Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Ben Jordan

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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2024, 11:31:05 AM »
The camera fades in to Ben Jordan in a darkened room, wearing a dark blue suit with a black shirt. A smile on his face as he looks down the camera.

"Alright people." Ben says with a cheery smile on his face. "Hope you're all doing fantastic today."

He fires a quick thumbs up.

"I feel like I need to say sorry to you lovely people." He says softly. "So you know how these supercards work, you get double the talk, double the effort and all that but unfortunately for me, last week, I was as sick as a parrot. I'm not even gonna lie to you lovely lot and tell you I'm one hundred percent right now cause sadly, I'm not, but I ain't one to let you all down if I can help it."

Ben looks down.

"It disappointed me that I couldn't do a couple of things for ya and talk like talking was going out of fashion." Ben says honestly. "Because I love the supercard buzz, I love the bounce of it all, I love watching people be at their very best. Sadly, I couldn't do that because I was laid up."

Ben slowly nods.

"All was good, all was cracking and I was set to leave and head off back to London on Monday morning after the show but I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a train." Ben admits. "Roughest I've felt in a long time and here we are on Thursday and I just feel decent enough to put in the work for you lovely lot."

Ben rubs his chin.

"Now I dunno if it happens to you or if I'm just the lucky one in this situation but when I get the flu, I end up with these really weird dreams." Ben says. "Like something that has been playing on me mind tends to jump up in a very lucid dream and it feels proper real. It throws off hidden meanings and for over a week, I have had these dreams. I have had dreams with a common theme. They wasn't all the same dream and some of them was just bonkers, but they all had one little theme and that was becoming the hunter."

Ben pauses for a second.

"I had a fair few of those in different settings, but one that stands out, one that jumps out." Ben says slowly. "And that good people is the one I'm gonna tell you all about. Now while that's showing you all that madness, I'm gonna get changed, because well, you'll see."

Ben points at the camera.

"Roll that stuff we recorded earlier!" Ben says with a smile.

The sounds of waves crashing against wood can be heard. The camera switched to a bright blue sky before showing the outline of an old pirate ship. The camera moves to the wheel of the ship to see Ben Jordan, dressed as a pirate in front of the wheel. The ship docked at an old wooden dock.

"Smell that salt air." He said to himself as he inhaled.

He breathed deeply but started to cough.

"What the bloody hell is that?" He asked himself.

Sam Marlowe stepped to his side, dressed in pirate garb herself. She getting her thumb towards the shore.

"Rendering plant over there." She said to Ben.

Ben turned his head and looked at her with a frown.

"We're meant to be in the bloody Caribbean." Ben told her. "Who puts a rendering plant on the Caribbean on a pirate island?"

Sam shrugged her shoulder at Ben.

"Budget issues." She told him. "Couldn't afford the Caribbean."

Ben sighed as he looked at Sam, shaking his head.

"Thought this old parody might have scored us a nice little holiday." Ben told her. "But nope. Ah well, on with the show."

Jamie Dean rushed to Ben's side and tapped him on the shoulder, causing Ben to look at Jamie.

"Ah, first mate Mr. Dean, you have returned." Ben said in a gruff voice. "What news do you have from the local tavern?"

Jamie cleared his throat and looked at Ben.

"Well I learned captain, that this certainly isn't the Island of Sirens." He said with a serious look. "Because I spent hours in that tavern and there wasn't a looker amongst them. No matter how much I drunk, pirates are not good looking people. Don't get me started on their personal hygiene."

"And Alexander the Raven and Loopy Luna?" Ben asked.

"Alexander the Raven and Loopy Luna?" Sam repeated as she looked at Ben.

"Cooler pirate names then Alexander Raven and Luna...." Ben stuttered. "Luna whatever her name is."

"But Loopy Luna?" Sam questioned.

"I've had the flu, I'm not exactly creative when it came to being flued up and coming up with cool pirate names for a bird." Ben admitted.

"Oh yeah, that's what I was there for." Jamie said interjecting. "They're sailing west from an Island a few days from here. We should be able to intercept them."

Despayre randomly wandered across the scene, looking at Ben. On his shoulder sits Angel dressed as a pirate.

"Am I in this scene?" He asked innocently.

"You are now." Ben said with a smile.

"Nice." He replied. "Candy?"

He lifted his hand, to show a bag of candy, but Ben shook his head.

"I better pass, I don't wanna get too hyped up on sugar." Ben told him.

Despayre nodded and strolled across the deck and off camera.

"Bit random." Ben said. "But I did tell people to play fast and loose with the script, but anyway. Alexander The Raven, we must hunt him, he can not get away with being a pain in my jacksy any longer."

"Maybe we should address the crew and tell them the plans?" Jamie offered.

"Good idea." Ben said as he raised his hand.

Before Ben could continue, a delivery man in a brown jumpsuit appeared on camera, a clipboard in his hand.

"Hey." He said as he looked at the clipboard. "I got a delivery of mirrors for Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe?"

Sam looked at the man and pointed off camera.

"Just leave them over there." She said. "They're for later."

The delivery guy nodded and walked off the camera as Jamie frowned at Ben.

"This is so random." Jamie said as he looked at Ben.

"Flu dreams are." Ben told him. "But ya know, would be a right giggle if people could actually see this."

Ben, Sam and Jamie turned to look in to the camera, all three smiling, before a simultaneous serious look appeared on their faces as Ben turned around to face the people on deck.

"Your attention good hunters!" Ben yelled out.

He watched as everyone continued to do whatever work they were doing, and talking amongst themselves but a sharp whistle from Sam got their attention.

"Cheers love." Ben said to her before looking amongst the faces below him.

The camera moved around to show familiar faces of Fenris, Bella Madison, Miles Kasey, HB Carter, Laura Phoenix, Despayre, Justin Smith, Bobbie Dahl and Artie.

"We all know why we're here!" Ben said loudly.

"I'm just here for Carter's booty!" Miles shouted back.

A wide smile appeared on Carter's face but Mile's reaches over and grabs a small treasure chest out of Carter's hand before strolling away.

"Cheers bruv." Miles can be heard saying off camera.

Carter looked deep in to the camera, shaking his head slowly and frowning, before letting out a sigh.

"What you do on your days off mate, completely up to you." Ben said in Miles direction. "But we are here to hunt the man who terrorizes others and his side kick bird, Alexander The Raven and Loopy Luna."

Whispers can be heard amongst the crew and Luna's name mentioned. Ben rolled his eyes.

"I know, I know." He said. "But I couldn't come up with anything better when I started writing this.... The loose script I mean."

Ben cleared his throat.

"We have word of a location of where these two scoundrels will be." Ben said. "And we are going to hunt them down! We set sail immediately! Bobbie, you are in the crows nest for this journey!"

"Where's that?" Bobbie shouted back.

Everyone pointed up to the sky at the same time, causing Bobbie to look up. A look of disbelief covers her face.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" Bobbie said shocked as she looked up.

Ben shook his head as Bobbie turned away putting her hand on the rigging with Artie behind her, trying to push her up the crossed ropes.

"So man your posts good people, because their crimes will soon be paid for. Let's drink to the voyage and the hunting of these two criminals!" Ben said in a strong tone.

A cheer rose from the crew as Bobbie struggled to climb the ropes. Like magic, or a video cut, bottles of rum appeared in the hands of Ben, Sam and Jamie at the helm. They lifted their bottles before taking a swig. Instantly their three faces scrunch up.

"Christ!" Ben said with a shake of his head. "Why did pirates drink this stuff? It's bloody horrible! Gimme a cold pint any day of the week."

Ben, Jamie and Sam turned their backs to the crew.

"So what is the plan?" Sam asked.

"I'm thinking we play a little music, we do a little montage and we find them." Ben said to her. "We do some funny stuff, then we go to the pub."

"Sounds like a plan." Jamie said. "I got the music covered."

"Nice one." Ben replied. "Before we do that, Jamie, what's a pirates favourite letter?"

Jamie raised an eyebrow.

"C.... Sea..." Ben said with a cheesy grin. "Get it? I bet you thought I was gonna say rrrrrrrrrr."

Jamie looked at Ben with a blank face.

"Sea.... Men...." Jamie responded. "Sea... Men.... get it?"

Ben put his hands on his head.

"Just play the sailing music." Ben told a widely grinning Jamie.

Jamie turned around, reaching in to his pocket and pulling out an device. He put it on the ships wheel and tapped a few buttons before In The Navy started to play. Ben looked at Jamie and shook his head.

"Do the montage..." Ben said with a shake of his head.

And we cut to the montage.

Justin Smith can be seen arm wrestling with Fenris, their elbows pressed firmly in to a barrel as people around them can be seen throwing money down.

We switch to Bobbie Dahl and Artie parasailing behind the ship, high in the sky with a look of fear on their faces.

Another switch shows us, Bella Madison and Laura Phoenix casually sunbathing in bikinis on modern sun loungers, both ladies holding a tanning mirror under their chins.

Another shows Ben and Sam holding a limbo stick, with Despayre and Angel working their way underneath it. In the background, Artie can once again be seen pushing Bobbie Dahl up the rigging again to the crows nest.

