Author Topic: Lærðu af mistökum mínum  (Read 324 times)

Offline Fenris

  • The White Wolf
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    • Fenris
Lærðu af mistökum mínum
« on: May 04, 2018, 10:31:04 PM »
 <img align=left src= "" height=289 width=308>Las Vegas, Nevada - Then

You know the hardest thing about being a newcomer to the world of pro wrestling, more specifically, to the world of SCW? It's allowing the fans to get just a glimpse into your life so they feel like they can get to know you. That works doubly hard against a man that holds his personal life to such a private degree that he wants little else but to be left alone and out of the public eye once he has left the ring. A hard task seeing as how remaining in the public eye, at least to an extent, is part of what draws success to that Superstar. It's the nature of the beast of the business; if the fans don't come to you, you will not be a success. Promoters will not push you to the top if you're not someone that the fans want to know more about.

Of course, letting them in is one thing, leaving them with the desire to know more can also help a great deal. That is one thing that would work wonders for the newcomer Fenris. Having already been in the public eye as a professional MMA competitor and champion, the fans were drawn to know more about the handsome fighter. Once he signed to SCW, they thought that would be their chance to get to know everything about him, yet he was not yielding. And as much as he wanted to keep his private life just that, the fans worked even harder to learn more of him in what Fenris would freely say was "None of their fucking business!"

Bits of who he was and what he has come from, that would be enough. Or so he hoped. One can't tell the end of a tale without the story between the beginning and the end, now can they?

"I still don't see why you two feel the need for this." Gabriel said as he walked alongside of Aron, following in the footsteps of Fenris. "You know O and I have plenty of space for you two to crash while you're in town. When you're on tour..."

"I know, and we appreciate it." Aron smirked. "Even if K won't admit to it. It's just, he's always been pretty private. It burns him even in the public eye when people try to crowd him or butt into his space or business."

"I noticed." Gabriel could not help but reflect on a few moments when some of the more aggressive fans wouldn't take no for an answer and earned the ire of the White Wolf. Gabriel mused, "I loved how he scared those people off who tried interrupting our dinner after that show."

"Christ he hates shit like that." Aron pointed out. "He knows and understands since his time in EliteXL, that you just have to put up with requests for pictures and stuff. But he also thinks there are lines not to be crossed and interrupting someone's meal...."

"Can't say I disagree with him there." Gabriel chuckled before he could stop himself. "Still funny though."

Aron went on, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that we know we're welcome to stay in your home, but Kristjan likes his own space. A place to call his own where he doesn't feel like he might say or do the wrong thing. I know it's hard to believe but he can be pretty self conscious in someone else's home, like that."

"Pretty silly way to feel," Gabriel stated flat out. "I know O and I've done nothing but try to make you and your brother feel comfortable. And Lucas seems enamored with the lug."

Aron laughed, "Yeah, Kristjan can't fathom why though considering he's not that great with kids to begin with!"

"Same concept as a cat I imagine." Gabriel smiled. "Be in a roomful of cat lovers and the damn cat will find the one person allergic and hang all over him."

"And the option of purchasing a house? Kristjan has the money from his MMA days."

"Yes, but he doesn't want to buy a house and relocate to the States permanently. Iceland is our home."


The real estate agent was growing weary of this task as she tried speaking to Fenris but his broken English made it next to impossible and Aron was conversing with Gabriel at the given time. She had shown the hard to please Icelandic man what was now going to be the eleventh apartment and each one thus far, Fenris had found something to complain about.

Big shocker, huh?

They were either too small, or not enough space or no room for a dog. Wait, dog? Well, that was a story for another time. Bottom line, she had yet been able to find something that would satisfy Fenris, and sad to say she had her doubts on this one. This two bedroom apartment was down on her list with five more to go, so why would he choose this one?

<img align=left src= "">Aron, however, had a different feeling. When the agent had opened the door, Fenris had uncharacteristically insisted she step inside first and followed her in. Once inside, his eyes almost brightened in every direction he looked. It was wide open space, the majority of the main living area. Near nine hundred square feet, and the majority of that was the main living area. The decor was predominantly in white (score!) with wood paneling floors and a perfect view of the Las Vegas skyline up on this fifth floor...

"....Two bedrooms, one master, as well as two bathrooms..." The real estate agent was trying to explain to Fenris but Aron separated himself from Gabriel's side to cut the lady a break trying to talk to his brother. "I have to admit that the kitchen is small..."

"That's no problem." Aron drew her attention. "It would probably just be used for storing snacks and beer. So long as there are plenty of takeout places nearby."

