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Messages - MelanieGabrielle

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Climax Control Archives / Chapter 2: This Strange World
« on: October 06, 2017, 08:17:33 PM »
 Book 1: Reclaim
Chapter 2: This Strange World

Part 1: The vision (#NP: “Day of Night” from Silent Hill 2)
It felt like time was going slow for all the Magi-Blood in the world; that everyone’s heart was slowly beating to reflect what was going on. First it was the demi-gods dropping dead and then the battle where Anisim was brought back to the good side, then the timeline was screwed up. For Melanie, she knew that strange things were happening before her eyes. Ever since the rules were thrown out the window, it felt like she would always be on edge.

Melanie: What’s going on?

For the past day, it felt like Mel was in a fog; her head filled with the grey substance as she tried to go throughout her day.

Melanie: C’mon, focus.

It was getting hard for her to do anything by now.

Melanie: Maybe, I should sit.

Melanie opened the door to her office at Angel Corp. The whole building was silent minus for her footsteps. The noise time and time again would make Mel jump slightly.

Melanie: This hasn’t happened to me before.

Mel slipped into the chair and pressed the on switch for her PC.

PAT: Good morning Mrs.Devereux.

Melanie: Good morning PAT, we have some work to do. Could you please bring up the spread sheets from Rachel’s department?

PAT: One moment please.

Mel started now to feel a bit tired; she shook her head, trying to snap out of it. But slowly her vision started to blur out.

PAT: Your request has been approved.

Melanie: PAT call Sam! Emergency.

Mel’s vision turned black as she slipped.

Mel blinked her eyes and slowly opened them; the area she was in was pure white and her body was on whatever ground. Slowly Mel pulled herself up and started to look around. She was laying on flowers, the sky was white but not cloud white.

“Glad you’re awake.”

Mel looked to her left and saw the girl from the mirror.

Mel: You!

“Hello there, I guess you’re expecting answers; That’s why I summoned you here. I apologize the way I had to go about it.”

Mel: Who are you?

“I’m you, or well a younger you from the other timeline.”

Mel blinked in shock; she didn’t see this coming at all.

Mel: You’re me? Why are you here?

“To warn you; the timelines need to be fixed at all cost, yeah this seems like some Terminator ordeal but you know for us this is real. Do not trust Julia at all! She maybe an ally of your husband’s, but Athena was right. She had a hand in this, I’m not fully sure how though.”

Mel: But why a mirror?

“Simple, because mirrors are a powerful tool in craft. You know this.”

Mel nodded in agreement; She did know this and slowly she got up and walked over to herself.

Melanie: What do I have to do?

“Reverse the curse.”

Mel: Curse?!

The younger Mel nodded.

Mel: How?

“I can’t say sadly…time’s up.”

Mel’s vision once again blurred out.

Sam: Mel!?

Mel: Sam?

Mel opened her eyes and saw her husband above her.

Mel: A curse…

And that was the last thing she said before passing out.

Part 2: Time and Time again (#NP: “Kiss from a rose” cover by: The Northern Kings)
Melanie sat back and looked up towards the sky. The woman was at her home in Denmark, trying to figure out a plan for everything that has been going on. But she knew that her mind was bugging her about her match. Mel knew this was a chance to get more gold.

Melanie: The Bombshell Roulette Championship, the title that boost me into a star here at SCW. Once again I get a shot to get it back; I know that any type of match can happen and, I’ve seen the craziest like my barbwire ladder match, to a mud match to really anything. I know that this championship is very important to me. I’d do anything to get it back, including a gauntlet match. Ah, wouldn’t be the first time I’d go out to the ring and survive it.

Survival, that’s the word that you need in these types of matches. Expecting the unexpected because once that wheel stops, you need to survive.  I can’t wait to see what stops on but regardless, I know I’ll have two opponents. The first being whatever this match is and my true opponent. My good friend Samantha Marlowe, so this should be very interesting.

I can say that Sam deserves to be a champion; I’ve saw her rise, fall, beat the odds and, even fall to them. She’s worked so damn hard to get where she is now. Finally, I've set out to achieve what I wanted. I managed to overcome the odds, turn my luck around and avenge my previous loss. It takes a lot for someone to admit that she once was overcome with failure but she's gone ahead and turned the tables. Phew. I do feel far better now that I am through the contendership. Of course, that the pressure is on. That same pressure can significant harm a person's mentality but if there is one woman on this earth that can cope with it all, then it's yours truly.

But now, it comes down to Sam... what a fighter. Honestly, it's been some time since I've faced a woman of such strength. She is powerful and she is fierce. Very few in this business really fit into the same mold as Sam does so I do respect her for that.

I do perceive you to be a threat and I certainly won't fall into the trap of not taking you seriously. I have seen plenty of others do that and they certainly have paid but me? I appreciate your talents, Sam...with the level of determination I have within me, a loss just won't be acceptable.

I mean no disrespect to Sam because she is someone who clearly has passion and fight left within her. She doesn't quit and whether you respect her attitude or not, you do have to approve of her level of technique and in-ring skill. This is not a tactic that necessarily works in the favor of many but I am a veteran. I have been in this business long enough to understand the mentality of others. However, I sense in Sam a mentality... she is smart, she's is strong but she is punching above her weight at this point. Me, on the other hand? I am a former and even current multi-time champion and one of the few two-time Hall of Famers in the wrestling. I am therefore someone who is living proof that she can achieve precisely what she sets out to. I will therefore refuse to allow you to stand in my way.

I have no personal issues with you now, Sam, but you are standing in my way and I'm sure you can agree that is enough to want to push myself forward now more so than ever. I am perhaps known for my high levels of determination and I often refuse to give less than my absolute all. However, it's true that not everything has quite worked in my favor but on this occasion, I will not allow anybody to stand in my way. Currently, you are that target, Sam. You will perhaps feel as though I am over-thinking this and that I am perhaps even desperate on this occasion but I disagree. This is sheer determination. This is legitimate fire. Sam, I wish you tons of luck.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 1: The start
« on: September 15, 2017, 09:02:06 PM »
 Book 1: Tales of the Magi-Blood
Chapter 1: The start

Part 1: Days of future’s past-Athena (#NP: “Shadows of Valhalla” from Final Fantasy XIII-2)
“I love my daughter Athena; that wasn’t a question at all. When I found out that Athena or as well call her Athena, the older had came back from thirteen years in the future, I was shocked. I knew that the timelines were mixed up, but for the next generation of Magi-Blood to pull a Terminator was the final nail for us. We all knew that we needed to fix this.”
“Welcome to Future Denmark, the world had broke out into a war and the mortals could never see it. Really the timelines had split into two, one for the mortals, the one for the Magi-Blood. Now though, it has changed, now there are three. One for the mortals, one for us and the merger. Ah yes, the merger, that was the one I was going to go to soon. My mission was to bring back both Alexander Rosangela and anyone who caused this.

Athena heard her footsteps echoed as she walked into what was her home in Denmark, the castle stood tall but was showing age. It had been too long since the Magi-Blood like Melanie, Lucy, Uri and Sam had been around. Lucy was in Russia, holding down the bases there. Many of the Magi-Blood were either fighting, dead or in hiding. Melanie was in a coma, Sam was on the front lines leading the Danish Army. Uri was keeping many of the children and the demi-Magi-Bloods safe in France.

“Welcome back!”

Sitting in front of a supercomputer, was Athena’s cousin Killian, he was the son of Rachel and Claude. His red hair and brown colour eyes shined from the computer. Athena shut the door behind her and rested her Mother’s guns on the table.

Athena: Thanks Killian, so you figured out the spell or ritual yet?

Killian: Yeah actually I did! You sure you want to do this?

Athena nodded at him. She was certain at this point.

Athena: I’m certain.

Killian: Supreme Princess, you need to be sure. You won’t be able to come back most likely.

Athena: I know Killian, I know. But if I don’t do this, Alexander is going to wreck the timelines and I’m not sure what’ll happen! We all could be dead if he wins. I need to go back and fix this. You know I’m the only one right now that can do this. I need Gunnar to stay here and watch over everything.

Killian got up and grabbed his book bag and slung it over his shoulder. The two of them walk out of the room and they knew they’d have to go to courtyard and hopefully no one would end up messing this up. When the two of them made it up, the night sky was showing and the two of them knew it was a good sign.

Athena: Kil, anything I can do?

Killian: Just invoke Hel.

“Hel, the Norse Goddess of the Underworld and one of Loki’s children, she is where I get my powers from. From a young age, I could feel death and that alone was scary.”

Killian took out five candles and started to set them up around Athena. He was starting to feel very nervous already. He hasn’t even spoke one word and he could feel the shift. Athena felt it quicker but she had her eyes closed. Her body started to tingle and bit as black flames gather from below her.

Killian: Athena, ready when you are.

“I am ready.”

He blinked as he heard both Hel and Athena speak as one.

Athena: It’s going to rain…

Killian: Oh damn it.

Killian quickly picked up the book from the bag and the black flames lit the candles quickly. Normally they would end up lighting them to summon the elements but Hel herself took charge. Killian stood back a bit and the rain started to pelt down on them.

“Hurry! Something wicked is coming!”

Athena: Killian! Do the incant! Hurry up damn it!

The wind roared to life and it sounded like something was dying. Athena kept herself grounded while Killian jumped from the unexpected noise.

Killian: Alright! Hear me o’faiths!
Grant me my wish,
I ask of thee three to harken my call,
Allow us to be able to restore your order!
Send my Sister through time,
So mote it be!

The sound of thunder shook the ground and Killian turned around slowly. Athena could see a portal open in front of her. Killian could see an ice dragon looking down at him.

Killian: Go!

Athena: What about you!?

Killian: I’ll be fine!

Athena nodded and jumped into the portal. The bright light overwhelmed Athena and her screamed echoed around her. Suddenly a bolt of thunder struck down and Athena’s body crashed.

Part 2: Glory -Mel (#NP: “Feel Invincible” by: Skillet)
“My wife, oh my wife. The one who saved me and the one I will always stand by, I could tell in her eyes that the war was slowly making her tired. My wife, Melanie would continue to fight even if it means risking whatever she could. That was always her though, she’d do anything for her family and the Magi-Bloods…I just wish I could do more for her.”

It was after the most recent Overload for UWF and a smile was on Melanie’s face. Her and her friend Bjnor had won APW tag belts. The belts that Mel had created and that made all the difference.

Mel: Good job out there big guy; I know Phe’s going to be very happy with you.

Bjnor Gunnar smiled at his tag partner. The man had won the APW Ascension Championship at the Pay-Per-View.

Bjnor: Thank you Mel, I know she will be and I just want her to be happy. We did well out there. So I heard you got a tag championship opportunity at SCW this week too.

Mel: Yes, with Athena. It would be cool if I could win this with her.

Bjnor let out a chuckle.

Bjnor: It would also be cool if we took all the championships here.

Mel: Yeah, I agree.

Phoebe, Mel’s triplet ran over to them and into Bjnor’s arms. Mel couldn’t help but to smile at the couple. She knew that they should be together, Thor and Freya.

Phe: Hello Babe; you did so good out there.

Mel then rolled her eyes hearing the tone of her sister.

Mel: Have fun you two.

Mel had turned on her heels and started to walk away. She didn’t need to see or hear the rest of that; they’d have their fun and Mel, well she had other things on her mind. To Mel, the rest of the world started to black out around her.

Melanie: When will I get to have something like that?

She had muttered that. It wasn’t she wasn’t happy with her marriage but just with everything going on, it made her feel so tired. Her body switched to autopilot as it walked down the hallway.

Melanie: When will all of this be over? I just want to be with Sam and raise my kids.

Mel’s body started to slump down a wall.

Sam: Melanie?

Melanie: Sam?

She snapped out of her trance and looked up at him. Sam walked over to her and slid down. He took her into his arms and Mel could hear his heart beat.

Mel: Where am I?

Sam: You’re backstage still…you alright?

Mel: I think so…Jesus, I feel like I just lost myself.

Sam: Shhh,I’m here, I promise you’ll be okay.

Mel smiled and kissed his chin lightly.

Sam: That tickles.

Mel: Yeah.

Sam: So Athena told me how she got here.

Mel: Oh yeah?

Sam: A powerful spell, I guess Killian had help her.

Mel: Makes sense.

Sam: Yeah…so…the kids are going to be with Uri and Deabs.

Mel looked up at him and could see him smirking. Mel smirked back and bowed her head. Sam reached into his pocket and grabbed Mel’s necklace. He placed it on her and she smiled. She looked back up at him.

Sam: No matter what happens, I’m always here for you. I love you so much and I wish I could do something more for you. It hurts me so much to feel that I can’t do really much more. Just Melanie, tell me please.

Mel: You’re doing enough Sam, please don’t feel that you’re not.

Sam: I don’t want you to take the burden of all this alone. You’re not alone Mel.

Mel felt her eyes tear up as his lips laid on hers.

Sam: Jeg Elsker Dig.

Melanie: I love you too, please take me home?

Sam nodded and snapped his fingers.

Part 3: When it hits the fan. (#NP: “By The Sword In My Hand” by: Tyr)
“In times of war, sometimes we need to not take action. At times we needed to plan out what our choices would be. For me, I would do anything to keep my family safe. For Athena, she would do anything to restore the timeline…for Melanie, she do anything to keep our people safe. But for now, they knew their match was coming up soon and, Samuel here would make sure no one would mess their chance up.”
It was one of those days that if you were to cross a Magi-Blood you’d end up in a possibly startling them. It was tense enough you could feel it in the air; the magick was there and it felt like a war was about to break out. It was close to midnight and the Devereuxs were out and about. Sam was up ahead of his wife and daughter, making sure that an ambush wasn’t about to happen. Athena was back several yards to cover the rear while Melanie was somewhere in the center of the two. Her guns drawn out to keep the sides clear.

Sam: We’re clear!

Athena: Clear!

Melanie: Triple clear.

Both Sam and Athena ran over to where Mel was at. Nature was around them and it was silent more than it maybe should have been. Mel tossed down the bag and nodded at Sam. Athena turned to Mel.

Melaine: You know it feels nice to have a belt already on top of a contendership and now a chance for the Angel Clan to get back SCW Bombshell Tag Team Championships. Of course Mark and Christian would end up giving a challenge. We have us, London Underground, Metal & Punk Connection, Heavy Metal Mania, Kate Steele and Cynthia Warren and, The Fallen. All good stuff but we all know only one team can win.

Athena: I know a lot of these women are going to think just because I’m new, it doesn’t mean that I can’t hold my own up in this match. I’m a woman who is just as good as the next and, knows how to fight. This business is my birthright, I’m a second generation and don’t forget it. I’ll enjoy seeing what you all are going to want to say about me. Let me say this, I come from a timeline where words don’t mean anything and actions are the key.

Sam grabbed the backpack and started to dig through the content of it while the two ladies continued on with their talk.

Melanie: The Fallen, glad to see you here. I’ve missed you so badly and also thanks for the maternity clothing as well. It had been long ago when originally faced off but it was with Lucy. I’ve grown so much and now I’m ready to face you both again. I do have a lot to prove for this match. Yes you two are my friends but, as you know, I need to win this match. However, I plan on doing it with honor.

You both know how I am in the ring. You know that even though the four of us are different from the rest of the teams; we both know what’s at stake and, we know once we hit the ring, things are different. We’re going to fight to get the win and I wouldn’t have that any other way.

Athena: Hi Raynin, Gothika, I hope you’re doing well. I know you’re thinking this is strange. But we’re not normal people are we? I know you all are still in shock and yeah I am too. Yet for you both, this shouldn’t be a surprise. You know, timelines are a bitch in an half. Must say, I’m interested in what you two are going to do in this match.

I know to expect the unexpected; I know you two also will do some crazy stuff like we will. I know to watch my back and my Mother’s. They say family is the best for tag matches and we know this. But this time around we’ll see who has the stronger bond.

Both Mel and Athena smile at each other and see Sam walking over to the place where he needed to be. The Mother-Daughter team, didn’t ask any questions; they trusted him but, Athena had a strange feeling with what he was doing. Athena though didn’t bring it up.

Melanie: Kate and Cynthia. Hi! How are you two? Oh I already know you two want me dead and, you both do hate me. Yeah, I can’t blame you thought. I mean how many times I have faced you ladies and your family and won? Honestly too many times to remember, a lot. I know you guys are going to be gunning for me. That’s fine but just know that I’m not alone. I have my daughter with me and she is just as sharp as I am. I know you’re angry, and I know you want vengeance. I just wonder how you’ll do it though.

Will you do it in cold blood? Or maybe just try to make a fool of me. Either way ladies, no way in Hel, you’ll be able to pull one over us. Though, you know my family does respect you both for what you’ve done in your careers. I can’t wait to see if you can outshine us both.

Athena: You two are annoying, sorry to say, I’m not that impressed. I look forward to taking you both down. Just because we respect you, doesn’t mean I have to like you. I know how to take care of business and don’t forget that. I’m the youngest in the ring for this match and I’m going to do what I can to help with this match for the Angel Clan.

When I see you two, I think about how people end up backstabbing one another. I mean Kate didn’t you break Cyndi’s arm a long time ago? Funny how people tend to forgive each other like this. I learn to not forgive that easy and, if you want forgiveness, you got to do something big. I guess maybe this is your big moment for it. Try to win the championships, but if you do, my question is, will you fail?

Melanie watched as Sam started placing candles around the area. She could feel the wind shifting in the air and it felt strange, more like dark. It caused Mel to blink and she could tell that Athena felt it as well. Mel cleared her throat and continued on.

Melanie: Heavy Metal Mania, these women have been known to be crazy. I mean I took down Twisted Sister, myself and no one expected that. They all thought I was going to lose. I’m wondering what you two will do to win the belts. I mean I bet you two “aren’t gonna take it anymore”. I can see the look in your eyes and you both want gold. We all do and we all want more.

Knowing your past though, you do go to extremely lengths to win. But if you do, then you’ll end up losing. Oh and don’t worry about me and Athena. My daughter can take care of herself. People apparently don’t know this family as much as they should. I’d watch for that because, that’ll be your swan song.

Athena: Twisted Sister and Iron Maiden…two good bands and two good fighters in the ring. We’re going to see a battle of the bands with these two and PMC in the ring. Oh yeah, that’s going to be super crazy just like my world. Ladies, you can try to make us “run to the hills” but we’re not. We’re going to face you both head on.

If that’s one thing I know about our family is we do not run from a fight. I’ve seen wars, I’ve fought in many and, if you don’t get out onto that stage and rock out, I’ll make sure to steal the show. Sorry ladies, in this match, no time for an encore. You only get one shot and there are plenty of acts that want to make the crowd scream so loud and win the award for the best gig.

Sam had taken a book out of the bag now and sat by the edge. Athena felt herself shaking and Mel for a moment heard the words “It’s going to rain” coming from Athena’s mouth. Mel was taken aback by this, she knew what it was going to happen.

Melanie: PMC, glad to see you two are still around. Jessie and Amy, I’ve always enjoyed watching you two in the ring. Jessie, you’re still a good friend of mine and, I’m happy that you’ve grown over the time I’ve known you. Honestly, I’m excited to face both you and Amy in this match. PMC is one of those tag-teams you just can’t hate. They’re always bringing something new to the table and that I do appreciate.

Amy’s a Hall of Famer like myself, Amy really deserves it! I’m impressed with all she has done. Thank you Amy, for paving the way for my family and I to come to SCW and help improve the division. It does mean a lot that you’ve opened doors for us all. I can say the same to people like Misty, Vixen and Roxi Johnson and every female past and present. For this match, it’s going to be great.

Athena: And Aunt Jessie kicks ass! What I used to watch the footage in my timeline but now I get to face her and Amy. Hell yes! Mom talked about Amy, so I’ll talk about Jessie. Honestly Jessie is the definition of metal. You can always see her in the back blasting something metal, she dresses it, she eats, breaths and sleeps it. Not only that, you see it in her move set. Jessie’s someone that you should look up to.

I’m happy to be able to be part of this match, I get to learn so much from so many different teams and from one of the best. I can promise Jessie, Amy, that I’m going to give you one hell of a punk and mental fight. Yeah, that was cheesy but I get points for trying. Really I wish you ladies luck and please show me some strong style.

The world suddenly went silent for a moment.

Melanie: Finally London Unground…A bad Mother? Hm…in your eyes but you ladies don’t know the whole story. Pity but what am I going to do about it. Let me try to explain a few things, the Magi-Blood isn’t a thing like Harry Potter. I don’t think JK Rollins could even comprehend what we are. Here at SCW, we’re a family that has a legacy; just like every place else we’ve been at. Athena here wants to be a part of that and, it’s fine. As much as I was worried about it, you can’t hold your family back like that.

I’ve done a lot in my time and, I’ve heard a lot of shit talk. This stuff doesn’t surprise me nor will it ever. I’m going to come to the match and show you why I’m one of the best here, why the Clan is one of the best tag teams. I’ve wanted to team with Athena for a while now and, I get the chance. I can tell Athena wants to say something.

Athena: I bet you two are good in the ring but you two already annoy me. Let me explain something. In this year I’m only supposed to be about five years old. In this body, I’m actually eighteen and I’m leading the Magi-Blood in my originally timeline. I’m more than capable of fighting you two and the rest of the teams in the ring, sure I maybe the lightest of everyone but that isn’t going to stop me. I’ve gotten the best training I could ever ask for.

I’m more well rounded than anyone would expect it. Ladies, I’m small, I get that but size doesn’t matter nor weight, it’s the heart and soul of fighter. I have that just like the rest of my family. My Family, my friends, my mentors are all in the wrestling world and, I can say this. When I got here, Mother here didn’t want me in the ring. She wanted not to be, she was apprehensive about letting me. In this form, I’m an adult. I can make my own choices and, I don’t need my Mother keeping me safe. So, bring it. Show me what you got.

Sam cleared his throat and the women turn to him. A smirk was on his face as he held a lighter in his left hand. Both Mel and Athena walk over to him and they faced a lake. It was big, deep and dark. Mel took Sam’s hand in hers and her eyes show worried.

Mel: Are you sure this is what we should do?

Sam: Yeah, I promise we’ll be okay.

Athena: I don’t trust demons.

Mel: Your Uncle is one.

Sam gulped at what his daughter had just said.

Athena: Yeah, I know, so is Dad.

Sam did smile at that.

Melanie: Alright Sam, go for it.

Both Mel and Athena looked at the candles in front of the lake; They both trusted what Sam was about to do. He threw the lighter down and all the candles at once lit up like stars. Mel and Athena looked at each other and Sam started to chant something in Latin. Neither of them would try to translate it. They knew the rules on that. Sam’s eye turned red and then the water started to dance up in a spiral.

Athena: Fucking hell!

Mel: What the?! Sam, what’s going on?

Sam: Don’t be afraid, I promise she won’t harm you.


The water had stopped and formed a female body. The water violently crashed back down and standing in front of the three was a woman. Her eyes as black as the night sky, short brown hair and milk colour skin showed. Athena took out her gunblad and pointed it at the demon.

Sam: Athena what are you doing?!

Athena: She’s one of the reasons why the timeline is screwed up!

Sam: Julia…

Standing in front of them was Julia, Sam’s demon mentor, guardian and servant…

Supercard Archives / KATE S. v AMY-JAYNE v VERONICA v MELANIE G
« on: September 01, 2017, 11:01:21 PM »
 Book 1: Reclaim
Chapter 1: Here we go.

Part 1: The offer (#NP: “Welcome to my house” by: Flo Rida)
Melanie had a call from her younger sister Phoebe about someone by the name Ashton Jensen wanting to meet with her about something. It was interesting to say the least, Melanie of course went to see what Mr.Jensen wanted to talk about. Maybe it was a new lead, maybe it was a new job opportunity. But regardless, something just told Mel to meet this man.

Athena (older): Are you sure we should do this?

Mel nodded.

Melanie: Yeah, we might find out something. This is important; you know Athena, we need to listen and learn.

Athena: It’s interesting, Mother, I’m wondering what it is.

Melanie: Turn here, hopefully something worth our time.

Athena: We don’t have time for this non-sense. We need to hurry and fix the time line.

Mel sighed and nodded. She looked over at her daughter and bit her lip.

Athena: What was that place about?

Mel: What place?

Athena: The mirror.

Mel blinked and sat up.

“A lot of people in the wrestling world have wondered where the Magi-Blood have been for over six months. Well I can tell you this; we have been at war trying to restore our timeline. As the mortals, such as yourselves live your lives carefree, our timeline has been affected by three people:

The first being Alexander Rosangela, the father to the Rosangela twins Rachel and Raphael. After years of him being dead, somehow he was able to break thru death and caused the timeline. I haven’t asked Athena why or how this could happened.

The other two are the Lajoies, Stefan and his wife Tanja. Stefan, being the asshole we know him as basically did what Alexander did and took Tanja with him. I’m still pissed off at them for this because the dead…should always stay dead.

Athena, my oldest daughter…took a risk to come back through time to help us fix all of this. Kinda think like Kyle Reece from the Terminator. I’ll let her tell her story, it’s not my place even as the first born. Right now though, we have to restore our timeline before it kills the Magi-Blood.

Time and time magick… I had made the rule that it is forbidden to use any sort of time magick, if anyone were to, they would end up on trial and most likely put to death. I know, the rule sounds harsh but it is necessary and that’s why Chaos and Cosmos created the time and fate deities. Time should never be altered or messed with under any reason.

And now…

Well, I guess you can say, it’s our time to come back.

Aug.8th, 2017, 9:52 pm est



The loud scream of Melanie Gabrielle echoed through the night as she fell through a rooftop in London, England. It was supposed to be a simple mission that would give out info on the location of Alexander Rosangela. Originally Lucy and Maxim would have done this but they were hunting the Anti-Magi-Blood army that Alexander was building.

In the dark building, Mel fell about three stories and shockingly wasn’t knocked out. The hood of her cloak came down as her hair fell out as well. The tied up hair was brushed to the side and slowly Mel got up. She let out a loud cough and shake her head to gain a grasp of what happened.

Melanie: Son of a bitch.

She hissed and looked up, the night sky was had stars shining brightly. Mel slowly looked around and the home was abandon. Cobwebs stood out in the darkness like cigarette smoke. Mel walked a few steps and turned on her flashlight app; the light illuminated the place.

Mel: Whoa…where am I?

Mel suddenly felt a flash of cold cross through her body as she started to look around. Mel was going to take her time and see what this place was persay. She could feel that something was around the area, it was freezing cold and it shouldn’t be. It was about 80*F out and it felt like 32*F inside and, no air conditioning was going on.

Melanie: What in the name of Odin is going on here?

Mel pulled her cloak closer to her body to conserve heat. Her footsteps echoed as she slowly trekked through the home.

Melanie: What? What’s calling to me?

Mel felt something calling out to her; amongst the cold and darkness, Mel knew it was magick and she knew any Magi-Blood would be able to tell what it was off the bat.

Mel: Water?


Mel felt the floor fall below her and quickly she grabbed onto floorboards. Mel looked down and saw a dark abyss and then she looked up to see her phone a few feet away. Mel started to pull herself up slowly, she knew she’d have to check her hands for splinters. When Mel got herself back up, she put her hand out and the phone slipped back into her palm.

Mel: It’s too unstable in here.

Mel shined her phone into the hole and she could see it reflecting it back.

Mel: Water.

Mel turned off the flashlight and went to her home screen.

Mel: PAT online.

PAT: Good Evening Mrs.Devereux, how may I help you?

Mel: Call my husband.

Mel could hear the dial tone and the click.

Sam: Mel?

Mel: I’m in London, Sam, I feel through the roof and something is pulling me towards something. I mean I almost fell through another hole and I see water in what I’m guessing is the basement.

Sam: Okay, just leave a marker and teleport home…I don’t think it’s safe there, especially if you’re feeling pull like that.

Mel: Okay.


Melanie: Yeah, I have no idea to be honest with you.

Athena: I think it has to do with the time stream.

Melanie: That’s what your Aunt was saying.

August 15,2017
“Well ain’t that a bitch.”

Whenever anyone hears that from a Magi-Blood’s mouth, you know something big just happened. This time around it was in the same house in London that Mel had found by accident. Rachel, Michelle and Melanie were there now and, they were in front of a mirror in the basement.

Michelle: You did the right thing, Mel. Someone was using this as a conductor.

For those who don’t understand what Michelle meant, water as an element in magick, can be used a conductor. It can be used for water magick, anything to do with scurrying and visions, also for spirits to use as an energy source.

Rachel: Why didn’t I know about this sooner?!

Melanie: Rei, calm down, I’m not even sure. Maybe this is all new?

Michelle: It can’t be, I have to say that this has been here for a few years now.

Both Mel and Rachel looked at the eldest of the siblings.

Rachel: How? Wouldn’t you have been able to sense it?

Michelle: Neptune would have been better for that. I mean she has the mirror.

Melanie: I thought you had Neptune’s mirror.

Michelle: I have basically a copy of it, just with lesser power.

Rachel: But anyways what the hell is this?

Rachel pointed to the mirror.

Michelle: That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I really just get an uneasy feeling, I’m not sure if this place is haunted by bad spirits or if someone corrupted the place or…whatever else. I’m sorry ladies, I’m really trying my best.

Mel: We know Chelle; thank you.

Rachel: I think maybe we should try a spell or at least light a water spell.

Mel: What do you think Chelle?

Michelle: We should try a candle at first; see how it’ll react.

Michelle took out a blue candle and a lighter from her pocket. Michelle focused on the candle, trying to put her energy into it.

Michelle: Water, element of the vision, I ask of thee to asset in my quest. Reveal the past to me!

She lit the candle and a loud rushing of water could be heard, echoing through the basement. Mel and Rachel look around and the room starts to light up and the mirror…the mirror starts to show something in it. The three ladies walk toward it and they could see a little girl in front of it.

Rachel: Who is this?

They saw a small girl, big grey eyes and brown colour hair.

Mel: This…this feels so off.

Mel started to feel a bunch of anxiety, the girl was starting to be very unsettling to her. Her breathing picked up hard and she wanted to run. It just felt like she was staring at herself.

Rachel: Melanie?

Mel didn’t answer her and the little girl’s eyes turn red. Mel stumbled back and fell into the water. Mel’s body didn’t move; she was in shock from all of this.

“Why does she look so familiar to me?”

Michelle and Rachel pulled Mel up and the blue candle put itself out. The little girl in the mirror vanished and the room returned to being dark.

Athena: Please just be careful, I feel like whatever this is, it might be an omen, I mean the demi-bloods are being targeted.

Melanie: Yeah, I know…

Athena parked the car and suddenly rain started to come down hard.

Part 2: Prelude to a storm (#NP: “Judas” by: Fozzy)
A computer screen was bright amongst the dark room. Melanie was typing quickly on a keyboard as her eyes glanced down to a book. She smiled as she stopped and hit the save button. Her chair flew back and she walked around the desk.

Melanie: Hm…I get a contendership shot for the first title I captured here at SCW. The Bombshell Roulette Championship…do you know what that means? I can let my hair down and actually show you all why my training has paid off. I know with a spin of a wheel, someone’s fate will be made. I would keep your eyes on me at all times. If you don’t, you’ll feel the wrath of the Norns.

Life still hasn't been particularly easy. I've been able to get through most of it, as usual. I can survive them all and overcome them. I am proof of that but that makes me wander why Amy Jayne cannot quite seem to overcome her own negativity and the issues standing in his way? Sure, she may be struggling to get through the day and will soon pay for it. She is gradually on the decline and has nobody to blame but himself. He'll learn that he must always remain at his best. That is what I've done, at least. I've fought my way through any issues.

Amy - your confidence is unmistakable and I applaud you for it. Through it all, you don't allow that confidence to become penetrated and while, on occasion, it's smart to accept your weaknesses, it is still admirable. The issue is, Amy, that you don't see the reality of the situation. You are borderline desperate and you can attempt to talk that down and claim that you're not - but you are. I am a perceptive man I can see that within you. You are hiding that desperation and claiming that you are on track. You are not.  You are on the decline and one victory in amongst a bunch of losses does not automatically qualify you to succeed when the pressure mounts. Therefore, that victory was not the pinnacle of your career. A victory over me will catapult you to new heights.

I'll never say that you don't deserve to be a champion because it's clear that you are supposed to be a champion in this industry but the Championship shall forever elude you as long as I am alive and breathing. After all, if you cannot defeat me when you are at your greatest - when you are mentally tough, strong and physically prepared - then you will certainly not defeat me when you are struggling. Do you understand the logic of that statement, Amy? It is an incredibly straight-forward concept. If nobody can defeat me, least of all you when you are on point, when you are weakened, why would you suddenly be able to do the impossible?

That's not a riddle. It's a simple and clear point. Hope is not going to be your savior here, Amy. I do believe in you and trust you to issue me with the sort of challenge that I continually crave. However, success will elude you and I will remain the thorn in your side. It's a shame you do not see it yet. You will but it will be far too late for you to be able to make that almighty comeback that you will be desperate for. You will crave it but it will elude you - much like the Bombshell Roulette Championship has. That's something you're just going to have to accept and the sooner you do, the sooner you will be able to work your way back up.

