Author Topic: All Star Roxi Issue #39: What Is A Hero (Part 3)  (Read 569 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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All Star Roxi Issue #39: What Is A Hero (Part 3)
« on: March 12, 2021, 11:23:33 PM »
{The scene opens after Roxi and Cassian’s win two weeks ago as they come through the curtain. Cassian of course leading the way, arms raised in victory, in jubilation after the match. Roxi, not so much. Roxi has her hands on her hips, the two breathing heavily after their effort. They walk past the Gorilla position and down the hallway, Cassian grabbing a bottle of water along the way. Cassian catches his breath and plops himself down on an anvil case, a few feet away, turning to face Roxi who just looks at him. Cassian unscrews the bottle cap and toasts Roxi.}


Cassian – Cheers, love.


{Roxi says nothing as Cassian takes a gulp of his water, a smile still etched on his face.}


Cassian – We make a good team, yeah?


Roxi – Team?


Cassian – Yeah, a team. We won. Again.


Roxi – I know that.


Cassian – Then why are you all pouty right now? Thought you’d be in the mood to celebrate.


Roxi – You keep cheating.


{Cassian just shrugs.}


Cassian – So? A win is a win, ain’t it?


Roxi – Not like that.


Cassian – Uh, certainly like that. I’m pretty sure in the official SCW record books it’ll say that Cassian Reed and... you, Roxi, obviously... won that Blast from the Past tournament match.


Roxi – Yes, and we keep winning because you keep breaking the rules.


{Cassian holds his hands out, pantomiming that he doesn’t understand.}


Cassian – There prizes for sportsmanship that I wasn’t aware of, is it? I’m sorry, but didn’t YOU say you wanted to this tournament? You want to win, right?


Roxi – Of course I do.


Cassian – And we keep winning, and you keep complaining. Isn’t the win what you wanted? 


{Roxi pauses and sighs.}


Roxi – Yes.


Cassian – Then I don’t understand the problem here. Bloody ‘ell.


Roxi – I don’t go out there to cheat my way to a win.


Cassian – My hearts breaking. There are no style points here. We can either win together, doing what we need to do, or take every extra step you want, and before you know it, bam, we’re out. You said you wanted to win, and I said I had your back. Have I not had your back?


Roxi – You have.


Cassian – Then do me a favor and get OFF mine. 


{Cassian stands up from the anvil case, patting Roxi on the shoulder.}


Cassian – I’ll see you next week, I’ll call ya, maybe.


Roxi – Please be sober if you do.


Cassian – What? Sorry, can’t hear you... too busy winning. Whoo!


{Cassian walks away arms raised again as he heads to his locker room, presumably to party. Roxi stands again with hands on hips, thinking to herself before heading back to the Team Hero locker room where Keria is doing some shadowboxing to warm up. She stops when she sees Roxi and hugs her.}


Keira – Great win.


Roxi – Yeah.


Keira – Don't tell me you’re upset...


Roxi – It's not right.


Keira – I think you told me once that what’s right isn’t always popular, and what’s popular isn’t always right.


Roxi – I just wish he didn’t have to do things like that all the time.


Keira – I do too, but that’s just the way it is. Look, as far as I’m concerned, you did what you did, by the book just like you always do. You cannot control what other people do.


Roxi – I suppose you’re right.


Keira – Don't overthink it. I for one, don’t think less of you. YOU aren’t out there cheating. You continue to do the best you can do, and I love you for it.


{Keira and Roxi sit on the bench and Keira holds Roxi close for a moment. Keira then stands back up. Beginning to do more light stretching.}


Keira – What do you think?


Roxi – About what?


Keira – My chances tonight?


Roxi – As good as ever.


{Keira smiles.}


Keira – And... Please, just... trust me, okay?


Roxi – I do.


{Keira continues to stretch as Roxi ponders what both her partner, and wife said to her as the scene fades.}


{The next scene opens with Roxi pacing on the roof of the police station, and finally Lt. Murphy making his way to the roof, a none too pleased look on his face.}


Lt. Murphy - What do you want now?