"Not much for cooking?" The lady asked with a now relaxed smile.

"I know I'm not." Aron answered with a good natured smile of his own, then jetted a thumb towards a frowning Fenris. "And him? Last time he tried cooking he damn near set fire to himself!"

The agent barked a laugh before she could stop herself, but Gabriel felt no such need to refrain. He wasn't making a commission out of this, after all. Poor Fenris just looked back and forth with a hostile glare at what he presumed to be a joke at his expense.

"Pets?" Fenris finally asked, and Aron turned to look at the woman and she nodded. "Pets are allowed, so long as they get properly cared for."

Aron gave him a thumbs up and Gabriel could almost swear he saw some tension in Fenris's shoulders relax.

"So?" The agent asked, clutching her clipboard to her breast. "What do we think?"

Aron turned to Fenris and asked, "Jæja? Hvað finnst þér? Líkar þér það?" ("Well? What do you think? Do you like it?")

His eyes continued to look everywhere possible from where he stood in the center of the apartment's main area, but his eyes spoke loud and clear, even if his stone cold expression did not. He slowly nodded, and a smile betrayed him. "Ég geri það Ég vil það." ("I do. I want it.")

Aron turns and said to the agent, "He wants it."

"OutSTANDING!" She cried, then clapped a hand over her mouth at the shock over her own enthusiasm. Gabriel almost laughed himself, given he could see after the fifth apartment how frustrated the poor thing was getting! The real estate agent moved over to the kitchen counter to begin the paper work as Fenris looked in amazement at what was a large aquarium embedded in the very wall.

Gabriel joined Aron at his side and whispered just loud enough to say, "You know with this much space, you may have to hire a cleaning crew."

"Not worried about that." Aron said softly. "Kristjan's a pig and chances are I'll be the one doing all the cleaning."

Fenris turned around and said, "Considering I'm doing all the paying, that seems fair."

Aron and Gabriel both blinked in surprise and turned to one another.

Aron said, "Oh sure! NOW he understands English!"

Las Vegas, Nevada - Now

His eyes were glued to the fifty-two inch flat screen television stationed against the wall in the same room where Gabriel and Odette Stevens, and in some cases, those they worked with, carried on seminars about the inner workings of professional wrestling. In many cases you might learn what was expected in an interview by watching those well versed and skilled with the mic, and in other cases, it might be a simple matter of viewing footage from years past, watching what came before you in classic matches or highlights that Gabriel and Odette would want shared from their past as well as that of those they worked with throughout the years. It was also the same room where Fenris would sit at a desk like a schoolchild, as Odette attempted to help him better his English (much to her hardship). And when he wasn't busy showing his stubborn side, he was busy working out, sparring with Despayre or one of the other Sins (including Gabriel himself), or keeping his MMA skills sharpened with his personal trainer.

But that wasn't what Fenris was doing today.

For what seemed like the hundredth time, he had shown up at the gym so that he could sit and watch his last match and simply -- brood. His last match where he and Courtney Pierce had successfully exited the Quarter-Finals of the Blast From the Past and moved on to the Semi-Final match he and Miss Pierce would be in this coming Sunday against SCW legend Keira Fisher-Johnson and Equinox. One would think that the Icelandic Superstar would be pleased to be so close to the Finals where he and Courtney would win not only notoriety, but also chances against the World Champions of Sin City Wrestling.

One would think.

But the often-described "foul tempered" grappler was upset because, like the opening round match, he had been unable to secure the win for his team. Courtney had once again gained the victory for them and Fenris was left admittedly feeling like he was contributing not as much to the team as he should have been. No fault of Courtney's, he would fiercely defend. The sole blame he would place on his male opposition as both times, in both matches, when he had them going, they would tag out. Of course, that was the entire point to a tag team match but try explaining that to someone as stubborn as Kristjan Baltasarsson. He would correct this against Equinox.

Suddenly the television screen winked out, and he blinked as he hadn't even realized that Gabriel and Aron had walked into the room. The light had been turned on, and Fenris took a moment to adjust his eyes from the sudden change from darkness to light. He frowned as he watched his brother present him to Gabriel with a motion of his arm as if to scream, "See?"

"Snitch." Fenris said aloud, which brought his younger brother up short as Gabriel dropped the remote to his desktop and sat on the edge.

Aron shook his head and slid into a chair beside Fenris, saying, "Oh now he chooses to say something in English!"

Gabriel just smirked at the banter between the two siblings, acting just what he would expect an older and younger brother to with each other. But the former World singles and tag champion drew his gaze away from Aron and found them directly on his brother instead. Fenris sat upright from the way he had been leaning forward on the desktop and relaxed back.

