Author Topic: BARNHARTS v KAT JONES and HBCARTER  (Read 3247 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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« on: April 01, 2024, 10:51:03 AM »
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Andrew

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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2024, 12:32:56 PM »

The scene opens on our television and we see that we are taken to the home of Bea and Bill Barnhart in Lawrenceville, Georgia. The camera person assigned to Bea and Bill pans around the inside of their home. While the camera person continues to pan the scene they get a shot of Bea and Bill coming down the stairs from the upstairs of their home. Bea and Bill greet the camera person then the two take a seat on the couch in their living room. As soon as they sit down we see their English Bulldog, Iris, walk into the living room where she jumps up on the couch. . .well actually Daddy Bill needs to help Iris get up on the couch as she is stocky and chubby...and Iris then lays down next to Daddy Bill. We also take note that there is a coffee pot and a coffee cups on the table in front of the couch.

Bea:   I wish to thank everyone for tuning in so I can present information that is pertinent to our Mixed Tag Team match at Blaze of Glory 12 which will take place on Sunday, April 14, 2024. As you saw in the initial camera shot I have a pot of coffee and some coffee cups on the table in our living room. There are two reasons for having the coffee here during my comments on our upcoming match. The first reason is that me and Bill enjoy drinking coffee even though Bill is more of a Classic Coke person while I am more the Coffee drinker. The second reason is that our upcoming match was demanded by Kat Jones as she wants to get revenge upon me for the time I tossed a cup of coffee in her face when she attacked me. The long trail of false accusations, attacks on me during my matches, and attacks on me while serving as Bill’s Manager, by Kat, just went too far on that day and it just happened that I had a cup of coffee in my hand and my initial response to her abuse was to toss the coffee in her face. I feel bad that she got her face burned but negative actions have negative results and it took a cup of coffee to her face to make Kat understand that concept.

Bea looks over at Bill and she asks him if he wants to make comments at this time on their upcoming Mixed Tag Team match.

Bill:  No, Bea, I am okay. Since we agreed that you would present comments on our match first, then I will present my comments on our match after you are done, I will keep my comments silent until it is my turn to present them.

Bea:  Thank you Bill. I will close my comments for today and then the next time both of us will comment on our upcoming match will be when we are in Flagstaff, Arizona, for Blaze of Glory 12.

Bea pours herself a cup of coffee and we can tell the coffee is hot because of the steam rising out of the cup.

<Bea:  What’s up Kat? Did you just cringe because I picked up a cup of coffee? All I am doing is enjoying a cup of coffee in my home in Lawrenceville, Georgia. If you are watching me on television and you are ducking over the shot of me drinking coffee then you have one hell of a serious mental issue.

Bea grins into the camera then she takes another sip of coffee.

 Bea:  So, Kat, in closing I want you two to know that what me and Bill are hoping for is that if the boys get tagged into the match that they will immediately tag out so that me and you can continue the fight. I know Carter wants to beat upon Bill and that is what we expect from him. However, since this match came about because you demanded this match to get back at me for the coffee incident, then I want the majority of the match to be you and me. The boys can stay outside of the ring, on the ring apron, and enjoy the show. Kat I am looking forward to Blaze of Glory 12. Hope you are also. Bye!

Bea informs the camera person that she is done with her comments and that she will switch locations with Bill so they can air his comments.

Offline Andrew

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    • Bill Barnhart
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2024, 12:34:33 PM »

At the home of Bill and Bea Barnhart. After Bea Barnhart presented her comments for her and Bill’s upcoming Mixed Tag Team match against Kat Jones and Helluva Bottom Carter it is Bill’s turn to present his comments concerning their upcoming match. Bill and Bea changed places so that Bill is in front of the camera and Bea moved to the other side of the couch to be next to their English Bulldog Iris.

Bill:  Bea had her say on our upcoming Mixed Tag Team match against Kat Jones and Helluva Bottom Carter so now it is my turn to make comments. Carter I want to ask you something and you are free to answer or not. Since this match has been scheduled at the demand of Kat Jones, mainly due to false information and false accusations against Bea, I would like to ask you if you would consider something. Since the women have the issues, and since I have no issues with you, let me suggest something for our match. I want the two of us to let the women start the match and if one of them tags out to us then we can enter the ring but with a twist. Instead of wrestling and attacking each other we just immediately tag our partners back into the ring and let them go at each other. I am sure that is what Kat and Bea want.

Bill looks into the camera to see what reply he gets from Carter. Obviously Bill realizes that Carter is not going to be to answer him at this time but at least he presented the option to him.

Bill:  Yeah. . .I know you are not able to answer me at this time and that is okay as I will work with whatever your decision ends up to be. I just think it would be fun to watch Bea and Kat beat the crap out of each other while we relax and enjoy the action. If you are not up for that concept then so be it.

Bill shrugs her shoulders while looking into the camera.

Bill:  I wish to thank everyone for joining us at our home in Lawrenceville, Georgia today. The next time you will hear from us we will be presenting comments from Flagstaff, Arizona.

Bill informs the camera person that both he and Bea are done with their comments for today. The camera person calls into the Network to inform them and the Network cuts the camera feed and returns to the regularly scheduled programming for this time slot.

Offline Kat Jones

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« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2024, 11:57:20 AM »

The return of Kat Jones was a success.. She taught Miss Manners a lesson she will not soon forget.. Do not ever underestimate the bitch that is Kat Jones.. It is not a smart thing to do as she found out the hard way.. Now Miss Manners is an okay wrestler but the woman she went into the ring with is nothing like the Kat Jones that she was when she first came to SCW.. Nah.. That woman was mild and subdued.. That woman no longer exists.. There was a time when Kat did more than fight women.. She fought men.. Men that have made their way to SCW over the years… She was a world heavyweight champion defeating those men.. Holding that title for 9 months straight defending it against men twice her weight and a foot taller more often than not... She had 18 successful title defenses.. That champion did not run or hide from anyone.. That champion faced men that for sure would make it to HOF’s across several promotions in the years to come.. And that champion is back in SCW with a hunger for a fight.. Nobody in SCW has seen that woman before.. Not even the legends and superstars returning for the Blast from the past tournament know that Kat Jones.. They have heard of her.. Have heard about how dangerous she was to step into the ring with and how ruthless she was against men and women alike…

There is a reason why they asked Kat to become a savior.. There is a reason why she was asked to stick around even when she was injured to the point where she was unsure if she could ever wrestle again.. For a long time she was sure that she would not be able to.. The surgery needed was one that could go very wrong or very well.. She got lucky for once in her life and it went very well and she is back.. She took time off to get her head right as she was in a very dark place for a while with the losses she had been dealing with and when she got that back to where she was all good to go again is when she contacted SCW and they realized soon that she is different.. But she is back.. What most people fail to see over the years that she has been in SCW is that there is a wicked mind in the head of an even more wicked woman set free once again.. She brought out the more ruthless side of several before but in doing so she became subdued.. She was a business woman and it lured people into a false sense of security that the madness that once radiated from her and made her shine on the biggest stages was gone.. But that was a facade.. The business woman.. The nicer version.. It was an act.. She is not nice.. Unless you are family.. That is when you get the unguarded version of Kat Jones.. The woman.. There are only a rare few Kat would not want to face as they are family and they are not in SCW..

Kat could have just gone to just the federation where her brother is at and she will be performing there as well but she wanted to return to SCW without family there… She has unfinished business in SCW.. Goals she has yet to achieve and that is why she signed up for the tournament as well as asking for a match.. Because Kat just wants one thing now.. She wants to fight.. And that is what she did.. What she has always done in her life and she is determined to wipe out the history she had made before in SCW and when she leaves the business for the last time she will be leaving her own legacy.. Not tainted by holding back due to family.. Not tainted by her own fractured mind holding her back.. She came back to SCW because she is her own true self once again and this woman is not someone that SCW has seen before and it was about damn time that she brought back the woman she truly is.. Every deranged thought that she had squashed for the greater good.. Every insane idea she had not voiced for the greater good… Every challenge she never made because of family loyalty keeping her down in a corner.. Nothing holding her back now and she is the woman that returned to SCW… That is the woman that tried to apologise to Bea for bumping into her… But Bea made the ultimate mistake when she threw coffee in Kat’s face to retaliate..