Roxi – I just need to know how things are going for my reports.


Lt. Murphy – All I’ve heard is the asylum thing is fine. Why? Have you heard anything? 


Roxi – No.


Lt. Murphy – Well, then no news is good news, right?


Roxi – I suppose.


Lt. Murphy – Good. I have better things to do that have these face-to-face meetings all the time.


Roxi – So do I, but we’re both in the same boat. Somebody needs to know what’s going on.


Lt. Murphy –Like I said, I’ve only heard it’s fine. Haven’t seen any of them, but apparently, all the reports coming back from Coleman as positive. No issues. 


Roxi – Alright. 


Lt. Murphy – Is that it? Can I get back to work now?


{Roxi sighed, annoyed at Murphy’s constant attitude.}


Roxi – Yeah.


{Roxi turns to take off, but her wrist communicator went off.}


Roxi – Vision, this Lady Badlam.


Vision – Lady Bedlam, we’ve got a report of two suspicious persons wearing the Shady Acres blue patient outfits running into the city.


Roxi – Oh no...


Lt. Murphy – Dammit. Is there a mass break?


Roxi – Vision, any other reports for any other individuals, or groups?


Vision – None at this time.


Roxi – Alright, any direction they were headed?


Vision – Individuals were seen heading towards industrial part of town close to the outskirts that lead to the Aslyum. 


Roxi – I'm on it.


Lt. Murphy – I'll check and see what we have.


Roxi – Just keep me posted. I’ll see just what is going on.


{Roxi doesn’t hesitate to take off, headed towards the industrial part of town. At night the buildings are mostly closed, locked down, or abandoned. Roxi moves into the heart of the arena and begins to concentrate, sensing the energy around her.}


There doesn’t appear to be anything here... maybe they moved on... But they couldn’t have gotten far. Better start to grid the area then.


{Roxi begins to sense around and flying around the area in a pattern fashion, finally stopping sensing two sources of energy on the move. She moves closer and lands in front of them.}


Roxi – The Peek Twins? Billy, Jimmy, You should know better than this. 


Billy – What? No! Lady B We’re can’t handle it! We’re under pressure.


Jimmy – Yeah, totally! They didn’t tell us they were going to drop a bomb on us!


Roxi – What are you talking about?


Billy – We can’t go back! No way not no how! Not with that super freak in there!


Jimmy – We wouldn’t take him home to mother either!


Roxi – If you’re not going to talk to me about it, then you’re going back. Stop being vague.


Jimmy – Send us to jail Lady B! We burned down the house! We were smoking in the boys room! Please!


Roxi – What? You WANT to go back to jail?


Billy – Anything to go away from him! He’s hungry like the wolf and he’s always watching us!


Roxi – What? Who? 


Billy – The big man!


Jimmy – The big man!


{Roxi shrugs.}


Roxi – I can’t just take you to jail, boys. That’s not how this works. You’re only going to be sent back to the asylum. You’re going back.


Billy – You can’t! We’re not gonna take it!


{Billy and Jimmy try to run, but Roxi just ends up tripping them to stop them.}


Roxi – Don't make my job harder than it is. 


{Roxi grabs both twins and flies them back to the asylum, stopping at the large gate. However, once the Twins see the door, they instantly latch onto Roxi like frightened animals.}


Jimmy – You can’t do this! It’s a dead man’s party!


Billy – He's gonna be a sledgehammer! You have to do something!


Roxi – Get... off me! What is going on here? You’re both acting like children. You busted out of the asylum, and you’re lucky there isn’t a mass breakout. 


Jimmy – Please! Just take us to jail! It’ll be nothing but a good time! You can’t leave us here!


{Roxi eventually uses her energy to pry the twins off of her.}


Roxi – That's enough.