"Bloody hell." Gabriel sighed. "How many damn times are you going to watch that match?"

Fenris's eyes shifted to Aron who repeated what Gabriel just said, but now in his native Icelandic. Oh how Gabriel looked forward to the day that his charge would be bothered to put more effort into his English lessons because this would tend to be exhausting after awhile.

Fenris said something to Aron who looked at Gabriel and he exhaled, "He said until he realizes what he did wrong and what he can do about it to correct it."

Gabriel bit at his bottom lip and looked upwards in a slight sense of exasperation. He wondered, "The man's team won clean, and he bitches about it." He then looked right at Fenris and said, "Aldrei að fara að gera ypou hamingjusamur sonur, erum við?" ("Never going to make you happy son, are we?")

That was one thing that impressed Fenris, as well as Aron, most about Gabriel. Not that he was able to adapt Fenris's MMA skills into a cohesive style for the professional wrestling ring. It was the dedication the man undertook in learning Icelandic to better communicate with his student. And he was learning it quicker than Fenris was in English.

Gabriel leaned forward, his elbows resting on his legs and hands clasped together. "I told you before what you did wrong, but you didn't listen. I told you before your first round match what you needed to do, but you didn't listen. Now you are actually sitting there, questioning what you did wrong?" He opened his arms in wonder. "What the hell do I have to do to MAKE you listen!?"

Gabriel slid off the desk and Fenris remained silent, brooding as his blue eyes watched Gabriel stalk back and forth in front of his desk. Say what you will about his wild temper and anger management issues, Fenris knew when not to press his luck where Gabriel was concerned when the man was building a head of steam. Fenris simply listened.

"You did nothing wrong." Gabriel finally said. "You wrestled and wrestled well, against Cross and Caleb. Cross was more your style so you did what came naturally, but Caleb? High flyer. He threw you off and I told you..." He whirled on Fenris and an angry look passed on Gabriel's face. "I TOLD you what you should have done but you did what you always do!! You went in there and just tried to ground and pound the guy and it didn't work! Tactics against bruisers don't work the same against guys like Caleb who fly! For god's sake...! How many times did I put you in the ring against Despy, one of our most unorthodox high flyers, to try to stress that you. Must. Adapt!"

"It didn't fucking work though, did it?" Fenris replied hotly. "No sooner do I get the kid in a hold than he slips the fuck out of them!"

"Well that's Despy." Gabriel found himself chuckling. "But the same principle is held for Caleb who is bigger than him, and this next time you're up against another high flyer in Equinox! This lad could give Despy a run for his money when it comes to being unpredictable, and that's saying something!"

"I know." Fenris nodded. "Which is why I want this time to go different. Courtney's did her share of the work getting us this far. Now I want to do the same and put the man flat on his back! Or make him cry 'uncle.'" Fenris smiled and shrugged. "Whichever comes first."

Gabriel nodded, "You're a proud lad. You want to get a win for your team, I understand that. Then I need you to clean the shit out of your ears and listen to me. Not just hear what I have to say, but listen! Got me?"

Fenris's brow furrowed, disliking anyone speaking to him the way that Gabriel was right now. If it were anyone else... but Fenris reminded himself that being a champion many times over, he would know what he was talking about and he slowly yielded. He gave Gabriel a curt nod.

"Good." Gabriel nodded and turned to look at Aron. "He's learning."

Aron smiled but felt his brother's burning gaze on him and quickly cleared his throat and acted innocent.

Gabriel turned back to Fenris and said, "It's going to be a simple question on my part. You answer. Your answer will tell you what you need to do when you get Equinox in the ring, but I won't presume to tell you how to go about it."

"Alright?" Fenris answered warily, not knowing ever what either Gabriel or any who assisted at this gym would ask or do. Such was the unpredictable nature of wrestling compared to Mixed Martial Arts.

"Equinox," Gabriel started. " Caleb Storms, like Despy, is a high flyer. Above everything, he loves taking to the air just like you love grounding someone to the mat. He loves diving to the outside of the ring and jumping off the top rope onto his opponent. Chances are, he's going to go out of his way to do the same to you on Sunday."

Fenris scoffed at the prospect but Gabriel ignored that and continued.

"That being said, what one body part do all high flyers have in common? What do they use the most to make the most out of those type of maneuvers?"

The answer came to him immediately, so easily that Fenris felt like a child in grade school being asked basic math, "Their legs."

"Which tells you what?" Gabriel prodded.