We cut again to Carter and Miles water skiing behind the ship as Jamie Dean snaps pictures of them as they sail along.

Finally the montage ends and returns to Ben leaning of the wheel. Sam to his left, Jamie to his right.

"Ah that was fun." Ben said with a grin.

"I thought you had more planned?" Jamie replied.

"I did, then I saw how long it was running and there's only so much you can do." Ben said.

A shout could be heard from up high and the three look towards Bobbie Dahl, who is clearly shouting down at them. The trio looked at each other and up at Bobbie but Ben cups his ear.

"What?" Ben shouts up. "Can't hear ya love."

Bobbie tries to yell again but once more, Ben shook his head,

"Can't hear a word of it?" Ben shouted up. "Can you guys?"

Jamie and Sam shook their heads, but Ben's phone starts to ring. Ben reaches in to his pocket and pulls out his phone.

"Hello?" He said in to the set. "Oh hi Bobbie, we was just talking about you. Nah, I couldn't hear a word you was banging on about. Oh really? Where? Over there, got it. Is it them? What do you mean you left your telescope down here? Well come down and get it. I know it took you two days to get up there, but ya know? Pirates need a scope. Ok, ok. I'll use my own.... Yeah, toodles."

Ben picks up his telescope and looks in the direction Bobbie told him and a smile appeared on his face.

"Ship ahoy!" Ben shouted out, getting the crews attention. "Over there!"

Ben pointed to where a ship can be seen in the distance. Ben looked through the telescope again.

"It's them!" Ben shouted as he jumped up and down. "Full sails! Load grape shot, I want their sails taken down, I don't want it sunk or we've come all this bloody way for nothing, even if your tans look fantastic."

The crew sprung in to action and the sails were dropped, cannons were loaded with grape shot and Ben navigated the ship towards the ship of Alexander The Raven and Loopy Luna.

"We're gonna get in tight from behind and hit them hard. Then we're gonna board her." Ben said before looking at Jamie. "No dirty jokes please."

"You didn't think that one through, did ya?" Jamie said with a grin.

"Not even for a second." Ben replied.

Everything went to plan as Ben sailed the ship behind Alexander The Raven's vessel and grape shot was deployed, expertly damaging the sails and slowing it down to a stop. Ben sailed his ship close to The Raven's, close enough that cannon fire would damage his own ship.

"Time to board!" Ben yelled out.

Grappling hooks were quickly thrown, pulling the two ships closer together, allowing Ben's crew to get ready to board and forcing their men away from their cannons and preparing to fight.

"Time for the big entrance." Ben said to Jamie and Sam.

He moved away from the wheel with Sam and Jamie following, and hastily made his way to the rigging, climbing up with them behind him. He looked down uncomfortably.

"I bloody hate heights but grand entrance and all." He said to them.

Ben grabbed a hanging rope and looked across as the ships got closer and with a huge leap, jumped with the rope between his fingers, but his hand slipped and Ben went crashing in to the side of the boat. The crew face palmed as Ben slid down, landing on a cannon.

"Ohhhhh, me crackers." Ben said with a wince.

Jamie looked towards Sam and shrugged.

"George of the jungle, eat your heart out." He said with a grin before he and Sam safely swung across.

Ben pulled himself up the side of the ship, being helped on by Jamie and Sam. The two dusted him off.

"I'm good, but we  should probably get to the fight scene now, cause time restraints." Ben said with a shrug.

The three reached for swords from their waistband and were instantly surrounded. The sounds of metal against metal could be heard through the ship as they paired off. Ben swung his sword, but his opponent stepped back and swung towards Ben, slicing his sleeve.

"Oi!" Ben yelled at him. "This ain't none of your Primark stuff, this is good clobber, be careful where you swing that thing!"

"Sorry dude!" The man replied, but Ben quickly kicked him out of the way.

"Alexander The Raven, Loopy Luna! Show yourselves." Ben demanded. "We haven't got all day."

The door swung open from a cabin below, and there stood Alexander The Raven and Loopy Luna, armed with swords as they stepped forward. Sam joined Ben and looked at their two opponents, but a man grabbed Ben from behind.

"Bugger off!" Ben yelled out.

The man fell to his knees as Miles Kasey dropped out of nowhere, taking the man down and nodding at Ben.

"Mate, that was assassin like moves!" Ben said. "We should give you a nickname working that in."

Ben looked at the camera and winked before turning back to Alexander The Raven.

"Your time is up Alexander." Ben said raising his sword. "You have let that mouth of yours run out of control and your actions have been nothing short of disgusting. Enough is now enough, you're no longer then man you think you are, because you will hunt no more. I am now the hunter, and I came for you!"

Alexander The Raven stepped forward, his sword raised and his eyes focused on Ben.

"I said I will destroy you and now I will..." Alexander said as he took another step forward.

Before the four could engage in battle, a cannonball flew in between them, causing all four to move their heads back and look in the direction it came from.

"No more balls flying at faces!" Ben yelled out. "Nearly had me eye out."

From out of nowhere, Jamie Dean's face just appeared next to Ben.

"Giggidy!" He said with a familiar tone and a nod to a certain cartoon.

Jamie disappears out of the shot and Alexander The Raven frowns.

"Where did you get these people?" Alexander asked.

"A lot of them just showed up." Ben said. "I don't know most of them, just stuck out the parody tweet and people showed up."

Before Ben can talk more, Alexander thrusts his sword towards Ben, and Luna towards Sam, both Ben and Sam blocking it before the two separated. Ben charges towards Alexander The Raven and a vicious sword fight breaks out, Alexander forcing Ben back against the mast and swinging for his head but Ben kicking Alexander away. As the two men attempt to engage again, a person swings in between them, missing both before a splash could be heard off camera.

"Idiot." Alexander The Raven said with a laugh.

"Swinging on those thing ain't easy." Ben told him. "I tried, hit the side of the ship."

The two continue their battle, their swords clashing against each other in ferocious attacks before Ben eventually forces Alexander The Raven up the steps towards the wheel and sweeps his leg, sending Alexander The Raven to the wooden floor. Ben turns his head to see Sam sitting on fallen Loopy Luna, Luna face down and Sam sitting on her back. Sam taps her imaginary watch,

"What the bloody hell?" Ben asked.

"I've been like this for ten minutes." Sam told him. "Not my fault this is all time constricted and a lot has been cut out. You're wasting valuable pub time, you know?"

Ben rolled his eyes at Sam.

"Fine..." He said. "I'll skip to the end."

Ben moved his sword under the throat of Alexander The Raven and looked down at him, his foot pressed to his chest.

"Do you understand this?" Ben asked.

"Not really." Alexander The Raven replied.

"Bloody hell." Ben muttered to himself. "This whole thing has been about me showing you that everything that happened to me, everything you have put me through with your hit and runs, everything you think you had the advantage with, you didn't. I've been hunting you Alexander and that's the point. You chipped away at me and you turned me in to this, you turned me in to the guy that is coming after you. This is what you wanted, you wanted to make me come after you and now I have, you're gonna regret it."

Ben pressed the sword a little closer to Alexander.

"Got it now, mush?" Ben asked.

"I broke you, now you're after me and gonna break me, right?" Alexander The Raven said.

"Yeah, let's go with that." Ben said with a shrug. "That should do it."

Ben turns around, looking at people.

"He gets it so pub?" Ben said in a loud voice. "It's his round."

Ben pointed the sword at Alexander as the camera faded to black.

The camera fades to the dark room where footsteps can be heard and the sound of metal dragging along a stone floor.

"You get it now, yeah?" Ben's voice says through the darkness. "You really understand now?"

More steps are heard and the camera focuses on a metal pipe upright on the floor.

"I think that dreams have a meaning, always have." Ben's voice says through the darkness. "Doesn't matter if it's good, or bad, winning vast amounts, or doing good deeds, or if it's loss or survivors guilt, dreams have meanings and that dream you just learned about Alexander, that has meaning too."

The camera moves up the pole and up Ben's leg to his body and his face before zooming out to show the suit is long gone and replaced with torn jeans and a white shirt. On his eyes, dark make up.

"You wanted me to look at myself." Ben says looking down. "And see what I can become, who I am, reflect on what I've done. Mate, I've done nothing but look at myself."

Ben clicks his fingers and the lights come on, showing himself to be surrounds by mirrors.

"This is what you wanted me to do and take a good hard look at myself and see if I'm the man I used to be, to see if I have any killer instinct left." Ben says softly. "Well job done, because you want to know who I am?"

Ben clicks his fingers again and a nearby mirror shatters. Ben turns his head to look at it.

"You wanted to see what was below the surface?" Ben says as he points down at the broken glass. "That's what's below the surface. A mind that can be broken that will come back and turn things around on the very person that broke you in the first place. See you thought mild mannered Ben was there to be stepped on. The easy target, but no, this is what lies beneath. This is a man who will do what it takes. Look at these broken pieces Alexander, this is what you've done and you're expecting that by doing this, you get the advantage, but what you've done is made me sharper."

Ben bends down and picks up a piece of the broken glass and looks at it.