{Roxi looks in both of the twins' eyes and she can see the true fear in them. Something clearly has them spooked and Roxi can feel it. She notifies the guards at the Asylum, and sure enough after a few moments, the monstrous officer Coleman opens the door, causing the Twins to jump back, and hide behind Roxi, each clutching one of her legs.}


Officer Coleman – Sorry about the trouble Lady Bedlam, These two decided to tunnel their way out of their cells, and were missing for head count.


Roxi – I see.


Officer Coleman – I'll handle it from here.


Jimmy – Get him away! It’ll be the end of the world as we know it!


Officer Coleman – That's the idea.


{Roxi takes a second and stands in front of the twins, holding her hand out.}


Roxi – Hold it. These two have been complaining about you the whole time they escaped.


Officer Coleman – That's to be expected. I treat them as they should be treated. I’m just doing my job, Lady Bedlam.


{Roxi sighs, and Coleman grabs either twin in either arm and begins to take them back inside, other orderly's are standing by. Coleman turns back to Roxi and gives a slight grin and tip of the cap.}


Officer Coleman – Thanks for the help Lady Bedlam, I assure you, this will NEVER happen again. Together, we can make this city safe.


{Coleman gets to the inner door and is then out of sight. Roxi turns away and calls Vision.}


Roxi – Vision, situation is now under control. Two escapees from the asylum have been returned.


Vision – Excellent.


Roxi – It was the Peek Twins.


Vision – So, nothing you couldn’t handle.


Roxi – No, but... something is wrong. Can you find background information in the city’s police files on an Officer Coleman?


Vision – Checking...


Roxi – Thank you.


Vision – I'm not finding any files on him in the Tampa records. There’s 85 in Florida, and over 400 nationwide. This could take a while unless you’ve got anything more specific.


Roxi – Search any that are over 6’5” and have experience with maximum security prison guard duty.


Vision – I don’t how much we’re gonna get out of that.


Roxi – That's all I got right now. If you can’t narrow it down, I’ll see if AJ knows anything. 


Vision – Why are we looking this guy up again?


Roxi – Vision, the Twins weren’t even trying to hide. They didn’t attack me. They were running away. Not because they wanted to do anything criminal, I think they were honestly scared for their lives. They clung onto me like children. I think this... Coleman is doing his job... a little too well.


Vision – Have you spoken to Lt. Murphy?


Roxi – No, but believe me, I will.


Vision – If you can get more info from him, that would really make it easy.


Roxi – I'll try, but I can’t go around accusing without evidence. 


Vision – But, on the plus side... maybe Coleman’s scaring ‘em straight. 


Roxi – Maybe. 


Vision – He may be doing our job for us.


{Roxi doesn’t say anythng to that right away, instead sighing}


Roxi – I'll contact you later.


{Roxi ends the call and heads off, the scene fading.}




“Hey, I have a lot of friends who are clones. I'm not questioning whether you're a thinking, feeling human being with a right to life, liberty, and all that. But you're not Gwen.”

Spider Man (Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 23)

Hello SCW.


Yes, I have heard and I am dealing with a lot of things these days, most of them dealing with the Blast from the past tournament. I cannot help my own nature of longing for a sense of fair play at this point? I’ve been in wrestling long enough to know that expecting fair play is a fool's errand and perhaps my entire career, I have been fighting a losing battle trying to fight for that level playing field. I mean, there’s no real fair play, is there? This business is cutthroat and being will smile in your face and stab you in the back at the drop of a hat if it means that get an inch on you. People will encourage you to do great, right up until they can’t benefit anymore and then just as quickly push you off the ledge that they convinced you that you should climb. 


I’m stuck with this dilemma of wanting to win this tournament, and yet, I cannot really be happy with it. I suppose this is where people would say I want to have my cake and eat it to, as it were. Because if I go over my past in this tournament of all the years that I entered it. I have made the finals only once. When I was young and headstrong and getting the job done was the only thing I really cared about. And obviously since those days, my perspective on many things has changed. Things are just different, and it just seemed every single year afterward, my trust was violated, or the almost naïve belief that the sense of fair play was one that I shared with others. But as I have found out that really isn’t the case. I almost stand alone in that regard. I feel almost stupid for that. I feel like more and more, that argument of “Getting it done vs. Doing it right.” is now the biggest battle in my head.


