Author Topic: SCU Presents... Underground Ep. 139 (RESULTS)  (Read 8523 times)

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SCU Presents... Underground Ep. 139 (RESULTS)
« on: July 03, 2022, 04:37:43 PM »
Sin City Underground Presents… Underground Ep. 139

Underground 139 - 7/2 - Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Sin City Underground Ep 139 comes to you taped in front of a limited live audience of 60% capacity, wearing face masks and social distancing between groups, at the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This episode will air on WGN and the Sin City Network on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022.

Fireworks go off outside of the Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta. The final episode of Underground kicks off, showing the fans inside of the venue, waving signs and showing off their merchandise for their favorite stars from SCU, NLW, Honor Wrestling, and SCW. The Edmonton crowd is nearly tearing the roof off of the building as the cameras landscape across the entire audience, up to the rafters. The camera then settles on the inside of the ring as Darlyn Farjardo is joined by Liam Gagnon. They both have microphones in their hands as they look to one another “Crawling After You” stops playing, but the audience is still roaring. Liam and Darlyn laugh, and pump their fists to keep it going. Once it dies down, after about a minute, Liam raises the microphone to his mouth.

Liam: Llllllllllllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, chillllldren of all ages! Put your hands together for Sin… City… WRRRRRRRRESTLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!

Crowd:  *MEGA POP!*

Liam: I hate for this to be the last time I do that, but I couldn’t imagine doing it in front of a better crowd. You guys have given us three and a half years of support, and we couldn’t have made it this long without you. Truly, it has been a pleasure. We love you guys…

Liam nods his head, and the crowd cheers once more. After they settle down, Darlyn raises the microphone to her lips, winking and pointing to the front row, where we see Drew Masters sitting alongside Ethan McBride and Kinley Carlisle to one side, with Dorian B and Kader Hasheem on the other side. This gets yet another pop.

Crowd:  NLW! NLW! NLW! NLW! NLW!

Darlyn: As Liam said, it has been an honor to perform in front of each and every one of you for the last couple years, calling out the brightest talent across all of wrestling. Well over 139 episodes, counting the pre-shows, has just not been long enough, but we’ve still got tonight, and Supernova 5 next Saturday…

Crowd:  *POP!*

Darlyn:  So let’s make this night a night to remember. Allow me to welcome to the ring, a talent that has shaken SCU to its very foundation… at this time, please welcome… “The Seraph of Sleaze” Angel of Filth…

The lights go down as the whirring sounds begin to rise. The drums kick in and red lights pulse to them. They get louder as the fourth set kicks in and the curtains flip to the side. Angel of Filth comes crawling through them with her black wings fluttering behind her, covered in a black substance. Her eyes glow white as the lights switch between black and red. She glares down at the ring as she rises to her feet, throwing her wings out to the side as they amast. She waves them slowly as she prances down the ramp to the beat of the music. She stops half way and looks from side to side. She has a sickening smile on her face as black oozes from her mouth and she laughs. She enters the ring and climbs up the first of six turnbuckles. She throws her wings out as the fans boo her. She then drops down and goes to the other corner, doing the same. Once at the far end of the ring, she sheds her wings and kicks them to the outside as she rubs her hands together. She approaches Liam and takes the microphone from him. She wastes no time waiting for the crowd to stop booing before she starts speaking.

Filth:  Sup my Filthies? Aren’tcha happy to see me?

Crowd:  BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Filth: Well, that’s a mighty fine fuck you. I dig it. It’s not enough for you ungrateful meat puppets to have delivered more than two years of hardcore, ass kicking, mouth busting, razor digging, bat swinging, cage climbing, table cracking, stage diving, bloodbath action, like you were promised with SCU’s inception. You were denied it for a year before I stepped in and made all of this a reality. I bled for you. I broke bones for you. I infected this roster with the kind of depraved, animalistic lunatics that have delivered nothing short of some of the most brutal matches, and this is how you thank me?

Filth glares out into the audience as they boo her and mock her. The vehement stare turns into a joyful gleam.

Filth:  How fucking punk rock is that? You’re all superstars. Not really, because you’re not in this ring right now, in front of thousands, being heard across the world thanks to the “indy” status that being under SCW has given us. But you rock for being selfish, inconsiderate, snaggletoothed sons of bitches. My kind of people!


Filth: Yeah, yeah, yeah… I get it. Well, to be honest, I didn’t come out here tonight to pander to you fools anyway. I’ve been given a golden opportunity later tonight. I can walk out of this last episode of Underground with a shot at Merlot Ayano. Yeah, the woman who asked for the biggest and brightest talent in this company, and no one had the lady bits to step up to her. She asked for challengers to prove herself, and no one had the goddamn courtesy to accept. If that doesn’t explain why this shithole of a company is closing, then I don’t know what does. And that’s coming from someone who loves shitholes…

The crowd groans in disgust.

Filth:  Oh, excuse my language. Fart boxes? That better? The rusty ring? Chocolate covered mini donuts? Whatever you call it in this frozen hellscape… Anyway, that right there proves that this company is going downhill. People like Amy Santino, who should be challenging, aren’t even considered? What the fuck is wrong with you, Lexa? Erik? Donna… oh, wait… Ariana took care of that one. Hey, I heard that Ariana is taking on Krystal Wolfe at Supernova 5. Since they can’t be bothered to hype it, there’s a free gift, courtesy of this bitch…

Filth juts her thumb at herself before continuing.