Fenris straightened himself and answered, "Take out their legs."

"Exactly." Gabriel smiled. "Just like I tried to warn you against Caleb, go for the legs. God knows you have enough holds from your MMA training that attacks the legs! Clip the little  bird's wings and he won't be flying any time soon."

"Are you familiar with the island of Crete, the largest of the Greek islands? Not as it is today, but as it was thousands of years ago. If you studied mythology, heard the tales, you would know this was not always what it is now. If you believe the fables as truths, you would know that this island was once ruled by a King by the name of Minos, who forced the legendary artificer Daedalus to design an inescapable Labyrinth to house the Minotaur. And once his task was complete, Minos locked Daedalus and his son Icarus up in a tower to prevent the secret of the Labyrinth from reaching the public's ear. It was then that a tale coupled of tragedy and inspiration took form."

The sky was clear with not a cloud to be seen, as the Aegean Sea stretched as far as their eyes could see. The wind was mild below closer to the land, but where they were, close to the heavens and the gods, it carried them as Daedalus intended. The weather was in itself far different than what we would come to expect, as it was in mid-summer and the temperatures had not reached the eighties. But as was Daedalus's warning, the higher they rose above the waters, the warmer the temperatures started to rise. Were anyone in a boat to look up, they would have perhaps cried out, fearful that they were being circled by sirens or perhaps plague carrying harpies. But rather, it was an older man and a boy that had yet to grow facial hair soaring through the air. And they were not creatures of natural flight, but two mortals who crafted their own wings from feathers and wax.

"It was perhaps over two thousand years before the first paragliders ever took to the skies in seek of a thrill, of adventure and sport, yet this was a case that was nothing of the kind. This was an instance of escape. This was nothing more than an inventive act of desperation for a father to save both he and his son from captivity toward a ruthless king."

"What is it that they say of the young, that they believe themselves invincible against insurmountable odds? Their parents' wisdom aside, they themselves know best? Icarus reveled in the luxury of flight, lost to the moment as he soared higher and higher, leaving behind his father's cries below him. He had been warned many a time to fly not close to the water for fear of soaking his feathers, nor too high for fear of melting the wax holding said feathers together. But still higher Icarus went, crying out in the exhilaration of weightlessness, of feeling what the birds and the gods felt. Until that is, the inevitable happened."

"Suddenly, the feathers fell from his arms, the wax having melted. Icarus ignored his father's warning and paid for it with his life, as he plunged from the sky, far to the sea below. The last thing he heard before the waves took him were his father's cries."

Fenris walked over to his bed in his Las Vegas apartment shared with his brother and continued to go about readying himself for this trip to Reno. It would be an easy stay, less than five hundred miles and a simple, seven hour drive. Gabriel had offered to get he and his brother flown in, but neither would hear of it. They wanted to drive and experience the travel of the road. A mutual appreciation between brothers. Lucky thing his ring gear consisted of simple spandex shorts without even boots to fret over. Aside from that and a change of clothes, the other 'necessities' were all Fenris need concern himself with.

He continued to speak in his native tongue, as the usual subtitles appeared for the benefit of the viewers. A rare thing to be shown inside of Fenris's home given how he felt about invasions to his privacy, but these promos were a necessary evil.

"I can not help but wonder if Equinox can see the parallel between Icarus and himself. A fabled boy who ignored the warnings of those who knew better, and took to the skies only to be met with his impending destruction."

He zipped up his bag and gave the camera a bright smile.

"Do you get it Equinox? I wonder how often you were perhaps warned against me as you prepare to face the White Wolf in our mixed tag team match. Have you done a bit of homework on your part, watched videos of my time in MMA? Paid attention to what I have done so far in my time against Quinton Cross and Caleb Storms? If not..."

He shrugged as he zipped his travel bag up and stood upright, walking over to his bedroom window to look outside. The sun had just sunk below the skyline and the true life of the Las Vegas night was showing its crowning glory. It was one reason he liked this apartment; the view from the master bedroom so close to the Vegas Strip.

"...That's on you. Just look at it out there. All the life, the possibilities everywhere the eye can see. And then there's Equinox. I look forward to this match, because I think it's going to be the biggest challenge that I've faced yet in this tournament. Not just me alone, but with Courtney as a team. With the exception of Samantha Marlowe, we haven't really had any top level competitors across the ring from us. This time...?"

He held up two fingers.

"This time we have two."

He turned his head to look sharply at the camera.

"Am I confident? Of course. I'd be lying to say that I am not. Am I over confident? Am I taking what I've done so far and just glossing over everything you have done in SCW, Equinox?"

