Author Topic: “Wasn’t Built In a Day Part VI: A Real Blast From the Past!”  (Read 5277 times)

Offline Harper Mason

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(Josh was used with his handler’s permission)

Harpin’ On With Harper, Normandy, France
Monday the 29th of April 2024, 14:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

As Harper starts her vlog the young wrestler has a quite a bit on her mind as she walks along the beach at Normandy.

”You know, when I started wrestling internationally France had been a destination I wanted to visit, all the history, art, food, what’s not to love for a girl with a sweet tooth like mine?” Harper chuckles to herself as she brushes some hair over her shoulder. ”But I’ll admit, I was tentative when I realized that my first Blast from the Past Match, not to mention my first Mixed Tag Team Match in Sin City is taking place in Normandy, France, as in the beaches of Normandy.” Harper shows the scenic views around her as she glances round. ”Now if you don’t know the history of this location, either the US Education System’s version of history is worse than I remember or you’re not all that read up on WW2 so I’ll keep this brief.

I mentioned this a few times since I became an active wrestler but I’m a military brat, for god’s sake I’m wearing my army jacket to reinforce that idea! The thought of wrestling on a beach where so many American citizens lost their lives to liberate France from the Nazis is definitely a weird one, and I’ll admit, even that description is a super condensed, abridged version of what actually happened because, well, I’d be here all day if I had to go over the intricacies of that famous battle.

Especially when you want to hear me talk about my own battle on Sunday.”

Harper sits down on the sand with a lot on her mind.

”If there was one team you could mark as the underdogs in this year’s tournament, it’s definitely me and Lyle, I’ve only been wrestling for a bit over a year now Lyle is literally about to wrestle his first match and don’t even get me started on our opponents, Diamond Steele, a name that is synonymous with controversy as far as the SCW History Books are concerned, Jayden Harris, the son of Michael Harris AKA easily one of the most hated SCW Champions of all time, like Lyle, he’s entering his first match but with pedigree like that, he’s had to have some training from his dad, right?

Me and Lyle would’ve been up against it no matter who we faced off against, and this match is no exception, but upsets have happened before and who knows? Maybe the controversial one and the brat prince will go out in round one?”

(end vlog)

Harper’s Hotel Room, a town near Normandy, France
Monday the 29th of April 2024, 16:00pm

Harper was back to her hotel room checking her twitter feed after filming her vlog on the beach at Normandy, even if that meant she had to dust off the sand from her jeans.

”Sit on the beach at Normandy for the last part of my vlog, I said, it’ll be fun I said, who needs a towel I said!” Harper grumbles as she glances over at the jeans she was wearing for the vlog that were now so caked in sand that she had to get changed into a different pair. ”Almost makes me wish I had worn a bathing suit or even a bikini for the vlog, at least then the only things covered in sand would be my legs and ass! Then again, I probably would’ve gotten undue attention from the kind of male fans that think that female wrestlers like me are only good for fanservice! Never mind the fact that my Taekwondo skills along could kick their asses ten ways from Sunday!”

Before Harper could dwell any more on it she got a Facebook Messenger Call from her aunt Teresa, who had been raising her younger brother and sister since their parents were murdered and was also looking after Logan and Xavier for her whilst she was overseas and answered it. “Hey sis!” Jason and McKenzie greeted their older sister and Harper smiled warmly, her bad mood from a few moments ago all but vanished “How’s France?”

”I literally arrived here from the UK a few hours ago but yeah, France is great!” Harper responded before her aunt Teresa stepped into view. ”Hey auntie! Dogs getting up to much mischief?”

“About as much mischief as young dogs can get up to Harp.” Teresa responded with a warm smile which Harper returned. “Whereabouts in France are they hosting this Climax Control show anyway? I know you said that there were two shows in France but I can’t remember where they are taking place.”

”Yeah, next week’s show is taking place in Vimy Ridge, this week’s show is taking place on the beaches of Normandy!” As soon as Harper said that Teresa’s expression darkened a bit and Harper bit her lip. ”Something I said?”

“Jason, McKenzie, can you leave the room for a minute? Need to talk with your sister.” Teresa asked and the two young kids nodded before leaving the room. “They really booked a show on Normandy of all places?!”

”Don’t look at me, they’re doing shows themed around famous battles from history on this tour.” Harper defended herself as she put her hands up, ”Last week’s show was at the site of the Battle of Hastings, you know, all the way back in 1066!”

“Yeah, anyone who had relatives who fought in that battle is long dead by now.” Teresa nodded as she got the idea. “And I got the jist of how the bosses book these tours from talking with Jessie, Mark tends to focus one specific country, Christian tends to focus on a general theme.”

”Like like year’s unsolved mysteries tour where Jessie won her last Roulette Title or the wonders of the world tour where Jessie lost it.” Harper nodded as she used those tours as an example. ”And before even that, they had the Greek and Indian tours of 2022.”

“We’re getting off track here, but I guess I can say that the bosses keep things fresh.” Teresa commented as she shook her head. “I just find it funny that the one member of my brother’s family who has sworn off military service is the one fighting at all these battlefield sites.”