So don't get your hopes up. After all, when you do, you'll only suffer disappointment and misery. The moment in which you don't succeed and are handed another loss at my hands, you will only start to hurt yourself. You will no longer be able to cope with the pain and suffering that comes with the bitter failure and you will once again sabotage yourself. Consider this to be a warning, Amy. You can save yourself now but your stubborn nature will tear you down - that is, after I have.

I'm not entirely certain how to start this particular scene. What can I possibly say on the matter? Of course, I am angry and while Veronica believes that it will hinder me, I disagree. That is not the case. If anything, I am far more fired up than ever before - if that is possible. That self-confidence that Veronica has for herself is going to destroy him slowly but surely but at this point.

... however, I am focused on everyone and that includes Veronica. I can't afford another loss so I will refuse to accept one this week, particularly to a woman of Veronica's weakness. She is not a competent athlete compared to the abundance of impressive stars I have faced and defeated prior to now. She is the kind of woman who claims to be successful and one of the most aggressive women around but when all is said and done, she fails tremendously and she is going to yet again. I can state that with confidence because regardless of the blemish on my record now, I am not letting it effect me the way many believe it will. I am not going to hesitate to step up and hurt whoever stands in my way in the name of redemption.

Destroying Veronica this week is just the start of my climb back to the top. I will tear through her with a great deal of anger and aggression boiling within me and I will hurt her. I will destroy her. I will tear her apart. To you, that may appear to be nothing more than an empty threat. It is not. Veronica - I believe you to be an intelligent man albeit a delusional one so it is hard to perceive whether you will take me seriously or not. However, given your inability to take opponents seriously in the past, regardless of their ongoing success, you will not understand what is ahead of you. I always understand what is ahead of me, that is why I've continued to stand tall since day one.

Veronica - this may not necessarily be a personal battle for you but it certainly is for me. This is about payback, redemption and vengeance. You are standing in my way of climbing back to the top and showing that I haven't lost anything - other than the championships. That doesn't mean for one moment that I am any less of an athlete for that. My aggression, my anger, my frustration will all come out at once and it will be at your expense, Veronica...

I have no issues with you, Kate. However, I sense some tension, considering your rather abrupt attitude heading into our battle this week. You are certainly straight to the point and your arguments do indeed make sense. Having said that, they do not provide me with enough of a reason to really worry. I appreciate the attempt, of course, but I have faced men very similar to you in the past - the sort who believe they are owed the world when in reality, they have plenty more to work towards. You are yet to really make your mark here, Kate. You're right - this could be your chance. This will, however, be the toughest match of your career...

I can say that with confidence, Kate. I happen to be a fan of yours, therefore, I'm well aware of your history in this business. I have seen the matches you have competed in and I am impressed. You have one of those rare combinations of speed, strength and submission maneuvers - similar to myself, I suppose. In addition to that, you and I both have that hardcore edge and somewhat of an insatiable bloodlust. In a strange way, we have more in common than most would perhaps expect but this is not about making friends - it is about winning a match and one of the most important matches.

Kate, I respect your abilities and I even feel as though you are being underestimated by others. I have seen just how phenomenal you are in the ring. I have nothing more than that admiration for you but at the same time, I have plenty of determination and confidence within myself. That means that while I appreciate the inevitable fight that you will bring me, I am not scared. I am not worried about what awaits me as I'm well aware of what that is. It can be claimed that I have potentially overlooked many of my opponents in the past, that will not be the case this week.

I see greatness within you but Kate - I am no pushover. Instead, I can be your worst nightmare. I can be a woman who rips you to shreds, hurts you and forces you to suffer. You may not take these threats seriously - while you're a smart woman, you just don't appear to be the type to really listen to these sorts of things. You want to just believe your own hype.

In a hardcore environment like this, you're right - this is precisely where I feel most comfortable but that's not to say that I don't doubt your talent. Just because I am more well known for being a hardcore athlete, I am not making the mistake of underestimating you - I wouldn't possible. So Kate, I can assure you that I am taking this very seriously. You are an incredibly impressive athlete but it seems as though that confidence doesn't always translate into success. You are a prime example of that, Kate. You have done well - it's just not been anywhere near enough.

Ladies, time to step up, because I want this contendership and the belt. Good luck…

Fade to black.

Supercard Archives / The Angel Clan Vs Team Technicolor
« on: July 29, 2016, 09:45:29 PM »
 Out on the cruiseship Lucy and Uri were watching the stars go by. Uri's face had a smile on it whule Lucy's hair covered her expression. Lucy was grateful that the bosses had got her blood for the trip. They knew that Lucy would have fed already but didn't want to take a chance.

Uri: Since I have came to SCW this has happened. A win by DQ from a weapin shot. Team Technicolor, I promise we walk out the winners. We threw down the challenge and you both rose. But the Angel Clan will keep these belts. We are going to work as hard as we can to break the record. We started the revolution and we will lead it.

Lucy: People have doubted us our whole lives. We worked to get where we are at. I promise that you will get a challenge. You can try to take the belts but no amount of cheating will make you worthy. We are the judges and it's our game. Good luck!

Fade to black

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 18: Sing the last goodbye
« on: April 29, 2016, 07:42:12 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 18: Sing the last goodbye
~Part 1: Blast from the future (#NP: “Back for More” by: Five Finger Death Punch)~
“Since the fall or what I thought was the fall of Corruption, the magi-blood world wasn’t at peace like I wished it was. Now the rise of Alexander Rosangela has happened and that spells trouble for us all. Alexander Rosangela, Father to Rachel and Raphael has suddenly come back from the dead. Ever since then the rules have changed! People from our past are coming back from the dead and hell even time traveling. Yes our own taboo against time traveling has been broken. Right now my allies and I are trying to fix this mess. Little did I know though is we’d have allies from the future to help our crusade. Yes an alternative time line…or well the magi-blood’s possible future if we don’t take down this threat. May the Gods be with us all…

~April 10th, 2016 10:46 am, Copenhagen, Denmark: Angel Corp. HQ~

They ran into the building as fast as they could. Their footsteps were echoing seeing how it was after hours it the business. The men are Stefan Lajoie and Samuel Devereux and I have a weird relationship with these two. You see some odd years ago Stefan and I ended up sleeping together and then nine months later Athena was born…yes my first born; a young lady who has the genes of two of the best fighters in the world. Not only that our daughter is royalty in the eyes of the magi-blood. I, having the powers of the first born or well borns if you want to say that while Stefan has the powers of Zeus in him.

Then you have my husband Sam who in his own right is a prince. Having the abilities of Baldur. To him Athena is like his own daughter. And well Athena accepts him as her Father. I guess you could say my Daughter has one mom and two dads.

Anyways Stefan and Sam took the elevator up to my office on the top floor. The elevator opens with a ding and the two scramble out like they got bit in the ass.

Stefan: I got the buzzard.

Sam: Alright.

Stefan jumped over my secretary’s desk and hit the buzzard on it. The door to my office became unlock and Sam opened the door. Stefan strolled over and the two of them calmly walk into the room. But they didn’t see me in there.


Sitting on my desk was a woman, look to be eighteen maybe nineteen years old. She has long brunette hair and blue grey eyes.

“Well hello there…Fah, Papa. It’s good to see you again.”

Stefan: What in the-

Sam: - Hell is this?!

The person laughed as the door to my backroom opened. I walked out and the two men turn to me.

Mel: What?

Sam: Who is this?

I sigh knowing that this was going to be hard to believe. I didn’t at first but I was able to sense it. But after listening to her story and everything, it added up. I brought her to my office and well I set this up. I know Sam and Stefan are freaking out right now. I walk over to my daughter and sit on my desk.

Mel: Sam, Stefan...this is Athena. I know this is going to be hard but the rules are gone.

Sam: What do you mean?

Athena: Let me explain. You know me as Athena Lajoie or is it Gabrielle or Devereux? But after some events I had changed my name. I am known in my future as Lagertha Ironside, ruler of the Magi-Blood. I’m only twenty years old and I’m ruling. In all honesty I wasn’t thinking of that for many more years. Now the rules are gone and change because of one man. Alexander Rosangela.

Corruption the hell that the humans made for us… it wasn’t truly sealed. Corruption for us comes in seven waves. They have taken the names of the archdemons. The one that was in Anisim was named Ahriman. After his defeat Balan rose to power and he’s the one who brought Alexander back from the dead. There are five others: Asmodeus, Sammael, Lilith, Baliel and Moloch.

Now for Alexander...Alexander isn’t the one from your timeline. Ahriman has brought him from an alternative timeline, the one where I’m from. Because of that now our timelines have merge and it’s not looking bright for you all. Mom’s in a coma, Fah is dead from trying to keep Mom safe and Papa… you’re missing.

Alexander with his new power can bring people back from the dead...just the issue is, his power is unstable. For whoever he brings back, they come in pairs. There is a two for one. Which brings me to Dad.

Athena turned to Stefan.

Athena: Dad...I don’t fault you at all but he used you to be able to break the rule. He was able to use his power to bring your spirit back. You wanted to come back so bad and had Rhoda, myself and Uri break taboo. We could have died because of that! But I digress, because of that he was able to get here.

Stefan didn’t say anything.

Sam: So what else?

Athena: Honestly...anything goes. If I were you three, I’d get ready for hell itself. War is coming and you’ll need my help. I sent myself back for’s my mission and right now Ulrich is ruling in my absence. I’m not sure how long I’m staying for but I want to fix the timeline and this mess up asap. I believe that it’ll reset it and ONLY FOR MAGI-BLOOD! No one else will be affected.

Mel: Who are you talking to?

Athena: one sorry.

No one spoke for a while. We all really had to take this in. Reset...what the hell did that mean really?

Athena: I know this is a lot. I’m sorry that I just dropped a bomb.

Stefan: It’s fine, we’re all used to it.

I couldn’t help but to feel a bit worried. If the rules were thrown out the window that means anything could happen. That includes necromancy…the forbidden magick path.

Mel: Athens?

Athena: Yeah?

Mel: Is there really anything you can tell us?

She smiles.

Athena: Something good happens to you.

~Part 2: Surprise! (#NP: “Ghost of days gone by” by: Alterbridge)~
April 28th, 2016

That was the nose Mel heard and it caused her to gasp. With a flick of her wrist the world around her changed quickly. Her eyes became wide at what she was seeing. That made her smile and slowly she got up from what she was sitting on. She tossed it into a round area and walked off. Mel took her phone out and looked at the screen.

Mel: PAT online!

Melanie’s AI activates.

PAT: Hello Melanie, how many I help?

Mel: Chat system, Sam.

PAT: One moment please.

Mel watched her phone switch to her private chat server. It connects and Mel’s mic pops on.

Mel: We need to talk.

A pink box with what she said popped onto the screen. Mel then saw three dots indicating that Sam was replying.

Sam: About what?

Mel: Me.

Sam: What’s wrong Mel? You’ve been acting strange. I mean ever since Athena came through…

Mel: It’s not that.

Sam: Then what is it?

Mel wasn’t sure if she should tell him right now. She had a match later against Kameron Ryder for the UWF Universal Championship. Mel felt her nerves heighten and her heart start to beat faster. Mel exited out of the chat and felt herself starting to run.

Mel: I can’t do this!

Mel then heard her phone play “Hero” by: Skillet. Mel felt her heart dropped and she answered the phone.

Mel: Hello?

Sam: Melanie…what’s wrong?

Mel: N-Nothing.

Sam: Yes there is. I can tell…please Mel tell me!

Mel sighed.

Mel: Give me a few days and I’ll tell you okay?

Sam: Alright…I love you.

Mel: Love you too.

Mel hangs up the phone and slides down the wall of her bedroom. She slowly looked up and saw her ring gear in the other corner.

Mel: Two more rounds.

~Part 3: AngelClanBlog.MB (#NP: “The sounds of silence” cover by: Disturbed)~
You know tomorrow is my birthday along with Gabe and Phe. Yeah I’m a triplet and I’ll be thirty on the thirtieth of April. I know it’s funny when that stuff happens. Hell April alone is a stressful and a weird month this year. But I guess my daughter was right on something though. Something good has come out of this month.

Just…I won’t say what just yet.

Right now I need to focus on this match. Everything else is going to get blocked out. Now isn’t the time to be slipping up! I know Lucy and Kate are depending on me. Speaking of those are the two I’m teaming up with. Yeah this week is the Clan and Kate Steel vs Team Hero and Mercedes Vargas! Should be fun.

Now who to start with…I guess Lucy. Lucy is my younger half-sister and she’s someone you do what to be on her good side. A lot of people think of the Seraphinas like the Tremere from Vampire; you can’t trust them. But you can with Lucy. Lucy is someone who is very resourceful and is very stealthy with her work. Lucy knows things that not a lot of people do.

I know people believe that Lucy is weird, Goth and all that stuff. But Lucy doesn’t care. She’s just her and I love and appreciate her for that. It’s a blessing we have someone like her. Lucy is a very impressive person and once someone actually gets to know her you get to see the real her. You get to see that Lucy is a caring and talented person. But if you backstab her, well she’ll stab you in the throat.

Lucy…I need you to go out there and fight for us…fight for me. I know in my heart you can do this. Don’t let anyone else tell you different.

Then we’re teaming with Kate. Now we have a mutual respect for each other but we both heard her talk. She knows we got a rivalry with Crystal going on and sure she eliminated us both…but remember she had Despayre on her side for the tourney. Second we’ve beaten your friend a lot of times. I can’t even remember how many. Also Lucy has taken you down twice. Now please before you talk consider the overall factors. I mean five years for Lucy and I has been a long time. But Kate is our reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion. We both know that the belt is basically a belt of war. Kate understands that it takes a lot to hold that belt and I respect that.

Now before anyone wants to say I’m going to trash Kate, I’m not. I tell the truth and I’m willing to say that Kate has worked hard for that title. I haven’t really seen a lot of matches with her in SCW. But I’m happy she’s able to shine. Rather you like her or hate her, you gotta respect the woman.

Kate, I’m willing to play ball in our match. I want to win this just as much as both you and Lucy want. We understand that this isn’t going to be an easy but I know you’ll help get the job done. Kate you’re not an idiot and I know you’ll help us take down the opponents. Why? Simple you’re a siren, sing them to their death ya?

Mercedes…how’s it hangin? Been a while hasn’t it? Congrats on keeping the championship when we faced off. Mercy…I do have fun facing you. You’re competition that brings out the best in me. I don’t have anything really bad to say about you. I know you might want to use Lucy and I to send a message to Jessie. Don’t try it Mercy. You know that’s easier said than done.

You know I do wish you luck with your future. You’re a smart and talented induvial that is going to make records and break some hearts. You came a long way from your Mean Girl days. I’ve watched the past episodes. I do see the good in you Mercy.

Give it your all in our match. I want you to try to take down Siren, the Assassin and the Queen.  

Oh yeah and Team Hero…First off I’d like to thank you both for agreeing to that thing. But right now you know this is all business. I’ve heard rumors of a possible Angel Clan vs Hero match again. Just this time I’m not sure if I’ll be here for this. Hell I’d like to say just thank you for this match…you too Mercy. Now I know you ladies and talented. You’re getting heat from people (Mainly Keira’s getting it but whatever) and congrats on becoming parents as well. Soon you’ll be the longest reigning tag champs…or did you guys already did that? I can’t remember with what all has been going on.

Roxi, thank you for doing everything you did for me since we’ve met. It means a lot you’d be willing to help out. You’re a strong competitor in the ring. You’re good competition and you never give up. Honestly Roxi, I see a lot of me in you. I see someone who is a leader, who’s sacrificing of things. You truly are a hero Rox. Believe me when I say that. You’re a woman with a heart of gold in and out of the ring.

Keira, don’t kill anyone please. You’re too good for that stuff. You do remind me of Rachel though. You two can get angry and when you are violent stuff happen. At times you can’t control it but at the end of the day…you’re still Keira. You’re just as talented as Roxi and Keira; I give you tons of credit for dealing with all the crap you get. I also give you credit for never giving up in the ring or out of it. I’m proud of you… Keira remember something…be the best you can be.

Ladies…this is my good bye.


« on: April 08, 2016, 10:46:53 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 17: Omen
~Part 1: Sam (#NP: “Chalk outline” by: Three Days Grace)~
Sam looked up to the sky as his wife was working on Project Code name: “Enter Sandman”. Mel’s hair was tied up as she acting like a female Tony Stark and Sam couldn’t help but to smile at her. But in the back of his mind he worried about a few things. He wasn’t sleeping well after learning the secret his parents were keeping from him. Mel knew but the others didn’t and that didn’t help him.

Mel: What’s wrong?

Sam: Nothing.

Mel: You’re lying.

Ouch! He felt that and had to mentally hit himself for that. Sam knew that he should never lie to her. He got caught.

Sam: It’s about what my folks told me.

Mel: Can’t blame them. I mean what would you say if you had to tell your child that.

Sam nodded and understood where Mel was coming from on this.

Sam: True but it hurts knowing about this…are we going to tell anyone else?

Mel: No, not a good idea and you know why.

Sam: Think Lucien knows?

Mel: Oh yeah he senses it but doesn’t know where it’s from.

Sam laughed as Mel set down the wrench. She backed away and smiled as Sam hugged her from behind.

Sam: This doesn’t change anything right?

Mel: Of course not.

Sam: Good or else I’d have to spank you.

Mel: Behave!

The couple laughed.

Sam: You know though I’m not that happy right now.

Mel: Clearly you’re not.

Sam: It’s not about my family.

Sam looked at Mel with a serious look in his eyes. Oh he was pissed indeed and it wasn’t from his family. His eyes turned fully black and Mel gulped.

Sam: It’s about last week.

Mel: Sam your eyes!

Sam: I don’t care right now.

Sam turned away from Mel and started to walk off.

Mel: Oh shit…SAM!

Sam didn’t hear her, he blocked everyone and everything out and he walked away. His anger was over taking him and Mel was trying to keep up with him. Sam’s rage wasn’t like Rachel’s, but just as deadly. That’s from what he really was.

“We need to talk.”

“I just hope you don’t get upset at us.”

“Now, now. You’re our biological son if this is what you think.”

“But this will have to do with your birth.”

“Son, we had to make a deal…”

Sam: I hate you…I hate you!

Sam yelled out and the lights flickered on and off. Sam had found himself in the study on the third floor, the door was shut and the fire place was lit. Sam sat down on a chair and it felt like the world gave him a spotlight. That the only thing that mattered was him and him alone.
Mel: It’ll be okay Sammy I promise…

Sam nearly swore under his breath seeing his wife pop up from behind him.

Sam: You make it sound so easy.

Mel: I’m here…am I not?

Mel hugs him in her arms and Sam starts to cry.

~Part 2: (#NP: “The Diary of Jane” by: Breaking Benjamin )~
Slowly her eyes open as she hears a beeping nose from the heart monitor. Mel knew where she was at already. She was at the hospital. Mel tries to sit up but the room starts to spin causing her to lay back down. Mel could see a shadow from out of the shadow of her eye and she turns to face who it was coming from.

“Don’t move so fast your brother said you hit your head pretty good. Sam will be right back. He had to drop off I guess your daughter at his folk’s place.”

Melanie: Melissa?

Melissa was sitting in the chair next to the bed.

Melissa: Hi.

Melanie: What are you doing here?

Melissa: Well Sammy told me what all happened and I came to talk to you. When I got to your place it was empty. I texted him and said you were here. You ended up hitting your head on the bathroom sink and he got worried.

Melanie nods her head slowly.

Melanie: I-I can’t believe what happened after Sam and Roxi told me. I don’t remember any of it honestly. I know you’re not happy with me but really I’m not sure if I can say I take responsibility or not. Kinda hard to when this happens.

Melissa: Mind explaining a bit more on this?

Melanie gulps not sure she’d want to or not. Mel grabbed the bed raiser control and put her head up.

Melanie: Melissa, I need you to promise me you won’t freak out or judge me after I tell you all of this.

Melissa: Melanie, nothing surprises me in this world anymore. You know you can tell me anything.

Melanie weakly smiles and sees Melissa’s cell phone on the table next to her. Melanie focuses and makes the phone lift up a bit. Melissa’s eyes grow a bit wide in surprise and Melanie cracks a smile. The phone was place back down.

Melissa: How did you do that?

Melanie: Very long story. It would take a while to explain and it’s a lot to sink in. But I’ll tell you this I need a balance between light and dark when it comes to the magic world. It’s in a way like a drug. If I get too much of a certain one I can “OD” on it and that causes a black out. When I black out it’s like I’m sleeping. I don’t remember anything and it’s all black. Well now I know that it’s kinda like fight club. My body keeps going, acts like me but I’m not in control. Last time this happened I was in the hospital for two days. Michael thought I was in a coma but I blackout apparently. They found me on the ground in my kitchen. After that blackout thought I knew I had to atone for what I did at that time.

Melissa: Okay I think I follow. But I have a question…now I know you and the others call yourself magi-blood; do you guys use your abilities in the ring?

Melanie: Absolutely not. It’s not honorable and it’s against our rules. Even us magi-bloods have rules. There was only one time that rule was broken but the person had permission but it was against another magi-blood. You know them as the Seraphina twins.

Melissa: Really?

Melanie: Lucien was in a mental asylum years ago because his Father controlled him and ended up setting a fire to where we lived. We at the time didn’t know about all of what we currently know and we didn’t have the powers back then. The cops thought he snapped and well he went away. Anisim was controlling him and years later he came back. We thought our Aunt and Uncle was our real parents and well we were wrong. At the end of whole thing Lucien was challenged by Lucy in a last twin standing match. Lucy won and it was by using a paralyzing spell. Lucy nearly burned but I was able to break the spell holding Lucien to Anisim. We’re still trying to fully end this Mel…it’s not easy and I know he probably caused this blackout…it’s weird though apparently Roxi and Sam said that my back was burning. Mel my scar that was basically a link to Anisim is supposed to be gone. I don’t get how he’s still affecting me.

Melissa: Want me to look and see?

Melanie: The scar was on my back but yeah please. As long as it’s okay with Tegs…I mean I don’t want her to think I’m coming onto you or anything.

Melissa chuckles.

Melissa: We’re both committed women so don’t worry.

Melanie nods and leans herself up. Melanie lifts her shirt and Melissa could see Melanie’s angel wings tattoo. Melissa searches around Melanie’s back and stops right in the middle where the spine was.

Melissa: Ah Mel…bad news I feel something.

Melanie grips her shirt tightly and Melissa notices this.

Melissa: Hey, hey calm down now. It’ll be okay I promise. I don’t need you to do anything irrational now.

Melanie pulls her shirt back down and tries to calm herself.

Melissa: You know what, I have an idea and, maybe this will help you calm down. Ricky ending up going after me on twitter and you know Bobby attacked Raphael.

Melanie’s eyes turn red in anger.

Melanie: He what?!

Melissa: Yeah he did. You know they’re shady and honestly I know what we can do. I know you don’t like it when people hurt your love ones just like I do. So why don’t we work together to help you get some payback?

Melanie didn’t speak at first but she felt a sense of dread wash over her.

Melanie: I’m not sure if I want to go back or not.

Melissa: What do you mean?

Melanie: I…I don’t think I should go back. I mean what if I end up killing someone or snapping that bad again.

Melissa: Don’t talk like that Mel. You won’t and you know how I know?

Melanie nods her head no.

Melissa: Because you got the best support system to keep you calm that’s how. Also you have enough sense to know what’s right and wrong. I know you’ll keep coming back to fight also. You want to make your family proud epically your daughter.[.color]

Melanie smiles at her.

Melanie: Damn I hate it when you’re right.

Melissa: I know you do. But really are you in?

Melanie: Yeah I’m in.

Melissa: Good cause I think you’ll like this idea.

Sam: Remembering something from your black out?

Mel nodded and grabbed a fork full of pasta.

Mel: It wasn’t exactly that but it’s when I was in the hospital and I started to remember once more.
Sam: Oh yeah…you going to be okay?

Mel: Yeah I’ll be okay…

But deep in Mel’s heart it didn’t seem like it. She didn’t speak as she shoved a folk in her mouth.

~Part 3: Why? (#NP: “Ready to Roll” by: Jet Black )~
I swallowed hard… Raping the thick leather, the lights above beaming down on my forehead, displaying the salty sweat of my determination run free down the sides of my face, over the bridge of my nose and dripping to the matt floor. Cocking my right arm back, I dive in for another right hook before his gentle white Caucasian face startled me, he stood in front of the punching bag in a shimmering glory. His blonde hair brushed back at the top, shaven at the sides and his tattoo’s brightening under the light… he reached out for me as I lunged, to brush my cheek… and I fumble… heart thumping hard in my chest as I fall forward, face first in to the punching bag before being spun to the matt on my back. Heart leaping in to my throat, I look up in distress… my ears opening up to the creak of the chains… and he was gone like a translucent ghost, he was yet another figment of my imagination trying to play parlor tricks on my brain… and mistakenly my heart.

Then I closed my eyes…

He took a deep breath, breathing me in to his lungs. My warmth filled his body, as his cheeks appeared less flushed. For lack of better words, it felt perfect to him as he thought back through the years, as I spoke, he had wondered where life might have taken us, had the short comings in the past didn’t happen… didn’t happen like they did.

"What happened that made you feel alone?.... I assure you Kay I've always been there with you waiting.... just too scared to act.”

Taking in the memory like a soft sponge filling with cement, I rolled over to my knee’s slamming the sides of my palms in to the matt before pressing my forehead down. ‘You’re gone…’ I knew this is, I had to tell myself this over and over again…. ‘I need something to numb the pain,’…. I spend my days locked in a haze…. Because I can’t stop missing you… babe! Her words ran through the buds in my ears like a pendulum.

I will forever be alone…,it’s a curse…

Mumbling to myself as if reassurance had been necessary, I felt the sharp pains pierce my heart, harder and slower than the metal that had melted through my flesh back in November. Succumbed to the trauma of the last few months had caused my mind once again to be hazey… unable to reconcile with the memories of the past with the dire consequences of the present.

You made sure of that…

The burden had been overwhelming, Unable to pull the proper amount of motive to continue going… curled in to the fetal position like I had… brushing off the undying pain as I push myself off of the matt and exit to the showers. I had thrown in the white towel for the day, needing a change of pace, a change of scenery. And as if the ladies of fate had been witnessing, my phone’s silent buzz alerted me to the message on my phone as I ripped it from my right arm pocket.

Sam: Check your bag…memory strain.

I had waked over to it and see a vile with a blue glow. I took it out and touched it, looking into the glow from it. I felt like I had been slapped.

It had only taken a few minutes….

A few minutes of blank peaceful serenity to pull me back to the darkened reality of terror. As I open my eyes to red, my body stiffened with much panic as I turn to the shower head, spitting out a rain of blood over my skin like liquid velvet. Ultrasonic waves of screams echoed the stalls with a deafening punch… I could nearly feel the tile adorning the walls crumble around me in a façade like 911 to my feet…

They reached out to me…

Their fingers began to pull at my gravitational force… cementing me in place as I attempted to claw my way through the rubble… as I attempted to run from place but unable to move. A knot formed in my throat as I inhaled sharply… holding in my breath as I closed my eyes. My mentality couldn’t handle it, I felt it all sucking me in, like a master playing it’s puppets in his perfect and morbidly twisted play. A sharp pain punched through my skull as I crashed to my knee’s… opening my eyes to stillness.

There were hundreds of them…

Hundreds of desperate hands reaching out to me as if I became their savior. As my heart thumped my chest like a whole punch… as the blood beaded against my face like a torrential rain. I lay amongst the hard white bricked floor, feeling death climb over me… lost in transition as I slip away in to unconsciousness a small brush touches my cheek. Silence pulls over the stall eerily as fingers trail my cheek as if being cupped by two pairs of small hands, those of a child. Then I made the most daring move… a terrible mistake…

I opened my eyes...

Their eyes bore in to mine… tear soaked. Pain washed over their face as if retelling a tragic story, their voices muffled in the distance although they were near. I watched as their lips moved, and my heart hardened with fear as I watched them plead... plead for me to come close. Something inside me pulled towards them as I attempted to skirt myself across the floor and reach out to them but no matter how far I stretched their distance furthered until a large “POP” sounded off against the wall like a firecracker and both girls’ bodies ricocheted backwards as their small bodies were penetrated by bullets.


Everything stood still, for the longest minute of my life… before the small bodies jumped in grotesque distortion… their eyes masked in blood and their faces dark like possession and screamed at me…


I don’t remember screaming like that…. I don’t remember the EMT’s rushing towards the gym showers with such haste… and I certainly don’t recall bashing my head off the side of the shower stall. Everything hazed over as they pulled me from the stall, covered in a towel and before I slipped away from consciousness I gazed quietly back over to the stall where the only evidence of struggle was head sized crack in the tiles and tainted blood colored water staining the floor.

~Part 4: Another fallen blogger. (#NP: “Another fallen brother” by: Tyr)~
This is tough. I honestly don't want to go ahead and hurt my friend - but I know this is business. We all know this is business. And it's about giving the fans a show - that is the point of SCW’s Blaze of Glory. So of course Sam and I will not disappoint. We will do what is needed and that is to head to the ring and tear one another apart - and we'll prove that we've all got what it takes. After all all our title reigns weren’t flukes. And I'd even say that we are indeed as good as each other - but now is the time to find who the better woman actually is.

I guess it's about time, right? It's tough, since Sam is my friend.

So, I’ll be sharing the ring with Sam Marlowe…the woman who took Mikha down, something I couldn’t do. She’s considered one of the greatest athelets in SCW right now. I have nothing but respect for him and the fact that she's pretty much gone from nowhere to somewhere pretty damn quick. She had an incredible career behind him already before joining the wrestling company and she's only been training for roughly a few years I believe… and she's somehow become the best. That goes to show just how much of a natural she is. She's one of the fastest and smartest athletes this company has to offer as well as being one who has a lot of heart. Her putting the Bombshell Championship up against me means a lot to me.

I respect her so much. She's one of the fastest and most passionate athletes in this world and nobody can take that away from her. She always puts the most heart into absolutely everything she does and that's amazing to me. I know people like, well, even myself, try to do the same but he achieves that more so than anybody so honestly, she kills it time and time again and that is why she's known as one of the greatest around.
I am yet to hold the Bombshell Championship during my time here but I am honored to have another chance to potentially earn that title this week. Sam is an amazing Bombshell Champion and has proven to the world why she has been so far unstoppable but that is a title I'd be thrilled to hold - perhaps this is the week for that?

Me, on the other hand? Well, I might have been in this business longer than the likes of Sam overall but he's always been seen as being someone who has stood out more than I have. And Sam pretty much has significant advantages over me in terms of experience but so I count myself out? Of course not. If there is one thing I have been able to show during my time here thus far, it's that I have heart and I am a fighter - I refuse to quit, even when things get tough.

And of course, we know precisely how important the Bombshell Championship is in this industry. Every single athlete who joins this company has their sights set on this title because it's gained notoriety over the years and it's the top prize in the industry as a whole - I never honestly believed I would hold this title, let alone in my career but here I am.

I fought and I fought hard for this. Nobody saw it coming but I'm here and I'm standing tall as the man who made history. But one thing I can guarantee is that I will be putting everything on the line. There are a lot of options in these matches and ones that could seriously change the course of all of our careers - there's so much that could go wrong but at the same time, there's so much that can go right and there are some great opportunities here. It's essentially a level playing field at this point.

But as they say, some of the greatest matches of our time stem from mutual respect amongst opponents. This is the highest level of respect that opponent could have. I don't doubt that for one moment. I don't think even any of our haters could disagree with that. We always perform and that is why we're got so far during my time here. I've not been here long but so what? That just means I've made the biggest impact because I've come from nowhere to getting on track to the top quicker than most. I'm not necessarily an underdog story but I'm a girl you don't expect to see as a top dog here or a guy who is able to be the face of a company but in this industry, you have to expect the unexpected. Nobody could foresee my success but here it is. Now, it could easily be taken away from me but I refuse to let Sam from stopping me.

Anything can happen and perhaps the world can believe that I'll be the one here to lose most but I don't see it that way. I'm confident that I can step up and really show the world that I can be a big name and that is my aim. I don't honestly care about the opinions of others on most occasions but having said that, it would be nice to know that there are more out there who have respect for me and believe in me.

I've overcome the odds plenty of times in the past and I'm still standing through it all. If that doesn't show just how tough I am, then I don't know what does. But I will head into this match confident and ready to do the seemingly impossible again. Many people can count me out in advance - that's fine. It's not like I'm not used to that. But you'll once again see the very best of Melanie Gabrielle this week and I can guarantee that.

Sam I’m ready for this match. I got this match because I left an impression and I can thank Connor for that as well. He deserves his match just as much. We faced each other before, you’ve faced Lucy before. Not once have you counted us out and I thank you for that. You’ve saw that I’ve improved and you got a challenge on your hands. I will not fail and if I do… I go down swinging like I always do.