"This edge is what you've given me." Ben says as he holds the broken edge towards the camera. "All this glass together, it a sane me but when you take it apart, it's unpredictable and what it's done to is turn around and say I'm sick of your games Alexander. I'm not running from you but you should from me, cause broken glass and broken people is a dangerous thing and out on the street, it's even more dangerous. I'm not the guy sitting around waiting for someone to come at him, this has shown me to be proactive and make the moves and that's what that dream was about, that was about me chasing you down, that was me coming for you, that was me being the hunter and that's exactly what's about to happen Alexander. It's a damn street fight, it can happen any time, and I'm not gonna be sitting there doing the wrestlers stretching or the prayers or any superstitious stuff, I'm coming for you and you're not gonna expect it."

Ben stands and looks around more of the mirrors, reflecting back different angles.

"This isn't any other match anymore, this became personal when you tried to change me and now I have, you need to remember the old saying." Ben says lifting the pole. "If you fight enough monsters, then you become a monster."

Ben looks down and smiles slightly.

"I guess I've become a monster." Ben says with a more sinister smile then usual. "Not for the first time."

Ben looks up at the mirrors around him.

"This reflection on me is not just about who I am or who I want to be, it's about who I'm gonna become, and who I will be on Sunday." Ben says with a huff. "Who I will be on Sunday Alexander is someone you will not be able to handle. You pushed me too far, you pushed me to depths I didn't want to go to. Now look at me, I'm liking being in these depths, I'm willing to sit there and see how far I can push myself and I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make a point Alexander, not only for you but for everyone else who thinks it's a good idea to mess with me to try and make a name for themselves. It's the other way around now Alexander, cause I'm in your head, you know I can beat you, I've done it more then once, and I wasn't even this messed up when I did it. I wasn't even broken, I wasn't even switched off from empathy but now I am and if you think that's gonna give you an advantage mate, then you're out of that tiny little box of yours that sits on those shoulders."

Ben points to his head.

"I was already good before you turned me to this." Ben says as he points the pole at the broken glass. "I'm not going to get worse when you make me take a look at who I am, because I'm proud of who I am, I'm proud that I can beat you over, and over and over and over, and over again, because I'm Ben Jordan and you're not."

Ben grits his teeth.

"I'm proud of who I AM!" He says with a shout as another mirror breaks around him.

Ben turns his head to look at the mirror and smiles.

"I'm proud that you came at me and tried to ruin me, only for me to ruin you Alexander." Ben says with a reflective proud smile. "Because not only has this shown me who I can become, what I'm capable of, but it's shown you as a complete and utter failure as a person, as a human being and a wrestler. It's shown the world that you was never good enough for the top and even when you stack things in your favour, manipulate things for your own comfort zone, this little wrestler guy from East London can still beat you at your own game."

Ben tilts his head towards another mirror.

"You've broke me with your attacks, but I'm gonna break you with my skills." Ben says with a half smile. "This is going to haunt you Alexander, this is gonna screw your head up that I can beat you in over the top matches with lots of people around and me shoehorned in to that madness, I can beat you one on one and now I'm gonna beat you in a mixed tag street fight, your game, something you've made a name for yourself out of, but the wrestler is once again gonna beat the chair swinging freak that you are and that is going to play on your mind forever. That's going to screw with your head over and over."

Ben takes a couple of steps away from the glass and sits down on the floor, placing the metal bar across his legs.

"All the time you thought you was messing with me, bringing Luna in to it, attacking my friends and you thought you was just gonna get away with everything, draw me in to this match and walk out happy?" Ben says with a shake of his head as he looks down. "Well you played right in to my hands without even knowing that's what you was doing. You couldn't see the trees for the forest as we say in London, because you pretty much thought of the glory and none of the work but now, I'm going to do things to you that you never expected to see from me in your wildest dreams Alexander. Not even your messed up mind could see this one coming."

Ben grips the pole.

"No matter how much you think you broke me." Ben says firmly. "Or how much more you think you can break me..."

Ben points the pole at a mirror and it instantly shatters.

"Or how much you truly believe you can break me." He says through gritted teeth.

Ben points the pole at another mirror, causing it to break.

"Or how much more you want to break me..." Ben says looking up.

He points the pole at another mirror, for the third time, a mirror breaks.

"You can't break me enough to make me fold to you." Ben says with determination. "There's not enough you can do to break me small enough for me to fade away. You signed away yours and Luna's careers when you decided to play this game and in a few minutes, someone will be here to talk right about the whole ball of crazy that is Luna, but before I go, you wanted something from me."

He smiles down the camera.

"You wanted me to thank you..." Ben says with a huff. "Well thank you Alexander for showing me who I am when it comes to facing you, who am I?"

Ben swings the pole back across his lap, holding both ends.

"I'm controlled chaos, Sam and me, controlled chaos." Ben says with a smile. "And you're not ready for that."

Footsteps, heels to floor can be heard behind Ben as Ben lowers his head and smiles down the camera....

And this good people is where Sammi takes over....

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen

Offline Alexander Raven

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« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 09:31:29 AM »
A Conversation
Scene One | Off-Camera(ish)

He needed to have this conversation. He needed to sit there across from the man who was looking an absolute husk of what he once was. Alex needed to talk to Sullivan Pleasant about it all. About the shooting, the fake attempted murder, and the eventual self-surrender. Expedited court case meant that there was potential for Alex’s whole world to be upheaved in a moment. He needed to have this conversation.

It was a good way to prepare for the Street Fight, really. All the anger, all the hatred. Everything that was brewing up inside himself. He could take it all out on Ben Jordan and Sam Marlowe. The angrier he got here, the worse it would be for them.

So when he sat down facing across from him, he didn’t really know what to expect. Just that he needed this conversation. He needed to know what was coming, what was going on. What was expected. He needed to know what Sullivan Pleasant was going to do for the rest of his life.

“Never would’ve guessed that Pleasant was actually your last name.” Alex said, sitting across the table from Sullivan. It was strange, he looked ever worse than when he was being stalked by the man. A scraggly beard, his eyes were deeply sunken with heavy black bags under them. Looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. His hair was a mess, and the jail uniform wasn’t doing much for his ridiculously slender frame.

“Wasn’t always that way. You'd be surprised what a little bit of money in the right pockets will do for your identity.” Sullivan said softly, the sound of a defeated man. If he was building to betraying Alex again, to outing him again, it didn’t seem like it at this moment. A man resigned to his very fate.

“So, why turn yourself in Sul? Doesn’t really seem like incarceration suits you.You just building to throwing me under the bus? Ruin some more lives whilst you're at it?” Alex said, leaning forward. He rested his elbows on the table, staring straight into the soul of the man across from him.

Sullivan just shook his head, and let out a long and heavy sigh. Defeated.

“I’m not young enough for this anymore, Alexander. That’s the long and short of it. I’m not healthy enough, I’m not good enough. I destroyed the last semblance of balance and happiness in my life, to ensure that man could move on without worrying about me.” Sullivan said, his voice soft. There wasn’t the arrogance and cock-sure bravado he once always had. He truly was a defeated man.

“So you kill one of the most important people in all of our lives, and then you decide you’re just a little too old for this? You’re fucking scum, you know that?” Alex said roughly, placing his balled up fists on the table. Leaning forward.

“I’d give anything to change that night, Alex. I’d give anything to be thinking a little clearer. To be a little more sober. To be happier with myself so that it never came about. I’d give my life right now, if I thought it’d bring James back. But it won’t, and I can’t. So all I can do is what I am doing right now. Be put away, be punished. There isn’t anything I can say that will fix things, and I don’t expect I’ll see any of you ever again. That’s what I’m doing for my penance, Alex.” Sullivan elaborated. Alex simply stared at him, staring into his eyes.

“You don’t deserve to simply rot out your days, Sul. You deserve all the fucking worst in the world for what you’ve done. But, if this is what we get. Then this is what we get.” Alex spat the words, a stern shushing coming from one of the nearby guards. Alex glowered in his seat, watching as Sullivan simply sunk further into his own.

“You’re right. I don’t deserve it, but this is the hand we are given. I do hope you and your lovely wife are okay after she saw you nearly paint the ground with my brains. I will say, I didn’t think you’d have it in you. I was wrong. Would have been a world of difference if that gun was loaded.” Sullivan said, just the slightest bit of cheek in it. Almost mocking. Even in his lowest the man couldn’t help but take jabs.

“But, there’s someone you should talk to. In fact, I’m sure they’ve already touched base with at least one of you. He’s actually coming to see me today too. Busy day before I’m forgotten forever, I suppose. One, Mr Ashton Mire. Representative of Mr Vita Mors. Reminds me a bit of myself actually. Just, a little more run-down. Good man. They might be able to help your mind, Alex. More than we ever were able to.” Sullivan went on, before one of the guards came over. Telling them to wrap it up.

“I don’t need the help of some fucking business slug and his magical Space Wizard of a boss. I hope you fucking rot, Sullivan.” Alex said, standing up quickly. Sullivan shrugged a little and nodded. If this was the last time he’d ever see the man, then he was thankful. Thankful he’d never have to deal with the weasel he once had called a friend. The weasel who had done everything to show his disdain for everything Alex had ever done.