Filth: I know, I know… who am I to say shit now when I’ve been just as quiet as anyone else? I’m the bitch who has been talking shit and doing shit since October 24th, 2018. I’m the bitch that has already paid her dues. Now, if they wanted someone worth a shit to take on Merlot, to make her happy about losing the title on the final show this lame company will ever put out, then all they had to do was ask me. Instead, they make me fight Halo Annis last week. Now, Halo is nothing to snub your nose at. She’ll kick your ass five ways from Sunday, because she’s really intimidating. Satan only knows what she’s carrying around thanks to her whore of a wife. You know, the one that got banned from this company, and Halo was forced to change her ring name to her maiden name? You don’t remember that?  Well, Pepperidge Farms remembers… and so do I…

Filth sneers as the crowd groans at her bad joke.

Filth:  Tough crowd tonight. No, no, I’m making up for lost time. See, I’m going to go out with a bang. But, I’m gonna level with you all. I didn’t come out here to bust everyone’s balls. There’s not enough time in the world to work off half of that material anyways. No, I came out here because I’m not going to take that title from Merlot.

The crowd now gasps at this revelation. There is a hushed tone to what they’re saying as the camera goes around to collect their expressions. We come back to Filth.

Filth:  No, no thanks. I’ve already been there, done that, twice. I outgrew that belt the second I put it around my waist for the first time. Give it to Helena. She deserves it far more than anyone else on the roster. I outgrew it so much that I had to go take another belt and raise it to the glory it deserved to be; a World Championship. Now it is three titles in one. I started GRIME, and I want to end with the GRIME Championship around my fucking waist. It’s only right, after all. I mean, who’s really gonna stop me? Chelsea? Pffft… I mean, she can try, but that doesn’t mean…

Filth is quickly cut off by the opening of “Chelsea” by Stefy. Chelsea comes out with the GRIME World Championship and she’s definitely feeling quite confident. She enters the ring, grabbing a microphone along the way. She stares down Filth for a bit before she begins to speak.

Chelsea: …I wouldn’t write me off at ALL! Who in the world do you think you are, huh? I can at least “try”. With me, there is no TRY, there is only DO! I beat Amy Santino twice with the GRIME title on the line and the way I see it, she’s the toughest challenge that I have ever faced during my time in Sin City Underground. I’m not going to deny what you’ve done in this company in its earlier years, but what makes you think that you are going to end your time here with MY title around your waist, huh? I understand that you started GRIME and I get the fact that GRIME at one point was incredibly prevalent around here to the point where GRIME had its own separate roster and all of that. I get that with GRIME, we had people like Javi Gonzalez become a Blast from the Past finalist a couple of years back. I understand all of that. Hell, even though I never was behind what GRIME was all about, I can still respect the mark it made on this company and sure, you had a lot to do with that but what have you done LATELY? Because last time I checked, you’ve been hanging around the roster for a while getting your ass handed to you by Cordelia Clark on a consistent basis. I’m not backing down from a challenge like you or anything, but you don’t get to act as if you have an easy title win with me!!!!

Filth laughs throughout Chelsea’s rant, off and on. She keeps it more subtle, but it is there, perhaps fueling it. When it's over, Filth tucks her free thumb in her belt loop before taking a few cocky steps toward Chelsea. She holds a finger up along with the microphone.

Filth: First of all, let me correct you. I've been building stars. If anyone is to become anyone around here, they have to get past me. Cordelia only cemented her legacy around here by getting by me. If anyone around here is worth my time in this ring, it is her. She was so close to being broken, too. That would've been marvelous. So you can come out here, slinging around insults, acting a little too big for your panties, but that doesn't change facts. You are not GRIME. You will never be GRIME. I'll be damned if… wait, I already am. Hmmm… I would sooner take a bath in holy water than let the likes of you leave this company with my, yes that's correct, MY legacy. MY GRIME Championship.

Filth leans in and flicks at the belt on Chelsea’s shoulder.

Filth: I get that you're not trying to dodge my challenge. That's noble. That's a start. It's also fucking stupid of you. Do you realize that you and your career will never be the same when I take that belt back? You're going to go through hell at Supernova 5, just to escape with your life. Know that you're not leaving with that belt, and possibly not even functional limbs. You think you're better than me, or more worthy than me, fresh out of the Veronica Taylor slums of SCU? The only thing that makes you worthy of facing me is that belt draped over your shoulder…

Chelsea: No, I’m not GRIME and I never will be. I’m not going to hide from that. But you want to act like you’re going to be the end all, be all darkness of my career? Unfortunately for you, I’ve already LIVED that. There is no worse HELL on earth than having your life, your CAREER taken from you as I have endured before and you’re NOT going to make me endure that again. You’re not even going to come close. But hey, keep looking down on me. Keep acting as if I’m that much beneath you. That worked out SO well for Veronica Taylor, didn’t it? Oh wait… NOPE! You can’t cry about slander when that’s exactly what you just did. The truth of the matter is that what I’ve been through before was a LOT more life threatening than you!!!!

As soon as Chelsea finishes speaking, Filth unleashes a cloud of black liquid, right in Chelsea’s face. She flicks her tongue out before booting Chelsea in the gut and dropping her to the ground. She jumps off the second rope with the Defibrillator (Leaping Double Stomp to chest). “Killpop” plays over the speakers as Filth exits the ring, cursing aloud on her way to the back. Chelsea slowly leans up and clears her eyes of the mist, and glares at Filth.