Now isn’t the time to be nice or the time to be unfocused. I’m going to give it my all and I won’t stop. Sam…you’d have to kill me for me to stop. Like I’ve always said: “They've all tried to kill me; time and time again and once again you'll fail.” I have a personality of an alpha and that makes me a leader. You can ask the people of PWU, you can ask the people of UWF, you can ask my family and friends. I make one of the best leaders you can follow.

Sam, I don’t doubt your leading abilities, I don’t. But I want you to show more of it. I want you to prove not just to me but to the fans why you truly are the champ. I want both of our haters to shut up once they see us in the ring. I hear them talk and that’s all they can do. They could never lace up and throw down like we can.


I'm honestly not sure what else there is to say in terms of this match other than this is going to be an amazing match - or matches - and the world will realize why we are the greatest  stars that SCW has to offer right now. I am confident that I can live up to expectations and Sam? Let's take care of business.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 16: One step closer
« on: March 25, 2016, 11:34:23 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 16: One step closer
~Part 1: Send off~
A northeasterly wind cut through the small area of treeline that stood between the north bank of the Tennessee River and the small two lane road that briefly ran alongside of it. Even wearing a heavy MacGregor winter coat, the wind seemed to rip right through it, chilling Mel as she made his way westward along the roadside. Unseen clouds covered the sky, preparing to usher in the oncoming rainfall to a world of darkness tinged with just enough gray filtering through the overhanging dark canopy to dimly register to human vision.

There had been no traffic on the road in the ebb tide hours of dark night that lay just before the dawn and that was how Mel had wanted it. Her Jeep Outlander was parked in a heavily wooded area a quarter of a mile back up the road from the direction he’d come from, hidden far enough out of side that it wouldn’t catch a headlight from a passing vehicle and reflect its presence back toward any curious eyes.

Stopping for a moment, Mel adjusted the bag she was carrying from her right hand to his left and fished her key chain out of his pants pocket, letting her hands feel for the miniature LED flashlight that was clipped into it. She clicked it and the tiny light threw out its whitish blue beam upon the road. Cold and ghoulish, the ray of light drove the shadows back but also amplified them, giving the darkness a lurking malevolent presence that seemed ever watchful, ever aware.

She had to take care of this business quickly. Soon the day’s light would eventually come and slowly begin bringing all that were sleeping to wake with the life of a new day. She pointed the light further down the road, the beam catching the guard rail and a pair of wooden crosses covered with white paint behind it. The guard rail had been replaced by the time Mel had made his first return to this spot five years ago. Not that the old one had done any good six years ago, Melanie thought sourly to herself as she drew nearer to the crosses.

She’d been worried that she wouldn’t have enough time to do what she needed to despite being on the first flight out to the States that she could get. Since landing at McGhee-Tyson Airport a little over three hours ago, Mel had been in a race to beat the clock while darkness still covered the East Tennessee valley. She’d driven from Knoxville to Newport to pick up the wreath that she’d purchased earlier in the month under another identity, worrying the whole time that it wouldn’t be in the storage shed at the florist shop where she’d arranged to have it left or that the shed itself would be locked up with no access, her mind uneasy until the wreath was secure and in the passenger’s seat floorboard covered in a white nondescript plastic bag.

After the wreath, Mel had been forced to make a small side trip to the Wal-Mart super center in Newport to acquire the rest of the items needed. An acquaintance had once pointed out an ironic insight to her once about Wal-Mart being the only place in the world where a person could by both a stick of chewing gum and an aluminum fishing boat. Yeah, Wal-Mart was a magical place, a Shangri-La and a budget shopper’s paradise all rolled into one, the acquaintance had said. Mel hadn’t cared. To her, Wal-Mart happened to be the one place open at all hours that he could buy most things that she ever needed on such short notice.

The trip back had been quick as the nighttime traffic on the interstate was very light. She had driven back through Knoxville and into the Bearden suburb. She passed through a couple of neighborhoods bordering on modest to well-to-do homes as she drove southwest. The houses gave way to the wooded lowlands that bordered the north side of the river as she passed a few side roads, finally turning west on Badgett Road.

And toward the spot where she life had changed forever. A place of death both physical and spiritual and the beginning of a nightmare that had never let hher go. A nightmare that would continued to haunt her even now as it slowly ate away at the outer edges of her sanity.

Her footsteps brought her to the guard rail and the two crosses. She flashed her light over both of them and the beam fell upon a flower arrangement of Princess Anne tulips placed next to one of the crosses. The bulbs were orange and vibrant, even in the harsh cold of a dogwood winter’s night. He guessed that the flowers had been placed there no earlier than the day before yesterday. The beam moved back up to the cross and on a name carved into the horizontal bar and painted in black. It read:

Robert Gabrielle

Melanie swept the beam over to the other cross. It read:

Serenity Cross-Gabrielle

She began to shiver as she stood there, hher mind remembering everything in slow-motion detail. Even after all these years, it still felt as though the fire had happened only yesterday. A vehicle fatality that had claimed two lives.

Maybe it might have been better had I died with them.

She’d thought time and time again, especially on those nights when hher conscience and grief were too much for her to not remember that.

She sat down on the guard rail, swinging one leg over the side and then the other her boots made a dry crunching sound as he moved into the undergrowth and the treeline, slowly picking her way down the side of the wooded riverbank to where the dark waters of river flowed silently by. The ground was soft and moist under his feet. With each step toward the river, the dark surface rose even as her feet sank deeper and deeper into the mushy undergrowth of dead leaves, twigs, and soft ground.

Her light caught sight of a small poplar tree, slowly rocking with the wind. The tree was in a state of slow decay, further marred by an ugly scar within the trunk of the tree where the outer bark and some of the inner wood had been ripped out by an unseen hand. Even after all these years, some physical scars upon the land remained just as the mental scars he carried remained with her Treading carefully, she picked her way through the brush, taking care that the plastic bag in her left hand didn’t get caught on a bush or outlying branch.

She reached a small peninsula in the shallows of water. She stopped as she felt her boots slowly sink into the mud, just above the ankles. She would go no further than this. Not when she might be lurking just below the black surface. The water rippled as the wind blew across the river’s surface. Mel looked around, making sure she saw no hint of the green eyes that were burned into the back of hher memory. After assuring herself that no one was there, she reached into the bag and pulled out the wreath of orange blossoms. Setting the plastic bag on the ground, Mel reverently placed the wreath on top of the bag, flowers side up.

You had a bad day, you’re taking one down…


You didn’t save her. You couldn’t save her.

You’re a coward.

The memories suddenly rose up, overwhelming Mel and almost driving her to his knees. She could hear Serenity’s cries for help as was stabbed.

Mel closed her eyes tightly. Slowly, she banished all the sensory memories from her mind, but it took all of her willpower to do it. She opened her eyes to find herself shivering uncontrollably. The wreath was still there. The world around her remained dark and silent, save for the bluish white glow of the key chain flashlight. Shr had to act now before she lost her nerve.

She dropped into a crouch, reaching one hand into her right coat pocket and fished out a small box of red gag candles and the yellow Bic lighter that she’d purchased at Wal-Mart earlier. She placed an individual candle in each holder on the wreath until all six spots had been filled, stopping only to place her hands back into her pockets to warm them and to keep herself from succumbing to another bout of shivering. After that, she placed the box with the remaining candles back in her pocket and picked up the lighter. Mel flicked the lighter, watching in satisfaction as the yellow flame appeared, the wind catching it and taking it around in a crazy jitterbug.

Slowly, she worked her way around the wreath of orange blossoms, lighting each of the six candles with the lighter, cupping her free hand around each of them as a wind break. Once each candle was lit, the wind could huff and puff all it wanted to. The candles would continue to burn until there was nothing left to burn.

Mel placed the lighter in her pocket and slowly picked up the wreath with gentle care. The river’s edge was only three feet away. Stretching as far as her courage would allow her to, she placed the wreath in the water and then gave it a firm shove. She watched silently as the wreath floated away from the bank and out into the darkness beyond.

”You didn’t save her. It’s your fault. Nothing you do will change that.”

Mel stood there watching silently as the wreath slowly floated away, the halo of light gradually growing smaller and smaller as the river carried it away downstream. Her look was a stoic one. Memories of that horrible night faded.

~Part 2: Vision.~
Mel was sitting down on her bed when a sharp pain happened. She knew she was getting a vision…

Rhoda Allaway felt the change in the air as she walked the streets alone in London. She heard the stories of why women should never but Rhoda didn’t care. She didn’t fear Jack the Ripper nor any person. Rhoda always carried herself with confidence and never back down. Why would she start now?

The Scotswoman looked up into the air. The moon was full and the skies were cleared. The stars were shining down on her and Rhoda knew what all this meant. She felt like she was being watched from somewhere and it caused her to grip onto ninja stars in her upper right coat pocket. Rhoda’s hair covered her shoulders as she was in black t-shirt, jeans, a purple jacket and tennis shoes. Her breathing picked up as she started to look around.


She didn’t see anyone but the young woman wasn’t a fool. She knew more than anyone should about things in the supernatural realm. Rhoda felt the air turn into a cold and harsh chill from it’s original warm breeze. Rhoda cursed under her breath and thought she saw something move from the corner of her eye.

Rhoda: I’m not stupid! Show yourself or else.

No reply and that made Rhoda a bit pissed. Not at the fact this person was toying her, she knew the person was a strong one. She shivered and felt someone touched with black magick was near. Another curse dropped from her mouth.

“Hello there Rhoda, niece of Alexander.”

Rhoda: Oh shit.

Stepping out from the shadows was Raven Silverhome, Rhoda hated this woman with a passion. She was looking down the murder of her parents. Raven was a skilled assassin and was a mercenary. Raven was known to work with Alexander and the Irish mob. Rhoda swear that this woman wasn’t normal though. Raven gave off that type of allure. Rhoda though was ready for combat.

Raven: I hope you don’t hate me.

Rhoda: Fuck you! That’s too late when you killed my folks.

Raven tipped her head to the side.

Raven: Languge little girl; I did what I had to.

Rhoda: Like hell! You could have killed the person who hired you.

Raven: Sorry Rhoda, the pay was too good.

Rhoda’s eyes changed to her hair colour.

Rhoda: May you burn in Hell in the fires of greed!

Raven: Aren’t you wondering why I’m here?

Rhoda didn’t move; she wasn’t about to let this woman out of her sights.

Rhoda: To kill me of course.

Raven: No...I’m here because Alexander wants you and his children home.

Rhoda rolled her eyes; that was a lie. Alexander wanted Rachel dead and only God knows for Raphael.

Rhoda: He will not ever take us. I’d rather die before that happens. How can he want his kids after he beat Rachel and my Aunt?!

Raven shrugged and Rhoda took her chance. Rhoda ran and jumped into the air. She takes out her stars with a sharp cling noise and threw them. Raven jumped back and the stars miss, sticking to the ground. Rhoda quickly got closed the gap between them. Rhoda jumped at her and pulled out handgun. Rhoda rarely used a gun but she had the training.

Raven: You should watch where I’m at.

Rhoda’s eyes turned big from feeling Raven’s breath on her left ear. Rhoda felt her hair being pulled and she was slammed to the ground.

Rhoda: Ow!

The gun flew out of her hand and landed a few feet away.

Raven: You really are stupid aren’t ya? You know lass I think I’ll just end you instead. Why bother seeing how-

One swift kick to her side and Rhoda screamed.

Raven: You’re just weak!

And another.

Raven: Why would your Uncle want you? You can’t even beat a simple vampire, a simple werewolf?

Rhoda screamed again.

Raven: No one wants you! No one loves you! NOT EVEN YOUR PARENTS!

Rhoda felt not only pain but her anger starting to boil in her. Rhoda let out a battle cry and the gun came back into her hand. Raven stood in shock and Rhoda kicked her in the shin. Raven started to fall back but Rhoda was quickly up.


Raven felt a bullet hit her knee cap. Rhoda had disarmed the assassin.

Raven: Not going to kill me?!

Rhoda:’re more useful to me than dead. I think I’ll let Lucien have a crack at you.


Fear filled Raven’s face and that right there gave Rhoda satisfaction. Rhoda took her phone out and dialed Lucien’s number.

Lucien: Hello?

Rhoda: I gotta job for you.

Lucien: What kind?[color]

Rhoda: Gitmo.

The line went quiet and Rhoda could tell that Lucien was smirking.

Lucien: What did they do?

Rhoda: Simple, they killed my folks, they have info we need. I need a pick up in Red-head country.

Lucien: Understood. ETA in ten minutes. Stand by.

Rhoda: Understood prince of demons. 10-4!

Rhoda hung up and turned back to Raven.

Rhoda: Listen here, evil will never win at the end of the day. You have your minor victories but with my kind around you will never win. I swear I will hunt you and all your friends down and take them out. I don’t care if it kills me. I don’t fear your kind and my parents death has made me stronger. Sure I maybe damage and sure I have the Rosangela temper but I use it to fight for what is right, I fight for honor and will never be better than me.

Raven started to laugh at Rhoda.

Rhoda: What are you laughing about?

Rhoda felt someone grab her from behind. With one hit Rhoda was out cold.

Raven: About time you got here. Good job Ripper.

“What do we do with the girl?”

The man helped Raven up.

Raven: Simple, leave her here. I could careless what Alexander says. I’m hurt and I need a patch up. Let’s go.

The two leave, leaving Rhoda on the street.

Mel screamed loudly and called Sam on his phone…

~Part 3: (#NP: “Rise” by: Sixx Sense)~
Beating Alexis Edwards felt pretty good, yeah she can make the same claim that Lucy can in her match; but I see this as a bit of payback for that. And well I think Steve learned never ever mock me, bad luck happened. I mean his own partner effed him over. Connor you did a good job as always, proud of you on that.

So now you and I set our sights on two people. The first of the two is Despayre. Now my daughter Athena loves this guy let me tell you. I like him as well. There is just something about him that makes me like him. It’s so cute when Athena is jumping up and down while watching SCW wanting to know if “Mommy and Aunty Lucy and Despy are going to fight.” Seriously it’s so totally cute. I love the smile you put on her face…and I hope in this match we give it our all…

And then we have Crystal. Congrats on finally trying to step up to the plate. It just isn’t enough nowadays just to leave things the way that they are and just handle business inside the ring. I believe that it is too much for people in their suits to understand but for those who have went from scrubs like myself to that position – you’d think that they would understand the stress that we’d be under right? No, that would be asking for too much. Ladies and gentlemen, as much as I enjoy doing self-reflections, I decided to allow you to see me this time, to understand by looking at my facial expressions that this is serious for me along with everyone who wants to be in my position – those of you – who will be sitting back at home, watching in the locker rooms and whispering to one another. That’s all you can do at this point isn’t it? Talk shit because you aren’t in the positions that we have earned. Being honest, it is a little annoying when half of you all believe that you can possibly hold a candle to anyone.

Crystal, time and time again you’ve fought the clan and lost. Really what is going to make this any different? Realization, it was the one thing that.. for the hell of it.. I never thought that I would be faced with. It didn’t take long, I had to work. I had to sit there and for a moment, I just began to smile. It wasn’t because I was excited for my match. It wasn’t because I knew that I was going to go out there and beat the living shit out of whoever crossed me. It was because.. this road, this chapter.. was almost done.

I had my high points and I have had my lows.. but coming off a sabbatical to becoming one of the most talked about ( Good and Bad ) fighters in the game? I have no complaints. But, with things ending in fifteen and going into sixteen.. most people will sit around and claim that this will be their year. They will claim that they will be the next big thing. As for me though? I am going to continue to do what is needed and required of me. I am going to continue to push everyone who steps in front of me and make them realize that most of them.. have a very.. very long way to go. I have always wondered about this and it wasn’t until recently that I actually had to sit down and deal with it.

I will not claim something that I am not. I will not go around trying to get people to believe that I am going to do something that I don’t have the ability to do. Crystal, I am going to show you why our match is going to be … won by me and Connor. It won’t be because you were some movie star. It won’t be because you have done everything in your power to make this pairing almost seem right, almost seem equal in terms of… well, a lot. No. The masses will tune in because their Dark Angel is going to add another victim to her kill list. You’ve seen it right? You claimed that you have. The commentators have their opinions of me. The roster has their opinions of me. Crystal, what is your opinion on the woman who will not be denied? The woman who has been doing this for what seems like forever? Will you honestly have something new to say that everyone in SCW hasn’t already heard be said about me through?

Something that I think you may want to take into consideration, Crystal. This isn’t going to be like my match with Hero or even one with Stefan Lajoie. Shit, this match isn’t even going to come close to the tag team match I was in either Crystal, let me fill you in on something. For the shits and grins, and unknown to most of the roster.. I respect you but I am going to challenge that by stating that I know some people from Hollywood and believe me.. they have shown up and shown out -- will you?

This is your chance, this is your opportunity to show the world, Inferno and those people in the back that you aren’t just a fucking joke. Show them that you are worthy to be on the roster that many of us, including some of the new people.. are weeding out the worthless ones and keeping those who actually have some talent here. Will you be tossed aside like yesterday’s trash? Oh, did the tone of the shoot just get dark? Meh. Depends on how you interpret it. At CC, I don’t have to tell you what I am going to do because you already know it. Fact, you may not be able to tell what I am going to do in the ring BUT the two things that I continue to constantly prove day in and day out is that I am going to show up and show out.. and for you Crystal, open up a couple cans of whoopass along the way.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 15
« on: March 18, 2016, 11:49:04 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 15: Give me more
~Part 1: The News! (NP: “Lightning’s theme song” from Final Fantasy XIII)~
Melanie Gabrielle sat in her office alone. She had lost last match to Mercedes but she wasn't dwelling on it. It was an honorable fight and that made it sweeter for her.The two Bombshells stole the show and they knew it. Right now she had switched gears to this week. Her and Connor would be facing Alexis Edwards and Steve Ramone this round.

Mel knew that it was important she won and that Steve and Alexis were no joke. It seemed the Clan couldn't get enough of the Nobdies. They teamed together with them and faced them. Oh how fate was werid with this. Mel didn't care, she knew Connor was skilled. The two of them work perfectly together and they'd prove it again.

Marie: Mrs.Gabrielle, you have a call on line one.

Mel: Thanks Marie!

Mel picked up her phone and answered it.

“Hello? Mrs.Gabrielle?”

Mel: Yes this is her.

“Ah good. My name is Johnathan Brooks and, I'm calling because my company and I wanted to know if you would like to have a book written about you and your family.”

Mel had to blink. She wasn't sure if she had heard him correctly or not.

Mel: A book...on my family?

Johnathan: Yes! Mrs. Devereux if I may call you that; your story is very fascinating! Many people are inspired by you all. I mean Ms.Abaadon is seen as a feminist icon, Ms.Rosangela is seen as a role model for the GLBT.

Mel had to blink at that. She had no idea how much of an impact they'd have.

Mel: Oh my God! I didn't realize this.

Johnathan: I know the magi-blood don't dwell on their fame for the most part. I understand that. So what do you say?

Mel was about to answer but the door to her office opened up. Walking inside was Sam.

Mel: Mr.Brooks you have a deal!

Johnathan: Thank you Mrs.Gabrielle, I will have my lawyer contact you with the contract in a few days.

Mel: Thank you.

Mel hung up and Sam had a curious look on his face. Mel calmly got up. She smiled at him and ran over hugging him

Mel: We're having a book written about  us!

Sam: Are you serious!?

Mel: Yes! Oh my God, Sam, you won't believe this. Mr.Brooks had called and gave some examples of what all we’ve done.

Sam: This is amazing. Congrats Mel.

Mel: What's wrong?

Sam:'re not going to tell them.

Light bulb!

Mel: No, no! That is up to you.

Sam nodded and Mel returned to her desk.

Sam: So did you hear about Rei and Luce?

Mel: If it's about Claude then yes.

Sam sighed and shook his head as he sat down.

Sam: For eff sakes! No way in hell would I allow me and you to do that.

Mel chuckled.

Mel: Nor would I. What we do behind closed doors is our thing.

Sam: They don't need to know about our sex life.

Both Mel and Sam laughed.

Mel: That's true!

Sam: You know people are doubting you.

Mel: Oh I know… oh I know and I have a plan.

Sam: You're not about to use your abilities right?

Mel smirked.

Mel: Oh it's not's not that.

Sam: What is it though?

Mel: Where’s my sword?

Sam blinked and sighed knowing what she was referring to. Sam walked over to the wall and pressed in his code. He grabbed her sword and tossed it to her. Mel took it out and looked at the blade. A dark smirk played on her face as she got up from the desk.

Sam: Are you sure you want to do this?

Mel: Damn right I do!

~Part 2: Causing a black out (NP: “Courtesy Call” by: Thousand Foot Krutch)~
Mel went to see Claudia Seraphina in Russia. The younger Seraphina had received a call from Melanie before and Claudia had a feeling. Claudia sat down in her living room with Melanie sitting across from her. The topic was on inducing a blackout. The blackout would cause Mel to be more violent than normal. Claudia protested.

Claudia: Do you remember what  happened last time?

Mel: I know Claudia but…

[color#8b0a50]Claudia: Think about this first![/color]

Mel nodded as her mind went to the past.

Back in Denmark shock had set in for Mel. The door to her bed room was locked and her husband was trying to get in from the other side. Mel blocked out his voice as her knees were placed under her jaw. The coldness in the air made her mind scream loudly. She knew she had done wrong and that Sam was right. She knew that maybe this wasn’t a good idea. But Mel also knew she shouldn’t take any of Dorn’s crap. Mel had Norse in her blood and Dorn had manipulated that in her. Mel lost control and she hadn’t for over two years now.

Sam: Melanie let me right now please!

She said nothing. It wasn't long before Roxi arrived to meet Samuel, a look of concern on her face.

Roxi: Sam... what is going on?

Sam: Something’s wrong with Mel. It’s like she’s in shock or something. I’m trying to get her to open the door but she won’t answer me or anything. She’s blocked me out mentally and it’s like something has a grip on her.

Roxi: Let me see if I can help her.

Roxi calmly walked to the door and knocked.

Roxi: Mel... are you okay? It's Roxi... I'm just here to talk.

Mel felt her back start to flair again. Mel let out a loud scream of pain and she felt herself tip over to the side. Mel couldn’t speak verbally but both Sam and Roxi could hear her mind clear as day.

Mel: No! It’s supposed to be gone! He isn’t supposed to have a connection with me! It burns!

Roxi looked over a Samuel, very concerned.

Roxi: Sam... we have to get in there...

Sam: That damn scar on her back was supposed to be gone Roxi. I checked her back and it was gone. I don't understand what's going you think he's the reason why she snapped?

Roxi: It must be... that scar... there must be something to get rid of it or... make it stop... Do you know of anything?

Sam: No don't. Did Mel ever tell you what had happened that she got that?

Roxi: The scar is new to me. The only thing I can think of is when Amy helped me... get rid of a demon I had inside me. If there's... something inside her...

Sam: No demon, she can’t be a mutate blood because of the magi-blood colour she is. Mel ended up getting that scar from Anisim Seraphina the night of the fire. She had went to see if everyone was out. Saw her Uncle dead from the beams and his flesh burning. Mel ended up falling through a hole and saw Anisim kill her Aunt in front of her eyes. When she was about to get out of house the fire cause that scar. He had used magic to cast the home ablaze. Lucy in the meanwhile has a scar on her gut from a year or two ago. Anisim had found one of the safe houses and ended up trying to kill his own daughter. Yeah that scar basically gives him a connection and Mel would get nightmares and it was awful! Hearing my wife screaming on the top of her lungs at three in the morning, her running to the bathroom throwing up blood. It stopped after it vanished…till now. I’m wondering if most of it’s gone and some remains.

Roxi: hmmm... It has to be something along those lines. We have to get in there, I... I fear that this is going to get a lot worse if we don't.

Sam: I’m trying to think of something.

The two heard footsteps coming from the stairs and they look up. Athena stood at them and walked down them slowly looking at her Father and “Aunt”.

Roxi: Uh, Sam... who are they?

Sam: What do you mean?

Roxi: I... uh... don't know who this is...

Sam: Oh! This is my daughter Athena.

Athena walks over to the two and looks at them both.

Roxi: Hello Athena.

Athena: Hi Aunt Roxi…Daddy.

Sam got onto her level to make eye contact with her.

Sam: Sweetheart why are you up?

Athena: No sleep.

Sam: You can’t sleep? Why not.

Athena sighs and shook her head. She turns and walks over to the door. Athena reaches up and grabs the handle. She turns it and the door opens. Athena looks at them and walks in shaking her head once more. Athena walks over to her Mother.

Athena: Momma.

Mel looks up at her.

Roxi: Mel? Are you okay?

Sam: Mel can we come in?

Mel: Where am I? What happened?

Mel: I know, I know I couldn’t remember anything. I know I nearly killed some people but Claudia I need an induce for this. Listen! I know the risk and everything but if I don’t-

Claudia sighed loudly.

Claudia: Alright fine, but I’m not at fault okay?

Mel nodded as Claudia walked over to her. Claudia touched Mel’s forehead and started to chant in Russian. Mel screamed loud feeling pain shoot into her head. Claudia looked down at Mel with a look of sympathy. Mel grabbed her head as she screamed again. Claudia stopped chanting after a few minutes and Mel’s eyes changed. They changed more cat slit like.

Mel: Tak…

Claudia: You’re welcome Queen Gabrielle. Just be careful with what you’re doing. I don’t need you getting into some deep shit.

Mel nodded and got up from the sofa she was on. Melanie quickly left the house and Claudia grabbed her phone.

Claudia: Hello Sam? Um…we have a problem!

Mel: They will pay for their ignorance…
~Part 3: My thoughts be bloody (NP: “If I had a heart” by: Fever Ray”)~
Light singing could be heard from behind the door of the Angel Clan’s locker room. The door slowly opens and sitting alone in the room was Mel. Her earbuds played on loop the theme song to Vikings. In her hands was her sword. The blade showing her reflection as she focused away from the world. The look in her eyes were of one of a storm. One of the past and one of  the Vikings. It was this time Mel was end up hearing chanting in her mind, drums beat through her heart and, her soul was singing songs of the Norn.

Mel: “If I had a heart I could love you
If I had a voice I would sing
After the night when I wake up
I'll see what tomorrow brings”

Mel sheaths the sword in its holder and sits back.

Mel: Hello there Alexis, Steve...I have a lot to say but the major lesson is this:
“Don't doubt me”.

People who do, end up regretting it after. Go ahead and cry on how you think Connor won us the match. How you think you’ll make me give up. How you think this and that…it doesn’t matter what you think in all honesty. You two don’t pay attention apparently. I mean people said the same thing when I was going for my first big title. They’d say “She’s not going to be focused.” “Oh how can she when she’s more focused on the Band?” “Oh how can she when she’s focused on Dorn?” “How can she when she has a title match at SCW?”

I’ll tell you this:

Don’t doubt me.

Don’t ever doubt me because I, time and time have proven everyone wrong. Ever since I’ve started my wrestling career and hell even since I was a child I’ve been doubted. I’ve been told that I wouldn’t live past my teen years, which I’d never achieve anything in my life. I proved them wrong and ladies in my own right I’m already a Queen. I’m ready to go out there and kick both your asses with Connor by my side. You see the two of us are hungry for gold and I’ve moved on from what happened last week. You two I guess are stuck in the past, thinking maybe this will be easy. That I’ll end up costing us the match. Well guess what…place your bets on who gets this sword stuck up their arse. I’m willing to break you both in this match and Connor would be more than happy to agree with me on that! If we’re thinking the same thing it’s simple. I know they’re a challenge. They’ve proved that but we need to strike now. We don’t run away we fight to the death and prove them wrong. I know I am a hell of a leader and I’m not struggling. No I’m planning. I bid my time and I focus on the task at hand. I’m not failing this time and Connor and I will move on!

I’m always hearing how we’re the underdogs, how our opponents are better than us. Not today! I know that I got lucky by having Connor on my side and I thank fate for that. Connor is a hell of a partner and he’s like me. A fighter! You say you will end up winning this…I say different. Connor and I are going to go out to the ring and take the fight to you. This match is going to be a close one for sure. We have four wrestlers who are going to try to rip each other’s spines out to win. Do I doubt you two? No I do not. I know what you guys can do, I have studied and I am ready for this match.

There's a minefield in my head right now, jagged words and pitfalls and I'm trying my best eggshell walk so I don't set something off. There's... like... this delicate balance right now, like one of them Vegas acts where the guy is spinning plates an' there's fine crystal stacked on top an' you're just waiting for gravity to kick in 'fore the crash. Always wince when I hear something break in a restaurant - Pavlovian conditioning, I guess. For a long time, I was always there, y'know? In that moment where you hold your breath an' cringe on instinct. Stuff breaks. Records. Bones. Trust. Everythin', y'know? And the guy who wrote Fight Club wrote that thing  about how on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero' an' he really shoulda just said 'if you give it enough time, something will break. I mean aren’t you both walking on egg shells? I mean you two hate each other and it’s only a matter of time before tick, tick, boom!

Here's a divide, this big fucking yawning abyss and I always thought I was somehow outside that, I was circumventing it cause of a million other things - thought maybe if I didn't look it in the eye, it'd never really matter to me. Like blankets over your head as a kid. The monsters pass by. Can't see you cause they need that acknowledgement to be real, like without it they're shades passing through and they need to be seen - to be heard - to be substantial, y'know? I was wrong. Death's not the only certainty out there, nope. See... and thanks to whoever put that package together, I got... I got the truth screaming in my ears and it's so loud, so fuckin' loud it's making it real hard to think. They shoulda spun it like fucking prince and pauper cause that's the kinda story people dig, right?

Prince and pauper, gold and copper - they like a story and the more twisty and sensationalist it is, the better. As much as I balk at that, I know we're in the business of being known, out there in the spotlight, our faces and names and slogans plastered everywhere for mass consumption and for market saturation or however you wanna spin it and the Alexis and Steve story's like the fuckin' dead horse getting the once more for old time sake beatin in the limelight steady some back alley it's better suited for.

No games. Not today. No aliases.

Life isn't easy. More often than not, it will take an unexpected turn and fate can strike you at the most inappropriate times. Regardless of how you go about your daily business, your routines can be cut short by that very destiny - if you believe in that sort of thing. It can mess with you and you can fail to understand why it is starting to take it's toll on you but that's life. Some matches can be seen as easier than others. This week certainly is not an easy one for me. I would love for it to be. I'm not particularly feeling 100%, if I'm honest so did I really require the toughest challenge of my career to strike me this week? Not really - but that doesn't mean I am not going to give this my all. While most would likely not admit to such a thing, I'll go ahead and do just that. I don't feel as though that piece of information becoming public is going to alter the outcome of this match in the slightest so that doesn't bother me. Wander, I don't feel great. You'll still get the very best from me though and I hope that you take that seriously. I am being genuine when I say that. It's not bullshit so you're just not going to be able to take advantage.

I'll be the first to admit that my mind hasn't necessarily been in the right place - I have struggled to keep it together. That's nothing new, though. I've always been one to let shit get to me - it bothers me. That's just how my mind works. I do overthink everything - that's always been a huge burden to me. It's messed up a good portion of my life, to be honest - but not my career. When haven't I been able to focus in the ring? I've always found a way to suppress it and made a way to make my upcoming match the focus. I brought that to the forefront of my mind and allowed it to stay there. There has always been an ongoing battle between good and evil - positivity and negativity. The one that ultimately wins in that moment is the one that you allow to win. There was once a time where negativity always won - always. Not anymore. So as usual, I'm ensuring that the positivity wins in the ring - I'm not making the same mistakes I have in the past. There has been a lot of shit messing with me and that essentially comes down to relationships. I'll know that they'll still all be there for me to deal with once my match is done with. So why think of it during? I'll just push all of that to the back of my mind and get the job done.

Sure, that is easier said than done and perhaps some can think I'm just making bold predictions above all else but just take a look back at my career and you'll realize that I haven't let shit get to me before.

Right now though… I’m hearing the Heathen Call and it calls for your blood. Steve, I’ll let Connor deal with you. Alexis…you should know when I’m like this only bad things happen. Ask Keira, asked Dorn and ask anyone else who knows what I’m like when I’m like this. This time though I know that I had a black out. I guess you can say that I’m a bit unstable when I’m like this. I’ll enjoy pinning you or making you tap out like the nobody you are. You’ll stay like this…a nobody while you beg me to stop. You’ll beg and scream but the pleas will go only into space. I guess you only have yourself and Steve to blame for this. I’ll enjoy making you all know why the darker side of me…Chaos should never be out. You should always hope it’s Cosmos but you two will not get mercy or my respect. Poor team FUB: “Fucked Up Badly” and the fact that they will have to go through Hel itself.

Step your game up or you’ll be on the ground. You know I don’t play games and you know that I’m going to tear you a part. I am going to once again show you why I am the best. I won’t be beaten down and I can take whatever you try to give me.

