far more losses then victories in her professional wrestling career.  To get so enraged that she "got punked" by Karen Might or that, like I said earlier, to have mentally failed so badly at Blaze of Glory that I don't believe Raynin is ever going to let her forget about.  While she is the brains of this duo it's not by much as while we are cool, calm & collected at the drop of the hat both of them can go off the deep end which is part of the reason why The HarKore Warriors will soon be 5-0 in NWA tag team action.  10-2 if you count our ICW competition since September of last year.
Ms. Rocky Mountains: So other then the threat of cheating or interference you sound like you are not worried at all for this upcoming match even after the injuries you two suffered at WCCW's Ides of March.  Is that correct?
Weapon-X:  That is correct.  The Beautiful People are former WCCW Heavyweight & NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Champions but they were so afraid of losing cleanly to us their elderly father got them DQed.  The Corporation couldn't take us out in a fair contest so in our rematch they used ICW President Crazzy Gerard's goon squad The Innovator's to help them to become ICW Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.  The ENTIRE RMP staff conspired against me in that battle royal since BOTH Jackhammer & I should of been eliminated with Vixen going on to the title match.  Distractions, cheating & interference are the ONLY ways we can be defeated.  That won't save them though on Climax Control as we showcase to the world & to all of our real challengers watching that we are the top tag team clearly of the last decade if not the last two  coming into a match we set up with no real positive for us but STILL coming out victorious.  Justice Will Be Served come Sunday night as our Eyes of Justice will be awakened to reveal the sins of Kittie to the world.  And again while I feel sorry for what they have done to you Despayre that will not stop me from delivering The End Point to your chance at being ranked twice in the National Wrestling Alliance's top tag teams of the WORLD.  Kittie people like you disgust me & I can't wait to watch my wife put you in your place come Climax Control as the good guys will win, just like in the movies.
*Weapon-X raises up the NWA World Heavyweight Tag Team Championship title belt so that the camera see's it clearly before walking out of the scene with Ms. Rocky Mountains smiling at the interview she just conducted.
Ms. Rocky Mountains:  You heard it here folks as of course the most important match of the night is the SCW Heavyweight Championship title match up but for the National Wrestling Alliance all eyes are on us this weekend, no matter if PRA scheduled it's first Pay Per View on the same night, the world of professional wrestling will be watching Sin City Wrestling where the top tag teams will be doing battle in two different match ups.  Who will come out of the Four Corner's match as the SCW Heavyweight Tag Team Champions?   And will Kittie get her way for her team to defeat one of the top teams of the last two decades in professional wrestling or will The HarKore Warriors breeze through another challenge on their journey to March 30th's Wrestle Classic Rematch vs. Absolved?  All these questions & more will be revealed on Sunday Night on SCW Climax Control.
*Ms. Rocky Mountain nods her head as if to say she's done as the scene fades to black.