Joshua is seen in the back before his match.

Joshua: Father you have screwed me over in a match that I had won.  This week I take my frustrations out on you.  I will enjoy every moment of this match where I will take my time in pinning you.  Also this is GRIME rules which means NO DQ that you seem to have forgotten about.  After tonight at Supernova 5 I will have a major announcement about my future.

GRIME Championship Contenders Match
Gerald Shepherd Vs Joshua Acquin

Joshua rushes across the ring and blindsides Gerald.  He clobbers the side of his head a few times and then goes to Irish Whip him into the corner. However, Gerald reverses it and follows it up with a Clothesline From Heaven.  He begins kicking Joshua hard in the stomach. Joshua starts to go down, but Gerald holds onto the top rope and begins choking Joshua with his foot.  Joshua tries to swat the foot away, but to no avail. Gerald continues to choke as he looks up at the ceiling.  Gerald holds on as Joshua struggles against it.  He finally gets the foot from his throat and rolls to the outside. As he tries to catch his breath, Gerald is quickly behind him.  As Joshua turns around, Gerald hits a Discus Punch that spins Joshua around. Joshua rests on the barricade, but Gerald collides with him, sending him into the first row.  Gerald grabs onto Joshua’s head and flings him back over to the ringside floor. Joshua crawls toward the apron, but Gerald stomps on his back.  Joshua continues to fight his way to the apron, and once he’s there, he kicks Gerald in the knee, causing it to buckle. Joshua fumbles under the ring and pulls out a tire iron.  He goes to swing it at Gerald’s knee, taking him down to both knees.Joshua hits Gerald in the shoulder with the tire iron.  This buys him time to get to his feet.  He swings the tire iron at Gerald’s head, but Gerald grabs it and smashes it over Joshua’s instead! Joshua goes down, but Gerald doesn’t stop there.  He goes to swing the tire iron at Joshua again, but Joshua rolls out of the way.  He grabs hold of Joshua’s foot, but Joshua kicks Gerald in the midsection. Joshua slides inside of the ring.  As Gerald follows him inside, Gerald catches the Nightmare (Kill Switch) and Joshua goes for the cover! Joshua Acquin wins via pinfall to win the contendership to the GRIME Championship at Supernova.

Recorded Earlier…

Marissa: Hello, SCU fans I’m here at the home of Earl and Dahlia, thank you for welcoming me into your home.

Dahlia: You're welcome.

Marissa: Last week, you and Winter had a face to face and this week you're teaming together before your match at  Supernova. My question is can you and Winter get along for your match against 2 Broke Chicks.

Dahlia: That always the million dollar question can they get along, and to answer your question I’ll have Winter’s back during our match, she doesn’t have to worry about that, we’ll get through the match fine, and I’ll be friendly until Supernova when we temporarily suspend our friendship, our opponents shouldn't think for an instance they have the advantage, Winter and I are proven tag team wrestlers, and this week yeah we’ll beat 2 broke Chicks.

Marissa: Earl you defend your Grime title against a familiar opponent in Eyesnsane.

Earl: I don’t have to tell you or the SCU fans about my battles against Eyesnsane, they know about our legendary matches through Honor, Northern Lights and Sin City wrestling, but we’ve never wrestled in my hometown, and Eyesnsane will get a lot of respect of the fans and respect from me, and we’ll give the fans another legendary match, but as much as I respect Eyesnsane I can’t let my hometown fans down, so Eyesnsane, my friend, win or lose let’s give em’ a hell of a show and let the best man win.

Marissa: Well that's all for now, I’m Marissa Henry for SCU and I’ll see you at Underground.

Tag Team Match
Winter Elemental & Dahlia Rotten Vs 2 Broke Chicks

Chi Chi jumps over the top rope to get in as Dahlia steps over the top rope. Chi Chi makes a blind tag to Jane! Chi Chi runs at Dahlia as Dahlia goes for a Yakuza style kick. Dahlia nails Chi Chi as Jane runs in and grabs Dahlia in the back of the head for a Running Headlock Bulldog. Winter gets back in the ring as Chi Chi does a kip up to a tiger stance. Winter runs at Chi Chi as she goes for the Tiger Kick. Winter runs around Chi Chi to pull Jane off of Dahlia, Chi Chi yanks Winter’s ear to drag her to her corner. Jade orders Winter out of the ring and for Chi Chi to get to her corner. Dahlia gets back to her feet while Jane still keeps the headlock. Dahlia pushes Jane off of her which sends her a few feet away from her. Jane walks over to her corner to tag in Chi Chi. Winter yells at Dahlia to tag her in as she wants a piece of Chi Chi. Dahlia walks over to Winter to tag her in. Winter gets in the ring and charges at Chi Chi but stops when Chi Chi runs to another corner and leans forward, ready to spear Winter to the mat. However, Winter ducks, and Dahlia is right there to knock her to the ground, jumping up and landing on top of Chi Chi. Jane comes at Dahlia and wraps her arms around Dahlia’s neck, tightening up. Winter rushes over to Dahlia, nailing a Superkick to Jane, knocking her down. She turns around to see Chi Chi rising up, who straightens up and swings her arm up to nail Winter with an uppercut then follows it with an European Uppercut. Winter stumbles back a bit, Chi Chi runs for a leaping clothesline but misses as Winter ends up tripping herself to the mat. Chi Chi lands face first on the mat. Winter crawls over to Chi Chi to grab her foot but gets a boot to the nose. Chi Chi gets to her feet, she goes to get Winter up but Winter grabs Chi Chi by the waist and tackles her down to the mat. Dahlia flips her over with a Sleeper Hold. Chi Chi tries to make her way over to save Jane, but the referee has lost control of who is legal. She instead watches as Winter holds onto Chi Chi’s foot, stopping her from breaking it up. Eventually, Jane passes out. Winter Elemental & Dahlia Rotten win via KO.