Because unlike a lot of people, the moment I slip, it’s a problem. I have found myself for many years being told I am too nice. That I don’t really try and rock the boat, I don’t put my foot down on many things and that has held me back at times. And perhaps that is true. But then, when I do make a decision, when I do put my foot down, when I do decide enough is enough, then I am acting out of character and I all of a sudden become a different person. This dichotomy is strange and extremely frustrating.


For this tournament, I decided that for once, really for once in a long time, I wanted to compete in this tournament strictly for me, and to win. Rather than always fighting for people other than me. I made this choice for a few reasons, and one really is, just having a birthday, turning 35 and wondering how much more do I want to do. The realization is obviously not lost on me that I will not do this forever. But even before my birthday, I said, hey, you know what? Let’s just go out there and win this thing. Let’s go and do my best and win. Why not? Getting Cassian as a partner has brought me many mixed emotions because I don’t agree with his methods. Despite getting the results I am after. My own sense of justice simply cannot accept these methods of winning as good or even acceptable. But then I look to the other side of the coin, just as Cassian asked me point blank. “Isn’t winning what this is about?” Do I not want to win? Because we’re winning. And that means a lot. It carries a lot of weight. Maybe even more so than my own sense of fair play. I have been thinking about this the past, what six weeks basically and the battle in my own mind has raged on and it continues even now. I would like to just have one, just won win in this tournament that isn’t using the “by hook or by crook” method. And maybe, that is asking too much.


Perhaps I should settle and just accept that just this once, the “how” doesn’t matter as much as the “what” or the “who” While it is satisfying as anything to be this far in the tournament, I find myself still think that that has all been done wrong. But the truth is, it’s getting done. Cassian and I stand just one win away from the finals, and two wins from what I have been after this whole time. Do I really need to argue the virtue of the path, so long as the path gets us to our destination? I don’t know. All I know, is that all the win guaranteed two weeks ago, was another chance to compete in this tournament. And so... We’re on to the next.


I have been mostly friendly with Mark Cross and I have a lot of respect for him. He won this tournament last year and that was a really big accomplishment. It’s something I want and he’s already been to the top of the mountain in that respect. Cassian sees him as some kind of dragon to be slayed, and it’s a nice play-on words of Mark’s nickname, and... well... Despite how I feel about Cassian’s methods, I still have complete confidence that he is more than ready to take the fight to Mark Cross. That’s his battle. I have my own.


When the match was announced, I had so much I wanted to say about Kate Steele, because I saw the last name Steele and I thought about this whole deal that despite all my success, for some reason I have never really been able to beat Kate Steele in the ring. I don’t know what it is, but one thing always leads to another and Kate ends up beating me. I can’t explain it. 


So here I was thinking that this was finally going to be a chance for me to really feel better about things and at the same time get a huge monkey off my back. Until I realized that I’m not facing Kate Steele. I’m facing Ruby or Prudence Steele. Completely different people.


So, my heart did sink a little bit, I’m not going to lie, but then I sat and thought about it, and really, I am getting my wish, just indirectly. I see Prudence, and no, I’m not going to call her by her pretend name. I hear what she says, I see her interests and her personality and everything about Prudence, and I quickly came to the realization that Prudence and Kate are basically the same person.


I am always confused by someone in the Steele family because it’s all these people and 99% of them are the exact same, except for one. And Samara isn’t in SCW, and doesn’t even associate with them very much. I don’t even know if she’s aware of Prudence’s existence. Maybe she is. But it seems that once a Steele pops up, it’s just Kate. Different face, different name, but still, it’s Kate. Instead of being from Berkshire, or whatever Kate was from originally but changed because of convenience reasons, Prudence is from London. Granted, only an hour and half away, but for YEARS Kate was from Berkshire and now it’s London, and half Scottish now as well. I’m sure that somewhere down the road Prudence will be from Reading or Liverpool when London doesn’t suit her anymore. Never mind, she’s half Welsh now. You see, this is what the Steele’s do, apparently. 