How wise is it to throw hot coffee in the face of the woman that SCW management uses to punish and maim those they feel like.. How wise is it to try and hurt a woman that won’t be stopped.. Can not be stopped, not by a broken neck.. Not by a fractured mind and sure as hell not by a cup of coffee.. It stung.. But that was it.. It stung.. The trainers backstage got to her right quick and fixed her right up.. Her face was a little tender to the touch for a couple of days.. But that was it… It barely registered in the deranged brain of the resident HellKat.. She has endured far worse than the sting of hot coffee.. She has overcome way worse than an entitled little bitch throwing a cup of coffee in her face.. Naturally our cowardly little prima donna Bea would not face Kat one on one.. No.. She had to make it a tag team match.. Thinking the Saviors are too busy to fight her and her man.. True, they are.. But unlike Bea and her bulldog bitch of a husband, Kat has friends… a lot of them.. It was absolutely no problem to find someone willing to tag with her.. Her princess.. Carter.. He was more than happy to step up and fight alongside her.. And now it is on.. But Bea.. You should have been more careful about what you wished for..

Prescott Arizona

The new house without the jaded memories that weighed on her fractured mind more often than not was literally a breath of fresh air to Kat and while others had to stay at the hotels in Phoenix after the show Kat just got into her truck and drove home.. Sleeping in her own bed instead of hotels is something she will not take for granted that is for sure and with the location of Blaze of Glory she is going to do the exact same thing less than 90 minutes drive from her home to the arena.. Even closer than Phoenix was so she was looking forward to being in her own bed to recover from what will be hell.. Because if there is one thing Kat never does it would be to underestimate what Bea and her husband would be willing to do to win.. It is not Kat’s first time in the ring with Bea and probably not the last time either but you got to give her credit.. At least she was not stupid enough to accept a one on one match with Kat.. She knew better… Kudos to you Bea..

Kat sat in the old school rocking chair outside on the wrap around porch looking up at the star filled sky.. The galaxy showed itself in the most gorgeous display of light and colors amongst the pitch black.. She had a cup of hot tea in her hand and sipped from the cup from time to time as malicious thoughts ran through her mind.. A car stopping at her house made her frown as she set the cup on the table next to her and her hand slipped down to get a grip on the collar of Bane and Cashe.. They don’t get along with everyone, especially Bane.. She was pretty sure who it would be at this time of night but the moment she heard those tell tale footsteps by the biggest man in her life.. She commanded softly..

Kat : Seas sìos Bàn.. Cashe..

The dark chuckle coming from the pathway leading to her house made both dogs wag their tails, their on-guard mode vanishing like snow before the sun.. They knew him and they knew he always had treats in his pocket for them…

Mac : Halo mo phiuthar, tha mi gad fhaicinn air an deagh thrèanadh

Kat rolled her eyes, naturally she has trained them well. It is a pitbull and a cane corso for gods sake..

Kat : Mo bhràthair what a pleasant surprise seeing you here at this time of night.. Couldn’t sleep?

Mac strolled onto the deck and yanked Kat out of her rocking chair and into a tight hug. It had been too long and Kat damn near melted into his arms.. As dangerous and as vicious as he is, Mac was still the best hugger.. For a moment the chaos in her head stopped.. The voices silenced as she listened to the strong heartbeat of her big brother. Mac put his finger underneath her chin lifting her face up to his, their eyes meeting..

Mac : Now Miss Bane.. what are you up to..

Kat : I have a tag match coming up at the next SCW Pay per view and I am waiting on a match being signed to me in WGWF… Itching for a fight again..

Mac hummed and sat down in the rocking chair dragging Kat down with him in his lap holding her tight against him. Overprotective big brother mode is cranked up to level 20.. Even though he knew exactly where Kat was the entire time and was in constant contact with her, it had been a long time since he had held her and apparently was not ready to let her go just yet.. Kat snuggled against him and whispered..

Kat : What is on your mind Mac..

Mac : I want you with me at ringside again at Brawl…

Kat : I am not a manager anymore..

Mac : No.. I want you at ringside as my sister..

Kat : Stronger together kind of thing? Or are you worried that something could happen..

Mac is not exactly a choir boy.. He had done some pretty devious things in WGWF as of late and was hated by many because of it.. Kat has loved every devious action and seeing the vicious nature of her brother unleashed..

Mac : Bit of both.. Peace of mind for the most part.

Kat : Okay then..

She did not ask him for more details she knew he would have his reasons to keep her close by and she trusted him with her life.. Yes there are friends and even family in her circle.. But trust is something she can no longer give freely and there are only a rare few she trusts nowadays..

Mac : And I will be right there with you as well.. This goes both ways..

Kat : Your protective side is showing again Mac..

Mac : Fucking deal with it..

Kat chuckled and nodded her head.. It was not like she was getting a choice in the matter, she knows him all too well..

Kat : Fine by me.. You can not always protect me though Mac..

Mac : Who says it is just me that is looking after you my little HellKat..

He spoke with a finality in his tone and Kat knew she could ask a billion questions and get no answers from him.. He has made it clear time and time again that she is his little sister and in his mind that means she is protected but he knows she will do the same for him..

Mac : Traitor..

Kat jammed her elbow into his ribs and he let out an oomph because of it..

Kat : Not my fault that my favorite tag partner does not work there anymore….

Mac hummed holding her tighter mostly so she can not use that bony and pointy elbow on his ribs again.. He slowly began rocking the chair and continued to hum a soft melancholy tune. It did not take long for it to have it’s effect as Kat slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep safely tucked away into his arms… By the time she woke up she was in bed, still wearing the same clothes minus the shoes.. She was tucked in with both Bane and Cashe sleeping on either side of her.. Mac was nowhere to be seen.. It made her wonder for a moment if he had even been there or if it was some crazy wild dream until she saw a family signet ring on the dresser beside her bed.. That ring was not there before.. She recognised the Bane family crest immediately.. She grabbed the ring off the dresser and put it on.. It was a perfect fit..

Kat : Tha gaol agam ort cuideachd mo bhràthair

She placed a soft kiss on the ring before pressing it to her heart..


The sun was setting when a camera pointed at Kat showed her true face without any make-up on and it showed that there was no mark to be found on her from the coffee to the face incident.. Other minor and less minor scars visible with her wearing a black tank top.. A ragged bite mark like scar on her shoulder that looked like it had been opened a few times over… A thin line running from her ear down her jaw.. and a few marks around her eyes and eyebrows.. The typical spots for any wrestler that has been in the ring with someone way above her weight class.. She turned her face into several directions and focused her black eyes on the camera and a smirk came over her face..

Kat : Mission failed Bea.. You wanted to mark me like I stained your top and it did not quite work out that way.. You tried and failed.. I won’t fail..

An evil glare in her pitchblack eyes as she looked right into the camera with an equally evil smirk.

Kat : How many times do you need to get your ass kicked before you remember your place Bea.. It has been a long time since we last crossed paths and when we did you did not do so well.. It explains your need to have that big man next to you to drag your ass up to a level above your norm. It won’t be enough because that little pup you control with treats is not going to be helping you inside the ring. I know you have a knack for cheating but even that won’t help you.. You see that would only help when your opponent just wants to win.. And sure a win would be nice but I much rather just kick the ever living hell out of you.. I want to twist your limbs into pretzels and make you scream until your voice breaks.. I want to snap your bones and tear the tendons straight off your bones and cripple you.. You made the biggest mistake of your life by getting my attention.. There is a whole lot of pain I am capable of dishing out and I want you to experience all of it in spades..

Twisting you up and making you scream is just the beginning though… You wanted to physically scar me and that failed.. There is not a mark on me made by you.. I got scars a plenty . You can see them all because beneath the make-up this is me.. Scars and flaws in plane view.. I don’t give a fuck.. Never have.. Never will.. Others will care more for my looks than I do.. But I have been maimed and ravished by life since the day I was born so a cup of coffee was nothing to me.. Did it sting.. Yes.. It did.. Coffee and make-up in your eyes is never a fun feeling… That was worse than the heat.. The trainers got to me right quick and there is not a mark on me from that unneeded coffee shower.. But you will not be able to say the same after Blaze of Glory Bea.. Your man will be forced to watch from his corner while I dismantle you and make damn sure that you will feel what I did for a moment a thousand times worse and for much longer..

Kat played with a bottle of water she held in her hand for a moment.. Her smirk fading into a nasty snarl..

