Author Topic: HARPER MASON v KALLIE REZNIK  (Read 4079 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: April 01, 2024, 10:49:46 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Harper Mason

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“Wasn’t Built in a Day Part III: One Year On!”
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2024, 10:19:48 PM »
(Josh was used with his handler’s permission)

Harpin On With Harper, Haper’s loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 2nd of April 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

We cut to Harper adjusting her laptop’s webcam as she gets ready to film her first Vlog for Blaze of Glory.

”Funny how quickly a year can just fly by, ain’t it? One year and a couple of weeks ago during the build up to last year’s Blaze of Glory? I was just a trainee back then but I knew that you could definitely call last year’s Blaze of Glory eventful, I mean, we had a certain Aussie snap, Amber Ryan’s last match with the company, the start of Michael Harris’s reign of infamy, pretty notable event, wouldn’t ya say?” Harper lets out a deep breath as she thinks back to that difficult week. ”It’s also a significant time in my personal life, one that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to bring up, something that managed to get buried beneath all that.

For those who don’t remember? My parents were murdered during the build up to the last Blaze of Glory.”

Harper lets out a deep breath.

”Calling the weeks and months that followed that terrible week difficult is putting it mildly, mother’s day, father’s day, my own god damn birthday, all celebrated with that huge, gaping hole in my life, my younger brother and sister don’t even seem to notice, at least they didn’t the last time I spoke with my aunt who’s been looking after them since then, the fact that I was training at Hero Academy when it happened? That’s been eating away at me for months.” Harper lowers her head before shaking it. ”Look, I know you guys ain’t here for my pity party because god fucking knows I’ve had enough of those over the past twelve months! You’re here because I’m facing my Blaze of Glory debut, against another woman who’s facing her debut for this event, someone so perpetually cheerful that it’s pretty much a guarantee that our demeanours are going to be the complete opposite heading into this event.

Hey there Kallie, I’ve had my eye on you since you debuted.”

Harper rests her hand on hr head.

”I guess I’ve always had an eye for talent as a wrestler? Not sure if I inherited that from Jess and, well, if you ask Jess than I’ve also inherited her short temper and hot headed stubbornness, guess those are traits that run among the women in our family, but the point is? From the moment I saw your debut match Kallie? I knew then and there that we could have a real barn burner of a match, my technical, power, high flying and general all round style vs your high flying with a bit of joint manipulation? I saw it as a match made in wrestling heaven.” Harper commented with a grin as Xavier, one of her dogs, came up to check on her, she grinned before stroking the Labrador. ”We both have something to prove here Kallie but considering that my last PPV Match was my failed title challenge against Bobbie? I feel I have more to prove out of the two of us.

Been focussing on rebuilding myself since that title loss, a big win on PPV would get me on the right path for sure but I know you won’t make it easy on me.”
Harper’s grin grows wider. ”And that’s just the way I like it!”

(end vlog)

Jessie’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 3rf of April 2024, 14:00pm

It was the middle of the first week of the Blaze of Glory buildup and Harper was busy training in Jessie’s home gym.

”Keep at it Harper and you’ll get back in the winner’s circle on PPV before you know it.” Jessie commented as Harper kicked away at the punching bag. ”Don’t forget, I managed to stay undefeated at Blaze of Glory for my first two years as a Bombshell.”

”Undefeated in everything but avoiding Janet the Makeup Lady.” Harper reminded the older woman and Jessie shook her head with a laugh. ”And unlike you, I didn’t win the Roulette Title on my first try.”

”I didn’t win my first title match either but that was because I was thrown into a Bombshell Tag Title Match with a partner I didn’t like.” Jessie responded as she shook her head and Harper threw another kick. ”At least my last Blaze of Glory was relatively drama free.”

”RELATIVELY?!” Harper responded angrily before kicking the punching bag so hard that it nearly went flying. ”Don’t tell me you forgot what happened during last year’s Blaze of Glory build up?!”

”What do you……oh.” As soon it dawned on Jessie her demeanour took a one eighty and she quickly shook her head. ”Harp, that only slipped my mind because last year’s Blaze of Glory happened in March instead of April, I swear I didn’t mean to anger you.”

”Ugh, I know but this has been lingering at the back of my mind since the anniversary passed three weeks ago!” Harper sighed as she ran a hand through her long, curly dirty blonde hair. ”The moment the Blaze of Glory buildup started was the moment the memory of that day came back to the forefront! Everything from those detectives interrupting my training session at Hero Academy to the terrible news that they hadn’t made it, it’s all there.”

”I get it but there has to be something you can do to make this feel better, entering your match with Kallie with this at the back of your mind? It’s going to distract you like no one’s business.”  Jessie pointed out and Harper frowned in response. ”What about dedicating the match to them? I know you dedicated the first title win to their memory after you won the KCW TV Title last year.”

”That was different, I was dedicating that win after it happened and I beat Mark Storm in that Table’s Match, and considering my first defence never happened it was a moot point anyway.” Harper sighed as she folded her arms and Jessie nodded. ”Besides, feels kinda weird dedicating a random match against another fresh face in the Bombshell Division rather than something more significant, if I had beaten Bobbie at My Bloody Valentine. won the title and was set to defend it against Bella? Then maybe I’d consider it but as it stands? It doesn’t feel right, even as this is both me and Kallie’s Blaze of Glory debuts.”

”Yeah, I guess so, hell my Blaze of Glory debut would’ve fit better because I was fighting for the Roulette Title for the first time.” Jessie nodded in agreement as she gave it some thought. ”And if I had to go into how I lost the title we’d be here all day.”

”Let’s be honest Jess, you could write an entire novel the size of War and Peace about your rantings about your numerous one and done title reigns, including the Internet and Bombshell Tag Title reigns.” Harper responded with a grin and Jessie shook her head with an amused look that told Harper that she wasn’t going to deny it. ”Or your various attempts at winning titles.”

”Oh don’t get me started, we’d be here until my baby’s due date!” Jessie responded with a chuckle before putting a comforting hand on Harper’s shoulder. ”But seriously, I’ve got a lot of appointments coming up so I won’t be able to have these conversations as often as I’d like, if you want to talk to anyone, I’d suggest Keira or Josh.”

”And Keira’s busy with her own baby.” Harper responded with a nod as she got the idea. ”I’m going to be training with Josh tomorrow anyway, I’ll bring it up with him.” Harper added with a nod before she went back to training.

Harpin’ on With Harper, Jessie’s home gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 3rd of April 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

Harper started her vlog inside Jessie’s ring where she is sitting on the matt with a thoughtful look on her face.

”There are times were I have to remind myself of certain simple facts, like that I’ve barely been wrestling for a year, am the only wrestler on the roster who isn’t old enough to drink alcohol yet and my mere existence probably makes the bosses feel old as hell considering that I wasn’t even in the double digits when SCW opened its doors.” Harper commented as she leaned her head against her hand. ”And yet, here I am, not even twenty and about to wrestle my fourth PPV Match for Sin City Wrestling having lost my first ever bid for the Bombshell Roulette Title in my last match.

Funny how things work, right?”

Harper chuckles to herself.

”They call me a rookie sensation and I know in my heart that that’s true but when are they going to stop calling me that and start calling me a Bombshell? Am I really any different from the likes of Seleana? Crystal? Ariana? The other Krystal? Just because I’m the youngest wrestler on the roster doesn’t mean I’m any different from them!” Harper added as she folded her arms. ”Go back and watch my segment from the last Climax Control and you’ll see a pattern, go ahead, I’ll wait! Or I’ll just give you the rundown again, Hall of Famers, from champions, a champion, all great wrestlers and Jane McGullican and Bea Barnhart!

Seeing the patter yet? No? Let me spell it out for you.

All I’ve held my own against, some of them I’ve beaten, one I went down swinging against after being put through the announcer’s table, all to try to make a name for myself in the Bombshell Division as not just a rookie sensation but a damn good women’s wrestler!”
Harper lets out a frustrated sigh. ”Yet people still hang that rookie sensation label over my head, like I said, I’m not denying that it’s true, but I want to be taken seriously in this division and this match against Kallie will be my ticket to doing just that!

Kallie? I know you’re a sweet girl and all but do me a favour, don’t patronise me with that “oh she’s a rookie” bullshit! I was trained by Team Hero, two of SCW’s all-time greats, I deserve better than just being labelled a rookie sensation and I will fight tooth and nail to shed that label!”

(end vlog)

Josh’s gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 4th of April 2024, 11:00am

Harper had just entered Josh’s gym to start her training when her manager greeted her.

“Well Harp, we have a big day ahead of us in two weeks’ time and I need to know where your head’s at.” Josh commented as Harper entered the gym and she nodded as she set her duffel bag down. “Jessie told me that you had a lot on your mind.”

”I had a feeling she would, to make a long story short? What happened to my parents during last year’s Blaze of Glory build up is weighing heavily.” Harper explained with a sigh and Josh nodded. ”I know the anniversary passed last month but with this being my first Blaze of Glory? That’s been at the forefront as of late.”

“I get it, you went through something no teenage girl should ever go through and it happened to tie into a major wrestling event.” Josh nodded as he got the idea and Harper let out a sad sigh. “I know you talked to Jessie about this.”

”Yeah, after I snapped at her for saying that this build up has been relatively drama free.” Harper grunted as she folded her arms. ”Jessie’s got a bunch of appointments scheduled for the next couple of weeks because of her pregnancy and I won’t be able to talk to her as much as I’d like, she also suggested Keira but she’s busy with her own pregnancy.”

“Harp, you know I would’ve been here to support you no matter what, especially when it comes to keeping your head on straight for this match.” Joshua assured Harper who gave him an appreciative grin in response. “We’ll work through this, it won’t be easy but you’re a tough girl, you’ll be stronger afterwards.”

”Yeah and I appreciate it, don’t get me wrong.” Harper responded as she let out a deep breath. ”But I can’t help but feel like I’m never going to be able to disassociate Blaze of Glory from that terrible day, even in the far off future where I’m challenging for the World Bombshell Title or something like that.”

“These kind of things are never easy to get over, but it’ll get easier over time, believe me.” Josh responded with an understanding nod before he motioned to the ring. “We started today’s session on a heavy note, let’s just jump into training.”

”Never thought you’d ask.” Harper responded with a nod before she went to get changed into her wrestling gear.

Harpin’ On With Harper, Harper’s Loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 4th of April 2024, 16:00ppm

(on camera, start vlog, promo time)

We again cut to Harper in her loft and she is leaning back against her chair.

”Calling my rookie year crazy is definitely accurate, three title reigns, signed with two major companies before the year was out? And that was just for starters!” Harper said as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”I’ve been with SCW for what? Seven months at least? I’ve had my ups and downs for sure but who hasn’t in this company? This is the first time I’ve faced someone who’s new to the company since my debut, well, relatively new off course, but I can only wrestle so many Hall of Famers before it gets old!

Yeah, I can’t believe I’m saying that sentence either!”

It’s that simple.

”But when I look at someone like you Kallie I see something new, someone who, like me, is just finding her feet in the Bombshell Division, that’s why I wanted this match, I wanted to see how I stacked up to a newcomer.” Harper added with a grin on her face. ”Good practice for the Blast from the Past Tournament at least, there’s bound to be a few fresh faces in there, me included, but as for whether I can win?”

And with that Harper decided to wrap things up.

”It’s kinda a cliché wrestling thing to say “absolutely”, isn’t it? But because Kallie’s so new to the Bombshell Division all I can really do is wait and see.” Harper admitted as she stretched her arms a bit. ”And once things get underway. I know we’re going to tear the house down and more importantly? Make our mark on the Bombshell Division at “Wasn’t Built in a Day Part III: One Year On!” because the world needs a new hero and her name is “The Slaytanic Avenger” Harper Mason! See you in two weeks Kallie!”

Harper turned off her webcam as the scene fades.

Offline missreznik

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« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2024, 11:38:02 PM »
thebutterflyeffect 3.0 🎔fear


I’d never been so frightened in my life.

Well, no, I had.

I just hadn’t been this scared in a long while.

After the guns and the craziness, and the Finn with a gun and everything at Wolfslair, Alex told us all to go home. And we did. Aiden and I packed up and we high-tailed it to the nursery to grab Dax, who I clutched tightly to the second I saw him. I’d never been in that much fear of my life, and the fact that I was a mother now made it all the more surreal. Reality set in. I could have left my child orphaned, and that wasn’t anything I wanted to do.

We made it back to the house and luckily, Dax hadn’t had an issue. He had no idea, and yet, my heart still beat quickly. But I tried not to show it. I know Aiden was feeling strange too, and he was trying to let everything go and not think about it. Throughout the rest of the day, we kind of just went through the motions. Dinner. Watching television, making sure Dax was tucked in for the night. And then we went to bed.

I don’t remember my dreams, but I don’t think they were good at all. Because it wasn’t often that I snapped awake. Most nights, I was able to sleep through the night with some semblance of rest. At least now it wasn’t the medicated kind – you know, the one that keeps you asleep but you wake up groggier than you felt when you went to bed? Ever since we’d moved into this secure apartment, the things that plagued me kind of disappeared. I didn’t constantly feel like I need to look over my shoulder. I didn’t feel like the world was caving in on me.

Funny, isn’t it? All that negativity coming from someone who portrays themselves as a happy-go-lucky kind of girl. And I absolutely am happy. I have a wonderful husband, and I have a pretty stellar record so far in SCW, and to top it all off, I have a team of people who will always have my back. In everything. Even if it was scary.

As much as I liked to think about my progress and how I was shaping up, that wasn’t the reason for my break from sleep. When I woke up, I could feel sweat at my brow and my back was drenched in it. My bones ached and my muscles felt like pins were being stabbed within them. I obviously hadn’t moved, despite my dreams. Or nightmares, whichever you’d like to call it. Aiden laid next to me, snoring slightly, but otherwise oblivious to my wakefulness. I closed my eyes, trying to do that mindfulness crap therapy had taught me. Inhale, think of all the issues swirling inside your brain…exhale and let ‘em go.

It didn’t work. I sat up, the bed groaning slightly with the shifting of my weight. I pulled my legs into a criss-crossed shape and looked up at the ceiling. The city outside never slept, and even now, I could hear sirens and people talking. It didn’t matter how high up in the building we were. There were always people talking.

Sighing to myself, I reached for the scrunchie I’d placed on the nightstand next to the bed and wrapped my hair up into a loose bun. Making sure not to wake Aiden, I slipped out into the hallway and shut the door behind me probably not softly enough, clicking the light on in the kitchen-living room combo and sitting at the counter. I pressed my hands to my eyes, trying to ascertain as to how I got here. I didn’t have a crazy ending to a match back on the previous Tuesday, and my training continued to soar under the tutelage of a former multi-time cruiserweight champion. With another exhale from my nose, I reached for the phone (I’d gotten in the habit of not bringing it to bed with me) and clicked the screen on.


Realization hit me, and I felt as if my throat was constricting. Like a bad allergic reaction. My heart started pounding out of my chest and every little hair on my skin I could feel rising in fight or flight mode. My eyes widened, my lungs couldn’t fill with enough air. My sight became fuzzy and black on the sides. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t do anything but drown in this panicked state. I thought I was over this, I thought I could…why? Why now?

Kallisto–fuck, c’mere,” I barely registered Aiden’s voice. I barely registered being moved. I barely registered where I was and who I was. I knew it was a panic attack, and I didn’t have those on a regular basis, so I must have absolutely scared the crap out of the Australian man. All I know is that when my consciousness finally came back to me, I had my head on his shoulder, I was sitting just off his lap on the couch and his arms were around me. Except I semi-forgot it was Aiden.

Get off me!” I snapped loudly, and three things happened all at once. One, my head bashed into his chin. Two, my legs flailed upwards and knocked the lamp off the table. Three, I somehow scrambled to the otherside of the couch and pulled my legs up to my chest. I suppose it was really four, because as I calmed down and the panic attack washed away, I realized it was him and then I felt that other creeping feeling of dread that no one liked. Guilt.

Ow,” Aiden rubbed his chin and looked at me curiously as I felt my cheeks flaring red and my eyes welling up with tears. I buried my head into my legs and exhaled. “You should add a headbutt to ya repo…repi…fuckin’ list of moves, aye?

Sorry.” I knew it came out muffled, but regardless, at least I said it.

Hey, no.” He replied. Tentatively, he placed a hand on my foot. When I didn’t suddenly kick him for no actual reason, he moved it to my knee, and then to the back of my head, lightly petting my hair. I knew his response was serious too, because he said no, and not nah. “It’s fine, love. Me chiseled jawline can handle a smack or two, I won’t break.” I chuckled halfheartedly. He waited a second before lifting his hand upwards and out for me. “C’mere?

Hesitantly, and not because it was him or anything, I sat up and allowed myself to sit next to him. He hugged me and I put my head back on his shoulder, closing my eyes. We sat for a bit, and I think it was probably his way of letting me calm down. He didn’t turn on the television, he didn’t budge. He just kept his arm loosely around me and waited for me to talk. Which could have been ages, but I fumbled with my fingers and wrung them slightly, grasping them nervously. His other hand covered them, stopping me from starting old bad habits like picking at my cuticles or chewing my nails.

Ya back to Earth yet? Calm?” Aiden questioned, and waited for me to respond. I nodded. “Good. Now, tell me what’s goin’ on in your head.

I’d rather not.

Kallie.” He chided and I sighed slowly. For a second, I felt defeated, but raised my head anyway and looked at him.

It’s a lot.

I have popcorn, should I go make some?” His voice was teasing, and I saw him smirk a little bit when he saw the side of my lips turn up slightly. “Hold on, let me go–” jokingly, he moved like he was going to get up, but ultimately stayed seated when I tugged his arm.

I didn’t want to tell him. I preferred keeping that bit of my personal history personal, if you catch my drift. But if this happened again, then I would be forced eventually to tell him. And it isn’t that I worried that he was going to reject me or anything…I was just semi-sad that I was turning this positive, good relationship that he had with me that seemed strangely normal and completely not batshit into him having yet another batshit female in his life. But he deserved to know my past, right? He’d been open with me about Japan. And Florence.

So I broke. Not down, thankfully. But I exhaled and looked down at my legs as I spoke. “So. I guess it would start back in college. You know, I was in one of my literature classes–

Ugh books.


Sorry, continue…

I was in one of my literature classes…

To be continued…


A lot has happened in my personal life since I faced and beat Crystal at my last Climax Control setting. And to be honest, I haven’t paid as much attention as I probably should have. But that’s gonna change. See, I’m walking into my next match and it’s a big one, because it’s at Blaze of Glory! It’s my first pay-per-view with the company as an actual contracted employee. I’m excited because I get to do my favorite thing…well, I guess it’s like my third favorite thing, because spending time with my little boy Daxie and spending time with my husband are the first and second things.

But wrestling is life and it’s a passion of mine, and I’ve loved it since I was little. Ever since I got to go to a puroresu show when my family was stationed in Japan. I always said this was what I was going to do when I grew up, and now, here I am. Lights, camera….action!

At Blaze of Glory, I take on Harper Mason, who has been in SCW for,,,gosh, has it been September? That’s a long time to go and not really…

…well, do anything.

I mean, I haven’t done anything either, but I have a match like once a month at this rate and that’s okay with me right now. I’m enjoying it, getting back into the swing of things, and I get to wrestle with Aiden near me! That’s always a plus. I even get to be around my bestie, Kayla Richards, and I get to be the first one to hug her at the end when she kicks Julianna’s complaining ass’s head in. That sounds exciting to me, and I think I’m going to watch it from the crowd if I can.

But that’s way after my match with Harper.

Harper is like, part of the wrestling legacy gym of SCW, right? Go Gym? Do I have that right? I think I do. Has people like Crystal out of it, and Helluva Bottom Carter, who is so so so so cute! I love he and Miles together. They’re great.

But back to Harper.

Harper has had quite a few matches here, hasn’t she? Quite a few wins too, against names like Courtney Pierce and Mercedes Vargas…and Laura Phoenix! I know Laura. Laura is great, and if she beat her, then it’s gonna be like, really hard I bet for me to beat her.

There’s talking off camera.

What? She lost to Bea Barnhart?


That’s not a good look, Harper. But it’s okay! We all win some, we all lose some. See, I’m not going into this like the rest of the people would, I guess. Don’t get me wrong, I want to win. I want to do great, and I want to make my husband and child proud. But I also am not going to like…go off the deep end if I lose. Because it seems like Harper is pretty dang good, even if a few of her wins are because other people screwed up and got disqualified. I’m still a rookie, I guess. I mean, I’ve been doing this for a little bit of time, and I always have time to rise and be the next big thing, but…I’m also aware that you’re good, Harper. And I could sing your praises if you wanted me to.

But I don’t think you do. See, I suppose I’m supposed to sit here and tell you how awful you are, and how I’m gonna rah rah defeat you, but…I think we’re going to be evenly matched. I think we’re going to have a great match, you know?! We’re not crazy down the card, but we still have an opportunity to shine with one another and make it the greatest match possible. I think it’s going to be great, and fun, and we’re going to do the best that we can.

But I do want to win, Harper. I really do. Three and oh sounds better than…well….two and one. Please believe that even though I seem super positive about both of us tonight, I am just going to do more and more work and next time we see each other, before this match, I will have so much more to say. I’ve been writing down notes, I’ve been watching matches, and I’ve been making sure that I am focused on my future in this match. I am going to put in everything that I have.

I’ll see you soon! Maybe after the match, we can get coffee? I would love that!


Offline Harper Mason

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“Wasn’t Built In a Day Part IV: Old Wounds!”
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2024, 10:29:12 PM »
Harpin’ On With Harp, Harper’s Loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 9th of April 2024, 17:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

We open on Harper in her loft and she has a sombre expression on her face.

”I’m sure Blaze of Glory means something to everyone on the roster who’s been around for a while.” Harper sighed as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”Maybe they won their first title at that event? Or heck, maybe even made their debuts at the event! I’m pretty sure that’s happened at least once? But there’s only one thing I can associate with this show and it’s only tangentially related too it, I brought this up last week so I won’t dwell on it further.

Because let’s face it, having your parents murdered before you’re even twenty, never mind twenty one, is one hell of a bitter pill to swallow!”

Harper let’s out a deep breath as she leans forward on her desk.

”That is why I need to win this match against Kallie on Sunday, I don’t want my memories of Blaze of Glory to just be associated with that terrible day.” Harper lets out a sad sigh. ”I’m sure some people will accuse me of exploiting my parents’ deaths for sympathy but honestly? It’s all I’ve been able to think about since my match against Kallie was announced, well that and how excited I am for the match with Kallie because io know we’re going to rock the house on Sunday but if I can mark off “bounced back from my loss to Bobbie at the last Supercard” off the list?

I don’t think I really need to explain how I’d feel really!”

(end vlog)

Bunkers Memory Gardens, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 10th of April 2024, 16:00pm

As the car pulled into the parking lot Harper got out of Jessie’s car with the older, visibly pregnant woman behind her.

”This is the place.” Harper muttered to herself as she checked the info on her phone. ”Just need to find where they are buried.”

”Harp, I understand why you want to do this, but are you sure about this?” Jessie asked with a concerned look on her face and Harper nodded. ”The PPV’s this weekend, we can come cack afterwards because your mind needs to be a hundred percent there, even for a filler match against Kallie.”

”But on the other hand if I don’t do this my mind’s going to be wrecked with guilt and I don’t know what’s worse heading into the match.” Harper explained before she reached into the backseat and grabbed some flowers. ”Talk about “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” am I right?”

”Yeah, that and a lose-lose situation.” Jessie sighed as she looked out towards the cemetery. ”Memory’s a bit hazy but they were buried on a hill, right?”

”Yeah, I think I remember which hill but it shouldn’t take me that long to find it.” Harper responded with a nod before turning to Jessie. ”Are you coming with me or staying behind? I know you’re four months into your pregnancy and all but they mobility doesn’t seem to be all that affected by it.”

”You haven’t seen e try to get up the stairs yet.” Jessie sighed as she shook her head. ”I can get up them just fine but I’m always worrying if a misplaced step will end in something terrible happening to my baby girl.” Jessie explained and Harper nodded as she got the idea. ”Same reason why I’m not going up that fill with you, I’ll be waiting here for when you’re done.”

”I’ll send you a text when I’m done.”  Harper responded as she held up her phone and Jessie nodded, Harper proceeded on her way into the cemetery not really paying attention to the world around her, she momentarily glanced down at her phone. ”I bet some boomer will expect me to start filming a vlog whilst I’m here.” Harper commented before shaking her head. ”No, not getting it out until I’m done.”

“You always talk to yourself?” Harper glanced up and saw an older woman addressing her.

”Nah, just got a lot on my mind, I haven’t visited a certain gravesite in over a year and I’m trying to make up for it.” Harper explained and the older woman nodded in understanding. ”You wouldn’t know where the Masons are buried, would you? Just want to make sure.”

“They are on that hill over there.” The older woman responded as she pointed it out to Harper and Harper nodded before she quickly went on her way, by the time she reached the top of the hill and knelt in front of the gravestones Harper was quite emotional.

”Mom, dad? Calling the past year crazy doesn’t even begin to describe it.” Harper muttered to herself  as she put down the two flower bouquets on the graves. ”I made it, I’m a professional wrestler now, wrestled for a whole bunch of companies, won three titles, one of which is inactive because the fed closed.” Harper let out a deep beep breath. ”Actually signed with Sin City Wrestling after Jessie went on hiatus, and then got pregnant, err, Jessie, not me! I’ve even challenged for the Bombshell Roulette Title! All things I wish that you could’ve been there to see in person, to know that your oldest daughter made the right decision to go into wrestling.” Harper lets out a sad sigh as she wipes away a tear or two. ”Jason and McKenzie are doing great, they are doing well in school, and their grades are good…….”

“We know.” Harper stopped mid-sentence and glanced around, looking for the sauce of the voices, but she was the only one around.

”Okay, I’m officially creeped out.” Harper muttered to herself before getting her phone out and texting Jessie. ”Hey Jesse, I’ve said all I wanted to say and will be at the car in a few minutes, everything good?” Harper read the massage out loud before hitting send  and heading down the hill.

A few minutes later Harper was greeted by Jessie as she waiting beside her car, leaning against it with her arms crossed. ”Just got your text, I kinda zoned out when listening to the new Krawling Khaos album, did that help?” Jessie asked and Harper nodded. ”Good, and I maintain what I said when we had that fallout last week I’m here for you if you need anything.”

”Appreciate it Jessie.” Harper responded before taking one last look at the hill where her parents’ graves were. ”Can we just get going? Gotta be getting close to dinner time right?”

”Eh, it’s not that close, but I am getting hungry, either that or it’s the pregnancy cravings.2 Jessie responded with a nod before they got in the car. ”Let’s get something to eat out, my treat.”

”Sounds good to me.” Harper nodded in agreement before getting in the car and Jessie subsequently drove off.

Harpin’ On With Harper, Harper’s Loft, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 11th of April 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, start vlog, promo time)

As Harper started her final vlog for the match she let out a deep breath.

”My dad always said that exercise was one of the best forms of therapy, getting all that pent up energy out of your system, you know?” Harper asked rhetorically as she leaned on the desk. ”That mindset has helped me through some of the more difficult times in my life and this match may well help me with this part of my life as well! How exactly? I don’t know, especially if Kallie beats me but if I have anything to say on the matter?

That won’t happen.”

Harper said defiantly.

”And at Wasn’t Built in a Day Part IV: Old Wounds I’ll be focussing on healing those wounds with this match Kallie, we both know how good we are at wrestling and I think we both know that this could be a sleeper hit on the card.” Harper added as she leaned back in her chair. ”But that’s if I can get my head in the game, but trust me Kallie, I will do everything I can to get the win.”

It's that simple.

”While staying within the rules because unlike some people I can actually rely on my talent to get the win, isn’t that right Mercedes?” Harper asked with a grin before she shifted her weight. ”I hope you’re ready to bring your a-game Kallie because I bring mine to every match I compete in, otherwise?”

And with that Harper decided to wrap things up.

”This is only going to end one way, with me improving my SCW PPV Record to three wins and one loss!” Harper added as she grinned broadly. ”Because the world needs a new hero and her name is “The Slaytanic Avenger” Haper Mason! See you on Sunday Kallie!”

Harper turned off the camera as the scene fades.

Offline missreznik

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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2024, 11:50:21 PM »
thebutterflyeffect 3.0 🎔fear


It was a day that I think we all needed. We were all supposed to go to dinner, and while that was an option again, I made the point to say that we just all needed a bit of pampering and plumping. That didn’t really go over well with Kayla, and she ultimately didn’t come with us, but Tasmin and I found ourselves with our feet in a bubbly basin and those massage chairs luxuriously pushing their little roller balls into the muscles of our backs.

I don’t wrestle anymore – I mean I could,” Tasmin started, reposed within her chair. Honestly, I was surprised that she hadn’t fallen asleep just yet. “I just don’t want to right now with Dawn being so little….but if I did wrestle, I would demand that we visit one of these spas at least once a cycle.

I laughed lightly, watching as the girl methodically tried to find something to grab onto around the nail bed of my toes. “I agree. I heard that the ballerinas for New York City Ballet have like a whole masseuse who comes in once a week and makes sure their legs and bodies are all knot-free.

Oh my god, to be knot free.

I know, right?” I couldn’t fathom it either. We sat in silence for a little while, not quite paying attention to anything but ourselves. Tasmin talked to me about Adam, about how he’d really taken to being a father and doing everything he could for Dawn. I smiled and agreed, telling her about Aiden and how – even though he was still kind of a doofus on the outside – I knew I could trust him with our son.

I just wished that I trusted myself in the same room with him. It had nothing to do with him, though, and everything to do with me. I did what I didn’t want to, and I told him the beginning of my story. The story that I didn’t want to share with anyone, the story that I wanted to avoid.

The night before, Aiden had sat next to me, his hands folded, as he listened to my story. Really taking it in. Trying to understand where I was coming from.

It started in twenty-fifteen, when I was taking classes at the University of Colorado – Boulder.

All of that being said, we’re going to do this assignment a little differently…

Professor Keyes, a chipper young woman with a red hue on her hair, detailed the assignment exactly, directing the class on how they were going to get an A. She liked As. She felt a sense of accomplishment when she got them, so that’s what she strove for. Seated up front, scribbling furiously as she wrote, sat the blonde haired woman who we know as Kallie Reznik. Though in this moment and time, it was Kallisto Reznikski, and wrestling wasn’t even a thought on her mind. Although she looked just a couple of years younger. She wore glasses, her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and she was focused. Almost laser eyed.

British Literature was already dry enough, but at least this assignment was going to be something good…at least, to Kallisto. As the people around her shuddered and groaned at yet another assignment being handed to them, she took it in stride, smiling as her Professor finished up and released them all to go. It was a little bit early, and she might get to go and eat with her brother at the cafeteria. They had Panda Express, and she loved Panda Express.

She looked up and caught the eye of the graduate student that Keyes was helping earn their Master’s in British Literature. He was a few years older than her, that she knew, but he looked young. Brunette. Wickedly nice smile. Greenish eyes. He was currently listening as Keyes was handing him a batch of papers to grade, but his eyes weren’t at all on the papers themselves. He smiled slightly. This wasn’t the first time. And it certainly wasn’t the last.

Kallie certainly wasn’t the bookworm type of girl, but she absolutely probably seemed that way. She couldn’t see the board or the projection screens very well, so she wore glasses. Often times, she didn’t need them nor did she care. But her core subjects mattered a little too much to her for her to leave everything up to chance. She smiled back, a little sheepishly, and packed her Norton Anthology into her shoulder bag. And that was it. She’d throw it in her car and make the drive back to Aurora later today, but it was heavy.

She followed the rest of the class out the door, made her way to the student center, and plopped down next to her brother, who looked up at her with a scowl as he poured over his anatomy texts.

It went like this for the next few class periods. The grad student would smile, Kallie would confusedly smile back, and the day would continue on. At least. Until it didn’t.

Kallisto, right?

She was just about to step outside the door when he caught her attention. She turned slightly and looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “Sorry,” he chuckled, “I just was looking at the roster and noted the name. The nymph that was turned into a bear and was turned into a constellation, right?

Yep, that’s me.” Kallie snickered slightly. It was rare that anyone actually looked up the origin of her name. It wasn’t one of the great Greek myths, or the ones that everyone knew. Nor was it studied in high school. It was a short one. “Unbearable.

He snorted.

I don’t like this motherfucker already.


Does he die?



Punny.” He replied, shaking his head. “Mitchell.” He said, hoisting his bag up on his shoulder and heading towards her. He’d taught the class that day, so by the time he was speaking to her, the rest of the class was gone and on their way. “I have to say, turning Paradise Lost into a newspaper column was inventive. I think you’re the only one that got full points.

I figured most people would try to present their stories as, like…debates.” Kallie commented, leaning against the table.

And they did. After a while, it got time consuming. Milton is probably rolling in his grave though.

She grinned. “Probably.

They said their goodbyes, and Kallie left. She did the same thing she always did. Zach sat at the table across from her, this time looking at physiology. She pulled out her text, and they started working.

Let me stop you here…

Aiden’s voice had rumbled against my head and I lifted it, looking at him. He was clearly putting this all together. “Your shithead brother said you’d dated some douchecanoe in college and things didn’t go so smoothly, and that’s why he’s a total shithead about me.” He’d paused and then frowned. Disappointedly. “Of all the names this bogan cunt could have, it was Mitchell. What a fuckin’ dumb name.

It was. Mitchell White.

And what a bitchass last name too.” He paused again, and then he looked down at me. Aiden may act like an absolute idiot from time to time because it was easier to do that than it was to be real with anyone, but with me, I knew better. He wasn’t stupid. He got inferences and connotations and all of the things in between. He raised his hand softly and cupped my cheek. “He hurt you somehow, didn’t he?

I clammed up, and it was right at that moment that I decided that the story wasn’t going to be told. Not that night. Not ever, if I had a choice. I had a career. I had all the things that I needed in my life and I didn’t need to be rehashing my own stupid past. I had to think about my match this week.

So instead, I chose to bury myself in good things. My friends. My family. Tasmin and I were having a great time and I didn’t want to cause problems with that somehow. I knew I would eventually, but for now? This was okay.

Do you think Dax will like it if we come do this when they’re older?” Tasmin asked me then, cutting me out of my own reverie.

Probably. I wouldn’t think there would be a problem. He’s a mama’s boy already.” I smiled. I then snorted. “What will be a kick is when your sister has kids, and they come with us too.

Tasmin gagged and shook her head. “Kayla?” She asked. “Oh god, can you even imagine her with a kid around her? Absolutely not.

She might think it was like devil spawn or something.

Well,” Tasmin grinned then, and then looked at me with a snicker. “If she and Finn have kids…

Oh because they love each other?

They love each other.” She agreed.

They’re gonna be devil spawns for sure.


Doesn’t it suck when you have to rely on others to like…pump you up and make you something that you’re not?

Oh gosh, that sounds mean, and I didn’t mean it like that.

You see, when I first started this a couple of years ago, I was pretty much on my own. I had just come out of Combat Syndicate: Denver, and like…it was really difficult for me. I thought I was going to be a star right out of the gate, and I just…wasn’t. That isn’t to say I wasn’t like…you know, good. I know I am. But I was by myself. I didn’t have the greats to train me, and I didn’t have people in my corner.

So I tried everything, until I found something that I liked and it stuck with me. I did Deathmatch Wrestling, I did regular wrestling, I did tag team wrestling, and I did a lot of other stuff until I found the niche that made me happy. And that was simply…the whole of wrestling. All of wrestling makes me happy, and I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life.

I’m a mom now, but that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of greatness. I know I am. I know that if I were thrown a shot tomorrow at any of the Women’s Championships, I could probably push myself and become the happy owner of one of them. But I’m not quite ready for that, and that’s why I signed up for Blast From the Past. I don’t think anyone realizes the opportunity that lies in the tournament, because it’s interposed with wrestling with someone that could be either really great, or really horrible. And I mean, like…

…no one wants to lose because of their shitty partner, right?

At least that’s what Aiden says, and I tend to believe him on most occasions because he’s pretty darn smart when he doesn’t have the gullible mask on.

You have to end up relying on someone else.

Kind of like Harper here does.

Oh, I’m not saying that she hasn’t stood alone. I mean. Look at her. She’s so good and like she said, she’s been with the company for seven months and faced so many Hall of Famers!

I wish I had Hall of Famers that I could rely on to make me look excellent too.

…that also came out wrong too.

But I meant it like this…when you’re in a company with a roster that’s kind of stacked like it is on the women’s side, it’s going to be difficult to find yourself doing anything but facing down someone who is wonderful and wise. They know how to take people like us, Harps, and make us look fabulous even though we might not know our butt from our fronts.

But when you and me face on Sunday, there’s no one out there that either of us can rely on to make us look good. We have to do it ourselves, and standing there and saying you’re amazed at your own ability kind of makes you loooooooooook….like….a lil’ eensy-tweensy bit weak. Like you’re unsure of yourself and you don’t know where you stand.

Finn yells at me all the time now. KNOW WHERE YOU’RE STANDING. Rah! He’s so loud sometimes…Yes sir, I do know that now!

I don’t need anyone around me to make me look, like, good at what I do. I’m fast. I fight. Hard. I showed Miss Manners that and I showed Crystal that too. Just because I haven’t been here that long doesn’t mean that I’m any more of a rookie than you are, and you made dang sure that no one should be calling you that.

Except from my calculations, no one is, and that’s what you’re calling yourself for attention, I dunno.

Like I think you should kinda believe in yourself a bit more. You’ve had a good year and you can do that here too, you just gotta believe in yourself!

Just like I believe in myself.

I’m gonna go out there, Harper, and I’ma do my bestest in order to beat you. Not because I’m grr’d out or anything, but because I’m here to do my job and like…part of that is continuing on my streak, right?

I’m only two and oh, but I’ma be three and oh after this, and gosh, that’s gonna be awesome!

So I’ll see you on Sunday, Harper. And you’re right, we’re gonna be tearing the house down! But like, don’t hold it against me if I win, okay? I’m just doing my job and trying to go into Blast From the Past with a bit of leverage on my side. You wanted this match, but me? I’m just following through like I’ve always done even though I’ve had no one to rely on.

I can kinda stand by myself, and I like that about me.

I think you could like that about yourself if you stop referencing old ladies too.

Peace out Harps! See you soon!