Some small part of him was even going to miss Sullivan Pleasant. That was the worst part of it.

He didn’t even notice his feet taking him out of the visitor’s area. Back into the carpark. A cigarette hanging from his lips, absent-mindedly messaging Luna. Telling her he’d be home later. That he was going for a beer. That he was okay, and where to find him if she wanted to come for a drink too. She was busy attempting to prepare herself for the street fight. At the end of the day, he was always the scrapper. The one more akin to running people through and taking them whatever way he could.

Luna was… learning what it was like. She was a fighter, a brawler and a hard-ass motherfucker. But there’s a world of difference between what they had done, and what they were going to need to do. Animalistic didn’t even come close to describing it.

“Mr Rabenschwarz? A moment of your time, if I could?” A voice came through, breaking his fugue state. He snapped his head up, looking at a man who was standing just a few steps away. He knew instantly who the man was. Ashton Mire. The Head of Relations for Vita Mors Co.

“I don’t want none of your magic space dust, fuck off.” Alex said, spitting on the ground near his feet. A nervous laugh coming from the man. Considering how well tailored his suit was, it was surprising how slimy the man also came across. No sweat, but somehow shiny.

“I understand your reservations, Mr Rabenschwarz. Truly, I do. But I think it is fundamental that you give us a chance. Just a moment of your time, please.” Ashton said, his voice seemingly sincere. He was strangely soothing, in a way that Sullivan never was. Apparently a much better slimeball face than he ever had.

“What do you want, Mire? What could you possibly give me?” Alex asked, exacerbated with the situation. His eyes locked with Ashton who smiled, reaching into his breast pocket and pulling out a business card. He stepped forward and handed it to Alex. A simple black body business card, with a phone number in gold. Nothing else.

“We can help with a plethora of things. Mr Mors has a particular interest in helping you, not only dealing with these ‘ghosts’ of yours. But also help bring some closure to the loss of your friend, James. It’s something we… specialise in.” Ashton said, wringing his hands together. A somewhat nervous person.

“How do you know about the ghosts? And how the hell can you bring me any closure?” Alex asked, taking a long drag on his cigarette, before dropping it to the ground and crushing it under his shoe. He stepped towards Ashton Mire, visibly frustrated. Confused with the situation.

“We deal in… information that shouldn’t have. It’s hard to explain, but trust me. It is not a malicious thing. We just happen to be incredibly well-informed. Please, call that number when you can. We can help you, I promise.” Ashton smiled, nodding with a slight bow. He rapidly turned on his heel before Alex could ask any further questions.

He looked down at the card once more, shaking his head a little. Slipping it into his pocket.

“Surrounded by fucking maniacs, I swear.” Alex muttered under his breath as he turned to get into his car. Something flickering at the edge of his vision. Someone standing there. Not a ghost, but they definitely weren’t there when he turned to try and get a better look. Something flickering in his peripherals.

It was funny, how every time he thought things couldn’t get any stranger, the weirdness of the world was just waiting around the corner to get weirder.

Street Smarts
Scene Two | On-Camera

“So it comes down to this. A street fight. Ask me years ago, I’d tell you. There’s not a man in this world who can step to the plate with Alexander Raven in the streets. Ask me twelve months ago, I’d tell you. There ain’t a man alive that could go toe-to-toe with Alexander Raven in the ring. Ask me six months ago, and I’d tell you I don’t want this anymore. That’s a journey right there. That’s a fucking journey.

A street fight. Something beneath Benjamin Jordan and Samantha Marlowe. Ben’s made a big hoopla about trying to tear me down. To reduce what I do best, to something lesser than himself. That’s fine. I spend all my days being told how much better everyone is than me. I said it before, I’ll say it again. I know who the fuck I am. I’m the guy who people like to tear down. I’m the guy who people pretend it means nothing to beat, but they all scream and dance and holler at the world when they do it. Nothing and everything, all at once. Isn’t that right?

I’m still waiting on my thank you, Ben. Without me, you aren’t in this position, and that’s something to think about. This right here, Benjamin. This right here is us being the most important fucking match in all of Sin City outside of the world title matches. We’ve got that marquee spot when you think about it. And that doesn’t happen if I don’t push and poke and prod. That doesn’t happen if Luna doesn’t slam her arm right up between you. That doesn’t happen if I don’t get under your skin and beat your friends into unconsciousness. This doesn’t happen if Luna doesn’t punch your sweet friend square in the back of the head with some brass knuckles. Or take her out with a steel chair.”

“This doesn’t happen, if I don’t stab a god damn spike straight into your fucking skull.”

Alexander Raven is sitting on a dumpster. The lids closed, locked down with a padlock and chain. The dumpster is in a dingy little alley, walls covered in graffiti. Yellow lights line the walls and attempt to illuminate what little of the brickwork they can. The night sky is heavy, darkness enveloping all that exists beyond this little dingy haven of light.

“See the funny thing to me about all of this Benjamin, is that everytime I do anything. People want to see it. People want to see if I succeed or fail. It doesn’t matter who is in your spot, Ben. No, it only matters if Alexander Raven is there. And here’s something to think about. In all of this. Every week, every attack. Every match and every insult. Who are people talking about? It sure as hell ain’t Benjamin Jordan and Samantha Marlowe. No, the only names on everybody’s lips are Alexander Raven and Luna Pasilno. And because of that, you get the biggest match outside of our main events. You get to stand in my spotlight and attempt to be known for fucking anything more than being the guy who is as entertaining as dishwater. You might even get to be known as one of the people who beat Alexander Raven at his own game. Hurrah hoorah.”

“But what does that matter to you, Benjamin? You’ve already got it in your mind that I’m not worth the salt I eat, right? That I ain’t worth the water that I recycle. I’m not worth the money that they pay to keep me here, right? Because I hit my ceiling, and this ‘chair swinging nothing’ is beneath you. That it’s only through good ol’ fashioned catch-as-catch-can, real grappling that we are judged on. Our merit is only worth that, ain’t that right, Benjamin? It’s funny to me that people can say such negative things. But our current and last World Champions. They have only the best things to say about me. In fact, Finn has spoken at lengths about how I was far more deserving to be in the place of Goth. James himself had to go out of his way to train with a man he did not like, to learn a whole new style, to ensure that he could stand toe-to-toe with Alexander Raven.”

“So, it’s funny to me. That the pure technicians. That people like you, Benjamin. People like you try to belittle and insult me. Try and tear me down. Try to make what I do lesser because it is the only way you can justify your own existence. Stay with me here, I need you to listen to me. I may not be the best wrestler in the world, but I'm at least trying to be something. I’m at least out here drawing eyeballs. Being the chatter, being the talk. At least I’m the one that our World Champions have their fucking eyes on. I’m the one who people want to see, win or lose. It’s all about me, Ben.”

Sitting on that dumpster, Alex holds in his hands two objects. A staple gun and a metal spike. The two objects of pain that he had been threatening Ben with for weeks. A cigarette hanging from his lips, his wrists and hands taped up. Blue jeans, and a plain white tee. A man ready to scrap.

“But let’s get down to brass tacks, shall we? It doesn’t matter that Alexander Raven is the man that everyone has their eyes on. The man everyone is expecting to just… snap. Who knows when it’ll happen, right Ben? Maybe this little street fight is all it’s going to take. Because I got to ask you something Ben. It took every little bit of you to try and put me out at My Bloody Valentine. It took every bit of you to even come close, and that was a stark disadvantage. I ran the field, and only just lost. Do you remember how it felt at the time, Benjamin? Feeling the blood pump from your head with every breath? Feeling yourself get woozier and lighter with every beat of your heart as your body threatens to shut down on you. Do you remember what it was like to be so out of your fucking depth? Chain wrapped around my throat, and the mousey bitch firmly in your corner.”

“I think you’ll find, Benjamin. That this time things don’t just go your way. See the difference between you and I. Between Luna and Sam. Between The Conspiracy and the ‘real grapplers’, is that this is the environment in which we fucking thrive. This is the environment that we excel in. The streets? They belong to us. The streets belong to The Conspiracy. This ain’t about just swinging around some chairs. This isn’t just putting on the beating until you're black and blue, with wounds pulsing red crimson all over. No, no. Ben, a Street Fight is more than that. This is about ensuring you understand what I’ve been trying to do. To show you that just because you got the ‘skills’ doesn’t mean you get to walk around like your shit doesn't stink. You don’t get to walk around taking our opportunities. You don’t get to be the big man in the tiny little village, when Alexander Raven is the King reaping your land for every bit of tax you can pay.”

“See, there’s a certain fucking art to brawling, Ben. An art I’ve tried my hardest to show you. Something you’ve done nothing but throw back in my face. Spit in the offering I make and then pretend like it doesn’t matter. No, Benjamin. No, you don’t get to simply pretend like this doesn’t matter. You don’t get to just walk away after the horseshit of a journey you’ve gone on and pretend that I’m not the saviour of your fucking career. One week it’s you doubt yourself. The next it’s confidence in being able to out-wrestle anyone. Then it’s admitting to me getting under your skin, denying the fact that you had already admitted to it. But oh, I’m the fucking delusional one, right?”