But you don’t have to look hard to see that Prudence is just Kate with a few subtle tweaks. Obviously, there’s the city, then, Kate plays guitar, so Prudence plays bass. Because of course, she does. Why wouldn’t she? I mean, if you’re going to create your identity around a band and a cartoon that was on TV before you were ever born, might as well have a family band. And I’m not saying you can’t like things that were around before you were born. I enjoy listening to all kind of music and watching movies that were made before I was born. But you know what the difference is? I actually study and learn and get myself to understand the history of what I enjoy. The Steele’s have shown that simply have a fantastic grasp of how to google things and look at them at a base level and then claim to be a fan. Not that that’s ever-stopped Kate or Prudence from showing off this ability with random tweets to me and others about their musical knowledge prowess or lack thereof. 


Let me just give you an example. Now, for the record, I do not know Prudence. I have not had one single conversation with her, about anything whatsoever. And while I have spoken to Kate about music, and even played with her from time to time, that’s about as far as our relationship goes. She is an acquaintance, at best, because by her own words, her alliances and friendships are questionable, at best. She herself is fully aware that she will turn on people to get herself ahead. So, you’ll have to forgive me for right away trusting someone who is related to Kate. I mean, why would I? But despite this, Kate continually will try to get my attention and talk about music. I’m assuming because she is in a band, and assumes that that’s all musicians talk about is music. Prudence, who again I do not know personally, rather than perhaps say “hello” or introduce herself formally, had taken it upon herself, in a friendly gesture no doubt, to them reach out to me, to let me know that she plays bass, and was playing Luther Vandross of all things. Now, again, this person just randomly reaches out to me, who is related to a person with notable trust issues, that acts exactly like her, and I’m just supposed to accept this? Is that it? this is a situation we’ve all been in if you have younger siblings. You and your friends are doing stuff, hanging out and then you know, your younger sibling comes up and starts just trying to impress your friend by talking non-stop and trying to be cool and get accepted by your friends? That’s Prudence. So, okay, I’ll humor that. Now, one would expect that a person coming from the UK would perhaps play... like Queen or the Cure or perhaps like Gary Numan or Billy Idol, again, this woman is in love with the ‘80’s and from London. But it’s more into 70’s funk bass than ‘80’s bass when there’s so many you can choose from. Billie Jean, Another One Bites the Dust, Superfreak, Papa Don’t Preach, you know, songs from the ‘80’s will killer basslines?  Again, while this is an impressive use of google, it only has served to remind me how much Prudence is just Kate Steele in a different wig.


So, in a way, I can have exactly what I want this week, as Prudence is just as good as Kate, right? It’s the same promoting something that other people like as something cool, appropriating it to yourself, as if you were a fan all along and then dropping it as soon as something else comes along that catches your attention like a shiny object to a cat. This is Kate Steele to a T, and so it must be Prudence to a T. Why else would Prudence use “Ruby” Steele while Kate went with “Diamond” because unbelievably, Kate hung with the whole “Jem” thing for a lot longer than I ever thought she would. I figured she’d be on to “Cats and Company” or “Denver the Last Dinosaur” by now but I probably just gave her that new persona in 3 months. 


I thought that person Prudence would show me something that makes her different from Kate. But instead, I get the discount version of Kate Steele, just younger, and doing everything that makes Kate annoying just turned even more than usual. I don’t need new Coke when regular Coke was just fine the way it was. It’s just as simple as that. Prudence has become the cousin no one asked for. She is walking Cousin Oliver Syndrome. Hey, I know that’s reference to something from the ‘80’s so we’ll see how good Prudence’s googling skill is after that.  Let’s understand that Kate Steele, would still be the same, with, or without Prudence’s presence. But can we say the same for Prudence? Is Prudence anything outside of Kate’s cousin and a bass player?  I mean, that’s a step above a couple people I guess, but Prudence appears to just be nothing more than an annoying poser who doesn’t know how to act in social situations, appearing completely aloof like her cousin Kate. I thought that perhaps I was missing something, but no, Prudence is just a little girl who loves life and cultural appropriation like her cousin. She is just a bad carbon copy at this point. The literal embodiment of the “We have that at home” meme. 