”Except I won’t be wrestling at every stop of the tour, I wasn’t booked for the Hastings show and it depends on whether the bosses have any plans for me that week.” Harper explained and Teresa nodded as she got the idea. ”Or in this case because my Blast from The Past match is this week.”

“Yeah, Jessie mentioned that and you’re teaming with another rookie right?” Teresa asked and Harper nodded in response. “Who have you got?”

”Diamond Steele and Jayden Harris, Diamond’s one of the most controversial Bombshells ever for reasons I’d be here all week listing, Jayden’s dad is Michael Harris, and if Jessie hasn’t told you about how much of a piece of work that guy is I’ll be surprised.” Harper explained and Teresa quickly nodded. ”Thing is? Jayden’s a rookie like me and Lyle, and he’s wrestling his first match.”

“Like Lyle?” Teresa summarized and Harper nodded in response. “As for Michael Harris? Jessie mentioned him in passing. From what I understood the two never really interacted but that does add up to what she did tell me about him”

”Did I mention that his kid ran over J2H in a Climax Control parking lot last year?” Harper asked and Teresa did a double take. ”Yet as far as I can tell, no charges were ever filed against him, and now he’s employed a year later, what can I say? This sport can be weird.”

“You call it weird I call it deranged and starting to understand why my brother never wanted this life for you Harp.” Teresa commented as she shook her head in disbelief and Harper just sighed. “I know you’re a grown woman who regularly travels the world and all, but you’re still nineteen, as far as I’m concerned? That’s still a kid!”

”Still a kid for a little over four months, it is nearly May.” Harper corrected her and Teresa nodded in acknowledgement. ”Dad mentioned a few times that his granddad fought in WW2?”

“Yeah, he survived the war, came home and lived with the memories of everything he saw in that war, including the Normandy landing.” Teresa nodded as she got the idea. “Passes away not long before your parents met actually, he had been battling cancer for some time but he had a decently long life.”

”Yeah, I’ll say, still, it gives this whole match a new feeling I guess.” Harper responded before checking the time. “I’ll call you back later in the week, hopefully that call will be less awkward.”

“It’ll be quite the achievement to make it more awkward Harp, that’s all I’m saying.” Teresa responded with a grin before she went to hang up. “Stay in touch and try not to piss anyone off enough that they’ll try to hit with a car.”

”speaking of things that would be quite the achievement.” Harper muttered under her breath before she ended the call.

Harpin On With Harp, Harper’s Hotel Room, a town near Normandy, France
Monday the 28th of May 2024, 21:00pm

(on camera, start vlog)

As Harper starts her second vlog the teenager still has a lot on her mind.

”A wise man once said that war never changes, for me, someone who comes from a military family yet fights her wars in the ring instead, that phrase seems apt even if it’s from a video game.” Harper stated as she folded her arms. ”And yeah, I know, wars and wrestling are two very different things, I’m a military brat remember? My dad served in the US Army so off course I know that! I can already here the family members that are in the military yelling at me for that comparison! But think about it, how many matches, for one reason or another, have been described as wars?

If your answer was “too many to count” then I’ve proved my point.”

Which is.

”I never thought I’d have to draw on my family’s history of military service in relation to a wrestling match, hell I’m the only one in the family right now who doesn’t want to join the military and doesn’t plan too, growing up on military bases was hard enough thanks!” Harper added as she let out a deep breath. ”But more to the point, wars and wrestling are synonymous, aren’t they? How many times have you looked at an especially brutal wrestling match and thought “these guys/gals went through a war?” do I expect the match against Jayden and Diamond to be that brutal? No, the match isn’t No DQ for one thing, though that hasn’t stopped anyone before  has it?

My point is, maybe that’s the mindset I should enter every match with? Treat the match like an assignment from a commanding officer, understand the risks and hope it pays off? If that actually carries me and Lyle to the finals then I’ll buy myself a lottery ticket as soon as I get home from the tour!

Until then? Know this, me and Lyle are the underdogs here, the privates if you will, and we’re facing a war if we want to get to the finals at Into the Void, who knows? Maybe we’ll win this thing and shock everyone?”

(end vlog)

Local café, Normandy, France
Tuesday the 30th of April 2024, 12:00pm

It was the day after and Harper was relaxing in a café with Josh in a rare break from her training.

”Still feels weird that I’m going to be wrestling on the beaches of Normandy considering my dad’s side of the family has served in the US Army since at least WW2.” Harper commented to Josh once they had finished their appetizers and Josh nodded. ”I doubt the bosses had that in mind since I haven’t really brought up my family’s service history all that much outside of Twitter but it’s still something that’s been on my mind since the Battlefields Tour was announced.”

“I understand Harp, this has to be conflicting for you.” Josh nodded in understanding before he took a sip of his drink. “Have you talked to your surviving family about this?”

”I talked with my aunt Teresa about it, same aunt who’s been raising my siblings for me since my parents were murdered last year?” Harper asked and Josh nodded as he got the idea. ”She was surprised at first until I explained the theme of the tour, then she brought up that my great granddad fought in WW2 and I’m not sure if she was trying to guilt trip me about this whole situation.”