The scene cuts into the locker room which has an exaggerated, Ivy League decor. The decor is largely decorated in black and orange, the colors of Princeton University. Andrea Hernandez walked in dressed in a preppy costume and a blonde wig, obviously making a mockery out of Cordelia Clark. She looks around and has a smirk on her face as she begins to speak.

Andrea: HI! I’m CORDELIA! I’m the SOFTEST BITCH IN SIN CITY UNDERGROUND! The only reason why I was ever a dominant champion was because my sister carried my ass! I really don’t want to fight against Andrea at Supernova because she’s going to DESTROY ME! I’m SO SENSITIVE and WAY too much of a sweetheart to be a professional wrestler at all. That’s without mentioning that my family is messed up to the point where it consists of one of the biggest busts in professional wrestling in Tina Valentine… Arabella Madison… uh… well, she changed her name so many times so who knows what name she’s got going on in the grave. Hey, did you know that  she had a chance to be mentored by Myra Rivers but she blew it and she got kicked to the curb? Her replacement? Chelsea LeClair, the GRIME Champion I am mooching off of, and the GREAT ANDREA HERNANDEZ! Spare me, Andrea! Don’t hurt me! PLEASE DON’T HURT ME! I need to be in top shape for the PORN CAREER I am doing after you excommunicate me from professional wrestling…

Andrea is interrupted by the presence of the REAL Cordelia Clark… and she’s NOT happy. Andrea pauses, laughing in her face.

Cordelia: If you really think I’m “soft”, then you should ask Hayley Halsey all about that.

Andrea: Who CARES about HER? Don’t interrupt my promo here.

Cordelia: Maybe I should show the footage of what I did to her earlier this week and you can see how “SOFT” I am, huh?

Andrea: PFFFT! Nobody cares…

Cordelia: Roll the footage…

Andrea: HEY! You do NOT have the authority! My studio guys don’t get to listen to you.

Cordelia: Funny thing about that…

There’s a quick shot of Andrea’s truck guy knocked out with Cordelia’s father behind the controls giving a thumbs up. The shot cuts back to Andrea who isn’t amused…

Cordelia: Dad, if you don’t mind…


Hayley gets mad and kneels over Cordelia. She grabs her top and tries to strip her of it. Cordelia counters by grabbing the bottom of Hayley’s top, trying to block this. Cordelia then delivers a hard double kick to the upper chest, kicking Hayley off of her. The fans go WILD and Cordelia finds herself stunned as she accidentally winds up with Hayley’s top. Hayley covers herself up and cowers in the corner. Cordelia gets the angriest she’s ever been as she stands up and picks up the wrench. Hayley tries to run away, but Cordelia catches her and drags her back into the ring. She takes the wrench and absolutely pulverizes Hayley with it before she delivers the Educated knocking her down. She angrily drags her back up, carries her over to the thumbtacks and gives her a SPINEBUSTER right into them!

The fans erupt with cheers as Cordelia leaves the ring to grab something from underneath it. She pulls out a straitjacket and puts it on Hayley, tying her up as much as she can. She loses it, screaming “GO FUCK YOURSELF” and “STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME”. She picks up the barbwire bat and looks down at Hayley. She looks over by the announce table, acting as if she is seeing a ghost. Cordelia grips the bat tighter as she drops to her knees and constantly beats down Hayley in the chest and in the throat with the barbwire baseball bat. The referee is STUNNED at Cordelia’s immense anger as she unleashes hell on her. Hayley has some bleeding cuts on her face, but Cordelia wraps the barbwire bat around her throat and drags her back up, dropping her with a Russian legsweep in whatever remains of the thumbtacks. The barbwire is driven hard enough into Hayley’s throat to the point where blood comes out of her mouth. Hayley is unresponsive and the referee calls it.


Andrea just scoffs at this, not taking this seriously whatsoever.

Andrea: WOOOOOOOOOW! You beat someone that DOESN’T MATTER! Good for you! You want a cookie for that one?

Cordelia: I’m just saying. I can do the same thing to you.

Andrea: HAHAHAHAHAHA… no….

Cordelia: WAIT, didn’t you wrestle Chelsea LeClair the same night?

Andrea: Um…

Cordelia: Hey Dad, roll the footage on that…

Andrea: WAIT, NO….