Alex shakes his head a little, laughing to himself. He pushes himself off the dumpster and steps into the alleyway, holding the staple gun and metal spike tightly. He raises the metal spike and taps the end against his temple, smiling to himself. A man lost in his own chaos.

“You’re hot and cold Benjamin. An erratic little bi-polar puppy who throws himself from the ends of the spectrum to try and keep pace. You might be a good wrestler Ben, but truthfully? You seem to be someone who is lost in their own short-comings. Your confidence is based on what is before you, and for the first time in who knows how long. You’ve finally got a little bit of vim and vigour. A bit of confidence, and you don’t even think to thank the man who has done everything to give that to you. I’ve been more than understanding Benjamin. I’ve been so fucking understanding. But now. Now I need to show you the error of your delusions.”

“See, this isn’t a wrestling match Ben. This isn’t a thing you can control. This isn’t a match where you get to pretend to be the better man. No, this is a match where we take you out the back, throw you around, hit you with everything including the kitchen sink, and then ask if you want to come back for a second helping. See, in this scenario, neither of you are safe. Are you going to be able to put your hands on Luna? Are you going to be willing to run the blades across her face? Are you going to be willing to choke her out with the steel chain? I’ll let you in on my gameplan a little here, Benjamin. I don’t care whether it’s you, or Sam that is stuck standing in front of me, oh ho ho. No, I don’t give a flying fucking damn. I’ll put this spike through her pretty little face too if I have to. I’ll staple pieces of paper, plastic bags and garbage to her if I need to. I’ll break your friend’s pretty little friend’s neck if I need to Ben. Because I want to see what happens when you are given no other choice but to fight.”

Fight me Ben.

He presses the staple gun up against the temple on the other side of his head. And then he clicks. Two small streams of blood began to flow down the side of his face. Adrenaline pumping causes it to flow a little thicker than normal. A smile plastered to his face.

“Oh, but don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Samantha. Oh no, no. I haven’t forgotten your pretty little head. See I think it’s sweet of you. Sweet of you to have gotten involved, stuck your nose in business that doesn’t involve you and then pretend like it was a sweet little gesture. Oh, Samantha. You don’t know what you’ve gone and done, do you? Charged headlong like a bull into a fight that doesn’t involve you, and then started demanding attention. A smart person would’ve seen that this was an attack on a man’s delusion. A bout of ensuring he was the best he could be, because I am a benevolent fucking man. You, you are clearly not a smart person, Samantha.”

“No, you see. You only felt the need to involve yourself because Luna made a choice. A choice to hurt Ben. A choice to help him see the futility of his actions. Luna made a choice, and that choice upset you. So you went to battle for your little friend. You went into action and what has it gotten you? Brass to the skull, steel to the skull. What’s next? A street fight where I get to drill this very spike straight into your head and make you wear the crimson mask. There ain’t no rules in a streetfight Samantha, and when it all comes down to it, there ain’t nobody protecting you. See I think. I think the biggest punishment for Ben’s transgressions will be to make him watch. Tie the boy up, handcuff him and keep him  restrained whilst we beat his friend’s face in. Stomp and kick your pretty little head off and then make him watch as we pin you, one, two, three.”

“Your decision to get involved, is going to mean you get your head taken clean off. You’re going to wish Ben had never put you on our radar. You’re going to wish you had never stuck your nose in our business. You’re going to wish that when that bell rings, you could go back even five minutes, so that you could taste just a little less blood. Just hurt a little less. Your bones would ache just a little less. We are going to make you regret everything, Samantha. And then, you’ll only have yourself to blame. You can look Ben in the eyes, and apologise. Apologise for getting involved. Apologise for making us hurt him through you. It doesn’t matter who it is, but know this. Luna and I, we are going to break your damn face.”

He drops the staple gun to the ground, and suddenly the world shatters. Fragmented shards descend into darkness. Three spotlights illuminate the world that takes its place. An empty, black space. In one, Alexander Raven, in another Luna Pasilno. And in the centre, two body bags.

“I live in a world of my own destruction. A King who would be the slayer of all Kings. A man who is forever torn down, beaten up and belittled. Insulted and forgotten, I am more than the sum of my parts, and the sum of my parts is this, Benjamin. I will be King again, I will be the man who they all look at. I will continue to be the man who fights back against the corruption and bullshit of those who stand above us pulling the strings. I will fight against The Conspiracies that attempt to hold me down, and when I am finally free. When I am no longer bound here, you will all thank me. Thank me for making everything I touch the most must-see action that we have. You will all thank me for bringing prestige back to the Internet Champion. You’ll all thank me for being critical in the expansion of Mixed Tag Team wrestling.”

“You will all thank me, because I did everything to ensure that you had the best of the best. You will all thank me, because of that. That is what I deserve. I am the King of Sin City Wrestling. I am the fucking workhouse of Sin City Wrestling. I am the kingmaker and I am the kingslayer. And there is nothing you can do to stop that, Ben. There is nothing you can do to stop this. And you’re welcome. You’re welcome for me making you part of my journey. You’re welcome for me giving you everything you have right now. You’re fucking welcome, Ben. You’re fucking welcome, Sam.”

“You’re all fucking welcome.”

Alex and Luna turn to face each other, kneeling down in unison. Grabbing the body bags, and slowly dragging them into the darkness beyond the spotlights. Leaving just the three shining lights in a world of darkness. The screech and cry of ravens begin to echo and bounce around the space.

“Have you been listening? I need you to listen to me.”

“The Conspiracy is here.”

And then...




Offline Luna Pasilno

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« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2024, 10:07:50 PM »
Tales of a King
Scene One | On-Camera(ish)

When Alex had told her that there was a director interested in making a documentary about them, she’d been skeptical. It was one of the strangely clearer events he remembered from the night James was shot. She said the director was a guy called Richard Hammering, she just knew it had to be someone taking the piss from him. One of the people who used to call up asked if there was a ‘Big Horny Bird’ there.

That was an interesting week.

So when she was finally introduced to Richard Hammering and they were given a run-down on things they wanted to film and talk about, to say she was surprised was an understatement. The man called Dick “The Power” Hammering was real, and he was actually trying to make a documentary on Alex. Supposedly a long time fan, someone who had connected with him way back when Alex’s father had been crucified and set on fire as a statement of return.

The documentary however was more than just a view into his life and wrestling. But a look into the lives of those around him. The recent arrest of Sullivan, Leon being dead, James being dead and Harrison having disappeared back to Ireland meant that realistically, there was only Luna, Adrienne and Alex left to tell any of the stories. That didn’t seem to be a deterrent for Hammering who was currently shooting some B-roll.

Alex had decided today was the day he was going to go and speak to Sullivan which meant she was left to the whims of this strange man, with only Adrienne as company. Considering the last time they’d spoken hadn’t been a positive one, to say she was filled with anxiety and trepidation would be an understatement. Yet here they were, inside a warehouse that was weirdly similar to the one that she remembered watching them all train in. The Broken Gymdom, James had always called it. Speed Bags, punching bags and a ratty boxing ring acting as a make-shift wrestling one. Rolling mats for when they decided for some ground wrestling. It was almost like walking back into that place.

But it wasn’t. Like almost everything of worth in their lives, it had been burnt down. Alex sure did get away with starting a lot of fires. Maybe because they were always in isolated areas, controlled and never had an insurance claim. Regardless, it was surreal being in this place. Whatever researching hammering had done, it had paid dividends today.

“Where do you want me?”

Hammering smiled and one of the crew members ushered her towards a chair. Just a simple steel chain. They had a few lights set up, making the chair almost blinding to look at. Nodding a little, she took a seat in it, with Adrienne giving her a double thumbs up from behind the crew. Credit where credit is due, Adrienne never seemed to hold a grudge. Luna however, was never quick to forgive. It was a tiring existence.

“Alright! Going to go through a few questions, just answer what comes to mind. We’ll do a few takes of things, and don’t worry if you stumble a bit. We can fix that all in post. Deep breath, and try not to look at the camera, keep your eyes on me. Alright, we're ready?” Hammering spurted out as he took a seat opposite her. Just to the right of the frame. Luna smiled and nodded.

“Alright! Thank you for sitting down with us. Luna, the lovely Luna Pasilno. She’s a recent joiner of the wrestling stratosphere, but boy howdy is she taking the wrestling world by storm. A two-time champion, and on track to be one of the biggest women’s stars in the sport today. Luna! Thank you, thank you. But today, we’re delving into the life and times of your one and only, your husband, Alexander Rabenschwarz, or as we all know him. Alexander Raven! Hammering went off, talking a mile a minute. A passionate little man. His suit was ill-fitting and his combover was doing little to cover up his bald spot.

He seemed more likely to be filming a dirty movie in a farmer’s barn, than a documentary on a wrestler. Those doubts seemed to creep into her mind once more, but she put on a smile, reached out and shook hands with the man anyway.