Oh and Connor…Happy Saint Paddy’s day.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 14:
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:49:32 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 14: Unity
~Part 1: The ball~
If Melanie Gabrielle were a vampire she would have died by now. The lights in the Abaddon-Deabs manor in France were so bright she swore Lucy would scream. Mel was stuck at her younger half-sister’s masquerade ball. Uri was holding this event for another fashion line that Mel didn’t care for. But Mel found herself at here and she was dressed in a black ball gown with silver lines on the corset top and a few bows on the lower half of it. A black mask with a heart on the top covered her face. On her neck was moon pendant she enchanted to tell her the current moon phase. Her shoes matched the black color but had silver studs on them and on her left hand was a heart diamond engagement ring. Mel had lost Samuel in the crowd and she stood in the center alone, she looked around to see everyone either talking, dancing or both. Mel looked up towards a stairwell to see Uri and Andy watching everyone.

Melanie: God I want to go home.

Mel sighed and started to plot how she’d get out of her. But then the thought of Samuel being here and watching over her crossed into her mind. Mel knew she couldn’t get out of the place even if she tried. Mel started to walk away from the center of the area. Something though made Mel stop; a chill went down her spine and it made the world go black and white for her.

Melanie: A magi-blood?

This one wasn’t someone Mel knew. Mel looked up to where Uri and Andy were at. Uri was looking back down at Mel also knowing something was up. Mel placed her hands where her twin guns hid at. From out of the crowd Mel could see a man walking towards her. He was in a black tux, blonde hair and a black mask. Mel felt herself loose her breath at the site of the man.

Beautiful Stranger,
You have a hold on me…
Tell me your secrets…
Show yourself to the world.

Mel saw he was making eye contact with her. She blinked and felt herself as slowly walked over to her. Mel blushed and watched. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

Beautiful Stranger,
Hear my song…
Allow me to be the one…
To show you the light.

“Hello there milady”.

The man made it up to Mel and Mel forced herself to smile.

Melanie: Hello there.

“May I have this dance, Lady Cosmos or should I say Lady Chaos seeing how Lord wouldn’t be correct in this day and life”.

Mel nodded and the man took her hand. Slowly the two start to dance.

Melanie: Who are you?

“We’re not supposed to tell remember? This is a masquerade after all; we hide ourselves from the world here and just like we do in the real world after all. Don’t you want to keep our secret until time’s up”?

Mel didn’t speak at first.

“M’lady honestly you look amazing tonight. You shine so bright even in black. You’re brighter than light and darker then night itself.

Mel again blushed.

Melanie: Thank you sir.

“You’re welcome”.

Melanie: So do I know you from outside of here?

“I can’t say. So maybe you do, maybe you don’t…my God why does he have you?

Melanie: What?

Mel looked up at him.

“Sorry about that; that was supposed to be in my mind. But I want to know something…for how long do we keep our secrets?

Melanie: The secret of the magi-blood are already out. People know about us and really for the main part we’ve been well received by humans. You know for all of us that’s a good thing. But our main target still is out there and only God knows what he’s planning.

“I see but what if you can’t stop Alexander”?

Mel snapped her head up.

Melanie: I never said that! Who are you!?

“I’m sorry Messias, I must go. Till next time.

Melanie: Wait!

The man turned and started to run off. Mel started to dash after him withdrawing a gun secretively. The man got behind a group and by the time Mel made it to where he was at, the man had vanished. Samuel though came from her left side and saw her gun drawn.

Samuel: Melanie? You okay?

Melanie did you see a man dressed all in black with blonde hair?

Samuel nodded no.

Samuel: Sorry hon, I can’t say Samuel did. Why is he why you got your gun out?

Mel nodded this time.

Melanie: Yeah…listen can we just go?

Samuel: Sure let’s go.

~Part 2: Game.~
(From last “save point”)
Melanie, Samuel, Jaime and Phoebe had found out that one of Alexander Rosangela’s generals was running a brothel in Las Vegas. Phoebe informed Melanie and Samuel that she was willing to embrace her destiny as a magi-blood after all these years. Now after months of training Melanie and Phoebe are ready to take down one of Alex’s major generals. But with them on this task is their other triplet Gabe. Right now the three of them are in Vegas, ready to raise some Hell.

(*Please press enter*)

(Cut scene. BGM: Prelude To Final Fantasy XIII)
The scene opens to Las Vegas at night time. Mel, Gabe and Phe are in a tree staking out “The Russian Export” brothel. Melanie’s long brunette hair went to the side as the wind blew. Phoebe has binoculars focuses on the brothel and Gabriel has his cross-bow ready in hand in case of ambush. Melanie turns to Phoebe.

Melanie: You see anything?

Phoebe: Place looks closed tonight Mel. You sure you got the intel right?

Melanie nodded.

Melanie: Yeah, I doubt my insider would end up wrong.

Gabriel: So did you hear what Amy said?

Mel didn’t say anything at first.

Melanie: I did.

Gabriel: You really gonna let her get away with what she said.

Mel didn’t say anything again.

Phoebe: Oh man, not good if she’s not talking about it.

Melanie: Let’s just get going.

Melanie, Phoebe and Gabriel jumped down from the tree. Melanie got her guns out and Phoebe got her staff ready.

(Cut scene ends. “Prelude To Final Fantasy XIII” gets cut off and “The Day of Night” From Silent Hill 2 plays)
~Melanie: (Leader) Role: Gunner
~Phoebe: Role: Spell-caster
~Gabriel: Role: Hunter)

The trio slowly starts to walk towards the brothel. When they made it half way across the yard a dark shadow started to manifest in front of them. It was Chris Luca, our heroes got their weapons up and ready for a fight. Chris tossed a bottle and then a demon…a sickly looking one came from it. Phoebe and Gabriel gasped. Mel on the other hand didn’t even blink, Chris retreated back into the brothel.

(Boss Battle. BMG: “Saber's Edge” from: Final Fantasy XIII)

Melanie: Show no mercy!

Melanie jumped into the air and shot off a few of her elemental bullets at it. Phoebe started casting the same types of spells. Gabriel started to shoot off some arrows at it. The demon turns around and goes to swipe at the party. The three move just in time and Phoebe changed her tactic. She ran toward the demon and hit it hard with the staff. Gabriel kept shoot his arrows at it and Mel covered him with her bullets.

Mel: Phe move!

Phoebe didn’t and was swiped towards them. Mel quickly changed her tactic and moved to catch her.

Melanie: You okay?

Phoebe: Yeah I’m good.

Mel quickly healed Phe and the two again changed their tactic.

Melanie: Come get me you son of a bitch!

The demon being provoked came towards her. Phoebe cast elemental spells and Gabriel changed his tactic. Gabriel came towards Mel and put a shield around the two.

Phoebe: It’s a weak one! You guys can finish it off. Mel go for it!

Mel nods and Gabe kept the shield up.

Melanie: Cosmic force!

Mel shot off a bright white light which hit the demon. The demon dissolved into a powder and the three won the battle.

(Cutscene. BMG: “The 13th floor” from Kingdom Hearts: COM)

Phoebe: She went inside.

Gabriel: You think we can get in?

Melanie: Only one way to find out.

The trio walks up to the gate of the brothel. Gabriel lightly pushed it opened and they went into the court yard.

Melanie: This is too easy.

Phoebe: I know it is.

Gabriel: Let’s get inside.

(End cutscene)

~Part 3: Another entry.~
Oh my goodness I didn’t see this coming. I mean I knew Connor and I had won our match but this? I consider this a gift from the Gods. My hard work, my success and my failures have brought me to this. I, somehow got this Bombshell Internet Championship shot. I won’t complain about it because there are no guarantees in life unless it’s death. I’m thankful that I’m getting this shot and I promise to you all that I won’t blow it.

Lucy, if you all remember had held this championship. I know also she’ll kick my ass if I don’t win this one.

Now I know this match is a test of my abilities as a competitor. I also know that the Champion is tough as nails and is smart as a Jedi. Her name is Mercedes Vargas and she is the Argentina Assassin…I say someone should team her and Lucy up. Call them the Assassins…okay moving on before I lose my train of thought.

What all can I say about her? Well I’ve faced her for the first time a few weeks ago. You had Connor and I and Derek and her. But I know more on her than just that. I know that both Mercedes and myself has a mutual respect for each other. Mercedes is a very successful wrestler in the ring and no one can take that from her. Love her or hate her, you have to respect all the things she’s done to make SCW a better place. I can talk high about her any day everyday but it would take too long. Sorry Mercedes but I don’t have that much time in a day to.

Mercedes in a three time tag champion, a three time roulette champion and the current internet champion. That right there is more impressive than my bombshell roulette championship.

Now thing is I know that this match is difference from the last time we met. No the equation changed and anything can happen. Mercy can either win or I can.

Also speaking of mercy, Mercedes don't show me it. I don't need it and I only want and accept the best you can do in the match. You know we're not weak women.

No we are powerful, we are sexy and, we are smart. We know what we want and how to get the job done.

You know Mercy; it's almost been a month since you've gotten the belt. Congrats to you on that. It takes a load of work to keep a belt both you and I know.

Mercedes, I’m a fighter, you’re a fighter. We fight, we spill blood, we break bones, we take no prisoners. That’s what I want for our match, I want us to go balls to the walls and steal this bitch. I don’t care if we wreck each other like the Ragnarok war of the Gods. Let the rivers run with blood, the skies fill the sound of bones breaking and our screams of pain. I know I’ll enjoy this and like I said I have nothing but respect for you. I see this more as a friendly battle than anything else. It’s not like you’re someone who wants me dead. Hell for all I know maybe I am dead right now, maybe this is the path to Heaven or where ever.

Tonight we show them the truth. We go out and we take the place for our own. We’re going to Hell and back and by the end of it, they’ll be chanting our names. Merecedes I’m going out there to win. Stop me you can try but you won’t successed. You’re amazing but I’ll be two steps ahead. I studied you to be ready for this match and I know that this victory will be sweet indeed. I don’t doubt you and I don’t think you’d take it easy on me since I’m a woman. You’ve seen me fight like a man and you’ll get the best from me. Since I came to SCW, my family and I have been dominating. In the ring you’ll see why first hand. I won’t be defeated, I will not die and I will show that I’m ready to take on the best. I see you as one of them. Let me have the honor of fighting you in the ring.

Mercedes, jeg har været velsignet af guderne, som vores forfædre tror på. Jeg har den skønhed Freya, nordboernes gudinden for kærlighed. Jeg har den visdom Odin, den helt far. Jeg har styrken af Thor, nordboernes Gud torden. Sammen det gør mig dødbringende. Kun én mand har været i stand til at slå mig her, er du nødt til at spørge, vil du blive nummer to, eller vil du være ligesom mange af mænd og kvinder, og bøje før dronningen? Uanset hvad vi vil finde ud af, når det er tid. Elliot Jeg ønsker dig held og lykke og styrke i vores kamp. Må guderne velsigne os og vejlede os ... Alt hagl til Nordisk dronningen.

(English translation: Mercedes, I've been blessed by the Gods that our ancestors believe in. I have the beauty of Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love. I have the wisdom of Odin, the all father. I have the strength of Thor, the Norse God of thunder. Together it makes me deadly. Only one man has been able to beat me here, you need to ask will you be number two or will you be like many of men and women and bow before the Queen? Either way we'll find out once it's time. Elliot I wish you luck and strength in our match. May the Gods bless us and guide us...All hail to the Nordic Queen.)

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 13: Meetings
« on: February 26, 2016, 04:33:49 PM »
 AUTHOR’S NOTE! Ro and I ended up doing a scene together that wasn’t posted last week cause of reasons. Also thank you to Annie for colabing a CD part as well. Thank you and enjoy the promo.
Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 13: Meetings
~Part 1: Last week~
The scene comes in outside of the Fallen's large Topanga Beach rental home.  The Angel Clan has just pulled up, and they climb out of their vehicles and come up to the door to be met by the Fallen's Butler, Greene. It was a nice and sunny day out believe it or not for a February day. The colours of the area popped out like an HD television.

"Hello Ladies.  It's very nice to see you again."

Greene looks around at the rest of their group with a pleasant look on his face. Mel and Lucy shakes Greene’s hand and return the smile.

Greene: Ah...  And I see you brought the rest of your party...  Welcome.  Everyone is in the back yard.  If you'll follow me, I'll show you the way.

Before Greene can start to walk, Raynin comes down the stairway and stops him.  She's wearing a black bikini with a sheer black sarong around her waist, and a silver belly chain hangs on her hips.  Her hair is hanging loose. Lucy smiled seeing how her and Raynin had similar styles.

Raynin: Don't bother, Greene.  I was just changing into my swimsuit and I'll take them.

She gestures for everyone to follow and turns to lead them through the house. The place had neutral tone colours in it and the sun made it brighter than it should.

Raynin: It's good to see you, Lucy and Mel.  I know the last time you were here, things were a little... chaotic.  That's just the way it is when we all get together.  You know how family can be.

Mel and Lucy both nod understanding.

Mel: Oh yeah we know all too well. Well good to see you all are doing good.

Lucy: Also thanks for inviting us. The homestead looks amazing.

Mel was dressed in a black and purple ombre dress while Lucy was in a black t-shirt and jeans.

Mel: And also thank you for letting the rest of the kin come with us. Hopefully everyone behaves...or else.

Mel looks at Claude, Rachel's fiance who was already trying to put the movies on some of the ladies. Raynin smirks as she watches Claude, and leans in close to Mel and whispers.

Raynin:  I think you better tell him to chill out...  The only ones who are single are Michelle and Lyrique, but he's hitting on everyone else... And even though the boys haven't said anything yet, they will make themselves known... Especially Nyla's boys...  One's a werewolf, the other's a were-leopard...  And they're highly territorial...  There will be sparks...  Lots of sparks...

Melanie: Hang

Rachel: CLAUDE!

Claude runs off and stands next to Rachel knowing that he wasn't about to test his Mistress's patience.

Lucy: He gone, done and fucked up.

Lucy laughs feeling her fangs come out.

Melanie: Plus he's harmless. He knows to stop if Rei starts to yell at him. He doesn't like it when he's punished.

Lucy: Yeah...I'd say what it is but it isn't PG if you catch my drift.

Lucy winks. Raynin chuckles and nods towards Darknyss with a smirk.

Raynin:  I'd think she needs to talk to Darknyss then... She's got a few tricks up her sleeve that I think Rei would like...  And Claude would hate her for.

Lucy: How so?

Now Lucy was interested. She smiled at Raynin and Mel chuckled.

Melanie: Oh I believe it if I heard the rumors correctly.

Raynin called Darknyss over with a smirk.

Raynin:  Hey Lady!!!...  Lucy wants to hear some of your exploits with one of your long terms...

Darknyss was feeding the baby, and she puts him in a bassinet that's under the covered patio and out of the sun.  She wheels herself over and greets the group.

Darknyss:  Hey!  You all made it!!  What were you saying about my long terms, Ray Ray?

Raynin points to Lucy, then at Rei and speaks loud enough for Claude to hear her.

Raynin:  It seems Rei and you have something in common, and Lucy wanted to know a bit more about some of the tricks you use on your more naughty playthings.

Raynin winks at Darknyss, and Darknyss smirks and winks back, raising her voice enough so that Claude can hear too.

Darknyss:  Well...  There is this thing that I do with sensory deprivation, along with a little tease and denial...  You know..  you use headphones, a blind fold, and you chain them up so they can't move or touch anything, then you have your favorite music playing through the headphones, and you stimulate their body in different ways...  either sexually or painfully, or both... but you never let them release...  I like to use ice, a spoon heated in hot water, and a quirt, and I...

One of the kids come up into hearing range, and she switches what she's talking about.

Darknyss: And I use them to make some really good peach iced tea... There's some on the table.  Come on... let's go grab a glass...

The kid looks up at his Aunt and asks a question.

Darnell:  Aunt Lady... What's a quirt?

Darknyss blushes, and her eyebrows go up high. Mel and Lucy bit their lips to not laugh.

Darknyss:  Um... it's a special kind of glass for iced tea, but it's from china.  Stay out of grown folk's conversations, Darnell.  Go back and play...

Athena, Mel’s oldest pops up from out of nowhere with Rogue, her wolf cub riding on top of her head.

Athena: Hi.

Mel smiles and got down to her level to look in her eyes.

Melanie: Athens, where’s your Father?

Athena: Uncle Seb.

Mel nods knowing what she mean. Mel looks over at Darkyness and Raynin.

Melanie: Sam’s talking to Sebastian.

Lucy: You let her bring Rogue?

Melanie: Of course! Rogue can translate for Athena since you know she doesn’t talk a lot.

The wolf pup smiles widely.

Lucy: Ah true, true.

Melanie: Athena why don’t you say hi?

Athena looks at Darkyness, Raynin and Darnell.

Athena: Hi! I’m Athena and this is Rogue.

Mel smiles at her. Darknyss smiles and greets the girl back.

Darknyss:  Hello Athena.  I'm Zatanya, but you can call me Lady.  Everyone does.  This is Raynin.

Raynin leans over and whispers to the wolf pup.

Raynin:  We've got a big wolf too, but he wears human clothing.  Just look for the talk guy named Fallon.  You'll smell him a mile away.  And even though Antonio smells like a big cat, he's cool, so don't bite him or chase him around... unless you're playing with him.

Raynin winks at the wolf pup and smirks again

Rogue: No worries, I’ll behave. I have to watch my magi-blood here. Right Athena?

Athena smiles and nods.

Athena: Ja!

Melanie: Why don’t you go off and play?

Athena: Okay.

Rogue: She says “Okay, but if you need any of us just whistle and we’ll come running. We’ll keep everyone safe.”

(Athena runs off.

Lucy: She’s a good kid.

Mel: I second that. So if I may ask, what is everyone seeing how we all aren’t normal…but then again normal is just an illusion created by man to mind screw everyone.

Darknyss rolls her eyes and nods.

Darknyss:  For us, it's the so called "normal people" who are the most non-normal.  But then... normal is in the eye of the beholder.  So, here's the rundown...  Of the Supes as we call them... for Supernaturals...  Morganna, AKA Diamond... She's a VooDoo Queen.  She is the Granddaughter of one of the most powerful VooDoo Priestesses and former VooDoo Queen of New Orleans.  Her Grandmother could see her potential from before her birth, and foresaw her coming.  She's been trained not just in vodun, but one hundred, forty-five different forms of magic.  She's about as powerful as you can get in traditional and non-traditional magic.  Hence why every other voodoo and vodun practitioner is gunning for her.  But they never even come close.  Being around her is about the safest you can be if you think you're under some kind of magical attack.  And yes, she's placed barrier spells all around this compound and every one of our homes.

Mel listens and so does Lucy. They both didn’t speak not wanting to interrupted Darkyness.

Darknyss:  Diamond, as you're aware of, is dating Jeremiah, who is my fiancee's nephew.  Dark Tiger, AKA Sebastian, and my sister's husband, Giant Tiger, AKA Doug, underwent a few... changes after a spell Diamond did on them at their requests.  The spell was to help them harness their inner beasts, and it was interrupted at the end of the spell, so... every now and then...  when they're pushed just so... they get a bit more... feral in the ring.  Some say, it's just their emotions getting the better of them, but we all know the truth.

Almost as if he knew she was talking about him, the mild mannered big man strolls up, dripping water after having been in the pool and crouches beside her and kisses her softly.  He pulls out a bottle of sunblock and starts to put it on Darknyss's exposed skin with a gentleness that his large size makes almost unrecognizable.

Dark Tiger:  Hello my lovely lotus blossom.  Don't stay out in the sun too long.  You're still sensitive, and I don't want you to get sick.

Darknyss nods and kisses him again, then he runs off, howling, and you hear a huge splash in the background.

Darknyss:  Yeah, I know, you'd never know it if you didn't see it yourself.  Then there's Nyla...  Along with her pack, Anito, Antonio and Fallon.  Nyla's what has been deemed a Pan-were.  Her father did genetic experimentation with her DNA before she was born, and spliced it with an array of were-animal genes.  So far, she doesn't know how many she has in her, but she knows she has werewolf and wereleopard, along with werepanther in her.  And yes, there are differences between wereleopards and werepanthers.  the panthers don't have spots.  As Raynin said before, Anito is the werepanther, Fallon is the wolf, and Antonio is the leopard.  Yeah, I know... where's the werebear when you need one, huh.  Did you know, there actually are werebears, and they call themselves Bruins?  But... that's the pack for you...  They're all in this polyamorous relationship that I envy... I know if anyone else touched my DT, I'd rip their eyes out.

Darknyss looks up at the sun, then as she hears the baby starting to fuss, motions for everyone to follow her, and moves them out of the sun and back under the covering for the patio.  She smiles down at her son, then gives him a pacifier, and he goes back to being the happy, kicking and smiling baby he was.  She offers everyone a drink, putting on a big, black floppy hat to go with the black crocheted coverup she's wearing over her own one piece bathing suit, then takes a drink of her own and goes back to telling everyone's background.

Darknyss:  Then there's Raynin here.  Raynin's Abuella, who is an amazing woman I might add...  She makes the most amazing floutas...  Mmmmm, Abuella's floutas...  Wait..  What was I saying?  Oh yeah...  Abuella was into Santeria when she was younger...  Think of it as a Mexican version of voodoo...  And the leader of this Santeria cult put the soul of her demon spawn child into Raynin when she was born.  We call it, The Other...  cause Raynin says it looks like another version of her, only... more strange.

Raynin nods and shrugs.

Raynin:  When I see The Other in the maze of my mind, it wears my face to hide it's own.  Awww, don't get mad... You're jusssssst mad that I wear it better than you do...  Would  you just shut up??!!  No one is talking to you!!  Why don't you make me, you worthlessssss little moussssse!!  Well, maybe I will!!

Raynin suddenly goes still and doesn't move.  She just sits there, staring off into space.  Darknyss sighs and gestures towards Raynin.

Darknyss:  Sorry about that...  The Other tends to pop up at the wrong place at the wrong time... I'd think they're having a little discussion about improper timing...  So... Back to the Supes...  Then there's Gothika...   Gothika's backstory is a bit more... complicated, because we only just found out more about it.  It turned out, and ex-boyfriend of hers, kidnapped her at the height of her career when we were in the AWO together.  He kept her for like six months, and we had search parties out looking for her and everything.  He violated her in every way...  Literally violated her.  It turned out he was a vampire and a scientist.  He wanted to use her for an experiment to see if he could turn himself into a day-walker so he could become the most powerful vampire in his kiss.  Oh, if you didn't know... a kiss is what a vampire group is called...  Anyways...  He injected her with a mutated version of the vampire virus he'd cultivated from his own body, and the bodies of other supernaturals he'd captured and experimented on.  Though, she's mainly a vampire, she's not like others because she never died... She's the first true living vampire that ever existed in his kiss.  She is a true day walker, as you can see...  All of the things that injure a vampire she's immune to... She found out some of what the strain was mutated with... from werewolf, phuka, swan-mane, jin... even a bit of fae.  Anything he could get his grubby little hands on, he spliced it with the virus, and infected her.  She's got the thirst, though... and it's insatiable.  It's why she's so skinny.  She can survive on human food, but it never cuts the thirst.  Nothing does for her.  Even when she gorges on red... All it does is make her want it even more.

Darknyss looks at Gothika with concern as she lays out in the sun, warming herself.

Darknyss:  The worst part of it is... She despises what she's become, because it was forced upon her.  It cost her everything... It cost her the title she had held for almost a year... It cost her the man she loved... And it cost her the child she was pregnant with when he abducted her.

Melanie: Oh damn I’m so sorry.

Lucy: I know how it feels in a way…becoming something you didn’t ask to be and not having a say.

Lucy sighs and tries to smile. Mel quickly tries to change the subject.

Melanie: We’ve known Dark Tiger and his nephew for almost four years now actually. We were in a wrestling company together called ECCWF which changed into PWU. I can say he’s a good and honorable person. I’m happy he has found happiness.

Lucy: Yeah he deserves it.

Mel: Also is that everyone? Just making sure cause Lucy over here is going to probably write all this down later.

Lucy playfully hits Mel’s upper left arm.

Lucy: Suka.

Mel: No need to swear at me in Russian now!

Darknyss nods with a yawn and a stretch.

Darknyss:  That's all of the Supes.  The rest of us are just considered 'not normal' for putting up with all of the supernatural weirdness.

Darknyss chuckles and shakes her head.

Darknyss:  I kid... I kid...  Some say I'm not normal because I've always been extremely strong.  I can benchpress three hundred pounds, and I was the longest reigning AWO triple champion, holding the Women's, the World and AWO Championships.  Not just against women either, but then, I'm sure DT has told you all about that.  Lyrique is an amazing fashion designer.  And she's got an abnormally smart mouth...

Lyrique calls from the pool.


Both Mel and Lucy couldn’t help but to laugh.

Lucy: And then you have us…

Melanie: Oh sweet merciful Jesus; yeah you got the magi-blood who are well…Lucy why is this still hard to explain?

Lucy: I dunno! You tell me Mel! I mean for bleep sakes; your essence was the one who made us all basically in the beginning.

Mel looks at her and shakes her head.

Mel: Hey now! C’mon I’m trying my best. Plus aren’t you the wisdom angel?

Lucy’s eyes turn red from anger.

Lucy: Shut up.

Mel: I win! So yeah any questions about us? I’ll try my best on answering whatever.

Raynin shakes Lucy's hand and smiles big at her.

Raynin:  Awesome sauce...  Oh, and soon, you'll really see why everyone says I'm crazy... I've even got the certificate from the insane asylum to prove it.

Gothika jumps up and inspects all of the kids plates and claps her hands.

Gothika:  Alright... You kids did very well.  Everyone ate their veggies...  So that means it's dessert time!!  Who wants to help me in the kitchen?

Every kid's hand goes up, and they all chant, 'Me me me!!!' bouncing in their seats excitedly.

Gothika:  Okay, everyone in the kitchen!!  Let's go!!

Darknyss grins as the herd of children take off at top speed towards the kitchen.  She shakes her head and chuckles.

Darknyss:  You know... If we don't go with them, we won't get any dessert...  Come on... Let's go...

The group stands up and everyone heads towards the kitchen to get dessert with the children as the scene fades out...

~Part 2: Meeting Connor~
Paris, France: The Succbui, Uriella’s night club set our scene as it started to open for the night. Thankfully there wasn’t a whole lot of traffic in the place. Uriella Abaddon was behind the bar serving up the few people who were in it and it was a Thursday after all. Uri knew that there wasn’t going to be a whole lot of people. Her long blonde hair was tied up as she was in rip jeans a black tank top and black heels.

The door to the club opened and Melanie walked in. Her hair was down and she was in purple cocktail dress and matching colour heels. Mel strolled over to the bar and sat on one of the stools. Uri walked over and smiled at her.

Uri: Where’s Sam?

Mel: He’ll be here soon. His Dad summoned him.

Uri: Ew! Oh and here.

Uri sat a glass of mead in front of her and Mel smiled at her. Mel took a sip from the glass.

Mel: Sweet Jesus! Honey and strawberry, did you make this?

Uri shook her head no as the door to the club opened once again. Stepping through the doorway, his attention mostly on looking for a familiar face, Connor Murphy walks inside dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a heavy hoodie under a rather beat up leather jacket.  Approaching the bar where Melanie is sitting, he leans forward to look over the offerings, peers at Mel’s glass then ask for a beer.  Once he sips at the offered drink, he turns and looks at his partner.

Connor Murphy:   Thanks for the invite.  Guess you want to get inside here huh?

Tapping the side of his head, he smirks slightly as he straddles the barstool and takes a longer drink of his beer.
Connor Murphy:   Smart idea but question for you?  Why here?  I mean aren’t there any good bars back stateside?

Mel smiled at him.

Mel: It's simple really if you think about,. I trust this place, it's safer than most and the owner is my younger half-sister who would basically give you a discount on drinks.

Connor Murphy:  Discount on drinks is a good thing.  And I get the trust thing but seriously when it comes to wrestling, it’s in the ring that is where I feel safe.  So teaming with me…thoughts feelings?

Turning the conversation from him to her, Connor narrows his eyes as he leans over to listen to what her reaction to the pairing is.

Melanie: Different. I normally don’t team with anyone outside of my family. So I’m actually going to enjoy this myself…what about you?

Connor tips his glass and swallows the last dregs of his glass then holds it out for a refill.

Connor Murphy:  I'm definitely looking forward to this as well.  But to be honest, I was kinda worried about who might be my partner.  You know that I'm in the Nobodies and really if you look at it, maybe the best person I should be teaming with would be Alexis.  But I've seen good things from you and trust me when I tell you that I ain't about to let you down.  I want to get my shot at the big title and when we win this tournament, then I am going to take it.  

Uri fills his glass up and listens to them both.

Melanie: Thanks and I won’t let you down either. I want to win this tournament for the same reason, get that shot and you know win the damn thing. I know Sam’s a challenge but I’m up for it. I know this tournament is going to be bloody and hell, I did hold the Bombshell Roulette Championship at one point so I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty if need be.

Connor smiles at that comment.

Connor Murphy:  Good attitude to have, especially considering who we have in the first round.  The new Bombshell Internet champ and Derek Thorne.

Mel nods.

Melanie: Yeah I heard about that. I think it’ll be interesting to say the least. At least we got some good competition this round.

Connor Murphy:  Not just good competition Mel , I can call you Mel right?.

Connor raises his eyebrow questioningly but continues without her answer.

Connor Murphy:   They are great competition.  She’s the current champ and Derek I have seen before back in NXT.  I can’t remember if he was a full fledged member but I know he knows a wristlock from a wrist watch.

Mel laughs.

Mel: Well played and yes you can. Everyone calls me Mel. Right Uri.

Uri: Oui.

Mel: I know we’ll have to be careful for sure. Can’t take our eyes off them for a second. I’ve seen Mercedes in action but not Derek.

Connor Murphy:  If you keep your eyes on Mercedes, then you let my peepers keep track of Derek.  After all, he gets tagged in I am the one that has to face him.  

Connor smirks as he rubs his hands together with a smile then reaches for his glass.

Connor Murphy:   A toast then.  To the start of a beautiful partnership.

Mel raises her glass.

Mel: Also to a bright future with gold.

Connor smirks widens as he clinks his glass to hers.

Connor Murphy:   My favourite colour.

~Part 3: Blog it up~
Melanie: Morning Clanmates!
So as you know I’m teaming up with Connor Murphy against Mercedes Vargas and Derek Thorn. Now I had gotten a text from Connor earlier so I’ll end up talking on Mercedes while he talks about Derek. Now for one I don’t know a lot on Derek, the man is a mystery so really Connor…good call.

But to Derek, just because I’m not fully certain on who you are doesn’t mean I’m taking you lightly. No it would be ignorant to do such. Trust me this isn’t my first match or last. Just be prepared because Connor and I want the win.

Of course though you have your partner who wants the win as well. And well this is the first meeting between myself and Mercedes. So hello there Mercedes and congrats on the win as well.

I can say that I do respect you. I mean you are talented and holding a championship proves that. Now I might not have faced you before but I do know how good you are. Honestly this isn’t sucking up this is the truth. If I came out and said you suck and you’re a fake champ that would be such a lie you’d think the boss slapped me with a pole.

I can say I’ll enjoy the challenge though. You go in day in and out and show you’ve worked hard. You proved it at the Pay-per-view. I know Connor and I have to step up seeing how there is a champ in this. I know we’re going to go and fight hard but at least we’re not fighting to take an enemy down. For us I see this more as respect between two teams. We’ll show sportsmanship that’s not a question. I may have not faced either of you but I can’t wait!

I’m nervous and you don’t hear me say that often. Maybe this match will help us both, I mean we’ll learn something new but it could open new doors for us.

But me saying that does that make you think I’m arrogant; yes it’s a nice goal but one step at a time.  Remember expect the unexpected in this match. I only know one half of it but even in that amount of time Mercedes has grown. It’s like relearning piano or a song, you know what I mean? Yes I do.

I know for fact you’re smart in the ring, it would be a mistake to try to think otherwise. Connor and I will be on our a-game for this one. Now isn’t the time to be letting our guard down, no it’s more or less time for us to be in sync and win this one. We do a have a lot at stake even if it may not seem like it.

This match we need to fight till we take our last breath. No surrender what so ever, we don’t back down and we go hard. No excuses either! I know Mercedes is a take no prisoners person in the ring. That’s good, shows she has a spine and bravery. Also I know people are going to say this:

“Oh why haven’t you touched on the Mean Girls thing?”

That’s been done so many times that I’m scared that Mercedes might lose her cool from it. Plus I never seen the movie nor will I ever. I hate it! So moving on!

Mercedes has changed from that person into someone better. She has matured and no one can take that away from her. She became the Queen for a day, one the Internet Championship. Really all I can say is praise for this girl! She’s a manic on the floor and she’s dancing like she hasn’t danced before.