Andrea remains angry as she stands back up. She steps through the ropes and then waits for Chelsea to get back to her feet. Once she does so, Andrea springboards off of the ropes before nailing her with a springboard forearm. Chelsea goes down and Andrea makes the cover, but Chelsea kicks out at two. Andrea becomes furious as she goes back to the top rope. Andrea goes for the Rise of the Phoenix. She nails it for another cover BUT CHELSEA KICKS OUT! Andrea is STUNNED by this! She argues with the referee and then Chelsea trips her up and locks in the TTFO! Andrea is in a lot of pain, but despite this, she’s still able to get to the ropes. Chelsea breaks the hold, then steps through the ropes. Andrea gets back up and Chelsea STEALS her Sedona Splash, nailing her perfectly. After that, Chelsea goes back to the top rope. She then leaps and nails Andrea with the CANCELLED! The fans erupt in some heavy cheers as Chelsea stays on Andrea for the cover. From here, the referee drops down and makes the three count.


Andrea is seething.

Cordelia: DAMN! So much for that GRIME title shot you kept crying about. Serves you right for how you interrupted our match last week! I mean, way to be a letdown to your father and…

Andrea has had enough and decks Cordelia in the face before throwing her into the locker. Andrea throws down her own wig and starts to pound the hell out of Cordelia but Cordelia comes back and decks her in the face, recovering and evening the fight. Cordelia spears Andrea into the wall and this triggers a brawl between them. It’s pretty even until security comes in to separate the two. Andrea gets dragged out of the locker room claiming that Cordelia’s going to be DEAD at Supernova as the scene cuts out.

GRIME Championship Match
Earl Lockyer Vs Eyesnsane

Earl is quick to get across the ring and he ties up with Eyesnsane.  Eyesnsane leans in, getting shoulder to shoulder with Earl, quickly turning things around. Earl pulls away, just as Eyesnsane grabs Earl’s arms and twists them around in a Straightjacket fashion, but Earl twists back around. Earl shoves Eyesnsane away and takes him down with a Clothesline.  He grabs onto Eyesnsane and wraps his legs around his neck with a Head Scissors. Eyesnsane kicks his legs around and latches onto the ropes, causing a break.  Earl drops him and pulls Eyesnsane up to his knees.  Eyesnsane looks up at Earl with a devilish smile as he goes for a low blow. Earl backs up, but finds himself against the ropes.  Eyesnsane rushes over toward Earl, to take advantage.  Earl turns and wraps his arms around Eyesnsane’s for a Rear Naked Choke. Eyesnsane tries to get over to the ropes, but he can’t get to them with his feet. He tries again, but Earl has the move locked on tight. Eyesnsane reaches and grabs Earl’s elbow and tries to loosen the grip, but Earl wrenches tighter. Eyesnsane tries to find the ropes, but Earl is in the way.  He is starting to fade when he reaches around and punches at Earl’s head, nstantly making him let go! Eyesnsane applies a Sleeper Hold as he catches his breath.  He sits up and lets go as Earl tries to reestablish himself. Eyesnsane gets up to his feet and he bounces off of the ropes.  As he comes back, he spins and drops an elbow to the top of Earl’s head, sending him down to the mat.  Eyesnsane rolls Earl over and hooks the leg. 2 count. Earl powers out of the cover as Eyesnsane bounces off of the ropes and comes back with a low Dropkick to the side of Earl. Eyesnsane lifts Earl up from the mat and sends him into the ropes.  Eyesnsane follows, but Earl jumps onto the second rope and vaults off with a Back Elbow to Eyesnsane, dropping him to the mat! Earl thinks it through carefully as he circles Eyesnsane. He waits until Eyesnsane starts to get up, and he sets him up for the EL 91 (Michinoku Driver 2)! He goes for the cover… Earl Lockyer retains via pinfall.

Inside of the boiler room, a yellow light slowly turns, illuminating different parts of the room. There is a whirring sound to accompany it, along with the rumblings of the boilers and furnaces themselves. As the camera moves, inching closer, we catch the image of Skag from behind one of the boilers. As the light comes back, Skag has moved, poking out from behind another boiler, and Morganna is seen from behind the one Skag was formally behind. As the light disappears, and traces back, both have disappeared from sight. When the light returns, Skag and Morganna are standing just feet in front of the camera.

Skag: Willkommen mein freunde. Tonight, we make a pledge.

The light returns, and both are gone. It traces back slowly, to find Morganna standing there.

Morganna: The luck of Rory and Unknown ran out last week when I beat Unknown, not even knowing who she is. I was, and still am, the superior wrestler. It felt so damn good to unleash WEEKS, MONTHS… YEARS… of frustrations on her… and that wasn’t even ALL of it either. There’s more than enough in me for that tag title match I just earned for us.

Again, the light rotates around the room. When it returns, this time, Morganna is gone, and Skag has appeared.

Skag: Now, I have defeated Rory, Morganna has defeated Unknown. We have the advantage of knowing our opponent’s styles in the ring, individually.

The light turns and comes back to reveal Morganna alone.

Morganna: We are better, stronger, bonded by a common goal to take what should have been ours six weeks ago. You call us scum? That sounds like a desperate attempt to try convincing yourselves that you’re the better pair, but…

The light returns, pausing on Skag now.

Skag: Jawohl. Ethics do not matter to us. We won’t try to say they do. This is where we are different. In our last encounter, the both of you had no problems in cheating to keep your titles. I don’t blame you.

Skag begins pacing in front of the light, revealing Morganna behind him, glaring at the camera.