“Luna, Luna. Lovely Luna, we’ve all heard you both talk about it. But take me back, if you can. Tell me some of those wonderful childhood memories. What was Alex like as a child? What was life like for you?” Hammering continued on, looking eagerly at her.

“What was he like? He was my best friend. There was always a bit of an age gap between us, but it never really mattered. My brother, James, and Alex. It was like they were made for each other. We moved to San Antonio pretty young. Parents had moved us up chasing money. Wasn’t long after that we met Alex. You know how they say that boys are only pulling your hair because they like you? Well, Alex wasn’t the one pulling my hair. Alex, he was the one putting the kids down for pulling my hair. He was the one who was getting roughed up by the bullies for being seen with that weird girl and that queer boy. I knew Alex liked me, because he wouldn’t let them pull my hair or be mean to me. Not without copping a fist to the lip, and a kick to the temple.” Luna said, smiling warmly. The happier memories were there, even between the bad ones.

“But what was life like? It was different, you know. Back then compared to where it would be. You wouldn’t pick it, but Alex came from a pretty loose household. Even more surprising as the son of German immigrants. His dad, he was always stoic, you know? A man who earnt his money with his fists. Things changed as we got a bit older. His father drank more, and his mother swanned us into her protection. Our parents died, and we might as well have been adopted by the Rabenschwarz family. We spent every day together. Every night together. It’s no secret we all come from broken families. Drugs broke ours, alcohol and poverty broke his. But we had each other, you know?  That’s all we needed. Each other.” Luna continued on. A touch of sorrow in her voice, reliving those thoughts.

Hammering continued to nod and smile, and then leaned over and whispered to one of his assistants. They scribbled down some notes. Probably some editing directions, she assumed. But who knew? This really did feel like it was going to turn into a bad casting call any minute.

“Wrestling was the next venture for you guys. Or more particularly, for Alex and James. You were a bit later to get into the ring, but the three of you were involved all the same. What were those early days like?” Hammering asked, crossing his legs and leaning forward. The man didn’t blink at all. It was unnerving.

“You know, it’s funny really. Looking back at those days, it's wild how different things were. Alex used to cosplay, you know? He’d go down to that ring, dressed up looking like M. Bison or Solid Snake. That was his whole thing, you know? Comic obsessed, game obsessed. He was playing a character and it was… sweet, you know? He had a lot more hope for the world. Even with how things had soured at home, he was having a better time with it all. Sometimes I wish we could go back, you know? Meanwhile, James was deep into his ‘Baracuda’ gimmick. He never really changed it, but he didn’t need to. He got it right from day one. He was playing himself turned up to eleven. Those early days, James was light years ahead of us all. He was going to be a star.” Luna said, a bittersweetness to her. Happy memories but also sad ones at the same time. It had only been four months.

“I think we’ve actually got some footage from that time. So we’ll make sure to put that in there. But while we’re on it. Let’s talk a bit more about that. James was the bigger talent, bigger star and destined for greatness. But it was Alex who got his break, and James left the business without ever really achieving much. What happened?” Hammering asked.

“Life happened, you know? James broke his neck, and he never really recovered. I began to go off the rails, Leon and I were destroying our lives and all those around us. Eventually Alex decided he wanted out too. A short World Championship reign, finished off by Griffin Hawkins of all people, led to him eventually getting his head bashed in by steel chairs so many times there were fears for permanent damage. We took our ball, and we left. Moved all the way to the otherside of the world. I lost touch with the boys a little. Alex more than James. He’d never forgiven me for leaving him for Leon. I don’t blame him. Marriage, love and life. These things came and James just never got that passion back. Rehabbing a broken neck once was enough for him and running that bar became the goal of his life. He was always a better bartender.” Luna said.

She smiled a little, wringing her hands together. Her head was murky all of a sudden. She’d been holding back from actually thinking about their lives. About thinking of everything that came before. She’d been trying to focus so much on herself and Alex, that she’d not really allowed herself to think about all that time with her brother.

“Alright, let's take a minute. I’d love to get some action shots of you and Adrienne in the ring if I could. Just for some b-roll footage. When you’re ready, just let me know.” Hammering said, a big smile plastered across his face. He handed her a bottle of water and got up, discussing something with another member of his crew. There were an impressive number of hands working today. Despite appearances, he did seem to be running an above board enterprise.

“I’ve known you guys since I could bang hips legally, and I ain’t ever heard half of these stories. You guys lived a far more exciting life than you ever let on. Australia tamed the fuck outta you animals.”” Adrienne was immediately upon her, babbling away. It was nice to have some semblance of normalcy. Of the world she knew, from before everything went bad. From before she stepped into the ring herself. From the ‘keta-queen’ days. Sometimes the past was also filled with the bad.

Luna took a long drink of the water, attempting to keep the tears that were threatening to leak through in her head. As cathartic as it was, she wasn’t going to pretend she didn’t simply want to hide away and cry her soul out once again. Who knew the body could hold so many tears in it.

“Marigold, I adore you. But that part of our lives was ours. We weren’t good people, we still ain’t good people. I mean, in just a few days I’m going to walk out to that ring with every intention of breaking both of Ben Jordan’s balls and smashing Sam Marlowe’s pretty little face so bad she’ll be asked to be a natural looking zombie. Cut down on make-up costs. We might’ve been party queens, and I might have been a little bit of a scrapper then. But we were nasty fucking kids. We were nasty wrestlers, and we were nasty people. You’re better off not having known us back then. You met us at the best time. Those boys always would’ve protected you, but at one point they would’ve thrown that guy straight down the stairs instead of making him leave with words.” Luna said, shaking her head a little. She sighed a bit, as she looked in the ring.

Taking bumps on that thing was going to suck, even if it was only for a few things. She wasn’t really looking forward to that.

“Think he’ll pay us more if I let you put my head between your thighs?” Adrienne said, poking gleefully into Luna’s ribs. Luna laughed a little, shook her head and then thought about it.

“Honestly. I don’t want to give him any fuel. He looks like he’s actually got a bang van and a casting couch.” Luna said, maybe just a touch too loudly. Dick Hammering looked mildly upset at the presumptions. If only for a moment.

And the two girls laughed.

Maybe things would get better.

One day.

Street Trash
Scene Two | On-Camera

As the scene opens, we see a streetlight, illuminating part of a road, and a footpath. There’s a group of kids mulling about under it, later age teens maybe. Bottles in hand, heavy clothes to hide whatever else they had on them. Though despite appearing to be in full conversation, they are all frozen in time.

The tap of the heel of boots echoes through the air. The night sky hanging thick above, framing the scene. Two people in the distance, arm in arm, walking toward the group of hoodlums. A bottle of wine in the hand of one of them. In the hand of Luna Pasilno. The figure she is linked with, wearing a mask. ‘NOBODY’ written across the mask several times.

“Once upon a time, I’d walk the streets like I owned them. Not in that way, of course. I might have been called a whore and a slut. But I reserved myself to the boy of the night, not the men who were paying bottom dollar for a little love and affection. Often, I’d walk the streets, floating on a cloud of ecstasy. Living in that deep dark hole of reprieve, and further pushing myself into oblivion with wine, beer and spirits. See, I wasn’t afraid of the world. I wasn’t afraid of the things that go bump in the night. I wasn’t afraid, because there was nothing for me to fear.”

“See, I was a pretty little flower with nothing to show for it. I was the scrappin’ little bitch from down south, with an attitude that’d make your mother cry. I had big bad boys to protect me, but the thing that people never expect. The groggy headed bitch would fight tooth and nail to protect herself. But that doesn’t always matter when it comes to the streets. The only rule when things go south is that we have to fight or die. The only rule.”

The hoodlums suddenly are full of life. Nodding at the two approaching. Nodding toward Luna and the man her arm is linked with. Like a pack of hyenas they swarm, encircling the two of them in the middle of that streetlight. Wolf whistles, crotch grabbing, and various claims of what they could do for her. Juvenile behaviour.

“The one thing I learnt is to always be ready to fight. See out here, nobody cares who you are. Where you’re from. How much money or notoriety you have. Out here it’s predator and prey, and only the strongest of the jungle survive. The pack mentality makes people think there is safety in numbers, and it's true. There is safety when there is more than one, except you're only as strong as your bravest little fighters. I wasn’t afraid to walk the streets because there wasn’t anything anyone could do to hurt me, more than I was already hurting myself. Half lucid, and half alive. I was a killer on these streets.”

“So when they told us, that this was going to be a street fight. We were beyond excited. The Conspiracy was going to take things to the street. And if we had had a moment more to talk about it we would’ve demanded a real street fight. Imagine the fun we could have had in the streets of Arizona. The car hoods we could’ve broken, the windshields we could’ve smashed. The bins we could have broken and the doors we could have knocked down. See, I think what people forget is that The Conspiracy. We were born in the fucking violence. We were born and bred to bleed and scrap and fight.”

Luna swung the bottle of wine and cracked it over the head of one of the guys that got too close. The man she was with pulled his hands free and cracked one of the others across the face. Brass knuckles on his fingers. The wine bottle swung again and cracked another in the head, smashing this time. Three down in mere moments. The world froze once more. Blood splatters, unconscious bodies and broken glass all around.