Now her and Derek are going to be great in the ring. Connor, that means we need to one up that. You see this is the first time we’re teaming. You got a nobody and an angel teaming which sounds weird. But you know the Rebellious Angels are rising through the flames of SCW. Connor and I will be a force you don’t want to mess with. When you see when Connor hits either the Veritas or the Aequitas and when I hit Heaven and Hell you know it’s over. I think fate brought the two of us together knowing we’d be good. Yeah it’s an odd combo but ladies and gents it’ll work indeed.

I trust in my partner like Mercedes will in hers. I know Connor isn’t going to let me down and we do think alike. In all honesty I can’t wait to see this. I want to know how mature, how much better, how evolved our Bombshell Internet Champ has become. I know Connor just wants a fight and he’ll get it with Derek. Eh too bad I couldn’t show him how amazing I’m in the ring first hand by fighting but rules are rules after all.

The four of us want gold but only two can move on. I want that to be Connor and myself…Mercedes, Derek come at us with your all. You’ll need to because both Connor and I aren’t going down without a fight. We both have the will and the ambition to get the job done and believe me on that. I mean I’m not going to cheat but I’m not afraid to bust someone open if they end up pissing me off to a point. Connor…that man will make heads roll fast for sure.

As I sit her typing this I can’t help but to wonder what the SCW fans would think about Connor and I winning? Us taking down the champ and her partner. Honestly I bet in a way people would be shocked. They’d be shocked at the fact that we did what we said and that’s win.

Mercedes, you didn’t win that belt with a fluke like the haters would say. No you won that because the belts chose you and because of your skill. Connor knows I’m looking for a win after the last few matches…but I’m back and better than ever. I’m ready for this match and I’m ready to dominate the competition. Connor I can say he’s ready as well. I can tell that he’s hungry and he’ll be like a wolf and bit the hand if anyone crosses him.

It’s time to let the future roll in. It’s time for us to win and we’re so close but…

We have to wait for the show to prove it. Good luck Mercedes, Derek, Connor let’s kick some ass.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 5: Let’s try something different
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:16:14 PM »
 Book 1: Life
Chapter 5: Let’s try something different
~Well, well, well look who’s talking.  (NP: “The Country song” by: Seether)~
[align=center]Sam: My name is Samuel Devereux and I am not only just the husband of Melanie Gabrielle but the manger for the Clan. Both my wife and sister in law are on a hunt right now so I’ll be checking in for you all!

Now I know all of you are a bit surprised about this but I’m hoping to be able to do this more often. Now-a-days I’m surprised they’re facing someone that they really don’t have an issue with. This will no doubt be a match that is remembered. It will be one that goes down in history as one of the most punishing and one of the most brutal. They don't doubt that for one moment. It will be fierce, it will be cataclysmic and it will be savage. But there is only really one way to make your voice heard in this battle - and that is by giving the competition a challenge. Some care, some don't. But them? They’re here to do what they’ve got to do. They’re here to actually follow the rules, which might surprise some. They’re here to do what is best and that is to fight with every single ounce of my being. I don't see that same fight in a few. In almost all situations, They can make a point of being seen as the most passionate in that situation - unquestionably. I'm not sure if it's coming across on this occasion but I can assure you that it's there.

I feel strongly about this, that this is going to be a hell of a match for both teams. The Clan is honorable. They won’t pull any punches in the dirty terms. They don’t care for cheap tactics and they would rather take care of business in the ring.

Throughout our entire lives, there have been people who doubted us and just didn't believe that we stood a chance. Very few ever saw us as someone who's plans would come to fruition or would live out their dreams. We understood that at the time; we even agreed. They don't need to prove a lot of people wrong these days and well, it was never imperative that they did. But to know that I can now easily say we’re a bigger name than the majority we have ever been faced with throughout our lives? It's an incomparable feeling.
I'm aware of what the Clan’s opponents are hoping for in this match - to attempt to climb the ranks right to the very top, whether they have been there before or whether it's a new experience for them, it doesn't matter. Some might go for the glory, some might go for the win and some might use their passion to just fight. Who knows which fits precisely into which category. Obviously, I'm not aware of what everyone else's goals are within the company or for their career in general. Naturally, I feel that Mel and Lucy want it more than most - but desire is always difficult to measure - but they’ll be giving this my best shot. I'm sure I'm not the only one and of course, it's easier said than done. These are obvious statements but I just want to make things clear.

Lucy and Mel respect the hell out of you; they’ve seen what you've done in the past and I'm aware of what titles you've held. You're no doubt in the top 20 of greatest wrestlers ever to step foot into a SCW ring.

Both the Fallen and the Clan aren’t normal. We know that the Fallen are vampires and they know the Clan are magi-blood. They also know about Lucy and how she’s muatated. It’s fine though. Lucy has a grip on herself and Mel she knows winning this match is very important.

The Clan are close to possibly getting the Tag-Championship but the Fallen are standing at the gates.

The Fallen aren’t easy to beat, we’ve seen that serval times but this time around I have hope for my ladies. The Clan have proven that they deserve to be in the wrestling ring and that if they put their minds to it they overcome. To many they’re the underdogs in the matches but right now they’re equals. Mel and Lucy are decorated and they I think they deserve the best.

They’re getting one of the best tag-teams SCW has for this match. Really we wish you both luck…now if you excuse me.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 12:
« on: January 01, 2016, 11:11:13 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 12:
“If anyone knew it, I shouldn’t have come out alive during the end of the war. Well technically I did die and the four who basically are gone from this world…well they brought me back. I had felt myself not wanting to fight anymore but I had to. If I didn’t we all wouldn’t be here today.”

Part 1: December 20th.
It was snowing in Denmark and the streets were still. You could hear a heartbeat if you listen good enough and any minute now it would be midnight. That would mean the winter solstice would be amongst them and also that the end of the cycle. Melanie stood out in the middle of the street looking up into the sky as the snow came down slowly. She heard “My Last Breath” as she took in what could be the last time she’d see the sight. The snow crunched under her feet as she walked slowly like she was in a death march. Anytime now the others would be meeting with her. Mel grabbed the candles from her cloak and started to set them up. The yellow one to the west, the red one to the east, the green one to the north, the blue one to the south and the purple in the center.

Melanie: This is it. It could be the last time I see everyone.

Mel looked down and saw a shadow from behind her. Her husband wrapped his arms around her.

Sam: Don’t say that…please don’t say that. I can’t stand if something were to happen to you.

Mel tried to smile.

Melanie: In war death happens.

Sam couldn’t even reply to that. It was tearing him already to know that his wife was like this. He couldn’t even say that she was wrong in that statement. He knew already that it was true.

Sam: I won’t let you die.

Melanie: Don’t worry about me.

Sam: Kinda hard to, I mean you are my wife.

Mel nodded.

Melanie: Thank you Baldur for everything in this lifetime.

Sam: Don’t start with that just yet. Thank me when we’re older and are going to die.

Mel actually chuckled.

Melanie: If you say so.

Sam turned himself so he was standing in front of her.

Sam: Melanie please, listen to me sweetheart. I am not letting you die to him…I would die to keep you safe. I took my vow to keep my wife and children safe and I will do that. I don’t want to lose you again. It would hurt to see you ripped from my arms already. Mel…I do love you; you’re my soulmate. Stop and listen closely.

Mel did as he asked and she heard what he was talking about.

Sam: It would drive me insane to be stuck in silence and not hear them singing anymore. You’re my life and everything.

Mel: And you are mine.

Sam: We’re going into this together and we’re going out together.

Mel was tearing up and she looked into his eyes.

Melanie: Promise?

Sam: I do.

Mel smiled as Sam whipped the tears away from her eyes. He leaned down and the two kiss. It felt like years had passed because of the silence. Sam slowly pulled away from her.

Mel: I wish we could go home.

Sam: Me too. I want to see our children, I want to see them open their stuff on Christmas, them graduating from college and high school, them get married and have kids with their soulmates…and well to have a little one with you.

Mel’s mouth dropped and she blinked.

Melanie: You mean?

Sam nodded.

Sam: It doesn’t need to be now, it can be in the future.

Mel: If we can.

Sam: If we can.


The couple turned and say the Clan and the Aesir walk over. Also Claude, Hawk, Click, Evander Payne, Amy Drew and Andy Deabs were in tow.

Amy: This is it?

Mel: Yes…any minute now it’ll be midnight and we’ll light the circle to take us there.

Click: Everyone stay alive.

Lucien: Easy for you to say.

Mel smiled at the group taking in the moment. Everyone got into the circle and Lucy tossed both Mel and Click knives.

Mel: I’m so done giving blood for the cause.

Click: To think after tonight it’ll be the last time.

Mel and Click cut their upper arms slightly and walked the circle Mel had made while doing the candles. The blood stained the snow and after they finished the walked to the center. They healed up the cuts and looked at each other.

Andy: That enough?

Mel: It better be! I’m not about to sacrifice myself for all of this.

Everyone laughed as the clock stuck midnight. Everyone went silent and they knew it was time.

Michelle: It’s time…light ‘em!

Phe walked over and lit the yellow candle causing the wind to pick up.

Phe: Air please heed my call, with your steadfast speed bring us to the battle.

Michelle lit the blue one and the snow stopped, the smell of the sea filled the air.

Michelle: Water please heed my call, allow us to travel your seas, bring us to the battle.

Lucien lit the red one. The snow below started to melt.

Lucien: Fire please heed my call, burn away the evil and bring us to the battle.

Lucy lit the green one. The grass started to become a healthy shade of green.

Lucy: Earth heed my call, shield us from harm. Bring us to the battle!

Rachel lit the last candle. The circle glow a bright white.

Rachel: Spirit heed my call! Keep us safe in the battle!

Mel opened the book and her eyes turn full white.

Melanie: EGO dico super quinque elementum : Incendia , Aer , Unda , Terra quod Phasmatis. Ego , primoris prognatus dico in vos pro tonight. EGO scisco ut vos suffragium nos quod sino nos praecessi ut mei quod Ra's vix regnum. Is est vicis pro denique pugna , terminus nostri cycle. May EGO quaeso a bona pro nostrum tutus reverto , pro silenti etc ut they reperio pacis in afterlives. May vos opus nobis ut evinco malum nos es obvio quod nobis ut effrego cycle tandem. Ego Cosmos quod Chaos scisco is vestrum! Sic is vadum exsisto , sic mote is exsisto amen!

(I call upon the five elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth and Spirit. I, the first born calls on you for tonight. I ask that you aid us and allow us to go to mine and Ra's scared realm. It is time for the final battle, the end of our cycle. May I ask for a blessing for our safe returns, for the dead that they find peace in the afterlives. May you work with us to defeat the evil we are to encounter and for us to break the cycle at last. I, Cosmos and Chaos ask this of you! So it shall be, so mote it be amen!)

The hair on everyone started to blow upwards. Sam grabbed Mel’s hand and lightly squeezed it. Within a blink of the eye the group vanished.

Part 2: December 21st
Sam held his wife in his arms crying. His wife laid dead from Anisim’s attack. The room started to crystalize from this as everyone was scared now. If the first born dies the cycle restarts. Sam cried out in pain from seeing this. Anisim laughed darkly.

Anisim: It’s over! I won!

Lucy: You idiot! You don’t get it if she dies the cycle restarts! We all lose!

Sam: Listen God please…please bring my wife back. She can’t die yet…please I need her. We all do. You have her a second chance and she knows she has a lot left to do. If you take her from us you’ll never get to see what your fruits bloom into. Please…

Anisim raised his sword up and his army was ready to strike everyone down when Mel’s eyes shot open. Mel slowly got up and the blood that was coming from her stopped flowing out.

Anisim: What?! No! This isn’t possible!

Melanie: Oh it is! My friends, my family weren’t going to let me die that easy you bastard! I wanted to give up, I’m so tired. I don’t want any more death, anymore blood being spilled, anyone else being in pain from this. No more war, no more fighting, I want nothing but peace. My will is too great for me to die now and they reminded me of that. Thing is Anisim…or should I say Kuk, thing is I remember…and I’M NOT SCARED OF YOU ANYMORE!

Mel started to glow grey and a staff appeared in front of her. Mel grabbed onto it and spun it.

Anisim: Fire! Kill her.

Nothing happened.

Anisim: Fire…FIRE DAMN IT!

“We do not serve you anymore.”

“You have used us for the wrong things.”

“It is time for a Pax, a time of peace.”

“I will not allow anymore premature deaths.”

“We are with the first born.”

From behind Mel came the five elements. Fire looked like Stefan, Water looked like Robert, Air looked like Tanja, Earth looked like Katherine, and Spirit looked like Serenity. Anisim let out a scream of anger.

Anisim: You dare to challenge me.

Melanie: It’s over for you. Everyone let’s do this together this time…united.

Everyone let out a battle cry as they went to finish the fight.

“I decide my own fate. I defied the fates and I’m still standing. It’s time for celebration, it’s time for another fight and, it’s time for me to live life.”

Part 3: December 22nd~
Fireworks shot off after the war had been won. Everyone in the different realms had shown up for this and it's only been about two hours since the victory took place. Different colours filled the air while everyone watched. Mel and Sam watched from a balcony. Everyone was smiling and for the first time in their lives...everything was so peaceful. A red one lit up the sky.

Mel: We did it.

Sam: Yes we did my love.

Mel smiled up at him.

Mel: Though I did die…

Sam: But you're here now.

Mel nodded.

Mel: Yeah...I am and by a miracle. You know I saw my Aunt, Uncle, Tanja and Stefan. I thought Amy's Mom was with us there as well.

Sam: She might have been.

Mel: You know I didn't want to come back at first.

Sam: I'm sure glad you did though.

Mel: Yeah...I had to be coaxed though.

Sam: I'm sure my love.

Mel: Well now...we're here. We're alive, still standing and the world is ours to live in.

Sam: Damn right!

Mel kissed him and Sam kissed back.

Sam: Love you.

Mel: I love you too. I guess you'll get what you want. To see our children have a great Christmas.

Sam: And that makes me so happy.

Mel: I know same here...same here. Sam may I ask you a question?

Sam: Sure thing.

Mel gets on one knee and smiles at him.

Mel: I can't believe I'm asking this...But I know we haven't been married for a year but will you marry me...again?

Sam: You know I will.

Mel gets up and kisses him.

Mel: Look at everyone.

Sam: They're all happy.

The people below them start letting out chants, battle cries, cheers of victory. Mel smiled happily knowing that everyone was free now. They could live their lives free from fear.

Mel: Yes...yes they are.

Sam kisses her.

Mel: Let's join them.

Mel took Sam’s hand and the two jump down. They landed perfectly onto the ground and the party was just starting.

~Part 4: January 1st~   
Mel had lost not just the SCW Bombshell Roulette championship but also the UWF Universal Championship. Mel was back home in Denmark watching her Husband play with their eldest child. She sat back and Athena was running and Sam was chasing her. Mel though couldn’t believe that the chandler in her dining room had crash. It had happen a few days ago and if Mel didn’t move in time she could have been crushed.

Melanie: I may have lost my last two matches but here’s the thing. Mikah didn’t cheat to beat me. She won fair and square and I’ll admit that! She didn’t need her Father to come out and cheat for her to win. She didn’t need her Father to come out and nail me causing me my championship. Sure I’m mad as hell but in due time I’ll get my vengeance. I know I need to focus for this match. It’s a lethal lottery tag team match and my God this is interesting. I’m teaming with Traci Patterson against Sam Marlowe and Veronica Taylor. I have no idea why but I get the feeling that I’m up against the wall in this one. My partner is doubting me. Sam is great in the ring and same with Veronica.

Thing is I’m still stepping up. I shouldn’t be doubted because I know how to put my emotions aside to get the job done! It’s a new year and well it’s time to pull a win out. Good luck ladies.

(OOC: Sorry everyone, I’m currently feeling ill and I’m really tired.)  

Supercard Archives / Mikah © Vs Melanie Gabrielle ©
« on: December 11, 2015, 11:58:31 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 11:  
~Part 1: /13 days remaining (#NP: “Crossing Over” by: Five Finger Death Punch.)~
“Thirteen days remained till the final battle and I was worried. I was working so hard, making my body and mind ache getting ready for this and yet…I felt unprepared for it. No matter what I did I felt like I was missing something but couldn’t say what it was. Over and over again I tried to reach, grasp for the missing piece and yet I couldn’t. Something kept holding it away from me and have to get it back…whatever that is.”

Sam had parked the car at the building Dr.Garland worked at and, both he and his wife got out of the car. The sun was shining but it was cool outside. Sam though could tell Mel wasn’t easy. Mel was nervous and the idea she had made even Sam a bit frighten. It was something she knew she had to do though. Mel through the years had experience black outs leading to pieces of her memory to be stolen. She could never explain how it would happen or why but Lise ended up finding a memory strain. Think of the pensieve from Harry Potter, Dumbledor taking that memory out is kinda what the strains look like.

Sam: Are you sure you want to do this?

Mel nodded at him.

Melanie: I have to. We’re running out of time and I need a solution. Sam, you know if I don’t and we run out of time the cycle will just end up repeating. We’ll end up dying and rebirthing…I don’t know about you but I like being Melanie Gabrielle, Baldur. I wouldn’t trade this life time for anything or any of the past lives. Yeah it’s been a rough time but I’d do it over again in a heartbeat. I mean I found my soulmate after all.

Sam smiled at her and took her hand.

Sam: Anywhere you go let me go too.

Melanie: Phantom of the Opera, you remembered. Let’s get going…we’re running out of days.

Sam lead her inside and before they both knew it they were in the office. Dr.Garland sat across from them and Mel blinked.

Dr.Garland: Alright Mel shut your eyes and relax. Hopefully this does work.

Mel does what she instructed and suddenly the past was coming back up.

The light of the fire had made it bright for her. The smell of smoke filled her nose and Mel knew where she was at. Mel felt fear as she walked across the floor carefully, trying not to fall or get hurt. She knew her Uncle was dead and her body was burning. She knew he had made a deal to keep them alive, thanks to the memory strain Lise had found. Mel walked and heard a creaking nose. Mel’s eyes grew big as the floor below her caved in. Mel screamed loudly and fell into the basement.

To her it felt like hours but it was only minutes before she snapped out of her shock. Mel got up and started to walk around again.

Melanie: Hello?

Mel heard a loud and painful scream. No! Not again! She already knew this memory. She wanted out now. She couldn’t go through with it…not again.


Melanie: Let her go!

“I can’t do that!”

Mel could see Lucien standing over their Aunt, knife in hand.

Melanie: Please don’t do this.

The vision distorted and Lucien changed into Anisim.

“Say good bye Serenity.”

But before Mel could react; everything went by fast. Serenity’s body fell to the ground and Anisim fled. Mel screamed loudly and ran over to her. Mel took her into her arms.

Melanie: Hold on please! Please don’t die!

Serenity coughed.

Serenity: Melanie…my dark angel, please watch over your siblings. You’re more important than you know. I believe in you…I love you, stay golden.

This was the first time someone died in Mel’s arms. Mel screamed out in pain.[/color]

Melanie: NO!

Mel grabbed the body and started to drag it with her. Mel knew she had to get out. Mel slowly found the stairs and before she touched the door leading to the outside her back got burnt, leaving the scar. Mel screamed but the adrenaline from it caused her to pull the body to the outside. Once in the middle of the yard Mel passed out.

Lucy: MEL!

Mel screamed and Sam held her as she came back to them.

Sam: Shh it’s okay, I’m here.

~Part 2: Trying to clear/12 days remaining (NP: “Alex’s theme” From Silent Hill homecoming.)~
Sam and Mel’s hard and shallow breath was loud over the silence… their bodies working hard to climb the rock mount before them and Sam’s let’s out an impatient sigh of annoyance.

Sam: First you wake me at an ungodly hour and now you have dragged me all the way out to the deserts of time. Also, you’re demanding physical exercise from me which doesn’t involve a sex position, what’s going on Mel.

Mel: You’ll see.

That’s all she was able to muster as he continued to follow her up the mountain.

They weren’t far from the top and Mel was completely satisfied with the silence as they had both strained for their breath, but of course Sam had to ruin it. He had always been more than just curious of what was going on in her head especially when she did things in which she didn’t explain; like this one.

Sam: So… are we ever going to talk?

Mel: I have no idea what you are talking about!

Sam: That’s bullshit Mel, and you know it…

Rock kicked away below his feet and tumbled down the hill as he reached forward and grabbed her arm firmly which pulled me back a bit then firmly landing her in place. She froze, unable to turn around. This is one of those situations in which Mel would avoid but when you’re on a mountain the only way is to go down… and at the pace in which she’d need to go; She wouldn’t come out alive.

Sam: Look at me please…

She didn’t want to… just the same as a small child couldn’t bare the look of disappointment in their parent’s eyes when they had done something wrong. She felt uncomfortable, her throat began to run dry and her eyes felt like they were about to cement in to place. Her heart thudded rapidly but it was hard to tell if it was from exertion or from him. Reluctantly however and against her better judgement she turned around ever so slightly so that her body was slightly sideways and she looked at him.

Sam: We can’t avoid it forever, we need to talk about it.

Mel: We’re almost at the top, if we stop now, we’re going to miss it.

She turned back around, slowly trying to escape his grasp and to my surprise he softened his grip and allowed her to continue to trudge the mountain. However, with the sound of his voice and his footsteps he felt at a loss for hope as he climbed the mountain after her. Only taking an additional four minutes they had finally reached the top. Of course the height never had full effect on him, or either one of them until they had reached the top.

It had even left Sam speechless as he looked over the dry plain of sand and small amounts of brush… The sky had a small light to it… and he looked down at his phone which read 5:26am… and shot a curious glance at Mel… she nudged my head towards him and sat down on the rock, using her arms behind her to hold her upright. He took a few long seconds looking at me.

Mel could feel the emotions in his eyes. He may not have expressed them like a gentlemen but he pushed them out of himself like he was trying to envelope me in to a protection bubble; as if he had known Mel allowed herself to be swallowed by darkness… but the hard cold shell on the outside, was not something that one could see through. Not even her siblings, but him on the other hand, although our added time in the past seven, eight years had been brief they seemed to know more about each other and our characteristics better than any other person on this planet.

Finally taking his place beside her; at first placing his arms behind him like she did… his fingers begin to brush over the back of Mel’s head, sending an electric shock up her spine and a tingle all over her body. Mel’s had begun to burn with it, and with a sharp inhale she pulled it away. Maybe this was the ‘bitchy’ side of her.

Sam pulled himself forward after Mel had pulled away and he placed his arms on his knee as he looked over to the sunrise on the horizon…

Mel: Gorgeous isn’t it?

He shook his head at me, as if denying my claim of its beauty. She was a bit shocked, in all the effort she did to drag him out here, to distract both of us from our current life and it’s ‘hecticness,’ he denied the true beauty of what was in front of him and it surprised her. He turned away from the sunrise that had just finished coming up over the horizon and looked deeply in to Mel’s eyes which melted her whole body like butter.

Sam: It’s pretty an all…You on the other hand… are gorgeous…

He did it again, without fail… caused her to fall completely and irrevocably head over heels in love with him. He took a minute to stare at her, leaving Mel in the suspense silence before taking her hand and helping his wife to her feet and gestured for her to lead the way down the mountain. However, as Mel brushed passed him to lead the way, Sam gripped her hand even tighter and whipped her around and in to his arms.

Like a scene from a movie, Mel hadn’t even been able to give a reaction in the amount of time he took to sweep me off of her feet. Sam leant in, brushing the hair from her face with gentleness and he placed his lips against hers rather fiercely and passionately. Mel had melted like butter in his arms, folding in to him like the counterpart to the ying and yang… different but meant to be together.

She had let it all go…

She let my guard down,


Mel: Horror…complete horror is what I saw.

~Part 3: Who is he? /11 days remaining (NP: “It’s a life” by: Fozzy )~
Mel and Sam ran down the top of the subway train as fast as they could. They weren’t letting this one go away and the thing they were chasing after was pretty fast.

Melanie: Seriously how is this guy almost as fast as Gabe?

Sam: I have no idea. We have to get him though.

Melanie: Yeah I know Lucy said this guy knows something.

Sam: Sounds like we need to stop holding back.

Mel: Sam we can’t use our powers! There are people down below us.

Mel heard Sam groan from her words. She didn’t blame him at that. The couple had to keep up with the man in front of them and Mel wished Gabe would have come with them.  Gabe’s super speed would have helped but Gabe was at home taking care of his sick son.

Sam: Please tell me you have a plan.

Melanie: In all honesty I don’t!

Sam: Son of a bitch.

The train was going to come out of the tunnel and the couple knew now they’d have an opening. If they missed it all of them would end up getting hurt. Mel turned to Sam and nodded her head. Sam’s eyes turned black and he swiped his hand like he was cutting something. The man went flying to the ground. Mel with a running start jumped and tackled the guy down.

“I won’t talk!”

Sam: Oh you will! I’ll make sure of that.

“Is that so half breed?

Mel’s eyes turned red and it caused the man to scream loudly.

Melanie: Want to say that again?


Melanie: That’s what I thought. Now talk!

Mel’s voice echoed.

“Anisim was the one who made sure the boy’s fate was messed with. I didn’t do it but I know the demon who did.”

Mel: Who was it?

Sam could tell his wife was getting angry by the second.

“Goes by the name of Lacroix. He’s a power one at that if he’s able to do that to him. Please don’t hurt me! I swear I was just following orders.”

Before Mel could act, Sam took her off him and muttered in latin. The demon vanished and Mel looked at her husband.

Sam: I wasn’t about to let you level anything. I know if you get to a certain point mass destruction can happen Chaos.

Mel took in a breath after hearing that name.

Melanie: Yeah…you’re right. So we have to find this Lacroix.

Sam: In-

Melanie: We don’t have time! We only have 11 days left.

Mel turned from him with her anger in her eyes. Sam sighed and started to walk after her.

Sam: Melanie we’re going to Canada…do you want to visit Stefan?

Mel had stopped and turned to him. Slowly she nodded and that made her anger vanished. Mel felt maybe now they had a grasp on everything and maybe just maybe she could try to relax. Sam had gotten his car and brought it around. Mel got in and shut the door.

Melanie: I’m sorry.

Sam: Don’t be…don’t be.

~Part 4: Visiting /10 days remaining (NP: “In Loving Memory of” by: Alter bridge)~
Mel found herself in Quebec City again. She knew she’d have to get to Ottawa in the next day but she had to stop and see him. It had been almost a month since he passed but she didn’t care. Mel and the others would always want to see him. Mel found the grave and set down flowers on his grave. She could see some of the others had already been there. Gardena meaning Rachel and Lilac meaning Lucy. Mel placed the roses down. Now it was Uri and Michelle’s turn. Mel read his grave:  

Stefan Lajoie
March 31st, 1992-November 13th, 2015
Loving, brother, uncle, son and Father.

Mel sighed and faked a smile.

Melanie: Hey Stefan, I know it’s only been a short amount of time since we last saw each other but I was here. I mean D2D is in Canada so I wanted to stop by. I wish you were right now to see the smile on your face. To see how proud of you are of me. I know you are already though. I know you, my aunt, my uncle and Tanja and all the others are smiling at me from the afterlives. I wonder if you’re waiting for me…for us or not? I wish I could see you again but that won’t be till my time is up.

Do you remember in November about three to four years ago when the gold rush tournament happen? Man that was hell. Peppy had placed ten of us against each other and I beat all of them. I made history as well; I was the only one to win the respect championship from the gold rush. Yeah I won the Women’s championship from Danni. I mean you remember that…that was a hell of a night too.

Well guess what I could do it again. I beat eighteen others and now I’m facing Mikah for the Bombshell Roulette Championship. Of course though Admins love throwing a twist in it. So it’s winner take all and I hear it’s the first for the women. Key word: Heard! I’m not fully sure but I know Stefan what you’d tell me.

“Go out there and kick their asses, remember the championships choose the champ.”

Yeah I still remember that line. It’s stuck with me for years and I’ve said it a few times. It hurts you couldn’t be here to see me win this one. You saw me win the Roulette championship and the other belts but you’re gone…Stefan I miss you and I’m always thinking about you. I thought this was just a dream and maybe I’d wake up and see you still here.

I’m not dreaming.

You’re really gone and it still hurts…

Moving on though.

With Mikah, I have nothing bad to say about her. We used to be in U.Inc together and I never faced her before. I know many of the people in the back dislike her. They want her dead and I can see why. But again I can’t hate someone I don’t know and that I can’t make a judgement on. I mean she’s not Candy Overton who believes that she’s tough shit all of a sudden and she’s not Anisim Seraphina…she didn’t kill anyone. I know that she does have the bitchy attitude but hey if it works for her let her keep going. I mean she reminds me of Rachel in a way…you know she misses you Stefan we all do.

Mel looked at the tombstone and the light in her eyes got brighter.

Melanie: But with that being said if she thinks she’s getting an easy match she’s dead wrong!

I’ve held this belt for a long time and I won’t give it up now. The Bombshell Roulette Championship isn’t as high as the Bombshell Championship but guess what it takes much more guts to hold this. You need to go out there fearless or the stips will consume you like the darkness. These matches can be anything! You can ask people like Keira, Crystal, Mercedes and Amy who’ve had this belt before me. They know these matches do test you. They can see if you can adapt and overcome in which I have shown to everyone that I can. Survival is something that is “programed” into my body and mind. I’m a hunter and that’s no lie. My past haunts me for what all has happened but I use it to change my life and the life of others. I swear to God though if this is a mud match I will freaking rage! Do you hear me!? But I digress.

Mel was yelling at this point. She took a deep breath and continued.

Melanie: Mikah has almost had her belt for seven months. That’s a long time and I remember one person…no two that had a long reign. Levi had my other belt for two years and you Stefan…you had the ECCWF/PWU for over a year and you were the youngest. Yeah Uri will still never let that down even in death.

But Mikah and I…we have pride.


Pride… is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. This company chose its name carefully, deliberately picked for administrations benefit. In its name… it comes their glory. Whatever cashes them the most dope is what boost their own sick and twisted version of morale. Administration is closely related to every single one of its contracts… like a cord on a guitar… only the best musicians will be able to strike that cord with precision and you can bet your ass they are cashing in on all of our tunes. Of course in our turn we get to shine. The best of the best step up and show why they should have belts. Mikah and I have shown that. She’s had the Bombshell title for longer than I have had my Bombshell Roulette title. You got people like Team Hero who stepped up and have the Bombshell Tag belts and as much as I don’t want to say this even Alexis Edwards stepped up to win the Bombshell Internet belt.

I can tell you are gifted Mikah, you have sacrificed years of hard work and dedication to get to where you are now. You were that one in every thousand that walks the line and makes it shine; you make it extremely difficult for anybody to follow in your footsteps. But you see when it comes to my career, I don’t walk the white line Mikah, I carve my own path. Although it may take more work, the reward is much more beneficial and while you cast a beaming light like a curtain over the eyes of your competition… I am that rare red ruby that shines amongst the valley of diamonds. I am not just one in every few thousand but I am that one in a million.

Mel chuckled.

Melanie: I was in your position once Mikah. I had been undefeatable. Wherever I stepped the ground rumbled beneath my feet and the creatures in which surrounded me buried in to the deepest sands of the dessert. Nobody wanted to fall short of me, but everybody wanted to try and be the one to knock me off of my center. I had walked in to countless amount of wrestling promotions since returning back to the ring in  and conquered everything management has sent my way and crushed their company to dust. Every single time I had made it to highest level of rankings in a matter of two short weeks I’d have a championship match.

Everybody falls eventually Mikah and when they fall it is all about how they brush themselves off and get back up. Giving in and giving up are not the options in which you want to consider when you are trying to make a claim at being ‘the best,’ and not wanting to settle for being ‘one of.’

Now I know my career so far in SCW is not nearly half as decorated as yours Mikah, I am well aware in the eyes of the worthy you don’t see me as a threat, I had many others before you claim themselves to be my superiors and that I should stand by and watch as I experience ‘the gifted’ as you like to call yourself. But I’m not the stand by kind of girl. I take action Mikah… and I have seven years of smarts, experience, victories, battles, and wars that out way the one year you have had as a professional wrestler. Don’t down size me because I not only look half your sized but look half as accomplished because like the flash you can quickly lose all that you have strived to become like I did to poor Dorn at UWF by taking their highest belt the UWF Universal Championship from him. Also we can say how I won the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship from Keira Fisher and kept it from everyone since. The toughest things come in the smallest packages and you will see exactly what I mean come D2D. You will feel what it is like to go in to the ring with me and I will be generous enough to allow you enough will power to talk about it in the aftermath just because I respect you Mikah.

Mel smiled.

Mel: That’s what makes me a Champion, the fact that I’m always ready to fight and put the title on the line. The fact I’m not scared to hurt someone, to get hurt, to actually fight in these type of matches and not back down. You say you don’t like this championship so it makes me wonder what it shows on your heart.

Mel heard drums playing in her ear…the heathen call was coming.