“I know she’s related to Jessie through marriage and that she and Jessie have talked a few times.” Josh explained with a nod as he shifted his weight. “But did Jessie ever bring up how SCW does it’s tour planning?”

”Not to my knowledge, I had to explain the differences in Mark and Christian’s booking philosophies myself and this is my first tour with SCW.” Harper explained as she shook her head and Josh nodded. ”And then I brought up the time Jauden Harris ran over J2H last year and, well, let’s just say that Teresa was starting to see were my parents were coming from as far as not wanting me to follow in Jessie’s footsteps are concerned.”

“You are her  oldest niece Harp so I’m not surprised that she’s being a bit overprotective of you.” Josh reasoned and Harper had to admit that he had a point. “Have you spoken with LJ since Blaze of Glory?”

”I’ve been trying to arrange a time like this where we could hang out and get to know each other more since we arrived in Hastings last week but we could never fit it around our plans.” Harper responded with a shrug and Josh nodded. ”Family drama aside? I still think LJ’s an overall decent guy, I’m still curious to see how he does in the ring considering this will be LJ’s first match and my first tag team match in SCW, and hey, if the tournament doesn’t work out and LJ sticks around maybe we can go after the Mixed Tag Titles?”

“That’s also a possibility but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, you don’t even know if the bosses have a backup plan for you if you don’t reach the finals.” Josh points out that fact and Harper nodded in agreement. “Just food for thought.”

”You saying that because it’s an old phrase or because you’re getting hungry?” Harper asked with a grin before the waiter brought over their main course almost on cue.

Harpin On With Harp, Harper’s hotel room, Normandy, France
Tuesday the 30th of April 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, promo time, start vlog)

As Harper starts her last vlog for the match her mind seems at ease.

”I knew I was going to be up against it when I decided to take part in this year’s Blast From the Past Tournament, I’m not even twenty yet, my first match was just over a year ago, I was sure that there were wrestlers in the tournament who had taken dumps longer than my wrestling career!” Harper immediately face-palms upon finishing her sentence and sighs. ”Sorry but I legit couldn’t think of a better analogy! Point is, I didn’t think I was going to get another rookie as my partner, never mind a guy who’s wrestling his first match!

Throw in the fact that this is Jayden is in the same boat as LJ and the most experienced wrestler in this match is also one of the most controversial Bombshells ever and yeah, this is definitely an interesting match, isn’t Diamond?”

Harper asked as she leaned back in her chair.

”It’s only right that I start with the wrestler that I’m going to be wrestling, right? Diamond has been around in SCW for ages and controversy never seems to be that far behind her, will the same be true for this tournament?” Harper asked before shaking her head. ”That would require her to get past me! I know she has history with Jessie but I said it once and I’ll say it again, I’m not Jessie and I ain’t putting up with her crap in this match, I will put Diamond down for the count and the team of me and LJ will be seen as the diamonds in the rough of this tournament!

Don’t know if that team name will still but it’s fitting considering who I’ll be wrestling in this match, isn’t it?”

As for Jayden.

”And speaking of controversial, the brat prince has arrived! Wasn’t that J2H’s nickname way back in the day? I mean, I was seven when SCW was in its infancy and I just made the bosses feel old didn’t I?” Harper groans as she shakes her head. ”Point is, Jayden was last seen trying to run over J2H in a parking lot, funnily enough, and is making his professional wrestling debut in this match as well, LJ will be dealing with the guy who many would probably call the Spawn of Satan considering his dad Michael’s reputation but if we can knock them out of the running for the tournament? I say we have enough momentum to carry us through the remaining rounds!

Let’s face it, me and LJ are the underdogs in this tournament, two rookies thrown together by chance expected to be out in the first round? Well, maybe it’s time that we defied that!”

It’s that simple.

”I know the odds are against us in the tournament but me and LJ are the plucky underdogs in this thing, and it’s not my first time being a plucky underdog in SCW! Just look at my match against Tempest!” Harper pauses and shakes her head. ”Okay, bad example considering how Tempest manhandled me in that match but I still went down swinging and that’s what matters! And if me and LJ have to go down in the first round? We will go down swinging! But we don’t plan on going down in the first round!

I may have said on Twitter that I will be happy to reach the quarter finals but over Diamond and the prodigal son? That’ll be perfect!”

And with that Harper decided to wrap things up.

”There’s no denying that me and LJ are up against it in this match but we are going to rock it against Diamond and Jayden!” Harper commented as she rested her hands against the back of her head. ”Jayden is in the same boat as LJ and Diamond is the most experienced wrester in this match, she’s also the one that I’ll be wrestling but I plan on kicking ass in this matchup because the world needs a new hero and it’s time that a new record for the youngest Blast from the Past Winner to be broken and it’ll be broken by me, the Slaytanic Avenger Harper Mason! Diamond, Jayden, me and LJ will fight you on the beaches Normandy on Sunday at “Wasn’t Built In a Day Part VI: A Real Blast From the Past!”!”

Harper turned off the webcam as the scene fades.