“Barbwire was my crowning achievement. In the city of Jack the Ripper I beat that bitch Alexandara Calaway at her own fucking game. Alex? In Puerto Rico he put a man through a skylight, wrapped his torn open arm with whatever he could find, and stole a fucking van to take another man on a car chase through the damn streets. Nearly bleeding out from his arm, he continued to battle and brawl with two other men to try and win that Puerto Rico street fight. What about Ben Jordan and Samantha Marlowe however? Sam being the second Krystal Wolfe, and I mean that as insultingly as it sounds. A bitch who is riding the accomplishments of years past and pretending that it means anything in the here and now. I know that sounds a touch hypocritical, but stick with me here. I’m building up to something.”

“See the difference, " are the things I talk about. They aren’t distant memories from years ago. These are things that have happened in the last twelve months. Sometimes even more recently. I’ve won two championships since you last even had a fucking sniff at it Samantha. I even outlasted your bitch ass to win the Internet Championship. And though the record books may say that Samantha Marlowe holds a win over Luna Pasilno, who really has been the winner through this all? Every single time we face off, in our out of the ring, you’ve ended up face down on the ground struggling to even keep your fucking eyes open. I’ve been one step ahead of you the entire time and you have the audacity to think we’re on an even footing? Not even close you ratty ass bitch.”

Life, breathing. The few who were still standing trying to lift their unconscious friends. Trying to pull them away from the two people. Abuse being hurled at Luna and the NOBODY, threatening to get them back for this. Luna simply holds the smashed remains of the bottle up, threatening to swing at anyone who comes near. The NOBODY stepped forward brandishing the brass knuckles, ready to swing on anyone who tried anything again.

“You could have avoided all of this, Samantha. That’s the saddest part of it. You could have kept your nose in your own business. You could have stayed in your own lane and avoided what is coming. You could have been free from the pain we are bringing to you. But you had to be like the bull. Running in to be slaughtered. Running in to be part of everything, because lord forbid you let someone else have the spotlight. Your friendship isn’t one of equality. Your team isn’t one of even footing. Two narcissists attempting to one up everyone else, whilst riding high on success that nobody even fucking remembers. Nobody gave a damn about Samantha Marlowe until she tried to move in on our fucking spotlight. Nobody gave a damn who either of you were, until we stepped up to the plate.”

“And that might be the saddest part of it all. That no matter what you have done. No matter what guys continue to do. You’re the nobodies in the street, who get left to rot in the gutter and bleed out. We’re going to show you what happens when you fuck with those who know how to crawl through the trash and muck. We’re going to show you what happens when you pick a brawl with the two best brawlers that there is today. But it’s a little bit more personal now. It’s personal because you just couldn’t stay in your own lane. You had to get involved. Why do they always have to get fucking involved in things that don’t include them?”

Luna screams, a banshee wail into the night air. The hoodlums taking off into the darkness beyond the street light. She keeps screaming, more and more, throwing the broken bottle to the ground, smashing what little remains of it. Grinding the shards of glass under her boot, as the NOBODY comes back to step in beside her, linking an arm with her again. His weaponised hand slipped back into a pocket.

“I’m going to enjoy what we get to do to you at Blaze of Glory, Samantha. I’m going to enjoy dragging you over broken glass. I’m going to enjoy smashing your face in with everything I can get my hands on. Hell, I’m going to even take pleasure in tearing your flesh from your face with my own fucking nails, because that. That is what you fucking deserve. You get in my path and I’m going to break your goddamn face. I’m going to break your bones, and I’m going to break you. And when we leave you a messed up fucking mess, that your own husband, that I’m still not totally convinced you aren’t fooling around on, can’t even identify. When we leave you a heap on the floor, that Ben Jordan has to sweep up and try to bring some humanity back to. When we leave you a broken, bleeding and fucked up mess, I want you to remember. I want you to remember everything I’ve said. I want you to remember that you did this to yourself.”

“You can’t blame anyone else. You can’t blame us for ruining your life. For ruining your fucking career. You can’t blame Ben for not protecting you. You can’t blame Alex for starting this war of salvation. You can’t blame me for shoving my fingers into your eyes. You can only blame yourself for the mess you will be left at the end of this all, Samantha. This is all your fault, and you could have avoided everything. But you just had to protect, Ben…”

She turns and headbutts the NOBODY. Both of them stumble a little, before Luna charges at him and jumps. Knocking him to the ground. Her hands wrapped around his head, lifting and banging it to the ground. Smacking it over and over. The mask comes off to reveal another beneath. ‘Ben Jordan’  is scrawled across this one. The implication is pretty clear.

“Don’t think we’re forgetting about you though, Ben. The man who started this all. Who decided that he was worth more than the earth he walks on. The man who gets to decide who belongs and who doesn’t. The man who gets to pretend like he is infallible because he has always done ‘the right’ thing. You aren’t a gift, Benjamin. You aren’t the man you think you are. You aren’t the all encompassing martyr of true benevolence that you would like to pretend. A man who has taken the opportunities of others and continually squandered them. A man who stands there and pretends that what he says and does is at all equitable to the real fucking hard work that The Conspiracy continues to put in. We’re the ones who do all the heavy lifting.”

“We’re the ones who make it so people like you, Ben can just fucking walk in and act like you belong. What the fuck have you done to to earn anything given to you? Insulted and belittled others? Flip flop around more than my bipolar little Harley Quinn ass, as the dear sweet Tempest would put it. You’re a beneficiary of a system that continues to hate on those of us who won’t fucking conform. The surrogate fathers, Daddy Christian and Daddy Mark. They continue to lord over us, and we all just take it. Not anymore. And they know the problem they’ve made for themselves now. We’re fucking untouchable, because we want to be free. We’re fucking untouchable, because there is no punishment that they can dish out that will tear us down. There is nothing that you can do, Ben, that we aren’t already willing and doing. So you can dance for your puppet masters. Pretend like this is a service. Pretend that you have a fucking chance. But boy.”

Luna smacks the man’s head against the ground one more time. A small pool of blood billowing beneath his head. In the carnage of unconscious bodies, dropped bottles and broken glass. There lies the man marked as BEN JORDAN. Luna slowly gets up and steps away from the body.

“I’m not going to refrain from breaking your face too, Ben. Alex and I? We’re going to ruin your fucking lives, and there is nothing. Nothing you can do to stop us. Because at the end of the day, your morals will get in the way. Are you going to be able to take that spike to my face, Ben? You going to be able to take a pipe, or a chair, or a fucking staple gun to my face? I don’t think you’ve got the balls. So when you have to make the choice, you falter. Just remember.”

“We offered you a way out.”

Luna slowly steps backwards, walking into the world beyond the streetlight. The bodies are all that remains. The light begins to flicker, and then it pops and everything goes dark.

“The Conspiracy is here.”

And then…




Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2024, 11:53:40 PM »
A darkened room is filled with a thin mist of smoke in what looks like a soft spotlight where a woman can be seen walking into in a white and silver hooded leather jacket with cutouts that criss cross down the arms.  It swings open slightly to reveal a black halter with denim covered legs disappearing into the darkness just out of the spotlight.  Reaching up, Sam Marlowe puts her hands on the edges of the hood to push it back allowing her long red curls to frame her face and she smiles into the camera that pulls back to reveal more of her as the spotlight begins to brighten, allowing for sparkles to surround her feet.  She stands there and tilts her head to the side.

“Alright peoples…” she begins before stopping and shaking her head.  “Y’all know that just don’t sound right in a southern accent.  Let’s do this my way.”

Sam shakes the hair out of her eyes and once more smiles at the camera.  “Hey y’all, hope your day is goin’ good.  I have to admit that this is a first for me considering that Ben over there is usually the one that is doing little introductions like this.”

Sam looks over to Ben who holds up a thumb with a “crack on Ginge”.  The lights flash on her feet as Sam begins to walk along the floor, her boots crunching on the broken glass of mirrors on the floor and walks to one that is still intact and smiles into it.

“Look at this image…the sweetheart of Sin City Wrestling,” offers Sam as she leans into the mirror with a smile and a face-like gesture of a peace sign.  She looks at the camera that is filming her reflection in the mirror.  Leaning back, she once more begins to speak.  “Who would have thought that someone like this,” she motions at her reflection, “would be considered dangerous.  I bet Luna never would have considered me as dangerous.  Just like all the other doubters in this company, I was the eyecandy, the babyface of the bombshells with nothing to recommend herself.  And when I started out, that was exactly what I was seen as.  Luna, I tell you that at the time “I” thought that  too.  But when it came to everyone else, I was not ready for the big time until I was older.  When I got a killer instinct.  I had to shatter this image that people saw about me.” 

Sam does a slight spin away from the mirror as it seems to explode on its own.  Her spin has her stop in front of another mirror, this time she pauses and watches as her hand pulls open the coat and peels it from her shoulders.  “Then there was the time I was considered as no threat to a champion that I was hand picked by THE bombshell world champion.  To be honest, she saw me as you probably see me Luna.  A nothing, no threat at all.  What she did though is that she underestimated me and my desire to finally step up into a championship that no one could deny I was worth.” 

Sam leans forward as if looking for that champion in the mirror but frowns slightly as if not seeing her.  Eyes flashing, she leans back once more and shakes her head.  “Mikah at the time was the inspiration for me to get into the mindset of wanting to beat someone so much but there was still the respect for that champion even though I beat her.  But that caused a small chink in my sweetness,” says Sam as she looks downward and takes a slow breath.  “After that win, I was still sweet but not as saccharine.  And I pulled the trigger on the next part of my career.”

A sharp crack is heard as Sam’s finger points at the mirror resembling a gun.  The tinkling of the mirror shards causes Sam to close her eyes and smile to herself.  Cracking one eye open, she looks over at Ben who is sitting quietly watching her, his eyes focused as Sam offers him a wink before she spins away once more only to pull up short in front of another mirror this time, focused on her reflection in the black halter and jeans.

“Hmmm then I lost the title and well most people would say that things went downhill from there.  And yeah for a while, it was depressing and my life wasn’t helping.  I was spreading myself too thin wrestling full time, full time masters student and involved with someone that kept my mind split.  Someone that separated me from what I loved to do,”  the image frowns and turns her head to the side as if trying to forget that time of her life.  “That is when I was given the opportunity as a contender to the bombshell roulette title.  And do you know what that opportunity did for me?  I gave me an edge.  Matches by definition that were dangerous.  Matches that I excelled at.  The spin of the wheel putting me in danger each time I stepped into the ring once I won that title.  It was chaotic but I loved it because of the thrill.  But I still was seen as the sweetheart of SCW.  So I was still not a threat to many.  But I learned quite a few things as the Roulette champion.  I learned to take pain and I learned how to make people suffer.  And I was good at it…”

Sam pulls back her hand and slips something on it.  Flexing her fingers in the glove, her hand flashes out and slams knuckles first into the mirror making shards flash and fall to the floor.  Sam leans down slowly to pick up a rather large piece of glass.  She looks into it, angling it to the camera to reveal only a piece of her image.  She picks up a second one and angles it another way which reveals a second image.

“I realize that you Luna are only going to be listening with a half an ear because you think you have broken me with your little attacks.  Do you realize that you haven’t really broken me because that pain is nothing to me.  See what pains me the most is that you have to put yourself in situations that really, you shouldn’t be,” Sam states, her voice dropping to a threatening timber that is almost a growl for a moment.  “I have been giving you a history lesson for only one reason Luna, because you need to understand something.  Ben spoke about controlled chaos and yes he and I are controlled chaos when it comes to this match…no this street fight at Blaze of Glory.  You have to worry about that but you also have something to think about as well.  Underneath this controlled chaos is something else entirely.  Ben didn’t talk about it because I think he was trying to not worry y’all too much before you will be stepping up to him and I.”

Sighing in almost sadness, Sam slowly runs the sharp edge of the mirror pieces along the halter, cutting into the leather and opening a pair of clawlike marks. 

“I heard Ben mention something about saying thank you to you Alexander and that amazed me.  Well the audacity of it did.  Do you realize that we don’t have to thank you for bringing out the monsters.  We don’t have to thank you for this need to obliterate you.  As a matter of fact, I believe that Ben did thank you already and here is my thanks too.  Thank you Alexander and thank you Luna, you have given us permission to step into the dark side that we rarely would step into.  Now that the thanks giving has been given, now the apologies need to happen.  It is time you apologized to us for making us want to destroy you…”

Sam stops as she looks over her shoulder to see a pair of mirrors with the images of Alexander Raven and Luna respectively being lit up by the overhead lighting.  She moves closer to the mirror where she glares at Luna before bringing the piece of broken mirror upwards.  Turning away from the mirror, a Luna cutout is standing with a smirking glare that is reflected in the mirror.  Swinging her glance from the reflection to the cutout, she moves closer and puts her arm over the shoulder of the cutout. 

“Luna, I want to apologize to you for what I am going to be doing in this match.  Seems like you want to play for blood…and like I keep saying, I’m your huckleberry.”  Sam brings the piece of mirror up and gently runs the razor sharp edge along the image which surprisingly leaves a bloody trail across the face of Luna.  “I am sooo sorry Luna about what I am fixin’ to do on Sunday.  I know that you are going to say that you are ready for it…welcome it I am sure.  Which means I am going to have to apologize for disappointing you with that too.  You won’t be ready for what I am going to do.  A street fight is just that, a fight.  No one can possibly be ready for what could happen.”  Sam chuckles darkly as she taps the edge of the glass on the nose of the cutout then pitches it at the mirror which cracks it.  Sam looks at it then at Luna’s image and then the mirror and points.

“Would you look at that Luna…ironic that the mirror is starting to crack like it is showing the start of cracks in your façade.  Yes…how ironic that it is something that I am going to take pleasure in exploiting,” says Sam as she walks through the broken glass to trace the crack on the mirror before breaking it in seeming anger.  Walking to the one beside it, she looks into the image of Alexander Raven.

“Oh Alex, I see you gloating about how you have driven Ben to these extremes by hurting those around him.  And I am sure you are just loving the fact that it has pained him enough to put him into a person that is not quite the Ben Jordan everyone has seen to date.  But you have to apologize to Luna for putting her into my sights because when you hurt Ben or our friend Jamie Dean, you gave me permission to add one more element to the street fight.”

“What would that be Ginge?” asks Ben in a threatening voice which only makes Sam smile with bad intentions. 

“You talked about controlled chaos darlin’ but I am going to see your controlled chaos and raise you uncontrolled rage at the fact that Alexander Raven and Luna has made us descend into a place that people would say are not where Ben Jordan or Sam Marlowe should even consider being.  As much as they talk a good game about it, little do they know that it is going to reach up and burn them when they least expect it.”  Sam reaches up and pushes the mirror over because she doesn’t want to see the smirk of the Raven cutout.  With the piece of glass still in her hand, she does a quick spin reaching out with it and severing the head from the cutout to leave it hanging by only a slim piece of paper.

Ben moves to stand beside Sam who is looking at the camera as it films the two of them reflected in a mirror.  Both have serious looks on their face.  Ben looks menacingly as he raises the metal and Sam leans an arm on his shoulder.  “I am sorry Alexander that this man right here is going to be beating you like a redheaded stepchild…” 

Ben’s lips curl into a sneer as he looks down at Sam who is looking at her fingernails.  “And Luna, I am sorry that Ginge here is going to kick your ‘arris all over the arena.”

The pair share a look and then turn back to the mirror as Ben points the pole at the glass sending it shattering as the room flashes back into darkness.   

The scene opens on a living room where a redhead is seen, her head leaning towards a man as they talk softly.  Behind the redhead, a man is seen leaning against the back of the couch she is sitting on.  The three of them look up as another redhead walks into the room and smiles at the man sitting on the couch.

“Colton, I didn’t know you were going to be here,” says Sam as she rushes over.  Colton and Cynthia Marlowe-Christopher stand.  Sam leans up to kiss Colton on the cheek as she turns to Cyn.  “Why didn’t tell me that he was coming Cyn?”

“Monty wanted it to be a surprise Sammi,” taunts Cyn who looks at her husband with a smirk that Sam doesn’t see.  “We wanted to talk to the two of you about something that I thought that Colton here would need to know.”

Sam’s eyes narrow as she recognizes the tone of Cyn’s words.  Looking between the two, she takes a breath.  “What are you talking about Cyn?  I don’t keep things from Colton.”

“Oh really, what about all of these images hmm?” says Cyn as she reaches down to pick up an envelope and then hands it to Colton.  She steps back allowing him to open it.  Pulling the pictures out that reveal what seems to be Sam and Ben Jordan in what appears to be compromising positions that draws a sharp gasp from Sam as Colton begins to slowly pick through them.  He looks up at Sam who has a look of surprise on her face.

“Got something to tell me Sam?” wonders Colton as Cyn moves towards Sam. 

“Camo, I swear, I have no clue what these are…” she says as she turns to her sister.  “Cyn?!?”

Cyn moves even closer then reaches up and brings her hand against the cheek of Sam angrily.  “How dare you Sam!  Lying to Colton like that.  I am sorry Colt..” begins Cyn as Sam staggers back, her hand going to her cheek.  Behind Cyn, Monty watches in interest as he can see the change in Sam as her eyes light up. 

“Cyn!” he calls as Sam lowers her hand and with a growl attempts to launch herself at Cyn who ducks behind Monty as Colton grabs her from behind to hold her back.  “What the good god damn are you doing?  Why would you do this and I know you have a reason.  Tell me!”

Sam again tries to get to Cyn who can’t see the smirk of Monty.  Colton gets in front of Sam and holds her back.  Over his shoulder, he call out to Monty and Cyn.  “Y’all better leave so I can calm Sammi down,” he states.

Cyn and Monty appear to look upset but when they turn to leave, the pair smile as Colton holds Sam by the shoulders as they talk softly.  Suddenly, Sam breaks the hold and storms off as Colton leans down to pick up the pile of pictures that had floated to the floor as the sound of a door slamming can be heard upstairs.