Mel:Mikah, you’re stepping onto my grounds and not the other way around. You need to adapt to the challenge at hand. Now do I doubt you? No because I’m not stupid. I know you do pose a threat to my reign like I do yours. And to finish the whole quote: “When it comes to fighting, surviving I don’t play around because this is either kill or be killed. Simple as that and trust me…It’s nothing personal, it’s all business.” And it does stick for this match. It’s just business Mikah, I have nothing personal against you. It is kill or be killed and well I’m not dead yet. I’m still standing and everyone who dares to face me have and shall be taken down. I can’t back down, I can’t stop no matter how much my mind, body and soul hurt. I have to keep going to make things brighter.

Mel’s eyes turn red.

Look into my eyes and I dare you to tell me different. I dare you to prove that I am not ready for this because I know I am ready. I’m ready to stand and win. I’m the hunter and it’s time to go hunting in this match. Just I wonder what fate has instore for our match. For all I know we could be burning, bloody or broken. I promise I’ll take you to the edge of glory with this. Mikah I wish you luck, I do. Again just all business and nothing personal. Get ready for the battle of a life time.[/color]

Mel heard clapping from behind her. Mel looked up and saw Sam smiling at her.

Sam: You’re ready for this and we need to go.

Mel sighed not wanting to leave. Mel quickly tapped the grave; remember what Raymond had said to her. Mel heard an echo flow through her ears and smiled. Mel got to her feet and walked over to her husband.

Sam: You okay?

Melanie: Yeah…it’s all good Sam. I think everything will be fine. All ends well right?

Sam chuckled as the couple leave.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 10: Her heart
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:13:47 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 10: Her heart
~Part 1: A few weeks ago…~
Lise woke with a start. She heard a loud scream in her head causing her to know something was wrong. Lise jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. Lise was now staying Sam and Mel as civil war was broken or nearly in Sweden. Lise though had always thought that she belonged with the two Danes as is. Lise was in the west wing of the place and she felt like she was being pulled towards the east wing where Mel and Sam resided at night. Lise felt her anxiety rise with each step taken.

She heard another loud scream as broke out now into a sprint. Lise didn’t want to find out what was going on but Urd, her essence of her powers wanted. She kept pressing Lise on and the young woman wanted to stop. Rarely did Lise feel any emotion but when she did it was in powerful burst.

Lise found herself stopping in front of Mel and Sam’s bed room. She gulped wondering if she should knock or not. But before she could take any action the door opened and Mel was on the floor crying her eyes out as Sam held her from above.

Lise: What’s going on?

Sam looked over and saw Lise standing at the door way.[/color]

Sam: Lise…Stefan Lajoie passed.

The name made the hairs on the back of her head stand up. She knew him and knew that he was terminally ill but then Lise’s body shook hard. Both her and Urd now knew what was wrong. Stefan wasn’t supposed to die for about another fifteen, twenty years at most even with his illness.

Someone had tamped with fate and Lise knew it.

Lise: How?

Sam: I have no idea, Mel isn’t telling me anything. She’s in shock and isn’t speaking; I have no idea what to do. Urd, can you get a hold of your sisters and see what the hell happened?!

Lise nodded and ran off to get her phone.

Melanie: I-I!

Mel was choking on words; she couldn’t get over the shock of what had happened. Sam was asleep when his wife came home screaming and crying. Sam didn’t want this at all. He hated seeing his wife like this. Mel started to lose control of her abilities again and small things were floating in the room.

Sam: Mel! Stop!

Melanie: NO!

She screamed loudly and every item in the room went flying up to the roof of it. The light bulbs were flashing on and off. Sam grabbed onto his wife and tried to calm her down.

Sam: Melanie please calm down or you’re going to destroy the place.

Mel: He can’t be gone!

Another loud scream tore out from her lungs and everything this time started to fly around in a clock wise motion.

Sam: There was nothing you could have done.

Mel: No! I could have saved him! I could have found a way!

Sam: No there wasn’t! There was nothing you could have done. He was too far gone. Look at what’s going on right now! Would you want our home destroyed? What would he want you to do? He’d want you to keep fighting. His soul is most likely at peace. Now I need you to relax and come back to bed. You need to sleep now.

Mel looked up and saw what was going on. She took in a breath and everything landed back in place with a thud. Mel fell forward into her husband’s arms, passing out from the stress. Sam carried her and placed her in bed.

Sam: It’ll be okay…I’m here and I’ll never leave you.

~Part 2: Private moments/A week and a few days later. (NP: “Bring back the Sun” by: Our Lady Peace)~
We all know New Orleans, Louisiana as a party site and home to the French Quarter but Samuel Devereux called it home in the states. It was after midnight and the outside was still filled with people and partying. But for him he couldn’t find sleep on this night. Things were on his mind including UWF, his wife’s match at SCW and what’s going on with the magi-blood. He found himself in front of his laptop reading over some of his people’s history that Lucy and Brigid had put together. Moments later Sam felt arms wrapped around him and he looks up to see his wife.

Melanie: Why aren’t you in bed?

Sam: I’m not tired…why aren’t you?

Melanie: Because you’re not in bed.

Sam looked up at her and kisses her.

Sam: Go back to bed ma belle.

Mel nodded her head no.

Melanie: Not without you.

Sam: You’re something else Melanie, stubborn and I love it.

Mel looked onto the screen and chuckled.

Melanie: This is my thing.

Sam: I know but it’s our thing now! Remember we co-own seeing how our two merged together.

Melanie: Yeah that’s true! But Sam it’s my thing! You’re supposed to be checking up on me while I work to the bone.

Sam chuckled and sat Mel on his lap.

Sam: Okay you have a point…are you sure it’s because I’m not in bed?

Melanie: I’m very sure love.

Sam smiled and kissed her cheek. Mel giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Melanie: Have I told you how much I love you as of late?

Sam: Every single day on the hour of the hour and I love it. I love you and seriously you’re the best thing that has ever happened to. I thank God that I got to marry you.

Mel blushed.

Melanie: I thank God as well.

Sam: And even though she’s not mine biologically…our daughter as well.

Melanie: She thinks you are.

Sam: You haven’t told her?

Melanie: Why should I? I mean our daughter is very intelligent for her age. If she wants to talk about it she’ll come up to us.

Sam nodded.

Sam: Yeah you’re right. I still don’t understand at first how she could say one…maybe two words and you could tell what she wanted.

Melanie: Two words: Aunt Lucy.

Sam: I take it Lucy never spoke a whole lot as a child?

Melanie: Bingo!

Sam laughed.

Sam: But I gotten used to it.

Melanie: Oh I know you have. I’m proud of you for that…Sam I do love you.

Sam: To pull a Niko, if I may quote Star Wars: “I know”.

Mel laughed loudly.

Melanie: Now will you come to bed with me please?!

Sam: Not yet, I’m enjoying this. I mean I have the most sexist woman on the planet and in the realms on my lap!

Mel: You don’t mean that do you?

Sam: I do! I mean it Mel…why do you ask?

Mel bit her lip.

Melanie: Everyone picks Uri over me…

Sam hugged her.

Sam: I know, but most of them only see her for her looks. She’s not stupid at all like some think…not only that Deabs would stab someone if they try shit with her. I mean I’d do the same if it were you.

Melanie: Touché Mr. Devereux!

Sam: Why thank you Mrs.Devereux

Mel kissed him.Sam got lost in his thoughts wondering if he wanted to ask his wife a certain question.

Sam: Can I ask you something?

Melanie: Sure what is it?

Sam: Why did you get married to Dark Tiger?

Melanie: I fell in love with him. A lot of people said we were moving too fast, I didn’t listen. I was happy and well you know how that ended.

Sam: Yeah I remember. I mean we’ve been together what for a year and half?

Melanie: You dork! You can’t even remember!

Sam: Well I am sorry!

The two of them laugh.

Melanie: But yeah it’s a year and half…a wonderful year and half.

Sam: Yeah it has…Mel do you want me coming out with you?

Melanie: Only if you want you to.

Sam: It would be my pleasure.

Mel kissed his cheek.

Sam: I love you so much Melanie. I’d lose it if you left me but I’d understand.

Melanie: I’m not leaving you…I promise. Now bed time Mister.

Sam: I swear you’re getting bad as Uriella with your drive.

Melanie: Oh you are so getting laid tonight!

~Part 3 (NP: “Miete Kuru Mono he” by: Senju Akira)
The hairs on the back of her head stood up as the night was freezing. It wasn’t the cold though that was causing this though. Melanie Gabrielle knew she was being followed. Mel had broken her own rule about hunts. Usually the min number for a hunt was two people but Mel was on her own. Mel’s hands were on both her guns ready to draw them out in a moment’s notice. Her eyes looked around the graveyard she stood in as she tried to pinpoint where the person was at.

Melanie: I know you’re out here.

She said it so quietly she barley heard her own words. From out of the corner of her right eyes she saw a shadow cast.

Melanie: Who goes there!?

The person didn’t answer but she saw two glowing red eyes looking at her.

Melanie: Last chance! Answer my question.

The person breathed hard or made gasping like sounds that made it sounds like dying.

“Hello there.”

Mel blinked knowing who it was.

Melanie: Hades, what are you doing here?

The man known as Hades stood still in the shadows watching her. Mel didn’t need to move and she put her hands down not touching her guns anymore. Mel took her hood of her cloak down and her brunette hair swayed from wind.

Hades: I have to talk to you. It’s about Stefan.

Mel gulped and walked over to him. Hades took down his hood and his long flowing black hair came rushing out.

Melanie: Raymond what the fuck is going on?

Raymond Delmas aka Hades in the world of the magi-blood was born somewhere in Canada. The man was forty years old but because of the magi-bloods after the age of twenty-five you age slowly. Raymond didn’t look over his late twenty’s, early thirties. It was rare to see Raymond or really any death incarnates. Mel had sensed a dark colour blood but wasn’t sure who it was.

Raymond: Melanie, you believe he is dead no?

Mel: He died right in front of my eyes!

Raymond: He may have but he isn’t fully dead.

Melanie: Explain.

The wind started to blow harder.

Raymond: Melanie the four of them are waiting for you all. They refuse to pass into their afterlives until you all are okay or you join them.

Mel blinked at him.

Melanie: Are-are-

Raymond: I am not joking. Next time you visit him I want you to grave tap…that and he passed his essence to his eldest child. Him, Tanja, Serenity and Robert wait for you all.

Mel replayed what he had said in her mind.

Melanie: Tanja!? But she wasn’t a magi-blood!

Raymond: That doesn’t matter; her will was a strong one when she died. Her will transferred and now she waits with three. Mel you had said to Sam that you know what you need to do. Do it! Don’t let doubt or fear stop you. Follow your heart and soul. Remember to call on us when we’re needed. You’re not alone and we’re not about to leave you.

Mel looked down.

Melanie: I wonder about that sometimes.

Raymond: Believe me what I’m telling you.

Melanie: I do…just…

Raymond: Doubt is a hard and heavy thing I know. Remember it all ends well.

Mel smiled at the older man.

Melanie: Thank you Raymond.

~Part 4: The next entry (NP: “Bullet with a name” by: Nonpoint)~
Melanie: How much more pain do we all need to feel? How many more people do we need to see die? How many more battles do we fight in? I’m so tired of fighting…I don’t want to do this anymore but my body and heart pushes me on. I just want to rest, I want to have a regular life but I know I can never have my wish. I know people like Roxi would say that I could and I have no idea how people like Sam Marlow would respond.

I’m not about to lie to anyone when I say that I know I can’t have my wish. People don’t see that magi-bloods were born to battle. Our fate is a mysterious one at most. People don’t understand that we fight day in and out. We fight with our souls, our lives, our blood, sweat and tears and we never get thanks for it. But that’s okay, we expect it.

We’re the supernatural soldiers that fight a war in the dark to keep everyone alive in the light. I know too many people believe that vampire, werewolves and such are fake like fairy tales. That’s not true though they all do exist and Hollywood warped them into romance. Really if you ask Lucy if she’s like a vampire in “Twilight” she’d laugh and then punch you in the face. Lucy’s technically not a full vampire…more like a hybrid with her mutation. Most of the creatures of the night keep to their selves, not wanting hunters after them. But you have those who go after innocent lives and those are the ones we go after.

I’m no killer that’s for sure. I don’t claim to be a hero and I’m not the villain.

People think whatever they want about us and you know that’s fine. I’m not going to change minds and I’m just going to be me. I know I have people who support me. They want me to succeed and live my life good. I try in all honest. It’s hard at times but they’re there. They’re my family…the ones I’ve watched over, the ones I loved since I was born and continue to today. They’re my friends…the ones who I’ve gained over the years and that have stayed by my side. Then my fans that I’ve gotten over four years. I know I have people to fight for and I guess they really are the ones who keep me going.

Then you have those who hate me. Really I ignore the ever living shit out of! They’re the reason why also I have to keep going. My mission is to take him down…He’s the one who truly hates me and my family and tried to get us killed all these years ago. I do draw strength from this though. I know Anisim watches us and laughs at what he calls a “Feeblish attempt of defeating him”. I know the fans that don’t like me boo me and that doesn’t bother me. They’re allow to have opinions of course.

Fighting, surviving it all comes hand in hand. In the wrestling business that does apply. You need to fight in every match to win. With the Bombshell Roulette in those matches you have to survive. Hardcore matches aren’t for the faint of the heart and I do know that. For over one hundred days I’ve had this belt and it’s brought out the best in me…or maybe not. Really depends on your perception on things.  I knew since I got this championship I’d fight harder and keep going. I know with the spin of the wheel anything can happen…including a mud match.

I won’t throw this match. No I will go out there and fight! If I give up now I won’t be able to face Mikah and I’ll lose. It’s put up or shut up time because I have two bullets with Roxi and Sam’s names on it.

Don’t think for a second that either of you are walking out easy with this match. Remember the three of us have a 33.3 1/3 chance of winning and all of us are going to probably end up killing one another for this chance. Now what sets me a part from you both is since getting this championship I haven’t be beaten. I’ve kicked ass and I’m ready to do it again. I’ve been put through Hell and back and once again I do it. Triple threats are an ass but it’s fine by me. Ladies bring whatever you want it’s not going to save you unfortunately. I’m ready for this match and thing is I’m going to fight till I taste blood in my mouth and lungs.

When it comes to fighting, surviving I don’t play around because this is either kill or be killed. Simple as that and trust me…It’s nothing personal, it’s all business.

Samantha Marlow, you’ve faced my youngest sister before. You remember Lucy right? You faced her back in August and she won. It was a good match I’ll give you both that. You’ve won back to back and won against Raynin which I hear isn’t easy. So it makes me wonder if you can pull off the win in this one. You know it’s easier than it sounds. You’re facing Roxi and myself.

I’m not coming into this match looking to have any sort of laughter what I’m going to do is show you exactly why you’re not going to sit here and proclaim to be better than me without actually damn well having to prove it, and that Sam is not a JOKE. It wasn’t me you were taking on so I didn’t really have a need to say anything about them, it didn’t bother me at the time because words are what they are and as I said before I am above it, but slowly and surely the more I’ve thought about your comments, the more they’ve began to simmer inside me and give me this sudden rage against you. It is a feeling I hate because You proclaimed to be someone different, you claim to be the toughest person on the roster and yet you still have to continue proving yourself don’t you? Why isn’t her word good enough? Why does she have to use her friends to get what she wants? It doesn’t make much sense does it?

That is what is really humorous about this situation though isn’t it? That despite someone who is truly supposed to know who I am and understand what it is I fight for, you can’t see past the ass end of your own fictional world to know that you are no better than I am, that truthfully you are just as vulnerable and fragile as any other person on this roster, that despite the aura you put around yourself to be the toughest female in SCW you still comes up just a little short. Because deep inside you already know that I am the best. This knowledge has you so fucked up and out of sync that you can’t even form a decisive response to how you feel about it. Are you the best, are you the underdog? Or do you just have no fucking clue because you know no matter what response you give I’m going to put your ass down?!

I’ve been fighting for one thing or another since my childhood and my resilience is OUTSTANDING. I don’t give up, I don’t quit, and I sure as hell don’t have to play the numbers game which popular rumors seem to like spreading. It’s easier that way sure, but I didn’t have the numbers game when I took on Keira in a barbwire ladder match. I didn’t have the numbers game when I went toe to toe with Candy Overton in the best mud match that SCW has ever seen. I’m not standing here trying to debunk your achievements either because I’m not that conceited, but you already knew all these things didn’t you Sam? You already know that I am like no one you’ve ever fought before. I see you as an equal and it is clear we all know how you see me . . . Even if you claim to respect me, your words really don’t make it appear that way . . . but soon enough you will Sam. I’m damn well going to earn it when I take you on at Climax Control. You’re so used to being the underdog Sam that you’ve convinced yourself that you have to repeat that you are the best before you or anyone else actually believes it.
This match is going to be one for the record books and I think you will find by the end of it that I was not the one needing to be knocked down a notch. To think that you could continually claim to be better than me was your first mistake, to think that you could aim hateful barbs towards me As it is often said the quiet ones are the ones you’ve got to watch out for.

Roxi…Oh Roxi… It seems that we could get break our tie tonight. I won once against you, you beat me once. It should be fun indeed. I know you can keep up with me that’s not a secret but you even have to admit that I’ve grown.

You see, to some, this will be a match that they will attempt to skip because it was not them who earned the right to challenge the champion. To some, they will continue to underplay those who are way ahead of them. I have said this many times and it holds truth, this match, is going to be a fight. No matter how close Roxi and I may be, this is about the right to challenge Mikha and if anyone knows, they know it’ll be hard.They already know that I will not be denied. At Phenomenon, I am going to throw everything that I have at the woman who has taken down anyone that SCW had to offer. Whether or not, that statement is debatable on so many levels.

If you throw a punch at me, I am going to throw two back at you. If you decide to go to the top rope, I am going to launch myself out the ring and make sure I hit my target. This is no game, this is no joke. This is going to be the defining moment of both of our careers. In a sense, this is where it is all going to make or break the division. Whether or not, we will allow the Dark Angel to continue her dominate reign.

It seems so long ago that I faced off against Roxi. It was a different time then. SCW was still new in my mind and I faced you and Keira with Lucy. How far things have come, right? Back then, I had no idea what direction she would go in, apart from upwards due to her mobility and all, and now…she’s flying just under the sun with those wax wings of hers. And how have you been, Roxi? Been doing well? Well you do have your tag championship. Do try to make it interesting Roxi so we can give people their money’s worth. And in exchange, I promise not to end it too quickly.

Roxi, I don’t doubt you and you know this. We’ve fought together and against.  I know you’ll do great. Just remember to watch the skies; you’re not the only one that flies. Let’s do this!

Good luck ladies and remember to give it your all.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 9: Anthem of the Angels
« on: November 20, 2015, 09:57:03 PM »
 WARNING: Well character death (Nothing gory or anything like that though!), talking about cancer. If you can't stomach please don't read this promo.

Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 9: Anthem of the Angels

~Part 1: The wake (NP: Anthem of the Angels by: Breaking Benjamin)~
Friday the 13th took another person and the sky in Québec City started to cry. It was already hell in the world but the Magi-blood it got even worse. It was the 16th and the Lépine Cloutier Funeral Home had a wake going on. Mel had paid for it all; she was the last person to see him alive, the last to see him take his final breath. He had died in her arms and secretly she felt guilty about it.

Different magi-blood from around the world had come to pay respects to one of the royals. In life Stefan Lajoie was known as Zeus in the magi-blood world. The King of the Greeks, the French-Canadian became close to the Clan and hell dated Uriella Abaddon for a period of time.

For Uriella she was a wreck after what had happened on the 13th. It was the combo of two things that made her not sleep the night before. Her husband Andy Deabs was with her and he was scared she’d relapse into her eating disorder. Uriella looked like a wreck but felt like Hell had crushed her.

Claude was losing it. He lost his twin brother and Rachel had to stay strong for them both. When he heard the news he lost control of his abilities and nearly made his family slip into comas for it. It was one touch by Rachel had calmed the beast down before he could have caused damage. Claude was uncontrollably crying and sobbing.

Claude: No! Why?!

Rachel: I…I don’t know. But I’m never leaving you till the day I die. I vowed your brother that I would take care of you.

Michelle and Evander were on the otherside of the parlor. Michelle didn’t have the bright sparkle of the sea in her eyes.

Michelle: I’ll be okay.

Evander: Don’t hide your emotions, it’s okay.

The rest of the Clan and the Aesir were around as well.

Lucy: Lise what do you mean by his fate was tampered with?

Lise: I mean he wasn’t supposed to die till the children were in college. Something tampered with fate and I felt it. I was talking to Professor Clockworkx about it. Lucy I’m worried and it feels like time is standing still.

Lucy: Not good. We’ll figure it out Lise. For now though we need to heal.

Lise nodded as Sam walked in. Everyone looked over and he was by himself.

Sam: She’ll be here soon.

Everyone went back to talking for the meanwhile. Phe walked over to Sam, Sam hugged his sister in law.

Phe: How is she holding up?

Sam sighed.

Sam: Not that good.

Phe: Oh no what’s going on?

Sam: She’s working herself till she drops.

Phe rolled her eyes.

Phe: Her coping mech.

Meanwhile outside Melanie stood alone. She wasn’t ready to go in and her body was close to conversing from the shock of all of this.

He coughed again and she tried not to cry. It would be any time now he would leave this world and she promised to stay with him till the end. She whipped his forehead and she saw him sweat. She hadn’t seen him sweat this much since his last battle. It blindsided them both and now she was at his bed side. Sam allowed her to be and he understood why.

“I heard there is a new highest ranking champion here”

He was out of the wrestling world but kept watching for her. She smiled and got up from the chair, she turned and grabbed the two championships and placed them at the end of the bed.

“Mhm, I got the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship about a hundred days ago and the UWF Universal Championship…finally.”

He smiled weakly at her.

“I’m proud of you Melanie. You finally did it and you do deserve it. Plus I can’t blame you for showing off, you know that’s what I did. To quote Uri “I’m your longest reigning PWU World Champion…and youngest.”

He coughed hard and Mel saw blood coming from his mouth.

Melanie: I know you are Stefan.

Stefan: Always?

Mel nodded and whipped the blood off of his lip.

She didn’t want to go in but she didn’t have a choice. Everyone was waiting for their leader to show. It was time and Mel felt the wind blow her hair. Mel put up cloak’s hood and stepped inside. The room felt warm but a stale warm. She saw Hawk from out of the corner of her eye.

Melanie: Josh.

Hawk looked up to see Mel standing there.

Hawk: Mel…hi.

He got up and hugged her.

Hawk: How are you?

Melanie: Could be better.

Hawk: I know…me and you both. Click’s here too.

Mel: I figured as much.

Hawk: Go on. They await for their leader.

Mel nodded and walked into the parlor hoping no one would notice her.

He smiled at her and she looked too tired to be doing this. Mel looked up at him and noticed he was in thought. She wondered what was on his mind. Again Stefan turned to her and cleared his throat.

Stefan: ...Says you got married on the news.

Mel bit her lower lip and nodded.

Mel: I did. But honestly no one can and ever will replace you in my heart.

They both knew that was true. He was her first everything and their relationship was mainly a secretive one. She fell for him at first glance and he felt the same. She got together with Dark Tiger while he was with Uriella. One thing after another happened and nine months later Athena was born. It was no secret that those two always had something for each other. They truly did love each other.

Stefan: Well he... or she... better treat you decent.  I can't fight any more now with the cancer at the end point.

Mel chuckled at that first part but her heart ached from the second part.

Mel: I married a man Stefan...I can't believe this still. I mean everything that's happened. I'm sorry I'm crying. I know I shouldn't but you know that I'm just an emotional person.

Mel felt the tears starting to stroll down her face.

Melanie: His name is Samuel, Stefan.

Mel walked in and it felt like a group of Assassins were spotted. All the eyes were on her and everyone didn’t need her to have her hood down to know it was her. The room went silent and they could hear Mel’s footsteps echoed. Mel tried not to look at anyone in the room but her eyes were on the casket. Mel felt like turning around and running but she pressed on. Mel felt someone take her hand and she didn’t need to look up to know who it was. She smiled at her husband and he noticed her eyes turned ice blue with a tear from it.

He touched her face taking the tear off of it. Mel blinked as Stefan tried to smile at her.

Stefan: Is Sam nice?

Mel nodded.

Melanie: He makes me so happy Stefan. He’s perfect…just like you.

Stefan: Melanie, you know I’m far from perfect.

Melanie: In my eyes you always were despite your faults.

She heard him laugh and it made her smile.

Melanie: What’s so funny?

Stefan: You of course.

Mel shook her head.

Stefan: My days were numbered before you met me. You know why I loved fucking you all and getting you all pregnant so much?

Mel: I do but go ahead and tell me again please.

Mel saw him shivering. Mel took him into her arms and tried to keep him warm. It wasn’t easy for her trying to keep her composer as she saw him dying slowly and most likely an agonizing death.

Stefan: So you'd all have a part of me to help you through the loss.  You all connected with me, so I wanted to help you create a new generation of us... hopefully cancer free.

He turned to her, his blue eyes looking into her grey ones.

Mel: I hope so...Stefan can I tell you something. And no I'm not pregnant.

Stefan kissed her and Mel returned it.

Stefan: I love you too. And after this one, I'm gonna go around and any Angel who is willing, is going to get one final fuck, to be able to spread another piece of my existence to the world.

Click had been the first to walk over to her. He had a weak smile on his face and Mel stopped in front of him. Back in the day it was Stefan, Mel and Click that had started their new chapters together. Click hugged Mel tightly and heard her sob.

Click: I know…I know. Josh and I came as fast as we could.

Melanie: He loved you like a brother Gabe.

Click nodded.

Click: Can you show me what happened?

Melanie: Not now, transferring memories like that takes a lot out of me. After I’ll meet up with you and show you…you know I’m scared honestly. What are we going to do?

Mel slowly looks up at him.

Click: The same thing we always do. We fight on Mel…we finish this but together this time.

Mel nodded and walked off.

For her the next part was a blur because of her emotions. The next thing she remembered was her smiling at him.

Mel: I'll always love you...

Stefan: You know I always will as well.

That damn cough made Mel winced in shock. He would get those damn coughing fits and Mel worried he’d kill over from it. No blood came out this time but it didn’t help her emotionally.

Melanie: You alright?

Stefan: As fine as I can be.

Mel could only nod and take his word for it.

Stefan: I have a question for you.

Melanie: Sure what is it?

Next to come up to her was her cousin Amy Drew.

Amy: Melly!

Amy smashed Mel in a hug.

Mel: Can’t breathe Ames!

Amy: Oh sorry.

Amy backed off.

Melanie: Why are you here?

Amy: You need me that’s why.

Mel smiled at her.

Melanie: Thank you…I know Claude’s going to need support as well.

Amy: I know…as much as I hate him and Rozo for kidnapping Kat and tying up Jenn…I’ll at least try talking to him. I mean he has Rei but I get what you’re trying to say.

Melanie: Yeah…thanks Amy it means a lot.

Amy: You’re welcome.

Mel turned and waked off.

He had that serious look in his eyes. Mel knew he was up to something.

Stefan: How did you say your Uncle died again?

Melanie: He willed Anisim his power. He wanted to keep us safe. Why do you ask?

Cough, cough!

Stefan: I was thinking of doing that. I’m dying Mel and it’ll make me die quicker.

Mel: NO!

Mel felt pain strike her heart.

Mel had made it over to Andy and Uri. Mel took out a box and handed it to Deabs.

Mel: Has she eaten today?

Deabs: No I’ve tried but nothing.

Mel: Uriella you have to eat. I don’t need you relapsing or something worse.

Uriella didn’t say anything. Her blond hair covered her face and Deabs sighed.

Uri: Thank you.

Melanie: You’re welcome sweetie…I know you miss him just as much as I do. But remember he wants us to keep fighting. He did his part and now we have to do ours.

Uriella brushed the hair away from her face and smiled at her older half-sister.

Uri: You’re right.

Melanie: Eat up!

Uri opens the box and her eyes light up. Mel chuckles and walks away.

Stefan: Listen you need the power more than I do. I’m going to die Mel, this could make it quicker.

Melanie: What about Athena?! What would she say if hear you say this? What about Gunnar or Harold or Chloe or Stefan jr?!

Mel’s tone grows a bit anger but it backed off understanding why.

Melanie: I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that.

Stefan: No, I understand why you said that…Mel could you hand me that picture of us and Athena?

Mel looked up and saw it. Mel passed him the photo, the frame was covered in dust.

Mel: I remember this one…PWU had just closed.

Stefan: We both needed that break.

Stefan placed his hand on Athena in the picture. The girl was smiling with the two adults.

Stefan: I’ll miss them…all of them… Melanie take care of them for me please. Forgive me that I couldn’t be with you like I said I would.

Melanie: I already have love.

Hearing her call him that was a bit of a shock. Stefan kissed her and smiled again at her. Mel tried to hold back her tears.

Sam looked at his wife.

Sam: Are you sure?

Melanie: Ja, I have to.

She was nearly there.

Melanie: I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that my hand is raised at the end of the match; whether that means that I have to put you down. No pun intended. You know that this is all business.

Stefan: Good bye Ma reine. Athena I will you my power.

It happened so fast that Mel couldn’t react. She let out a loud scream as Stefan’s lifeless body was in her arms. Mel once again found someone dead in her arms. Mel cried and slowly laid Stefan’s body onto the bed. Mel grabbed her cloak and turned to look at him. She wished he’d move or something but nothing came. Mel felt guilt wash over her as she tried not to let out another scream.

Mel sighed and Sam kept her upright.

Melanie: I miss him Samuel.

Sam: I know you do Mel. But I vowed to keep you safe and I still will. I love you.

Melanie: I will always love you Sam. I promise.

Melanie: Good bye mon Roi, je vais vous voir dans la prochaine vie. Je t'aimerai toujours!

Mel grabbed her phone out of her pocket and dialed a number.

Melanie: Carraway? It’s Melanie…it’s time.

Melanie stopped at the casket and looked down at the man she onced loved…or still does. Stefan laid there motionless and the hood from Mel’s cloak came down. Mel then tossed it off and grabbed a sword from her side. She placed it next to his body and Sam had to hold his wife up. She was close to falling from her emotions.

Melanie: I wish you were still here. I miss you so much that I wish we were able to trade places. But I know I have to fight for all of us. You fought for the longest of time…we both have. I guess it was just your time to go. But I promise you won’t be forgotten nor your death be in vein.

Mel turned to everyone else in the room. Everyone saw the fire in her eyes and stood at attention like the general she is.

Melanie: Everyone get ready to fight. Within a month on the twenty first we could end up dying or being alive! To quote Auron “Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!” We may have lost Zeus…Stefan…but we don’t lose any more of our family! We are taking the fight to Anisim and his goons! It’s our story and we’ll write it as we want to! It’s our time to rise and fight! Who is with me!?

Everyone in the room cheered loudly!

~Part 2: Backstage (NP: “New Days Dawn” by: Fozzy)~

Melanie got her hand raised after winning her match at Adrenaline. The referee hands Melanie the Universal Championship belt. As Melanie raises the title we see her husband Samuel Devereux heading to the ring.

Adam Stubbs: Here comes Sam to celebrate with his wife!

Sam rolls in the ring and stands to his feet, he has a microphone from his pocket.

Sam: I don’t wanna ruin your celebration Mel but I want to talk to you, this whole friendly rivalry thing is good but how about at Lethal Brawl we up the ante a little bit. How about we face each other one on one for the first time, since I beat Dorn when he was Champ I think I earned a title shot, what do ya say?

Melanie nods and takes the mic from Sam.

Mel :You’re on!

Mel and Sam shake on it as Adrenaline cuts to commercial break. The two walk to the back together and Bjnor was waiting for them.

Bjnor: Good match Mel.

Melanie: Thank you Bjnor.

Bjnor: So you two are facing each other how does that feel?

Melanie: Different but it should be good.

Sam: I’ll still love her in the end. But Mel I have to ask are you sure you’re ready for Climax Control?

Mel nodded.

Melanie: Yeah…yeah I am. I know I’m still…grieving or whatever it’s called but I have to focus. We all know this. I know if I win this and then move on all the way to the end and win that well you can guess the rest.

Sam: You’re the best at what you do!

Bjnor: That is true; So I have to ask do you have any plans for next month?

The trio started to walk down the hallway.

Melanie: No not yet at least. It’s been quiet for the main part…I’ve begin to think that the storm is about to start. We have a month and a day guys to get ready for this.

Sam: I’m by your side.

Bjnor: Same here. We could use everyone that we can to take Anisim down.

Mel stopped walking and nodded.

Melanie: It’s almost all over you guys. No telling if we’ll be alive or dead by the end of it. No matter what though it ends. I’ll make sure of that for sure! We may have lost our loves ones, our friends, our fellow MBs but we will not lose this war! And your moment of truth is the day that you say "I'm not scared" Well I’m not scared anymore! I’m not scared to possibly die if it means bringing light to tomorrow. I’m not scared to admit who I am and I’m not scared of my fate. I can’t let fear hold me back anymore. You all need me!...Stefan needs me…Tanja, my uncle and aunt as well!

Mel looked down.

Sam: What’s the glowing?