Skag: If the roles were to be reversed, we would do the same thing. Means to an end, if you will, ja? I have not made a name for myself with some false sense of honor. I have not damned those who use cheap tactics. I would walk around proudly as Pride Tag Team Champions, every week since winning them, even if I won them as you two did. The means have justified your end. Rory gets to finally be champion after years of never coming close to one. Unknown can walk into the building with a title, one that no one else cares about right now. Perhaps it is the champions holding the belts, or perhaps it is a collapse of a division…

Skag pauses, allowing only Morganna’s darkened eyes to appear from behind his left shoulder. He shrugs, momentarily covering her face.

Skag: Neither myself nor Morganna would care if it wasn’t the principle of the situation. We fought three matches, three tough matches, in a row, without breaks. You two had a break, a by-round, another break before facing us. Again, I do not make haste. We were just… so… close…

Skag holds his thumb and index finger just barely apart as his fist shakes. However, he cackles and then throws his hand up and over his head.

Skag: … snatched from our grasp, giving us a taste of what could have been. I even thank you for this, because it has now given Morganna the push needed to do what is necessary. Something she did not have in our last encounters. I need not talk for her, though. I am sure she has plenty to say for what is in store for you both?

With another rotation of the yellow light, Skag is gone, and Morganna is in his place.

Morganna: Supernova… your little fairy tale ends! It’s already crumbling and falling apart and by the time we’re done with you on that cruise… I HATE cruises by the way… your little Cinderella run will already be forgotten. What? You thought you might still have an advantage over us because Skag and I initially weren’t on the same page before? Well that is where you are WRONG! Stronger bond over the adversity that we’ve had to deal with because of YOU! Start preparing for midnight… because the ride is about to come crashing down for you both. The devastation, humiliation and heartbreak we’ve had to deal with? It’s YOUR turn to feel that and you’re NOT going to like it because we are going to have the ULTIMATE, LAST WORD! You will NEVER have the opportunity to avenge what is coming and that will haunt you both for the rest of your careers when it is all said and done…

The light rotates one final time as we see both Skag and Morganna standing there in matching yellow GRIME masks, lit up.

Skag: It is time we enter the unknown. Supernova 5 will be a night to remember, ja?

As the light does a full 360 degree turn, both Skag and Morganna disappear from sight, and the light winds down, fading to black.

Underground Championship Match
Helluva Bottom Carter Vs Dax Beckett

Carter ducks a Clothesline and puts Dax down with a Legsweep. He picks Dax up and then hits a chop to Dax’s chest, and then another chop.  And another! Dax falls down to one knee.  This allows Carter to hit an Elbow Smash to Dax’s head, sending him down to his hands and knees.  He then steps over Dax, rolling him into an Inside Cradle. Dax gets the shoulder up in the nick of time.  Dax rolls back, and as Carter gets up, he rushes at him, jumping up for a Hurricanrana, but Carter drops him with a Powerbomb! Carter goes for the cover, but Dax rolls him over into an Arm Drag, locking his legs around Carter's arm, using his feet to hold Carter's shoulder in place to wrench the arm. Dax pulls on the arm, twists it, turns it, and Carter is feeling the burn.  He shouts as he puts one arm under him.  He does a push up, holding his position. Carter gets up on one foot and one knee.  He gets ready to stand up, but Dax whips him right back down to the mat! Carter holds onto his shoulder, trying to work his arm out from the iron grip of Dax’s thighs, but he’s having no luck.  He starts working his way to the ropes where he eventually gets the break. They both get up, and Carter surprises Dax by lunging, knocking him down to the mat.  However, Dax does a kip up and goes for a Clothesline to Carter!  Carter ducks underneath it, but rams his knee into Dax’s gut! Dax finds himself in a precarious position as Carter jumps onto the second rope, nailing the Fruit Fly (Eclipse)!  Dax rolls and punches him in the side of the head. He grunts as he lifts Carter up. He whips him into the ropes, and goes for The Best Finisher Ever! He nearly gets it, but Carter flips over the side, taking Dax down with a Dragon Sleeper. He tries the Fruit Fly again, and nails it!  He hooks the leg! Helluva Bottom Carter wins via pinfall.

The cameras go backstage to spot Rory and Unknown standing outside of Rory’s Tavern, the bar setup backstage. The music is going inside, and the good times are rolling. Rory takes a drag off of his vape really fast, blowing it aside.

Rory: Don’t let it get you down. Last week was just another instance of Morganna getting inside your head.

Unknown: Trust me, I’m not sweating it. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve lost a match in SCU. I can guaran-damn-tee it will be the last time, though.

Rory nods his head as Unknown leans against the wall. She folds her arms across her chest and looks back to Rory.

Unknown: This situation just seems to be on repeat. The only difference is that Skag schemed his way past you, and this time, Morganna slid past me. She keeps bringing up the word “luck”, refusing to realize that you and I outclass and out-wrestle both of them.

Rory: I mean… she’s not wrong though. I do have a four leaf clover tatted on my left ass cheek. Nothing wrong with a little luck, right? But luck isn’t a replacement for skill. Typical “bad guy” behavior. Making excuses for losing, because you just can’t admit that you got outwrestled.

Unknown: You know exactly what I mean when I say “luck”. I’m talking about taking advantage of rules and the referee’s line of sight. You know, the types of things that Morgan Clark has made a career out of doing. A little grab of the tights, a foot on the rope, an eye gouge, a weapon shot when the referee isn’t looking. Like you said, typical “bad guy” behavior. The stuff that the scum of this business does.

Rory nods along. He shrugs his shoulders and takes another drag from his vape pen. He bellows out a cloud of smoke.