But did you know that Prudence is undefeated? She’s never lost. She’s had like 6 matches, but she’s never lost. So, I guess, when you’re undefeated it enables you to then turn around to tell everyone else how bad they are at everything. I always love that old trope of being unbeaten in a handful of outings enables you to judge everyone else. Everybody that has an unbeaten streak loves to flaunt it. Even the smallest little thing, as long as it’s perfect, gives you the right to then turn around and judge every single person and point out their flaws. Well, you haven’t done this, and you’ve never been able to do this. And if fits Prudence like a glove. And it is one she will proudly wear.


When you’ve accomplished one thing, you flaunt it. When you’ve accomplished everything, it gets flaunted for you. 


Unbeaten streaks are nice. Really impressive, and what makes it really great, if when it goes a long time. But what happens if it doesn’t? What happens when that streak ends right before it gets good? Because, they all end. One way or another. What happens to Prudence when she loses? Does that mean that Ruby turns into just plain old aluminum oxide? Don’t worry, Prudence will catch up, I know she’s not a science major or anything. The point is, once the unbeaten streak is over... what happens? What can Prudence flaunt? Will she still turn around judging everyone because at one point she was 9-0? 10-0? 25-0? But, something happens as that number becomes bigger and bigger and it goes on and on. The fall of unbeaten streaks, makes that number on the left, insignificant. It makes the “1” far more important Let me give you the best example ever.




The 2007 Patriots won 18 straight games en route to the Super Bowl, where they promptly lost the New York Giants. Nobody remembers the Patriots were perfect through 18 games, only that they lost the Super bowl. I think I can the Giants pretty well on Sunday. 


It may be forgone conclusion in Prudence’s mind that this is just another victory for her. Because I guess because I don’t always win, and I’m not always right, that it means I can’t do this anymore. But it’s not like I haven’t been someone’s reality check before, and I’ll be more than happy to do it again. Some people just need to learn a little humility before they go running their mouths, especially when it’s coming from people who have been around for a cup of coffee and want to have an opinion on people. What has Prudence accomplished outside of a winning streak? What has she done of significance? The answer, is nothing. I mean, Cassian is also undefeated, and he has the Roulette championship right now. I think his streak is a lot more significant that Prudence’s. Prudence has a handful of wins to her credit, and that’s all well and good, but once the streak is over, and I will end it on Sunday, what is there for Prudence outside of being in a family band? 


While part of me admires Prudence’s self-confidence, I know that it comes from Kate, much like everything else does. So yes, I will get just a small fraction of what I really want from taking down a member of the Steele family. It’s not exactly what I want, but at the same time it’s the best I’m going to get. Cassian and I are going to beat Kate, er, Prudence, and Mark Cross and move on to the finals. Because let’s face it, we have come this far, and now Prudence basically gets another chance with a new partner, which is pretty unfair to her, I’ll grant. But those type of things happen. I just wish that my friend Candy gets something for her troubles as well. But that’s another story for another time. 


On Sunday, I get to beat a Steele, I get to end a streak, and move on to the finals where I can finally make up for 2013 and letting Angel down. I will give Prudence the time to google pretty much everything I talked about today, and then, much like Kate, she can then use it against me when we wrestle in the future and attempt to demonstrate applied knowledge. In fact, she will have plenty of time to google a bunch of things she can then steal and apply to herself, because she won’t be in the tournament anymore. Then she will have all the time in the world to find something to latch onto for 6 months. 


Prudence is going to lose. Because she is an imitation. And imitations are funny for a while, but at the end of the day, they just don’t last. 


They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but I think it’s time Prudence got some new ideas.


Onward to the finals.


See you there.
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