He smiled and shook his head in the negative.

"Not by a long shot. You see, even though you have a couple of matches of mine to study, and all of those MMA fights? I have had the MOTHER load of matches to study where you are concerned! Gabriel and Odette have had me watching every match they could get their hands on since the day our match was announced! I watched as you beat the man himself, Kain, for the Roulette Championship right here in Las Vegas! I watched where you lost that title in a three on one situation in New York. And everything, and I mean EVERYthing -- in between! I know what you're capable of, and I can respect that. You'd be a damn fool not to admit caution against any man who has held championship gold! It shows as much as you have to be able to take it? You damn sure better be able to dish it out!"

He looked out lazily at the lights and nodded.

"And you can. I know what makes a man like you tick. While you've displayed technical ability, you much prefer to go to the air, just like so many others who would put their bodies on the line all for the sake of winning, when there are more subtle and far more effective ways to have your arm raised at the end of a match! That, Equinox, is where I come in to play."

He walked back around his bedroom and grabbed his travel bag, hefting it over his shoulder. He started out the bedroom door, closing it behind him as he continued.

"That is where you are comparable to Icarus, I think. You soar high, never minding the dangers below you, thinking yourself indestructible. Believing that there would always be a tomorrow. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because unlike Icarus, you will never manage to take flight. And if you do leave your feet, I will make damn sure that it won't be for long! Have you ever seen those morbid little kids who would pluck the wings off of insects, rendering flight impossible? Well, the same thing is going to happen to you, little bird. Oh I won't have to pluck your wings, but I think the right amount of pressure to break your god damn legs will keep you grounded. One by one, tear a feather out here, another one there, and you'll be about as capable of flight as a damn penguin! And once the prey is immobilized, well..."

Fenris heard a door close across the hall and Aron walked out, carrying his own travel case. Fenris shoved his bag into his brother's arms and walked on, ignoring the playful snarl on Aron's face behind him.

"...That's when the predator moves in. Just as I told Caleb last time around, when a wolf meets a grounded bird ... there's no doubt as to the outcome. And your past reputation aside..." He shook his head with mock sadness. "... You're fucked."

Locking the door behind them, the brothers left their apartment and headed for the elevator.

"I would think though that you would be thrilled to be teaming with someone like Keira Fisher-Johnson. Even I knew of her even when I knew shit about wrestling. The woman is a god damn legend and there you are on Twitter, acting as if now you shouldn't be kissing the ground in thanks for having her for a partner."

After a brief ride down to the parking level of the building, the brothers exited the elevator and walked through the rows of cars in the parking garage.

"Keira is a future legend, if she's not already one. Tag Team Champion. Roulette Champion. And yet you're acting the exact OPPOSITE of how you should be in teaming with her! Bitching about how she doesn't seem as excited about the tournament as she once did. Well, can you blame her? Look at who you're up against! I am not wishing she were my own partner, because Courtney and I have done nothing but prove we belong together as a team! And like Courtney suggested, if not this tournament, then perhaps the Mixed Tag Team titles could be around our waists one day. But first things first..."

The brothers arrived at a white, 2018 Mazda MX. Once Fenris had obtained the apartment, a car was the next logical step. Both he and Aron could drive, and one fun fact was in Iceland, unlike most of Europe, they drove on the same side of the road as they do in the United States. They piled their gear in the trunk and Fenris jumped in the driver's seat with his brother right beside him.

"...Getting to the finals, and Courtney and I WILL make it. I have no doubts Courtney will do me proud and hold her own. She's done so far and proved me wrong about ever wanting to be in this event. But you, Equinox? You are going to give me what's mine, what I have wanted since the first time I set foot in the ring. You are going to give me my first taste of a personal win. I don't care if I have to kick your head clean off your fucking shoulders or bend you into such a knot you have to scream you give before the wrong thing pops in just the right way!"

Fenris gazed up with an impish smile in a look of contemplation.

"Or maybe both? Who knows? I'm a hunter, and that ring will be my hunting ground with you right in my sights! And unlike Cross, unlike Caleb, once I get you down, you are not running from me. You are not escaping and running to your partner, expecting Keira to save your ass."

He turned the ignition and the radio came to life. Fenris gave one last look into the camera and smiled with confidence.

"Come match time, Equinox -- you're going to be this wolf's little bitch."

And the tires squealed as Aron grabbed on for dear life and the car pulled out of the parking garage, en route to Reno!
"Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near."
~ Volsunga Saga, c.19

World Heavyweight Champion - 1x - current