Rory: Not to mention trying to play mind games with people before and during the match. I’ve done it many times before. So have you. Playing numbers games, turning the crowd around, drawing from that negative energy. It’s all chaos and anger. They said something about being in the ring with us and getting to know our styles, but… didn’t we do the exact same thing with them? We got to experience it firsthand, and now we’re prepared to successfully defend our titles at Superno…

Just then, Tim Staggs walks up between Rory and Unknown, showing off a microphone and a big, pearly white smile. He looks at the two champions, as if waiting for an introduction of some sort. When he doesn’t get one, he kicks his foot at the ground and snaps his fingers.

Tim: Pardon me, sir, but do you have any Grey Poupon?

Rory: What are you doing here? We’re kinda in the middle of something.

Tim: I figured I’d try to brush up on some interviewing skills, get used to the microphone again since I’m going to be hosting Supernova 5 in two weeks…


Tim narrows his eyes and looks over his shoulder as if looking at the crowd. He then returns his stare back to Rory and Unknown.

Tim: Wow, good to see you too. That was shocking. I’m used to the audience wanting to see me choke on a dick. I’ll take it. I mean, I’m going to be in Vancouver all night, sticking my nose in all the business that I can.

Unknown: Well, you’re off to a great start…

Tim: Touche. And who knows, I might just stick my nose into a certain match full of mayhem… and survival-ing… eliminating people to win a car and a stack of cash?

Tim shrugs his shoulders.

Tim: Well, like I said, I’m going to go brush up on my interview skills, see how many people I can piss off before then. You two have fun.

Tim doesn’t wait for an answer as he walks into the bar.

Tim: What’s up, fuckers?!?

He enters and disappears as Rory takes another drag from his vape pen.

Rory: Did he just interrupt our conversation to talk about himself, and then brush us off by going into my bar?

Unknown: Yessir, I think he did…

Rory:  Okay, just checking. You wanna go in and watch this Main Event match?

The camera fades as they both continue talking, walking into the bar.

Six-Woman Elimination Match - Underground Championship Contenders Match
Masked Celeste Vs Masked Orchid Vs Linnea Lacroix Vs Jenifer Lacroix Vs Halo Annis Vs Helena Jeckel

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Gena: The last Underground match, ever, kicks off with Merlot coming down to ringside to watch the opposition. She takes a seat, watching intensely.

Chad:  Masked Celeste and Masked Orchid go to team up on Linnea while Helena goes at Halo with clubbing blows to her back. Jenifer is quick to help her cousin out by grabbing onto Masked Orchid’s hood, yanking it back to reveal Celeste North’s hair.

Gena: She rips the mask off to reveal her face, and the two share a competitive glare. They throw punches back and forth at one another. Jenifer gets the upper hand until Masked Celeste comes up behind and rolls her up.


Chad: Linnea doesn’t leave any room for doubt as she kicks Masked Celeste off of Jenifer. She reaches down and rips the mask off to reveal former Bombshell Orchid’s face. Orchid tackles Linnea to the ground, and they roll around on the mat.

Gena: Halo and Helena continue trading hard punches back and forth around the ring. Helena ducks a punch and whips Halo across the ring. She goes for a Hip Toss, but Halo stalls it, and then rams her knee into Helena’s face, reversing the Hip Toss with one of her own.

Chad: Halo goes for the cover, but Orchid nails a Baseball Slide to Halo’s head before the count of one. Linnea rolls Orchid up next!


Gena: With one prize on the line, you’d think that there wouldn’t be teams here, but it’s like a 6 woman tornado tag team match. Celeste has ducked under Jenifer to try to make the save, just in case.

Chad: Helena hits a series of Elbow Smashes to Jenifer as she rushes toward the brawl. Celeste and Orchid nail the Le Coven Bomb (Arn Anderson Spinebuster on Halo, and Orchid goes for the cover while Celeste protects her.


Gena: Linnea is able to get past Celeste and break up the cover. Jenifer and Linnea lift Celeste up into the Le Coven Bomb, landing it perfectly. Taking a page out of Celeste and Orchid’s book, Halo and Jenifer protect while Linnea goes for the cover!


Chad: Helena and Orchid try to get past, but they both get whipped across the ring!


Liam: Celeste North has been eliminated…

Crowd:  *POP!*

Chad: Celeste shrugs as she exits the ring. She stays outside to cheer Orchid and Helena on… and Jenifer, too.

Gena: Orchid slides outside of the ring, and Helena joins her. They start talking tactically against the three inside the ring. They both fake out entering the ring, but as soon as they are charged by the other three, they move back and Orchid drags Jenifer outside.

Chad: Helena drags Linnea outside too. They whip both ladies into each other. Helena drags Linnea to the ring steps and begins banging her face into it repeatedly. Orchid throws Jenifer into the barricade.

Gena: Halo exits the ring and goes after Orchid, but Orchid uses Jenifer as a shield at first, before shoving her right into Halo. She crashes into them with a leaping Splash against the apron!


Chad: A true display of the GRIME tactics. Orchid comes crashing into both ladies once again. She goes for a Superkick, but Jenifer ducks. She tries to bring Halo down with her, but Orchid lands the move!

Gena: Orchid slides back inside of the ring, but Jenifer doesn’t follow. She rushes Helena and the two begin brawling. Orchid sneaks out to roll Linnea inside of the ring. She goes for the cover, a very stealthy move!