Mel’s necklace started to glow a light blue. It illuminated her face and the necklace slid off of her neck. It floated in front of her. Mel looked down at it and tipped toward her. Mel saw a strain of blue come from it and she gasped.

Sam: Is that a memory strand?

Melanie: It is…
The thin strain looked like hair. Mel grabbed it and her eyes turn just as blue as the light was.

~Part 3: Memory (NP: “Swamped” Cover by: The Vitamin String Quartet (Originally by Lacuna Coil))~

Mel had saw herself as only a baby. The person had her in her arms and Mel herself was in a corner watching the scene unfold. On the bed was her Mother, Hel. In baskets next to her would be Gabe and Phe. Mel bit her lip and a tear slide from her left eye as she watched.

Hel: Hello there Melanie…my sweet child of the night.

Mel blinked after hearing that nickname.

Hel: I know you won’t remember my words but I’ll save this for you. I know once you’re older you’ll be more mature to understand this. You and your siblings are special. You all will be part of this amazing group who will determine the fate of your people. You Mel will lead them from the feeling of hell to the lights of heaven. I know you all will grow to be successful.

I wish though I could be a part of it though. We all have our parts but once the last of your siblings are here I have to go away for a long while. I’ll miss you all and I hope you guys won’t get angry with me. I know one day we’ll be together again. I love you, your Father, Gabe and Phe with all my heart.

You need to be ready for a war my daughter, one where you are the key. Do not let anyone discourage you or stand in your way. You all will be wonderful people and a blessing in many lives. Melanie we all depend on you. You are our hope, our chosen one. Even in the darkest of times you have to shine bright like your future. Never doubt yourself…please be the best you can be.

Hel took off the necklace that she had around her neck. She placed it on the infant and Mel saw that it was hers. Mel touched her necklace and then saw two beings a male and a female appear.

“We will watch over her.”

“No one will harm her! Not under our watch.”

Hel: Thank you…both of you.

Mel felt herself starting to come back into reality. When she blinked she saw her husband above her.

Melanie: I saw my Mom…

Sam: And what else?

Melanie: The necklace was hers.

Mel looked down at it.

Melanie: She knew that she had a role in this…that’s why she left also. Sam I know what I have to do now.

~Part 4: Blog (NP: “Unity” by: Shinedown ) ~
Melanie: So yeah my week has been long and hard. In case it wasn’t obvious from what I just did, I’m not in quite the good mood lately. Shocking, isn’t it? You out there might think that I should be moping about or at least acting serious. Truth of the matter is, I was upset at myself. I thought that I had failed him but his twin was right. I can’t save everyone but you know what…I can avenge him. But right now I need to put that on hold. I have to focus because I’m in a triple threat again for SCW’s Climax Control. This week I go against Crystal Hilton and Alexis Edwards. Right now those two need to be scared… very scared.

There is always a calm before the storm… there is always those moments that make people wonder if those said persons will even make it there. Through all of the crawling, through all of the words that were exchanged just to get to that point, once again, opposition decides to raise its head in my direction.

Looking back at how I even got here, to this point to even be writing this, I look at those who talked about me. I look back at those who made it very clear with their words that they were going to stop something that those before them were unable to do; I laugh. They all fell to me.

So where do I start? Oh let’s start with Crystal. Crystal, I have to admit you are a really talented wrestler. You have taken many of SCW’s women to the brink and further. You have taken down many of those women, but you haven’t taken me down.That self-doubt, that conviction, that belief that wondering if you were in over your head…it really spoke to me. Now a lot of people wonder why you’re still in this seeing how you had a shot against Mikah and lost. Thing is I don’t care about that. Go ahead and be in this match because I get more of a challenge.

Now we’ve faced off before for my championship and you lost. You tried though and you did good. I’m not about to talk you down or anything. No I have nothing but respect for you Crystal! I’m well aware of your numerous past glories in regards to championship wins, but that was then. The past. The only ones who bring up past victories as proof of their inevitable win are the ones who are not confident that they can reclaim the gold in the present.

What can you do, Crystal, to bring harm to me? What can you do against someone who can fight through the pain you wish to inflict? Behind the smile and the silence is the heart, soul, and mind of someone unafraid to pull the trigger on an opponent. Really, you should be asking yourself if you’re really ready for this match, Crystal. I may have a killer instinct and I’m not scared to use it. Ask anyone who has crossed me…even ask yourself.

You are a very talented and competitive person… I am very, very impressed, but do not take my admiration of your skills as a weakness or think because I have a certain level of respect for you that I am going to go easy on you. But over the years I have gotten used to being the one touching the flames. You are the one acting as Icarus in this case and having found a way to fly… You seem to be flying dangerously close to the sun… Crystal… You can train your heart out as will I, but as I said it may prove to be fruitful for one of us… You are so young that you can easily bounce back, but I am not one to look at defeat as an ending… Every misfortune is another chance of success in disguise. A little advice for you and all your future endeavors. Can’t sit here and not try to be helpful in some way can I?

When you really think about it, Crystal, this could very well be the big break you need.

Oh but I can’t forget about Alexis!

Here’s the thing: I have no stakes in your little antics. You want to think you’re so important, that you’re so much better than people like Myself and Lucy – people who didn’t just catwalk their way down ramps and take what they wanted like Veruca Salt – fine, whatever, go through life thinking you’re hot shit because you know you’re not shit.  She someone who walks around the federation as if she already owns it. Social media included – doing the same shit but when it comes down to that ring, can the same be said? I have seen what she can, has and will do to anyone who steps up to the plate to challenge her BUT… my thing is though, can she handle me?   

Really Alexis is so full of herself! Don’t you think that I didn’t hear your tweet about me when I won the “Future Star of the year award”; Of course I never replied and you know why? Because you’re like a stray cat, you feed it and they keep coming back. You pay attention to her and she flaps her gums. Really the shit you say is just an eye roller!  I can’t take you seriously to be honest and nor can Lucy.

Honestly, it’s quite a learning experience for you, Alexis. You’ll learn what happens to trash talkers. By now you should know my  little motto and you’re the shining example of WHY she has it. You like to talk trash, you like to parade around like every other bitch around. Good. Talk trash. Talk smack. Talk however you want, just keep talking, it makes you an easier target. You’ll learn. You’ll learn why talk is cheap and therefore everyone that wastes their time talking smack is just as cheap and ineffectual.

You got lucky when you won that championship. You see you didn’t pin Lucy and I hear from her…she’s ready for vengeance. But for now you face me! Someone who has held the Bombshell Roulette championship for over one hundred days. If anyone here should move on it’s me. You can talk all the shit you want you little nineteen year old girl but you should be praying that I don’t tear your soul out. Karma’s a bitch you nobody and it’ll even bite you!

I haven’t lost my touch or edge or anything, and it doesn’t matter how many people you throw at me, I am going to pick them up and throw them right back…right before kicking them right in the face. So go ahead, work together, use numbers if you think it will make a difference. The guy in First Blood had an entire police squad up against him and he went on to make three more movies. And after I’m done making you both look like the fools we all know you are…maybe you’ll think twice about messing with people who don’t want to be messed with. Consider this your only warning.

I’m winning this and to Roxi or Keira…get ready.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 8
« on: November 13, 2015, 09:00:07 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 8:
~Part 1: October 30th, 2015 aka “the Big one”~
Mel gets her shoulder up at two. Dorn staggers up and urges Melanie to get up, as she does he looks for the Dorn kick but Mel ducks and hits the ropes, she nails Dorn with a jumping double punch to the face!

AS - Melanie drove both buckles in to Dorn's face!

Melanie staggers up again, she starts to climb up to the top rope, as she gets to the top she steadies herself before diving off and connecting with Ragnarok!

PC - Mel hit it but she hurt those ribs!

Melanie crawls over, she hooks both of Dorn's legs for the cover


JH - Here is your winner and NEEEEW UWF Universal Champion, Melanie Gabrielle!

AS - Melanie did it! Melanie beat Dorn!

PC - We have a new champion! I don't believe it!

Dorn immediately rolls from the ring as Mel staggers to her feet, clutching her ribs

AS - Mel may have a broken rib but I don't think she cares!

PC - Hell, I wouldn't care, enjoy this moment!

As the referee hands Melanie the Universal Championship belt she drops to her knees, still in agony. The referee raises Mel's hand in victory, the fans cheer

AS - What a moment!

As Melanie once again staggers up to her feet her husband Samuel Devereux sprints down to the ring with his Grand Prix title in hand, he rolls in the ring and hugs Mel

PC - Sam won the Grand Prix title in the main event of the Afternoon Extravaganza!

Mel and Sam stand side by side in the middle of the ring, Mel raises her Universal Championship as Samuel raises his Grand Prix Championship, the fans cheer

PC - Man, what a way to start the show!

AS - We have a new Universal Champion, Melanie makes history and wins the big one for the first time!

PC - Hard to believe we have plenty more to go!

Mel and Sam both leave the ring to cheers as the cameras focus on Adam and Peter. Mel and Sam both disappear backstage, the crowd still cheering.

Sam had to keep me up, that match did take a lot out of me but at the end I ended up winning. Finally after four long years of hard work I had gotten the big one. Yes the big one as in a Main eventer’s championship…as in the UWF Universal Championship. Sure my body actually was hurting for the first time in a while but it didn’t compare to how I really felt inside. Inside my heart, my soul and my mind where singing victory songs of my bloodline.

Finally I had felt like something was going to turn this war around and maybe this championship, this title chose me as a sign. Sam pulled me into another hug and I could feel the warmth coming off him. We both had won on this night. I also felt his championship touching me and the cool from it felt good.

Sam: I’m so proud of you.

Melanie: I’m so proud of us.

I looked into my husband’s eyes and I saw him tearing up. I couldn’t blame him for that one. He had won his first championship ever. If this didn’t tell his Father that Sam didn’t need to run his family’s company I wasn’t sure what would.

Sam: This is more your night.

I shook my head no.

Melanie: No…it’s our night.

I took his hands in mine.

Melanie: This is the night of the magi-blood. Even if one of us wins, it means we all win in the end.

Sam: You’re right.

Melanie: When am I not?

Sam kissed me and I couldn’t help but to smile.

Sam: I have a surprise for you.

My eyebrows rises up.

Melanie: What is it?

Sam: It’s in here.

Sam moved a bit and grabbed the handle to the locker room. He turns it and the lights were turned off. Sam took me into the room and flipped the light switch on. The Clan and the Aesir were in the locker room and they started to clap. But that’s not what started to make me tear. Sitting on the bench was my Mother and Father.


And then I started to cry. I look down and see the reason why I fight hugging my leg for dear life. I crotch down and see my daughter. I hug her back and I heard the belt drop next to me.

Athena: Mommy did it! Mommy did it!

Melanie: I did…I really did…You know both Mommy and Daddy did.

Athena: Daddy did it!

Athena zipped over and hugged Sam’s leg.

Sam: I know I did.

Sam hugged his daughter and I slowly got up and grabbed the Championship. I looked up and saw my parents smiling at me. I walk over to them and hugged them both.

Hel: I’m so proud of you Melanie.

Siguard: I am just as well datter.

Melanie: Tak.

I felt them slowly let go but Athena was hugging me again. This felt right and once again my soul felt at peace. I picked up my daughter and she kissed my check. Sam walked over and took my free hand.

Sam: Athena do you know what tomorrow is?

Her bright blue eyes turn to her Father with a smile on her face.

Athena: Halloween!

Melanie: And?

My little one’s eyes became brighter.

Athena: Aunty Lucy and Uncle Lucien’s Birthday!

She jumped out of my arms and ran over to the Seraphina twins.

Athena: Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!

Lucy: Thank you sweetheart.

I turn to Sam and I could see him tearing a bit. I know how he was feeling and he pulled me over to him. I rest my head on his shoulder where his title was on. I look up at him and he slowly turned his head to me.

Sam: Hi.

Melanie: Hej…want to go home?

Sam: To change to party after? Sure!

I chuckled and kissed him.

Melanie: You know I wasn’t referring to that.

Sam’s eyes went wide and I’m laughing hard.

Sam: Behave.

Melanie: No promises sexy.

Sam: Athena.

The young one whipped around and ran over.

Athena: Yes?

Sam: Mommy and Daddy are going to leave, do you want to come with us or do you want to go with Grandma and Grandpa?

She looked at them and us trying to think.

Athena: Go have fun.

She walked over to my parents. I look at Sam and he shook his head.

Melanie: Alright sweetheart will do. Bye guys! See you soon!

Sam and I exit out of the room.

Sam: I love you Mel, congrats. You do deserve it.

Melanie: Thank you love…thank you.

~Part 2: November 2nd, 2015 aka “You know the truth now.”~
Melanie found herself knocked out on the floor of her old home. Melanie was out on a hunt with Sam and the others when she felt herself getting weak. She was in her adult body this time and she saw something new to her for the first time. Slowly Mel sat up and she saw her Uncle Robert being choked by Anisim Seraphina.

Melanie: LET HIM GO!

This is just a memory…

Bobby: Don’t hurt the children please!

Anisim: Tell me why I shouldn’t. I should kill you all for what you did to me! For what you did to Hel!

Bobby was gasping for air by now. Mel was glued to the floor, unable to move. She wanted to help her uncle.

Bobby: We didn’t do anything to her! You didn’t love her or your own children!

Anisim: Don’t you tell me what I love and don’t love Ve!

Mel’s eyes grew in shock after hearing that name.

Melanie: ONKLE!

Mel screamed out in pain knowing the truth. Mel’s stomach dropped in shocked as her body started to tremble.

Bobby: Anisim don’t do this!

Anisim: It’s too late! There isn’t any way of going back and now you all will pay.

Robert felt himself get thrown down onto the ground. He looked up at Anisim and Anisim had a sick grin on his face.

Bobby: Don’t hurt them…please…I’m willing to do anything.

Melanie: No!

Anisim: Anything? Well you know what I want.

Robert nodded his head and Mel’s eyes started to tear up.

Melanie: please!

This is just a memory.

Anisim: I won’t hurt them if you will me your power.

Robert sighed and nodded slowly.


Anisim picked him back up by the throat. Mel heard the pain in her Uncle’s voice and it slowly made it feel like her soul was shattering.

Anisim: Say it.

Bobby: I-

Melanie: Stop!


Bobby: Will-

Melanie: Please don’t do this!


Anisim: Yes!

Bobby: My-

Mel couldn’t even scream out anymore.

Just a-

Bobby: Power.

And a tear drop fell from her face…


Mel saw her Uncle’s magic transfer over to Anisim. Anisim’s eyes glow a bright blue as Mel felt like everything had broken around her.

Melanie: You…you stole Ve from my Uncle…he died martyring himself.

Mel felt the darkness over take her as she heard someone yell her name.

~Part 3: November 12th, 2015 aka “Blog all about it!”~
Melanie: The big one! Four years and honestly it’s been a long time hasn’t it? I swore though after PWU closed that I was done for good. But I guess they have other plans for me. So now I stand with two championships. One being the UWF Universal Championship and the other being the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship. The Bombshell Roulette Championship I can’t believe I’ve held it for over one-hundred days! I hope I can keep it as long as I can and I will do you all proud still.

Now I know this match I’m fine is for the chance to move on to face Mikah for the Bombshell Championship. This is going to be an interesting one for sure. I’m facing Lyah Lindberg and Jessie Salco. I hope these two are going to bring it! They know I’m not easy.

Lyah, I can tell you are gifted! You were that one in every thousand that walks the line and makes it shine, you make it extremely difficult for anybody to follow in your footsteps. But you see when it comes to my career, I don’t walk the white line Lyha, I carve my own path. Although it may take more work, the reward is much more beneficial and while you cast a beaming light like a curtain over the eyes of your competition… I am that rare red ruby that shines amongst the valley of diamonds. I am not just one in every few thousand but I am that one in a million. While you may be a gifted individual measuring up just a little above the average Joe… I am one of those select 5% that are rather exceptional. And by no means does that make me ‘perfect,’ but by definition it does make me on a different playing field. You, Kaelyn, are one of the up and comers, one of the new talents that’s already making ripples in the pool. I’ve been watching your matches and I know you’re not a bathroom break. People are going to be surprise at you soon enough.

Jessie, you're one of the obstacles that I must overcome. But there's nothing you can do that will deter me. You'd love to send me back down that mountain, beat me down, make me reconsider making that climb again. I'm going to get right back up and try it again. I'm going to keep fighting my way up, and if we cross paths again, and again, and again, I will fight you each time, and I will give you the toughest fight of your life, and I will do it until I finally overcome the obstacle. I always do. It's not a matter of strength, or smarts, or pedigree. It's about determination. It's about keeping a positive attitude. It's about conviction, believing that, no matter what, you will will succeed.

The greatest lesson I'd ever learned: Take nothing lightly. Every match is an opportunity. Every fight is a chance to show the world what you can do. It doesn't matter who you're fighting, whether it's a ten-year veteran or a rookie in her second fight. Doesn't matter if it's the main event or the opening bout: You give it everything you have. I've no doubt, Jessie, we all  WILL steal the show. How could we not? Three talented, driven women! Those are the matches that people want to see. And if they don't want to see the three of us yet, they will by the time that night is over. Win or lose, that is my aim. That is my goal.

Jessie, you’re skilled and I hope you bring your best. This is going to be a hell of a fight no doubt. There will be three but only one can walk out the winner.

Good luck ladies…

« on: October 16, 2015, 10:54:30 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 7:
~Part 1: Anger~
Melanie wasn’t in a great mood after her Husband’s match at UWF Uncensored. He took on her ex-husband Dark Tiger and people were accusing him of hating her ex. Mel’s eyes were the colour of flames as she started to look for Sam. Sam was breathing hard by a few of the boxes from how hard he was fighting. Sam looked up and saw his wife glaring at him.

Melanie: What in the hell was that!?

Sam: What was what?

Melanie: That! I thought you were going to give him a fight, not try to kill him!

Sam: He’s alive still isn’t he?

Mel growled at him.

Melanie: SAMUEL MARCUS DEVEREUX! People think you hate him.

Sam sighed.

Sam: They think what they want. I went out there for a fight and that’s it.

Mel’s left foot starts to tap.

Sam: Mon ange! I’m not lying to you I promise. Would I ever lie to you?

Mel didn’t say anything but Sam walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her in closer.

Sam: Have I upset you love?

Mel nodded her head no.

Melanie: No…

Sam smiled and kissed her lips.

Sam: I know you’re angry with what all Dorn has been doing to you. I know you’re angry about a lot of things as of late but I promise you have me. You’ll always have me and is there some way I can make it up to you?

Sam touches her collar.

Melanie: You’re playing the sex route! Nice Sam…hm…offer accepted!

Sam: Says the woman who has something like her sister’s drive.

Melanie: Close but I’m not Uriella.

Both Mel and Sam laugh as the walk off together.

~Part 2: Beautiful Stranger~
If Melanie Gabrielle were a vampire she would have died by now. The lights in the Abaddon-Deabs manor in France were so bright she swore Lucy would scream. Mel was stuck at her younger half-sister’s masquerade ball. Uri was holding this event for another fashion line that Mel didn’t care for. But Mel found herself at here and she was dressed in a black ball gown with silver lines on the corset top and a few bows on the lower half of it. A black mask with a heart on the top covered her face. On her neck was moon pendant she enchanted to tell her the current moon phase. Her shoes matched the black color but had silver studs on them and on her left hand was a heart diamond engagement ring. Mel had lost Samuel in the crowd and she stood in the center alone, she looked around to see everyone either talking, dancing or both. Mel looked up towards a stairwell to see Uri and Andy watching everyone.

Melanie: God I want to go home.

Mel sighed and started to plot how she’d get out of her. But then the thought of Samuel being here and watching over her crossed into her mind. Mel knew she couldn’t get out of the place even if she tried. Mel started to walk away from the center of the area. Something though made Mel stop; a chill went down her spine and it made the world go black and white for her.

Melanie: A magi-blood?

This one wasn’t someone Mel knew. Mel looked up to where Uri and Andy were at. Uri was looking back down at Mel also knowing something was up. Mel placed her hands where her twin guns hid at. From out of the crowd Mel could see a man walking towards her. He was in a black tux, blonde hair and a black mask. Mel felt herself loose her breath at the site of the man.

Beautiful Stranger,
You have a hold on me…
Tell me your secrets…
Show yourself to the world.

Mel saw he was making eye contact with her. She blinked and felt herself as slowly walked over to her. Mel blushed and watched. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

Beautiful Stranger,
Hear my song…
Allow me to be the one…
To show you the light.

“Hello there milady”.

The man made it up to Mel and Mel forced herself to smile.

Melanie: Hello there.

“May I have this dance, Lady Cosmos or should I say Lady Chaos seeing how Lord wouldn’t be correct in this day and life”.

Mel nodded and the man took her hand. Slowly the two start to dance.

Melanie: Who are you?

“We’re not supposed to tell remember? This is a masquerade after all; we hide ourselves from the world here and just like we do in the real world after all. Don’t you want to keep our secret until time’s up”?

Mel didn’t speak at first.

“M’lady honestly you look amazing tonight. You shine so bright even in black. You’re brighter than light and darker then night itself.

Mel again blushed.

Melanie: Thank you sir.

“You’re welcome”.

Melanie: So do I know you from outside of here?

“I can’t say. So maybe you do, maybe you don’t…my God why does he have you?

Melanie: What?

Mel looked up at him.

“Sorry about that; that was supposed to be in my mind. But I want to know something…for how long do we keep our secrets?

Melanie: The secret of the magi-blood are already out. People know about us and really for the main part we’ve been well received by humans. You know for all of us that’s a good thing. But our main target still is out there and only God knows what he’s planning.

“I see but what if you can’t stop Anisim”?

Mel snapped her head up.

Melanie: I never said that! Who are you!?

“I’m sorry Messias, I must go. Till next time.

Melanie: Wait!

The man turned and started to run off. Mel started to dash after him withdrawing a gun secretively. The man got behind a group and by the time Mel made it to where he was at, the man had vanished. Samuel though came from her left side and saw her gun drawn.

Samuel: Melanie? You okay?

Melanie did you see a man dressed all in black with blonde hair?

Samuel nodded no.

Samuel: Sorry hon, I can’t say Samuel did. Why is he why you got your gun out?

Mel nodded this time.

Melanie: Yeah…listen can we just go?

Samuel: Sure let’s go.

~Part 3: Past.~
Melanie had candles lit around the bed room and nothing played in the background. Silence filled the air and it didn’t bother her. Her title sat in her lap as her mind played different things from her past.

“You can’t save everyone…”

“You don’t need them, you need to grow on your own…”

“Discard the Clan…”

Melanie: Enough!

The haunting of her past made the room and time freeze. Melanie took a breath and picked up her title.

Melanie: It’s getting about that time isn’t it?

Mel bit her lip.

Melanie: I can’t let my past haunt me like this. It’s going to end up killing me one day. I can learn to let go…can’t I?

“I’m…I’m the father”?

“How can you save me? A monster who drinks blood”!?

“I’m sorry I’m so very sorry please forgive me”!

Mel waved her hand and the flames died. Mel got up and walked out of the room.

Melanie: I love you, I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough…

A ping of guilt ran into her heart.

Melanie: No, I have to focus. Why do I feel off my damn game?

“You know why, who are you kidding? You failed us all”.

Mel shook her head to try to rid it away.

Mel: Leave me alone.

The past kept screaming at her.

Melanie: I said stop!

It did but Mel looked up and saw Sam holding her close to him.

Samuel: Shhh it’s okay. I’m here, relax you can do this.

Mel let out a small sob.

Melanie: I don’t want to do this anymore.

Samuel: What do you mean?

Melanie: I don’t want this damn burden on me. I figured getting rid of the old house would work but it didn’t. My past came back to haunt me every single day and I live with it. Just Sam…I even have my limits and it’s running thin. It’s getting hard not wanting to slip into the dark again. I want to be happy, I don’t want this anymore.

Samuel: We’ll beat it together. I love you and I believe in you. I won’t leave your side I promise. Mel you’re strong and you’re allowed to have your own moments of weakness. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.

Mel smiled up at him.

Melanie: Thank you babe.

Sam nodded.

Samuel: Go on, you can do this.

Mel turned and started to walk away from him.

Melanie: He’s right, I can beat this. I believe in myself. Samuel you’ve always given me hope and you’ve shown that just now.

Before Mel knew it she found herself out side with the night sky showing itself. Mel took in a lung full of air.

Melanie: I can’t give up now. I can’t…my family needs me. We’ve gone too far to go back now. I know I have my doubts but they need me. I have to do this. I have to lead them! This is going to be our last stand and I know even a leader can be broken inside. But I can’t let Anisim win…we can’t die and we can’t cower….we’ve got work to do.

~Part 4: Blog it up!~
Melanie: Trust me when I say this Clan mates…I am one mad bitch right now. Time after time I’ve been screwed out of matches, out of wins that should have been mine and I will get my revenge. You see I am a woman on  mission and when I’m angry I shouldn’t be messed with. I know though I have to be focused for this match and oh I am! I am ready to defend my Bombshell Roulette championship. I’m not someone you want to piss off. I’m not scared to say I’d light you on fire literally. It wouldn’t be the first time or the last time I’d do it…sorry but I do have some of my youngest brother in me when it comes to hardcoreness.

My name is Melanie Gabrielle, Queen of the Norse and leader of the Clan. For years I’ve been going into a wrestling ring and fighting. For my whole life I’ve been fighting and so have my family as well. We’re not what you call normal and trust me people are going to see us and think we’re freaks. That’s fine, we’re used to it and before we even started to wrestle we’d keep to ourselves. It’s hard to trust people who aren’t like us…who aren’t magi-blood and that don’t understand what it’s like. I’m not a normal wrestler; I’ve been fighting every day to get where I’m at. I’ve been fighting since I was a kid, I know how to play dirty and play clean. I know honor and I know what’s right and wrong.

You know I’m saving it for out there just like Rachel would. Now I’m not Mistress Rage in the sense of using my anger but I use my passion for the ring to fuel me…just like this mission I have….

Time is an interesting concept isn’t it? It has so many meanings like: “duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity; finite duration.” Or even “a limited period or interval, as between two successive events”. But time can be an enemy or an ally at how you look at it. Like how long it has made me wait for this day. If you remember long ago and I mean short amount of time Candy Overton won the right to face me. But first I had to face Crystal Hilton and I won. So now you’re here Candy…

I know I am Queen and people in the wrestling world know that too. I am the leader of my people and tonight I go to battle. You see time has finally granted you your match because you were being tested on your patience. You passed and we face each other. You’re facing a legend and I don’t think you are truly ready. I’ve been studying up and watching your matches. This match I know is my time. It makes me laugh you’re so damn confident that you’ll beat me. Only the fools from a tarot deck would be like that. Too much confidence and not enough focus my dear…tsk.

I am, my bite is as big as my bark is. Sure I’m a small woman but you know that I can handle myself. You know that I can do anything that I put my mind to. Candy time is coming to a stand still for us. Before we know it we’ll be in the battle ground fighting each other. I don’t back down and I know you don’t either which pleases me. Right now this match will make people remember us for centuries. We’re going down in history and we’ll burn this place down with roars and cheers from the crowd. These people want to see us give them a hell of a battle and I know we don’t disappoint, last time we met they were chanting for us. They wanted more and this time we give it to them. But they placed us against each other because they know we’re on fire metaphorically. They know we can steal the show and set the standard for this. Man they thought right, we’re quickly rising and before you know it people will know why we’re that damn good. I’m focused and ready for it. Sure I might have fall these past few weeks but this time I rise! I won’t fall from grace that easy. I’m a survivor and I’m a fighter. I will walk into the fire of this match and sure maybe I was afraid to die but now I come alive inside these flames!

I will not hide my face from you, I will not fall from grace and I will not let you win again this match. Yes we both have something to prove but this time I bring my all and even more. I won’t step down and I don’t fear you. I have respect for you and I think I earned yours. You see that ring is a battle ground and it’ll turn bloody. We fight till the death and we’ll end up probably dragging our bodies out from this one just like the last time around. Candy, I always come back for more and that’s something everyone should know. I’m hard to get rid of, sorta like the villain in the horror movies. You think it’s over when it isn’t…okay maybe that wasn’t the best comparison but you get what I mean.

Good luck Candy and get ready for anything.

« on: October 10, 2015, 08:31:41 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson blitz
Chapter 6: Mix.
~Part 1: Try to stay in control.~
Samuel woke up and knew something wasn’t right. He looked over in bed to see his wife not there. Samuel sighed knowing what was up already. He swung his body over the bed and walked out of the room. The darkness greeted him as he felt very uneasy; it was like Winter’s cold had broken into their home. Samuel swore he heard whispers around him like a Malkavian vampire would. This cold screamed madness, sadness, anger and maybe even death.

Samuel grabbed his overcoat and put it on. He then grabbed his bat that Deabs gave him for a wedding gift. Home security and a nice round of baseball he had told the newly wed. Sam raised it up and started to walk down the hallway. He had to just follow his instincts and since he did that he found himself in front of the throne room. A rumble of thunder made him jump as he reached for the handle. The door wouldn’t open as he turned it. Samuel sighed.

“Odo”. Samuel muttered under his breath.

The door opened and things were flying around the room as he saw his wife sitting on her throne. Samuel ducked as sword came flying at him.

“Only this shit should be happening to Deabs. God damn it those assholes really have gone and done it now”. Samuel also added.

Melanie was letting her telekinesis get out of control. She saw Samuel standing at the doorway but in her mind she wanted to destroy the Horsemen slowly and painfully. Oh the thoughts she was having were bloody. One would believe that she was a Seraphina if only they saw what she was thinking. Samuel entered the room slowly.

“Melanie”? He asked.

Melanie didn’t answer but Samuel could hear a song being played.

1,2, death is coming for you…
3,4 you all have started a war…
5,6 you’re nothing but pricks…
7,8 just accept your fate…
9, 10 amen.

“Melanie”? Samuel called out again.

Her eyes opened to show them in their red state. Samuel gulped by trekked on knowing he had to calm her down.

“Melanie please stop”.

“They will not hurt you”. Melanie had finally spoken.

Somehow Samuel made it up to her. He grabbed her right hand and put it in his left, his eyes looking into her barley visible ones. Samuel could see the pain in them though. So much angry and hurt and you nearly could see a tear.

“Enough…you can’t keep going on like this”. Samuel told her.

Mel didn’t speak and Sam took the hood of her cloak and put it down. Her long brunette hair spilled out and Sam saw her crown was black and not crystal clear.

“You can’t save everyone Mel. Claude was right on that, look at you Mel. You’re working yourself to death. When was the last time you can say you’ve taken a break? Mel, I don’t need you to over work yourself again and I know this family doesn’t either.”

“Yes I can!

Sam looked into her eyes.

“You can’t babe. Listen you need to relax! You have a match to win and I love you. Please Melanie, stay in control. I don’t want to lose you like this. Please Mel…please.

Mel’s eyes turned back to normal and Mel fell into her husband’s arms. Sam knew she was tired and he placed her on the bed.

“Good night my savior, sweet dreams.”

~Part 2: Sam’s point of view.~
“To be honest with you all I’m worried about her. She’s been overdoing it again and she knows I hate it when she does this. I’m not sure if it’s because of the nightmares or if it’s because she knows the end might be coming. I love my wife will all my heart and I’ll stand by her no matter what. But this does worry me; I don’t want her dropping dead from not sleeping or anything. My wife knows that I’ll take the reins if it gets to a point and really it’s about that point…”

I couldn’t tell you what round with was. Just that Mel was over doing it with the training. I could tell that the fire in her eyes was blazing. No doubt she was hearing the Norse calling out to her. We were at Deabs’s gym in Pittsburgh and Mel and I were sparing. No, not wrestling sparing more like bo-staff. My Father had taught me it for some reason but it comes in hand with my other line of work.

Mel went to strike me but I quickly block it. Mel dropped and spun her leg. She connected with mine and I tripped up. My staff fell out of my hand and got tossed into the air. Mel pointed hers at well…my man parts. I swore but quickly thought of an idea. I kicked her staff and it crashed into her body. I jump up and run to grab mine. Mel jumped into the air and swung at me; I ducked and rolled picking up my staff. I brought it behind my back to block my wife from slapping my back. I flipped my body and connected with her legs. Mel fell to the ground and her staff rolled out of her hand. I got up and pointed mine at her.

“Check mate.” I smiled.

“No! I never lose.” She said not admitting defeat.

“Well you did this time.” I smirked.

Ah shit I knew I shouldn’t have said that. Mel kicked me straight in the chest! I staggered back and she roundhouse kicked me taking me down. She took up her staff and I knew I was screwed. My staff was nowhere in sight but it did hit something…or well a certain someone.

“OUCH! Damn it you guys!” Deabs yelled.

“Sorry Deabs…check mate darlin’ I told you I don’t lose.”

My staff got tossed and it rolled over to me. I didn’t dare though try and argue it. Mel helped me up and I grabbed my staff.

“Again.” She said walking away from me.

“No Mel.” I told her.

“I said again!” She growled.

And that’s when that line was crossed. I could tell my wife was really tired, she doesn’t make that many slip ups. I could tell that she could work out herself to slumber or even death. I look at her and she froze seeing my gaze.

“Princess, I said no.”

“Guardian…I’m sorry.”

I walked over to her and hugged her seeing the bit of fear in her eyes.

“Shh it’s okay.”

“I didn’t mean-”

“Melanie…enough. It’s okay. Samuel doesn’t need you overdoing it again. I’ve noticed you have, you’ve been working out more and working more as well. You’re not sleeping right either, you’ve been at least getting an hour or two at most.”

“I haven’t noticed.”

I sighed knowing she’d say that.

“We’re done training for now. Sit down you look like you’re about to be a wild dog.”

I got a chuckle out of her for that one. She knew what I meant and she sat in one of the steel chairs. I toss her a water bottle and she caught it.


“Welcome. You gonna be okay?”

“Always. I feel better though, I’ve needed to let some steam off after all the crap that has happened. I mean what the hell is with people getting attacked?”

“I dunno Mel. At least the Clan had your back. I should have been there but our Daughter needed one of us at least.”

Never again. I wasn’t about to leave my family and my wife like that. If those guys think about doing that to any of us again, they have the Clan and the Aesir to take them out. Mel smiled at me.

“It’s fine, I can handle myself plus I do carry around a Viking sword. One misstep and they’d lose a limb or two.”

“You know I have your back. If anyone tries to get at you I’m gonna jump and take a bullet for you.”

Mel giggled.

“Thanks hon…after this could we get some food?

I nodded and looked at her. My wife was ready for this match though. I could see it in her eyes and even Samuel knows that she was still angry and that maybe this match would help. I know she has this opportunity and another…

“You ready for this?”

“Yeah…I’m ready for anything anymore Sam. Really it’s just a one step at a time thing. We both know that Endgame is here. The storm is coming; some would say our end is near. I know we all could be gone minutes, hours, days, months and years from now but we know what we have to do. We make the best of our lives and Sam…you’re helping me make the best of mine. Thank you for everything and I mean it.

“You’re welcome Mel.”

“Oh! Well yeah you know I am. I’m ready for anything like I said. This isn’t easy but I’ve defied the odds time and time again. Two people know this.

“I know. I believe in you, you got this.”

That smile I love…

“Thank you babe…and I’m not sorry for kicking your ass.”

I could help but to laugh. I helped Mel up and I turn her for a kiss. My wife kisses me back and we both smile.

“So did you hear about Lucy, Claude and Rei?”

“Yeah I did…let’s talk about that some other time though.”

I nodded knowing it wasn’t best to bring it up. Mel took my hand and we left the gym.

~Part 3: Blog it up!~
It was a good match between the two teams, minus the interference and in all honesty I’m proud that we did give it our all. I know Lucy has it harder this week though. I mean facing two different people in a match is harder than a one-on-one. So after that match I ended up going home and I got to see my daughter Athena. She’s always giving me a reason to keep going and I’m blessed to have my daughter. I know that she one of the most important persons in my life besides my husband. I know one day I want her to be as successful as I am. Really I’m doing this for her, I don’t want he to go through the life I went through originally.

No my daughter does deserve better than that. I went home and the first thing that happened was a hug from her and a cute “Go Mommy go!” I teared up knowing that she was watching and that she’s proud of me. So I walk into this match with no doubt and plenty of confidence. I smile knowing that I’m back on the right path and that my daughter and husband are rooting for me. This match is going to be fun though because it has nothing but respect in it. I love these types of matches because it more or less makes me more focused.

So we’re facing each other in a match, this should be fun. I hold no grudges against you Candy and I know that we’re going to tear the house down. You see we’re two stunners who know how to go out to that ring and know how to take care of business. We know we both want the win and trust me I know I need to get this to break my down streak. But Candy I know you’re going to kick my ass or at least try to and I respect that. Just know I am putting my all in this and sure people will see this and think that I shouldn’t be in the ring. Fuck that.

I can still fight, I can control myself and I know I can control my fighting skills in the ring as well. I am not allowing anyone to get the best of me. This match means more than what anyone can truly see. I’ve always held myself in high standards and to not give you my all Candy is a slap in the face to you and the fans and to everyone in the back. I don’t care if I push myself to the brink of passing out in the ring or whatever. I will do my best and I will win. I will not show any weakness and it’s time that I come back from the “dead” and rise again.

Candy, let’s do this. Me, you in the ring. A friendly battle of two bombshells who are going to give it their all. I hope SCW is ready to see this contest because if not they’re not prepared, they’re not going to realize how much the stunners like us stand out. I know this match is going to be huge for you seeing that you know how “decorated” I am. I’m honored that I get to face you in this match. With me you can expect only the best and no dirty tactics. I go into this ring and I respect my opponents unless they have done my family or me wrong. You can ask anyone that. Now why I can’t wait to face you is from what I was able to dig up is how cool your move set is. You got a little bit of everything and that’s a good thing. As for myself I’m a high flyer, I enjoy it and it works good with my body type. I mean I’m short! I wonder what’ll good it’ll do for me in this.

For me in this match I want to win just as bad as you do. I want to keep winning for my daughter and I want to make her proud. Like I said she’s the most important thing and you most likely understand that. You’re intelligent so you definitely know where I’m coming from on this. This match is nothing personal just business…you know the fun business where two Bombshells are going to have fun. Womens wrestling is important after all.

My daughter is going to be watching Candy and I want to put on the best match I can for her. We’re role models for young women and girls and us showing sportsmanship is important. This match I promise will be clean as a whistle and no matter who wins, we both do knowing that we’ve made people proud. It’s time for this Queen to get another win under her belt and show that she’s back on the road to getting a title shot. Candy good luck and let’s kick some ass!  

Now if you all excuse me my husband is calling for me…all hail the Nordic Queen.

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 4: Closer
« on: October 02, 2015, 11:52:52 PM »
 Book 1: Life
Chapter 4: Closer
~Part 1:His visit.~
The red liquid touched her tongue casing her to moan out. It caused her fangs to pop out and her eyes to return to the jade green we know and love. For her it was easy to get blood now-a-days seeing how she has donors, blood bags, blood tablets and café Lestat to help with it. Back in the day though it was harder. She didn’t understand the responsibilities and she didn’t have the resources. Lucy put the empty bag down and leaned back on the sofa.

Lucy: That’s better, I needed that.

Lucy looked up at him. It felt good to see him again after all these years.

“I figured as much, you never really cared for it. But how have you been Lucy”?

Lucy: I’ve been fine Bennett. I’m glad you’re alright. You know I do care about you seeing how you’re my adopted sire.

In Lucy and Lucien’s safe house in Russia, Lucy’s adopted sire/father came to visit her. His name is Bennett, a vampire scholar and nomad. He travels the world learning about history both human and vampire. Bennett smiled down at her.

Bennett: Neonate, I’m glad about that. I’m glad you’ve been keeping yourself out of trouble as well. I’ve been traveling and I’ve been keeping an eye out for Anisim. He is a sneaky adversary and is someone we all need to be ready for. Before I came to see you I was in St.Petersburg on a hunch about a vampire pendent belonging to an Atediluvian.

If Lucy had blood in her mouth she would have spit it out because of that last word. The Atediluvian are vampires of the Third Generation with incalculable power, each of whom survived the Biblical Deluge.

Lucy: Holy effing shit.

Bennett: Neonate! I’m still shocked at the words you used. But I digress; it makes me wonder if your Father could be going after it.

Lucy: You think so?

Bennett nodded.

Bennett: I wouldn’t doubt it, you know your Father would do anything.

Lucy: I’m trying to find out where he’s at. It’s like I’m here in Russia every other day trying to sense him. It’s like even with the vampire abilities Bennett he’s untraceable. Deabs can’t even find him either. I’m worried we’re running out of time and if we do…you know what will happen.

Bennett again nodded knowing what she was referring to. Lucy looked up at him with a worried look on her face.

Bennett: Neonate, don’t worry. We will find him, for now though you should focus on your match.

The door to the safe house opened and Melanie Gabrielle stood there. She walked inside and shut the door behind her.

Melanie: Bennett what are you doing here?

Bennett: I came to check on my childe. Lucien had sent me a call about what had happened. Did you get him?

Melanie: No we didn’t; he somehow escaped…sorry Lucy.

Lucy sighed.

Lucy: It’s fine. Anyways Papa are you sure you don’t have anything on him?

Bennet: No I’m sorry Lucy if I did I’d let you all know.

Mel sat next to Lucy as Bennet’s phone went off. He checked the message and put it away just as quick.

Bennet: I’m sorry I have to go; I’ll be back later. Good evening you two.

Both: Good night!

Mel turned to Lucy.

Mel: What was that about?

Lucy: Don’t worry about it.

Mel went to say something but Lucy cut her off.

Lucy: Don’t worry about it.

Mel could only nod as Lucy took another sip of blood.

~Part 2: A late night call.~
It was late at night in Denmark and Mel was in bed with her husband. She couldn’t sleep from still feeling the effects of Anisim. Mel had her thoughts swimming around her head as she tried to come up with something…anything that could end this war early.

Melanie: Ja?

Michelle: It’s me…we found him.

Mel didn’t speak at first but Michelle knew shock was sinking in for her. Mel couldn’t believe that Michelle’s mirror had found him. At last they could be find him and fast.

Melanie: Where is he?

Michelle: Thing is I’m not sure. I only see him in what looks like a white room.

And then Michelle knew something was wrong. She could feel Mel’s emotions shift and then the line went dead. Mel was in more shock…she knew where Anisim was at and that made Sam wake up. He felt his wife’s emotions and took her into his arms.

Sam: What happened?

Melanie: They found him.

Sam: Anisim?

Mel only nodded and Sam smiled.

Sam: Where at?

Mel didn’t answer at first. She wasn’t sure how she wanted to go about this. Mel took in a deep breath and looked at him.

Melanie: At the end of the world…

Sam blinked in surprised. He had heard the stories about it but he wasn’t sure if they were true.

Sam: But-but how!? I thought that was exclusive.

Melanie: It is.

Sam: Then-

Melanie: He had to force someone to will him their power.

That left and uneasy silence in the room. Sam and Mel knew what willing ones power would do. It would make another stronger but would kill the willer. Mel’s body started to shake from realizing what had happened.

Sam: Mel?

Tears started to go down her face.

Mel: No.

Sam: What? What?!

Melanie: I….no…no!

Mel let out a loud scream that caused her power to surge. The bed jumped into the air and landed with a loud thud.

Sam: Melanie calm down! It’s okay I’m here.

She kept repeating no over and over again as her tears kept coming down. That moment Sam knew Mel had figured it all out. The mystery was gone and now it was war time.

Melanie: I’m sorry.

Sam: Don’t be Mel. C’mon let me make you some food.

Sam slowly got the two up and they walked off into the darkness.

~Part 3: Had enough.~
Melanie was at her office at Angel corp; logged into her computer and ready to write more for the Angel clan site. Mel felt her hands dance over the keys as her body went on auto-piolet. She was once again working nonstop and was running on almost nothing.

Melanie: You know this is the fate of everyone who faces us in this match. You guys believe that you’re better, that you’re tougher, that you can beat us. But how many of you can keep your word? How many of you can get the job done? None that’s the answer. Lucy and I thought we did keep our word.I don’t care what anyone says. Thing is the Clan is a top team in SCW and where ever we step. We’ve proved and will prove it time and time again. People don’t get how family oriented this stable is. They don’t get that we’ve been fighting against and together since we were all little childrenWe hunt together and we’re in sync, in the ring yeah we’ve been doing this for almost four years but guess what, in all reality we’ve done this longer. People don’t understand that  we can pull this off. They see us as the underdogs and rightfully so. But we have the family of miracle workers. You see it with Gabe for sure. Lucy and I ladies and gents are ready to win this match. We want to win clean and anyone who tries any other way, they’ll feel our wrath. Being the leader of this Clan it’s my job to be strong and be the one to lead the charge into battle.I have no doubt in my mind that we will.

Ladies, go ahead and think highly of yourselves. But don’t think for a second you’ll walk out of the ring with a win like that. I have no doubt that the Clan will walk out with the win. We’ve got the talent and the skills to. Lucy and I are on the same page and I doubt you two are. It makes me want to ask you two, what are you fighting for? Everyone has motivation behind what they do. For us it’s our creed, our coat of arms, our motto. “Family, Honor, Love and Victory”. This has been keeping us going for years and it’ll still do that. Victory is something we always strive for, it brings joy to the Clan knowing that our hard work has paid off. Each day we live we consider it a victory seeing on our past. Not sure if we were going to live to see the next sun rise or set. Our past is sad but we have a victory over it and now we’re live nice. But just because we are it doesn’t mean we throw away our roots. Lucy’s alive and that’s a victory we’re taking.

The Clan loves the wrestling world and that’s a fact. If we didn’t we wouldn’t be here right now about to fight you two. Love’s that force that will keep us going till we die. I love to win a title and so does my brother here. But we’d love a victory. We’d love to win this match and we plan on not failing. With love comes the passion that only we have and that’s for not just fighting in the ring but that’s for this family as well.

Family; if you haven’t figured this one out I’d be a bit sad. This is really what drives us the most. Our family does matter to us. We’d do anything for them and that means winning this match. We want to win to make them have the best in their futures. It’s the pain we’ll be willing to go through to make them happy. I’d be willing to get hurt just to have them happy. I know when our family watches us they’re always cheering for us. They want us to do our best but we’re always pushing ourselves to the ends of the earth for them.

Honor is something we all come into the ring with. Without it battle means nothing. We will show you honor and I know you will do the same in return. We’re ready, it’s time and I can’t wait for this.

What do you two fight for? Really hell if I know. I mean look Candy I don’t have a problem with for now…I hope to keep it that way. Then you got Amy who interfered in my match a while back and made it seem that I won the title on a fluke. I proved them wrong.

Ladies honestly be ready for this match. You’re going up against two world class athletes who stop at nothing till the job is done. Good luck and stay alive…

Fade to black.

Climax Control Archives / Chapter 5: War time
« on: September 11, 2015, 11:15:51 PM »
 Book 1: Crimson Blitz
Chapter 5: War time
~Part 1: You're in some deep trouble.~
To say that Melanie Gabrielle was happy was a very lie in itself; right now she was on the brink of raging and possibly ending herself up in jail if anyone messed with her. But that’s where she was going, she was going to jail not because she may or may not have done second degree manslaughter no…but it was because a certain person was in jail for public indecency and intoxication. In the passenger side was Samuel Devereux trying to make sure his wife didn’t end up staying there once they made it.

Melanie: I swear to God she is dead meat! I figured since she’s in college she’d try to make herself be a bit more mature but no! She had to get drunk at 19 may I remind you and end up giving some guy a blow job out where the cops found them. Either the so called “college party life” has really made her more stupid or she’ll never grow up.

Sam: C’mon shouldn’t you give her a break Mel? I mean she’s a college student after all.

Melanie stopped at a red light, wanting to slam on the break to see if Sam would hit the dashboard. She chose not to and Sam thankfully for him didn’t go flying. But his comment didn’t go unheard. No Melanie was about to tear him a new one. She knew Sam was more of the laid back guy with stuff like that.

Melanie: One more comment like that and I will stop this car and take you over my knee.

Sam: As kinky as that is, I know you wouldn’t do it.

Mel stomped on the break and Sam hit the dashboard.

Sam: Mel, babe what the fuck?!

Mel: I will do it! Don’t you think for a second I won’t. I’m already close to killing one person.

Sam rubbed his head and Mel started to drive off again.

Sam: Mel, she’s just a kid cut her a break.

Mel: No! She broke the law and there isn’t any excuse for it. Honestly she needs to grow up and start taking responsibility for her actions. Both her and Aina for that matter! It’s those two who need some reform.

Sam sighed and Mel stopped again at a red light.

Sam: Okay, so what do you have in mind?

It was Mel’s time to sigh. Honestly she didn’t have an idea. All she knew was that if She was lucky, She would stay alive to see tomorrow. Sam took Mel’s free hand held it in his left one. Mel hid a smile but Sam did catch it.

Mel: I have no idea, I’ll figure something out.

Mel pulled into the parking lot to of one of the South Carolina jails. She killed off the engine and the two get out of the car. Mel locked it and the two make their way to the door way. Sam opened the door for Mel and she walked in. Loud yelling filled the air as the two made it down a hallway. Mel walked up to the guard at the front desk.

Officer: Ms.Gabrielle I presume?

Mel: Yes officer and here’s the bail money.

Mel took out her purse and grabbed the bail money. She handed it to the officer and he quickly counted it. He nodded it and hit the buzzard. A loud buzzing nose came shortly and the door opened. Mel and Sam walked through and on the other side of the hallway is a short red headed woman. Her head was down and she walked over to both Mel and Sam. Without a word the trio exited the jail and got into Mel’s car. Mel started the car and several moments passed before Mel spoke.


That caused Sam to jump into the air. The woman didn’t say anything.

Mel: You could have been put in jail! Honestly you’re ruining your life just like Aina! You think getting drunk, fucking like a rabbit and anything else you want is the college life? Think again! You need to start acting maturely and getting your grades up. Your Mother and Father didn’t send you to live with Rachel, Claude and Lucy for nothing. What the heck am I supposed to say to them when they find out about it? “Oh I’m sorry your daughter was caught drunk and giving a guy head in a public area”. They would freaking kill you! Do you even have anything to say for yourself!?

“Shut up Mel”.

Mel slammed on the breaks and Sam this time didn’t go flying. Mel turned to look at the woman.

Mel: Excuse you?!

“I said shut up”.

Mel’s eyes turned red as blood and Sam kept his hand in hers. Sam knew Mel was about to jump the seat and beat the shit out of her.

Mel: You know what Sam.

Claude: No what.

Mel smirked.

Mel: I think she should stay home a while and not be allowed to leave.

The woman screamed loudly.

“This isn’t fair”!

Melanie: Life isn’t, get over it.

Melanie pulled into the drive way of Lucy’s USA home. The three get out and they walked into Lucy’s place.

Melanie: Rhoda, Sam do you sense that?

Rhoda: Yeah what is that?

Mel felt something pull her to the stairs. Mel started to walk off and went up the stairs like someone was walking her to somewhere. Mel felt her head start to feel like static. Her vision fell back into the past and it was like she was looking in through Rachel’s point of view.

A younger Rachel Rosangela left her room. She had a bad feeling that something was going to go wrong. Rachel walked down the hallway and towards the opening near the stairs. She heard a crash and ran to see what was going on. Tripped over a table is her Father. Rachel’s eyes grew wide in fear. Her Father was home drunk again. What was it now? The fourth or fifth time this week he’d come home from the pub. She could tell he was going to be in a violent rage though. The look in his eyes told all and that made Rachel run for her life.

“Get back here you little bitch”! Her Father roared.

Mel stopped and her body started to shake. She felt Rachel’s emotion as Rachel ran as fast as she could. Mel knew the story of what happened with Rachel and her Father but little did she know she was wanting it like a 3D movie.

Rachel slid into her room, shutting and locking the door. Rachel hid under her bed trying to remain calm. She heard her Father stumble up the stairs. Rachel’s fear made her body shake. She lightly whimpered wishing that he would just leave. Rachel heard the door knob started to turn. Rachel’s eyes filled with tears as the door was broken open. A hand reached under the bed and Rachel screamed. Her Dad grabbed her out by her hair and threw her onto her head. She felt him punch the side of her head. Rachel screamed out as she felt the pain.





Rachel felt that she was going to die. She couldn’t fight back, she was powerless. By this time though she was bloody, her nose was bleeding. Her face was starting to bruise up as well, Rachel felt herself slipping away. Her Father grabbed a bottle from off her stand and smashed it against the head board. He pinned her to the bed. His sickly grin spread on his face and Rachel started to cry.

“Now, now don’t cry Rei. It’ll be all over soon, shhh go to sleep”. Alex said.

Mel wanted to scream or even push Rachel out of the way a tear slid down her face.

He raised the bottle up to her neck. Rachel knew he was going to kill her! He raised the bottle up and she screamed loudly. Her vision turned red and Rachel felt something different. All the years of the abuse, all the years of having to live in fear and, all the years being in pain were about to bite Alex in the ass. Rachel kicked her Father hard. The bottle landed next to her and Alex went flying back into the wall. Rachel got up and looked at her Father.

“What the hell are you doing? You’re a freak, look at your eyes”! He yelled.

Rachel looked over to her mirror, oh yeah her eyes shifted to the red color. Rachel blinked in shock but then she smirked. She looked back at her Father.

“What am I doing, simple…I’m embracing my rage. I won’t let men like you ever hurt me again. You think you’re such top shit when you’re drunk. You think you can touch me and Mom, hurt us and make us break? You’re a sick fuck that’s for sure”! Rachel yelled at him. “Now get the hell out of this house and my room”.

Rachel walked over to him and started kicking him out of her room. Alex scattered up onto his feet and ran out of the room screaming. Moments later Rachel heard the door open and close hard. She smirked and looked again at her reflection. Rachel walked over and closely examined herself. Her long red hair was battered with blood starting to dry. Her nose had red streaks running down them. Her face was starting to turn into purple, blues and greens. But Rachel’s eyes had faded back, she felt tired. Rachel had to clean herself up.

Rachel dragged herself out of her room. She felt like pure hell. The door opened and Rachel jumped.

“Rach”? Her twin brother called out.

The last thing before Rachel passed out from all this was a loud scream from her mouth.

Mel screamed loudly and Sam and Rhoda bolted up. Mel was on the ground just like when Sam and Roxi had found her.

Sam: Mel!

Melanie: RACHEL! NO!

Rhoda: I’ll go to the UK and check on her. You stay with Mel.

Sam nodded and Rhoda ran off. Sam took Mel into his arms.

Sam: Melanie snap out of it! Don’t black out please.

Mel was crying badly by this time.

Sam: Melanie come on please…come back!

Mel blinked and looked up at him.

Melanie: He’s after Rachel again. Sam don’t let Anisim get her please! He’s going to use Alex to break her down!

Sam got his phone out and made a call.

Sam: Claude check on Rachel will you? Mel’s worried…Oh is she? Alright I’ll tell Mel.

Sam hung up and looked at his wife.

Sam: Mel, Rei is okay she’s sleeping right now.

Mel nodded and looked up at Sam.

Melanie: The war is coming soon…three months and ten days.

Sam took in a deep breath and kept Mel close to him.

~Part 2: Dinner time.~
The door to the house opened and Sam stepped in with a plastic bag. He shut the door behind him and Mel smiled at him. Rhoda hadn’t returned and it was just the two of them. Mel had calmed down by now and she was in her nightclothing. In her lap was a book and to her right was a cup of tea.

Sam: I hope you don’t mind Mighty Taco.

Melanie: Wait you teleported to Western New York for Mighty Taco? Good man!

Mel got up from the sofa. The book fall onto the sofa and Sam met his wife at the table. Sam tossed her a max buffito and Mel caught it. Mel smiled at him and Sam pushed a glass of milk for her and got him a can of soda for himself.

Mel: No lettuce, and with blue cheese?

Sam nodded as he took a bite of his.

Melanie: Good cause God knows I don’t like that in mine.

Mel bit into it remember that the first bite was always the spiciest. She reached for her glass and took a sip to wash the spice away.

Sam: First bite’s always the spiciest.

Mel: Yeah it is! Damn it’s been a while since I had one of these.

Mel sighed and put the food down.

Sam: What’s wrong?

Melanie: I’m worried about the war.

Sam: Don’t…not right now Mel.

Mel looked at him with anger in her eyes.

Melanie: Samuel we can’t run from this! You know Anisim will do anything to take us out. He knows Rachel is a threat!

Sam: I know Mel. Listen what happened with Ali wasn’t yours or Gabe’s fault at all. So please don’t think that it is. I know Anisim wants us gone but you need to think right now about your match. If you don’t you could lose.

Melanie: Oh thanks Sam! Really shows you have faith in me!

Sam sighed.

Sam: I didn’t mean it like that!

Mel: Yeah sure…you know though with what happened with Gabe and Ali…

Sam slammed his fist onto the table making Mel jump.

Sam: Melanie for the love of God! What would Gabe want!? Would he want you to be here watching him and not going out to do your job or what? I know our brother would want you to go and fight in this match instead of staying here and not being able to do anything. Lucy is working to see what happened and what she can do with Michael to wake Ali. Listen you need to go out to the ring and win this match. It doesn’t matter what happened in the past or current. We have to look forward to the future and Mel I know for years you’ve been taking care of us. You had to play the role of Mom but Mel you don’t need to worry. Look at you; we shouldn’t be doing stuff like this. We should living our lives not worrying about this stuff. Listen I understand in life we didn’t have a choice but something like this we do. Mel, you need to win this. I know you’re worried but you need to put yourself first before anyone else.

Mel sighed.

Mel: Okay…okay.

Sam smiled at her and got up. He kissed her lips and lifted her up

Melanie: I wasn’t done eating!

Sam: Oh I know but I think you need something to take your mind off of things.

He winked and Mel giggled as he ran off with her.

~Part 3: A bit of fun the next day~
The sun was shining bright overhead, and the sounds of the local fair could be heard floating into the air, along with the various smells of the different fair foods that were being sold there. Kids were running back and forth screaming and yelling and giggling, their parents were yelling at them not to run or to stick by them, typical stuff that parents say to younger kids. And amongst the noise and the food and everything, Mel was happy to have someone enjoying this little fair for the time being, since she didn’t feel like walking this place alone. He had questioned her at great length after that brutal match if she was okay and everything and she had spent countless hours explaining to him that she was sore in more places than one, but she was going to be fine once she had time to heal. She was a tough character, no doubt.

She waved around a tall stick of pink cotton candy, pulling tuffs of the stuff off and popping it into her mouth, licking the remnants of the sticky substance from her fingers as she talked with him. They would stop every so often, observing the various booths and games that were set up, trying to figure out which ones to play and try their luck at or if they were going to just avoid the whole thing all together. Rhoda was feeling bold today and she wanted to try something and walk away with a prize, no matter what it was.

Sam: You know most of these are rigged right?

Mel: Well, yeah but not all of them are. How do you explain the people walking away with stuff? How is that rigged?

Sam: They just got lucky. That’s all it is.

Mel: Ok, fine. Let’s play this bottle game and see who can knock over the most, or knock them all over…since you want to be stuffy about these games.

Mel watched as Sam, stepped up, paying the younger guy behind the counter the tickets to play the game and picked up a ball, tossing it around in his hand. She crossed her arms over her chest and grinned as he reared back with his arm and threw it at what he thought was the dead center, but only succeeded in knocking over just a few of them. He took one look back at her as if to say ‘see? I told you so.’ And stepped back for her to take her turn.

She chuckled and handed over her ticket, grabbing one of the balls in her hand, tossing it around for a while. Games were about luck and skill. If you had both then you had everything in your corner to win. She tilted her head at the silver bottles, examining them from all sides, twirling the ball in her hand as she took a step back and quick as a flash threw the ball dead center at the bottles, knocking them all over. The crowd that had gathered cheered for her as the attendant let her pick out a prize. She pointed to the large stuffed Link doll above, and grinned when she was handed it.

She took one glance at Sam who shook his head with a small chuckle as they walked away to enjoy the rest of the fair.

Sam: You are one lucky girl, I tell ya. Teach me what you know, please?

Mel: Same way I throw a tomahawk in disc golf, pretend I’m Gambit.

Sam laughed and shook his head.

Melanie: It’s the God honest truth.

Sam: I know, that’s why I laughed.

Suddenly the two felt a shock course through them. Mel turned to Sam and Sam grabbed her hand quickly. The two looked around trying to find where the source of that spell was coming from.

Melanie: It’s strong.

Sam: Yeah it is!

Mel touched her earlobe and it caused a mic to come from behind it.

PAT: Hello Melanie, what may I do for you?

Melanie: Call Lucy Serphina.

Mel heard the dial tone and then after two rings it stopped.

Lucy: My Father is up to something! Every black blood is freaking out right now. I’m in a lot of pain. Be careful Melanie and make sure you and Sam watch your backs.

Melanie: We will…do you know where this is coming from?

Lucy: It’s somewhere in Russia…I’m not sure where though.

Mel didn’t say anything.[/color]

Lucy: Melanie?!

Melanie: Lucy…it’s war time.

~Part 4: Mel’s blog~
This belt is what it feels like. Each time the champ and whoever she’s facing goes through. By the time the bell rings the war ends. Some walk out broken. I don’t mean just their bones; some end up with broken dreams, souls and hearts. Then you have some covered in blood like Carrie. After it’s gone you see the scars; reminders of the past that’ll haunt you till you can’t see them anymore. Thing is even though you can’t see them you know they’re there.

I’ve gone through war plenty of times in and out of the ring. It won’t be the first or the last time that I do. I know while I hold the SCW Bombshell Rolette Championship that I’ll be going to war each time. You never know what’ll come up for the stip. It’s like the enemy’s surprise attacked. You get thrown into something that’ll hurt you. You do have to be prepared for anything and it’s like a handicap match. The stip can go against you just like who you’re facing. I know that means most likely the odds are against me and they always will be. That’s the story of my life though. You see when you grow up like the Clan you have to fight to live. Every day you had to or Death would come up and kiss you. Life is war and me standing here shows that I can survive.

I’m far from perfect and people wouldn’t think that. They’d see me and they think my life now-a-days is perfect. Got a great career, a good family, plenty of money and friends to last a life time. But they don’t see that after all these years I’m still in pain. They don’t see that I still struggle with things like the rest of my family but what I go through is weird I guess. Yes it’s true my Daughter’s Father is a recovering or was a recovering alcoholic and druggy. I’m not really sure seeing how I haven’t been able to find or hear from him in months. I know my Daughter misses her Father but there isn’t anything I can do about it. Athena loves Samuel like a Father as well which makes me happy. I guess Stefan’s brother Claude was right I can’t save everyone…

I’m not a normal wrestler; I’ve been fighting every day to get where I’m at. I’ve been fighting since I was a kid, I know how to play dirty and play clean. I know honor and I know what’s right and wrong. In all honesty after PWU closed I didn’t think I’d come back but you know what I did. You know why? So I can shut everyone up. I’m so sick and tired of everyone doubting me. For me I love going out to the ring and just kicking ass. I couldn’t care less about the backstage politics, just give me a match and I’ll go out and do it. I don’t give a damn who they put in front of me either.

Crystal, time is coming to a standstill for us. Before we know it we’ll be in the battle ground fighting each other. I don’t back down and I know you don’t either which pleases me. Right now this match will make people remember us for centuries. We’re going down in history and we’ll burn this place down with roars and cheers from the crowd. These people want to see us give them a hell of a battle and I know we don’t disappoint. I want you to understand going in and out of this match that this match will be pure gold. I will go into this and win though; I’m not going down that easy.

They’ve called me insane here and you know what it doesn’t bother me. I can adapt to whatever that wheel lands on. I promise that this fight is going to be one of the hardest ever for you. I know you’re the youngest Bombshell Roulette Champion and I know you want this title back. You know that when I have a title defense I go out and train with the sword. It has worked for me in the past and it helps me focus, it makes me ready for my matches. It’s a discipline that those who don’t use the sword wouldn’t understand. When you fight with the sword it shows speed, focus and strength. Something that I have. You move with grace of the wind, you strike with the flow of water, you put power like the earth into the attack and you focus like the flame of the fire. Each time I’ve done this I have won my matches. You can ask the likes of Lisa Marie who fell to me. But after her defeat she went crazy and tried to kill my daughter. Yeah she isn’t that smart but she was my friend. Little did I know that she was like that.

This place I went to train, oh I feel the power of the past flowing through it. I hear my Norse brothers and sisters calling for me to go to battle. Yes I am going to battle, I’m battling against you and I will not fail. We are feared warriors and I hope you feel it as you walk, as the wind brushes against you that something big is going to happen. I have plans that are coming together and this is part of it. I go out to that ring and I fight with all my might. The pain I’ve gone through is a blessing in disguise, the words and actions you all have said and done have boos my focus, have made me wiser and made me more ready for this match. I’ve taken broken angel wings and learned to fly. You may think I’m on the ground and that you’re above me but you’re not. I’ll fly high like the mighty Valkyries and take you down.
So I did proved to the world that I can hold down wins, that I can keep this title and, no one is going to take it from me. Crystal I don’t doubt you but you need to be ready for this match. Anyone who faces me or my family knows that we’re always ready for combat. You see a woman on a mission and that is be champion and well…I got a belt!

So Crystal I have to ask…can you beat me? Do you think you’ll take the title back? No I promise you that this belt is staying with me for a long time. Everyone can try to take it from me but one by one they’ll fall. Everyone said that it was a fluke when I won against Keira because of Amy. They ended up getting that thrown back to them! I said for them to eff off and I won in a brutal barbed wire match.

Yes this is war…nothing personal but Crystal I play to win and you are stepping into my world. Good luck…

Fade to black.

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