Kat : If you did not realize this before Bea.. I am not some nice girl that you can push around waving your seniority card at.. Nah bitch I am Kat fucking Jones and I am the baby sister of a monster.. But I am just as bad.. Just as wicked.. Just as deranged and just as damn evil as he is and I will not be taken lightly ever again.. I don’t give a fuck about you.. I never have.. I tried to be polite and say sorry when I bumped into you by accident.. But I won’t be sorry for what happens at Blaze of Glory.. I will not say sorry.. I will not apologize or feel any kind of remorse when I am done with you.. And there is not a damn thing your man can do about it.. He may not touch a woman but if he messes with me in this match he will find out why men better than him feared me in the ring and never once doubted my abilities.. I have beaten bigger and better wrestlers than he had ever hoped to become and if he tries to interfere with the pain I am going to dish out on you… He will be on the receiving end of a very pain filled ending..

The very moment I get my hands on you is when your time is up.. I will have you pleading for mercy inside that ring in my grip and I will not give it to you.. I will not stop until I get the satisfaction of knowing that I returned the favor a thousand times worse than what I felt.. I thrive on the screams of pain forced out of the throats of my victims and that is just the beginning.. The telltale pop of a tendon snapping off the bone always makes the screams go up an octave.. Delightful.. The song of excruciating pain has always been my favorite.. And I am going to enjoy the songs come back to the fullest when the screams grow louder when the crackle of bones breaking under the pressure of a painful submission hold fills the ring and makes those with a weak stomach run for the bathroom.. I may not be the one giving you scars but the surgeons needed to fix you.. To put your mangled body into somewhat working order again.. They will leave you with permanent memories of me.. The pain of the recovery will have you cursing my name forever more..

Kat chuckled and the cold sound of her voice gave it an eerie vibe..

Kat : Is it beginning to register for you just how badly you fucked up Bea? I bet it doesn’t.. I am willing to bet that you will be the overconfident arrogant little bitch hiding behind your big ass husband.. And that is the biggest difference between us both Bea.. You hide and cower like a bitch behind your man and I don’t need to.. I never needed any man to hide behind. Hell if this was any other company I probably would get to twist up that big ass man of yours and make him scream bloody murder as well but I will leave that to Carter this time around.. Unless your man is as stupid as he seems to be.. Please step into the ring Billy… Interfere.. Hit me.. Slap me.. Do anything you want.. And find out what happens when you fuck around with me.. I am not scared of you.. I have seen bigger and better opponents across the ring from me and beaten them to.. Is this me being cocky.. No.. This is the truth.. I have beaten bigger and better opponents than you and your little bitch wife put together.. And I am not alone…

Your little plan failed Bea.. You thought the saviors were my only friends here.. You thought wrong.. I had no problem at all finding a tag team partner for this match and he is more than happy to get himself a piece of the Bulldog.. But if you try to interfere I am sure Carter would be more than happy to bitch slap you right back into your corner like the cowardly little bitch that you are.. And if he was to hold himself back that bitch slap would still come your way as I would love nothing more than to lash out and scar that pretty face up.. I already sharpened my nails after all…

Kat smirked and took a sip of water, a twitch in her neck and shoulder visible as she held back the rage coursing through her body..

Kat : Is it beginning to sink in yet Bea.. Is the realisation of how badly you fucked up starting to sink in for you yet.. You started this.. But I will always end it..  You tried to burn me and failed to do so.. But don’t you worry.. At the end of the match someone will be burned.. It is you Bea.. You will burn in my blaze of glory!

With that said the scene fades to black..

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Read Miles's RP first
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2024, 09:48:28 PM »
"I hate the word homophobia. It's not a phobia. You're not scared. You're an asshole."
~ Morgan Freeman

When one thinks of traditional British cuisine, one thinks of bangers and mash, steak and kidney pie and fish n’ chips. Amongst other delicacies. The problem however when in London is finding a place that serves these dishes made the traditional way that is not a pub. Usually when visiting and in search of British fare, you can indeed find many a five star restaurant that serves it, but there’s a catch. These places modernize the dishes in regards to both ingredients as well as presentation so you would never know you were eating the classic. This was the dilemma Carter McKinney presented his fiance Miles Kasey with when they arrived in London to surprise his family with an impromptu celebration of their engagement. Carter could have made things easy when Miles entrusted him with finding a great place to take his family out to eat to celebrate, and booked one of those very pubs. He knew Miles missed his native British foods terribly, but they could have that any time while visiting London while Miles’s mom and sister most likely had it relatively often. This called for something more special…

(See, this is where you really should pause in case you have yet to read the first roleplay of Miles Kasey, otherwise you risk not understanding what was going on! Go on now, get!)

Alexander the Great Greek Restaurant -

I know, Greek food, am I right? But Carter spent the better part of three hours researching the best restaurants London had to offer, and while there were plenty of French and Indian restaurants alongside modernized British places, he saw only one Greek place and the very atmosphere called out to him. From the moment you set foot inside, you could simply feel the Greek atmosphere even were you unable to see it. From the olive wood architecture to the vines creeping up the structures and authentic Green clay archways and all along the ceiling. The Greek influenced sculptures of the restaurant’s namesake were positioned around the restaurant's interior so that they would be noticed while not being overdone in number. Traditional white tablecloths with dianthus centerpieces and olive wooden chairs.

It was perfect.

“Oh my…” Mora - mother to Miles and his sister Brianna - said as she was the first to set foot inside of the fine Greek establishment while her son held the door for her, followed by Brianna, her husband Garrett and finally, Carter himself before Miles brought up the rear. Mora went on to say, “This is lovely.”

“Haven’t you ever been?” Carter asked, shaking his head and feeling the constant pangs of whether he had made the right choice for dining out with his future in-laws.

“No.” Mora answered heartily. “Oh we’ve seen it often enough and it was always one of those places we meant to visit but it just never worked out.”

Carter smiled as Miles gripped his shoulder in a reassuring comfort. He knew his love well enough to know Carter was confident to the point of cocky - save for wanting to make a positive impression on Miles’s own family. Not that he had much trouble concerning that, mind you. While this was his first time meeting Garrett, he had already met Bri and Mora in Las Vegas during Miles’s last birthday celebration. And his family adored him.

Carter moved past the group to the hostess stand and once the young man looked up, he said, “Reservation for Carter McKinney?”

The host looked down at his meticulously cared for book and scrolled the names until he arrived at the right one and looked up with a smile, and in his Cockney accent, said, “Right this way.” as he picked up five menus. Before he escorted the party through the web of tables until they arrived at one table along the half-wall adorned with olive plants and Greek wine bottles.

“Is this satisfactory?” the host asked, to which everyone present assured him that it was and offered him their thanks as they took their seats. He then handed out the menus, ladies first of course, and finally said, “Your waiter will be with you momentarily.” before he took his leave to resume his duties at the forefront of the restaurant.

The group then proceeded to spend the next few minutes offered to them to browse the menu, Miles idly speaking up to say, “I am starving.”

“You’re always hungry.” Carter quipped as his eyes searched for the wines and, of course, deserts, to which Mora smiled while perusing her own, adding, “It’s nice to know some things haven’t changed.”

“Oy!” Miles looked up over his own menu and asked, “What is this? Pick On Miles Day?”

“Yes.” Everyone present responded in unison, as if it couldn’t have been planned any better. Miles then turned to Carter who was nodding along with the others but one arched brow from his fiance and he immediately switched to shaking his head in the negative. Satisfied, Miles went back to looking over the menu when a young woman approached, with the host not far after.

“Hello, I’m Amara.” She said with the brightest of smiles. “I’ll be serving you this evening. Can I get you anything to drink while you look over the menu?”

But before the young lady could continue or anyone present could place their drink orders, the host arrived at her side. He said, “Excuse me, Amara? A moment.” he then addressed the party at the table to say, “The last member of your party just arrived.”

“Last member?” Carter looked to Miles as everyone present appeared confused. “But we are… who…?”

“Oh bloody hell!” Miles exclaimed as their heads turned and Garrett audibly groaned and Brianna almost threw her cloth napkin in a gesture of vast frustration as approaching was none other than her mother-in-law, and Garrett’s mother - Wendy Barnes. The atmosphere immediately shifted from one of positivity and joy to tension and annoyance as the outspoken and homophobic mother of Garrett Kasey approached the table with a stiff smile that nobody present was buying.

“Mom?” Garrett was the first to break the awkward silence. “What are you doing here?”

“Well I had tried to phone you at work and your secretary kindly told me about your family dinner here.” Wendy answered stiffly, her emphasis on the word ‘family’ evident. Garrett turned to his wife and muttered, “I’m going to need a new secretary.”

But she placed a hand on his shoulder and not one of comfort as she openly asked, “Now may I ask why you didn’t tell your own mother about this ‘family’ dinner?”

“Because you weren’t invited.” All heads turned in surprise to none other than Carter who spoke up, but none more so than Wendy herself who looked affronted at there mere thought she was not invited to a family dinner.

She wrinkled her nose as if there were a bad smell under it, asking, “And who are you to say that I’m not invited to have dinner with my son and daughter-in-law?”

But Carter, being who he was, happily accepted the gauntlet and answered, “Maybe because we’re the ones who invited them? And I’m the one who picked the restaurant?”

But his words practically fell upon deaf ears as Wendy simply made a face and an indifferent “Hmph” as she pulled out the vacant chair to have a seat, as if he had not even spoken. Basically inviting herself to dinner.

Miles leaned over in his chair to say to his fiance, “Just be yourself, love.” To which carter turned to him and said, “Miles, there’s no reason to scare the woman.”

But Miles’s sister Bri leaned over from her own chair and made a pleading face, whispering “Oh pleasepleaseplease…!” Causing a snort of laughter to be held back, but whatever else could be said or felt quickly evaporated as Wendy insulted the waitress by snapping her fingers at her and speaking up, “Perhaps we can order now?”

And once everyone had told Amara their drink orders – Wendy a sparkling water. Mora, cranberry juice. Miles, Garrett and Bri both ordered Coke and finally Carter, a pineapple juice. No sooner did Amara leave to put in their orders than Wendy started to fuss, “Visiting London and taking us to a Greek restaurant rather than somewhere … nicer. Greeks…”

To which Carter replied, “Yeah, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have philosophy or democracy or even medicine... the bastards!”

Wendy shifted in her seat and said, “You’re very mouthy for being a guest in our country.”

Carter answered right back, “And yet out of respect for Garrett I haven't yet said anything crass like I hope you take a diuretic and can't get your pantyhose off.” Mora’s eyes opened wide as Bri bit at her bottom lip to try not to take too much glee in Carter’s sass directed at her husband’s mother. Garrett looked away so as not to let anyone see whether or not he himself was smiling, while Miles just hung his head but his trembling shoulders spoke volumes toward his own reaction. Meanwhile, Carter just engaged in a stare down with the woman who had taken an immediate dislike toward him and Miles as a couple.

“I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised at your lack of respect.” Wendy finally broke the tense silence between the pair. She then acted as if he didn’t even exist as she turned her attention to Miles and looked him up and down before speaking, “Pleased to see at least one of you looking the part of a man. When did you grow your facial hair?” She asked idly.

“About a year ago.” Miles answered. “When did you grow yours?”

At that, Wendy bristled at Miles's caustic words as everybody turned to him wide-eyed, somewhat surprised that he went there. Carter himself stared at his fiance in a mix of awe and adoration. Wendy instinctively touched her chin with her fingertips before she pulled away and regained her composure.

She sniffed and turned to her son and asked, “And you're just going to sit there and let them speak to your mother that way?”

Garrett however looked up from his menu and feigned innocence, “Sorry mum. Wasn't listening.”

“Unbelievable.” She half muttered, shaking her head. “I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This one…” She nodded toward Brianna. “Has completely poisoned you against me!”

“Excuse you!” Brianna started to speak up, clearly affronted just as Garrett massaged the bridge of his nose and exclaimed, “Mum..!”

“Could we all please stop and just enjoy a nice meal?” Mora spoke up as the voice of reason.

“Thank you “ Wendy said as if Mora spoke up in her defense before opening up her menu to glance it over for the first time. Everyone else follows suit, the tension thick in the air. Wendy then, seemingly unable to help herself, said, “And if I don't start getting a little bit more respect, I will not be attending this blasphemous ceremony!” Causing one and all to glance up at her as if she had just stayed at the most ludicrous thing in the world.

And to everyone present, she just did!

“Excuse how I phrase this,” Carter broke the uncomfortable silence amongst them. “But what in gay hell are you talking about!?”

Miles added, “Did you say something about attending our wedding?”

“No,” Wendy contradicted, “I said something about not attending your … wedding!”

“Good, because you’re not invited.” Miles said. “You never were.”

Wendy couldn’t have been more surprised had you slapped her across the face, jerking her head back and looked around the table with relatively wide and surprised eyes.

“What… What are you talking about?” She asked. “How could I not be invited?”

“Why would you be?” Carter frowned, to which Wendy answered, pointing across the table at More and her daughter, as well as her own son, stating hotly, “But you’re inviting them!”

“Of course we are!” Miles answered. “They’re going to be Carter’s in-laws!”

“Face facts…” Carter said, drawing her attention back to him. “You have a better shot at attending by someone looking in a mirror and saying your name three times than by my inviting you.”

Even Garrett proceeded to choke on his water as he took a drink while the waitress Amara was delivering the drinks. Wendy was fuming beneath her calm facade, even though the flush to her cheeks and neck spoke volumes as to just how angry and embarrassed she truly was.

She shrugged and said, “Suit yourself. Just know that if I don’t go, my son won’t go either!”

And for the first time, Garrett Kasey set his glass down firmly, perhaps too much so. He then looked at his mother and said in a tone that would brook no argument or debate, “Mother? I am a grown ass man! You do not dictate to me where I can go or when! And I will definitely be there as Miles is family and Carter is about to be!”

“You are seriously going to support this!?” She came close to shrieking but managed to hold it in. “This…” She waved a finger across the table at Carter and Miles. “This is not normal!”

“Normal is an illusion.” Carter stated calmly. “What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.”

Mora, Miles and Bri's mom, placed a hand on his arm and said, “That's very profound, Carter.”

“Thanks, but I can’t take credit,” He replied. “Morticia Addams. 1958.”

Miles smiled at his fiance’s fast wit and then turned to Wendy and said, “It’s funny to hear you of all people talk about the sanctity of marriage and what is and isn’t normal.”


“Meaning,” Miles replied. “Weren’t you married three times?”

“That’s different!” Wendy declared hotly. “My marriages ended because we were unhappy and they were abusive…”

“Oh stop playing the victim, Mother!” Garrett said all of a sudden. “True the marriages were unhappy but it was you who made your husbands unhappy and nobody was abused! At least not physically and if anyone was…”

“Stop…” Wendy ordered, but Garrett was not finished putting his mother in her place. He said, “It was father when he told you he was leaving you for his business partner!” Garrett then turned to Carter to emphasize, “Another man.” Causing Carter to make a comical gasping/choking noise as he jerked his head around to look at Wendy with eyes as wide as his open mouth!

Wendy stood up and she pressed her hands on the edge of the table as she glared daggers at her son, seething, “I would play this very carefully, son. If you ever want my help in watching that child of yours ever again!”

Mother and son engaged in an epic stare down, but the fact was in this case Wendy did have Garrett backed into the proverbial corner. This was when Carter turned to address Brianna and he casually asked, “What do daycares in London go for these days?”

Not quite getting why he was asking, Bri answered, “Around £138 per week…?” And Carter turned to look at Miles silently and there was a mutual, unspoken understanding between the two young men. That was when Wendy stood up and almost knocked her chair over in the process.

“I will not have it!” She declared hotly. “I will not stand for…!”

“One more word out of you and I'll sew your lips shut!” Carter raised his voice to match Wendy’s own, pointing a finger at her. “And while I'm at it, I'll put tape over your mouth too!” Resulting in a mass expulsion from everyone’s lips who had been taking drinks from their glasses at the worst possible time. But this was enough to have drawn the attention of the rest of the patrons as well as staff.

The manager himself, a middle aged but still imposing man of Greek descent approached the table and asked, “Excuse me but is there a problem?”

“There certainly is…” Wendy started to answer but Carter interrupted, addressing the manager himself and saying, “This woman invited herself to our table and has been causing trouble since she got here.”

“That is a lie!” Wendy gaped like a fish on a hook, looking around for someone - anyone - to speak up in her defense. “Garrett…?” But her own son just turned his head away so that he did not have to look at her - his own mother.

The manager then looked at Wendy and said with finality, “Ma’am? I am sorry but we are going to have to ask you to leave.”

“I will not…” Wendy started to speak loudly again, but the manager put up with none of her brash bullshit as he held a hand up in her face, cutting her off and he said, “You are disturbing our guests. Leave now or I will be forced to call security.”

Wendy took one last look at those at the table and then for the first time, felt the stares of everyone in the restaurant directed solely at her and her alone. She flushed a deep scarlet and cleared her throat, attempting one last time to salvage her pride, “Fine.” She said, “I didn’t want to be here anyway.” And that being said, everyone watched as she grabbed her purse and took her leave.

Poor Amara looked crestfallen, as if this was somehow her own fault. She stepped back up to the table and cleared her throat, drawing all eyes to her.

“I-I am sorry.” She said, “Would you like to order now…?”

“Yeah, can we get a bottle of Agiorgitiko?” Carter asked with as much soothing politeness as he could muster. “I feel like celebrating!”

“O-Of course.” Amara smiled, thoroughly soothed and she turned to retrieve the bottle of Greek red. That was when Bri leaned over in her chair to address her future brother-in-law. “You know if you weren’t marrying my brother, I'd marry you myself.”

“Oy!” Garrett objected jokingly.

“Okay, I’m going to be open and honest to get things started. I really wasn’t expecting to be booked this year for Blaze of Glory XII, and if I am going to be perfectly honest? I was fine with that. I think I made things pretty clear over the past few months and in seeing how the card was filling up pretty quickly with every available name save for my own, I realized my chances at getting a spot for Flagstaff were growing fewer and further between. But see, that’s where the Fates intervened in the form of my kitty Kat and the actions of one daft bitch.”

“I, like so many others, was watching everything happening in Phoenix and I couldn’t believe that Bea Barnhart was so shallow as to assault someone over something so simple as bumping into her. Oh I’m pretty certain that given her past, she already had a yarn spun by the time she got back to her dear, protective hubby to make herself the victim and Kat the aggressor. I mean, she’s done it often enough in the past and Bill has proven he’s as blind as a bat when it comes to her faults. I just couldn’t believe it though that Bea refused to face Kitty Kat one on one. She just had to insist on her husband being by her side to avoid direct conflict. And why? Probably because she knew that Kat would tear her apart so badly until there wasn’t enough to make Iris the Bulldog a decent lunch. In a tag situation, maybe she was confident enough due to the fact the Barnharts held the Mixed Tag titles in the past, or that Bill would be her saving grace if Bea herself got in over her head. I can say for certain that Bea made this demand because she figured that with Mac Bane active elsewhere and Peter Vaughn busy, Kat would be forced to go without a partner and Bea wouldn’t have to be bothered at all.”

“Cue me, entrance - stage right!”

“You see, Bea's grand failure in this instance was a lack of imagination. Kitty Kat and I’ve made it no secret that we get along, we hang out sometimes. In other words, she wasn’t as alone as the Barnharts would have believed. The moment that I heard Kat put out the call that she was in need of a tag team partner, I decided to kill two Bulldogs with one stone! Not only do I get a spot on the big show, but Kitty Kat gets someone she can trust to stand by her side while she punts Bea up the backside so hard that she’ll be able to smell boot polish from the inside out!”

“But the funniest thing out of all of this is the fact that I fully believe that out of everyone present that Bea has overestimated, her husband is the one she took for granted the most of all. See, Bill Barnhart is what you might call ‘old school’. He’s the hardcore, grizzled veteran of the locker room. Believes in pounding away at an opponent when inside of the ring but he goes out of his way, win or lose, to give that opponent mad props after everything is said and done. I should know. I’ve been in the ring with the man once or twice. I’m half the man’s size with not even a third of his experience and yet he never treated me with anything but respect. The times we met in the ring, he beat my ass from pillar to post and on the flip side, took me aside backstage to offer me advice in order to better myself.”

“That’s what ring veterans do. They help pave the way for the next generation and Bill Barnhart is one of the precious few vets who isn’t selfishly clinging to their spot and refusing to help the younger generation. That’s ‘Bulldog” Bill Barnhart. So that being said, and having stressed the level of respect and admiration I have for the man, what I have to ask Bill Barnhart this week is this…”

“Don’t you ever get tired of answering for your wife’s actions, Bill?”

“Look at her track record. Take the situation with Vinnie and Fenris when Bea helped blind Fenris and took him out of action for months. MONTHS! That was a man that you, Bill, admitted respect for time and again and your wife pulled a stunt like that! And what happened after? She denied doing it. Despite the fact the world saw it happen! Despite the fact the evidence was right there for all to see – she blatantly lied about what happened! Claimed innocence! Refused to admit fault in any way, shape or form! Then to add a bit of saving grace, she told everyone how the cologne sprayed in Fenris’s eyes had been diluted. Diluted poison is still poison, and it could have cost him his sight and she - LIED!”

“And she does this all the time, Bill! She’ll do something to some random person and then lie to the world! I don’t know if she does it as an insult or she honestly believes her own stories, but it is a repeat process and you enable her! No matter what she does, you either believe her or just say you do as a means of support. And if that’s the case, I get it. I get that spouses are supposed to support one another and show a united front but Billy? There comes a time when enough is enough, especially when her lies draw you into the line of fire like they’ve done this time around!”

“Because this time she didn’t just back herself into a corner when Kat called her out on her attempts to refrain from competing one on one. This is a mixed tag after all, and because of SCW rules, she might as well have just gone with the singles match against my Kitty Kat because I’m half tempted to just not tag in and let Kat have her fun. And on the off chance she has to tag out or - in the more likely case, Bea tags out to save her own ass, that’s when you get drawn into the fray and aren’t you just getting tired of that? Aren’t you tired of cleaning up your wife’s messes?”

“Because if the time comes that you and I do have to lock up again, you’re probably going to wish you had told Bea from the very start these five wise little words;”

“Clean. Up. Your. Own. Messes!”

"The bravest thing you can be is yourself."

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« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2024, 03:41:16 PM »

The scene opens at the Walkup Skydome on Flagstaff, Arizona. The assigned camera person gets a shot of Bea Barnhart who is standing in front of the wrestling ring where the matches for Blaze of Glory 12 matches will take place. Bea looks into the camera to present comments for her and Bill’s upcoming Mixed Tag Team match against Kat Jones and Helluva Bottom Carter.

Bea:  I wish to thank those viewing my comments today as I have some items to talk about. The first item is the concept that ACCUSATIONS GET RESULTS and that is especially true when the majority of the accusations are false.

Bill:  Bea told me what she was going to talk about today so I will try to stay silent while she presents her comments.

Bea:  In this wrestling ring behind me our team will defeat the team of Kat and Carter. After our win that will lead both me and Bill into more Championship matches. But that is not the reason I am commenting today. My comments for today revolve around the fact that there are so many people in the world that no matter what you say they always say the opposite. I had many so-called friends who did that to me. I would tell them I like a certain music group and they would immediately comment how they hate that music group and will never listen to their music again. So a week or two later I tried some psychology on them. I would walk up to them and tell them I hate the certain music group, which I previously told them I liked to listen to, and immediately my friends, without thinking about their response, blurs out that they love that music group and they cannot understand why I do not like that group. When I call them out for being a hypocrite they then try to claim they never said they hated that group that I liked. Just goes to show that some people do not talk logic or sense as they are only capable of saying the opposite of what others say.

Bill:  And here it comes. . .

Bea:  Kat and Carter are exactly like those friends do did that to me. All Kat and Carter did was say the opposite of what I said in my first round of comments for our match. Think hard on that okay, They were not able to use hard evidence to counter nearly everything I said. Simply using words that are totally opposite of what I said and what I meant does not mean the other person, or people, are right. It only means they will say the opposite of whatever others say in a pathetic attempt to look intelligent.

Bea looks sternly into the camera.

Bea:  During the comments that Kat and Carter made it came across, to me anyway, that where I said YES they said NO. Where I said UP they said DOWN. Where I said HIGH they said LOW. The list is endless. Simply standing before a camera and saying the opposite of what I said is not classified as talking sense it is classified as just being anti whatever the other person said. If you cannot back up your counter comments then you need to be silent.


Bea:  In closing I wish to tell Kat that I hope that Bill and Carter are able to work out an agreement that when I am beating you down and you run to Carter to tag out of the match to get away from me, that when Bill and Carter enter the ring they will immediately tag me and you back into the match. This match honestly comes down to you and me and Bill and Carter are supporting roles characters. If Carter and Bill make that agreement, and they keep me and you in the ring, then I can continue to beat you down. Even if you were to get a pin or submission on me to end the match you will not leave the match unharmed. I want to beat all the false accusations you made against me out of you forever. So, Kat, have a nice time leading up t the bell to start our match. Once the bell rings, and our match starts, there will no longer be nice times for you.

Bea informs the camera person that she will now step out of camera range and allow Bill to take his place in front of the camera for his comments on their upcoming match. We watch as Bea leaves the view of the camera and then shortly after Bea leaves the camera view Bill steps into the view of the camera to give his comments on their upcoming Mixed Tag Team match.

Offline Andrew

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« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2024, 03:42:18 PM »

After Bea has stepped out of camera view Bill steps in front of the camera where Bea was previously standing. The wrestling ring at the Walkup Skydome is behind Bill as it was behind Bea during her comments for their upcoming Mixed Tag Team match against Kat Jones and Helluva Bottom Carter.

Bill:  Bea sure did present some interesting comments, facts, and information, that is probably driving Kat and Carter more insane than the two of them already are. Bea mentioned about the fact that I want to make an agreement with Carter that whenever one of the women want to tag out that the two of us just jump into the ring to get Kat and Bea fighting again. Why would I want to do that? Because Bea and Kat have some issues they need to work out. Me and Carter don’t have any issues that I know of. In fact I like Helluva Bottom Carter for being an exceptional wrestler.

Bill gives a smile into the camera.

Bill:  As much as I want to win our Mixed Tag Temm match I honestly do not want to win the match by defeating Carter. I want Bea and Kat to remain in the ring as often as me and Carter can make that happen. That way when Bea defeats Kat then Kat would stop running her mouth and spewing forth the dozens of lies about Bea that she has been telling everyone for a long time. But you all know what type of wrestler I am. I go into every match to give my best performance. I go into every match with the intention to win the match. I would feel bad if I get the win over Carter which means we let Kat and Bea have it easy in the match. Whatever happens. . the saying goes.

Bill gives a huge grin into the camera this time and then he informs the camera person that he will make his closing comments and when he is done with his closing comments the camera person can cut their camera feed.

Bill:  So Kat. . .so Carter. . .we will have to wait until our match starts to see how the match goes. As long as we all abide and obey the rules of our match everything will be fine. If you two wish to disobey the rules of our match then me and Bea will not be held responsible for the amount of damage we inflict upon you two. With that said I will close my comments by telling you that I look forward to our match at BLAZE OF GLORY 12.

Bill finishes his comments and he steps to the side and he goes out of camera view. The camera person calls into the Network and the Network cuts the feed to their camera and our screen goes dark.

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Puppy Love
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2024, 09:22:23 PM »

You know, when dealing with teams - whether established or relatively new - it is not altogether a bad idea to occasionally take part in random yet fun trust and team building exercises. It helps to, as the very name implies, build trust with the one that you depend on to watch your back and to better assist you and said friend in establishing a more cohesive unit, two together working as one. And luckily when you have the world wide web and an active imagination, you could be spoiled for choices in how to go about this very idea.

There are Escape Rooms. Team Obstacle Courses. Scavenger Hunts. Tree Trust Walks. You see? The possibilities are endless! Of course, when you start to think outside of the box, one never knows what you might arrive at! Including…

“Yoga?” Kat said as more of a statement than a question in itself. She cast a sidelong glance at “her princess” and in a matter of days, tag team partner, as they stood just outside of the entrance to the Puppy Love yoga studio. Currently they stood inside of the lobby, which was meticulously clean and tastefully furnished with a single reception desk and plush chairs, not stuffy hardwood. Kat paid little attention to the name of the studio itself, but the fact Carter had told her to bring her workout gear and the view beyond the lobby through the glass doors; a large room that spanned the length of the building itself with yoga mats lined all along the room.

“Your idea of a team building exercise is yoga?” She asked, causing Carter to pause with a slight trepidation and sense perhaps he had made some mistake in assumption.

He asked, “You don’t like yoga?” He motioned toward her slim midriff.”I thought with that toned tummy, yoga was your best friend.”

“I don’t hate it.”Kat stressed, the smile on her face from his warm and genuine compliment being all too evident. She added, “But I had a bad stretching experience in yoga I’d rather not repeat.”

“I heard about that incident.” Carter shuddered, waving off her concern.”But don’t worry. I checked with the instructors and it’s just a twenty minute session and they don’t do the extreme stretches here. The only person I let stretch me in weird positions is Miles.”

“Again, TMI darling.” Kat then looked around and frowned.”Twenty minutes? That’s it?” She looked at Carter and shook her head, “That’s pretty short for a session, isn’t it?”

“Well it’s an hour long.” Carter answered. “But it’s twenty minutes of yoga.”

“You’ve lost me.” Kat narrowed her brow. “What fills the other forty minutes?”

“See,” He gave her a mischievous smile and nudged her shoulder. “That’s where the trust factor comes into play.”

Kat just stared at him until Carter huffed and exclaimed, “Will you just TRUST me???” To which Kat just rolled her eyes rather playfully, stating,”Fiiine!” and she turned to head for the women’s locker rooms to change…

Nearly twenty minutes later…

“Reclining spinal twist!” The overly perky yoga instructor – somehow aptly a young twenty-something blonde named Tammy, said just loud enough so as to be heard by all of her current students, Kat and Carter included. The class was only half full but at this time of day, it was not unexpected.

Kat in her black and silver workout attire, and Carter in his own colorful contrast, followed the example of the instructor and every other student as they laid flat with their arms out to the sides to form a T. They then bent their right knee, and lightly set the toes of their right foot on their left knee. Keeping their shoulders flat on the floor, they dropped the right knee over to the left side of their body, twisting at the low back and waist. They then turned their head to the right and looked down their arm at their fingers. All present held this pose for up to 10 breaths, then switched sides, stretching the back, hips and neck.

“Okay, everyone!” Tammy gleefully called out. “Rest pose! Happy Child!”

“Is it twenty minutes yet?”Kat stage whispered to Carter who was at her left, and he just smiled in return.He had watched the clock, knowing what was to come, and this last pose had landed at the twenty minute mark exactly. Despite the fact Tammy was cheerfully annoying to the point you wanted to drive an ice pick through her forehead, she was a consummate pro and timed her classes perfectly.

Everyone in class knelt on the floor with their big toes touching. They then sat up on their heels, knees about hip-width apart. They then laid their torsos down between their thighs, and let their arms lie on the floor at their sides, hands next to hips, palms up. They then let the back of their skulls pull up and away from their necks, and let the weight of their shoulders pull the shoulder blades wide. They were holding this pose for upwards of fifty seconds when suddenly Kat felt something soft and fuzzy nuzzling up against her…

She jerked her head upright in a start and was surprised to see the floor of the class was now swarming with a mass of bulldog puppies! The puppies were running in between all of the students and over them, running literally over their bodies and under! Everyone was laughing and enjoying the playful nature of the puppies as the one puppy in particular was practically demanding attention from Kat, attention that she was only too happy to oblige!

She shifted her legs around and crossed them and the puppy took that as an open invitation to crawl into her lap, it’s little tail going a mile a minute as Kat rubbed her hands along its little body and cuddling it. She looked up with a bright smile and said, “Puppy yoga!?”

To which Carter, with his own puppy in his arms and struggling to lap away at his face, just smiled and shrugged his shoulders with a faux air of innocence.

Turnberry Towers -
An hour later….

The front door to Miles and Carter’s condominium opened and Kat entered first, followed by Carter who shut the door behind them, locking it on pure instinct. As Kat had a seat on the sofa to rest and relax a bit, Carter walked into the kitchen area to grab both of them something to drink. He grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and then opened the fridge to retrieve his pitcher of fruit infused water, his favorite drink. Carter enjoyed experimenting with these healthy concoctions and this time, he had steeped strawberries, oranges and cucumbers in a large pitcher of ice water,resulting in quite the tasty and refreshing treat.

Carter filed both glasses and returned the pitcher before bringing the drinks back to the living room and handed one over to Kat. “So,” Carter started to say as he took a seat beside his friend. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Taking a cautious drink, Kat ‘sort of’ smiled in return and said, “It wasn’t altogether unpleasant.” But she turned her head and the smile spoke volumes. “It was fun, princess. Thanks.”

“My pleasure.” Carter said, satisfied and somewhat relieved the day’s activity was a success. He then said, “I was hoping you would - oh!” He started as the “lady of the house” aka Ms. Thang, hopped up onto the sofa and gave them both the once over, her nose twitching.

“Oh hey baby girl.” Carter smiled with the love he felt for his and Miles’s adoptive little girl, reaching for her to give her a scratch behind the ears when she uttered a low growl and she turned and walked away from them both, her tail upright and effectively mooning the pair of them.

Carter turned to Kat, aghast. “What was that about!?”

“She probably smells the puppies on you.”Kat pointed out. “She’s never taken to me because she could smell my dogs.”

“Terrific.” Carter mumbled as the doorbell rang, prompting him to stand to see who was calling. “She’s going to be a handful until I get the smell off me completely.”

Carter unlocked the door and opened it, and his smile brightened, “Olive!” Yes indeed, Olive as in Olive garden, Carter’s friend and fashionista drag queen. The one Carter went to when he had a desire for something new to wear and she always came through.

“You’re early!” Carter exclaimed as he allowed Olive to enter, carrying a garment bag on a hanger in her hand. They did the expected exchange of pecks on both cheeks before Olive said in her slightly nasal voice, “Oh I know, dear. But I had a dinner date for later so I thought I should hurry over and drop this off.”

“Don’t you lie to me.” Carter shook his finger at her as she placed a hand over her breast with an innocent, wide-eyed expression that nobody was buying. “You were hoping Miles was here!”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”Olive protested, but then proceeded to glance around the condo as if looking for something or rather - someone. Playing with her red hair, she asked, “But since you brought him up, where is that handsome fiance of yours?”

“Still at the gym, apparently.” Carter answered, taking a somewhat delight in Olive’s shoulders slumping and her half muttering, “Oh.”The near sixty year old drag queen had a crush on Miles from the day she met him.

“But here…” Carter said enthusiastically, remembering his manners. “There is someone I do want you to meet.” He said, guiding her with a hand on the arm to the living room where Kat stood up. “This is my friend, Kat Jones.”Carter introduced. “Kat, this is Miss Olive Garden.”

Olive gave that comical squinty-eyed, scrunchy nose and toothy smile she was famous for, taking Kat’s extended hand. “Olive.” Kat said amicably.

“Oh well aren’t you just the cutest thing?” Olive said, keeping hold of Kat’s hand. “C’mon, give us a twirl.” Olive guided Kat in a gentle spin whether she wanted to or not, and Olive gasped, “Well you MUST be a runway model!”

“And you must be blind.” Kat said in return as she resumed her seat. Olive turned to Carter and said, “Oh hunny, I like her!” Just as the door to the condo opened once again, and in walked Miles. He was wearing blue and white spandex shorts that accentuated his backside and a sleeveless muscle shirt that showed off a lot of his tantalizing upper body muscularity.

“Hey luv.”Miles said as he set his gym bag down and gave Carter a kiss, before he looked at the gaping visage of Olive. “Olive.” he smiled as he walked past them and leaned over the coffee table to give Kat a hug. Noting both Carter and Olive’s eyes were glued to Miles’s backside as he stood upright but they managed to tear themselves away as he turned at the waist to address his man.

“I’ll go get changed.” Miles said as he jetted a thumb toward the hall and their bedroom. “Then we can all go grab dinner.” He then turned and walked off, Olive doing that Michael Jackson leaning pose before she almost fell forward were it not for Carter’s fast reflexes.

“Are you okay?” Carter laughed as Olive’s gaze switched back and forth between Carter and the direction Miles had vanished in.

“I think I came untucked!” Olive said, causing Kat to spew her water!

In an empty dressing room, Carter is seen fitting something into a locker, subtly shifting his body to keep whatever it was hidden from view. Sensing someone else present behind him, Carter glanced back over his shoulder and hurriedly slammed the locker shut, placing his back against it so there was no chance of the camera nor viewers getting a look at what he was keeping away from prying eyes.


He clapped his hands and rubbed his palms together, smiling in glee.

“Here we are! Blaze of Glory XII and me standing at the side of my Kitty Kat so that she can get her hands on SCW’s answer to a Karen, that two-faced shrew of a woman, Bea Barnhart. And to tell you the truth, from the moment Kitty Kat was looking for a partner and I accepted, I’ve been more excited because I’m experiencing something new. Ariana is my bestie, my sister and my forever tag team partner and always will be! But while she’s busy elsewhere, Kat needs me and I am going to be there for her. I get to experience something new in teaming with her, and to experience the familiar because I have been in the ring with the Bulldog before. But here’s where things have taken a slight detour, and we have the Barnharts to thank for that. Or at least, one of them. The Bulldog himself, Bill Barnhart.”

Carter stood upright from the locker, but remained between it and the camera to prevent any looky loos from seeing what was behind closed doors.

“Now, last time around, Bill asked me a question, and he told me that I was free to answer or not. Well, you know me. I’d be likely to answer whether he gave me the green light or not. I’m opinionated, it’s just what my people do.”

He winked at the camera.

“Now the question you asked me of me Bill, that we have the women start and every time one of them tags out, you and I abstain from wrestling and instead, we just tag right back out and let them resume fighting to end this little scuffle between them. Have I got that right?”

He jetted out his lower lip, chin resting atop his curled fingers and he nodded.

“Well Bulldog - or if I can call you Bill? That is an interesting proposition, I grant you. A tempting one, even. But you see, whether I accept or not there is one little problem with that, that I think we should address. I guess the nicest way of phrasing it is…”

He frowned and shook his head.

“What exactly makes you think both parties will agree to this? I mean, I’m certain Kat would be more than happy to stay in the ring to turn Bea into a can of Alpo, but Bea herself? Let’s not forget the reason why we’re here, Bill! It’s because Bea - your wife - was unwilling to face Kat one on one! She refused the option of being alone in the ring with Kat to the point the match makers had to satiate her with a mixed tag team match instead! She was willing to only sign with this match if it was a tag team match with you at her side.”

He waggled his brow.

“Do you understand what I’m getting at, Bill? It’s right back to where we left off last time around. I understand as a married couple, you and Bea have to present a united front. I understand that as a loving husband, you have to support her - even when she’s wrong. You can ignore the facts but the rest of the world can not and will not give her the same luxury! If you and I tag in and then do as you propose and I tag back out, I am all too certain that Kat will happily accept! But Bea? If she wasn’t willing to face Kat one on one, what makes you think she’ll tag back in? Hell! What makes you think she’ll even be willing to start the match against Kat in the first place!?”

Carter tilted his head and looked into the camera knowingly.

“Think about it, Bill. You’re a bright boy! This time, it seems that your wife just might have backed you into a corner that you won’t be able to get out of!”

Arms held out wide, Carter walked forward, effectively ushering the camera out and shut the locker room door behind it.

"The bravest thing you can be is yourself."

Offline Kat Jones

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« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2024, 03:53:42 PM »

A lying piece of shit… Kat always had known that Bea was just that.. And she was about to get exposed for it again.. Bill is not the brightest bulb and love does make blind.. Blind loyalty or blind as in just not seeing how big of a piece of shit his wife is.. Has become or always has been.. She does a bunch of stupid idiotic shit that lands her in trouble and then runs to her man to protect her but lies and twists what happened to fit her narrative.. Kat does not do any of that.. Her narrative is what was seen on tv.. She bumped into Bea by accident and Bea attacked Kat.. A big mistake to make Bea.. You see one on one Kat is a bitch as it is.. Now she is joined by her princess and together they are ying and yang and two sides making a whole as they are perfect opposites. One of Kat’s best friends.. One of her confidants and to be honest probably one of the few people in her life that truly knew her better than anyone else.. That includes the HellsGates gang.. You are going to wish that it was one of the Saviors.. You are going to wish that it was a singles match… You are going to regret messing with Kat fucking Jones and you will realise that you made the biggest fucking mistake of your life the moment you threw hot coffee at Kat..

That is for the PPV and the promo Kat was going to unleash upon the world later today.. For now though Kat’s life was about to take an unexpected turn and challenge her to the max.

Prescott Arizona

The phone ringing way too damn early in the morning  is what woke Kat up, which is unusual as her sleep pattern is all kinds of messed up and has been for decades. She was wide awake the moment she saw that it was Mac calling and answered right away.

Kat : What’s wrong?

Mac : I am on my way to you.. Code Red Penny.

Kat immediately got up and grabbed some clothes from her wardrobe.

Kat : Penny? What's going on…

Mac : You got godmother duty for a while Kat.. It got out of hand between her and her mom and Penny called me crying her eyes out..

Kat : Crap.. I got the guest room finished yesterday so I can take her in..

Mac : I will be at your place in 30 minutes.. Please have some coffee ready to go.

Kat : Yeah I will make 2 of them..

Mac ended the call while Kat finished getting dressed instead of the phone to ear hopping on one foot tango she was doing.. 45 minutes later Kat was sitting next to Mac in his truck heading back to Colorado to go and pick up a teenager that is estranged from her mother.. That is how it looks to the world but in reality they are just too similar.. Mac held a teary eyed Whisper as Kat loaded Penny and her stuff into the backseat of the truck.. Not picking sides, just doing what she was asked to do a long time ago and that is look after the little one in case of an emergency.. And this definitely counted as one as the murderous glare  Penny sent her mother’s way was a clear indication that things were not okay.. Not by a long shot.. That is how Kat got a teenager in the house.. A stubborn as hell teenager who’s wrestler mom is about as stubborn as she is.. Luckily the current shows she has going on are nearby enough that she can take Penny with her.. Perhaps Despy could keep an eye on her… Before they made their way back to Arizona almost the entire day had passed them by.. Penny had crashed in the backseat of the truck and Mac carried her into the house and put her in the bed. Kat had made her comfortable taking her shoes off and tucking her in.. Outside on the porch is where she let out the breath she had been holding..

Kat : I am going to need your help with this..

Mac : You will be fine..

Kat : Nah uh.. I am not cut out for this shit and a teenager…

Mac : You will be fine.. Besides you can always call me no need to ask..

Kat ran her fingers through her hair and groaned…

Kat : She is going to have to travel with me to Dallas.. The SCW PPV is less than two hours from here.. She can stay in the back with Despy.. But Dallas… Gonna have to figure that one out..

Mac : We will figure it out.. I am going to head home.. Relax and take the day off training today.. Not like you are out of shape..

Kat : Well…

Mac swatted towards her and as Kat ducked just in time to feel his fingers flick her ear.. As they both laughed.. Mac got up and hugged her close before a kiss was placed on her head and he headed home.. The champ is a busy man…


Kat had set up the camera as the porch got a red hue from the setting sun and sat down in the rocking chair on her porch.. Her feet propped up to the side on the railing..

Kat : Lies told on tv… Lies told on the internet.. I went too far that day…. Bea you are such a fucking piece of shit.. A lying one at that.. I rounded the corner on my way back from the ring and bumped into you by accident.. As I was saying sorry you threw the coffee in my face.. You attacked me not the other way around but… That does not suit your narrative does it.. Now do not bring up the past because the only times I laid a hand on you was when you were being a cheating little cowardly bitch and pulling off stunts behind the referees backs.. As per usual.. I should have taken you out of the game entirely then you would have had something to whine and bitch about.. I know you ran and tattled to your big man, telling him that I attacked you.. Hun if I had attacked you backstage not only would you have been wearing a damn cupcake I would have stuffed another down your throat to make you choke on it.. And that would have only been the beginning of your pain as I would have grabbed the entire coffee pot and poured it over your broken and battered body when I was done kicking your ass..

You would have been spending the time until the PPV in the damn hospital giving you a true reason to whine bitch and moan about the unfair treatment you got by my hand and a true reason to go bitching and crying to your dumbass husband who would not know the truth from your lies if it literally kicked him in the balls. I don’t do this bullshit lying thing you have been doing for as long as I have known you… For years it has been the same damn thing over and over again and besides that dumbass you married nobody is buying your bullshit anymore Bea..

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA I am the victim! Cry me a fucking river.. You are about as innocent as a twenty dollar hooker on the street corner west from the arena.. Probably got the same medical issues as said hooker as well.. If I wanted to attack you I would do it straight up and in your damn face but to be honest you are hardly worth the time and effort it would take…

Grabbing her steaming hot coffee Kat sips and smirks..

Kat : Yeah hot coffee to the face did not do much more than annoy me.. Got some cream rubbed into my face… I still got the same ugly mug.. I am still drinking more coffee than pretty much anyone I know.. Scolding hot coffee at that.. I don’t cringe at seeing someone hold coffee.. Let’s make one thing perfectly clear once and for all.. There is not a goddamn thing you could do to me that would make me fear you.. You are just a little lying skank that hides behind her idiotic lovestruck dumb asshole of a husband. Who is too fucking scared to say anything about the lies on the fear of losing the only woman that would even glance at him sideways.. So he lets himself be used as her defender and then both of you come out lying like the ignorant idiots you are.. Hey Bill.. If your wifey truly wanted to face me one on one… Why is that she is the one that demanded it to be a mixed tag team match.. Why huh? At a PPV where my friends and Saviors are already in matches is she demanding a mixed tag team match… Oh that is right… She did not figure I had someone that was more than happy to step in… Stop lying for once in your pathetic little life Bea.. You do not want to face me one on one because you are scared…And that is the first smart thing you have done for as long as I have known you… You clearly fear me… As you should Bea.. You should be afraid..

You did not want to face me one on one as I challenged you.. You made the tag team demand and I said yes… Does it mean that you are going to get off easy.. Hell no.. I am accepting the challenge.. Bill and Carter can watch from the corners how I dismantle you.. Twist your pathetic lying sack of shit carcass into a pretzel to the point where I hear the tendons tearing and your voice breaks mid scream.. You want to play the big bad evil bitch game well you got it Bea.. Unlike you I do not run and hide behind anyone.. I do not play those games of lies and deceit.. I just say it as it is right in your damn face before I break your fucking jaw.. So you both want it to be a one on one between you and me and I am more than fine with that as that was what I requested after all.. You are acting like I made it a tag team match instead.. Nah bitch that was all you.. That was you running to hide behind your man thinking it would help you.. Wrong.. Between me and Carter the both of you will be licking your wounds at the end of the PPV.. You were screaming victim before the match.. I will give you a reason to truly hate me and scream for a long ass time when I have twisted your body into a pretzel and make you cry right in front of your hubbie..

Kat drank her coffee with a soft sigh as it hit the spot..

Kat : I am more than fine with watching Carter do his thing and destroy your hubbie before I finish you off once and for all.. I mean if we are going out there we go out there swinging.. You should know better than to underestimate someone like Carter.. He can kick ass with the best of them and just because he looks way more fabulous than you could ever dream of looking he is not one you should brush aside.. You are both way too focused on just me and that is fine too.. Gives us even more of an advantage.. But taking him lightly would be very bad for your health.. If not by his hands it will be by my hands. The reason you both are focusing on me instead of on the both of us is for the simple reason that you fear what may come from me.. And you should.. I am not a nice person to those I don’t give a damn about.. Never have been and never will be.. And I never gave a flying fuck about either one of you two.. I would delight in making you scream in pain Bill.. But this is SCW and I have to give that delight to my partner this time around.. But you can watch your wifey become a little bitch by my hands..

She is walking around SCW backstage acting like she is the queen bitch of the division.. Nah she is not.. She is not even remotely close either.. She is just a wannabe bitch.. She is going to find out exactly where she ranks in this company.. The bottom of the pile.. The resident punching bag for all those that are truly ruthless.. And she is going to be the second person to find out that the Kat Jones she had known no longer exists.. In the ring I have no time or patience for her antics.. I am done holding back and I am going to show her exactly who the fuck she messed with and make her regret her stupidity once and for all.. And when this match is done and over with and she so much as looks in my direction with an attitude I will not hesitate to finish her career once and for all.. Do you see now what you have provoked Bea.. You have provoked the wrong damn bitch..

Kat had an evil glint in her eye and the smirk on her face was just as devilish..

Kat : Spin the truth until it suits you… Rewrite the events shown on tv until they fit your narrative.. None of it will make a damn bit of difference when I get my hands on you.. I know you remember this line… You heard it before.. Come Blaze of Glory… You are going to find out what happens when you fuck around with Kat Jones… You are going to burn and I am going to laugh while you scream in agony.. And the saying that comes to mind when I think about you.. Sorry about your damn luck…Yeah… Not really sorry.. See you at Blaze of Glory.. Pack a hospital bag..

With that said the scene fades to black..

Kat grabbed the camera and made sure it was send to SCW right away.. A bleary eyed teenager walked into the living room as Kat closed her laptop..

Kat : Time to talk little one.. What is going on...