Crowd:  *POP!!!*

Gena: Orchid goes for The Orchid Drop: (Twist of Fate), but Linnea shoves her to the side. As Orchid comes back at her, she twists into the Hung Out To Dry (Tarantula)! The crowd cheers, even as the referee tries to break it up!

Chad:  Ryan Richards asserts himself, and eventually, Linnea lets go. She sizes Orchid up as she starts to rise. She kicks Orchid in the stomach, looking for the Bourbon Street Blues (Future Shock DDT)!

Gena: Oh, but Helena grabs onto her leg! Orchid nails the Blasted Slam (Olympic Slam) on Linnea, and then locks on The Orchid Lock: (Figure 4 Leg Lock)! Linnea is partially out already, but she tries to find the ropes. Jenifer tries to get inside, but Helena grabs her by the hair!

Chad:  Linnea tries to continue, her arms flailing around a bit before she leans her head back on the mat. She squeezes her fist together, but then she taps!

Darlyn: Linnea Lacroix has been eliminated!

Gena:  Jenifer lifts Helena up over her shoulder and nails a Running Powerslam into the ringpost. She slides inside and catches Orchid, just as she’s getting up. Jenifer locks on the Kimura Lock!

Crowd: *MEGA POP!*

Chad:  Orchid shakes her head from side to side, refusing to give up. She thinks about it for a moment, but she uses every bit of muscle she can to back up to the ropes. She tries to go for them, but Jenifer grounds her weight to the mat!

Gena: Helena shakes out the cobwebs as she goes to help break up the hold, but Halo comes out of nowhere with a Dropkick to Helena! Orchid finally gets to the ropes with her foot for the break! Jenifer doesn’t get up immediately.

Chad: Ryan Richards asserts himself, yet again. He pulls Jenifer off, and nearly gets decked for it, but Jenifer restrains herself. She goes to pick Orchid up, but Orchid ducks through her legs and to the apron. She leaps into a Sunset Flip on Jenifer, propping her feet on the ropes!


Darlyn:  Jenifer Lacroix has been eliminated!


Gena: Orchid rises up, shrugging her shoulders. She sees Halo attacking Helena, and she grabs onto Halo’s hair, dragging her back. She lifts her up by the hair, letting her hang, as Halo shouts out in pain!

Chad:  Halo finds her way onto the apron and drops down with a Guillotine Neckbreaker. She dives off with a Flying Clothesline to Helena, but Helena Catches her. She drops her down right in front of Merlot, pointing to Halo to let Merlot know that she’s next…

Gena:  Helena drags Halo back to the ring and rolls her inside. She points to Halo, and orders Orchid to go on the attack. Orchid shakes her head and pokes her finger into Helena’s chest. The two nod their heads as they talk to one another. Jenifer and Linnea help to fan the flames while Celeste tries to talk Orchid down.

Chad:  They begin to shove one another until Helena shoves Orchid right into Halo, who rolls her up. Helena laughs at Orchid…


Liam:  Orchid has been eliminated…

Gena: Helena immediately begins nailing kicks to Halo. She stomps circles around her before picking Halo up and sending her to the corner. She runs after her and drops her with a Monkey Flip!

Chad: She is breathing heavily, knowing she’s in the final minutes of this match. She rolls over onto her stomach as Halo does the say. They both rise.

Gena: Helena is the first to her feet, and she kicks Halo in the side of the head before picking her up into a Small Package Piledriver.

Chad: Helena feels that shaky feeling as she grabs hold of Halo’s hair, rising up as she picks Halo up and raises her hand high in the air. Is it time for The Devil's Whisper (Mandible Claw)?

Gena:  It is!  Helena steps forward and rolls her wrist around!  She looks around at the audience who begin booing Helena as she locks it in…

Chad:  But Halo kicks her legs and gets free.  She pulls Helena up and into a High Angle Suplex!  She catches her breath as she watches Helena intensely.

Gena:  Helena stirs as she blinks, looking up at the lights.  She then gets to her stomach and pushes herself up.  Slowly, she gets to her hands and knees, but Halo nails the Black 13 (Claymore Kick)!!!  She drops down on top of Helena!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Liam: Helena Jeckel has been eliminated…

Darlyn:  Therefore! Your winner, going to Supernova 5 to face Merlot Ayano… Halo Annis!!!

Crowd:  *SUPER MEGA POP!!!!!!!!!*

Halo rises to her feet, catching her breath. Merlot gets up from her chair as the eliminated stars begin battling it out around the ring. Merlot makes her way through the mayhem and slides inside of the ring. Her and Halo meet in the center of the ring for a staredown. It is a long, intense staredown as Halo’s music plays. Her and Merlot shake hands, a long, firm shake as they continue glaring at each other as the show goes off the air.

Card subject to change. Tune in Saturday for the hottest thing to hit Canada since NLW…

Sin City Underground presents… The Northern Lights Tour

No Nights Off… The Go-Home Tour hit several spots made famous by many of the stars in Sin City Underground. Join in on the celebration of 3 and a half years of sin, where we will see the 6th Mayhem Survival with special guest spots, and guest appearances from stars from Honor Wrestling, Northern Lights Wrestling, and Sin City Underground past. This is the last show before Supernova, so come on and help us make this send off tour one for the ages!

Supernova 5 - 7/16 - BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada